y laya u! A, ay u'bat dis- i St. lIgii. oot' uiu ift de "\ E o th moa noabl chaactra uîf ui. ue sthesubjct 0 Dr ralmges îscorie sudthe es M,. 8 "<o e u ht hr s a NhîE or'teei tngogta being km-e o ullul Ibt ht.sl me flatphen u J. 'of D. 0he l>e's dieouue, the les-t. wL soo bull.a i assirndovu ou Ilb.amul-n proneondgituot tan asehs îLe sucld Set 10ac tolloacmiutesyali.iouatoiexcj wilerthe Esaer nthcm stîll h ingning Nh dethuhan the îrumouifSteahenJ.soad. nd- theOui. dîpate u fncaf cae fri atoye licka't s Iifaber stli moteribmou-It lesnndouîlnsicnîs oeofni'yoas u'ha-te lihl as liotrWlul îm mmndIl tLe vare- s ui ding llccuinofa fth mase d helpon met ahlm l d perean looge§Iitie.C Illo theouI truieriasn hiolb. mam n h tfhebar e u pera s ho hav oue n Our "destarthad. siend canu vutlu hslia boy 0 He uiany oflb'. rallerl apiaer ot mhr1-bisn tory.n Et ýi n u pama li atactm ge b m &bav e Ill a drtet tro, a b iam v erai l l a hod u sru u Ii subicot of a rtiond elali- Bio nt fi-G mtseul rrov sit ae on orluni iiutimen Tle ho baieComdoul et matela u hu harltefondacommerfial ct gnou la'. Iltàguma ign iaa G erm ndliv eug- e llsbai. neian l-mn. Ib het foun-0 dait or îteu ansbihap bulod chanc hi@-mcd tory.ise au Ihe boy, S gtapc J bI.i oe stfre bird tea m h. preîiage bSockitli bredgeudvtre abs gofaiudor v.n.a aIt me-nti. %%fts're as giosus]jutice cf ml. lirlae, tiehorI of ublainteltatea, be t rateionus,n ily raylderacmsere br'isd giwrls uti founce mntfhoui.faxe i lias eretne'îîîna onul abJhulsseaosulei hoprme ('urai ofi theuUites atdImefia seul vonuin s lite mou'b erideul1'ursperc t SabbsIh and Iuritacic tesebinga bave Il priadurcul t avili e c matter of cogratu, I llun and Ibm toivng. i A-_luTi.?'s Fou. i Do nob pans hy te tat tat t bave not t yet seau eeniphanimeu that Sîcluhen J.Fli t vas a munlisers son. Notaits tanding that ibere are conapacuous exceptions to the rui-moul the exceptions bavre ult i up a stereîilpe defammtio on te mob- jectaatiuuic plain sud undentabie prove1 liat a larger propuii.liîluofutuiitu'r' sonst turc out wcclithat, arc tali e round i l s 1 tler geseatuîgîuahl tbhe. Luct ail the piar- glanages o!sui i.uituninai,,us or Chrîs- lians vhere chldren are g'nosttng up talle lhe copiaulticn.(e the mtar of hope 4 painting dessta Ihat manger! Notice sisai Ihai ouI. deî-luildfriesul as à memter of a royal famîhy. TLei- rtne me croans or i epters or thionca in IbsI anestrah lin--, tlitI tLe fsîuly orftlb. Fieldl. uile the famtly Of the Nes YoraNt Primem. ik hîe fitmuly of the Princoeton Alexanrn.liSe a ai'are ot failies tuaI 1I mieht mention, if tluer, lovOt ta mentionf tthraiusre "the uiitcnai Ihe King" and had put uni teisi bitura brîgbîer Iban cr00 ns and i a î,du'd intlii'tiua' lontgr andf vider Ibat. tesî' .ia T h ta minu ly o Fieldjs traces sutbhonoable linuu'ge b'cS 800 yemn a toliobertuis(lu' la Feid, ciadjo- lor of Williami the Casuîuîu.nur. Lt os Ibank Cid fui. sîu'h familles, getueation aften geuiraluuunin the sd'. if that as'burb la righnd iii oua. Fluaiins if 'ut Icuuin- tny miuuîslu'. lu i iii i the as mii oser for1 extratdnîary îs-t!alnlsa ila thu'un spberu.,i legs!l, oîîitrîîcu'ai. itu'ary aîîl tit i (glsl en sd a daîgbîu-r. theb. tithr f 0ne o! hib ansocate Justices f te Siilieote Court.i Such tatîiue 'iirs nuasî'for go'.di those familles alis nuilic frntuugineratirîn1 lu gururat iii> fatiuiliu's luthanIaud oui î1 s'eilth, utiugiiti'ualy gf i ati I gihy( kept or w lkily aîîuuîuuu.fonui Ihat standl fur frsuîd unuorlunîorty or mîlci' olenre; ftuîuly nans'hIbt itsýidtly .9 coinete vs'ry nuui.t ,ibugliî tiougbs-nae1 V ~ " 0f propnitly tucp dii t ulihe ru the ip. Ttienanis e1îhltuvlh survive cenuieiic and Le s s> onu itforin-rlizan. for gruat1 jurisprutdence. tfr able Ciiotian joornal. Imas the saunesuof the' Marmoaansd1 *the CUsursastanud fan cruelty and lppres- sion. W~hie psrcflbs cstuint aspire ta havc mch ronaîuciruîîîîabiîueilds luqthets'one the nsae of sa-oe'gnit oîuw eebrare. eil parents msy by fiarleity tiu prayer and hly ezauiphe have bbî'u n saloid dautgh- ,tera eoerie ingsanidiu ilîlisuto Cut, 10 reigIlttîncter andulevun. ilonor the Home. Let young mmnn Lco arn' luit thu'y by their besi o Lisurît fîîsîly rerdnua wiîh some miadecu. We est, ai thiak ot bouse- boldo tbe nanues utfas hich imuafnt evî'ry- thlng bonorclle soil cons-aîil fora long wiie, but by the decul iit 00e son amen- fices]. diagraceul sud llaëteul. Iook ouI boy you rolu pour enuB-crateul ancestry of lie nemne they handeul ta you unsuliedi BelIer as trustpe ta Ibal naine suIs]nome thlng woriby. Do sumethîng 10 bonor the elul bomeeteis]. ybeîber a mulamn cabn or a cIty mausion or a country parsomage. We ove a debl 10 Ihos. who have galle before in ouir line as crtsicly au y, have * obligations t0 Ibose wbo mbequccly ap- ut. Of the 1.042 optnions he rendereul tue t'as more potent or memorabl. Ihan hose rendcred wbiIe lhe Waslulinaîmel mi- irily cand soinelîmes ic a munorily ef ,e. A lcarned and distimgunsed lawyer )filIs country salul he vonaul rmther b. .e mulhor of Judge Fieid'a dlaseutlng pissions thon 1tb. be he thor cf the cou- itutions of lie United States. The' leu- leory lfis lgo vis, the multitude. 