CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 May 1899, p. 2

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101.16INDEPENDENT PIV PE J., forDKEftyenrlm ult:la FRANKH.J -UST, ditor Ag ' d7'ocButaitChild"en ectenly.J. . KHayes. anultocreS B.YC O A"e Itn i Isacr. seppet i)cîtolahlm andti osed J.ohnny ta four childieco rani4 ho ace froust6 Iob12 totiowerd, anthtre w.'uototitiât Sami LSRYVILLE. - - LLINOI& yamcens r uiurdered suonti ur tuuuig,tiHaîmilto,n.aneulehe. hai (liet i n Co- ____________________________part!eenuihn the fittile-resilentcc ut radio leusvintit 50ttiJ0t)tabils lelox'ei Scores of People Left Dead lu NlattiLen. MoaJ. Il. 'frttataa. Oti,,i of inileu.lîuiittion keul ut unoefo$1 RE3OV L l uti Sug, mlxv. wx,12nkilt-d luondule-uareeti. gIl îî t r,,bisipliueru away dsor b the Wake of the lNind. DE A D E O A ii-.te "ututuiitiriur'b.,Lituletir iru utt*î siteer ris a iitacti auuuogfor-' aysvle s'asuntouhome tutting ýnier nxsou'a,scn xtsT îu'rentonandottior- _____________ - toth i u,îuîeulNî'uhlalOi xenixio t"'iinil fil ru'i.nxut. Si' i hin i'- ho, UNCLE SAM AFTER A NICARA. P rtnd iihrevuolves nuit deniauti eti heutiliîuc n lif,- itis olti have put H N R D 1IM LS GUAN OFFICIAI.-catIe! tbIatie tunulatke, a irh ta iffel "('ruai Oi J,,ihouitr ii sinoe. Bux lian- U D E SH M E S GUANOFFChAl, OCi tiu'ieA i i>i"netueinul Ins teri 'le ic iiithtirtheiteex otuti uricge drîxveslie- n 3 Ci bc e r ici tutlor, utver ttue,'! Il iit it ua î'n ut tiuidn, tei., an ieî,u Turc. Hui Be Puuîeed fc iti (ip it te,î.o nfirt'. udtbin-thie na Iotasth I,, i.O'Ouiil. te business mncof lie ivxx' Irorres ust Be P.,.hed .gr Illi 0l'> ýot ai *hç fenee nduusatlitu'uiuli.o siu liret11, fhait'stnalontlii haiiaAwcuItissueAtu olxiht oflth mSio l*s avvoclI prettdlsve tundiact Touard Aumers- hi arut unI nai. tiere,'ct auid î'iuthildiiîltO tti ' v n]i :siih l io uaeMsor n ol cabs. atBlorfictId- ta t'tcc .ý ac .i uicsl'lt Thiro iruth n iraue Louî1 ii'advlt ire ihituit vo,uîî ir'iuue isoofadlo ployes trike, ututu e 1il a"t'cu,i t, iuiac. Au hu iu"e, eutuuuu tr $L7,100t. nuiuituin.i toesr iregu. J Il. Tut,-MAKOKEI>INDU sTouAL ACTIVoITY. As a renuit r0' n f0;, i ' attttTorrC s' n siv u'eteut tun,ilLununtr Ille ci, Cleun Path Axteut Throtigh lsXrke const u Ihi. 'iluii, it'ita-" lii fer,'Y s-rid ut1',h1in i 'Wheat, ('ottoand itHOU Products Tendit .111, MIl.-'Nccly 100 Ite.and 1suit trading aut lu t. ,i \ .. aiOC ua. thiiG-i-t w-ilTh iic eu i !,, / u i.' e ToscaritLouweïrrIcea. ut ljurcit lMay Oic lItO Folitou- eroin t ha,- I,-' u ri"i .u'u' tir cc'ti fots tr u.1 Yi ii' 't ' ." t t retîrci i" pt w' i iof jait u s ituta' Nitcae.izu.iu G t-%,-. :L> !11Ilr'. ,,. fitil tir'un ma, Io giff'e ber tihe u' liii' tu i ii îun iiutî,iarizi'. ' a oale dreit tose. .@L ii lu iilesoisd tiorstr ' , : I i.,,l --in lut--tfSi erJiut ws' xiiie,'î' .'t fn qf ctoiisr Leaves a Trait of tIestruclion or atontnutf'7,'..itu. iiueis s bas m xi h himtilo tihebnuit.ttti h. l.. te i iosfitguI ecttul îiîzvilnitu.. iuîof '-na Oves, Tweuty MlaSeiciTuiSu algready - hua s 'ti t'i I t httu .ii h ett seultement. ;i uuui, monter î'c i.'uu motv. it,1 n tuiler îîu ii Etn k ment t t.' ixl.u' ' littudut it x' lNîu' RI sT" u ruunfron j i.iiex.htîauuul troutu ilît that -lie Zi-atuilB u G uuul. 1t IL, 'ý ~uis hu AD (IA L)V" r.uîuxteclca urhsuut n it 1tu >iite f rt tdi1 frirudihiti fuir fin i . 'ulets'.". ix .tftuimi- It u- Ciiip l thve ,'15Rhtuesro BoCk Fise N l'-e aulFicInt tiiuit.uîuu'r. uîu ki't-ri'. i x tilie l' Tso eaouî,î propereatit'n. I e11-the Ntivie Trionstitîi 'îî' ueuui liwuit al aîl. is- ent ý,,t,i u ndn!li.tîî ta el nu-', n't'r't, 'l t n h ii Il iilt "ert.t'îut'i uuiS iuit il. l 11 v . a t'tt'ca li , 'nurue-tais îu'uk i'ii tie ML)..juin:ut iigiiîm!au b unui il i i i t- - ien .. -i ir. i.. i ls , Y'."u' u ie n tie îuuriu'uu munt f.rSu ti' nu, ui '. un, lut i- o f the l u ict. tlit"ilulur- Bri.l han -,IL' i inutu. I l., t. '-ne' < 'iuu, , a,!, ai, pi rtu utf tuui 01 u' il)Illeti'buildil un ît"-dv, t, uuuîfur u,,n tuy t.'u1,1 L tir> ii'u-ut giu' u iet i ,ll -'Ilite, Iii, 1,'n,,. "', 'i stu I,'u lle uluu' ut ia 'e uit 0- l:in l--I:, i l, tht' ' ,ulSan Afi,,. .al,s t I uurtixuisil tti t a"iut îlL, Ia, 1. W'ile favruinii: rive taitut luis ci .u,î uu.uu u aai ithe" !I rl i , 'f ' uif. u l;t'id ,, ,~ie tic ui'lutwin nul,diltice t.,.! luteltitu 'ri. ii î,iu'lktîînthe nuuutîon ývZll.