mRANCES WILLARD HOSPITAL USES PE-RU-NA FORý CATARRH 0F THE STOMACH. PAESIDENTIAL ROL.L OALL. lenge te villain <anton to te "trial 1ty - I ombt" Il bwas then a àlegal way ot Cplare Dola.', chai. Iabookea cm.deci(dutug air issue- nt Iawv: overbrew bien,. til a Girl Was BoraH Eandti haily rei-,ted his inleritnc. James Monro foIRe livedl for more Tir v dh n i trtn o 1than ffiy yenre on the foialmlLe bougbl I... th r taur i it lies hua e ls tqtrl lu 1835. lie w,. a VirginiRti, and, bav- Les-t teptitti i in-l< givréie in ebis anrds, lng uwnenl a liat-boat un the James tithie ol,î -r,,ntele, tront w hiftOret Hivier, was known as t(altain." lie h' 'otgend [N lq ? ma a trlotle Atîerlean. and fis am- Il INvîté,ui i. w lith> mare ntholiei Arc you frequently hotrseP ae te 'elet tule trianslaîte fer ou r taî,-ndmri-aders, tR Doyubv htenyn hey were boys..lie ived tluseceelghtif 1 nio thiin-,ttoi, ut un-utth mlia ofde- Do you have hai mnoylng Presldentl*î ,neeakes grtîw Dts about '-nI-i i ,t , u t tckling la your îhrostP Would film. lie usirai 10 ay flt ailsin amly déo t. I ll]1hid obrta YOU ICeI rellcVed if you could os part ofthlie iistry of 1118 countîry. ma ilo otvigooihetrit. rase somehlng? Does your Stiangers and neiglubors wiiu tayed i iTr liCrtné i cough annoy you 5st mght, end ailnigt u iiataiii DtotIn rnitu r i)i:tli ig,the lpubu r iti.-égo do youralem e mucusil olherterl(,loffi1"If l: gii, i,9.,. the morning? tents front WashIlngton tu Van Burein, Cfi Then you should rlwGys keep inelndlug tLe latter. îarly every mourts Copyrlitti. on hand a boulie of Iug. Tire lt farierii livres vwere iroad, sud lie ttase tufutthe- ire!tat-VLEO AJU FRS tie kinge oftftlet j'art ot tile counitry. , - Hetîe I a i-enflytriiot glM<~ ~ "ide Raîngs, ot Pr icciinthie Different i boys ot(.Orly tor the- w urk u h-of ... liretl- es ii .,it,. iit dey. Thte Louse, Ilke -most fariiiotin,-aI-ear i-v(11fi orflitua! Ime, wasa adoublie îog true- mBy ui bute a a[g.. l ture, wlb fan ctry IîEt-wen, which IL- pr..-î--r,'-îit liig ftot ,i-i,lî- ,, r,îrdra Pntry Obi Captalin )ola n t ve ry k,'I'EI IXinititt- rao l leio iItics -r 11il sabii le.tIt I l îîtttî-tîlnt a0;1, ulock and t-îîl-tl the rul Blanche î,î,. kly ,î,tier-di. anioiitg thé-1tiittheT uîrkîihîprlice -, i-,II ai-v of tlt- ht t abb,-n '1-ftor e S, iupl.,of li- tf thre l'rc-aildeutin lît., nere sre i n i ou i-term. a teil, tertà l.,eliig leight, dIîllyn. andtinldldeteriffnet, el ~îl sls- re's!t t r ir t tlit- s iei , fc î ii g-,i..l I (,lie ti-ng ut flc housne. ,,r tuaiy ye :ire wth a Laîtglt> . disagrt-tiulle ituiiitîîer, on., if, fit l,î ,livtcg in thé a- uîrke-t ni E;l,1t. î.eîratI.î-it:],> I... lîtglî Li 1) it- I itg- tLefulowîugrul-cli annirlcîy î-rcctguized tilie, ,- vît, as t. i-S l ithi..ou wiiug for any toe î.îî rou, I i,o tu$t0t tot.'*Ltrsn). Atfair îa.t io! re p u c .éie o uteodrgvn d m . otid miî,te kulin,,er ttiot h i runr le ltiilt.itt, l tno irit- gi-ci: or ladt avi ay. ft-arrduianud ,ilii-. I t 1t!, -tten 'the 3u, t1 uo rk oftuit 1istt--te,.ti 'tal tg.t.'V ni l iehd cotoe tu, tbit, ties, fili si it.ilittî Io.. nté,, t- t urut-d leu, utau tutI uhin, 'o $ 1 eliltil -y a iiilrlote tut:' L, ytlltg ia n t La tR tuCtht- roandcrttîdt- uf thLe childrt-n, t he i-le vt.t ri i . ite slaves. .tijielté),pr..o- i tI i u uîh ne-,tit. ra I f you havc a we exix-tetl t Io aut. ir onîîtire Ihird oetbht-rtatli-r luad rfaletstt.alutrniiigt-r. lat,,lltu- faitlie'Iithetif îeuîrtit- t,,nuii., -atThis-gruat i-n tî. ,î,ot .,f v,,liî- F, t-ai a e cak c l. and wh,-lîi lat oti u uLe lird fui ir n,.ther vt nllt , lt.i. t'ttitt.l a iti. raitîî,lisat on t-nL-,..f tite t.ery failtiî rt-t-it.lis ir-t trui tIhe 1-..tiry iniv,.'riluIlu troat you cannot be m îl,, eonuîantl. 