"J poweer, charge tht- rertical vire and pu- i ject Ato ethcr a rolume ot magmede vaves that flatheti ungid.d 1ha'm.gh space with the velocit>' cf à rar et llght enit detrended it eîLtheir message hâte the tick ot tht- cotrer. A lrief description o! the apparatua ued in iirelent telegraphy wilU aId te Mm untierinnhg o! the principlea nrovuL Thtrt ia a marked nogy hetween Mit&- roit tsystein anit tht- systcm of teleffraphy nowin lusutcthat o'au lveoteit by Morne. Each biat an ntrument calte,! the trams- mitter, nu adjuste,!au te1produce eectrit pbetnomers, and eachbasa n Inatruamest calted the reeiner, te reproduce the $ aouda, Bot shile tht- Morte ayntem la 'ependeut ou an elcctric current te cme- uct the signal%, the- Marconi tystenuse. tht- ether an a condurtor. sud propagatat tegnale b>' lectrir wa'aeu a The trmnsmtter consiste ut an elght- W lonch induction coii, shicit lu optrated hy a "aiorage Latter>' ut tweety-five volts. lFrOM une of tht- ioding ponsuo! the- induction §rýoi a wire ruas te a galvanizei tiraubhall that lu suspende,! from tome oject that BU practability atf itaroni's $Y%- vises above surrunding buildings. Grec"d Ttenu of sirelens itegraphy wsmademt- iiren romplete tht- circuit. Electrie dis- aaatn-ste,! at Notre Dame University' turbance s produice,! Ly forcing sarks f* 1%t. Jerome J,.(Green o! the- iepari- acruts tht- stace intecvening betseeen the ut el Pectrical euginet-ring. It didti oigishur.ging kuohs 0ou the- induction cuiL. sa eelaLorate mechanicai tesiceu ho Thcoe kuobu art àtijunteit anit eau b.sr- MM the seysîem to a practinal test. 'l'e raugeti su as te produce a apark of varrlng lgth. depetilg on tLe cspmcity e! the metilbail toit vertical tirt vhlch la ah' tced te ont- terminal cf the luductia. Lhe mpid-tsciatiog. igh-fu'equeac>' (smetimes L00..000)l bctwt-en Une knobs Lnte inductiun cuit affect the ether la th icinif>'ofut he vertical setre and metal uaibetai eletrir navet art propagated a t a evr-ce uireti.n, Thýea-eectrir seavet counrde anti! tbny reach -a hllanmd vIne m nlu tethase conecteti oith the Induc- ticcii, TLts bail anti vire intercepte th sn'nnc. anti aoducts thenitetathe r- ceiv'r. Tite recivcr consista otan lustre' m enlei tht- cobererr which la con- nected mnitb aaltghreiance rtlay, snch as nia>' be accu un au>'teit-grmph Doce. This reta>' ntutet au ordiuary telegraph s'ounder. Prof, Green bectioe iutt-rented lu the o'ork fler remîing Mtrcoui'a paper rend before tht- lustitute ut Electrical Rugi- net-ca in Londion. When tht- suceSafu cupariments st-ce mateienb trnamttlng mesuagesacaroqs tht- Engliah chaani elh Hucseu ÂCOtO. dterminàet l ( make au experiment for bie Iflfavaoc o .1'trlet aTelcarapti>. eitcti'ittahclnaes. __________________ A nomber ut visitiitg college preideeta asmi etftht- appratus no axl s ntaken erallet itht- laiuirator>' duriug the experi- emdhy tram tht- phu>'icnh laboraiory o! mueuh sud sitnest-d the firet seorklmg of *e w1irsity. A storage btter>' that la tLe sYt>ltm. AmuDg thein setrt Preoldent enmwa at n uj te tricai aeorktbhop, a rt' 14Whitney ad 'ice-Prtuideut Couvare a b mik.>' trocu tht' teegruph room, an.(corgttoltl Uaivrsrity, W&Ohingtan *@dr"sacoilt frmntOc X-ru>'taaatu.t Presideut ('YHara o! Monut Saint Ulry 4" à coherer anti chuîkuug eoiui matie b>' Cltege, Emnetsburg, Md.; Peident OnRMbu oier Pruf. (.reet'u isrutiton 1Item>' utf[iti>'Cross Cuilege, Worceste-r, e mm ted te parapheruatia. Thtes1Muas. I Preatutent Fox ut Saint John's Col- W,.Mil11that twato u"ude %ta coi'niie the iegt-, Forihaîn, S'. Y., toit the presidenti TMf LATE EX-SENATOR TABOR Won Immd in Po.'rty, Acqulced Miii- * m ad Died Wthout a Cent. %%a eareer ot Horace A. W. Tabor. Meormer Croesua of Colorado, who 4ffl eet1y lu Denver of app-ndlcitla. im acteriatlc of the frontder coin- mmuld an whicb Le llved. It Illus- setbh hlnt the- prairie srihooner anti hart ahoreti le tLe privations cf a pro.. peffora lite anti tht- cruel coiti of the bigL plateau@ ut tht- Rock>' Mouataina. ThougL protestlug. thbc obt->ed ber hus- bied anti oued fer dlvorct an the grouini of denertIce, Thetieet sema granteul. Pretty "Bah>"' De, o! Laid-i ville.,hmtdiately htcame Mr@. l'aber No. 2. Ont- ambition wsma ulilled. 