CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1899, p. 8

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~/ nd w sc ee sAround the County. GI D atur No. 0 A. 1qMMU a. W. W. APmaiYRD. Clerk.E ROCKEFELLER SOCIETIES. sn ONGREGÂTIONAL Chureh Bindait ler GURNEE. A. S c reen II>o rs c vienso. andev7:l0i. . ..O . Ralph Dady vas homfrneion Ruseiui t meettrirWutnda vn'ais4. JsnîOr C'. gove? lSnnday. m The flies are here and you wiII need somre wlre aita 0llOtlk. Cm J. W. Smith sold a botuse t Frank M scren, m squio netink wiow sreen andscren IAU)N P .n. 4124. M . W. A. mopt IHord tatwVeki. ./Mlo screen mosquto nettirâtdoandceensrndsofen D l itRoy Dizon visiteti bis parents a ie doors. and the place to buy themn is at Westerman's month. D. GRaIFFITH. VOC. Rusiselilaiut FrIlday. youcangetthe chap.1<>O. . N. 1. mot sontiand fl:urth Thomnas McClure viaited Ili@ sou n t for yucngtthr ha.Thurs:iolallfhIllh. Chicago lut week. a GKO.A.OsT.St'cy. WILL Ksîool. N G. T. EGa tWnea iie i T 1have agood assortmnent of Iap robes and f Iy 09.A.OT SC..E renh a t of iay. u iien i Coi nets at reasonable prices. JOHN 0. IIAGAN Post CG. A. B. ImetC-Fe' ut vîy wst 19 atirdar nialit on or iý,î:rmfimn Mima Etta Parr, of!Rituel visiteut ai an te Straw liat ...............................$ BI. GEOLseos. o'1r. Dr. Young&a lat SiundMr@ Boyst'nderisttr .... .................19 O E CHURlCHILi.. Ahi.J Roy Bracher returned trorn a tri p ln the Crash Hats....... ......... 23 Malisoin« sout....... . ni . . 22 P. M intuesota lait Thuraday eveninf. Il Sbirt Walto ....... ..... . 5 0 mail cong north ................. 10 (O sa. M. H. E. Flood Va» ont repairlng vires b"e Shir %Vlât ets .............. . ... 23Mail oser land by stage arrives ai Io a. ru. fer the telegrapb Co. the latter Part ville Shit Wistlois.........................5 î.îarti at11a. M. of laut Vei. lieils ... ... .. s ASSlzty people iook the train bore A. ........C....rsz 'rbnradoy moriiig for thie Woodrnen Go, .....Pins 03 ROCKEFELLER. pîcuit' at Relbt. i ,ailes Mrappera... ....1..... 98 Frank Bock wax n Waîikegan on John Autin andi tamlly eitertainedl viai Crash Skirti.... .......... 63 luesday. rientis froinDelavan Wis., the ltter m lale"e sGeorge F. Carle in uow ruulflig two part o! uslat.ek. U Ladis' isa..................... 25wagons ou thie rond. Mr, and Il.J il. . Bracher attendeti M, lioyoi Straw îlats ........ o M. 8. Hill, of Wauiconda, was osenthietmoeral ofF. L. licCracken as£vani-Roll Mena sSoeks .... ......1 07 on ou? streets Tneaday tston last Satnrday. Bati ;oeil les, per 11). ...... .. ................... 35Mr?. Frauk Weternîan olr merchaiit STAFFOR)DIDSTRICT. i Grae uts pr pig..... .. ....... ,13 wet to the cdAy Weduenday. br 'sails, per lb .......... ........ .............3 Mise Charlotte Hartien vas on the Mr. Daiziel and tamily 'Wonstu <>Of9 Staples, per 11 ... .....e.l. 3sck liât a few days ibis veek. Long Lake Sunday. of Setlîe andA swooh ...00lir. andi lre. Will Kuigge madie a li"asAnna Wrh anti brother Vent Di 14-nchLaw Mwer....... . .... 