CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Apr 1899, p. 1

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INDEPENDENT. LAKE COIJNTY Vol. VII. No. 27. Libertyville. Lake Countv. Illinois, Friday. April 14. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. The Truth, The-Whole Truth AND1 NOTHINU BUT THE TRUTH. The strongest proof we can oive you of the absolute Truth of every statement we make is the cont n ued patronage, of our customers. We ask you to compare our Goods, Prices, Workmanship and Fit. with others, and cheerfully leave it to your sound business sense and able judge- ment to decide, if we do not menit your your orders. SANBORN & C05, TaiIorsland Haberdashers. Kaiser Block. e Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over LovelI'Dl'ug8torO noVze 75CM1iTO a Ao>i) 4O a . M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trriggs & Taylor's. -OUMS-- 1 to e& »au.m.Ito and 4. to aSP. m. llaldanae on rmdway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. A. L. TRAVIS. mou"S YL S aA. M. i To a AND>1 "TOà8P. M. Mptew l &tUhloià pmd tuthe trestmeul or chroulc Ithuiatlim. Rockefeller. - Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOU NG. Physiclan and Surgeon. aSSlamc OPOSiT LEMANMOT9L EL!. Gurnee- -- ----Illnos. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office over J. W. Butler's bldg ouras: t. 12&a.m. "a à los p. nm. DAILI Lbertyville. 111- - LibertYville. lit. 10 ibwvlllg111o01918. We the underaiguad, nominees nI the PeopleS. Par'fy ofthIe village ut Lîbertyville, lu order f0 correct cer- tain maielona rumnors vliirlibave ieen advanced sethlng forth that ftle cani- dates on .mald ticket are pledged upon certain quIestions vliîch Must uces- masiiy come betore the Village Bioard desire ho annouuce tbat we have ai- capted our repective nominiations vwitb atiuolutefy no pledges wliatrîoever and vs tortiier dmire to annionnlicettu, are unuterably oppoued ho flic cstab- iiahlng or adoptlng o uay aytifem ot millers or vater worka, anti! the vtera of this village bave expresucul their de- lire therefor by a majiorty of balînte eut ut au lection ield to aute upon that apecW.. quetion; aiau that we fa.or grantlng of licenseelah a figure ms M1gb au istelaposible for the villafge toasscure; and turther tavor uny andl Il lmprovemnta thut are vîflilo the Meung of the village b)eýellfing flic re- spective parts tbereîîf eîquallY, witliut lncumhering the tuaite wîfli dîlit.Sf lielieve the rate uftfalatiîii ieaied tîîr village purposes iahuuid nuf incri-ame )u bat 1tf»hfusiud Uc inafrlally Iî,werc il C'. H. Ai %fF i L L, Ei,c. L. Duis)', 2e2ROBEBT N. S 1ul. ______________________ Assessors at Work ù The asmsNors of varionis Tiivnilif ls Dr. E. V. HARVEY, lu Late ('ounity are âu)Ipoaed f0 ti, DENTIST. liard ah vont. Stipervl.