INbEPENDENT1 ÎRAM MI. JUST, Editor. UUEWTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MORSEWIIIPS MAYOR. ASUAIJLT ON AN OHI0 CITYS CHIEF EXECUTIVE. gandee Mlulisser of Peciefoatatue S*ym the Laesh en J.on IR. C..ldj- peatater @bot White Pimy. sa Barzacejake o. Hie Frieiad. flbe mû't senFatitnali-cleneivr enated la Bel lefotarie. ohtrî, t- - t1are ru Main etreet the mither day oh, ai Miss Nlannîe Crawford. a nuiltut-er, a'-saltt-d Matit John 19. Caseidy and urinerifuiliy littiii bin wth a ro.utl.Soultie oko agi, Mu as ran ford oa. .lîscîaa - nt- esin a ci-t'n the tt cr. -ut.'lit-' Crawford i titienatt tin I,,- A- nd mftrward threstenî-.l tt, r lng ,-utt lgabt thoe ho lied til)lxenaptlllier. MfYî-r Casuàdy won a.tkpd orme tinte ago t,-r l dicaté Miss Crawfî-rît. buit-f.--Iand. it lS a ]. she lias i-e bten î"n the ,sur- path. $bh- ,'titîttd hersa-If ar the P- pie'# Bank. anti when liasor l'ass-t.Y was about f0 'tart up thteites trih iaw cilice she rushi-tiat lio nd. uri. iitiig the a2bip ohe at .ît inrlluth, fý-M, fris rer Irens,, rainati lo tiiv fer buruts(,a btî iat as n d I o-Mayor - aroglt refuge in a dcug '-',rrt. lu the' -muan tellowetl andi ,n]sii--vi-l ihen aih released fshe n a:ktiout, .f-ildan.d ul]ICK.TACKI MAN 1-, KILLED. P.eMaater NcLssui. hst hy Mies Vreud et J.msct.wa fOioî. At Jamentowoi. Oh:,,. lr.'m eqrli. A. MeIdughlin in ded es thu iiiute-n. uf a thoughlfens, Iiece rof i--u's kl--l by big mont intimaie rt .The 'o,- manter lotfe the oher ritght, wts.strine bto frtcuds, s-as puting a îtk-tâtls on the window of the hooni-tf L. E. (1:,-t. UT. (Jtun, hearing îth te att] rttLtsg ta frighten the b.oy«, firtd a 'h-,t? tIiurih tiewindow. killinr Mr, Mt .aitglîî t o eltantly. 3McLsughltliu ai h-ia reertly appointed pîostmaste-r. CROWDED R00F GOI-8 DOWN. VFFt Perosen Are Prcstaîted Thtyf Feef, and Th.'ee Are Bsdlî Iis-f Durig the performance tf the IBuffalo min show nt Ctîmmîoss le. Ihuî iot,' rof of nid Turner Hall. ehi(, h rtîîtnaidil à Vlew of the show fritutair-tstiirit. lm co evereti with 3») spetators s'.ho had pld 5 cents eci- for thé tri ilt-gi. hen thc show wl. hit throttgh a tartiou if the roof, wîfh ftvîîtîety a t. i-ut dos-o, a distance tf thitî f-et. lirée are kuown ato hi- daniîrîîunly hatrt. Ail ihe others were more or les. bruiocti and eut. Race for the Penina.t. The standing of the clu b, lu fhe Na- "ilLeagia. race in aa folios-s: W. L.W L Bt. Lois..13 iBaltim,.re .. .11)i10 Chicago...14 IUNiw Yotrk... ) t9 Phtladetphia. 13 7 .ouisvile.. S Il Brooklyn .. ..12 8l'itt.ltirg . ..7 11 Cncinnati .1.1 7Wahiitgît. . 4 16 Boston ... Il Ucirieluol. .. '3 15 P'ollowing le the standing ut the clubs la the Western Loýngue: .L. W. L. Bt. Paul..7 4 ftttatri i Buffalo ... 6 3 5Miacal!is. t Kansas Cty 6 6llCumtbîs ... 5 6I Détruit ...6 61ilwakee ... 4 -4 Trois Goeo Throuith a Bridge. The long wootien railroad bridge iipan- ming tbe Nemadji River lelow Southt Su- peror, Wli. hy shich thi-(;rest North- p'raeinchea Allouez Boy, fi-ll whie a làwirannnas attenipting the pasýsage. ~une'Thomasuiin i-satgît un- durgmg> b is çngtne àand klli-tiand tire Mm arry 'Miller s'.q rittîhedIrrl imetn the cab and engine, rec-i ii; iîîuî.rim-- ;w' ilc may prove fatal. Veters. n Fis .Hi. Ow. Lite. John C. Wagîîier, nlî t t-i tarroila ballet lu litg h-d t» iai, tî~. ia mae nb 1(, ctîiit 1- uorphiie ai a htreltt tLLuî .mh Wazoner srreti in l,,î'h le (rf rate and Union armi-s Iiir:î the . t I inmar. Dite. Bei-anse ut Hcr <Oief. MIai-yNlia l, h. Ictiinrn-u, uri a tainer tsre iti iiiu t u th ticr.di-a flitn i- .l i- ii.i u-' i, I<htittg .0bhieIri' " Cimesg G . - ' d t., ltr isîtti. i fgins. <ut , h ý huis -1u -1,t 1 àt .- a squrder aft 'u; eu,-fi- a o? ý imotie foc %b., t. h -k.. i A nti'Trusî Las- Psaed fnTa. . The- tu-os S -trc l1- t 1- Ino juti rutît l"li. tult u ! , -u t n 5 Ii- rdl th(-- bull a.0';rI- ýoi!- ti it i tro as Ian. P' kt, tn tutu. i1,,! ant..-, buncîe,ranid sil;l, i u tlv lifs pi-ai> tsn.. 5 ta Got Out uftjail. six I'iti*.-il Sualu i -ut iu u nn I a fli c tiit it i u - 0I .. 1> it-I - i-- et the niar tun"nl i. lii l uin, tai ru niPtuci-ilo-a th( un alti1iretîrîr. ia it lis ce.. 1fr.. Edin F. f hi f'lit-I Mrts. Etiioi .1'. tlii ut itoînl utd liicI., ho s Lu--tu ru ten u-tdf-î i. t în the ensisi- tti >uiAstut miii- tuUtrr Ifederniioof iut tîsnit iisu - unn Car Wreçked i utItDynamite. tA at-i-tciar n Wt'st Stîuurur rlrett D~ul.Iî.nstiiMw -tii.. i s h uyna- - ste. Tseouy Iu weiern-e ontuuhe- iai etf htA ie lunu. lit îrulp i-nui rt t' nrii ru ir -- mlgbfly itjýiicil I.