CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 19 May 1899, p. 5

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I Always keep a feh clJ ean stock of-umo ______ MEATS ______ Groceries -Çanned -Goods Flour -Bread -Confections and Tobaccos oeeWE Libertyville SELRIG1TOOO - - - Ilinois. --23--lBICYC LES '99 Afàx Bicycles'sold ely, -here for - - Crescent Bicycles, '99 mo Crescent Tandems, '97 mi O"DIER Mow ; CMLY A LIMI TEC Featherstone Bicycles for ALSO DEALER WATCIIES, CLOCKS, JEV BFsi [OWipplD BICIC[[ R[PIR ' Bargains in Ladies' Gold Filled Six Size Watches. 0. E. 9. Organilzed. Wednesday ulgistin Manonie Hall PIK DUP H REAND THERE * ait(Irder tif Eastë'rtiStar wax rgaulzeld. 4 ICKED ERE T . 22o>4> 1. laggard. Pas& >Grando Patron,2 4Local items of 1Interest to Libertyvi 1le Reade rs. Mrs. Saraih It Ilsggaril, t.rari d ec- tîrer aud kirs.blute L. Chester, >Gransd S'ertary m re prt.Aciit anîd arn>î,ted lus p)erfci't>ig tihe organuzat>oJ4, wil>le C. M. & ST. P LOCAL TIME TABLE. tweity-tlre 5ember f W>3 VnIkegaî4 1 Ciapter exeu>1silled thse wsrk. Tc CHICAGO..........................lIi ieb»f>lowlug î,ilcerm %vert- >isîrneu: hu-1s....... . .il '... . . J,ý. ,s7 Mr.. 1ls.ra Dliî>ol. ,W. Il., &r. W. M. wali. - Lil8 57 .011.4>..... 2.. 4.. . . . ..... 1217 .5144 Wnr,,utl,I... . ...4........ Ii. . . ...2. .. IA. M.;. Mrm. Carrne lisîdi>, esy. Mrns îï424dost5.4 7 ,1 4 . ..7.:15 a 4 Msy Wrigistl 1 reas ; Niri. Flora X-»edL'I à> 7.1 1717,744 . 21 5Il 4ý 5 50 4à 24'4.5. àl3' f, Mary Siierma, Shsrs.riIl 457 > 5444 144242 44 2 '4 > 441 45 4 2244>2044,7 A.(4>5.. Mrx. NeiI>e iîartiett, ( I451> Edg'54r4it . 46" 7 M 24445 44 , 4 1441042 744 942 .125590 S>îîth dais Mi . Lîis. Wrîgict F.,'3t >4542 . 7US 7 41 .2....... 1.224 " 24 lit7 4>l.44436 5 5l"I'1, 4j2>, naf.r. 4 24 5122>252 15 .4757 4. S 4C 4 I b 6 "2 l1tth.Mrs. boîra ITaylor, Esthser, i..> i'>~sL4~74>47355>04324,341111 '4 4.1 54,441>5 U54445 >5 12>2 Aiîgiista Lov,.ii, Martini; Mrs. FROM C H'GO..............................j>> Mciregoîr, k.i.21ta. Mr. Jeunette >2 85 .. 72>4 .52 5>4 55 2 4 Rss>tbl, war4ir. IlesitIs the 8 16 il Ut 4â7 3. 4 6>52 6 13 1 S ni.07 1] o fice F,> îîer c re ais » lfo u r s>îerm, I F44 114~4 .7 5.4 I15 l.07 ilF45 io' . Id5410. (17 2,o6 33 5546. 214 S6 el 5>4à.1 , 4 >45>4U4W 4.2 14 1 25442 4> ,45 2 ..2 10'lu 52 . liera byoreMsbi'e~>,dnu ........ 44> 1,4 2. 56 4. 4 6. 17> o I 7l'311 .... 12 e irs> ary BI>wâ, M is elS»> ,can(k. i.44F45t ta42il23 412 45 rsud Mr. R. W. Bulkley. Nu 14>51>e lias l4n 1 , pi't. .A 6.45 ....4..... .. un yet bseti leid>d >1,44> 11for the l.I>4~F91...................>.A O53.7.. 5,4440..... ...... Vl545414,441,541 . . 2 ;Ater coisp>vt»>g thse -w,k' in S4od10M 5 42,r S.l . iatid ail repaired tu th5 'l4» I Hall1141, 5 04 >->2 >12545.24 4>55train544lil»'M,, LIS, >sII , 5il 5Mt 24 12. 2.5 4.4212,4 4>45 ladîDiso>3!Lakeside Cel244tery Asscîa. 54.. 