CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 7

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V. vont. "W" FOR 0000 CfOW *WomQulmrl.4sthere soYl idk»e WssMlle ,1 Imm mpoflan sDSUL .tbrDdsseWe s'eui todt I ôf a.pats greatnes.or ta that h11,wil 00t he put o09 LU, longer.' fobe Drius th ae s.e vW& 'ométfilng toncening wblck 4eer t'ît"br. Noggins 1 .111wtlibe yonr vite TAit week w*van ogwlo by wvethter Con- 'eeuiaialtforaibig ovi ofifl? 's"eventuall>'. but nottlll after 1 have be- liltons ighly ta"'ral.le fer thre growth -'?rilc--Tlere 1lauan Ifalltllelet rime etgaged teé Igemnon Vers de anti ievi'Iijtnm'nt oet taltirsrouis. hbut tWhen a putt cmn nînke guantîiulît1'Vert- anti jlIted bain. Su guturh, ut leat. oly nodratly su fer cocu antd fei'the 'errons fanti]tîen l&je bis édînîrena Ir T&r;largh)tftilly due '10 thi' tintal of ne 'pruioectiuiuhn uof s suî wrk. Il 'es ceImu ufrtshow blow t thp l let ýtro s lu ir Ilitoud.m-Clhttk<OTribtune, -a' - sun; vuthtîtit auriotute he front 1Iae, imeanlng and beauty tlu lîls tilutids. --ioedt ti(- r e oilihat generul show' Ithen lie Ia undenlaluly griat. UrOy r% orîr s largi' part tf tse riýal ceuntral _____________________________ LIttie "'rgInh-My iuammna aayî Fou vaulîcYs live ILu a hante& opi'e ot a sueok sutici for seluier lb - ~ Litle Wiuile-The Ides! We dilnt. whéttusttî! i' sîamitut snialthe erap sot , eltohher. Nolody ever hourd of a glîoet ouytai led t'u tut hogc'r". b(isti ntct' C A S TIOg tiRie t tallone ; eciti laikmardl opr thi' groaterhart b ForTulatsmdChU eL )(L)gIntîntf u îlue ssey of t0le sshest lti iNo tutu'-onlitios hi Fo nht Ld~Ltti" bu'lmt'nla Yt'ohaut' arîcen vhueh may le lîottîeiupoa I nh. KI U # You li lua « Iqit iuted lt; a coovd ut collectons. . îsîîfu r le in tts mankeul tluare tf < thbu' trci)t h o ptnI utoavotrable ulocuuînu il.. Lith. csVici**1tudes. itan 'Wii tuh. cotp taillto repntmntusa. Clgatwret I -du~getliany lt-tIeFs off Yestor- thtu neuîu'ha%, ine. lu i ua eeî's Of 8aluoti titi' îtrfi'i't t-cuhu; ho ac- __________________________________ PIcf" e1tud as a setird f tuthat thore us Do "N y 'ktt'nographt-n waa radîg li of l; nyre er; ti heore harveust. no b took sdl viOlafralul o ntetrmuPt îu't'hows'i l'-alithte astmac prov-t lut-r tîhiiçat tuurt'tlitis hguta ri sI-a. tint uL le thl" cette rai harcit u in heu t-,le' Net Whoily Dlslotee.ted. f.,"iII't iltI ahr t hatnu uusal neut Mne-k c'il IHE AMERICAN lY oun t'fe dues watith ttiti'h(. 4itti utcithiin us nunr your lealih" ttt""[it - tuiinirî'osion thai he- liîe; »he ktows l h51 If I ffit siU iatsethI.eruup int uo ea vî'rv sho rt oteU CuPPRrL COMPANY bîg'loch on'. bill tt-lie Ont gta $Uni- thuce siI leetile 'r auotinvi'eit' Ot Captal*uooillter trlp. glruýt thuont tie is errùIuurios En' Wsu off_ t5000o mgi.'rtIt u.hseof 6 p,s-nt. I Ail HoItCpe Nt Gouo wr tin tuflOy rut; thu' ttain dettt.nui'-of thiea (Ruo at,!) pref"lCd tnkttnh.* du*P, a llardmtuttkti"l heAr Jour sontla srîil arnti.ant! a oriî prpoîrioun , i1la. suIt1 YEN LOLtWfl pe uars. titi the prueisofetut,-ia toak rni iolue ihrasher lut as t lain,~ l 5i', 5-5tOuutuI uiOtrti pUlelu A tlYekîh n , Ts.but 1 altattllst'ofut timathIOrr oudîutîas erais highit tasora- diit.aul f et .t ent -ooiustpybi« 'l- a,. d le hasnt ot tnoboMdy ta 1îonîn htî'for pruang liet, asoit uhh tht' lUX ' 1IL.1 sI M.y tt "f es-t .t . a unieil '- .8 t OlilbIlyturant t olung anicin laiduaeul hY crus' th..