CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 6

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T E Philippines are essentialiy Ap hterogensu. Someo thetIsladaALeu aresmmaalnus, andi otbersamar uni A* mBm are mnddy. ayampY. andN àmibc. otissu re poraus lmestone, s ~ * a a gm@Alîned ant baltisy. norne are en- fIj i. L *UVW.oded, nme are entlreiy bar.Th »In inhtanIts prescrnt like dlverg- Palss ieiI&The Mros of thse soutis are uar- bly, IMM muve. Inteigent. with a civilîzIl- Chief O esBdvanIced au Turkey's. Th 9tor, ~i arm a dlseased and dying Plg- ig.1 mWtibe, absolutely animal In their ex.-- ing il kaa, m. .udvanced tlîan any known ai ppr4lii paspmo he satermnikiUPino" embriesi * C..XZ A"COp 'a rabible and secluded islanders, Dois 111D&S nand sBonbon, prtseand 424.6 M ecanib)al&iftla necessary. there- 461.1 no tue oniy tha broadest terme In etc., tocoifg thse group colectively.$26 T» archipeiago la a group of 1,200 home %&m& tuated ln tisa Pacifie Ocean. $1hu,2 utimDg tram Ittude 21 degrreesom th bt 4 degrees 45 minutes nortis.4 larlo balisgehlu thug about 100miles; 'utoi 'gafta width la M4 miles; thse total paS,, 3 aiena, aproil mately. 115,000 square band md& Tise nearst maland la Ai,ne MU silos to tise nortbeaat. an Franl- I aen db l 8000 miles ta tise west. Thse and oechipelago ne@ wboiiy wln tiesa nean et Cpricoru andth ie equator. lietsi «bateristiea. foodi products, and peu-an Pb anstropical. theo lic cIIlmte, la bot andi molt; regu- lur o aertimoa have been taken oany T et Nilla, whera tisa temperature hal bom roundt ta ary letwetu 0andi 100 p %à a CAW *9 s. Tisaexcessive bumility ic unellig s tiegrea moretiffiScuIt ta eu- b , dInontisasis tise temperate zones. As cu em rogresentaward these wampy,a ' b,4Wng Islands rartlier souti tise bou anti especally tise lumidlty, ln-rm ter, TIgera are two seasons, thse wet an S ,sîste -Ihc* former iastlug trom June to but.~" ~ ' ~ i F»cmber-luig tise mot dlsagree-Iie mileati daugerous tu boaItis. Fever ALThe-STAJ a" dymentery are tise dîseases mont suesgy I ~dudd by foreigners. but dagerousTÎl bItle are known anti may lie aveu$& Hil TMc Philippines are tise @et of na- li1man *mW& psslois. Farthqualkes are coin- assad violent; thse voicanoos are thse Mr. nom dangeroum la tise worid. Luzon IIII e eai fta rbe seas, tormua là@ pIfloonB0RNE0A' lulandi'exten iso..AtI *&~Amg. 10 119, there sarted tramn0 1bruat Abaftwitis a foot iofive sips Fer. ng uns Magellan, a Portuguese navi- f z .su gpâs. His abject was ta discocer arii oumtrain Europe. West tu tse LPa-OMRHNIEMP0 E PIIPNEILNS «M. Magelan bsd vain!>' endm, utRHNSV APOeH PIIPI SANS umib intareet tiseKiug of Portugal In îe * puoact; ibat become a natucalizoti cape. Thse Philippines Wttn probabty Tise natives of tise nortiseru Islands ilterest liesnlItsn commerce. It la tisePs @Ommdu& anti bai abtatfind ram retain a Practiciti monopi>' oftis are calleti Tagalos. Tisey are the ama I- tolîgate oi tise Philippinea. ý! 4»m . t.oa Spain tise wierewitlîal ta crop; lis. cutivatlon bas been atteiupt- est anti least brave, but aigs onta'The @-alIler l.d.da JI bis Ssci. ed in many aotber places, but nover suc- treaciserous andi triclcy oft te-Flipluos, Of tise 1,200 Ilanads wilicis contitute f -nî Bu.Y eisth le western coast of cesgfutly except lu tise extrema nortis- anti always bave been reckoned as thse tise Philippine arccispetago the number der Ulmb America lu tiecembler and ru part of Borneo. pooreatfilgiters; have always been lnbabiteti la between 35> anti 50 per cent, o Imdsouti. As these enson lbcc(aie Native tabacco bas aiways been In- mont completely undor Bpal'a domina- The samaier Islands resemble In pisysi- lad andth ie weatiser colder the digenons tu Luzon, but the qualty la lon, andi have sufrered most accord- cal ciaracterlaties and tnisabtttbathe ~ e ommanderai mutinti, desirlng strong