CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 3

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Arrer Molumbnq end hl» 120 men stepped frcm lire bip's deck to the g"à TUE SM DAY SCHOOL ground, m bat dil l do? They all knelt n 1 lit-- new world to God. % . bat did Ille Iliigi,ýnOis do âter thcy SERIOU3 SUISJECTS CARIEFULLY landed in the (*arllitiam«ý Wbat did the CONSIDERED. lioliand reft-Ill oi, aller they hall landed in New Yorký dui lion pilgrinn Il prs do aliter l laulicli la New England? A Ocholarix gxpoultio. of ULOL*mm Ill lýirIil,,l tolo, troil uplifted face Rail -Thoraghta Woo-thy or Calais, Bed«- ed the railroad pr.perty at Pitinihoirg dur- henven bemiezing prayer, l look pue- inir the gorcat nets; il ivres ilihilisin tirait sclosion of th,, Goool. Ilu, tion-Balf ne Houi atudy 09 take slew blück people in cour Northrrn o. Ma@ the first Arneril-an Cunzress olwni,1? Scripturim-Time Weil liguant. duriroir the war: il was nihilim Iller mrilil- By pra3iýr. tir tilc tointe lit J'silo Christ. (-il tu cipath the Chinest, immigrants yeloi Iýrurn il birth this tialion was ploldgeil The of t1w for june 4. agi); il id nihilism thât glares ()lit of the l fur boly marnage with Christ. Milo. Il il fýowI Ilo: 1734), in il of the drunkeries ullon Botter A Hl. ... Il C ... t'y. '*I*tirIt (*riiliti,,,I,*' la- now corail peuple aï thêy go by. Ah, its p.-er haI And thfýn - how 11 (;-)(1 bas been to il) tbe tinai monc in il, mortel life or ufý%er yet bitien resteil. 1 pray God il, IIII: Jtet plt Il, map -il the continent lemiis; a lot I, be ontiored allant potoer may never lie l teet(41. Il and sec le- il il libul loir immellourable litil v tir unoit-vourly. fi bol% heên wisoooly w-tAll. if il hall tho, pomr, lo-ave evI>,Y Naoigable rivers. mori, in intiol by ,un, il th., trio,, religions leaders chuirrh, chapel, cathedra[, arhol bouse nuinher aloi] gn-at(.r flian nf any other of th, uni, thut w,.ar, il. danzer of mak- and collez.- in Belles. lundi roffing on aU sides into the Ing de, cru- nr toi, precions, but lion Tet me moly il is the worrlt onemy of tho: si-a, prophes ing large manufactures and Il bas in @unie circles become a latmoring vlamocs in atuy coi The hoil eux), continent . Luuk et the grcat ranges iymboi (of an aesthelic ont] n(ýrveless de- est cry for reluirai lifted by opprestied la- lot mOuntnjn8 tinilho-rol] il wealth on votion. railwi- titan lot a ýtrnijouB and sta- hurlait men là liruwni-il ont by the vocift'rR- the top and sales. Il with ool penduri, sacrifit-e. No tol ohouloi silo- lion fur anar(hy. Vie criminels and Ill undernil Ont- hundred and cil proach this (hapter il, Il, history of re- vallizolounds %%hoo range through our cities illoumand mquare niiiý ut coai. One buta. demplion wil il pilule, and a relier- 4Cý.pyrICht. lýuis KI.;tý,h. 18».) talking atout their rightm, when their first drd and cighty thloimand square miles of lion mitait it all nienne fur hus own Poil > N this discourue Dy. 'I'dimage Kfal r'ght 18 the peniteill they ould hie Ill Th, 1,,,l go that extremis sonal lire, aini th.. ilontion of mankind. of goule or the peurils that thF"Rteu Our hudhed up, end the olowntroddcn lahoring weather barilly (,ver lests more thalle three a rBmtýnil)ritn(,e that all th, histo'y or the American inetitutiO118, RIIII POiDts ont men of this country oouill Io- heýar-].,,thvre ilaym-extreme beat or extreinc c"Id. Cli- wOrld lol tif, t-ý uni] iloivil from thst eh@ path f "fety; teint, l.alab Ili 4, % ould toit, mie(- bread for hil c Il -1rý. mille for the most part bracing and falloir- heur on Calvary. l'lie hlutrit Bhould teach -Thy land shait lie marrieV' In this land, riot sud blçýdstil-d never aille for brawn atoll breiný All fruits. ail th, tOligij.. ro'v. rence, toi, il glibneu As the greâter iné ludes the lo-sri, BO dn" guined any wulles for III, peloplie (or glother initterali ali harvtstq. Srenüry diqpLaying in rellearsing stilb a etory le not recels- the circle fil future jol, apoind tour claire (-il up any prospority. lu this laird tle, ai, autullinnal pageantry that nt) land on sarily a mark of picl Tire hymne thât wurld illoiride the el)icycli, uf 1 r .ýn roi- tel oveapon la ont the nut the :hilla- Ilarth proitends to rival. No SOuth Ameri- recuirai in noet o1oýIaii tho, manguinary out- publie. Bolil, et Il i 1 arant, titlitine. divine lait. not firearmo, boit rite loallut. 