CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 4

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IM EINDEPENDENT. FRANK ]F. JUST. Editor. U ( N FlUIAi. Joue 2, 111. m Bataud et the pot..îfn, i I St tyl lluols. as a îit-t<iumatter.s Mfo x e " adwo * 0-%UIIIU à-5Tr a5505 K-ný-own!ONN AIPLO 5OM pemi5OM.MW tCU Elgin Butter Market. Dont WantUsto0Loae. uveulg Butter nfferîngu on theElîgini Buard SIGNS 0ON YO'R FACE. EvtrY eitorliast roceived tleas-. J. J. L OTrade Mondai werc 215 ltin; .bide h lmseri u ut tui blanit. For O aponed tall 17e snd aivanceal tu 18eTLLAE P IN TA ntance tht-ru sab sman lîy the lt witiliDo Cali sales, offil arketlri TEnaineEEuPRESSINS say TX- [lShort.- Mh e marks-tPOSE VOUR THOUGHTS. s'1 usthec Ices«yto Sortbis aper at l71c: 1>9 tubs ssthdrassn. Butter setistrentcst tph»)..;ciash bat week, 17c and one yeuar agoe N*.y ulo by Wa,.s th. crrîbc. ditînit want bils palier any longer. uý Ob..-. a 1I. ., lit.,t ear Ve îtiitdered ssbat was the nattor. jeu 17plit Ui. lue. tic varIonstaîndu IF.el.4m . lasplB, ro.1 olativulgtui Ii-sbcription book Çan fiia;are te 0 Uc ued for bra baud snd la Ni. Th.-s. sus foiîd thant Tin wati short $10. He hurrah welcomecu luiAdiiràl Dewey, iu EvOI7>o<ly in Ibis imperfect world leer lî.d pitt s cent, <ladyetlibu bad Mal vafoUi J~aTes art- i auiy inu>tliolîks1 oalo1 ae1reu iai,,itPped 1114 paper 5ahlmatIter of econo- M12 sadalaargor thaun the fand that 'u bu- andi ta do tbis the more inaight one hm BOY tu lis. lie ditîlît want us t luse ms ing cllectid fortirhe 1,trchait-BI a loto one@ îellow men tîe bote an.y nmore by nîmo. A fitw uights after- (J nome for AdmiraI iewey lu WMashig- Iulia m.glontcaueteywruShort wsut Iehurcli, andt;ibIs I ton. The cinprativelyAuniail total o! ** shbrewder Observera filit the people nulotlinuis volet- rang out lîaîd and i.- th1e contributions rcu e<sd îty Irs-sur- they choat. This article, sinong otbex elunhalt ulti aoîît uurring uiîng, 1? or Roberts ndicate tueraPâthY u thlngs. gives the bouest Masu the power "Jeuin l'id iit Ail.' We inmy have tii.sobjec or a gens-raf belle! llat of powetng hinuhl. Ice,, in i lakî-îî, butt hs s-arestnua lin-W go many contriblîhin .old Uinumade There aredozensof ittlaiguu whlch. pres8cuei s. ';othe nuîct day ws- sent th"al, twau useleus 1-u iiY ingle l- ~do jon but know tileul. givin you the bey "hra s re ' it lu full, 1beggius bis par- dvidualto bother âaUr-nI nklng une e 0a man'@ thoughta aud htray bhlmalon (or .nBut kBoiting thait 1ne hll male ( The value of Iis fend ulîl lies- ein-1 withont bis beiug aware of il. This pli- il assignainent o-f lîal,îlitiesilto th A.1 the prompl an sd spiotanietv swit er l tho elstpapler in tho world te as-Lr. wbcb t luacî,trîlntîd Ihau n iil" iStlt(hopruvato detectivo mania or on- grand total, courage iorbiansspicion