____._____ ttit iisettel.ihuolstsimaihe, la g thîee tiî,.I,.5..,. by b. _____________a Mechant' L.ii and Trut Copanyi hlI rhit nî cPtltiOnitted ont luin ~ia cul> ouguigr whueh euh enalîle t li.Nbaia.5.ves a. inhAsehafo rtt'epuralon u, 'lsiumlthe er'uin ves utetOf Titti 'tm'5~oy lis s" nailt'i srsiufitggsîimil. suilNort mrutiIa fr rll c n taZ PhuuIsrsositi ier thain soiat Thé. C'.. -y a si. ' -i l d' i, t' j.d ;romPh' 'tht- oens tu'k4 n'e n uîîi;muteraill favOrI' ".t rapd i. ý I.t1Iý oft0ut1.t b1- fo -rnplatt iîgtisa nuch iiil ti"urt l.u.iaittetî5tteet.uutiîtiuuii'WCîP use. Odigs.g BIu utoa l'e2s-si n tk5 Ua IsdW 0551551?f5tbîl »SK YOURSELF ,A FEW QUESTIONS o,. th, et itututhe ss 'Id. why iS ta that the IJerllng t.rsuukaart IbmeI.rgest in thewvorîd? Ilhrienaotia grester demanti fan Deering machines thuru for ay ati'erake whv ' it ilthal Itue eernîg works cn'ipioy aver alu thoalant iue hunfdred skiîicd mechantcsI-,osItt th=iasIice as Manty as aluy then eapet plant iu the world? if eeartugnachilles 'cave nru aerned the ight ta aicivesal app ý 6rou'uuti thut the Deerung woruks are itnceasultg the oupul ontiqby 5o. machines as agaunt the product of 180~? It fleeritsg bal anti coller beaings are flot applied t10 Mndens and mowurs ite aîly correct way why ti it ht compLtitors ane ai their NwitT' endut 0 take thrir mac.hutrs as lîght draft a the Deeruîîg Ideala? DEERIlS IIARuYTES CO., Olao e 7 7 7? 7????? 'Forbid a Fool a Thing and That He WiII Do."D Don't Lse SAPOLIO The 14-cr Dr. Rriggg. tht' IreshtyterJnhî eroti". ha.s hera ordainil a lrurot luthO cuit estasut IEluocuipal Ch li tl Ili us lux tut Et ule.fuir a tilt îlei tîtuon k1 îuîit itt"er't Ère o tut ih'. ttuiu bhat tii' i.I-lii... it a ut trhrtut ofu uhuroh Buhul I 'niter 'is nul agrt ri thtiitht' n. W'hnteu r hu'r.o',taI hut.1 1 delci" lDrIc rits hao 51-01t are tIn135 rouînd in h. hukcailcu T1oi lu' ttrouc-î tion tus uhue iiitilt ufitltîtu'su i"une" The attthur oti lautub. af o', I ""îtntila iteul nt-wto" lihihe ImOs Icîntuuiît andulthe titiS! du-i t ni blave aceep1 te' -lfuire hua 'm'1" ithtiP doc sotau &ý(et-pi ah lttr ii uib.ut ho insus,ýto ht uîîîîeofttht tut l u.uaor uim puig.s sot' ftla,îsîunha ulutrumuie utthe fauth hDricBrits eusjlttil'ti-a-rcinu g te Btshitjm 'uîher. lIthât .re tre suateroue ernu oftutdî-taul un theil e that thons are wut ierantuouîe' t A â; kud- huit thsh t 'f nMiiuhustue l 13 sonipture. tht divine tuut huttutas urliuo, auth end niomals, j., irrorlens tini falitilel" ire'arilng Wsck lanas'metimportant dts- Scitoir jarnes >t'Miin. ut Michian, triet. of the boit. An enratous ai longe Wsub t atmsusn dowtàth,"niuntfittuta Sec q1) lient platt.1,nîui au'iy t iret Pif-relsryA iger. itille of Iti' nu hesisien lu uithtlargo hot maklite brenituli for tht, Flernu-i t. Borauin i iitho' langeuan ruord. Pl'nr tu 'li """i""; - Ca'ia tit; se tt-utrtho argent lui'agi, 'eusn lu . l' 1 yJoaru agi. he -'amI Wlh' îî',2St liaes- w-as ,f1il:ily -bta Detroit W'en 20 tiriell I Penn .arnearly a," tia!ltrr sl lias alors' teen ,t'as nia rt-ptno. aud.! a0 iter t'ent in-ideontiet! t uh tht tts'iii'. ni buit- 'lors n ai riet81i Ilile"gru-a. hInsiLieu. e tm'i onl,'mi igue a ares Ibis near lInt iss oft1h. etu o f 54t5t.COan!posib; e.tualuiugn SeIPa tse m5le.ajaires. tIl. usastauut.hi Pol MORE TROOPS NEEDED. 