CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1899, p. 4

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____________________________________________________ I. "W EINDEPENDENT. F~RANK M .JUST. Editofr musfared Ai the nr, t-oui e a Llt.rlySllle.V .h I b ~ e lIliilI. s ecst-caa mltr.M& Um food nom e "dd m MW ndwholsmb BATESMAilt! NOWI< on AttIPLI .coa1 Elgin Butter Markat. Illea whole of Cuba, and tbc allawed ta PE-OPLES' COLUMN. Butter on te Elgltin oard (if rade governi itlu lisa owu way, ttc bas IleemFr ae siondiay as at'aîy a a.ltîîa i tîesfll i ititMv fafttîIlf 118 ares tuinectionts 9,101 2291 tubs, u&H of wlit' là uTe oibide5 antd11,1I tO usliip 4., range 1H. 1 uilira opened ai17c.ftlsaultltIY t.lttg(t 10 W. C. T. U. NOTES. o ti'. btltltSrnNCLIFF. hou D 1ay, Ise; 1tait we S Prit, c. Ic;: onetyear 1 if havoîtlOiil(iSnuClt. 1 13(1 -dlui. th, .orld ban i ta..i t,t' tigut'I, mgo, 1~Ic.o!f fic ai-t(1,05thi ' tonltiîliSrottI Ilt House and Lot for Sale. _________________________ Ptntîo" i'r i n ii ifIl hl lîlgî - th', fit fî als intatt iît.ti ut il 'fIlgoutil eenu roarnibouse, onea hall There are 157repfllalîa is lu the .rtkaî iclal udLaii.iIi,'ar Iatidneat futta ctu f onîîii .ilt rl.ii Itin m l \%III ...I la a sacrIivie as we muet M I Bouge, 11hieniTamiles 13 votes Iu th.*îîtlu ln' îl il l .tînîl il-h iie.llie ,o airs 1&0 aucfue eemiato nmta letit' st lfBýt MltUteaît' ( l tj t,(Alîge cLiber ltjltctfo ad Dci Speaker. Tite lriendttt i Reire. o th, hlhi i ft' e-KflUtO of (', i toa btn ýt (t Inat uDout1&aiii. Ftuf tOf metatîve BeaîIlerst'n Claulu litaI ha la8 ns nult't- ii 't.tiiiîl bîîî irulI7 li the. tu SALE Nf auire LIla u l ut' în mlrsdyaseîrti tf bc îîptîl o bat titansi'tofllat-i. Ttii. tied iLll îiiOtit tal' i reîîiut weil impravedt. iood laiSdyagairei If he sati.t01t f. biiit<ll. maTIîII II tit ii tittttt' te W nit1t)itTF.o s, hRockefeller, 111. m mambersa ani tiat ttciii alie ta l"kgfai Ltigiît'ttsVoitlexlire.msSbof b Ittghtl b. the uezi Speaker. îu lnîtetd , h , . %haIt0ith'r flIc Lb Foi; S.îSven lu tncottage wiit obtervrs regarItValuIoesthjarefall.I ollief lis. 1. J. Il ia nanatit't liaIti cat îilî a-_ l Itottîrlît i. Mii iili VS i'înt i l irîî Lt iItartys illa. pd M3-2 1 18l s n h o tt '.' te itiiit ii tu îtt ,iîl l ui ;; "af. .!i t ilft'i liedenn aiilMe ifiîriiiI,îtf\ o1aIîfhm . ae liai anf.III.tltaotir Lu,î.f Seeti Corn For Sale. and tht eitit s%,nid li e eficYtoly îia fta.1-t îl-.i a aMill v e lîstl f edcc o maplei. iai tltt'd ti. rut oit iBae. Tit. HEutslitl.iN Liberty- attglaclr! t if a. Speaker. ,Ilbils was hiiea., thetiiaie.anaa J Paiîî abaýt vle"3- regarded ali1raîiîcal t intli a tr o l t uýrd a eatund te iiaisrT s a end- the ther caudidlate>t lWa8 Bo taken broktifcthe atI of îHflei-,lhoa wIt .' o - miii t bittaglof ail fr hai althuhtîiillti l nr.mflU by Mr. Hipkîi,tIf 111i . s ite~thdrcw kauw kt net. Th- h"dIat urlrs"ieiltt in favor itf CiiiAiuetl. HitO M .nýN&n fte ~S.luteh. for the i. iJL1RNU811101UN RBOR t&nuf _N y.jîtftnîts takiu lo n 1 -thont-if.tî d'tri.,t tROUTE. Payue, ~.ei ar uf-h hItbnt liad rd attR-TE marmot Lwe î'îisi'aiti. 1ie ic ew stmont tu&Itual ittc> baseacalte-' 1- hou ktti .1nfties lui tua.