andi bitter. Earl3 lu tise savon- Ingly. larger ilaude ta wbicis tiey are tient. ta le w beloenhore. One u-aa executeti, teentis century misalonaries Introtiacati Tisa central group oaIlansd la termi- est. Occasionally au entire Isand Ili-sal- a~ parooned. However. one siip tise Mezican plant witis great succasa. cd tise Visaya group. Tise lubabitants- longs to a single planter, anti uanaliy ei i s.Wcot and anotiser was wrecked. Tabacco plantations mltiplet; the cafliedVîsayos-are somewllat largor. la uch case Il la a land ai milk and gal Wlhmree shis tise great explorer con- business beamo more anti more pros- strongar, more lutiependeisî thon tise ioney for tise natives. Tise padrone la ti.i gwd outh, anti on Oct. 28, 1520 perons ouil in 1781 it was made a state Tagalon. Tise dIfforence, isoweveIn 1ofu necesslty kindly. else hoe would mnu.t » Pa«W tbrougi tise Straits of Magel- monopol>'. Lawa were enactedt taOailtourlis marked tisais betweoutut tu Ifalllbly dîsappear. Tisera la plet ta io ba bntise waters ofthtie Pacifie. Ho sales sisould be ta the gorernanent. A farent Indien trIbes. Travelera. lu Or- out. anti fot toc, much ta do. Thse »V inant! h ie course ivet b>' forth, planter mlgit not smoke a cigar of ishl ter tu strengtben tise force of tiseir padrones lot ts easy, too. He merely ~î laaid la aitisammer. 1521, reaceed Min- awn make untier penalty ot $7 fine. disttinctions anti camparlosnus. are ipt bas ta ait on is owa verauda andi al- pc, * St OfwhIsciha t ook possession lu Tise governent was Dlot alwajo to pus tbem a litIle tar. Thse aharply low thea Philippine soi to malla hlm em .Me noe of tise King ot Spain. He prompt ta pay for gooda rocoiveti; fa- dravu distinction between tise Tagu- rîcis. aMt bbdte t Cebu. lu August, 1521, tives refnseti ta cultIvata tiseir land! lon and the Visayoes la net juatffeti. OUR W»waselconed by tisa king ni tise and ied tetise moantalna; notifiera toi- Tise Morna or Mohammerdan Malays TRUCK MANOLE FOR BARRELS. er hbui.This mouarcb was baptizeti loweti anti killeti wbom tisey roundt; et aggregata leua thon a millioin. TheyT Jir nio ttse oatis ot alegiance ta nlgit tise natives returueti agatu andtiinhaisit tise Sulu group aithlie sauts aifelezhoDpvice for LIftIng sund ar- w 3%lb Shertly atter Magellan ho-. firedth ie cropa lu thse field. Iu tiis way tisa arcisipelago. parts of Mindanao, rylua BuIki ParkagesKhi lavolieetInl a tactonal quarrel Mlndoro's once fiourliblng business bas andthis sontiseru tiird oi Palawan. A barrai la au exceedingiy awkwarti dui IatwcItuo native chiettains and was beau annîhilateti- Span uaw toak au- On. Sultan, wisa resitieuce la Sullaisthisng ta bandile. ant Inluestablshment»aet@ MM@& Naay membera urthtie expedl otlier stop; not oui>' muet anl tobacco acknowletigeti throaghout tismefla- wisero tise> are movet inl large aumberg al 111fen bed let. but tise remainder. wltb ralsed beholmit ta the tate bayera (on &ai. Tisa Mora@ are a Bierce. maati- quite a conaitierabie amount ut lime la hol lu mspa gàilu saleti west andi dis- credit), but overy famlly sbould own cal seafaring race, wisu wera neyer font lu placlng them ou tise baud trucks m, sueiPalawan. Lter onue nitise anti cure toc nt icast 4000 taisacco conquevati b> Spain. I l unsate for on whicb the>' are conveyed anti lu ce. die w uumont, but tise tier plut liii>' plants. Tise abuses resultiug tram a wuhiite man ta ventura amang them. movtug tbem tisratram. lis ordor ta e 03@às.U ine waY aud matie thre iret thîs laut tatute became mu horrible To kin Ciristlans ia Part ot their re- facilitate tiis loaating anti unIuatiing a .rOte Journey aroundthte world. tlîat even Spaulsis ofifcials proteateti igiauh b ellot. unique truck bas been luveuteti b> In 155, ander tise direction otrl'blllp ta tise home goverument; the Castillan Ts brgnmn beIini r ieTieotiora T. Diekerson. of