CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1899, p. 8

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Wondow Screens Screen'Doors, The fîmies are here and you wil need some wlre screen. mosqulto netting, widow screens and screen doors. and the place to buy them is at Westerman's for you can get them cheap. 1 have a good assortment of lap robes and fly nets at reasonable prices. 750 Strav liatm s............................$ 1 Boys' 2Undtrwear . .... .... . shIrt waistts ...... ... 1 50 Shibrt Wait tSci..................... ..... M5 Biel" ..t . ,. a. .- 1. .. . . .. . 5 Ladies' Collara ........2 Blit PIns ...O .....0 Ladies' MWrappers ...... .................... 98 Crash Skirtiia ........i.... 6 Ladies' Tie.......................... 25 Boys trav Hits ...O.... 0 Mena bocks .......0 Gioi Te, per ili,........... ............... 35 Grape Nuts, Per pkg ....13 Na&lîs, pur i lb . .... .....(.. . 3 stapies, Per ib ........ .......... Scythe andi Swatmi.. ....100> 14-incli Lawu itower .......... i 98 cati and get my prices before buying. F. L. Westerman, ROCKEFELLER --ILLINOIS. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF (RAIN, FLOUR, MILL STUFFS, SEEDS ETC ,. A LSO ..-~- Lumber, Coal, Lime, and Cernent.ý WE SEL THEJ WEBE3R W AG(ON, WI4EN YOU WANT Buggies or Farming Implements. CALL ON WRIGHT & SONS Li bertyv iiie, Ro~oI" ~Wtll~I Michi~& - - - - llinois.ý .1ý POgliihI Around the County. G MImr o iteI . ýmseaa anti feurth Baiurda y e e gm 11Ioihi. ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. C0140REGATIONAL Chunh Sueder sIer OU RNEE. vises 0:3ae. M. fanti71)0P. M. Prayel Feilcrne a u rmEis Meoet.lug Wedneslav it'ttKt Y. P. S. C.E. FelMCakuwsotfmEvn meet gîtudar îiveuige t 6 45. Junior C. E. toc SuAday. at 3 oCeloee. T ht. ew hall yl be comapleteti about D AD Ciit~~tol No. 424. M.uW.A. Met the. lest of nezi weeit. cnetFi first and tird of ew-h Tht. proceetis of the cnetPia month. 1). GRIFiFITH. V C. eveuing vert. ever terty dollars. t). t0. F. Nou . nil î.',',t ul dfouuth QUie a number ef our people attendi. Tbursiitms of i-!.h noîuIt tht. picule at BeotThrd, (',K. A.<JeT Viti.LlvNiI(tS M rit T. B. Gray, et Wautegan. vielteti [N O. IIAQAN routthe.lA.tir.Prue of l------- . JeiH mal!a Maile M.ii! fine( h' Re.xl Mxc mI 5E rel atîurdey uilhlt mion iueTiufr,î fuI i. Mne. Nottingham, et Chîcage, visititc . iaai.Comi'.r. lirsa. . C. Lakte Batnrday aliti Bunday. ce o B CHunuitiLL. Aliut, Il.Bonner, o!cinssell, visitatnt 1goIntgsouth........ . d . 5:22<I. M. Ralpb Chittenden'. tht. latter pari of 8 ieeinorilu................. ltAs na. mi.nltnteet. va lav"r mItI litéela"arrive- a! At a. lu. About the luti et Julie the PrIMary rtexn ,Il graminar sehool grades vîi l ve a ______________________ail entertaiment. uF ROUK FELER.Severel carloatis of Lîbertyvîlit. ROCKFELER. gravt.l were shîppeti bore tant veet fer ci fils Latîra Be't. watt abment on a the. mati eest ot Gurne.i ia e etlays a t weet. De Witt's Little Eariy htîsers sert asa a lusii Lîttlc Mcllrmdi vîo tii vîn- çaileise pli1 ltiumlid, clt..anaing antia ilt tl lte lbeuse li lluelis a tev ertvivlug the. systeni iAetead of veaken- a! cils bis îow lbotter. lug fh. Tbey are mlti anti sure, emal ivy. J. A. Colt., o!fitîeefellered anîsu pleasaut te tase, v. 