> tutti- ila-.T h'eit- -tu f ellon bs iilt, tumli li vu,' uilui-rc-. ai Sm ai bt'îp atndi ling a ri ll h ,eu ttio tIti. Proasine ut MatNI aSsfldo. W"iliamt If.itiBiu". ite InInsu sut M a. on In Sî-Iucaaî. sun iti , 1 ,If aifOmthu. . lti,] il trunli iiithe c e t. le lîtît --lu-eut r ta u 'ui t fhe' St braska gianlot--fi o tl r ias ...cede Ane1c . Rater. n 'Mertcan 'i t i- -rrîîîîîaI toeaiIaaltdmiiltuiAthel irs- ei-."f i- ~-lted Sfatîa aicctfte Ihl ipiwli a ruhin oigo, sud it s thi- cutiniti. tor tie Pr-sidi'it thut tht>endiifuthie e t, close ai hanui - Defroî Frazns Butfdinge. - e s! onknos-o ori-un destru>c. Bacharsch's lothing store in a"d betoce tIefantes s-i-c - about lfte other buildings MW1 deellugailuthe vicluit>' ~ .The u«tire os bu 02BAT LO» BET PRA*IE VI*EBI tvem-wcaon volume eery general e,1* - doeme aS trtbcomtng that fhe aggregafe caornous Damage Csu..d h i ias..a ilaIne=seoftaet year's andentably gond ta fSouth Dakota. proporions end retailidcmaud ln of a au - Detutite reports regardtng tosaca canseti couragtug ciaracter. Ativama lu price by prairie tires la South Dakot5a shov andi reported gsi- a aivlfy abrond point hnndwsia of thonsands of dollara damuage f0 the widcapcead demanti fer trou and na donc hy the, Dames lu varions Pai-ts steel aud rentier te«s donlifful the holti of 0f the State. lu Sanhoru Couaf Y sseri Amerlesu producta ou toreigu market s. doe, fui-mers loat evrything. FrOom Je The toue of gi-niraI values le notahlY rauld County cornes .s ite storY. 8outhfli strong for flic siatoo0fflie yenaru teo Armouc a lacgec nuier f farmers s-etr infeeception belua pork aud bot pro- urnted onit. la norîhe-rn Bruie and south- - iucs gineialy. whîcli bave bei-n the auli- ci-n Buffalo muotuesn nian> thrce tawnu- ject of heaiish mtanipltion. Ci-resu a&rd shtps s-crs lirueti over. 'arly 3,MUgi-aral; htm. Copper. amona flic met- hiadtf lite stock s-an bot. Damage lan Is.rifaineii Is str,'ugth. lu textite tb-se tIso riutica ws-litatuott ta thou' iair cotton ie rallier weakec. Whesf. b'n sanda uf dollars, and ti fis ietlOitedtt-o einug fluor. shipmeuha for flic week as- mn cunbt their lnes Near Castie Wood gri-gate 3,484.081 tîshi-Is. againef 3,028,. %it',. Erickion s-sa lirni-tito di-afl s-ile 4(j3 buth-ls lat s-cik. Coi-n exporte for tryti- ta asic hors-ca. the n--ik autrigate 2.8-17,290 bushels. ECg0f)NER 5151-S OFF JERSEY. agaiunt 2,615,079 brIda letntwe-sk." STORfM IN O)KLAHOMA. Lifec.itavers Fai f0 Ftnd Any Trace of th e asci' res-. Three Peesons Sad teBe Kittnd et Reporta frunt the lite-sas mu stations Togm-asseEses-here. alrng th' Ni-w Jet-niy eoast show that a A utocm truck Chi-kasan'. 0. T.. fno-niustet schooer suritaboutfivi- mille, srececti sxteeu reuititncea and seriougly off the Island iBe'ach station. Oui-'orbler ittîtrenl folrteen persoua. J. IL.-Murri-sy. iîrîîmats a gant au-ithe- ther shows a railroati oan nho s-as founul pini-ti f0 ahout fi-n fu'cf abus-e sater. A "-;-foot tI, gritti n d10er oui- of the buildings,, yawl i atted hiad i-tiI-r. ottlbriwn i-s nlI dic. Fouir fcn'lght icaras-wen- lifft s-aies, tame a'.hore nt the Focted ivi-sir off the Rock Island îrack anti sma'heti. tatio.n. T'h.,tboat trobalhî hilongs tu the The rouutiliuse wa, îtnrooft't and ail the aitoken rhior saers iho ni-ut ratîroat baildings tantage. A hi-ai-y te tht' ocik fOunti ler tO Le a one top- ratu tasting for anurtr ftituwi-d. Si-i-irat inosi s-rhoorner. atîrartinft f about sai- eso si--errepori-t isig AtMd ýnt tus.lir alsappard t bveford on tht Rt-tk Islandi. atti-rb ouai-s hien s-ashe'tias-ar. There wsaiuoitng Na krh fe tntiîrate ler rnant n-itIc fate Of liers'or. lmthdon .mNiarofch efs crewis nknýn.Af Tougan a îtt, sri-porti- t at three di li tr N pý tý da m tl ci Ni IN ill i sth forfii,. Il lu- 1t,- lu -rit tnt i,CII t s . unr- f 'sii ýl --ui -tI ii , In i n ri . i I '. tlvidr I. lnuru restînîuents and ti ouIr rutti-n'n. li>'ire. As Seen byt lred.trecte. Btadtret's -ommeclireiî'w pasy: nM.iteuboîciale f radeiouf loues of a le' mernis-cofrfthe famîl l J0f. 11» Výr kîlleti. TIc hontes tof J. F. Tuc sud S. Sauntieris-i-rt lls'.u1tapi-i-tu anti Mns.Touneli s tniu.iyhut. DIV IDES ERURAL 3MAIL SERV'tCE. TwnoGrsand Subdivisions Ordereti byI TIecro.tnaser î1i-ra IL'es'ordereti that the- curai free tieltnerysei-ce-of tht country b hi' iîtit-into ts-o gr-ndisubdi- visions, thc osestoru anti iasti-rn. Tht former is tu o tsiet ofthîe Stts sest-t1u tt cOhioant ilîs h-atuacters will hi- ai I, Luii Thi-otîer tit-istsi o optisitul States i-ast ut the Ohio, nill hava ils, hiad, quacteco in Wasingtonr. Fi-soi-hM.'f: tn 0f Cras-fortitille. Ilîi.. 