CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1899, p. 6

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r1 QOW 0,N MRAIL-1 Wbsn theCmr,'. St.penuus mPr~he le C.aulated Our Pacist Cosî May Uaa Ng«& tmportsnî than the *a"ie. Ibm Rusalan ministere etralroade us qpMd ln resnt St. Peterstiurg dia- a s sayiug that tcre la no M"Mr doubs that ttc Trans sibcrijnn »" dw-lbibLt fluintmd omt yae aud ISBa wheu il la completedIt il ii te pos- athlm to nke te tiparounu tic w-rid la ihint>- brce days. un Iis saure dis- patcI Bremen le tuten for tbe Enma- pas trling point, fom the reason that li lereacted b, stasmer trou New- 'Tck thence tise route ludicaled lal kBremen te St. Peterabburg in une ual a. baiLdaysi Si. Petesburg ta Vis- &lvmfta*.tion da3s; VadPostock to Usa Pranclaco by steaer, four and e.&bfdiys; San Franchsco ta Chi- «j;» Ibree sud an-hait days; Chicago li New-York,.oeeda-; New- York to Uan, seruda>-s. LguEhI this longest rallroan lu tise fLi Uub toIr4v le daya 16 On,*: it Atksî tonghtthlU promiaed sho- ealng of the tisse wouid seem to b:d anythlag but gond tu the tratnsconti- nental traffe ef the Unted States and Canada wtilch bua bren beretofoce at- fôrded by Engisad lu ber commerce w-lUi Asiaie couutes. But the intense rivalry exlsiing betweu England and Rusaila l t e taken luto account. The trana-Siberian rmadl w-i l be citens- I-el>- patronizeul by Englaud-ih w-il be supported by Russian trM anfcsd, ln a degrer, by German. Tîme, It la truc. la, a valualie ciement lu commerce, but it wiîlI be l algtt of by the Engliati whtle puabing their OWn Interests lu opposition ta those of tarir unît don- gerous rival. England. ai sny rate until the Nîcareguan canal la coutruct- cd, w-lU coninue to support the Cana- dîsu Pacific Raiiroad by ber ahlpmeuts, and aI the samne time sud tron tc samne source the transcontinental lhues wlthtn the United Statea w-lU bave encti a abare utftiruefits. Cour"* of Empire Tunned Back. il la for other reasonanot to b. teared thal the course of commerce-af cm- pire-w-iltir changrd. tmmcd haek un itsl, and made to move toward the east. it bas ever brou wcstw-ard go- iug. aud tier. la every reaaon te be- GItEAT,; RAILWAY SYSTEM 17rlAT RUSSIA IS BUILDING. uum eti cotîîplted tirai year It wll Ileve that h vwiii continue lu thaT dîre- bave ee n1te yeara lu course Of cOI- tion. Clvililzation, g0 far as we know, ubrtion. The preUilmlary plan Otfls began la the Eupbrntes waile>', moved .mtreton iras outilueil by the late ta the Nle valley. sud then to the east iCuprer Alxander 111. Of Bussta ln end of thae Mediterraneffn. Rouie took Mb rescrlpt afidresard lu May, 1891, te It up aud apread it rutlrely around the tbCuarowiiz. Surveya were made for Medterrauea.o, andl afterward It drftî- portions of t coriluuons tran"ISbc ced ont loto the Alantic. There wa Mm road ln 1887-6S. Demigued ta tir- neyer any change or sbadow of tara- &ta et Cbelnblask, near the bouudnry bg lu the course civllzatlon would betwet-I Europi-au and Asatlc RusSa, puraue luIts march over the world. Il wras toecenl lu V"I.lvostoiuk on te Meanybule easteru trade wasslied by ftefi- oceau and. logpîlier iiti, the the advanclug nntlon'u firt Venlce seinof RumIa raillrnds. was des- posessrd l. Ibm nSpain and Portugal, lWnad 'or conneedlng thse BaIic Sein with sud oefl BoUlnd and Englaud. Veulce the Vir. For the sake ot tacilltY Of ceased asîa worlii power, aud ber auc- i.trc l Itis divlded lto sevet, cessors te the trade of the Orienat Unes under ftic tolowlug natuci. re- Iw-ile coutlnulug ln the rîcti tralilc, aper:el>-: The Western SiLerail Rail- iookcd cicr out toiard thc wcst. At - ---- - lcxgtb natiuns surrendercd that trade to commercial compaules. aud tlîem- -~selvcs aoaigbT mnrersnd more te dis- ouvre and oceupy new lands lu the dis- tout west.- Exactiy tirce centuries WAY. OYS élueuàIsaction» of th. Ulbortmnraliroaf as arc brtug opraied are reported te ba earnlng operatlng expenses. The trot. or weatern, section effrd ex- pense@ the tiret yar. whicb w-sa 1894. Il carrled ut irat. second. third and fourth clama passengers 15-9,315. Il brougbt 19,6 selliers tutu ther couna- try, beaides 33,000 warkmeu aod 22Mi convicts. Iu 1896 the connectl%~ or Ornak-Obl, section carrieul loto the country 37500 passengers of the dîffer- eut claames aod 116,02(3 settiers. Iu 1890onfltte thîrd sectin, te Chiefa- binsk,. were earried 23,7618 pasarugees sud 3,1>72 artilera. That Ovni tbougtt to tir a gouil bcglrnng. but il la stated that since 1896, te rosd tiavlng bren enormotîsi>- rzendrd nnd oid stations Improveul sud new stations esiatilshed. te pascunger businesa tisa largel>- lu- ceraîd. Officiai tables sre flot ai baud. but l la brileved tbat during the tat two yeans flot irsiban 330.000 emi- grauts bave srrived In Sibenia. From ail accounts the mont of tIbm>arr con- tentcd sud dolng fally w-cIL Tbe total recoîpta asat yesr for traspStatioo of passengers and trcigbts were upward ut $3.5000. Thesr figures wlil serve te change tbe Ideas many holul ot that country. ieons bas ever bren r.