Trimble, X.. the second Spîais cîpedition stateamen. realizlng thse sponga w Th eargit a fpu he', ladse ae thearAis. Il consiste ai the combluation i thaebd thse isands. Tise abject Wa-ls a<ueezed dry, repealedth ie monopol>' raca. As tise Malsys so-opt up tbrogb wiitise azle ai curveti gripping jaws. i., lle gvlug oi native saule; inquisition mo-s ln 18W2. Even tier sncb aue- thea arcipelago tise Negritos avere mare fllea a great pair ai plumubers a moe were m-tplo>.l1. anti couver- picea tise totiaccu remaineti excellent tirivan into tise mont remate antd uncov- pincese tisais anyting aise. Tise th, due, is.tough not valiable. rere nu- Sace thse business bas been open il bas eteti parts. Tisougis nul oi truc negro lev-ers operatlng tisa jawa formitise ' mrU. lu E>71 Munla was êeizet iitcreased trementiously. Ilanila nom- stock, tise> are mach bîseker tissutise handies oi tise truck. lu practice tisa or a"pruclimedti e iia ftebr crs ffcoisntvCI-Malays n h. rItlgne efrtraek la un Op ta tise barrelas andthie Pi àdm teise ale cptla iebr crsutiItre itae Ji-anitsi uîec strr, -- . o aleti iîuîiertliîtîhe uc-s, anti Spanlslî; several af illeulm îaoer. Tisa total number la etimateti jnwm clampeti araundth ie bottom. antIn lilis]lipinas. in bouor ar King jIllill, lhave aver 5W0 opîratl'.es. ati50.000. o Tic Chinese Eîîîîerar resentedti t!e Coffee la groîcti ta a considerable ex- lulanti of LUZO., trioniSabtacelestial doinains. lne-ltout; tlle îîualty i la lllsually gflood. Luxon la tisa largesi. muet populans. i tusc 1573 and i157', lie seul forth te-u Little, iowver, trîîds lis wny ont ai mut <evelopeti. antimnt civilized ofuh uXpaditiOns Ii oustlise Sîîaniards. thîe arc2isWiIligo. Tlîe cocoa plant wa iaPiîîpîe.atbsanaeian2 gWwom batlli-s iîllîîu .d. but tise Eura- lutroduec-titrain Centrsl Anerica oaci he000hiuarepies, orbaacunae taiof ise Veastaaget tic el-p thiir ioutoilî. ini tle seî enic-euticentury. Plîlippn e 000isqearea imise a ovrisieago. abt INWI 'Oauf. tuaic-ccr, forgave the C- u ciocolate is al%%ays spoken ai Weel by wfiveessofaitie ciul p outi. nue tièse Steiitc>ts. At varionsîct1ilîles riturrtidtravclers. isee anîy siioa the anitie oultcon- gli Of res,-nttîî,llt sg:cîiîît Clîlucie Varions minerais are tount Inlupayiug tle itl atise sat atdtse pial, fantior- leti aviulti50cî>orer liii- Sîcuiar(ho quantitira. Eslîecially la thisatruc aie.I l- h sa f h aptl adI mj4causades %%ere org.-nizîci iia ordur Luzon and 3 Mindanao. Col anti nul- contaîns fifty timres as many itiretgfl- hib MOr drive tbcuî out. t160 3.- îîîur wiii prove ai value ta poec rs as ailt1tce reat ai tise Isantis putta-t M w., ,b red' -i. and I n l(ý3!accîsîtors; %sucer. mcrur. coiper andti n getiser. Luzon la aupposeti ta suppott 1111 Engail tok Malil tru) ave urusbe reur's bu th exent5000.000 inisabutat. 0f these, Si) per 1481n. butleIccli-e %%as soon procloimeci af tise ceposits ilaa mtter oaI nvestiga- cent, ara cîvilizeti ta a certain triteili.1 and thisliniaîl, -rc rctcîî-îîc-i tion. In develapmnuzI.ion, tiougis lie i TIse ue s lar(8 Ie tic-c- apt taucc-ot On matly Islands lice ai lias nîrer mot adivancediai tise PhiipineOs, l et a>'lim. Wîe ti.>'cii soSpin a-cn rlu-i gaîat iseîîauînsevirin 1llgraceiilly backwflrd. Tisere la aise %sid lire andlîlsiurti llc-rîlly. nutlaîiy tîi-t Ilutwlare lis clîprecatlant, littie. batil>' msiLgeci ralirasti, 120 LIKE A BIa PAIR 0V TOtOS. it be sabinue. but ta punis aitr snrre- tin.