PICKED UP HERE AND TI-ERE. *Localitems of Interest to Libertyville Readers. C. M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. TOCIIICAGO 44441>144 Il '.1411444554,474, 4, îîrtl'. 14% 144414~444l44l 1,44*, 47444444 j4444,,1,,444 1)4'454Iîl 4.4 4>4,4.44144471444 4444 4,>i, 1> . I 44 M,,44,,rî 444 .14 4,4444644l4'l~ 44 .44 4,44 4, Ml,> f.îll 14 4'.î' '47,,,,.,, Px lm e42>4 v444 4 i44 445*4 x*x>4 1-4M 414 4, 174 44414 7.,4 57 l e y a44 1 4W '4 1c c42 vu44,4 '.. 74, 44154 M -4ll4214 M vu. I 1,5 >144.452 11 w4 14 .A l 52.14 >.us 5 724 444Ms2444a42 2444.4,. 4.4474,la44 44 j 4 . 4terze424442 1145,. 4,444444,414A5444 vue 544444 la 104 4 .1 l44,4 271424' 71 1.45444 7 ~ 1 lm2444 ., I ,44 41 41454 4 6.2 ,04 FROM CI-IGO tNI Il .1 1* A% I- 144444>4 . 45,17 5 54.444 à2 GA444 (Y7444 5 M4 57411, Il,. 44,4.4,Iî4 44444î12l 0,7 4 1 1 5 4l 444,4124.4744.'4 .42143 .476441 . 7154....4>4 Il ut r4711 . ,r2 Il47 . . . . .4iiari- t 44>4 744 21a.m. .-d 45>4 '444' 444 444 .4 I 444 ,444.44. 4,4,4,, 44,144,4 14, 4îî, 44.4 May. 4,, ,îui4' -474'Ith.- 11 4 14, I . 11, h-1, 4Id. I4 4.î,4 î1 1 . I, r .,4, ".4 .4. '.' >,,î'.I-,r t.4 4 la, 4k. I,. 11. 1 44 k 4 . 4 I May. '-au4,..44 ~4'4444î4I 44 LaI.lu.s,%id.. 4 ci4444447 141444 74 . .4"f 44,4'. 44 ut, ,444,. 44.44vil4 S 4U H M Aý 1'. Stafp4es Ila4*44144144< 421404144' 4îî4ll444î4î> nl44k [lotis"efor M.'4.l 'o4pe4. Th44e s 44*454444*6744 <4of 6the7village L W41 N447424,4of Cl4444 ' vois W4 5444441444 4 e44444444 W!, I 4'd"77",44* Pa4446*s47rm are b.4444 441(lu 14',,. iv rigi4t 4 res".4444ut47and i>î46w444 4r4744'44t a4 peimi- 34lr.. .. K'. W44odmau 4r4'turneli4 fr444t a4 64244 641414164444 visit witi, 4a 44446474l4e 4>4,ion Fafil, South lDakota, 4>444(1447 Nyrs. ;al4ratt n d -hil4'24dren 1are 144î474444444g 6the4p47454444t week 444644ber parent.446, Mr.*î,îul Mrs. A. W. Waldo. Ni-l m- i l4.444, lid442g 4a 4444744444in 64744446 (,44444541444454, W 1444'44 2744is mater- I>. li.Cah. (i44444waY, IL47. 144. ak6ey ami 44C. 4C. 4ukley wili 4444644444 4a451474'6 4444< 42d4 4444244>476of Mymtil- Star Lo4Ige f ,634.4454644in f4<b4.go 64> 444<444 24,1414766 44urnt4îW, of WaUkegalî, '4444 'J'lut 44l4 W>î b4au64fU4 41>24 Ili4414 44 LH.Howel. of Ch ag",vl' witb W. E. HowjIth k weeÀP Wbtent îi neM, ta 44gad Remno delîn-g a A444,.rjjîlc4l NIors. j> s tri(-14y iii l4î44i.4 4,4 tkîs 444714k 'ith 4.,44, We are too busy rernodeling :ourStr .Mrs g .. B. 14aîi4by 1. , li rtal4lîug bhr î,othe,r 24444 4'tr, "f ". y1 for our immense stock to go into details, (1474. 4>4, e tîtîî,I I,t ' f.4 ro4,îý 4rî7.,tiii, '.b 42rq , lie t j,,. ,> siititr B U T> Fmj: 5:4.47 î..,î'.WE HAVE LOTS 0F Spragu Ar--t -,f G To trade with a house that keeps a fresh, clean stock »of Goods at Iowest prices? We mean, isn't it better to get new goods at new prices, than old out-of-date trash, which is dear at any price. RINGING ARGAINS And invite you in when needing z.ny- thing in the line of Dry Goods, Mats and