CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 7 Apr 1899, p. 3

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l ý - 1 1 - - 1 1,ý ý ý ýýýý 1 - . . - .................. ýýýýýý ..... 1 . ý ý - - - ý . 1. - - 1 - . - - - the loge are rua latin à Illustre, and eler- . - chat sifflet] 14 Atone miné front the duo? fmvàm mow 1 rIed two miles to the Mill, qghere tbey . . of the toissité hurlés] if with fill'h violence '] 1 ý 1 - are manufartiired lutin, ilicarda and tilleul . À& 1 dowis fil,- bill Illitt if cris-ficol fil frit- o1nor D JD - serrer belug malle 1W. loucher the giàbkg . ,Ir flic .,é,il*, -joil. lit-à-, and Licillius or fe 1 dé,ad slusil .ono, lorth. E N a . ichippeil by manches, finisse two miles -. 1 1 ý 5 .14 .1 li,,,ý,v." h.), .... licine t he iiai..ICý,in. ! - long Io file- IIIIIIIII)g IIIIIU , 1 .. , . ý . - -- boawevur ,Cst1ý fil. ,iir(-i)ili;igti,. how,%, r i - . -- -- 1 . ý- a re ri i t et ( fi rit 1 1 ý --r;tijýl Ili, necropolis, ho- ý , BURIED IN THE SEA. . - evCýr b,;oot,ý,,j1, 1,:,,tý,r,-,l fi,,- faniIýý 1- 1, , 1 - - -- ,j 0 gr,,iiii:,],. vol: C,ýiC,,t 1,1,éý,ýi :,Il l".'kert fil, by 1, ý A 'colicatiténé Le end Dessiocribinc the ý onf. aloi il is fil "f lire, nnd il I,ýC fi% trie ý ,or ý- ip. é - rr., I ...... Thé forcés, ! -,ý , .4 -, 1 ý - Dessoth . e 1»..ý»g..Ia Indi.... , . tC-ý ,,,1,1,- ,,, ?lié [,,,,ý." ,é,Cl of. il- 1 lor, Il front m, Jý,,.J ;, - é, ', "t'..,,, 1.,.,ký,ài lC.,i1't'q 11, . 1 " , - ý- 1 ný -, il ... 1 th, - 'o 1 allir m éI suothr, they _:;; y ,ý - Il -1 , e-ý - "Ille] ýou ever lieur (or the l'aKvagoula i ,11 - Cleud "à'l.ic or a huit cerf 1 zýý - ! "fil, og litrouris fin- air. ,à,,,ý't ,-,,c,,,ý oor il,ý,1,:CC.1 aod ,,,r.ý. thé-y Il . 1 - 'ey é, 1: Fj,ý-- ' , 1 7 j Ill(lilll)S'.," liskeol Ils'! mai] front ýNfissis- ,.,:,,Y "" ,.i'N1îýoýý1 Il: ý u "" "'*' "ýl:, ,ý;: 1 ý N ý- - - 1 va , fil -eu re4éi) nuit riclist ,on,ét , ....... nul, it,,,I,,.,ý, un.1 sNt,ý,.ý. Jé,ýý;: 1 eà,ï,-t., (1 i .,-ý-,ý - ipid. ".\Ci-tll..IljC-i'.4 'Io [lot M-4-111 to - 1 Iii ý ý / apt . - 1 - il chat oloi legend. l'lit ally darkey 1 haild, . art- joinCîd. noir ;à risilloly ,CIiC.. [troué ilévy tC,,it -,no- oi. (0,,r -li.,IIIg ,hil- il J"Il É! ý 1ý- ý io 'Co' l'id, ill. 1--, Isoler tir for %ý>é,rsi-," :suit -l'.ýiý. IIo.ý ié,I,,i , .1, . - 0. 'l lé . '. , chat - .. . - 1 Ili .Souillera Iii..I.§Klilli vouisi ti-Il il to 1 il .. . ofér noir, ri b onder. a ,ai,,, (if joy , il 1, 1,ý.,,ýlJrCu fingý ,-, m, é .- d isoi't ý ý î 1 , if",.,.. ý s 1 ý ý lý, ! , r ýl - 1 ,-. jj Il 1 you. and Yve ;11%%U),s thouglit il Wils ý nt th(- ([#-I>iirfitig trovéol, loit fi sigh on chat , Io ... in ill, Io,ýer ,r ré--,,,,-ýlý.", ollo-11. : : W --, 1 fi... Cl,,ýi, fetýb C:inth 1 1 ' %ý 1 1 ý - ý ý là., 1 > l il . T v ý 1 , Ii 1 Morfil IL grelit listent os- si xi-etit picture. ' ariiiitý-rs;tr% étal No iitt,ýrN thé, scesse. Vinié,r ,1,1,,ý arnés chat m, t'.1Ilýý.1 ,il 1. zolé iCiit I 1 ! ,,ýý ,, ýý 41 ! 1 flie 1';Iet-:I;zCiilus wvre a brave, intelli- "' irsi;r flic nitrir. il,,, join ourý fi, ýý,,ýi.rý,-.- -,f r . ......... 'l Il- lot' Ili i gel t tribe, Miné abâoé delied von- ý fi,,,,,. il,,- 'I'ng 1 ating grénips lire I.".ý,l 'Cov, (léat oa, 1,1,4'..1 lé ... ét l', r- n ý 1 vé 1 ert tlie3. (-aille froin origiscially, but . trtobling héind holding a fad,él romebud. %%iiiiiiit ifs iiitiriiiiiit-s, %%illiý,ii i t si, tu 1 e 1 - 1 1% ; a1r1ý11t ý 1 1 m h, Il is ilit intit trie imper unir chefs iuIý, tigtCý... il toust (ono. 111) (il . ,Isolé sig t - - 1 e X.. list-y were stendily drivera soutliviard 1 ýý::- Ij,;ý, and tri-, box varrfully idiée-1 ils if .,ý",), fi,, -iue or ýýoi' . Noo' a , ,iiiig. .;lit à ý !ýý ý 1 1ý -N 1% $17L 1 i ý 1 ý Clti,ý,4t'auCl <ÎvIlizat on. 1 don't knoiv 1 9(litt(rf-,], and cherté, is nothing left luit es tincriwd. Th, 1".I.",ý.1 17-1t, n"i.t é ...... ý 111, ', -- 7', , N -- . ' - - ? 1 1 uliaiit(-»,Sitiji.l.rolisl)tjting èvery Inch of trie été . e , Ji: - of il..- 1-1, th, .ene j.,, oNer. long, 1 mart. féo- poi, t,,,,k. ci lo-ans lo --- . P,- ý ý w y. e al ilines they mttiu-(Ijlown -111.111, Ait, sot, fr,..nýi.,. let i ... t tri.. propheve-, ,la a vemd. -ft JnruI.g.ý 'Ir liliv'. 1 ooin- ! l I,ý, . , l' , ' 1 I\ ' , - - ,_ ý 1, - ý 1 ' i ý retreathug Miel) hy @tel) hefore t ri '1'ý . . 1, à, . 'oli. IIIIII mith a sharro. siiii(itit ing for the r,..,iirrtýiii-,ti" ll- 1--:tg, toiv 1 ý ý ý 'ý; - -- -- - - 1ý-,, t - . - - ý and thouglit llj(-y ivould [le loort ln I N this Escalier sernion Dr. 'raison y lé y Itiglit of s, - ý 4.III, 'bý>, ' -- - Ille of Iho- flovier, toi vé ... r ,vé.(Iding dit c fort 3-toi this day %%fil, ,fi, Illé -BY ' 'WFU DM I ý - 1, e i . locace, but esters situe frit-) hail tu don in t e preti, the lolIoé;1g, m-hivis, trie fais, i.r,>IlC.ý.-iéý,, lire billot lé, caris Coher'el remoirrection. ý - - - t soir war palut agaili and %celle pualied dowers bring to frit- anxious, the dis- faillis. .Nlake the, wost (of f.Ctý-h otho-r's ex Whers Lord N.ýI,,os m-ifs but-I Il ifs St. el --",---,--,, - 1 1 1 1 -111 1 - Il- fourcher souris. They caisse luto bllsois- pirited and the bereav(-Cl; fi xt. Luke xii.. c(.Il,.rli.ý. ltý,iii,-mlier the xI.ývs, the ring Paul'q catll(.