CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 May 1899, p. 2

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.,dL&M J)N OILB ARBON AT A COLLEGE. la u tew as ceuxteal gh bctOUTheE WH CH AIDMIRAL È EY W ILL 1CUBANS ý p ,. Ta-aatoter Uiversity, Lincoln, according tothe F4ttsborg record, andhbso TAKE ON HIS RETURN TRIP PROM MANILA. 1 MANK . JUT, EdW. I Net,, @aveaslthstruetur. isnebeen largely ineressd by the addi- ý1 PRNÀ.JST dtr plot to burni Corner Uiaversity build- tion of many furnaces, will continue to - DON'T WANT TO SURRIENDER1 _ _ -ing, the denomrinfational collegre or the full elowu the demand. For the require- THE-RARMS LIBERTYVILLE, • - IttIMOIS. Christian Chareh of Nebraska, six miles ment in varioues departmrents for mamu. 11IéOp 3N IRS - - -- --- --- __ - northeast of Lincoln, wsentoverheard and factured product, it must le recoagnizAed,9 - --- frustrated by isse Lethe Watson, teach- lascsarcely meaurable, and doeps not sceemlToubl OvelTher Diarmig. R er of eloenution in thé university. The plot- as mach diminished as might bie expected C Caublse omeiriety n ar Depart- WILL RUN BY JULY 4 ters boun and g.ged Mise Wat.on, and by higher prices and long delay in dehiv- le a A3. e-1-Cntt i-oFightuingAis tr uortke' locked hier in a room, thus escapin. Shte ery. The shipmients of- boots and shoes p11,mn-ihma uie Boe' waes discovered later by somne students, fromn the East have been, for two weeks 4Wle..,,_l"1 Troops Desenmd Not lamposmibel.. who were attending a prayer meeting and of May, 22- per cent barger than last year ,l s".".1.. ALSA ATAYALOST heard her gross. The story told by Mi1Ss and 50.9 per cent larger than tin 1892.0i Special dispatches from Washington ln-1 R EADY FOR TAN Watson litatlie was alone in a cla&»- Leather shows hesitation. Speculators dae ht hr'aedifrncsbewe - ~~romnuon the fourth floor when sellh eard are doing ta large businesslin woont, some O-A IR R/CA 1 :-1, te flebans and Am ferns a ntureso COMtwo men, strangers-planningttoFburnmtheforeign and somne Americaen. The orders e-.•.•itenue fthat only the greatest tact and abil- foapleio ofYoon nd hie Psebuilding. She stepped]finto a ballway, for woolen goodes are decidedly better. Cot- ltculdwihacmrmiigdeo Railway Witt tbbviate Much Peril whben they, realizang they hadt been laver- ton declined a sal fraction, owing to s ,ý1 Iti, o o bthsis wi ll be proaledtoso-ve sied Hard.hip-New Wall Collape heard, knocked her down, bounrd and gagi' freer port movement; but there was a re- .._ý.1,,ii- sthe ihoutaleries lts ofairae tn aurée. siInj re.ThreeLaborer.. ged hier and carried hier taoanother room, covery of al] the decline in middlimg up . é414 1I This seems to bie the opinion at the War g an-ae the door. of which closes with a sprIng lands and a net gain lin option prie".. Il-mv o 0cZAN Dprmnt lhuh dcas.euet Il ie wnrlock. She was unconscious when found Failuires for the week have been 14-6 in - discusstet aton ubloficly.eTrefus t< of )a ,ýl 1 iý, AI Iý , pp'in;.g in two hours later. -thre l'nlited States, aegainist 250 faut year, DMIRAL DEWEY sailed on his way toi the United States nt 4 o'clock Satulrday afternoon. Gen. Otis and Ad- less criticismn of Gen. Gomez than there 4 Il8 si lIn' Il l ha, jaIa returne BRINGS WORD OF ANDREE. and l7 in Canada, against 29 hast year." miral Dewey exchanged farewell cails during the orning. All of the warships ired on admniral*s salute and miiianned was, It is believed thaet the old general T t.i Vikng:-pote heabelin oea ofHE -..-SN Dx.the aides, the bande playing "Homte, Sweet Homte" and "Auld Lang Syne" fas the admiral's flagahip sailed away- in stl pro-American, bttateri the opposi-, i torrl 11e t l:ua b iif. wliIh lihe has si iigRpreteFnin fa MTE N O I. As Dewey comtes sailing home is voyage through the Indian ocean, Red sea and Mediterranean will offer to the powere tion of the other Cubant generals han dis- ,d pna r l a ý-1 iI i thAei lo'ndik'e. Letter in lIceland, ~ nopotnt ohoo h-mria alrwihnvlrview, parades and banqueta on shore. IHis routeftakes himn firet couraged bhime spent in b n overth,- new v The Norwegian ship Viking, which ar- Mystery in Burning of au Ohio Honte ofal opong Ktoon, whec h aiedatrdeoerayer g t sahshedn.Dwelwisrli te lmpafrm lngAnhugutecoreef[e. rok i cuntry Il. b ft éýIIa nciy 1in March rived at Leith, Scotlandl, fobods h hre oC el m.tcel Kong to Singapore. thence to Aden and Port Said, Alexandria, 'Malta, Algiers, Gibraltar into the Atlantic. Tbis 11 ena ntaprveen l isdealsb hssuP and i! r(iurir late h er i jrbogt eoto etrwitn Austin and her son William were reco - France, Italy and Great Britain to assemble fleet@tst ctas escorte or otherwise, pay tribute to the meirican aduir - %hie periors, there s no disposéition to criticise Il sidmhl "The Yuk-O.11N ad hlitel'-in n ! 