22 44 114>2544424t>.,», wù>î 'sere b.ll>>g a soilCSihiere. Village OffIcers, Pe.MI.51î4 5.Il A -,,5 L S. t1-os., . .14F'. WFo.s. 5 . .Thiàcg>. E. L. Is3.0 (SF............ ..... W.C. so>nb-r5 M24h4............... M.1F.i14.4 Mrm (irvill ia >ven 2 > F4155r1144>t1» i, W. J. Fî>i5er >5 >IpF2VI2g >21 rchidelce tîytise >addition of a >4pul.5. 15 î"SF52 -P44ly (l4t at remao>14.le where for $28.0 l "'1' , ,!Ch321 - $2 5.00 'iv J.>. ",f S4ilr aud lsnsiy SUU- dels - 35.00 day. 1 Ia4 242g>aI >4>SVS sodel - 35.00 %YJ> rý :0 8UPPI.Y LEFT eperlc ffl uu'Yacu N - $20.00 )id j:ale2t 1" in a l 944» »5 ileu 1 j ,5t.m fi, sel IlDig le2e.4.4 fi ,,i>1 ,touF W'eELRY, ETC., Iatst trIi.y. hAn flIIIIT Mîsbia (lars rfi2ugcF >lm2g>41>4 444>1 Bargains in 5Spraa e srcet. ii1451F41 <.1o5.14I 'l lic leutit . ",Ck 4444as F.t134 1>42 I....adîes I4F4se-d t152>44 'Y411k f5ile > 5llatiuIl il, fipli>ut. il loos40528 r (bld Filled lisFsba l Femlmau han>4244 0528i4ed gFad»4g FaiF treet and 5ail >in42>5 ready fir file gravel -ts»2112g S ize W1àASN,1 (,TOo 'li u)-,A go>îd 12, a) 1lb. Watches. C. R. SiIER Libertyville- - HIats_ _ We have a new and complete Derby and Fedora Hats which selling at right prices. line of we are Shoes-.ý The shoes we carry are made of the best of material. We have them in Childs' Misses, Ladies' and Gents'. latest styles. Investigate. Carpets.* Just received a new line of samples. Corne in and get prices before buying. F. C. SMITH &SON9 Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. Lawns, Prints Percales, Dimities. r :0 4 * ' M* *e GTO LOVELL'S DRUG STORE FOR SDrugs, Medicines, Chemicals,, , 'J> ERFUM ENV. SOAPS. CON BS0 1 SBrushes, Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brucoe, Fancy sud > Toilet Aricles, B3ooks and Stationery, Dys Stuffs, Glas., Puty, q PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH ES. PATENTMEDICINES. -Family Medicines and Physicians' Prescription@ car"fly u4121 t iîelsîlt, .>5,J 42>2» 55i'rof. 8t(x)l>4>iabuded bîs FcolgI3atiO> J.lig AdaGellnge al I 110ItIO1 am tise mscboul trumlees las! I tîesîisy. as in the0>OF 14Lbakc ,.,remteF ,t,ie princip>al (If Our schIs,i at ak FretMid. Stoops ba&s 4c524111014theise p14>>01 of prin4cipa4l o 01 eE1î»bîtrst selols ut Weduesudays sisswlp,44îF gave ans Eltiubrt, Ili., wbere fie wsi receive a 1>42l4>tl>44 1 gartiel> tFulk tfiat 5lessed csnssderably larger salary, ansi a tbe 1.11214>21mi021. proruise of! un iikcFeaaSe athIe eod >of ,I(s>s4îîset >in tish >lFe wi'ssIw s" bisyear 1fur tFOII yeurs i1>4eveut lie the R1ev .IsihnsLee@ sul'Ject On 1SuIi4lsy givu saitîsfact>0h.14. e Elnsiitrt veus>1g. i,§> oiu41g mObject ikl- 44,b105 as pu>2d as bigisas $15oo1>per belîe cthi 81>e.yesx. 3 bere 'sîll b>.six teacisers nuer lnlerh44Fbtiupervis>s114. A tWo year Servicen at l'resjl4yteFiul4 cissîrcis isgis sciool courbe 55 144>git, and &aIini siuîîî>y ut >îS)el bus>r, Mýri14g -ulithe