Of deceit, but PEOPLES' COLUMN. N a clear omprehousion of the rest sig- indications point luo a catI for nificancof o! hose face signal' will. buc For Sale,. vouiteeru în the- Beur future. aithouigh aides malng ~peole'E obRervations cf Mv lati of 118 airem scti onl,,li4, 101 officIaas ifl nBtulaitil.t.ien. 0tais use tatorae, Joadl lu aboter taidler- 811.f 1l, lîîu.. I dl. ranig, 1. tuitire Mi standing ili round. t i. îttit i 'ttc, Il.. ffJ'y, bas aaked fr mort' trllas suid texprelss- Mos of tiiese rmuteur actions by mlA îîii rin. '(i ed donbts of ps-atm sUIe unry-dr Of wblch-Io the akilled faial reader that the Filipinlof. Ail Lie regulafs trial u-wo give ouralivcs way are involtna- Seed Corni For Sale. l oau posaibly 4c spar îMf are luUc e enttary. snd bence thir vaIne. Supposîng. 1I lîî e aî îiý huilsla il o î-îlaoiîfor '[ %a binia sfat ah the- eanubc traits- for lusianoqs, you ara îelîg ming sono il ii.fliiî..i 32 .î.-r2 o ported bol tht-y silil uciireaseth 1e teo& man Whocelau keep bis countenantie 1ll. m total of bhsaray tînl cas bis projeel of and yOD waft ta fintout whetber ho Hoose anid Lot for Sale. 11r prsuading the vlintccris to re-enlîsIt okes your news or not. lu the ordinary I (. onhl',oc-il sasOrganizatilI uisntend tf ecîmlg say, if ho bhtu sufficis-ul self contro W t gitl attii rhadet adtii - -os-ha te homo, canucho 81ccessttilly carrîcd ot ok cdyo ol chadptt uAl'stf uita"Vair ii , timltf dîscover it; but if Yen knuw . here a inge vloîte.- luiuire of ot a, es h There isalanseîhome anslctY fcitt vver 10 o okfor it ho cannol, evon i hobas J.u -ýu s un .îî Soifr tho situation in Cuitai. Il s kntiwn a facenofbtausa, bide the sîgo yon araeu that the Cubait leaders Who have wantlng. persuadied tie tCaban boldîccu t There are certain muscles wbich flar ( L1 thenuaî m niaiîî reotaln bir armiaratherltiasurcider win calied the "grief muscles," for the profU~riii IlKII t(madgtterqoao he oueauo that when auy one heure infor- UIIJIIIIUI (he sd gl hoî tnot o , motion ho doemsure cabsoutlitese ROUTE. 53,OO(l,0o now in "taveu&, asating msces s ntantly aud wthout the e dlistributionu, arc nult rls-ndly te Iho mses metowong il u. a. sud that lhey woudnfd suîlly Thezo muscles are conulctod wîth tho aot trouble, if they dareil. There oyobrnws, sud in a case lise that shove o are also my8terioOS bluta o! outtide il in the oyebrowa vyuenuit vateki. for. and Influence snd noney bsiug nssd bin f your information ho nnwelsouîe, the Cuba t0 foieut dlsitaetlon AndI inoide ends wlll for sul instant arcb vell-informed me-n are cxpreaiiîg leur sculely upward anti s light ivlukie tha" more Iroopa lire fîkelyt> 0uc coins serons the bmow. Then. t=în111 the Tet of the face ho wrealbd1 noeded lintCuba as ws-fI as in the milez, Yen msy disregsrd these and Phlîiiîfnea f~~~est certain YOD bave - got home. " Thoe~ nn atn ln action la an involunlary that il itoln UUIII ( W l l Codctfor Iarmera. escaesioaobservation, ansd eveu Iboso op ni t t i1l I (( bas heculestaiiuied beyonil douht Who notice il frequeully labo it asutue- a .I t -I.