'C,,Iî..alir. tiltue stuc telutinuthe- rtll nttrid. anscoite asthe focrowinch tIlieLd madih>%.tali-ntthi rout. thie- tilii lprouintg tlsit fr grewtIo as car-dut. You canci begin ,î,î t A ndi t-n t i,it fanirvt-tl-t oerai o asnituter. iIf pr Stoîeieu ohu. itg, litflerit, d Iltii.ý, i rt vi..sne-on,frtont rtaî n îrcaîimcnit o c arly. Eich -'Julun Adams,. jlnis ir ejinu, Pour llan. hi- knew o-.-ltrninigtirth at.. atutu,,-motît(onli. Hildeburaon sat î,ii-er arl,ïonit luti it u ..l..oh, hgît.r-sth ie1 coldmake youmoreliabe Aiauiu Ccinue.airtîni- lulie II 'by the fatsions,înitc Liw.' titer mti ise-t., .igit îof i yoarn nithe r-iîr- l-i-'ati-rilr cold mlitesYOU M M ligle Alant#' ouleair, itue o bc nt. aur lber millehtr tld itîhont thot- llofinft, t, hi-,Iilit- liait oéecu -bject -%et i.- a ii, eetrilie.p toeanother, end te lest John Ailunîn liedI ananertI té)aflsi-statue t.,hieh ierh,-n h,tlhen uvi nt. tir i,'git tii- fioie If the-c iii.Ti,'re art- tiureteltîuî,rtatil grades ot one ts always barder ta u lice thîrd ail. Thte-rol.-uitinu-d, fui heir. butnsse nhr hec- tl iiat îi Ste- Tn, biirBlanche owas lefIt atit-in the sablIi Iuttîilu:r,i-t gît.en dulerenI cure tiantihe onc bdforc il. utatd thle guat., vohi -arI-i llt-patn,-d a-phewt.,én d, 1 thc i-vt. renéttthel t ut n .îî s ui ot h the fi.nit lverntî it ,,u i:nDmeurîuuii, f or tu [.i-f-dstin-t ctiloni. Tiret t,-r I wax fllahea t bat thlire t.', t-rtWo cu Ie ily titir -ami t. n,,stn de %'Qai,,lo c hui.ial, m yn dînt îîg,î.iîîi-lierr-îfottr luo u t lais tabiile lot Donulei ~* IIttSS~tU ~ t~li n.auniltwî, al net-nsiirte ta nl>, utfthe linuitandsidcanî. -ut,- . r.n.lî-il titat mienue o...isa idber lîituî11,lbt i .lili tr ptelatiige- ottilue a " M ftek fl eu cmus tti- thlie Johns wuuî always cllet.i Thun tflie. noue foiit.-r lien1,r tut de lrtht r alite or ut-ad. if t-ie lits,] '..ité, pîîiî-li:nékutik.o, i J,luin Adoutun. anthécolie ,hr Johlîn Qulu rclait.-hîrnef ift(r,,-Il tu-i.-ttthehiir i-tii-,siifo. tegnatrtce.S-it. fthsia t-y. Ont- Jaut-e wx eait-d b>- bilaDamue, tlha! the Stefflitî-tliéi- tvii-ltytbt ought Ilit t h-st-ilddy, Pi tiéail h ut I tiro-k if lt- b-îtuiealt-lr$3.,Str- ton at i nta Hidp at4.I . teobeHwsiiii. wiiild conte btak . 1, t l mceed L,* 4 ouim Tj e Ie thérlent getine stiaiblefuir. This e liave aey rompiaiel ý,an Berien ilrl ~it l ic-ilI nrsion britop; tint tier mot- ir, . tin . g soiru ,io Plntgrimé t ta Joi-antnlor tre brtt-.iod hpilsniiif er'k-atâti intlongMrotait o-uteuiî,araatirt11,.1-ouly teîuitivclyte atit Ie w.h et nddeire tt î tt tnliuunloo I, the a uiflonhtkeu, u le totfe iu'na i n hr tuwn outéeroib-. tntiDiit ioroitltlier",-utît -,and tîsthrIre ti-fursii'tsAe edra dniynl- ad 1u 2tiibiave tiliea. lie wnae a Whiag, sud toit.ard hoitie alutîi uf it- r; andI iliii t.. un. Vian etrcka satlout luil. îtuîtlîd ri frî-ttctuîly ".t iooanlm$10. uni7 yobtain, write thet dottast I ona bRititer plli1tuttanue une Of i amoen-ilite,- . uat. ti rut.if confuinuthet.