1 The seat te the Seaoto next wveal>b- talne,!, but for tLlrty demys, ta lSU Me unexpîreti terut of Heur>' M. Telle.1 Ht- talle,! of re-electIon. Afier bIs, tLrty days le office ln Wasligton àbis fortunes egae te senne. Tht amd fer1 ready met-'gent hlm [o tht lenders Mortgageas were tht-rtsuit. MIne tall- e,!. Hia buildings seere net prolitabît. One Ly ont- tht-propertles ver, smi. Millions alil,!froru hlm a rapldl>' a tht-iLed route ta hum. Tabon- LtCa penelles. I-e set-t out front Denver.,ilved la a cattîn naar 41lari, iBoulder Coutl; th- ~ r i rateo a mine ana trAe ta dit nes e r g ~ A.\\ys~r< Itunes out of the grounit. Sucettesemrai g .\ 1'L / ~ noi sa famîllar as Itlad been ai [ime g ~ i aville, For elgbi montha Le dot o&" sounc A, e. TDOR, feun,! noîhing sud wsns trce tateappt>' ta Millionaire Stratton. a former P-- la l . uhe putanti doainuto! Ille in a day arpenter. seho Lad stuck lit riq%. ~adg manner, Ht- ses a 110csr e- f or a lonse. Sîraîton adranced hlm - bsor then à rlcb miner. Ht- lireti lu 0(1 anti Tabor cotitinue,! hi l mlnnp ta 311116tht-n lna &Palace. Het- tatn letht- eprtug o! 18M8Prestdent lMe- *@UnIlited Stotes St-nte, one of ta Kinie,' appoltite,! hlm posanaster cri W.lthleot nat-uers, anti tant ,ear wsu ______________ &b te get tht- tomm, ut postmnter o! lomr upon sehicli ta eke out au exhat- l'aber vas lioralu Verumnt le 18M1 ,~ mi veut te Kansas, ihere le uerved Z tirm atfitht-Luglature. Afler ~ting graaahboppaýrsandtii iromîghtt for nom yers hie pîoed bIt vIte andi mmthitîg ho etansd sciat-foistuh Mg vtth loto a prairie schooner aoud abwedo ta finti gotit. Suminires ttci- bkopt store la rluung caumps. setlng tour- for $25 pi-r li) Licinul and alont SM 40tenfsa aPound., Agaun be waouttld"..O.. I~fortune lu a plamer elutinu .ldt1iit ct sp a forge anti nbarp'u toouts fur tht-e~ Mr: 1861 f0 1S8 lte led oaruonclon- qqsexistence, otirLuîig trrarîly uti puitine tîMie. NVililitht- proeetia uto"f t0- .=saus-. eti o! LigI italyke o et oulu. .aae iofent s tile store lu a ticotne Clcu -..- Wb Cb, about 10,00)0 ft'et above gauuc"~ §VLe lu 10April. 18-.8. le ut- tlklid -~.."",,j «Wmb takea" ta twon ahoýiuakeru e.ho Wm prospeaul0lng. Tht-se cotuhiera, Au- SENATOR TABORU LI B0i iche a tit George F-.Iltook. dug ,^Wme au îe top cfas lil. Other ein efailaleei attht-jr toity,,but tht- col Denver, tht- rit, Le Ladl huAit op. Thm IlM stock ta thetr ptmkandsitattU'r tuinertu ot Cotloa t-rt-onat dopksasa dlgg twen-t>-tlz tnt struck an elint t- (18 >ur'ra cf age Taboer nilght tan-bonte ore o! aurpathng rlch- have adeitunte theiter andi foot. »M This wsthîe Ltte Pttialurg Madasme Mehtas lpivot Appoan-suot. à" 2'ahor' matie a million or more Mladame itlita ittel>' gare an ine-. #MM bslatert-st. Tht- site of ia tone sigaconofbristplea. OMuM tht tenter cf Leadirlte mud "Ithg acc ut t e aiit ublic ait Igrwgrese lmmensely w ealth>'. nl$ pearance. " esqft on l gqrf» wa esimatil t frm $,OW luInAutralla," îLe tuti, "senc, mut. @»te 19.00.000.tioaat-,!ut fot $6.00. vthatandine tht- perIsteut discourge. 111111aer.ment etruty faiher. nWho waaverns. u At that fimis Denver wsa a placi the Aitua cf a tingerut csnt-er for me. i ora t50M pt-opte. Tabor btllevt-d cngagt-tiaihllAu11 hich ta gir. a conu Yb fu tture. Near thet- cIl'o"ut on cetrh.asd sent round a notice ta aIl ml M prairie," LeIulit Lal'etol'lacre ai frIentît. gienfo!eta million. This ast htbis e-I.Unfortunatel,' for ut>'plans, cmmme log Titeulautelt rit, e bInht tht- Te- lotyi>'utntona-titht- litli arbee t l Ou Aleck and tht Tabor Grand Opera ru>'fattier. sud lie, furleusetm utcln. il ai aami ct f $2,000,000. His dr-sint-entt-rpihtt-begged t-rer>'oue of li g e iLualmiomprovoketi a boom buis cuaItautestateuphoiti LIa parn e ý-wretsI- îulhorti b>' Igenlue thet pentue. seut ambtions ta Le a grant mare. But 1 vasutt tilaLtarte-ued, ad lhla sate and n the country. at tLe Lour anecuned for thetceci : : t l e e e &e t. &a s e la t h e h a t hc p l tf r m - t fin it n y ae l t ta c t t l Oui m atryeuni face seuL an iodlenc-e o! tva people bWLh.Ne ptld S040010 And oboti,' tiLt cam."