CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Apr 1899, p. 8

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-n ENI -u Now is the tirne to do your gardenlng. and Westerman's ls the place to buy your seeds. New seeds of the beat varleties. Peaslsold in bulk at lowest prîce. 1 also have good rakes and hoes, which 1 arn selling cheap. On Saturday, April 22. With every pound of 5Oc Tea, 1 wiII give 20 Ibs Granulated Sugar for $100 F.L. Westerman, Agency for Champion Binders and Mowers.1 ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS.1 WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK 0F GRAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SýEEDS ETC À» A LSO- , Lumber, CaoI, Lime, and Cernent.1 WE SELL THEI WE~BER WAGON, WHEN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SON$ Libertyville, - - - - Illinois.1 QUALITY r ~ ~RICE3STALK. Around the Coùnty. ROCKEFELLER SOCIElIES. COUGREGATI0NAL Ohurch SundaY 1er viceas 1:0IL M' ,ant 1:30 P. M. Prayer meting Wdanasy syuings. Y. P. 8. C. E.. meet undar evoniuga teosa. Junior C. E. t a oeock. I) 4ON amp No. 412t. l. W. A. mfet Month. D. Owrs. VY(C. 0.0. P. No. sis. moent seond andt fourtb Thuradsys of eaeb mot. WnLL'KNiG01. N 0. Gao. A. On?. Boer. JOHN 0. RAGÂN Pont 0. A. B. me Baturday night on or before full nion. I.8 LDsson. Oor'dr. 0EB CJiuscuiLL. Adt. Milgon outh......8:04 a. m. 5: 22 p. M. MaIl going north ................ 10:03 a. rM. Mail over land by Stage arrives at 10 a. t. departsaiB il a. m. ROCKEFELLER. Irving Payne vislted at home Sun- day. Dr. Travis vas a Chicago visîtor Tuesday. Fannle Cooper .Bs B Chicago visitor Tbursdsy. Wîil Kigge was in Chiclago on busil- neen& Tuemday. T. J. MeBride vas lu Chicago ou business Tuesdty. Mir.sud Mrs. J. IlIuse visited iu Chicago Thursday. Mr. C. M. Gorham frorn Waukegau visied lu tovu Mouday. Itensember the prayer meeting to- uigbt, "lied la Able." Corne. tir, sud tirs. J E. Bolcomb are entertaiuing cornpany tbis week. The bllWe onceshuit a surprise Psrty ou Millie Hersicbberger tionday even- iug. tirs. Meyer, frorn ioago, vlslted tir. and slrb. W. Il. Kuigge tise tlIrn of thbe vetà. Mkr.- Carie reiurued Tbiîrsdsy after visiting hien vUe ai Albany, Wi., for nome tîme. tir, sud Mm. John Ithoder ccorn. psnied by a frienil iTem Chicago viid ber parents, Mir. aud tir@. W. H. Xnlgge the latter part ef last week. Eigbieeu or tweni.v dollars bas been rained for the audition te the Suuday achool library and the paster aud superintendent are bnsy selectlng the boks. Mirs. Fred Shaddle leit Thursday for ber home lu Ford River, tiîch, ater vlsitîug lher parents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Cronkblte for sorne tite. tirs. Crenkilite acconpsiJed hier to Chica- go. "O0pen confessiou,, viii bc the therne of ev. J. A. Colos sSermnu nexi Sun- day moruing. In the evenîng lho will preacb the sermon annuuuticed for la,,t 8nunday evenîung Housecieuning 'i ue. Alil are invlted. An especially intereslîng tt.acherS meeting wil h held at the sehool bouse Saiurday April 29. Everyonie interested lu iliglier education should ho proseut. I hoprograrn ssas follows: Chapter ulue lu Physîci§-Mr. Abbott, Misa CoudIrey, Civica pages 170 te 235 -Miss tt, tMr.Hablt]; Philosoplîy o! TescbiingN. H.Welch. tir. Weleb also ls te deliver a lecture on Walt Whtmsn. Everyhody voiconte. Dont tbink yen eau cure thai sight attack ef Dyspepsîs by dioting, or that it viii cure itself. Rodol Dyspeptie Cure viii cure it; it '-disgeâts whai you est- aud restores the digestive organs te healtb. F. B. LovELL, Libertyvilie. Jil. I IACHEBRGurnee; F. L. WVESTE50- StA., iteekefeller. oflu EUEM mNO.41tue. W. A. aMeet Bt lu ava alourneoe= m.asoumd ..d 12 satrdyc, ,.