GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. a. AIRi. 0. B. SHERMAN. Edtot. jfor the INaDE1'Ei<D*T aloo ordera tufor jol GRAYSLAIKE SOCIET811S. F Be AVVIMUssiNGCATiCS MAI41 1'ttoWN bold4tCI'i 2- - lo i ndi.. be CATION. The Lake Furesi leClub vhich DIAMOND LAKE. eiln on r eintoitA mauon. W .tin _______________________ ast10 hve been bure ibis (Frita>-) IR"for the Mauter dance et Ivsnlàooe 3.J. LO,'OaAUOU.I Sliy. SOltOSIS 0baitr No. mU Order Esatqrn go1 evuing. sent word tu Prof. StOopai The Tatter Rtel la open for sair utaitird lunetier uven goa CNamsiy Troasurera ComnlfsatlOflth.bsies. al. ceiaaîa MiLY. W.M.04 Ualez lthe ne-w revenuîe- w hic bcbeariy lu the ce-ehitâtowing 1ta homie for a Iias Jaui oMBRsaiSec>. lu ulbecre peaie tc uitact ibat Reoft,!thie prumineuit Ment- Miss 'f llie Bouse&gN.uigW..ltD bujs eoeOeaie lwadbers ut the- orgcuîzation were 111 and vauki vacation. d suodntourti aiturda>- vonAnas fO t «dilaons utiesare lupomd auable tu partilcpate- lu the ente-tilan- M. W m. Hichasniovud tu Lake Villa ecdiMonti. J. Musix. V. -th* Comni>- reasurer a ian oi- nWeiead&Y>. Joloa uieUN ,Ciirk. 12 paumtion ihereture becotue a uatter tuent it couht 1e for file presen iven litr. B. LadWitt maive- toWatconua UR O HNO N. 44metiasi wkchlAe uprveuauiîv .bruti"n thclle uteuree-Cluthai aîniietht cE. L. Rose. W. C. rot) Ilpan. lu aditionu uthie regulier ltile- 'ftues -u1 îb i ilass Lydiea Lawrence camneborne to uns. V. anume. lite. q O4 the Couni>- trecsîîrer, chIe-b an sue-h Liberiyville. apend ber vacation. Capo.iR .A.ntsendm Ni.Fooe ihI14ereluicd u aude- Tlrougli thetirie-uuey ot W. L. Mr. George Barlett expecté tuo lM Ca unm NeclaR cNîîîg.moee-hnflth viu fo auewilbrmr bl "oooW-lu otmu. tA. omrycpurchea Aiw buggy sooh. . V.Busesx. Oraule3. "daluntfrMreia ebrtofiLougm, ce arn' lu reiptof a Mr. George Oet andI George Mitchell une. MRY . MoR. cdRocîî . lr Orni-ni- thebanvlaw hbsinîpuncîl11)u othe- 'sp yilweae inl* cnt ceOAcegoonMona>- v. NRGATIODNALClturuhuNais> er- 1Pou Weaurer the iecessit>- ut b,.e-iilititg iilustrte-d edntitlu of the lit. Wlllie okemayar ha. secured à asAi Wndne5layevî-iuhg. . P. A.C.) mi Mutprvisor ot Assesmentstbr.uili Lomg5otil Cati. Thie .rtitiu ilfniSns lb iI Ir anltteuhijr. evenIngs ut6:48 . Ju..unior- M ou h.cut>,cuieipuetniatjecItIve wnpagesupobTwo e.r Dnrizeter u i4undac 8p. ni. selites[e-Atuol I30M cit hecoutsindxte-enes pageo dscipiv w tute woof lit. Win. the rmeurur'soffilee saat[be -,pîe-n tutofbîtinettsime-n. industries,. .0eltins, rooasera have okickel the buchet." Ban. Faahtlie(iAENt. 1aston.B C nT. U.m elltigs e-,vvry id..r5iiti Ba lte public dilî>, e-inn-dt siiday, ete., (if!that tbrivlg City, rie-lly eol- iBr, ta Mr. sud lits. Henry- Ont saVJWlerîT5 rom 2 ti sP. n. lbroughout the yeuxa rt 9i. ti. n- be-isbed cibllttoue reproduitons. ton poiait dboy baby on Maxob 989h. Ms . ii. U11à p. m. lu ordur iliat the- annseusre 1ypographimiAhy t [s about ae test TAI. mo achool inspectera beliIaaeES. Alta, . F.. s..,Tt loca ia- ita D. leceo!