Caps, Clotbing, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Wall Paper, Curtains, Curtain Fixtures, etc., etc. WE HAVE A NICE LUNE 0F Ladies' Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Trimmiýng iiîg a 6,14w ,.s >u444î lîlt,î.. III Iîiw, chas44.. Ss..,'mr. L. 1; 44,*tiîy 5414744 644, 41145 wec,1k w464,ilîar 41>441, but i, 6 4$ reli,-141 iýd t pr. vol,4 A l'cautîfulîl ,r,'il- ,î îîî'î r4'44en44y 454444 Il44Ii. 4,4<r 44 C. Il. sxîîtii, 54,414441'hue4'n t'444 lîs' 44r'14 44 lî ,akt-sitle (-t>4. lîîteiy 44445 114k Il, J. 44464 >1ma, 4lit 4S444744147444 441 4444 day> 64i4]. 44,îk, 4lu ttemli,444444 444141.a lueet44îg of 64444' 4444444 ,,.r4 Agr 44744ftt44474 Tile ' . . 1'. S. .4. '% il[ I% 4<îil4Ir-4 social lit 41th..444bascu lnt 4of 4Il'..144 I,[ 5 Ev4 -4444 'r 64443 44' 444 Mir. 444id4 Mr,.s. î Il4. 4444,744 4,' 454444444 Invit tions44t444 t 42,'r 4r114.44s, lit- v4tiiig 64îem tu6144 j,,44t4,4444 >46ti 14 tri tijir l4444î41% sîîig X144144 4r May 1, 444'4'. jî44î Iîy.eî 11444 4 4rate,' 44 J44î141 I',y>44 4î'414r1or 444461 bir , earlit, .ltItim64444,. 44441 4r 44441 44e474î4i,' Jay NMorse i. e*ljos 4444a »44444 eîr,î,'d Vacation4,4. 4lit.4,4444445 44 14546 (414,4 444417Joliet,'6 ri,e,,î4s 444,4 4o4145 4y 4St. P'44î44%M I titi. > 444 4l". 41vi4red 4by t4îîs to th4e 4î14,414tc)1(44445 <4iîî,Iof4 t44r, dirirîg lt,1447444. M. Il. .,11v A I 1 4>'a 444444 444 the '1447444444 44 ,,,rf 64î 4rst4,4,r444445444444<i off 4and4 444444ter4l144<(luit64,portion4 îs 14474 454141545r, 4444 for tla,'447 14 r 44î,r,'44s4 4î stock oîf g*x»ds, wlji,'i bus 4rown 4ît,, 44e Ille Iurg4t iîî 4,il1Lake 4i44444445 44out sîî4t of6 N% a444k 64<414. Patterns. Our Grocery Stock is complete in ail the BEST GOODS. 4 M O D E L~~~M DES E. & F. Si47.4,44 1 1 i. I i4444 44444,.t art Lakeside ceme444644477the 'lut6ter7 4a4476il,6 Max> 4>4444247 4444bas 4] 434.4 4444447<4 *J1IaI1largeII 4r~~ f __________________________ 64444 wtilt. 04447 f1 r14. F.Mu*i>î stîd 44444, 4744444' fr4444one4for44ty.44416474,6> 644d 4une. ONL-.Y I OL Y pi.464 .4 (,t,44.4444r14 64 1144444444 6444 I.. .4444644, Sr4. 64414w week44. o 4..y 4.444>4442hi: , pur 454, 2 0 a ______________ 16444, 4 1444,4 7%44I 44444 ,t 4 444447444 .4 ,bî 4, 41444<4464 '0 e, 4. 743, G4.. 4 o 4f 6te entité,t. 4464k of46a4(Chicago4444c4î "The Featherstone" has'many improverrents 1444 4 44,.446LVîî.t,î.4414.41471444 lie.426,44774444'frrilakî Y4o 4<444. Mî.\ out4146 Mti. O LYt ove r t he o Id '"Cou nt"an d ou ntes s of '98. o444, 444444 .42 4.î444476 14 4444 6444444414 1477444746404 4..y4Xe'44'414' . 344l414444474 6445 the 14444444 44î46 4patronage 4îîlits m eB .C OB Y&>s Who il lie. V4 441 b r u4444>464>444t6 Lew4*is Liteilelb dlwieIî 47 44, . of 44147DE L RSIN EV RY MI 4 4 44, 44544444444 44~~44, 4î~~ 4444u155 ib'tyiIe herCOUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. CO ME I N ANrID S E E THItEMII. P.1 444le4pr-osedtý ecu ,44A.4' 4144t!yhou" cornfer1474. of 44g44746454 .444144477' ,î,,lu', îoirum.s îo,îî.41, Libertyville, -Illinois. -vé.