- rPtcllli Yorlen îara lit- cIis o,î wîhiînh itarie mit- allea whelhter te!are ta support Sheruan -tîliroagli khan milh ametlit pnem w it, knuc the b us t».ltte-r than III, high- us zne u atiso. i ai TOU i.ratît'.,',utit In.. or l'ayue aud a a-- tte h picasure trip ii Aiaita 'te.Wood, the COrICUÉI SantiagO district ste-mu@ i l t.eCubm.n probleuf easY a repozlil te ar Iupar touing of the quiet snd oa Jt travelucd tne aîd plobleui 1-tiaY in (I11-ilt lthe lle people *bO e 1 lhe incendhry pre-ss te'w flca back eat te polii Iw.egnt inipo.tal.tiltest, mi atention i'y lre uiu people aud lley a iii 'ltIl enouglitlat le gise thient importauce tr tigitI mutihiy. Agitatoieabave, upithe people tf tiis libey cannt (Io t il i Ï. bave glveulte People sai gSd puttitlemulîla 0c(uttli 9 tuai it ey vili Donlieave IIuloaabsottiitelyi people wbî are rest turbaiicclu-day ilu represeuit lipetrt-tnte lin' Ilt iel a pi WOuoot-iltl nt lie l'it Qiiote You OnuPl D)OInestlcs *weet'L i1,rl u Vrtfl-iil , î Nîa 01-4 ulti'rii uil 63- urf lu 9flitimc uiltic u <3RAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. t B.BhiRMAi.JaCd Blle,. Mcas. sherman la autbori to bremive onNimi'ptionnansd adverimmeuitm f0ttheIN&B]PDMN alo oder fo lbs lit sympalonbe fr a tesci. GRAYSLAIIE SOCIETIES. ISI<NOll$UN Loilga No. lis A.FP. &A. M. bîtld regular nomnuuI aiols onday eveiîlus on or loreul:ll cowon. ~. LSOÂSOÔE. 1. à. FMNLoN. W.M LNBAO.8.07. S'0lOSIS Chaluter. No.8U Oriler Emmierul sitar nient lirai auditrd Trie da e veagae Mmm. CAaaaM HIOLMY. W. M. Mle im<içU Dousai. Sect. CBAYSLAKE CampNo. mai M. W. A. mee s-on attad dtourli Satuirtiay eseings of JOHN CaSRIMaTi. Clark. C'OURT tOF 18080 NO. 164 MM.lltgm 1ti k*anti tetiSaturdaya oi caeh i tontt. E. L. Ro.z. W. 0. Mus. V. Biuait.Rte. MIZPAH Can. PNO. 2" B. NA. 00 eondOlu and darmer- V.B lu. Orace. SaIttlar etleiiiigi. uit 548ip. cM. Juniors tu,ýtstinStlat Sp. m. Babatît Siliotti ti: ..i. RV. FluonNAîtso!. l'astar. W C. T. V.zacetage verY alteezute Fritisyfran 2 tu4 P. zM. ERat E. ADAMS. Pies. Mas. FtomaSca Lusita.Rail. Sec. R ocKEFELLERt Lde N.sis 1. 