(Irlél ici Loildt]. ICI. hCart.of , ( 1 il -à( «CntinC1eCIýI 1,3 frit- wooéi-so lie lCr.tigtIt. unir liscing .utio 1 ïCippi cils(] Ktilýýé41 for a while. thest 2S "Iftlien Cod sel cloche Ihe grans, M Ilil-là on fil,, third singer (or file J-t 111111-1- "'I'l ol] England was .wtii-rt-ýl. Th, ilé,(,-sNlt)ti 1 TI , 'b-el ' r t ,ci. Ir , ,ý . . were la 'to-doy in the field, ;sud to-rijorrow lm il,(. jjý,ie-ditiC.11 of tri,- calls. lilic.. roussis] on unis(] thé- ,;)I>Iill,: of a nation. : se' 1.11"!,ýIt -, r . N'lis turné-Il about or frit- rf-tiii-né-il captives as moule] foDow I drIvvii lois aller finally r.,i(-Ii.ýil,ýlif- lien. cast into the civets, bov couché tnare Mill If voit fC.ýk tu.. the .1,1I,,Iiý.lC. *'%%"I,:,t Cése, fIý«rl trio. .il il r France. fil$- raliturcel Iiiiii, tic petiot, in crue colorts the cond noté ..1111 . There wero thirty triiiiil)tti-r., ,t:tiii)iit,,] nt I ce Cet ' ' - Id go, si. fourcher' and théloy lie cloche you, 0 ye of liltlo- faith«!*' fli)ive-rs gond f(ir'!" 1 :lrisvtýr. they ar, gr-od silo> Cloor of frit- (-iitlà,-tlriii. oith instrii- f eh'j', or lourdt-il, chat lieur Cý,iit,.iriCl thé- or fil.- Cýliildrert wins, liait hecto left 1hchifoJý i knew chat iiii-ir (ýLt-iiiio,4 vvvre ail- The lily fit trie qucé-ii of Bible flomerm. te) honor tiroir 'oinfort Ille C)lIýý,,IiiCý,ý Thé lCCC,ýr ,If the boy ,-rCl.,I.lC.r.. ho-ilu.; Ici thi. xvissy Iw rtý,éC-Ile-'t a gond CiialCý - tovvard ilicin. Tli,-Ir braves The rose May have disimiteil lor throlit, in véorst c". ri o-voýr fonde solo frit- code of olir clients of ainsi(, in bond, véioting for trie ( avon) fi, flot! cast. mobile tri.- gis11--yN hov notre léo-opiv: ait.]. l'y fil,- ..air of the me-voit ut ,vu -A and véon il. but the fusée louer üarth ilés !lie jiash of trio. grave. 1 signal, essor. ivisers fil,, illustrions devol tir- .1 ;I ý vuuýýI ný, C.. 1 hors, but t1ipy didn't modern finit ercd lis a long rite(-, with broad infervais iviéek arté-r tri(- tiroir arrivai of essé 1 ' 17 1 1' ,i,.ýCl ut th, gaies ut Si. 1'.C.1'., ,,atli,,,Irjsl, j 10'tWO-t-D their I)t'i7Aý UtiCl'allY Strllllgt' Veoi- i lit) -ais bat 1-1; , MINI] to Ille Ils battle and hosive their originnily liad ordy rive pesais. Il waý,uu- NO flecil, il lm No cruel. if is No fint turcs b.e, th.,éc thirty triiniiwtt-rs gave nue lillited ]es. chais ten tholimand Cils, der the long-t-ontintied unir iiotéýiCme ga7 ý of chat il n(.i.llg .,()nitýttlit)g te, co ', à t Il Hast. and th.ýn ail was silC-nt. )*et flic ..lm chat miglit 4 M.Elt out te, re.vue Ili.. 1 rabst-Il ifs coutributiolin front the faithfulj voivel; acier childreu .and trie old men Te ý the worlol chat the rusé, IIt:héýCI intu ifs Fl()w(.rg for frit, casket. flowrs for I1ýý1 chikinis. Wheu th..3 Were I.11Ii,,.l Cuit -if for fi)., ro-lC-a.- of ,,tl,é»,ý,. 1 and Nloin.-ii lx-hiiiol Ilieni. The-re ivait . I,ý-ý,ýý.did s,ý,t "ai-.- the dCadý lie sblot prement beauty. In the Bible train, C'a--la h,ý,r,,-, floicrs for the cemetery. 'I'à,hut :1 truc" t Musclés. Dragut. lis hisi ,dately ,ohip, ho-ade-1 1 And th.-ià il ,,as thot, a. they apiréIaCl,- 1 ciel i-li;irit-i- Ili victory for thein, for they and hyssop and fr.,tnkl!ift-i,>Lý and Myrrh rillit , B'ls 1 have te tel] yoci, what i ,utitrast lwtý%(-t-n a grave in a cousit ry thirty Irmopé f.- ,,ý,,Clýl flot .le, for une , a léollindron ,If tv.àýrIty galley. flair misioled f col N'atie lisse, fleur il hit-il ,%Il- the 1-111elle of , hiall fouiil il,,- Milice, Invincible. 80 and spilienard and calophor unir the réoCe C lien hyaril. m ith trie fence broken dov, il mari. otuý Iritinit i-ýr , lit du for fil] natiollot. 1ý for trio- port of Nlarm-ille-ý, lis ourlet .If 1 %*»lix, filet Bluff, lie. who hall hitherto ý tic.- chiefs filet In coeu,11 ami t1ellber- follow the lily. Fourto-vit tiilo-s in Ille ! and file' t"C'l'ýýt"lCP "'Jant n'il the ""'g"- The loges hav, -III-d ou, moi trie C loci, .if whid ri lic firrived during tIoý inglit, beilsil ý loooo-U trio- lrisv.-.t of ,fil, 1"'g'llk te' ob'""I' ' sited fer ont- long day. When night Bible lm the Idy menti,,C,.-,I: oui - v t 1 i, e : Il,' 1 suringarattle bro-ing ami,] the nitillein the w.rld's di-stiny ,tri lé, v , !). lis. Il. 12, à warned iitiiigNif-inityI)Ytltf- liglils.,irtlàt- sand exhibil soeur of faving her omis par. ý valise trio-%- hall devidisil whist should lie rame. The rose May lie,,, les- 'l'i-11-r clo :,Ik, ,il trio, Ca"da thistlem, finir a Jeu), aller finit, shuill lé, ci,, lonzW 4'oaxt. unir Iying by fier trio, peril,él .of chork- ,us. midi tri.. sIC-N'. of Stephes.'là .air fùt.ý. ' à ' 9 nez., till thé» Assis échowed fil-- .-ity .if .%fier chefs thé- nid ho-rinit, Who rieur huit- leme. Thé- twist iiàc)rLiing e%(,ry menu- Pire, but the IiIY reigilé I in the fils'£' 'Jt 1 iii,)rniiig ici 4,'ref-nt%-(,(I,1. trie wave (of rose- Typie.1 of the Re..ýreti... -to bos-n file une ,,lie, ha.1 need.1 C 1 lier of silo- tribe jour .,fi his finest gar- Enlises, in file Lime of .I,ý,1..tiCý,n. la il'*: ý ,,,,,,:,I,ýl.«ýnIr,,ý!!,i,,,or ln th,- top (If the mollisols Rebord the art hangt-I It,,%,ýriti. . lie , .Nlarb4ýiii... be-fore clics.). .usée finie of Çhrint. Cacmur bati lits lilloise ý il u est Ir ing soin, fossoning cre.ta of ,.L,-s the trillillo.t. léoilots if fil,, May, 1 ý 1 1 riiCýlits and allortif-il hiiiisi-If royally. 