1by vProf. Andree, which was found in mn eredfromt the rutins of their burnledhbomle It Ls not known omelially fthat the Olympia will put into any of the ports named, it is certain thlat Ifelhe dore the nations in im for demaindingfthat the Cubane gille waylu iowtýýil l l-.]from S ýkagur8 týtorttle early in April rnear ititotang, on the i ai o uî ,O io n leytnet power will see fthat the visits are memorable ones. France has already prepared to make a demornstration in Algiers- up their armis. This mieasure s approved et wa s o cmMe- 1 fnorteast ohaM sten, byha famer in ane utwnsbip,4 Ohi, sand hugest The admirât may cruisle up the western caot of Europe, as semi-offcial dispatches indicate thant the British wish himn asIaànecesusary one, and if all differences at e igl,-tI summ it of th 1,1a f- a i d a y nmdJhnM gusn h etrws sn ret gd2 rhsafIm N e.e t etovisit the Island k'ingdom. In came he decides to run upe to Portsmouth it Is probable a flelet Wlitllbe assemibled In the Med- Of opinion are to bc-traiceable to this order1 etabout tightete n m an.rt a adbed ad",lndressed to the Polar Expeditioanat hole in his breast. 'h a ilTfheleetraea ne om d ia hg nrnkt sot h mrca lghp ohrachrg. T e a efet ilas i sqie ieytatBokoilfess f abouti, te el feh o I etbrgan lorindrle e's o n stmpklone, afamrwa r.u e ysome- likely attend the Olympia a fewle, agues to spe on the homeward trip outl of Portsmouth. If the admirai Rsees fit tuo drop tained by the haime Governmnirt. Bte... is ready foir.itheribl . iIl - lin 1 f ,with the request ta i eplcd nt e r ile c i n ted foor.Mrl. Iile n- anchor intanyr of the porte named he will receive attentions tnot only from the naval bt the civil aned military authoritiep- the threat to disarmi the forme (uafi* king do n d Ihtup to i hm1fil n un l:ý ent nearesIt postoffIee. Magnusseu, it is said, s ee h aladfudEns utn The Governors of 'Malta and Gibraltar, while no specific instructions have been made public, wiIl certainly .exchnge offcial soldiers by force, il n.cessgary, is not aip Bxpentt fi, by' Il - e en ¡:v te-ete o mrhat wo ale ai et m abouit a ou or e i boit cails and also extend to Admiral Dewey and the oincers of his ship the freedomn of the port, w ith a state banuet. Similar .. - - -- P,,t., , - ,iiIr, it, and ,t is expected to arrive ai "outeieswll e xtnddHnetesrechpts heetosan roery e ad Skaguay ian-1 HInf-u,: a uge, twIa:ion in the course al a few days. At been called tothre door by a rohhier radt Admsiq ir ll D e e nd i n astelFrnhbres ext ehs tricproe r as m chetmasde fes il en1eay orepn can takie aaan gr t, ý \\lé nýl- lorse rn the sarne time thre Viking brotwht a letter shot im the chest. Austin continuae .in properl efr ed l ian s tions. rHe a ot undr ihurrpoders ahugh iehesihnét elay lihs r Ie r te h mport Ida, then 'e Iby il,- lronway ýar unlil, tel a proineunt lIeelander, now in London", broken sýentences to say thatll h the omlewas broeyd a fresnable maiestill,. He a n ei e his own j d eno ht i h ter. wT omeer is f t bure a omnavig ton .er ,I.,Iý, le.,l kýidla ,u-u n Ir .r 1advi:u-sin;him of the factsandmirequesiting ,i Lame and [hisimo)zther and b 1rorær -were bestimae tat nAdmeir e wey will reach New York abot July 30. They figured out thartithe Olymipia will take sevently other sle, whr,- he n takea bam itotelegraph to the King Of swveden no dot deuid. N\\ lith ih Ausin swoon- da stima king a t he voyia g e, nldn wnydy o ocig oln n te tp. hs r h usd iue direct i .t -ýIa . n n ih 1- onlue('- nd lto, the Polar Expedition at Goeteberg, ed away and was carræd itethe house, asi aigtevyg.icuigt et ly o ocic l ad ottrsos hs r ieotnefgrs tions are niale th, tr i frI m Seat1tle eu hieh wvias done. Mr. IIaines then wvent to fihe Austin baome- and it is possible that the admirai may reach New Y ork ai week enooner... Dason ,ai, b, wa 1, ila frm n î, o ýstead. about hlaamile édistan!, iand there_ - - - - -- - - ---- - - - - ,---r -¯ _____¯¯7¯ý - twelve days, I 11 bea wederlful trip." BIG LOSSES BY FIRE. fouind the buirninig timbers and dlebris pf STEAMER PARIS ON THE ROCKS. DEWEY IN THiE ORIENT. FIRE WIPES OUT DAWSON DETERMINE Te) DE TOC.1-TUER. -thece comifortable bhome. Thre néeigrh--- y ETEMIE O IETOETER hicago Property to the Amount Of berhood was aroused tand in thre ruinls American LineroUé;n the Manacele1 . 