-tîlve. Or cra bundretidultfer- ie ulnls flesgrni.l-n a"r. 1-rîtvareti , o ooti have been eiassi- îy miles lulanti, are etiîer lacking alto- then ralseti, tise o-iole pracedure coun. le--ce of ths aau,le u n i notcgIlc,,tur%%e fint teîîk; nilga. gellier or are merci>' traits. Tisere are santiag but a iew seconds. Tise tavoi Thse resourcc-s ai the îiulcare re.,-iîîtlîîîgîucuiîa~y; ipolo, an tise larger lever arma are iseitifirmly togotiser b>'JI vwme&Ricê îtîc- ns htrocinceti tt-iîîsic alI litriiiiwu1s; aiîtita rgifor ulrsrivera ticiugli e cutl oa îbrlvlnig a iuking clasp, wils a spclng-piOssOti Cbà» eaturts ago it fi siule be-and vilins;I)oxwod, ebny an bainobusiats.tTeraîcismilt.arevisîcis r laeteasilyla releasetieaed ar «M cth-s a o.d ofthlis ltînt, von boa. l'y buffalo power. lu consetiueuco. pur unshipplng tise barrot. nieat ! tse aseo-risrvîici ItlaThe I.hniitat.. iali>' exiasteti sugar lati near Man-i M si MseTeseber Amede- LOUN» A h @T T loQ e"Ioio40m meeting la QUIS.,Jasa Mirs,-30. artba Baker. 11. Osiena, tud ýF COMPILATION OP ILLI- dead ta,& aleeping car. Baifab, N. Y. NOIS NEWSG. Heurt trouble. William H. Edo-ards. one ofet Mline's pluneera, la deuil. siedi 76. He resîdeti la ,roprlationa Made hi îtha Lent Moline aince 1865. Iglelsture-SnppOasd Dendti Mu le Tise ueo-catalogue ai UIe University' ai lIted witit lmRcelltives-Ladd la Illinois ashowsm1,824 studeats; tise total bary Iepýulaed Ba Wrck. for 18f)7-98 o-as 1,5M4. arlit)eppalacd Bfi Weck. Tise buildings aetishe Harlemn race track - s laUhicago oece burneti b> a lire sOiipusc'd be total amîllîcatof appropriationsa to be ai incendiar>' ocigan. Ail lise horsca -ti b>' the Fo'rty-first (telernl Assem- wero saveti. Legs $100.000. ais abusa by a compilation made b> Tise Eaaltern Ilinois Fire Assoiaiîti Pf CiecisW. H. Enhants.ia tise Audi- oi iî l ia ucsmn r-l offie. la $12,r,7ti,65.57, of which $,- il lme 28. 29a t 30. h athaisAnli& 75.71 is payable tinring tise year ecal- .ue28&r anc.o l bugtta rafle 30, 118)0. anti $4,tflOO879.86 dcii- Acle ailI raiale $00 toc prenriums. ho year eîîding June 30, 1901. The Tise iemorrat-MesaagLisla rtihorl>' for cpriatians are classifieîl an tlioWa: tise atattOient tisat clrrciig a mrent Stonif mrts. $93.341.33; University' of ][li-ln Mount Sterling isailstones telftinat 1anti Stale anormal sshus, $1,134, meoscîreti10 îics in eirrumierene. .8; charitablhe institutions, $48- Alexantier Jackson ut Calmna wsac ur- .10: State Careruiment comissions, ileretiiY a a bli-breed Indien at Mout $2.050.873; peinai and reformator>', Vertion. State ai Washington. At tise 1540;agriclurei anti borticîhtîr-. tiîe oai hs ilcatis hill amli wu* anotifieti. 6,18670O;libruriea, $21,480; Lîsina ut notul sl Iter o-as Ilsnown tiat Ilo ianti monnaient. $106.700; nullitary,. os murdered'tir. cJiaksns-as os-nec Y7,MP.02; schoot tîîa, o$1400 f a trait tarin on an isian ieurscMount 'mission outdaimis.$34,391.72; ise--V~eron, ani] tise mail slioaàhiaelialayer eona. $258.300.' Tise lai 1ev> bull su- o-aàbis niegisloc, sis sioho b all qcar- rnzs a ievy anoaîlly for Sîsie poc- reicci. s ai $3300()000. andti here ouIl lie on Theî Chicuago Atitimi, Festivat Auaciai i on thislt utrJai> appraxiniael>' $2,- lion bas iscen liccaseti by tisa Secretar>' L00, qvsic1jat îî e Lrev g! t ate. lise abject of tise association tram tise Ilinoius Central Rairoa ,.la te a uie ýroo.miage an tipre- retsry ai S8tar,. inascîfice tiepartîmeat sent amuseents anti entertalniaoaim. Tise 1ather sorrles. ilI bring lise total capital stock aiflise arganîzalias la S.5), h RbQve obsisa s eotnirei otolie tiret 000. divîde i nia 27).(«00 sarc-, et $10 IrPleieie!r ie4tiired for tise sec- ecri. Tise ineerporsar. are Geuorg'e il- year in ont suc large h>' $3,000,),ai t te, flaccy W. liait asti G. I. O'Con- denatis can cash>' bc met. nt-Il. FinE a Lons-L.ont Broiller, A troigist train broile la to-a I Mcti- r,-re sua affecting scene lanlSt. je- saw, and woisn tise furoard end ti iPPet us hospilul ini liccea,. tise oîiîer cia>', tise cear endi crashti nIa il, W reekiiug en 1,eon. Fr,icc iasd Mcarthe Ilîlcc-r byie c-ara. To- o sldersa'tsss wave,, ount nimer. Tis.