CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1899, p. 2

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T& ~INDEPENDENTr FRANK Ml. JUST, Editor. UIBERTYVILLE,. - ILLINOIS. LAKE BOAT IS BURNED YHE PASSENGER STEAMER R. G. STEWART OESTAOYED. Ou fthleasCrewtroseaed White At- taapig la Escape frotte the Rre- &ma Veau.1 - Skazuena Bank Goes ute the Wall Erlef fie-es Notas. The tria puvvoeir.tearner 1R. G. Stn'w- aLr, trounilitaa 0sk ni umrlmnuin, DU an - igbtty il of ubarr' N-nsar-sinnmlueon tuiloi t annoi, 'm"e mîf tiino AjuostliOgroom. The hu ouftins'Inut ruckn ut pînnnigit saturday, ntli, as iimut tho Fsse1 as pii mcd fostt hnins a,id ber suddnho ws bumeul t0 tino salilr mhni. Thibre broke out Bunday nnmnînnumd t 10 in'sinuik, ann tino peusengems mad cru-n hurely lboutite tut escape taitinthe ineonth'ng thê'ý iatumoenid 1 bsve on, Oneof tu' crs-a' tas irons amuI in escatm.hCg fr-ýinn tie urnntmg boat. 'Tie rst, mai fa, tiohre iu.uecgerta. nr0 àtaved. SKAGUAI BANK FAlLS4 FOcal Institution a t StulaAlaska (ut"es I1s 1mars. Th inhrt ilanit of lal omotifs douoaM~ay 219 t i hti0t<i mahmiîieoAs acta are salilul f Iii'$1%0,J"mbut nt Ium clim oly $,S.tSi5.l nil lus'cmializoit. C. S. Itindy,. jronndsinI i d mnerto! tine batik, ban- ien fi lýiiatig ino the day b. fore tino fuilure. Tlh,' birsa link ut Sinhi guuy dd a rinnalmn usnianess-' ine tn eari>' dayý salanth fluirat lmnîminnA8ls- ka, andnis th, f ir-Iq talllait. qfsdclno daîteframt fine-aS ut hi" ria'n- hat summner. A sa-k mmf gulmi t r Sunins gng Ilok frona lnlniiotva- fouudin l the baikn auto Suitin ta-aillen, and mani oatlbis lartnoru tacre gvea tonlg tuma in prison. Pc,-iiletulndy hud ftouhle ceaing huaainrîs. !iice inca the baik bas hbo itintia redt wtnInSealUe beuikera. TRERRE TOUNG tN IMIa't5 DROWINED. Luese Liae*hlle Butiolue laCeek at Lesu, II11. Misses Mft h Js-tsoi outLeloanon. Fion- once Spies of ti. Janinuianit Uslilne jack of Beaurinujl., a-stnuu' ti oKetn- dree Cliegu'. waitronirnnthe r l.vlina. Et. Tin o oîug îaonaîî asre mima aturt ut BIU tuaI a.eut lattimngi-îm ii s nOrcru-vi. tOne e!tinoe part> drunpt-ml a piarasn-l and Mins Jepsan vctunteomn-d hu recover il. Iii afep Pingot otra lihank abcencsountereul a inkliole and wut lbont ber doînti. MIÜn Spie uan issuaJuckn pmuiiply wau c ta ber roscel, bt tioy, f0, slnd down itheo lippIerr baik nand aient uiawun utIby un undertow intu noler tacino fn-ml jeep. Carrie Nirinol anuit nntier mommhr of tine ParIy asaisteul tîvo molthor cmilmuahniut00 at lhe water, but tîte wasianlmoal vilinef and tbey ditucoin a <e hurs. N131eK'SHG SUIT. Seikato ReioveréS'O,O0 frasBonds- -en o! Joseph Brîler. The District Couant of Nebraka bas tub. an up for rcrilItlie ceibratcd caseo tahoe Lu the Stame ut Noranka lis ryine uu ne. caver aonîetbig lune $44 t40 roainh hondumen of fine ex State Treusumer. Jo sepii Bartie>'. mhu defaulfen in that suit tire. yeano ugo. AI the rsI trial n Omahia the jury unsîîîmoaaly reharnedà vrerdit for thne bondsîun-ur. tinuogi mie du t fteue diol nom prols-fni 1 clii ittih ulune>' taxa net toleýn. Tino'catie a-sas dagrntlY in violation of tine tata ndilin evideace tint a uow trial taon oruicro. Race for he .Penaut. The standing of tine cluinu tieNa thonaI eaue re is n asfluavun WV. L. IW. L Brooklyn ...31 1 i 'noiha'i .. .21 2( Boston .'. 13.Nea York..18 2. St. Louis ....26t 171'îîshurg .17i 2 Chicago ...2-3 I8Wnsintonu. 15 le Piiiladehpiia. .4 1> l.oumsrlio ..13 e Baltimore ...24 19Ievvland ... 8 3 GUNZIRAL KINGO IN PROM MANTLA ilt.eamalle*t ei repéorteit luany monttb. - May taihares are neurl>' $2.000,000 amai- Son thIe Tawal Rebele WIlI Net BO cf. 0017 68.2 per cent rf the amalet pre- EasiiIy cbdued. vout> reporte l in an>' month, abd euh>' Brix..Cac. Cburic tKing vwu a palucua- 34.3 per cent o! thase 113 Ma last jear. ger on theo trasport Pucbla, vhrch or- Bov'ent paJinente were $8,28292,052. rircît t lSon Fln'r iscu from %amieamni duielutu 'acre $3.520.ItSP% or 45.7 Tiursitay afforuooo. "The figinilus is uot ronta on $1.000. againot 70 cents la April, ose," cou (;out, King. "aur uîil ho eun- $1.19 in Marci nduj$8.