1-Aatnedr nIogoghrKlondike City twept hy Filames, ironubin i'Î*Iienéci.let he' 64M,000 la Destirolyed- wmere fouend the charred bodies ,of Mrs. off the Cornwall Coast AlrlIto pltgcrce d to Man i og r Camaus:g *.,000,000LoI... ýi 1 Tong Ma Kl i wefha te Fire large fumbler firms and woodwork- ,Rache, Austin and 1. lon William. heAmricn in seamrearsfor Aram-ona re wthetn fmos apialofth Gakdir n Loes Nr ve and , . at sr.-:d. ing establishLpen e in Chicago' were heav- merly the United States auxiliary cruiser eerx and di-de ,to atta,,k s"an i flet a t Wok e ,losboeenpratie aly oblte ratedliI.. Bkeinhe,r oge areily damaged bli re~w lIerarted in the DETERMIINI) TO END)HIS LIFE. Yale, whihf went a>hOire %while e1ot sisgate"a yfreta etoe h niebsns Miss Luu Ford 1 a 1,Ictl, ýjam i s "ash, door and blind factory of Jo4g A. - fromt Souitha i ton ifor New York, siraud- A e1elo r " it,1bs.hp -y h - sediou n a roi oéjIf the re-sidences %aloi ' Dad Cuny. sco ued ha l.fe - gg • on.The10fslio %i reach " .40 0. rsoa .a Man T ice HIl imseýlf in tedon Lowl pitNnidvhIaale rla-Wa m lynoile- l eur hatwi risdal nal futls hn wa aos womb r. %MRhi vi, s the rghtr ltde 'WIs mn%,Nnplyi Mi. Former Sweetheart's Home rocks, niealr- Sc'ne of the recent fatal 'ie MNM ori te.iusltis h m1 adath togethr. Wa ilhite was 1, yTeatold 150 men, are totally destroyed. The prin' Hlenry (Mristiansen twvice aittempted to wrecit O( the Atlantic transport tlin e frtét drlnlfori-ý >,.t , h t sriOus consideration invoe, fo, av and Muiss Ford a y!L-Ilaryoner. Th ou.tipallosrs is thant of S. T. Gunderson, saste. kil, himgrslfatthehomle of his swee>theart, steamer Mohegan. Alerte 24- arte-Îrt. railippIin.. ty ordc elte Amevrie:m Camping Comigny's .ý,.,r,. andýe bue habeenlu,,wee :,,,.artsfomid h oo' door and blind manufacturer, estimated Anna Smith, lt in maha. le hadl been The Paris left Southampton punctuatlly Of Navy 1DepIartmnent. "N rthb AmeiricanTrading andet Iranspor-1 bfut tei rrlanes c:sr ed them o t"Il at r$23.00. John A. Gauger & Snsengaged to the young woani, buit shtede 1tte iest o e siigSaudy Apu r1 rvd at litre lBay, (a C lmne t1 i C man'swaehues n sply yon om ry n aldo islotssin $3),000 and Louis Schneter's wood- eided not ft, marryhimi. lWhen iiChristian- and her voyage was harbor.b.ui le.ft tte , it , aod un rcthan Ford. In ordir that ithey might confer turning etablishment w auda & sncle teohrngth o htwithout ncidente ri ied f %anl a stouo.tre«ires h ouaino h withot14 nt run pry p<tus d a drgie; - 000. In addition ltithese plant S the BRa th- mSith hadl twvovi,,trs. IHe Fceured . until 2 O'clock SKun- rmed p,,ý lans10 of engagemen,,t. .uning towrifntm thmelv 1%s nabouIt food. 1 "If WM ï b aar rlet us ie tog.le atr , .,% sfe da1.8o IX» an-.4 .- - bne.Hair & Ridgway Company. tumber a rope, tied it arounld his rné, k and hanoged ' dry morning. Thre M 1 i esýtoyed r Z4Ipaul.h Il.-et btw"*" rIi lothInýg suppl,. nu h.I---, amdi - *l* " lc x"". sadW a elrsfee als f$2,0 n imsetlf to, a ransom nini the hallway. lie pass[1ens w e ré'e . j rfe rý1*IOs n r o ore dr wtht1.ein frvr a to ta >oed h ueyb n oph erte a revover and proilled that each cm h isnL m e om ay$ ,0.T wscutdwuyMl S ihadtetw udny aoue i rEn(yt Gen. Augufng - gI.r 1OwilIl e'atfri.r tb eei iyt thnirta .adt o. erooa. :mt-ralthar itb u ggd. y droVe j t oeysptsie waia#d by teeposo fa men who hadl ralled to see her. ChIristian- hv a loud and,]pecu- Me a -Landied forces at .an ild-strl d tr,,, th'fn a iný.a b away. hk.