- iratiiicîucil rrîna.ciscirgisita an tise -rck anti Liter une beul> o-as ce- catil. Ltiulîcibucîce hi. shout 40 yeara '-vered. tse biîttlo n obus,, neniturmn go antid aîuiîl-îc- àarir in oClialntti sasvet ie he lonergc cituitise Fis hrui- n, vis ur licc-r.ii-cY s îîuîucîc ci n a moednt.- lava rI mci eceic ur-d ing allr.Mi-ic-cmurcanotar-as 5is@ut 5nmva are iîiîicî n.Ail tisce isall 'cre t ticlie hi.IituI un ireecc. A lic. OeIl seali!is ci.ic--i adclcrt ta tuipi tisre îu..uulih cughi Iepi ris tram ail o,,. tisec-ru lire wast-- land iriscc tise cCttlit-r siîciccr oul iho ra sing uretl t cuit1scruInIllinis idi- trs. Hecrîrlct-r biic-c-i.n mriecitaite Ittuai lisee riiulasanhrvesîci -c, ili heone anl aisiiiiilar IIiiî., nuit lucc-isct. ai th(, erc-arc-cldistoltittriofts eer ex - il 1115tcitil, ui4iiiLieci bisll dnîity. lcri.ueî ctîil tuile reccutl>- reports ' h fuit-,as.l c jIzno N,,îa udica ted ilît a tîll tare hi rda crîp anuld tk l't -i , I- rd <Lct il,îînci, *eu(onp ,Anu-ib.- lîarc cnuit. tccbut n c I-ilinant metise ca i iýcr. I. Il iut,hily foc Itru.-,. rtan fly. citch bucg unitruct hlianeutîicis l - t uii lîu î le> ui s-c-il î-îis uster ecl tise'grc,cig ,,rkii ,rig mcci iiî- in tuIlccii tic. -ar, aigcoishe on îcutisat the-crcp %cull bI-cr-y huiist. heci- c-ft tta ,,ncifirtat,bile isatî-i s ;r- A tiibc-csîoil.r s i n îcch-otisechurcc-h k1l' tuc reetIlîsi, tuiun Aluecic qurrel nt St.I'uieiiks ai Eau t,r Be atreris __o-lien 31151 bei-ire thc-clhse aiservil e l'aI- îlehi accnier llinois iliicu f thlie C'ih -c er o-no> nüdortcu k Iocac-uit -ttc-r flic o isti Nortuesiî-ca ltsiho-ay btîicp Ja-cusen regsrii.lts âIc.i.iitIleai tian Nr tnhîctcîrouilt -ci y IvancrVirer 4 eaocal <hune l ausclar ut 9t. aiL- o i-ira tr ihut o ru-c-t a t ,u'i1 I'utricks 'isîci. ViiîEaISercwe Iof-uof iihtar rck tIlo-ise,, h.1sas ail tu-s- hulneui iii riurtise congre- nto-; i ,,, . -l se-iu c - gat, n jet ao inhî ng o< th,.ruaItett r go d.uîui-uiiîu-r'.-lrIclcrurretta iiie nu-e and lu-f lise ciscr-h. uenill l"iei ISClllilut ,c n isa a-i to *ecmu say's offerts ta erc-,cuin tl.m. Tlwr- st sec iliValisrtChic-ndîth,îcîc wb htuev r iuuuil railiii il 'it. Thirîîis sua t er - ay thr.u gi -a-rî-nuci i il c ih-a pliui lil is.-e I iiiilCocirtIcil Sirr ug id, the oser îîîî'î rîcu du-1 liîcr.i -cii 1ic 'ci b-rocs hl%,-(uiiecc uuîî h .Geccge A. îcund Dii ccuI- 'ý acicit utriî'r d sir F. à;i 1V,il flic-,c 'I Nl)iiitia ivs is.t tiuuil ;ào ncîîcrî if i ,- - raursh. ndaîu t-ci. i ] "cufiiîiîi u iil.-.'li The u ,Il nirai cl.i.r --.. I, d ciiil. lien- inc-e-iitiras iveur--.c-r Iiiiiiagm'e- ina lis - k- r-i, lu i lti iicli-a h cîcc. lii - ni- cl i i pîla.uiffs uI4imuci tc me. iul i. %I(cc>viR. tic--artai isi tu - :îcc irîltcli 4 il r.î1î.f li.. fart tisa ,the du-lis. Ihsit ccî-iined uinuie. h--I nliitcu ut tish Ie trgiirutý il il ui of il-r natI u ur-rii -ii ilii!ure. îunca ic iacuillilini T hu- ui l g e du L.a d ; ] hua s b e e n tis wu i a un , (i îîcil-r.i>lfîsulilfnieu b> lise muaI. il ara earuug nuý it - naccrns fthelii- -c fnal id-ucr ,4tcu-mesuîcged slb ithite- al cîliog ataI dshuuand itillage ecicr on telditeibrsîa atring. Sciccol une tii lui bhave aoteu-t rtiie-taisaaiip edur on, ia fiutdays Inter touatout thiiicilli i-iuî il tIes andti lis,-îu n tth vil-i ge t-eetiîIn Siu rîdalu' ihavec- diitîu O -e, arn-resuu tlic ih îcge s lIeunyiiid- îuul.ui,- Oui> tara arresta huve be-du t boots salte,..aoandt tMielf. lamec Lynch, a pcatiernlls sicrtv aio Eas-t Si. Lois.lhot andt.i iariaity iDded-c.i ta Of,, and tei-nu.Williamt -lie> - cgeti 15 anudi theril pota ballet joc la asl-a isnduT heisc aIiîluilg oelirred rllig s qciîîel [eit-et.> 1-ucis anc1lhua tepion,s bei, Nira. 1i.> crisotuathetcboy's rt. Tis infunirdc t-cl i.nih. vsoiseatc lis lit the iiurt. hlris-victimeua Oec riohili> ci ul Ly,hiris. s-i rs lt u ýe traintbise wouîud, ilus, lic-c-du I d nu cr ucresl. BiSetStaltc bOnPPeng« Jame sNuecciut. foulur ai BIocaum os enonti tise iti rus lusgirl ws tIi lI idr soopuciuiirtilinae-r uin.S ,ouim bluheu &,ituiig tir gras-e 1w1ih stzl 11111 n 3ciici-is ou>atier ltu î 01cr e bodyi. Tlic jlury luth,,s- of -i Dr. J. W.Aitea )f u c.