10 Ibink bat cillera thlok(10is aymraddo wat thera do. Bonnctmen the maJorlty are wrong. sud It requiîrea beroîce t10tise heb negatîve. but ta do thît lsgicaily and In ns bumor requiret somn. elemeeta of moie u9 001ot ten foul ndIn dicial dis- tunters or, indees], ln any clans of men. bhere are so .cneufpeople in tbe vorlul op- posei 10 ea'erylhing sud gvhoadlsplay Ihelr oppositionIn racroum caul obnozlous 'sys thet a Jndge Fieldl vas needeul 10 îake tb.e egaîive respectes] andi genial ad riglat. Minorlîles linier Coulesure 1h. 'orlil andlautre the church. An unmlink- hig and precîpîlale "yen" msy Le stoppes] y a rtgbteouqsuans]heroic "no." The ma- JiilC are flot alvmys right. The oldun gs- peI bymu declares Il: Numbera are no mark thal men yul rlght b. roul; t est vere si veut iNohb@ crk 10 many millions drovues]. The Declai.atlonocf Americcu Indepers- cunre waseauiîseutlug opinion. The Fr ee Chui.cb of Scothonu. under Chaluters andl fs compeeris, ives a dise'ting mnovement. The Biblelîuf Olul Testament and New Testament, is a lurolemt agabual lbhelthe- rie* Ihat vomilul bave deslroyed the asorld and se a disaentiig asusîel m a ouvineîy ospireul buaua The Decalugne unotinai repealcul leurlIme. "Thon shalltmot." For oses 10 rosie vilI be guobesitrfnmlav books Il ourt mons Justice Flelti', mag- Diliceat dla.ctI'g opinions. Teuugered bisHardahipa. NotIce tit cor smcend.d friend bcd uch a characler as assaili anud pendl alonse coi uierelop. île haul 0t coin@ tu tie moft enubiocs ofibe Sapreme Çoui.t benaji step- ilig-cdz 'îdhtiof gold uà is]ilutes] AII ten he lina by bandclappicg of applausa. Counstry pîrsouages do mol roek thisa bshes lu salin lImes] cradle or mfîerycrd veund thêt ut Int010tlb. orlul vîti cnuogh n theiè bacul 10 porchae place and pow- 'n. Pastors' salaries in the earlyr part of hbis century hardly ever rsaiu$ 70a resi.. Erocomies thal soinelimes cut loto the bon. chai.mrterized many of lhe homes if the New Englanul clergymen. The rottirg awye 0f vbom tie spesk to-day arrnved lu Sacs Francisco in1849 vatb umiy $10 lunbi4 pocket. Vnilliamatovo Collet* vaes ulniri.oiluctory to c pont- graduate course c'hich omuri.lllustrions fniecul tank vbile edmliaiterlng justice and haiting i.uffianios amîd lb. sminlung ciamps of Calutonis. Oh, Ihose "forty ninners,- as Iiey vene emîleul. bhrougb whst privatiîons, ihrougb ahal aorrovsescapes, ammîd vat expostnres Ihey moveul! Ad- mînisterlng andi oxerubing law mmong out- lavs neyer bms boîn ancîasy undcrtaking. AffZi; îiouàneer, maio! vhom lboul no regard for humais lite, andl vhere the .nsp ot platol andu bang oft gun tenu umit be h5hteïjihnsa,.requircul courage o; Bchîcd s dry guaoda box. surmonesi Ly tallov rmudh&sa'Jiidge Field Legan bis ju' ticiai caneer. Whst exeltingscenes he passes] through! An Internai machine va hîndeul tG bu. sud inaîde tli Iulof tLe box aras pated bus deeliviun lu lhe i'uuLlo rase. the derisian Ihat heul baîkesi unlurincipiesl speeulitura. Ten teara sgc hus ire vuuld LuvePascd ouI bad mot aou oufficear of nbme laiegiton dovn his assallaut, lit tuait a long training of hardnhlp coul abuse sud isicnteptaliuo andl Ihreal ni violence and flash of assassins lkmite to fil hum fur the Ligh Place vhergshe coulul ilefy legisiatures sud cougs-oes coul pres. udetîts and t he tonld wabe eknev hg oms right. flsrdsihp in the grindatune fills sharpens intelccIual feculiîs andl the swourds a'îtb arbcb bta stike effg.tttei for Coul sud one'@ country. Whv ma.3i Fait. 'c horessor s alireteuIG,,umany la a fislurn leause lhey du otaIbave opposi, iuon csouhigansd trtais enougb orhecrat they ignomiciouuly lie doan lu Le rut over luy tht-m insîras] of using theau foi iaoira on wihich la put their foot anal muaont . Thuse "born aîîih a golul moiuin their mouîba' are spt tu take their las, Meditielu t 0f a potater mug. Havi brave beanb lu alidepurtmni e uten ci însuy obstacles: Thure ainoticLravn oi tbaracler witîott lbm. The nougha gian ung and groa'lîsg anounul about the shedl ot a court mous in Maryavifle, Cal., haul am mach ta do vith Jaulge FacIls dea'ehop uîu'n as Mark [Hopkins. bbc great W'ul luamnrtown College presudent. Oppouitioi dut ýips courage. 