0 0. F. R mn.tlnniu2d sud 6îThîiýrdsvt. W. DomJTTL. N. 01. G RAYSLAKI LotIr.IlM. W. W. No, lu MeeiicatingsttiDti auturiýtsys K. Monai. W. M. Miss MatinS JarmgaB l8--'Y. Officiai Paver Of OrasmaKs. Mr. andi Mrs. Riuigton, of ChicagO. ttis veol. mîîniiy lu big terrible allileilît. Thisi ih t iird ebilti hO tas omt witinlua mouili. LotiT--lin MîlonkeOAAe..baiven jellorsoli and Sh<brmau's<corners, lMai- uraaudirou fortiricepflace. brasa top a.t)toul oua foot long, Lbterai reward to hiler b! retîîrunîg 10tMr. Juai. LiberiYville or Me. Vauilwood, Druca Lake. Ai a mueeting of 8Soroala Chapier 0. E. M. balti Isal Tueaîhay aveng Mr- anti Mr&a.M. J. wlteelock vero gîTait theo degroos o1 ibe ordar. Tbere ocra presani ou teoccasionuabout elghteen Stars irom, Waukegaii. ihree froit Aniioch muid 100 frol u QnoonEhibar Chapier. Auotlter bu$ 1usd from Waukegsl, onue fr001 LIIertYvillO antd ana Iconi Alioc li bail siarieul'tt (irayalake otan the heavy Storm caine up snd lhtey returuod 10 ibeir bhoias. Thiose woo vre bravo enougli ta lace te alorm vere rapald viten th'eY arrîve i n UcYslae sud recel'ued a varm velcome. Aller the regular yod in lMsonie hball tbe membera oacoted ibeir guasia 10 Woodlma hallt vliera tlîe banquet vaAsapreati go vhlcb il prasoul 41(1 justice; mter tbe tuer mau Lad bee autailsti, gsveral isistor a nd brotera vere calleil on for toat@ 0obici t iey recpouidad iu a happy velu. Loug aller tue mld- uight tour the complany dîmperauti.ail voting Itorcoas ChaPtE'rs rutembera royal entertalucra Times ia Pries. For the week oommenclflg Monday. June I 2th, w. wîîî seUl for the following exceptlonally l0w prices. Low ln PrIce, but NOT ln QUALITY. Watlun Cromh;'aiSuperlatve l rpe astk.5 il93 1 3-lb cau Pimpkun........ ... 07 1 3-lb caa Peara.............. ............. 04) 1 cau PorI anud Beau*a in lamaîna aiiî'uî..........ou Chearry Phosphiate, lier boule 106 Conceniratd Extraci Itoot Boeer, pr bole (Oô sweat i BliulBaklng Poodar, pr III11,a1. .linan .~ Sale ln SUIS .... Plai an facy eavea colora sud ltlack-etitiîvt.liy ails lu uov @ripe a d fiua brotmde as A few tf lte nany r e'tuted pîrie s on sailEs armte i'ftlltttaîgý M Bil81km. per yard ... .................. .$ 79 75 . .... ...i3 50. .. . . . . . . 42 Ladies' Wrapperut. aildeairablaettittra ............4± A goot Summer Corseti....................... 35 Ladies' Ganse tlndervear ... os liarI Prinaspar yardl...................... 1. lac fancy Check baieeua, pu-r yard................ L! Uo1e black hrocadetl1 !.'. 15c Wite DacE ... li 15e .. Pique .... lM 15e Navy BIue ....'... ... ilM Ille percales ." .... 0 Ai e r d , po lsfr. ".... .. . 23 AI Breadatore t.hlildren'a Slippers, black anîl tan, 12 t,'2 ..43 .. tan llppersm.6 la8....................2u $1.75 Hammocka wibh Pillow .... .............. 1.35 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinoi s. m ou O I7b - i l- it h ilsulite h uit t(it' -. A. (i. turnie bn rebilt bis blAck- Iaaelaiu btvits eepln lie5itse bettal latiti. titilititor '-suit h top the paât veck sud ia again lu My sataacit. 