l»siti»>flit une48'If1greater siject, -heLs bws >21 24>2540va tise pruliise tisa» tise tIA>rtyvilIl» prisse>. Lawn of>N! Mseki." littise cocr>hg, îsalmIIIP - 1lise Saonan4sd Socety, Attention: tý iiseSL bF bent e ItiIîs ofl» au. iue, t44yilîgisI 11iv 22, a tise lcture ia»44et. Ai r 41Fhuigis sare îîrgcd rsolu u> this M. E. erc tu10Malte tu bce lremeli1t st theIse >44t egîllar >2>eeBary 5TF4415g41eet4 fur Deesuratiol1 m4eetin3g >of >th , GarF>so,>3Ma2 24LIs ly exerc>ate,apjssintcomnllteem, etc. I li goialgivn b lalie ofLak- beltnitere b. a goud turu out. s41,te leme2tery Amoci.>ti4,ii t tist An Epldemic of Wflooinsfl Couah. Tsow14 14451i 14554144ly 142>4521 w140 'elS Laht wSuiter durîolg au epideisiof> atteu,îei. Abou»t l14 I) aFt>uok (of wlisoping cougis >y chiîdre>s it11Yict. re1fes>O5c>4î44 4>14in the tisevi4gisi1-rhoi3ld tise disease, liav>o>g evere coughl- of ý6 wui iete'l 'y iltlluivmng spelim. We biait used Cliamberla>us' s,! 5111 'sO îjett01 i>y 1140 524,14>4 44Se.44i 44.. ,c44iasfullv for ti. i1tFFC4t5 5,1 LISîi»> s,!tiseMaccabees srde, ud isîpes 1>4orgalize a bive (if tbt i rdetr iere. 'isiis 1 1i>rlsii lie dosîe ins a week or t'Ai,, a» sUe 1N Metin 44444424 l &g><d oIcce,m> 1>14>, and fond it relieved tise cougis and effeeted a es>mplete cure.-.J0447 , c LI FvoNi,, l'rsprietor No.rwood House, Nurw ""id, N . 'TiI reruedy 18 fur male 14v F. >. L'.sL iberty- Ville, J. K. BIîsî 1F. i.i>1F1550, (Sihs- 1.420El'HAltbi%(1, (i. L. WrsMTosSIAN, IS>ckefeler, JOHN IMEs oio»I, vaii>4b41» a.,5 oi425ut >t1h15 ,office. p21r. WeLesk iin4 îeu ult w,rk slggi>îg Excoursion 5,0 Chicauo. 5,4141214S512Mcsgi .rîe ,I 454liU iF5M4> lU 3im l2oety on>4S.siiday Nmay 2ist theise,4C(ent. land Weill, 24t5»>4 1. oniîî.Iileîîte.Iy "ami otow 4,04iismA set 01241 reportss a bines wîll run a4ipulîlulait excrstion15 1>2 tise ir bad2ler faot<ry. fille.>flow14os,> ater. In> tact >lie,>ceed 014>Stevenîs Poîintta)44Chit4>g5', train ~4itisisa tis cd114S,544>412gt'AIg. (45 5551>4444~ la Roclukefeller 6,53 a. m. rettriiling C. Il. miillata IC2»jatio e i o5gIf>gI>.Kodspilgs eSeS < CicaF2go> Ii 154p. mi. AliIdsy f,,r tisheio bLiglisICom14pany 4a Id ilILmlaierai tise 1455,44F 5 ulpisr, und lm ~aloi even5itg in Cicazo anal a rare lu5 se5512g tlissiFgalioinI5e îî' is>s»iîg igly tSItU-li 445r telis> u1C4eSry. oppsrt>Iity to 81511 tise u4>uerou. >400, ressrts 55>5>places of! iîterest and see a4 voUp4 "1 f 5 41 54114 4> S(,Il 111>U1i,11 tais î,elmviosr M il5r >> chlres file, tise Nation>al beags> s 24e Bli>gaie. stsF>. 743>4*j4taIt»,> 5f iSiirve1II5ors Lieefor CisIcago 9 V., Ba5t11>4îîF01 140144>trip> hois i 5440 1»l12i44 >4y >42444>4454and are fFî,41 i rabi> a 412F514Z t44everywhis»e. jAucto bales. better tisau vssci îre>,ared ta, take curFe >44d jeers utth leus,! tiseir being 'l'lie underslguLed isavi»ig ,ecicie>l lu of tb>iF gF4440»g business. 