CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1899, p. 8

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easdeit lànrosir hand-and hidad-bl$M "orhndd twithdwn it frous ear powerg, and It les cotam pre410tim8 father'shbonom, dear. 1 called! on im at In European circles thaet the world war -the bank to-day and made au appointment of the future te to come fromn the clash- INTER ESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE to see im here to-night ailter ten D'clocât, Ing of these "spheres." The militaire$ LESSON. I broughittwlith me a bag of coln, and'had of England declare thaet Sr their count- paid a note he held. I boire it cancelled intrfaltoperehrdmntonf my pocke t.e Just l asngas aouat tk the great river of the Yang,tse the will Regeettoms of au ElevationgChaaracter emlave nth dor bll ang. Yoe hurtfo- be forced to ßight to preserve her Influ, gWholesome Foodlfur Theught-- • ers, reringthatmeita anae whour ence fromn utter~ uin, If she does final. IStlung the Scrptural Le»mo n caer.,1 requesth e toDaknesacn- ly stake out her l"possession@" @she will telligntly andPealettably. fronted me and nothing more. I walked be forced to ßight over a viatter of-- tthe length of the piazza and calledl out. HE fail of the,-Cinuese empire entire population of thre empire. it con- bouindary lines. The parties to the Thre lesson for Apr Il P0 in "The Com-. 'Who is here? but received no respon». and its actuali vartit!on amiong the tains hundreds of hunge ciltles. Itisa<luarrel have been arranged au follows: forter l'romliedl." the text of which il 1 descendedl the steps, wondering at the T western pe-oples have furnish'31ed twventy timnes worth thre(othrer portions liussia and Germnuy on the one aide, round at John 14: 15.27. strange occurrence; for a moment stood nýe of the most dramnatie setee oo h igo.I s ora ut- w ith France helping them, not only be. The lesson id a continuation of the con- with one foot on the lower step the« be-foundil n, the history of thre nations. vation ls concerned, thre garden of the eueo omnt fitrsbtvrainwihw tde ntels gon te:walk. Su uly thearus. a ti It came about through the Chinecse- world. 'Thle sent of thre British govern- beause of the Franco-Russian alti- Itlessen. Wh"at could be morenturel, when CHAPER I. lyvoirop te sepspnsbd opn th d roan th ee anatig romthiledho .library JaPanese war. Thre pretensions of a anve of this royal territory ls nowran ance; Great Britalnonth thwiht Ja-iefoabout leave bisa hac ples, CHa urtrATErnRobrtCapblran upà thet'.pspused pn tedothe Iadm hert %,tadstillatthe terrible vast empire were expOsed within three hlas been for miany years Shang Japa heling ner, eaefreset- a oflo i n h olteHl Abt taequarters aftietnaRortambestvand nar mmntstiesoo n h ight that confronted me. I cried ont menthe. The wa r demionstrated tiatli ntil last yean not one Of t eto usasnutatir ue er t'thSpt, te h Parnte or Adocte. He .bât thieprsole wiothaall canwevasbar.'Help! Murder!' and withdrew the sheath- China was made up not of one n'tI.cllýte sWnt in-Igut ootrothiueloetof hr uscssu wair. othe Spiadrind ed thcemthora hicom ide- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l mege ine n r onann wle r fhro bscrofromh frips. rkite fraim your father's bosomn. Oebto ay carPo-s ot nc. rsetv obaat utb addpruewa ocuefr origo e tham.wtvehunreddolarsin Ofond til aebd in ht is chairlasithe form glaspand le slid romn the