- garded as a frosen wasic, unlubabited except by exiles and quito unlobabit- abile. A country that can furlelat sueh an amnount of busineas ta a uew rail- road la pWlani> omttilg vemy different tram tisat. Wheu thse rosd is compîrîrd tise pas- seoger tbusinessa w-lU brlargel>- lu- creased, for the w-s> pasaroger traffle wlU incease. sud Il la certain tisaI thousanda every year w-i prefer to go allI<all arouod the world. rapeciali, as that w-sy It la ebeaper sud quieker. Tickets trou Warsaw- ta Viauivatock colt 1-20 rutiles, or $8240. l'rom Lon- do to, Viadvostoek thic osi t saticket la $119, firt-casas; a secod-cansa ticket la considerabiy cheaper. A Chicago peran koow-lng the tare to New York sud Laudoü cao eauliy calculat the cost of transportation trom bis ct througb Europe ta, Viadlvostek. The price of a firt-laus ticket tiy ttc $nez canal tu Japan la $42M. Adul the rice of leeping bertis, twelve nigbts. by the Siberran rouir, astîli ibere la a sav- lug et $190. It la catimuired ihat 160,. 000 ffrst-cisas passeogera w-i use the new rouir anoualiy. Expecitous eVualy higb are moeriaIoed of the frelgbi traffic. Gooda goiug over Uic road ta Uic east and those couling west w-ll br those that eas psy Uic higbrai rates, sucb as tors, goid. alîver, plat- iuum and tes. As the estimnatoul cosi of building sud equippiog the road la $160000.000, the higteat raruings Il ma>- br capable of wil br uedeul ta PSY a profit on tie lnveî4tment. But as the rondl la owued lîy tte Russiao Guvienet sud as atiove ail thingsaa mililtsry rond, pecunary profita are uot iibat are niainily aoughât. lia-W Branch Ro.ds. F'rom asînnuathie firsiT te ucîlity of terIussians lu Sîberla baautoui eu coufiued To building the tmain fine. Brandi tonds wcre emn>- cotemplateil and nsotme aofttimm re c'ampictc'il.The ilussan rilîoad froîn Elntî-tobîtrg ta ILINOIS STATE NEWS1 OCCURRENCES OURINO THIE PAST WEEK. Chaplen of Accidenta A ttends Enuri ai Artur-Formver liSentroam Effecta of a Renting-Ottlauajury Finda Mlc- Citas Ouilty-linois News lu iuef. Sutudur ai 10 ocl1,uk thla Arthur Gnnnii Aray pont boieil"1' 1'. W'ciia, W-to un asptyxialcul by Il.silt lue Hayes Hlcie lu Chicago. %Viillc tec oeemtorwas it prugresa ut tec ecliscîc-'tce news %as brken to G ua Batur ttl is 13-year-ul sou hall jîlitt tuemurainseu l te ixni- mung The sock 1uostrated Mr. Bain-r. Amnd w nut-h is alfu'Nau tld outhItonsiaofo ber boiy stt went ficanlen s-it grief atud becraîitii ueuoîîseimmî-. 'lluîy arr btt utuna preriucumiditi,ii ll'tllc ttc un-rîul prrulirlun-lsremurnuing ronitre relue- ter>- lîlte Mi-titrur Tean,,and carniage rail ot'r Itrun. Buir] ulian's ittir 2-yeiar- old daughttr. Ttc reu-mon-ir>- ettetilîl in douititul. lhos, (lia (Clarkh, sa ituesustu Ibe au-iulcui - ainutu-miaildiiis ucarnicil lu ttc neaitboTuse, lu iýe'elle is>-foe four ours Iefore 'recaeiutg t.titcienttl t e remin-iletauhi-r tboule. ssay lBny- Quupie. in Chicago. Theiî 1 nis laniui'ien'Assoitionl uisn',malie piil iit ila oOntent nitIbe Govertimu-u unir turnaftuorun ienever arnry supplis ire meten'orTuehiiagu uvui bani' thle saîti- poîîrui inityin Tobld ai Bu.. ton. l'hnhi epiîmn» u'Nw Vont andl miter Easute nities. Nioîre' uluiii 100 artiflesarte un-ie n tuplivu-î nuteuuid, thu' gi- mmal tradsiitîîu lîîhiîîg, hardwarîne, lnts, teîlit niteiais. nilisn a]i ntrumetnt, nIa- thouer>, louias, fings amil icidTfruiatîngs. ])les trois, i. ealiss. Josephtolie, uit . es' T iauî (mlit> (lied as i l u-sut unia l-iiig lu hu-h li-uii-i- Vici- au IIunithllfînire and ii n s iîîîue Tuuinda,-lie wua, ialltiIo lu grAilo- bu luuî le. ruotetltuuin iion nntihll anu lîîn tiiecîn bni 1,,l li In n duunl. li-t mna., fouluai a fe ioiii i i l cr0 anuand la kun tbolei. liei- lu-la inaul, temîuu on1e af li'. a--nmluiu-, inhuamîlle renîgnizeil anai nai) lu lialiai, nîîi-i i tli tb iuiii l-oisn.I uit, of Nurde. AIt(iltaun al'ulir Olun f lharqmuitlm- wai fi îunul utiil>- cimtte iuiedee utf John Rouich n tue u iiiitii- )t. 10 sud tieburyu i sî'utuîîueh uii ti ubu h ügued. Auordiîîg 1cm them' .'tiuui.iumr in thi- na-.c1h ' lui)- tuve iiuiiiinthe m liiue wil ,, do â%anun>tn hiii Ei..t il, si-Oit hua le lattue oaild nta appu'arn ieufmn- tlue grandrijuin> ugailnt prIer a soli, n -1hetcnîurd.rcr. ou the ehange oualarin. Chircb Eiliela.l)edleated. At !Moiiuntu lu-ili, the Cumbîelandl Pe-chu tu-niain 'bteluIa-I idialu'd Sun- ulri3 iNuith uluIloîiiiaIil-cnu i, Ren. IL. Ni. 