~u u it. x, , kui i.1 CONV ICT EýCAl'tu.x AS FREIGUT. .e,.arusnulid'u T he t'ulî.itie, utof iîiuixits regardseuîiîîî,tîai tut O emtuih i, u,'l uut.u, h, li iiiuiofat Le Lit. Sa' m;Iai','11 u a inon .'u iu~lI- ,f ru, uuiueungri ui'it tOl, oautIe Mail lDa. Robher Bide. inua Ba. Leax'- lt.ui'i,u'uxand ,rtu.k iii tt. fui. x lu ' l oie'uu a t irsnuia ia 'mtho Ue.Iuaul ta Ling tJbiuiL'cnlctac. lu.uuau'.nre a hWtt uxîht c T' i ' li' le uui tIL&Iu' î'iu ofi tvatlies has [trou At Et iti-llu. tb ....... hoco n :LiL.t î.U nr 1h ;n. !.Lu.i,. î h.v,l uhee nutuku au î'ea't.i t, .-u ,' aIiL.,'v hutte , unauu,li ineigtaiv utîtulo At ue, tout.. allt icu.ii,' .. .. .. État,'.c'-,i v.i.' 'x" rotn uien.n't'.'ur îun nd uh',,ri ml.' t"'t Ctu'u, ha' îî,'ilk,'îî'on blesser Sumit,'rep;ot (ciii ixn,îkenicstits u "t u Li' i LaI ' rii 1- i 4x-ti11g tunuititi Of u it ticic. 'lic,îî.u u.1 n î,11un" 'l'o. t ieigtttuittieInsultv'r stian, made the total xx uiin- it' t iîiJuL i 's dlpi'c' ru iu'u.'*-11 ai teeigh' it l uitti euiiti on ttuutiinONîariia. a lii , , >Lt -sti i' ti.' ttuu1uirieti. fifL1 a L RO e{0 ant ighiuiers ft he Lkit, i onîi un',. Workdina ul. -ilgr i.iuand ltiili ai k Cr, mith mli.uîg cesuisll imir l l e ic ii. c illuie i t an uicd.. W'l"ini' 'but ut s iauuuhcn i c tixie isu tlct 1 belunartthîe Itmasiaix,' tieý axL enacfitSaut agi udeeCu'ao. il rexîîsl ic c t'it.,uts2ui lihi, .agait 29 "ie- yemphui,] i ls far n a agiuntic by antabi rcr'. loirgnob,-ib. is bhxan ht,'n.ur genenat. siviug tiatIth iaixie '..o titi l'i-il tt i-nk. C("untu -Lts f - ~ua iis llîeti uiii becune be ur .v î ti uitli't In 'aTicoigtae iuxl'f hi uIiiii utL.u teechatvtieIii-k ociue,'cate2.;15,1) 79J u >,lo ~fiuioerenli Illt e Iau utu c'den weigi ~ 14;5 id. u hi, h ,i i .s exact rinasierdutig aI ticci'rat ts et tluet nl uaeu uî_, m!ttuui i -î1hut- x kigt, ,i luOu-t utfte iL,.iiiitt O%,,tee Wtight.. The tii y. theref e. iwn., passu tioidgrsloilsrtin.(crM o,ý FIN'E ARE. NSTANTLY ýMJ ____ ttOurfi tabeîr- e fot bide if tIelite-il byII the inapetorim. IL1 ti. a li tel nt aithe R, tha t ~t u,,tn, u of o'ut nst',tuîefflL,ahtn. Mourethiu a100 >1.1 cl màippiug pointî uit- ifi tinai- th i e b,x a8ge- latie e'm I n ttnie ie x euttof the Exploin ofuutDpont gags ndo,i uinCo esgrý ataInilite- c wrec lerrerai isusie-n it, but uoerî-t. _____esokietes. l'uwdcr Worke. siece-etl. Sevena t aIlte ceil huuid Lalea tu dm-ect inse-ntenta-. Telsmin' TERRIFIC SToiOM IN NEBRlAStKA_ Ove of tht"e-rens crilofuthterDuipont igutloiok firer. sodiiug dtîlultteandîi danger ute aer Oue tcf tic cienna ti,,tici d antuat- nreulu'tinx mile. te orkn at ("ocoev'O Io the vsnrk tiof ne Nle."iu>r Nuýinii clat inlu u lair t f ufrn'rattI ailruxhîr- 3uuy Persans Arc tujsrd unit Con- lruji., . ttcuîopianti fidt ic tom 'n idne- mornîîtuig dtheuicdeaiui. is ot iuiîx sirt, xiith hi.- cup sunhi, huiitI. re.uung idrabo le l'coperity tesus-nyetl. an.t'i uxie.if nuýt fxîliy. lijuresxian- raci 75l. Tic tri-irdnauto t . rie Kirk,' ttriiltic rîna e ur. Tie il ,..b,uxtt d A terrifue- xi uuuluneuu ne cemx'r St. Eni then 'lh" rcut' vue' shunt iroanuit teu illuitsamth i mtiisu, nuit eaned cuti> the story. They mariéeain effet t1, cap- xx o eixh., ding a gni'itt tInnof dtiiuaiue lititi trutuix is tuîitt n a u t ilhutiltien te bok'on tnthe leroth icite-. 5ev te i. 1l'ailixe ourr'î'ideti in lk gu."cdto pertie-ot i ttjauiune', terot er.U-a psleur@uof stria, i oui iarreti t tte ait- maeîaluiîc uiuiituutu 'us x crc juit uautiu bsescaeli. Tire m'ad xis aucniluar'tid wih bil. jjnti[i~ig ielinth uthe nhiîir cff slunug ltheueuluzon'oherîsusc the Ituýonf utist hDULUTH _____ lut-uaSusoiînhuad is lara, grauaey ali myul amdsi)nnuitn. The e-rie. mire rsses voalti have lji-ii cure ' atulttig. I-L'i ORET CARS ItaLE. tuitcu mon owain. At tetic s ocf W. A. ter' euî,r't.î lu tromeulaigril tnt aitrace of A henit. 'iî-îî ie . î te- o aquaeter N'Luslin thr fur! nf thu' tornu xxan ie tiruticoul*,-uî tf' îtd. \%'bat ce hetitiof nanmi e. id lx tien thunuîigh rihte tax-in Union Emtioyea ijectare oaS'Ille- ixuiet. Nies. Shracar ut .fSioxuuCiiti t'the t,.,,,,sun muiai er e hi- olio.Il ixas a oas ses ias tirgia prairui'. 