198viostetoLake Forent lait Suindsy. t> Griie lat veek. fu 14 nrhbosu osr i98Lester Bîîrdick frorn Waiconda Mre. H. Faulkner viiteti ber aoni rîi Are you going to buy a carniage or surrey? If s visitei bis parente boe on Suntiay. andi fazily lait veek. loir M1ss Lottie Fargo went to Chicago Mir. WilI Corser and Mlr. E. Faulkner and cali and get my prices before buylng. this veek for a visA; of several weeka. Weilt t tuseliltant veek Ifree Ernest Fry tarteti for England lionu- liraO. J. Ormesby la eutertaining mai day noring to bie gene eeveral ber friend lire. Hickok, of Chicago. Lo mouthg.Mre. Higiugbothon. o! Wankegan, (Our F . L . W este m an,ev. T. W. (,oie, of ivanhoe, visltedl relatives An tibis district lait R F.L. W ster an, ionhe. a very belptul sermon luit veek. ROCKEFELLER - - ILLINOIS. Sunthîyevening. MiseatGertrude Adarns anti brother _________________________________________________ The ladiese bave c4rpeted tberoetrurn Bon vent te (irsyibeke lait Tbureday lai of tic Chapel and everythinlasnov eveuing. T An trini for suiomer. lire C. B. Aobley, of Colmbuns, the WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF 1ev. J. A. Coles preaches sat the Ohio, @penit a fev da)ye vitA iber aucs, A Congregational churhii n HlIitDaY lire. F. Faulkner.Eg ti Snnday atternoon. moi GIRAIN4, FLOIIR, M ILL STIJFFS, eTbh Central Lake Couîty Christian À eofuraooitsbo#pt G Endeavor Union convention wilIbeIn thie Chldren'a Day exercisesli u heldtu A Rockefeller ln Jnîy. G urnes. Alil report a good Urne. Fre The seri.annual election of Christian The Stafford nIns aaiisted by corne SEE S TC Endeavor olicers anti committees vas players fro Rn itceltilr vîll Play the tel, belli luitlionday evenlng. Vous nine to-rnorrow. Thoy yl play jol MAcse Annîs Knlgge andi Master Roy atain at the Stafford sehool pieuteA i ~-ALSO ..__-ý returneti the firet of the week ater June 21. Hel severat daye visit n Chicago. In apite of the bard train lait Frlday Sce Rlobert Ronce le the pocceceor et a evening thie srprise Party ou Wrn. pic CeMent. a e i ltties.tal.ahetland pouy anti LAttIs n honor ofht s -irs Lu b r Coal, LimeI, and1 cIl~ii art receîîtly purchaset i a Waukesba. blrthtiay Vas weil attendeti. The -F, Misses Luela and Cors Hersebberger eveuing Vas @pettn playing garni.COU attended the !lonerai o! their grand- ninsîe and inging, ater which refresb. Cul father t Palatine Tuncday o! thie mente vire served. chZA sa veek. PSF YAaCLASS. tro W£ SELL The Christian Eudeavor social vas Charle H. Marks, white acting n 3 fieldi on Wedniesay eveiiAng and tbe the capaeiy of nurse at the Second MAI prayer meeting Tbnrc tithis eek on Division Hoaptal o! the Fift Army t of ain.Corps at Santiago de Cuba, ouedi a loir THE EBER W A ON acounbottleN ot Chamberlains Colle Choiera Diaiionti Lake met witb Mrs. B. Wilcol nsud fonndl At te work like a charin. Ct' oni Tlhtrstlay atternîto ue as vlk For cale by F. B. Lovabu, Liberty- WI4EN '(OU WANT The lvauboe Asociation met the saine ville, J.H1. BRAiHua. uroe. F. L. Tu àitterinoon at IlMr s 1iyie's. WESTEIIMAN, Rockefeller. GRAYtLNE c NeXt SUniday Mrning the iPasser Y'tiSA , JeiN Miml ,Ivauhoe. tu yl prea a speciai sermon tu the - -___ chîltireu. Ait the eblîdret Iinvitei. VL.c Buggies or r-arming, ImpierenLs. - O fi) the eveniiîg the cbiotireu andi yoting aon Vsei tepseor!a pettple take the service. A collection N oiVleintepumrfaag CALL ON wiii e taken for Suntiay seb!Iool îîev vbeel.t mission work. ('bris Sable and i îe sport Snnday ail iu lvanboe. Ir W IG & SQ NWAUCONDA. Mre. J. W. Torrance vas a Chicago1 W R IG T & S O N î Miii W anconda celelîrate Juiy 4th, viser lionday. s br iliilac ndded a îîew sîrrcv Theodore Wortz @peut Deeoration D Mr Mîile lln is e osliiîî .Day Au Chicago. Liery ile, - - Mi-slioi. tlis lve. anailc n Ira Snyder and vite, o! Lake Villa"P Mwi sswEinee sbsa isue Ialed ut Raugbit Broc, Sauîday. uaI lao wig.Mrsi. los8deutaccere brother frorn - Misas Jennie Oreti ila oieuding a fev tLuivstetbreatvtiy ath tisys lu Chicago. itve tvBtd eeafwd.sfu o Miss Grace BilA l s enîtiing ia fewWeMis. Geo. Case sud MetEni Isysîu hîrgo.Doweil, o! Wiaukegan, visiteti relatives C. H. Mrey, ot Woodlstock Ans sieli. Ucire 1115 a fev days bere. iRobert Darrov andtienlseTomDar- 1 Foi rd and Lautpbî.re hîVav chid4letstc> rccs, of! Maukeganl, vialted ut C. 6(i FIW rtîîk siol Erlv Harrisonitoi Chien- lirittadduherlr.Uo go w.. e.srgstetilsir iv 13 iin 50 and da lateMr.Go go pi t SîiulayiiiWaîienîflo. lution, attendetl the funeral etfErie WL.ampliere anîd M. S Ford vwre imac ,Buriiett iromi Lake Villa lait Sun. Rii~fiI" ~ FigîMisît crSle irai nt Wî. AThe social lout Friday a relatîses hiR al att t Ireslt wriî r mosi liastere,' îîci sens§olearedt teards the repalrilue ~s~é'110111s . ArD i icitil, <i Graylakte the churcbl. UIJlIIqbc astr Mi m. lý gls at Wbat As htdol Dyspepsia Cure. I cit Mr and Mls J .1C.Grovesoi in îthe neslydiscoered remetiy, thela tileul a ew . y woh IiaiN tei t.ntcondition. It in a dlsovery surpaas Ir lîlac reeetly.medical profssiAon. F. B. LovELL, M. W. Hughes touîk a pictitre o! Libertyvilie; J. B. BtÂcNER. Gurnee; e Ils'ccl? lt, il O Iraroil, ,lWI ctiiteus Utorner@ scicool on Tiectiay F. L. WEN'rRRMAN, Rockefeller.f ofdhliat veek. tv Hig ATIMrc Parker and daliîgter (irace ef ROLLINS. asy Belvidere @peta e days vith May Gabiger vas la Antiocb Sunntay. te rel ativels lu this place recently. M. Rappel vas n Waokegan Thurs- El Self-threading Shuttie W. Titluarab moveti te Wankegan day. Automatic Bobbin Winder. Tneeday He< lha renteti bis bouce te M.BonulSmitA inla mprovlng very tu Finished in light oak, bent Wood work eA numiter lieomtbis vicinity attend. MsGrce Strolnk and friend wr wit fie dawes.tbe fiinerai of Mr.iitullivSbSeperd, lu Lake Villa Ssturtiay. w with ive rawevlîwich vas belli ut Barrevilîs lait veek. W. Wetige anti Leo Drnry vire AnP FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. Iult