'b. W, 'UIt., if Ivaitoe, tumîl fret.from objectîtînabit. druge. Thsy h ictuige ilîiit ext Sntiaiy eveltimg. asail trIhl than conîpel. F. B. a] ivîmiMaury iilitiîýld antd Mittitît' LovELL,, Libentyvîlle; J. R. Bmmc'mti, 'vis rtýirtimmcl fini the iiy netemt (ilmrc.. i. L. WESTERMtAN, Rockefeller. J lui sleitd theti' vumutuer lit tîttîrIh u,'i. VOLO. ,ext Siiiithay nmmuiimg lte ComA- F. iîharii,îîwatt a Chicago visiter te mie ofm lthe Liii mi, bpper i' .miliecMomiday.a rireiu l(iltuT andeîg thlii nîimal i-Henry(trhnam, (if Chicago repent letionfrFrig iolawl eSccday et Gt.c. Wittt.'a. tiuotig thilse mi ho atteuidtd liemormal blyvester Wagner andialite, et Ivan-l erises ounl>ecorationu lay ut tht. hoc, Sundayeti Bt Chnis. Sable'@. rroniîuxg tcwîtsvert. tht. lurdlck's, Johnu Rlchiardseunta ted businesst 'sges, Crumuklite'a, ('amies amdinli tht. clty Menday cf ibis veek. itlcluls. lia Lena Wertz, cflMcHettry vlaiteti rb ausoi et.pticu giteu Fridleyliter parente a 1ev tisys isut veet. uliîtg liy tht.bldes of tht.aid John OefflIng andI vite. of Fîstakeet. uitty wvaapronîmuneed aunm. Mrli. lBay, speut Suntiay ut Heunhtoalugea. ilMrs. Delitlie'8 calîaeimc honte 11re. Beuveli. cf Menton Part, lai , ihîledt Witegile8tttandt a htappy v alti ng relatives antd friands boe. cinug vas emjoyeti by ail. Mis Katie Dove. cf Waukegau. vîeli- Asuîpier vii lie giveritaiuertht. t.b'relatlves bers s fil day. lant veet.2 spîces of tht. C'brîstian Endeentir tee. Bamldwinua lek twithahemessies1 tiety 1 uesday oveulng Joue Sili ut at bIs grnmmd- mother Fluberas lu GIrays- eChapel Iil Rockefeller. Bills Of latte.t re w liecpagrseti atthe. table anti br Gagr f hcg, avBt esupper ticktet îi libcaceturting te ibr rangoter, f hîcao, uIvst r- lt la ordenci. Corneone anti ailisgnbts rand oter ireGIatpe l euijoy thte eveîmmtg with us. s1 nilg Dr. ltossîettchen alteuietitht. Ileses.lesson aud Kulgge, Sr. famnerai cf bIs ftier-in-lav lu Elgin e hait Itonses rt.painted i lulet Wedneeday. bter coîcra than lielure suldîng Dont forget tht. ice-cream ant trawi- chico the ajpeareuce cf their placer,. berry social et tbe M. E churcb Fr1- tr citi'.t.uasc.ellate vie wmth each day 'evt.clug ef this vt.ek. ler lu beauiifyingthetr homes sd Fuantie' ar elsuneto Sa ceusBeqîtenue we have a village otfomre oeuar elsmneto tutîful reatldeuces a trip te Chicago on their vheelasaét- Yitt l lidolItypepia ure urda3'. They atarteti eut brlgbt anti Whatta odo Dypepsa Cire 'teariy .ith theln heeris bestal;ngut tht. te n.wiy iscovereti remtety. tht. rate otfeîmrty tuots an heur. Befître est effective 1îrtparatimt ever they reecheti Lattes Cernera tbey vers eliseul for aîiiug tht. digestion anti overteten hy a thîmien atprm aud ulimilalion cf fooîd anîl rtstoring tht. cempeledte to team int Lakte Zurich eranged 'ligestive orgalaitoca natunial on foott vere ibey vaahetithelrvwheeas ,traition. ftis a discovt.ry aurpese- andtihîeti a cbeap fermer te drive theni g auythiug ye' tuon tethet. cBanrington. They securetitickets ieel aproftessionm. F. B. Lovs'LL, anti matie tht. reîit tht. vay hy rail. hbertyville: J. H. BitAcHil . (iet;.riolstatreBronche vAth yeunexst L. WNN'm.r.itmtte, Rockefeller. lime. GILMER. GAGES LAKE. [Scitool cituset Decoratîcu dmy. Mr. Farrell spent Sunday wltb James Mn. andi Mra F. UlinIcti' chilmîmeit Shermant. ee eitnrtmtutimg thitimime. Mn.Page spent a 1ev tisys lu tht. I.. H.ohrse, cf Libertyville was cmtlu et veet. 