41 e *Ites b; "Znd al Gireat Force Nesi"aars'te C*wtrol the IiT bafieeii h s iln A il spath htram iltasaga atir s'ile 'oetA inatagiitt PnItulii osiu.'t1uu lth foi tif thCe-' sit'o'à.tLsve eurlu' e uc litu"' f atli r utîlnloit lit' us a aed t'i ta titi.h rger IraI. iiitt the lu' il f th, * ii itut tuear'uîtpanU ti hu'h ut'i !t1,tu thsebt-st athocuttce, auildtf a -i utur if th.u ercntra.t ronu la IManiaà. c' siUaiLe ti arteoels thegiboa- puustuTuiîe makflicu ilectulta 10tbi p-ooile t. upêe'5t i ktabI 'inAmitrural S'enaPc i 'uti'tantI agt t n 149.7,Th, ntrm'pmtein .lltiuelaatdo. 'iahatItu'escrta"ir -NcMtiiuu hil he ont ot f uuac t hoe.twricaa forles lasfardi ot a erari'hui Mli tnaîunitus :ion"a.thber luh liecoittutslluifr the large totaI lats hoili tuit ir I ictuiorsu îuu tire !ttt in the aimlt.rorutsnuaiensosors,. 'eh' eiliat uhtsi tut ihe ûgbt.gbas. htt'n uttonr t'Y A foruinte tf ve« iresuuplu itiui subtu hItue Aiierit'atuu ati nu pt hut Lhdat botita lu. t tthIe lu. iktbauids rut itîr 1u-et usutipolod tu ahandlus kecause thi'; E. G.Nolle o!fButnas City and Captai isiiluta qa o ýetnînuututai htil . Aniu 3.T.Norris atfI:M mad'palts1i'uee.ati.iltir. fuantirlm fporta,RKa.,I'tihoue pu'uonsmet i LuisIs hLaIds. rit tru)t t nlr heu is areuth i'aiiitpit amud aioehul upthe rver ona bihhi u; a tir- a t1tuteti Suin giuitimnt .nie, tlutaI 'lie PresidietîlnsoI L, ai'Wr lepartttiriten ttit eîau'b ut hase abolitidso'uuhi'd tut u qtultui in.titis' t hicu probetlc ua vie. of ttel"iitptsre o'auuand i thu'r MY ru tu tu s lcuft wul Lie no more- panh-ý its .tbAguttnido« ur t.iui'Ihio-s- «vsu ou nnh"'stht'; nltul5,' hefrpencter- t iha-, teu raits' in;,i' Am"ri'an liaeis. ltluer ttfy soce oct' forjuuu" t îri im, îî'1 parI firtuenuit.emsarnior 'ho malile uu tu rt'. ailoutitritiun u lînct'm.itîtit Thetuu nd o tftrutle mihriuîuu i ui 'hueAnuenat te oouusist lhui iit tttIic' i fu.rsa unît n ic-tie l'i puns(bui h nase dti ho itre1. t'ligtîc 'luoîluO olr."r hi e uit ru' tti tth- !. seul t ho mA misr it!taii'u. t mil,'il rs In ulule ts i i tlt t- Oauatrrsupi are h-tut kan.tid dal;r. Tc ilt bouarhrd-aîuuh i ijuif a miliuttoc r1s. itîtltht'iitri'tr ju il he*clSent ho 0Ou, sud lrrautuumotde te lîtrer à Henr; '_ Fcuu'k tif'utiuncg.l'a .su cruabrai klola scrtdt5ed 'euh bus ag turchasiedt! CMINA SHOWS FIGH"T. maimsoth steelI sîruft u .idrew eC tueur atdus lb lia wkovsips t .. Mouis Jiarb., Incite nit urtit 00eu lire of Ct.kistlal. tle si'nhiet Con Orler avbue beau tstse'd direct (riîtbies ua the glI Ilek .l'h taa. dueeetang tht- sicecitysad " hrty y;rssa gosorsors of thl aetgkhoiiag prou ta«ostG W oas s pur ho( luit &:l theur forucesla nro'dtaeaafor sear., ei 'o ikltO inial'I an a of ta mtth. arrivai of "LItlsien ' y.