'rîunnuuuuuui lîîr ii ucî-nîîIî lle icer- monn l lu.-firme rourandiTeb A. M. Bi- nucml-e. lh. ieiu'tu s l T-- nituuuulitC l $.iO, un.a-. lie gi nt b ii hnut',iutc ci- ii. Iealun ng abrut I$ii,)nu li bu' mcc. Proîprriîn in Iiiuo ('l-gm va- I r cîîy ouit iîîrîucue îns- pli> t-iil i Il,înînrîu'aeîgcuîîn le u su.nîIi-iîula ii tinu i;i i-hii tumuisu thu-C'f-uc lctauiu'uuu îîîliuîit î uith'e -u iuihuury. WtiIli ai foi i uii lhîuithe w1'lnigt,". u ailegoEngland Ilorporated the East lu- tý cit diacopay, he Eglad asen-nerl cOPlte an flepeaductofnt30,i.I s halî...îme la--nn ii-ca-ci lTiili gaged lu makiug conuiîsta ou te ibe itiosilil ion bhaie aisluaportaun it ~30 Pr L in î ic Ameican contineut. Wmnetwrd thr Outiri 10 the White Sen, and banud Nýtî,rk. aîciTTobd course of empire inkealits w-ay., filu hanf wl~Ibm hebuilding of tie main i.H. inuiaiiiniig-itof rîîî was pursuing ihat course wheu IL lefI Sîbetiani v-ner v'nys eouuoetilng vith Neb.. nlilil i tici igo oniluiiiit ilyti XAtS.WÂY se T UaE STrPPE. thr Atlantic lStes of ibis reputllc aud thecnlread la sprogressing. sud sorveya Dt-roit.ln'hia nît as Loiroîldf e$t$5i. ______________made lils waover Ibm Alegbieis sud are îîrepariug for the building of Hc thintî i'rilt, bhry oiieoiinnaN'iaitîn stit88 mle;the Cilentral Sîterlan, loto Ibm Msssippi vallîy. Agalu il brauqils oadaToail Uic marc imuportant Buîreîîn srnitt h1. nlicer- lie Oi',iiniil a 2,1» slles; Uhe Baikal Loop Lino, 195 was pursutng tbat coursesw-len, lu towi ofthie varioua provinces aud ta roui,,and i.inka iit îduiîiig the afteriia'ît, salle;the Trans-Bslal Rail-oad, M 8149-50, thse Pacifie casat lvaa reacturd. (ho miulng districtsi. Eew eft tsese Union îîî,îe uaOn a L t'lle. anàa; the AmOar. 1111 milea; tse and lthe lntermeflIate couotr.y tegan10 branchbes w-ll b. built, howevcr, uatif Ttc uniii îion nlii.r lnloyîl) inuChanOt-a ]Setb Oussouri, 227 mie, sud tise tiroccupied b, intelligent people. Our Uic iruuk lune la compicteul. for mont Vaigiiiiîit %(icki iîiiir aIni -land ofut $.5i1, Sath Oussouei, 252 miles. Se that Uic intercat lu "empire" la. or was utuof the cuergy aud moune>- wili te de- s Ihîiy. miiiv Ilîrna lii i,.iialltcn 10 al tatal ieugtia af tan elroad lu Aiate reeently, liid ta thcac Unted voted ta tise main osdutil the gretcsIi u.A rit lt ui oftmartiindiî-r aSIr RassIs ,was deaigneni taOr e4,507 mlet, States. Holv atatInlereat us, ex- pecjcct la an secomplisird fnct. tan-ii, IIlý)!eI[,l. d itiponunicouit ofitheuic &" itise total distance trou St. PetersO- tend and baw permaoctly oobody Au enormous part of the country- tatsi aue.- -u bang ta Vladlvostock, or trou Uic Bal- Juil uew- eau say. But il la atsoiutely la tributar>- te ttc Siberano Rahirosul la w-nIt tc,. lîXlIl ta enai. tir Ses ltete Pacifie, w-n s ctlmated at certain <at ttc paritishe Unted lStes anapi, tuesed b, nature snd la cnpa- -liid- f irî-., î'of ith, (ige 1,1- A=IB miles. This gigantie work bas are ta bave Intie trnde sud commerce blc of supporting su enormnous pope5- tha-rar li l..ioliCIl, h-an nMcei lises prosrcutrd v-tb marvelous vigor of the bryond-of ait ihm Aiatic coun- Istion. Tbis rouai w-i be the main fnc- iiI- naiTril-.idl liioiuîlin sud siadinoss aa en -cr sgô was de- tries-lantt e Immenssud soion ta be tam lu the nexî century lu the dei-lop- Of Ilie 1.nNi. Toy 1i. as ninur rof clared to be uarlug campletian. realhard. The compiction of the tras- met of au important traction of tise t heI inîrîii. Changfe in the Lune. Slitce o ailmeaulla an Leveni of ttc eartha ssurface. IVe havc ouI>- ta jllmlru iaf e lsta Changes have beu uecessitated ul igreatest ignifiesuer ta this country. gisuce over the liaI of the peuiected 'ri', :.j>ILucii.iioin ii tiitih uI,,i"li *9 hune by recrut eventTs ln China-fi mans, finit, that Siterla. s counry fines eouuectiog Uie Siberisu rond mita u in c li illiI. u(i-llunn ltiuc iS-e 09lglnaflY OIoui ue port on the Pacifie as large as ail North Ameelea snd China ta gt aufilles of tam Immese Ine- .,il s, ir i in icil,, Iitalur v-atoglit ut. Vladlîostitck. aud that slale' n ui'lii' .ir w»aIo e tcreachc'd.. fisi. h> a northri>-e tae1ape1[s ssid Sien b, a southeely ueud entiîecy Bnief S Int n-siiippeîiî'Ill1 lkrosgh Ittîsan t tor.. But ow-îng qw( heioni