1,ct not on "rthquaký. Nu Scotch midis. No ferings or tour Il tri ail eheir lit imagery of tire text, At 1htý cloý üf à our oppresoeil lailoring men loi, bejcuiiM tu 1 J.,,olon folle. Ni) Egyptian plagues No cal horror, niay indeed lorloincute a certain el in ubi(li fur thrý daie ()tir tlfttioDal voming urider the bloodý boitiller cf tri The toi of the Ltrol of tout lie, pituy thât Il capital mus a rongeant aloi ai, bat grand hilism. il wili maille your toxe4 hcavier, 1- Il i t I-il Stal are happier than any people niost fr,-týly Iliol lonfido-ntly about "the roi Bond 1)unlifýr" pr,,llssi4,11 sud na- your wflgp,.q smallf.r, yOur tallit. oe-antier, (lit rarth. It il the testiniony of ev" bloud" le tri il.) %vise guplorior tc, a 6 tional authoints (,,nid do. o-ý-ýltrutcd peut-il yotir childroin hungrier, y(jur stlfff'rifig rusa Ciat haro traveicil abroad. l'or the mure r(ý,. rv,.,t lyre.. Death tri lits gentiolist 9 lt niay not lie mollit tO tb" t'ol' grenter. Yet this nihilimm, with licet reil pý,r, ninro- s)iiiriiithv: for the industries, aspects le il lu llqilaI'Ity; and doil 1 toil tire loriot e uf Vence a 'loi the heir lit lit slaiul (orne. forth moi offere ils mure opporl 4 )Il, Il,,%%- golmil God was in il inomr torribl, furin. the cruel death 1 univermal Ilunoitrouil shail jok.ý hand fur this republiv. Shali the lut Il, our fathre, aloi hl,%v il lie bas been (Il a tuait [Il, es roan. ehoilld inspire tu delop of thi.m nation, rond -thY fil mllui le' mur- hoc proclainied? If se. ilhere mitait lire tu il% and tir t-bilir.ri. Tu him--blessed thuilli tirst .,f :111. if tire words ried.- ritoirriall citer bele aloi litho will lie rite lie his noig-hty liaini- tu Iiiin of croins soit coin,, l mill be true wordl, net parrot in the final Il-'-tilly Qf t'lis uffl pri.»et*? aloi what will lie the tritimpli, tu iiiii, uh, sti;l mniiniWr% the Il. a nation il ninký., ail th, dýffroIIce lu the niusiv? Thot sitar mili linve Io le- while prayer tir tii, niil liolland Crut irirI il Ille L worlil nhel loi- are on il,.. %%ay toi a olith Ilklille. the oil3ciating pricmt and lit.- lIlgrIIi boni the of lill ILonail puilishment. funerfil le a 1,alo oo noust lie a drippinz assassin. th, muait- hall thislaiel boinarrit-il. Oh. %un Chriý Thoorzh tl, ilath Iy molli L'culte r by ni, l'il Illio or I)j ci. In puillit, and inumt b, th, sInl.ih,-riýd gruau of multituil- liait patriolits, bY 3,ir and hlii niiglit olore intenme palil on J'Ilitronol anti iýo plat', .ýf 11111,1j,, un incite victime. the giolaiId, inn't lic tomois t y.-zir'lrayers, loi Ille filltillilitýnt ut for Il f,ý%v tiiintit,.,. tlose punilliments f courle. 1 har Bu matly ýýf the miitfl,.,i tel of iiight shad.., th, Il lie thé bloool lie, t t. triol bc ilinjoir-A with rite prolonged dru.ns l-f i,111 vrui . ho,-y as tIt-ug'l lit 'It Barthi,1.,rii,ýw's niaýsit, re. Nu - 1 t brio(- tiirilinz an impurtant lent aiglon) -,f cruo-;fixýlni, LIioItýr which the vie. Me "ere loi 1h-ý %omý. t., int,-r- le roll tu-nihilism, the sanguinoiry munster, lu th, itizilty toril, ilf (loir national illie liait tiltially st;ff.ýri il frin tývMve to twol ment. and and BabYlýoI that thii land il il, Il,. marreed. turý, (toit %--tir et l ziitt-il of this cou- ty-four leilirs, aloi orteu for days. The e sud Tyr, rit IL, 'f liend nul lolfidelity'. Thor-t. tiiii rit ,er ,[iiizrtlnts arrivpd. 1 (,rose oves ro-soirvell for the lowpot crim- Il our republil. Ma. tu lie i>,illlIlt-,,I. iller I Another mouroir fur the bond of thom nu- mal told by th, vouimissitnier or émigra- inalm; il wüs tir an ignominy 0 wish 3lui il) iiiillermuand it le 'lut tu bc .11. t ýoo il intîoIhtý. When the millitiglit roi. loin thoit flic prolalolity was that in that copiai to thrit of the gallows in modem Il aillent il tiais; nul but tians de, grave of A. T. Mtewart "I' Y'ar tkx),Imw) ltIifgrantq would arrive tintes. No ltonian citizen could be cruci- carpe "'i a il St. Nlark's chari-hyard evcryhody :il lit liff.-rent Kat- uf'cummerce. Who fied for any crâne voliatever under Roman tel oý1à ,Ip nul ..ypr,-,,. loit 'rangl' Ilot 'eprien, l"It 1Ilý,-kiýd; toit ii.tIIl,.Iity propumes Buinctiting olerv l The patipl of Europe? Nu. Ill uni] il licit Vcrrel, zl)ý.ýruor of Sicily. land ha Il At City 1 Mie toloi loy a gentle- brume this law in bis ltitragýotis career, mari-h; f-,r "Illy 11- thora thai :hv rol-toir lit ail th, priopule toi naine olun 'lit. litre f lire loup.. of 0 ,ho ha.l oppurtunity for large in- the hl of the ltoman peuple rose mhoo site t1o. lu ont iliat il great cailititude hall against sui il infamy. Civero's familial > il; ý loý,m j,ýn, tIir,,Iilh Il averautring in Ml oration ag -,> lie. 'Ville la:A , et> filer, mi fruin lit,. of your Chriml airoit oll ( ntains the well- affluent tholt il haî man:. lire lu aloi] tat, eýiwj. 