chair t the car- bpoetdl m a gu ,haddifeigklley ie Btsi owdnbiita soeut oftayrsumabl willing t sst sair ecasehe wassotobecreuinitded mad hs aytowrd te esiene f f te aner bu hs ea ha dopedpeted fioor. a corpse" acuts, entertained differ ing bel!efs, !ly,'avloff asserts that British demi- EnlanadteUndSae, whehoiththei Nonedsonotalet inte in tante standing on the corner of Market were xed on vacancy and look of r- w- Oh s oic Iher. ard"laliaebe nw hta a ogaatrdrgt fpsssihv or"-iEgln otherUnword Streatess and wteher, comore r s, thel nd toead- Maixth streets. ror was on his livid countenance. "ou dt id not h1 eard.he pealing ofbiion. tha en t ie beenogranted to ýEna yt hat np oesuhm.Telesnisagodoet "Smot silngatlas,"hethugtasHe lhd sunk lower in the chair. A isu orbldaes? rmCno oudwt ilcy m:but taiigndtsa hEverm y rht bilad egoress fotr comereo nd rom the usefr aconsidera tuo o e wholequead- e pased urriedly down Front treet to [et of blod wa tracing its way downhs oR obit eares't.r-o-"uiselfntundetod win lion-og, trugih vleu otat n cio mir.on o them Holy Spirit. Therde lttl My ae"Ialleea».eth residenof sht rotdent e, dthe handle "Fly, Mars Robert! Fly! You got nO the world dreamted of nothingIlike thre0she maytpre asleyloointo aL ,auath elin-epir . ..- iietaln higbeti u myHti afe a, ihm nt faeatre h kifesonodhre, h entime to tarry ere. You'illang. Mar' racial separation which existed within mletuof Itul.ssiaongad.iothe is vert -ile nnltt the OV. ROOEVELT AS RACHMAN ul 1 tchoolsew ch tccoina for much My possession, and 1 trust with Mr. De- ble brelp hr s bm. Id obert, hang, jus' lik' you'd killed oe the far-reaching confines of the flowery oftekgeeso dl hitascn ,Mabttes coentto makoemy 1sweedtert "!Hp help! Teeha en udrmaster. A nigger can save you. Gu, kingdom. Ali of these interior and ex. Valley of the Yang-tse thatlbates oAEoro aMigo o ls of,.tcernn Po alt hras onhi lmth bd e ow, this moe ye coutld use au do ne! le l" . d it bsMars Robert--go! 1-1-" terior peoplesblevdin a vague way thre fuiture may be foughit. ,, t fa Nwih aeighor. absr ernnceI.of nstrutn aisome cases is fflr thebne fthafyears;ut wnhyrin an an the bad seizedt itheLue. It was Aunt Hannah who bhad re-enter- that the emperor v-as thre son of the Iimpinging upion the British "sphlere*, "WhncGernor a loosevelt wasenhatfthe tcrio nce rnewhatto avoided? True, there ia away tht I whie with is left le endeavored to re- e"re yucay anh h -Ti reeea ow.Ituslihasgaied ts ootoldthruhra.1 "n gowyero Rdocl asttttesnow lat. Eerac h eanitt Asht reaie I and think rn little riak,.train the body from inking t the floor. derer fyou raster mushTe mro, ugh o t.he ge nra The nar as gh a diplmayentprm isFencof-al, rnews'tGvro hn oporehsand 'in vsom te sesepasorfasme hetI mst e autousI avenotneve Hel! elp!" He drew the weapon jstce,,ardly or Incompetent. Te ay ws as fough911taf oesfnhaiplomFacy ranch j onon tooeofte oses.itrpeain fteSprtswok h eumgh t try it, When I get back fromt foth, th red bloodt dyeg is leeve as jusin' yu. e. ar&obrtdheel-uhm.Tenrmoasnoe svecaennCenshsno beaasucesiTe lnsoftatdyait Fechnol-lieodnlesng"§ho"ndwennwt altimr aecI.illhae imleto tkt he hPr- "Ue Avdid so. vniOh tldence orf Mars Herman will condenyou. ridiculous. The state %wasrotte n C - a ine lluaeto ie Morenchnoblhad"spoer," e. whih. semso im to beh mtter ovder hap erewile other oppor- T••UnceAli!" UceAli!Oh eThe Young misasesaw you with the bloody through and through. ,Japan acom- 1 enhhave bwen compelta ith te-mathreutaionofdeMerbensatined" therony-rect, oe, h ie all oithesarle Tbnitie ad peraps teogmnes." me!Thelm e!"a knn tich o heLife in your hand. Mars Herman will pIlshed the exposition. but wAs held off.