of 41n t tare i i. ninui li Weîrests obtfnud by Rhusasln Man- Bttcf11,,nn iiinuit lin-r u 111>tîri ahuicrti lsrasiemcd Inexpediet tni w r lit - 'Ii ii 7 iui. a lrtai flow- ttc ilue as it was onéglily sur- e kî-llnýII 1, tici [Iu--. -lnaic, ia weycd, aind ceordungi> a umw fiue di-eiiilriui , vect froua lekutsk outhîmeat ta Viadi- dv,iLIc i t îlîyiîii)utnriune vostoc.k soa coptetl. Stil1 more recrutci saelloI1. fret eveuta lCh(ina h ave causeul enoîbere 1lu'nt iiW1)rnI-é- Gln aidsiI..Oio~ change Ilui hanmatit ine tu he Made, sud i ,chiIIli.Iil l it. Lz:i-t ori ii il ii r- lai cotiilliîlTce biiîoNl.,adivotock but ikilliii i a trinl N liii-Illlî' tînî Pot Ailhue oit tic tte terminus un iog lreIitmt nehn.o ,i tbe Pat Là*. Su that the Trans-Siteian it.LIlin h înnleicitini .iihiallniu is . Rahiroald tides loto tise rpongn as n inIernugilctC;luoiintiitni star aptroanot au made o 1thebPacifie. *îiui,îtf.n. i iu ioe > on prong gar etsrnlgbt ou tai Viadi- * J - Cu.n-îui jr--nzy ltt iun c lîîau, 134 xoatoc.k. nicstteet stiken dutan theough tior hrgt1 Maneluiria suds bled bears lun a soutti- tild b'yhrwn erly directiou dowu 1teIPurt Arhur. i,,. îi M u î i-..îie,nand Si. Paul JWther of ti>er mIlater ta a siioriereoui al-d »the taca-a h>- eyerai huudmeul miles, tise .ThI.-hiri-ho h -rUi.enig.ii i ,erolas hild Pert Arthsur route beixag the sboets r ~ tgiitu ue fteii-aIamîîîu ÏK tise fIle. ladivostock ta tntte,0 b. 10 lii ilet liciti tilt. t oit as iericil t .kîandouod; i w-ll bave Its raleromu ad et lert niîci oent. thi rtii t eoltcdThe be made lu cousequeuce a commercial tva vi-iru anîd tie ntrîîotîîee ivil te knootn place et importance, but hi bas the dis- OP esthe Euil ili-ii. al lt. aivantage of bcng durlng one-haifthtce Chicago si, i vec a i 100000 ) envo> ycartitilersnuw- and Ihe. Prt Arthur stanl. %ISuii nu i madeîînîi ntanand- la elthe bmycsm round. But ttis latter nl u beanlr , uîîîuts ni,îh for bieniîttc port China coul betore Rusia de- grait lue 't n natui niIIttcelaidits ut cideul To extenul Ilts -I rli alil- t hi' îî rli tua>- fint] mlii li, ni nuit sutit ped thtter Rusla muni have cocue ta nnslnidsatt i a satiatactr, tudî'rtnndiug wltt l- ak China. IWitiinie preseut yenr, thun. .înIi l'..i~iii.prl)res-tir of pc'uhîgogy 8L roter*atg w-ilbte cotinected by in'lutt, 'tuiiiIrul>i i llinocis ati'atuagi mil nou alouy ili a .ldiostoek. but sill ieii-the'niit--nr JofthtuW' Cool, ai w-lUi Part Arilbur. andl prot>atay w-thiaîuAIOU.ND THE WORLD IN THIRTY--rHREZ DATS. pre..itl, i~itteI lllinois ititîtcNorarnni i m«l eit rr hi rancis roada wlti Cao- - - _______ bu sud Pe'iiu. about as diveralfieul ns respect t@l- 1fEuenç i1.s t ua certain teavirbl B> a.1 'lv f h ti. î orach. lte gayn. lu lit la estimatoultibt alteryl the rond 1. mats sud soit and geeral frtility as ai-rn s fheIntercala ut Eastern Ala. ai l'ti'.l',ris Itrîtt. 4fflt i uflred aiter tOh iit fmw- 7ars of large portions of NortAmerica. vill bouîiilevard,. tliiigo. asdthet tc(lesta of asmc the jourtay rstain4t. Petersbaurg be filîrdaup witt ludutriaus peupe, No Wondler Lit PaimIu. Feol %V. itîcr. 15!) Forly-sricnlh ~ Pki wlUlx tadeluile ny a ud uIbtr Ietwnhtucnu A tender-bearleul olul w-ananoticcul sure-it te eki wil e adeln lv das.1 id Éatbe Aseia -ltteh emug borné w-lUia bronulruubrTiu lt.- siiiiiliri alaiireate service of ili Prom Landau ttc Most tImportant tarW laba out 1ail aîrmtcbrd arooul ia lc juitbe Utba no t'i,livas. cii n ntisolnnill- sitn- Ua' on the Japon> 5ev witt te evpennw-I ew lte sud shamIng modemn tret. chasoul tscwlg drlî-mr 0f, tt.1> Ciiiin.'ioiiic'iu nicice and a huit daya. Il la 00w- possible b>- 1 ohpUrty. Se uiy tmat ia i cî.lii iii'i lnai Sa fille 'Nrth Eipreee" ta go ftmLou- 1eLic ites w-llthIen uxlintie te cabu v'by it w-sa ther andti uggmat- Cuulîîînî-" 01 -o dmtg SN.Wa'e*uin utv-o days a"i products oun alarge seu'e wittiSiturin cd tînt lit was marc thauncrelmte pl.ace t;i i ttr.iiEgibtnitt iii onlth.-ianimni.l'n leiîuiitvil -.ui- ets'to.u iSt ienfbore tae ePossible Chinaanud even, oibîe Coutrit n Uiat cali on ttc animai.tiirLlmi Lodnla sevnu or quarter ai the glatie. ,"Iwi tcePacifie "Vms, mu." elicul the c0000>- its iile bliu luinî, lg ilicnf.r nt îîtii3 ,' ycî lelllt da>. M thls lu thet-utitre. Occsn vtIi te w-ite wtt stenm sud pittutl te the biorne no itoutut, but lin Irisfrlh roa Isn'r-ad gl! icsu-d sail, as the Atlatntic uow Islaunu cor thts aotthebm norst or IL. ita the gel- i.iinlitLinnnl.'iî-tuti- ýIhgtb radten n ad w-iftii tng u ofien tuaI pains tc Poar îîigtin I,. , rinlniiiltK ,' llliauu tiltnr et whcb tin .rtus iia w-u iaiotPacILIC Sates w-îîî be poptîlateul perWi. v hdtaa-tc tcbudad .,- iliîil .ifiti-,'ii.