îu RCKFELLEL(,dfr No, s1. N i.F.u bosmybc open for publiîe untîet- spriute-rm art eau Maike l, anti prîvate meeting ou Seturda>- evanng. Rme-et uts2naud 4LItardà,.h o.gofletruoutenwli'reile-e-ta the- enterprise 1>pieai1o ut « r Pece fJanes'ille, l e'I.. OIIML.N .e-i bBsnne. RAYIILAKE Lotigi' M. W. W. No. tlu bu brought ne v dnies to the - re a s- ete rti pub l ebet. litoumu. it.sbereîsinter.iUt&.titillidasS MMe, sud ln lis wordlug li ume eearA>- Soute tofour deai people are ai- We underatand that lMt. Wn. }ohe- L. Moo33. NW. M. fin provided for compensation fortîicli te-ad>- tu convleujoute over the ne-w mayet vas a Hone>- Lake visitor ou MIen MAUI-RJEi'ctit. 8e-c . service. ThIe lac due-s rot s:pee-lyth 1e tac, wbîcb cumlus tilim Sunda-. a a l d l i o a t s a i i > l u 1 4 p a t i p e l i p u t 1 0 n i a e s e b e u l e o a i i u i r p r p e r > - M r . C i A . B i l i n k i l i a s p u r c h a s e d a O f f i c ie l P a p e r af G r a e > t l s i e . 4, adiina aay ob piprbp mieaseidleo i torprprynew incubetor citAI a capatttyof 204 ae because0o!tAe varyiutg nature (it the snd Zhen uake outil, ihaitAIhe sehed nIe dozen.ta] dolInn different counties. loie-it, i courre-et in dtitansd ezient. The TAIe Dimmond Late Camp ot M. W. A. Borni, tutir. and ýIr4. Johb Hart. a tr, dooa provide lu. laugnage milethe ,abss'essor tahes u aih ta enlorce tis ai Rockefeller disbauded on Saturda>- Sont. th lmu apacAfle- and biudiug tbîît ~terelac, and if aityunu atiempis tb> dodge evenlng. Mises Neltie- tivîlis vu,îitîug iuî da *M le ddtiional compensation. It bis taies and guis into troble, hbu-, Mri. ISquire Mliarai hpped tmo Chicago. ce _6 1 l-obe .pppie ' lei C hicaga oùt Monda>-. Lake Vi'lla. I, ecloalimte supervisons ehotîltidecide-tAIe 1mw lac, il rigidi>- entorcel, vîlI Aaul.mle ctItI îmn S-uIi ds-A scekfrte upes sud pauywhstthile servie-es are- buta reduituu01utiiburtie-fteunilsdo! Lakte tactor>-. Ih ..d 1.054 s bundruti spring vacation. aIl lucre-e.ah cuuld sue-altfixaI tor te montI of iebruax-. tirs. George Tltaî er 1lui qlte IliIai AI count>- iresurer lMr. Flouis n'- thougfiThe Inore- pruperty tound, ' Mr. Wale teinart returneti frui thie presle-ni criting. acec $1500 petruut ,Am Super- tAIs luss. clUle-the pet cent, of!te. Meliti-arylMonde>- vieru Ae bas b1,ext Born, to Mrt. and MAi. Warren liiik, li ciot Of Aeuients b re-e-ite-s,'Tela l na juts& one andI sanld bc an- sadn eksvcto.Tnemdeày tareli 2stib a sonh. i a Iltl tiu.M.Foute- le eu-. ture- to tht- lette-r. Massas John Ayneaiey. H. P. Barilets Bd. Brrton visite-t cItAI bis broiber th abaestey ntbln. M.asd W. M. Elusman attendat tAIe IHenury-luChicago tie e-k. Il M91l14 b>- everyaides o!f irueës, tiuftic AUCTION SALES. MaseoInsallation ,And banque-i ut MIRSs abie- Murgeiruid ti iitdl euh Ja $&M#0.ous reeuurrwbieAi the board H.tvlug soit, uiy faim, î wîîî mAl 5Wskean on Moids>-. be-n sier etaittolls tIbisce-e-k. tu V80a1priortothie tîlue ie aceetpte-dl'PuAîc Auciltn un the prunimea former- lit. George Whitney mnade a short Vernoun Vauplelias beeciieugieged l UW.poUMon, sud lhs shoulti bu pid ea, lvkuocu as tAIe- 1ach»uiuiig tai lles out i li ht ou ona- onli Wel-r n.1.asi$MOpar yusr for the- tdetidlattes. N orihees o! Wbhochi;g sud 1 miie wu&vasgreeted b>- bis Mlay' frienda chu " lu Bln Rtty-s nieai market. I ut Buffalo Grlnve, Thursday' Apri' ,aie aiins for bis complote reovery. Mr. Padle>-. ut Milwauikee, vs. thea Geqab>- teaiuurs nla1tue pasi bave-1 ti, îoluuueneiug ai 9, lit. P. Wray va. the lue-k>-hunier tu gueai ut tr. tiainer1t4e- pcst week. beDaaloced I al ibat cas un-essec>-.utlarp 1thetoiowing prtîpurty: 21 babring docu s large vîlti