-Uatturdi tUi 7 *MÏM eomm vseo bd ridon Ereutng Post. et tht Ottawa tUniversity, Canada. This tralivascmde etween tino rooma lu Bc]- tsave baB end the iutatîucous cick of lh. eebeter made knuwu the auccesuf the experlment. lThe ecelving station vas tht-n more,!ho maehlaem> hall, a disitance ut 200 feet. The- 4da"mmdseldova of both buildings were 1 1 nd bd ers it wsatsteu that valle v... tes barrier te tht-te magot-tic seavea. Whiethen- the vares pt-attrate or go *roundt a building la nt kuosen. The ut-lt day the t-écu-cc vas remuvt-d to tht- varions buIld nantht- campast seî auccesa eque te the tiret day's triai,. Faut. Greeo tht-m spended the rertl' Ma siens the flagitaf uon the campua. a height o 135 feuil, The Instrumenta vere mm ac caratei>' adjosteut and à tralil w»m mod et St. Mary'. acadt-my. a mlle mad a hal awa'. Ht-rt- agaiu the tappns camse as accuratet>' as seben a single Weal dlvd.d 1h. e iing and receiving Instru- ments. la the laboraf or>' at St. Mrys academy> ws mn Induction cuil that hitdbeeni bs'oMht fn-on Parla Ly Rer. Provincialci Zam. This coilt outi Le prt-sued ihouser-ca vies la etablithiag a aendiug station tatt l110uEIToq coliL ,ria the lea mis the rat the eti1 ler teni Fr. togr 150 tua es reduces the rt-nistance aumiît-tl>' ta iuse tht- relutol opecate. The normal ne- sance cf tht- rolirer iu Prof. Grteu'r utls waa 10,000 uohns: aa'en iffertetilb) tepulses il oaa cc'tuîcedti tubetoteen ýand itty1> ohms. The powetr of trans- unsion it increaseti tourti db>' ituliug he eight ut tht- vertical mire. The watt-s tn Lt- coacenîrate inlaune tiirectiuu. tike iraye o! a gasnultight. This is cifect- t.>' meanu ut u t Igi oseillator anti a ne- lame expertmentu in the Mtarconi eys- in cf oirelesta t'Igcsphy ta.uk place ce- itl> Lutwî'eu 41'îuereun, s village nthe- 'uaL muoant tbnceenulles uuurth ut Bon' ne, andttht- South Fo'rtand. A pole » feuil higlé oettes'ceat Whmereuu Ij tht- îecer- nstrurtnifvoece piar- St. Mary'% ait Pro!, (Greenusattbit tu- edia s a îta statiotW A'.poletcoftthesan dents nt seurk tu fit uP tuother at-t o! i - LeizLt inat erecteit bard Ly the South strmnea for that purpoat-. Tht- lutatu- tieln lighîLouse anti the Instruments mentlaouse,!iu transmilting tht- messages put in.ont- o! thte rnutuîu. VTe distane requIrnonumore spuce ihau a îe'trîg in atrum tation tu stoti. 'n iathinty' miles., chiae, mat those at the- opposite ecdtin>' The- tests si'are ounted it'I uLthe asueut& Le cern-led in the- hand., Tht- storage bat' o f tht- Frech Gocecmntunuudem the per-e tir>' oued la tht- Nuire Daine experimeutu t Lsd a caparit>' o! fort>' ampere bouru, The paver wsau ontioctei tho an eiglit inchn induction coii that tranufurmeti tht- loin tension elec[ricity Of tht- Ltter>' to the- LIgh tension uacilming current that pruit- sgated the vavt-a, hich, ditchargeit frm the vrtical sire atnd mets] aphere, travs'lr at the rati of 186.000 m nit-s a second.a The a ere rescmbie in leugth tht-n vveofa!saunzlraîber than thote ut light. 1 A vert"ca sire unit spbere receine tLe6 impes.a,ran t->' ILcut mto tht-coLtrer. COIRgnî ANDO REaT. Thbs blnatn'mnt linte canentiat une in tht- vinetesl mstm. It contaista ut a gians tonal supervision o! Mr, luMarcni. Tht- tube à tese inches in leugth. tht- tntidf» c ruethighi>' tistatary, Tht-y wh" hare en-, nilhuadjutaLte lratu ececoorîrd'in the prenence ut dete-n plus& The apure het'teeu Ibene jligu s galet fhrom týht-French winr omfie-anîttht-n ied vltL filngs ut' iivcr anti nickel, l'reur .p.tu ce, wom cprntscd tht-t' seLlé cohere seLen effeeled Iby tht- le-'teint-t mueh gratificd ti ttht- excellentr trles] van-es. Tht- cohesion of the parti-1 oocking of the systcm. THE AMERACAN JOKE. lire. Beanlehgh iproutilyl She tai, "Mother at-crutotehace autlgnitatîstu in *<ItwetvtHamac" end mSnetebehtr Af t optte." AmeaSies lut America. Anti tht- rt-pI, cf the- mid sho saii, Uaider te nmnuwlaa[soit-mn ttte ben auketi If tht- wouAti like a talk- -lnterrcvie Humer," Tudor Jenks bat lnlg dol.' "CerttoIely, If >'cu have an>'r gathered together n tih. Mai Cetury that converse Ittellgeuîlyv, 1 coul,!f -a 