È. -uti tht hoco Iatîalhwu l del i ig indicative ut pleast surprise. CTY 0 CI4I2-GOfi thg te ot, hâ i alowd u wel li The ndviduleWho invariabiy soile arsoCITY F MILWAUKEE t; poace sud quiet i. mure vaînable than wben yo Peak t10 tberu are a dililcult aiîîltli- i îîmut-i tfmlîit-lîr Ex abs wOul it f lo vere diutrlîe(l [q a@@10arend, but there is noue the)las C PT Y O F L O U ISV IL L E 1( rude nises and exited h i îîklndal way of donmg il. The inuWhoaills 5îween Chicago, St. Joseph ion trealmeut. out of pure gnod nature and bscause bu and Benton Hlarbor, Michigan Re5 Early anc moruing lest veut vo la pleaeed always doua itnmure with bis notlcod a herti ut cossa bciug drivoien es i bsu Islpa u h ieinSD YE C R IN (o(h mikugyattby santiiay do muât neyer trust la that of (bit man l..-sîfiîîr ilh .,tt t fWai'ti>a-.liAs o i Lu ta he miliu y rdC9la î l i t ýI i nhl . ua îil ial s I ls tý t an sàby î]mont as ntisy. The man wIIIUO Bp gnes Dp for a mioment an ,.îaîSirli î-atls anab shows you tbe poinîed endi Of huacauine .tetrli- ti.-rf ut 1i:ai. s-tt OC Who ownt hose Cot dtcs .etittttr- t-- iat wb vu 600css o-snt ue- î. j:t si. .ai,101.lis-gît air 1ýt tand dalryiiig. or bu would sabubne Watch bhla, lna rage aud ytu in vir-t ai- I,-i Iti-s tiîcgut il - îPO the boy or drive up the t-ailshîiself ses prociseiy tho amemoveinenit. The i. (ilit,- loiu-i i rii Iru -la), i! B It bshottacen bossu ly sctuai test thatl acst tat ho <oes it whesianliug shuva 1--a-l l....,Jita l 2a , hCtagit 8 Apt9 AI.. tIlîtl lti Cht the butter-fat in the nilk îof a liera I o!infsllibly usalevoisuce. chubked by de t h...~ ii- rta-'tIlin îii W. Caoeus uc ereducuti ahu ue-h usu lqIllerOil~îu I- nr cet.U ecîig benJttls-aie A good msy people -cin rti nk -u-tt.N -ihaaimtth,Ila- tient thora le a difliculty ini findiug a sly ;d îî-n- - llp.I ..tkt.ig-lna- they are miiked. prion hfore the mischief ho doueu dis- r-lr- ' t at '. iii to.tîiîgi ins sh kult s~l.irysfiîildcloe blecmter. As a malter of farttIft5ik. main a ruie sguiuat nî.eroutt i n b ft yeay.Yonhave ODIYte 30.1 * ir.'. l'T,-..s-r. abauzdiy s-asy. 1;. ut,' iîI arti. a-A troatîneut or rude botîtts lit the watcbh, hm for leu minutes sud he wîll G. Il oRt ia.1AI aI t mlking.yartl, asud th-a nrîgidly enftrc ive 1e ilusf 5wOB a a. the ruie>s tqiali sthis s done the The ly persan in slwas tryîug ta vabielleti tht-ber-IdaI.teters1 ie m e soanthiug vithout hiuai upposend (;rteield (ars-tobin, e ilWhen Ibat somxethîng lusoutl aide bis visuelaiefldbu basnlu nînve bis K e r eyniuslead o! bis beurt. Any nman@ W. C. T. U. NOTES. eyos therefore IthotYeuu suvury mucb eaa ,A--aauifl î.t iî-id. 1 ttA. A ua i - draw ta0onue side, say twîtta in fise Wruisua -mui ap- llminute&, je sly, &aid yoi ould do veli Vuho- I - 1.i- - iir ~-1,". ,I - l l-tin Omstrust bhua. Hi- Illas-. stit- 7"luit.ti -"1 1i;1, The old trick o!fmailnga5mn uyluul itaarar a. i'ta.