CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Apr 1899, p. 9

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- - - atllab .l.dgeu Baoit Ce> INO QUAY NOT OUIL.TY. THE WHOLE S'$y M erthe "Texas." Tiser. Io one particulur part ofthe lu deserîllgtise bombartiment ot dreebi belonglug te thte order of the col Trial oftheb Peueylvaaten Raulte la May Bocoms Invsded by Catarrh-.- Iorro Cusile. e %%ar-arîlet lu Cuba telle -teblack enp-miîtcb the Jodges l r.jr lu Acquittai. .îow hoe ntd goitre ttcwspaper metn man- -engadawy u vrterwg h uylte ruse of former United Genorul Lewis' Cas. ages lo t aIain a Poilnt of vantags& - Eglnd ls-ay pt verthlr î StBates Senetor Quay, ou triai for couspir- Tlueuecoirresptondelnt@s st-uned te gel liseu passiug sentence of dentb. Lttle les te use for biseown nnlawfnl Sain sud lu kuown concerulîtg tlulu bîack cap. profit te fonds of tise State of l'euuosyi- near thseT-xas. anti many mîstakies hase boon madie1 vania dettositet lu tlue Peopie's Bank of A liew lays prts-iouis a rival nevms- about Il. Sergeant Pullilig. lu bis work. Philadoiphia, returneti a verdict of 'net paier utspatch luiotît. lte reiplent et -- "The Ortier of the Cot," ugays: *'Tire gilty" Ftilioming tjuickiy openute ver- certain o iurtr.slos oillu mltch me hati black cap, or sentence cap. efthtle diet ofthfle jury rame the nous titat Gov. 1 Dot bs.eît rasoreit.Labai len i-arrylîug Jutiges anti sergeanlu lu cerîanuy net Sleue Laa ppointed Mir. Qnay teolie Unit- incior teIt-grants lu the, lleg-ship, from Marly pesasnbaviethegr 9«d tise colt, as Lordj Campbell repeatedl r et States Senetor 10e ithe varsucy cette- one point or autîer. anti she wuacIlu es tlilure of tise Leiilature tu usine the htabit of mailng ln among the fleet. gel and their bai day. Othen stagets. Il lu. on thse contrary. tise*cov- ascceser ti Ir. Quey. ~mtta i fluerale nitlpa ame ubout bal SICI ai the limie. erîng expressly aseignitl teveilthtie colt a The ei,, tare fijedt l elect a Ser-ou naro moracaddsly TheY have hetd&ch*, backàcbeo on te ortîy occasion t-lion the colt le ator before utlstijouîrneti ou accut of à " ng te signal, -Wl-hure dispatches and are reseieu sud netrvous. reljulred te Le hititîco. Bith le ancleul deadiok. Titis tofI Pennsylvanie mititorth Food donsa flt teste good, atnd prîsileges ef the hrgeants tire colt wasbtît co Senetor unies. un appointment .Titis. of couirse-, preî entesl lticî veeselu tbe digestion le poor; the skia net lu Le teken off, even lu lire royal wm a tude or an extra session of tht e e- of tht' ltît front îîîkiug be-r corne eut- BSdry and sallow sni ilalgurci presenre. rThe ebief lusigîuia of theise situru- was caliei andi electoti a Seaautr. aidue. ad nîtl hile-dluer te approacis lie wtb pimpits 0f eruptionsm ordter osas te Ilie snutilplayed wnmlsit- f6ag-slltu fî tiliier lier communîca- sl.ep bingt no test aud mork tîng on tis e houri or jueatllng ai theIiîîne. Foif oru- ltasng Plort Antonio ste le a brden., tar. lutit oule mb at-oralmays io lhavte -iif tau akî-it iîta t:rgt' srpîtly et resi Whasll lte cause of Isl this? hion tioturteri frein ln Iassing sentence ft. oncitf ouîr s t-riiilt-rant oIlcrgina Impure blood. o ts1ts Ani te reed**'l'lie fumait cf te edminiistrator of ne-os sjb[itr Ilien thatI e should isolet Jusic wa teu 4ier(dam tkenofthe sýgtua1. '*%%*i-se hananas for tise sorrow, t,>-thse lslck sentence cap.T a o .n*. - Thiserenreti cap,. biat-k capor msu- mon.wsa Essî utoi va e..