'l'ilo-n ci colley with a whit, ting %vas Ment hostion, carnet] consoler ifs lier Ileed , .ai 1 t lie hilis. The 1 ily [loir loir thràooý il, 1 lie " lie 111,,ner, ail tinosmi Ille pillows of for-ard. having the bernait afid Masse - annouroccol chat lie. as trie ossu dsh l'lits if., Ici. te, lits lit'. aloi dieu blo's ,Ille , .h. - Cerise, rotor j They 1»-rfor*uj(41 irisé rimerai rites of Iley. In the greatest -itiloil thist %%il N iffi-renvc between féleelà- long, lotit], terrifie. thtiiiderti(i,, rC-v,-rltr- 1 on hourd, aliqi rowed lut.) the barber flood r»-rmunCled Sto-phra againut bis Civil] tu John ' Ihefir [)44>1)1t-. Then tbey al] weut down evêr pretâched there w:j, oni% ,ont. flower, ing under résogm and Nt.,é-I)iuK under n a gcnt st-elu. 'if C.x(ýitt ment on trio- part uf thé- e rassure, "a. il).. ono. ', lit, solumilol rieur ' t ý n c'ri- ating and resurrectionary lolast' Look, , o trie beat-là and, joitillig baillis. ilien, and chat a Isly. Thé- l',i,-Ifé,rd ClrC-aloC..'. 1 broidered I)Iaiik-(,t, We w fi Id Mortal. look' Tho-y ruée' The dCmid--th,ý do-Cloi' thé. (.itll.i-lls. fin. penalty of infortaing Joué filtrer lin,] vonien aller children mtretched Usera- John Bun.inu. entercoI file liý'Lim. of frit> ity with bis chisel te, gro laisféongh ait the * ý Lm Il,. tantrécr chat their .-,fi tend bo-cis t k sono, coming forth fruits tri-- faulily ~Cils. At tiroir il was thouglit chat tri(- Tor fi "" 1 sf.1vi»S lu a long lisse along file amooth interpret;r and wu% Nli.,%%ti il C ilcmter of ,,r-,%t,%nrds lis Christendonn. nuit whsioc ri, muni,. Meditated . dette-cut Cils frit- foncé, and frit- captive and vous a slave lé, the Turks. 1 ' .. - front trie vity cenielery. saisie fruits 1 ,à - écunisier eve They %%-aile(] until trie #un Met flowers and voissi toit] té., ",,""ill('r fi'(' ,jlrrit.«, il ýiiii-1 in noté hand ive vivant odd ' -cluistry graveji ilird. literie a spirit us , bells wfore r ne front frit- C-ljqiri-li steeples, Aile] finis, un n lin. ,Liait. ý %ait(]. il Ille e wlile trie citim-rin rusé lo arilà» ni hasIcý .si mes-ko, aller StC-1,1,.ýtC ha-t li-teis(sl te, ' Lllielý.,tli.-Il. chanting fil-- death gong of ""es"' \1ý-rtnlit.v to have sortie flélover seed in t e joineil lm ifs body. and there étancher spirit 1 Cive May R(CjCly or T;qCý,t .filer ,évien 4 p.lin of trie licher band. ý ig jouté to anotber hody, and millions or ,.%,h,." il wan lý-re,-iý,-d chat oucly ,Ille file prenchisig of liil.l..I";.rCCl ici the mur- 1 tri&- l'amé-zLgotiliiK. Ilivy daneed soolemnly "it veillé %,su, continu ta >ttà.- .î,t.,. trie ý 11) f Vaucluse. Musée lie Raid Ilit- ý dowil te) the fiéd(ýb and ont Into the @AI a t OUJ7 .Pti.11--it Je go vé lit. :1,1ýo[oC,.,Y. méesiou ried spiritit are assorti" the be;diiýs. , la q. wilL4 eýwnikatry, Ist tg se, ..Iih juftwru- _gr Wild.Fýo -rini Ci e , M . S thn rectothinir therrifielves, in formil , M- .car the castre as beggars - . . . ..(-,$,,-Io»Aj*.Ittb.,dé"Md dUelYý-.M ' " ' Libéral Ma. .,,rmewl.»t i.sýA.-rIté,d; but a 1 lie until the brenkers diti4liM over thein dence, il IN on witb pbý*,,ioI,ý9y1 il lm Po -- .,., à, r ,on il makem an differercep to thomm." 1 think ralliant for ascension. i irati-ýy bs ý guis; te) the mihtary Conter of 1 and julgriii.m. and] t1w iii"Prtov 9%vt'l)t chefs] nWaY. with geoI()Ky-I)tit the séiro- 0 taloy ý the Elligisité, 09 lit. J'obis, whivh wgj. trie 'il IX. Not une of Ille trie à aille back to the Christ tomnifinds us to sitilly w1wo là,. ýCCinrýým,.,tnken. Therearenotfflmany The "rthýbCo9hn9 to burn-the bonfire , - r steamers and trains coming te any living of a gr.-ssit victory. Ail ready now for the cordy sit-ilied craft in the barbier. bs-gün to 1 CI 1 A PT 1. shore alive. scays, **Coai.idfr the tilitýsý'* édo-amil e theils, ý ýýtimtructed hmamhity! 1 got readý for stea, voici, trio- soleil .If désu A. iho hersait cité-] bis yý,,Cisg ,,,mpnrù,,t, C-sty as thvre are c(invovg coming front proeession of g(-r, fil, file- floral of frit- hersoit vaom -n fli'rollai là' 41 th, ,ustIeý file girl -.ýuàà-d top 1 -.1 %%*Cou t lu-car chat th, ,t,,r.%* fié triie, front roof ta tip of pural. ]sortait. tist-ir henven tu carth. and if ý cherté le instinct. l'pwnrtl and away! Christ ]ends, and ail on cru. fiýizii prnw of thé. Turkilds, galley presed moisis Neine feus- chat .he , livve If dovii on tri(- Panels- brenth. Notire the graCCýfiiiii,ýss of thvir . the Christian ilend follow, battalion after . , 1 1111oi 1 ,,:,-utl,,Cý,-,,.,,,,,.,-r. ami 1 vias borts therc. My police. Ilear the Whistler of trie ,visite lips t't')""Clm unir c(Iiiqttint commennicâtion be aller r ...... IlCýizcsI ut nisc. baron., .ýxPIRiIj ta hC-r».ýif. Thor ,vos . g . f the ea.tern and the rosi lipî of the two-cn this worid and the herser worid, (lé) battalion, nation arter nation. Up, allée A . - l'ri -n ail sorts of rumorsq flew @bout the 1 mditude aile] quiet reilciiiiig rouscil lier 1 griimifatliéýr's plantation Dois along the 0 ,rit out Nt] ' à meriau lily. . lipome your departed fricndq On, 'fui' Forward, ye roulis of Cod Al 1 town. bat hy tho- civile trie ictillo-y reached i boule, te. schieb il hier bssn .a .Iratg,-r, lu river and the »eu, just vihere trie wehrd Belonging to thiff roynI faufile of lilie. know mlilit yon do with their bodies? migbty! Lift art your tends, ye everiant- C 1 lie mater soltairis clair soctit fils- hercinit end the Clay. .bc mýettII.-r,,] né) Mell. 1 (bousin scene occurred. ami 1 L'Ilew the are the lily of the Nile. file .1alia'n lily, th, %Vhy bas God folanted goldtnrý] and wild ing gaies and let the conquerors course in! i the girl on chlore in a bout, peuple had The little village front chimtercet fiencalh 1 stury m lieu 1 wam a baby. At Certain Lady Waehinorton of frit- gierras. the Goid, flowers ifs flic fortes t and on the prairie, litellurrection! Resurrecti.n! reillicied the trsith. They luiel seen the d,ý the coo-fillés of the grcitt donjon xemieýd te) 1 #&-alésons tho-re la a wild. (Merici Mulla- en band lily. the Glant lily of Nerociul flic wherc Lut rentrait cye ever moi fiscal? lie And Au, 1 sivérist ail the restai flowen of , parture of the ('hilCIr,-i.'