'tut onc tilr utreetitlontiay. lire. Jettera apeut a 1ev daye mn The selluuml mrt.ctors Itave 1urcitasetilEvanston laai week. iîumlmw iiadt.s for tht eituimul. Fred Pheipe, of Chicago spent Suri Ligtiing ritritet the. ou tht. E.lotts' day vith tnienti, bere. arii ut Un! 1îlîittret a porit biiiday Ltene ilIlmore, of Chicago apeut lght. bnnday aitlier humelierre. llmmniiug titi'stititu of lesit Smtiinm!aty, Tht. bunday Seheol le preparing a lititmuEtimuc tries imeur tlte homes; pregram fon Chiltimî' Day. t, i'. rluuouc muttîl i. Hmîi!ud. IPeter Jorgenson, et Wad8wortit ('ltie!,',IL Markes. -h ile aî'tmug lu lîpeut Stunday wltb tnlentis here. ut lit.t't biluunui' ut tîi',- econd Miss Jenîtîn Beet. et Evanaien le Dlvii utulpi tut!if theii, u tt Antu 11,violing ut few i lay s w îthflmr bnt rle'. Crps ut!s[vuiagomm me' (ulit. mtu'!iedefi'w "f bllnbl mi lioler,îî bm îmuî'a ,Mli. iî'mmgu titeeii.ofmlEngianî lai rod ii mi ', l, i IX' -r litnmiim, a i 'iltiog itL itt r. 3rv. Wtrighit aul i, b iiiiw1 il Ut i... î rim arritmnm. XIi'. i lu u F iii 1., 1 .1 b 1 m il . it113' U mlrIji' lîuj ii tew(i uluns tIjlî mli'.b lu u b']m umr II' 1_ I. lilghtiiup ubuiruttg lthe vtre vtuciti il vu iii m I. "' i,.bî'r iimOu'iuuîl u 'ttitritay miglul. blmu i[i u b i. miu'l isle',.,.i' lChru ripent lest veet mtit fnlil iri 1'vuiislu, andi tttemudeui E VEH ElI .' umi' mmm,' mt ilenî,l .t I lui'E1umvurlhIu 'vagute nijI boeti s NI r'ý . b il, ZXiii r i cui lu îî',ruuîîun mvîi îîîî.îîiiî ly iitIî i'ss tt tllg Fnl. murt ii 'igii ulmty iglut ;.t thejboule otf Evurett Tiiin Lo his mmmîj il mi i i,il u î ;1. vhor, vliut ijigbuttîiuulI ' bji,'i, catIlfotr mi!!titiigu. lThe .iîumm'v ilu l îtî .vi' imugtîlt'tlie luitiite iiiWitt'sILittle Early irI cii(ttg' > i mu iljt ouimi> l'nlsitv lzi'mýri's î wiuî'îtyiini>resuifening troui Jol Seîî t... ki l u .limg mtS teTl,' alu'. 1 uîl i's ili li otîter ii-limi>etjtî Loin, r tri mlil". F. B ori i el,., Li hnty .Nir rendml,i. h.lmllli!, mof('hima iertobe, .f-Lbry iru'!î'uui ai m os ilit3'î 'th 1),î E' iliu' .1'. ILl.ibîmi Htîte. <icnîmvet;.. F . liu' t ii!! !uuv mm istttiut3' Iigitl FUX LAKE. iltr Il. Nelsoniwttvas a Chicago imvliitor 0 Mamry i titsosit andl Stellamu i'enli . u1)~îu îîug it' puemgu tt' tt u!m jt- v m iiiey %. 'Tweedl iv uitiq iliug frnt la feloît on i miniArm' lt'îtmtîuîg mheiiuîi. ybis haut. I Easy Running O. tedo voo.le aier aerge»D leYc Self-threading Shuttie Mri. c Itugiu, i C'hicagoî sîîî't iluti bt atîui nt ioraigtn A.utoatic obbînS~1iner. iuîy ilbîmînît' titisttu'ei. blirtitii'n irv it iltltîeir viont. .1 tii. taiiiluitîîtîinet îîgI l Theti Kuutt. iFox Laite gît %i ithtlier horut shunt t iii. j umnt.tby lîglîtu iug mi>î'ntly. F inished i n ight oak, bent wood woir k NI. A. i'i'ieîu cently reuiev'î'mI F. 'cItonsed aid W. Luitus vert. with fivedra ers.tnutîtw î,îî illtul1).iV. acutcig1)Ille il tsi"n ('1 urteînalmms neuetlby. withfivedra erstOfisb pîinlciîpally luisît <telt vitit Miss Ait.i Shuttia le visitlng her aul FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. vh(i'tul'bm liIîtelitubSlo stoick ailange fish Mrs- A. 1)l> § ti abnd Late.f ponutillevOI'bhi>lbisa[hait cunstrimtet. Mn. A. Kirvan purehaset ie eborst.' Mey 01h îm'ng atenu-I ay o f E. Gilibet t. Waucontie, rt.cently, t 1 CD z7 = -îecenetmug, aclerge mmncîhonasamiedti ai liraE. Inuyder ant i ls Mary Tweed teCemtîry il) pay tibule toethome wvet.aumistug lin. Ostrantien a ev wl lve goie belotei. Let ilte days. $1 .5 jpdt ere vent. neote ftrgotten. bittiGilbiert anti uephev Floyd 'Ir Zels, tif (Clileago bas pîmeasoi l Cven are lcetiug lon a veil tralueti thimoe rtity kuowu as tht. letrovaki hitrua.e tuîmly. Ni. S auer & B ro., ..anin sid ill ereul thereen liant builit- mgi'. Ia few moret' aimit eutt.rpniaing WAUCONDA. LONG GROVE, - ILLINOIS. menwi ul euie uur way we voulut ln .b rtIsaedn