î-. iii-aiI uioiii--i bu Smaelr thb tw-nty umie natu. baps 001 lras densîly thais-Japan. Ttc draîyv icoerllte horetc teubnd anodu lt i. Itllu iî,i h 3,la , Tjîvi bu even Il f iii lx. passible ta go cîn-lzation en ise Pacfie roasat w-lu atb. wI ve h ireslia n lw hemrho &w 50 ~~~~~atil lxiiiodyta get h0. tiiietonud ."a,îuS",Im id.e -bLon telapas a ine u tisys ttc bet ou tilt@ uinincitansd the b Chias'in se, êmdaja. Tise spienador of ls tradingt and commercial e "e l'o ic Iud aeniwled"'rxetin.rail) i iii..î.îî è utai Bt trom- Londoni scle'VmmeOîa iiili Oculiste suything thaI t '&yi eliiuun u i tlt esarld l hros tseAt- bas befltsknown lu thse pait on the cR51- hurrlfieÙ.---Cicago inter-Ocmu- 5 înim,-l-.iiia u r wnauLîmIl tW UniSj~ted States or cru ide Of tais coulucot. Oui>-the The smniier the womm te casierfi lt.- .pi or lin IYIi I i-ylie. NMuhticltn &eto the Pac United States heail'51c5 ta face about le for ber ta tisha big Man arouad 0,'tiiil'~t il rat ntcîai . ué tliuck i tkesand face the Pacifie sud the Orient. ber fluger, n lu U.-estre 111 on ien Printr0fth* coutly. -4 c kn i pu i br to li ha nu zA. 4lsimc eoesesa. w-as dWmUfl itiu lakte, Alaska. Wiscansin Centrai treigbt depot. Chi- cae, bururd. Loas $40,000. lasse Petersan of Southi Chicago kilied nisit tiy cutting bisthroat. Hery traina lu Chicago overtaxeil lhe swerage 5>siemn, sud aleus w-mrcfloed- Marcua A. De Coudes. 03. Chicago. knon for bis support of missions la China sud Bummsh. la deaul. Atigtint T. Siekinan was arrestedlunNewt York, eta-ged a-ith embraziîung $3.80« fnm a 'hicago buildingand loi cinm uon>. (10e. Tanner tuasappoinled Htenry C Bthiwell us etief clerk erthe noetteru penitentisry et Joliet, vice R. W. Nie laîigtry. Jr.. son ut Wsrden Mc 'Trustées outhttcsauiter-district )tlth( contriet for the Rock Islndu Railroad brige over tthePisPline% ri-en BT Joliet no the' Chicago Bridge sud Iron Company for $14,720. Pierrepout Intatu, Chicugo, a Society luider aud bar purtuter ot Robent Lincotn uas atbe surd for div-oece b>' hia witr Ettma,.iao alléges crurit>-. drunkeuneai and inegîret. Hl'i Tndd, a pioncer renluient ut 1111 noin. dicd iii his homeI:thrre miles uortb su-t of Elgin. NMr. Todd w-as tiorn lt eothaud .ly 24, 1818. sud came ta 1111 aois lu 1837. A colision brtwreeuttc St. Paul limitel rain of tte Chicago andu Nortbwiesterla und s panaruger en'ue at lIespiaunea re- îilted la ttc death of une maansd lb. inJuorf uitTree lotiers. 'The Akron NMuning. Milling sud Manu factlîng Compauy tas iolisgbt ttc pleut tf ttc dettînet len-oIes iron sorts lu Atirora snnd ativ aethere. Ttc workal aore hieco lorati-d at West Pullman. Il n liîneeithere ivill te nu lug trust il conitrai towncufprupertien ounte allms rTc prîre plaet! oau tbeir buîsiness b>- the uni tlfiilinisuté;to f tniflo h anid ia iiie -idte cl u niTt 1,1nuse ofthttcprojeuil. t.ntchli'N liaislu-tn unstli- la raine tte ni in'c3 ii it, e nîi ii-eeing andîl tlrua- rvi- of ttc Illinais Fu reluiru', ssociation, uac! Vi'nra tînîtikgo rinîîîug theî-mî'sîary $3i04)l toK et t-me'etiingAnsg 1. 2 sud 3. A. W tarinun ui-lG7 ears. dicil ai Harrisbucutofcutaret rît ttc atoniactiHe ian ano ultei mnitht> lu lSt .j'h îlei ai aerilff Sei8gine ('oasîy. and i ttNMî -. 'î-î lteNacr -if larmiiiuirg. Ini addiiounuî ttc $500.1S00enni-nnct by NIn 1.3 dia Bradiley iii tc Bradley- la ltiu te ai Iîiuria - ibu tas îiî-cded laniiiin utî',îin. 'seuieliandutKankatierocuntîca ot rlî val cut oft 112.1)(1 Ittbat inaîta ute. i.uanîddaîth cngbt pienloias, an in'îsati in th lic rqhunicIteibuilding.,tChicagoi. iroýp- s-il trnlt thetent flinr. but nias lîroîîghl la a sîîildon MIII ln.tweîuuthicSecondlsud bhird finuars b>- tc nîation of tte autel> An n n-nit of nîrîtunt unin),sud a dasit sdeu liiospbiec'. an .î'of uite r>-t enais in Chucago. lunîîuauy canes thc nthaîid cri-n denclîl .tics,5 ahinn, v tnle lii liii genîun, ire pin îfni anud nuit Ihinus if i-ia lt>. Censulre f--r aC!a(l'rn Shi-inuii tialce i ai untainéici n the-veri -t, bnîîiî-îl cdow n by the eî,rîîuîr'î jurytin tbccase ut Edua hoile. 4 î. tonl. o l, ud- iiif ,ipil, ria nt 7-5 %%'esit Cliian-i .n inlîuie itlb-ait mmd mil Oliîhio nlî,n. - 12L3 anLi41 nilliiig frungtu iîî iiiinn 3 arIs iu u out iiia îi iiiîii-i ul,01, 'au ails iIli'. I.. ilhlis iughtly- injure] ani bath, ou A-. nineutfth,- tr coîti ttc plans Il!