-ly, wII l, l be d edt, keep thl, 1'.1I. e buggye a w9 t e tu f te steam-,limpipe 1 - :scen was quiet fir ,a timi-. but atilengith hle .liear sound, which fr tininso <a N. wsof tire reat t Ir'. . hefourth ofInan firmulyin n III . Toad.He kssed er fr thelasttune nd -o Len thenMan' Life seied th lam an ihurhd it t th youn ' dnote to tose ounde Spaiar.t to fl.,vc- in inthe anddke ths se A cotiil wah htirhans no:deni her itiam er'tl aothr ek , A iscovery which, it is claimied, solves w m nadstth os ntr . T ew ohdk o lde iy5 sa', is m tlnw fseoy "I.on , I r h tbytrecore, ed fiul e: o e,: p b 1 he aisd te psto an set bule'the broblem of circumveýnting Ohldage, has flames weýu vre quic kly euýinguished. Chris- of mari:ime affairs t-, lionIgkon i R l.k . é.Ci.e .im aithtlr letAsKo yh - thtrough is heart. 3Mis- ,rd picke up just been made public bly Prof. Joseph R. ine hnhngdhmeft he tran ,- , that fihe ve-ssel wasAdmro , 1 f .o- I' l . : 1 Il ume1. s a en i of infornd t h - e l t .In yK:,,.ýIa Ai-r, the weaponi and turned it toward herse If. lawley and ler Cx . Wiener of the Chi- som again andwas aigaine ,ut down% . lie ohITT. WATElIÇS. scraping oaila roi .k ;r. graphs of . il. - s f r iprr .. l lh>. p la:ri l umes of S,;I_ eattu,", . . -n -ak, n htih ' mha e sin lt Tenliitr iggr efshedA-toinat an before she ego Clinical schoot The retuern to routh, wýas arresIed.There was muchialarm atollng the Iliasse-r WIhuam , o keepIut ,of the wéay of, Auwr Tok 1 a >tuan 1.1They took their anhnm u lravhngthekne ,Ntd skeýInst col r gi h eli an vrte it in asserted. il, producedl by hypoderic egers at first, but theire was lnerdisoirde,'r'. 1 en-n ve,,ms' .,lv in thiýýr haoolst-, caryl ,awen The ,,,, Cubans no, e t I. t ,l n-lhgréai body of her lover. S eddntrcvrInjections of the lymphatic nluid ,of ani- Eichier;trike in Blaick HD , anéohngtafdtesighte-st sem. a T-s e en--s e vI.Ioy a ! ed at th fmsonm oteotien ri aince. IThey be .k établty "r1,f la - conciosnes u tilpikedup y pssig ais, particularly younggats, The dis- A ,éein of or,- aryi;;, .,i feeiblance of a panic. AIl made their -way M k ten % a. n . r tIonsfro*,!es ndnt t,- ,imeeof he ou , d and ohr.1te<anoron s la ar e .co ey was made a year ago, and subse. 9 1d has been discoveedona auc nar .ndeck a.quickly a9, posIb,, l, bul t bfée : 1 iet sI. IU -ý. p , rfa daeI.s nruel Ic 'I, p -ram , go. ti ,iof th;s fwt I, l. , wd Ir.. -l.,Io NEW W AL G LA : quent demonstrationis(of its ettleacy are utrC tS h vi sfute a yof thremrhadt left their cabins the %;y lt-lay - , ved .ewsu of' I s pomo.-,,,,tl ..In as I"I,,tho ,;hwTh,",! dis.Iý1r. a d n h u r'ta m asre. T egenieral theory of the ,ld-is_ im ies wide ndithas ben ui covered fora r ating soundcasedI. The Paris had, al -r a i ,1r ,1la w.d rr k ida, 1 A-% ver;Itabh. p :,Iiý r< ,gndI n an heIasigtn h sytht.h Three Laborert Severely Injured tby covery lisfthat, if the minerai deposits dsac ftit ie et u osnig pareitly, gone ove a ldgeand aken a 13e a refuel. bo ba 1ater3 a dy fte te"ir, ..Il lé 1hundredsIi. of men ,t i reard to , .I5tabIlh.:.,9a..h r- Th Acido te n tew b York. t 26 which accumullate in the bones in the Pro. h t as 1 n o n . tis he i rs,-nt%1uartz bottom almost im miail;tely afte.rwarl, for l to. an, u. , cred srre.uer :at i I. é- r ns of p r ,ý ,,ns Ilwer burnled1 up :ende it . tun vuba ,at allhul sfi,l hh1as;bi The wal o th n w b ildngat 2G cess of fle cain be replaced thllthe~Ilife ta a enfu d m h tvcnta- by the time everybody was on Ideck t he 1Ile., wi,,,, at] hat 1 I Ive we.,ký 1befor-nl, uà o vid sli . SoLc o. ti West Eleventh Itréeet, New Yo)rk, caved cells" contained in the lymphatic glands tog ihpaeshv enw re. vessel was at a standi ll. The place sI,,,ý,ý',ýý:. ,,lt ., I ie. amýIOnt of pr- vannIs - .ai b enral cneds , w ud1 T : d ina,severely in ngthe lboes.Th r of goats, deterioration of the boues will China's Import. ls ib1le. where the Paris strandeIt<l is lin sight Of lSlarch 4 1tatses hi.sinrfla s nIial. jI tied lfom lle oult-le. AnIl ar1 e t 1f nitely the(- mo1.pendence o,ý.rfile a-d. &ames are: John lionlon, fractured skull; be prevented and elasticity and youth will Statistiýs compniled b ly Ithe-Tre-asury De- land, and lisas close to the wreck of te- %ay 11- Cashel to e) -turn how when é, and g ,mthee.Iularters o'f a m li. am,ýI Secrear Alger esh!,-d tCon. Broke ILouis Goss, fractured skull; Frank 1 0- be retained in the system much longerpartmient show fihat Cina)'s impo,ýrts from M3iohegan that the miast-s Of the latter ve-s- lImw he il.,desed four,,, b lcsi ht w .e u iy akn i fra :e w t st h e riue , lacerated c(hinr andlinternal injuries. The discroveryxwas milde, it is sitated, by he United States fr,,he *, al year o sel, which are stllfstanding, can b seen h a titnésntasflane, b-aving I bil'yInoIh ng but ported ,troul ies in(lba.l) elthe har The cause of the accident is unknown. Prof. B. F. Roberts, who spent thirty 1S899 Wit ll xel$13I.