'tilliihavei-cbasgc ofuth f esti-rn ulîiittO anti Henry Con' qui-rt Clarke tof WasI.totof uttIcei-aut- i-r. Tht' arrangeeini î rniur to that oif thti ratlway matil service. SLAYS BER MOTHE. Chicago womaa.Commint@ Murtier tu Ai-cage Cruel Word*. Mi-.. Cathereiue Sllf aired 59) yeat-s. was *bot tIr-etiti-s anti kiliti liy hi-t daughti-, r. c. Augasta Styles, aitheli doocrwas> of a srîitty nlotige roosa n uChi- cago lans-hi-h aa ntilier otfnuten necc meeting. The murdereas s-as acri-t-tità@ sIc BtteO.wîth aui-nete gcoap ni-ar hi-r motîcrs coi-pst's aewminutes Inter. 8-le ions arretteti ant istonote leîly atchesi lest in titi-alony tif ci-morse -Ie tuke hi-r ow-o iîtt. 1i ofit-r ta close-siclapier in Mrs. Styles' earIy lite tintu farhi-c 6 year olti îau2;htcr tp Mca Se-ImIta piumnPt' e,] Tle notias taut.iOOrit ftounatural plt int riuiluth. street tcar titia anti sympathun- ers atitDuluth tmade a t:e-ta toL on the pceiperty etfi r'thevm.ny. In tIhe ight be' tta-en the .'rkt-rs tî. ilth t ,aitnY nurk- mi-n lvi- meani-eîîjo-r.tnt. pc abi>' fatally. Four tai-s n-a rti-.Ont ut the carisîîasia a. l- .rlth y fhe tttairttt terya r.] tii- tilers sii-e Pos-der E --lsi-n f. 11f... As a rt-suIt tof a Ici-'ta'uire expl~uosion af sYard lt-y.l'a..sto nu- riirryShaitrthîe iascnitJ(punBur'ns, titi-fort man. si-e. itîstatt rkilicti.1-rito 1'if . nt hir ena pioye,liaçi bis i'niht -,I t rtiheI-ian-i tIr-e men n lii n--reu--o ;b 0 irnciar-.# titrert'y t-a1h tsh'-'th,:- lascipilded n-i-ci-set'Tt'tiy t -t.l Iras.Hall '1%..s.dai if. tînnl r -ip'<r fit-has triliredti tec. i-cii-ir of mth-e>-itr hti'Iran Ilsl to i-tf Tut- i." ~r f This iurtua-ut s-il ti -a hu --ru bo.ncthh bs el. jaaisec-n ;i-at FE.rhq.akc Y. r-eta.IfRnses. Beii-io s i t i.' ttstCtieurldthe atr'hrtn 1I u*t'L d.a'rtsaout lelopen' ti-tiq,, u~'.a T>.- tt n Art li.lraza uug hî-ti ,:y-I nOnuss Injured et . Paît (;a.-e. F'tr o tu s- i trreil nt il- Arnior> a ahi' ii-lji - urg tIi ziotis ut' osa lat, tKtcî u sa t i I-t a i- lut i , ar, 1ri . t nrOti-r.ri iitr ,pioui n-u tri rî T Ilîma fi. A -lt. AS. lin turu mî rA aanu, t hîr.lasWrite totube the Illa Mlia.iftryO<t. Titi Ialian n.irîii'ry Lusas rt, CtIINS'E INVASION PLANNED. Altegcd Plot l0otasagUnze Orientais Acres he Border. Thtel-'ctiral anlisities Outfhi- western distrcttufof etas. ernranuriiailtoffite ito trndeatbortit-r, have reci-i-rid inftut- atta thta gCap;,tîtpluttale q9w Uâ i-nay 10 amui-gI- Chtne intu tbis coana- fcy fi-onu Ijexiro. e fi-s-moptîr ago the- Meýal3 Cent rai RaiIs-sy Company tim- tu--rts] about 1,0(0) Chuni-se to stick on ex- tensions tif thaft ine. 'i'hty s-irt lirongîf dircttfront China aund 0ouri-tlert- hpir arrivai a professionat Arnerican Chiaine stnuggler got snuong tIent anti caunse(] many of thi-u to dr-sert fleur s-oik. anti tIi-y are mtk-ing fIhel- s-a>' fuard fthe io Grande,. frouti-r in '.mali banda. Chicago Street Rails-s. eSold. TIi- coasoliation tuf tIi- North anti W'est Site sun-et t-hirild systa-tos of Chi- cagoand thi-ir gasti-to the W'hitney-Elkîus- Witii-et-syndicalelias bei-n caccilu oui. L'lunartis rt o 1f ia i nrulcet, anti thei nucceis ftntheel-menuthe retîr- iug ot Chleis T. Yeches as the- street i-ar nuagnate tif Ch-uago. The me-nn-ho engt- nieteu] thisrnafscrleme toa s sitesisful inisue at-cIsaac L Rire ofNes- Yurk, pt-s- dent of tht Elecduc Stttrage Bath-r>' C-tm- pauy anti tf thi- EIictt-uc Tractionu Coin- pao; tif Chi-ago; Martin Maluney ut 11h11- adeiphia, sile-ot tactnt'i in tht big fi-action tirot ot Etkiuns& Witii-uir; Chat-te, E. li-rk-s of News-nYo-h. sonuitf theChu-ai-a Ptri-et raIna, magnute; William L. El- kîns, Jr., utfIhilaticiîhia. sonfthfîe irai- lion utaguati- tf thtt ityf>; Eghiec Jamue- mon, i-outael toc Charlt-s T. lenkes. anti Loi-y Mayri-, at'aruî'y for the W'hitni- Eliuns-Wirltnt'r us-utirti-. It jr under- atooti thaf îhe puice of the stuchut in tht' iranafer agreeiment s-as 140 fur W't'esC(hi- cago anti a figure- niar 3m fui- Sorti Chi- i-ai-o. Big Loan Assocnation Faite. Tht Fîdeiity Building anti Bag% Union 0f Indianapolis, flic fsst knos-uas- sociation in Indiana, lias ilen not-cetif vouutary liquidtions. Harry Lailsotte andtheficlaie Bruce Cari- sen- flic found- e-rn, andti il-e are is-e' set-les ot ntock is- sues tor $10001100 taih. TIi- union op- craiedeti cfi-osely lu Illinois and ti fer States util hcadi-d off b>' adverse lcgin- latusa. If met n-ith hi-ai-y lasses in Chi- i-ago andi siill hltts mach Chicai-oceai i-suai-. James E. Pattais la presiticot. lie ci-portasIliat ail outhflicsin-as-wiltpty out with the exception of Na. 4, s-iuch ie in douolt. This si-rIes lain It-ive inluChi- cago holdings. Th-e ie-re5,0100 stutik. lioliereansuitoufitnfauu lo ansa nuouuttog to $IXIO,00.. Bauher I. Mnrdcred. Ateasdcr Masterson, s hanker. s-an de' coyet lno a roonu nthe Burliai-ton spart- mient houns@. New- lutk, anti shot fticdatb. Hc wskillesi b>'James Ni-sIc Plomb, a i-itics-t merchbni, s-ho hail plannedth fe crime anti bai l i hum -hi-n i- firthi @ t fatal aIra a long typan-ritten itatemnt oftht tIevints Ie'adiig op touftemaculer. Thetiffar s-as the ilimax uof-aed of long satandiung 4lhefsir the f05 men over taoîîly affaira sud ertafe-s. NMishI haie *Aietted titu.