î.bro W .n bsgWodnesday. thëré 1reitsi place attentiet the M. Mira. Andrew Btrang visited relativesG _= te . )W. A. elercicc atBaint onSnnday. bos on Decoration day. Joue 1 a Young lady amniveti atiheilasi"Ltors Crorin bas purchaseta a Sborne of Mr. sud M ra. . H. Lampbsre. IOvslY Piano IrrOb icago- On June s aYoung lady carne tu tUe Misa Lors Crernin anti lrs. Crernin Y b1.5 orne o!flMr. snd Mrn. O. Waelti. ver lan Chicago Wednssta>'. ']'1.5 lie ~mmberc of theWacondu 0.A.M"FuneOedn nqis kh S a e d B ro ,pliilie echctol antiaah thers vho tae eutertaining nev arrivais trorn Ohica- s LONG GROVE, . - ILLINOIS. kiîîtly naSited tbernin the observance go.L 01Mioil)ay. lire. (le. Chrîtton attendeti Royal __________________________________________________ While a gentleîmanitrîtinChicago Neighbtr'e loige litiLake Villa Tnes- waxlhilîg ttn Bauge lakes, ie hooketidaly. i a large 11l11(tA sorte kinti The gentte- Mi" 0(. Stritii ant iglrs. Srotiiy inan vas -tacille tot landt he liisuad wvesbusiness transaCtors u Wauki- W I A N Tr during tit excitineut Mr. tlleh pullet gan FrItiay FOX LAKE. LCulven abesireti abeep on Monday. KBroya bought a borase o! A. Han- L.Kinvan vuas Chicago visiter on turtay. Mn, Kiidoîl lest a valuable horne on nday. Mr. S. Gilbert eold a' bore teJ. Dai- d, of Dlghton. ivirai oet îryouîng foIka attendît eWcotinan picute et Beloît Wisceu. Tho Ceux. Lake anti lcHeury mty It. R. Company havieaitleti bi the following parties: lins. SaitAi ,d lira. J. Dalasîl, lic. PelAs O'Boyie, m. M. W. liarvin anti Brother, anti eNorth Weatern Club. Wî have en Anlormetiaisathteigradtng bau cn let frornsNippersîuk to Liberty- e, andi vonk vilI begin ai once. t1rm anothin Corsapondent.? A.Hamun beughit a borseo!flin. eay o! Wanconta. Mrs. A. Tveet anti lin. E. lInyder liedt Waukegaa liontiay. Rra. Frank Galigir intentainit tnia- te frornt Dghton Batirtay. ira. W. HamiItou anti son, o! Iline vois Foi Lake visitons on àurday. Mr. D. VauPatteiP soldti to lino )rosa lent viik, oni toBSmith Glbert tiI place anti oui k> Mr. lcCann, Mlllburn. De Witt's Little Eariy Riains &et am a îhltbosspill ahould, ciiansing anti miving the systinseati o! viaken- # it. They are ml anti sure, arnali id plaant k> taxe, anti sntîrely oe Irornsobjoctionablo dmugs. Thoy Asnt ratIer tban compel. P. B. ovELL, Lîbertyville ; J. R. Huitlie, urie; F.L. WESTZaiAN, ROCkefohlei. GILMER. Mies Zoa Morse vasa Chicago visIter nt ratarday. fbini are nrnorté of a veslding lu s nia? future. A. 0I. BShebimanantiUmsAnale gginsvers lun Chicago on buslîîess lîadsv. lieo. Gross, of LoniuGrUov. % peut nday vitA Ails parente, lin, anti lre. Mn. anti lra. Ueo. Joues anti dagh- r, Viola, et Elgin, vigite t t d. n lsie"oek. Mrn, anti lra F. Liemke"çillie anti [enry Bloomn and Mr. antIdlis. liiury hvorntn attendeti the Woodunen's leie ai Beloit. W. M. Gallagher, et Bryan, l'a., eSys For torty years 1 bave tnieti variona ugh meticines Ons minute Cougb ire[ l atto! ail."lb releivseAu- tntly anti cuneaaIl throai ant inlun tubles. F. B. LOVFELL, Libertyvlle, R . BaAc'nzR.Gunue, F .Waici.