î i oa Couor ni uarhpinusSau Mun b arbnli Il ît a te ole made lus ea, lggved lIi the Ils note ti lIosaltempt in bususen a 1t ltirrethte mnosfetiiShang 'ruse tuureasae of a an pieil 'flt 1e Itatun la t'auu'a mdo i u1nuin a c, a Jonituran yi n Machblur a easeniftut,' teur is lu, fir, a cai'ng otttti nîtnd ci ase. alu-. ýaa! l. a.'itt I 1eluto usasu'uuîrianu ui tttol ' ta ttu rlàc .i'. tin oh tree sut i zlic toI iti-ir thle titi traIt' istaîuls it tht' ts itf t be Kýnzau. usth t.'2 el 'o t t. t'9 k' i.î W-usus osa rg th,-ri.htteils n,%:r ui t a railtutail troîti Saki- lt't! Auuh rt., t gi'thon bh ieat Mtill u Imi 'ita Olsko. anttulice-fer t tutt iustIi Mr.Fo' k luitth,' tuaI and t' ru tki. itiutand ro ruaI tis bute-vOutanduou f 'i..sut! cir..s. ars the tssnhb eriait 'he osubnthm tilluruls tuf the Cho- smksLct it'ther. l{aag p'vns The nire an the pari ut lat us udit',. d ti tio-h tutireuicýi hat Wi illeat B. 'ustlia privai',of tC, lit, iu far iuîulî tua lu t ardt ii1 l w it borniete ifut (hîte va . T ott ti, a-nutu 'r the ratin sulu r ie'itoa i he DONT GRO# OL. tlu h-lnch' u A Ne.. 11jin of Litrth.t mVM I.l- ueo 'ihito, a gnuat defiitel! l' Mdpue iAe. 1lirtn tttin.l'ut- 'Tho elunîn of Mlit'oitîtInlicexalrers idsPL ccc (itint autd hsttîîlro t ni l'auttuu' t)u'1,i n tut galtiutte fur t 1e Bruias iuitnr. ha% al lutit lnI îtt if the A nie r iueaua tht'et 'tîîtsor a coutry tiuuiiartt teoo hIe vcit'try tlri î;rt-iCîs'uî 'ii k. arr reotuciz'T'he I aituttttsit."Iho tiirît glutihaii. h tuitscIli tuph; tIi! 'lrt'illey auJ _ = eliuxr that estral [auoo uuIraikîn outi- io Grandte, carry lt.SE' nive exi'îieuiscu îb Itiireoîs juanier-va. ita roia'eho t', 1 cuiruitl l iv the (On lits fta a tilt nuCtit.ic tob gît' By eâats.(if tIho rmu t(tgerafta lu truc has aîscut a ilargou'henul it tnats. atut! n h ritttssu ,em'sarl1;ferruedl il isfrointi hiiseprisa enarrimais lititht- Tnîtîtley i, 2ut arc of uge atuol h fluof ut tub s te bu' eckîru'it "liteet-lis" oly suanutfua wit. frctulte Ib ttîae glutnda nt goals a"e remutu d sit h grusi ouire. and titIîîurveîl Pli ut clWhoali u'a u i tranuî ail infe'ctioni. 'llite lrtîncru at'(uiotf shiril;tu ssii M-' 4uia Denut Gi Ite ecluali ltht' mutinit'nuance oîf lure uiu dauughtec itllrug.Giti l"etderick Ihý 'r ilor ' ot h i t! ý t ýlI', ' a isac t -In ,h5i t!iii i le huiuaiibodly b; h pu- dernstoinjections1 SCHEME FOR ARBITRATION. Jnt.,satoSl lîamtst b My ne St- t1.4 la Tbfi. MUnoe. Thet Czar'. hutaid bas bten foreotib; GretlBritatitaahthe ýpeare etfo'i" Sir Julmu aututfoe rsîruntit lEiug' land,. iroîoiag htk ocî'a.l sta ih iinsut 5f a permanenCit arhitrahuimi triutnal. 'This took Baron de Staal. tht' l'utr elreintt- &tive, coilletely b> eiprîisud st!lie caud Rasia woult second ilasilams priocýai. Sayig wliela tie Bairon de etmaI urc'u troni bis porket antt itorate ach(iut'fur an internat iriSil u Tlu t5 lhe itncieat sui el lie3eu!dutimtîttat the hlutucin Gone'nuuoueits n'PrOot'uittut'5 vagi 10thue t oueîî"îru'îîtîrc-d tii tiko tht' bail in the- ftteimptto u siili uit'iiiiil'i i hu THMAiBKE KLLO prin'cipal 1n Kentucky Fned IR hot Thi ni aBit ker. pr ni l ii t h, fomu u ll,ard-lBaker rîti. wtons ht tran aul- bush and kl lel near bis hînt Wt illthes- tie K Y.Baker ut ou iibligîsltuhave sM'id t1hire vero four mn ainiClay; Cour ty liq u i s gîiiig to kili. affir whii'h licesuas nvil!' i u t hi'hagtd. Baker bas a grens! o-i. ber or friends, sud the bloody wîar bc- twes'n his faction on one aide and the flowarde and W~hite$ on the other in ex- pected tu requi ln ther mriîra i tu S.Grsant. ut a de- ci.