>.or lu.ia stu-lcd utioti.atutiour veusel i.ot.cpasIllntiseigls lanem-l as t 11) ghi t-il l i t hlloittInter- îttec-e f tirnpIîlack ols, s it-lt aPc-runan.Drng Mfg. Ce.. Colot msi. .ferî-ît-e. outili 1s,-rta-:uiitheii'Texas. 4 mas tf isnal)tback ro, u a oJ e, s put (bu top Of tht' sa g. The. cap la rareiy Gentlemen-t bave uset Pe-ru na for 1 Oni-e ilingside i- tilfthtltp hailei pub ou exceiobt wliîun i prîstînur bas st-on a short limne anti encuerfutty recoin- us 55it,ltgltt. u î~ , or littît, gitt, crirvcted ftirtîrl l hnuement ilb as belng al you reproso-ut, n o mndrbndte th i erma h i ufrugwti antoi,]otus flit a tîtncîbardruont mas * JutIge rplae-s Ile cuap on flue toi of lis wuse-r a Iel nfrn vtsIvery sliorfiy t fot-keplat-o We thougbit - m-g and pîassu- sesntence o f dat. catarris cenit know of tes great value. ourot-Isîs lu gri-at luck at recelvlng 'Ii"liee te juigte mit ln tht- <rimsiW tShoulti 1 at auy future flint have occa-this néo s. antd umadeu'outslle tise linos. tcourts andi mIaou ttenidng o'bur'isla sien te recommeuti s Irtatmnt o I u ket.pung as riet-a ofthe equadroti as rme mie,I-.ley awIma>-s carryo the' Ilat-itcap ~~'uklnd. retsassuredti iat yonrs milI h.Le wro Itcruotto-tl. llat-eir Lanss a part -uithtlelr rej a te eue. Cratetuîly youtre. Jifliia atir. he ie cl) n l-JAMIES LEWIS. The Puet Diii Nîî Contribute. jîili-lul t'ytir ue.ise01)arhe ca, lez Wiserver tise catarrit teatisere lu sure "I am quite im-liIiig tei cotrîbute te ibe t- ,w ortd Mayoir gt.seinus,uta lete h. a masteofetmucus. Tise nucus la the--er-utmseutc-tutof the evenlng. -n Tt los ene te cemiée Il a] our ofj titce o b ewra u' rlouio seaublond. Il lu blondt, lu terpose-tithe auntettur poet. mise a ,~ de~~n~ ~ ~ hit et> Maoutsaizjini-"e. s-r iTSums lAT____ act. Itluàbleuit! plasma-blond ultis bursting 10 ru-uti lus lafosi andi coulint tttrougis mhlch is « am tul ma 7%e Manzîî. "h.sutTmt tu eri« ttisýd ed 01 b c lb. hecerpuscles remoseil. Te stop thisi.gel anybtott> fo fake ftie înte Le tirem csmd fontOIebod. Vs.endi verdict ine Senator Qnaye ftaler in maule. you muet stup titis cstarrlu. A out' aUilimpurwduaare rmu ê'aenfuiti llin. ietie lral.w*anure hr thtlod au.eher $MRol à prenuinent 1Wt-otu-n ratIssas mani. Witate edctmu auatdtnser. c oursee teadotmeitbmtsP uu rieesn ti ie ra ri tuhe blond ritf lt>- «bua -igt'-r t-rn -stmei n teup t eninortea a- t-o aleted 11.a tcrne-rof tht- rooinî. anti a guent ment îleSi- bîii.uttutusisay Itîsgne tus amattpuroi. tt-t mo-stol îytiomcburt Senti for free catarris book. Aireaout. Tire uttîtum rs tr-lareclfor tise moret. If there In constipalbon. t@ Iruglul. ertd isrtt..sînî la riglut lu flt otnlcrs. oshuo mod muitts of Order,- rtePe-ru-na Drug Manufactnriuig Co., exc-ît ont' t-l-y man. mho puileti Aycres Pils. Theyamakenlba Iuilie--"rre Stuî suro effective iu ut- CQluIDbue. Ulul. ulown hies wslnt-iat woIflu an unnece- dremm uctri e 0t he Uu'. tcY Att olit-er of iotof ftlic transp.ailic lent-mg tht>.