5,ct 54414e F w3>etiS 145t4he2 elevtrie rouail quit>1bu.1i0154 44ut11>41!Day wi1seil i plan4ter.4 fr..,>41thi>lo444144454514, und o447 4I242>se 854îrtvYEs îpubic aucstiu14, Sati5>d.a3, Muy25, 1 bat balstnd ni iiiim l li >141tiy s4lP>4 t.c i l 552>14 7o114e14c11 iu u ociuet p. Siaîl mothefoise1415"1g iSF4opety I bbss.t issrne, 4.isel atFsciî4I ats4,î t'A>4 i>t5.~l 1 oisl ieateris, 4 bed>stea4l4-, 4 ittre8mem, chelaitrieio bot om. lttefî,>s14>Stion î 1121254stands 4on4 >210 5x14F>4eF4 s8rîgs, >moine 4,arpenterto1i 1, à3> lasin >olid 24t>F>44I S55is l, > 4 îroplertv ut M ima>kee Ave d udt grain bugs. 2 pair i(ce longs, I bair 2412 aaiiu 4424,. n1S44e s---t-b lie >xpectm ta,> ,et Iaak ba, iF. 421r, .css,,er, i tables~, 44ati Sr LaF42tlr 114,f0t. 2 dîzel> chairs, -,Il ietsgtbimsto44e pipel biikc>iîe cî>netery lsreeiving ils l 1,t agc4ti-ue2oiofe 54F1 >2>4 'iiiig ni)'AIbarrel Ciller vi4145ga5F.slit gu, >ng îsd gret'y ts Iat l Just 1>h>>i lie > w gi lîu54F gal, 1un fr, ilcieF Inpoe l4~FVS4 u ul4l3e24F45>42e t15sF 34 ie 22builde14, iseb n>424g 15ihto llît 444,44. i>aiFe>s, 2 dozeu-il itoeUsi, >41421>422442 CeiuteFty A-oviai4t>225 are verti1iy (,filer larticle, 14444 152>llscFl. 14 tu4 4e94r44552g fle> 2îSle5gratitudeifor r 1. %Iiob11rai11(ie!>i2bis> FS>4222ks >12>4>4114>. fi-rg- ok. aI thes Mttitls5,>42>1ast 544414>5>4 4 Jgul>.F tcr nos ý,S'ýS r A ue i.4 nit Mnuent4a 14vt4Ilok >I42sv,,îta- r> ti,1 201154 location412 %Y. H. AI 21 .ASîit, SIee22, r . Il'y Of15 UI 2.,4 al2kegai12 ou>N%'. E. sfti>J*4.i 442> tu the1 41 Chur3>4tci Da% i444 lut in bakehide cemetsry Sa.tu ' 1- 5445, Il,îxilIIty ttis sui, îls5 isa4 st,>01 21gF2>ite »î 541r a5544r t1>g t 'Aîîld îîrs,9>a gF»utau->> 444 il y. A h'44 44l >UOf 5414 WCFc »o une yance if tise Ibandi,> s>is, lapiy o1> ýl247si ' îti >455441t at>1 e>4t 241,5 >4igisîs wise n msS î>4î4444'. rvile» 'Al, plaeea sîù a]g. c ha I ýâ i eug bs54i. Mrsi. l1réàkell»5, 'Aidlsîw of tise ale r. tisaK. 1'att,,i, 441 liarr>igti>, 4054 1evireak'seli 'Aisoma, sidot uud la tlhe mole» >w>45F sît1the Liberty- k>5ie ut41Fort Shseridan moine 1f0114 ville creanicry 14a4 seFe Wedssesday ,noutiss 0,g2 54240rerîted tourné 14endeav»r114g 1>.>cOutruct 'sîtis arruorà Mrs. E C. Pelits>54îî bouse 21 rcisrd for mllik, witbl a vîew tu' slsrting Up tise sètreet, Udiwii sîsake b>ibertyv9l ie54r lactsry. Sullicieut tallkit hasbeen hisîe ideliitely eugaged te3 warrant fhlin1in tartiog 1the 'l5le badieli Aid Ofthtie M. E. cbîîIrcb lactury Juise 'mi. H 41 epes wilSi hâve a diuie éocIal in tise parlora i te bandie ail mîîk brosîglit tuesie Of tise cisîrcis o>n Friday eve>4>14g, Masy cFeawe25y. A eo.444iet2ut Mu w'sII 5e 24.154 lec creaim and cake wilI 5e es>ig.ged t>.> srle th»lie plan1t. Mr. slervcd. Everyonis >c,,rdit>l34 iuvted Jlieu sslicts tbe patrouage o> 10 csrue. 12'2 frruers 1in1541i ocality. Mr. and Mrs. ttadziusskl, of ('bbcagO 5>4d tlsd chliiF444 ere lure lu lieud Ouens Again. SalurdsY an.