<-,-Ii nuitri ,r niuruîr b> ical ýrctuee e-i irnio r cIliî i cf guilitY anj nthie coiuuuue - Ilth 'n criil.,. Dueo olaict I a lui-driadl. Cisitlc ltigu-r 7-à ,r-i id, lisol;i in the brait I> 5aluur-ehluil' ii togil an- usý siluitra- roiir- lie Ira-. atl in a gaine i- ieu ii lov i,.A lfou ail., gbîîi-iig fiîî i llu- loi.toî t heîlî batir Iti-. luinu bluc-luîîîl ii- fc a fur. %V. IL 'l ur- îf si .1 .lîeiliid the 49rit. nu-uiIli-iiu-li t.ui, 'iltuiuliiililiiiili .îiiuit e. I n h I fi ltc- *go(Iul r.Iu1It- -- I c li î ciui-u u i b b-luil Si l.sîiuLoo du in - eci-iu-rý lîu lce - ti---lofai 1ý;iega hi, cegucin duta-ige cg forî aI t.c iîîuniei uniI lbeliIIIi lue Cucuait CIuiri a uîalesburg. uuiîuug$2:,uuuLf-i. uihui nolise. l. EIIuuî of WaaVutu-. )irs. Rusisell:ut 010-r l'Iuirt-emîuiseer bu for a long tirnl.ii -.53 luait uandl or cîu lofaisIailira tijnIt-o i'. iilie, er-crni fleclilîf un belchari-oIcr.liirii-.'itig lui and ticinaguing lic-r ce-lIltaioni. l Il, pen is aua ai sculu ad The tr roIu trouva auI ai a 1tri l îci ci- ici cIa linu oeil isas aiso branuta saudit toc, $l0,1X damages agail-istlira. Maury liîiun i Watagu on ca siacillnuIubargce. AIlt. G i-.lce,- tas issariionanîlri bainoraiihii>li-cbartug i rrii thrtcmilinai sersice ai tiseSiat, [Privtles Carati jaues anti Iota IL Wright. Ciumpany Firal infanlcv. Cicago. Mca Fred Morue, a pionecer ceaident Belvidore. lied alter an extendet ilihîie se iras tise mther Of W'. E. Morse, au eritntost of th1e gieoa division nitit Cicaego mand Nortisen. lira. ]Lrcindc IPratt, believetiltalire i ohuleet lirsan in fil!iauiis. tiieti at tse ar tif Secriatigister iiin eao.Mca l'rs o-s 11>2 yesra aid. Ilsaving iceelu bora M. Ado Btisîir. tise acnesn'ha matie proanuiel suluveas as Tidd> I ia>110 "Bîînîh oo!eya.' lied nt Siseraran bu pitlt.Elgin. ut sPillai meningitia. Il trouble o-ms brougit On t>' orerooris a coinstant traauiag. Miss BaIsser sv bora ia Eîîiuati îisirty-tbree >'ears ai ail tiretI upcetireit iin o[s-u. W. il. Ilianian s-ont ta Nes Yocrk cmito arranige tor tise silpment ai e ai tise tsrgu-t ortiera of sgiriItuniil a cbinecy la Both Amoce iaI litas ?, beunmode frum tiseCUnited tilates. T machiner>' o-lt go ta tise Argentine 1 publie andtihie shtpmolnt wilt conalt flv511-VeS crludeiaoaiPoorla barva em . i, tisu-itu. iand ,lir tic 11cr reedîs'na- icu gu dc.iic-r-i icthtîcrcin rise reislty uf A j'oint meeting tIf liýe liti,*Board of Ciuolrs and l itî.i.uu-,-es ai'ftise lllcums d3 loin tacthisuni ur ili unie Il'Porla ri4 eshclu in ra t cil, . The- aciteot ci rhis, iiuiuun.]ai lrei Tsiînt ai tise t -maierait>' i oirl fli thu-ieIrg i aîrte BanrIl ici lutInsa sucucriary ecup'r., ocre alan luresent. lulierreerti luiplui o ithe biîldinugs, aisiccccrt'lit.. t ile lat Boacfuarni< iciuaandithIe Stat tîl1acîl ai Heu it unlen thte rc-iiuirt-nieiiis Authlie lacs. oillue a5ruc- ulllariurf- un lut-ici-ris- uudico aii-uîctîli-In fuiort oI u ucns Ilidu hns-a as tise ueieti ued icr culro- 1t age tplan. 1l>' CiruitCoulCcrt teercepPl'imaîts Pl'a- arne-,Car ('ompany> iss lie 7,-rs lau nhîis lut duisoeiftise 1,200 c M ueu-'satise in oetitoin, tise aixnreua(-,a"ifvacant elita, lise hI>' aecs uiof ccu-raile> s and ,tpoca. he iet~saeter au-i svwerîgc suirt, ktise iurei FIicenie,. t,,,n tri lues, tise niseaier. tise Ar-dic iuiiuiug unithtie ictar- Ltlhall. Tise eoiparia ia gicl aile >euc un s-hurlt )toice vilucicene ail mun iccipal n ticiueiIu,iithül us. tise tuerai i lsof seiter. Il as. ateani acuci -etecage plants. hNîtbu cccilac, a i l uicist uNucî If tiu-l'ciil uuun eun unit Stt,1 Conmpany. T--u îîi liii, rsilc-.Iin uts uicr.t.1 andI -uic cc l- I)a- ,fW-ic) ir I, clil-,ruit ru use ic-lch, a lrîua i-i ii;iII o-r- -I îuula n îcrt rlili.A u. i lf-,r exte-î - ii îclll-c ,iol il- I-cIrlIîucu 1,,-i onger ounTisehbricks î urd. itce liuîtc-rn Pl'uaee iI thc,-uulcii iluc IiiuIlry andu ;t tc- o nyîîiîrncu175 i-rIs,'if imaul Thiey îuuu iiss>î ns cIf bu icaohar ,, r.iI.