(ýNm ml , t whileb fromnthe decks; of the. American liner. - --. - againsit 9Gen. fIrl ike mob by ý im, r. The men are employed by Contractor Jo- years uiponthre theory. The specific pur- ahouli i d lbe Ile the bulk offlicheé$O ,t A fewle minutes after the ship struck ý_ --- _ _ -__ - -- - -- _ _ -- balisth4 S, re-tary ,,abdii n .,,. o , o te seph Coûdy. The men vwere in an excava- pose of the discroverer wato afindt an ani- sent toa iog on.'isres1igal wrebune7ad oclt'ad yet been m leé, Ian.1 whb'l-d: 1•• I 1.le tion. Old buildings hadt been torne down mal derivative to correct thre effects of were sent up. Th'lese immiiediately attract-ý 1 1 ý,,ýýý1 ýI who are pm nIl, hr a féw<.,,ary restra uit and the men were digging for a new senility. The anatomical échanges during Nutmeg b-tate naraWome'Wed-ttenion, nd i a shrttme tuboat1are pt-tcompn,, u1ide r ram1 cr d otcaiiha m n or wo at9ehiniltetlornly fr o ean t d a sbir bti ethile r ws _- -1 , 1a t er -éic , l wy p.AntI , tthe a c1t Thedng stad iin te lbs5 in ngthe ea- infunore, lbu cth ympsay olife d willa b epo Con C ct inot ing o em - 1to - - taAmiri a3K theiad. A m rwans-ar a in al10 ea u et i s é, 1a nd follo w m u: longied p ra s o ubf l edatp assengerssuw ereoq uiakey transufrrege tfavored for g overn m ent po st w n c A n w ri. W.Ll.'.'D wbnotyusrye. ot ugs and I t akeon oFalmout n i w ere enn signs go our-1the iww1;rlb1 al the Borkln...l23imalimoel.le5 boyPs. ene Co nfiesso te s e sn ge s hav rI ved I] i n Victoýr I a B. a llwee aflylade.5mei-ngrps igtemao.vr',hn S t L u i . . . 2 U e w Y o k . . 1 1 A i n i n a t , a m s e a e r c l o e d C , w i h e w o a f i e h a b l d t h b o e x pai n t i o n wl a c s g i e r n t or nt h e ns h 1 C ban r I s m f e t tll lth e y a r e b e rl b r u w - Ch ca o .. .2 1 P tt bu g .. 11 1 aery do 11 ye as, tcone s toa ang o i- fourThis of Iis w on ity. N . W T , n e in s f r of h r co rs ,bu i1s e 1b a en am1ori-n--he l kg ou l R ain ci n ne nati 1n1 I tiv l e . . . 0 2 o e irft e , W o s n W e v r ne ae . h o s e t m a e t f o 3 - i gellh a t a a v o g t h a e t w a s r v a s T ý , 5 ' 1ý _ 11 ,-t h e y a r r e a d y t 'Io -y g h t a a t, rf i m b -p e n-- .-iWeafrverhasuligt h ancefo e w c o-ry. loodsi "- eerltht he i unabe to acount orth Folloing te ta ndngeteci nb T eaauiml sidb fud oxo T e gtain fth C bn ok aor n wrtu e ffair. Temn a s p t ; 1- oA.rti.ond-is le m ad promp it ,anot be Broky the Western a lte: "rough E5on rats" e onf e se nddin' e st en e os ,whehal tiVeibentomrdi a t Ing re a llok utfoad. says that hee - r i, c ai - wltre WLLo i. L.2 N . L . Ak no iwh at i was H e t tiner cofed ., m ibake pa ums a inaedflin tlodshib ed' sawo tepliiom %,of -th e nd Othough t1 l ue :i yi ih CLAS ES ,WTH BIT I. Cit.iP ati....14 Il lý iroit ......12) 2 foepoti Thfathe r ad ton sons wer e nd asinegr T O ., s k l yalu an om $3r. Th e lapor a houed ,g"Land ahea." The-ý. rb aéu olfIliite I,ý,r-n MH waukee . ... 14 11 Bufah lo I..... 4 '13 lisingitoget er, Jnd p e a e t r ohn wn d ok l )o ershav n beI W . n ai d em r lst ng icns we i m edia I t ely rever se, iand li,-ela Ib AlorA roend-v t i h w ig the ilIe of. Inianapolis. 1S 210Columbus l ...69 212 meals. Bothithe mewe re tan illsoon Fie _GriePershe tey r g oC pa kig sped aisten, he he celee r i i , l-II tfY ae. l,,,,, -inaois 3 1 K na it. e3ater drinking t h cfee. A eighbr. large wa eduseatclun. iek, e th hi trck. t he Pl arisca tfrri e 60 - n t Hir,-i o it unwars .ind siuribler Folo ig a h san i; f h cu s aThe a bomy th owaw e a t anbowhic h e gt- tia passeCulti,,I- ab r n er a nd 115 bagsTi ofmaiL - - -- - M 1 a1. re m ft-,j ul I rl ,ljtM>nilf h ow 1.. e - in he ie t e -c a p rg il u e g r o . co nt ai ned t p s o n an d th slo e d d t t e rm n y , a eu f g st r "oy ued b i e . en e g r- i n h e M as l e s at fr a m o n g th o t ha -éR O T1 T R E T I W N N I TIO NnW'Tcp inc r ai . a u t o i , t e a y T o m Lin on a egr , t C m p re k onfess i . Th e p lice nout belien the l ost th ev ir ay lv s in i:th l lt ol a h er us ro k s in th1Egl sh ch nn l.T h y-__ _ _ _ _ -- _ - - - T h e-pesen - _r - th e - ofa- -u killdLb.makod mentheo Ircthnsdoofso Weherslscnnd wif, a d f rlt e teee ------. r on -poiceawttheCwnIN.