goos e vigli .M hLr, nti lIrePege- triîsetu Arltugb>u t. IMoWkclar ite, aud witli lthe eenîiey t,! e-ue, 5 !rsb nmillers vitAI cauvsa lng ninteen poulldsansd nieasring felbt Mnd>-ti the litieral .1 ea a for keeping tAeornee-Opent ail dey>, by tudr @idies balance heavy apringèea5 fet 2taebs tramuitp toi p. Il ne-ple-c. t iv«durng th buo out Nl. out, and tiwn-year-ld bulfena: stock hull, 3 Psul'a gala dont qulte eînsl thIe- MIrS. (le-rge ltatiersiAl aud idaugli-si ovs uiu AI ou au.Mn ioe ok bue, 2 drilving brses, 6 broodsiIpoltd',, for sntîqulty bu suliel>-ter tiracu are tpe ad iulg nenrel cee-hi,' lus beau granteti a deput>- 'ATle scs îtsh 8eIpgs 6 ceek oltI, 2 excelehs aiten umarhsmansblp. lieru sdud nHaîneavilA-. i du" maofthle deput>- ireas8tîrer and heep, milk wagon, Ce-Iualdgont, open i mTucexKuuEK.. MS. W. B. Bigle-y teuti aslii sat lUt ix.onfcio Buprvlsor ut atuesreuts jiitggy, 3-iu. tire- trucek wagon, 2 ealt dey- trout ber bruibe-re. Mu-apte. J. anîla aaeot hltAe-retae in îiSurtrey-, setlie-cv>- doubteAatna, bey Enuu Wdcrb cfootta hyrqieamn0 akle, grain box. siar food Mill, Me- a N Eo sap.t. TO mswliuuut.u ener * iAI>-18, acqualutRee cili lac aînd toraue-k grain u ier, Mc Coxmioh Taaku vra tenb-iis Aatlnre. Tberas ieur, Mtoi lmaPtrou, uuq.tioned luxegril>, as ce-l ab t'ue- inuer, lBradley- corn planter, à Deete rH aiot(ioin 8 1.'"aateen(idnu, t teaur lA vven in tAe value o! Lake CuuniLy %Nsalkiîîg plowm, shovel ptov. asel vib a ad oold vbleh atuiel ohni>- MinesEdua Couverse-.nelit, attenuds prupti> sudacqamueti uh tirbarrue, , by teck, sulkycullivstot, lungs; cougit set in sud tfnal>- aettIed se-hOA aiEraneiuh.epe-ut a ce-e-ket #gipftyandacqaiued it .siugte eultivatar, garde-nsceller, uraini lu conaumpiion. -Fout doctora gave home sud witb IS tirs. irn uut Grays- Iseopele. As ue-b duput>- Mr. te-o. N. Seerierctl grass soeetil acbmenta. me up, saying I conîti live but a short laite,.1 OeIla sunder bond lu the Suait of abuve touAs are- il nec used butue lime. i gave myself t p1 i>-Savior, LyonuHsrve-y, chutis ui prosenit as 0»,000, and la eutitledt tuadequate e esun. ltiding sadtdle, titre8-Pi. deteieuedif 1 could no&u îl>- itAIn> tcluie omlcseuillyst- «enefston from tbe peuple. 'en>-111îlk eans.,500 bu. corn n cri, 4 gesese, friands on eatb, 1 coulti ment my ah- spuen t ut Ndsyitt S' niverscityhIe sase-k foctder cirn, auScecoru"dk8 nm$ oBus aboyae. My>- usbs u& adt- pustnaI&(NIUa whbi 008MVYaaumates, baPeci opon 4 lticha. 20 bagp poiatons, beastng etove. vieita0gai Dr. ings New Discovet>- parents hure.1 me Ibuaineus of previoua years, places Cook stove. 2 bedsite-ds, 10 fi. extension for Consomipion, Oougheansd Colds. i FrankhPowe-lsandt family are vsîiiug tibale-uant olthe room chairse 'inaosprlug gave is atrial, tot in ail i eghtboules. bis parents i t uu CuIn V u Il.amoni ! te emniga t tIecoticpbuard,end man>- uiber articles It bai cuxed nie sud. thanh hiod, I aul lookîng aller the setti g ofthile estaie eml' i Atouterta offitee btieuu $7000 tounniertns to mention. saved antI nov a wvoltantI beabi tI ra. '(iw,-i's moiber wchu reCeuil- ual 18000for ibis yeur. Thus if the l'sailterts. àns. ra ole rea .B ie n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Tra bupottoa en l fretIeeaarett tF. à.sFtoî. ro. ovll su1. 141-er t ii telalryofFFAcî ELo, o . 