. Crumade, t w 0 lx- d-erted Ille most of ifs oci upants, ing to be heurt] along the beach. front Turk's cap lily, the Afrirais lily fron; th, 1-Intittý] client there for invisible finteili- the charmera and cathedrals of ail Christen- , days roIfore, with tio- miulritCg of hymoit, 1 h,,,igh the bons, ,if soumet g.-,sýrall), (Ji, or- Cape of Garni flotte. Ail tho-se liliex have 9""'«'>s to look nt n'tel admire, and when in- dont into one gront chain, ami with chat , and slow they oav, il» leader rettirsong M brofiècht th4-m ail rusé k !rotit f lit- fieliles. NUlcsý't illitil Illoriling. If lsn't t thé royal blond in their veins. But 1 Lake lisible intt-iligt-no-4-s coine te) book nt the chais, 1 bind the Faster morning of lm C prononcer te) the Turku. As they drew ni-or site cellule itscIf, the " v dinary melan of the Mets, but a mon the Iiiien of my test this nCorniug as Ili, "ild flovers ,If the wýI.î etid the table with trie clocting Easter or the worid's bis- ý IN'tI,-n the herticit and Ili. yC,.ithrCil ,e'tn- vio-re murpri-1 tu me.- chat "fil.- gosto- .:es ieiotiriifIil. Unt-artlIY [Inhalé. Mine of leur of ail flowers, and tkuoir voiCre of floral lands. %%>il[ theY not make excursion end tory-resurrection! %lay the Cod of pence 1 jooCum bu.] hecto .et "Ti téloire, .Ilh tricot ...le oisela. the dramé toldjose déeïon; while iny gratiolfatlier'm friends hall a scien- beanty ýrns tel addre.. os. .nying: -Céné. s" the flowers whi( ri Yoil have planteil in trial brought figaits front the deuil eue , coule a formai letter fruits frit- Turkiols, the porter. Who moually dozed toi hiss, lýiit-fi fin(. explicitation for If. but the riegroeils aider file lilies. consider tri,- aisalocas. cuit- affeturnte remenibrance of chient? Lord Jeans, chat grent Shepherd of the admirai, loragint AjIssý in who-Il lit- staied IJY trio' ,aisance. wjé ,lot to he Nas.n. sait] Il %vas trie death IN ail of trie Pasca- aider the souchéocias. comonder trie geraniumis ýVII(ýn 1 am dead. 1 -01,111 like Io have a obeep, through the blond of the covenaut, frit- ferais un véhith, elC)u-- lié- mould ri- Thiers. a. they cause fully ici flight. , 1 *1 coraider the ivies. consiolo-r the hyaciiithm' hartiffil of violets-nny one couler pluck nuake you perfect in every goud wourk to lento- the Christian childre-u chat liait fuir- Blans-1w uttervési a ,ry -of alécrin and grief , gou as. consolider the liplicatroisées, consider frit- mie- cricri, ont of the gras., or Munie une could do hiq will. ..Il coin hi e afin of hi., ý ]lit from the edge of the pond a water lily Copyright. l«. 4 band, , .g.CI,.Dýsl. a. .lie chic. ru-d t lot 1 auti grincerai Ile Clemesonded foc, ...,.I, t hier os r."."sC ,or soireoi C-InClaiCi.,Ià ami [oointed CI fi'.. il,,,,.-r. ý L.nbrevity in Shipe. attders." Witb deferetitia --nolhing rarely exjwnsive. no infésine dis. -*ý= -.-.-.-e..jzý.-.-,-ý. -ý-.-.-.:: l'.1, i.i,ýI.... or Kold, of Ili,- , Iii;sjz.. lhes, I-all nt trio. cééanwit of fil.. C'coule, front ', ICI, là : 'l'lie average trie ut a %%ýo4x](ýn shlp and intelligent .sud W.r.lil>ftCl oCoul., con .. - ... -::ýýý-..--::::.z,.ý-.-.ý.--.::.j 8 ider tilleuls. Not with insipid sentimoéon- play. lis soinctinfem ai fime-rad rites. where il il - Ii-gend Ktallll,-,] ton ficutésil thé, [,atelier of lhe .ICI vouitt ut huit- vvas subi to Ime fifteen yenra. rhims prob- . frit- dispissy talecet the brecul fréons the chil- l: SKORT SERMONS. cet ",Ili(-atm." frutti file I ' foliotai or with sophomorie vaporiiig, but ý . Il !1 illem, winch endisi lis il,.- véolol **dIlý-,Ct.," ably mas assumed as a roumis for humait- 1 grand und practicul atui eN*er%,I-iý directs lantitlis unir jétJe clothem, front their il, .,....-..Z..Zjj -----.-.-.-.-.----.. .-ý.ý-ý---'--ý-'.'.'-'-'-...'ý.. al.-alCCCbr ,*,I.iChy", trio v InilIg Iss-o Coon. Elest in tho'n' -boys frit' -ictàal of 4,8111 ' slave I)iirlý,ýs, yet a large pereentage or . - , 1 ni km. bol Aonsethinefrossi thàý grent dcin- --- -- --il firéCt lu file- duhy Ili jale.riii.). ici Sijj., ý élus ,,CýIl ustoivrstos-1, and (lit- girl faitt.,.ý(j nt woodolon schille flourisisest lunch longer and. .if need lie, homely usem, consulter ni", 'ýrtiC-y of flovers. Itather chars, imperial Trie Dortriuoý of Christ.-Do not bc 'l'lie valu, of the disent ici thmo- tissi,és v% am .flot h.--ilaté-.1 a., -lie go-1--,I- IL fiftecu yeurs. 1 quoie many in- esclaffé rite Col It.isémoifin Czar. 1 ilsk morne friglitened about pluising your faith to - . . i t Lia Snion .. v.i,ýof the FIcesours-ts. 1 1 ,ny hav liciped by gCsW glicout t.u dollars aloi a half ,if Coor - on.. lm .],.:..), Oh, hen'elà, if il , . lances of wooden sChips; whl(,Ij kept The floivers are the tiègi-is of th r oue wl:.m ci c . the doctrine of Chri8t or engaging in money ici gold; lent a. the- pro, ,if gold shotild lm- .ny ll,.,tls,.r: e . rues, serment or Christian decd, fi) bring fi sprig wu@ just thr- tîniem %viocs il lm slow, il'.. OICI 11-1-1à-1,,.,ý,l [,.,,C-Ci hil locad gl.I,,m- ! allusif an Incredible number of yearll, They ail have voiceo. Wheu frit. clouds 0 f a 1 fins or a handful ,if China limier%. Ilis mInistry because there are moule wu ]cri fer [",.,Iýrt, tillie- to ,orteil re- go surtout il yoti (Io not midercitand. ranctoué d.