1 like the' ring of Mur tn Lutherie deliance -ien Le saiul to Ihu Duie o! Saxny, 'Thunuga are othertisu ordercol in heaven liman they are at Augs bug. ,Notice &acowotuîcb oun liend did fou the houai. of the juuduu'uany. Wbti noimon luatsaensea hai' bia i otîuesed in oui U.nined States Stîpreme Court, on thi tueoch end betore thhe Lenrb, whbotepr la. Lai-k ilfieldulius sessions un Ithe utpper srnon of the exehncie ai Nesv 'S'ont or aller tard foi. ben yu'ans lu the ruty ball s Philadu'hphia or haler in the collai. o! yon der. capital, the îphace asbcemfor muni ycnr the CougreasionaiL Lbnary vis kept a sepntesher ashene books ocre buriet alive, the baie called bly John Raudoipi -the- Cavre of Troîuhanius!*' Whot imight: mien saiod Lelure Ihat bar picadisig insjus nuontal ehoquinee on qumis) ions vof nations ituliont! Edmuîud Ranulph sud Ahexan ten Ilamilton sud Pintcî>' anul Jeremiai Mlaan ul Caleb Cusbing and the. vetri sud ii.cenistihle Itufus Choute ans] Georg Womi andi Charles O'Conor sud Jame T. Brady andl Francis B. Cuttiug and mci nov living jusl as poiterful. The Bupreme Court bas stood s0 blgb fi Engiand acoultheUnites] States thci th vicea 'cf a fev who have occupied ibm important place have not been ahi. I disgrâce Il, meitber the corruption of Frit lrie Bacon. mor the crueity of Bi. Georg Mackenzie, mc, the Sahiali desecratio of Lord Castereagh. artsthtillas offomre wsbty gavi a"4 demanded attention w. could Io" uPou them-Martball, the giant ci Ànteicaa jurisprudence, and John Jay. of vhom, Daniel Webster acid in commemoration. *"When the s"I~eàs ermine of the JUdIcial robe fell on John Jay. il touched nothing lesa aspoheas than iself," and Rutiedge and Cushîng and Ellsworth and Joseph Storey. called the Waliter Scottof coni- mou Law, and Sir Mathew Hale and Lord Eldon and Lord Tenterden and Sir James Mclntosh sod Mansfield and the lons lin. of lord chasicellors and the great Judgec front both sides the e, and after they bad taken their places in oui. qnlckened Imagination the diatinguiaJaed cases of centuries whiieh îhey decded might again be caled on, after the assembled nations hcd ejscuiated. "Gad ate the United States of Amerca," "God mva Great Britain,' "God ae the nations." A Tributs, te Law. Ah, bow the Law honora and sanctifes everything It touches! Natural Law. Civil Law. Social Law. Commercial Law. Coin- mou Law. Moral Law. Eclesitical law. International Law. Oh. the dignitY. 1h. impresâivenesa. the power of lavi It la the oniy thing before which Jehorah bows. but hie bows hefor. that. aithough lhe Law ia 0f i own aaklng. The Law! By it voride swing. Diy it the fate of cenfiries in decided. By it aIL the affaire of ime and &Il the cycles of eternlty yl bc goyerned. W. cannot zonr no bigh, or &litk no deep. o reehout00se50fmr, or lire 80 long cm 10eseape it. It s thethrone on whlch the Almighty it. To Interpret Law, whct a profession! What a responsi- bility! Wht an execration vhen the Judge be a Lord Jeffreys! What a ben- diction if hie Le a Chancellor Kentl justice WiliI leai. Hlave you ever realized bow mnch God bas hosored Law in tbe fact that &Il Up and dowu the Bible hie makes the Judge a type of himnIsef and employa thse scene of a court room o 10 et forth the grandeurs of the great judgnîenl day? Book of Gen- exss. Shall net the judge of ail the cartis do right?* Boo of Denleronomy. '*The Lord sali judge bin People." Book of psasînis, -haisi Judge hîmscîf." Book of the Arts, Jodge of quick and dead.' Hof Tisoothy. '*The Lord the righl- esos Judge." Neyer will il Le underatood how G.,d honora jmdgc, andIcourt rooms until the thuderboit or the leat day shall pudt#se opemng et0fth& greet assIe- truecf trial. the àsyet ~aamt'la day o clon, the day of judgment. The law or the case on thut occasion yull Le read. and the inditmeut of tell commis- whieh are the Ten Conmmnidments. Jus- tic. w Il plead th case against ns, but oor gorious cdi Gete will plead in our ebaif. for -we have an advocate with the Fath- er-'Jesua Chrit. the rgbteou." Then the case wil L e decided lu our clearance. a the Judge annountren, There in nov. therefore. no coademnstion to them who are in Christ Jeans." Under thse crowded gallerost of cioud on thaai mt day and under the swayiog uphqttery of a barn- eLng heavens andwville the Alits and Hîm- layas and Mount Washington are tall- lug flt on their faces sie vill Le able te uniderstand the ignificance of those ScrlP- tturc passages wich speck of God au Judge asd emploY the. court ruom of earth a% typiral of the scene vhen ail nations shahL e brouilbito btribunal. To have doue wel. ail that sncti c pro- 1fession could si of hlm. and le have made tbat profession stili more honorable tby bis brilliant and sublime hife..La enougb sud ceetal 7nitra a i lon. And tien r tQexire bjauti b wile the prayera of -bis cîàch frère einqofeelc~a~4 ide, the door of heaven opcTh'W?