(Y2 lu Sepfetnber. ilt tinone hau imucu a cumPiete detoal ad- 15144. Comparisua wtb provians ycas uiunas-erod tuniIbm'Taigals, ta ho are, ln tact. isulctes that thne rte of defaultu toso- the oui>-unes omîthtns isanit tmbea thiitlare vent bilncaalias neer heen au umali la ln sofive leboilion. Once the'> are beîtcn any ailher moulin au lu May, 1899. Bulin en the plainst thry tili retire' ta tine'ta't-uinmflulfsotunues andin trading toitures eseeor !thc mumîtaius. and tmire tine>' taro the imatîcat oter Inow In Boy suiii gua intmn tin o unbronuforta,il.sabre muntin. undlin ccairancin 0lght of lino tho ,alneo nsuSa mse tinat fIne paihllaare otncltases shoased omuhher tailtuîrc of stîin'nt size omut> faim tio passage f lftin in May of af05ailier year. Foilurea mon n single fie, lu anîcin aurroundiiutO for ftinove'snb ha-e ehaen 145 uin e 'nited ton mcn cin stand off? u nciittu'nt. T'taISftes, aenîinmf 222 f51 pyear. and 14 lu le wauut tine people mlu nlk arat-rd ta, (Canadanineamnst ut ast yeur. Bradslreot's and t v,11liec'o long tino before minre i as:an 'ereat exporte beeinu lushow an anyflîlautlîhe plaen-mitheIno'land io! Lu- umprovenoit. Wheut. itîludine lour. so.' (;oa. Kitng Sain thuat Gir. (lima ahilnnînntatfor fine Yveoin ggreguto .04. esotînnuto Inuit301)(Xlimnn nouîuitbclue odlit0<..', hl,in'a inut 3,19)3,319) bushelu lat lu defuat tho natme! a0 iery modro'c. vouIn. (',,en oxpurta for file veekaggrc- cai-,3.9i2249-à buvinota.againol 3843.818 TREASXJRE FRONt TUE KLONDIKE. bushula astaeb titiners Preparing te Bring Gold on0e BOLDIERS OFF FOR ALASKA. Surinas teaners. Advi cefroua Dfavasou datod Aturi 29, lnfaa.try Comusoor froua Fort Sheri- uShinuance that tinre arc viesnecea of fine dano tarte for the Norths. mnost aodertul outpuut y>1 recordluntl'ise Cinmuiîunity E. Soten t' nited States tn- iiinouiid mon are il a itunmmeahi Daioin faute%-. Ifot Fort Sheridan for Aaskuaai ta taine iefirst bots up thirertc. liait iootu'ridnîy ou a apeeil traini, roasisting lhin niîer are filour, usvolmhaefrein f tur taurin-f aeliers and to aubiggago $1.0w44)in$50.000 ecanhin n mIma. 'fie %lai bte omr. At Sa nFrancsco thentrooPsmalit Poa sudVYiuns itailrsiul Comntyliahos te fiicd omt astinhelioy lofhitig. teute rasoi blmls ut tading on flore tinsn $1.- uîmdo iler eqtîipmenl uecccssny for er- 0<00ff0 iworthhornI Cmlifntis ilu camne outlrime n the Arctic reoo. Theo computly on oneof efi ifrin'er steamers. Tire osil go frnnuSan Franclisco fo Alasnka b, la ereryinadinounu miat thin vuer fioul stummor. fine proscrit arrngement beini liaiý,non tna Wiieor apids uits la"W fur if f in-nfotmr tinofanrnortin betore Jli open . T'l'o nka n il be trec from ice by 1a. Tino point o! desfinations s Skagtîay. J'mne 4. Fuiiy 2.u10O peouple Shmni thousiotiis Tin oIruois go ta relimea hifpany 01 of fto5 ut freighf fen Br i 1-nnul theo ,I-'nrenîh infautry. oviicin bas hme ta-iting for thne fint aeumonas. Tho Whni ite ornitred i tiratiia. t'as rimntailI he com1leîed tu a uko Beu lien ubout July 15. WIITES INVADE ICE5ERVAT1OYI DUI-DL'Lal VS, BARREFO. Trooue enittelaAs-et Trouble ut Tangue River Peace Confereoce 1u.O.Asaiut Oint Sou refnry Alger has direeteol the coin For-a of Ballet. mundnsg gu-caml ofthtin depurtinient of A resotoinus adoîi l fin ei paca lu is t todeatroofheFs se couforeore t Tino Hague proimbi' nag tflic a to tu ondo nieImnuu f tol'r av-a uneo mmlundumi, or sort îpont, bullets.TecyrninOetacnfitbtiel h reoslutiola wus carricit lY 18 votes 1u 3- 'iortherrs Cheyennli lmuuna utnitino ohite tîtly, Autrlsaunit Emgioni violon1 n tin oilr edngnthvenly Tee&i negativeoldnaiing sulf hlutu tsuseful ut man htso h eevto, ta lesrs iith savages. It wssaho resmlvot meilitona les intiorserafstu fornul a lu pruiialt thelse af explosirs aifr010 bcunîme outOand indesquttees fiofrm ael bllminluinanuitainu the iue of explosive but, jce rf aîo ffi-inbtio ltst. Thlinvoaicion lgrunavastrînner thon jtin ldinîus use tio'fa-icttinbet euoi ntfiraI that thne avominof thne cohalreuco 0 atî niaaudtewis l ber d-uxd ntunnfulure. sa far as diarmnafnelt te - aind restrîiotino! wur invenationis are coun- ESTERHAZ.Y CONFESSES (IUILT. cernool Tino membera ufthfie dmsarnîaneat- cumfnittce o. nnever, ronhontl belue-an' cnowleaiueu Authorshlp of the Fa tiat tino use of vlibmline huahsa iiU ho -nea Dreyfus Itordereau. pruiiibten. Mai. Esterhazry, taho bas beeu accuse, ESTRliZX uE LLPIT. repestcdIly ut wniing the Dreyfus bho ESTRHJ V T E CLPRT. dcreau. bus uduuittemi bis gîilt. le ina - econfessed tino authortiit but dectarca 1De Beauure ansd Maneau Ftad Bisa the ras aritten unîler intruiînons atnilion Borderea'& Write-. fine chie! of tino army, tains, ho aaid. hau t At Paris. Mal. Esuerhazuy was pîtinici>' alanduard bri, inues of tlie ettine sfi 2denolineoni us tin oriatîer ufthIe ramous1 and sharen tino respinnaibity. Tis lue ibordereau in tino Dreyfuîs case b>' Baltot Esterhazy deetaroît. ho coîîid prore pus Iteaupre. presîdelut i tino civil section tfîvoîr Efforts, ie uand, hat oen nalle n e ofthecour orcasstio, an byProcrausoeur, bis slsnce, tuta wnoîiner ibreat tfon CeeraI Mnceua. Refiat of Capti ureuu.uanoiiderhm Drecyfus masuadetîuinded b> bath,. thirîr re- olmei wuoidee h tien of thminendeace faoinb luih In lu Ohio RepublicaunTicket, faoimr of tino prîsanar o!fIlesila I>le, Tins ollutal la inohecoiploto' ticket non h.ungue of I'otruota nu encited cover ttear nafoni b>Ohioo Iepuhlicoîan ncouiiimîu cinaufion aguhust Esterhaznuy uni tin ol- t Colmn us: latin-o ut ia chargesibt fine publitîor0f çiarnor---------------...George K. N- Franco' scellaailing tu accelut tino deun- Lieutenat 4nnvoriiur ....JaîinuA. '.