-.-ip . . ususpect lok Tuu straight uîlitee yes" B gth...i.. , -i I .f white yen glare loto ltbu s mu~niri- in il As<ttn- --i ia tail1-1 i Ihan people lhink. Auay îrdiiîry pur- tit it.-t .l.i--i --li il -a1I in bout on deceptîcu vili ton tuoBasu >,.-.ll ml it.luit .iaci iai iInd is ptiftnch unier the orinlal. Vu. t. I-, Il - tc c,,-tat- lBut the.aCcompliFhud lier antIuwîn- wontlsli S111 llît. a- l-.I ici- er bas by long pructice taugbî ia 0.-li,. t tti,-ai,-SIt i- t-cuit elfAaeUî witiostand the tot, sud for hlm - ail lii t-I-IJiiî.Iii - - - . 1 -- th. .-n, au addîionsl nue lîa stvisable. Tho Jeuh t.l p"q (i--rit,---iî. Iîu -. ,. lt iot ditcals- 1artituu iof the face afler suaIut It-cluI-- i - i Vi- i . n ai1, t ug th eyea are thB, lips,aud suy inas or - osa - I1,i-u t-. i i îîî--u ai-I a ila vnsnau tssips, wu hi-utiy are ho s- tinî t i. aol t - Iîl - ri.Ii. Lg brtinght tu lbook. d nt lwîtcb visi- W.-ti,-It ir-- i Dtormîunaltune vould ut 1 Il ie ua.--'t î.î t l-lii -1 l-las a-lliîl îtr uay thbng tu diaî.eru in a mn, bol inr- .,,- ----ti iit elcal t ii.t-ita ai tr> ,1.olit, if buhaîk lly snd huâa sgoYduil oA 6i amnpositive- 1 would not bc- iti,.l. ..iiît I-ti a-t-I iliîiî bosy.liviî today but for vOur uu-t- Ii 1, ;,J.I 1 î-îî.t . iit-i 'As a rnis, mNîcepeople are doe-eveil won eru e-cyD.M rs I'olcl i cIlîî.ling"..u î- i-alll o th ppearsuce of dstermîuîîatîuu 1-eart Cure-. 1 had heart dWs 111-11 I.-.andiîl-ui I al -r -iwhlcb a man,. vhs-n ho îa "ItIoblu g. case- four ye-ars and doctors ma.-aii- 1lic-.l'. i c B lut. apui on tu crry bis point.Ili i IkicO't hl fle.Whn1 é -au. A IcIcii-il- -- ls-mattora it is the iiivolutary tîiîngs al- oh-plS- h- e ll -i IL- ..- -il I l. tra-i.r11t tell, antIuiructly s maninla Ibr- gan taking ibis rermedy I wa.s 0- I l., I>îI.iîi i, nugbîy dtteriiiined hbi luremigto-tIas te unfit for anything, but for "i piitli i iiîîtî.-.iîiI iî. ', 1 - In, a t ii iaîbly baîppeun Tlire, if nmontha 1 have- r tpedme-cty ilSSaI .il-l ah, ila-is 1 - 1.îîî , l'Yeu vilI Watcb cîoss-Iy, you vili sue -. b s We-IJ.Mrs. M-lîn W.Idsff Iriî-iniate f. Ilîaîî rî-'- .î houldors suddenty blieusarched (nl E. Gsand Fnrte, Bans 9 "wT ,. > in a sbrug>, sud WhusulieMasys$ u R.hoII~ ris- W , ta11oI 'i , S- 11laIt t dSsu'tlcure ho mtnss iL. loirt- i-I a.I--io-c il,g uti ll Il s- M, A difficuly tIbsI mti face roiue It- 1iI-r il i rcat llexmrisu,,on îutao! dîscrîiiuatlug the GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. Mit$. B. B. SHERMAN, LoclIl ditor. lys. Shermnan la authorlled so remce subscriptions and advertimmeuts for the IN D £PEN DENT alao orders for job printlng. Call on ber for rates. GRAYOLAME SOCICTIES. 