'euitiah leadiae.Are Arresteit, Ligeti motir or NMrv.Nlt'tltt. stan lun t tîarlc aIleuitcf thet n ual mutoris aga )10bouxe re ncsui'uteu'd uan fragmentu AU stretet car trai utin luuth nmas lie es-lIon xxht-n tht- torni nîuk tiejplace. illes evîiduti no e lehutouletin 0it manoto hL-t- et. L'>uui lith,tu lain xt'oLuitIix lirogg'it practucolie- iv a sltiill thtir th Sic e.'s tio t ck i l alut e ui, t,', ii d - iui' uIh ve aedtetac a dprii. ute e l aisf11, ii e a.Tiecal.u'uiuîuiti uece tii ee ilts ant siinunlehart. Mirs. O i the. utî>'l tere uriuigibxe nant le tale psud lne, lu eh(,' hîî'axy en ut îmlt). i bgecaise of ahirgi-rigriex ouuuci agauîst lie xxixaluseetuai tirecl. sanxs .1ti ladye-crienjxîd n'd ut iattiehbodits ut the ceei'c. iuntie itti' ltuma ne lnt NeCtrxu. ieMr '.'a iiti"' uu, ie thc iulpoz et Kansas Cty, Kan. niait,. teranditisvrgerl huy lie nîseux xc e.itiout tbruineteus e.reckcui. tri exsotiaomi- hetht A on'gro bheoutl . ih ialilpaisulren Surgeonsi, peotî'su.uîs, neeutiuig staff antd raen, theient liegr. Neoth le uionruian d ta ct ftokffllteti.anti dciiounfoti lth iions cai tentugi tudritta. men aci i .uîî'î rf the Aîucrcui mon lorre rrîtîti.Tire- xicei'accue.ed et hasing et iii' ttreclet ale.n- x ii. VIDTR OOtSDMG ticstrects ut KatinssCite-, Kan.. lie Simd tiof Osteou.uthe-, tugelier ti ail i alir elaei.hwee . te eîening. Ilis captlure bLe- tpoliaice the tisiggistsla i u ttexiv:, tormex]rescue couisldIle proveti ugouint srs. Juuulce En- On. PefnouKililcdandFeeeaîiured rececaledtheictact liat th i daani-la epu- snd haîlîttal core- sirîins e-re-', ift lienIssueti an injonctiona ginst tir men Ncsir ise.Autant. Tex. demieuamourti;the natoas cf thot City. roofs utîdutechti 'le, ut.isis of hristinexalt tu-aiig h ng, ro ' xi.friz ith lSeveraýl vuexas stoteis sieeisti e- a atang lie edge ut thit.' iSatr acsh omt to ntheasnîmen te oipn'ti- ruiy ternIt; CIuidon liitlsprte that toloscet More MtBoney College. lîireydi-mlshrhtifor thr w.utttleil, tIi athe e t o f or ceiuipfte sinisue !ahae ~a tLythe the building on .Peesident W. (;. Frosit fBrrea Culicote te-lit andthiceuil. Iialg a mhuuae-n sirek suadet rsledta. oeic iisek i X"rnc 'sdmueiati.ýv , re-imut fa lcter front t), K, tiia-.cduhln' uufieiîidan'yfe leadrs ualoxicd.Mexcani cowboe- klîrd. At WeVimer tic sons,. tir Ciicago î,iilatrroiîut, offerntg the ccle- rhut îinsod. Race for the Penrat. homsgeof tCity MarthaI InsulI s'as blosco ontier gft of $50t.,0t the irentiement "lie tienis rîmiîg v aanoinceusi ts Th, standing of tliecruchein the Nu- down and Mn,. fusait anti her (se chil- tuaid cf the Berea Clirce on tic aanme ,armur and a dueti multetirumie ot di- lngual Lcague rare làas os alouvo: tren injuceti, The achool honte a t Me- coniitionis un lie formier gitt. t(ntul nder. titrexxataM a cion tru W . L.,Mr,* . dina s'as ovecîunectianti the teacher, boh iles, andt here tuthe aticiai cri St. Louis -.10 ti3 BoRuil ...i . S 7 Milas Minie Haistesd, rereiveitInternaI Britaiu WiltlAid tPacifie Cabte. nin.xi'ilr a tenute- vruunu'hing, erachiou Philadeiphua .10 5 Luuuuivilc... 7 7 Injuies. Two pupih, Tom Masionaanti TierBrettihGoveranueat ian decîdet ta- gindung naislxx'nx hearidtisiincils aoox Chiciago ..... 9 t6(i Sut'Yrk.. .5 8 Henry WllIarti. erre seloanle-injaceti. consteuhute an sauucngauilde-,tatir ful hicour oftif leremetu a mute feoni tub Brcooklyn -. - tt ti'hingtiuc .4 Il loo hne od. amnint rcm,'tonded un tir report of tic patouttireyh1-' Cinclncoti ,.. 7 ti('lextMotit ..3 ' TiChto, n iangeolBantieLau acl'aiec ahir rututuitter' of 151)41.forrTir ceclone ulmîrored Kiekouimle tria, Cincnnat 7 3 9 Te Ch(ýZo Indanaolissud oui -contructionofa t cl'oite cole front, Brt'lie noutitent. At n distance il aremetif Baltimore ..8 ' 'Itttlrg . 2 8 ville Ruxîcosti. paptiarle floue.n as lie isi Ccliha lu Austenlin, Le making fute ifate grotnuland peou, Motin ratite, bas notetusved jo ie hecon'ui-m-iuuS ha tOtrplu- Faoelus lu ishe standingofuthtirclubsu rleor 0ftihe Vantiehbilt lihe detiravi x'g alsa opfrToeuEpato.litee sric oî S, af tir ime. n etitcîm'u lai te WetcnnLeagiet een ronguconateti ondthlbcheck ton tie Tir OoCetetînial Cume- nteandthle rominoft eilniunies mu.fear thn l ue' W.,Il. W. L. pcechasr mnoney eiag paîdte irhm tf ,rersentiers cf lie railleonls erincg Lrneiug d.'n ui*natiretnt. tlefoc rc 'n. Kanas City-. 