'Jealanidlanduntiutw. that illutratenoct abitieonee that iglAt-dIl tht, readieauoth îe AunericunAn "'get -______1__ tlng a grind,, eu Lis fetlas-countrymalSt A PLAY UPON WORDO& n othe parts et tht- landiof jekes. ____ .ga.a te me thet &il Une ahorpers Expecience or a Quartet or ondere belleCOMe tram ChICazu," gai,!1aNewe- onu ai isl. na ['bus. y~s eonceseitout due romaidertiton t appt-ara tinat one Att.e da>'tht- trog, far bis trlend's native plae, "Yes," thte duck, tht- lmmb un,! tht- akunk etart- u thitl Chicag a mn. mustingi,; "tht-i cd forth tugether tei r-uit the- uhowe. do @».m lu knoose here to colie." Just inuit sort o! sLowe itwsat.relates Bulitlb. Chicago ihecoril la reapeet- tht- Clevn-iad Pain Dealer, the- chron- it. foi 'reporttng tint ont-of litsosen Icler ticeuntt ate, Ae>'say, il vas c1tu rsema"cuttlug a great diah le something ihat tht- qut-eri,' assorte,! bis CJhicago oere'ee," and explaies quartet wsn anilous tn attend, anti th"t the germentlAs 'fer ce one ide tht->'hoppe,! anti satitle,!. antigain- mut & lisen ilutter ce the other," Andt boieti, anti trotte,! Iciard tht- big can- tht Tibuat tf the sane cil>' prints the vsi ncloture vlth delighttul throhae of refleseagI nntlcipatioau. ne (arter tht letrodutirtce-j l e. c- FlalIl te>'reacheti the door-leeder, 1m lut ite L ou sirenti,', lra. Sky- tee fret lempligte t-Ane, glm lm -nfart, I may cdaim tu e Lua We1il, tht- frog hui a grcenback and! ata 'tmtlin of yuursc. passe,! rigbt te, gb&-Inded, lMr. Blinu? 1t senet The duck hi aàbill anti felliedetit avant et IL. frog. H.e-TIea i Sud Ly attItem In tL. Tht- lambhLad four quarters ead foi, pouum thht mnornlng, tîtat ru>na-sentd loed tithte frogand dnck. wlit. bajt ma rin-ed >our feurtit Lu- I-lut the- untoetîtote skunk wsau eft ontht- oulsîtte, Hehait oniy a arret. haut.Naturnîlly hie ttartîtutsa>'feeling pretty bhue, At Le oas soot,' ygotng baek ove! the LiIIlt'bc mtIao oop tuake roiliiug aloeg at n lice!>' rate tevard the. show. The skunk gri'etesl bia.itut the suaire dit net ustop. "I-tunt nturrtupt m," Le crin',, oit-r bis shoiaitir. -'vp got to rdo a torn And ie relit-il aiiîng. At thte toi) th le hbilie tktuk Oua tlrs-i anothltr OuNtf ried aluproochilne. I t woint1ii,'sartine. "Ht lilcrieth ie aarduo; "whatai the runten'V' con guietalasseyou teetl aboutIt," sunidht eurdlne', eym p tht l y, sald atthesadnevn Aeogt test h t le. ql. u Bay. OolA» d u L. cayo e m a lhtb And Atersu! ant-thet--ne'« iller grandmammins dt jutt the sam.n litle doubiful, thoughu vit-thon titht-t-There man>' jeans erenoie- 1 of tse journal&. coptcdtht- folovlng The suie attie Lereabout,1 i sin dimiegu.e tramstte New York Trutit: For mcv mare watts ta climb;L "Elav did yjOLbase lie wsmafreina et such a gociti,'style as 'Lis, citeager WL>' did it change seL th lt-? 'Br bis acent." «But Le ,!î,!'t aea. Nu satnthalippere tht-n ahe seore. «I arbuad lu tatm; a plece cf Na geten rash, no shutin, Nu fichu pnimi>' creused bLt-ort-, I îm.~ No poseiere i set iail; >- lit vIii b. vel here te repent thit Tet atil tht-diutpteulon tht- ailte *thes.@tories Mn>' t uteatnitereti at As granduta didtit.eysua>'; * foameit ot adjusabît- ports. Tht- Amer- Tho' styles a a change, a moitit-us imita 1 ccu ijokei lîke othier nrîhc'tcu o! home la juat anstancet to-day. t- mnntm a hmrade on [Lu Inter- changea«ble prtaouupke. TLen Mtc±orie looketi np 5at, Thmanvi uta,' ppfy te n, ofo!utr Anti 1 tookî d tciu ai ler, > gmwetng cItihieste caetu'of tht- fnrmi'rTht- o' ite ton tLe gaflit-att se » wo wsbe teemhane bs frm As once ber grantifoîka sert-. o seia lshd t exeang tuu frrufcr Andt tht-n 1 spoke tht-jr nid, nid phrase cé cli>'property, îand drove ouI ten atour Andt ntmctia aveet, tond name- tf of Inspection with the agent. Tht- cil,' Tho' tiles Lace change,!inice mocieni à- iots vire nspecteti. "Nov, wsere isatisyt, a- yanr fan-m?" ake,! tht- agent. IlWt Ont- style reman thetan.e! àpamea Ih flvtsmile% bock, aîdth [e -411omanu hlomne Coumpil >. tsn-mer. aliirds. sa Of Boston auch anecdtese as the fol- Tht- gamne o! bliiardis vas intrcductd le Ieseng eiseulate: It uoeb h ngt epae a. à.MssBemnlelgb (a! Boston)-Babî noErp , h- eet epanm W apobe a semnence to-day. Oscar. Ail af us are rer>' clerîr lat Euilu h.maltlp-What vas Lt. Constance? excuaes for neot vorkAIIg more. A.ROUND A BIG STATE 1 ld gt !teFuî l'ire rompanteaf h out llni BRIEFCOMPLATIO 0F LLA.voluntfers arrived hlonte troul the Southia 13RIF CO PILAION F ILI.tenu dayfàgo. NOIS NEWS. 