îri-i a ilW da uiîs. Ir isith 1nge 1 ;iliuns of inu, ci-a it11crI-cas uvlei of '1h, )iî- -f t l wn-s ourgîluzainî .,I ic, -li, p u tui u-l a irliidi -ii-cv liraei-ii -l il-jail ir iI i l Ic ll l %%i,î llu lit 1eir thlis eniareemuct it fgciih1ns r This ail, 1:tIu- I-ii t iI ricuto, lu in fr.îiiu.îl r iijiri-cpruiitflu cire i, i i li c-uuo îî l'd coriing tiese nulu lîçn rî . llir tl i -d lit a mur-icus hîcluh ru- lîiintIi,-1n -r u-ýIiîuhl> ru-uni -utheic-IllIîu-rc i t'cu, III i- P.~ iCiego an- ilstoIirS 'c-lîuci ýzi Jîdy'e john (iîlchon%: vîeircsicn.c ng W. tisuirt ,- OsncrYr-.tuCi-ui- 1 io, - 1.rcsticner, . . 1, l tllI il I 'lll u- ilcute Ic -r 1.ultiicl curuur. SnauI)r NSucli tuuil. cilu jnm.1icldge l>, liubi-ci .1.i.lin 1i. liir W. l'a. MunaI, sudA. MW. lîakI.lDe Iall L-cruini trie on rat-riîll ciîr hctioi -cticiiOr s' TillItmII, c huuriiîîil;- iuIilîllttet' oufiaue, of.\ B. l'tuhi. litaicriiuiî. u--ilrtcee a 1 nemhebrsuip. IiliarIA. W'ite. bairmar -'r lilalion Y ailif theîieaKO hurlai depar IY meutliras sewocle Raera l'ark tatîla S.uSi nariesrSI--suggte-uferitue taalol Cant i tgocal'artkrwon lu>'a creal iuajorii ln tise elecliain. ln ailt;08 isallaots wu ofi ast. anti ai there RogsaPart guI 452. -s. Il la reportc'd ou gourd alithorit>' tsart I 9p -§t. I.onus, Pt'euia asti NurtisecuItsiîron te better t-narvn 4stise PeorisShbort inD tuas Icen ail ta tise Cicage antiAlto th Chsicago Termnal Tran-cicr Company s>' )me dicate. anti tise fiomaitransie, orfin lItt propprty sut hoc madie as %non as tisenmun luY doîsils Cao lie arrangei. Abiaut $13»M 000 la invalvedith ie deal. p a Admirai George lic-ae>' o-Ilie havit yt is> the drinagie lboard rt viait Chies. jos iCe,. 1 au tise gaca aiftiat bod>' anti flr ieund the exorcises tn ho bold lncornai anduIn-ils tise apeining ai tise draina wliS liunniei.' igo Tise Normal niniversit>' ai Nornmal featedth ie Osistoss. Wis., normalina ce- balte. Tise Question o-vas. "Iesolveti, Tt nne the time han cao-liweu risepolIe>' Of Pi ma- tetion abaultili e aiaildaned th ie Ur ?er et i taxti ucl Wisconsin badth ie afflm bis tire. Tise Illinois teu-ano-as composeti te. <. M. P'almer. 1. T. Wilson anti A. t ofWhbite. Tise jatiges avere Bey. Sts* test bices>'.BioomlaUten prot. MilIiE. Agi to nd tiRay. NMc. li1eir lJbig, P¶TfOS AND TRAMI~Y THSE SORROWFUL LIFE 0F A CHICAGO GIRL. Bbco abatri D«eptîve Friand sanl Tank ler Own Lire-Thse Utileti Xaang ni a Poaîlc @oeathtiIW&B Tiseueo-s reports recenti>' bld 50wa Cicago gil namati Bucke hud sisal ber tioceptive frleisd. shiteohoeset aith*b plana inglisg a lave sang, andtihe» . kIti is erseit. Bbc loveti bin, ani avie. tise terrible IraIs came tO br that heo-s a areati>'marrleti se matis tise effort ta anti bis existence anti ber oyrn. Shealesîopto-day la o iUlie hicis- Igan graveyard. iaI lBurke came into tisa oriti o-titiste mistortulne ai isavlng a miater but slavon montha obtier thon isracî anti a mother avio bail no love for chui- titan. Tise motbe's lave an never B.totsiCtb>' the pcattling Mabel, anti o-hile >et 100 yoong taunudecstand ie1 imnport tise baby o-as given lway. Tise child's grandmnotber took b- er uIl iVanthtèFglrgw*t.Tise eltieri>' oom5f o-aspoor. anti o-bau it becam itelme for ber charge ta tart ta a-boul tise uttle girl o-aacompelled tao-wock anti earn tise mono>' ailis shicis la boy ben books anti pa>' oher expenses.Tsu Bse passedt irough tise varions grades ot tisa country' acboi.anti liaviug filly inlabet ie1 course etue o-eut ta a coîbege toavu anti tounti empinyment. Tisera OL to At ý4 la ;a' miusIcal talents avere ticaelnpei anti, gain gth.