îlmts emtiona juf. Audit-u.r n i,... ....- aler t'. linuilli 'C - 5 rero tt ..... B aaucr o e- in a 1 Le.a&e of Car Liae.. Tino' Tomes anîrtore car lhues n ChicagoI paused mb to ecotrol o!finhe Eastern syndicute Inrida. The Notb fand IWest Sîdo railwuy ystemus wt lheeater ho inanaget hy a combinatuon u ofe Yorkli and Piiladelpilu apitalisls. Dy a una- Imuasvo-e n-thetino skbuiniri o!f lino North Chicago sud West Chingcoin- paries those orgaflizafons werc teuseal ho tine Chicugo Unin Traction Compan>'D. Tino niareintlders of the NurIn Side lines haro een guaranteeoni dvdenuls t the rate ot 12 pen cent pr untluin. tble tine nieners o! West Sie certificates are us- aurco rotursntuthmie rate ut 6 per cent yeunhy. Tiese arc tine main tomassafthlin legs@. Ta detail tne comipact is to tlin cfeet miaIt erkes recenacal $10,000,<i130 cash tom bis prsonai hodigs of Sorthb andi Weet Chicugo hanres-or about uue- tiird ot the capital stokinruc Cicoin- pany. Thne assosiatmmn or prommiOersa 001 Judge outhtin tupni'ae Curt. t'W. ZtOut Ifesuber Huard l'abteItomku V. ufftog Dauagreai la>'Droughl. The tainfer wavit crop ut soathen tI sia bus beeu rompteteiy deatroyeni lu> protracted droagint. Tino sprung avino rrop luautso la joopandy trauoin e 5no cause. Thne steamer Itoose biasaaîll anitin8.5W0 Coooun* emigrauts fOr lPI Arthnur. ____ Reporta Are Deuaied. Presidout Suinurmn ofmthfie Phiippt commIssion hasuetegraphod 10to'eSuc tory o! State an empinalie donnai of tl reports la American aoaaapapcra th tiere iras tricnmbetwesu Gou. Mi i thne risIlan membeor f t he cinibisa.n Poison in lhe Bernie. Strawberry peluoniuf ha reponrfet frr thne miennty of tLogansport. litd. 'I trouble bias sounoiviat ntsmpened I Fottoaingtestnoandinugut fine cruina ilalziine Chinc'ago Uion Traalumau Con)- stnong deire lu est nire largo bennes. Sa the Westemn L.cgue. pans t $32,000.J000. piasician salitdle tinuigtint aas rau& W. L. W, lu by the tdew on the bonnies. Milwauke . .20 liithroit .17 17 Dewsey Maer Be Qarantlaed. at. Pauni... . 19 4 îilianapOlis. 1-4 17 Tino piague les hIet> 10 cumpicate tins W.on in a Hold-t'p. Maneaiolia. 2i1 luTit .1 19 home cuuing o! Admirai Dewey. Vs'rions Tin o urence, Ara. nagu' nu. bol Columus Ion.1)1 Kanu-asaCity.. 13 21 onmmnt a enr'dy deanareol severe by a mnau an noi The wiiint quaraîniuo regu tîions ugainsulaal Egy'p- ronizoul tour Ilaaann'tuid linodruv Murried Ou Secret, toaeînRedSea ports and Htong Kong, aviole iber cnnani.n roluCa ml tinu lit bai, -o. i nmt hat fisslna eoua suh,,ie tino resh cases and thlinaunmihofai$35>0, a pistiland na golmintc als.'lieo t Kinan WaNl ir. uil- 1-mulutnuhomesswO. aio iruaz b ave earlj doauhled ni the last ditv cauhnt. bau guicfitie ine ronniabhem huiane saeki, fine ae rates nuubinng 143 and Nias BHurt inlàa Mcc. work in flueIlIavitnîmol i.i lndand mmlicb-er-ortino du-ins 134. Admiraity officiais au>' In a inî'îîd d cîholinnýu if lusasos, rearricl.'- aainou il,;,,su-n. ,o in arrmod tinat mas hip hae o 1-ntrvilogos as me- trainusou the m l.tainaille and t snu-b on Nia>' 16 1 - lia, . a waiatlns sris mîaranunnelie yn.nd Ibe Of mer- rnd i tnr Saîhvntrill lii..freiehîn-nu agr1 tn 1 i l-'tin.'nanlfine aubisu. aireinjureni. tino o!thoapn, rus noy. Noino.alua mre... t. Cali j na Art, , tacrruhi. tîdîl Freain uf Lig;lituinse. Tino Prosmietbas neciunto-ni nn ct i o aWa Ju e to rhiau.a ,8. r'i, au - .(il . di tg'n aI h-ias;y f'r fine 3" v44tnolutoaers or aînio tfai o.lit.l.JmiotIi.uinnhi tintinilu Oo' min n - l i na trnlhyuk b oft heinin oh îuvrui. Itlicn n -fui eit on nmmuinn-un ihu s andd nu for theU ni ligini mii 2 ah-I i, ii.. t-l.iSî Irs s'u*niJ-aiihorîy îhnt Con ins mstiîmif30,- suatun Sciile, f0 uccot Senotor J. lugbe 1,nlo . lut i n o- i. 1,I nlu oeth linon er us, ul,o i i u , lan lupîniun.I l i h s B-rry. ____ wa u Ouinnit. l'ieorî-ýt. - fruthtendit he ic u.uiumunilleust fial lie no sricun eNash .NIsnitil bina. NI fine latmmI,. asl u. i v, .1ia fraui' mi fur,-a fin e tua'inuinl u tieInsu afroiiglî. Aa Th, o iaSuain' ItoimOlim"'.l Cunsl dned tard ' aad, in t h lb(ait It uni-itie sistnor ar0tireretuirnul ibeir tumnulinalenî No-b for tiua'nOu îte5 atauthy. ~lai a-11i 'o Jai'nit'y runidmmithat onni ballout. thb Inzr-mtin Aftinh, lmO mm înuy ilutino rot l1. nîe.Oient oaiot a' vnonsas i il li e eturuit "iAIKT JOTATIONS. The n t as'rleS I nd t' g. c ~ u'~aa frin ifd u i nI t un-I ni ,- rumi1 fie I WiîChinlgo-Catttc, comnnion ta pnI rimu.iias- s- uins, b te 4,* ut IIofIl WV. tV $ .