CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Apr 1899, p. 4

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USe INDEPENDENT. JUmI a WOOOIA. poulIihmf. 1 Fl A, prii 14, IliUtl I GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. M"S. a. a. UHUUIIAN4. LecaBtter. Mrnn. Sherman ta anthorisd la recelve aubsoiptioflsBfd edvsrtisments for Ibe INDEPE1 DENTi aiea orders for job printing. Cail on ber for raies. Y0U Paying attention to these prices? You Should-it wilI pay you. Bc inlered et lie' .,aîli "'"Y'âBuum vuoe4m Bo _____________________ * I dAYSME OCIEIES. A philosopher hms lgured OU&ltiat bu sou. nm - KESOC li-te manl wlo pral tond in churcli dose B ÂTPL ____________________________________________MUN Lonige No. LISIA. FP. -M-.abUYts teLr a AnYUSILIITrsiWO MADE_______________________ *fItodreulât eomnîtetlofls Muîndoy 80 frorn a Reetsbilnltaeie od ____________________evulnu n uor haef oitf li non. Wm alngwyNa fotu C AION. DIAMOND LAKE. PRAIRIE VIEW. 1. A. FEiots. w. j lnwa .ytrmhm spring goute 8pring.,J. J.Lo,4i3o5UO. BecY. EgrBo eue de CharleseBay in. aboul lown Ugalin. Src ete pig,~onit4 Ce er, Nu. en Orler Easternoedig r ooka ail rn Wedit nee ElainButte Msrkt. 'lre. Jhn Whtney e ou he aik Attnd shooil meeting satrntday *,;Petdr moet lrsand tiird Tuesday evenge vnnaruBii~ot5veli Egnutergi Mardeftr.delia. Jh hte ao h k AndMiss MUs. CAis HIOLUY. W. M. Eugland. He lraveled ezieuieivein Bulier o h li 3ado T elg.ngt lsJXtsistED0ulK. Sony. SOUthern England and &Pent @=OUM@ fe ne IlitheC AYBLA E CapaNo.iil M.W.eA nlt in London g wel bis d 1rep1rle 111. ne le. Monda! we5 mteady e lit OV; OfringR. Touilîlia has been epîdemnic thia Wr.- ha" ock is s .,>fjl , second and &JurtNo. 1341 M. W. A. meofl mi oin w iihan isreport iait Hm. i A 164 tubs; withdrawn. 23 tube; lsales 141 Woek. grippe. eacb nonth. J. Muai. .C. Mr. Guo. Glliore died et hie home ao tubs. Butter let w. ek ol~c ne year Waler Derby ia rernoving bis wheel Plhen lail il rented linaan iron JOHN4 CHRISTIAN. Clrk. ut Gages Corners ai :50 ThursdsY 9. Le egaler C lntp5OIRT 0P HOIÎOitNO. 164 meetings 15! M. of pluero pneumonie. Vuneral &go110. lan. l, uti r urd sOf!eh montb. tainL e beldtram lte bouse ni one beerl curllte - urgte iâ orn la Mr. and Mlre. Barry Keaul11, a lirs. Lafreutz lia nn<ved li li er BzirB. .L. Rose. W. C. ucloCk aturday, aflernoan and will be Bavrainoîboynes drlng ttenew IPAhome..sR...6etieofdprivaeeInlermeut go be ln Avon tmree or four days have been calcuiated ahmboy baby.MRNA.et9On Cnerýmsey la cn' ine.tin pulic hatour Misa GraeeTowner IR going i)bave Miss Jesuie Mjitcl visitente bre and ourtby ¶8>u esîaeiiiigmaeanmontinCne eeei 'du g.Orcl.Mr.and lire. MariliMead îett MondJai aullnoritnos >,hotn ju Mnie andin Wasit- a new wheel. uver i(unday. BIR. HasT 0. MoacL. lts..a .o h 14 ri o hi inglon do not consider Ihai lthe Wlis MliLazin ebonne for na few J. Hn'lsl jea able lu lie ont, ater tw C EATO Cvr N a.m. a i urem. PaY er» mt bre lu Oak Park. We t1Mi lkY Philippine tf eiiO nus takeno <ul of dais vacaion. weeks llIfe8m. înàWod~nesniay eveuntg. *.P.8tldlf.nee mall e many friande Iere Me Grac Touner allo b