1 tmg tore. Mise Silve-nîaih bas ret-irueti fronît ne Fnt e $)ý ndth Cmpna- J.SCWICR.Angtioueer. Baguiera ille 50ocanti $1.00. titaran- tbe Seîiairum nimtioiipriine-il1lu et lit. Grille>-et î'tstecouitieud or price refunded. AoltyI A- FB.lbealth antiis mckîug lier home tor the- ecOUi bave thIe servie-es of treeurer Fui, LENT Nec 9 rouai bouse. ta_-1Loin'LL, Llbettyville. (0. B. Tijierp- preaent citAI le-r siter Srs E. Aý ual auparviion of as-em-tanti qui-e ut F. Piaî!sia. 2tf eboxGrayslsite. Fretieubegen. tmo 8700 o $motured iit th -"lie- suitot.! liue-y versus .oittîî hum 1000 1 IBSI tureti ut,> be- asbeardint t oc hl ast Frtha>- tuu..ny ea anetul cîlsIiii outoui> y . ýafternuuu butor,- Ju(Ige- Mture-, autia eut tir ~ UUK C U flty 1.Jepariiientê Ni,.tienrt or ie- skiu,hî iii an liinti ie e lacertal luui asking uî,îr,- 'Taî-s DcIuIIRiNT WILL BE DEVOTED TO TOWNs IN 1SOUTtTuNLAKE CuipTY dugtr He-dumihl, nritfsr.t Ibsa J"atcompensation, ail iîgbu. n-'ANO NauBTýUNilCOOK CaruîY. Tbmpstîn fltWaukegau lent Suutiay. alle.rud I trs. 'i'bmpetî inaaunime-r oi.! Irnuiti _______________ __________________Misa Doui i MsaBe-uieremaine-i £Slan Butter Market. WHEELING. SHERMERVILLE. cit be-t sont torsa short tîme- Butter oi t he Elgin Board ufe'lraite litîlt. Frite-bla reovering. Dot ou bear thoue wedlug bels - Mona>- ca@stae-ad>-et 21î)c, offtrings. îlto littkeas tAIe grippe. iggIPEOPLES' COLUMN. 733Soin; no bAds recelîved tonr 1;tbs; E. Signeahu cii move lotoithe Vot lits. F. Biebeni la reprtet ver>- iekti Fou lIENT-8 tOO i ionne anti 3 acres oecil Bseo, 67 tubesaitic; Lutte-r ht pllt'-. 51 poenati.t.lattiLk St iiiair Veek 20c, une year agu î184c, IMis.Muftwîil remnove tu>ighiland L. Sciinleber made a tripi tu (Se-ricue Applt i1). S.Ci îi.Liertyville. Paikt. sirhe cl AtotAe day lie et. f AUCTION SALE. ituîe- vacitetiîy tr. Speugler. @ ThIe nudersigneti bsvîng deoideti tt a,'iitu Se-iclgel hics beou elected quitsxamlug ciillaI tPulic-aiciton se-,.tra ofuttbe- Bre-wiug Comnyu. enai.s xxsn Iropu tarm loi'ate-d îu Micanite Avenue, tue- aldoune bath The (tpe-n l'iirdoc Club hati a psu>- 8M seouth of LîLbetystîhe, Mouta>-'. ai Un iion iati We-rliestay evsing. ll3, 1899, eommneuc-lg at i 9a. Iut, . C(lias Bteker bas pure-baseti lra. lb. floiiocing decrtbet pruperi>,-, lu humcottage- audtilhi nove lau$09on. 'i: 35 hbuetof uthigrade lil>e i-is. Stibtue-le t)elnghauled frani Wbeeling .8cocws,moatly tresittir sprîugers. 7 icu nlattitfur the lie-c'Caiholîc e-Iure- ai ym.t oit heilers, so,- tresh anti btule iiffîttu Grave. apringa,65 ltiuu elfermre in on' it sa,>-stoi, ipure breti Honlsinbju uîittlî W S. Tauk sud temiA>-aitende-tb Ae oid huit, àS Huiein lbette-r eaire-n. !utîir., ut aitece utftir. Blank ai t ceekâ tu 3 monih ilbi tper uiru s I4) Aurra lasi e-uessy yMa, id ci. 2w(1, l funIit. îae-k maie- 'l ie-Periilai Brg. Co. bas begon 10 6 yui. -. 111h', Arî,cuîhiirse 7 ye-rs ul et-ut ont lie produci. TIe>- area ir.igh 1250,be>- mure- tl.iîi.u ree-îur , uvktu g thre,, trcws a week 1 y.oldtlviibcuut iosui,, ii arr, boiaI ecina bar, ailie-nA lnats, 2 fat H. D. 'Biren liaibeen sueceedet b>- legs, niet tue-kn, 4 uiitre-liaitf)t,-1). Mi O l,ineime-tasiationt agent. Mr. t lotsuapring nik wagon; tunarîr 1,ci-u it <)'(«, iiit li-îto move Aile famil>-J ,.Unoaf utre>-, tever &Ablt roîaî ng- lier'. ti, fatou 1usd cr, -ârribag,- unýe r. i,'.ois 4 wi-utr slI saitniove tb ual lb aleign. suil Aboy t'rtt,'r, 1m liglinîil l'ark wa trelie nili buellep foeAenniab>r pumupligw c t uiit: lhlbu >ti ilt. idu Ilin uilstuie ta belier I .eel r>-.. 