-ApCLrASHrtiS coWr he b, R:Ttor . I int Paulhr.14xlan d sOt himt ... ..1 ber- burningp o t hehoue andfe a m ons wago. Aré u s ke foA uo nmyfi. T e vilrad s zl " ai lcd" T e it e op1 o.Hn en ii ig h un -dti -a a-ng t.T e a dho oth ag n uayan a a elira n e re s. . 4w ere o l . . . . 1)ih :vigp p- e tirb yn reaW h i, e -cap -oc kF au or a s h a, lv b een ent . b y A g ui - ee t h e N e xt s p e ,k e r. n uw r of so m e- lf th IR elwd tieut persin ta vi erm 12 l i t a hel., i ved. that m e ae. sre t im n eFor oa ' n lde to the A me icnaa theites-o-ue A as in on or esp nde t ays th t t ere wa tr asu e ene th-he ash s. havibe lotiie t be in em e ss fo theamob i e 13 ealng aý wieCity )1 t Formoa vitcs gie.deA i f btrri- A Anw Pvricai rotectoraegngfat pceIany em-r-- --. qrce il, aepto h Lito. u -asur th freo tem b e masarenth e icin ty ofeawio, A fol¡are. n dé-uÒs i ir, ,k ed asttimehpasses n theToeiPirnsgros that 30)hieve__ere pl -nr.l, an an improvised Euopean <purter of aw L n. It is re a Wl t q n' Kr l t me N t w n i n t e e n r l i s ri t T i r y u - w t h . éii p i n o a t o n my , i s . fut h e 'w a k ergh ipsw illég ont ort hen\ \11 5t . O h!o fu ngr antw a s r e p o rt-l-f u lerfeni nufdl !er -"p-rt e d t h a t"C lNn, e r el a f r o m T u n g - T- o ~ ~m - r m d il s r s w e e m b s e d b y a buoT l e o o t t l a H u n e .p o i t c i n s ashteh aphom ais oenm -.o s . T e a n d f f i t s h N o t Asr K n i v a e d l iath t e r i oyt hnet a A r m t e i d. H . ..enl n conefes cape. The po aue nofer tw héa r l y os t ev l inrte bin ess otio - ndof old,PV T e a"ilesgrer the irsligh io - RO T ISt cha E Tof h A %h v iý n CIT Ylt i a t Ith tNG w .Te heat 1 11am i theq I- rý I o @ing iI-ser i ae tha.Yt \. 1 -.;. Shtd. AOssidttae enadsph eweng -brned erlte othje r inorn, ,ýbin Alh e a uitedlrat bemd im etwen lnlit hail T o _ _- -. -p - papers i-i were estroy -l, i-he-bankThe r ' itr ack o,fth ierl- Il i sle a lso s it iZuor aoy b mas ag ries ovsbe r the atni f a chd ilid emieur were rescud. kinaou ,,ýtyST land Ersnthio rrs WIN.ylo ag nonto odds isubl n hnn rosh ebe A. erd miel re k l',véI. I l \Lri ; le, h ' t r TQfèue .asrs h ccsa resent seem ehe .piioi, that &I awson il, thé,erient, !ý ItI-.;- l te miethr. hn .h n- Ieo,, sothe i er' e e n te aread d ctovisocncné,.sgtl nfao h atter. Hender-- recove'"ý,,.1ý-rifrom the vt, atinv. pesnr e- Tiihe tuIan! d ,(,em: e eIl or:a nov ra.lw: in a l tr. a at e n d f - t Mtr l a 6 e1 of" hT - reu sed o 't e o m e satw ion ol t h e ti b e D r . li o w a r A e , p ofe sor of iol gyon' el cti n w uld b e co tin utelt,.n uib ir b r nti i m p ssi le win to lacuofa ni . P enn ith Itu s r lmted350 fet ho head hunting wns the enly way by ed the bpresi euy of yAgthU vr i o1. ,ramisa e mberkinofhe noternanm Nitub . nd pl-ubrtl ic fleýtia L av réotel r it i e eil e in the The Oem in f o r d v e 11t y a u 1 I t B u r n ei T d w h i c h t h es i nj r e d Ib o ld p o e i s i n n a t .w hru nsa . on r e s s . i t ak e s o rd e r o - h e lit a- i l l y a i r a deIi- t h e d e sli tr n n G r a s a n l n s r e p r i u a l th o ,In l' i I b i re of unk n w n :i ni ghte-ý î h ol usne s o is -a e so f a terri th e ---^le A té i nu a lt , i- I ofer_ IlA b u'W s in gtond ert r ues r it-ief uss ofli tth e ,- v, ,tw n w s m n- oruanith l- iby ý an veun esy on teI subject.I of- th a .I s w xpectedý d estr. b il d b athe t u f er .-l it e ildin , - Il em a ssa re nth e v es in d ulg ed k oý . o r , ,>..inl ea t A n é,ri larT e t e ctr' Co'e tca0t os m ae odrs. l é t I s u o éggst s c h a es i o e s of lf e, alth o ugh e vre a lu fi" r .m en a nIl o re uon tprt of th e lt u ss ; 1. 1I 1, ia , re n l tcal n , . ,,in h l re an th e x ord lag rs w e e c o.n spicuoi sr yc . d ispl yd h c g C t l , c m o o p i e fn cou, krse , i h e )li ous e o es t )li t e th e i lo r r- ' ; ll l r a lc l .I .