'l'lie trug tmeetîig ofthe enecutive _____________ ont mit1te o f the I llinis Fe "îderaf ion uf %"0-,tui e "'tu . n a lilu D Ieratur. Rteport of the IState Board of Arbitria- <I iqthiibnattt'ded tîy eitîreil tio --Dispule $tticd for Mina,'s- p'4iheld nn,*'iitectinet to Iojîtriro- Coma Co.npanles Nul ln T,'ut-Wid- tilMýsa agattnt the liyuîgs lu the Soutfh. ouits Talte UP itabelqfl' offe. 'J Two beavers mir[hteh ame frottaEdmion- ton, Province 'or Alberta, Canada. have 'be annuiIreport or te S('i tiir ttîiuîîo aiio a <D o! Arbitration bia beu matie public. 'l' a4VîIîtîr.Gîîaii dlier report tay',file nork of the board has tuk. daigl.%iter oreiruw'. tiand rrî en large!>' the forrn of rouîlliation, wnii1ieb he er hon ri crir crom-ing experi(uvIt sovowu lu be itu niist aundi tailyi>'rt am. the riaul! cf a ruiiti'.y itieful funrtiou. Fbrntal bearin .i -'eluaCIiciigo. P-ieen e-4çu .Cftîomared with the ilu (Iburlea lnuqa proiperous tarmerd elad'c.isin wltlî h indivld4aal nmeulbers o!rflear 1,arrensbtrg, a ot itnseif in tLe1 the board Lare e'terted rhi-lr gnou offî'eq Iil vit là arevolver. No ressort eau hLe to couvert di---' rd nn uitîrbîîlaice ittu uttigneti fîr the sailcide. haruo>' oi pîa-c. 'Ti.'boaîl liinîu 'Ite Les lent hailft.tluinyenrs vimlled at lenslt the sVa nei'iin lu the tarbitrua- 1anîala. Twoopilles aorth of there hall- tlon lase monde b>'the 'net whi'h hall ce- Itiancuteiliweighingnune pound ech. F~ruit cently berome ,'ltcetivî'. and otys that il trecu ocre greafly dumtageti. la~ ~ îL .drîn tti'hudtiuti. l'orty-tive carsof egg of ut ihforty inmenditieiit'u ldîom la r.'al'iiîî i crs, or about 7,2t5J.ffl) ggts, vwere takenp adranve of cn'cry otliir Stute linte Ilt in tîJoi colt! torage fer uae neit winter anti of Iegislatir,îîfor t h.' n clii rît hit fiflloir slrinug. arrillitd ic ago tLe other day. dlfHleiîlti'a. ('oui >tolsiîcy artii itatiîîî. tat ('la rien M ie, nuperintenilent uft thei s.x la la w iiltîiiion'lti>sauit ..i-l'anu Molî'rn EleciricieLlttand Street1 ployes to ,aiaîit tioir îiili'rn.ex ti, urtil aWyCpu.wxkldu iecln tratiottluoiîanii'l ivthe boiîardi. aIL i ui'il nt Cimin ailîctuingut îLle r imnportant, thi' eiprt lac , i> niabe a puiya îln b lgb-iogdriiga e*r fui distinction t' ncit he'corniîîîlairy u irii. aîîhmtuaiîn of labor diliterpiem t u arbit ra J.4IV.' !tlAnirewt, ant oe timneonue of tion sud comjiitil.iry io'eiji'ii', ludteiiiinu tii,' 4tu huuin'.nstro1 .'aisin ilicouont ry, luaestof ,clîîoitaril3 '.iliiiitttIlfitb>' lb(,t1t1 în %erlyNu "Ctriigitial 411'ueruelon parti" t 0 ii 'io th, - rti ror. 41'ien hîî,iîî i in." ha4'.beto euîniiîiti ed lt fleic i iaue employer uîa iiiii i i oîîîîîîuriîy àagre,' liîî'îaI ut lgîîî. lu refer flîrir dîfflcr'îît s iii rtîieîîîuîîn AI a luei'tiiig if tîtîinoardutftrîut"., of tht'y ,'îîtî'r ita ieiîr1îtiliiL hughat lut. f Iliisîîîu.Iiilitrial Hotîne foîr he BIlid Le enfocieil. il vos dei'tditd t. open'thlb,trîîom faî,tiry wiliin ',coîuiiteil foîr nti'esutftheint- F. r.t fi i ,g t î.' Ne- 1-au. Itl acouniîît thLe îiiidle ifJloué'-îor Jul>' T1he Sft. i.ti oril uit .A nlrat ion fiinu-1 'VTeIat luegînlati ire aiprulîriatlt nouiîteii i'.i îî, ii L ii iao :111. I $1.01,1>0 for tL.- hîîn,.. Aiton oul)tiiii't nt v't a m". lci Ilt 't the .,Ik) 414NV Co' , prialîlient of thle Illinois first ficidig uncîîth ii' ow i"vlti,.'rT.' bordlSttiti- NiirmîIl Unîivrs'ity u at rrnt, bat bi lte iiiiiio ir i'lit :55 '-it if, hi' r uî iitî ~fi c e ntý.r,.tary ft the buarîl ton, .Mil nii ti ura îli, ii f 4.5 cii' ii riî ' oftifliiie îîrlu'îîîîîîiu i u the 'ahel tie'. IlThe îîî f t ili' ut liDI, Rhlitis iiiNl oi f thi-'boaird'. for natroîîn, oirhb %il au ilî id iandil il iiit, ofier i lii tI ' f îr'il' It i.I . gati i a a tiriî'e ileI li i i' fie lIrtiii '.u iiîttituliii 411, filepo tiof ltt ttl luluir. The hu nt, ii i twl Iltfi, atii tua lf i ,dii ini, n-i' -? Ingthgescile. lla t.