e tîll mty.daya lu Chicago. sti!Ven 'sutntin tetnjoylng e moulu's win. Tldmarsh expecte temortve 1 veallounT'uni ledmuond lae flinlg bis Watitt.gan in the. near futnre. îuaee îiiritug its asenet.. litho Gec. Broghtou anti lamlhy are enter- lW A N T v ittîtriimtemvt imtuds teîing s tsiulng relatves tnem Chicago. WW àANT ~~~ ~~~ ~ Iltii t i' vi lltbtel thnvitoîmli parts Of O8eao.gGyncivea opeuiugga ev tiys iAast.s'Ihemus anti hrnal, tioflhiago lira. Gco. Johnson, et Terra Cotta le The Furniture Trade of the shrewd buyers. 'ctienit tun iimlY blit te talke Ibeln apendiug a foutiaya vwitb lientis in usullîbtît-s vîit tht. Eveneti baallnie tIs place. 1 arn bidding for their patronage. btut ilug tte tainouithlie nîgitibe- MNi. A. C. Hill, cf Chicago i. viiting If rIght prices, backed by proper qualities, wiII foe the v as mIii gauns IaYad. If thé. bis iaets linanti lns. B. C. Hill ai inflenc yor trde hae te inuce ent. oil Surinits mt ht. Bail liayk'gaule, preseul vniting. lils liattie Chalesverth anti .-perfection"~f'oicieli, w. vrtntitloru 4 yîar ...... $1400 W. Mi. Gallagher. o! ryan, Pia., asys: cephev et Chicago are vistlug ber Qiater-saweul Oak, paenett uaii tlm' Eimti 'i'iilebu'.i l 10.00 "t'on fîty 'veura I have Irleti vanloîma isterlins. m. w.Hughes. 'mlight uuiu'iieiies<Cit' Mincit. Coîmbghlraé. .Harrison, lira. H. Fuller anti Iron lIeds. eiy sitee t i't-siivi'sntini .. 20) Cint-muis etuof ail." It relimves lu- lils Lona Harrison %oesMoHeury Wovt.n Wire Ctit................ ....... 1.25 '.itutivmtîly ures al troat sîmu lîîug callers WetinestIay ef lest veet. ItoUiOak C(enlIer 'Fb taIbri wtm1ui'rlub n.......75 trnîilî'uma. F. B. tnt rLt. Lilertyvile, lins. H.Harriaon ant ilIs M. E. lisbogany-initibi Ve'tetr l ables $1.50 t"l..... 6.00 J. IL . M >uuim. iiîm'tet, F. L. WES'mnm- GlylchI ti'eutietitht. tnueraiof lira. 8oli Oik ea-etary. s'ft higIl . ......10.30 tio ltcifebhcn. t'eltonutaiDiamomîti Late Thursday et 1have the exclusive agerucy for the let i eet. I He Fuoteti Tht. Songeons,. lira. Milliard bas lied ber bonse 0. W. Rchardson & Co., lune of Superlative Carpets. Ail miîctratlil limutlet Hamilon of pelutei. GieveltiBres. dithe voek. Carpets furnished ready to be laid on the floor. J.îersoî. 0., aller stmfenl m Ollersabhult lelelinsMr. Mllartie meotte froîmu Rectal Fisabli vtuId elample anti have Ibsîn bouses panteti. Caiand see Samples. dit. uhesa a c'iithy operatlon vas lires. E. Woodbonss, Miss E. jentas, Caîl îerfuunîuîtuI: lit lie elirt.d imseif viib Misses Lilîlan Timarsh, Della Ram- m-A M Il Ive lxes ot if îîmlen's Arnica Salve, moud, Perecy Davileu e sasOrties W .thllIe smni-Nt tille en ea Prtb anti the linitarti, ChesterBovies. John Bisuct, EU~best Salve lu the. vend. 26 cents a BsrtHenis' atteude at me- box. Soitib. . B. LovuLiL Lbertiy- Henry on eveinag 'oglaut .5 . ,'auconda. MI. vile, . B. TnoliPaxOu ral" &.. du Ri ti> y, t. di v oi LAKE ZURICH. tary Shiefer te viglu i Chicago. Emma Selp bas returne t t the city. Hl. Haiaseanidville drove to Liberty- le Monday. Sweet sud juicy oranges three for at Selpas. A. G. lisether, of Prairie View, vans ënnday caller. Thale inl a gooti chance fer a drng tre to locale here. Gu& Bohleubawt called ai Duîndee est of the. veek vltb friands. Mérs. J. C. Meyer entertined mauy elatîveéé durlng tht. lent veet. The vert aI the. ontiet br ige la *mpleteti andi a good job bias beeu loue. John ilodge returuet i tis home ai fnclairville, N. Y. te spend hie mcatiou. Auyoue vishluig te ieatn tht. biact- nlith