îîr lit Ansem- ment@ Foote gof flic asesmorstu geflier ; OFFICE iui - IniWaifegan and gaveielcin fuit in- hohA. M. i te à andtu ta là atruttona, and nov flicy are at if. L Graystake Illinois. lruât dieeda and inrtgagesl aret affsessatle; grain onulband isnassesned c - - f0 vbuiever clamas fthe owncrsli ip. aud PAUL MacGUFFIN, even your money lu tihe aiit if yîîu àtforney and Counaseor ah Lav. are nlucky enougli tu have any. The PULC farmers 1dlamionds, if tiinndviii tic NOTARY asaUsLIC ad lis itra 1înidie. n mat- 07h05 zWiTu LàKS COI!iITY BANK , fe oy mîlaulIoneunstg Lbertyville, M lnois. dovu onthflicbecî-lîle. l'is ioew>lac l nas conter. ifta inu a iioan inter- HENR Z. URAN et in the îîevJerusalcm i e mîf a îY HENRY Z. uii~tm-'. taxes On1. AvIroaaZI? AU!>COUUSELLOR AT LAW, 1109 CHAMBEIf OF COMMIERCE. Wers in Error. CHICAGO.1 lu au exfract tnum an excelaige àitate andI Feierai lfeBld"uce: ,îpited lu tiiese columus moine fine, COURT@. Lais F or.T. luiro It vas sfafed fliaf real-ctate __________________________mortgages vere exempt fronti taxation. Lafer lniîiries prove flic tatemneot L113ERTVILLE .HOTEL,.etlrely lu error. We fEnd htl ui et ems« . mortgages are not exempt. su dount aeSsuvIW4vEi*ad . argue vitIS the usesor onu t iat point. DinIug.roOm Semrvke Firet Cus. ____ lleadquiref forTCralfaf andI Commercial Auction Sale Bilei. r.ravoeu. J'armera wbo confemplafe liaving W. A. DFANK. s uctions viii do veilIho remember fIat cor. Ii. Ave. ansuiCbrchi st.. 1w rn uto il ihnaus L91ERT 1 ILL. ILINIS.and dîspatoli. Our pricea are riglif and ve guyantee oun vonktof give W. B. SCHAEFFERS satisaction. Persoua laving suction NURSERY.- ibis printed t thia office recelvere one lle outb of Long (lrove P. 0.. Lute mention of their sale lunflieme coltinons Co.. 11.aud no paper lu Lake Couuty lias as; ,i.uîif2bdead ornamantal Tresîs.Grapoe lrgea irculation among tarmers as vne adUtiait FruitS. tci. aias laINEPBNDENT.if C . â f fJt~orn W. H. MILLE:R, TONSORIAL AXTIST, Whan you vaut a dlean ahuve or a sood uair ecl ilon --Bil." (tEOI<tE BRANDO OP CIQAU8. filat door f0 W. C. Trîlga Bhoe Stors -)n Sasu Mf. HihotioPeu everr day, eveulflàud Sonda, morina. LAKE.b COUNTY BANK .... Wright, Parkhurst & CO. Llbsxtvvilhs.Uuiois. isuelnterost-BeI.rlfl Certfi btes Payable on Dem.nd. We belleve Chamberlain'& Cougliý ltemedyla hue iest in tlie vnrld. A tev weeka ugo va auferci vîithlia severs coldad a troublesome coungl, and buvlng read their advertisemens lu our owu and other papers we pnxcbaaed a bottle ho uee if If wotld affect us. 1h cured un tietore flic boulie vas ore than haIt uanti. It is tbe beaf medicine out for coids aud couLgh.-Tlie Herald, Andersonvilie, Imd. For mile ly F. B. LoVBLL, Liberhyvile. J. Xf. BitAcHER, Gurue GRIAYSLARKE PHAEMACY, . L. WESTEii lIAi, Rltkoteller. ARE AT WORK. Lake Forest the Eastern Terminal of Elecfric Road. It Wîi ha sýiniîu-ing o! a surprisle to inany lpeoplle fu learti tfiIlie Chieagu & Foi Lait e lctric road vîli tart fri,m Lake Forcef. The road WinI enter thaf city flirougli flicAtrlulge prolîerty sîan uis fua pointt600ffeet nortli ut the N. %V. depot and idrectlY oppoisle the freiglitliouse uf that raîlroad. "ihe rly otbcr lroperty ho Uc encroacliedu nn InLake Forest la a filèii ot lanîd beloutging te the tniverwlty, liece- I cWin otetibe ueceu.ary tu git îoîîsent ofthtle clty lathi-rà f0 euti-r tht îla4ce. It wili be pomiuslîlto secîîro ail their rlglit-of- aay by ctîndeniautiuu proceedingfi If Lece-sary. Furflieriuoîre