1 m ai tuid hy an officer of known climax: -To tuait a Roman citizen ,r wili d.-Il mort il, open Yu, 11.1%ice oh,ýth_ llbýtittlte th'. ille Mhu had opportunity for la a crime; il) s,îoIrKý bini ig au outrage! on il titis or ilint ýhojj bol. a ... or rejet 1 nihilation - Infiliclity pruposes il) troll Icithentic that thousands tu poil tour to denth le almost parriol je et]. lu rite lirit place. 1 Il, inark: Tho "' rite letier frlni tho- Fgther. ipvit- and thlonortiolis hall trotte, aviýrngitig $1,000 to crucil hini-what mliall I caIl il? There à9 la a ai Il bol 1 ing the natil.ns toi virtrie an.] lit pu-Bo selon est-il. 1 ma% tohl by the court- io no ultime tu delcribe mach an onspeaka. . or seekilýg the band ')il and tenir il op intu friaginen' il that tiiisýi.lii lit emigration (bat toie-rily families ble ac-t." Ir cloue., lu as Boit 1 m 1. mine thi. Il rital, III i ý-oi cannut rrod a word lit il. Il thitt liait receio l arrived brought ell Fxpl tory. Il lie, i-noi- of 1111:1ouloI * 1l"' "l'litI'r toi tal- the voli-lâtion frum tire lirik4ýti eil tioctol. Mark YoU, falloili", not the plate ut a skull": rocky hil Enalle out lit lie,- ir on of the rail ira( k lond h.,nrl aloi th, p'll". frutti [lie Illoirille. Additirom lu the national wealth, lack northvI,,t or Jerussicin is now al. th.. ",r.. or t'.1.1g joli, il, lo- -ery olvinz Intiit-litv pruplosce tu in the IP't saw '"me muet tiniýerýzIlly beliol by svholars t( thinur fr hil -11 allaul t'ti-1 flot- th' lýr-iàcIIt of thè 1,111td Sjý,I alld th, lit t1eort, riliiiIIII their Ilitýiý anti thpir be Golgotha, thoý site of the crucifixion. 1, 3. robil lit th'. peuple. ment on Suprme Court. Bad the (;uvt-rii,)rm (or hýiin blilokoi, tl)ntikijig G-1 for hie kiud- Soins lis an outiýrlr)lIing lit the limestoule that lier d frum hfid tu Murs, until in il, Il Stal and the in tire (otirt Ile- tri holpinz Ihl crose Ille of.a. bencath the niust uf Jullea, and on ont le iglatllrI>% f N a , il 1 Il, .,f tin-ni hall (1,,iBt in tire stiotrage.all ý e, Yurk, Ne- Iprs(,y l'il r .... ni toith thvir iý i bar, , aide, sortie distance henvath the rounde [y 1 --normýhatiiâ for a luoing Illut' mont 1-11) il lt(ýa.s-,ii," ur tlm nini theY will lit ve saurait of the rock,, are three cavil o m dol If * v favol a f il l'o l'o.. Il Il tu tak.. Chrii lit rite rail traitil nt 5 o'ellt'k Bol. Il grol olhose tolark mouths air pas-m; if "ppome a 1:Iý I lie ,>,IIitry the illat I-v-ýry aftern-lon start for tire grolat Woleut. enIi, on ni le il) the eye-socket ffi.r cnoi, bi-tooolit rite L'Ilit.-ll M-lllt ly il nonato, il R.- foi, Ait. a toit Il aiýsa!.l-aity lit a, ' krill. This bill an lit and Il-t:ý TY S l a"'I th, ling'loni ýlf Art, %ou afraid !his continent le going to qv(.rs Il very %vay t. the rolLuirements o bc il- rl l:lo luils , ', --il Auto rian rond il, ..... . Id %,ilb titre pullulation? AII, the guropel narrative, btcing out.ide th Y. ai., Il o , il'.. %ilive of If infidelity 'il il,- illat lb,,,, 3ou bu,.- uut lo-ti tu Califor- wail - and its nantirai tentures affording ai n- t Il o la f r. il -m, g i , i il it Il loi)- T Inc il 1 m t lit i , Si ripturve, il olutoi-1 lit 21mi ycol ni, that olon ha%, lut bmecn toi Ore- excellent explani ut thc- name; so th& ]p il, . li * , r,ýI.oI 1 , 1 , 1 I,ýot Il c il,ý! 1 --- l'u- tni-n lit, , :ilzt--i nations bat k il) sclul il iliat ýIoolls rital You bave not bol tu the nid tradil ute of l crucifillia ioz Il, lit j, ati..rrlç.yl if th.-y rire I:tv- aloi tiroir front terni barbarisno ai,. A tishing miurl Il) day on Lakol sud burial of christ, within the marier ce y, rs. , lotir) iiii; tlho-ir goolle 17, lor (,nt leme irit, t,.,iltIight * ;, tiiiiii rite niirui-ý l illight as %%,,Il lie attrait of being cýty of Jertielilem moi covercil I)y gaud if IIo-ý art, --hants. and if lie find Il ,f a tilt .f ligo-, riittl(,siiak,-o und h> lutter sliil)iiiig heforil Ilight "' brint-9, is D(Iv Ift fi) the mwperrotition a ,et -" -i il, -11 ;il -'y mopor- Itiiiirin7.,-iýï o-ilil il,- 1-il thait the fýr liuly toile of tire L-t t,,n gcnerativns Il, 8totrian arid ('ulli(iiics to maintali Il - tant .1-11 bina III, bard (a>h morale of lit(- hurlant race. Anierivans toi lot- afraid col being over- while Bible stridente hold tu this Othe .1 t of brbo-ry. Th, lool> loi rite rrilit tit,11 by furign 1.Iltllatil)"8 in this bijl. The norme "('alvary" i3 from th st 11-el, ni Morucupols. that this lire ver hali bol, curire avtiol Th, une State or Texas i 8 fur Latin Calvaria, wil simply menus er Il nut et, valily caIlirht ",:uý,o t I, Bible It vous the illeuther of larger thon rit thé Austrian empire. yet kali like place. ut lohI, tho, il-rni or NI r. , - 11 1:tv ait,] f livalthriil jurilpru- l Austritin culture supportis The title usually indicated the crim or tir, Il ..le loul, , Thal book has boqqi i bc tambour of The un, Stale of Texas il, laricer for ovhich thoc victiin was executed. AI Y, of olir Sta*e, aloi cille-, , t lie si! -forme rond ail charmes mub or tirait all Franc.., and àtllllm>rts 36,- cordingly the naturel inscription la th Il Il un, -:iiglish inngiia hurla illill Anierit-an do- ibm).imo) peuple. T toi- of T x "blâj niniiiii-r tri %%liiih a ccrial 1 lie ortoi 'ýltu o, . as case of Jemus would bail belon ýh- parry hall il i1-11I"tiiin 'If Il il blot. larali'oi, tir Benjaloun fa, surprit-cri in mille tir,, Geritiolo empire, I)bemer*' or -trail Bat Pilate hall hi le. land. Il as fioind ont ilitit thirut-en or Franklin, hl>ldiný, tirai bol . , buok in bis yct the Germanir empire millipturts 41,()00-' re,,,ge on the Jews. lie was tint enoug t infidel o lui, in Pari, Ikýj peuple. 1 to-il yon the greût want of tiie h.ot st.Ite l5,1 it."- hand. 'Ilend le - [ml, ai o of a man to releade Jean,*, but lie defie 0(m) am-'ng Oient, sixty meinho-rý ,, 1, , all'i r.-Il Io thi ni oui uf the prophé, i- rit, ,ill Stil il mort poil i n lie the prejudices of the Jtwq by soluing la il that '31.1te il,, or lialakkIk, aloi dit. iiifiolo-Im, nul k!i-i,, ill sortit, poupi, maY Ii nt t over tire (-rose Ru inscription which ai loi $10,1KI0 il, th, og "bat looli, il a,, do, lared il ous tire I tir tbe .Ity saying. -Stoly loi to cribed to the vicinal, wtàýtbo-r sarcastica ,y ell or that siat, iv'd lois b-t 1,,»ýtr>, illey huit týv,ýr liarli Thst fqýrt.luil populations, 1 press ont as fer blé- ly or not the sjmýctatoF might Judge fol lr« clýrk recil th, Lielito4laut ( ou, 1-k brought Gocurirc NI'aithinil dowil tho)- g:ltIls roi 1 (-an prose out beyoud hirroself. a tiii which Jeans hfid been ai on lois il t1w 'Ilow lit Val;o.ý l'u,- bel kul il, nïl Bay- cuscil or claiming. -The king of tt rervivcd 811 tbl' Ilerlos lit lit, sý 1 1 JolooI -yvbat rage this inust have cause lin ih, $7,.tmw) ei,,ýh, 4roil I.A th,ý thuig Vrill'e Allocrt V ye )eoj)lý ý%h? are ho autng Ille 1.,b- -on. le l , ... Il of .1ogIýý,.',', - uni, iIti,,,tr,>Ii,*iiiý, iluil aniong the Jeý%s. The chief [)riets' appel ,al by That thing ,il a lager or 1 tell %.,il iliat il, - -stt ai , 1't'..l I,,CcýstB, )oIl, "I uni su arraid tiret they could not change il. The obstinacy ( lu- ë:oIjlý.,r - il, il ai lie, tint, Ki, ... l; tri in of lit,, ', rit, a' 'n'il to Il 1 r,>jI.1iIýIýs fur foreign gov- j"ilate mould pormit lit) correction. An gr- ili, i of Ilu- l'alun, !lut il i- 'Iroy thi, l--ký 1'l-t ll.ath-oIuýý Il thuin bore. - iliert, Mais rit rire tille a dcep truth thi ty. lo't :, a,, Il uý,ýil lo le. 'l'il hfffl, Itju--izý [-til Is. rltt,ýn lutin- 11-t-y rire mo k f the that non, cotilil have iiiolerstoloil lit that tim mbe Il. r,>f,-rI- nul ill..ý-,l (or iirr.-st- il h- ,ue , îih Ira 7c rin-fil. rituel 111--Y --lit frets bat n hich hils ouille tu liglit mince. Ile wi ci 1. 1 t.-Il yun hot tho- ille s"l-ond lo tirk, 0, blond .)f ilo'm AI.Il-rita' Gil, tho-il, thé' 91l gumiliel Of lit,- king of the Jl,,m. thoogh a rejeol a lorme il f Il, i tý,-Il;Iy r., ri 1,,Ilt:li . Il t. lot., I loir - ', o,ýl ont, iii-ouini thoni tilt Chri-- king. Ilc tour, hi, ha".1 "flou o 1 -- mid I1ý1 ont fil., Tho.v mill add thoir in- Th, three latignages oit ore nI.c(,siary; fi 1 nir, !!il Il o :il-, il- ý,t l,,jtrý and ilàll"..l W olges to this I 'f oblat. .-y >ai]. ni 'p- ,Ill dedwal, ail il) Latin las the oill janguage sud lien, !Pt til tf ,11. a"I tuait, -Il li - 1- lu, IýI tnat of 'l', o l'o. Ils,'l Ill ýrliiil"kl plot-eeding4 and le 'Ic- -nial, lind . Iuld il, th', 1 , inl f"I:ý .IflIll :I:lli Il, j-l l'il -u I;tllll 'hall lie iiIarrie,,I." l Greek, Ilo, Iiiiiguage of commerc fil 1, il", l .", thot il vill d it o , 111.1. 1. 11 'l jlu il 1 ill, noarriage altar bol gcneraiy tind.-rotu 1 by ( ity peuple and à ja- rital i't of loi, n, .,Il iItnt .f thl- %Ij--ýi,;I,, t Il, lit U.o Lý Moulitaille, the tholl'and, or viour, rivril mot lan. tort " y 1,agu, s ha', l', - ýlf ilo. I.q', !, - III thl, q ou,ýI, .11ilwial trulli IliK!Ity irrigation, iti Jerusajeul ai thi, tinte; hile Aramai G -1 Il, il, lit t;,i. ll""::Ii-, jor. 