>-jttliîlant a1urits st-ic sisitetiaymo o ]t-tuiai cure bieusf. it-azî.itislfi, i- 3,c: *i-s "Tit ix, ltIrua-n to giv etil, tiiîr esitsfation lty cieer- Pueadent Kin£'s Mi-tate. s'ryThomfleof ibits-rlnttmnefot".h ,, ho' tî utwmtilîtetnîur vueitsl uag. "Théîîtt--r -trei- îtbie.houe-rer, -J thinki 1no-er bi-ard a more lui- tpoetlvmont on, tram îng a roll frointan mliele d - o i noe bo b fibt tflit e NewsYork Clentrale'Laite.tu keep lotik titute n-lut, -trugltetito get riesa.instance e buetofnielne uions ues-ftlpocket, le 'The Italndropa uuu.e~eu~suea~yseima Sitttr 1 lriîited7 a se tir. Qiîtsy ead euratuiafe hisi. Chaire ttaon toue mhlcis Dr. MWlltianu F. King, on tiseIRoof.'- Mis j~ en'y luMT-, leet I-t fti-e hoapctend11tise ble emre nttsot. tabléstes m u-dh1tiitaside sud prelient of our dloionînatioual Cor- -Wotl. of course If (toms," excîsîntei ap au s.biui. - ts. atwayut lest. 'Thie Nem-Yomrk Centra:tuaf m-rt' entait>.-d îy the on-rusiig sDtlCcItt-go, at tount Veornon, tolls ounthe-eltterly nan. -Wiere stoult yen standts ai fle liîu-ul îtf lfliaieetiKcr croimi. NMr. Qiuaywstt sa brcai]eucide on bnBJ, as .Na4.pso Ilits e* ofthîs t-ountnry afndl las faIrlyis tufat. rtttttuii-iil-.anfiy to the litef a- is t1tEsi. iasor t lt o ttudtrop'., W îtt-n tise rain drops ornut-i tit-ilin tf n ueiutGuret u ' g1i-tu,'atntd -itfrtulfioîf bu>seof HadldtockMemortliM. .EChurch.u.ons-um-t-il regutaît-tibotuse, Ilbnatur- Itutiitti-- ItffloComumercial. t-h.isuutîi-rist-is-it rüuuid.A nur ofhi.tu"Tise do-t-or biat een Inv-ied te a dInb ait cluousu-s tise roof. I'orluaps you ex- 14,.flEc. pîtuîttia frit-ritît e e to f-re, anud tht-se uer a-t Cetiar Rapids, and ti ettfore tntct peoupte Io take the- roof off miscu Il rotn ure ui at I ncere t inteur ex- tise guetas tîre te) Êt dostu he ma's I%- gBouliersa tuto Snom. .I raine> Or you tiunkt fiat me Imagine Mhrsstin 'The jury look lbîuet te aallots lu the mlsh aontobody ut tise tîtlege. The tel- - ~ or F eou'oxleriiterttu store matie recî'îtt r- v-t- att etletlpoet euuîia-thet tultrelsontis nblE rIonor lu 'Ie, tlu inFreiue on flic penflratlse owieur ca-tu. Ontitso î,t thoou- iballots-tirer alcool opisone dm net'ry meii, andits rbol-tui? Ee>bd a oftbuffe tlrongh entîss-. The resulte tf e tmî, for ecttuttai. '1h>-latter ta-uheiai ecU H;o'a zaprtlginosglitaI in tdrops on bise roof, we mre astuiltiullg. Tire Lebteliflet' nen wo5re o n-iwon outsrnttil a5fetoMmin- nhor oad ite 1e. Flnu eil leraigtYoung man, andti iey tient Iant you m-e u#eti. air]îttl a s Istant-e ocf4Yluit e@uteshfore the jury onteroi tise court Dr fro0lge. stll '9"I rito a potin f0 tell 'ont. If yon eau tee!tis Itutetpo-nfraetloui;tir foo runt.tbrougis mîit tise commuunication sudscrite one that wmut explai misy Ilreludas feetthebullt pnetrtei onl rie frt Ttn.paseti atonce te thse diitlng-room' JImiten a men gues; outIlun om bat anti lut litc eîtuîmtargt-t. A iulut froin a BRANDED AS COWAROS. mbero the ether gue-ts Ladi takrnse fotu s len 1urîrîas-roe.t s Lu-bel rifle bausliten kuuimu. It la sail, lanti more awaltlng hlm. Ucparote upon I gotisneugl a treof tifhros- ant i atfOffiler. of Sevety-filr.eNewn York lRe-. n eeaatn im ears pnI foot lu it tijtptr. That Il ehoulîl0o11Y celle ae Sever. iSentree. Invitation te say 'gracu- anti. ussumîng1 liert-rate elgiteoIn fich-es fartluer finte Asearetiltotf te court ofi ntîory miticisaievu ttt1.mîl uooel iset '[lu e atmdus etmentrobtheau>' fur- sutrgt soft tuffibos