îi. AN, Rockteller. QUENTINS CORNERS. A new batcher wagon vas nt the 2rncrs lait Saturday. H. L. Bockeimann vas An Chitag: ruestisy ou factory affaira. Oui School clises Diti eek for the immer alter a very nuceef aI terni. (Oin cheese inakera bave quit utaklng 1esse tiAI codler vestbier sets Ai fain. Sorne farmers are stîll plaatlug con id mors of (hem are enîtivatini dready. Miss Tllie Quentin vas home lai nunday for a vieAt, retiaruinig Moudas morniug. Mn. ileury fiengloru Mr. hati (fuite s ipllo et UealtU but iAs »roundi %gain kthis vniting. lir. D. Hans Si. bcd a bcarn raisin@ uis veek anti a dance An tAie evsnuu unr the young. Somi o! the boys anonuti benecanghl fuite a lot o! young equifrela and colî hein o eCity sportsmen. The telephense people cweîn t4i bsv( lutte a lot et trouble tUsse lesit ettîri itU (beir hunes gettiuîg eut of trînu. LAKL ZURICH. fUs tce men are emuîiug sae@mole, H. Seip has anothern mev clerk iii Ai ators. Chas. (livens la nov tenîliîg bar ttc eony Janisen. Cty (bis vcek. - Cropa ans looklng fins' idths frmen rejoicetb. H. lieyer anti vile calicti on tniende at Long (Arov" Shundsy. lins. L. Fiese visiteti An Chicaogo anud Irving Park the pst veek. Vany vhselrnan ont froun the City wenecaaght An sunday's beavy chovers. Mis Mary Sehaeier bas returueti from the City afier spending a lîleasant lasit. Louis Luerson, rît Palatine, vas lu tovu Saturdsy the guost o! Wi. (lchrnan. H. Brsutiing In building an addition to bis barn anti Ateatis te ctart s Avîry stable. The rnany trientis o! lire. Nickoiey who le rspldly lmproviug vîli Di plesutu kbAea? tAis. J. 8. GrAdAey, o! Pririe 'seiv anti Geo. H. Chant, et Austin, vire lu Zurich on bueinies recently. I5 la reportet that Wn. lieDoveli wiil retura te Zurich. We vilcorne yon haek ln oun mitiat BilIy. Bilders anti building. Thé buiz of! the av anti the soanti ofthte luammer lAhuard ail aroan. Aturor ba t1 11a a eegant rosA- dience Ais soon te, be buJIl on tAis Stilea proporty on the Corner o! Main anti Liberty atreete. sbuep, vatbing vtth the larmera bas began. SupervAsor HuntîngtOu came An Satnnday vitAi au vOOly a dock as you May a»0 An thelse parts. Manager Plediler o! the leatiug muat MarketlA alvays to tAie front vltb the ebolciet meat the market affonts antidno!01bis lotos are aIvays nîlishiti. Our tovn la steadily grzuvlng sud puttlng on metropoltan airs. Thie change la an eratvhbe slsepy. tbongb hiautilfll spot, has createti a big ativance An niai asiate. Uit prices on aH vhsols troni AI I. Ficko. HO gaves you money. Bicycles $I0 anti up. '99 Motel $20 anti $25, strict- 17 big gratis. Havi your nane put ou yoan vboei antidton't lorget te gît a pair o! bAcycle pants cuffa O! AI. PORi BALE-At a bangain eue twelve air munie box, one lady's golti vatcb, one type vnlter, oui Wbitniy Exorciser, oui pair borase lppers andi rany other usoînl articles ihat yen rnay vaut cheap. Sterling bicycle $201, one li h ant vheiat $15. Apply te AI al;the Zurich House. There la a tirno Ion ail tAilage. The timrno btati Deitt'à Little Esniy Hisore in vAin yen aie snl!erng tron conutlPatl, billouanesaaick bea4l- ssIi. n etOn r otber stomsebor lAver trouble. 