-rer tu> travel eafi-Irlun i-t.ry CIluit 'trten tir te ni-Iiliteiiit1iefor the frecly. Von wii reoeiva àC btynu-n A tu,ir-Jacuîksn,u.itlie haled nt at iîsi eimnt, lth(- theutr oidiiw, t.t. li tinoounttry tlhotutuy tiuîutu-Y. lfr uti utti-trîltrtaat prompt reply. -V'ii îîl Buron. flitwî-nir. le n-dd ,lat id thluglut lutr-ilf Iluili-u.t, rtine, t -t.anl-uoîti-l haaietîrreusanuistin lia animl 'h,- tte-tirppl u itsteni Addreaa, DR. J. C. AVER. -tîtu éiittbrtakhti-licain, 1Two y>--eurs hirnda îîpglî e-hailin, Ii iui n - tbriti-, (iil(i 'ualrstn irhsIsi oroi rn )1 rpe i( 1101 I, M& a ftî'r Martinlu a ure-nmad veul tiL-r.-et tt uî-ai i a i binu. il-igitir-t iiillntî-lt the uxvn. ator t. î-.i.og it-i iiiItiturv tî oua ia.,tlî traagrltilîlir ittlt-ti- ondf riUmrirbr a ýnfudthoui 'Ate l].stn mrel henxtlant » iat- . 'r or isi s y n iil h d tirs then. Il l ii tu. 1 . i i- t i ngtttC îîî i er t t l ue - i ,et -thon tlu-lg- os tuir,.n n i i veabetmIe -t.i Ba m5arruieg -la.Nusi a llure. Umman e.w n man Sltn> lcaaune tflic fait'lunt the girl hi-hîii-o tvt-Il a u.;'d il iatic ,te , vit.eriaIare e,.., Sc'eîa iid Btl -il h' s-arfs t.ttlit.fuir ratnge un plin-e Nlarriiig.- in Tittefllur,.for tir(-u, and l îîthîîr faîii t tagrte una visitastotudu t.> t-inn' the iilhri.ii- L izai. tît tht- tity o oýt -ttinoi.Ivl. thiI-rîtuî$0îînî i letîttXtt aI ia t -ifo Iirtiatitiictt. ia Iar ni> ain(-. AMtlais.- iî o v-t. -r. tht-mr tier wa-uadeterranéi -oultîcilune. a i tl lit - n tui thLe ponne-î-iitiof t ti te rt-li 01111 lat- 1,ht-Ni-.-i, itle ai n i- lntervit-t.nig gave et.-y. aisuéi] ti- ambîi.îî, t Uu lt-.-itio f thlBt.%i é t .-iin. t.t. bt-lt h Vie caI tiocaror- (itimnus soistltt O- 12t1f4aut Ile ltti-IOsuail is-le . Nt(.l u--n - ltiuiotii-i, iii uitilit nig lion-tttrs ~ ti-il"Lurlaio-untheut-n iit-tne îdrecitiyior i. luttu tluc.' nodrîîaîlr.,îîîd,-r liail-ilsiutslieto îî,î- it îuier U)I tl iis i viaca 1tt i n i aI ti.~ ti-~ tt î t-i î îî L bn itr al lti a' -lieWa m re t t gr'a>- tiufie. pulie nln ait],,, ii-itin d il.- ' iu i 1 Co irif'ilînt ..t ipti-iI ( if tigltitctht-e llttlt tlt iri trt-îun i-t. ti r te wwprilltîulgliil-îi]tiiendtil-ngiiglt-ernbtertuti lg ftrIh ut dore tiitt.t, b.' o iiit.anid oiiriii: tu r iht.tit-y liîadtnoorti t..)ilritve-fritîtitte -of lemui-nut tbLecouttr>-prouitcl og tLe tiiitt tatiit-r i~~~~~~~~~~~~.lit lu. lhle out or the hbtnesiii'Y laîi it .ong ccculuiîîl Il> tv.ualtru-ltttt- t-Iiv of lanititsabisi t Ililtil- fitiii ittlhéi-111 ut-rlierthern ocre lu the Cotitî-derateta ilhiont a eh,ttuftluotir tIlhitiatu, C,,iieutî,a.niiimet t ir) the- Lat- 'iiire i nth lluttî iaore Imiposé- wt u. dic. viiiiutiit nttl,-iul r n- ,r la--,îu tu r' rit, endIlitr maitletr mis at naii.lid. Ht- preti-aitli- s ,ibleit, turestin îoth. ituî.uepre if lIli taîl. tant gt-.uiîng.,,t.wve.r. îît-un-eng ,tn Briulle or *iri yIîi- l îiti tcri>- [tf.-.-titi -r 'm sli il le o etn «o p ue h-i é Il n uri lle er i elo h is aéfcd r o.nutt bsI u h he a g grac iithr;rls 1Im Nirity Ulat utliltIlt- iuitn.-nttad aîomaceitdl-lsit t h- boa'nt tire- r it lo i ed v- t a- thi afi îîli.t-gfoIn 1-d i-,,I. itti.îinss , ot bu- hiforstirec it-rtiii ror,-fi - luîiî rg. aus ci l n al r i ta dli r n ttutîl %%riî- a nlir> Ct ilal t- o tuuua eal l in ,- citeigit .lie i - libr> i ,,îl il ha t i uît. iàI ieraté)ta i,- I n trcIllet îni,sr-i ît iti- i al î~ -gln înîurn nIi-rtt,îtîrr t. -i-- iitrouî Ccolllt-ie n ('rît-a-i it it I ronsiii i 11t-fiitc j ir ilmîîî-i(.e1thal l eî,îaiiîl,-,lalut-r t.. at.î-t b u -i.itett-te ot moretic fu it whei hîl ckei lt.'ciiiii tniff hi, i., ut tI ut ti.'cit-ortp.sit ,~ iltitti blone, l mtîîîhtte ett ieti are. té lt-t.i,î-n et it-a .