> ta $7I;oinogin. ctîpping gmuI o,,_La rs A te'rI pifi l înnietaoi hum ugli a pur 8$3.0() 10 $4,00; aineip, fur lu cice. $3 V tilympila Leuvea Hangkong. f, î u1t alCliitl io-nit a r lu- ,3e oaeiniN.2 AlniaiFi s-ts fal nîn iplt mtin aaina utoit'tur-uil,'a oIut eht'- nrcf nias-nie$.0 niu. a e 7el ml,' 'u'îunnmof>dnuuae -.ulnnît$4,Io Noery . Su. 2,57e lu 54k:but por,e. u ilnii ,i nlî 1 - Inn Iin futS ta . ttmubnnaa lua itinulits'; îînt inboc, creunuers.17c to 19; eegs, f tuteeda toieiml.tioa let I. 'i0cailus0e s'iilOiin'i(0 tbc fauuifi12C tu 14c; jpotufes, Chioee WC0etu A loîlimi'i. lin!,r syn tiat poub- .ut ltn Itubenhu. ga 1 inrlua-iut fariner 1rhbl ant uttin-not l nare fine sufferens. 35:iog.ce. lght. $2715 lu $4 boa 1l'O', o1 n smroh1in i!, Inoutg mafaa'i> iemarisus1 honce. $2.51) lu$ Disesers AsphaîIt Fied. kIte, . inet.Su2r-j elu71"crn latrge-hoim(-f.îuii mu-n - iS-uSl tO-ainfu.r.10.k ai.No. 2 wite, trdi-OL e mr io ot itof L.ogona- F eliruauTosat urnoseml. prmat i pot. lIn. 0 Tuesd ay 5~î Inlsînand the ons-ahl, $350 1 $5.73; I Su-i.. ucad>' îinalng $30 lu 4,0: aeep. $300 ho $5 W.-mau Die. 1.aCherry Tree. strtdun stihlment u $0<uft oJ. 'min i t t it4.2.C7tu1079c; corn,.\( JueeShîntuluny.ta tnnitnlret snima ,o&<I quinî hual tn ntît elue, 32e o 3Me; ont%,. Nu. 2.2Z t0 lia ne hi-an the budiness mg. uo.i . nhe uunt ou, yc, N. 2. o elu ti. jsf. auChery itrei-t-lun n1 t ur.î tu gelî "Ille ai io usnn mu tUc min55 CnnouiClt.$25010$M.75;b fruilo r. 'oint, iSun lot hor balance eaint d$3100 Ira$400; ahcep. $251) lu$t anl tell, lier fi'.:m-t' Inummu ,tii,-ina-O a Consen5te to Opertion. sa-bot, .Ça. 2, .4e t l 1; eorn,.N, linîlis. SInOmai. 1h nilntu n muniinung Lonoiîtn Tr'trUlsa>i sitinat idaconl ttmna mxej. 3Ue lu 36c; cela, No. 2 mmiid tinre ul deaL bel'inluiied 10 uliirigo anuuorffmun ton Io 29c; rye. No. 2, 114c tmu c. clairunt dieu Prof. ll,nnnnn I'neonu letroit-Cottie. $250 ta $575; tl5h1t D.y. 1l.taieet. ienbor, dnretof o o Olilhalinino too$300 o $4,00îsbeep, $2.nui o $4 11w fracka IImut oli,- n'.!lu- -1', ni.iirn-Y jil 5etIiesitIgdnt b.ns Inn urper ahoat, No. 2, 79e lu 80c;cosrn, t wrll lia t i iull.. ., 1, t" .- it nafi n tttobus arrurel. yellow, 34c t 36c;0ts. ,2 nwhite, tovavweo'Ina Tino, h-i 7- fi t: file, troua a (aIt BIte, ta 32c; ry. e, ta <(Ac. Sounit port.sInn1),Iil 'n 1 i ýut ,,'nf is iitîn,i Oha.lIen ry lnrTa Toteso-W'inclh. S,2 niu. 7 aîgit dOis. roarso mId. dulii-frinun inohe ffti hrs na ot79c; corn. No. 2 mixe.c. s a Io 34 Init'nia-enoa ime nmn i gn Ili, Il- N. 2 mixeit. 26e 10 28c: ryc. Nu. 2 <taordlug Aga-inst a Plause, e - lisa nitdointinsure oumfnnnnu- i mu ail taIr .c; claver$3 1i Sorgeon Geucrati Wymun of tlaemarine tlin ptooins atfintirounohmn. Nlilaa'uke-W'ieat. Su. 2 nîrinn 6îupltal service. upsulofficialuot oice tat lu77e; corn, No. 3, 33ec1to 4c:',ai- ~eaueetyeiW forer bailuîutiared u AirkinsaEx -o'acuîr Fe-d. 2buriteN20ta -2Je; rye, No. 1.tu7,8cn t ~4vrcnordereol Dru. Miurray' sud Iu.iha Bxter, testin (lineranoof Ar- ale' N.2 40e to 41c; pork.i Cager o! the marine liosîilsi uce to inmss. eO Weii(nusiiay ingîflif i is iboule $7 u 825. kial City'far ettfauitation with the Stai.. lu Btent lite. t tne ugeorun 72 nomr. BHe àBuffaoi-Ca-ttie. gond ahipting .~euliI aotarities,,.au.uiRmut tinoheaders mut the' tmous $0 ~$.1s oo omusl o - - Broks Bantr ofmmS11. $25 10 $4.OD; sincep, fuir Ira ehoie IS" raves oA reave a ie eit' tN 'oluntee uNeedeul. ers, .50 ta $50; Iumbe, comaI ,endofagave.s lcn- Thne Imeodent's cabinet at ils meeting extra, $40 to $6,50. garet cruani naon- Frida>' docidout that there wuas ntroent New Tork--.C&tlie. $325 tu S550; grqet couS tI. oandng s easit forthe clistinent ut ruluateens. $300 tu $4,25; abe.p, $300 o1 * 6-Aaerth. l Ie mm w but. No. 2 rut, 90C ta 8U; coî WFiireAre Fesu. z tee toe eaui, No. 2 whitue,t mu laatrterence vite EL 0. Don & Co.o veeki>' «e Of tbuttes uaue,7, 15e 10 loi te; 85s i. .mr - .tradme >.that lhe *gril tallare, MM l q»e Ur_ REMIS IN TRE NATIVES HOPKINS9 OUT OF THp RACL WHEAT PROSPECTS L.ESS BRIGH4T Calomel K.uîtero'U le 1eOWM Se * L 0f vitallty chown u latitre 9«4 _________Pro"biee l1* et Actiorn. Pie.ted Illat O 7.1 LAWTON SURROUNDS FILIPINO COL Davld B. Hubruas e.pu.nta- The Jette crop rof thei Orange REUELS AT MORONG6. Uvéset the. Third Iowa ennu.aioS1da.