olr MSS uisi Matu fivisîiog anîen nnna s e t. n6,4 t. . Juors t ley bh avebrs ber. lboy sre well crilical field iîy tile sueoeesitin m n n is ideMmu asilglu u Miss isndyaep ue. . it. Jounmir palgu of (ion. (cis ngainst Aguinldo, îown matriday. Miscagose pre jesant. iriedsW .T. îbovryavrat ngbsfof , iby i. W. 1(ee4I migs au A nnOng It tn 'as na cablegrani front C .naB celeni pit rm cie aOnihrOuri Admifai Dewey 8kingC. B. sitermana asiseefroonunrtMiep. Sosie baveonclepvil ntizon frieninOu Adn~illiu.3 tîu, tt nTmot streets on liouday. in Chicago Ibis wilk. X.,Pr"..1 aesc odoien e u engineerintg oul)ljin3 for Lins leet ha Mes. FLOsENcz Lutte. 1(0v. Soe. village. Mr. Farguson. ef LOCI1port, auiSc Mtr r. C. Rainr and inife 'sted ut Mr. Mr. Pete Hoîg s mol< l istbreshin CEELLEII Loi . No,. mis1. 0.0. F. III., bas corn e 10lae te place of Wr. Lnge cp iai3 nu&tl o ne, suthe resi- w.Elnsman's ou Snnday. machine te Joues .t Gros. un.etlngnnd arnd uhrari. Mead lu Thomon@ Pharmei. dent te a reques flirîa eWashingtonl Jublaand Abert Barbaes bave Telle about mshooting geese- Wr. A. MCMILLEt.Ne. '.TTHWODI C conunutteo tbtIn.n t Wy i ordered returned fmôm Vlparaiso. Edwerds kille teorathlree tea aboi. IIAYSLAIE Lodu.n M. W. W. No. la145 idasire ta express mî ihanks te neeings înnd sad 4nî Frîdan ,ý. the officiels of tbe Modern Waaduief miss MAUnIe CJnrssnns. blsnîy. il Amarica for lte prompt paais»n of boune nfilfiime tejînrtciptête inu the The masons itegun work on C.A. Quite a numbar front bere attended E. Moong. W. M.0a Peaee.iliilon ti hotuMnay 2*2 10 26, Billuis bouse onuMondai. Grands Flood sm neulest Thuîrsdey. daim ou beaehiceréifleate bld b ai tieno ain uni î,napital NceeY Sii oemRa ie atr rm . Mtu <Giliadwife MisEdtb iHarvey Snndayedwit fablier, Ai C. Drury who vais a member Long frînî.klyi file ti>,înîunnntttoe tbat Libartyvile and Leitblon way. were Wankegen vîitors Ibis week. ber broîher et Ibis place. of Camp Noý 1341, Grayelake, l., 610o t~~n-nîI roî afi irs lu I e1Iw ih lu epre ss m y gr tiu dle teIl te Prosilnt afiai h Mise Lillian Ayneley sport Saturdey Milas Jessie Mitchel. wbo ta teacbing Mr. Chans. Tonte bas moved is te Wooslmen for tir kinduem Phoilnrnlineh fIi bcin tuicritnoai a stage pdSna ihMs tle xa.EtHnyLk pu udya olfeintlull 0Fort Hiii, neer thbeciturcb. abow n tlu litenet houx of ou G ri 10 ordür Deweoy bonne, n uda ii MsThlleixten îtoe ateeepSuuye bre its ails eilfrontte Itmber hereaverneinî. ailte blemeihg of Wr. sud lire. Chtarles Oel, of Wr.aend Mrs. Auguet Bulet vialleni yard lire bave uot yet been relurnani. ood rant ntbeh Modern Waodmen ili i B teringePalatine, visitani friands berse on Sun- frleinds e feu, days titis waek lu Chic- Mimes Berthea1100k, of Waukegann, of Anerica in Ihair grand work. Inleo eca iekniàe e.qago. speul several days witb Miss Floue INuIErsM. DaUtua. labo bahnelicu luCultea nd yorto'Btoq .tGo y teddte 't 'hmAlireu4t alt edt msfortuna te and Allie htraug.L for titres nonthli, lrougitl (hea Presi- F"o valinabie &ua wnlh tbe molî Mie Allie SaâulIns. ot Chicago, iptint COU NCIL PROCEEDIN-OS. lire. BoseriBey eS Liberyiiie ounevrat osys wîun J. J. Loigabaugi's