~'C W. W. App LuxyÂa. Cierk. OU RN EE. STAFFORIOltSTRICT. Seveu weeks nmtre of schtol italph leason batt a rîuaway last Friday afiernoon. Andrev Larsou get the ijofet ean. iug tiese chool bouse. tirs. Little anti daughiter were Waukegau visiiors Isat veek. Our book kecplng doa8isedeiug very gooti vork iu the ledger. Otur sebeeol expeets tu clebrate Arbor Day lu an alîproprsate ubantier. Mir. Page Hill vos seeti posting anction bis ou otîr ttrî,'t une day tbe pasi veek. lessies brokee utl it our achool lostt veek Thursday. About thirleen bf Our pupils vere exlSoéed. tirs. Mary Meîcalf vas re.eleed st the sehool meeting. ']'e board held ils meeting Wednesday nigbt. One of our boy8 la spoet. Ris gouiluscropped outi n the tloi îg hunes. -'eveu oreks lmure sud well he free from titis sehool otfrisery." Yotili hear frew inhm lu citer years. WethiLtuk that sahen a nine year nid boy la kept Out ofi tihuOl anti Made tu do a ins va ork. it la tinie a public rernstrauce W"o tarted. andi espeeially whon the boy proves himself te bc above the ordîîîary witb bis iooks. SIESEN FR lEsitCLA.t. Home 0f the rt.sults of ueglecied dys§- poptie couditons tif the stornacb are cancer. consumptiîon. heurt dîsease and @piiep@y NRodol Dyspepsia C ure prevents ail Ibis by eiiecliug s quitki cure lu ail caset, ni dypepsia. F. B. OLooi.. Libertyville; J. It. BiîucHax, Gunue; F. L. WEWraItMtNr, ltockfeller, WA RÉ£N TQN RO V E. Jas. Cenuolly *èOs a Chicago visiter Montiay. Miss Auna Sehili viniteti ber parents bore over Nuuday. Sebooi wilU open ucit Mtuly ailter or two weeka vavationj. Misa Amauda hrueger ipeut a tcw veek8 bere wlth bier parents. Mir. John Devine veut (o Chicago tieuday te take trostmuent fuîr a cancer. Chas. Diosuer anti ftinîily, of Naukegau speut i~nly here with John Loasmau. ' tira. Dan McCartbny, et Wadsvortb lsaspoudiug thte week here wvus ber d.îttgter, Mrs. Jat,. lyain. 3-. U iebsandi irîciedreuur ti oChic- agi tihursdlay allersa veeks vîsîl here witis J. Loasmaun sd iamily. Mise tilunîn hrueger of thîs place sud tMr. Auton Seiurt, of Nisukegaut vero utarrietilut NisukeganNSaturdsy Aprill151h. 13Y sllovsng lte accumulation fltthe boveis lu remaîi, tise entire syatem la lsoiaoued. D)e%itism Little Esriy tisers regniabe the boNais. rry (hem sud Yîîu sili alvayo lise theni. F. B. Lits BLI, Lîbertyvîlle; J. Rl. Bits,iuts, ilurue; F. L. NiEST EMNIAN, Rockefeller. VOLO. Ed. Suytlrr,tof moutuasile w.,a Sire Iss u Tebday. 1'. Bosierittook a car isloudif iiitçt-p ti Chicago hast 'i oesday. E. ichardson îtrausactiti buiainti lu Niaukegan lotit %Ni ensiy. Firtz andtiMelelicu. iof (ray'mlak(- Nasa hure on butuîe, u ott Frîday. tir, sud Mmi,. Ira Snytler, ni Lake Villa, are vîsîtînig aI ltatiglit ris. IVANHOE. MmIrs Geit. Wate vualieti relatives go tirs. J. Dykes% vimitotiut Mr. Chiarles Wi akegaîî te fome part of tise veek.f EDITOR INDEPEN DENT:-- HallsK lasI Satnrtisy. tira. John O(etlitng, iflîs'itaiie Bay,A Too buSy to write an ad Ouîr teacher, tir, IL Alboil, watt a visited ihem tilsier, tirs, Ien itttsîîigon wee. us jt dwntht w ae slîngcller ai Grayulake hst Ssturday. day lott weký Lhis wek utjtd w htw r elnFarinerm are in a great hîîry geîttg J. W. Torrattit sud son (hile, vîsite t Henderson's Queen Shoes, fine as silk lu Ibeir vheat audtoti le sowt'd osto reltatives lit NVtîîtiotk Sittitrtiay andO will wear as good as any $3.00 Shoe...