trade eauseure a place vîlli FSheiz. Humer bas it thag John Forben, late Df th15 place, wiii engage lu business aDiamouti Laite. H. <ileate has resîgned MbIscierkship li H. Seipes store andi Mr. Heim As nsatling lu thSe atore uow. icycles ebeaper than qiver '1 Modela $20 aud $25 other vheels $10 and up, cauit on AI H. Ficte. Mias Lena Elchman vili returti lrom acksonville, fil., neit eek to ispenti ber vacation with lber folks. Barrnugton bas organizeti a base ball teain and ove.gîven thieir finst defeal ut the bauds ef tbe Nonilivesteru ulue. Fred Hoeftin1 mailing preparsîlonté to bnlld a uev realdence lu tbe Bruce uldlvlslou on th.est ctendofthe lake. George Zimmer lias openet up a tousorlal parier ai Long tirove antila boing a gooti buhminea. Huccees t George. A Younîg man of business qimalilica- lioua desires a suîtlabie position, salary nosierate on atart, addresati thispalier ..ibertyvlile. Tht. recent heavy bail tetorma hbave caused consitierabie damage W0 gartbuâ accordiqS te reports coung in, aIsu T ifsrecordot. Ta golfers are busy wlth thlir ectch gaine and caddies are numerens sud are a bappy lot cf youngstersals the links ef the club lieuse people. Jas. Dyment i viii. have hie feuei atraighteued on hie prtmperty adjoîr ing the Zurich floeuse property tiu Main mtreet wvl i vl i mpreve thé Those kuowlng themasîves Autebtee le tht. INDEFEXNDMNT vîli pieuse Ma tand sotie their accountêt with thé local nevepaper âgeucy anti recelvi recelpte theretere at the. Zurich. Irbe aichool exercices vert. a gpanc success Satnrday andi the. pregrac vas veli carrieti ont. Hev. Duttol sud friendis vert. leudly appîsuti the ainglug vas fine20sud a gooti tinu was enjoyeti by aIl prenant. tFor Saie-For spot cash ai a bargal Odeli typevwrlter, Whltely exercie Sterling bicycle $20, oue second han, vbeel $15 andti Ivlve air musie hoi .Mauy other articles that you ma a", ol t tZurich Blie C. W. iKehl viii seil] yensa100 cani power llght whlchbo[crne eightee heure fer 2j cents. Ne danger, i vlets te triai, ne pipes, mo vires, il amoke, no eder, ne ticten, noîlin complicateti. Culitaud be couvincat lu aix menthe you have yeur ilgl ptild for. ie un at :ln Bd &il nd am on aer ,d Ile Wn Do no [Dg hi. LONG GROVE. linre. 1tai entertaineti eompany eue lay lest veet. lins. J. blanchi!f vielteti at J. P. izenthaler's ons day lest veet. lira. J. lutent rom tht. City vîsîteai verai tiaye among friende anti rela- ves here. lins. beter anti family teont te Notrth mrtlfilelti iiiiday inlu itn cf lins [eus' toiinttiduy, N . Sain r& lrm.' IAnti lu emioetteul ncI adii atem'iaiiy tu thtiti.ttreclIina It Loîng irove. Gilrls, lutte gotiicari'etAyuunts uor îîîr mamnumas vont alîmîn you tiitle ted neit tilde. liecoratioti Day came and w eut as uietby as eve fiter@. 'b he citief altrat. moen watt theueni'.c f ail attractioins. lin anti lin. J. P. itzeiithaler anud daughtun OlivstudntiEnmadie a iîy- ng trip over Laite cunitty itnvînt Titt.stay stoîpîing enroule, at Libernty- ville ammîl licteftll. bevenai nev atreele haive ht-cilabid unt lui Long (intve: AuîstitAve.. St ,;Latremîtia Ave.,;(Olivet Bt. anti Ernuitie Ave. Aftetr gîîing ni)î Lover's 1,anc vonî eait glit'st vit 'oueiext. 'rhe reptorten viasfilt ay titt mothîumg i, ever put miii tht. INOi- DENTOIAI îmf mamlice tir t.vy. iuttt. peîiplt.use a paper N a s ilact-miiitg alf.and cuti li. tht. publilers vito hâve to bear lte Iamsit. Evenyone eujoys e jote on acumeont.ebchicanti. wlben it, perchante, bits yen toile il goodtinîunetiy. Everythilng ha riller mn tht. apirit tif fairnessasndtfun. Lem ut ho lattenupi lAi e tespîii. Tht. '. P. A. rally lest Suînday vasea great auccese. 