1 . B LovEuL, Libirty- ville; j. a. BEACaEME, Garnee; P. L. wmntImmuW. RokitellOT. OLENVIEW. M. .Ritcuthsjeg aiei bis n.v' The ti1. yardl le agni v ork atr vininlIlesut Thuusday. lelaI. 11157 maymonthes A.AIn«e. J. N. Butechfiltihgh bt te tover and beiug onua -hill mallea quits an iinpoaiig aliPeni. Inga ta mmaegnc thi.coscern. sue Dr. lieunicotte AsbniilIg akîtchen on bi bouses andtialng ogther lin- lire. J. P. Ritzenthaler alter staylug provernents about his promises, about a week vitb lier Irother, S. Mir. anti li@. W. L. Hutehîngg anti Kuedler, at prairie viev, retiiriitd farnlly vîsitet iber angs, Mr. and home Tnssday vhîle ier dalaigliter, lira J.itihars, ! I~AnI Vlv, aitOlive took lier place. ëunday. Alibough Doigtier liariiinti's fier? Thie , ev. E. S. Lyous basgtaken up Rîugiing Broc' ShtovAs coinug t his e noidîncesn lu eu Viev. Helievli Long (irove, yet otnetof their clows9is remain untl Cotentence gamets Au m'lat bave gone astray and la'ndeudit October. bers: for theres aJsI res exhibAtion The hilren re ropaingforon Snnday atteriomn ics? tell The hultnen are repning forEvaugelicol ehunch. Wt.lI, tliere le Ohltirens Day Boi Bunnay, J une Il tA*i. motblng lke beiiîg good ifort? stîîuctg. W@ hoile everyono vho eauvilii corne andi hoar the chiltinen speik anti ing. lire. V. Siler recelvesi the nîulitue Christ Christopherson botter kulovu Iaturday muinîg o cf eduatl utc lier as "Park Christ" bs u platreturneti fathier, Mr. Ilrsclberger. tîf Irorn Denrark vitAi bisl bride ant i vlî Palatine.livssptaeraî îl bigin bousskeeping this vîsiAn lMr. bar! ltecîziII ints luxe vAter. The. Borgot's liai. hlevasuot absolutely reomains vers lîtterreil ut lPalatinei neeessay that Christ sboutimake vhere elle !lonera) eerenionîien verst ibis trip k> DeUrark for a vile. fbeldi Tnfftisy. 'fho Misses Hîrmchu- berger frein HAteekfelier vltited tia. lins. Pind«er sesButton tied ivery Sanere anti atiendet ilasfunenal. suddenly at ber borne in tUe City lait ilunday of! bout taîluri. She bcd - O ' FED hoein otniding anti alter cornhng An NORTH N IHFE D ahi reniakoti ahi toiltas if ehe vias C. C. Milinboler h nvi'ctjlg at bis golng to faait thon suddeinly teoi k>noies,,lire. S A. Weiling'a him the liber. 1Upon examination i vas regunut ed o('binug,. founziaievas deati. She wv abrled What in tUe îîîatttn pui hSiliîi et iuir at West Notnbld tiburylng grolintirtsee llabis tni n-r. TAbeyitmetlms TIubesdy ai b o'clock. getting olt an, thîey loiok att tadeti. ies Gorit, a youug lady about What lnte bc tiîttsr vltb tii- vet-l tventy years ao! agi andi receetly front Mafflu or Mu-viit, Fredl i4 ail rîglit. Boston oornmitted suicide tast Tuestiay 0.K., seth filtu eîi butat sudAie wagoni. morniag, by banglng