$2.25 lait veek. rettîrued oit SteD(ty.i There are i(fuiteanutmiier of fartnera tirs. llarry tirautthaii ttî utu l -lenderson's Profile Shoes, cheap at vbn bve been ltîieg ihtir pînIîry Enîma Naui Natta, tif NNstcttîdîî, were $2. Our Price ............................. 1.75 bdsao lu Viii,, at Nat urday. Wornen's bright grain Stippers, solid leather Miss Blanche Hiîson bias beecut iay tirs. Uil lias rettîruacl Imnn mis. low heels, broad soles, full uppers, lng vîth hiem tîncle Marth Hîtouthet5 siiîîî,l aller sp)eitdiug the wiliter vti People Corne ten miles for them............. .90 Pest iev veekîu. ber lîntîtier, àii. Crabirce.1 tir. W. Leinbîhtoiscame ott rîîn Mnit. . Rosiug, if Noit: snd lis Men's Western made oil grain congress 12 Waukegan Siaturday aud rotetii SBiun hulier. Ofi Istitioue, weme iîtnîted lu Plo Shes ....................... ey lteuofu. arriage ftîetday un lrenott1jilte Men's Cornet Caîf Boots, require no 1ev. Mir. Co~tle li bis botuseheld Catisolie church '[Theur nmany trienîlst srnooth talk to seil thern .................2.50 gondis mevedtiere ast vook; tey vilii J.D.hige s long and s p iet Full line Men's Fine Shoes at $1.50 to ........ 3.00 occupy tir. Hanny ltayneso bouse. of the Demuocrat, Laieator, N. H. soya' Nei tioudsy Miss Aima Heutdee yull ,î( oul net ne ithottone Minutet Me' ae-oderfirst quality resuMeberdties as teseber linbthe îîugb cure iurnmy bttv, wviso ebled Men'sWal011oodaar its a cougb ior cisît. Il la the Isesi Rubber Boots ............................. 2.85 swan district sehooil baviug bli one nemedy for croup 1 ever oti." F. B. mentis vacation. Les ELIý,.Llbemiyvillo; J. I. ButAi OES, We invite comparison of our Shoe Qualities tir. Henry Lee sud vite anti bulle (luruee: F. L. NVEOsiEltll.%N ltockefeller. and Prices, with any house In city or country. Gracie, irorn Waukegau, matie a plesant eail ountirs. J. B. Dykes lait FOX LAKE. veok tionday. MrinE. llook viuiteti Arkansas hast V . S ue r & B o .,bovoti spectacles9se nneorrnenîonaîy a E. F. tlilger svaa au Autiocis visiter vek &go ast Mouday la requesteti te on Ssturday. LONG GROVE,- ILLINOIS. neinru tbermrnediaiely or bis usine tir. Farmian, ot Lake Villa vas ou ________________________________________________ vlI bc lunjrlul. onr stroota Ssturday. Mn. Spaiffnid vho bas beau baving sa tirs. GJ. iait anti lin. D. Wai, of singliug achool lu thia place vili bave Port Hill, Nare Fox Lake visitons a ccont Frlday evening April 21et. recently. AUarnerdiaiiy inuvitaiti te attend. vere Wankegan visitor n on eday of TheFuritue Tade0f he hre d byer. tr. tee starteortIon lasal tritiay biüNveek, TheFuritue Tadeof he hre d byer. ion bis bealtb. lHe bas boom lu puer Misses Mary Tweed tatd Annie 1 arn bidding for their patronage. là,aitb Islî titer Wbile usure hosvili (islhgen of titis place altetideti ervIces If right prices, backed by proper qualities, wil lmu lti a longe barn for bis brother attise Chrinuetrcli ai Antitîcisou influence your trade 1 have the Inducements. Bradley Lite. Hlsuiaaiy viii romain Huntioy. .