4 1 St. Paul... 2 2 J. P. Morgan & Co. la lCen. Samuel Toledo met anti tode arraugemeuts tu al. ing lthe on, iritsuil it srefui s r îsa Buffalo 4.- '.)Coumb~us . .2 4 Thomnas. Thisulste i tst oep tIken inla on' aitroulis ta etetire epoition atvr u, ,ur'h taît.-iSlireuî Detroit . 4 2 hudincaproii . 2 4 lie peoponcti formation out hie Vand'rbhilt groutuuyluhu-i-anonof a lriop. lie rurad aomituhndilltutu, luuîu ut. Muioukc .. 2 2 u uiiejtniu i4 conulidaietisesteunisihe midle wxt'rxhah u8nnine timîmt. iiat-ersc)in r'xte.:icuax ur'î're-, jîtlwtt PyrKitan Umtslre. lie pure-ose elng ho merge the %fonon in- ta lie Big Foar syniem. Tir nexv stock".t 0 es sie-It oit l. hre nul. 'lie cours Samuel Powelhl, noittupire in naLnir'Iall ht ~L.o-omuave Hut 30no on. frontu liaI (n ix au thiighilia wmytti tu Came, fillîi hea-olyernc ,,,d,, ulesbliamigi ewnI York uni] ~ ~ Alltortnnge recordsn iert, hechen ou ecton u strtastt t, u , ionitile- homist, Ai. Ticecaiexiax ,eîe.'un reeeretLufeSuuhoiî in îhe yie. Anu Inn' houses. ant iîarcu'îuI,tui.uu iti "Bile"" auduth le *Ilts," an ilître ev Sensuel Thomast us prestleol of tir at-nilouilltiî cl]trints o ite-'ce vars oct tdeniti f leth eurmlsinhoouualnit .frttriu'n entiliinniuit 1"Frauhnk 'e- ifthtc îîi"roand. A. J. Thomnas sias nouncifur iece ot Axhtatmila, Ohio, lauted bLe-cuie enguie, Scirînl of Ostrumputhie. Nartius fiVon bit a lung lisser un,] 'leu iiil lite hui preeitiet, and] the fciloxt'ng drecuors carrins 3,01-10 tans.neiom-fe xuîgx tuixaotuî for hom ros. 'llieunapre iformd riectetl' Il. Kimbhail, . I. Gllatuwe smnr o or, wina op for brme tîn Th- ae-ue utorit ien. S. Thomas.,('. IL. Cotere, W. Hl.te yaTolyC. i mntcu nsilmtti 'uuuoli Mn uth ton tetan n i-o tuiri. 'lic Inn eDM, lAmnu T. lF'en-ch, T'l'etBoy' J- M.-Ihecet, erebiuhrt of tieCe('nteal A mIn haiittg nluxe t,,ilut o tnt, bmin tocit auâl ba(',cnt'. 'a' ta in, (Î. I. Shuw, Jamcs Nuiatî, A. J. ('rcîuht'Comnietiy ut Cucînatl n'as kuhtru !shedt. sknll'ivît a bThomashum.iuntunIl> o in tacite- lie-au etecteimt car. A sr-ore cf giitmsnrtleono lie eort Bank IlclIdiueg Iansoird. Tnio ____lic tuva,. GO ye-crsol'.. vr aounidtalu Ie u ui e.îugroomn inhuma At Dulutahinhun .uthe cui n, i u,'eoî I'vitieneeofot sMunit,,, lie Stil iIu'ui tuîitaile Ix iCI uof it Soertfth ir 'uNalinit hînu BiL.tiiiig Itinn-B. an. oaet.nuptiteidenî of lie lItiie.p Watter.un Deud. tonton eah. ndtul ae. t ve.u'u'- irruit s'as i amugeluî îue-te. The ii,'"nulItuO,,sne- Oak Knolranc. lPasadea, Cal., as dus. ]Ri. bleu. Juin Amhrose Vu'ttieuson, D. yha. t.,,,n lu'x'orltimut it-bl t'tiese t $f".0Tht luena-t 'îone', apepreatanti teidiations uare tbot lhe D. buahop theli tioeac tif Columbuas,. huflur",ams. i-t urxuicifor i fotof t t s'eteDuuhT-f-)o( as murdrd, Hius hereChrles tens Ohho, tied outitenlteicothen duy. ru', al uug slunt a futl iuuîuhrn'd yards srhah cl ii sx uiitm.,iu!,v attui ranchluhau-e. and iotnIto bus coin iu, paltUnr' h utu' max itin nPmmiiisittlie stu fiefs wete lîti ai rutlaug 'a ton bis e'nt' clti-i. fWihen lhe returued '1,'h uy u ]iuhetittuta negro, Ona imdteutuuu Ontuu ofaugtieag*luti outIre oteorîu ývlt r ici t Itu.iihciiitîxute- minuthes Innr Hillhary- vasnoîuue'îre vI'v1f,udunI,'enînerh'sarlafotcniiuclauecftt'xut ks rnîu e.ut ue-c o x. n. lualic foirilu,.\Noitfatfront thelii ibofuthticridahilttwxith i hitietu. foto os-i ie@(g ftr-wn ikmgc, ,u Bi,' .u î .h a t blui-manif t t ~ 0er tuuerteStuetrit Pîui- usetiet x nexdetri cfa rui t.rci.George Acqnlitted. anitul. 3 Oafa thiuiihouIts uusa At > ance-.te 'ur,inofeuta ieun- fui tmaglgif avnuitnlersplace. At('Cuin, Ohio,.tLe jury ta tht ira es, -oral titi a partieu li-ucoltmitioncf hmm lonit cat thme -tu -Vnuiu' f St.An' L'une- Illiguuoja tcup, tlu RIoL i-rge cane ni-inurd a verdict or uc- xx iute oîhu',%r niaiuil uutrianug i faits. 17,0 ftii" 1-ilctl. îu, iarril ia'c, Tic tinaI Diu't ofulletit. u'îîd Illlinoist quttai. dehru. Alongustic tige outhe tirir l'slicitif aun" ti'i t Iiauîoauuuî s"Ilit cgineut's ntae-u Aumnta, uGa., as cre' - Lake Nairat.on la Ope.. pli huutt'art- sein lhxnumi tratme hous Ian.. antifur a t un. uitict ue li n iraI t wt h sanit rut îuux'igi, in oich N ouiglion ialen tr,îm Lake Bapeuor an if llirl i-lhu-caroit hls. uniti"Iiiil"f-u tiLti'lie ir cf lie i't'l'eu rvoIrJ ali,G. G(lii bnul uan nuit, thirîrgi ta Laie [iuron. Aliecotes it s o titrteutyc'lones.l oftwenter tumi-e. Bliet ii i - are trc îurîmhuîle fa ttcl'yb ie uul. Johun Nlay'enki,te rsilabutw ymue. pareu i .r -uî , lai 'uely.anul ianten a und a lenec ha-e l"noaslxi> ureventeti Le- Ala.tgK.Esr tJUTi.Taoa. .crne as n ankobhuaci ctluuîl cudie- duiî witu irttuatns. the teonuget effotsnoutCoi. NuuThuî le gteatxtnt vacereti tht- cmli' bsn, Ma Poit sani t.