'The gentlemen fro11 Chticago besidea muatiug atitress furuishet nome excellent munie. The Y. P. A. choir sang severai soogi. In tht. .v-ening the ehoin preceoedtgo North Nonihulelti vbere anether lu- teresllug meeting vas beli. lMay the lnprn oga snti excellent spe.chesi ee pil h iein iutendeti effeci: uamsiy tu inspire anti encourage tht Y. P. A. members io lahor mone esarnestly for Christ anti tht. churcli. SCHOOL NOTES. Sanie et tht. puple arefii. The. 0. W. C. in dcing nome active voit again. The pupla are preparing fer thb entertainmneut vbleh vîli lie givn June 1itlIl fnething hîntiera. Due annoiucemet .nlbi bc gîven laler. r. t. t. e mi 'e HALF DAY The. liait Day Stara are resdy to "piaY bail."',if anyone wiches te arrange a gaine for Sunday addrees H. Peglew. Our ililckemiih le busy ihese days, anti bis prollcienCylal the *'wlyor.' Wili Je a good workmsu andi deserves bis. growlng patronage. F. lrsiow, of Waukegan, erectedti two Monuments tuli alt Day cemetery1 ast week, ont. for the Peglow famllY, a darit bine marbie monument and one for Alredi Stanclitf of red Scotch enamlle. The dance si Hertel,& Park Baturday nlght vas veil atteudeti andi but for the ibseatenlng veatheil a big crovd vonîti have been on bandi. As it <as 47 ticket@ vere -lI. The dancing clasa ln dolug nlcely. Kodol Dysppsflia Cnre oomPleteiy digest&sfood vîthia the tomàch and intestines and rentiers ail classes Of food capabid of belug assimilateti and converted into strengih givlng andtimusae building subetinCe.y-.B. Lovara, Lberiyvi0s; J. Et. BEAcEEBi GUurueIr- &- WMTMAN. EOCkfeiti! _________________________________________________________________ I. SHERMERVILLE. G LEN VIE W. Fred Kîesi bonihi a nev lucubato, A$ Melerbeif matie a dilg trip to &hcgo recently. Hd. BachIS ltende to builit a new bonse ibis summer. H. Lýorsuz het i bs bouse paluteti by G. B. Smith lait veet. H. Meer wus lu tht. clty WetiuendaLy te gel bis mut meney. John Walrhauu vau lu tht. nlty the lot, coiieetlng bis melît money. Mire. A. Seetler vas vlititg friends snti relatives lu Chicago Ibis lamt veet. Everybody turueti eut Ttesilay W. set. tht. bicycle race trîmm Wheeling te CJhicago. Evei Il we diti have to vaît îlong for dînner, ve get it just the. sme, dîdu't vs Fred? The pieute ut C. Huminel'a lest Sun- day vas vail attendeti conslderlng the. veather, even though wv e et.orceti te retire sooner tban ve antîcîpateti ou acceunt cf the. thuntier eiorm. Everyliody hiat a geod tInte. The tovu achool vîli celebrats lIme lest day cf school by aà achool picule Btaturday June 3rd at C. Humnielso Grove. <jooti music and sluglug sud rehearsel cf plecea, sud pienty ef le. eream asti lemenatit eau be hsd fret. et charge. Evt.rybotiy ahîmulti try sud bcs present, tsptelially tht. parentes atd set. bow thein chîltren are progresîng asesut au heur wlth them oncee e year. The toucher, Mrn. Bredy acunde e xind Invitation te ont. and alL Mr. J. Bodie, of Evanet on, was lu toloa saturday. Children e day exorcises viii lie boetd lu the Methotistcliurob Juut 11911.' Mise jesale itetd la muc b baler, [the le nov able tu gt.t about tht. bonse vîthout heip. A social vas hoeti 'hursday eveclîmg at Henry Mouplera hume tor tht. Congregatlenai ebuncla. Chartes <iutzler vho vas sevt.nelY lujureti a ahort time agit)l'y biug thresiu from a wagoinlabmule to saIt with tht. aid ofaà cane. Mrn. Hattile Leibamcli audi ber brother, James Hutehinge, om Milweukeei, spent Suutiay vlth thelr parentst, Mr. amet MIra. Josephi Hutchînga. 