-der. trcratucuto the- nuunutfn $_ ai as- snlii- i ot îît th. t- et cru - i oalul Cutti;a.y fui, ti- non telisecy ut a telegrantiof ,tarnizIZ. ni. ch. ifl ettiii i otulul lustî- as ct,-I a loiurduir.'rT'eiisageu-lasis-iit i.y Li.îazu 5ai tt4Im uniir e ., i-tir lic , nr. l-- r ritrtru on il r- dI.>- m t Mll.--itu i-h-nit I d k il ira Itritrt-t Kt. . ;,, L"s. l'isuFouad lta. s ibi. ltf Wîau f St-w I'-k ita, rom buî'-i i is l>'ns if lAlu-t,,Ir nf Il. C li.-- il iýti t y - iA aur t-tf Iirnîy i tht-, iii-hîtrîet Attir--e fior,îr. lrii tît- 0 u 'nn 'tu r utu l a !u-îIî -fMNi-. Aisiriri reîautelr -tiiiiit-tt Iiannll iiu on ch lih, ii a' i A if iiotet. tti- r'.Itid .s 'f lia)l .'Ii l i îît -u t lti il o uîtu i-- tr il . - i -> ryilo e, ýa>' tfts. -iti Th.- nlt- y withiioi-î .i:îuîîtîuu, ls i -i ir--terri-t t-o the- ,ly t- 1, se l.îrîXIII. atlit i- Tht-eFishrusn u-o-i- Tînt- tIsiti-cteti ileis IaIO ast-i Gi'. auit Wtliiaiii Voit NW'ack-ssbo ii-ft Lut' i-,ronutia. (Ot., ina fi nail boutt toc thi-ut lionnes tus Is--tFerry, bavteliaetm droîs ai- Tbf-ur khifflabt- en fouîL fitoat 'alng botfain otisard. %Well-l<nonu Vriter Msrireî. XIti tidHlardig iaut iasustf Ns-w York t, -rit-ruttd Miss Ca-uit Cloch. uhaiglîtur ta a.Mc.atîdi'M"i. Johnt Mttrthltai ank tif chu i-si-go, si-etiturrint iau't. iîalierti-ioi-htwi te Marion, Mt-is. (b GreafT rus.t in Leathet. Formait aaiitocnnntt-n tif thti- unianus-s lion rtf t he i- trti-au l uts nanul Liailu 1,Ittttt l tii . ' T'o*crtnlîts-tîy %n le Finie*t ire in l'e.u.u. ,sa - A lh-t-e ig irlotss-eut ctuni )Usrh t Pa.t l' lfi>tutu-ru f %I1,it Ile iunrhi-r Iilnt t , tri .il -ai',î ,--til, tnt'- lieu- lauitgrlttr liuit I itd. NOW A WAR TO DEATHI FAILURE 0F AU. NEOOTIATIONe FOR PEACE, ri. Ffiiptue Propolt ton fer a Tira. Mont ha' Armsite Ahi'upfii Rejeef. cd b>',0f A-Roebe sWere Working fer Tias-Flghftng enes-ed wfitVigor. The negotIaflous for "ece n the Philipi- pnes failei. Thie I'itpîno cuveoya ta con' ferenec îtI Gen. Otis matie ptaiti-al>' tIi- saine nid propoal' f u. The> also si' d f or a tIi-cc munths' at-mistice. covM-et he ficentice arehipelago. lien. Otin abruapth>' refuseti equist andtihtI iconti-cene i trmne-af fI-Th feeling in Ma' nia tht piec oulti theFilvin ovrtueswasrapitil>'dia' pelli-t. Tht' Iziipi rno, st sreoguheuno thit-lines brve osil.This anti fIe pi-raîti-cy s-lu wi-I Agruinaldo anti Luna bai-e sent i the s-uni propositon for au antuii-t lests to thteushi lisf fI te Fîlipiio hiadi-is bhuis-nos rmpty isorking for tit inta shirh to -rh-cf tîcî toi-ces anoti f0permit tIi-i- s-nIlilers ft-icover frum tii- rta'i-ut or roiiatiton in s-him the i-ps-îslf'ds-rtorues tf teAntiricana bad fl-os- tfern. 'Tle offensive topra- fions tiiglu>' (IGens. Lawnton astiHate sows that fitn tIi tIares this 4muet. The sewsafi-omnXa-tila rcgarting the tailuce of peare ngni-tiîîîrns rami- as a surprise 10 tht Wur Dflrsimeot. TIc cantpaLgn nitlle portns-Iwth the ututot 'i-tor,.asol 1? h notU? .i t stht rais>' scatunn-ii-terailw ti- - chtcki-t-e f thc aggrcs-ve muavu-tîlu-uls outhfe Amsi- cans. if sgg-cauive a ti.iu aitali sgi-smbe.- corene ui-.-sary. AlMlotigli1 tIcSe-nimar>' oftWar sud Atjutant Gi-ni-c'ali lha ,Iý-i toc a spe-s'ty, pi-ai-ae-s luttu tttie.rti thi- ben.i-tOiug tatthe o.,.ttions h-eu on fhe otb-e prtipeet as nuil, as evîdenceti b; tht' i ;-%iirin f* ui utrry mince troops to tle 1'itiiiu its as re-euniti-s-tnett5 fui- O-bs. Tht- laffer. it n-as i-iuni>y bi- -1rill)o-t ailus m- 'ultto L.-,ldinto an>' frsp. tiud fIe tuse tii gain tinte, if sudh vas tle case.te, rtn to hate falleti. Advi-los have lts-u -neev'ifrunt Ianlia tînt Ueo. Wleateun cspturu'd Santo Tomas aftec asaie-ee âht s-tb tIc uusurgi-uts. The iusut-gentas-ci-trîtruteti. The fovu n-tr mai>' rydo-troyeti b>' tr.i-. laiton's brigade lias stivan-edti ovai-t liasanti. crusse, tIc rt-ru'andl ihac-i-tithtei-semy lu stcong itrencliînts, riing lit nocth- yard aot infliiuitig u-rsierable oss. BothW'hi-attio ur.] Hlse of MacAi fIni'. titi-saon founutthtei-neyI-o n uforce. >t ARTfnttf 59 ItnRDAiaRtÀTENq, ALOÇAN striai-t iiîîtru'înr flut-i u] emoîarlet b> Cf'.nîîîaînur n t hiý-f I uu i, alsutt four iiuIts h htutSuan iru in.Il oie on fIe miti, dni-I-lgd tht' i-timy suil ,r hii ut iti titi' lu .hi-iitigipernon, outiet' a li;ut'itt rrgei.O tl. ring I.Oaa'S Puni-is anî du ttt-i-tail ti-hOttnt. Si-i-ni titIs-i-s otît eiàit.Itl i-lt Oee-t iouulIywtuttel WAR NEWS IN BRIEF. l;en. ()tis hriiltiitusnileI- ta