> 19uuday 'îith tiseir A private car 144425pulled mb 1>34014 parentsl Mr. ald Mrss. Morril oseiltlal. Muuday nosln by K>glys train, in Miss EvUs Iadzîtiiki, so!Chicago b as ,wihcb ere seversîl ufllclals O!fIlie bseieu euoying tise iiolitb of May 'silisOt. P'aul road, ansdOunr people lui-, Thle Lake CoîuitY Vair A>ssOCiatloo offer a stake race for îhree-yeur-old or 23122er t'> 1), trottes> '1>srsduY SePt. tisey were ibore 10 lu»k over tishe r- rltu.ry prepar>4t>ry 10 >3t451d11g tiseir IUe 10lise lake regisSi, and 51iselce tise compouioed At 9&11 bourg. 141»à. Eitrie8s 154clse Witl $3.>!» a»ny wîld ruors tt tisIelleet ab>out, sf4 ~elsîraislce m»2ss>i»34 Jî14 st, 1'AItls acco.-lo 100>4tise lirst o! the e 04. Su realiîy oode Carefully Selected. OnIy the et p lgcltioriFo ninom-tecaeoLbryvl ongtae ~J ~ifO14 14 If>j~4~ JB*S1~ ~4 I~OOîf<t>sn aud entry Islaîîk. sli5 I. for a portion of tish .raeelI'a Cis 4 >1.,Sec2y_.1 I îiey realize tise superlor mntoifl s In4 comnlsentinlg o» tise change 01 Lîbertyvilie grave> for lS>ruses o> NeNV Stock ssss>ershisp o! Ibi.s Iaper >ssr 5t123eroum b allatîug ansi roud-bed 5nue. Lisey New Store, New Sto k, cieialigu5m give vent tîs sîa>sy conSlill ere very favssrab>ly Iipremesswitil tioiotary 41,eOslsrelative tsI lie our village, ils »stîîm>isbeiuties, ~ ~ ~ l'.i3EO l t and'.F. 1 of 4!cousIrse 'sos are advaitsges. etc. sîsl afler s lurupt»ous I ~~i¶.I.IIIL E lJ'. gt f 1 s>45jSc1>îiI 14. 52»s >u444Fdinuer served in thieincar îettrised tl) .1eFI5 t>>iprues>utesi iy the Chicago. 5%4V4leslterrssgited ai 10 tise -!F>4lCFiiit34.">sitisnticity of r L(riqîsis oss ut lise lise triit.kaIt ii> faim groî>nd>sis3i effect tisey 'sere gsing 1u exbnd tiseir ,SI-'A O (jo14>4iw4lloves( l sili.ed 111), lusterhUe fr11144 Lbertyvîlle risrtb 10 tise G ROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, Cs.EJIE1% . sapervisionu o! F. D»enberry. A laktes, lhey irofemsed eltîre ignorance A N DTOBA CO. iteis juat insîde tlie rail oun norti o! tise matter. Tisey abc, cîaimed lu AND OBA CO.course o! track bas >0e»u dug tO carry know puslliveiy usthlng o! tise pro. off water more readIly sud esilis takten posed electrlc road-ln laet their from Ibisditli la beîng Plaed on the ignorUuSe waa deploraisle, aud Itilaa ~ ~ OUT o, IS RTYVLLEnorth-weat tun where lie track ls a wooder tbey vere aware sncb a place .C . flcQ!r*fty gC os ME. Uîtle 1gw. @4 Lîbertyville wui on the map. PEOPLES' COLUMN. For Sale. My 1 y osf»2118 iavres 5la seeti4lUs 9, i10 and 11,1 4.wiimbip 34:, ranîge Il. lucIiîre of MUS'. Irits s'.4 sST .cLipi, Hait Day, Ili 31>>ti.iîd 1 ru Seed Corn For Sale. mae 521» 1os. 110>2521,., I SîS, ilwirtyv Hous and Lot for Sale. A gî>od seveo rF45412nibouse, onie hal acre of landsi. 53241» 414fruit trees. Wli Bell ut aO svrifilîe am 4450 >141> ,-baulge cliu4ate. 11452150 45 of radi2rcsI J A (442, L .