'l'h Lamiles AId Society hii Its regulan meeting uttt.e honme otMrn. Chianles Carpenter lest Thirselay. About tîmrty vert, proeut. Theat. moelWy gutht!riiigi art, ltecomilng quiltt populan. Th iA.lterary i.mtt.rtammeumt w via iI ai là E. burihh iit UtUrday evùnUig sud was veli uttimited. MIsa ot tht. Cumutt- et ihilof tmatîry, cf Evanaton, gave a very lileamimîg lire- grame. Thomas Tii urin. ,dm.îuty aherltt tif Troy, Mît.. seya if îeverYinme lu thet Vited ti itte. abonul uîlteoven tht. yitue f l)tWitta Wltcli Hzel!Suive ltor filletereilal troubîles andI 511h tisase, tht. demamîti ioI1 nti e supplieti. IY'f. Le vIELi,, Lmlertyville .1. IL. ~îm im, iimruei. F. L. iVF.i EH- mA.t, tucet.eillr. Mise HBas] Darby le en tht. Kicktliai A,'ilierle la vtmîtiimg lits lroltieir liae TIIIlie use vîsîteti ber parents ILi. I' . t'. ltterlc. even Snmiay. Mr. F. nnîis l Ml iKasBethla Why cant ve ail get togethen amAt Freesewe vimgm stitrm. celebrate lthe tth of Jnly. lin. Il iritz frtrtmu \rw(i ujl'ark A large avar ofetwles us ashiveti by visItit N ,,ti,'iî 'un isia t M. b. Colby thSe 28th tust. tttt.. Tht. Diamonti Late b. b in gettîitg Alberi ut ml mii îry fn fîmiilmi! m reatiy fur Chltrens Dalyliut b hi llmki tti' $hit.î'vili ii-e' T h e h ea vy r in a of la ie , have cau e d Ct h t er W I ig la t everytblng to tari gruvlng nîct.iy. bi'abtour Viuî'.iim I-tvii . tu, igh l e' Tht.fanmera art. hiy panting corn tbhe atlreti>im bt'h -ri'. ef vbieb a lange ares in bting planteti. eA.ur Nimtittleld iîau'ht!i i8lugtlug Tht. S. S. ln geiting sicug inelY' imitisanti gey luit mull! liitâe i it having au average ut 37 au fur Ibis tiogs alîîng to tttt îe gIrls asy. Y e u x . M n J e t e -B c h w iiu b o x lu 'î n im e dt .,l Tht. Ladies of tht. t)îizno>*dLaite tht.a.umy.,ýftV:gth-rvw - cbnreb vili give a stnavlimrry santi je. jtis. rnî'maamId tatt ., huism 1- Èàhîîegi cresm sociable ai tht.ehîmncrh on 'lhuns-the lIllittia styk leauîiutui'Da mu t a.înne Omîr achuu ouceti. ti vet, ht Ourscoolelsei ti- eë, te ortîrI Iaemii tti' r.eitli.1mut hit chiltinen giving ihein pnîîgnemn mnntht. wil lie put jimbleitu r muot île tum tinie ellh &@as aMemorai serviceý. Mr n ltbs plir. l itat li t ' mc bablui a a go ndi teachen sa d ne bîmîît. ecid edm i it i i .&ue y guii'vi- tI l l »ii lie viiilis .mwth uun ot yer jilayei A fine progiafli vas iîrlntii golfIi bhei'li. j, A nul! v bib1i ai Nort tht. people of tht. Late gathereml et tht. irltill-- ln lie iliu cburch un Decraticu day. aller th et.oNn, . ii mi ,,! iug itti ont- t heua services aitIhe churebi tht- graves vent. îtaii, w.-i'n îuîuil t uttitht. ty nitî titcoratedvith tdevers. î'i'ry v'hum ami gî.! untvimî attt.uted. W. vlsh te eorre.ct *aiterror mît al' 'Te ,l.tmg iinumum.cîmr mtaig setersi veeLS items. Clara Smithi vas ,ected suiugm il iuIlîjmurtittt'î 1 Icut nî'îresenta- organiat insiead et Ida linickmu, asudtiven fnîmnul'Clii'llt îmlrig vtiîîandi mitse Ray aecretary, provmiummg ai, ijimlarti te untId vu the ljitetluce accepta tht. office, elle bciug absent et itit mevenul sî.'ie.AI! en "m3t-m the. election. te iitettutg witlu-ametth-tIi>gîtuii of mai tutu lthe. gît 'yil ît tio PALATIN E. 