-$1.1)(t) n giit b>Col. Entiulof lie rentiailout eititity hoiiii, 1. îîiîi. ýii Ecil. thl iimllilîuuici' ou flit a c(il'. lreui. per relit andtaItt i ni ci' lii'r aIv'i il i"hn'li ( l). liI tuln ty sort' marr Le .entirî'i uiîal aii il uit n . ra lu.' tiiîil I i th 1 îîfic, îlîiiî,io îîrî iui ni îî ti icl Inhoîîtin 'I l itor .i c I:iu t. Il 'u' i'tiiîtî i car iiin n. andîii î amin .nîi'l iv titi' loi P - atiia' 0iu l ...i ciWl" tii i.g lîil lii f.!,iotti> I . . lK oit ao. tu hria' rliiit , til"~n i 'y' ",ài"w iiîiba lis it;i'i t ,ti tîtlîîît 4iflîitcr. le Ail Inter.,A ti> 14 %i Nid t... î.îîîlîandc i .lil ltt.ttîi Iiil ftliit' A't l'i'iitia. flirta , ti ii ta,' y I n' t hu ai iir, ii e'iand 2.if.iIfril rn rii ii îîî2-1tio 17 ar.liav i"i(ii,'î tI.f iee lie .ijii'f t loti agitai.'.flic a 'îiîii"iiîî"l.nha-a gi' tOn, il i i :r ith à-haI fitrahi il titlItibitîr lIilrir onii -, ii.p îilts. IIr î fliii' iif. týut li' Ohiithuof th ii" ,0 rtIl ia11lîi'aî'î i. trtiti tiii î i bi lîît tit.) i ". thal i.' o n, andtii ilitnil tto itg'i flle 0f 1 ' iaii. xlot' to i li' tiîirîhh..iif,,.uli ,n, il-.i ,fiil. r". ntiili..'c uilîî t. 'leh, id'i oif Iii ,îtr trtl i lti.ii, rt u ii, are îiilliiirtii ti' t .i fite liait fît..1i0, î , > la agit là' li ru ltît iii.' ttiii"' ocg:onix.i' d tîlr illt î'i iii i. 'Iî h ci,, t,.iiii'a fnifîY.tt.l iai' ,r nîeno, l tirfît i-,iiilatgl i'ra i i th,, r ia titi cicr>' ut !,l'or tîltot iti nias l u o cierci, î'îl li. c i r .i1 Ii'.tt iiîtie li't îoa (liar "Ilftlî ;theý (jitirgeInî'lîif i .u uîtsîîivl sii i,,y i l tcilf iiitri - -t iti> a th e retury of ft,' l".-i .n " .. '*1i,,. l- i :I iti br, butii liim diigiî'jil inîjîliet ifil tatîî,îî i ".tm iii -tl ir 'l 'î P.- liii' fiaîtiItfh 1,iîi'îiit ','ai o ft het 1 ont i itiiii it tIi' iin huri i, .Ilt o 11noîtgrandliiiti' ancicunt (rîlî.r of 'VL titiit iît(le titO f ui'Vutiitiii I .1 l Eit a ,r îa t Li,.m:grtn Iiii t,' Brîî'kîîîakera' Alliaui * iiJ'it niI ' iiil. AIL. tt-itiiuîb. StertiiIugrugland Spi.igttil. uffî-r aoltiiîg ifi.. Ct'iilhii i'a".t. IL lEt', .('liiagii. graîtîl i' plan fortie u'itnic înaiîutin l ît aîi r i î'îîrîlî'r. C' 1'. 11f.lt. l'atrîaograndlr'iclr pec'fng fli,, tîllî,îîig oIItiir,à forte àiii, .iîît !','î ttiîti e til fli tuig >u 'itiiii, th r" llul i . 4' g il %frris, t'hica'goIi ix >l'aei: Bitic e llîd. ie îeaBit, ,t lStiji- ,Ltt. lti'emttiri. tti't.iiiira rl rn fer, Ciiîa i,. 4V i.hî' , ti îii. . giid,,E. B, t olo htî'trg.ganil in- loti.; %V- .' J S;i'1inluîi. Quiio'>. i"il'ii il.d i at'hiî Ji. J Ahti-.,t'îpî'r AIlo. trt,'uirer, FrankiiSiîîîlrz'.lirî,e grand outsîde watî'limuuu .1. L. Niutein. ('urîtîn Mu'aiii, ('ui'nîiJ.41I'V hantit. Stielli> CoCuI omutauîrsNtO h.ully. îili>'; NV. 'C'.alîlt AletIn, ,grandi nli- 'Th i'jury iu the Saugai n <ireiît('iîtr aieut e\tiiiltii'. r . F. 1" '. Gliia. tlitiuirt. ln the inni' (if thi' uîxtr'cu uniiîaoî.'u. iU lu-nillatun, rit fic ne'tf iîîiif fthc priaîog the' Sprliigtti-d CliA'.i ttt.gratndlitg' .. hî Ila liteta' till in Mat tuilîefed oc.theflc itage out .tiuiuflac fE lti aniîi'rutt lawit'n forliing a toril antd îl Itiro.',J Souittha a,'llin fo itîruî'r ir vannî'ng li c e rie o uiîî ttiait 7-5 i0nft. o ii fi ut iî'ue terrinIîif t't '.oi Oliîlhi.ndiiorer- SI "'f)pr fto, nthiiif uaking n aîr rei.Id itifi'. Edltioh and tfIl it il) ithie spoi-ng u in <u e othle aii if f li'ir rizti t blii'lifatter h i iiich w nin aî'raa mninar,.tîrîiiglilt il Ii i îotf - ît , t i, ' .ýSpoon ivIr h ;Iirilg andfiaguii-otfilonîî.u alter Ihi.îg rîî un he'.-It. faisufilue inithe imft temrple, kiling hîrgtoifilfàutlY li'-lîiifiuServices were fr'r.nktu, 1 oerît.uelu Irotn~tt itldthflt eî't'iiiug iii fit..'iiaI' iîîre i"ra ubirn lo[oi i.;;,cil 5i i fyV iek NI ci Sitth.s-tfh lier faf lier soui nithe of frtin'. i-. i nt-iec A iilit alà b,'iîî'ar %nrl.NIe tîharîl (',[ ii I aiiui, tt fîaled. lita hiini' il.' li <'.i îî h-d lleuta it'fi. I I Ni-iixo t ýfiiii, fîiîal t hem 9irka ,i 0- i 'gianid .lt..Ii iîtîi" frountfi,'î hlirî'ii.ii, iiîg hlîtd his for- Cbiugii :,,lit S i îafir 1.il biia. iti tiur nSie. %When liq- iras ilinif a sfeis fui, at "',ipi le a altit uit il Iitf'illii f hut l i h 'îr,' il îîîîî' oit ireti atI be It î,iîîin t a n hltrhtibti' h'f'i ia Sniiiiîîlf :îîîîl i i or,' alî,It he bfli l l tie îlîrlta î ai i ittti' ie,îk niiti ii fh.