îiýeriectioîî' (Couchtes, warranteti for 4 yaus....... $1400 11n Waukegauî dturniîg 5a absence. tir. J. Couvîte sudtl ase Mr. J.liant, qjtater-«waed Otak, patent alido Extension Table, 10i fi 10.00ofFr llhiabet dwlunr linnRda, atîy size ai prices tpvsrd frirn .. . 2.00 Remankabie Cure of Rhouumatierm. inîîm Lske Villaoun Naturday. Wovou Wre Cita......................... .... ......... 1.253lRegina, Jackson ('o., NV. Va. Tise Codan Laîke Camp R.L N. A. Lake Soliti Oak (enter fables ai prices npvsrd irons..... 75 About ibret yesns ago my wvue liedt NieIlliois, will huitliite theur nov tiahtigauuy hilaS culer Tables $1.50 le 6.00 su attack ir homaim bib ente-ol Tegly Uf(ýiio Soli iak Secretary.OMfit higis........................... 10.30 sud reutieroti lien unalile to vaîk a April 25ý stop vîthout assistance, lien lîiuîs Iyiiu sattiliromng leidennesasor fl 1 have the exclusive agency for the belug svolleu tO outtble theirnonermal neas on lte iglît aide, paina untiar 0. W. icharson & o., Ue of uperltivti.peS. t- ti-itis lusîsstet i n my ihoiien blatie, constipation, bilons- o. W Riharson&Co, lneofupelatveçrpes. siug Chsamberlain" lPain Baîrn. i uesa, siek-bitlai'be sund iel del1, Carpets f urnished ready to be laid on the floor. ptrcbiaged a lity cent hotie anti u8eti beRansd aieopy y.tnr iver la tenpid It accortilug te tbe directions andtihteanti congeateîl! l)eWitts Little Earby Cal and see Samples. nezi mommlug sise vsiked te breakfast Btisera yull cure yen promptly, vitbeut asistsnce lu suy manunor. anti plesaautly sud îîe»mmnenîly by rernov- she ineasingiar atlaek since.- ing theOngosîlun sud causlu« tise bile A. B. Parsoma. Fer aleby F. B. LoVsuî., duels te open andti 11ev nturally. Thoy W -uconda. 111. 0MAN, BocAIKe iiar. P.L.WCBEIville; J. B. BnAcnnIgI, gumnee; F. L. DEERFIELD. tirs. F. H. tMeyer la visltlug lu Wisconsin. tir. Bd. Bleimehi bas gene to Elgin ou business. Misa Aunie l)uiiy visited iu Chicago (ue dsy ibis veek. tirsud tirs. Frank lileintebi vlited Deertilld relatives. Mrs. John Parisous, ttf Chicago, visiteti ber son bore. Chas. Nelson stili ibinka lits country girl the best in the buncb. Miss Eva Woodmau vialleti ber niotlser, tirs. Todd this week. tir@ Abert Parsons, of Desl-laiuea, visiiod our Suuiday sebool Sunday. There Wat8 s sebtil e6lection Isat Saiurday evenlug, tir. Rlommel beiug cecteti Ni ere vere our vemen. Fre<l Parsons seenis te have nome attraction bere, as hu is seen eut blie quiet efteu. Wbat in tbe motter with Diamonti Lake. tir. Chria Antes bas msade quhte an improvementin bis property. Havlng put a fîîruace lu bis bouse andi repsir. iîtg bis sidewalks. Wby net moud the walk on the weisl side ef tise store, wbile yoîî are about ltiMr. Antos. Vîtu'e setiing a gond example for others and vo hope they viii be guldeti by il. k'oople are lu danger of tiseir lived. WAUCONDA. tirs. A. J. Comuvel ls reporteti qulte ill. Wns. fTiarsb vhsîted Milwsue receutly. M. S. Ford took a ttati 0f oggn le Elgin last veek. Ceunty Supt. tiarvin vas a Wa'àucontia visiter receuily. o>. L. Marbie apent a fev deys ofi tat week lu Elgin. M. W. Hughes vas lu the city on hîîsiuejis Monn'day. tirs. Il. A. BtuggIes visitoti Chicago the tiret tf thse veek. F. L. Carr vas a ltingwood taller