('oses for waro and tat e witwtre th éathiong butthe blodofany oe falhe nd mcieou, Onlby oll owingar ,»n uPMarqukithetoungan hxat- Thereas a rton hefatwitchind te Wear that your cries were the cries of my It wished to seize Coren and a large stronghand1. Years have been speni t hoh done he lndnju yeorhfaie ance an his undersntand ling o .%W ed n Maret strand afthexaclylintma cntodrono the faitatre, and apoor ole master. Fly, Mare Robert, whbile part of the Chinese malinand. fitgot'by3-thre allic governmnent ln endeavor- w oliddos loa nted hi'rsadla rgipture andChita pe eaarive at belir after n thesngfhee dor eadmansbiifomaherhaivtotheblod- oubave time, I know YOu is not teol oemyad the omsn s.lgtoices ishligsi na. mgnr, rar.tefullmeasuCrisfthirndevopment.iveIn Mr.l annonedtoW.sedi the bake i arl. "Oh.kedarpet fenlibry.-th'murderer of ole master; but tly!"* ands, which have beena wieel-Ihssceeded onfly ln obtaining con- cattleman who 1lived out lan that coun- nhearuly l ml thee ecil th, -ehningstherIn mr DeRgaosel.Tte seedoin o the libray "Oh, o rtwhat fied has one ti •e, eRbrt"si atieck- hn.RsF Grayadirance cessions to build two ralliways, It là try at the timre. "One day Roosevelt re- na leat th."s v a:ta hey iephaiz ,e odin a nveol. T he domdoor lstdi deed?" re obrah etovrtely. "I feel that you never dreamed eofpitreeanln wsalae nteplteutatonloetes sal g ctvd lttr rontedarui tbalei h o aNewletamt trutwic wMre n, t and sohdi thr eydorTleadngstill form on the carpet. dHa-this terrible crime; but Hannah hbas toid interferetEngland figts.nortto patepoint one ftheYngte Mrito erthedhands orf a muthedMersenger. hasbe o en neg aetetrobsued i p Ive that osofthe brmbeyon eilas A piercing cry answered him, or an - the truth. Oh, my darling. and now-a00uw we ainefr.Enln igisnrhr t it oninarussan-eRoadrnI oteentsreferc m ne ad teten- l ar theology. Btinrmany of thene views, ee of the camber, opening out on lthe astily descended the taire sunk on ler twined haer arms nout him.e Thegil vIYIr O astCinlese.kngdm ws lft igsouta oe rga omd -I t ntnteof h icnduc t nregarto iusa octe. It i made fto apearthat lawn on« the est ide o the ouse, lere knees by the ide of er murdered father. t"P dear,"mai Roet , "ou reagi Ten adol itating. Te m pvaeror' .1caridout thnIe Yng-te valle, now pnmaa - Rosvet nex there »tar e w ares o-histiad nj, sha- raised t admit the slight breeze that was At the sme Instant Herman Craven tePdend lileonder,. Rob et amipehead roldunaily onThessouers. domarinedotbey Engand, willeypierced inctingofdis connt amn grain m- y separated by then fact th at oe ars an .en» westward romn the ocan seven rsetnoth om ell andll be foundeby yourtsidaevn- els wlerue to thenohe south attruhadtrug yaraoepoe o h rnha' hte in-eree to>aority, herinced some nm &Ie.a ,and yet, so warm iwas It that Rcrytof horror broke fom h'is white though he tand in da er of the ga- ---e-p-lgreatochange ater conversion whichith th fer haed dicarded is coat'tond at lips as is eyes ell on the sceiedebfore ows, and sthend aer h'ètasesgia,-of theer l icuin g h ra aority,ba xlrec nm fi is shirt leeves. fai. ourandther shall mett detsth