intain fstele t:tlttc itTi llui' uu nt h G(l. l.aivt'u. Stitîli latu, of thaeomery i-ut thce, ici-«as at sfas thea su-ual'ciembut can i-t-n-t fbein. lIen. J-s- W'fleu-i- nil? nut gotf0thIe Philippîiun. T'îlttnslui--o îlehnitely de' cidt't. lie nuIl îpr,,ahiy li-jlatei-i a -n ota'ofuttheIi' hutnitut ut of Tu-on,. ehlch la to le revibeil. A Sttanihprîsîntuen tîrouîrht its 1he bri-aile intlit-eul terribîle-li-st runt i li- pino atu ti-boithteui-tiiht ltfQutnguil. lie sacs fluaft moret'thon 2'-t0 'liptnoa i-i-s hilai]uin thet Il-u TIhe' flrt-t'trisari-t-utraIs oho wolt go tuithI.eI' arî e tii. Ct -n. Fred (Grantl. s D.aowon îthis- na>'front Po'o Riecn; Gs'n. Bates, rr-t' itl>'militar>' i-- ernor of Santai f'araîprlinta-, Cuba, and (ltn. . .B. lnîg. OtHihlis ltalrli's front 'Xl tuila say thalt thi' Sittnisl a gtririi tt aletr cuntînuî-s fi hut ti itagsiast tIeîusutnpiuu'. 9fi-ut fIiti lliut f sii--lut the lanuubioal ni Gen-tu ota ev1 snti Siailsl fnrilîs f0uthe relieîf f tht blit'gtu'i-d garistui. lies ddetd slu -il sn Anuu'riunuforce to ci-. rete sSpeiardas. At l'ihiiti. a tue,- nlle stslof <talot- pit. >1VhitlIt-'otriirilufuIiltetîîîr ca- air>', Ni ii'rul u uticitu.s-r-tittored a %nial4htaly rtofiur--ito bo ailîilt 10 - tai-nu tht- t-e of oîîurldie'sn stat tlti ruîi-ul a nwhile l uf ularnd iteporitî wivi- ttibiiis-t'l ,spîlained'u ulat thu'>hll mrir-vt otit. sstob, li-htiig [- the I ttegntiaIiutn. ttc titi arniitti. Thte'Anîtet- Va-ssgiaiet- ..un lait un loutbgn' asay. A ttughat-is Detroit rînlt. Icepuaonds astv atuefronu) thelbotîsue le' cthhid. Sviitutor-eleet Quarli's tut Iisfotuin tn ont ot tht truet apiitse intrth fe North- The Salvaflon Army bas pronided a -wood yard andi a fiee labor bureau for mc.dy appucants in the Klondike. CARNEGIE STKPS OUT. llk. l CHICAGO EXPANSIONISTS MEET Two Largre Audiencme ioeathe Go. ramnt,& Phlipsine Polici. A pont-ing rai didn'f scein f0dampen tice tutsmm of t1,000 Obleagoans Who met Suriday lanfthe Auditorium andi Cen- tral Mlunie Hall to indorse fthc (overn- ments Philippine pou-cy. Accordlng to a dispatch, two autianees, fired by the ei- qui-ntecuf speakers ,«afrolaudeti loyalty f0 the- (divi-rniietc inthiîe preatur cîisis. chi-ereti at the- mention of thetruames of the Preaitiet tuil the taroea of the coin- flei- bthe lPhiltppine@ anti hisser]the an-n timeuîs i-apressed ut the Central Muauit Ball]su-iiperialîatic nrasa neeting tof a s-i-ch hefoge. (Clergymen,-o.civilienuasndo soldiers voi-edtihtI sentiment, tr-tntthe platforni. Alînst en-ry senteniiceruas çsunctttated hy apansc. antd n lina Il.;)- niar nar lt-ru nas iatord the i-hi-rs -ire prolongesi ittu tîinutes.. 1 Tht Auditoriumta o s ctabttratelydtii- rateti for flieoccasioni. The- spakrs' desk wsdrapil itiltan Amei-can fiat madet' ly Ciaanwor't. Thitrfe.'o tf li KilaiindttiDewey wl-rt iirtrayi-ti lu bhogt' pttrotis (tu t I. iîn t tornî. fThe îrîîy Wn, rtpt'ttittl 1.' titi ptorrtit tf fC-_ Rtoosevelt anth e itavy hy tIire Isîrtrit t i Satopstri.Si-hi-y andiSi?,l-."T'e as-aI Lieut. N'. J. Wils"on, ntut ifty strrttg. s, o cui'-îît'tîoîs i tiuiîftîtils wtit hl S;iinîki'li n iîLe aîiiîînre itre mtti-I fthceltue uîifuru.sritf tht' I,-i3 sortlfs'if-itii flic gray i-alis ifî,- ueVitî-r.'îf lit. 'lher- s-t-cc oiny , wiri,.i-îî jtciit, Luth it, flic autditti-' tuttIn rutii". ISlUs4îrnt. V lit-t the vie sas taliî itu tht- rt,---ititi rît if itittrsventt if tti'- atiitrtr-tr.î',iîtht'fis fotaîîi i-ttiI antdl rt? ri*> blt.-.tîî,' ti' abtjecits of Oitit-tttirr. 'rhi-r,- isler i- -t .f *tttten if'ut tti oii'r-ct -t ,i4 tut' tIi-ne oc re al4)t. 5Itcs-s tît Itl- thret ai. re im ît lt 5 -- itis int- ittg waitpticcd-ii-r l'e Thîttias 14. l ir- ai) oui alt,tîît 1.21iOs.1 u'ri- Irs-T he u;ptakers ntthl -.%titsr itini tii-rt ' I~îliî.ti l>diî' Fioulkle îof I JIasta,.1i-t-Rlt-t nI: ui 'uiili, thlic 1v. 1V. S. l~isuBisht1 rSamuet Fallû'..o--e - E Gtaii ru l. John C. lac-k atr an îr( îtn ..A'. 1 ollti't'- t o I-wa. I.lut tiý»ra i rt' -arl froiti Dri. Lymnati Ahlott, lltl'rtTi.. andI thIilti-i Tbona.1'. lliut'. Tht rt-soutttus 1te 'a , U1,leritîhan C. Blfai-k and dîet-iarîsI t Il.-lslt1-fî-tlcs 5,IttîtlageI-t hat tIi,' prc-îit îsiii-iî-in tht' 'irlillipiui-sare tht. lattral rîstf i tht'e etîts iof the s-ar. ttatiu'tîtsittt uti Spaîtiih tutbritî3tIi-r, Irf - t tîtt' î- autheiriîy îhaî tht otf titi- Ui -ttiIS t e tînt lit-are Ir-al- Ifrrîi i t l it- eîtu -,-f thli Ar.iiertt-an occi-t-inutitl tht' tirtiti- li the in-.trgPInt- Vitîto t-i-ct" lîo-iratlt' nirans liasihii-era plt 1.3 i- t i ti-i mtait ticaustei-a ti-ratiott if iotiUs that lfat i l u ilacet t ltr',,-anu; ruî ni-y;tfliant the atîtîttu tratitn lits tIiý, charged i uti-sfîlly anti n-I1l.iranisîji port is plîtigeil ti thte A terî-n n sili ri rt in the lltîtiieattîdinil oith ttis rts-ut t-Hic:-'Untit amai-il iîitsoerîtittihlcra.