-ini,-ý1--Cl for ,tu IL - bild w-Co ý l'y- aile] tdghiy ont of every hucadré-el were apenk they Minorer, wheti trie mhirlwiiiIi., 1 tr il .m 1 Ilin about toi-Vecotý-tive dollars, as if wotild bc "NN'e nr«ý ail in thé, hands tof henvýil. ' coaigters. Tmo extraordinary lustanees @Peak th 'Y sert-nin. wbefi the cataracte; ý m joect for the departed clair cnouifort for t h, Il ta a great work. If lm the grentest tolisited lu our lituo-m. - - - - - - when the flý'%vers' living in lester. or floral gC,.I».I. pillow Yvork a mai) clin do.-Itev. tir. Poison, 'l'hi. --ellu, a siocil moto. toit in thé,- i:7ý 1 - 1 opeick they aIwný4 %%hisfé 1 stand locre of tl.%vers, Ineaninz rest for the pilgriiii l'r"byterinii, Princeton, N. .1. «layes. vé rien Morley m am vvry xd-art(». et Il il. ', ' ýý 1 1 " ý 1 ta interpret their message. Whist have .ri. lins got to the essor of bis jourispy. ',,il profil- 1 1 1 1 . ý ý you to May to us, 0 3'. ang,19 of thé> grass? Trie Light of the WorloI.--(ý lieu, y enough. , , 1>1 ý ýý 1 ý %rochor of flowers. suggesting the chri.- .t fer. M i t il f'l ;, ,ýý 1 . 1 This morning 1 Coeurs fi) discus, mliat î biels finit a sitar Ahuri rise leur of Jgeob lir aditnirnl*s 1, '. ., élan hoie %vicich we have as an atibor of l'hi» radit.g of t - .1 1 1 . flowers are good for. 'l'bat is iny subject, ,à the uý-s of thé- ,affli,111Y of Illé' C'h-Ilr"ts, - ' - . - s . - 1 the soul, mure nad fosteadfast. Croits of joua tri(- darknens of the earth. and (.r(.atsl stich ,a ,, elle ,if IV....J,;llg aloi .,fil . - - What a- flovoers good for? flowerm, souggestitur the frétée on which cour wben the dicy of Ils (Inwtiinz arrives 1 renisirk, ifs Ille firt place, thvy arc m lut a. hosui neve, I-ts meeso ici Marmeilles . Jus %vers, grain. If I huit my way, 1 Motild fruit star Io trie .%)n lit Hls slilen(lé)r, - 1 1 goud for le.ssi)ti.s of God'm providential ,,,v,, . p al] the dressuchésus aleeix>rm. wheth- and Iliat QksU trie SUIL of riglitt.0qisll(.S.ý, sitif-e thé. tinies ,if lit,- first , rusadc. when - t.. - M.- ý- Tl' nt wa' (Mirist*s tirst thouglit. , , car . er in golden handit-Il ensket or pine lx)-,r, fil(, light of trie world.-IiiAllop S4itttýr- Pete, the ilertint Joad prcw lid thé- ,voel, jý 1 111 11, il ", . .f le ri, 1 .. 1ýý . Al t Ne floivo-rs ,,C-tC. tel nýidr(ý,. lis In- ,, lietlier a kincl IDfLý1MOIeUffC (Ir routter'os 1,,, I.ý ,If il'.. laigrissi 1 , -, _- , day, .ayjtw: -Cool ,tir gi- ,on sipparel field. with radiant or scroirintie arbores- ,I)is(-CýlCiili:tn, ýN'ii,,Iiirigl,)ti 10. C. Pour Falhe-r Hildebrand. tri,- i-a&if- .if , ý , - .. 1 1 and food. %Ve have- "') %,IC,,-l . ,il Il ,,4i,ýlC e'.1o,ýe. The Bible misysi, "In the midost Of Trie Vested ('lioir.--'Fli(I %elsteel choir Ail, %ýnqd)ve.rmll..Ijll,.,i %cils Ilà, rCI)rf)Ctl),.N ý Ili - - .. . tu ilon, ni, lonsé, ,,,:IC lvhiýh 1. m-t-ave, t i effort lm a forwiird iiiC)Nýtýint-ilt in trie 1, t Ce Kanlt-ii chers, wam a sqi)ui(-htýr." 1 vi- mis of f.1t.C.,m ...col inotherqé desnalofing crie', w no mikle %%ith ,hidi to harv-f. ri,, me chat evry locinsi(her misoilit 4 in the factitif ilitessest or Christian dessiocracy: il vo. Ili olCloir.t,. aloi begau hi, 1-ýCiCé-CC-'. as h1ý .. 1tý t cCwCýCq, -Ih I%1,,ýlC te, df-:i,,, mater, toit . f a garden. ixéget grenier rt-%t-roýnC-e for the hour )sud dresoied, with thé- first Niel, lie fi ... k 1 ;Cul sink,.s (,tir il)irt vvith trie (lem, and un Fresuh -ïl. cmi feeds Ils "itil fil,. làC.C.ý9Cl ,if file. .,]a- ry-b.10 of Religions. and phie.t. or worochil), will bind trie .hin,ý, and Cod ha. :il)lar,-ICýd ci. vvith If you rocked nie the quemtion, --ýVbnt beurre; of C-101elleil flot only to trie Suis- But foi file. heIl, ,or Ili. tooCoe l'file ,:ý,u,,s 1 Z. -- i lire flowers gond for?- 1 Damwer, -For re- (Isly s(.1,4x)l, [)lit aise) to trie church mer- j'action, .h., êChérivéosi fil.. -ou. 1'oo1Co:ý ,, i 1 tour, troncs SIlI,,iý,Céi,, regahiv. We a re ,ui,,.,rtirg lier Cig.,l frien'l , hié 1. sh, had ý 4 -- ' ý 1 pr,,Ili,ýt,-,NC', .if aCtý-ýléllCt,- mardrolle "If I's"ioué synil)olislll." Have you Cývr 8tud. iires.- Ievv. J. 1'. lirtisliftigliaiii, Meth- - ý ' ý'-riptitral 'l'lie ilible is ,fil uni, shos, in confroistincs: loin. micon Il.. ý - 1 -ý, - - ý Cod se, clotliv'l il.. th, gris'. ,if the field ied .x flora"! - conservectory. uellost. (,Ij(.ag,), il, vous ilitigi(14-ritic -,lit bis ti-Ni, il is iérobst 1 ., . will hi, fief às"'Ils [C,ý,ý.ý Cloche cou () v,ý . nrborctuin. if in a divint The Itviiiiioii or ('lii*istCnlCsiii.--F,)r " blé. chat tic.- old ainsi vionhi hat- broko-o - - ý . 1 of little faith?- .',I,-Y, and v, oiý'i(,n . of il is a lirlinritini (if exoinimite lm-iiiity. Ir rew %tar.s thé-rtý bas been a domis and 'lied ,if Krio-f il, ýNli,ý'..Cll,-, e', - - 1- - - - - - worldly alixl,.ti,.ý, t.ll,,. this Illesage honte you want CI illustrate the lérevit * v (or the file Pasit .. ý - - --.-- - ---:ý7 - - with yCCC: Ilovi. !11119 lins Coci salien cure brightest humait lire, yon will .111ý)tt- front iii(>%týilli-iit amotturst earflest illeu or ail lie l'ad tako-là a -tC-1 . > beyond il. ý - - -- - - --, - - - -1 Jet,. -Nlan conseils forth am a floiver ait,] fini Blailoïn. de % .,à X. 'v't là il ,.