î'ndatitrtt.tlie or lue tibuhst and lgreat' cui ia t ýbecatute the- loliutof Ilote agit.e fuîrt lui-rîe Dla, i, - li'th ut lia CANTACLZVXP- 3ountg iain of pleas' lut apîulesrtau et tandt! utlke ma; others ar nuoyailloot!in teuirdliofniPencas sices lm te pussuucur ot cash rotules unit ait mntnluuîaa îîuîier ot îîîsgnificitchu- Inutus lie us bihi; rgarded t!Ihe cu;at fa nit;. Ilis tt uhtottfor 31 issn(tant la mn.nsti îuîrkî ll i titI th, t' uahih i 11ei upoun a.,ali Yî~i Mis Naiui, ti-lanîul iîlt eth of Wash- Inglua îî utss ,pontutlu! siîuor for the en- tire $oliiiilit tho îîuauuurestiaon nfCou- td-aî.ut Chartesý tua. S. C. Vo.l tis of honuir haut previnusa Ir bora illiot! b; lioî St ititui' Ilucto "liei e susth,' la lugtier ni j11e1 . thtut sa-. us0tu lies. lohiort E. ee fron thle ia!tîle otut la nani. Sposltaiais thicsiteder ni Appo nuattoi, sud 'eho l ow he ln idest eu-Con' fedenate ge-nensi. %iîb tle one excepton et Oea. James Liusntat. a rr nin c arA tntmnIn1,t 'l*. l % iti h tmalli' iiI t luo.ut ci o t \uti vîtiiiuc utrdsto i,ilîtu uu itI ....tîl tii .utlit lI.!' hiuiuut' Icar- Tue ItMe.sY tif IL. I'u tu t tt' itittusiu'mtliti or ZodiolSoti fol"h io fili'ii'ul a huiu an tut1 ltuu'Nh l intut trouble adafl!sO 1grevi older -ny tirotubles increaseti hav- in ni'se pain runningQ fncum my waiol 10 my viomb and lhe inenioca ween veny painfial. One day. semung yuun dventisement i one of ur p.per, 1 wrote to yo.- t ; "-Wben youmr rply came 1 began talzing J___ your Cîtmpound and ifuuiowed yotan advtce and ar n 0Win perfect healîlu. and woitld adi- S vise any lady rich or paon to, take Lydîs E . ' Punkhum'mi Vegetable Compound. which I can praise above ah otiter remedues. Ilis awvonderful belptowornoen.' for Ptl People w'<ll cure yjou if you art aff licttd' with any diseasat of the blood or nerves. Menti9ml the dîborder wtîth which fou art suffering and we will send cvidence that wili cofvinct and tatisfy you iliat Or Williams, Pink Pills for Pale People «iliI cure you Thest puis contain. in a condensed Form. ail the eIements necesbary to give new hife and ric.hness to tht blood and restore thattered . nertves. Theyai't an unf L alinspecific for such diseases ai. oconotor ataîa. ItVts* dance. sciatica. neuralgia. riîeumnatism. partial paralysis and atil frmb of vwe&lnebs tîther ini men or wamren. To a Lglresee Juirat repnorrmr (i- Il. qneuler, a 'erit mnou ait. ofe1- --,yK-..51 a i te loiiti e ed.a~iie e ntii tîit I iibod>li 19l 1 r 1, ilii,5ip.tte 1 ? tL, id l -ntrelgil tligttnie tîii'îlAtis OnttîIK lt ne 1I ll!tii tio utr at«.1, a sottie. usen At1, t d bdtt 10 t"lt, . 'itIn 'tiv l'. frwl Peope. lt tie Iliad it tlhCitnie fiet tiIx 1foîîlitI tit eur over SXgg'ti i t*In1useti 171,a t i Il ' ealsliesno relav th. dlea«-. Miy apptit@ . gooit andt galiral hntltù teImter LIas for .ko .. .thal am ot he pakage. Ai desagglula or dfred fom t6 Dr. VilhlamaModicin Co, Scbeautaiy, NY. 5>-.per bom. 6 bozn 32.50 Plsr004 t .ia i wt. .s.caliaia. 