àd Frnr ha acondition nof winter ~trel, wilIprobably bhe .lettlld Upsker or whent of 70.8, agnoat 72.1, on NMs 1 the national HmorcfBepweamtatillmm. Tbere fins bren seve eitie ln the prolo. Town la (apturad by Washington Men RMe mont dangerous rival, Isgeasan l ne hiolîî,audMisnsouivalleyse, and Afte abrp okete-A at plocase- A. J. Hopkins of the Eîghth Illissola dia. mone hle ilis (nnifunilf. Inueta aduel AfOr *ari E.tEeAN1IPOO, triet, withdrew tront the race Frldsmy atru, are repnricd nver arunerrcaoiog are., ta, Mariqunaefld Tayt&a,ÂlaoTaken termnait, and the Illinois delfflUtinwk"c but tie min troulelîis the iark ut vi- -tuer.ait AmeluaPKilled. hal beea.ranged moiywith Mr. Kop. tai tyn ithe plntîlwhinh rcsulted frous kbs. pledged tourtelens vote. ta Col. Hélas lthe root daninagois(- teovere iliter. The !L Gen. Huile's ainpaign ugninst the Phoil- desséome. Ibo irnuediat effeet fthil ao eae Ilalht inmtrful ainare;orted ut Ippine inaurgeuts under (-;en. del Pilar ut lion was te increase the Iowa'a knowfl oearly 30,(lO4IIlinia bien rednieed by thenorth of Laguna de Boy continlues votint trength troinforty-t reetea fty- Ploiot ti) uanmd nbinlinmimi't te, 2,574,. Ni) more volunteer trmops will lie called vigorousty. The Âoerican lihes Licrons naesvenanad feaye him a chemiré Bld for fu- 0MI4, ir îenrlv î,iillll-arel scs than for mat preent, un lîrcuideut NM-Kinley and the.Norong peninsula, extcndiag six amiles ture operationh ln the. States weat of the. wu-i bra -i.Icl lat 310. Tire maximnum hiradvismers bave deccded te sOait further frutin 1sorong on the.quait to Aitipoto ani Pooibillt înýýni,, ba a'c c,,crvativelY developients ln the Pi'blippuines. The Taytsy on the West, begun graliiiutty Clue- plaiod ati7lI><llloiulî'l. i'resideut in surongly oplwued t10 maknog Mn, u lndoy murning. and the advauce The oprîse sa l-au tires lm rcported et anottier cuti for aN,)untia-rson aloi0Gis. doiath pulu al bgus.1,2:g<,01-là.)cres,tinr 1114110) acres targer bois buas itin 0,44<10 of rit - iil)nîeof The operationu befris by the Anierbrans thin hat 3eur. 11)i Mîtineanîta and theo troops neileil, tie l'reuidn'nt im-liev.Is tht-ale Baturday morniog wth a viw to entrap- I )I>knnas il lu rfl'Orttd-~t<î.arares sauît' fulie wlthulrawn fruuni Cuobe.,iPorto Itliio plug and crushing [tel lilrs forces abouit Ier.inut lit(- inî r-in 'milnîîaa, Nebraska anit the gurrisonnsofthé.ineVitedlStarts. Antipiito were distingiivid by hee ~ ~and tin- Paiii., o'ýil little nimr thon While t bore amrnie orî,il atboit 12<44.51) marches and briliant ulfueks. The plan . offsc,;ti hîtisac.'Thie-asoiruge co.ndition trruopaia Cuba, theecoiuragiiif repoirts wuu t0 huve Cen. Hall atluck the nuuu àinrpi)rte-utinnait11..,o ciiiiil-t 101.1u a0yfar'reivcd trou)i 1les. Woo,i, tino .vl-rnir gents t Atipolo auud driveltbein dowo l agi). fialie n ly n ~ na't h, crop le if the provinlae of Siamgot, leiiniI reri- toward Lagunla de Bay, while Col. whai- .trrted a litle liste. lh. plant saniolr- hduit .U(Kinlq,y 10 a'li'ae îiiînîliri-ofa ley, w 11h a trong force, ubuuld udrance Dits aaildi-,vi'rs ti lii gi uoit éveili. lhould lii.filmtii-r ri'd îîn'd. lanthé'-îu i siarî unIy front Pauig and ttac ein orebele in lfront, XPru'auît uconitio Enu i i fîî111 ic tri[Ileuar-aliolfit 0,000trupopshuîuld I.-i-iid thei-rc ilumcusit he . Tiepln u riial es li' o, crol ru- i n,îglt u.aily r, a-h n'Y entlie a raill. litntliie Pre -nle-iît uy thucruihini thudn e t an asorugina- 275.0< îI isiili h-ao n3appo it a i unluir orf n-ni-nîliln lîîg 10 the adverse coniilonsunder wich'The' o ru n sIng.' ain.'helnrgîit Over 'itti,(rni oil uniîtiorioî' rie rl'-riitiulllomi (.cri. liait advanced (,il Autîpolo. VsTat pn,,.luli ile prn-lnîulnonury ruteport r-aliinîg ,Ira Il) ulistireiiouailles-er oflis, i unc-Ii-n. i expmected te do inutwo hleurs Inuitseveu. ..full> li-,000,01114 a, u- ré- Té-rip ns olrt- Ilinstrouipshadl te saini utifurduible riveri lng lnt1lr e î ittiiiint il a lo, i i nou i na'm"n and mentiethrough us aîplu tht-jr w ta llalfriterferc'il aitîn iiltiill, nfnniiug' euil pîilnuien < i ci i 11onrtlit,, fnoln uni ,rii ull under a scorchuîng sisî. itwas early grunwl-h nla ino,] Iuinusinal rnitfag of 'nca'l ie tir,- spallnng of lthé,ian yatternocin beforut Hula itrilnoop Who bdul bâti -inî celarilleir rîggn'd. but uli sotli Ins.lutinobouilnîig éinn nOn tft thre punuping stulionu ai ;àlanthe moru col.Olesu5AN D. B.. flExOEUAO. tIbero t, it abonn tinlimé,11efor mulnOvoy. triîte urle o arsait pi niiniiitt'i nnil niffîlu ing, reaohî'd fine a altît f Atiputi 10 the i i' ia rn'nni- ri- inrlodnt lt bClO) l li.l nin al u i lctn a northwest sjl h'ra tth uu-Aguymud n..nls. Au there are enough u.r . »'-r lan-I hn miii1 -r ivent lui-Oas,'. Iîile 111mni lir.ria pobstnalth ' hé- t earaof theintsa.-Repubilcao sCongresuâmea ln that territory Théi. t lînis r-inn mnd-i aI l91Mt. s'inih, fnlî siotîîînTI l', îna.r teri a itilagutha i ,l o e oheta controt the tionue auua. and as t.hey asi'lé'illthighi , îlot set lîis.