if le uof necessary for flie elcefri, road people t<u accure a francliise frum the board of super- visons s Nif aut their Intention tii liscefthei lighwaysi, but tO proceütd on xiîrtli fine of I buis. Attridgîi's pruîperty ti, lelegrtsiti iLoai, flience norfli- westerly fu lBoudttamidtfremin ondout f0 Libe»rfyvifie. Surveyorna are nov lt wvont ei.eiglng location îof hue from Lîierfyville nîrflwemterly, and wîfhlu a veekthfli 'lutire fini- vili bc deliitely located, alter chicli grade staien WinlieUc ac w ac ituai gyia4ug eomminued., ()neiofuthflc-raifroali officiais informa Us fliat onceethe riglif-of-way la fîc-rmalictiy I,îî'afcd 1in tilue Win lie lîîst in iiusii ùig thle ri.iif0 ocuiipletlon a flcth flca slre Tilufle)'out', oy uuio, i,,, fiii rao lif-dela3sn tliey lieelcincî Note Their Ad,. Dluinzg flic pastt fe w c-îks uîî Cî,funliu haie î'îutaitied the ada ut Soule oftoir ontif.riiigbusineas tuen and a liffie inivstigationi ou yiot pîartffîild tfiiî,P)bikeel) YOuufrjm tflic City tii buiy yiiar p~rig goudam. If 1s ofln13 to,,t r uc t it a iî,mInin lty Cali Uc- jutige i iîy hir Oewa> fler andi th- elit, rprisc iof lic- ir îchaiifs ly flic piatrîoiige otf lhine. ale1hniajurify of ,îur nîrclîauifare l, utctcrPrisinlg aiid jiillii aluitiîl andîlare alWayii ready tii asalat iii flic fbuilding up 0f their tîio M ifthluýi ii,'liafioi,u fn thi-.Ir fpart, I ii nî,ilfg muire tliau jusf anid rîglif that yiuui ,h,ii1ll atrouize liornein ierchlütns zi11it tl1foisway LaSBlst iil(ii1lig flüin placc ,,urvi lîlaigeil! a Iligli tliulil,9 Eb ofutLite. A t lier fliîîc- in b i bcrty vil h' Mrk§. liofît I3 i fii, lii' tîilylsîep flîril 7thli tii seaki'ii in ht oilier wîld a>li-re liain îîîî.I stiiuîritîg give llaei b joy atîl Is ai-e. lIt- e ihi-il - hiîîgf andlii uC1lO fi' t sis1r-cedi-d l'y a si-a re attaîk (A hîî'îrt tai iItre. frouil c iiich <io. i' i 'li e ft-rî'ioa'r- ig, a>m i lien îti sîldi-l3' rcica i-ilfier mutti'rirug .l ary kIl iîui)î'tlil bruiil sas boni in Neau N ,rk StatuI' iii iJiiailiici 'ilril Isu f. alio cas uuîrrlî'îiat flie age ut ta>it cl f' 'ira fiLui lt. ltay, adoif il l buisianu seffird iii Libertya'ilc- fuiwnshiiip iin15 c.-), ha'iog ru-sîcid fivre cuutiouii,ui- isule. shle iîîae,,s ur vîîîg lier a lhusliand elglity-tîîuîr years uif agi and live i-liibilrio C. . and Charles, uf suîliî'rIanul, lui : Mra. Mary Staples. lira. lov Webb ,aunl Mrs. Win. Warren, uot Liiier-yailliý, andl ail cere at flic funt-rai, îîh ici ca-s fieldl trunsthe. t1 o1oo1 Cli irel A pril i ifli - tcî. 1fr. calitaicl. iif'Ch icago, uîtlliýini ig. Dî'cec-8d asi ls îîa>uimuly cfloan, liain fe tr lu-r lamily anîl flirîe f0 vîjuini-uic ly ber ziiîhiurly 'and l iîving iiiterist hal ineareil lerseif. lier Ile c as a -hmii- h ti-" andl lier <loies lu thce boni, circle uc-re ssiili as ta iliîipnhiz- ler finie anud enc-rgy. Shle c'a> a ehî isýtiuiii ladly îîui luferesteul lu ail Chiristian îioeloeiui, affifiafiîig licrseit auitlitheflic liaersalisf dhurei. fiers masaa a 11h-ortliY amulafn. No Kacrillci fou greaf, no îtask hon ardlîoroiî for lier tri ioviug perforai for fliîîa ucar andl rîar. She btillded Weil i homle, flie