îinr Tir aoa gigiilotin C'bu ilil c -aie ttc ri-igtiat:iin -if (ail" rancia NV l'anti-r, prinipal il the Chi,-agu nir- liai uI il otu nlluok., etnîntht-urarn if liundy f-m te ti- n ii)I-g Lawni tî,ht six miiilesi .rtb 0f Lincoiln, .a- tlruck tir a ioiindaili, nti vuibildamo agei- nu ,-îîrtî-î, luit ui tutalittn 'The patm o utheiti'utîîi mai 150.4) triI ide and abouiît binhf an[aile - huit Hlnîii ii are un- roîtiteiîl ndinatny taninocml-r iiioetaeds biinlei - iiîu-'.u ii11 iii clandubg tres ln, Ilceririide Y.tcti'c, 4Y1Ellîs avls- nueiv. daughter utofcW B. l'an Il.St ouin timi' înic ut Ch, cagni' i lsdnîg ni- /tubits Irgiluprrlc.dniu .lis c ev- ir fîîr tue lniale irtliir. ta n.'lîuer a lî er ititereot ini an i"ulnt, u 5of i(t itu nnciui,iesreuil state in (Chicago. ,%ItCrý4unilLako. Sîil!lnuiS Siceiard. - oiînuaîlnu Nauîn aitNu 226, G.A. Mt ileuppeil (tendaillutle Iculii u ino oîut-î lu,rso a i ,i' [Ilu iois tlin-nr rît i n f,,,., tte sie îîai tbe ct-mtvry lins.sonu Irani i. Siio i, nhnier -iinirnnfc uttht Sois of -t( rnînaitu , ai tuni sur en-ia in hla, NIes. Aîuonî inuir 14ii -t(ii if-a Itîn . a l,..,ii iitb 5auit if fnisi I iu n - kli.',bh. üinnoi eviv-u i ii iî- i ifis ti-îthi îliit lun r' nnî lin ,jt-. ;dvrýhin.îaî'qnieeilthie I'Ilniisterlnt ,a)i> ie n .cini tarJ ( unit S riibs , rilitnd I feiit in itiit cuinm I. % dii u' i- i; in jarred - il and Nie-. i i(îîir3 bunu's lu-s srt îiî,-ti ut -.cich turne thut tii, on- .fen dils .a'gafift3 Ligin lues. tronmail nua of.u lii.. anîgeil uhuiiini u n sit-i ani staru"] uat uitit - Thien 'li tl iiuitiier tiluil uas vîer (lil). l'h.- lî,înî ,ie urss toi 103 for Il -It pserfor ali Th-nu is a uluonru-paicla--itiuic0, îîîu An a re- sautlaînîîhî'rhig iîîîît îril linbtc badl unth rut. îhîe lîuînei 'h iriiiguon .Ka~ne t 'mml> y) luh (luht, uintets membi-ra ..haiiugttru419 enow un aile da>-. au ane erage nof lier thiru; TwoIceauna ta thenman. 'Tih i gt-st î uîînner kiheil 113ne limiter Onssit>-lineFnieuri tinailo up n puuisé, n iir was dhnlled ino ifolle anîntunts. WU] Prantt WO05 tinst uiuin Fred NiCGoug second. Loauis St ninkt tirnu, andu brank NI<iorlfllirnu . Ceun i tiotiug in tbsi î-iiîî>les ailthe' gofut prenent. Thé ,Bar otfnut Supjîru loue, nii bc petitiaurd tc 'T'ie Cierunchuerk ut licîidrsati Couotj bn-. uîîîîî;lct' ,actcu îîn u acl uf (hi' tas Salt ru'ordsion ac hi' iut>-for thtc soi neyenit >înu.rlilîuao%"tast therebts scarei MYBRID WHEAT INVESTIGATION. Professer liether %ViliiGta lu roue 'nî,i. IL .. ,f'mTie ii Or iii ,f ,-gltmt hi asii>ci'iay, u p u.ul iuîl- f g n iuc.ueig u f 3tnuim.i i . i.l i. lur irlmn i nr i r - li. i-t t'i a l ru n J i l th tee -iItel te , n- Ii-niu.iî'-i hi' " i ulur, uîlî hin. ".tm - i l r yet kuuuum. Iln- IunnîiimI l.iY iuuum as .rluîir r-I, t ; u,1.1 î.3uîîand- um euî-d. Au ru ,, as îumuilît trot» t lvU.initeil Stuil(, tu .) examin-ti-. uhval. atir r-u uluasi hlihliilui -clu iii x-cto. If lb.- ut îtill.u s i llur uui Tilitihule t atioîig Traveila tif n Coin. A. guilcoill 1hail- i ln aine tu ai>- othse 2.000.0(Q.q;l(Si tinoS. bt-te 'ttc stutlip Ior Oti'i.umtloulr iTlt i'uîu Imicu otufitteuatmil iy 'feu-.tlun. > si . iliol-ru Sdimca btfure It becuunaîs cutireb]' dc- tastceu. Tt*co(ia'i-Fed Philoopher. "luni>n tuhi-eaofimaîtkuum, Irlui' vwomankiuiI." sald the conutcui plil- offopher. "I hase naticmd tiiat a mite- beitter never bas ait> trouble uitiig a seco'nd naseriogu-'.'--udinauiunl One Poundiof IBoney. it la estimnat'd thaIT o calstotue pounul of boncy trou, ciover C02,0.00 laaulsof cuover musot ta' epei-esi ut nectar, aud 3M50..000 visits tram bers wusut be made. iloatiMan's Dett ilatrace, if a inrsnun ultra avnuilnt- suiieent îîoiiîy te, il3'bOu detts, thc dattors bilinsu-(tiieti finat. and tiacu Ihe res ai The' deveaseu's i'5 lltiimnare litspnisvcýd T-ephsune. Outetlx-eunimade ;tTci> b>- Frentch Gavietiuimttofficiais 'ivitti a ticii'tuiImiiltu.De ntîtoI ct>Inleus pernsu ta couvrers' nitinuut îutting tOuir moulu amîd car ta Iliii'apihinetus, the varda hueItig diutiitIy auibile lnuan>- part oft tOua oom. lacwuyi Bn.