à..thrl aturslà-, orm lIl shus lirse positinufor a combiuni attucti ou tineeue- ae -elînn orotceti t oe o ci i i î. 'i ,' unît îa-rtiiainn litinm[pair- coal'nsIn'l. l i l iiliit hýitn. n r"fiur MY cr1 imue. en. Lmoînnrdered (X-L Col. Hendilerson la vnow of the stand takenmeoli.pan.D'ry'ltrewl ie endeae atdhse iny CumIn auj ryuyh M.Hoa n1tiellni dig-m-I fln'îinif eIridi i înt,-înii, hifi. itn-orfice 'Waîîd cago rtin e unCîîi nniloadTcy utition,fihe io'wun's sulcens in e Caucua La LOUBET ASS AIL ED _ 8-Y -MOEI ltaIilitl. afli nn ic.11-nltwti-n s osngdmtieniphva-regarded an a tirgunte conclusion. iii in u i t-n.fli i lta n Cot. Heudersins Ltown ,trength ln de- Prenident oif France le ttruck (ve tun iitor nir tlne'guiré.anîloirbofnthéin lcy m in herear. coutil co otiermto. rîveu troinfthe toilesing States: Ifont-ia. lih.arCane, b-uni n Ciii. %Vhulley's adrancaonu ('uiltu waa ow........let lueata¶ l'i'in eu .nii .' 1 'raml'narIs1 est utn brifiant. flmatrooil -a lnrnmaafine fourllr Iialou.... ........ 11In surmt ......y Prsi" ni n ' f Frnc arovl 1:1 o t i n", t" n peitnall. i, io snss tîis utof oncoîut ry it a roidlace. a ivih Oits------------ .. Eî tIil..........57l'-ii.natnmn iiruanltf a Swift wm i ut sirîiin lie lin froînt. llinaIs -.. -.. 141 'di'lii ut:tI.itI sl iré- g.-innral nnlnimnnml LeTTi Tath regnlors tvrt- disthe loft mr The tollurimsialtue. have lcen rotuted th-atini rotsInlin mrn gen t ntfor oao. hnlu t.P. i-g n iiigiflntfrut tenurtincent linkanlsd ib' Nnrh Dalnottis 0ontemaie ntvanratim soL jr Coi. Hender- %sua' .ilîîIliiiilin,-noato, fin h.' rnnolag as heh I';tuln, i, il tilo r i11nf tlie im-t I-it n atretched atong befien-nn Camîta aînd linesou: 1,,r;,;gronîcî - mnotl'.'i ir-- ".maltu té,tin' lt-ot- filan. :,lunintlir. onfCl.'i Niel- sinore ut Lagmina de Boy. A .batlery hi-idKuurun- i.tîlnli'îiiirudd tino lin.....lerI11.&i.ns omn' ii tnnut Ilion'rioi lnby Er thne cenfral pioition ia théNo SrthiDakota Indiana ..........l9 Oregon .........2 po 1innia mrringe aîmd nnly furrtenelbe,- ontoIl i- kilonuini -ntheéioa'. ni]lh. innlili hune. and began sholnng the towat tfour- Nebrailsa..... 1'l'eaae... 2 rvin -lln r thnn olb- le asilni hi' resnh'1? v in 'ISm-i'r i l-n founéî- în' le uile ronge. Meanwleers. lus, Hou ' au. 1iet 55......iniLo.uiint . Ilà I L Cool'itI irutinno, n'l',ii -r<.Ilmntrntllînc coflmlflSdown line val-intaurd 1,lytoy, Boli.n .....fiaal uti, l otslrecporLi u - Whn i la mon1> ly fi-la ILInIIm na-t of C iita. BothIrlin ainn . T tl.......2 ii - itlInhi, n sori' tio. ntnOvIuidthé l- at I o n . ni-Ilié oh,",ly tsolu.' on tin soire. lie hal bnall a run uing igint Colorado - t .t....m.h....' 8 n- nn lt aIs aui1ii lt'l' i i i l,'. i ,'r Itotnr mcun wifh Fitnhmmmn'na a o, Ibmlu ril î'nconîufer prenuatî-lé,n fin.- Isrr.ton fn lrtUli. -ifini' thé .-. ta -mii.nInmn' la i si beinnei 'folinthé-nn'is Ninîtu-u otiilis. SPAIN GIVES UP ISLANM u-ln'mrii, Thé. nn tot n il,. %bat i iitl. nim fliat tthé-m., liin. . Iin5li The innaaretnts wcta i% itî iomt of NMonte -g u'tî'lo f i.r-an-,inI îîit-tili lil ita i gmIinaatfu- t l,, ris na ed undt surrouîuded uiinn- oines iny tin O re- Germesny Ces. the Croline., the wer, the l Thtra l'o- n-itont ell' b.ainui t'ins a înr a nr r- gos reginîi-nt. a sinarîn lîgit fnttanmidau 1IeleWs and aine adromea. nanno i ilom s beture t hoe î-îîeuny aalisn-rît thé'-Im'Or'- The Qît-eul egent uin tino speech fronts Ail aiii- la c ii'r "n t luir-e-s ut al "ln u a I net ' r. InIn i 'net it ficustaist îirce Dieu kille' d oimx aavuuîd' tine tiromenetaIlho opeunotof thc Bpanoh enltin ii ei, it-i. r ainonteituIltl'o-un lina.n iiovaiu 110.:eu-..froteUnitemnd t ci. (Cortes -'riqiay soi. ""Tino parta aI my bonl. lmi-îi lConmrtnpT-alnlin-lIn' dtr i- tit srit-nt e. ntsthen.9, 14rîl- ad ten. Itut llerontTayioy inoi-tifzli îtie heurt arc rînen cd inu conoideriîng thc MIS- nI ti'îl'un ntuîn' aIIniti lré. - d au- tiartin mna inuluij14 lnosai> bl-trs flu ir relsul nce,the itinurgn s% 1ta tIi,itîg ta Mo- fortunes mil nt lins unntfry. Il le more t îipt iot f0r. a'-ti ninn' Vu-luitl.. Many air- tenu ms.IinhiO u 0tioe mln li sfl'-v-i. t, rîug n th soUliolît finnrtiyt sftorin dignufied f0o nllmtO'Oouratites lu quiettintésarestae suer. îtmnmL.innI<Imiam r 'nhng uîl-r utn iniiim-olio-aimn i Lit-f l h formesColecter! atmiltholurc wu t hthe tinnluo omplIan nioita'. Tin o vea-rumn t cil lit i i i -1 .. III itI tic Oitea tli' iitn - t it - - tO I li th.' I i,-à, or te North Pilkotas. cmuili.isg <'ol . 