eninoumfnfa ul chidli avere sueli as fu cause l nîeuuîîry f0 lie reverel, lier demime tc tic sizzcerely oiouruced. Wanted. Lake County Farm. 9 Have yîîuî a farta i selI, renit 0r 3exehange" If so îîddreas or comue an( setr ls. [foot vait for theiulzl season 1If yiifi sant a clty ilat buildilng, sfori uir bote!, uîîzîu a> tere tiffes are lîîveNtI gafed ticfore us prof erfy Iîailed. B. F f'iiL. i2i5i liciirii St. tf00111 s1u Vol canlo Erupfions Arc grand, buît skiîn eruptious robt Ilte ut juy. Bi-tfeu(,i's Arnica SafVe, cure fhin: isn nId, rîîuluîng auîd lcver sures, uluers,hlions, teluns, crrii, wrts, cuts, bruines, burns, sealuts, ebappeu bianda, ethilfains. Besf Pile cure ou, eartlî IDrivesout pains anti ache4. Onfy 25 cfai. a biox. cure gtarantced. solul liy F. flu LoVELu., Llberty- vii l B .I. Tio'trsoN, Grsyslake, druggists. E. W. PERKINS, lna most every neigbborhood there CATERER AND) CONFECTIONER. by Chiamberlainî'@ co1, choiera and nmnMnaIa Dîarrlioea Bemedy, or wlio lias een IlBREAD, c ired of cliroiîle dîsrlioea by the use CAKES. oî thaf medîcîne. Sncb esnamk HOI-199 it, ETC. & pint f eîîîng of ît whenever Orders for Cakes ud Pîtstry opportunlfy offers, lioplflg that it mSY Proanpiy Filfed. be the menusnui0faving other.flvep. For smle by. F. li. LovElýLL bertY- Libertyville, - Illinois. ville, j. il. BaEike lrflbO. GRAY#- L.ARE PiLAJIIIA, F. L. WlanTUA, Wiimuf wlio diedu a fev yeîîrs agu aged fi. 'Tlic aged voinan and muflier hiad ls iii and tliruugh ail flouse 58f or 5, years lier boneuas la en oui the olul tarui at Deertiell. flont tea>' omen in thec ciuuiy have fia cîf80ofailfhtily firiogli Nau mauuy iung jears lunflic suie oui home. iy fier continue(]l reideoce liere lie lias seen several gene-ratîonus corne andîlgoiand ier dc-te acîîuaînfanî'es arr mostaf utthen glune on betore lier. I lie deucaseul aas Miss Cfarissa Dciglh, rlaghter oi Ii real sud Sarahi liciglif, hîu Julie 18, f1812 iu Wîuiid. sur.iiiiuie cufuf3, N. 1 -She vas a lîneal descenrdanî t fJohln iviglt, ut liedllani, ase, tounder of flic pruum- inent New Englanîl tsmliy of that nonne. $fie aas marrueul ho Lymau Wiliuiot. 3lareh 13, l15,S65 ycars ago, auîd tbirea jears agotliey passlttheir fihh iweddiuîg snniversary fogether, a number 0f ycars fliat tcw people are given ho live fogef ler lI. lunf14ifdeceaseul emigrateulvitI lier family ho fhis colunfy rouing lîy teaiu ho Bffialo, vliere fhey fransterredl fhe feama f0 5a steauiitoat anud took plisage for Chilcago. From fliena they druve tii Deeriield wvlere t heY aPeut flic ne- fmaluder uft tfucr lives. rTo Mr. and Mirs. imot were tioru leven clilîdren, twoofutwlo ied lu intancy. Niue arc tf iiglttereul far aparf. Tliere cere six moens andI tive daugliters. r Teieaiiiiwas iclul from fthe Deer- i IfridPreahyterlan clînrel W ednic-sday taffernuuui ah 2 o'clocit, Iev. Pfanstiel tiy Rey. G. L. Wrcnu. Job Printlflg. if yoiî vaut hsudbifis, if you waut anvelopes, if you vaut coloreul voit, if you aut tbusiness carda. if yon vaut neat bilîl leada, if you vaut tassy letter licads, if yon vaut nice viaîfhng cards. it yiîu vaut vedding Invitat ions, if yoti vaut any tînî f nj ob vont, Leave