- gt 64is4h- ée-iy1,u.t 444e 1544Ave. 4and74Fuir 564r714t. full444 4 ,04447( é-447.44'4 of 4f4444lec41ng ,cz&l uan L ib ertyvil le, --Illinois: 4444 i , fil,5 r wi 6 474446,, Nrs. 4444 firoigfi ra44î447 41441flot44<44 l4i44e2 d-44 aille*4 44'î447144report 4 7,.4,4.4r,4444444 14I" 6ia'.Sente4li.7bole. it aity.4i746444'6564 41 ,;j., 4,., fullI i me of Ladies'. Ch i dren's, M~ené's and Boys, Il64î4 4474444474 tfilt,44, , fivue hur ail (i f 144444et 444 ( si41 _'44 ,4ne Shoes now, in the farnous x4telfil. [lut lo.o 4 444 l 44 64i t e 14r't6*am44 6,'A146*4764454Il344471644 ~4iet A L L P A P E R l44474473,144> ,, '1> 444444 .I .4 4444446Il'.SELZ A[NID UNrION SI-OE CO., 444'441>4 444full44ad4Li4resîlt tre' 7of44415444r i r>t.>t, akes and we rnake prices that can not be dupil- '44 j, 7t47.4~.4 .4 44aîio'.>fi " . t41rat44joli, 4or w42etli44 ie47 6 5.444444444744444444 > sevihe re. the4444444444464744 4424' 44I.4]414447 3 le' Lades'4land4>4l24eiél4ave6ttil'e ..... ................ n' coim ittatvi.y Ms p oitueltali i i .1 ,1(liIl6ls-i,, 4î oes4 ' T% i44,46474641 tilt' 4441.4 % 4('ll 4-euLa,4e' U444444444 4 ...........4.............. il ........... te4 61474444<54*t44 'erlî , b- 4 4~ $1 l'tech4 4 rli4,447 ie- 4î O 4>44 4................. . . .. ... . . 4 P aitternis N o w In 6441442,od2 4414' 400>ugMlui J. 1%;34Ave. tesr4ale.641Ail N44 4M41'>4tiig acît n.tw os.r o h bs atra t a ,i'vrs are- -NI)r642t-i7 ni6ich 5liv at ' 4ii 4144'4 '4 1.4444ilerl4 d4442 d 4444(y444 N4si, .e a d l44464 4'4'44444 4l ts.re of4he14t m te i t 4o444 444u,I,446tztinitig 444644 g6444o44 3o4W45 .eci, e 44464 44pv64 4W 64 horst444447 44the4444444 7. $4 444 44 it 341a,4 4444 (-24444,44444444414 4447154 exirls nd 4>rp an al S 6 L argest nd B est 444,,4 t4444 ti,' 1444.44,4,146,.,îd 'i a,,4.a.e'c74(4454t,474',4444474 464*444 . .lî'4f4*ei 44444 444604th 20544.44q41r"l674744 4246aAndgoda. .. 7 k 44 h 4.- tit ré. . e il -rt 4 (,4 t ,, Id 42 .64444. S, 44444444444 Ili] i'467441464744444454144'7 4 4 $ 444duel474444 4 iu 444 >4o4'v 4,emain(, 4z 4 -I y le Il(.;:ii éid 1t t.,1:fatir: ftily. fl) M lwaut-t- Ave. inti opptitt withord4'it4, I)('k&447ug4I 244111§84' due '64iiéIeli's4'ndTur477,664da nd 444 0444a42 6 1)4t.ii.Ev- r.t444 tiir.4i4,44.4 t-4144544troll) l44 in444 tî WE IHiAVE A BUIG LOT O F '#'arie'ty i i I..i bed'yvi Il cdl v.le i f4444474624444444*771.44 4 usU a: 7(î444444464,4.' of44thé- 'i47i~'4 a l 1 eri NO OLD STOCK ON HAND. 464444'nt-lé, aluiigk it a. .riy, >'4t6'1>4'4445t 1444il 44-4144 lo1*ýr lr7 47,, h c 414444443k' 4, N rb, 4.ifornia wan.4s ,. vistei4 4,Y 4, tilt.407 44' ,54h1duirig< 14444447 444747444 F. C. SMNITH 1 II& SON[4Jiîré gloil of .1>4144 - w> r44.7iN,1444b%4M4r. Iren(-Iiitig rubis, oevever, and the 1 ', 1, 1;. 44>4ub î andMoit i'y snial I s izes at haif regular 444474 ha4S ilîe44k 44744444 (U r tio '44444464 3'4 .f444454'4 44,'4,64V *4444 f44k4444<ut,. e fir,'6 4241444 44147" 54 446244743 f4 B utler Bidg. Libertyville, Illinois. 