-. t- I, li i o t c-e II t t-r tID maluula r tufh. t.iaicou try. fauttiil>. îzr«- l titutiiitt rte.i tliitt tm st 1I I mg ain. 5 tt' iprofia i,.' a e , lc ol and u -iwîître -lic e,- . ar-nu tt--' ti lu e i,îtt d foriiî t thefaut> rlt 1 i net I.,ill i --te It t ,I lt î,ît t 1ail.I riltliggui.îiit'-t'iîo tg-r>tu- ntti'rlttl ttil fr th ah n itir.. Nire.>! l'-y GrinO! 'ieui- tl-iii hi- li-t-iI frîtlier ivît li-r rI ui',înttaatjn.itit - %%as t >tirîitai-ro,,--, atu i 'liist kihlisi. th olivn rnc n- ae TyGrls0 TiGan-! leh, trf,îtlo, châdiiiîit. tait.î,iiî-tutlis , îîthe iu,în aa bouît. li.: Iiiiritt,.oind lt - Ru-tubiriown établit -, hictiila ftt- r-n ii 'r t t-et it tf tn , i Adi Jour (i oer teday 1ta bow lin a .lue t iglitt ti.toulit for tlî.t w eo r --,l tlî-hv i i on t he rninI i s' n,' 1 ii lardiîP. file niitit tXt e i li t.e tif :tii. ca, Thirectilit(if ra) imug pacliegeof (t iA iN-n, th.acoatwfooddridnak ,, hd,-t uto tavecit.t- la-tt r-i --lntaAnt.(if ht-c joturtat'> au the ,l,,i Io.' t'itu titî'1 wpoi fted rks is tféie w, ii-t îîîîi libttv,-î-n t i- tigen î.tif 1 tua'bt aie the plaoeou roffee. Theo cbii- f- I tht- i,.corirut tue ,torikonntryofnrtroin ail et-n-rai os-eth@y rink I li whoutiî iajor IL . aftlng y, ni-Iloi'o i tie i "tVa.-,îa -tinîîtiul-t.îîtr>ut lue ofTii rh-i th- ui-Ilp - o igl etu le (t)ion tir 0, if lut i totn 25 aontdI li. 2 MAI N-O bas tiet inneaat bmown f iet thulit, b isîo ii il r i-r tilhi iii. lf-- i .i i l-anntu -t." te rmintittl ti.atîr- J re noionte tvcphltii1i)i-ltlta utut ofItînt l- l-%ti-i.( :11 aind %- i'2i.4,t1Il Mehraana..bat ifn mamde frottepar, as.ltt hînîCltitli--tiii,flti t oos i.nt-lurulte ii Iiii1. -9ilong in -t'ourntîi ht-r Illout. lways tht- ftr bayes, who profits. o$ 100 tiifront V. to 4o. . t t,,t it -.ft-i , g-fi ie. elthe oent dehecat. .utsnaeh rs" aolituu n ualit-ihâlaiis -. tita i hn i , réy e-l li.,' er Stt-îhri. Site'liition..i hor, -luis e Jpour- trapptLer, tiist.ons t temoueîy 49ttitî o Itttan rt in.45 111 i4, -t %if i aithnýsu 2 ts et pacage tiof!jornent or rthr bis', ul. y usiî.t. tii thestte of Priitie Suî.haiiî ,wiuld nmeal urs i'ittu lmignotrantg one méd ii i y u t.i lstiflthé-Iii ISrýi b i -ers. nd erh ,aii i(tb rig t.> i -u. - gratitud is t i an-i l .trd -1 ,of rtacut valutes andtit i tt-i fori- titit- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u lit.r-i hai rte.Li.tiriacni m. aloii"ti ht-.tld tlte Ttti-h ucsht'-tilit.ail leta ixeti jrlît-. t.t-h inIneivarlatlly WItW h id aDruThe léoare Icycle. lie.l,, u tîl li, the moisit ttInit L.î1ean giitigéatt, o. mi' ,,îgaugo-tib> the- valiseeoutftucpoosresl flot(gin.- theta e o ofre 14.1TIi.- r tbcceee-r butl os Of îîî,-. lhe iît naut-i,ii thei-ni î.î, .,ii i.i..ho luera-nttof stîren-tgh - tic Sapik Is yotu tieti the mat wfod driat t-suen tt'e î.rîdt o ttf îun Aîu,î-rî. -ouve'ntrtsiestnt-a, la ititi,- iitie.ahi-trttu-rt.tî,i atuî. il sert-ei, ait,1 lu-i-t îînîîc- iltati. ii4a Il it tItndcote astd cou nun-l-ul] olîn i .îîlIt (ni od, îrtI iotug jiuc1i ent-occt- leiinîtii i-t' lhn itssi alié] lit,. endî lyiiiii -velli tingit.. att-- hutVansotai-e illîage i r-on te Lpper Cousu. Ia. endt ilic 1 rciaffre. The Iî-tiatl- na- oa rt îetni ttrninof is a duiirit.thie t-t le. a ftiiof prtctiontuontthe iituruiv-NIy-tth>tligtatt L up- mare iraun-O loisîivît'houe hidrea the.on dîuîh n. l'.t(eIfv. ltheii iivailtlia.aglestuiii-iitsoiititthne o ec -- atone eatiFou dietnutnte iuuenieirir titing. Tut- t.v-ei-uEnd a i caiirtuniti'i- putatiu>în tilthi- ljiai ,.,inseible i).