etutiso- seonaltuio ts nvsoiztf--th leî-ondlu,-t ttf te Svetty- anti lcoad oye. andtireiselmsoetlaBiln-t geti-frst New Y,,rk rtittutý-ot in fise Sanftago sers jolueti.lie aeboundu-i the compun; or tartltng. Tlte ehîleaio ti uggest- - -C...t o, .e etîlu lteî-ttelnt-tfîlt e îtt is rmîsaigu. tise fat-t e us -dtltat S!uj. ant i lutet.f as e mettby erciinlg: tisey aCuie. te roiatirug iult blu-km up îarti-les et volurifes-r rt-tfiutnt; C(tf. Whtutfe, wost-o oreul andthie biesslng asti-sitlucon- oa> t a re flitilài55 tcaneti- 1oa raedr.Ijeetorseate euse ty us tn- entuss-ineIlbgo"csi nn o gieshaliet," st-asmnjor-irnoutisat iuuutîanti Mii. ventlonal fort."-Sioux Cît>' Journal. lame' uledto îotf t e oeouslinitai Liste Mm i de melodsu bneicalor btw-ket i)u[. Atustin of flue staff of Itruto o-n. Smith, EastaeisasiTube. Wieu ibis tube le saaa out .mtd kndmb ..ied. stiso îtnianîla ia uîîy it tise regi-alas .-mbling sounnior Imperfect hua,- s MWo, PFas. annfaetured lb>'thbe Worth Tuytnr. mnt.utt t-ni- ail guit;tof comarili-ee ue b peel sgofts t. ldi the vua-it ud tileslaeInlamation cmDeafu b CAiwwiuaa V». Sysu, Co.. illustrat. A fermer rot-eitti; arobe ie Dameeaud te ords-r calOt- tto mtre h, tIie front. B rcaaioet the Prtion. bbce ""'.Dtt.sant ures te nLornato eu the vailus.t odbâailg the liqui luxa- "poutisc elilre-s on s posal card andi If a itlah- rt-morlts-rs-d thoit tise refusaI B>' procenlaans of tioreaint . tis 1hAilon eutrud hile ue loiie a ormalr hekpbm eof tante kuemu to lie 1 atllri-ssedil ifsimpiy te -DEEllN<C. of t, Sa- t-filr.oI s titierefo imore fer- ~ars0 riî eti nts u fritiesi.omof bt n limIe yesdtioe Uebly laxnaiveanti preeruiug Itil ICAt ." By retors mail ho recouvetd ar îl- ht ruM toiacnei u te.euveradblelandeaîeilu to Iich Ioueti s urs.edcodiio tâeem lan theindm mcmlreresing tethe'f'rotutite- >i-tritng iarimortor Company a trenchme-îus ssýan osututifor tise rougirtheDne n i rneRira.i W@ a-i g1re One Itundred Dollars fer motif lasse aceeptableIo0the avotem. il raalý,iîu -It ivere100 fine haitbu uitr.mi, -irtviîuîostt om eunifiera Colorado, miie h. ireun oopen eue of tseanieues lennult caai-rt lia - a= erugtbenzing luxa- ufuîîrtt..î e pictureo f tint-for occupation hy soîbli-ra ab noon of MsIa'I t oslb &lsCarhue de Uv-edes.g~tsse aatei etie¶usly. enanul inIsAmrirta. a "taune York ru-itritt antd ,ri tîmatrd fise nuzziue 4 M.Forpamphlet iving fulîînfor- escoanrafTois. HEE&O.Tlme dspellmg oýbeid eadachezansd foletsh onî ti iu l"osubie't Ofhnirfîe tth-tn-umsgtt. iun iu unn o t aion lu regard to tise lands, etc.. etc.. dN"Soid ity tirugit.. 7he. ego titi; f te Itertig Ferm Journal. soif thue coturt iusot -reit-oeu lît t icers nanueti,____________ "l' yet ptly eud ruatlnugoee ddresaSi . K. Mooper. Gent Paris. Agent, Ce bitgal ecu.tipatlo e p," i-ré,aine ra urapostai t . lexu4rtcst,- -.