20 bitîshets sen-itH igaini.aît )tit lrîge- à bs. ail>- Ilesattoinu-e-ni orî, ý34114 titIsntHtiu TE S.t 500 l ctuh.e-I r eunîv, 50 u 11--k. l ît,'c prsAtelit ofuthile O. W. C. am aon ieldA2ve-.k e-vi-r.ih I i 'ruhiet yiu'uîlr. oiii gîe ua i iti>- "business dOgiain baga, Enruka pouut bibte- iggn-r. iiuiinriuit a* 4llisle cuiter, borne punene jaek. li,r îigiir ie-c Iniikm have beau lqWro tafootgesire-tIAeritor ciliiaîi. îîîî'îeet llihi' rucesdsouithlAe w» auleal toser, pot enaul 2titiTtlug cirtîtuet.'rb, Llrgt csigumeut uplea chueI latuc, 2se-m tu ra berarrîned i., Sîdey. t.uua. Idquble tris iuîg artucà.,s, îi in- utîler r mnido.r receu.eed s co 1*barneise, Prairie-' City -eni'ir, uTh-i',tiilrtlii iti-bus llel ma lever harruc, ihaent jounor sol,l of te- girls a fn-c tiys mbgo. Nec imM drill, t e-i adl-b trriise', 2 i, eh urtailnis ai tuber decortiv lmi- »m valig pluins. doubi Ale, be)%tî i i'".l1nntu bave be-n putIni.. plW bora.e hoe, tmcmiud tî,îth e-ltii eldu c Ouvatr, six nilîuvel riiiîg Mi,,-,tfiite Weliin e-nertained some r ellvatun, ix shovet Eltuî.incuti- trîii las3 hiSentie>- valu,, Osborne binnier. 1igvlai-rtri' Tuat elite-bParty>-lit ai Ettil ,shaJoneichaun utowe-r uic: Staîtndtre as a grandi sue-cees. aer. planter, !autuiutg ufltNt, e-ii iici mg- ul feat Firbaukn e-aie-p 121)(1 1, tue-ntir Wessllug vihîte-ti tur village 14~Sae>-fel cutter. lite-tetanuk re-nvilîy We wcundur hat for. culrfedetter. 1iset iilig cili- ~ (uzu ilali t 15eilcuiter, ellrui lusiiiiil M. .tltIrpKie hog u lgtpuimp anti 2 innil gai pipe. t-il ii h lier ce>-io iPrairie Vie llait 01 lIaplui set duaip bobbrti. v1Ciol tl*,. ba>- tack, i65 teet utfha>- rn.P', i h rurun'red ,tere Au baves a ler barpoon !ork andtipull>-. 20 fi, tltuicr Ill bîî.'TAils clU b. au mi- May ln harn, Iý insurteAiîgîiiaui lroviiimei, Ifthe taik la true. $$set&. s-ck ou tra1w, .teek A r, si-te-t lu WAeligaicettho.e1 un,20gallAonu lentI ubru, 1 ibî.tu ceustanding lu front out caansd daîr>- uu-isll. e-ein slou ttelng sun wbanls asI amtit bIdet, 4 dose-n epcsdabneIlâ yaui eus. niet tension pml tdtmuk ssi Ia ig1croc bar, lte- 4 pnounti al .tAIeismeutea t ex àcau 1 run uve- miiPr" i. ballaaipesb. litand lira. Hotnung ce-ru Chie- go visitar liaitcueek. Chas. Baisten nmade a tustnesstripi taO Chicago lait vesit. lit. Jaoob Bueit cent t.. Evausion cit a ldlait Mouds>-. Raverai troni ibis place aiteudedthe servicesaitAIhe LuAIeru clirci Suit- day. Mr. Hale and tami>- tram Glencoe va. vlmltiug aitIl. Lorenz une day la8t ce.k. Whi Trier pa.sed ibrongli our tovu on hlmsn.>- 0 Wieeliiîg ane de>- tast veak. lira. Jo. Zimmernisu cho te qniite sicit vai tahen 10 a Chie-ega hospîtel test Mnda>-. P. Petersout cho basbe-enlihving in thIe Mlerboif boue noved tu the RAsai manulu nt et uz. Chas. Biobvait Iandcitfe cure iu Chticago recent>- bnyhng vudding pressage. Fritz, chere la your siik bat. There meema 10 Abc quite an attrac- tion at Northi Notthlteid for Fritz le cteuceit as AIe goes there qnite otten. tir. Jo. Bachi gui some turniture lest vuuh 10tamfniAIhis petIot. Nue Walter yon botter get l llet up anti niake s oeil. Wh&& la tAIe nieler citAI thut WAIee). ing reporter? Bas bc gane 10 sleep or ha atli Astuinhaen np An admArng thon beautie. lira. Anus sud ira. liar>- Kies cern- An Chicago test ceek aitendhng the funersi of lit. Fred tIuhihe, s brother af lira. Auna Eteat. Lest Suuda>- occure th Ae mairlage ut Fred Brenier to lins. Daroihea Bosoneri aie thie grooms@ home. Evet-bad>- prentat reportseitavinga goad tUne. ilB. L.