joUr orderSaifthIe INDEPENIJENT office and have themn execuhed luthe fluet imammer and in the siortet Uief possible. Bismarck$ Iron Nerve Waa the reault o! bis splendid belth. fudomîluable yl sud remsndoue energy are uot found vhare tomaci, livar, kidnaysansd bovols are ou&ni order. If you vaut thoe aqualitiel ad the aucceau thay brins, uas Dr Kings NewvLIle Pilla. They develoi eary power of brin ald body. Oufi 26 ei t stIr.B. Loviza., LibervlIl 1 Y. -resiring fî ii înti f ii- s , aiitii flIliniits ini i8-1, lif wch Iiituili ie h lu 187,5 at ia ii akre, ii111 S p r in g Rfockefeller luIo 1.37. LIII at the olhlomie in iiiaiiuI ldaki' Eighf rliildrrui huss itha nc s Hr- - m m m b Mrs. Cuooer dulil et. 1e reý Ieaving siîrvivilig lier I a I i I six rliildrezi e, iîîîy. andur g- Thomnas Cooufper hie,1at l r Ilinis Ari 3 110 a(A'eeuyAnd if you are ini need of a years. Alaso ut iictgell u11l l.itIuuu new Iiariiess or renairs on lii miadei rii-uica auhicrlieIii- niaer 1i1.t scttlinzg lu fI is i-un try 1> heu il:t a a ne, it aYun Rilailittjý ifthe old ones, 1 can f ix you aul Iiug îî giid fariner ad auiige'r, lie aveuinnliif coi îîtrabml suiit of out cneaply and proniptiy. thîs vorîlS gîuoîi s. 1'i iali 3 * iit<r lie liail tîruîeul fomar tenitiii, o i t ,l il lite lii- ilrciied t,, rf-t irei- roi tuli aUus iîîiie8îîf tarinî lileii-suf f1 iiGuarantee rny Vsork and L bis leclin lîg yeîîra ti resa îîîîîh lile! Monumients cri raiuiiul fienu i Stock, and can make right j Viiet decîls, unlilîfi îîl'îet Pu,. uit thneisngriilcrîioiiiîi'itluuuîiPrices on Good Hand-Made memuîry c-zîslriiîrîîllu tOc liuart'o u Goods. luveu nues îînd lri,'iiihi cli,, un c uIt bellilo .u et. î 9h s iol zl)eîit I hîiUa Couper ias fet.Ii Ilire, a-i u t IhieC h s K sei apprîaclilng nîglit, auhic-fi îies hetîreC h s K a er thec dawiugculf tii' uuiaîy, lic bureî-8 flic suiierings oft flat terrnibleu- ulcae. LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLINOS ueîlinoiîî, i.îicufiilingly. MnT. Cooe îîîîefayessurs lvintg tbilu)i <ui.soun and flîrce dîightîrs. ifia tîîle, ou t ioike fecilur, preii-cil a ifting louerai sermniruaWc-lisîiî Arl5teiluOgizilig flic iicjartcit aud CONNECTS WITH fils exempiary lite. A largoeeîrtugc uof romîains te Diamouu Lakte couiefcry " '"'> ~. fJ1Vi . viiere f bey were inferreil witlîfihAfrithoaead URTv.U initial impresslfe cercmonj. ADIAiIONDLocalMan At Reat.Long Distance Service Funceral vas hiefl Saturîhauy trîui St. &nl aIl Townuaunid Cîties reaclieuf Uy ftle Cbicago Teleplione G&. Patrcta» ehrircli, Chicaguo. iferiucn FOR A NOMINAL SUM. lui Lte Forest cerncfcry. If uâijîcss men cannof ailord ho be vithouh a hlephone troni a bfinse Mrs. P. W. Syduor, ueariY UiIoaiil tîîndpoinh. Tbey are Ilecoming salbusineîss nocesalhty. r ite ut P. W. Syuhnîîr suif <uîlesft iFr ternis sort parficulars addres- Tdaugliter of Michaael anîl the lutc t:iici Lake County Telepnone Co.. 0 3n ,of IRendent, II fl. iiI at lier eborne in Chicago Tliursîlîy, tînîi ;j letyil.Ii 1899. 