îîli.iro. eermnut D, bitR. G, R. R.. IDenver. Colo. NtWa h loat Il r o fo- it. kp it rmi. th tintatort-ad; toi bIovOounituonm;. Ir la lways e te ::h:;z rt osiblobffi equliy ndsus-KptIle rois.TOM MARSHALL WINS AGAIN. ."Nett he (orera'. <cmw." misat yen men. If a lady mite b>'tise satance, andi hoe &Ming. unthe lkiidue, B, Sue iioteula rt't-ntly sfart-r] ou a "Tommy Atkine"-tise slang Dame o a idnetv l mrcahdbe itivw a" ebuseW , thtboeakersngtfir.tuludiado irlstd lua toos n togis-e Mayor or Ktteiisborg, Ill., 'Talles tiseEBriisprîvse-la net nototifor lis ne careful lu flots respect sassitaotld or lrritu*tag thon mkas -K-the ideal IBSASAVa performence fuir tite *'enelit of the Gsrand HieieuIandicap. politenens, but for bis ohudience te havo bt-ou, an amuelng retort mould l~u poncteet nsleatmugfi à Ipttor. Tickets routut-etîto 25 i t.11 Thomas A. Marshalîl,SMaytor of Koîise- ordema. not hase beeingiseni te tise merli. &Mu Me&da lb1 ey iepleuranst lte OiàThlu- hall mas cruodeol. anuidblth exllurg, Itli te ie inou-ruotfte Grand eraoluaeatu ouInE Itirîueibstncrangut- taul. bt fic .....cnalqn5litniorutrg tf lit'u. îtu lîuteuhgland a genera] anti an admnirai more main, Dot unkuoson te tame, long] been remedy sae obtained Iltrémnua and 1 r te treattlttetforlte Jtooirufl- Aîîut-r-Nitnuepb other aromatie planti. by a mctbod eIutiheresurr ifb"lxutuuuImen etc lt or bieniiglbors. The generale isouse jmas ln the euio;rnent ef a corner umat lu a kMoWm 10 tise CAt-tvoRMiuA Fioe iu ifur t-thttucunt fuie manitii]-lx a -- i. tr rtntesi h; a gras plot- on wmic li e ailoa;carrlage wmiîcigras a littie Ce, c.gily. lucor'der e gel t i b eficlal tu-sIl'lie trensurer ox3îresau.d astontelu al ý!trs-jth le paeturei a com. binetiay lis mît'tom-nmore- tian confertattly full, andti ta efeets andIo 0av--ii mitations, please tmenttnt tise temantl. I or tr aeore-plainesiteLmrethtat 1he suppi; of mult at a station le- eleouleti ouI te seek te- eerbertbctullatmae uttheCouspany -l thougut,'-iai tht- uhairman of onkbe it rtnttmas falling shoert. freehutente, laklng cure te Icave i. prbntedo.m .tfront of every packageitu-e -îîîunutîee.'.otîiilse-cntisad Ilula WlC.M.Grimm. Tise sentInie-iacceunteti for thetiofi- rtg le rt-servi- bis si-al. On e-cunterlug CAI.FORNIA.Mp SYRS Ca ttîu,-îfor tise-b-i-tif uit fut, riluuir e, it dotnc; tise public troddcom-n tise pas-Ithe founufintt, ln spite of tise mg and 1111" yaafuROM. GAIi-i. r*,- ti-d fit, tro-asur,-t, utlt actoon, luire. Thoru-uptin tte-genurtul gave- or- the'protesta utfiis te-ibm passengeru, l atilel n z, KY. leWt Se. N 't wért-dot--re l kt et i - aut t-ildere tisaI neoumrnntor bother animail ex- e lady isati pttuseaso'ed oruelt oetbis _________ -suS-h~ttIl t flu iin r eculd i t n , - o to L>)ste t-tu-s. il agi" TON' MAtbObAiLI - k ti 1t1ed i uv-t bdct-pt lis cow aoîtldIre hailomesl on the-plcu M DUBEVaet Exbesit 'icarana hrustratglit. Nnst5iziu.llInIti lty-euisht gratte plot. H-e adisesithtfIf f515 rule- 1loeiîg tise art a IlttIe unfaIr,lise sp- PENSIO QUICK Canada tuai-îlebodly _'37»01 u iare itraightitl iohiltîui )aond -ott w as lntnlngt'si tht-aenfiueleouth.Ittacs-tie-utibtstexaatn Ia~.l*1LI~.U~ps.A uiestîuh. t ri. istluî- ss lule ciutGritîi rns.iu ittetu >ur, ha 1ts--floggel. mas sot osiude hlis-tre iofty rtpi;: 1nent tof Europeo. filtgu isan> vbrty luo'aie tabiWtcI),o ra--nrd, -t. tht-c rt3-utan tu Soon alter, the adirat,' ielu- DO o tiu kuo. sir. finutt 1amnoee MALE or FEMALE AGENTS WA NIED oft; lai-rZo s 4 ;rea.t littiandtutiiru-liutîi. in tiui- iutt bs uvc. Liecupturot tise haste- to kt-ep an engag-nu-n-ttok a th iserln-tturs stn-? Te Sil ta"gi uXn Lu s i upsluhy iluV17u. short oul os-e-rfise plot, dlsregnrtlilg "litoi,. rs-îulu-î lie- dieplaceit Tue.ti~,eea fille usal ae us-i: a .n. tiesen n ois orîler to keu-p off fise truuvî-er. --re tuutue dîrector's eut; - C furnon saolder. tient tyen knuum Cotlnirit. ivi 1 n? tat-ulatet i te offe-udeil r rin0 r Gau0 "Ali1 kp v ktthoi yo'renotthe Astr yoar Groer le-day 1o show y« a Ailt kitu letiet onr 11f la kegeof GîtAI N-O, tise new tod drink g e rl's j î o w " t h a t t e e t e P l a 'c e o fe r T h 'it i - ire..mey drinik t'siittont lajis.'