-t,-Jet.iat-tiu. t.r ch., math et. i-- tt t ultitt ist-i ui-ey ft-iyt lta lu nty niaIent.. Mrin-0 I. maile of pare griln. t-nce,,ot firir ulv- ferst.-an td t.t. i thtti cvi-> t l ig ci,li i i.,f tiré-o ay. ani- ise i .ît ' urfi-,-,,,Frnstle-, lg isî u t .. tot luiil-t uoftire 1pop1ulattion :Diit ,hen Jptn ly irepatene aies a hile t.tili iIIugIe-IIt tuitre. uighten n-hi-8 n ii lou f lt-i1,1*-.t î,iu i i u , ni Va n-ut-ttt -ttt d. îîfi .uuu- lu -ltg t- -ral i ierst . lu-t Ili ituatlt>din' th. chauire gradle nfcoller, but cosie ,elt u a rqet3m, iinbigg riut l". se maoch. Ahi gmt-er oeîil. s . tiau5tCe li atitîu-e tuîî-il -.îuîilirt-ad aurr,,uîiîîib> i>shie- ,at,- m ,.u t ,cri>-i-,- tîu,î-. iarri.-d t-f. fur titii,,e .> lb,-hé>unaio n t- t 'ut uutîî irer,- otnllrrlans i-tr- ened 25. 1 t. finitîlroolsUtt rt i ie gigat 11i sauo. ih. drink ng t.. th Liiuit dbi h ii-t, . aucrttet ti t oi ,Iinrn t.. Luilifentu-t the Tîirkinh rit-> - tthi- t.valut- Iîicartulng as the 1de 'Vanlux. tri-i. ld Iti tit fusil lau-tai atrott iri-itr; t.t.Iii t,,ulîlliel, ht-n a pint r a t tain augrunter aitgi-t- c- îtrpunen,-y. Alit ,it. 1fMasser'. SnecilC.. lutéa a tui- u--ti ..aii-iouiîtthetiit-îuthile. ltit lo utso elcn. eii li utuI Fi .t uuuî ia nuuai tttt rî tîîî rri - i on uutiii.' t î i iî' Ii-cynr Bei- rra . îrî iam r cadi n t.wli-h lit. a'It liit effi,arkt'i, bail ' li,a thi t'> seut l i,! uBoue plia.. U' ntîalit.e al - n t.. -ar.nmtulue c,'iuîtteui ghiîttii> uuiutt. uCerc dae- t u,.u tii-e, gre l ai;t dai-at bis, Lcmat. rd asont trti i, i) l its .(i-u tlii h ai, Viaa itiiniflntt.. nsî-.rtoi f t th rca oini béic a-t,.eran t I-t .i.,LInli.I a i enip hîa l,-tt .ing .l, îc-e thi. tie uttt. uft. liar tttt no i o h T i"ti of-tin i t- tu- tuutî.> ui thu- ti utiti->-,es ut 't ml-titi Il.-.-> ilus, iu îce. n azer Dcil Ca, Lait i-t, h.- nsdiig.lie ft.,îîilitii,îîach fuiu,n Ilu et-t-y iintance the utesage came MtititaIltlet tot-e-iul nt.ittiiuii,4-un1 it lleti tOf i 1c. ii-nî' vii-t ..o.' t.t tiiler- It- &i. e a., ntsi efntb rtabiiivse l o-ktu *i( om n w st i.alw i l(n h rol h ra v ir i s le ei gitutu-'n ý,Illicîh tttaîlu, i îiu ilt tiit i u.n(n..a-,,ric l ttathirat bordî lîl dlui-tail...iti t-i t f, l-a taI lit.- sin:, ..u o l-ulitti lît u -it tt r-ii îîîtui i- %lie finewîug <inîti elvitilnuit'.t.-istau-dnt, athe a ltd-f, I M aij.,llet l, tii'.it t iii. th.>tgi io iilt-t, w svial.nit-'. Etti,(.fileittfhis tulm ouin -tut-t-a ýi4-ilrut-in uttu lt tI roi.-tl'aiS-. tnli lie 1.-noir li ii' uî,uuti,-,. ftiu- l ane liil nu espt,îioi ai Illu JYltht- îîî-îl tr .îio f t Iliota- l'ieoa Curce titi- lonttnuptîon ia urnoi r ne No ' Il ulittain Iiit i înî,kvI-n ltt r .si i af1u - i,c.t nt lll-i-n .. a, I i îutut unthut tit-hé- tn gl in t ial,-u.îuuîfieu,,uulng fo edine ft iii-oghs ,îid t'I'lt. r. <Il gulu tothi i-lvttî'.t iilt.l--,ct-- tit- ietthi-eîîuuî -.1 lotVitî.îînuit- nrntart liotunifuircel, iitii-.Ilîh tt-t.con,îî n ti u-sîî,i Itlu.-t.lltg- Betîle.439 bthist'e . Denver. Cut, Noir. oc. i.tthe ia hos i,-nî. ii- I-i jl , ruutii tit'ri.