4414r4' r4 4744 I4)144 j.4',- datc'(Nov'.122 and 'l4444e7 >o7'447y e,ii,î 4 of l s esél 4447k644476474,. 44741 l . cw <4" 3'44~ .. price. ...& 42~>474'47 '.i~a4îiî ,îîv 4446î7a loe> w64444*41<reffere'6c47 60 4one44of Liberty- 31o14e'4 Lîy 4e47Job444444 (4e25for 64,444 hee ou c e p GO TO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR 3444 444414'd tel4'4 44rCU(4'42Mr. s'ju..La45474 Mue44514'1454414444, 344>444ges4t ('rried,. 14< r t 444>c444p teb ei, 444 444444 44 444 Goret2'.1,47>4 >44444 of<4264>47 74. let64nu , , 44t. 4* 474'144444464144 414444%ad 7rend of L46erty ville, .4.4 tu42l4244n 14atocks '4W F 144, lit4. 4464 4744 764444 64.47 64447474'.linois "Drugs, Nledcjnfes, Cheicals, IF ce y will 'ir tt4,44,14 4*44474, -ti1gteIof 44' 44474l'lie4474444474 l t47444élue.Police44>4f'44444>6. "444 47thé-7villageîL ibryil,- li "PERFUMERY. SOAPS. COM SS, 4Ilrle444471e>. fof filetlit lé641647 4 W htat4 ,iit wek téât xe4eal4%4ll4g un he Ipil 4l4Y f4Ap4t.A 1).64ve Uy e-rn initTriglétdt th Ma1it6at &hal bedecei s 44 oietArices Ioos nd Stationery, Dye kStufs, Glatis, Puty, 4for714144434 64445 444r4.1547 474<4444/ k.'g dit,4>6'4 47445444774 4444*44il, 64N% 4biner 444441444544 464444144 4444>474144'> 44Ille44 p4447444 o! apero! claari.fie PAINTS, OImLS, VARNISHES. U414 bys w4444546 744644,4746file646 ~64 uere4.wu4red, and' lune- 47446414444f 7a4 te 447447414,, 644 il4441>444 4( 44*47446444606453télé54445 62eofick e n 441448141,Ille odhuamsu I C4 446467 1'î,,our, ri4444. 1444i 44t- g 4447444t34.l4147preti0445a44ait47647a,4lie bs 4vote'7 44 14444 4446441 4 44764.4 and477 al4îirrw 64e t r.herlepartit. k 66e wo 4>.4 b lld l iS ..... ar 4 *~4~ ' 67e e y -tirs4 , 44744444>254 67564 444477644 r74474 ha ,472 4 f ilial, t4246.644474 >145 464 1 r4 4.7 f,>v 4 y34(reg*'r 444d4 'riggs 644446at ndpld in th644 6e balot bol ad et" ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6444 >41475 l. 'U1,"s,44I,'u ,4 ,4,6' 444>44lieu 4 C44*4. 46 44444 446 <>r>' 146444 4> w 427447.4e 44546447444' duel,(44144 lai 164.46. Ca47e> . >4cet T e an id te druMe(bs.. an m~~~~.a"i m"eumY tué al ow if euro. sahng d ca4îidî4atem eau474444744 4747>'14'the'strc< 4444 , téesione6 '244444444477 r roee lit ft.. he6 425 candd4ates4 reque.Wte . h FamiY d cain ly S î ct d te@ a de t.t ý.îI,î e 't lit 4444the> 444444471, s fa 444 J. 1_ow tbé Ili.464< 4,6 4e 44147bit 761ie 44tilt- 7 ,474464456 44, g l i tel .. 44444747444(til 444>4>4>44264441 41 the el0 ie u for lb oi :1 ~ ~ > < j 1.xflairf 'lle)uth 1,r%%ei] M. I .4ait4y fi it [,due the ki444tis8 44 cuit-4Paticipati n6of e4t44 c41ll3da éo lu 1,'24te "l.Mwhedn police tg drad hKa the Iull m M .1 nt 64 C â 4t y 44447444, s 444640,le .4Ili4a tl r.-chéate, No44 fu a is44444454 4 t444444 t ilt casting444 lutte4>b424< 44*4(42 lieder'4 444476y 444 %i;,gl6 .trà.te.. Carrie4 . 4appoint64441au e 4705(4 be .aceor epl el. Ai 44474 474444447'. 4S e464447e,.