hinssîf vlth a Mr.1c.WNiigwom rkn trfuk .trap k> thelisait thhe Il e h eu. . .i o leiiig vC, in stnkln TAie young lady vas a cousin <f lira. aftjr te veact ilr. wî îmg tcla, ut fc tr Younge, vhoIlîvia at the Park ant i ti i r aaitî sitcii i ît coine k> *pendtheii snrnriravitzber. Con Dispondency nsuîting frornUboule- ,îîî ucl.ttc. slcknem, a sattributiias the Caas o!f Hurrah foîr vwlaiîclu tat asek. tAie det. Misa (orvits Carne te ibis M.H re ogi irerýýit country Irom Bvltzrland about a ymar lr.l.frr sîiitslîsercîl. ago, ber parente are tli living An ibat Mir. J. Wîstiir..tîk cittrtailietl lits country. trotter neeitly What yen vaut Asnot temlt)rtry IFarinera itnu ti,,ptcrt ut Iti- t lziaitry relief froni piles but a cure (o itay are' reflîlsîtiig tio cire. DeWitt'a WAiî lisel Salve Fuira Bach ismaîluliiig a veek vitîz enrea ples andt lîy alay Curnt. F. If. ber atint. flinte.GKhic-st. LovKI.,.Libertyvîlle; 3. lR. BitÀIliait, Nothulelîle îcilig p.l li re Ourase; F. L. WuiTnerzîwaîRocefeller prstiî-lng e.ciîgs !ttr tlilcreli'ia ly. - Peter Sebjîticit ..Ir., lins teeet liatlijzg PA LATI NE. brick for lis ccv bine. I Iiselig, Mir. A.Ta tire. Arn, vîsitei lir, antI Mrs. NIJ. >Iuiatîare Iriendi inPAudliMliaeek. eDjoying tz-rItsliieh Wtiiz trip tii Iowva. The pieule hild on tt'e picule NI r. . j Iut ii. tîiilu.d sr ut e groundsin laPlurn (intve vas velI h .lclî'buuî cA îczît hrzt attenditi and ail report a nires tlieu-invlle Siiiay. apte o! tAie stortu. 1 î ciAiasrtthituItAi Miss L. Nordiuiyer caltietitu frieudm tothe tii.- ory. it. luns ilrei l 'itstî-r la Palatine liuuday. wt-ssinig ca,<riv-r. Bled, n Palatine, Aridcy Jun ut..rîl, qilti vo rît tof r.citraillýai uutrm Mir. Heschbergsr, an olil&toud reeùebd fave el -i iîtalt w, (t îci citi iuîîîti, citizen. Funersl 'faesday frtuittze St. gçiviîîg tm tlîz. se'a-îl o iat tcrt. Paul chuirch. lutenmentIliz the MiiS tr. ad îr.Mc ., th Mitra i. i tery izu the hI Il. TAitîz tby ailIcleve ts az ail i. M 1 '3,11- sIait octr. 1usen ornr. - 5 lziticg lit.î,,a oîicîîîîsîli oa. Thonmas Thurman, dsputy tcieriffcuo MisE liOIL1. Ilucîiud it. Troy, Mo., eaye If à-eryontau u tii,- Trie-r s'eehlctliFz.,th.-ii iutdStates abouti t ims.ov-r tie- . 1'. A.<ii s,nîil',n tito-, cIi t i sk 0vAnue uof DeWtt's Wltcbh lar,.lSalve l'ark to. icecf, tii. suàad iic for pilIes, rectal trîtulles tandl ekin 1Nir czîii .IMr% il.1eVrty .,ui i atoîiy disease, tAie deinuti t-ouîl'iît lie 1frntit 'Lîziî.zi lit c wc ciciwtl 1supplieti. FPB. Les FIL, liIertVViliu- Mr nNr îî, .F'I ny. froc'n iiiiî J. Ji. IuACHHE, (iUraee, F. 1I. WVOTFJiI, vîsîtecî stit--îîîi.,i 4'c.rin culoincîs5 eibMAN, Rockefeller. 1ltdîuvîIi rielitigis Iail rigîziit -titi LO N G G RO V E. ytcct lt hiit ,, (O s ai ndf t ,.rrv ît- Thl'ie Evangeilal SiudevSi-ltixl soid veeI the' îttber ha a lteanti choir are prcparhng fur Chldtrene Fritz kîîîca t h4IîîîîcsI ui' n DaY. J .1 AS-biar, ctf S.u lit ,ic , .v-cI g lMeurs. F. StaUl anti J. <boaveiler lliti il frontîî îîath I)ly z.cîcîîiciil'y lî maude alsbiug trip tcu Bianiont Lat.