1 neeor fu it adly Lt prababi! ,Dg suIJaulrayfrbuies u uM ie.Wo am on Dyt U c j " t ai, . aaý,reoo sti tîa S o d mc e' e tiiUt'iishriiig 1titn wa âc fomrehcad an ha] se buad.ste elina'-tiutr&.A.i »mlieWtuIca dv 1 au e f t sa ipet I cute ti b elte lIa itî(i olay antite ntilt t hae itheuint.'larelativesain Hyde Park. à McCurdy's drug s"oreanad lbay and tricked ir ttBie uilgea go-e. ofl ilc . fuI -te 05 Moohn loinraandti iarrioms lemedy. Il .emu Ia l iýo hetlbetoItheY itheIr 9 belic pbev e vîtou r In ve d aîîîofm luvorked i 1e magie andi anea i ltiflitSewing Mach haine Evauaou audec1g. îbîg 1 avec uaed for toaait trotuble. ttc. aleS ootti ie ert1-dutat!if tt5Ri lt uii' t bas beeuiclacidod tat Mrs.iRtiidâ, 1h jiali faittc vwithont Il;inin y tomsu ]~t exnacbefore gaidownanadîthe ilttiîîpreident of! u tiate W.C. T. U., wolîlbereafler. for i abould flot ucure bu lie tli5 forme. u I d hli e W)t lad. is vrk l'ut tuai the rucruti fn.,,mee 0i1 pdurilOfl i1 AND - MLUEr speal aitte Congregatinal churot et endure the sufferluga tif hst uigbt I d in-t= 'ifore ictilit. huaIf iYli. ' tîtlr tsser !aler ibis T p aceieday ovauulg. JuIOS bib. agmun for Ofty timmnils price-G. IL to'w rading = Idbase scue va, the keep-rofil tt'dtrain- h tplr[~ne'r1,N vork, relegate -thitft oulil h.a-oaae bsalte in evri sîti.ý C IT Y O F L O U ISV ILLE Mr. B. A. Brown, of Loogootea, Wilaon, Liveryuusu, ltrgetittou. ye ands nuhse aiegon tasî. a paliea I tsltInlu - BlW lCiCgS. O0h Iiiatlvsta eaa iy t eiWashington Co., l'a. This remady aolelyau lie aneia ontaifllItcif the 'i'l. ur and Benton au rbor, Michigan yack oitlira. E. B.tafoShheb!F.m.n.VLL LbeiyrqOv Y.oîb, eatthet eilulatiout 1f tht IMMfi'.motter. Mra. Marilla Webaléa aPot lJ t acfi,<uue 155 Bs*. 'ang rtm tr D't inl proltiitton i72i-billisuaihf SIIDAILY EXCURSIONS Momdmy ibare. LARE PH'suARi-Y.(G. L. WENTtHIiuîN. IS AIothr une of M .'lSusl'H ittl hase iiiloWes .1 iwnit ltat.and tin tttt. Tt' .s'igt'k .tctof Waha,-b Avenue. Aohroa îftr isea ltl IýtI.' iatsfoieilu (nIuac ti tiye fd - iltit Ci as.i uti à- t a nd îI2 lIai tîthcmli. e t .5.tîîti cii tîgitrlstt lOttttl( t -- m....... a. m n d '. astt.,e.tit'a U 5 iu the coinm G 1u, iits tant ilitt .1-f lt'ît .'e .ta i i. tai" Lured liiiloh eveniu'g tMr. Habithât maw muL Ihor Ne. leaNetsw L'tiki puait it 1 titi i. u"-. t 'I - _ai sî,pî î t' t i ('til t'hi o t-a* the~ I tci'd 11hite Ma. H. G î.EASOS. l'e"- S t iiltil t t 1t,1iit'.l.itt -- -SEE iTIEFORE TOt y ittcause 55C He Fooled The Surgeonsa. 'u. .3( htnt. fU' U W W N tttiCIt tiFi ÏR ttueihiutg ki dii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ail ilaclors toltI Reulcl Hauitilî. ti li. f't5At.tto'f'ilitni U L 1 I 1~~t.