%,o tuciaiutit-dt.thei- an ti-re tui-t uit ut lin tr,h~. tiges CougitiRE LeadahIo Cunsuhitpttion dcîî' (a-ut.,. th- tins ue ii-t--tut .,o iît ît.i.i-c t,n tuts caudtîu-i-gît , t Ilut-ir toffti:1 la . h ut tu.,tr-t ru Rempt aBaui scili ttop the cu i t Ceterotnughfl xroi ioq etii -vr eti pti uttr.riito i Iii lnaio s uti,,li étr Ligtii ii nl i le t tet. once. Go le roui- dnuignt to-day eand cet (-adtiul ii l .iS,-> t, va it ît. le in t btcltei îa.u And atsu thei-loueti gtl ait o btil tu uîî.u. i i l..,, î'î t- , t - i Ilia Itle î,imo uritr ,0eiî l,, aio'tti ,a ample itttie fi-c. Stubil ln 25 ad '10 heu> i i -iutiîu theii- initotl.,-ie titert> .nu an h-ttc giI .nn lut'i t tîut ,att-i t.ii- Lt-oi ttIf l', - t,,s t c re hi-l l i lîuu t-lttbarttes. (ta et in-o, dricynare daa- lie in ii i.,ou -tniiuitu in tht-e n-tc "- hlî l"u it tchi-'r i-tlt-oe. n'bc oWîiiih n-i" 1-trY ,i.i tii '-ut 1101,P1i4 tf, lire-. tilth y i it l i t inu' 111 ttif lt't :.-ti , gt,-ouu. t1,uieProse.(.-r lu Ni-. o- Yurkin tt th i lun butei ,. h eur at i nl fi', ilut snt Oan. a t'n,ni- s -i t ooi iug aloui illi-u t,to l Titt - u b> IIliu ia a,! lItuttR tn lî(f t he tro i tî- t t,.- t lieImitetnt t-iocl outIh e nain e ut t-tiI A tnitn late t.t> i . tt i-ular i) tL, wci-t-founi~l ti elo, otat it t ilti TeLt-iion éwr uNwYr -n Vihu s,îîîîu-tiîuascln-oîc -tnitaintu Itro Sutan Szuîhidim. îtu utoi,.ttt i î.î-t.ît feu-tI-e. If iliii- Oties -idlau uatit vu iat.utiati ti-ghitly th(> rîod tir.îgu te vnc. At ]amit tutuicifotîiuc yt-nrteateI l. Itemsli titi.tainf itit ugtht-lttoiler. pallie an titi-o t lhi-fatat itsba,,rges-. t t at1t-i-or tariti tIt tî, stut. uat. 'iThe fon ., .,tu,-o.glai of aRO' ettitpri-tc ofttht- Cittdretia Crut ie]cnssstfliitii hi ar leant. t! wuild îîîîo.titi>nt ié 'outfIliute - ch t-ttiitt' oftAntutt .- itn.Ittion. and i.cguuîîauu iig uthink i.itrti,,--bail t-ide', Blaniche -de-Vaux i-auht-jJerîttia- h ff fliic- -> ttiIot.t. tu.liitiott protecttiotuuthe iLaîtinstîctur itîi.t-î .t unst- 1etrte ntîu- tult.ttueinjudgu-ui tiie liiia,-ctrtueur . le,m.atî.ll>'demanded] attaudience offictht- t-: îutî-.uuttîuîg lituir thuiila rIgIi, - cnseti- li t uscctt-ie t aj tt- îuîîîthte suit an. She wViad initté t bis hnprît. ulon tétrtte ivck, OandiiIn-nultut'ilig EALTH and beautY ara the glornea of pet-tact womnafl. aa that i tetîn tic %'utu rouîghît.>u the- rcrt Ocevitti lttire u niilicit>- ehanne Iluei- bttdit-n w iIIt, iitturI- otif i.itiI)i hood. roctde quistea nuuun-n utf isun mna~t-- itst tulie iosit-uti ut tieta ,inyt.t hliand civIto u,,. A-' tad tutisaiuu ahge- Honnwh ufr constantly wth weaktusspeculinr anma, ohtuîn lit qtîatîred in the rtntmet he bcucan,- mttveru-igut. Saphadiit the lmalaiu>sth tire hn Sinopii. gi- beauty Pa-eervatun cf tht-e i le Voitx rîtnian. t,h ir, r-ilTuik inditill fîi u-re-eî,ot e0utthi- K.ti-aril>' eiu,-yau gi-ttutf.,uîiltI to tîeir sez cannot retaun theurbaty sr vaioeo au; intrthierd-t'Il iithe ohole gar-taon iat. ttu)qgiu a)t a (', id th.- pretty feaitures and rounded fonm is won de,-otet-- fii. p ~ our- jîîgriîîî a hlbitu-a ti Chitiatniuabod orlare puits. 1.1k.-ture -tr't.iiI ai duty wumen Désie te themselves.'rhcn.t. leti Bltanc.he- n hermtorthier >et t'ihibtrd tuolber Istituttioniiofut lIizi-tIlite,.lil ttlu. re- The mi-k f e,îeasîe ninthîysut- TuE rnre aViay t 'tautiiclu,I auotig the tAtirait he huunîiy reconîize'i. ililt,,vtsorttif uts-tii faceEcf te> îug toi-aine the ntî nut iaetlh.tîtliînnîhoîuau o Luealise- ering is a familiai-oneeinthaesth of ftots:hlid frir sti, tilatt-îlaonthe rnumant,.il,ie'-. tutiiil girl t, iu, lnd at.,.i llierstht Wnti-ui Oymut 'le Chiner, young Americatt women. wi~g q tîhout woicîh ite boiuu>iitit touh1id nul bc lin, wh-u n