al- hasgréâmchased.trcnvrlnwh h A n t H a n n aji th e d o o r !" l e s u d d e n ly " M e r ifu l G o d ! M y n cle m u rd e re d ! o w s , a H e r m alCai v e m a y n ot hbe g ul tyt e ha ll n ot au t m h e re t o d isc u s e n sl i e & d a t e e a r d t h e s i g n a l ; b u t n o . o u R o b e r t C a m p b e ll , y o n s t a n d i n g o v e r lo f s m re r , b u t ov n B y n s o l i e l e v eb a st h is q et i n.C e t n y t h a v r g tielathat thee wa no re§ppons fro the is ifeless remtais, and with tht reking ohe is.morHerhasutlesmisgel1 ierch C hstin i t sitenhtonsicus o s a b l e H a n n a hr e m t t e r e d : " D o z i n g ' w e a p o n i n o u r a n d ? F l e e n ! A s s a s s i n ! o fé a n eerb a s w i t t e s ig n t e n i n o f d e -t h i e a t s u i. n e b iy e t h i r d &p e r s o i n p s e a y , a n d p a q e t h r o u g h t h e p a r o r s 1 I& e it a i, ! M a d d e n e d b y i s r e f u s a l a t a unou n c g mt h n t n t o e."h r i tyi n bi s u c n v e r s o n a in h s od il « W in t th e h a ll a n d o p e n e d th e d o o r h im - g iv e y o u is lo v e d d a u g h te r' s a n d in m r - "N o , g n o ,i o beeH ti."3 1 c u it.h e .p a r t i s b y ird o u t o attv e m ptsoir i @dif-riage, you ave taken is lie. Stand surelynoul not ud ter oneywous heaur i s de ibgreof prait eandowmentil eme n! Cme i, Rbert. I am all back from my loved! cousin'@ aide, or, red- be okn ohm ecudnthv yhsdge fcncosesteef a 1 W .1 I1 t h i k t h e s e r v a n t s . e v e n h a v e h a n d e d a s o u a r e , I w i l l a t t c k o u . O h ' c n o m it t d t h i m . I e u d i a t e l y a f t ers i e g a r d t o t h e om a t t e r t e t e a c h e m a gM M t e b e d , a u n o e r e s p o d e d t t h e b e l l . m y l o v e d o n c l e ! I t a s .y o u r d e a t h M c y I e rd t h e v i c e e, h i s u p e wa s w y i s e c l l e a t t e n t o n f o u n g Cth r I p l e m e H a t t i e w o u l d a v e r e m a i n e d t h a t r o u s e d m e r o mn m y l u m b e r s ! ' ' m y a t h e r ' s , r y i g 1He l p m u r d e r ! ' H e r -r ga d t t h e s m p l e , y e r f o u n d t e r c hr n g e l s e Ir h a d in f o r m e d e r I w a s lo o k in g H e r m n C r a v e n " c r ie d R o b e r t , a s h e m y a n k n o @ c d n g m y d o o r d e x cl a i e d : o f l Y e u i t h le t e to n . I t Y o u n gst a t e m e n 18Mgyupletcyuseknowit e hurs fortraightened to hie full height, "bas this 'Your father, Miss Hattie; your father!' Mof theirntis work;notI necessarily n gemg eolecasedul eesth nxtterrible scente crased you? YucntHehabujstefhirom Ihdexutvettmn.btcmphnie emingg, and then thought rta perhaps believe the words yu ave utteredt be throwntmy wraper on, aon.tgeherween ogh fo rina ryChtanms to llow. F m t o l d n t d sire e r t o b P r se n t- t r u ; b u t ro ul e th e s e r v a n te a n d e n d fo r d e s c n d e d t h a e r n st aie h r ee l â tvra l n. b t or y . b n s v Hemanenterd thehousenot tn'm.belpi. The assassin must not escape." "h udrhdaraybe omt g"fy oem" o wf stetr ta t e s a g o . p r s u m e h e w o u ld a v e b e e n " N o r s h a l l e, R o b e r t C a m p b e l l . Y "r T e , md e r ,t e n you e a rd t oee c i et - f o m t h g n l c n s o t o n f h p e c d a ~ i tebrryebtfrthfatht 1 are the mrderer ere. Little d bt hd hvIt"Hatnn o h ekffN 4AMWIngpae tomthe o sitrenuuehé or- t e& d h m y o u w e r e c o i n g t o t k e u p Y o u r d r e a m w h a t m y u n l e s c r i e s f o r e t o l d ! . , o f t h e. d e adh a ke r , w hoI l a esi d t ith é ir sr ta t o n . e i o e fo rs l t i o t h e a t r , mo n o te a n d th a t t e re w a s a p riv a te m a tte r " M.