Ttiursdny ni at veký Geo. (iiyucb la reporteti(lue Ill. Dr. Wells lin iten dance. W. H. Strayer, of Chicago, @peut s f vw days ni ibis week bore. tirsud tira J. M. Clark visiteti relatives lu Chicago reccnlly. Geo. sud Miss Emily Bates "isiteti relatives ai Fort Hill1 Sundsy. tirs. Gi. M. Fitchs is speuiiîug a iov days lu Chicago at prosoul vriiug. <Imbu t bbsrd sud Chester Sovles were Vole visîttîrs Tuesday eveung. Mir. tMeyer and fsmily, tif tienry, vimlteti C. liapke andi !smlly Buuday. Mm. L. A. tCtie Oltenta 1ev tisys wîts relatives itni aukegsu receuily. Hl. Fulier and OtuWaelti vero Chicstgtîvîsîttîns Monîiy sud iuesday. tir, anti tinsJi. (ratiain vitre ~tNndâ vutimrsWediiebday nI lasi vielk. J. Il. 'l urnituli sud fsnsîly isitoti H. C. Ptayne and famlly ai Fort fil11 lait Huuday. M. L. l'twers vas re-elected sebîsol dirtecttr ai lise sciool mseeting lasi iaturdtty eveîîîng. tir. F. K.rang-r saîd son, ni Meery, Nitre NYtitouti visiiors tise lrst tif tht' Nat.k. N%. Il. Lutîtîiere. H. K. HarrJâ sud bil ii larris Nacrelin visîlors tise irsitiof it etdie. Mir, audtirs. Wne. Marbale @pont s few tisys ni thîs vtck sais i rienis at Alttiocis and vlt'uuttty. Mts. E. Hensor reltîrued lit eek icitu Algoutînin viscre tube lias biten titi pasi few wseeka. 'lThe Naîîcî,na lotige lit.W. A. tîtok ii a iutmber of îîev menibers on [Ties- tiuy evcuîuîîig ef this veek. C'. A. Goling antiC.t'. Ptratt, tii Chicaig, ent Suniday vith 15dm Ni ctuutia relatives aud fints. Il in mepttrteti that G. C. Roberts bas piunchastil a lut of Il. hB. hurritt sud viii boîlîl sometîumtie itfuture. 'The Klnigs >atuglters have ro- trganizid [sohir first meethng vas ai the home niftira. Grahaniu Tbiimsi.Y oftis week. tizpdt Lttdgetof tiystie Workers ot the Wtînid iook in ten nov meuthors ai Uns latit meeting. Mono t liehoinîtiateti aithlie uxt meeting. The romains etftirs. A. Lampisere sehut ied ti tthe home o!fhonrtisughter, tirs. C. Curtis, ai Elgin vere brougisi here fer burlii Iat;veek. 'usle Elîvorti League vili givo sl dîme social un the M. E. churcis parier Fritiay eveniug April 28. Ail are eordially luvitet teattendi. tir. sud tirs. G. C. Roborts anti Mr. anti trs. J. W. Gilbert vont te Prairie du Lac, Wis., Saturday te attend tise >fanerai o!ftira. eoberta anti tra. tulbonts faîber. tir. A. 0I. Putier sud sou 011e ne- turmnetite vauceutia the fluat of tise wek. tirs. Potier vilI ho bore lu tise near future. tir. Pobier drovo trous Nortb Careluns te this place. A tt(ho elecilon Tuesday fer village etllcers the straiglit Peope@ ticktet vai electeti. A. Cook, Proaldeul o! board; Jas, Neville, C. E. Jeaks, B. Fubien, Truittees; C. V. Weudou, Cheuk. A numbor of tieutis ef H. K. Barris atîrpriseti but, 0ou Wedssesday oveuing of hast oeok il belug bis blrthîtlay. A besutiiiul rocker vas preseutati te tir. Hfarris. A pleasant evonhug vas ap(1nt by ihose preseul. The Niagara Fîre Ce. vas called eut at 12 o'clock Tuesday nlgist of lail voek io put eut s flue lu V. D. Kimball'a bon bouse, but tho compauy arriveti tee late as a lev polis of vater put ont tise tir belons serilons dainage vne doue. Tisa erigis of the fira la a lsaffl". Cook County Department. THrIsDBPAEtTX3ET WmLýL Bit DIvQTBD To Tevas IN SOUTHEEN LàKE COVNTI ANID NOBTUE1sN COOK COUNTY. SHERMERVILLE. WHEELING. S. Mielr la building au addition te Dr. Beoz bus bat big