OuàAT Kl.ALLI.... LisTLa. lms. den uininunhiaifo inorato fever.femily Ibis weekt .Village hoard mttin reaular sesion wtb Obteineoi l'y bicl-e observationio udy The Herseliterger Bfros. are doing a M Eingi aln r-ii-tOemnl iscar cnte existig o.dtOu uthinmd aud inliesAnnie Whitney reîurned front rnshug buiniess. îT1ey have recoîved r. Ewin Drulry wuagaeclatsebetlbra ntecar rse nota Itîl o!It .. . nioy ditoentfrot ltecit onMouay ber siehaslaenumbercars of feed and tumber. hoeehy the deetin of Wr. (illruore, nre-rntet roll al. Wilbur. Bae ottaler- Do alttofili, iicy iIvet ro hectyonMndywhreelereturunig boute Frnday. dinalf. Richaerdson, Siteffer. Ibel iviicinfian ito tinut'iifront beau visillng friands. Mr. and brs. Franuk Foute uibeni Mrs. Smith and (lagitter, lire. Mîintemosot ailrlar meeting ceen and te latters brother, County Trennurer K innnoy have relunrmnedi froni thir sinnroveni as meai. oter sti;rec. lieu l.rockeuoidge th Thera ai hea a rd Tintes social aI Foote, aI NN'akegau met i4turday. wrtera visil lu Anthiony, Kalis. fuMotigo1enie aîîowonlai a ad airdere strngi n tio iînnîln tetGonez a the cbnrefl Frittay avening. April 218t. Tite echffiioqu1estion 1le InaiiîpO f Mr. sud lire. 0. 1). %Vitmore. of lM;tiformame. iftinaîl en lftrrt nul to lin triîî.lOi. le tîinni t lt Ail are cordiallyinlvited to attend,. te day. evideontiy titere wll lihaa Dotîîanco<k Wâ ,hav eurud boule, Ncnforrill & Moion n s .....01 Gomez b te buelnonnDronslne neuy tinte inu îd liait Day Snsîurday nght. aler a vt it hrpaets brs iEB.Srman inWonîiee o villhaghle. 7 60 te 1I. S.lia-., I înîba inaI bis turbo- Fnhig bas beeunmoentaarouind te fefure te discovri of One Minurte Fo NDA lirs 1111 e onel F. B i. Shi,jr.rn nusureuno!ulad bailm. 0 let aur it. ou O atcpto old h&we one te -orCuhCriilmeswere Fi nniie. ,a.wiilrgendirim m lent naturpndeIi lit wnt-fu CuitCreàmnstr gelh ay Iiut week. owner enu have sanne hIl in revoutioni. but îî,t to treiminitn the pounder, oua Iwelve, une six andi mani disturboni by i-oughnng coîngregntions: f *ut lirietl George Fre/ner iny provlnng Frnn Flary lui(laity lebor wilhh iome. ... iri estabishmelnucnt ti najienneful goveraf- mnialer eunes baving been takeu. No excuse for i Dow. F. B. LoNiELL, property. 3 tuent and Ilin. tarnicol itil'reîident of Baturday uîgbt le scitool nmeeting; Louns H. LiTCHFIELD, itockefelleir. Mire.Claudo (rlipneu ut Lakte Furesi, Motioni1Y iiiCnnft-ri iliardeon thal the i vsted wiîfn ber parenits, Dr. anud lire. m-nni aiorkiýd atariIh, aluwe iifflohss. te daniger (4iil ohM ug linnu Ii gt COn- dontforget il. The scbool boul quesa- Rîckey Iront Wecueimay otl l Stur- Motion ariedii. Irnl lnubiain. fnnlie li n lintheresi tion abitlihamore popularli lits- Superviser Report-West Oeerfleld. day of lest week. lîrîsiduît Sberman appninfled Berton. dent thtaIthluî %%'re 'nultîing cou- cesen; cooiy and coservativeli. 