-'.1i....iî,,ir tîrfu t fle andi tel l uto h tIi,' <tllottir. l t onel iiifli i.rruiti.t ifo r iei. Brif-t.c'luI it tiiilei oîttiei l itlfl î' a-ý vec a Fo .- ffOtaei , aeu t 1-111 a,'.,r Si'i Iî, litii î'î uiii î îîîoî i"ir I' t iiiilt iltiiia t,it Iri YI i rstili t,I ii tti. îîîd viý ,ii,f tîîfîîîii dai. ,iiaa$l5.i<iit i'aliiiaiif lit ft'(fi iatf tflir liien fi, tiil.ef'. if titit~til' i ii lii, t ouu' i.r lic iciViii, C.. ri f C ii 1'i.i." ii, t t 4 c ifiVi auai il , ti' ti, ii, t fil o Ni,,u, I.b it; ýi fe iii. r ci i i'. iiiîtî't i A , i lur. Uit.'l în dli iiiiii i bin -,ota i î ib...iiiit Ne :Io-' h iî iîî' i i i. i lr laon ait i t Iii lui Iîî i iatt ;. . , i lii"' îa t. I i i .i t , its oii'rili ta d1r..... C o al ki i-.il. t>.aI 'I l- ' ati i I lt1i I t tt. Ca i if'.l I..tt i ltind taîti iîîu'îi l:,hl'S iii (iiih itifib 1liiiii ilS' r îîîh uîf i t i O ~ ~ . 'l". lu.îtf. A fitflii itt tiui fi>f 'A .'tiîlu atniti i it iti ii ai iifi'fi' - àcn fli ;;titu l a i'. Iii b' odyu fi a'. ~ ~ ll i ît,'uu'.ii. it , ui i intii C h"u'i ' ". fr'tii nî. o iiitg u i ,i. iIt, cIt e ,,y , te se.-ii rt iii i , if1 il-I .;Iiiig iii'i iîîI it' ia '. it u'iua. l,'ît t a îci,,I i or fun t .,, uto I ilig litt, at Ii ' . fu] 1...t >ii'iuiith, i i f Lo," r t'Ml-ti&ii t' ii'ii f 'lit> ihiat o ff-It i puse r t '. i'nail tu renfil ti i nilt . vi, I iufiir m ' a cr A t.t n tcauii),-hut ,tii.' I tur t t '1'tie fee rgapi uIlaf îîe iia igîi oil i- iiii,al i.co.i h Ju t.-i>' loisul î tutre. t i'etta!lLy frttro! ste lhe a,it fi-N iiIcittn , e I utM aiitnd1a , xCar tt , ti Le tirae a ietimfla titn. hutbe 1uutt,l,. rh'rI î ut It'lt ul oti u utu'îcrr tt'j uc i'rýi v tt nanie. u tîe ixiiit A aua i iuottutliii'cure ut Le tnt' ît'l ta'. iîte otan.p 4,tLntladyt.' iofya.forîoe,s hmItd (uetu uittv v brAuii hlegud'ili l I.,ltg.'ii t>a «V- i.erli.t lislo îl ltàngr recti h KlIT MILES AND )EA *EEF COURT MEMBERS FIND CHIEF AN ERROR. Dentaire thet He Shoulf HmysNade Prompt Report-No Ctatemcals U.d ta Preserva Most '. lk&uCeuMgAiari Wron&tjq I'uXIng Untrlel 11qtLqpa Tht long'mlrawn'oat toquirheu 0f the mli' ItarY court appohuteiltotuinvestisats the charges mde hy (jeuMiles ln regard tu the Wee appiied lthe army during the *îrwlh pahu areai tau eud and the bntg~ are been m uboakted to the Pesi- unatneaa t iali athons 4t the dine that the comlainte rea'heI binm. Lt declarei that tite refrtgerator mcm e as ot cluem- ical>' treited aid huAtlit that the canoed bref wsemagootd. (jeu, Egan l.a everely score! for boy hng such immense quantities ot an untheul ration The packerm are es- *nersted it belug slhosen that they fur- lasit lithe &âme gond» that they put en the generai market. The court recom- mands that no turther action Le taken la thae matît-r, while it tigges that beertal persona have plaredti temsolyts hiable [o promeution. The report la loug andIL i revî-ews [he conditions uîider sehi,'h tLe armai, lperai- e,!, but At linda no excuse for the charges of Gjeu, Mîtes. Brlefly etated, the- report Dot ouly glods that jeu. bMiles made tala. atiegations @gainât the War Departmeut and the- puckers, Lut that Le turnished no eridence to shose that Le Lad an>'cusae for helieviug lthai tht-se ailegatuons wee truc, Th- court finads that there wsem oct-rwt etînog îetmooy tu th- taet tbat the retrlgerted 4 e was nt rhemlcmiiy treatei. but sas lureft'rable in ever>' ses> tu the tre'th or kîlîcti n (Cuba aud Porto ieni; thmat thit berfwtt utitat t ttrlous caîlame ut ainesa; that îLecrmîtned rosat bt-t' oaslot forulthe ti ad,'c tht' preteute ot an ez',ertmet' nd fti fant t was ntfber pui, front whtc-b thm'ntrimtent Ladl been talien for bref extree t, in satittet that cannetroatlbu-t s.ot inioeti forashieW iratitou, ae>that tLe comimeaary testerai Uaptdnltti " a tSlusnai rtrot ,for which tht-ce'la mu pstiietam" ln miaking sucb am gae purahtucu ut tia.ration, lu aunxrîna the rjfu'stiumu propoundeit