ý,,,,tnýý, ' v ý - - - - - ý ý- ý- - eý- - - ý - 1 of yoti'! Quarier (if thv journey of lire? isetitolo)in." or3()ti ,ill Ciioýre front the vreetis mliié ri vk- Isolée niay end ln trie filet ilC.,er failed lier, tCICk- bas, ,Cils Io CI - - ý-ý . - . liait trie journP3 us lire? 'I'lirt-e-fli:irt,ý ré-uniéoit or Christo-ildolu. or lutté Pro- -r -- - - -- - - . -- tous li.iiýt. "ACI trie fl,é,,C-r of trie tield, No restant. haNe litt(-Itli)t,ý,l meure lisait %,Il, --, -ri-- ~'Ils, -aloi - 1-11oied on IhCý - - il),, jeluirney ,if life? ('ait yoii flot trust peoffi'. witil lier sw-t file.. aloi gi-tCtiCý A FUNERAII PROCESSION CANIE FORTII. hint flic réet .if thé, ,a, ? God oloos nul li, perisheth; frit- %vind iolissOli ovtér if, allé] ollo-e te, draft profe.sions of failli élu -y 1 - lit - - _ - _ - - - - promise yeoi filivillill, like croit m bit Il il)(. il im gone.- (Ir yon ,ill CiC,,,tC- fruits Imai ' là, w -IL ail illigist agréée. ILI.V. .1. ýý 1. ,ays chat th( ,egan fi, gie -n1ly for - ..ý , blé ,- ehéloi - Ici. -id. , Lo-t 11, zo fil illul ; go-, ily ln Sil'ils, ililly loi. vo-orth Roman enipeitir Illoi (,fi hi.« table nt vesse: 1 111 flesh tg gra's. :Cité] Ille goodlin , ' the ritiésoin of ilium,- children mito,, jour ý q,àire." ' -! CI ,,i.,,,, i ,:: g j1créé. 111 1,C.1,1*11:11*v. lCý.2 7, fi,, expé,ne-.7,410 nishIii,ý,aIcN' tolsgues--hot 1.ý,,.,,f lm il. trie flC.,., or thé. fit-ICU, 'O r II"ý""m- Itl'i');Ilk ('ektll()Iié>, I)allam, ('al- col, vivre tu,, J.,or te, InIý theu, Jus, k. ;.y CéloivIv ýI,1,:I.,C,.é"Ittl)"aCl 'Il, ý l . ý', Beléev Cains for Shield, s:lil,:él front fruit lie bas proinises] I, 1:Clýéý car, lot you. lie. you vvill quote front joint, (là, .[,.«tl.,. ,i'là, riIiIer nobles, iiýI.--,ýl, or ...... bo., m ý <Cf"«'; . . -ý,.4 the flouer of thv grass. so lie passeili Aillenalde toi (;,)CI.-'.%l lis lm alopliablé hnd gý,n, voisin cité, ('li.1.1rcC'ý Crumade, 1 e 'Coulb., 1 ... t hey C ... ihl ..Il "ý ,r S ri bas proinised %ou file ii,ýCý,,iti,éN, flot il,,. ý , - fi) GC"I lis his thonglits, yet Ise Lully not I le,- é ours, livarfi the soliiiii t.ýIliiisr ,,, il - 1 port v, ith il cargo tu lianiburg. . e luxuri(,S-Ilriýý1,1, flot C :ik(,. If Cod of) lux- a,,CCý - NN'iInt gratifié- Bible Ny[I't)Cliý,,I-' Ir bout disseililliating tirs helk.r., for mert. orily toi) cager fi) p:jý their tiC.,ri,.v . . Io i 'net M Il là 41 'et';' v . % g:"'ý front 'ast 'onth- tiriantly cloches tri,- gram of tri,. field. Mill , il)Cýii Ji.- 1,.-C-C)sii,-s responsible tu munie end gel bat-k frit- (-zilititýs lit one; loéit , 1 lI,11. m ur 1,éýli'.1.1 ,à funé-ral lI,é,ý,., w iil file ,lit fl,,,,.,s ,%fil sonst hé, dend. CI a I)riCgCit Clair Prince Saphadini )ciel foi . ý sý,i:!"Iooi!oz forili f,é ... C Ille gat... n'o 1 ,alt. :licol loure silo foo, Shields haillon lie .ut providéé for 3ou. bis living and in, sollatever (,art, pos saké, CI f chefs)' 'l'hongh carthly tribunal. Takhi, this Into -Il-- CIé.,iri,,-r. boltriiCg 11w bir ýoi choir >1C.,,Cl The N 11 mas ragiirz C.11 'l'yliCýill,-Iltll Jour; M"ffl chiléfirvis? rit- ,ill. orising nuit night pou baptisé, crient ni .,en trie .,iýCý,ý.-it>*. if fil.>, hoposi lié lC.,.. C . '1, CéVus (Ill'ý'fýIl Ilisoil frit- No woloh'r M.1-lis, Dither ahviys lind a - luiptisin will Coins, . ilivre 1.4 the C'assoit or Ille Al- - lIti.iIl,é.",Cf et'.. ,1.1.!I,..., le's. Ir,ýt,ýýl,,l I,ý, lé hor- I.-él 1,3 il eý-ý,ýéiti frit- SIIIII Stello lie C'cassé or trie sho m er, Ille Clay co.sitivrable ou font and buaring tri(- arne-r ,,[ il rock. est),] ]est. \N" ,Àiil, vous this flower on his mriting dé-sk for inspiration' :foi, be fi) theni a ,uiviissir ordinant,. Thvy illiglit . % ('t"Il sel ailitillIt Illuse %% lit, thiniz 1-Illisoint-il. chat the poor should iiiý-- their ' ha". loves] fatally ,,é.,ciC,].>,l voitil rite Lait, ,rongly ligailist Iiiiii.- Re%. .1. 1'. Eg- ,haut, illong voissit file ri, là. Ili- had ,,à 1 1 chat ma, ]est lis the « ,,.:ir IS->-.': ýN'ili il Thsough file cra-Iýs of frit, prison floor a t héàt cul thni. They lire 1,1ý-CýClitig Ilà,ir bert, ('otigri-giiiitoiiiiliFCt, .'%Iiilllk'III)L)I»[S, B litiolle lizol souk ,,fi lier kii,,-s 7it fil,, h, 1,,ýli,,%,(.Il front silo. vous ralig..Il chat. as rami as thé- C.Cossey ,,é'.1 11119 Il« . file I:,(.Ill chat flotter grt,%%ý silo tu ch,-r l'ivrioln. Inu CI pai 1. il Mlootéid lie -lit ont in :à ,,.s..ýi to , 'iglit and watolusi trio, provv.,,ois i,!,é, .,io, In I,:ýs 1)1.i)tiglit Cives. te) Englund N%,jjIý Park. trie .rrent t:«;kt,'i-r and explorer, huit lire away; they lire dý ing lit,%%-. The frit Nlinu - 11( il"i putlifi.-d. 4t, il C unie ,,Iý,,,I, lé, lie,-. 'i 1,Cýà) bis lire .u,,ýd by il Ilo, et. Ili. ousiCk (Il.. il granve ifs trie air iN thvir departilig and prouchéing finit he ut ... ]il -Iol ifs . , ! ,h, kii(ýn croit il vviis flot hvr'isCoilpýr iliat 1 a n 1 Pritice oe Oralige. ,;I1.1 finit ,he . acte,, Ilding spirits. Oh. ycs: ]ý'[é,,,Cýrs a le ,%fi latiniste and Prsonal Cod.-For oneris, to lie stliýé-tC41 bc lot. .ttC.%,C-ri,.g ý VIA, Illo-Il C.Iill,ý,t fil.. Prill- ,s NIu,ý.,s, in the deert tu Cri,,; 1-ot. .éý,ýilig a flower Imost Instants. Motanists 1,11 fi, fruit fuite thotisand yearm. preolous to trie 10 the money Né-ut. But no Christion mus ý hail Ilio-CI, but a flond ,If ,ClIi,ýIt 'q'; il , ,- 1 . lieur ter, if sil"gi-stdýtl (;,)(I's isitýrciftil cure a 1 Vo', rusbed over lier ifs mise- r,,ogioi: od Iýý r - hur fl.,%týrq I)rtýallit-. lhey cake nourihincist, tu tic allowed, In Ci isit file .