îihm. ChlînmtDemoey. rothur of th umo fatnutit iuualîi n îruidetuî or uta Ilite iutnsilnepati" ntll >-l onîtpi'iher, VI. lio.nnd lis iiIfcereul>- ele- fbratcd tibeir golden nvddlug noulver qaryr. - L . e. 1a ENO*#AMUEW 1V 1 sèîlera Itbl.Tour. Cen. Recce for the satnab eucamiffest of tht Illiuois National (juard To ic brid ai Camp Liacoîn. Thés la tl ieral ncamp' menttonerInn-a feara. Latt eante aol- diers ut the State were lu Ibeir country'@ service.and for thal reagan the cncamp. muent Ibis year is iooked upon alrb mure Iban ordinary importance. as itlvii tunve a sarI of regimental reeniail. lalurda>-. July 8, tas bren se-bcted as te apeing day. and trou> Ibat lime lb.i Stars and Stnipes tailluet ai-e Cauîp Lincoln for nine couaccntive weuk- The Ihre Chicago regimeuta w-lU go int camp firal, and WIlT occupy the pont for tis ecminhder of Jaiy. The Fiit î regîmeut msîli Ugo mb camp oa u l>- Sasd9 wiuî remain uti Juuy 15, when il wlll ne- lutin home sud irsîiceetedcd b>tht Sey-. cot. w-icb s-iuu brein camputil JuiY 'Z2-. Ttc Seventh w-lu le toilowed bthe cSec-1 ond,. wticb w-I remain sutul JuLy 29. The Eigtttbattalion eut Chicago wiui a80ie u in camp durlîîg the mnouta oft),uiy, protu.j abiy durin te stcondl week witlItheb « Srveutti regimtent. Foiioaing thc Second regînicut. comne ttc Sixtb. Coli. I>. Jack Foîter commant- ins. w-bctaitu tirciii camp trunaJuia 29 t0 Ans. 5: iben the Third. Cul, Fishef t'001t15tditg, shirt wiliuuoccupy the camp tram Ans. 5 ta Anit. 12. Ttcellourtb w-W Oc lu camp tram Aus. 12 to Aug. 19, sud the Fift, Ciii. Cuiner commanding, trou Aug. 194 to Ans. 2t. iiuring thc nint sud hast W"met of the' eucsmîuuntBattery A of ilanviiir. Captallu l'ilip 1'nag'r cunil nîandiug; Baller>- B 0fr(iaiu'burg. C~atit. Craig commanuliog, nilt te Firat cavale> equadrmn w-iil do practîce work lier*-. 'The- Fuiist csvalry suluaitrn ig15 maîîjtiit'mt ut four troops. A sud B ef Chicago. C ut Biocimimustot and I) ut Springliu-id. Enery rmghieni thttcState tas breu ri-rganizeil* returu tram Ibme var, uiththttcexce'pti.on frtce Ttird. wvIo waismusicrei out (of aennin durng tu atu sinre. "lie Ttîri un tia l-iiîuei.eoraii lucîl t4,v Co.l. iiuii r trîul rliuîte'nanlt co.-ueh of'thIbm' il T'iuiîi -ho î i lun h u.n- iunruiid t1wmu- um eun- n i'gt nnt 'i'ln, nu-m liai ru ii'liii hmîith',l u it nl' tolb.- mdiruinie ufth l0 il Tiirii andl iumuimo , t tus' 'îtu- parties utrthe Soîruit lran'rîginunt. lhtor tte conpanits o! ttiuc 0iî 'Third takon ntu ttica î.irgauizaliîîl i ii tbave nemi>- rîceteil oficens. STATE PAY IS READY. IlitnislV1oinuneers Recelvlug thse »230,t)S Appropriatied. uîligiis n'aiulueers lunthe- alunitht Spaiun are nuow reeucuge c$L25iJ.iiSappeulîri- steil ythe Ttsmt lsilature tu, lus> tnîn te dffertri'ein tate niud i'n-unri puy for ttc tîrneu'itituen iOins fronî teir guulug iii natupnd.atilt hte unotcr tutua ttc nitial seuhi,'. t lins laken ornî e tii togi-t tte par roahls hapr, and ithi mono s b>-numenius ecml-t-l>el. Fai thia> eui, las to lic fluideeuh>-the în. ou;)nn ,uinauar thî- or%alu ou-it, thu.ý -tiaunt ,tial ni li'e er#- il lu n ruteuil mit lio ilut' n roua». If tii-ru- o- a singule' t-aini nii it ta nuturni-,i tcnîueurt-în .u,imit f1.11 eîini[uatl ti ,11ua - ltiuî ui ii i m, .ul, ,tis ilun', aînî -- i ..'-tti- i a.] tu lu., u-iuru- eIi tonr-,nmtnu .l'aîrt -f to- ami un Tave îu u - e,-n, n:î e-uteuil t,, lin, Adju- tant d. murai. Artun ,uuul înn3 rhn. i, rbiit la sintt tii G-.i lTntutr. ui,1lan 1n-o-uunit. aul ti> ni ni nu.iuu iit - 1a-uui1t -r'-Ir Poble su- 10.01i rîacuta se.cinai.-omtfor u'acb ndnrrmlîîal tîî-i..-e -f ithe-ii dnnundn tli.-uaseentt,,iith, - oiuun,~n ffli-er 0f. tueu,ipnyit>. ian ýIi-unlîr ugthe t Ia an iu i unng guun theinu.mui.nnu-ir. muatide'r içer -ifatl,,r1u14.y Cit., p'fur iiw noun-> tue niiui.luuTti4 hnt ttn nîtou tue t'.tuinnioling g -lt-un.r , a Iti'i-iitnruui n iein- unanîut ml-t. t ,-lu uînil trîtu tht un receitit I'dert'e Ii' irîln of paYinuls04ij' min thc riante ifrtuun> ron nu :iih,,hîtiarîlnud u' s n mu , -lnîu u iii u- fîîuîî, i l uithe- lus rîIufhh îia n n~nîI. nftiirtateutu-ue urth lb'Ilniuititriarc wt i bre inunu to ic oliuuu lht-nr liI Somuw it' miun tfor- ungu luui-, wilnl',therxa iudin iii i.nnu e iii'et iite-uiStIrlu ,. lin nil lui--thib ,nmîitî'3viiilli-I1h luythe- aItit-ir unti cIaiul i.>- ihe.-hir-unio-budmu-a-i $orne of thc Aa.L.a imun.i,înîeuit ara.- qmit0eqi iuiiauuj us $15 a cor..auî oar nu iras- tou!a M(îi fayi n rule-r aut Da-on la le ituihrie untu »mitiiu . 'Tbe. nuIT it icalr of Oe it- nroer Iab lin ý, r 5) i'i'r , iu--iuzeCro. .%muiiug ttc lniii'. thne nroman ws u>l' tie ier oc uutand anuildumesit unrry tic- rua s ani Lt.uî &fa-ner roptistathat tc nombre of lIndiantitan O-m gresuly eilaceil bj nivilimatl in hIo<ta ,ly 11> ni uscrnru'uif-un miuînîl t.> his four pneu ien 'lu-rte in,' fnttrait 'rui aerun-ui Ieitits»int hic Ahtatan cipili uifri,, 'C5.