8ING MUN Lods. No.luA iA.M hold reilr o mitao' .M ioai on or bofore A. PimosO. .. SomoÂAàuox. Boey. [so jmnrîuDOMUI e tIYOLAKze (lamNo. 1841 %M. . meet wcond and f ut audy evemlnasof Nf CHIiiTI5N. CIrk.J.MRI.VO )URT OF BONOBt No. taimeetings lut ad 3rd f4aturdayu ot eseh uonttl. am. V BUIGL R- E. L . os. W. C. IZPAR Camp No. aiS l.N.A.mee seond and tourt TCadiueveil55hliit MS.V. SUn M. Oracle. 5MARY 0. MOEIiL, . 1 IN GIIE O A T IO N A L 1t ' " " " "nil Y a r . ,vt e e h. . . . . t E . n e e lar ~ ~ ~ -- ïVfl0u1 :5 . -n Ju I , 11EV. FIDNN(.PaRtor. t' C. .U m.,etolugs*v.ry allernab. Frfdda (rom 2 to 4 p. m L Re. E. AD*s.Prs 'Mas. FLoaLkst.K Liumâ. e, u CiA EFEI.LE1I Lodge No. @la 1.0.t >,. E aîtoam nd s Thuradafs. W. D)ooziri.z. N. O. M. xMîliKN?. 5-c ,Y. 1tAiSLAKELod. Mi. W. W. No. lu5 wLctinu~5sUA ud dIth tidmfyu. y. mooka. W. M. mAu o. JEVEK1. Seef. Oftlclal Pagber of Grayslaxs. r. and NIrs. tiniuare at Crestou *N wee.k. Urm Diîîi, cd Chicago, wau enter- ictf hv Mrs. Croker. min-r cttage outsr tindsy. lisu Aîiuabt-l Whilniore liq agalu aI ra.ast aller an jitîesa o! a week. lsu ftSra Autil ileagal t b oulo '-r san cvteniieulviulitliathe lîtY Ira, anti Misâ aurker, tif lieulime, et1ilt gueula of Ir. anal Miim N n11h. bhas. ' tîelker liaslie-ma i u p ith elîumbagoS thiasuweei butilt i m- îviug. trK. Brown. Mr. W icI, anad Mr. llsy cn snitîg tht, ho ulîl-t Detinra- Ilua osit- ruiri'liaisaolu batr stcek laarnevus, s-la-,, t10 I iitiiiilliao. id sul iidiscontiuuo ,iuisint-au. guestof bhum»nlerM.lrs. Pickering saîd brother Mr. iredericks several îis WB taweek. lira. i>nunnud Misa Jenuio Browu returaed to the city Weduosdai aller s visit nf severai weeks wiIh (ho Dr sud bis vile. lira. Chino, nf Waukegaa, la the guest of Mr. sud lira. Walter (iodlry this voek. lit. Oodfrey went tver ta fetth bor home with bum Monday. lit. and lire. Sure-e wetu bLibertY- ville tant Satnrdsy 1ayiug lb.uîr tiret vieIl 1thoàerit tile grandeon. sou of A. L. Ilurgo. We extend conigrâtulau- tIons. lit. aud lire ihayer and daîîgblem p e u t& Tu e d y lu W s k e g a u . i l v a s .h. day .aprire s&ot' anti Mr. Tiayer as nouai carrlod of several îîf tht prises. b3orceia Chaptot 10. E.S. have ezleuded an iuvttioii lu Wanegauu and Aulioeb Chapters to vîit wih theni (ho Dnit regolat meeting nIe-ht The liemortal sermion SundaY vas very good, sud il in o pltY tliere werc not mare thora 10 eiîJOY il. Trie vter- ans weme cnnsploi by thelr absence. The momorlol services 'rnesday vere aiinvomy good. and alîbougli uilto a nuumter were presoutL. thens- vas but a sinal eprsiîkîing <f ,Ald eoitieru. Elîher tboy are gettîng ean up1itri,ic