1e ioilllinonc M, Jilise Menti lurgutroni, of Vesper. Sinnýr ndTn ami R,iard.onn ascornalnes te duet initir mr oilitary giiverient Niey cent@ewill suppîy a Cieés of si tunty> al o n of %%stCi-at riîni. Wlâeoumnnîfu isininng utber sister. a o.e.sfin it of llfsrnislined yTbomeon in Cuba, inua n uuintu cr nîustotni te ppl ibgoidauoeulo iotiiuntn ttnnilt i C. B bru. Brt Johu8on and iho Mors. Witt Brou t, afr- ithSgnn closn wholeupiii-Tnnu n iif WSt ierricl, of ilolhîn M. inn ii ButAlitall ainn i lflir I Cabans linn i l fii gi,verniioeil, fleital date Teadera white onue id Appetuul'$ DEoti, d lin C-iith.m ut !oeadET bao.Ce w"aseronns innslle o ii show diIedrcse41cns rsnigIe I Ibi. inmot uni nn ifofndsii.riinivtnn <aii i lIA, D. Butefi istenrnng dowsn hiseE. TOu (nirolOr lIb"Reaigroet45cnts.Prxiinigt r inilt Il Ii fiiith tbleuimsoinirsUt IblacasrnitIh shop and wilt haveeance lesteltif liîniiib at l u reunnlu îwnntuli iinn Unis 30frloo& ege oeithe2tiIai*,,f Mauih. i55 buildiug pub up for tore ad Villae Treasurer'e Repart. a atlypae$3.ochuEo0 e oenîsî fliit-ennontofIiljblI. ftldil on menonec^.. bur ilaun (ram force overtt ero. nu addition tu )uur ehild througb achool te old wey, tie ti.aite ooe .cnnnnii l n Iof! i insca ieutYi. the bo. or mwiinouurect onc00e. To. nnnit, r reort iofthe vitlgeo!fcnys nilitary anaiedul wule cul il u utotu liefiofnd. ennviiand fr06 r iierne uîer geugve i..for iSO -i nlîflaMacch 1. lnn. 10dltt tthrdistrict culeupply sxgrades ut .i t sourinia ri.ieii-,f.thiie amoulonnlniublin r.inedgtvrcncrtsgiugie Cube eau ise nanoe goveruimaul O!f rnieo!sxpph i lafo înd xniýindeil aciflor wialnurinoei by raquest Wadue>,ily evening, was Bne.............S 86 A, IlixWneudîiithe din ofg sebinfiscl Yi î oaildiiigas witolly as gond as lte formeronue. A Ornitu slioupiice....... >..... .. .. 14 el lis Owu, itecaumeolie blieves ibal as lem noy. luWB.conin lita cilas of einresafd. dance folowen te concert sud e inse Wnnl villae bal............. 10 Thes Il yB E bc ti1tei1.1ufsw1u oi ....innn......... .... ........ ais soon a u.(Our in niilry gover unent le Baraboo, La Crue , M an e le, W alter- dotit dcioe à da un at t owinIr im e sas enjoy d. ...... .......ins. witdrawu Ginnin oat lis followcre bustn, Grand lln.pnd, West Buperior Folmet by bilaro erbed Is ad lu e O,,,t Barney Bebnt Jr., 100E unt.o tsfD-9"lîti ..............20 stant(if the f ulefnd o 4 es wIli etal)iiiîinln ilnitncy goverununt sud many olber.i, snd 1,048 disricts hmmii ai th.. oorrnIneuneni o!fte fiscael ynace efe lest Tuesdey, andi will tarm lb s T 1 nonî niiuealn.........oinGI taI willIle as ronacin ut a despoliant as have. mdopted tae Fneeo Tit Book 4nntniic tati-n. titi seniautit of pitIii e ndsesommet. Tha young lady who le 00W f < Cîînîfor lbuilding idelaaik m $pain serronuiuitnini er the biaued. n Ilnd g C aimed j âtfaw sdthfric aonni ixnendfid and pnucmosoi for MsBe en a isMge irnîntoncc u rdstlts8 niltodawini xenudci a oit fortin lnn tWenteul front ner Libertyville. 11441 0f Porbî tociino e iniyn alinte paople districts sud un villnaebava been C. B. EàK.son lr J.ig ,o are ii- otnei u htwlin eg akt teodmt cd tbndalt feMtlai ies ' C. R. iSherman, ut Liherlyvilfe, came Stricýt and bringe .................... est 22 Thoe tmin th Fre letud lai Il JA. I. FIT-H. utiý oft 4 pe- nver lest Sundey btu surprise tineir Fin.. c alaini..i .. . s..s. use te iccloîne îiran bineke 10industry, TtoauanulteFet lehuidael lid. arnc7.Jet1o t'Ilnnie g offilemarets f VDS E eIcuAN nnaWHAT encan Ei mnther, lir-s. H. R. Shernen, and 0Leu..enf il i OwngW il lsi, ueamoeybuaue ord sd ECEl E.Graos..e...l .. 