-Or is etrafice as the door of earth opened for fbis departur. the aob of lhe earthly fart- eil caught up loto raptures that neyer jdie. Yea.ihe bed and died lu th. faiti o f the old f ashioneul Christian religion. 2 Bli"evt in th.Bible.. - Young man, 1 vaut 10 tell you thal Jus- 1tice Field believed in the Bible troai fidto flid. a book ail true either as doctrine or thîstory. mach of it the hstory of events 1that neither Goul nor nman approves. Our. trienul drcnk the vine or the hoty sacra- ament andl &te the breaul of vhich -if a tman esttlbe ahail ocrer hunger." li. vas 8 he up and dovu. out and out friend ef Ythe church of Christ. If there biddLbeu anythîng iflogical in our religion. hie vouid have acouted it, focrie sus a logicien. àif there lied been lu it anytiing tinre&- ,sonable, Le wouid have rejeleul it, b.- ecause hie ose a great reasoner. If lier. a had been in t anything that would flot rstand rcsearcb.hle vould have exploded à the fallary. for bit Ilfe vas a lite of re- a earch. Young men of Washington, Young tmen of Amerswm. young men of the round e worid. c religion that wouid stand th. test fof Justice Field'à penetratlsg and ail ran- rsîici.îng intellect muât have in I seins- *tbîang wortby of your cotnfidence. 1 tel yîu 00w ibat Chrsianity ha@ mot only a the heart of the wîorld oo ils ide, but lb. L'râanor the worid aiso. Ye whm have tried ta represent the religion of the Bible a s omething pusilkanimoua. boy do you .- accouait for the Christian faitb of Steplhen "J. Field. wbole aheises of the Law library' "occilpied with bis magtifilcent deciions'l Gaod-by,, my demi. oid friend of more thtan thirtY Ycurs. Yaur words of personal encouragement and good cheer give me rthe right to ofici. words of commemora- tAon.. Bie I must lemor 10 thers bis place 'r of borial. Tire city might choose Rock Creek ani Oak 1h11. uand San Francisco *migbt eboose Lone Mountain. yet if I bad Is eh oic, 1 .sUid aaY let it Le the ceme- 1- tery t Stoekbridge. He ssouid Le At r homne thcre. and it voîîld Le a faruilY r.- * United. But, wbstever Le the place, let cime sprinkie over the ncssly made grave ib tis handfui of hether fromt the Scotch 1 igbissds, lua'tb. bymo ihii'h tht people of thal landl of Andrew Mel vile and John Kno are Apt ta sng on their way te the hgrave of some one greatiy beloved: d Ncilghbor, scrept our parting song. re The road la short. the ret ta long. ?a The Lord broughit here. the Lord takes nhence ; Thi. lano bouse of permanence. te on bread of mrti cnd bread of teaca Lt The pilgrlmt fed these checkered yeara; ta Nov, landiord world. abait 1teite door; a.Thy guet la gens forever more. re nu (one 10 the land of aveet repose, Elltscomtrades bles& hlm aumle gomu L. . ItTCHELL L1<iII TTFI' tFlP. Il (iîrt liestemot, Cump.ny K.) I.apaî.-pnauty .) w iF.irl*'py. r. W, KIRLLOII. (FhnsI 1.ieQtèuisut. CoMupas> AI COLb)SEI.3, J. L fOVERI. GOERNOR OOLESBY DEAD. litinola' Deaireet Voiarmna Sialestn- Foldi.. Passmee Avsy. ItcsdJ. Ogiesi>, Ibrice- Govennor of Illinois, once the Statuas reprs'aenba iui the opper bouse of Congreas. und tue uit the tew mon lefI vbo acre pniomliinn la political andl nvie litc in the Wesit durng tou Ibreuboeedulsys 0f the Nabellios. dieu a1 hie homne on bis fanm near Elthurt .Nonduy. Mi.. OglesbLpa deatb os tbe result o! an allark of ventigoa, an aliment froot ahicb be bcd loug lxiii a sufferer. A sudden stt of the ulisease oa'encnuuc ham a bile be t'as bihe Lmîhroom or bis bouse. lu fslhing bis besul sîruet. a lui-ce of turuilure. Concusaton of Ihec ri oas cauneulaud he dit-si ithiaut nufgaunun og u-ii ariousneai. Cor. OgîcaL> bail heen failise lu bealth $Iuce the mprlng of 1M06, wbcn he a-as baS- on w lb an sîlo t i le gip anud vas fan neanl> blrecîou'hua cuninedt. i bs bonme.9 Fnomt Iis allantb h a nalicul fiually, butt noter fuli> regausuit bis tormer slrengîb. O! laIe L le hart aupuancul