'aiat' u aing the pt'nce treaty ucted slgw Cor intté- 0'-l dni n'tlStiforaiort! tin-,-r kiniol. f inniti rn-i l it s-a Imt fas rigint udiatucolino. Glini. Haltl uucui e thteoconstnttilntfl. Alttiolagitiie filiýantiuna oid. it-n ,k l n-ltport itoili . :,n-nîrtuiat.'l'in-. piil Autîpolo. andt Cul. lui holtu"o nri a tuIe Caroi ie ti o iurniat a înnd the iPalaos u in.e ln-tnio:iI ýiir)nnii n i .tg iun' lun-LA,liii u i lt-i. amiIil hlnuc1-' . , l..,]ii tirough tI rond auniIîtnd aath tsi.tin Jteunu untelicdunion olfl $ pain, of i"mil. n. la-t i,.'.nenaainu' rna~nnt ninl-tfu u combine-i force lutonadtm. ingtuirn-nf.-etheior rntboarinomade arrangement@ amv . n liig timuiui -n u . -tu .rni.'.'. mr ni.- rouIne, ai inch i avacpi nnri-tetr ha Sinrp for their rcesin ta (ïoruiuuy. for winichiiir n ail.a il ilbcirisnt u u. SUN HOLDS SWAY. iurîng sthe niehi (;en. Laivton hit 'he ptice whîn'h Germay wlt ~i s nWaa'e o Torýini 1'snperalurC laFeItt li-".n r-l m' .4lin1ilo sels broîgintiriiopa lu 3Minoituainy salir. auj 25,01)00 pc-otos abomîl $5,000,0w0). Ibougou the Corusatn ni. 'rti.I 4h ohi e inii. tnsl 'lthese advancedi inuitoninctedmitin liti'Spain rescra-ca for inracîf tbree coaling 'i.ltn u 'Inhn i ue .II isiit'n 'u-ntinnrl.%itl"u 'rt T i pt - - l-atJI eonu trooruti.foruing cannsanrînsu the peria- stations inuIlacch group. ta lie deaîguated ounr - i-t -t tli ia.m1--n nir ..1'iIamif- ta salas. A fe'sé, iliino'- lijupélatfhrultgi he inreatter, undl winch Gernainy agrees taot cil-ain tlnI.niut'mui-ba - lvin nmn-riu'au . oiuiliandllt i. uc fn-r In - filin. if ,inor <'hi niai-uniei S-ain.nuuiiarr3 .--ail-nIssufini i 'lu --gi 4uu 100n headentea .I:o M'ni n nnaa, ',Il, tir n'a beu'- cl tf i su sth,-.r littlsa f.-r the- Ii'lilan-- Tebout la terrifieiland lrouinoni sinwel lés ieugreent io îantn ivuueatatdoum i-.l..iii-iiuiourn fn-- t..iqIlulnimta tsil t 'hemiti liu. f cause a deadty hanadity. hi'iapitinl biout»ofi the lus irod nation clatîse fé i .l un rofurning tu0 Nianila flonda y iormalng Iltle unditrs1th lait the negotlilfis for Ino A nilyit-'n iunn-n'i-tig i aih7lit.-l Ilai 0 é nad.d-inn-I at- 1- h.- ru huntnu a àbrougint 200 aoliiera. a ho wüesufferiug the sale et lihi Carulinue Islanda.Il Palson i l~ t.r-ain-cs mi sli'u .u i, t ntn Thn'lméann iliten t frofntinat proatrafin. 'he couunry In-,aînd Ladrloteil, tii Gmiusu>bave Wbeen lu < inglime, -t i-sieDt'griot uuiiunrnt f h- l. -11441 -,-miIsnl oti me tavoon Nanita atîi tinotheid ot operalious progmeuls fur Sorie tînie. in.a r-luin L-r Il.-u II-s. n, nmnfin r [nîlî-.110m). le ofers insuruuu<ntable obstacles te tine By the rot:nnuînin'hîîent of Cnîhn. fthe cea- 1»' nrki-IgN'utin l'lu"1cr'ly lit. su 'i 'ot 1011 llportahtioll of tiîplutiet. hnilI licwaguo sien of lu- n Ricon. ftie rhiippine and V lI u,-in l -r lii.n n. a lu 1'u-n . ni nu-i.- . iiInn n- u in i commnicatinîfront Nisoilu ibrultAe Sulu istanélue. snd tia.tIl he largesi of1thei(I? .- n1,muni.l'Inn.. î1I1ciI_1.;IIi foi--lon'a'mi dir anu h.î,i ' bv Sou Mlateai valley bat héliéealuandonemi. Ladroue Isanad%,. an aaresait of tine recent 1l'i iiii - l loSa iK .Ii.aIInal; , t ,n "2 té %;,lilirl,-I l;a., l la ti w , ati lne C. v r.. Ii ulii' îu so l,î.n ii u neProvisinus anîd oumuition are laong sent Spanîah-Amoican war. the coloniltPO- nO-ni,:,n;ni I 1mbIl - 6,. trit. . .nn onr-tnIf-lgri. r-lntm nue vathe haitriver. asmons of Spaln huve bren redalcd e a10nl balNf i 15o.n'i l'n 12nlnnn ani. ie srseimu l nnn.n the____________ arec of about 2-45.017 square miles, of .Ait1 nit.' t '5innn NuNn-t ' 1-.i.uu l-n-i14c"nlm ie RETRIAL FOR DREYFUS. ui àn 444s quare mites are in Atrica. 1lu. altI niai l,,Z'iuh o o i ast ~~~~Thne Paificposeions about 4Ic a, d1,ifl i'n u - tua - Il, -rr.tha clin.o.i nuit Court of Casation, Deidea fo -ate Gcrluuny inlude mie Curooine# isinds 11 12lemil în t2.oa-i snna n.r Li.,iit 1:unI,'îl Ih a.Rvs of lsbtheCase, sud Plust liMOdbsquare unîtes and tlu-mnnr.l, - -4a t N,, ~ itui ln-.m"i .-ai.:' A refruai by court înnrtialwa-aiormercu 16,00pupîlfinu.Inltio sent,, f t'ofi1:1,icn:r.anuuna1,um lunfine rase ot Coptaini ro>tîos hy the Ladroerieisiainul eocepiGuaful. vîitin flty Irnt tialtt I a,. unni i i om cour of cassatinlnt Purin. Pr".inlont squatre miles and tMMi*ipopulation. SpaIn'. ui.tt1î.ni-'lut .a su . ni, nn. at-iîn 'i- Mh taeauî.it luisnouiliti lt the tnoprlsooar principal rolaS oinAfrica la IRio de Oro . c ii.' . iiin 4 l r'uén'.m. u nuîum uo n -ii th roudcllflatioa hau]tlu,ni hn t vmiean'd u 4.0 qlr mlsaj Iruai n u u~n ,inm a u-ih. - . -9 i o -Inn l5 I Tiu- "IZIi' tin A the evinhonse i',ta.munuitout islai une Cap, ndOInn it 23uni- f-i-esan 1Il1lNI un'I s n1 tiPCA no... . luit lin, uIi.ibnnm 100,000 o upuation, -uIn areuder the CITY 0F PARtS ABANDONED. tmcc ni io mudImnl lrequiuns, t' nuri ul-m Seu l uns Iîîîîn-c ie u a l y peîvu-u. 