>au ueUl Whet Du tous Chitlre. Drink? SeKlise adult, Alil ho l-y il.hâte1k. I [ba t e ttem l ee sorcoller. las GIIAIN hbas biset rici t blirown ut Joad trr th. se«food idh'tk coi, o Moche or Jlyebot it la made froc. pers 4.,bAI OlIt e dtcoaadnuui-grains. onditise muet delteete ubomecitrro- ipo lbo iilchilei. ecT i. ie ho tis l ntt"-~ more Grass-O leu givete cbildireai tise eilie. 15c. sud 25i eta. pet package Hold Ste- a y s ~ sore le-skhionyuudsritoete titrouthtiir b otf grocers. isMat 5 2J4l00IaU, an on irm s;atreme. Grsiiin lmade of puesgrai ns. Thsed o a e Iin uewra n tfelic , t-alianmd ahes propeuI'r repared teste& luke O i iuritn tise cite regrade.s o fferla ut conbe 'Our larutllity bssitken ioOn ilote. t t a s tofnn- ut nal ('DrAobiest t4 a, sucis. AU l groaeiJl k. lZ. c -'e- loune.' -. S S Uo tNew tstunta icoft-tt.,tae luAt- end 1Zibe. ____ Wlsttl tut-oitI up litt lis sbad7' Ve R %antt luMajorkeIlPernanent.neQ iri oAIoit ftic Thermoin- The a os inn.crser î. nav< tat-. d "Our ut-m bourde-r canue bem bal for- ter.' "Retatottcortd. lisee-st culot of Aralet. a tomporar>' bome." Sipainilàtue de-tiduitte.oIl te cris..' Wl itepide. l'atriota aitdi t'hîorua, purchaneti "Nom ise monte te marry c., dengis tronî Germen ooni-rit duirthett lat- tar. ter."-Clulcago Record, A neso-Danîsit steanisip liue m-tii0eP- croIe fhree freigut andttibo puisenaget ut aitfg LeC o Comumptim.. steanmers betmeeiu Deuiuark anti Engleuti, Kemp& Baleasma-ii stop thse cougis et Large nunthers of tise- inhalianta oethtie once. Go te yen.' drug-t to-day anti gel provnceof igre noth r Abssiie, a sumpîr botte free. Muid lun'25 and 50 proinc 0 Tire burîtcf,5ntyatnaare cvnI botise. Go nt once; delaya art dan- enigeting te Egyttauti trrittue;, prefer- setous._____________ ring Brituis ruli- b litat ot King Mene. Livre' xertion. Thse eîltinisfrftion cf tise Niger Coasat Kn lame>di oubc en pretectiîec ici ha-t hiterto be-on con- ae locti-yt hetîoBritish fursigtt office isas Tramt-Over-exertleu, mum. been trousft-rred te tise colonial dopat. Lady-ludet-i! lunmisaI may? aeat. Tramp-Siosin' on ever>' tîrne npe- Tite[Britisit mer itlts- bas deetide- to e- lceman toIe me.-Ne-m York Wekl;. eul tise herse and fiheld arfiller>'a-fsw ish 1 eee Piso's Cure le tise oui>' medi. Vickere Slaxim qaîck-irtug aune. Th is e sctisaImiii cure eonuomPtion-Anua eate ertire oft fisot-guiîote mu ,best M. Bonu. Wiliisntport, Ps.. Nov. 12, 'Me per minute.___________ Tise tugsoan sfeaoe Yeriisiaf bse left A bouge mos-er la nof uccesinlî;a Ode-sueaithl iusouîîîu ituiitary iltruttoroslîhop ltier. andifresu-pipluiue.,if urotutfor tte Ahys- suniabu arsît;. Tise Britis Adiraif; tati juattgie. cîttraito li jri out t- hip3ua rd-ifuir tac e torputi l outtut îîu viat-luItebare a seusd ofuthIirty-otît'kuit-n. 0nsîriAL .Iewittu cu-isnt aI îtitîra-n nom se-cure guid cerfih-tus f titi' rsf clumes Swedn wll sendatutnce $1,000,00> Alabauine, te oudurable vmailc-et- forth bete eqipentofthe army ' uug, tskes te place et ucalîng kalmomn,. 