lu b lu tain bealîb and durîngtaea'iuter Waasnot con- fine uii1 bis home ehiept hy the baul aath' ePr. I remblinug nOIS abowedtli e a- nesspf the boduy. tii bacl complained of othîîg save hbus ocokucas. sud Iorewasa nothuîug luinduate an> Ililui dangunous lu bus ciondiion. Iii the ditsîLof Rlicard 3J Oclentu> the Stale of Elliois anas lice ofthe letaIof the gnuautp ofst n "Isw lui.tout 50 prnominelt s part in Ihe polit'ia farasof the Sînte durng undu linucdiutcîy aller thee iti soar. Lite Tales, the gren at n'o o- ennor of the SIsfateian like Beveridge sud Plmer, bu' bildtinsit bonne anrmsbu tht- servive of ttîe Uolon atndliad done in thIe fieldl unuter Grant the wurk that Linconn oasa desugting nt WSahington. Itis tan recrd w aas ,ousîicutisiy brilliant and ho hut the finhl. au îuunîiruian.]iitufilfon fur- thon servibce, waa'ulictîersîihofmjor gen- eral. Ilua oigiiliity fnnrte pont o o lv-- ernîîr ous iuatantiy erognized. Il oas bus desena id distinction 10 te lucteul Cuir erontrcne limes, lun 8u'o, again in 1872 and agenlu 18,S4, nltbouîgh ie resignact t thebe 'gintiiuugof bhua oound itenantinu on- der t btairrolt a5 nuOthIe Unite'd States Svnabe. Cuir Ooglesîmyn reronu Oas onetoI ich bis Ststo sua>' juîoly ate priule. lie tam a otan o! tî'rhiîucintecrit>, aolud jndgîuuot and ronsi.siirnll iii'tihitiiSO of percepution. le svos an canuletolulowser ofthIe parby. but tept bis 0w ta ln(lueit jodgmî-îa uopen pinliti utes. The nregret as'bch muaI Le fel nI bis ueath siliLe-softtotud by the recognition o! the fart thas uhing lit, oaast-I nouiniduwsith usetuh acti i- tinaou ehaît of Sbsle andl nations.Ilie a'aa one outhbceuens buse lie and arbiremenîa have sddesi tua the npulalion and hosor of Illinois. GEAMANY MAKES PROTEST. Taket OEeIl Cegalmence of CaptaI,, CouelnsSpeech. The Gernmn Govenumuent bas Ctereul a lornisl proest againal lie lacgusge uneal by Cîptalu Cogbisn of the Rtaleigh ut lie Union Lesgaae Club banquet in Nev York. The prolest vas loilges] vib Secretary Hsy îhrougb lbhelGermon ambassador, Mr.. Von HelieLen. Secnclary Hay replieti Ihat the language afpearedta10bave bien uses] ct a dnuer lin aclub sud an coulul coi Le regaruleulas su officieI or public 011r' once bu the seuse that itooul warrant the sîn DeIpagomeut le acting. Howes'er. the NavY Deparlument vas fulY rompe- lent to lake ouch action as the cas. semeul 10 ruqulre. The 'Jerman oîtaasosur appeareul et the Stucep Delisrtme-nt Mondoy for the punnînse uitmakinx funnhei.'rprcaccîaîionst lui 'Scindtai.> lIy luou'iug the- c)ndutiof Caltali '.sghîuîn. en Ihal tae ttenantuis of Caltlsîi Csghliu tit the Army andu Nuvy Club. as tubîsu u tnday citi lng'tu papenat a-re ru'ganduus a au aumidi- tional offense. An iffort woan mode lu as- certain yhether tie Uniles] Blairs îlot- ermnt cIinténenuicul10do uuytbîmg ofiiolty ic vIe-v oftsubeequeut derelepleumlsilethe eau. HALE'S BRIGADE MEETS ENEMY. 1. the Engagement, six Auerilrn Ale Killed sud T«etve Woumded. Mlaous sudiies csy Ihatien. Hale's bbicr.ul, rîîsuoîing of the Nebrastu. Ioa ani] Souîth Daktas nacumeno. asilh Ihnee guis, asbîh h f Molosm Niday, foilIta- cd the %veuailuanthé Ihîia limande river lu a tunu. Nity amaîl bands tof nebels stue nescousitecl, suatdtanring the liter-' nloua the Aînuncana dnscvered acteraI liuindreul of the eucmny entrncheal neur Puilan, iotonh of Quitîgasi. Oui. troop% attou'ked the rîbîhs, luing nix mac killeal anlét ta'hve aroondlva. huit. tînle's lruaps cdaim tbat oantIy 20t) deud intves at-ni-cuulul siuxgthe couuuntry araa.'.ieil. Anuoîug te Ibo laulas al Sîuauiîh rapraini. The Soîuth Daikota nîguîuunt ibure tht- brunt of the tightitug Qjl all iad fricnnkilleul iand niuue osulcuî. The i(unupicalure oas PI anal scieraI canes of nutist rot.' uons nuluorluit. C,'ia. >lArtiur ndoît Vuhaton, o 'h 1h, NlOnitana rei.u'fitnuu'il, îaancii1 1 thbe ilt of the u' roaas nid thea' Kansas nt'gi- mnuenmu nviiifourmanrt 10 thau'rughait, nrnh o! Mlailu.i. Thluy hsd w bithuase a lonîg suppî trais on-ilh anied cars in fronut, cannug 100o (hliîtg asoi rpul re gpins anul tbe aix-pluinur %ai eh utid nucb l'accu- lion ut the captîurevif Maliins. The in. aurnoiîs tcupfed 10 uîeaîroy the rail- rondl lriutgu ni-t suIe uitCaluitpmit andtutcu. ceideil itu badhy narnlheb iran frane-ý tonS. Ams oon as the suli.'rs 1Icît the' liliîuino caplital the naives tagan lumcuig io, as Ihu'Y luI ot Suîîîta Crua, lx-fore tht- hat btuoii f h un, la wo'îu's caprîlit ion baillsail- ed. l'le Amnenivn army us esumpehîcul la absanonahl ots'nu hobn aunuîuuard mos-e. meut