% a s A lv in ! M a rs A lv in ! M u rd ere d . w nf a e u p t urbnk e d , w h e is y e de p e n c i sa n dP s t m , r eh e m ei n . t, mi u st h o w- abeait which we were to confer, He look- Nlurdered! And by you, Mars Robert.' hn astily o ne slip of pa pe rtetee itefinoedea.nhd satrim ed lpiaoed--he y ected.Doa ouOld Uncle Duke who lad entered the words: rs£rlto keiniasre o timesvrymoytarliby knw ea h enalt ak My roomt, Waled t the side of hi Young "ag eirsretcie.. .everytreachIein countryàt ow datgter's and to-day?" mistress, who was caressing the dead L"P lase.ometotheidecfBak - er f-ew a of really do bieer e it-tha B t h is t i e t h e t w o m e n l h d r e a c h e d t ef r m o f l e r f a t h e r . e e s e t m t a t ho n c e . i d e a d e f B a c ek - He v e o r y r eli gi o n i n w t h u n t r w h a i te r o - *athenry. "It was 1, Hermn Craven, who 'an' now eoete. Hne. has beend cru s ellrmr-A ues inchraradonducivet adn " I a m B o t u p r i e d ," s a id R o b e rt . " I s w e re d th e s m m o n s o f th e d o eu l l . d r d o etbe l l. I D w b f r e e l ." g asru llyu rO r re .ig T h e inW o r ut l a ed k e p i t o hd marmieed thaet he Would, and imag- haed been here for a lhait hour; was here d(T. o beContiedl.)sur. oeo u r eyaxost ed wha your answer would e. know by appointment, as you know, t take, up (a i-- gnud urd the rds of nsrd riter and rof MIg B atti e as no affection for i." m y note. 1 brought w ith m e a bag or ,Chi& hi ef rd- o m u la ioy n by o til " A h ha, a l bestow ed on ou, I u- coin a nd received it ca n celed ere the orie rm u g it n g ln C u b a. cu ri t e --an d oth at i s ir w . i t sta "MIe" bell rang. 1- If smuggling does not become popu- ritouslfontntainhyone The y u g man's face flus ed. "I think, "W here i this b g of coin?" d s lar ln Cuba a l experience w ill b co - cBR / 7/5 S P//i thR id. mf" B tjo r a si r? ie aid , that if I am s fortunate "-W hy, there upon your un le's dé i, trad lted, says the Providence Jour- tPf Ruhemda sefr th oc ts w o a ac thei r a u- and" gaa our onent, 1 possss a suffi- where 1 plaed it. I o¡l;(al. Itolways ha been crried onthority chtqatt f her regard to bie able to "There is no bag of coin there! ilain, there, alhoughasthe Spaie nt esalgv o nte ofre" etolmbeo ityRobeI. 1have 'No aboit fcin there? Robbery has much on coast and munleipal guards. this wordiishalm o osteal iudr sMth te no be e ,o aie i- ,t been added to murder. Your mis- It is common to-day rat the Meleian 7 M tood by n d lih reers.b+ orinqildEng- e n d 1 h a ll l e q u ite co n ten t t tru st m y tress, H n a h , o u r m istress - b o n d a ry , a n d in th e c a se o f s o mn e a r- 1IpUNA e o r s'y E ri , rate rm . th a n t oi co sld en or am g hter' s appine s t you. I am Ma i- Aunt H anna h stood ti the door leading ticles t continues t the Ca ndian line. AYP A .