- Gres. ont Long orove and North Nortltia portpassel throngh aur tovri lut ceek ou bis wsy b> Docner'm Grove anti Naperviile visit- lng friands sud relativesa. Boya esteb tAIe Chicago papers. Taka notice of aee-lion day Tue-ste> Api4th4an sd sec that you gui the; rhght Mau lu tAIe righl place. Th- folAovlamg cere nominated ai tAIe rgenanal cauèna ai Glenviec fortAIe, 1tocu: H. Applayard Supstviaot; A. C. Clave>-, Town OberL J Freeze, of: Sbererville, AasOaot; L. Rugan, Collecter, W. Rrniear, Ton 1Oam- ml.slonur. Brick. t av lI'ti'te-k tfr ste. N tir. 'fi]t. F., LIberlynitte-, II. 't2tt For Rent. ri7 acres ,ot e-biee-andtiJImile tram AptekîKcn'"talont kntuicuasmte IebI tarut. For partie-alan,, cousiliC. RE L'.zExecuinîr. 24tf Far Sale-. Bouse and lutitnu Libertyvilte, a tut ,,, Wite-ox Ave., Cis .21acre-e ut terilanin ltSec. 9, iuîcu of ernuu, 41 acres f imubet landtinlu iu ls, touuoutVe-non, Sec. Il. 22-2 B. F. MÂfON, LlbertyvhAle-. [bhai Throbbinu Headacha Wojuid quickl>- luave yenî If youucoulti use Dr. Ring's Nec Lite Pille. Thbons- ands of sufferers bave- provedti Ae-lt niate-AIhe nerit tutrSte-k and Nervons Heclaches. TAIe>-nihe pure bloti sud sirong nerves snt boilti up your haaibh. La.>- ta take. Try Ilium. OuI>- 25cee-ts. Atone>- backit f ual cutreti. SlI b>- F. B. LOVELL, Lîberi>-- ville, G. B. TRuPI50sa, Grayalake, drugglsts. WHAT TO READ. BoneProminant Ohicago.uS Pixpraus Opinions. in these- cnthgiunedti une- eever>- p,eon wcituprîîeiidâ In kecp 1Inetc witibthue progrese uf the- corti niant u',.s1 e te-et-e-hacn catiy meroilitil nveusper. TA,,,>- ho u utsele-e- tire be-t shouatt lie galdeti b>-the- --. lIon of promine-ut ltew&Peur-utel viha knjc Beadth Ie- olocîng. 'he- hi no qiii'tl5uiansM heosiitioni .ipie-d SpTh.c thi..canTribun. i t -s ,s a lu-ai saii Amerîcas eew-egaiiee-inir i- te i a n i, n upiO'ndetis. 55Stic nPc te- , or niNuirYak. sS- ..ithr, iu il. Thés,'e- th i, ulilats. uitcou-,e iii inleClt- Ompiete asnd reirîe-l. -'The -uChag, Tribune un the tintin- une-' r lu . i ii, niti. t eent Ict il ivsk . l- 72vAHINGTtIts HEOIIIit" Tpe eue,- i'ec.taerr. Cie-go. andI pith 11.1.1r sIca!, Zruiis.g. 1 TIe hie-etl,,Tribunes1s bey-iondqu,,tii:C u9-11'i-il ewcaisi' e Wst. I t 5 1.ta li.'csntrp. . "*MÀitTIN J R2BLI." udtup-S.le ChicOblago LIroutei*. Trour Penater or eucoftlun niAi tait, e ut uburptAe-fer a lti Fi'tiOay, MarclI,31. 1899. =.ALL WOMEN ezidscknessifrom derangement n when a woman linflt well theme organsam ar ftected. But when they are strong ad healthy a woman lasvery seldoîn slck. la nshure's provision for the regu- leton of the menstruel functlon. It cures al femâle trouble." At la equalAy effective for the gtrl ln lier meens, he youn Ife wth do- mesiteand matrn.l cares. and the woman approachlng the period ktnownas the -'Change f Uf." They al .need I. re au i baeilltted by fIL Fo *dvloe ain." ecilcng-speela dlreeliis ddr-ss. rMnbsyWP"m Ah. Laile., Advhsoy up,'ns. Thi. Challanoge Malelsace. CnIL sOO. Tema THOS. . 