î(etyvîie. .15.1> Vou Need a Wlndm>ill. Ilis act every farmoer neede one. W% isy ust boy aus Aermool41and blave ,)nle tisat wilI run wlleu othersi are standiug tili. N'on>eau learu parti- eslars of E. H. BRsOWN, Li.ertyviie, Il. 23tf ' l'le u>derislg>ed lian second l>and bieycîesafui sale at $18160 and ise1ow Cusse lis V. Sauer &1 Bros'. store and inspeet and [le eouvînced tisaI Itl; ina bisrgain. 1B. iL. Guss, 2.Long (love. 28 ti Cows for Saie. New Mitkers îand Spriisgers >always 04 bsand. EUNrE8T b. D.ovis t! millions Gîven Away. it in certa>niy gralîfyissg 10 tise public tu kuow sof on» coc.rin Ith1>e land 41Who are >2sS1aflid Ils 54<getlerOuh tu lthe needy audîsi î>fering. I 53e proprietors of D r. 5>11>45 New Dis- covery for consomrption, cs>igilssuads eoilds. have givels ay >Sver tell mlillionItrial iotles of 1hi5 great medicine; aud have lise Na4act4>io! o kuowing it han abissolusl e ured lboîî sande oftisopeen cases. Asthsa, bronchîlla, hoaraeness and ail disesse, o! lthe Ibroal, client and iu>ige are aurely oured isy >.it.egular sire 50e and $1. Every hotie guaranteed or prtoerefnded. F. B. Lov«ELLiberly- ville, O. B. TRoss'aON, GrasY@Iae. 1 -,TV 1The Trinity of Req ulsits 1In a Good Stock. We put quality first because it is the first consideration of the wise buyer. +4 Price is an essential also, and while variety is flot absolutely necessary it is desirable. W ith ou r newly, addced sp;açe, .-a superiôr facilities for handling and displaying goods we confi- dentially dlaim that "the trinity" wilI always be found at M. B. COLBY & Co, Li berty v i le, Illinois. Ladies' and Children 's 1j Il » Hats Hi ve 3445>1 eesi osr "short back' Saiors fil blacsuitnwhite, they tiîuall; sel1 lor 355 lu 40c; ouF prîce in ouiy.... . ........ Misses ansd Childreli's extra 1flue Straw, Istost spriug elkapes% and 2 olurss, 50c val ue4 go at... . ... ...... ..... Misses flue LeghsornFiraIstis te $1.00 grade aI ......... WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF 19c. 'c. Mat Trimmings, Plain and Fancy Ribbons, Silks, Chiffons, Mousselines de Soie, Brussel Nets, Flowers and Wreaths. N. B: Just purchased ten boxes extra fine French Flowers.-sample boxes-entirely new effects, which wiIl be sold at a mer. fraction of their actual value. We expect to have them in stock by May l9th or 2Oth. A fulliline of Boys' and Girls' Bicycle Caps, Brbies' Silk and Lace Caps and Babies' Cashmere Cloaks at "Fair" prices. The Pair, English.Shi re Stallion For Season of '99. THE ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION TIP TOPM- Imported and regis- tered. Weight, 1800. Color, Mahogany Bay, N .o White..:ý WILL MAKE THE SEASON 0F '99 Thursdays Saturdays AtHome., $12 to insure. TERMS:2for two. H, J. CATF3Rg Libertyvj ille 'l 1 May 341th hum tlëelà ulxýu .(à ý DEALERS IN EVERYTHING Illinois. 1 ibertyville,

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