-0; •t i ty10 o . r. W a o B . r igth e t as Po rth - s d t h a t o u lo v e e c h o t h e r . Y o u a v e f r o m t h e l ib r a r y t o t h e b a n k e r a c h a n t - pWh e r e w a g e s a r e o we tan d t h eo npri c eoo fowo r d p- 9 e d o u r a b i l i t y t t a e a r e o a t i fe , b e r . H e r m u l a t t o f a c e w a s o f a n a s e n i m p r e d mg e s r c h a n d i s e n d s t h e i h c o f -1 " i e rD r e B r d e r e d ' c o m o r t e ' -ea n i t h o g h a d v e r s it y r o w n o n y o u . I u e a n d s e w a s h a k i n g a s w i t h p a l y . i p a r e d t mt e r c o s t o f l v i g c o r a b a n dW u s d : t r u h u h N w T s a e t t ge ou mi, consent freely, My boy." "Ded! Dadrderyown drling pa&aparebusine is a oreltemptton. TB/bA sgnfy'-renheneed't hiring man «(» thank ou air. I shall leave for Murdered mu r Hatieerefranica- iceks s expnsrv efor in.uhase may be rapp.e inwblaektambougt to l tid m o re w ith a ligh t ea rt, a nd n o w T he cries of po or fl i e e e r n t c l- c e- - o e x e •e, f r n stheaeRi n fy ti re a d o re d fo A Ph r im e. T h at $ p t h e n t e r m a t t e r . I m u t n t k e e p l y s u a d n d t b r o u g h t h e o r t , ane a s h e a uc l o s e m y e o r v se i e l t r a 6 H G l m o r c o c e p i n bo f ' c o m f o t i g . ' H i s py e @ la te r. s'o r d a r i g " a ld R b r . e n s l e q u r d h N w Y r h i p r r it l resm ay bar e d sti m ated ad in h, 4as for ta, it la ot yet levée;stooped the bloody weapon telfrom is lrad omlanngofilealipota rased ti they drie awaythcill andH bt en your own accont, if yu mut and and struck at er aidétinsatth Hvaa ocs.Itissidtal yy coqu 11thecl. Tat isltheanew Te- bolve aitfour. You will not lbe gone long, W hat wondersto p nahe finha ew tenthat whe akeidtocjstIfythe sir H aetie f-cmotn. e od Il rathT om eode vnn orraising her toa asofa that the room con. charges they faiLed to present evidence rimn te ibe ohaebeetn more.misunder •¶ shal:bendhoeforathrda te.ning, four . Incriminating the guilty. But it would ,-~~sooa antieBbehiv. By t enmean soot h- dascontyaind hecnow for te ntehs tamed ffmcousin.murderer!" cried certainly be difficult for any one, even MAP SHOWING FOREIGN "SPHERES" IN CHINA. sing.'titne to hom DYthe langoage of the kn bored dollars. Yu cn nethe e- Herman. But aready Robertlhd ler a coastlguardsman or an inspxetor,d n eto i.Hsreeuswrtn fwi il ondb sa tn oidcThm oetrRoe old nwan by itthe opoitae Of 'th- paseat is still intact. Give me credit in his strong arme, and in a second's tie bring forward prooifs of the La e- ato ped Anachy thiareatenued. His andot hehther bFrane. ThRsie, road adueltsplythehteeter Bosie g'T.s h odsgessllai et ar Beh andm as reis abveth aoutier wihast iy onner!over ler long nir lly lhad been taught by more thrantwould be the future grand trunik linehaed been rilresented to the writer on tu him it wt olsgent war cries. Thug «et htad n teresboy wt" shusi roehahed placed her on the sofa, where ut er o xeinc hti csso hna; It would be dominated by good authority. ,Pete-r wro>te, -1 exhort literally cmfort) "Cert IlybumyoyBith lasue, since th• uaking Hanahtand her daughter EpyPas.mnyt pelt nln.H ke rnhadRsinofeas t a- "Teddy mra the letter. 'No answer,' you feed therekof God' (il'et. 5: 1, 2ý. beptasit; bt Yu kight nan well hveMillie, who haed joined Ithem, were solon To little men and womien of the titer- mlittle of Rusla bengd.H e Fenfctththt ffawud be adbyfracieand use-sadbtohemsngrwh rde oonheayf 'tette1y ahpIt.atepraspyoutkow, iatb n lystriving to revive her. ary profession, the poetasters and wit- la d ved fria, endtnhendat in tIfoff a- la;bits trains would e und u- lth le a asuprhed a e appa wren oidef. Spiritl omfo f ethci e . ymain ehand0 th bdeha ei f Avt e,,- Uncle Duke lhad roused Adam, the car- linge, there ought to be something