laconisenced WbcotseO f insufhiien nies tu arrnisoc tbcnu. This gis-es the lipuso hauin rsafranneairtu poc obiu'h 10 mpiSnlsoruaicOf Annueniean ijîfeal. The Amncn c oiiasdiiehabue Icît gi-euat ones of ni,'.' aetMia(ioal, hieh lhey hast- leeu uiistnubutting ho the fnatives itnd ('tinumieu ulily. o!fsytocu Iht'ne vrene 21K.1 to 3iiui, ieanhy aIl o!fo'hom nremaincil don- ing the Ocucupuatioun, but asho tiuhhoacd the Ameriesu army ouI ui thIe Place onrashu look trains giurg snthe' directiuonof NMa- alla, fanriîug ibat lihe'naluis scotnlal l thena. Thé'-ert-tuuj,'.'a uuhuuuiul soie of bbecwas 'aî iect uonsOfthétulIcet COL. JOHN M. STOTSIENBURO. Btrave uuîuuuuîuundtro! the 1FiralNe- brua.sa viutntu-r.nh.o ifei lu'sdisg bis nunin i a buniliuiatt shuinge upon th e Fililîino ebolat Quunuguau. Telegrspiule Brevitie Tue Englinh Cuus-cnnnaeun smakhug c gtbnuuîs effortb 0 uau)ont rables lu thei- tish inlas. ît la onîtousceulthat lb. Bpanîmh nisl- terr utmnarine wolîl ublit tubise Cortes a bll for the coustruction oftlen ironclae. Surgeon lieucrai Van Ileypeu of lie saa'y sapjacli reporta from Maulla show Ibsi AdmIrai Dewey'm beath Itgoeleul. i'anlta. tellereul 10 Le th. tanIt agel lu- dian lu Calîfonnia. us decl. lHe vaa 105 peara olul. ercording 10 the record kept la ploneer s]ays. The Arkansas tait vhlch reqqJres mes tu payIhe deLta coutracteul by thelr a-Item before msrage bas been deciares] rals] by lhe Supreme Court of Ihat Blale.ý The lainerai outheb sodîcra vho dieutla Cuba. vhobe remaîns are belng troaigbl to the Unitedl States for final lolerment lu Arlinglon ructery, grilI Le lbe most Impressiîs eseu an lWasbbuggum mince tte drvi var. Itle laaid ulbWashinagton Ibal the pi-i hoso journal@ bure plenisesltu develop lbe iles presideublal booms up iitlaling an nîeS uon 'r,>sid,'eî lrlels.kY asdSt- atun Ilunua le coamerniot tillalise boier uouînaîls ton the srnîy. At s meeting if reltî.nsinhatirt.s of the lenthnîg ire luistrai iii uuupa ic. of the Unitedi Statesa. bul snSuiýv Yokansreno- lotion van înnuinuuusy dolul ducelar. ln tthe u ble cunuîsnuî.a iii 0111 renma bîîiaewss buArkansas outlh e Stîa cesses le interfere a'ih Ie couduct et diteir buoimessu MINBOIS STATE NEWS TVrty-nue aun peole tcmoe b - Champaigu high sehoul grodu4itng elace. 1 OCCURENCS DUINO HE Thé annual meeting of the Preshytss, OCCURENCES OURIN THE BI, ouiinglon m a hcld reeenty la CIR- PAST WEEK. to. G;eorfe Il. 'l H. îImsinegssmanager nf the iial,î' 'ati'r Coîmpîany, died, sged Adopted Il-'salîrr Will Ti., ta Breaksa .3 Wil tDeiec. tou. aFaisus Hog Case Fîîrniers Vtw,i o Jacksoville anui Feeiluofr".,ae.-The Plai'. .pigeî sral'llcy11e betvreea PublicChurîlca.. D. fIbm. prcsi ,nt ofrlthé flainNa- A -ii0.,al ii'ha-nii,-dla, ('bain- tioalBanti o Miint 'crio. died ait paî:g.îît'y o. i f; a i,îII i h. i il-lit ELla Spîrings, Art. Coirt fr thIII i't,fî îîî n- tii,'w Henry %Welhîr, Si.., head oftIhe banking or L .( - '. 1i4,1 lasi hhan fin ot if L We'ber & Sos, talatia. died a ry.I.co , i i 'ft' lt ,~ h asudltîolv ut bis home iteston. h..b,î,aiItiî i.ia "te .tii Ill am IP. icharît. s weiliknowt pet- aîasini al- .,fin- thé [mpip.î...ii..i',tai-,ncotsli lird e t is home in Gales- lîobiîg a hîiiîiîftr iv. itz,.lîî -ni'îtw oa. bîîccof heurt diseuse, aged 70 peara. 1.Iii< L~ . itîrs'iand i liiw"f.Mi. a M Nasos Trossbridge, sou of bMra. J. B. ganft l"'11 a - )".îîîaîî,d r7> Id bTrnw bridge of Chicago, bas Ileneleeted girl, lt,'.'., ' l(-IKiîight, tbhe coiur't ut tho fence orarîr of the Yale freabman clams itiianlit t édrs ai, u.1' tinîgi lu i-si W.If.LtRand, for sesrly tbirty yft., thd fîlarîci.'it,'A Id îaiîileh, o president of Rond. McNally & Co. of Chi- an of hit 'tiihniIit i loin id rta". 'rs 'S0 asIlretire from that firmn sd mots VWGawo- i.] lis ,iito d',ivorce' 1 Jhn st. ,a weuIîby resident of Ga- and Rassie .wi, ivi. 0 tlo,' i titil>of lena sanI forc oer iifty years engage las the laller. Nosa' ibis rirl. t. Mv-. buins there, dieu, aged 84 years. H. lKniliî harwiîol. bîiî'cîioa surit iiuet lthé'hbil resideul thene noce 1843. wili aide asm viiiduni-i îî'îlîrîif heclieing Meuies iseépidémiecin Kevanee a»d madle iconio'rrina iili na if()r tol hé public arhoiils bave been closed la liýi9.eslirlI, haelia,-i.s'lt dol,.ar,(iIbe conséCquence. Many deatha bave nectar- rigltfil thoir ta tiihé îriioe .îîiî;., tW red fraim pueumonia toliowiug lhe ditsse. th, iiiio or itteriar if has i lla w . t, Rufua King,.oeeof the oident members htiai tic ilia eilîris. of the Chicago bar. died ai bis resideoe ________in Ibat city alter an illuesa of a week. 