bouns lîugleti. bisl bonne. FbiUipSpengler ls vorking st the A. Seckers barnulas shont eompletp, brick yards. ail but psint. J. A. Scbmluke bas been hîavizg hbis tira. W. A. Voltz bai again returneti store papereti. te ber bouse lu Cryntal Lake.tirs$.imift ansd tarily have nioved H. P. tisuizer bouglit s car eftuleHigbland Park. lumber lu Chicsgo tiis vek. 1 Fsrmera lu thi5 Vitiiity are itttsy on Chai. Karaten bought a îîov tue land this veek. vheel for bis son Heury laut veek. W. M. Blls nsd fauihly mpeut BHin. B. Ksrâten witue ont riding en bis day lu Euglewood, nov bicycle laut voek broite dovu no Tise Open Wlndow CJluîthabaieo that it can not ho repairoti agaînà. disbaudeti as a nebool organization, Louis Gottschalk visiiod vltb lita but uîay lic keep uenis utIde. muster, tira. Rieat lait lluaday. Hie At tbe receut sebool electinu,tir. axpocis te build s nov bouge tisis Wellltu vas re-elected sud Mr. Harth summer. vas elected t te heii oaasnty tiset TheaIlnitd Farmers Crosîtiery by tbe rennoval tiftir. ltauosam. Association la te bold ils Sanusia The groundâ abolit the lirevemy are meeting sud election ef omeiera s veek beîug "lieti op- tntbe mont Ipproveti irons Monday eleuing, Miay 1, 1099, ai style. Wbeu inisbed tbey will bu. a Wheellug, 111. Everybody altoulti try verîtable nttîaturo park. "lieteiler- sud ho preseni fer Il ln for yonr owvu prise of the ~proprietors lant, ii tut lutereat. meutded. Maoy tbeir example proveoail Ouiriesuty admtirer seroas the lino lmpetnte niboters t,, 11t, up.- of tho back voods la always ou the stert to catcb on tu soute une or sertit. LONG GROVE. tting nay, but nover mii Witt every- G. à11<er madetitaotrip 1 toIt.,.rleltj beody la unie yen, yen are nt nula tast verk. very gooti location nov itor sport, sncb ai rsge on pins. Mir. Wiî-kt-rslitintlitas reittets lite Our neiglbor Abert vas oitlIbis rutai vesk vitb the intention eoriîuying a F. Ileer frnu Vltitl itted autboute nerse, wviiolwuas î,ered te bini a îev lasIHt ti(ay. veskssgo for $6, but vben bc lutjulred tMrs. sHar itc Mtlî itrs L1.iii. tbie vaek ho fouud the buyer bati iller Isot vetit. joined the tiusteanad bat raiseti $1-à J. Enuîpf, Jr. purtitascîl a fansliy during Ilisitime. buggy front i,. ioltiuiat-. J.!'Plitzent ~or iade a hushuesa NORTH NORTHFIELD). tripleo CarpentXIvIile ltveek. .Mr@. W. Voltz relurneti home Hatur- C. Bans ant ISr. llergtîmn vore day. viilng ltaitSunday aitlPalatine. Mr.Wm.Plage n lun dejoring The Misses Eduta Sîbar aud Lotira caille. sai pn ndyu rlitn Heights. Fritz v" seea n lutevu vus bis sîlk bat nd ie waon.V. Saitir A Blînt. bave let a eontrat bat anti ce>tir Weteger frîtu, Palatine fttr a The Northi Neribileld i terany soclcty ý oibarn. bui givan np ils meetings,$.ts asnc1tf1evSen.thr Well boys. boy vas tbe charivarivs t macigIîiSîîîtity l1 lte [Bd yen MaB alot of noise, Essugelti cit urtît. filstareportedthatsiPeter SebilîliJr tir. p. tit'entbaier 5and iîý4.t bas beughl àBlot in Wboeling. lîilzeutiîuer epeut tev.nîtI layeBti_ tir. Herman Bubeftlirvs, deîtd NPrii.s sligMsrvi.sti Iusie.fer the udxt tbme e rs litiittil tir. Alvin Kiesi &peut Nunîlsy WbatisgîtifMe.ti tthi, - qtuiliing s.dmring bis W beeling beatîty. 1N tIîr iartieutlttireiy Itettiti.(It, nt t ite a&l rigbt Alvin. j îîlth for pîtssv (m, %NIil gIrls. ytet It oe Do pY t ,d dy indfeettltelai tttu-Ath.u. ttya s8lhtme.s h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ doantpytuld r at trîc..sîî.