- - 1 l-u , p ro m,é Ili :,,en t Khin ese th at th e 1m o m en 000, part y ,iar . arinema R ohn F x losio l n i a F urn bace.53.0 o'$.0 ;lseé, f irto4hoi e.$i.0feje tnt, ut it d m e s .o. M anyreti n f secur(g'B rI sh sy mpa r-, , thy n d was, ilur Me l. 4rilulithrranfran,,Anrexplo ioncin the lo-dingTroom of theofto1$5.75; wheat, No. 2 redwi72iltlle3e; elementsllfepopualaritylarelheld by.II.n-t ecrecyu ofte Hague se onecauses isy sour a s t furnle '-ace ok fineteS O uh S . e n Noy3 c t 3 e a sio 2 7 e ng !. al l n so m e q ualifl icai ous for th e'-l ll " y ýf Iý the,:l burn 'Z...éýi Iif .ni- l ingsah(oisijre-een mn eo te oe ryN o. 2 il o 3;butr, sEN FTH CDN. peakership are admitted to be hi. 1Il ,i u aro1n de ta, resietlof the peaIn'.e .A U N L O N HD. , M a ri d n a ir uIRng1at ll . T he c p, a ans f ulf t m ao y b , e n f l , .,sltenn-t 19 et - f r eoV l oyar ly to t e ad m 1iistratio n hi.,s n less congrle]s, on tsun ay e cetire d i:e n l ls true-riI ig D uýr:ingthe- perf rn rI M . of a wlýt d. we% t metani d tha e men weri rp aring to be-u % - re o ,c oie:71o vtml a e t a h tani r n hn i l yal t t th e ru les of ,Ite llps. tions ,frm the.Cza.I Th d- e al w ita.h he LIin o Leadez K rz Ii er .11- .Heard " show at lr. J ry, 94 a. 1,- ,d31nl a T w- inu a stn he udnI l ug at the i al h . thr 1 h g. Ai hef Hopkis it isclaimed byfmany would i otcm boy belng m: o sh w, and S'I1e botomi l ewo loe d by atie hot---strean ý I p r n <. • ( l h $ 10 t ot ie o e a t u o ig t o makead liete .r Se akr. t accoýring ,-i to a pu r abi:ratio , Agui alo ir -douhae fl ed intolthe A.penny of l.', rry w r.11 mrri ; i n the ;acr o etl w h ae inonta t wt min ph - Ist !e, rip in O t. 4 lat yar,,hen.wo-hird of;tee stndars.Iw ethrl by a u- po'v n ofuit a Ené c i,j . Nohing has, m u g i n -r . le th 1.r ~ :wef bI;7 11tI cro wd . , poole of w ater on thef oor. Instnl y he re $ . 0; h g , Ae i h , h se o o rd p r sh d nl sty t o A s b t eelIp in Is nd II nd rs,, !,,1O , I;Ipre m e trN, i bualotb e b a d f i f r ov r w w e s.I tet ik e at ilieOio. a h e b u ldi g .rhea .fN .t2 rrd.7 0 tu tte;ror. ca ed . T h e M oh g ast u ck th e roc s o tB th v w a m p rso al rie d s m on p w er or a p iva e g nt . ene al th t t e F lip no ead r hré Klrfit Br-b: rs struck!,a,.l n, a I f armI. whit fl e , , th ,% e a d E , 3c to 350; atsCino.i2nwhite l ar ng t i.f i e t e , n o' n m e s nd i Teashti u al c m o e en des ll ert e te g o vren . Th s a tu ,T i t t1 , , . r h i l t h e - if , e n i . lm e r _ o,- j R a ý ýc s C l a s h a t Ei d . t h - r b e r o w r., Ah e g t o u t o f h r c o r s e f rfe n u ghlogt h e E a s t e r n 1 b y t he-O 1 1w.e rls S p a n i s h p r i s o n e s , a b o u t 5 ,0 0 0 i n n u m b e r 0 0 0 f eeat a 7 é i i . - - Ilof Il Iar ttA e r e wa l k in te. o p r a h o u ie t . oU i e --C attl e , $ 3 .5 0u ,t o a s. a c.p;-ho g s,,Iw h o s e .i ntier-st s a re h a veme nb e e n c a r ri ed i n t o a n o rth e r n p roh ev -a m strikI,, o;in lyel, in Enillde Okla..s broke he upn in a t rhioniebetween. P$" Osto.é$4.25;,vrshehepor$3.00l to-on$5.25;s utn stakcefi cwlth the1 .Iinee,,iland are thought-; to, beeIi beyondIII1 A meri-l w i thén .cs satdbuh ngos w etN .2 5 o 6;crNo usqe t fren l ca asistance tlpresen-t .,Ii... 'le KillOxfor usba nd Numheu r e , s ootng intoa rwd o wb 1Ite m e T ree yelowna ti. 3 pc¡gih oi.ts, No. 2, 28c s rd rs ele iito 2) à, medr i at io l.nfathli r m ien A mric an ri soners wet- re ar ri ed r s. haý i frb li iwn%. m., i20 whte m n e on dero t rj-- t, whfen the rye..N(etg. 2 nëQ.ic to té03c. BARioN DE MAAg f 1L. powerIIl,.U: 1,u t h og Sa M gn ,bu tei n m sar d e r , oi f i Ar e a l a . I I l . -i I a ,nf v e In M o n éw h it r e t u ed t he fi r e , f a t l l yé w o e un d i gi n i n a t U I - C t t e 2 . 