10. WhlakersOMO@ CÉ A 0,ooNatsIDDaot 9» 1 ia. il ess i l£ . u - - --- Offe aOumis N.olcM-nmc dotor diseards the med' k c hihoa show&as ubrokcn recod o! Fifty Years of Cures. To those docton. Who vent opran& dova the country ia every kind of vtnd &ad veather. lth l. patient. and trac. Aycters Sassa- paûia oves ita frît succesa. T d a doctor o f reporte w1o pescesto Sarsapanilia presrihes ycr s. We have thousands of testimoltals f rota docot s l ovcf lIs land tht it 13 tht one safe Sarsaparilla. and the doctors know ehat t ia. becaus vie have be,ý,,ethe fotmula of il to ilhe for avec klii a centur'v. is-the leader of them &IV' not bccanse of macb advertising not because o! vit ve put &roundd îhe bottde. but bectisse o!fvihîl It is the one safe spring medicine for g/ou. I qMNILLING SCENL AT MAVANA. lont No Tuas. The___ otîter nght-or fraltet, It was In Un Ion Preachie Pleudesl for Torretfusnets eaLI In the' tnirnlg-tiie telelîhonelen of p nieb Op 5'5sl0t. a rertaîni în oj p r office rang fontd m g Pe th SometIraeea meru' personal force andi and long. Niol or the workerq liait Iflslstencet. eojsclallY ln a canot uvhl'b gon, 1101w.lui t hre uas one uin -1,lti iii IoIli teuniý& l m r e g a r d t 'i l a s 'i îc r îtî b Y t ii c l ia ti l ilo l , th e d o a t . it h t h uTorl e a , n o is vt'ig th O Wsis ta nf , g m 111 lu a iiiiiii' lt ou titviito lo n tit ua ild u o îtiI ic ' I tii t :I a lpartb'g ~of th e /uunn oeg nsm . 7'7là sth1 Itîfn riittî r L«ia Iti" lnitlha- lu thi' , î i l,îîî il ci ni'o" b obiuiiiif'te bltdîtsi tîir lltfllu ti gl, Iii oittîitrings it grî~ at- ii iîi;c' stiri c:triepure. Hoobtaieied PLif he btoWh Tbt'lr ordilîitry feLolîi tL "ltut lm titi ' ltoil, nt> I iituthe ' Il presCspbn for puelfying the, boo one if lantre't, Ibut t1lî'cî ait tIîtIt 'l" it autangt;tîiur vlînari' lrýit Idt 1 11a ili aî it"ut 100 iii clu th' fltig tiro it' u., ike utf llbc' filiale gîttîlof (l(i' iil. (lotu dt 'at'if c.m iiulttIL 11INitshie '\ If ls lth r ii" n ii loi. I)c.lctttik lîu. tailutiitnlty 0of "i8elghtllgln" a Ne w May te. b" t.î ii - i lt. n i li lii lia lii~ >'The cuirotis ani aneleut Ct.St(n rîli lt i I tlirLI i ub . !lastilit it I ' "nil ghîl tîg lu" a iayor sud corptmr.îtiof îoiîiîlictllla' 'itîgregation. l il r ci-d flor -la itI of ! îOt. o uth-- itrulîiilt cil ttt' t aI ic ýjIidle it(il. s, rnus cd lis car it)ifi-iai' u it c t ut 11gb 'i1iliti l u CZI5 ou aI.,ritt (-*.itiiîgotii54K)>Cuisl :l:,gilO ad:la nil.ilund as 1h i S v',r agalm Obev" 55L-r i r sit t l l u t i t lotilisitiOE ' , alI.1 ir att Iîte' lIn Lgil n itlot i utIi t ho clition of t IîIril. lttilltîil tîjîtti ail ss th Mtion %l,0 n ir. ay lt-art cîîi ui ii.gsrso Tirt' Maytor h2IR6l lîy hldtiiîl up lthic gazet' i Mai'! t1 i, LIo.IL-stolisi-n andtil eioted. lte Who"ê rl~~e. hi' ~tro'ini, il, lY Iut'l ts ii i Onîlîtii cof alertonn conniiîllormi. of- *Ii*hl- oald. lu titi, i apot i wtli___i.11111101111. "-]." Itili o il-t othieal'ilrod tn tge eà l i i L I L t t! 1l 1 I i i ii ! i ' ' 1 1 l i to t îO r 'J l i r u t % .a u a t i l i i n o f t c r a t h a t t l u f t l tiot n a l l e h e r o f lha d pl tit' îlo B t us'- bIcI' t lir, :tut(l tu tii, presu cIi.! i r ,ýlii i,' andt it, i u m s c'cti't t . us îw o tva o ii c are o sh mLot tir i'iii-t> il luit ' utc 5 (if Itl'.ît ýi. reumrani. tt iîigilintg hu,it iu' t'i ll3 I re(orllw not us'- Il uit lier î i'tile ii. t t >I ni' titi ' on fron t ilî1ilig 111 Pro- > tht'.ss '1gb fitt cilifitruon. 