'soteul ".a Came 1s Declded. Coîngestios of the brais tas the cause A milî 1liligi.oIi'il îîîiliiregard tii lie of Is deatb. Nidîtîtît> utI-tiiii'tii Cicuiti o u('lsra TheIlîlinois sugar refiucry at Peblo. Mîîi9ai is iiili he a i t, fii. o org.. fotherviisu' kroun as tbe lbcetnanger tac- a itiai i'iii l.'tî' l",. h-é a toY, isriîsrbuîiocib e beet eed nov. Vi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I t'îii' i ti i I .îîî Ih.lI Initi.iids of formera are going 10 gite it h;);: io a s4î.î1io 1 i nst,î'iii-rs for sîile tbingogoi $.î5î iIt,) I . héi:i, rgeoransexperimental rteat ibis pear. prire 15cr piii tir .îIaiii thîai'iiiîY. Alderman lhornîai Carey of Chicago Milmbens f thlie sstlî't' ciiî. iir ntChas cioscîl a dent abci.eby he beconies the ta <ouisilI Latl iiian liii ha I asirki.ilîiasner of a string of Pleven yearling thor-. foiriiîiiî Clniîlar't lintit l'. ."liIdiiva ulaaglbreîl race collsainiSemunel Wat- Columbia Viko bttClevîo liidel kiiîs'Litle Crove stock farrm et Pelae- bail dit.si bi l ind îi h i lcie i, i'ltoIlbng bury Ilm t iiiii ils' ioiitsaloi t rîed 'Tiié'mise opératiresoftothem Illinois for iittaiouîîg -iuiiîuîires t a îlsuu.pro' met at Asleîsliaitoffered mnîera 31.50ic teillés. Ili. wllîîo su iitiiit.how es i.. as îlay saitl îî.'fîîr overtilie. This a asem- the téstimiili> vaas on>' eontiictiig. Tho e cecî ty Cets'ralla. Sandoval, Ncshvillle, lie bnougbî siîilsauaanst thu- membits of Ilauiois. Sparts, Tîmora. KiumSndy and the syndicaë ale rover on the soles giv- Belleville. Odin uofi.rators refused ta ea by lhemi. T"ury uiisgre-il. Thetcase agitreta0the scale. was retricîl and rtue jury cave the plaintif! In th. Supreme Court aI Springfield lb. a v'erdictl. t'erm of flot lesthan à opinion lu the case of Chicago tm.Durit thonnîand bogil n vaionsîi parla of the vas modiflea asd te motion settlflg acide country clainuuul ta bavéeraeen irest by Ibe order granîiug a rehlearing va *11ev Cevers ?ulidIl hîa eso awaiting the eut on the defeudnl in errer remlltlnt resîjl of tlue trial usini'iler ru, et their 3>700.ahich beng doue th. judgmmt animanl, plirlîrI!ricirded. ia cflirmed fo& $146,000.i Illinois, Publie thariles. At Springfield, James McLatighliu vwu The Illinois OBulinuîîsPofl'bic Cbmrittes falally slshbe4 by Alderman Thoms. for the îquarter i. îîil Mrsh 31 tes the Wihite, e contracter andl local poltclls avcrage iiîiîiîhei foflaiteus nacla char . White vaisstanding on the sidewalkuvbain italIe loiiîlii and the average grogsaMcLainghlln paseîl by andl struek "hlu co»t per cîlîitis foi.maîoîcoasr as, fol- the stomacti. White remoostraled a"m lois s.McT.anghlln advanceul toverd himlm ay A v . o.A,' ing: '1l Cive Sou a knocker this tlm.- issîstes. evont. Wbite bail an open pockel kulte'la bais Niiitit.'iiî lîa-în ba;oti. . 1174 8151 band, with ii'ich thr had been vhlttlng, Elanii hî11181lneiispllal ....2. 33.h3 143 a0 Ci-ntcuullas-, si. îiit. ... . iai 3. 1 3 and with tim he alabbed McLaLughliiuovae. u'le.i hiss iiuîuia .411.A 5 ýk The sophomore riens, of the University lîiliîîfor t al00oui ., 5ut.43 57 9.1i,0fIllinois hlulaceexcîtioz election tfo lIstii fr ,ii. la....... 228 S. lrut tu clMaxpreident. The honor tellIt10C. . ( As> luf, i fîîfcrl, iiiîi.-i. 745 :la 3X 15 I1eeples of Shawneetovo. vho wou ont by anddiro'ssi alirs lî'îsî... m 10i ii28.51 lbree voires. The supportera of Ernst So ,' iiptîsi' 1liai. .. . 410 l'h 37.12 soldier' s, ii'w, i 5,.... ..44.11tlt . 64 Lytle, the defeateul candidate, ralseil Ey" îltand . car îîao . 1I.(1 5 4.01 charge's o rtend, clalming that the ballet for o'li li lleI'iîii f huid been stuffeul. A lively wordy var en- fioh's ............. .1S'-i"'3 3510 suil amu8 ixn the counsel 0f viser heada Total ...g304.92 83g.46 preveuleil a free-for-all fiht. Peelple' l)Ilra.-rgusi iii.snt.i'i..... 1.267 adierents finlly left the hell. Afiertbeir 1)[l .................... 171 departure the Lylle mec trlnmpbamtlj Approved bly the Goveruor. electeul Ibeir candidaeeasd 10 elluct ma>- Gai' 'l'ouir ba oîproîî'd be oll (ç'ig atil dclared the election of Itlio oUdicala bilîs: a apoedte oloigaI theelat term frauduicnt sud called for b his ti asIlisîîsla'iot el ~ ion. m» SîtXere su hds a f o futpomsla boline ai periencing c rirocul boom, Md i 11.P rar ile îuileuîîtrauber prospects for expansion ane du- To reî lis h-iii'iinui i JaIatsIrdusee ia the veîoping rapily. The City Coundil baa ntaatl'a'iaiflsîîuiii rtnies ' paased an ordinance gradting lbe rlghl cf Prl'rtlutlig lth'ellacofrlîîîr illil va y la the lRock Islandl and Easten Iii- 2,sAXu tsi.,f aslde'bosie I'roiilg lut uioles antclîf coîtrîs îav cois (kovu iocally as tbe terminal cesse Intêrvihau, ýIn .ish.]Iiltlo0 îurtih i 'il4laceo fParty). This syndiesle, vblch bas already CIruit. Oaperiiîr. Cinîîîîîy ad I'iataincomplebed a cciv bridge ecrmes lb. Misute. Theé"pro 'tic îoîî .e 5bî siiupi river belveen Rtock lelanul amd Dat- Bili matin th folouiig pprpri. eport. ut a coat of $1,(000,0 will noir lis i a-;ih illî icaiîrPi enter Mlolinu'. The franchise compris per- l'or anu inioitii.i.