* t te ' sr. ulnmnuog iel, lianét, lia phuitiai- Amulnl i -m rt-r-nil nI a cunin-a ,,-.'io t 1n:. :,1 - ýaitw l lotgu-ar snminhiini -n lina-nlii.i liral tht' inut,l sialu-ialu. t t u eiui- lu hi, ', i andlr iti> lu- nu u.nn.i t>.ntli-iln lia i.ttl IunI n'l .ita i Li î-ultu r rcio.u lttieIs S annao'. rin uîiîie t, rCcii1,1rt el 'Lonelui-8l1--a - i ronauith e iu"Iull- gratIlla -f Tnon u> S'k-ile -it6-.,. a In caino iuueilîl Y u is I nnicS.i I lin are inap-ccl> and u uan lihreturua t tthe uauaul. Ttc îîu'!al slug'q liauil..'bancve aai 11,11imi lute.m ith uusnty $P1,11u10 ta thue rcredil Th(eiu' usbonne dumnilfor tc tahutinançýue T tce systena under MIL.ES 0F RAILZUOAD. Ne- Yack Centrailue Oer UgazThon- sud liasI of aUfraIo. ut May- be Iuterestiug ta note the folIos'. ing suatenuctît of iifenge ofthte New York CruIrai. tesead u ubuuC5uud huesi, waibi showns the totl i île.u-uu tract ceat of Buffalo us (6,114.81. utin, of course, gen- ecraly iunChtitmof T te Westen ufinstare a greenermsii'sgc bot hibrr trati trulo tbrougt n itt>er cf apanscly îu-ttu'ui States, w-bile the Tractîge outhTe New YVontk Central and lened i'hues ilaail lu tceilcosly - ppixul States of New' Yark andli'euuu>'aîîoîilnling. by its nutuirouatraiuns, umiir..usof ut pu- gersetot >-ae. 1iton e i , ittuluageofuthb Nemr Vont Central lcaîîd andl opiteul linos u Neur York Centr.lalin umracthes . tit91943 Newir uk a1asut Iu .. .a- - - -.13Z' 10 suytca iiil endl I-.rtieorin .... i6.104 NeutYorkian ut) 'lna- - - - CT- 21 Te. ntsid tiG'-m'îu ...I.- - - - -.i.. (;u.> mitas"-tkeduntdNSsu.,nalud) insu alun 181.5i> 5hoiiino. iiatfetou sand ogl u alu anus tIcals-----------------.-1-.33 Ctluîtr- aund Adtt,,mon - --....... 410 <iut-ui ur ndlii..'.....1-ti, - 30ut Neieu ,s> - 4.85 W, et s.ucai St- Ciad t1nteSo- - -.....4.20 irait ('cclOull endiîsnuti ..... t178 WlîtOil i'uuicy----------------------.. iTyumusic u -ada uiVIulg 5-'l FaitlItruo anustd a-u-- - 147 st. l.uw-eencr nu 5l6.s4no- n i T5erminaltRallia-a! oflbuhia....... m mo Total----------------------... -8028 Aiît ( t ract------------------..... 58. Mies" of Totali sjter otmites of trac% ~an d sdls..... ...........11 SNEWS (M~M OUR COLONIES Porto Rico. Englilh dctionaries- are la grenier d mand Ibman elother commoditi. Mors than hait of the Porto Rictun live «u leu ssuhanive cents a day. *killed lahorers, *uch as brlcklayems carpeatera and juumbers, earn 00 cents, a dey. Iteuts have gone np ln San Juan and prîces of reai rsate bave moucte4 ski- ward. Poligamy, existe te a grest cntent. Il la flot uncommen fer ont tuan to bave twe or tbree familes. À renfilent of Porto Rico, desiring te go te ECurope.aaked the Itate DepartuMma et Washington for. a pesaport and wasla formed that the requeot could flot bu granted hecauj, outil Cosgres. Isbas ac- tion lu retemre to the annexation et Porto RICO, the isablitaa» of that 1Iand cimnottlic rcgardcd au American citizend. The Porto Blean way ofrtiurying the drad le curioe». A roUEn ln rcnted for the corpee to ie carricd 10o the cemetery. Two or four natives carry it on their brada or fastened to two bauboo pules. The corp.e le taken out of the cofflu and turied about tain feet. If te rent for the hurlai iot le net paid wltbin a certain time the bode la dtig up snd throwa away. Cuba. Baaeball games arc .ldayed daiy. Traces of gold have been round la the. province of Porto Principe. Five Havana rewwpapers adocate a.- Dexation ta the 'United Stts. A Cuban radist grown tbis year nser Manacau weighed eight poundaà. liait a domen Amerian icoten arc cern- lug a living as tenogva1itrjs in liavatia. There are fifty-fou. lports in the Island, but oui- lyftteenarc olieu tu ttc worida commerce. No one cun 4 ticnoitted to the bar who ha* fot a dipua[ rom> theCUiversty of Ilavant. l'or thp irxt lime in te mctnory of the oldent îuhaiiitant there inni) >cihnw fever lu Havanaî Bince the AmerWantet-aSciun thtinte. lier of liae nslîriîîin Sanitago bas increaq- cd trot>tio ti tix. Ncarly all the. îililtiti.irnare nom, out of Cubia. TI.i itonu n t tanîrago wlths ttc lait tii îuai e. pbilipiccis. At leant tiirty Agiieritcnn Iawyera are eoleai.rîi.g tii,.arn a lî%iîug n Nîînila. Since the Ancrr iîriîîn ni' e400 salnnavie beea i ri ii lanila. Ilontana ..îlîlî,tabave foîod indicationsa, of gold a hile et w.rk lu the truicaý. Dewey'@ fing v ns thc firat of a fult ad- muirailttu e dong ug othe brcne n As.atir waters. Spaniati ciMirs ire riturnig titi,- sud &Hl have large iîiaîttîie t iý, nnich tc> y a i.Liitîi ina tbe . omn- tain @arcatua. Mealoloa la 1-i ttan îliirty tri, rou> Mianila. yeT day after .liYthI.- Am,-iriun coliatuai aecc tirrgai tai ii aîîd citles of troi l t> ., lta.iMitluaii O The eigbty-three a wer'ivruin m hi, ar- réveil on the Morgann'y -en. ni ai- lowed to land, amn . o(Oii lîîha t bâdtincmu and cl ewi,' io4îh ta pro- trot.

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