'Tie govcraorshl ft he Cbm (anulry landis, wlth rn 'n th tnu t ln "" iu.atio i ducîsiOnévta fini. i inn o!osa-h-un Vii a uub-goveruor residenl ai Rino de tira. AseLe nfisr T.recat <ivar toe b ni n i u- .rthea à ns u 'nn eu-td anh hnro Iluàhlx ' a îeno1 ilacine t ,slcriners en 'nii oIli nrInh tup acruttai fnr tire exile. T'enu'hO namrt VOLUNTEERS TO DECIDE. Inn -t"'! n'o- Iiilc-'n i i i. .inn, nnnnlt tor- ia rt ia l O l ilmi c aat t ti <i-a tIn o ofrutnA, Il I___-lit_ vrer. smt.'tonnrtstinsnuin 0n'WVote 4t0 De Ta'en ne te Where Ther tIg'ioi ' -mNm 'i . n . àor Shtah SEle Monter"d ut. il ~s inl i -i-l'u u la n--n atn- ISecrrtar! Alger seut ordera to Ma.inn .5 IliinliIn-iii'. i ner,. iiii. l. u n.irnmanih-, i> ,on tis Oua1lt théo varioso annteer ?o r-.1. nsîmlîn 'I' 10 ' Otan î-nîît.,l - -li 'p-uniamiI nun gitnztli i innh.'Piippimns deermuine b fi-ur i->mL14iM"I.n t '.li.ilonu fi nt a-utC ta v irewhthun-vtley nhaill laeiluateresim-n' ý uuunnummn miid- îOîîîî p" téIl,îmîilnsr onnol n- vlle n outnt Sau oor at tinvur huîtres fn.nmnnunatu o 1- a, Tutt- t[o.' .0113 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i mntinite'dSfaltes. 'Tbi'-nuucliaI nl' im'niN-s'n- . i o- IIlu récmf rnit.t iu, oniu -r nh-' Ilnei -i tai liebc renuvei Iy aulne tnultiue egiaueut t 1 .1iii n n-u -fn'in-og ln n n n-h iii'Ul' . !I'.t -i ii nl tinruigi a muutilr ontia nu Sant runcisco inr.- i. i In I'onu- n: lu . di ' u n m innl ttinn .unrutlierable sinin. If.Ilina--ioil-t, -tluu unan nanyatinneln-14ni tmuot-Itfr 1-2 a ttil tinoel'lacea lieronit Innas nrg.lmn flue e l:ttI -p tn"nt.i tn st" l'n u 1un. ,mn -. - r . . iî lihe t te neiOfree. ilt Wilt ut uina i Inn- a ni- nitinitii ;iIlt Ini-t gi-i any i lie'Ipuy. h tIl4i,.1 doe - iIl ," 'l'ie funutin l'I-luIt.'Yivaiotiu reginenl. for ,.nn- nl n' i t nI i tn i és'u ' unui ' -t dfn. umii 3.' I,;I l , k n eý ipe ýIlgo un<isil-raminîo Ofulii Ia - r f ..aioiih iluuu i inn.-ou.r.t u sun Ihm I a -. Ss c y p éf r i g t lu lt té Iio t i go -.,, , i h, ' i n. -miin.' I 0'o I a i' mu' '. honrhuud -I Iipi a ' I' in l'ruun -içom.'T'he lare froualSailuranininoIuiIciiiOrO'. Omm io W'ashingtonl surt PIiiihdelibia ila $59, thinla. niii in- u u unIl.a mi î lîmt enicinenliited lnnim n it roceivo trani VOLUI,TEERS STARTING HOM E. . $127 tu $2011in iras il inaY.fiene ofl-mofl----- - rie lîluusi Oln ioleogra ttinnin'theo larger 'isa t'c.und OracM. la Constinu froa ii" . . î,înîî in n nnl Iun 'a i , a ion.F isuil .i. Oi m-it, mnmI' li i ii ehlm ta .1 mm l $3.0 "uiiit" s ititeci ou n S n n ,,-,oýIt r muln i' r Iln sut Inoe aaal ingdonîî n.f i'o- Ai: 5 - olco auIl receuve trot ut puy apprulimute- t,,iiln tronti lio t'lmi ihsl a cru mini , ..IC i Io liiint t in' t ï8 inmmit il lit ofnii 'mg lnif't'a innmi'>lng h ,2 cLly an fltloass -lien mat lSuipan 5lC5C0f ana- a l i-n tl, pSun -mm I i un g. nu ru nu' m!o,,ugoth Ille. f ado, $t)mu$t5Ifî daho,.1151 trSi, $ 1 towa, vîi-tfrîmmn )NImînnînu 'Then' m'gmtleun i t ml ltIloIi-e -ri- h , tino o SIOl Kasmus $83 mi $31; Mn- î~. inutiî'mî mi înnrîî.înnî lal - mui gmfhsWîntneu$m1n0;imun illu uilt$W-muln $131;n Mon-fi 'nhotu $8ents, e sminmil inia I II. s lh ire tOOm mi aunt neain, ~tans. $53 lu $84: Nebirska. $74 lu 117; îuamtubun rrhnrrniks isrcinuter, à4.)c Nevadao. $553t lu $87: Srinl)-akuta, $86 tmu 'l In' nulos'iiuo in... mmi leias li foninvt.l nn-ou- ..........AI. o . o ()0taCArTÂi.-ç iE FL t. $136: Oregunt. $31 mtm $51: lieunatytaait,, he tinn r o mut imr lu ris Il is flue l'hiltiîi'- lu..> .ors. - ." JI$127 to $201: Soui>iîîkoul a. $82 lu $130, piîîo.luno, noi miélamI .uv inîoung In Vi nranitslsu"r. 4.00; anidonlamutioto Ibert tir alain la suifoer- T p$107 fo $1191; Utahn. $341 to $57T; tiealirof of rganmrina ul iýohùnr ml ipernunoOku ra- - - --.. ....'.- t-n ,lI 4.75; imefor a crime linmlIho lnver connîuuntu'd là-u mkur. .............. 2i'é' - No. 2 loui-a hîtie chance for atiufhr lae s4ut'i n. Washington. $39 tu $32:Minunesota, $81< uînts titanli'n t I r-nun 'Isîh lier y mlielrw- ............. 3-1,inn n4-, â, 'c Previous to tie anmounceelet of 1 14.the___________imni'tintrnilu'nt. i-irui-i i m mit lit tllu t .uuuilnn mi avurlunui neritme verdict crowd se ,milel ntI tino îire o! HOLD UP FAST MAIL TRAIN. wtou eevu luer(-do (fthéI as utIlu lumiului0'i furiîiufu butao, justice andl un lia neinibortlid, avuitihi ror lanUor 0f 15.11(111-1,i0 peoplef' uinliiomi m 5.5 shedcnon. iBobbera Blow (OPea Express ute, *r'.l se-u nmhu frîîîufcuin*îuînus o. 2 Tino audience receivoul line deelîlon ithn cure MuCssy, sud uEcape. News of alloue Note. - 27c;cris o "Vie hlJutice.'--viel ie" Tn Uio uiie transcontinentut 1' tus' l.jeo nl lîhltiecousiatmry. Jue î'uuapîoller lliancti i ls a hia niInintinaf nu rn-hut lu I .- 1 - Il l e;.ua i -s -oinl

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