- i-s ne liavc nu ternis tii oher ibut the Amt'rîtau terns of truoitititonut ntîrr,-- der." FAVO4RS POLJCY MOLDERS. Court Dticaon Bit. e urneCon,' pansic' Surplus Fond. BHr.& o1ttî~atf t-tiioien tltiitroratie 1ti ries Ini tht' nîtitiial Lfei- iîur.ini'ot i pattitsire jubtilattt iiiir ttié-i itii of Jutte W'ooluai-lin.ti il, ait-ll.utei- ut lotir if thlicSti-ol' C- (*,ittotf Newt-o irk, court rtulî'tt thi-cois'. filet i-nits îui-i.t la-i i-y boîters are enttît-l tii a s-hart' if it- i-o:ire su rptlas tf thei- - -a-- as at pri--,lnt, îilir tbît part wn t -ithtle tirertors fitit hitr .1 tsicl'?hti n t i - . If this iîitt-rt r'tatîou tif the lait* s-iluit-an the d.trîtriiî iu f tmillionrîs among the polît y huýiiî-nîandtIefitr 'ipty- ing tof the srucits fttîidtri a.ury ftif toit- tuttI etunltiie. Il ot-tII ri-,rriiti4itz fth t Tn-s, lar pius oitiI f tht' bi r, ttilitaDistts risa iii i i tiîiiili-ii, ir t soi-e unsay tIi-y n iI ihtiih-,' .ni tu the tsud. NASHVILLE AT CAIRO. Gunhoat <Ilioa-fns.fcWln, f.o1 la.. Tl' UtltitdStaes rgiiita Suttlial trii' -on ut o tti- ll.,ri, tiiîttîiiî,iî-l tr fcrrî:t tif Itî tyt. ' oitsitia tf totl l :t ' i ttt j14ite gallirtit tlîçî. u l% 1it-lt tth i is? t ii iof the îtt .l ti-ft.t ita orsias lin--.].uitInd îîlisttctr ii lîrs? lîcîzi-. 'Il1i îî,nlîî-r tifst'îirrs Si ltI ra 1--ntt 'Jtit a ti tj alititine fi-' t i5fl ftîtî ii-i t, ittth rrat ît.. t si-r-ii1 ttitlr i>i fi',iig. tii it l i n tin thtilirîr The aitul-i-f 1-t rrSt. CAVALRY FOR THE PHiLIPPINFS. (bedeericri f0 M-1ul. Trte arivattl iof tIse tiisGit lratîti tit S'tiruitf Sut rtîti i i.tsL--rtc-- lîîi-ltu fle Wtnr A.-j -'ilr tt i. .thttiy i,itlh- wtittirî -tir? ilii-> o tltrke, f ire Sitand utiStti. ii tîfrtîîtcî tit lii a tiila. Th'six -tO iit iiu I t rot tii iof th l-'îtrtlî i-auclirtae ti-tii tîîlici-t Ithtte liltîtî. 'lt rî i-i- yrorf tIi..,- tt ait -irFo -lr ssîîi.V~n - ,,a ici rp rf t li hFi r? MNit. eS. 1l. TIti-ir- aitti - olli îty fttithe Fo tu re itittttlii tIr phi- ipîpines, n'il] ttu'in-), î-iî-ltiîlîî' s; ik litsla1-n lirirft 'y t ltus tu in o iti- ci-c-fiuVtiratitit.1 DEWEY'S SAtLORS IN. Btuffalo Brinz. (SI6)0 tsiel 4.nee frosa nl. v-rThenîixiliary Ciec-riufalot, ss-th '19i ni-ttu Af.lrtsi-t'nîeie, anti tht' atuau rnnrta>terrertf tv-orut ufn-iiserl'a.. blir. Fni-k us oi-t f itlir- l vi'.teuhl'eutari- ufati-t il, ieitt urulu, vîrail ties olhuit'.ait-olin-ct in tell trrneîuîih-s (ut iteel I Malstit? andl a tuas(ttinn -1.i The -ia-ut's, hi uta- t. bu' ta kultn'o tIhe trust, n il thu-ur t a1italsa urc un ('ttrit'-tueSu-iCo IInut... tni.l.15 Auturu -st a ut-ilt .. u. . . . . ît Aoitriçan Stu-el tati -Irv ttCe,'-.If55l 1 I"tsel '-lSti-cI GC......... -Iî.211tti Tit-he ak pi- i slablait,. ilmtual t-rt gît-en. WINTER WHEAT OUTLOOK FAIR. Reports ein Mone cStates Are Bild.but them (tot. leîorts on tt'iu!'iutheuof n tti-c s-ltai lia-e u-lit li%- intht l'it-ut-n s lt.-it'os fttus .uustriru-îo iiIIIlt-ii Iuwia . liiittait. Ohutn-kp ior. M' i-naiantI Kansas. lu rc'hîenuu Iluîi-n.o the outinîuh tak lé el' Is-,rntra, u- Mati>ytif tht- foruincr,îte i lîurigtI. e si 11 fuia in tib he ir (ut -us utturu 1> -lut sutr t tuttit t s laeSiinut- -c ut ..hio ii oi10u ptur-rtt nil Ilui-i,n-hIt-usn .I-an. lMa- -onltiu - :1ler i-inutouIlleI ut îiutur. Iut ,-uiiiiirtitIt rufiti- reunr sart' tac tcum binuIt, butf îure i- huîsfuîl iliai t osa ltIc tt tit ms lias-e uciught hrnpuis of prose- ptt> , tilei-ns tf t iti inutInd.iana.t In tfi -iir-iinl liantrtft hi- Siami' ihelicr-pire- si-e quit-' -ni-n)troini. Eorlp'vsui'.n o l-aut ln Ku ttu ky lu-rIeui-tl.t. litîe u s-tout bash. l'Leou uurîaart' a:ludto iile gi-t i-ral>'tour. Kilsun-lus lias lth- Isutu titI' hl u t- rs-t tf ltn inralo Suroît- aset( th len-lou-at in Nlit hougnîl. n luirt-lii h lttutti- aci- txprt'tiil i vu;tht,- at-ns, l In ien fuirt Coasta utin-itiuni is reerduit. lio-- eti-ta c. rru-slms-ti ututui-lu mtinii- f liut 50la-r i-s-tt mi iihavetiri1,e tt nid nur-. Xiamtuulias hutu1u art e tfn tuetie in hi-c ami-tu. huIt ite- (titieîttreniit ntuurn paturf uIth int- Su .1nlliceaIiii-st ulî-iîuî t-tt -n, -tît Se i-rn ut i- ,ua Misaiein rt.e. i n r ' -t t e tnin nînttu'. 