-uiti".ý. finir là.. 1 ý , 1 , ICI'. :Il 2111 (.%e.lcl,. vo-as ,,Iltull,,It foi. . and lie' got tir, v, ith Do", c.tlraz(- and trav' birtil or Christ. \arloils florins est relig- gave solervils wariiiiig chat, if Clay r.ý.C-ts,ý ý fjitiiiýr's faorité- charger lis thé- ,tiiit; lit lov, (,Ili o'. al; site Nvlit-ii shé- .carrieil Ille eled nu te, s;lr&.tà,. 1 ,aid trio, flovver. art, t hey ent. they drink. They tire sciiilive. Jouit lwlllét hall beeu làl'opagateil and c.ýumV lie 1l'aul C;f. ho-oI ,,,rt,-K,-. ý rérince? For a 1111110q 1, of . %..:,,'q ufter- th, angebé of th, g,ýt,ý,. 1 nord sceov they Hicv have their idies aller disjikes. 'Fbey trie woréqltlp of matly gotis Imil largely ,vre att.-nilt.ýd, tri.- risissoins ,vould ' lit , nt 1 mleep, Ilivy Malle. They live ici fainilies* prevalled, Jour n Ith, trie vo-orshlp of gode nt once. and aU the ,hildren oooId osso . f lé r i C died: clisol 1,I.fýC,.. Ilo. j vard she vous otw of týii(-é-si ALiiiý'a are the evangels -If frit, sky. They have their iiii<-týs'ý)rs ait,] thrir de there were almo tIL(s1;4"ý%'tit) belleved and ,davery in trie fer Fast, ullerc tho-Y %ý.ill'i Dr,),, -.ion liait flilly In,.,.,I, f,ýll.,.,.,.ýl U.) 1 royal ya'.1ils, :file] %%*il,; reclioned a very If y.Il ilsk file th, question. -wlint are s(.ellilantg, thir hirth. 'thvir Initial. their never èCý- their boules agni .à. Air I;le vassuls of Ille cKtat' "Il 'l"Il. >Ile fast sailinir vessel. flovers gond for*!" 1 rempond. thY tire vradie. their grave. The zephyr rocks file trusted ID al, ilifillite acier perlonal Cod. Triose who %vere ransionced schwild h, belivICI a 1,1Ic(1,,-rC,1.,d figure, 1,ý-t,,C-.-., tu,, The (,filer instance lis chut of IL %.C.S,(ýl gond for th, 1,,!ýl:ii il;, * v . The bri (le toust une, and trie sauras digs the trench for the -Rev- 1) - Adalus, Nletl)()dls't, Brook- taken by lot, and in au sécher way. gave of lier motlicr'té Indices. finir kilo ,u lit-Il frit, Cognac loue là. as have illein on loq. lrC,%v. and Nhe sous t lécher. The comýNiii, confît lessive ifs gold, lyli. N. Y. ý Ille ýv't!.ký*Cýci cý)tlntt-gN. rocilloming file- bodi -ko, mhi have IhCýgn ifs lier Imiol. The marriage al- t lit- Isly ainsi lenve ifs silver, the roue fouet Equity and Itiglit.-%%*Iion we excita- chat the leader of the ,raticide, Coutit she vvas illiffat Ili ilIýý(;. Illay S;,Ill lie fur assoit fle cocred vokh triera. A vved- Stepheu, de N'aux. wu% to Lm' J'chi LOI th, of lier hlodiand tu il'£' gra%&'- ]cave its dité nei-klace of morning Ine conditions IsILorCéý ('10NelY. and test latit captive bad geme boule. Jélise drevo back -lit or sight. -lits cru. old i 11-odlng n'là' 'là g'-ul bealth 1 look Ist dits, vé itlouit trov, ers %votild lie as inappro- ci,. W, Datif tu déclic. So Me conte up, vie tbeni, not by a compîtrison with trie At firict the monry liens èdovv fi) conte; Imitait. who .e,,tiii-,l ta be C,,eýéý-,nip ý,,,,-,ý 1 ,,Cite Of lier in that year, wheil ,lie sailed prince as a .C-.],IiiC,: ý%*ilbout mincir. At promper, Me sprefoi Miraud, we die as the for the pareilles in 'ilar-eillé-9 living 1-biàéd)ý niore willi trie allume * uni] humiliation chat 1 front Senham barbus, coal Jalleu fur scut-h a finie thé,> ;il--- for congratulai j'on floiver-as trie dower! . pas t, but hy tilt- titietiiil)roitblsltig stand- merchances. thotiglit the riok of their éoa bail oCrývhoýIgne(l hin) when lie first hissé] illit,%%,I,ýil. lu collinjami of (-,nl)tlliil litit. nnd prophevies of pond. Sio lunch of the ards of c,111111Y s'sud 11ght. we must cou- children Wng passed over in trie lots ton, ed nt Nfarseilles and heurd the ni 1 toit ami %vas theu iduety fous, yvars rath%,ay of lire is vinvered art with thormés, Change and d"ay in ail arfuind 1 etée: lie cuir IL ide with me' fetin that, to put If luild1Y. tliese coutil. grésonst to permit fileta to risk triple mouey. calling for their childrest. Neither - 1 nid: luivillist belon huilt ;il Btirl(o8(itCl, Voe Otight fi) covvr the beginsfing with or- 0 t'ion Who changent of, ab irons do not jtàmtity our self-satistit-d But. thanks to the unweariel efforts of Blanehe désured to go forward. where lut') . . . ange Mussolini. Flowers aloo afford mighty symbolissé Hantg.inl7l)2. Sheuge(Ito carry brandy hénaliting of niuetiolonth century civiliza- Blanche and the puthessie appelle or thl might lie reco.-nized. till the foncier 1 tu France- nul[ .Ci thé,,- tintued lier an FI.«.ý. Al..Y. Avpr.peinte. of Christ. Who compared bitniolt to tbe --- :- -..--- - .il- -, - - ------ 1 tinn--Itat)t)l Charbon Fielâcher. Ile- TIR SUNDAY SERIOUS SUBJECTS CAREFULLV CONSIDERED. A acholarly Exposition of the Langsonsa -Theughta Worthy et Cellule imes«. tion-H.1f un H.Urle etiady et the scripture&-Timý Weti Speule., 'rhe le-ort fier A;ail 9, lit.. týýt or wbkh is john 12 1 llý,I, la, Anoint- itag ila 1 ta e i-V to the ,ýa- f trie- inirai.stry (if If the iii:g ar Laziarus ...... lirred some ligne in lare. or varly in 'it.iruli, there in an inr,-ral of %veeks lietween thsd; aloi the allointital: hy Mar - v; for the date el r the- lait.-r is detitaitel ' y fixied-"six dais 1. f',re the that la. Saturday o« il,,- %%eek. the day before the tri 1,.,l ent- The date in fixed hy se hed:- ,ee konnau the date of the hy Ili- full avion near the vernal ý,f [la. * , 1, :;Il) as April 1. Be- tll*-'ýý'a il"' -11 119 of L117.1111 11% and the allointing ý,t It,ýh:itiv there occurred sein- eral %elais aile] dis,:olirseý iii Judiiix. f« the lwaling if the ten lfperta 1 Luke 17: 11-l!)i. the pirable f the Phari- ..e., ;an.] ( la(- Publi.