- Une Mîu'î1[ t tîîb (n..Il 'Urt., y aitti ail thnottoatîi uig t(n'a dis V I Girls iebonitl net .tandh iontt'e tru-at Lt sEi.l. I, cri v ii lit-I 1.IW liÀ i' frit. aCorners lSatnrday îîîghte tryiuog te (mmcce. F I WL'oIRI lï,,u-iilr malle mathes. Gils vho have i tile brothers etio A PT A K h S1C. tbe Iuvlting ffintein ave euruly a Aiitier girl at Weliz' a g gruetadvautage. trFîhnî ain tîaecigab The rnjority sof the farinuersanlutiub hi. evere lîlîcu-sa. tviuiiity have Dccii celel 1ud tii Mr. anîl NI ra e tr 'i111ccjiii h repleut their corn. Mcyers !îuîitly aest Scîîîcfav. lire. P. Ritzentlîslen, Mn. NM aud îîîîîînrliasntiîo s îti t 'e Miss M. Rîtzentl»dor visiteti ut Northi h yliebrtiîîihu. I'itllî iititl lm Nortlitid Mntisy. to iiîagîî J ilprty eii i-i The Long <liove acioni viii gîve usin Mnr' îi) z oîla )»I imlaîî.11o fýijlIt ententainrnent Tnextlay eveiing, Jîtune )Lzuilig îl, nîcîlil ico.i, tA p4raIl 2lth. Detailîti aonuoncement seil 1vagonu ioaopretv Ditt ig Puoti ci appear noet eek. ,into. su The Long Orove cresmniery bas Mra. M oiliî,.rilitsîiîiî'ci enepouetitet aking choses. Mn. Baver CjeAagci lait Sîuitcrît. .îîuigfîitui 'r rnn'aservices are îlot reqiired aîîy wveu-Mr niti Mc.iiiiiir. lo-i i more so ho vent home for the present. nton anua seli. RIGOLO, 19762. IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION. TUs abeve borses t oned by The Wsucou'la vb',rer,îiiolître Cemlaluy,, cutI vAîl male the seasion i points An ibis vls'lîit.y. Hte l ci irlîi grey il.t ucitin, andtie tcbleoti sud bons o! the lineet hperchberîuo iiltu AnFrance l.ýin i about 18001 Ibn veight, anti of perfect turuo. luelig oasitittt i a thiiruîcîg îc'Ihe, vbile lies disposition tAs vthouit faiuît. QUEBECI 2147. WIIT 1370 POUND$. lmported Frnch Coech Stallon. ovuieti hy. Wauconda CotîHornbens.- . 'bis flueeliersvili moke tUe su-istul An euumpctty vlth Rigîet.<i, anti bott sausiibe îzv eunait teir qîlarters, at Frnk Thonias' faim, near ChItner, 1Ih. Qibe, tuie ut!ftte lAîzut stilllizsi ever brongbt te tiiscotuntry, vas li- p..rted Dy thie lite M. W.A>îîîham, anti vs lisse vet ictaiura lorsemaîz finti any tuiIt iAuJilin.lielmAs ahouy Day c iu colo?, sud lha dispositit)ule of thîe bighoat tigresetfequlue gentionees.- BotAi herses are tîvueti by t'.utpaiits tof fîiiu, nsci i. cc uuiil, ...i.t. ci o- the patronage e! reetiere 1 Calti sd e#ýt'h,- iiî iii orascut arn terme. Thue tolloviîug stands are for thze-pi 4iPltg~ iI i MON DA Y-At Diamnut fako. Tt'ESDAY-At home WBDNESDAY nlght ansud 'lînelîy nstcîiîueg iii:.t oîttofrt, , 'l se,' Voie anti Fesment Ceiier. TIIlISDAt' nigni anti FrAday mung-At Il t womî,.seut oft ;îiîîzs FRIDAY nigbit anti Satuiday- At TIh.- Lakatîte 'iic.u Wîsîu-iuu. For turthsi particnluurs culilountir addtrîe, FRANK THOI1AS, Manager. GILMER, '» - ILLINOIS. A TRIAL TRIP---The Independent for three mnonthe on trial for 25 cents. Try iti

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