'lime c'Vi' îiîtiî tnt.viAeuby knoutsn as MMs.W. Johinson lasvery Ili. Sibemît b. tynbo Clul iKis ccvtht. ' ,aveu A C3t'be <'luit." lienebmofort. Mrn. Danleleon sPent iiîuday vith effrei socielîm avert, An this plioutc frleude tu Nrthtield. the. comuny sîmîat titimly îumtuivmi. lin. Singer sud lilas Schultz speitt Tht. jusignilii'int "H' îausralbv caneul hatunday lu Chicago. numeo out.tmsujictires mamd bieeme the. lira. Morse, cf Whselinig, vas a gisenti itailatter of maiy iuiltnobuioaj ai Mn. Hutchînsen's baturday. appebbatlu init'tam itacSili!nt Siuies"," Kiss Carnie Hamuon, of Deer taneve, ilent BSnckem,s" etci',audtu to h caileti on Iientein luPaltine Suuday. spokers tif "a i.l i I1. ,i'bdmtrimeîntal Muass'M Dalebon ati aryliitht. relîtation id tht. lib ua Tht. s M Dnean n ayrestreint lii thei- iptiiiuig ef it. Wt. WillIiams are vlatiug trientuin luCary. Iberelere banc ibemigeti the naineti.u lin, anti lis. J. H. Schierd4pg hall tht. abeve mt.ntitited ameby -'Ilmven for tIlirngîets lin, anti MUn. Wnm. ('vebe Chutl." A titituit'r tif iîm'w mloihs- finisse anti ittl Is 'ola, lins Chanles hu'rt vînt- aîîituittm'ulmvi hli uîitlai(la Smith anti Mn. anti lim. Wirtz, cf Chi- Ieesàimu th be.guîut" li eiiifotr iset cage, lins. F. Catluv, et Fvauatonî anti î,f exini ive sid ftîîsb 'fle utenituna relative, lu tPalatinme Salîmntay.May 27, an itiiii.nt o t,! i emtit !iiv,-rls i beg tht. anunîvtrssiy of ien hlth' siiunga vin' pram'tuu'î'îi for cn it tertain. daly. uettu andut si. ixntict ii.havi' a t iomrtulgb lt i'tmal ub t ttir ubm- i dt WHiIEEL.ING. Iîmg. Tuie iiit r,'îî'v','bltin tr attt aiitI ,iil5i'sNîilil itiaýtl(uih thens fruitt On Stinuuly May h2tt- tieliitg has hum i1'.îti.n Hall ('limt detealeul tht. lis l'imiiui,'s v e sctîre ofufli) te 7 Ilatituies fuir tus vt luit 3' mi .1i mt Riludt .- lî'iulîtary Plalines Richardlson anti Frit, forure ne li,'I tbîliui Il itItre te st.y Wi beeing Becter and Riavîg. î'ure Di)i.%% it ms%% îti t bilSuaIt p'irtlileit udtioluY . luviireul. Ff'il. ThatL U,& maitha rurvd vitmib'ure' uet ltttle D.mahs~U~E'AtEi uyM iv RIGOLO, 19762. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. Tht. above horst. leauvuetiby The. Waueocma 'ms, rcmHorst C'mjaîty, mm'm i viii make thSe season et pointe lu thîs vltlîmuity. Ht. is dent iro ntîgty it, andi bas the. hlooti and boite of the finesi iPercheron familes It Francet. Ht la abotut 1800 Ibn velgbt, and of perfect tîtrît, lît.lg as ,,m.imtlm aam a tiiî.roigltlred, wilie hbis dispositioin aswtbout fault. QUEBEC, 2147. WEIOHT 1370 POUND*. lmported French Coeh -Maillon. Owned ity- Waiicôida Coachi Horse. Un. This fine horse wili lnàke th. seatton in cttmpaîîy ulth RwtOLO, and bain enu ow i)< seeu et their quartera, et Frank 'Thomai 'farm. cear (IMier, 111. tJnebec, aile cf1lihe ilmeNt etaliloie ever brouglit ta ibis cmttitry, WON sm- ported by the. late M. W. Dimmîhai, muid we have yet ta lheur a horsemu inlid any fanit In lm. HINt. le togany bey in color, aud lis disposition le of the. higlist degree of equine gentlenes. the patronage of breedera. Cail and soe.tlie-m- t li I-AIl itorsvm, indl ear> terme. The foiicving standis are. for the meprijing i.. i 1,i. MONDAY-At Dlamoud Laite. TUESDAY-Ai home WEDNEBDAY night and Thcraîleay uoruingmgit frit Sinit's lameu, lItweefl Volo anti Feemont ('euter. THUIt8DAY nîgut and i lay moralng-At Il wm rl i. wemt -it Wauv,,uda. FRIDAY nlght andi Satnrday-At Tihi Laksiie Iu*rtii i Wutemmta. For fortibier particuietra calilou or addrtsuî. FRANK TIIOI1AS, Manager. GILMER, - - - ILLINOIS. A TRIAL TRIP --- The Independent for three months on trial for 25 cents.. Try ilU 1 ---- - - . -- -- - 1 of 1 1 1 p m 19 0 d l' r-

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