- symparis>'outone ni ber protfeucsars aise was sa»totita coin- pace a coucse. Si ledacI ausa lier- onal applinatloualearucti alemeuAgrapis>' anti buokku-eting. About seveu Y-ars aga tise mli>' wvlis wom se bnci boarum letiarng ber Ourasggles ln tlueî-oIcIgeWenrt ta Ulu-(aga an thae ccampüi-d il. Tise ycung o-omis o-a nase slu-nted andî nbi- tions. Har applications furanipiî)yuie aveca of a iigisar trdt-c tisais tbo>e uf msot atencîgrapWiss-'5anti aise o-sansu- cesstul. Tie Worldm FaIr o-as thpn lu existence liecr* fera poni- tion. anti a feww o-eu-ss tatsbie o-as accepteti as ibeurelany tu lise Board ai Lady Manuug-i' anti oas provitiesi ailis apartmnuas at tsi- %%Vlndpmpue Hotel. WVieo tus fair u'nceth' ie @tîi faunti lucrative rsoris. Tlic-utise 1resi- tieutial catupaigu came ounantiUm Bucke became atpnogmapiser toc Mark Hanna, o-ork lno-hies aliseo-as regard- ed an expert. Hec acclattanceë began to bruatden bacravagpes ser,- lîgîrand l lt biet iaI as If sunsiulo oOe to caine loto hiec lite,.lIer b--ual> matielber a taror- leslu tise sînalasocial circie lun wslu-b aise muveti. Thon came Iinecu. The bloom lent berchcieisu. ber trame o-at- ed. Tise dti-turalibec tisaI a tumac- oua groo-tis malde an aperatîcîn noces- Bar>'. Focrotîme monilia Miss Burkteta>' lu the boapitai. anti oheu sihe finally titi retoru to ber hume,ailis aunkon Ciseeka anti Pale face, sise wssDoten- tire!>' recavereti. Thsis tact sandlnîec ber s-bale IlIle, thatigi aile grachîal>' cegaîneti ber forsau-r gond hauts anti avent about quleri'lîîIntiese ociety ln aviici shsisedtibeen acetistomesi lu rmaya beforo ber ILuoIsà. lSe o-as brigisI , anti clover, a goati mu-ican sud as amik 1IngI>' pnetlY girl. anut rereiorc o-as I mnci sosuglit airer, acnd hati haIt a cioz- an admirera. Bt o 1tliunaîe tiendts $aise confitieti pon becr retîlcu irom tise ispital thut saise wvan nver mrm>. Finaîl>' sue met Davti J. Wiie, tise -altoune>' rhose lite aile sttemîpted tiu end. Tiscir inanlier ai meeting o-as e learly lta re rehutiîrnaiilp ai attorney' t anti cient. Theso unrîg waman liad bci- came imisuedti s tIllihid.a tisaI se hat cause focr a sit ngl.'aisst a phy'lcian toc 'fmaipractice. It bore opon tise opera- rtien sise bil untieruiuue. Wi'le ailcaed b ec tua lieeolaI lisera averesane Ivbopes tacriser ta cecasu-r. Tise>'wero f rqueagtly lu eacis others Company' e- --gartilng tise malter. Tiselr acquaint- auceaip cIpenet InLto tcioutishlp, anti oI o-bau LnaHy>'Whlo lad pormuatietilier r- tisaI sa bati no case lie continue ta l Y- allupon lier. ,dHe lidtounti a bond ot sympatis> -bel-eau tharn. Tisy e>o-rabotis lovera )n of muata, andt IbuEIlubis platunic sort . ao- a>' tise>' enjoyld ienccotber's cram- tpaubousislp. Mntl passeil b>' ant i t o-asna secret tisat Miss Burt-es trienti- n. sblp for Wile lbaiti cpened i mb love. y Tisai carne tise star>' ta tisecars ut ceMiss Bucke that Wile o-as abready> mat- riei. SBis sugist ouI bis sife anti ie learnati ram liec lIps tisat tise rcora d, o-as truc. Hec lait bope vaiabset. Tise ", deceptian. tisaorng practiceti upon 'o ler o-as more than sie culti entiue. lie Discourageti anti disiearteneti be>.ond or ail reparaton. se plottet iber oo-n j.destruction andt t taise tram tise woai avis ber the man o-bob aiseovati. t-d Meeting Wile b>' appaluhruent.tise>' ýg o-ont togetiser ta tisa Hatel St. An- ta thon>' anti angagedth ie parloro-lthisl 'c- piano tar a teo- minutes. Mias Burke geP askedth ie man ho pla>' a love sang tise> laed aitan admireti anti sang together. le- sud as hlm ingera glitietiavec tise leya le- andtiviistise stralus ni the music ring- al lng lu bar cars sies aot hlm to-Ice. Ha ce- tel tram tise Mto.anti, a il i st e vo- lai- aie trnethe smuokng revolvr to berag E. andi Bet a ballet Ibrougis ber heurt Pl A Preferrati crédti la onei ohon»vus - . Um . jeFm

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