-icuin Kunsas. ouxiters hallt et the to tut nîitieurnete c CsuoauCaIccmu 0 cm.~ git reugenci-oei'larp. Tic latend ctifsx, anxth Ie leutnant,."nI a o',ofe-cetiic' r'> mii('luet totbLea illonuuuKirkavv Oneaie u htv..îlou'-L1l:Lj-.ira 5 i nr' ottht- use-, nos te> une t,,bhe u te tits'$3.-M1lat 717;igi, ciepins scatirs. hommxxr eniing i10 go he reiaî. AlrAtiu xa I h xxýI'.'.rtii is. an Inehsce. 1$300 tu $4.235; uicrp, faim ta thoire, $3.0.1 0 luttex cvd gestemaie- tiat the' utcoîtt At At, nenu i i î.uîîîî ' lu.xi. u er' xita 35.25; e h-t. No. 2 et. 7lie ta 72e; cluiie e 'r mirthi a 'ite iii' gectuni jure,] AI cti u'liîtI.ui1îlit l'îsuvn mieliy u.1. corn,No. 2, 33e ta3c; asti, No. 2, 26e hmaeling ranchuvfariern ciii joumree-.1 tir mxintite.n, luid'11 i I. t.Iiiuits. îlhr' An uîtgrnuutrii fuît tGeorge E. Serry, ta 27c; cee, No. 2, 75, hea eosLaute black fur iftnngalint sou n an l, i iix ia-t ,i.. ti5 uî1ilt , Jr., sceeîary futir(u' irui ut W'a-ne & crestîtere-. 15e tu lie; eggs,.freni, aftt-r hici a imave- ainstîhI tor unlit Icensai'lxii-- x i,n il bii ngîîîîîs Bter>y, New ' Vuief, ixas itli e. icnis ti~p Ille ho 13c; parntinchuice,40e 1te anti a haIt, By 8 u'cloch lie ske- orerarîxi. i m sint hum hhunitti th,.' tai. 'fie ad- ipen Luihel, chvar and tinomy. Bs .1 CIengrKitu ilesidi-oixxrlunu uih'fut.uttuelu la nlinnapoii-(Iahuie, hippiogi $300 te Mae-ne Nonuun tehmîînuhtd to ererya 3.. tiW'ii,i.omit7- i'.ti."uu î,m he ii.ailt' is n oax bai" andl. ;50ige, chutcer iht, $2.751 10 $4.100; lion etteren Bîcointîteti, Iowa, anti lie Flrit Nainîî.uuBatik fl'ut1.,înm aî' bfinstrotsbulyhie vuku' eu mi Sleee"u hee-, îuconacta tchire. $2.513 10 $4.75; iccle, Mo., for surgiraassistne.1 ilitim1în«(11)ýj ,jthe u uu'ry s lt eau î teSat, Ni. 2 re-n, l a 7corun, No. 2 dertakmtx c i oi niCh due>. ulx,.. le litutnu t iIlli'e cbex'ilsIlsebanio de. Btme s lt ic hile, 3C 10 3îetos. No. 2 white, SUeCcxuifiorticru for coffins. Scoces of fi ltut'itiu' I.' 'x'uchi~ tuu1. ael i.hnh td c-uc.î.:~.lies ciiilibe ceudemetiabeululel e letit hi-t. ieniiu.tiii u li. 'nit'alxi, lutteîiga StLumil ("itl,$3.50 tho $6.00;1110go, in adition ta bom es Injure andti te a I .'îît.'iuiuîle verel îrver Ica $3e- 1m)ta$4.271; heep, 33.00 ta $7.00;, Tle ie-atsrnti tamoutrty districts lI NO ]Plaheut.. ona oc II.Oni. lus-elilsiiiLfc.mhh>o. N. Y_.1 xxiiîîxlîîîtuî ehmnbet, No. 2, '7e ta 7-4c; coma, No. 2 catdiiatuagine-livr; e', eesbt in i en'Ie îxntamot eol '10lvii, nt ettuix, 37-c ho37c; aIs, No. 2,2& t1030e; oueroucditug faruutug districts. He bhcesol. The turne bics'down the teW - MADAME-DE STAEI. , agstWovoittthl laAmnios,0 graph toia lui end about the ci! anud Lasting auoceal dae moi corne la arien washed away the bridge over Medicine Ilie Life WaaMiaarahtosNotwith. ment. andijtruc aoucceosf al ethfe feiit creek. à @malstream ut jstsouth ottho lotsndina ig er OcetAdvmntige. if "litk.- It taklo lime andrealivmeillt. town. The elorulcier of Germine(le tia tntIltî iI tient! of rapecielice auid liouealt ' terifi Pecticl sormfolowd1h. la soutuexhat uusiattsfîîcliry, ile i at ia ch the top lu amytliiog. fT'le A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i terfeeetlo 1c olwdliiry of ruiteerisix Ill-Iiter Co. of tornodo. oand the excilemeuit was intense. bt-r rlllnultutellecut. geiiîcisIty. liiY' I (lie-ui, ix oADoaaile of garcesona Women anud chilticrou uanot the lotreetsa îlty lu frietuds andti nlCily if litaoi t. Jlarge snoi!,. NWith aliure emplioyatha: shriekiug for their lparents oaîd leedonea, ieftn.itll nnjl iifrî l t 'y' t lu oei nxl itti usîîfa ci ri ng ,lot o f and mien searriietithe ruilîs lu the dreuuch- lercosai kil iio sIIpiI, 1i Aîierl'il u11 lunnlng ing coain, hoping ta locale ithe Itodies 0f VIe - l oveliit'of 1 il irl iiiiliti .