1 h a v e e a a t ' l io ia . tc su Il t g ' t lit L l-ssci o îîî î lîî' l tilt i îtiiii i i- t 'e n s . e Itz e d th e i i u g so rlf n i y . ail a bta i ltt li d I tO t hm 1 ut'i' \ i ii.,Lîn ti', 1l l t i~l lt ik llttik 1 for 'ln l ti lias île V IDe 1 a su lî "tit ! ~ t tl v 1, lt Ii* l.. luI itîtîst s a y il. yV ii! a rt' thi' sta r eof l " W e ta i îi t f ' it ' f rontî i0 - .-X "iss f e l î -'N ' that lm Veey Cîi ltttliiti. litlc i itt'i ' 'îilîi't" uilt,.' ii"' i t f oi oîî art-ttire lrmi:te édl& nîstt u it %liLt tîr i a s iri. I t iii.."i t il' lesnîl uîitii ittirilh sword huitti 'il tiinay 1 have an anstronillWO M anoir nIl,' lîiî Ih L li IiLIl bft Artianîlthge 8o ld lua aDay "W i s Ilat. ',%r. l.oft'r" o It Sd m i fitig tlicIh u r , L a li t sla - 1 ,1 _ c i f n c u t. a p c tty g o îid "L - lic c lg h t to g I v i' y o u n i ; u i . & - et îst > leci cimu itni lîîî ro eu s glîluttt ce ti t t' a n' to tdt h,-c li te trla the'aiîîtit- ln te~ir 9t nri.,,y t- iiCh, < ' cttti lita- PmcoktI li 1lîîlîllîîg tit bis :îîî at for stlî'no intll d1îî'îoas . lulttei' TourBitiltr tht uiniac 'aci! b ciittt' Ot l a iiri- It .1il ail si f t i sotie le otEire. a po wder for the IIhII 'Agi'! \% lla itouglih 't " ud,niiluis' 1 i;'s ,ija1it! A cl tru îîîîc t- r urenat ital1, isolleii. umtnlgfl Ir "Ibm It: I îî'ct n il' 4Saia îî ."rtIiltpotulI>i -ttiI u ah teetulfut ant.Iy lattes the.singout=e1 2itea t ru liti.11 plarrt, f .i leni a i t3t; i Iut i' »iathe greatmest comîiOrt d»- Il' liitiit(.t'audlt'ni'î' But Itc.lier -'i.tit tit'. trineouý in laîs'u tsas otery ni tîte asgt. Allons Fuot-Eaaemàkbe Ditaz. IIoîkbls heu! t ll.I'crti ie . tulîtititg rîr nrwtbes teel oaa; It isa 0 '* o," (. alit *,%*,ý w ill not huru l;u eit;ti tI cure for s e.ti ng calions and 1l11%, a o('I 'OTis i'tî nli-hni tirtif t! îîîouII tu .ry iie.aclîînz leet. Try tuil a.Soi A blM le counst <t l % l% i' îîîîci ftle ig'l e .gsi 1 Ui O I'Y. 'Iigg aa ihoe1soresBu mitl for%% titttit ; s ilii soîsut l ~itil Bev sife ""A fe'I ii YOii itl iititiih nnanTia akgeF l..1d~ lag lm eLiOiîUI 1 lilin bs lu.tht' wirlil 'Iti r'iYu ci iIoiiUcA, eoS. Uliateti, Le Roy. X. Y. Le IoI I t lii s fing n t' havi' tiett il ît tWIX Wao ' 5it ' i'.li ih e. wrnigît(I, oeli artcitgilit-rt-Ll i t If "ilti e e" tn" tiiiih 'iVlitdo Vtirt ik of utthe' future ae l r -, iith tllg if cir fti'ojut tht' «atne. "No," satiiltht' yhtiig ilitti c "uît liSitililt '0D i ual forgei'utlot. Sil îîwth 'trosu Il C I'1 03 oftieflt u iraI " le%t't'hid 'Ilill lt- a îîng' tle before fipai tisu i asm iditîlhe -tlir h'awrlPli ialern lias iun; future,;ehe lias got ftodo sch li! thii' Catirioti I Maty iti Lit UNs o(10 IIfrenea luit oif vn ok ouor lber paiît. Witt]thiis sul;iti u I l] tcthat sut' ati1,ff r. r i Ii eîIit.ufi fii, i i ,' î liii as l'a. us hiaio hS i.tcriiii bt w icO'the R~~eto irect. t titI h iofiOur tit .i itilgi' lIn olti w il 0055 amiradlflg y uîucofou:îîu îit'uti-r ld lt~ îîî'îtchta 'Vto ittiiiîg tî itgli ai t't îî'îîliuclî b; ttiilttkt'I- lit a judge JeU be clo-oy an icpu, , îil'. r iktCause un u v t il ,. h'oii iti ttt' t itlii n it tii lleit', î Mn? as 'l.' îîîîî iii.'b'ttie u t'! firh' 'iî o iîiit-lio it s 5il's gocIt 011 55 ittî ýsa Mayîîe Wlial Ini lit lt 0, lix nhtili' ttîî a fîv1,t ilîîtîîîî'îî litsh feU uin' ; our lortlt'bp. -Tit -Bita. toif(it'rg 'uiii'g ttti îîîîîrî' cudslu Insît e Hrall'. VCSt5g'Vh Cur. 1 kntîw Ihat luy lite ws ..savd by PlIBI ti îcg ii 0thn c iu'l 'tll1 lkslensI 'u. uo ue for Ciasittion.