'J'Ill Il g, t: tue t.q,ý >II:,Il le, lie thcy %vill il Iltd Ilot)rev tri t1bo l w ali the la e to- toi rond grain guol Il the vouil Il niay bc intertes l'Pl 1 1 l ý , , e z , h'n a y , ::l il -:11, i i ý, 1 t i[%.. ou Ill] tio, Si;, 1- o 't rit 1- T I, il li'l il", liostoul lourd the N- !n, a roi, fil, ;g!lt lo :Ill lie. il ..... . v lu. il o I* Ilo ,1 1 il 1:,I'. o-lo, ond rit, ( tjat*lt-,t,,tt.ý et ýhe loacific ing toi present l thr- titles as tin pruhably ,a Iý'I 1'. l, 11, lot 1 ', ri .f il"" . ou, io il, iuarrlagr, aitar on un, Nittýri NII-luk Y,-bLida>,,i (Ar ;as a 't -1 :1 ý l il, ll 1, 1, 1. 1 lu l an le foll, z;I,.'l i j"'i 1, t thv li- tons aloi the or Thl Il o k, lioll Ilu, 1 il 1 1 il,. A t 1- lois hu Na,. rai- hni llýiil,-tis il hy ll!1. loir 1 il , - ý fhat il, ilit loin- 1. (ho utrirr-lag, il ta, ou linlinuit G rvlýk) lort. ul Il Sloci ILt Il.,nol ý'f I!- ý Il, joli.] Illi'rl' thlýIII ý,ýno.I? '*',i,"' -y 'f ou .1 Ile', Rx Jodaloriini ILà ,tir n'Ili Illot in ). o 'f III., vlt, il Illiirti r f Ir [I, Lit tho .1,- rital I, i, Il 1- mi '\ci adi .,Il 1 hi, Il il fr-on th, initiale or tir,- last. Jni il foi, Il r, 1 f, in ii- le, or Inri. iliat ilit, fikiiiiliar Roulait Cathoi ta If 1 id f- lon 1 il.- IlA Il li 1 ria :a! , lu., e ýI t 1, f, laiton, lit t ni, ilixes und tri luctures las, Itl, I.J. illâil 'P't if' il. . ;lit lu Il, Itý Il, A U. lot rit-' otho r oi, h-oild p, 'n k, - fil 'l 11, of noaroh, thnt and - 't il l'lot tIILIII nOt tho criiiiiitai (or persi il t 1 ýll, r 11) _ triol %%llý, VoulLid l 1110 bilait toi týt lit,, vx, iitioner, ai ac- i, a g,ýIII!n \Vloit i, .... .. boozil ;or lo o oi t Il lil«,.I,- or a sulélil alo il %,l , a la-, 1, 1.- f. rit- - 1,i il ý,,,,:Io,;-o ,toi. I lit t il r.joicoh -cr a bride et, thy hoad dre's. et vth ov'r lit tiont InAr. but -,%lýr lie, rutile or undergi 1-raz, il fil d, , ,, ", 1, Il, al and ca't lots toi doulide to'r.- Il. li-1.1. . "ff. ', l- lionli p Il :,k. 11.11 I:A ý hall ringt, ti, platters shall be of Ni,- 1.11ýtIt 11il, lt>litil not ' I I -i Il 't illie On- 'o'la oil- r, mil lh, halilloi uf Califul-Ilia Tho- explains th une io,ý filon Ibý,, Ilind il tu Il,, .11 1: ,il h a fa, - , , 1 (1.( m si gol-I mll tl, fruil of ilorthern orchards tho, iloiscionsi fitlhili-ll scri ide -T, 'Ilfi !o 1,I) illim laini bill tr't, nul ij, loi, oýs uf elitheru ýrves sud thU ýo loing ght o toi, s:ry of Alitrit aýI iýIrInIJact lire and Wlial a zac't ýo fIIllý 's hùmq: puit Illoiliteil tu Chri.t. lutin all tbi, fr" na- t1i, niuther of Jo-il. Il un tium-r ,,e-ther oitor t Il ....... il; il, haiel ,f G- ion, lit ..lIriti anti froni ail tho- trilluilithillit leu hallier lit la, rod hostory thrit %vou i t r,-l 1 'il , Ill- ,,, os nothing o, ý il it ile ri, il aitollu r ,Iitor to%ât prcsuts 1 1 bat il knif,- f- iil o litl au i a h- , illlu flo' [lit lit this r'quibli'. afntiolu il . f il And me tby tant] shail tic lir, if tire John alei hie adopt ontis iiitruiý,o rit, 1,- u1plo'lin, 1 le ... rite ivre'. r 9 lits ovoir aijut--.Nlliry il lot Il., Il :t ýl, t il maý,. -Ad Ille bride- 1 1, Il, 1,11 l xi-j't ,),ai lit tri t ou ovo-r the si, 8111111 A, lIistiiiIt Vurpose.-Not unly la lt aftcr Ille ril-irrection. 0 nial- un earth. il, . c llot r It lie lot Ory do-clateil tillit we lire frow 'od, but 1 rillit), p,,îiilIýr l'uil; tipl in, "Lldl"nce whi slew tlu G 11,1- bail ul'.11 t r.II-til lo, i li: Il le i il- tilil the Bible. Chl thut %;, art. sent lut _,tlie__%vorid for a o, -cuilectioln; or jest . 1 _: .. 1 _o 1 1 il il l udand lit, ro, bave the lit Th thre hapil whic th'y "T deatl beld terril. with 10 un- fep;. only XIIIIiii CITAPTER VIIL' :hýce^of 1ýbp delcetive. "that the prisoner mille At len olclo -k a carnage drew op hefore la ri.> be allowed ta denuoince a toit. forir the reaidott of th(- lat, banker, and ira- et If id utragtous Th ý ný;ýmo in """ noan"". lt dpýendIid Sheriff Ctable, Deputies L h..Id ,.tet your witnse..%:" ning and SV, or. air.] their primuner. Selharsi bâti ettrisen ta bis fect, and h, The coroner nuit hi i jury of Riz chossen , strode formard un he uttered the words, iff C mien werte alreildy -n y Pried in the library, with hi» eyen fized on Robert, white, mith bis j à mi ta t bat ration the , Mirette et once re- a matin. sortie into à chair. th, p aired with thpir prisoncer. -I sbould bave admenlqh(ýd bien in à the A number or Versons were alroady prem- moint-rit more, IlSr. Sellarre, 1 assure you. 1 i jol, ent in the %pavieune; manuel amollit them 1 oui (7ondueting thiâ investigation. The mort Living Attorney Dedd)m ait(] lits sein Arthur, prisotier muât not again premuuje tu inter- a riajug young lailvyer of ricar ItobIert's rupt the procéedings, mach bilait denourt ý, ait@. Pr. Norcum mens prescrit. and