~tti .OO iltun. sut gaislWenl teferaau, ., after anilcriug 18 ,ii futittoîtiîtitV. Bt il (s tnet"ai at.,at.' t fora aiiwiusan'otu àhafrout Rectal Fhatl ibcite oetl titi i.' ti tu- r't i i."tt'ttt -- 1 5li .ht Mi1t.dtubtnt Fruii diae tnleas a cotsly opecattl Oaa 1.t .ii.ifgu î Ili î 'trcedt 'ITha p forîneti. but ha cureti timnelf ivÊt i-i li' z . .'iirmittg surimar >4 oit ttc dis- i boxes o1 Bukein AeArica iSalve, .1 Il h btwoa . g'~- cubia dle net thve atrest Pile cuo arou iali ttcI.tiiHutirMii Bulk Starch..................................... 03C Of the . S,'uîiî, Iri1t.0I Ladies' E bdr ed H,'.. a *. kI.r.Liefs, 0 I tiftIt- pîplbet Salve in tbe woald.'3COs~ l'i.iHtîtr 0 a~tr.,au. 5 tîtat (eu, bax. Solti 1>. F.D1. LOVE.L, Literly- G.i I9 h'n. . u 1 Ap."t!. I EuBi t h vilG.B 'OisON, rysae'1ýt Wailî-ti A.., 4u tilt--r Mtu. 150 .1* 04c t ii itagetufI ittgi10o0 ' Silk . 'OC GRAYSLAKE, 100 Children's Linon Collars each------------. 02c Q.Large Screen Door Hooks, per doz ............ 0c B., HI RICHS & COLap Robes from 55c to...................... $1 25 - ~W~5 0 - l b F l o u r B i n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 c IlaFIy Nets of ail kinds. R i r a - T HE1 PA- Breast Collar Pads and BaCk Padsu ail kinds and prices-10c; uj3 .. US àAGOO 209-211i Genesce Street, Whlps at haîf price--I0c up. But Our talk Waukegan, MI. FfrtDor orth o Waukegau bouse G o atesal NOTE THE FOLL( Geo, afterhalI,1lbhgood Cafea M bars Matil WAtttioug 1 i Eveiy Day Pdces on Staple Dry Goods. HAINESVILLE, ILIOI.1 br-gn -sig ýâ g,, A'I CHANsGE 8INTHE. MARKET No A&DAANCI' WILL BE MALiii :'s IIL AFrEII THE NEXT l1881E F THlI 11IAI lt ý Dscovered hy a Wom5fl- Auutlliur great uicavecy bas been 7,To~D D5 ASA EC S .sEtg LEV R B D .nujae, anti thal t ta. b! a lady lu bigs ed- EW, __________________________________country. 1-Dseasea iiîledtlcluicbes ...Abgrd (ilb $ tf 1.00 a discoait tfi Zpr ccnt. atlhie alîtuvet. np.tu ber anud for fsean years ste f Mle A lot of samp les ir r'bans u f q_3h0 'i 3 par cent, vital argons wene undarmjiucd sud Children's ShoE ,Itieit o f î$4(u.lhh 4 par cent. deatit seamati imminentl. For Ilinea uîects.sS ai$.' tu mar S ler c-nimonul site cougited i cessaaly, anti 'urcase ofV, or ore3 ler entcoulti not sleop. Site Oually dis- eovered a oay te, recovery, by pute- A le o lutiff Fiue ai pet Unhleached SheuthO. lied Ticking. citsalng oi us a btouleo f Dr. Kiug's 4ciSra taditgilu adahiefivie omuet relieved ou taklug flrât Men's Suits at 25 pe 1,.r yrd 4c tteuuîîîey, :ltilches wsode, per yardl52 dose tht asiteiept i aI .ght; anti vlb u1 iciiAmokg ute ii brthl ile Rm ¶e. 51: I.....'...tip, 3Aitîskeg, aItetpr yuar tt ...... e tnane î3 Iouilem bas been absoiuîlely ouThdn Men's and Boys' Pants, tii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~9 ..... Sc arpi îeis ie e ah ..- 9:lerusn a M tra. Lutter Ltz. Tu ce l'eatit ikiiig A <G A, ttheItet grade tite Amioakeg Milla write-a W. C. liatiel A Co.u Shelby, t. ctt......"" insEe. :1l itebes vIlle. per yard .. 