îiiiirv iponslicS'of 1ectmisahon 10 Le given tao loyallier roinds tet Stsie aornîI iti siuu$2 no.i .toibureuse the truckkain enierlug the city, and lit lioilnieIlSI i iai i,.rfur iîioeyuiioa.ela bkiosin thalererai nrw ronde are about ta ri-Se liii i ia n-îai il îliirila, 1lfor as to conte lu. The St. Louisansd Nortiiere eeuI-ri' liglitplaiii fori sint iîîî,. Uiîîihait ,Short Lice hb is ao applieul for admlsaoe lii osianiiisiîîii . F,.5pic, anfor thé si.' i no ilq - u uin, oa ,,,>-wlich ii b e granlisi. sud vill make Me. talcs.i nelils terminusa. ,,,,.'ouen Fore, s Federtion. Tito imuportlant proccdnUbave beauà ll-egilea fnîînîiiiwmf's iclubis fron usv-iîîtîîtedagainatthIe CentraM and Che,- fraii cui ili tas it ((i i, 1 t aîl"iciîirt tci. islroad Company lu the Unitedl aloîi focîîî,'î a filcratiiiî 'lho lttuicrs States Dilstrict Court eI Springfield. O. chosenîtare- us follîîs a lrî itihi'urMrs. 4'.itas a lalit tn forechoare brought hy lb. D. lýtiliastn, Frl'nehsiiic Olrésiilcit. Farnisir' Liaa sud Trust Company of Mcra. E. E.ls'îis las recorlig arc- Newi York City for foreclosure sud sale relai-a. 'ut-. F"rank,.reiil. Savannaih; (-or- of the ondîîfur thé Lenefit oftIhe fraI i..hiuil seuri'iany. \Irm. INator B. iirîgige boudbotdem theLentoiouit la- Helisi. Rliihfiinih .tconu.ilr, Mi. C. L. viîov-utbeiîîg $1,278,000. The aolier vas Hosli'lli'c. Mountî C'arr'oll. broiîghl luy the Missouri Car snd Foundry Comnîay t have the recoivcr'm certifi- Bnci.fState khappenIngs, laies. amoanîiuc ta111425.0,0.made a Ruîth Ilîgvlini.5 ventsoil l%askîlîcîtprion hics ta lie mortgige bonds. Jiadge by i îîîiîîî. 'loieiîc car in Southîh Ii- P. S. Groscup of Chicag oulndJuge ciiign. W. J. Allen of Springfield etagit o hle Si t t ils o ni tI.he ithi e il,, i , rafe. JudMe qro,ruyaqnunucel IbsI the Bîîrlinîgion loi uittinoiii'u tlay iii-Icio"cî trder lof sa e ou l tbc given andl that the î;îiaiîgaîîîlQîiiiiiy w ili havé'i.sailiai' ertîficatcs a ouhd Le derlarcul prior lienu thua s l', on the properîy.' 1 Aliiiirs airhéflue ?liîiiir osiaahurt Gor. Tanner bas s;pi.ovcd tlbi, iev p retîîsî'isi togui iii su-bfil(- thiern îocîiiîug.propriating 3270,00 lu paly the men vho ltecuuîe i f i flîfin'i' iii îî ig(es In hi' enlisted for the t'ai. aitb Spain the differ- paid tlii îmo. ecre etwvecu Stale nuit lFederil puy for Ti,i' ' ii Itua,.irii if théiIllinisuVlire- thé lime helweii their isscmbliog at ii'ii'i .soii îîîîîîî ai l.iiî'ihcIi.hauiSprinîgfield andl Iheir muster butthIe Unfit- d,,,,l.teîl 1 1.1îîîiho iii iiiii I i iiiiîiînecuî lied States service. It protIdes for the. tliia i u., .2auit 3. paymeuî of ai hI oovîlutâleered for lier- Illinis rai tou avali ina dbué v t ise wbetecr ccpti'd or col. Speaker Inîdianîa ni'hri"iýeiiitits ii iliiîit Vbn. Tb ySbeffan, Stnator l ileirst. chaîrman of hu i' eioii;iivcI té uetrion"s Tbey the Serait, Comnitlee on Mtilitary At- îhl'tus trso«'faira; Mr.. Iankin. chairnian of the sama cd, "tuI int hiiiii "'rs m 13 committee un tIbe House; MIr..CurtIs and aîîîîhiIads.~ili 5îîi îîî'î lttî i-Senalor Chapmsu of the lonne andl Sen- ipîlin lsliîiiaase Appropiaitions cocîmittees conterreul 'Thé uminîe loératireofnS prinigfield soL' vllth Ihe Jovernor coticernlnt thlbl. distnribaiei iii'i.tiidt lu the ilciiîîda of Gov. Tanner approveiltwIo other lavas, Lthu' mii uoîlit.%III iii> the solde askiti ne of hibru hig Ihe artrerising the. ifoi. iubsiiti'lîiiiiuni'na iing iiîer prsibest nsininglhwainsd thbcailber the nct alioving pcsiding lbth l'u' ofis thIeSt4late Board or ihe Stîne suiierisleniueuit of insurance 10 Artîul zitîîîîî. TIi. vaguu r it1.)8)0iii iru, inîtonse impli piirii-s ,Ite tact thst they affetcd.areguaraniceul hy sîieeisideposit. Ttnsl iatilulsro liicD it. ns en giti pîun thé rcomnîcuilation of lb. rom. exleulc a ou ii ir.AiitcDe0,Blui. nmîadisg aificer Adji. lien. Reece bas ln- presiloiîuit rSiirîlef .iT 'ole, li lsonsure nodrauoiIu o, .Ea il. ..t,,-ani 1-s, .... i- ilBeaIt, drevpoied heoherP. Etlug