or very lndiefeilt.1 Di.coveaed ha' a Womatn.c Anoîber geruIt ileelieri bas been matie, sud tbot too, liy a lady lu thbis upitu lier and for seven yeara ahà witbsuitd ils sovoreu t h-mtn, but hie vital îirganus were iînîiermmsuetl and- dekth seemed Immb"11t. Fart tree moutha ahe congbied In-et4anlyv, aud nonld nuit slecp. mshe tinaily disa covereil a way 10 rocaver?, by pur- elasiug tif Uas ILbîttie tof Dr. Kings New Diactîser> for coneiîuilptîin, asti was 110lunch relieveSi on t&klng iraLi doîise that she nufept ailtuîîghî.anuS îlbIt 1w> lottlt-î>bas Ucon obiolntply t'nri-d. Her namin llre. Lutheîr Liitz' 'lhule wrltus W. C. llsm nîek a Co., Shllty, N. C. Trial bottins fret- at F. f. ILovEL, LItertiville, Ci B.THovse soit, iirayslske. Regular sire S.i0vanti $1,(00 Every bottle e-uarant<-ud. L.oWa for Saie. Newu Mlters nSîl prîngi-rs sfayn 0u) bud. BilaIs?1L. DAtIS Il ROCK BOTTOM PuCES. .$ISO, i Ieater------------------ Range.. . . . . . . . . âteuaiou Table ... . .... kI wire Sals, psr beg ............ ...... im-l l bag of Sait .... - i.Shoota, 81iXiO îu .... . . .. . .. 51- lbitafa soap------------- ..... ,dtish, per lb . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . iod liawlide WIIp .......... ýdiua lkhain*a Componnî .....l....... irons Plââters, s-sdi ...... ;ranIs Btoa ud aa Liver Kiug, $1.001 battles......... m oite utfîdd liai bels-lIa..... eivîeýrSUn isridgs-d Dlatiuuary leatlher iolîil--------- - BigO CUT--lw MIERCHANDISE. $4 00> Trlmitind Batis..........................$Z 30 $......... ...270 Clilîdrens l rlmuned lbkoru $1.0o) liât 73 SPECIAL $ALE ON GENTS -;b, Neckwear --b llowa - ]'okn -'ulfs Club i) l'e LadIes EBIiIJy Shirt Wlàuts 0c leand .... 63 Laàdîes Wrappers, well Mnade, ils-sîrablu- -I)rs 45" 65v. 1. ....8 ion's Angoîla (lauize !idsirwtar ...... . 1 1 eau gnod Baklug I'owder .................3 12 bars Caliimet Laundry itosp..................s Select Wafer lSoda CraàckerK, saltoîil, pe-r fît 08 Butîterrsceura , ... ... O ipackagea '.1 ieeda Iiilsittit " ... ..... 0 Exrtra !titelisuan 08 o -wCrockery )epartment lae E-lower Pulis-JardinIerti Extra quaaity tron Stoije C lîa I old Bfandi il let ti. lllîîswil*k alnd Faut-y Dîurated Wart- -Ail <unr Funcy ticîîu rat- Ott Atiitrali (h Ina Ni'velt.Y I inhs t o t i Handsvinely der,<,rted i.l...(hbaîîit,cr $î.ts, 1 9Y tilsa Tiinîî,Ierti Ver loz . . ....l -a.Clothing Dept «, B y s A il % ul»A u its agi ta l à .. . . . 5 0 IIoyb' Shirt WMaNt .. .... .. .... F. H. KUEBKER, l GraysIake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Iliinois. Don't be foolèd' and tricked into buyinàýan inferior Sewing Machine, corne1g and see IT iS NO ~SECRET . , %l. m 4, H SEE Il DEFORE YOU 1Y AMY OTHER! SIIE.l.N...Fl, RALE MOTIO Z~5~ W il lt I 30 30 >IGRAYSLAKE. 30 3. SIIERMAN, 1 ILLINOIS. 