'i t ou:I..srii anc. lfitirii li- ,,mii. i ti, lt-i esu i -r ani Ihat e. r-ou- iIu ip.litliuOm tint- lut-t-ut-t O act lî,trrlîzit eî . tiiu.riti:tIiracong-i fn-tuW>itCi i, luil-r iuiti.. T iiirtirirs uît lie iii n u- froui tis SIt,-uni-hnglîly ei- PHILIPPINES ARE PAIO FOR. cd Us-ar tsicettry Ba.. Thýiti;lst nuoitsttain tiii-ilnîtrtstecuti ntituittit -utir tuit Smo ru-un.ur,ilnu W'sntitutIiotito itutSu-vrtetacy Iîtu tuaitiut., I r- enchl uuîh~tîîtu. Ml cal-u Ihuth e s- ,itil tI pru ut du-ti hy i,,nt Ict>' t f foan- filii»irîtftuutlte Iiuî imastui-e 'lii- In>Mtti-it iras asturi' tt fut tckur41y uslitciuutsrItl,, L'ltiIhai t-un-har tnisl Stii s i tîuuotiltitio-r v0001 iilft'--ltitgs Nitît-rututi IfIUtiýl titue iai t. i i îîî'îîîîîîmsastuiu'ed 1,> e- l Iitf thle ina nuu-ut - y AtIasatf u--reîarytut tIht',,Tru-asiry liilifhiî a uuul Inn('Sitr.'t or>- lii thte the uinats fur $20,01 t,, beJlir h- attui,. k oî'ac 1o flicSutatîrsh Iiov-iiitint t hruugl le Anulassaîi- anibun. "tiwStuilelI)t-muant- ni nt tuni- et-tutnc t fî,'Fi-enth sut bssaato-thut tIti- n arratuts i-ern hlitla- atud soottttlu.'futuîteî'>vr tut lilniti u ,tity tlme, XI. Ctuanun guru ullti tati-c tilthe nideliattnunt.-Il N'- lo h iii ttitI no i-oins Pru'-stirrît nos token tut gutnîl thwt.'inus- q fer'or ut i-azis acir tiiitoiut. Su-irutsny tu Ilt>'r«-eivýthetiî'nlit.asanlii in tfi' le dilti k.mati- t-o-nl, 1re liie-traliî'fuctuhtolitai-e s-bwih hitihin tinoit>' 4t INCREASED IMMIGRATION. A Strong Ttd. Of Citizen* y-fH. Alrcnndy ISt Inl. ho. TitcN i utfinîtt tec i til ut',tffrtut-r nuis'tîtaufrc a ein' ilt Tas, (tîe nt,' !hî tii titieon tuvtrîtim utu i(l Sutît -tutot .Il tuflie In Sîiaiush ss ir. Fin-l-uuîls-t'vt-ni uni o tItheUii-i Stutu iin li ast Ilunît' îuunnuuîh, -thiaiuu sM ftR t it itlit rit lits:,u-arnpui Irish inita i n uil rhtitrtuttu tîu-Itaiîil jlliliti ans tort'.sit 'd itth fas tr luy fît' e MInîuraîtif on îilio.. lh,îutIiy aîînnîîsîîh Irbl n'rithtnuîuuer tif lIatitn fiut- th-use i--n acurtnninus t-lr: rîî , f itNtti-rt- go- ,liog np ito Ni-tu- la-ir nn tîh ti .U tIi-h te aaInîtduitlfsrint tlu-r-.alni til-r'. i-e if honniltfocrtti lIttTliîy are Is-ifer ei- ci oi'att't, s-uieter isiit-u sud a gi-caftii-aI i- le-suer tîto the' hallk of iheir lin-tht-eu. IdTht' naf of flie Italiaus anti the Eastern n e ope.O--a Tut-hs anti yrians, are t1 Dot cortial vtleu t'd e i.ahree b# * s ImmigratOlon finciaIs. MIE RETIRES FROM MIS GREAT STEEL PLANTS. Efenry Cia>' Frick 5ow la Commanmd of These Iafer«et-Likeli thaf This la asto lpamtbe Formatifon ofthe Great- eut Combitne o. Barils. Andrew C(ari-gie, the- greatest manufac- tonrrin flic norît. ha.s olutout fta th nie,- steel trust. Thisto t-eniathe tait obîstacrle f0 a cotnsoidation of practîcally &Il fhe steel prtucuig conipnaiten of fhe UnitedtiStatue. T'rh4ill I e nou th e ftgrettftrust but flic grei-t-f cinratiotof capital ant i naai-t cinîg tlants lu clîrist-utitin. If r-lhavlie -a iapital tif oulltt).g0 f n-li-h $f wtaIif0ei11 tbc lu ftraf mort- gage 5 peir ta-ut g.itibutn. .'iI05,l iu prefi-rt-sIstock, santi $'3,iWLtJtIfr inl conumun stock-l. Mr. Caruegie fiq to citire froantri ln"îni-s permanently, tîîrîuîîîf tier tht' i-tnt roîlîîg loti-iest b is s ýait steel tuakîng-rîîîrî to the nîîw ftustantd rt,' t-uitiwi paytmeof the cottre u-ti' t lItof hJIlin guiti bourn, lit-h ltîaîîî- srnrfggnotinîly uothe tcf ou-u ti. but e-tuti*iithîe ouI-t-stiel-?tutus uts ,ýtitii;tIti-trustf, nth o.100llt4fi t t.k fiatk out ihilu. Thi- l'rs'siii,-ut t r ill lu,fiI- - u iutris foe lie-or>' Clay ln'ni k. furmi rI tIi- part- At t lu.- tn t sr - frccr-rn- 7 inuq Ilie (iiicî-tui-c ir. s rr i ut- t tut tit ',n f-trfInit eli i.)nt '-. 1.:' tuts tItun;le- Sat tu eli lu--r' lit-lit" $; itt f - rc ie t-ut ar : i-. i r. tIItrut t'etr'inis r- tut in-tgîîuuh ' ste utiiutlrtuf pbtnt ii-,stanlubto T t li,I i li ibis îvtttiry. luit thet-p-. lmli jus-ill lue-irtanqt-u1 ti-,- ii,,,rani-ut oh. as nuis , nui'utlttht-e itrsfuir t'ii'gri'tttsatîd ili-k-t i,v rite ituciai Foirtmetrfti-u.uI.ritif (I r,-ion Itou iîiîîuîol ýitht. >cuntoîîtnî . reac-nir, fuir tut tuti- . lii- th t iu-lotiliginitri 11-uand caci-ilnuithi utu aln rt t I'-rsa - 1'n-t-vui t I -h it- uilI nît huai-esite îlltieulty intieu-ttiua sîtît u i.tuu-. i liitht t-u i-yn Pia, as thler- ui-ire lurusanis tuf altilit-uita fin rusu-tuotîs inithe. dibtint mutu' su-c-ice. '-t-: If tlit-rt-gu I a n u>otf th 'UtniedSta t-s slituil lt ttrsuu leIo PI.1011meuit-afi f uift StaaesMill t ill ha,,' fi-n r so-ti tiers os s peau-'fionfili- than nofutheI tutu- of pi-oi-fbirthla - la,5uhl.71.i mu-n; Ifitasia, 71t1.4(mI -sntt'. ."ll 4; Itl>- 208',t$XI:Autriniliiiitacy, 279.120; f.reat Bcitain. 211,237, suit Tuirbe;, 237,400. W'itllte unnuexation of Punt(,R-ofic h United States aOuured a loIs t owh-cIo oltier b>' hfty-hs-e yeacs thin St. Augta- tinue. FIa.. sthi-b n-as si-fibutin 1iti. anti tohi-hai tle histt-ians tel]ith letr tuî o un tIi- IUninntdStates. Tht'u-tv uthît- est ti-n is9'airat, Porfî trt, n ýhi-h oat foIndi I hy dleon in ..sî.tNuîi.