bu> the' lmut ,tu tithbu- î'utrt au to îLe chatrsiler of tt le rst:iuuu, antim o iasutre tttonsilhi, tlue rittuantren uoi' luy -u, MuIiles o a cu ffoornuhi,~ta wi c' imit,, and ten iEalut fuir pur. hiutig 7,).t(Itn poutudu ut cnaoîdî,'u ua*t ,'ef, etiuida'nuog the- use that Lad been mail,'ortuf uth l regular uriy. irrrdiug Engiu. fli court hila ogrimtit fur any imutatitutt ut au>'(he îuluruaîîugîmotive litanfthe t-aruett d.'ime f0t rac lirethe liet jmi tuait for tht' t ruîupa. T'l'iecourt oa a it- able l u it sau>'wortiy motve forMie' iaitakie mu ntakitua sut b tiegatitous or atu> Pieu"e for hbtis iit n..tiuufitg st ut.tuf.tfli Preuideot tir Si'rrtnry tut Iluir, ut b.' h. lieved is a liafuooa ore Ira,. Throughîuîitit iff> prînfat îupages flic Ireporl t ft'una errl -ot. inori t fh, nia,,- manding gctirn. luuininthita .lii uit nc at th. he.aut ,ti fu,'aruue, i lii, inuih tt Pxcuar. botre faise teafitiiitue Y agiaiiial fle (li 'îîî i n uta uu." tulitif-1 fth'e in r. Th.- ',uî ut t Lnagra ,,itiitt',uutmîu ta o if-al u luiujl suuug> t'i cre la,' tue'iP,.»ou. A a Thumarcit. "Il Lha'u'-utht-lopuuliti ti'u.turtt'o! Ille liwia'r* v, ilflue ttî t, 'unin e tuf t t tl 'it îuiîun.. ii' a l eIfaitumi ut luita. ailîgtî- ltt ilt ir i ..the prittl, hui i..' ie uî u btiglaî.uula fu iline,' s'tit lo.muuîtunl Or1i t irlu ttthb'fe f i atlui' t h'ut flccia u..-t " liaicturuu'- îiftut li infor t-aI% uritfî.'- .niî" aiill lu'-hiiNt aubulerre! If focb urt o u'î'hcdiogs la'.tînt taken,"1 RUSH INIO UTE RESEAVATION. Ouueng Doms Nul I-fesases ir Lar-ge irlere wtt conLidierable elacilenent at Durango, Coto., urne îLe oliening o! the I'le retcrcatiou tu si'ltlers, bot th- rush tuftu tht- (M <>acret sont la seî'u e>'seee Ibrown uupn dîd nuit eqai theC <'erukee stacîtdintathe mad cuiitu tt'ure talita'- bit nitrs. if a-as fiiht tfli a ari>' 3,UJt a'utut otnaki' lthe race, lbut man>' ocre tisaipiuuittî'd it Ihi@iaappetrutor !the landt. Tht- atari oas mate prompîl>'nttcourt. anti "seal butudre,l penipte aho ddîunt Luthier ouiflicei[and cft, otalu matie a ruv u'cfcrte hé, Ijettuatîuîou. On> 120 liîeur ait ithe' tttid ofu.. No traihle aias repurîcît. Ail rnglît miuen.' niceat farf- iog in tLeircttionatifrImt' te tiinu. sud ail fîucenuu.în Ilceeoainau ontunnfusuîut treanîuof homn elekurs tîtard the point o bere fbe roue rîîntue Thi'e tKagxtut l'rtugal isa îînîa f ua Sutralihturýrinitfîu'a t eirlia lier cira a guifr ai, Miii. Stir uî ay. ('tut Frui luuuo ln lheb.'huaa't tuaitiliaut %v i l-t. KCinug (iar uto iiu'hu'îi~a i tabitl lite unauur,'ui Ile-.' a71)>i'trs tuttI En 'cu'aiuhu'ah(Casîuimr-Perier otflFrance s suaid ho be elittfiliPt:ltiiuga trip to Iit ,.Ugitr>. Kiliniîg tuu aprutuliieti t y thlie'pohlh- cauuatins r ueeie mgan niriiîîg eigiîîeeu Coutat Gi-rge Atîîuun>i. tarmer Iuaden ofth Lelluungia Cuia-ra ai cbias 1)as- cd hi i uo.etl h bitibl. [hetur Adumirai Scey %%!I oltaiccxn Itum Admnirali liumm-l ato îueu'i(ieut of thle naval ncuiinug biord u aI ll'ainguun, Qîtîue In mngliumi ftit tuai>alucpals (Gt-r matut hittly, sud genlîoi>',mtsaîtn - guac Na lient h'. tuteis lm'mnsit rti.ts. Laudy eri.uttntre ha13t'e f tLe greaîest wotnen Lantera. Shi- a. tîuit nî r bus- baud shmintg lig goutte oin ttitu Bt-haut, Storer. tht- tua' Miniater te Spiimh a Harvatrd anut, a are tLe am. bossacnnu to Grest Britaiti cutidiRasis. Sunutur Qua>' ita amaster mof Fr'nch tt- ecatummî, aimdt Suds Lia.s-buttr tt'igbî lu rt-ai. lug V'ictour IAlittinia cuka un the original. Suuci' Sm'utur Altiaott Lecrsîtîa wdnncnr otertilfîc-n years sgt Lia ailtet utathen Lau been tht- manager of is boutuehuit, Senutor Itoar ha .lulu'd li tie up bis Euirtpeutittritp sud upetituthIe summnouernb ltutrury oorl ni it Worceste-r.luMa.. (jin. 1,hct'Icr hon recer,'i>- Ladlsttas clttt butîhous haro bîttoîustlt u re îLoit frout fias niforujduriog tLe itar o! the ra-belion, thepceteuttttine LaudisutfLIdiana Las Lsdt une ut thhLi aliosao! Lis houa. et Delhi fitt-it oitL glansafront tht-Maria Teresa. AnitreseCarntgît- vasrecenti>' cebu sehatvas the bt-st vs>' for a ho>' te -g« alone lauthe. sorld,"' Hi replled: -t'D".- mine te do no." "'1 mli N ýf 1 'la v