> O44 lath e6 ,Btlît64444444ecandidates wy. M4)4744444 Préjudice- 4474464v4d4444y6464645 4a4744444< 4,46 lat4î4 C 1. 5>4444.('r41No. 57464>4 4744 filet '444 p 'a44444t444vip'464 t e i444n4 fille 444>444444414 444et644ri4445il3ov kbyKin ,n g.s so New y~Store, New Stock, 1 4,~6f447744~21 4.4444 ~4>tit,e f4rs1t f444 eriem4. 4The'4<4,4474744lresI46444..44474444 77447444444' '4,1Mcj flbalgUon 1. Il44,44141 iagistealeu Pue vn namUst '. p 444 44'44444. 44>'4444 44 >4434t 4746d 4447>44 4114441y'rtiirîg<.444 i ' bev. lîîîtaéiIrsc1tM )(dbyle rf r ag " W R g t P rices. .,4 '44445444î7, 4î .<44476 441 4e4t44 6>ef', 4 iat, tUe 4 lit444714446.17(4 44(.1s,44444474 .11d.4* 'Ir741144tu34.v44i4by corgoetnAHMr. Il % i ît6 .' 4424 66444761he 445 444ludo t 1,1W 44444e4 47 4444774447 444 3,,s.l W"8 1 4wa>4444 414(4y44< 4of 447 s ollie t ent i se e a o n m 44444 rc fixé4.444 'd s 46x 4444ol 6allti64,u4il,544(4446The44a444 4744,444 ' 14'4[)et of ai44741444l4ta rt'a,4.64, cs14e 51 limater.rne seaU I. 4 '6 .4'4*~44î 414' 14444 54 644,441,444 -rat 44'44445 r4444 ter M rs'hé441.4p' .744444 >13"m"44' 74t,1 444 444.'4444444 i 4434Ilf844444484l mxebja'ontR l.4.44 4 and 44444 1 ". 4 ' 474 s,r4't4444 <44444744 4744474(1447tdt teitt eeioio a . Pi . it el 442,, 4and 14gilet1> -t164436, 4itym744 4the44 4 u'gs t44444'>4'4514444.and44(o.47 Caxrled 4444.444 444474 44444. li 4444 444444 il instd142>4 454>6 e>ret s434e 41y 6474 744464444 62e414 ' 44 us4r4<%V 1 44444444 1444 4444 444.4 14%44' 444 1*44644444n4474 4446447 447417444 M ve4 47 er m d oytli i s %od r(I lig te iig 44414754474' 7484644 4 44>14 om ld 1444gg. N4,444 4444, l. it, t'e 4, g4'iu 4.'.'64.,44 64î.t therei 1>and >414C4 . rHe. s ril àO C A N N4444647,44,4*I4444 44il,44444444< 4 144art!4<of t46e4447 4464 il444> 464 4,64' 6t , lié, biner 44444for44,the44cilice of H. VNYN Cc * f~ A 444inialiewo n et44r4 Wutr 144and54444444 416<4741 )il444446447444 îdjou4rr42 44f 44 .14 'Ilte447il4.1.24 4 44 44ave4 , 44444544 âtth. poisond . W lm ia _______________________443446544 44 ~ ~ ~ 4444 44 4146444lubete.,447 Ieivr 444 >444 fend(4 44il.447k. .4414456*44 .fMr.4441 44 44446144 67 krillre ulle ie boula Tt - 444444744 40414744447444 4474 44 the74 . 6444 84bject ln a brua>4 an>4 647447 7'unie.. 4>44,ltibc 44454744>4 6y 1lot ut6 (is 1041u lli alwsys ns» tisa. . s NOTrE O LIERYVL e u 6441comp1lod. 444ail444>4 malie lowards noe. >4 41tact 6u regular . *or,, îal64 si4 4448424 t Una.;.LWIrmnIN Ce McCready & CO. TL ___________________________________________________ I Is it not wise SiIks-and Wait. This store has the reputation amnong people who are economical and particular buyers. of bëing the best and safest place to purchase Groceries, Canned (ioods, Fresh and Smoked Meats, Flour, Etc. Triggs & Tayloe's Liberty ville, y 1 I- - s 1 Have Received TWO 1899 flodels Manufactured by the PEATM ERSTONE BICYCLE CO. Known in 1898 as the Co tandiCets,~ This year named THE FEATHERSTONE 1 l". :ý, n!1. - -1 Illinois. l' . ý, ý