2 C C. Til b ls ino a F. B. . C hil dre I.,ti ' nsri oii u le.. irtfl F eathtîr tictkîng tineti for csi'pautttrul peoita, sinînal lau LovFLL, Lîbertyvîlle, G. B. TU3oMp- bîaOvy gft ebra, 32 Incies ode, îper yard 19C SN aî rYglake. Regular aise 50e sud-. Suits made to order. Fi heil Wide Sheeting. Fauiy t-y lied lcater ticEllîg. soleti iuti, boni qulitY $1 oî Every boutle gnaranteed. a .............. M 2 inche it le, pe.r yard ..........-.-.......- I4c and have it readi .... éShrtings. Lasi fai t1 apraîneul my lf ibP ' July will Sc ...... ..... . à Anîîuaku-g tu ileti sbrliluîgs, lubitue sud whiteannd brownitile itsutiungoorne vy baoe. The r sIllmt white checks, 27 gt s %An ida. test colora» POTiaoctar t cailetiou sait iretI i'lwasss . ... ....yar ... .... G idighi airain sud wonld @oon be voht, 1 . W Twille Shirtngs. bt it lugewore and te doctor thnW . .E i toI fi,* Ri..t wUUdSîtnaaidi1 hait ehontinned ~ ~ j iltahedCoton.licti uiligu ta l a it iirtingli, the b(tntgouttefur mena logroo vocuie sud t coutl bardhY gai - j.AKE ileacheil otton. aliiltr siitntdreses, tat tlye, sinail tgiîied. aroubud îa yack. 1venu 10 a drug GA SA E .1Vineti suie> . gîtutîlalut.- f0inclbta aiti-.lie yardl...... ...... -10c store andl tae drugglat recommended ISCY nOIUalut vaiet .......'...""11Iýkao vieli an goi c .me otry Ctambeclaim aPain Balin.1 dOWfl, WeAk, exhauted had - i f tc b u' l.tît yar ......se6'4C lutil l ried it aud oua-hall of a 50 ~n ote bau taem a% ii4<peryard....y44C ured me anîîceîy. 1 nuîw recommenîl MI »yus W" ue vas tuf~ ~ ~ ~~~~~% th'etî-iuî u- Ve otiii uie a Sluu-'llittutî lit i îuily facrnîumer ittos Il mir frienda -F. A& Babook, ph diath if'tI .Mpryr lias uhessu'ii ilîl l'tiar ssay tt l2ýtv pi'r yard. Enia. s. ioiufr aietYE..LiOVEItI, t!C fh.Lg D . ice îtSeeig ' ilfî'eî'tttl i'e,îîh uiît thirlieu S-loteIIyard Pot- Libertyvillu'. J. 1. IIiACUER. Gnrnee MW NSfl.dIgwAfl15t a- thed WIde terî' r ... ............3. (»IAYSLAiIi' IHAulMAcT, F. L. WE14TE5- Mii Nele Nw "dis' andercief. ait, Rokîtefellet, JOHNt M Et, as wel jasevera eh&@. A. white. h pher yardi,-thâe'. u l dies' ljn l kr ier ut. te a pe Ivantie. cg.SIý tat o ae all amieri.Me. 'tll/( atî il iit .t th thc 1 mâcth WOIî Giorloua News. afoe jgait ten 8 -' ac C rt ai .co ntes fu-oun D r. D . B . C argile, tif 8 111110- W d M O" V U doudsîaiie ml, e -Lac Curfiains. hia: -a, . 1'.uHeorrites:y-'P dangi, l .S mdlag a le elautu.ttit- P .r t m "f t' iuilît ....u- tis lro a l c c Biter a. Our:cbm%@ a . & bus W 1cautaMibarbgeeitiaitiffori0 b ior y0i là la'%*o fal.d& segu t..p -W FulM ci I". eeii. I c ov yalmOlur tc îitttlv. plilow Cana Widlhs. tlee ill"îîîîlSlt'utîîîg 42 In h ivdu', 1tilt yaird........ 