*andi le *Ii'r ifl1 iv . ii ii u t ;a;,li itird iru Snc 1 linis. Ilionnes of 6ou rvivoro würe thrown vçuini'tiiile itloil li1 t> iorii' lit, tig 1,liu1)ii l i e Ina I-iiten tmre prît. thetO open to Ihone who were rendeceti horne- and oiitîîig," lit 1ý1, uiti1.111 i, aiili iI"taik. t î l it biyi'latnvign"the legs,. and exerythi ititpossible was (fote 1 to iessa utinil tîg x 'e tv.v.o jiiuchfor e. ot i if lith niîînobas iirnmarrel' rare for the itjureti. Fiiiiy one-third of oniuî iiiaîliiiu iii u .,uic. 'bhc day ntDot for distant whi'n the biusiness portion of the ciy sas de- for ,otiiîttîto (ý IîIiii itiie ut'iltiaî y; l,îîld igluîer-îlrafl imachines or go out of troyed. lfur tiii'Oiintiouig'iiiiin gra Ins il' tbaitoi TWO DEVASTATIsD TOWN9. le wst uiw-iaiiy lite 1It'liie's. "a % totttITurueit hou Lo. Kirkolville, the Conoity eot of Adair Otut n; sur jliigtil fei'iiiior tiulil tr uil i,- 3'iiililhui vlîn liasn toti- K i k uvilte lu t h e etora f govern uicut of iuiu t l t i i voxuîîîî g oi i i t l !..I' 1 ai 'l t i x j1 ii, o i~ n - f ' Aituir County. and islu evicty miles West uf QiZiuiy, li. Il la otuaitdinluaofertile 1illicotuiiiii'it ILi li%' iiiliiîl. i iih 'Il.. E "î i -t Xiiîo.lf îrAI'I Il u- anîd tliî'i'tare cooluti lles iglt tmlledis- t li }iy Oif Sjiii. cl l oi'iiiîî ii i i ~. 9u î%y ril tit. %%*i;likiia ,lui i (ut.. Itlion t a rilwauym, the Wabash a tlluulî' litts l ier. ' iii lie i xili, tionstn t i vit oa . Dlî't l'iig't nul lhe Qniiiî'>, Ocaia indi Kansas City. iliiiltiil theiii .11l.n i lo,' loî,î ii lix t 'u i îtîtai."- Itiolti 1w-t' i -os 'fli rt',- e niviral guati hxti' opera uo ii lie r s ntIC'Iii ii hg llIi' i tligs. -. ' s bo,.î's, itig 5.03 îpeupletonatîill e lia- Wîit'aluni l v hsel 11:11ii:1 .ns T s tm n' boli o iiIi, cl,, loi i nh rev. '1ie toten lu is m s si I tigiiltitit. i iîiii il,(r it ii'0 mo.t vol LI.,.nli te ,i o th t"4s Il misiil:s rbl <ut ti ral the tnei i iOl'ný,te'in iii'ii i-i'îîobcoere' uit lcritninal or idiotic. Dlon't b i r. AuT.'t' ~ il Tii ni'titu- ll îîtî'i , uiilo'i t lotiha- t;tr ot;di'îîî'i sfnim ail Ovef x ifîî i ee- îîîîîî Itiili , îîý,o continue the misake of il.,. rL.îui, ali lia addeu inlclitothe ,iy I. fanins: 1neglecting your blood. Take . SîîoýL ltthevîîii tiîî Ity, M..ati ttiitiki." Hood's Sarsa parfila no'w. It ix cut pa'rt liori fuia in i e. itanda Ilii lie ix i iiirfui iw ii I.. ' u!irateu~... w make pure, live blood, t, îrîtîî ill iiwit ir. 'i ireii" it O' tai vi i l 'i':, c 1 t l %%'loiI îî , a ild Caeu ' o it n uuiîn liea ttth. , i l iiiuriii n moîi toc buietalligs ini the, mu,î,t'- îîxîi'rfiî î I ll, it ilt. t ';Lr- nuîluiflit ttior ci ri'xte'itwu, uI- plaie, i' td'- heî'fai tiriex. 'liii'village raWs lî,iiiiets. Ill ookii i]L is 1 tî Igu In uI.tI1t mni diir. TtIobî,ot tl ionlu ixr- s iii n uîî ii u L t ti'he ýiucago. 3-M iw aukee a a liuî ii'\ay. iii.1;g ý, .'r- mr*Ia.rll thn i r IIL rui1 do n î îd S t . ' u î t l t i i r n a î l . A o I% t i x i l teb l g t lN J . a l i , STUORM IN IttWA. ilt i Ioiîitiy ~s Foldier 1Rivr Vlley la xeept end i','- xi ixii i l*, Iii itvrlLive. Loat. Siaut Ilii t7!,id Ii.ii t, h11%xi, sit The Soidieir river vxuitin the- ciioctes lo t xii'~ ,~i~ih l1..d* tPlu,cars-lnonith.. -eouioiiidîi, of rot nr 9ti31tilii. umasil a'. , ia îuîîxi ,Oi.y utor11,11O1siO 1c.%Cil,îuio O t "ie t hiy ao t i nio i boti l 'î t u iiilu ii u ii. h e i ' 'it- ti tîg îî nt u 3 uut t' a lo'> . i oet ri'l ever kolu ithe tievaiateul sec-*- . l L ASIrDth tluon. l e l of hi],-l .Ill iit aretin s' oIi tii', ilI t ii ili liig bel' ' n" l' ili' ra a lonig.xw 'le lhe property Jiao;,rtutlarge. %va,' Iliu'l iliit'hii't,.an .1 I,. forJ 41 iliI.if Diozens of peopule seattereu] ilroligh ,a t 'lu. "IllsItiitiuiiiii it le iha ucspruus formhiig otîiry of the Sal- ett 'liNli'titnii lttlu' kr iltitlC diereiter vatley otere hart mure or tele ;INi il-ilîA lîîl îî "rlîicol's lîî Z 1by lling tielris. ibutîif iiarriagie l'judid .,o uo DES ial rttfCl'ALA- (reut quantitii'uof dit et loi'xsil grîî' t iiini'fttru-11t.t Mnevil-u ne- îuîîd caericti uhuutg xiii the "'arie of 1iî1îiiIli iin o Ilo'e gi iit. "lie e-ntiit of the lxislter ixau x sIii i î-dîrîîîfîîorn _,_____n î1 uni ua1 uî'ariy a tole xx de. odinu i st l'îriy de- %i, a*1ro ird ums ae000r lliruin. e it-ti fruni ils entîanî'î' ii, Milioîîns, 'liii' Ciitli s'-. d ziu i .ii is i- f- .» mi e t'e nIm - t'auîîîy aunig the xîîlgincuseofthe of tiin lu tlg itul(1".d Jul raule l-no ftu S ulier ritvrr frac x . r ift ixxeut y 14. ts17. (1,ý,lkm>e , miiles', os if rat Iîuî luaiti neauy utfne ayO a. i i ALAIJAS- y i iti umodern îîîxîhîîîî'y îînd ni..