i,,ice frîîm tlicu ich tf tht- Tnt-o cotutti->' i-gyu-uvu laigri-t-ai Dont vwait, youttg woteen, unti Aiuawed t turt-lii- isIoi,(.aso iati cruel criitatiu-ctota ai conias ehle spoietto t-xeiiutgi' ,îutIîitn on a.ucetinuidate. yu odlosai-e gone pasM tDU ~ tht- îîanb anti ei7ned tht- ranteie e r. solnei fnsuo aiew ,tfn.tiuc tsaytht- S>rttt-i- Standalurdl. ieu ycur goodlooka pa Teca ~~ar~DuEEw of 'Vaîtx.deehaciuug hitnit tht-réoutu. antd Ihaîghtt> ttipriice 'Detteirl into teara t -titîth t alle tt-u,,lh ît.ting nItflan an Conanit Mrs. Pinkinatti at the out- lspnoiatmtagihrial bit cousnuSteithetu Lad the iatbrlic otury t lutr -.ufi-ig., tîti' îotîîîiet'îté) tliti-oui.-gaon ou tLe sita-It. Write ta her at Lyne. Mass.s een ienh.y theT'ui-ht-,.o-ich munet-éc otld bLt-nhc ahutl hauat n>-gft acat.i. itati.titlu îu-t. Muis DNA ELLIS. HgginspoMt.Ohio. twrites:. DLAt R Ms. pIe beut-teduIte oui-jouta ri chlMon t-t.fur. PINKHAS-1 amna achool teacher and bad suffered untold agony lihe atnt. Blancheplenatît-tlon for reut-fret-inat. yti-i - t.(eu re-tiiit nidutîters.,t Lave during my menstrltal perioda for ten yeurs. My net-voua aya. As noua an lue i-t]hadccnmliined in ht-r bruthîer. anud Stiiadin actitutfon hinut uiveun.utht- It'insuii-tofttallng that on ti a lotawreck. 1 fee ihpi nM iead purpese. tht- no,courut.natuuonitug tht- once.amudnitureorts]totht- ain is t ins-t. t t St(tY icy te ,-..ZachirlahB. tam aa imua a aîaierd wih pin l myaideand pretene tut affe'ctionî,fur ir acousttin t that htr Steplinn.theo .n-e bri-lliau ntitg t.'b îîy uy lii itreai fuir you. Now ni ng liad almot every il humant flesh ils Le bi ltit u.till iehnganitud puat-stnaiau u taiu~t tif iiittit-t.tnm a haggard duit. î,un -i-rséotutIlyltue Na. 489, That AO- bcîr ta I1 ha-d takefl trea±itmeflt from A tht- confie and blaotît iVux,. tuned<tient otuecitril lave. o-ho led îen touainug ontiti Day %%'ll Stîrtly Corne." ntnmber of physicians wbo gavre me out of tht- hatne tht-y hadltjoyetlI nu long. the- t.,ntiui-at4,,nutfJtrunlem. dggaag Auj f utk in hlme in ime ho dis- co relef. la fact 0one andl cooll uilet'tiret,.if Ibe; tienteil t.>o--île cnmying lutne; LhIvkn utf5atoi-o gel bock. ta mabe a pigritî,uge to Jenusa- tLe tîasnsa,.driveté ,, hIli% oun tder the- nuit-r wL; tire. -îrgatlon tumilei emmet apcllstaid - - '.d-ht- L n -e1 utStIthea truen la-ui titer de; tili ail tht-line and la, SAPOLI Framnce'% U» ef'Tobacce l was recenhl; estimatent by M. Le- clair. the- sta-tiaticlaa. that lu France th-ie are about 6,.000,000 ernoieri end that out or erer; fitteen emoiers elght tht- cigarette. TLe lotal ceaumption Insu o lmsa of cigarettes le France dnrleg 1M9 was b'b& 1194 muhlde or 807,000.000 a day, SiM iagnsat% 3.70.000> au Lout, 62,000 a mnete, and.sot u h about 1,200 a second. AIl tht-se cigar- ettes planed t-nil to end le a lUne onld f ~ l CN' reacit 514 timesa aioued tht- oorld.CTAT Waste of WVater. Ie Phlauielpbla an exîniment was recently made lu deterte ne tht- waste_0aqu of wnter le tht- nlty. A test was made on tLe bouses hu two s et-te whin hu- eluded nean; 000 lehuablante it was founil thal 171) gallons cd water per hl u- UWO hnabitant st-t-e expeuded-Iut nannot Le.. CURE GONSTPi salil utt-,. Thls Ie abouth tour har-cesol*- la ton eacb pt-i-on-maitntetly a great OolU S dÇ~ wRete. 