000m, rmp*s, mm.. mm s.,y0sd., ad mIsa btio a ATTENTION! rgains for you at ail times. le- .... Ne- 25e St. 'te- le- I Sn* lit i lb package lteklng Soda... 1 lb cau n Bking Povder...... Znr, Fait>- & Creani Se 1011.1 aop 2-oz pkg Tîger Smoking Tobtecco. AUl Fiue Cul Cleivlg Tobos lb. t'îî»lecheît Factor>- par yd.. Auoikeg Heavy Shlrtîng, yd ... it of 15 per cent on ait Men's and er, Fedora and Derby Hats. h lave a large aissortiieut Nec Carpet samples, stes.wlluîî ve-Ivets, itrussels ingrain, 3 pI>- Mou C'hainî, lIait Wool, Siair Carpel sudliait$- 81ilA Ait-- uitAie-se gutda Examine cicr ittîre pur,.basiig else-chene. i tree-eir.,.' larguait stocek of Mîliluer- 'ver ipla.Ali tiils vicinit- Ali neW andI Dto îîît dielîteon S î,r -'Easter Hat" unil yoli fats aitpiv-es 8 atsed Si the toiî,fKnie t ,III,' lîlAnôl,. s e.-nlt.ltn .-r. subsrîptlonsaaîdadvertisrnents Vl h veB -Iicnof Peur .. . ... 3-lb euPumpkin.. 3 eau@ Toniet,,ea.. F. C. Wilbur and Brother wiab to ooa.berries pet van.. Be tht. nmedtim l extending hearty lankas to &Il thu. who si) bravoly Blackberies per eau ilpedl to, ave their property ut the Good Prunes pet lb ... ne of thIe tire laut week. Noble work Drled lUopberrie per Ili. ea doue aud wilA flot soon be for- I-lb Package Mince Me-et otien. At 1:30 a.nm. Thurni., klarcb 30, aouxred thIe deieth o! Mr. Benjamin Special Discount )rry. Deceaaed was eîgbty-three B y'C -s aura nId. Fueral services vii bcBos'Creh Ild et bislaite reaidelice Saturdaày ut 2nm. anîd ei Avon Conter achool bouse Iv......j. e1 1 p. ni. Obituaxy nuit week. Car>VL Br At the (irayalake cburch the Suilday irning services wilà bbl devoted tu, cll ool ingraiti. Cuti ec recepilou f o utiers aund coin. îing. We are gîviug n hinlon. ln tbe eveulng thIe obJlcren rl rentIer a simple Baester pnugrain. samplea sud prlc-eti li i the followlng Suuîday virnilng theî mtar vîli be-gie a sortes ofif eriioum ùthe «"Teachinga of .Ieus." I iln r At the village caucus hield iset tpt-it tJé fonday the tullowing officers were put ptDaetys t Liuomuiation: E. B1. Sherman, pren.; bave examtued î,ur Hm 1J. Lottui, 0. URichardson sud F. gtteraball, Trusteea; E. T. Devoe, (Tir id J. Lougabaîgh, Polite@ Magistrate. 7he Presideut sud Clerk were ionalmed b>- aeelanimatilon, be-re W l a e ection willeale place. hocked lest Thîîr,,tcy uîght, tu> hear F btFred flotter ebo me MretcrYGra sa eD t ndTrea.ofthebelirui lit F. C. illiar ry ik De t (.ýi. wae buriied tu> deatb. He was eluved by otlît aud youug aike, being ý eei]favorite. Him remet',. cere D o aleu t4) bis parenuts' hume lu Cinriie. eb chure-lifor funerat eervteé abue.- îy. He we,, laid tu rest lu the uimetery maip&pas4sgsCorner. lo eaven, a ter, muiber. brother suid sdot tu four, liAse-Party and uuiiely and ti lemîse. Tie>- bave iht, symupathies ut àe eulire e-uniuIy !ltht. terrilîleS w Obttuary. Fred E. Potier tue-e stleut ul l'or LekLc, wbu met wltliIllich au uiitiuut'l Jeih ai 6rayahmeeliiithe big nuli thure lent I Aurediay uîiglit Mardli 21, W#9, was bortlau i,. toc!, oft Warreît. I Jau. 1l, 1876, cliere Aù e Poli in yoiutii , fi fle and ree-eîved Lit ariy educaltion '* lu the public 8seà-bouit ilîrlre, clter-I rards tuuliug a regular cour.- oîf .,LuîtY i tAie Mauliegtu bigli belhl aui wu. Idois1 agradtuaie t .1 te clashe9'Ai it. 1ki lavihig tibiin ,,e-Libe taiîglt ensrai erme, ut aschoiîilu lthe Statlord liitt, In.