123 1i nwmn l lnocfingiflie artleo!meeamos bcasahurd udst.ho u ewitit ber on ber evenlY-hlxtb Ensýtili Igit!... ...... . tel.. <e Os Sin ufur PInîluInlinean proucnts audd igisricte hnîaI laboleaa s ud cin Arofuil iihnfendsou andStai ti. bîrtitnaîfInuerrun. . ... ..... ..............7 0 lte fîiitIre i 1il 'rOI etObuymt oy e cieeply i ubny cnimneang i, th day of ari izpab Camnp iLitiael th iree ucla Iruitinng......................... ns 39 have aireuniSrioin îdfistrem ansin gie ibooks. l seves tinte ticause 1898-......................74 meoners ut uesday iigittemeeting Draii nn sliOii... . .53 2 suaîrtig e-as o riana e ltabooks are et bsud IDtheltadihtrict î....nnîîtut13 and tlitt ILingecill soot gnnw w itaslt-niiiii for ofas. Nunhan1 omTc..c î i îî an nfu lvore aI <lîsin rxanec...... .........13n Boîcith snfofnbogies.Itimaltsothe 1itni10mC -nssutir eit menetng April 251i. h. byBnanci caaiMc 7 . BHruienssae noit fnnti tna pruvide lb. eaboal begins Il maRes lite r wilii conuhave 1hiC memibera, witei antpfinncinttfon the iauderni. Tite ahools acluallyItraes te litapoorel................ Og im ies et2114 tbey oliglt lu bave a celelîralioni.Il. B. N cviL. 'liae Tri. "oral. President niiis werleec bu ael l intis boy or girl and reimoves a traqentl Ttllnl7in........ 15 malter. Il v. il reifunre actiun of hldac a teoir eliendance. Il VTtlRýi, .. ..... "2 Cougress ue Ia pi-m unt irkets lu Porto .it'ni EXCEDAND F550OuI WWCT Pl!hiiOsES Rîcit itsIreidnitla raw puil l ito bave a few @Pare £xE-.or.n.i Ricau roduc8. Ile Preéiden la dgwà PPi setien. , '98 C B. Keaton ibilsinit fica B lo deeply npieiei i in.Beln- laeRks but are otheruise deterreni frou briîallts t a..................... m.1i0ficaWB ll t extededconerri esm ih hm tatele ateniBornerl o Cooine.oftheRnier I VILLAGE- - 0F) oGRVILAGE OFKEAYSAM LILL exledodeîîniccîîcc nîtbit10 aitceof 1ittbooks. tg ayas weslage HBF. Pla$ac.tthltcmminlasioncr ... i te imateur our. MichllIlorn-. seecsin . . el nn fraquainly caused by change Of taxI Fred H- lie etorTnwun 21, booakswheu familles raeoe frointonec hfcrnue ine rlcrbih wtîitni. . 2eA5ua ilae5lct Gin B. <ulerto1 50 Tuesday, April 18, 1899 district tla sother. Beauese thte John Ceroin. nu.... Whitnleey d i1-neti.r , 1ici. .. n teechar la respouible for tae booksa il Jas Friaou aniJnna nd tnsmqis . . n 51~~hI ~ gfl p îila ealtaR oi carti0f istent. u uonrue ouS .. 0.tH Mu.Jinnit & soo nir din innillute.... p tiillaive elaodcr o hr. adto d. ok ... Mer UC aubalos ....f.. Tm"tt THiNKEHS. Fred Meer Towan Clint . . . .... if, ;e. . (foîziort:n .on itnnnn. ne bas eunniascate teea~sJas.iiiH. Frituc-In aiditng, 1i ai twe hb" I in&init asle W. C. T. U. NOT*ES. Peteritawsiuuiiili ofil-ion...n. i 0 VILLAGE CLERIK. if.tmaune Wieler ennnniilcntir ... elanI. FOR WOMAN8 TUEs 5SADOP or sWrTclE. HB. FPlagitilitilni cnminsnonr .... mi viefht diseaued wat itte work wouniîfJOI1n Caron an coîiînnslin.Or..... . n8 Ui PEULARdevelolilot. e. iwouId ni.ver hte odered W10LEH. Wllmnnindu i Pei hion . i....nf1n& PECULIAR unnirisin il."