14189<1 u non ie for tise infautr> sud lWall papet and painît for mtalle. It rau bu M91.000 ounom t ortifications.ued on plaster, brick. mooi or cuvas. '31o5-0 We.L ts iaiee ui se-siirieti t(M itretniAn . i-eeues.h.sAed, A NomwMbtireans'.». SteŽsiilug telepihoue service la a uew tenu of mindenitaner lu London, cîas- ed b; the- Cronetu police magistrate ae petS>' larenu;, anti îunlasetib>' hlm stt a fine et lii-e shllinge. Te Cure. s ui.Orne DaY Tatc Laxative Brume Quinine Tabieta, Al druogultretunitlse maue; i fataare. Me. The Semane b ue L. Qon eS établai Tisere are long speecesutiat are ap- plautiesitisaI do noS contalu ilve vital ionus. WbotZ et5sa riitulee.s s, mit mWAuTgD.-ca».sbm hbeatSt&& Rt1P'-t-sii r ao«i. fan Sa-U9.pssd ,us Loai u a A natter of Iloubt. I r, wlhlbfreetes icolmw ff "I nnderstand." uald the morbiti *Pe- sud distances ail utemus of in.gI tator. -tiat the prisoner li s@ho ig It la claimoti for li that with tb t*~ wonderful nerve." peratuare of 4001 degrees beIow1- M0 '*l don*t know,' nnswered the <'Ynic5l Fahrenheit, la renchesi. The lawyer. 'sht)er he lm showlng wonf l lmite of heurat u col(] are, thereu~ derful ners e or htfler ho sin1idy I-s1eke recuroeed loy the arc furnace suhd lIs' Inteli Igenýe, îoiigu tt k now when I t lu lîquîi aitr. tinme tu le ecar, I.-Wa:shington Star. ___________ ghake Into, Tour Sfioe. Sasr'. Serd Cor. Allen's Foot- Euise. a powder for thse feete. n eel ootourntran. si, u lit Ourmspaatll.swollen. simarting. nervoos 14gulfrS is i.prar'55 feetant uIntntlytelles the sting outolcorne lt atu a11e o ot and bunions. It'a ih)@greatest coinfort dis- ]îs pr.ces bt acer sord Co>.. IA Q5%1 o'erY Of the sate. AIllen> Fot- Esse makes wis. e) tlght-tiîting or new shoes footeasy. lits& ___ certain cure for seeatini;. caltons and hot I A toie.inaiaie tîreti. eching foot.Try ift to'dalo.Solid hy >il lm sflat girl mWho mas ont Il*- dru gistà and 8oe stores. iB% mail for"25e hi tanuS Trial package FittE. Aîldress turing on 'rhere le No tIeatbu?' Allen S. msteul, Le Rloy, N . Y. "Ai) undertaker priîpoqed ta ber, a4 Four Thouuand Degreu or ieuLt. he niarrlod hlm. -Chîcago Record. The grest tlat protîteiti aruliiiil lyl ta f anu vluîtrtc arc fitrnaee, Lune'u Famlly Mediciee the klnid that lx usdInilluthe production Moventhebwhi s nco euy. la d of artillîtal ujiamontis, calcium car-'t ebatyti ant-sr. Af gentty on lthe liver and kidneye. cum bide, etc. It Is so lIntense that nollulng sîck beaileche. Prie 25and 50r. existe u Iltht-hivte recordIL t I __________ estimatei. hostoS r. lii ho of abotut The tulilç,)arîl o tf Great Britaîn could 4.(M dgreeFhrnei.Thecode aaout a bg se amilipevery dsyoct known tempers r l ht f1qud teyear. PAINFUL PERIOOS NO G? M RS. GEORGE OSMUN, of Belvidore, Warren Ce.,N. rte Snffering as.1 ied front mealunres, irregottaril tes and beekuche for several yesrs. a roleaso froin Ibis snffering was a blessing. OU bow 1 wlsh mnore anffering ionnen wouiti aseept yourkind offer and be relleved. There la no need for ivomren toau fier. Mes. Pinlîhameg advjce aud Lydis &. Piokham'a Vegetable Compound wnAlrellev tisei." MRS. IDA PETERS, Milan. Ternn., writes* "DEÂs uits. Pîaaoim-When 1 wrote tel,7y« the tirait tinte asking yonr advice 1 w»s a grasS aufferer. Menstruations were irregular, uomm lines a week ton soon andi thon a week or t"@ laIe, aud wbou they appeared wer. very prfmqB erot pain and tenderuess in the boweli, pains ta back ant i mbe, lencorrhioa ail the lime. 1 mas wealk and tiervous sud hatilne appBIit. 