0f th- 179 ilotî oly twanty. _____________ tour gallons ot-re utilîzetI. ai eeta-! lhec Cla-n h Ce.aia uee-.ey A mencury a-it attrqiy iletray lth.eeun" ai smrell anti acmpieteiy ilerane tut. whoie ejeten, a-lipe calenaIl ltiuraugb bathnirons sace. tIRet, artile S euuatu.ueerho seul encepl aon pneirrpttnn troua nepuItaithuhnCusuta. li. daat- hle)wili do lu teefaiilio th teaod n t-an IJ..aby de rhom then.,HleCtri de.,t0..etht an tu- autti us .talioen'Inter ne aulattugiin i'tiy upe tht Liadnui. î t- uit" ialctt. ohfhtIlle tet1 . u tuiiig Halln ('atar- th o non iuta mugel tle et-nîtn@. It 1% lai- iatnaui.dati atis la TunieoOloby F J.ttuac> CaTesutmniltrf-u. e M uIdb D-itS.a Ilstue colie Tw- Great1, ruthn.. ut tua; lake a long turne to leanh your nouasit-ue Ihat yoau a cLedîntateai to, Lbut tltutu Le dune If ;on keep at I. Reptutunent a merely thtmelng satte's et-Idunce on oneeif lu esnape- tht- fuhll nli'itu-tofutpunlehanont Ptink. Football a Crîhne. Foot-hall wae a nrien uEnglanud dur- lng tht- reige of Heur; VIII. Laao's Fasally Medicine Mavos lthe inowois eacn day. la orde- le b ine altliy tiîs haecesary. Acta geetly on ltelver and iideeya. Curas alci heailaurie, Prie25 and 50c, To-et; fit-e yearn ego tiue Unitedi Suites produneai 70 pe-r cent of tht- t- tue or tht- oi-ld; to-day ait- protluces 85 pt-r cet-e. ofthtie woiid*o noton. 680t-but £rAIBLION à YOUR owU Rtnd "Tino Cota Belt," a 1haa1d11 moathly paper.aaifyIiihad contaiamangexact Mdi trotinl li... lie. shoutrot aI ade a ino beWeai SSdm 25 ceats in $ote tmplegar ymr 'às ninciptica 1 TasCORNsBas,:, sep Adamse St.,- Chicago. ?a Cure a Cetla nOne Day Talto Laxative iomno Quinine Tahieta. AU dnugginta retond thetu eîoît>,f it tailla luus RE D 25 The genuineebu L. B. Q. une.eeetiaeaseSet-nima Stockigs tiere ti-st useil lu AIw i., e .rAh eierenth cenlty. Bt-fui-bt- hutcloth UIý- hle 1%tmd IL'n Landages o-,-re u8eil ou the feet. t.i. m t-s e elim&A .a tfi.h lita p-caie Mi-àWtaaie@Md à eme s ,55, ta, CbltetaW, . I y- htsa. fs cSa10 te" d.M Ceaa1-iiSh., I lrc the &a t , h1cm de, Il cooest OQ re than litheo~ a&No wuLL EEP YOU DRY.. pai ln heba "e tel Y ai 5h5lq2".* THE FRANCES WILLARD HIOSPITAL, CHIICAGO. ILL- Mi, Geari-gana Dean wan tan Ibree sintan. 1 havre eeunome vemy neeiaîika -nrs miccionni- le Libemia tunden the M.bLe curceet ofcae-tstn yryhtinalo 0M- E. Chureh foth-e tinraining nechooinlatarrit ut the t-sonach. ohere Pc-ru-n-ai hîvego. Atter ht-n returnabche tudied tht- oui; midicitt ne ed.1cnsldor lt aming. graunting frein the preentleiable mediine- nrnccs E. 'iilavd Natienal Tempernece t;EOIuIANA DEAIL Hospital ut Chicagu. She le au enlhusu- The symplnmn utft-star-bal dispaedL Rtic fnueiud nf Pe -nu na, as in cvideut area CeatetI toague pain or beavy teella nom the li-ten, a inte elomacli. Leching oet aa, d@ Chicagio. Ili., Jnn. 20. 18110. beai, sontime, iteadache, de.rîaade Pe-nu-na Dcng %If'g Cao.,Columu.O.: feelings. 088,ut nppt-tite. pahpht&ttoate Gentliena Yu il1 Le glnd te kuow efthlie heurt and urre-gllacit; o et in owel& th happy netis u itaincil trnm the ue Seuil ton a tnte Ltbokwritten hi Dr. tf Pt-ru-na amtiug thc patienta under llartmn, eutilieil "Ilealith ndi Beaeg." t; carse ohenever prencriheil b; tLe pin;- Addroee Dm. Iterînan, Columbhue, 0LI "ARE YOU GOING TO BWILD'i" LU~i==UUE=i W. wIII selt you Lumnber, Doors, Windows and MIS Pdork et Chicago Prices. Band for Catalogue and PrIce Liet FWR. We ar-e MOT In the TRUST. DITTENOUSE & EmmaBE O, 3500 Center Avenue, - - - Chicago, II. 'A Handfut of Diri May Be a Houseful of Shame." Keep Your House Clean with