1- - . _ h. b, 01 r. lu dd nChicagoî tîir lst 1>191't IS% 5 jeans. A buabanul andl f lre chilîireil rise loEo'S> n e 0 yean, Farni surf Firnude on. jaS survive ber: Water, îîgîd ix year. Woman'a Home Cîîmpaniou one jear, Farta Journal tireyn Helen, aged flirea years: and Lii yard, and fvo books -IS&antha sh Saratoga" andl *'Samaahha Am tIhe baby boy thirteen days olul. 5150 a>the ltretiren, - bout of ftend'a miiurn lierr nutiîeiy demiae. as %alie sa wvoîian luvedbailtal vuo knew ber. NN NIMIMl M.s mm ..a~ * Frea Mail Dollverv. For some tîme patilie guverument lias hec!] fesflng the rural free dcllvery syshens lInfthe Sathes of Mchlgan, Indi- alla, Iowa and IlliniOs. l'lie present pointae'if distribntillUiin Miclilgan are lteinoi Harb)or, (Climax, Owoiso, Ridge- way, Southi Haven, Tipton and tlie na- rnue uelivery tlirongb vessels frontlDe- troilt. ln Indilana the rural delivery poinhe are Alliefy, Crawfordvillie, Daleavlle, Dlcpli, Darliugton, Eafon. Frankfort, Hope, Labanon, Nîîncle, Newcastle, Noblenvilla, New ichmondl, Parker, Rilchmond, Stlem and other polnts. lu fIowa à auccesfUl service la nov lu worklng order trom Brooklyn, Burlington, Eldors, Frulfland, Mount Pleasaauh. Moraing Son, New Providence and Webster CtY. lu Illinoia the tolloving ix points bave sn fier been namad: Auburn, Diialî. Mfgnoila, Orlon, Princeville and Victoria, Tbe sentiment ln agrîruffural comn- munitiea vbere the experîment lias been trie l is nov no atrongly lunIfs lavor fliaf any atempt te discontinue it woulul excite vIde @preati opposition. Let us bave free rural mail delîvery. TO Lake County Teachers. 1h.i folluwlng ltter front supt. Marvîn explalua tuel!. l.iiTOiil1,iEiiU. a. .-.~fcasbrA atilthe ici>an moeib lii e ruainl la un axoellit iiw, and îlLîîi. 'c mi y, miiîîld fa- velI repr!s. tit-l lt thfi. ,n..tln,îg Larg.- deleaatle.e îteî ioIi în'itiîie- rtraiahother uuiti-,,hii tti'-i. f l iîli, ari willl aot -If.uîr rii-e.tipllr i Sîi i . Au exceptîoniaily sfrolîg Ilct ot laceturera have been soeureul tu addresa tlie association,.lIon. Alfred Bayliss, Stafa Superluteudent and 1fr. Arnold 'l?împklna, of Chunipaigu, need no introduction te the feacliers ut Illinois. Dr. E. Bejamin Andrewm, ut Chicago, lian a national rep9tatlun as au eîltîcator and publie speaker. Williami A. Gýuayle, of Indianapolis, la une ut fthe great men of the landl as a speaker anîd thinker. lu apeaklnig of lits dis- tingulslied abillty on thie plafforni, flio. A. J. iieverldge, U. S. senatoir eleet, froni Indiana, saysa Dr. quayle iii one ofthfle mont remarkialle urators luth flie'nted State." 'ile belleve the addraases to gay .itling o!flihe general program. vîill more titan repay tearbers for attend- lng. The session lasÏé tbreaî days April 27, 28 anî 29, andl tbis years econvent ion ufthfli NrthernIi llinoisîa i cachera Associationîii vl ecclise ailtlireviî,îis Laya D)own Her Burden. At 12 1 ocluck Monday at lier fouie lit Deerleld octirred flic deafli ni Mrs. Lymani M ilmot, aged m7 yearA, one uif flii-oldlet undlearlles4t sett fers i Lake THE SUPERVISORS.T Makeusi 0f New Board. Six New Mem'bers. wT E R B N oi Lake UCoiuity cil l rgalize a w .AR E CO IIN G. bard adthere ciiili bemi i die d u lr hri giit e rv. S r gh r I n lu d e d i i th e o r g a i ) iou , . S , î-on ( l A I l r h r i n i h r c . p î i e e 2 A t t h e m o s t the, faittiful oneseli w retire tý, malle i it i ,juslt O roUi id tthe Coiier. V ive, iinoy 1 a lil urrv or two way fur ftle ueIy elctîl. aheaîl-l{îît Spîi-iig 0f lir. Th~le nea board it tml l-we urgalieil wil eUI cî 'f tic at flfl!QO flflfofli mort, -tîîigly üe n than the Uae Av,«olDE SO IIIIIIIal' altiji brli,........ D vdAlrsJr. . . . Arth r Cokeý. Sll(,i(lil:vatit- inthe 1atet idiade.............. 38C Ç O J.K. Ilt,îrt....... ... il ikegail Li -l R. D. W$Y nn..........itikiiî Ifîe1m îîtheir vtrious weiiveq................ 50C to $1.00 C. B. Eestuîn . . ...ý leeurtIlîl toi n1ltits, foi- Chljdre liits Dresses .................... . 12 James Mrleu)nil... ert ý W. . Hgari icrîîiî Findings, Llnings and Dressmakers Materlals. D. Huntingtolî.î...Elî M. Alm. an............ Sîî pring-time Readiness and an Invitation as J. A. Mioe...........L. Vryvil W. E. Milrlerîl..............« Libeod s h Sor fr outoconei S. L. Slmpso1,9.... ..........Alifî,sîhîSoe oryu o onei J.ore M. Sîcîhîis............wortad okArud (;,rg . Slej)heyi4..............ewprendLoknou .. . ayer........ --- -warîîf H. .A.N Meyery.............Ariîiiu George Walt..ý............Gait There are six oc-w ',îIîervlaulrll.1 .Bower succeda sJ. iZ. DalY, î, 12 P tinliber of the board V. fi. Ilîlige OUSIE ESTABLISH EO NOV. 25.16. retire,, in tavor of IL ID. %Wyni. k, WAUKE...-ILLINOIS. LPOENO.10. A. W. Fletcher, ot lligliaîîîl 'iitr is suceedeul by JauiesmflDuoal,.NMr. ' , r . ~maber end viil lte.________________________________ E. 1. Neville. of Avon, aîtliîriiaýS t,, malace rouotafur Suîpcrvliîr ei't S. I, lII-LI.U c Carîleld. M r. Nevilile, f,,o 1104 ih I weililiki-dbyl3ai with mai i Iul,îu'iIli 1e ~IlIlI.Ç ' in contact tili lig Ii.,lI,11 file îlE luil tue board and hic, ,,rk.-, fsc 'lecil ap) fI iated George Bl. bStelîlicri, Presîîlt If t ), A r e O M CB I D E 4 Miliburi Mîtlîal Fîrelîurii, Compîany is thc er fronr~ l t r,î Newport chomecn to 8tlîîceîîlfth, 'lcii Their Sugperiority oe other Machines tuwemnsî,Tuativ01fhatiuw. l" has been demonstrated a thousand times. H. c. W. Meyer îuucetl' C.iL. Tlioziuas as Suerviser frî,rn fr, îli)Iî,t. Mr. Thonias lias aise bl.ii a faitîfill servant, and was ii credit fil, ithe t!] , lie repreaelited. Jamleil Aiidlt-snù. ut f, ^'iî, ~ Shilelds wai,s lecteiltid u'îclliîiel It je runînred tflat tf li lîîîirlai i ' muetefcluire long lft îlrgkiiizc. iiffhîîigli - titS lit , ocsuî,frefîfîre illtii illet belor Jn.uly. Muet bu Piblished. 'r'ownsltill, treaBaguitr-tIq"lred a law U) putil ai astatlinent uf riceifîfs nwqqm, . -l'7 and d Islîureintm 01iflids ol> 1 ti- .... s,-loul d itriîýt8 andi 01f ilie iaisl ii flid. The plcple Rl1i,,uulîl knoîî Corne in and see the famnous and a> lueref i- li t andl Uhc touwnslip scliîîl treaaîîtrcs wîîîî fait tto î'înllî]Y reliable McCorrnick Mowers and wjitil he1rvs181l01 0'~fci a;i lit,' idr.Get prices here Mortuary. 'rhuomas C:oofuîr auas olur in S,,rflîlk- - s l i î r e , E u g l a o i l , I n l m- f a J l 'ie r , l i t 'eB R Y I L . I L rellîdeil until lic camne t,, A feli LBRY LL.I. 1 ;ý

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