ln- ledprHvedturind t Ruia. Thnof atu- coe iencerainwud p uo siofthe ference ohedangtie arernchmnd. Sii )otdthedicpl. ak oteZi ne of th~esedys; that is.aillrnge driver, whom ihe hd sent for Dr. structive In this word fromt Thackeray. r cuecdpopl. h rc onre.BtRosvl meitl on e o< r nslation of thVerswon rd." d bu àMall legacy that will go to fer-' Norcum, two blocks away, and lhe now quoted by his daughter, Mrs. Ritchie, paid ais beengrtroi than B TrpIan he irthn osesios nBhuatrehiosevea nd rodtothe De Mores Teul Spru8iit of tr r"apoun manCrven t whm lage on, r-ent ed tenoo. Ater eadng schdn esimae ofno-would have exactedl. Russian agents munchsmaller than threRussinan or ranch, arriying there soon after the prs hc ih l ra eeo ehuk would prove a curne, and remem- Hadlweontle nst y haeh of r toriety by a man truly grent, the min- swarmed Into Mlanchutria. Russian French possessions, but are more com- Frenchmian's messenger hiadt reached phrets -i he xposiienlod a togt fuvlp brnc o rvants." teypr bfreFu mnle oal Roberit. mr r-nw a el osdrwhte hytroops followed them lin thousands and pact and more advantageously situ- home with is report of bis errand's vrin h orli cannot receive the a"Go rant thaat th. e yeasefre, youé murderer, leave imrewhere he fell be- lire not swimminug too pretentiously. are still there. Russian ships prowled ated. No one doubts that IRussia and result. De Mores, raginigrover the auda- Spirit, and therefore the- worlddibive Mm,,"alled awaYor.DRoee may e neath your blow until those arrive who "There's no uise denying the matter, along the coasts, the waving black lines France agreed that Germany should city of the Amerlean, watt nevertheless himr. That sidle of Christian faith which, feelny, "i t you mnith fodeep will takre you in charge. Do not attempt or blinkIng ati t, now I am become ao mk igaagt imta i av hstritrfhnte he mzdtoha osvetanucd.cnen heSii or utncs bag "Wlmmtoncold ll ffod t[right-u re otoowell kowan atc or faratmnd m ay-llbt werful friend waststill alding hima. powers were throttling Japan. The lm- Teddy did not dilly-dally. Holding the marily seem to the worldly man vague and amHtan no thstanoudlieg a vy him nleDkan o, anh andatthe top of the tree, lideed there, if Mr. Pavloff, Russian representative mediate excuse for German occupation letter ln his hand, be satid: sadowy-r e notisa.a ity by com edorinever be illed." Miliie; hie i your miastera murderer-" the truth were known, and having a at Pekin, elected himsgelf thre special was the murder of thtree missionaries. "* 'A man wouldn't write a letter such ponl eeproved;though t e videnceo " Wellrieal, we msallgo m y;bt " whl imposibleh dpelahed Unle Duke'rea gtu hr ihDces guide, counselor and friend of the A force of marines was landed at Klao- as this unless he was lookIng for somte- the pirit's work in other lives insmitrong Iwetryd an 1deain wit yonahie fowhi IIanna rped the bwlouwater -"Igetmiuchr a deal of praise wherever tsung-li-yamen and It was forced! to Chou, the Chinese ran away, promptly thing!' esnfrbleigi i xsec n yetandwhe I1ie ou must takthe . fmirm whice was inkling heerr yong ota tlahe ersm oha.takre his advice. Russia, demanded and the German finag was boisted and the, "De Mores stood speechless for a mo- power.