~xhiii. THE nIAIt.AT 'SCONSET. W LIL T amikl.notu. 'l'e-s iii afeet tht, k wxiî'e txt ff'duiT y rM ARFw t. otaer mwhe, tîLw hiunreik ndinalu îmy cuinen oiîtto p A ltriliouer Thce.terl .e r-i f o"u otir'at- ti"'ar lif muta nictrriiîiiait,',*s va. lii cher laicnloi, 9--d." Il.' soue canes îîîx vv irioen uxf. uidatea y "l'at î, tii' lu ot iu i aor la try- uitafii- tteniiru i t i'.lutet ii~ x th i as iii1si , i . ihi' ol i e ai ,l. D IN F RIN eînmêi,ine thler ilehiris un tuteil tu>'t hie xiuod andiailt it ,%Iof -';u iistî. 1, NS ai 1 Tnt latigoe îtlî.uîalîîutli r. 1'. 1'. Iliti lier fClsl' es. LBASTtN File a lii lrg er-iuco (if tGeorge i"urie ."lie.r,'arte'sîtuatote i ueibosalianhois)titrilue the Ialte itou'utlin fthit' dîhde tîte i urhY a the ni th, il ext ii ilîl1,,ia vafyikaîawine ot Oci' made' sitiiyeIsIl. nî rgît tecentîr&ther- o'arI Ioillu cs oulut. A j ryclani-tut tractu. T h I vi,,îîî o s eu ~ t a hri aihilvi- ra r. inihl lul E d ýl r i i o u uict-e i"u ke tigo tuhikiiiiiiiig xt uni. Th ir îUon s u D thi' xiaY I t ul'1rlo tu-0-se, tive tiaugh tira oix îr f.,iuîî iiiioias ii i - f 'l'e bi.e'p anid î'a t tii' f t ,I eg bu - , .A od Ling. ie ferînt fiiinaftî-e the sne li atli.iannî'd i ,oil lin,] the -jail 3;li l u jn jitN. enrght lmi e, .iu. '001' hie-their foliitn xxiiixxx hîue oie- fî'i'dl fdiuig pliuiet. andul tey %a n £ tl aois ilAr0InUKvie inca. The ruithber xano it foiiIouit il nIt utif l ut "i hi.'1' ii er.>.i of ILlîbrîs of her ruineti buorne. te crail itiiSTlu>iii Lothxilar, .. s a orsecu hrou tî" ier bicodytt . Sm dtin. ut il it ty l ul i,'r- li1 'le icsdr ing t0 otiy it Ilii' jiL 1t l -l l.lo oi lvlo, BAE T r.f FIL IPIN O A R M Y IN A PA N I . ixatîli uni ] ol i maulîu 'IL.-ap cl' t a I- lev 4 P illae it koloin- eDealiy leytate Amolnado . '10bon xr i 1f ciut«OS le Troopc lu EFerryTilrectln, tit ot. tettelmyurilii- igage. ve (',nn. NMcArtiaru u diiincrunnti the 1 uîx ath Ol oRioa (cuiîde Thurnioy nitiadticed on tuuol3nn'tbuail car> INuE. H f.Alatit. otaIiiiitjy rouiuag the tIltior theojaltri'n o l rili t fit - O e aIln oitecS.d waaa.le lbi' lilipiitii tiril'. "SiAil unt i"gat i. e r'st h oah is0. n 'rue Iuiiiiiiiontetre vecy trongty la' Uxxiii, h ii%,tgiiStii t eutut un ,-t rtt r oale off. tg treitîheti n ti e river lo8nk, ner Lth ades inî rfihirx lii .e H ~ avOr . Abui "s uf the raitrioautidnige. (in. W'heao oi t ltaI, leo ligii ti>.1a i aealer sent Col F'uiliouacenqsexith (woCo ia -u ieI tr;laie'i. .hd h e-nies cf tic Twieaticth Kansas egînim,;, si.,Iil l , 1k Ilrh %a iM iAT E C. il~ titie -fSi ate n iiIiiiig thec slixifl - '.,M , ogin striuli wtt, a enfe. anter s galuig flre. iiuitliliig outiuof ii' . y[ltu e, for (lhe iuelato f gor iiilit;the rafl. T' elye N.n'il.u I ti hx iii iI.L i'ave t o ,i me umen i'rîunîi'i I11, iîiuli O ut l ttu and ti-t îîu t'th nf i' is,' if t til liei' '0 U uiki theie ifl lanko h , iîî l . ui sn. iia "ltî's,'u'uîî I ile uli, r. i te ix ii1i %,sa t if sxuttid lkwrhatnitaci scx îie n ont tir thée îîigiiiii t iii iiofî' Wiuii a - trî og ' . 'Th e r t'st o f th e t -î' iiiii it m i s.. . tt a iii m u , ' t. ut i i' 'ui t o i uly i' i it O un i upui e lu 'dd ht u r o is t he h r i lg e i , i n eI lle u tc o it îr n 'u t i u .i î îî t S iii lu th i,, lt t,., IO ulon thelieotriticinu. Aithieîuulnukiitltuutt'~,~ uui'~iu olc n ît ntîu t tf IIi ît lork hoaituu'x'un e. lrd Iiut e alan ij[ h. nioiu el. Tht' First Nitaia ru-ginailt fnl'- "If >uui iuiit k'i hItI, 1,'l'i-uN i1i:t i1-l' i,î.'u tic Knn,'aii', arc,'- l, u luuut'. l n ut l'Il il î.' ,' iii. i '. i '.S ml'ie 'irt erasta r,':iniu'it. uting ns i lîuiuil"- Ne, %'uit, Suii. l T' e 1,tnt irîiluoulxl Iid u itii, . . ci- hoýro c nu,'liii tntan iuml'utxl- it " naliul'i lit Iiifux n hn;ltçm n t ,,.I x'îniul x l,tin e nt'la guiCu liof x ii u fîýt Nu'tn.u,niusnua'uui'i l iteletutu tutrth >,I ut'e fit'yihenjut. lîul'ut tîon axmîh tit hIt ln harenflr.otshu lii'tyuorii tte-mmiiIltii ct il_ 'e-ure tinett119:t1h2o-duut m ith utheu idO f5 , thue nian le, te iutlin. Wieluon t' e rrîI hin ruie', lia li -r. y l ' Xiýoi 41el n,.itorelviI mie Attiinusi