4 Burning anti choking sensmation lu mythtc5à 1 -eceiveti ydur reply and followed &Il y~s instructions and nowe 1 amncured. 1 entomey leoery aIt te Mes. Pinkisamu a actice sud hu Nuderful remedies." ELL.A E. BRrN.-ER., East Rochegot, "Ohio. writes: 1 have bren th ankful a thousaad umUS e i mince 1 wrote to you for misat yeur Veglet- ble Censpounti bas doue for me. 1 foflowed *yonr nulvice carefully anti nom I feel Ilicet 1 different person. My troubles were bacill ache, head,.che, nervous tired feeling. palme fui menstruation anti leucorrboea. 1 took tour bottios of Lydie E. Pinkh'tm*à Vegellia bIc box of Pilla, ene packsgs of Sanative anti am nom mceli" MRS. MAGGEî P. STINIC. New BoeUu. «i have suffereti with terrible beauu tu the tamail of my baek for &boutl a»v« years, aud con Id neyer get anything to lelp me. 1 tried several physiciss but founi ne belp. 1 have nom takren i.hree bottila cio Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Core- pound, aud feel lotte a different wmrna.. M. .A.124 S. Cedar Street Owoss. Mich.. wrltes: Nearly three yearu ago 1 wrote te oin uaaking suIvice lu regard tumy beeti. 1 mas no mîserable; suffered froint painful menstruation aud beekache, mWU nervous. dlzzy and fallat. 1 rocelyrd mnch a kinti letter freont yen, tellinq me juut what to do. 1 followeti your advice and I nom aam recommendtng Lydi E I'iukham'u Vegetable Compound. 1 thank C"oi for this pain destroyer.» TE CLJ1TING KIND Ile. VestOUs -hitit .110! -L nie tiet drt ifth eftirgIde l .idela tb. frit-n.. nehutdu.a d ba .Il .. t h.bndtl» fu Iit au,- LIEWELL WHVSTR O.LV, CEN LY," IF YOU USE ---ýSAPOLIO Bama~ e den t admnire s YOUUNGMISTIEY. Chlnaman's Wrltlng. He doesn't use Carter's Ink. But The hero lu a brulitanf youngg fsblltîn then Carter's Ink is mnade t taiuseit ,e reuigne e commission la thse srny t1eu gag. laullipl omariy. Wlth en older mal,.Il. s pen, flot a stick. gsee 0 samisl centtraîl Allia. htulieFttyou. Lwas1bptaef arueesfe that "t Ge iRIS IN0fO.,ttuilu iM threalesed Irtlîytirthlîsualau 0îîeern>CRHS N O.Hot. a Mtuetsud aseout by lthe Nihtlist. A yoatîg Rouelan --men. e mentherf eor . ua-G IR snd attemptu big,. luhm. , 1 se t~10 ie5rs riest u art DeI.vlae t.ry. eagpte..ut ioftoor ,,pdse.heanseeu uu Znglsit Ieam hti, lire, and ul~ii lu, t1ie gles- t I1 ubiObot.a rtbli, e sonu l19 aelt-seu-ijce.-PubIlshera' Weekly. bfIfLBl5"iu Odh. ue.Missus iiir-e as a sudIL . V.Pri pti ud A NOVEL 0F INTERESTI1 W l zirm 33Wb* usa u a meeai I Alabutîne vin be oed oyer paint o vryc arbsd choolhouue shouitl aballa . pukam u e ! à 9 paper; paint or piper vsn be used ue oZ ted l ihAlabastine. Hundredu tiens. Anicew casbr* ' ie Alabestine. Bol ouin blire pound pack- ut tons nurd yesriy foc skis work. Gesa- dealer ferli MeW.& ?Ms age. properly labeled; take no unhilitute. 1lus ishastIas dusaset uad a"" ef. I ts. l ce*.s **w -KIL .w a &,

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