*These vwere te words o on nuan .nunAorslit_72 fChristian slution labo. toilowin te DIvise TtlaorTîn-tnalnnnun...... ieh ai A1 gulallen batd. u et maI miiosa eiflSi. Aront in,.Il Eaitnun 10 nîn..... 111257FoPreist dsoem sst. enter-id unon e nuidtbtl nwii work In a C. B. EA TON, Stirlur r oPoiet I -...cmothe lesad.taa um.dy,.28, I18 fti 1. s.o!Iable. I= very filwya sfs inawork ted ruwn froin t Is Miui2.î e woanrully inealng umut aaial i ninin bilo, oni. of ,uuch mnntntudc ____________I E. B. SHR MANîrP . 'ho rdasthn.<g I eurPc andi impurtallue as tub. kic niannd iraiseiiReport of Ver-non Township Sohool For ClerR, .bihe ms a llrmnn heasIl erae ail ever t- lenîf ad toiiastonlin iaf] Who Treasurer. ilos copa loag areliéssupe55. henclil A. Hic -xnerlecnue m ut tine Aunnniatiunni i . tsani E. Tninudi exnurAorncso! ail Goifuini lives. Oins nnci mn finniiinElinnîrntnneli t .I E O ouifytu ltudi ltne lices (in t.lanrlil 8rat r-si amur ni tow,,tinIr n43.nt F o ~Ior Trustesa, TAit- 11< lenlîrsto »ReiiftuâItfinirowork rue Unipon betiniki toînnîtl. 'lemnsfit eil ua a thni lnuds sud ntitiu ik ounn a ianla-tîr . nifng ruB. J. LOFTUS.o avcru attagomntsti, lu titntfitinlt., workso In account wilh School Trustees. hlmonoit ailplann. iPeter ontinif 'sîin nti. n 1n<;hdnLord ",enimi li e spniho tocniniscnCasbh i ndu i iisfnninu i! fina l ORLANDO RICHARDSON. i I~~taI i--n nvi, nould ecal enyttinnaumonm.ior iii tait >99liusil . oioigtInn il ru,l,ai ol tnnwiiiin fnnod ... nta ueunnnror te onvinnnnrasioin thitthie cniii romnotntesc riaInndfc nieriead donet, ii. bel itwas iPibîr nu1l boletcui;-.... . ....i.... F.U. BA il E.l1HALL. b Pa l anu e rs u to Ivizu - .:i , lil .t h inl""':iinni1inni ti0 eiiSinn tini tIurret nnurai uni'io innn iifi q. tn ill iiintn1..ii:ni 1eFor Police Magistrats, a "isea>ed amiliiaiinfnnl-,siss tuuati__.1DJOHN J. LONGABAUGH. existence b heabom intioîhns of tefouti n Tohtn....................1 ni40e41 g tine l moltamh. andlwwal et tunniarryo ut litîer% ilnlni t unruimuUsIES. VorCh-garofLeint hbasnt rAt ollý wt h ucl ftelînnnîs nnl tilnle týi it.csinskii d.i.helraltre ndhom . Bel twil s nis tabit tit tis nomY I uintrih,nIcni ti....n.......lut ..f 00u 0 dernaandocannatey.n-dit tf 32onu. lune rchiluen tto hoaee toreta otwomtnn .lnoafd speilyuu.. nnn cii nîinîînn.i'ninntitriai,inr,*.. O< 1. lytrs. J-i«Oits. adisu- lm ý:aer imiini. sunt nouimni.t u ini n. à ou uT.hiisrgeit remody le oaSsied onnu u.îd onu ratdover thne vlln epnari - inoîe ..a te &l iolan nle W h y wiln melois u ttaoi, î . 15 lcor-a t. .1. 10 lue. n i hînî ndîl bt. tlri:. . i i l &OFwoinasanicr another .. *n e u,icn lo piriin.Iinl nof hcsiiînfnn Wl,. if cirni unnuy unt $.0par bilaseinfuesnceandsonnironîitlo hotu. At y-aidnmnscore. lin bot upon ccir-i ont apr-chunut infronn- ftai . . uiiinP iL ow ni~ ~ ~ 4 "4«"ii, arau vopusn. ost 5 ing rosti. eand cifdocoi i tsiwiot ii In accocunt sinUs Sohoof Teustene. 