îy ' îît.tantu 01! other people andi thonnstop lu thet.ontti ier, al, wl .any, t br fs. yournelf. Dos h WiI'? W Sulhar andîtilltttttt. l'lLîg i.nve Thore voie no prsaching services ai sPerth Menttt lt î îintg etle giti tn the E. A. cburcb Sundsy, Mev. F. >t ék -li' li ~lut Mîîormomqtj itand Stierle hing ai conferouco. lu anti bebolîlitev tauglil noverai Tbe North Northlleld sport issttbagil. ' ixin ai arîtrisuti (hem anti bis îatb on thse vay berne mousmadti felttilu a, tismeli tt(ler a sa Woesling sud vslked inte a vire feuce ,et roî,m lui the btuggy te botit ail tlie tir. R. L (iroas the Long (.rove aport i lis. -Nm, Lua la liialîtoy. visitodai North Nonihfield, Weeoling. At ltettciîoI eieîtioltîîîelSatttrtay Aptakisie sud Hall Day lant Haiurday. (lier, va" t:îly tut voter mIMies lte J ti nii: . ilireîttîrs. It t vsy theltuati ii, le- - -.- tokeirs t, ack ot intereat liti(lit tcistttl, lu aiment every ueigbborbood there e tir iipeutk iltor, pîîiîly t serimii la nomeone vboso Ile bas been navetl uegîet ofii ity en the iparitetthie by Chambauîinsa Colle. Choiera antiý Dlarrboes Mmeti>, or wvbelbas bsen liti/tttn. Il t tsvery ',tlts itral sud eurod ef chronile dlsrrboos by tbe use civil dlty lii attendilandI îîtrtielcJtb in el (tismdicine. Sncb persona Mtalle ail sibuiti sf1.,irs . A wird the im a ne sL point 0et telluug 0ni h venever iit îîýît i opportunlty offers, bopiug (bal h rMay bo (ho mienne ofsviug nihers lives ttti.atr- Fer sleby. F. B. Les ELL, Liiterty hii -] Itlli' limeetings ville, J. ML BRAstag, Gnrnoe. Oasv-Is ).1 *iI:rilý(a e .ol1 'i tel LAIE PaÂaMsàcy, F. L. WEMTRzis io itFtta lortit.i i go Meekefelîsa. douce uS suI lttrasrg RIGOLO, 19762. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. The siseve borne la ovueti by Thse Waucontia Perchieron Hernse Compauny, anti vill make theanason ai peints ln tisis vlclnity. He o is rk ihmngrcy lui tîlor, sud hsa tbe blond sud houe oi the inesi Perchernfmoît imîlcalu Irauce..lit la about 1W0(1Ibo weiglit, anti otperfect tuTti, beligai t tus otb ils a tiîîougblîrod, visibo his disposition la vithout isuli. QUEBECI 2147. WEIOI 1370 POUND$. Imported French Coachis Stallon. Ovuati by. Wsnceuda Coachs Honse Ce. This fine biorne vilI mske tbe sessou ln compauy vltb Bioje, anti botté cau nov ho seon ett hoir quartera, aI Frank Thomasi fsrm, neor (lmer, 111. quebec, oua of tiehe nt aillonis e ver brugbt te ibis country, vas im- porfle by tbe lote M. W. Dunhai, nud vo bave yel toeram 5berseussu findt àny Inuit in blus. He nla iogauiy bey ln colon, ant ilebis uposition la of tbe bigist degree of oquime gentlemess. Bothbohrses are <ivueti by companies i1faruintui hioratusen, wvue solîcit tise patronaga of breeders. Cal nsc0 ituis ! ligiu itredil horsea, «outilbeau, termes. The foltuing stands are fer the uprnug msutie1W~.09 MON DAY-At Diarnonti Lake. TL'MSDA V-At bouse WEDNEBDAY nighl anti Tbursday suonliiug st ira Suattis's Itinut, een Vole anti Feemoul Conter. THUBDAÏ nigmi sud FrIday rmorning---At Il tttmbnoiesîtiof NVttcîUda. FMIDAY nlght andi Saturday- At The Lîtkcsittut hants lut Waiundui. For furthor particulars caIl oui or stiurees, FR ANK TIIOIIAS, Manager ,GILMER» -.1 ML~,Ni< ti v f f

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