Ili,- as taise file týýtlrn,,Dy of a witneste. You F tective Seliars mot ri,-jir une of the library ses-ret ta be qtit-utiouing the witellemil in the winflomR, gnzing olil)aNiitly out on the intürirai of the prisonter. NIr. Dobbs. Are lawn. Illere any tomber questionu you desire T h P prisonvr's ximter and a Duvalier of to amk'.," othé,r were ()ri the flour abovi- with ...No. Do! 1 thi.k not. 1 mrêly consid_ pp r. the bel-Cet daughter lit the munlereil creil if my duty ta Retc, filet Robert Camp- "bu b;e belli te) Court titilà.me mon ficIl Ilhevuld not t âge SI.Criff l"d'l' %taIjoflIýd Lanniog nt file- iii-re ma. pruba Il cause- ta lmýlieee- thrit filer front door of the- mith orebors fi%- cormnitted tient ficarful crime.- ami, ta admit il,, une cl- il, file. hein- without l'bat is al]. Mr. Cravvii,- teaid the cor- Dit bis a;)IIrn% al. *,Wliy," hi )fi- r. the endity mill bring o.owny thrit thCy m-1111 lit Il Ili, Ve-liii actit toit bc to I ovierrun th, -a if - house.' a .1) g ate-Il filait hanlly cutild Ii le, Atturnt-y Polbil hall vimiled Iti)tý,rt In hl,,-ak a w-J. jail doit alir..el bin, flint hi, liait faith in Itobert 1.,iiged ta faite héo- in bis ornes T bis Il-- also bo- le and milisio-r %%trfln of ( j:ý-I;itjon tri lo-r tri 1 frum his mon Io thil eff t that hi- would tarit, but tbC kicit eyeti, af the dci.-t-tive roi unlýrtuk.ý tel, de filiale. on belle and tficy bld Lini lu hile or t Whicit &Il a. tri ttv, sh.riff flair terl threw ofit-re fil,- daor 1--eà,!itjg fi, elle ( Lait, Th.'. If Nlis3 cor- or lo»r of ilo- toali and the jury tient liernirette (-*raII-ri te Ri, far am she minitel tlat elle, able) miles orlons. ed ri, duly Illeuern soif de-pom- .-d by mhat lhe- suppded Ille fatbeýr's th.. t h or , Il lin àker'. di-leth wax dose.] by i ries, and tient Il.-rinait knocked en Ioýr Cris hia-1, ef a knifil ol mhit instrument, ilor, and tient ith huit mil, il,., tIC9 whih fired 1.,>..[, lh'olt in bis t,,>R.,t with letairs. Of the. fcarful that net- t h--r sto siwil fori-il fluer fil.. lii-art mal, otique ýIv,[t , 3 - lie lit-ri illeil file fibrary mie,- filet ably cool.] hardly pit l'lu hie ].,.aile ha- -%ly p r telas galeping his laý,tl" fil.. Arthar !o. ItýaiIe-ýi. '*ItIIl ltý,tý-rt loood he-side, bien bc "Nt-ari ' y ma, tliv "I fi, ý r- %%jt!i a bi,-l) kriité, lie fils band. Nly inight tiai.- a groaii. Verbales a (r) li -ýA fntiii bis ýhair to lie,- !Jour. 1 afr of b--11,. [,,et I,,thng moreý- 1 1 klo-it hein. 1 au( "The-rC w-, foi, 1 h,-,rl distincily elle» le. ariTý;. charve 1tobert nith Lav. NI lajet 1'.. 'lit. red. 'I'L'y .,r, th, enti kJlIýi aud il,,-n 1 fa,.tI>d. 1 know me,, fil, - bol Th, o- made this A.,--rtion - **IPý, Nýoj knomr, Nli,. in a, Ilerroître 4 ra%.-il, Il leu hall the. mliat ),oir f.11I.-r lie Id Robert 1-1 roule, ait-I Êtood a o ' "» " - COL elu-ar tl,ý Il-or. -I lin let . - liras the r.,ply, '*thât he ill; "%*-eu mil] twl later, NIr. fera. teemed ;;lire hirbly, fer 1 have, oftCir beard at-r ven.- x:j;.i fil.. 'l'tif-ri forum Xý fi, teinte, pronouoie bien a 3'oing niait of inte-g- on, the jury, te-- aile Inca of fil-- jury. rify, morth nuit a bigli elle honor." lice are you aIlý,fi.-d a., tu fille, , EXI fige rit.. N1149 said the ing dentIt attoncy, -l'ut lit millet fief 3,ile P'l Ail thoei- Ill 4 es ý,tziii-J t., the- e re, ao, sied art--r fi.-- II-ft t:y "%%*-- m-r-ý týilzagi-d, anî tith roy faite- an, ILI- or th. fi,, p;Irtý r- -*,ý,.ý:--o" 1 houid ba". bis al pw re-il t., ihý- m i « -Nom, il-rneau if yoir mil! io' A of ii.,ýrn, Il, -il lua, peur --ls. tri- TI- n. ad IIcý outh. nild "Ilid Ihý,t % I-ý a d!> 8. ma, a 11-1-1 th. r.lle-tit,ý.;I ý,f fil., -ord, Il.. est-il lit, th et, **l tljll!k I- t, uril-ýl R -i- rt hall a.ýkýeý,l ai] DIKfit lit fý, et, tf,ý- his I..t am th.. L. ,11. fer -- lui lend &'Ilit-I peur falb"r e vi-r mllid allght ta As 14ellars. et jý t;,,I,.s, i, cliruell, il fully plu fiboit a de'ire on lei, Luert UI le.t. yuu ', her--. fiel- wifé, f lierman asked the be -Ar.- , I - 11r, Arthur "?hier the oa fi,-ard Il. slr' N-- r- t'O emanali-ci fr-an fil.- !ip, A )-ir ollil ha%, informe d th'l jury l'f flint Il' 1 ' y - - . - fil-- r. 1-1Y. * Il fat-t,*' - i-J 11--rillan, *'l'rit 1 Ld il.'t d..cul th In 1 le,- ["!ltak, il Ir rueU , tue tbere. i- %,.rl. 1 -lias your fousin ever aékvd your bond mi tl,,t le h.A t ille et in il auddit-Il aille, il or et, of, fon Il,- le le. ný ha,." hi. doute I'n'. , off. 'ell, fils rit. uniattii, upoil the prisoner ne jour of wax of ilo. iritlaiàii:,ati)ry ordt-r. W hi-Il iliv future couhin 1 the rom fil. miel "I did. ni il') ti..