mu i udti "ee Tihe hr a'"'at urIliuilas loliked 10' t tetApuabilout h ie a rIi xl nueni.hulIiltnt oa ongola- se-- feî'nl i t irorns iti. Ter NiatifIue utalcin 'd m A'ltnlyil o- Weie tiuum tuinte tixo trIatun îem înthme let rivet.. Tue- icfturrut.i-te ih>, utiutily o Oueb f1oc Sun ei.Th tnuliu. l.ito, usflt.o lanO ý'nreutte sou Aptit iîecnuîîiaîeoi hîîrurt on an t-ri culuaitulaL- e namgthie', Ila drTen e-htShealxx'emautr d. inlutr- Mu-r mot Of1theniam ied. pai sa Thn- on TOu e lti iut-tram noun nniiIi 'Uteo o'iov. Tir Aiîeft"urieO huIs numtibot tîuri fie Sontaenando.i hetli ntitSa WIe elincenesan sxpalistudee siiti. eos nlti- T Ht RioeTENeD WcaiTH Wr.d ul 'cy Ma ' loc. Te ieran 1-8 ,Uis - Plamnso ami- the-honan.anrtuimt i tandotu lret artue ias reandcesir en by lieJaonee oore uî lia taL39 ib e e- t i l re -. e icI P la Le autoe Aorcntenhc !tf arereOutra i n ,srh'd jpon reginudage faen.rlions hieeonu lotedif nuiiser alo uls 'hîi s'nrlncarrynut cu ie ttpliIe the e cuuof uleInt lu xiic illthe in on Coeo u ieen bol uc ,rlit,', lu aI rie ment oi r t iveet. lie han preotadnu u- mîsing ofuthme farrto. GUN PLANT AT ROCK ISLANO. LIesUieflaut t ;ciasoiTruosferred tet Oteli lIlliois 'Toscu. mreiblir An otietebhou eme ceired nItiheUnit- Iuti cmed States nemon! lu B1oiringtitld. in. forte- trnsferinC 10 lltock Islatnd, Ill., Lieut,.i'. C'. Dickuui xiWuhoba an utgîcnarl oer- i 5505 sigil t titicideaila t ftiermniuufactue oui i' au îte Krag-jcrgesen rifle. An apppra-a die- a lion ot $35()1,0130lecomesaanilable for lie 'conte b1 ul i thle s'uni aI Rock Ilahnd ou Ilion$ giole îhooghî tial tie equle-pina re eni' of a smaîl arme plant uit Bock lulant ehket, meana tie .Idctrachlng Of Springfield aI it are. lie ieaug riMlplant of tiecctnrâl. Ask ye-ur (drorer to-doe-tu sonsY- tua-kageof lIiLAtN.i3, th. Dns - ad ýdlua Ihit at tokctlbplace ut euffec 'Tis hii iheno mn; d rokia ii tuiiît injacey sa« cill su e lie uatol. Ahilmo te- u t, ic ut . bltîNOtas ibul eui seatinox n utf NIuuîha or JsaaLut ir an mate tnum pars grauins uni the niOlIdetueste svn rOb e ct-lilutitîmt distes. %,tuhe e-nec ot mtffee.15,'.anti 25 ca. ernpackalg. Buît ' ýI .6 BASA CTHEloCq..Sr Ica.Cop a y aitaun relef norned mes. ;ji. 1sî a fitnitiai n h l t alug he finit 4660S oli t, deslom o#y b1lt %t ' bui iy a iii'W at 'ii loi ù,"i si n. Lar* b to 2 ceo s e d 60 c .o wriîg'r('ttiîiii xiwn ~N. C. No, lig-0 C The Natural Cure e2) for Indigestion.~ Dé you have pain in th'e btomact, â4ter eating? 00you have à yelIoNl tongue ? Ylind on the ton &ch? Constipation! T(fest things arise from Indiiestion and Dysptpbta.G Digestion dependb on digestive flutôs or « 'ferment!;' secreted by certain glandb.Ylhen the secretion becomes i nsuf icient, Indigesion resuits. Dr.Vi*iiams Pink PMils for Paie People Sc ause thestel*ands to resume tlieïr normèt àrtion and îciod digestion fotiovws. Arti(icial ferments (of which miost so-called ~ Ds etacure% are composed) mby tive teni- e orary relief, but Dr.VluUiam .' Pinx Pit4 for t -Iepeople o4ford a permanent cure. poor ugtion often 0muse. lreguiurlt:eof the herts ltuit,. Thlolrregulartr oiuy h iîlutif o eloiul er boi oltere fr uurv ar cii w.ma7itl iiiîle. Th e «Goura gonerateut hy the tulod iot oin ruio0l teher. dcuiieillii lrir irty of Ili s a'u . tt.b h uitunulpi iler .toniiuvt und heafl. sad x u âuuîIJect ta Ireqiie utt iîd icilire chiiklicseeush ',nhich were o otnevere ut nilchLIot. otor wei' r1. n-1.i; the p t ilent h 'eea - p aiiod . n t ted i ii i id in d u l , anoorhec turber rt, ube iîflliruie nienitilteîuonlng .j oted tuiinItrv inliwitl iersiîil t udite god eull. lier arprtte riuuiî etuuî'l , (h c ilng a0elit tîud hee m. etixý'ceduerd .ri-S re.nroil anditlse 00w weghn moîre Ilion for yeucs Thtolherluo nia sW th.e.cna fe ure we give lhe n.un cf (o niilîu netioe-l r. W iiaîîîuý ' lak 'it 11 atfoc loi ati ?he tiiM euitmuini,11tlthe ei ,re ii'ie y pi e o - rs lit" Un9r nichuca tethe hiooit anddresone ouatturrei iicýrîea -..iriii £'riu .(ietbsurt, 1=1. Sotd by ait druijits or sent postpaid by the 5o4 er oxýb boues.$Zf2 A diet bock' sen~t fRË th. mu TI hi, t" ai Io 01 -* a '41 lele 'r n. ly 'Sla ig le "I L il ae A il n- lie k. - er i Il lie lm f. ['le on its 7 U )a] ýst rK tu ýlh j.1 1 -,

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