11Railroad Ta 1k s o i- . . . . IS A G O O D T H N G But our talk is a money saver. Geo. atterhalI NOTE THE FOLLOWING: i2h-Isarugaîual Vuauhatag Sa HAINESVILLE, - - ILLINOIS. A big reduction in ai si vt U.yf1ri ri ' iYfir1T1N Alot of samples in Men's. [ta A Farn Llbrari o! unequalldvaiue-Practical, iip..o-date, concise an udomirflinslttt-anal- t somely Printed and Beautlfuily lllustrateal. By JACOB BIOGLE «-0/ No. 1BIGGLE MIORSE 101 No. 2 BIGOLE BERRY 1BOOK Ail btoau 50 iat S. I lin -drsiud tI --r lir No. 3--BOGGLE POIJLTRY BOOK< ~. Aitlaboiut Pliti., tIie be-u iniatry laIta I1 iaitss-s-tytS ii .uth2j ciiiflit ,L,- -j .l. ii .fnul thr eeî i tta t haS , ill i a -'.. No. 4-BIOGL.E COW BOOK A Il ao1 iC iv a a.,.,t-ui iiu i u s ai., t g r rt htred, suOAaiL31 -ilulavtsits iat - t-sar NMo. 5 -P00LB SWINE BOOK iSavi it. Ail .1-tl lîti it.tsl, i - Ln. ot is asi h tiIiatau -1 iîî , E . a--a :1111îih ad FARM JOURNAL( jAiiy ONE 0of the BIGGLB BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL Alt eutae-fis msissu. uc,1suaI s-l i - A ,tb/ uaina,, sia!,fAIJLN sditî. liOj<C(Sta à,: lurs- s i. r A ..ilL l it. . A asa a ,1aa .,u 1 s-ss. j isîiîiiiiti'S llaiîiiiiuii li. M ttarBOOKSiliuttti Giorlous Newa.go RAS Viv ftouronai Dr. B.1). (argIle, uaf W asliit. I i.Bit vrituu a-IFaIiur ImntIles ni Eleî Irîie itters bau"etireti Mlirs1. llroseLr ait scrafi fs, aichtas canasi lber gresl sil(crltug (tIr yearu ITs-rible s wssuaulîîia lretabont anial., iieudad fa.uîItad tht Ueât duictors cî,mid gîve Ia.lis-la; lit hemrt-lre îsc cýIaILp#ete and ber health la excellent .- Md:a This shonSu vbat thousanda bave latau pnovusti hat FRîtddt Bittera la tue ra UesIblond puirifli-r kuo, ls éthe uis sIIo)reme remedy folreczeiua. tetter, NaIt rhî-um. tulcers, butAs anti d rnîlîîg anresl. I il tlmuîa5.nlîlvor, kidne-y ndA bosols, sîpe lpoisoîîs, helpa digeao tiuldis up the elronguI. Oniy 50 c"ents.- . old by P. a. LOVMZU. Lthextyvibe. A mus-w l tlit Iil i- ut p-m yrdl.......... RA"n'q qtji q nt 9.4 npr a -c-nt nf çy 25 adies' and ppers. Men's and Boys' Pants, a large lot to select f rom. Children's Suits. Suits made to order. Pik out your sampe now and have it ready, for the Fou-th of July will soion be here. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE, - ILLINOIS Iwo merOP Twm UM.,, r ul roi' t-wii- htlia Lt ý - l. tl- ti i lîîî lî (,u,î i tfltoil Mîk. (~atlsm.U~e asygin omi tin It ebooli B ne vory bousshold. 3.1- SsI pîis, .O O Unrr >. sa mont libsil nduemnavl a feul . .LMDGOM Gm mAI. llla.a PBILRSEFlPNI5 Bý MRSTOW. 1 .UFACTUREROF euIs 0to lo Wphpmes Simd m i~d-.wg peot .. ihm sup @a m .. st dislii aslee us O. Ad M W 0 0 pave?095e. asuae. Tom OFMIC Ma îî (iranite Monuments. Cii,.FTERY WORK OF~ EVERY Desciptoin. us lsesasa St WAlUQAN. -lai 11) Ynnui vnl[]A-,- i

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