-au a Lake 18: W14), the I if little (Iiii-Ireri (Lake 18: 15-IU the eoiiverjition m ith the rich yoting ruW (Lake IS: the r.-lolke te, James and John. the hefflinir if il,.. blind men Deair Jerich., the , iit te, Zýa(, hýi,ýiý, etc. 1 xplianstory. savi-il": a lotrong indications riant as in the boit.- if a relative or intimate friend. There ix a tradition that Martha wns tnarried and that Simon wm ber husband: illiother liant %bc won bis mid- ligie hall.- retainiiig the nange, me it, doi-enseel maieter). Or courgie the» a re -A pataud of itatuwnt of iajikýnard, very ,os, Il ;" this "iiarei" i. said to be tà»7.. là(lifid iwirfurne, or leu oily nature. obtaimed - front art ludion plant. Ir i. nqentionj la the cla.siv ýriters a,, one of the coetlW« or Perr'illieil. Aroontiug Îth oil ofiave, oit ,a. linweral in aincient rimes. The rie lier a allait %vas the liner the quality ot th.- ail he ueied, and the more garofurge in quantity. sortie degree or aitainting Io ilime been riegarded ag-iierýmary te berilth, tel élooth, the kin after exposcurge ta the burningr suit and ta prellerve the of the muscles. Beyond thile. it was a luxury; and of course the une et -tly lýrftini" as lýs.ible only ta fige wealthy. »lard was contaiméd bu en alabstiter flaaik (Niatthew and Mark)ï, ýhi,-h in itx(,If liras a mark of luxury. Ir. l'as 8-nietinwg green %iiiai"ed thst tbM fanaily nt Bethany was a humble one. sud qhat (bis tlask or ointinent representired the one hýeirloom or the bouqehold, or the saw- ings of yearli. su tirait in pourintir the mut früely tiglon ber Maider's feet Mary une spending ber ait. There are nome thino te* indicate glatit this was not ther'cam, that the family were peuple of tome adille- enve. The number or mourners at the louerai of Lazarus la one point, espedaBy the fact that Jews came (i)renumably lignes Jeriixalern) among that number. Thie very gaassn4ý in jinother laint painting la riant direction. sinre neither the objectorge noir Jemiie mode any reference ta Maryib having begaared berselle by ber extrava- catieý-their [saint was riant aile outillât te have bellied the Pour; and the naturel W ferenre la that abc herself was mot peur. John nanles only Judalî; but Juda% th.ugh the firiat tu a" the finaneial teUy of the a busines. man himmen -moon got followers among bis fellow dW triple-, as we learn from Matthew a" %lark. We eanuot believe that el] of the twel%-t, joined lit; aeertainly John himne« vannait boire done loo. -Tlairee hundred pence": that la, 300 de- narii: about $70. but caillai la purchaidng lx- er al our j)riýs ta six or neveu tiý that sain. Oilly the very wealthy wouM aime a gaound or nard ta anoint the feet et a single guest, and then actif if he airegre a distinguida" lierson, a prince or gresait generai or fannous ruler. Fven in eur tinte, if a persan in ordinary riretkm;- statices were ta present "X) worth et cur flowers to a eie.t. il wetild be theuglit vtýry extravagant. yet the tiowërs woffl laxt for days, while the perfume 4£ thaïe nord la " a fleeting ideasure. This la the prarticai way of looking at it-judow laray. lit the thought of Jesus, and of ait traie follower. of bilai, the perfume or Mary's lerecions gift otitlaste the regain- ries. .T.hia six-alis concerrainar Judas Montait lit,- oilly -%ere word. that hé, urgerai la Ili., mlialv What rould bc more than titi- little iiin-iithe.i.-'*Tbie Ili- said, loir liait he i-ared for the pour. loit he mats a Olier, tirait havizag ille bac took amay %Nljitt was latit therpim," Nvitlivr .1-ils ilor John vould fini] it in Ili, lo-art la xpeak laitterly or xarrikstically ally [non, sinful, ex- rejet he lac a jbreteiiding; go be that mllicial lit, ýas taiet. Tho serenth l'erse rends somewhat dif- fvrent1Y lit the reviseil version: "Suffer ht'r la il tigiiiiiýt rite day of tas bury- i il ý,,. - Mark jarefares bath do» m liait adir We are Iiot ta suppose, t ha t Nlary ationited ber Main- ter :as one i% lait was shortly te) came ta bis drath. liait rallier thlit lier net. lierformed ,-lit -f pare adoration. bail il dýper and jl'o', 'ignificauve ta gain). "For the isoor al.,»s ye haýe wità illere ll:,ý lait a littie dispute abolit la iiii.,apialienti,,[I of th~ %votais lis ail incireinelit ta lxencvolenLý. la litalo' churelles it is a ciistoui-the oriain of %% hivh is tblest-tirt-to élitude these inutile te) rite collection for the pour %%hieh i. emilillouly taken Wore the Lord's sul)l»,r. Soine extreinely critieilli isereoiiti hav objected to this. beeaulge Jesus was not prinittrily rýoiiiniending charitable giving. l'lit rather calling et- relation to the ioilwrior virtue and graire. fiiiiieug of direct lieritoual miataistry ta hfim- selle. That is true; il la true that gale spo" the words ;as a reproeif to disingenumingla objevt.rý, ýuýing lit effect: **You profem ta lie %a anxioum about the pour; then why do 3(111 nul show your anxiety on ordicary eu evvry llay lire? Why do y« rargt-t ail tilaut then, until saine motwy i. pent in atiother may? Chârity ta the pour il, right and necostary. but illicite am other dulies as well%- The end %%as iiow rapidly approaching. This Saturday evt-iiiiiit or Rettiony marigot ltspu& licitv. "ie4-in[15- the astuaishment and eu- eý -10(

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