%v Yen gasiong lits :-t. IL, , tý".l Il, j -I ritand, %tels I I led W 1 fort, us %%ith That blo.,d) ýh. ROI kilif, that -iir faille r fuL cýAlLdl :le ll,ýrtuan tri I-«ý- 1.1 h- I li:te le, d in bis band.- Cr., ýIl "" In ,*1)1.1 y-1 l"'t 1'ut'. >,,il Wh% bis I»ýing calhier of lei% t.ank 013 ed the %loirs, Idr filait 1tobert rital: caloI3 oh- elle] ldý question am dir.lcIIýI] te, 31jus "11,,d Il ýt Y.,ý,, 'In. Tu,] thal tiaid the lit- as . loig aloi -Ilà u ... ovy mas by rites tonel Je, wth vehol, "'a- e"ýje-nt t'est -"bl' rit ba.1 -nId trand w, fitrth.-r se, ne, "NN'hoit Il, >ý,n leloet, of a foie; of euill mli.-ri Ihe replicil faintly: -.Ils ldr Sel- tient thil ha, roll fi, !or. ha. bel il et roý firth- leu trý,,Igtt - Ili liten 1- re-1 Io Ili , 1,111U , the ntt"ru..y stateil thar r, 1 eiý,tiIiIIg lnoro. Ci] kný,%% Ilial mille r -lie iiiiir-1.ýr le, le.t.1 p- N-,t Cold, - I, g;i go-,sool of ilolt nn-J thzet file- w ib. th;ý r,ý d. r liai Io, iiIit il, bure th, fil,, eIght ha, .. .ýI1 peteth tf - :I tend Il,-- . pre t, fi f ( y ". , , -:,.' 1. Ie lei y il , il 1. g il a 10 r. II-J. rf', haing 1,ft i h. I pr. iocý. il u as nt; le. - .d. 1 l'elle file l'ag loi ton ilol lh,ýrtJ, ft..r t.o, o'l 1- k. le 1- il Il Ill ill'. It.ý 1. te ý til, %, je, uý Il ha'.. Ight 11;I, l'i'. of 1 (nie lie in - TII joor i!tI NI r. il 1 le -I k,ý th et II, h:Iý A th- s, pr- jiftir SII- r 111 IlIat -f t, et th aloi illiet Ir, 1 ýAd, bled left thC - th hi, joi, ibý.re. il le, lo Il. - h. ri r là,t :,Il I.- I ', el fi,, rooo, 1 L a 1,- 1 * a. ,I-!l el, NIr. crie- el W- M- 11, Ito- eu th, il, k ...... fit-ile, r 'a". Ih- lin- hi- -,iý:lIt il il aile. fr t1i- 1 1,11 -le r Ihiý ci ....... Itnio, I- te ce nty 11I. le ha-1 I l', lu, that h., 'I', b Il \\*el , e ". illoil-l'. t , ifo-arlh ;:'t-ag ; Il i:h ', :', t.. 'l c l'es dauglett -r 1 1111. 'l'h- r,- m il., ce rtj:,Il ' y il.. I, il - - t int, - lf IL- - l- -1 in Ih,- il -r ,il. len, il HC- il lio, Il Ir,,; al! -id- oI by iroý whil.. fi iiIo in GIo du. ..f Il... 1-11- t,-11119 t,, ne 11,no et,- nn, Ilo r Ilaiti, hiol e 1 fho ro.en. iL.In ILI, loi- ýf-. If t 1- 1,1 .... .. k- inz .'et th, zef I.f Ili, ,'t. en b., thnil the tend fPý:1I lo-r m ilite lip, nod- tels - t :Ip te,-! , 'le L LI, R oi.rt - Io, li', ilot, g-ý-,, 1 il , Ila iIý 'l Itý Itl', 'ng Ili riloin , il, le, 'olýv eh., lot, a k.ý , nuit .x. le.- e-aig!;t le - ,fi. noaningt gi;irIýi. l',inoi. I . p'. N, un, 11,on (ýitL,ýr froill Ilit, e'>(ý.s of el;,- m ho 11;1ýl If Ih, %NiIolý %%s." Ilo( lIft bis -Ilt lo-ar Ille Iilide,%V. zind siii>loose*?*' reillai thl, cor- C lit. aid 1 thing. 1, "Did ýou wol lie, dor lit Il soliroi.-d ma, fil,, r. ply. statps tevice during elle' not tilil flint il,, en,- ould hac toit the rcar miltiltps I,ý-fore ý on the stairs?', duo, witlout altrrit ber attention. Mr. o :.111, (tour lI--ll %%lis ',lit sotifilled aft,ýr 1 Craven has temtified thot he found the retired, or I should bave, licard il. 1 tend Il front doter luelleil. Of coure, soiriething t not long retiri-il and ont a liglit sleilpt.r." further tliüN develop before court cela- t -Yon found file fr')"t d-tur loe'l'IýIl "b n venes. 1 rail stalle Do more." yole rail front tho librarv and elown th "Did not the prisoner bijoself call you a Rtrcet, as you bave de scribed. crying 'uiurý Inp this cage, NIr. Sellars?" dcr'!* il w'yi-9 Uncle )[folle brought me a note f did." ting my prpsence livre and "The windoý. of this room and.of ý"ur fý, nisl -. r.,,l ,oà-eý murder had been commit- uncle's chaniber, you soir, mettre raised ?', t,.d." -Thev were. MY oncle, Presumabis. tend re heord enough to justify our holdlus ? risoner ta eourt.- 'Wrli. take the eu", gentlemen," salai ru en withdrýw to one aide, end ýre was a %% hispered ( onsultation of lier- pli fiv. nlitilitts' duration, at the end of licli time the forvujân announced that ýY lind arrived rit a deci.,4on. 