--"He dwelleth with you": notice breh tith u esank. taouned a nti- e." sress i eatnd inueryterr 1anIdon't think my headt i a bit turned, obtained treaty rights, occupanucy deed was accompishied. The result ment, then bowed politely and replied: that this in in the present tense. Let nu Retio, an ere t tdopen aterame '*Infamnous wretch!" cried Robert. "You plese Godt, for I have always got My rights, railway concessions, muining has been that Germany now owns the ;«"'Ah! Your explanation is all right one suppose thatIbecause the Spirit came ,etisdre wth ane pulhertoenarwerte know your words are false. For aught I own opinion; and when men and news- privileges, changes; in customns and any- entire Shan-tung peninsula: has re- and satisfactory, I am sure I have in a special manifestation to the disci- magtrwig acutefefrit theknow-yors -may have been the hand that papers say: 'Our sheet ls the inest,'tiges he h zrsmnse evdtergtt ul alasadbe iifre! satatm. eproht e Words: "Satinfaction rceived in full, this wile hskie. and no forth, 1 know a deal better, and thoughtllemihlpe of advantage. The do mining in that part of the empire; "That endedt the Interview and Ted- bf the orfrme.The eginingbas ween angtent dynfd Aguteihtenhun ler h sooed ndrase tehwapn ontlisues te ruheiherdCinsegoermen atenlkea cil. anletteacstmsasahater f y teeldTetamnt H ws it bigedigadtyevne," tuwhchberatxew fro thenoor ,*This London world Is full of good-na- tpuedadwimee.Il appealed course; has obtained an ice-free port home,"-New York Sun. the disciples of Jeasstromn the beginning Wo intrhadd oRbrtwith.nid s n me a .ou d my once tured tomu-fools, and directly one be- tearfully to England one day; thre next for its warships, and stands ready toafterfih n aietdhmefi heePwords:%tane dasedihrugh teranina gnstcy'O!althetaTro- It would not receive the English am- takre a band when the final lleing be- Boston Mayor's Buggestion- many waY@Previous to Pentecost. ep edits a emeno f ha yu c-instn i lperle eede=en- digious!' "-Youth's Companion- bassador. It lied to Russie, to Ger- gins. It demande also the rIght to con- Mayor Quincy, of Boston, has sug- i 1will not leave you comfortiess": lit- «IwL ieit to Jennie, to Paste in her Ing the P iazza steps. many, oEgad Steadily the Rus- struct a parallel line to the contemplat- gested that the city should build a erally, "orphans." He would not leave -u book,was the reply. "Hep! elp! hiurder! Murder!" re-Wh Bank Clerk Wgas Answered s"a pressure continued. Nothing could ed French and Russian line through municipal crematory Ln which toein them likre orphan children foretaken by limesee." saibdedbanrs"ta willou'nde s viea esedaa nte An old Pennsylvania farmer recent- lightten it. Iis still exerted. Nominally the Yang-tue valley, thus placing a cinerate the bodies of paupers, crm- natural protectors and unabletoa sift for à vecedto ocredit".,Imihtgie ouCHAPTER III1.200.He lhad little experience with insUla Rusasa1now controls al of Man- er in the territory supposed to belong upon the city, The idea la to do aLway through his manifestation in the spirit, a seceipt fo that. tw • Hardly haed the outer door losed behind check&, and for a long titne ho could churia, which la being opened by the to England, if the French chlime for altogether with the Potter's field. Itqutasrlyashoghherm ore "l!!e no!It l neeless exclimedto hve i Sibrianand Mnchuian ailwys. t an xtenion f "shere areallowd isasseted hat he ciyucold cemataof is erthlylife Thetendncy f th y- 1 -ý ý,w - 'IL ýý .w a &,

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