-John A. MUl% 'l'h' i.i lsoti Ittîtlii ttire.liardes!T o As Sl. I liti..April 21, 189111 r,. No tlqulllgtg. htc ar 2' tltose' Ilat inover coui.- T'rîîor'Nlauothig tîat coots leui tha ai laj Wlil1iilo',of t'iiiit tl Massoa- Lotufl. cvility.-Cc'gwaut's. ittîtl ait oiltli Iti 11w tii'ili,lt ttuIHERE are women everywbert whlsufttfer almost con- tht'i'. ti icîiiî st' iil tIti it'c:-V i 'e T ttnntly because tbey cannot bring themselvea to teil luil),-tIa s-tachtU-tI. iiii. t.Thi ail about their illa to a phyaici.l titi' >$litinlsll usai ILtî;ki'ouit, lit' WîShed Such women can surely explain their syniptoms and thefr li t t 111tii"!truit tit li s lu sct ilii'tt. u ffe nin g b y le tte r to M c. P in k h am a t L y n n . M as ., for th e co n - l' iail t li i' goiltIhit -a.xi t iiiiin tit - -. fidence reposed in her bas ne er bees &if . lj. Wij-jI-ýa a tait N t.lated. Over a million women have (tVif ri' iiliJ tlIltlîandtPtAu a nititi 4 WUIpeR ber advice and imediemne. hi althlandttîl i hiflu.but Ilt' ln1îst- tifMrs. Pinkham li attending tu her vast ttil' l lihf iil it lîtI" cî-ilt lt'în E LPS correspondence la aaiated by woms tue .itoc if eî h. istit'oîîîliiig ur oly.If you are ilU. don't delay. Net Digiati liritîîstL,-tii ouîluîlt' lîî ii tha t W<55& V reply will cost younothtg and it wilbo ha' practical help asif waa 1. MISS ELLA IL I',tri n titi' tîtaitîr. wliii îuiltinult taniil Bs.aNNsE at Rochester, Ohio. wbo ays'Il 1 shrunk frota eti- leit-lg shun out front tuir( hfance ta serve the ordeal of exarnination by aur phyicien, yet 1 knew 1 Imt l ii'iinutry i ucbii a un enegenciy, have treatment. My troubles wens backahe. n.rvo led ho .Lotoik l , i'excIailnuid. 'n'mgo- feeling. panful menstruationl and he lng dotsn thon' tiSitittit palarils! 1 leucoti'hoa. I arn so grateful sr_ Lon proposte 10 oui thIbot to you now that I arn wllîng to Ii W'e do nul kuose whatt nswer. hy have tny narne publushed t0 belp or word of niout.b. thu' surgeon'unnadet ta other girls to taile theîr troublesi tii-titis pruteto, bis!ttretailt la tilsat the toyan. LydîsE. PinkhaansVege"' ho.- rajîtr î'îîItirtht war anîd distîn- table Comnpound used as you wrote Il guisheet hitotIf triilt. everi l îîtlîîtbts tme bas mnale me entirely well u halare' uf lî.rdttîck su tiI rtht ui.nudîl and very happy. 1 ahail ble~s mil.erwaini ail Ilt illluîssu's rtatllt lI tht- yon as long as I live." atI lot of;uuhigt'nntI. Vosith CoiS Mca. Pinkharn receives thon- Ih ei p a o .a n d s o f s c b le tte n i fro r n g r a te - 'ual H.o. s Pailrri(lot L.ft.fui womnen. meir "Are yiîn enjeyiltg tbis ticautiful Miss NELLIE RUSSELL, of rt'w Epciig. Mc .Ttiiiiukliu" z38 Grace St., Pittsbufrg. P. ' LIt "No. litu sitllyiii;Dickey piattil in a letter la Mca. Pink- usat. i tht tuttut-,i-. l"' _tatlor r i. ho-îîd I sui-F 'erom IdCeP m 1 ra.,la

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