-ulu-er. luauuîuîc.Nu'uiYorkî, fn-Il fi tuiii tul arI i-it-iiIfaital in- juries. Il-s. Geortge, (tutuon, Ohio. says site s-bU ii'it- a boutintt uecr to i-et muai-y ta pa>' bcr bibIs. J. D. RicI, Jonre, Meic, on lia desit1W lied,aîidhi- b.d been alot bbias-wIf. la a fit of Jetionsstege. ah JO D ah gl This Gltaernment vilii 001permitSicA, ragua f0 carry ouf its thresftriu contai-nie lhe ptutetfy 0fflie Anacricans s-lita e- fosedto0puy tdotuble tiuty on Coouds import- ftl. If aPpesrs thi- Aleircns paît the dîtfy lu gyoti fslth to the insunrrcctioaista. n-ho s-iréitaeot-iI, anti nhi-n fhe revu-' lutton oaa put ditsn a second [)av iti-ut s-as di-maditib>'the' recoganWil (oi-t-rn- meut. onder titri-aftuof urîîniuaatiun. flic Ami-ciranos appeais-tl i, toft' Suat' t'pact- lut-ut, andti tty s-t-t' attieiI)utythîe dut>' a econd tiniflu tiler pcstt-sf. ruht-h s-oaltigi-na titu aisid fin rifgatta agauusf the Nicact-agut n îco et WheIît ler tht s toitdot.',usnuiot utu lu y tIi- State Itupartmtent officiait,lit the business offIe Arni.baon 1-»e»n nis' eudeti. Tht-y ptua se-atl tiii utiti-r ui-u.. andi huoptfeilt hi- Atî-rîta wflogtuti-r titiut pliaces utflasna h1Nb-ii lie ifnil.odi-' ftatutiýtitt' tf> - ani in thil-i ttf a ci-- fusaI utu3ni îII-It t tîr-m n-u I iltitati- fthe pt-pi-rt y, til.. At-ritanls t eittf tIi- figrantitdutti- e,-loiu itaittu-utuile' -poil thetît that thtI--r wildtilri-î-fîtt.îrt turu-rithe ltag Iteur fit- ti hr-afs i uattilIi *ttiail. -1. Acî'uî(lnuluî-tu tiàti- ast aulo tut' tiIi flou ag t-s filh fiît. atutti îulu. iu,-i 5505 in oftif.ils ru itil i ta i--s Tl- Ilîtnuuî n it )utir 1l--,,. tue A-,lio li furn.rZ, lî. rI ff r-orilu .,,-1nm'hu-- i-u, t hnf Irtii.. iItui-tr«I llt-an- fi titi ti Nui-u Itis t .it ..i-t uî t af-t tut ai 9;.in uIlit foil . u't.i i nsa l tl ofiaI î a îI-ti -t ut-. 1rtit -un lita -ut t. t grIsa os lu lis- tih-nuh ti.-.'et itl ,l B t it' W*11tot tI . tr.-rsl't us th lu îlue to Iurn (: 't a i--c tt. i, . r t i l-- ii limliar liti-ti-rusIoOsi t-tl- nlitante l'uinît ola n .t Wî ia t I ii 1f!tu' S tr r-tj' art tîl tu-un<ti-in-t ,îndlat(irs. ii trIuI s i-t--ttv irfurîti ml. li a-t' n li ;i r lu it în fl,'.urî - i l IlPt il lt:, Iîî-iîî Ir nOIlu I- h tir t-es altiî u fI'cuth. urtu I i. i- s ru ns i t Ab- i. b-i.ttrtin titi t- <Itîl-iii piVa r ltitn muuntu h fi-î[clt 7. l fui -tl. fîî sruîuu lai. Ii. "r. su. it, utt tu rt--tf ti'. -tlirs t i,ýiii- 1it tuai fa-i-t uI t-c --.îîî irî . u; r izI. ii- 'lI,-, - nts l It' lt andtutillt fI- uln i l-ns uirmi,- rtA.rîiml' -.p. -nr --f l 'l :I-i Ilt Ire. 'r l !t t - ut t. fnrînu Sr A -tnt îî iIl-tuak-'tir lutl', r tiur,»tlil-rrr -n, -t- t..iIii,f nu - tt't'- u-tf-- antlt SN sm-i-tu1 unît-til-r -f t- Itriu.ut li l tt 1i. ":S1ih. t iris. 1su rt-- ,u . .tii- as li rcIir t il..snî ofri-f Xla t an.luiirtutlilogfli sbs..i ut-fli lhi. f IilnItli 1 f uti-u t -A tr I-c rf ,u i.l tîtt.11 srt '[Uii s-1,- .,Iu (lfn i!lýrt- -un Wî-'iiar ru hli 1,lu *Isy ti I t i l. t tiI Si-tati-ci l-piia. ln u uuiiu-l Cli -go--Cite.cintmon te prime, s4ix3tu ti$5.75; lh'ogs. bjilint gras $3 IMi iii $4.9X); atpëi" talc tu iot-e.0> tu $*55;m1hatNo. 2 cd. 711c teT71c; co-,No .2, - fui 3-lt-;tas. NO. 2, 261e tut 25st. > Nu 2, 1.8e tu <liii; bufter, i-u-u et-nu-aîcry, l1i- tu 17c; e-i-is, fi-cal, Iii t j'u. 12;-Poatries, chou-t, 2tu ît45e tit uttruut.a luttI',sl.ptint, $3.010 ta $5.ttt Ic., -lu itre t,n. 275 lu $4.75; sh-bu -tiinott,,r u,ce, $2.0 fo $4.73 n Nt,.u 2 ci-ni . 71i lu 7ecoco. Nu. 2 n lut-.IO tu 3i;c-, lais, No. 2 wnil-, 30e n li-au. No. 2, 75, tut 77v-. cocu, No. 2 yu lins-, :34e 1tu3:> ulats4, NO. 2, 2&c fu29c; f ls--luati-(laifit. 82.30 ta $50; botsa, $3 lii tnt$4,iii; ahii-p, $2.50 f0 $5.0K); ishii-it, No. 2. TIc to 72c; corn, No. 2 ufixeil, tti- tut t7,i; af.,No. 2 oued, 29e tii 30ct; ryi-, Nut2, f",2(-tu f5(Ac. 1 )mtroit-at oi-, I$2.51lu $:,7!,;bhos%, $3l.i(m)touuo0; i ip.$2.,4> 10 $4.77); n bt(-ah. Nu. 2, 74c lu,-.(;,; couru, Ns. 2 yehu-35,- tut 3(W;i- iisNo. 2 s-lite, 82e tou ll- c4v; yý i-, u t lu1t3it. lulriu hii-gtNS. 2 mid. 74e 10 ut_,ý --tr on.S . '- în'uixd, ale ftu3.'i-; 51 Si ;t 2 ,tlu 2,Sîztui3()(.; ryi-. Nou. * 7c tir 1it u -c -,l tein,$3A15 lui$3.75. Mitii% mu.î-i - t vti. Nu. '2apin-, 'Île fi. 72i, irutSu 3. 33c tu 34c; ont%, No. 2ý ut M. ;25 rîli r>'., No. 1, S59c tu Oic; N-nri.,'2, t4i- to 43c; pot-k, mess, 211 ni";S75. tiIal, t ttI-, gîrou s-hipithuug Itier, 1.? ii In i Il2.ligs%, comuttua ihou-t-, $3.25., $4*2-1; i.hî-1,,fairt- la i-es eth- i-i-s-3,50 tit u $5'.50J; latta, commun fa rutna. f$450 tu $3.001. nNews-York-Cif tii-. $3.25 îo $5.75; boire, $3.(K) f0 $4.50; slicep.$3.00 f0 $5.25; s-heat. No. 2 rei, 8Me f0 84c-; corn, No. 2. 41c f0, 44e; osts, No. 2 s-bite. 3Me te f89e; buttet-. ereaueryr, 15e to 18e; esus, West- ern, li e o15e.