'M'bat gay y,ýu'?" n.ked the coroner. *Tliat we have rPasou tu believe, and de lieve, that Alvin I)t-Itýjsýýtte rame tu hie ath at the liatids of 1tubert CampWt w in uxtody, and we direct that lie be Id for trial for sald offense nt the Sep- millier terni of the criminal court. and thout 1,.il." The lýinLPr'm rJnoghter huit ariýên tu ber Pt. lier face wa, Chastly white, and 'I the , aýin9 of the dour kept lier frorn ýýking to the for Jennie had left ber le and ber arms werr twin" about the rrn of ber brothêr. The coroner drew up in legal fortin the vling Of the jury of inquest, each mem- ý of the jury signed the same, and $ber- Cobb conveyrJ back tu the county jail * prigoner, who bad imprinted a kies on * paie beek of bim sister. and î,,i@red * band of the banker*% daughter la bis )s, white he m hispered in ber (-ar the une ord-"Ilop,." (T. be continu.].) FAc-rS ABOUT ÏT--C>WjÏWAY& emone Who Oteai Thçir Pao«lgeOýer the Atlantic ocea.. "I Bill not given to loging My rem- er." sald oiw i7aptain tu the writer, but 1 vOnfess that when on one voy- ge mé found no fewer than fourteen lën Lad trianaged tu stow thernéelves nay beloiv 1 felt Inellned to give thêt& Il a dw-kIng, and said %o." Thls was je caplain of an Atlantic liner, a man ý whouj the stowaway Is a perpetual UlRan,-e. Thougli the strIctest watvh liq kept j preuiit his geti!ng on board, It fa ire fur il trip to lx- triade without one r wo of the dead-bead fra- i-rnity I)ojLg cmi-rieil, %%[]]y nilly, free. )f (,jurse, titis Is not donë entirely ilthurit on the part cf on 1,oard the shlp. The stok- rs art, lint llifrtýluently the guilty par. le%. Witli thvir or ald the t(ýua%%,ay gpts down luto the hold and uifig a dark corner tri whieh to @ecrete ,iuisý-If until the ves-À-1 Is at sert. If lien h,ý is and set to work, ic 9Iý» s Lot il-lull. 1 t IS Dot work lie 1% fraid of, but ibe b.-irig iýitliout work, aid the lireail iliat acromlianies It. %Vh.,ii It is ý-oiisiýlêr.-d what an enor- nous thing an Atlantle liner Is, &nd iuw dark places therfý are in lier rast 11,1--rior, It 19 Dot surprising to -ar that scores of men duriiij; the ,,ursýe of a ycar get free passages tvross ilis- lierring pond tri one shlp or tuother-and this though thP steanier ieer Ieaveti port mitLout a spareli be- ng urade to se, that ri-, unauthorized >Prson ta on Ward. Many are discov- ýrPd, In bunkers and Othër sueli placés. ind, of eurse, varefully conducted ishore, but Dot a feu, manage to clade 1,-tef lion. and, of course, away rroiii land lIttle is tu be féanýl from J!s4.ov( ry. The ré- !s il curlous notion prevaient aniong soilic salin". It is that a stow- nway is a Iiiky to carry. A9kvýd 011ce %%hy Il %%as, an old Finit an- smered that 1w nev. r héard of a sblp being lost iliat had a etowawny on board. I)f oursu, lo- had un InstancE la polut to relate. It %%aï to the effect that a ý%as disoýùred in hid ing ,ri an ýiiigý,111g Nvssel ut tire lasi inouiut Boit Shaking bis Est ut th, captain. the Nvould-be voyager cried: "Fiii glad voti've turned me OUI of y..ur roltil ship; ne»Iler Fille Dot you ý,iIl IIvýP to see Christinas Day while 1 shail.- Th, prophecy proved a truP oiie. Tire vessel wé rit down with in a week of salling, and oidy the sec ond ettier and a few weil were saved Magazine. Il W" a slander. A story is tnId by the Arrny and Nivr] Journal of one of our voltinteer mar hors ý% lio hail Iris lj()tiio In il sinall towi near rire Misissippi Hiver, and wh( had I--n choseil tu U()iliiii,.iutl the loca rnnii,;iriy of Ilis political Iliflu eU".ý Tliý. of lils toivil had or g:iti:zý-ýl il 1-d Cros Auxillary Snciety aii.1 i-flier toiitritiiit!o[is lu th nt tiifr absent herocs was i p:ijaiiia,. The hoi Cios, Mas 'eUt to 11W ý alilt but i- a- Of Ils re4ýelp %%as n iiiiiied, su tir,, gnod I;idý,.s tel, glapliv'l ý 1,\ i. 111 kiiý,N% if Ynil got th'. paj.1 '.'n', T11. apiail; l'a-1 1-v' il 'Ittilig il ýI1ý bulre. ail il il %as h il - 1 and hý., 11iiiid wu .Il! So Ifie c N-ru h :1 Lv ý.!1z of th, %% holv clotl io rul 1- 11.1 :111.1 . Adm it :1111 [lot il tot! l"il hil-l tI1.ý 1,ýijam a \%ý-U r at ali> 'cher tillie- Without Creniony. or le-s usaally a. coiiipatilF tlPe 1:1ý*illg of a riýrnùr-ston l'lit 11w Chicago records air il Ni lier, oiie was LiLl quit, si:llpl. 'j'ý% u ilit-ii %% ere taliking of tire fortur: f il third. *Y.ý,." sailli oile, -he mad hi, tirst hicky strIke lit eggs. Ile bougl tell thousand dozen at a low figlire, pi tireur lit oold storage. and sold therri 4 a profit of more thal, 2(H) 1wr cent. Thi %vas th(, coriler-stoue of his enoruiot fortune." sald the other, "Ilion the bel laid lt!" Y.-S; Dry husbatid lias been U a y et et ,et th th pp da lit as IL by da ktsi ed ic. ýa_ lie in- ny ým ci- an ly. er. kue Al- en M 1eý Ire ,a- 4il- ai- to lit lien Dne Lied i or are ýet% an- s of the an liat ý1o11k ern udy i or ain. Iêr the 3 i.: Ac- the ,198- hie ugh -fied r op as- 'cal- for de- the ised peal r or And that imp, WR» eted ; for ence llen- ýFcp' il ail Inde mie, [an- rest. t hey Ara- ton Lat- rnrj. bolie es id ,rson and lited Me., rgar- ýe ils that crip- -Y R111_ , rit- '.uld loille kpt"d ry 'f Oue phich l the 'Sus; 1 the ýy to -us, ckrity Y, la 1 lier time :elkir

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