0t o $ 5 .5 0 ; hMoettT h e i m enet r l t u g I . t h a g - na lecrO :y o f t h e p r o - u n k n o w n . het] l n i e s f h a v e f r c e d ) t h ei r marredshm w i ubd herhus :st he our neg oes and slihtly wou din se - i$3.0 tI$4.0;ihee ,I$.50 to, .0 ; ee din s o th co fer nlehaspaust dOf-ene aleo c unte man th or ersthalal that th.f.,ý ýl , - ull:... i fe-fle, nf iredbefethe troubl te w a q mind, 3c to 3ll; pate, No.i2 mixedie23c complain thut themethods adopted ed. Gesalt fntMathur a and -Lgato ar ahe having . n lpi lh-é, hux , -,A t ;rye . ,6c omun .wouedberjueifi, e ony ifOhe érsséwee1prearingforoa e.tesive orwar mohe armed with a b., -N t I'I a e sW r c picce teon ier L e . Der oIt-C atle, $ .. o $57 ; o st e m la a lee emiffe cea birtin-m n.litf r es aeseng sre g he e C, priin ± - ,,j,. ThellayianGovenmen aceptsthe$.00to $4.00; she e pirIoc$2 .5to$4.75; lipresentatives of several intuem.utial jour-asnPevery osible manneffr nth i E n t r a F e ss, l ' . . r (i n i n e n Y o. r k. di ý u e l m t a i o n o f t h e f o l n i e r o ub y e r e sf i d e n t ha t. 5 ; N o . 2 , . 4 c t o 7 2 é;:c o r , o. e 2e l i n a,1 - I, l s r e o f lv e l e a vi e .P n i n e t e r e i n o e c r i r t s à [ a h t h e N e w i g r k I n n . .h . i s sH e u r i e fu f D n e i c a a n d l u t h r S i e n s1yl l o , 3 c t 3e; a t s N o,2fhi t , 0 c o l dha F etL iea G o e r o a e c l e d tee o l b-i s p rcno u r n . N o . - i x , 2 c t 3 v ; r e, N o . 2 , 5 c dp r e s enu i. p l a n t , 1 1 a l t i m o r e , M d .,fo r b u r n e d . L o s s $ 7 5 , - £ i d Muée ý 1.a Ler R fl. atee of 1he red mi on o fl(f mp er n i, oGl;clvry 1e e , new, $3.70 to_ $3.75. iiiitrtiirisDo tls P(l "Ms. Matiknla Nolan. 100.finl w Yr k, Dr ".,uive H -,,I ebi- .I,Isdim utoftheT wn an is p oimarty ontinues. Mlwaukee Wheat, o. portinlnee- - die from ijuriesoeceivedm a fal.fSamoM -innslyiBrush ro'eiK ., kil D Indganl i t izeIns oI-ýf r:a ý.WetMe., Bos ot m nw er pelAb C iengoti,e- 1,.tO 74c; co , . , 3c o c ; a o uutA l,1,BearO iwi dhswfe-hl h a te pigt s oent homa. E, an, frGm. th1. y on rhKansas.lTxastand tkb htmancatcet2awti.ei2urto31s;lryeiNo.t1,elle toi03e; THEthTEAManseP PAousS.r__tgo tnre Cpain thescog m lthe steeltwerks eu ed of miusng ha 'hlen ,-and h- i nas i y. Aud ll of the shp persnt havle r $8 h. t] S. t r w h r on t e r c s ale e n se n voe a hle to i the as it poi ted sec et r f te Iii it ed Statscfatally os t fa irthur- homp on,13 dur S j ýe ) ig b o r , .,ha d a r lp e l a ri u n d .h I I n e c k, , n d o a i n ed i t h , ae nyc o t a t e y e t i ma t e B u ffýt a l oI i- (a t le g o o d s h p i n g s.0 - t e e r s , . 1a t a o i y e a r w e u p I d r t s o m l e - t o c o mS p e hem. f, o r al n Et a a s n le g t o n a M d id . 1 r Y ' r ,i r t i n a l dq u a r el . bv s e i t h he s wi ce Po-ýrlled . O hi s prI,ý,. ose ftha Ka n a tyeloIs 4 tlyhead er $ .00 t; og $. 75; hoie lgsi, $common $40tohoice, The rck teseleaed o nn ec yted b od Th oulok i fr te ele- TnaSchstr, 5, Sauusy, a aOhio, B eorNevaE ia ol T ig ei ggJa eth iyh w sr ese . m nan d elo afle r that the gre a e aora -Ii3.25 o $4.25; he,b air to ch2 c0wt h- l; eds. Thhe a e out dth re ar e - s of candi ate. 8 kr y t em e st n er nm n t riuly is pered. l oodyib al o r Gn eaore f.iDm ,r ivr . en . accu K,ýýýtýHk u Tffié,obo, th ilofttn um rwil eIhipe o i- ers,,N.501 to $50 ; to ambcco mn to.2 aemilTe 'fromhegsore, athManaccespntt on o t Oh e(-a rThye ce st wdiv fondin he rm. olithearepuz- ed of sdhootigre-or essmiar ltnsJames lu Ben Dear as nt e tores, ret to Ch agh.etr, $4.5to $6.75ts . 2W ie 2e I lan albt onefar e eat h igh lwtr.inthhae w rn ext ouse. P -lvsans vrotea w as Wagfl ker,aoquit te. lpié edr i. to e wert a r of - Missour. f ilhas s,, igd ,é revI f Ip w. the pe r buekS e w o r- Cattle, $3. 5 t o$5.75; hg , P n i ,t eo t r otr ck s m r e y m t Ws, with enns ider-to zeed. p Baits rou g i n Londa o n by TUli n rooer gg, I ule, Kansa Cit and trad a s: Whil e ee y v whea , No 2 re , 83 to 5e; c rn, o, wih th wor "M an cles on ts he d.:s ve1th cle ksib ; and New wto nganmero sacals fr m Engish m n ea er to reco er da ages for njuri s re e"Ie -,, ,teenperson t la. bes meop i a riot atrg gave 2,i40to 4.25; bats , :.()hit,1 4c o$5.25 Te;M hega1stuck.nltetVse rckfinaly eidsposdtohin het meétona entdenlrten th Am ric n sevic in he in he ran vaal sai,,wee d dd h- s il- a clidf e a o n f o t e s a d v a n e i n p rich e t o 1 6 ,e s bmte t , c r e a m r, 5é e V i ct o n t ; e g g , W stNo .i o e w 2w h r a h o k e r' aP Il p i n s .s a*a s t e ,i l* . ty ithgra frgequoedat 15 ertea 1ter, 1to..e

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