*n an ou ii, . lunegt ît,e-k , îî,.*5 80uLÀ l-n,'arsetrfug Il11,1,11îl SE .iih F. NW îtbî,r .tC- . c t [I-te h ibi, Iie- etuipttîyethti ,-tof idl, lime u'ttil Jan, t, tIaiJ, lit- -t.-11 dwi ll si, &Lie jiuur înt-'ulttr of tAue 1, riua, ie huyiîig nout- IA thi et,,.k auni cuutuiinig the lua ,'iar ii.1 n soeiiigly abrigi lfuture. IBe canaÏ youuig iuofirnrpraclijalte t'aitrccr iud hud Abuse- te-rliuig qtîaltlua tiitý go tu malle up Ilile be-et î,t uiauioud. Thie uuwber ut bis trieujda cure legou aud lia place wdli be bard tAu tilt s 1 Fruit leavue a atiler untd intî4br, une broiber, Lunule,soli a@ie-r, Isabelile, i, uiourn ibeir lAu..beaîdes a bst of eorrucuuàg relative& sud trie-ruts be G RA YSLAK E. prayer laiat â ur laimay lie ilm gaiu. lThe luueral ces belli ai ,urnee e-burcblhuit Sunda>- Il a, m. the R1ev MIr. Harriti, uf Milîburit, uliclaiug. cliere a large cuuc,,nre,' il rt-lallse cand frieudm lttttu pay t.y lir tant tribute ut reispect b ,n>li. u ccva Auved asud reepee-ted by ait l u hlt tt pleuature ut bis acuatiluitlle. I i 1h,ý Y temtily aloi rt:Iativen the f,'utire e-ooh, muuity e-xte-îd ibeir biu rtft,'iiitt plty. pil1orrit lî'., Mr. aud lira. Edwin, A',tt.'r %>sb t. expren ,thi-îr mduee- , , the- mnant>- rteidm aloA for tthe- e-lireme kiluu-sq8 ib ,t lu thtîtt I dung hibrrne-e-ut b'r' l,,u D the irrepaîrable lus of t tîir tteurtýi be-ioved esouîFred. A'lu ihloe trIoG Auljated tloweri, cudthetIi,- tiue- t'h,'r ce exiidl our hiearifeIt thauke A C Mit. pst, MH.un Et,%% îv lPO rTEI.oC ILLINOIS. WILL FIND at this store, a fuit Une of B~oots, Shoes and Stippers at Lowest Prices. ry Goods. Notions, roceries of ail kinds. LOTH ING A COMPLETE LIN E OF and Boys' Suits, Aen's and Boys' Pants, Children's Suits.. de to order bv first cIass Tailor. nd see New Spring Samples. Paper N-1l h(u -0 RIl 1 11111%;e your paper ('TlW dîrrt frmit Illefartory. *W. I3DWARDS, KE, - - ILLINOIS. F. BAIRSTO W.b MANUFACTURER CF Marbie and Granite Monuments. CErIETERY WORK OFt EVERY Aeacupt@n. M( Suits macý ..Calian, W. GRAYSLAF For Sale. soliu' n's' bt" vlveiit, t t lit., boars naît>-fui et-n ,t tî îl dBool~e i pr,&i- talite-.v, Imq; sIls iutue- chulit rctint ioe-k C. i.Snaît, ltrwkeu[îllî r, o Au- MeBride6 terni 2 tut n, %vt îof fîr,, 1 Pour Farim. - -Adjua&dcatî,aunNotice-. ubirt r.Exe-uitetxl Noti tla lii iuie - 1 1e-rt. îI 'i.5 I. iiil i ,I , L 1-50 tetneulu 5 ji Dne t'uîaii n-I iiu ' .h.e-, ofu,.. t h i. .î-ttie I M ie Pau be lu W uk > hilu , A a , n e, -1 u le a ,in ,I n l l,' ;IItIt le - . 1 s 6tiie » S I inI ous ut A url unt sri,"he î.,-Oni îtcln.'utitt t e-scu t i pli asiti~Il -rtt t- îuti'' i îî I do t ,,. a' Uiit-tr toi. M E. e cutA. ,ti'ctl " o,-,tîj .1ne 'Wtuivcu¶ 'e' __________i The highest market Choca owBFo Scq. e~~u MAi.price wili be pald for ail' Ie-russe Of bord for sâle.-Choie-e I AAto cîî,iunigruntiig (0 ukinds of a usb laiill>- conss s ati>- PSTE nt c rmixe-I grain, rye-, oste etc.I OmUe. Ve=ds Msd Saturdays. U. E uu* 'el - Ta WOOOTIAN. pabiabri i.KUEBKER, t. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Y~ be- fooled ricked into buying an inferior rig Machine, corne in and see S9 NO ECH ET ait .- d , r i lie. lAArflme SOrllp ne"a ts. §%11gIL H.CMalke. IT SEFORE TOU NIY AMY OTHERI i. StHERMAN, 1