8551, Nos. deeuloiio.ibveclong sc, learconnu li,. C..Clanssn.n. 15,. - lhîli rîlbion lain iamnia .Itb oliainnnii nnnl i nfî ni'O!fcnn e sit.,-Inneiiiu on, usnnese.u. înyrin(tonvaieon h aIe eni,f 1. nunh.. 21 :l i nus:, Iols ap ifernur iunine..i. .0iCets .6 la elwesesstmmllae urgd ataiust tb expuansioniofnihni Muni i cnnlniuurfofn tnnii îos a0Pa1 n tie. o ecomponid Par bottle..- .6 hi a0a~SfUn ..5 eiO ail te W. C. T. U. TiO ho onsalctio lise, nif-nniIi.nnu l8 ~ftttep Leaders eucb ........ . .0 Saremarilla, nue bot 60C. liter 3.00 somatiudensteudimizutftow ganat nocc on.luoninlnsli nuiu- u sm ueno oueî ah .0E liCod-LlYer Oul, bot.. .50 minIsacon. 8111 les di tiny Oluer-i un innhi (ine1n()0fr ou n Oi - *~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ m inn htlo rpoirt alnl ii N fOiiitiniluîe n, Sprech Giugmer yi...... .8Foos lstr. tmf- . 2 aoye 3-piece $2.00 Hnuflg 4 to C for...................... noie 3-piee 12.60Wmilita- mgo 4 &0 (6for. ....... ... ........ aoWC & eOO Ruee Fa ....................... 8y' Biak Clay Wormled 150 0 uile........... .. Spoiai-Bom' lue Ceviat Huil»e............ ............ Keala Dine Cheviot $8.50 suile . ... don-& Duit Brwn, Ail W- le000 Huila....... .Sopeci- Mo'@ IB BLscCheviot 13.00 Pont&e................ Km,& Ail Woi <ikrai 52.50 Pau ... .............. ii w Corduri 52.50 Pente ........ . . . . . lie, »BOLaoud fiWhite @tripe SOc Shirt ............. ...... àGood Wrking Shirt for ....................... ....... $1.25 sud $1.50 Kid Ginvins........... Lot6c, 6ocand Se VaienclOuDeàIin5Jncper yd . .... .... 5.00 1.10 5.00 4.00 1.30 1.98 2.00 .40 C 9 .73 .u3 Carpet and Matting: Speclal prices on these Ooods. Cal and examine our Samples add Prices. Spring Millinery: Ali New and Up-to-Date. Prices Lower than ever before. Vindow Shades, Lace Curtains, Couch- Covers, Table Spreads, Ali new designs and colorings at lowest possible prices. F. H. KUEBKER, ayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. )on't be fooled and tricked into buying an inferiorý Sewing Machine, corne in and see ThrborNe. I4 New Mom. Sop ead sa IT 1011Yeu SUT AIT OTHEII _Tu Otni.- E. Be SIIERMAN, RAYSLAKE. ILLINOliS. Boots. Shoes and Siippers Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries of ail kinds. IN CLOTHING. ACOMPLETE LIN E OF Men's and Boys' Suits, Men's and Boys' Pants, Chiidren's Suits.. Suits made to order by f irst ciass Taior. ...Cali and see New Spring Sampies.... Wail Paper your sele< lion ain ave ynour paper coine direct froin thle fac torn.% W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, - - ILLINOIS. For Saie. Forae quick rem cdy sud ue Ibal l PerfectlY sefe for chidren Jtlus Borne very choies Poleud Cia recomniernî orne Minute Couglr C[urp oeas emU ifor service, ltaI are sec- It jeexcellent for croup. ouiseneKa. od bc noue in qumliiî and breedlng. tickliug iu the tbroai angt coughs. F. smo orne OOIce Barred llymnonthBLOVELL, Liberyville,j. I. ifnnÂonXt, XHock rocoet p i uces lilat mean sure Ourues, Lurin H. LIrCnnEIna, Rocks- mes tq Ibose W)0 entl stock. taller. - ~F. BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTURER 0F and Granite Monumentel. CErIETERY WORK 0F EVERy Deacrlptoin. C.cnepondnes t26 0»9"0 ePt WAUKHOANI fl rim-~ ---- ý-- 1

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