5 4 4r. iîîeb vide, pter yurul ......... Sheethns Widthu. hileauabeiîd î iiut$tit'tillg 6- 4 U iuîîlî-a a ilt', pie yîrî ... 63 sa..f.ue..ît........ ]locfor 11111 lknims. B lumo a e p r By a rî t y . 9 ý 1 i m .f ureud yent. 1 ihs îie er yard fooled' into buying an inferior hine, corne in and see SCRET w ". Drap he Ha8 4'. . '00 UUY Amy GIHER! [ADL¶UOTI N'.: IERMANq ILLINOIS. Talk is a money saver. OWING 25 25 ion in aIl shoes ..' nMen's. Ladies' and :s and Slippers. ýr cent of good values. i, a large lot to select from. -n's Suits. ick out your sample now y, for the Fo urth of oon be here. EDWARDS9 - - ILLINOIS. flerf-tu ytîl ift. it' lir,-ii t 1 1 ut. F.BAIRSTOW. M " MN UF A CT URE R 0F h . -i,'nt ývvti ae ol40le en ulaecr LeIÜ Ladice' Suminer lU derweer. terrible sorîta vould Wreak out On hi- Se. L.-0gafes émoov.a C-M rl Wî' itas lîcaîl aes( niti face su i te beat doctora okosImzimi Ervs cii rtc. 0.pln ,1 asmh %V.- juive i'i titt t toion urjie (te îiiillter 25 îtIî'u (utuilea' lt a cre tMDa Ie st lter %t-t, faitî1.îoiiîtl y triîitiwi'tl.rîgiilar :17î' gîttîtî. cîUld give no belp; hi e ue l r ISM dalcma~ llmt d 11 a Men i' t îtilit titi' ttX titely low prive 4i ut ttf late muet ber bealt in laexcelleiii. o l gà A"1(raf t 1tif9 lQ'Ible ttWs shai Ih)unada hbave 1~fAI»(rîit n2 Ine-nants aoflreass-(Inoala....e...etiitaElectric litters la the Allt ii tît îîgiiiItIsitiîi :îts'irv t' ~.rt'i [tL ota i, tillttai pîrite Etnon. lia tbe Mtîm n 1'C A tifiittttitI'"i. iii tlt ii i lt it7 at tit ey 1riiie ramnctly for aczema. toiler, rnltolýr olli -iglN2tw t nat rînu. nIcra, bita sud tîiDli ci-r. IRY 15C it i t't I i t'i 'tt tlî' îtiis' li s ' n tri Imtiînîîlate i'ilver. kltlFy SO 17,: w it.i ît îcl îrlte i ' i iI eliar tmtr a iwi s o Ii ai il tow ;t. în x pela fpolatîrîs. help a llge s 'on .s s w l a y u s a .W O R k lU $ i tîtaunti. it wttti3 't t îîîild.tiltettit gtli. OllYàIIIcoula.Di e t h V O t làShien, Ladies' Fine Shoca. S 1'. b Il.L oVRLL, Libetyville ,i~7Dm $~gjifjIftteodDBd 2tC G.I. ii'its. Grayalake. botlu o aequan useufuii ittti t i"n e agtin .i hue latîmeluit. I T____________ aunr. nIradla<imlt __ mIete gheningandil 1.00- .FJRY uisit. Clt' e "...... . ..... SO. t 1 83 Cucumber Pickles Wmamffo »mua«"&IteeimtbýSeddlî«t- ecrlptoin. lv Crockery. ion1tliew pIanteti from June moIptlo, 8.1s 77 10mO .sroath ft li e0fcienoJ. h nrîi ta-. sa.We ui lli, ((ixs tît t em siek qutte yon ltitet 5li ta Julie 2(tlto jicie good st.moimedii.hnu«ja WMit Ve fferei.rleves Sud permaoeftlY Cure§ lrlees ti('1 r,rkeit tandlamssoer. Crop. Contracts andl oued can be s. . aftàb% dîgmtion, HBeamu'. - ~ liaddlit Ni. B. Colby & (Jo's. fthlLAeILPWîm S au .&U~rmltoLotimvileII. WAIJKC"rN. l B. . TAPo 29 Lieryvly 4)111. me. (29 uly ) byS- - F -Nu-r- Ir-lk 0 j 119 À

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