CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1899, p. 4

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THE FAIR THINDEPENDENT. FRA.NK 1-L JUST. Edior. PFRiDAT, Joue 16, 1899. *aitered et the iotofioe e Libertyville.......... Illino a. as .con d c iaaam uat ier. " m a k U ntii f d m m r o alv5TTi D NÂITE« VAlS NOWN ON APPLI. mvM CATION. El-gin Butter markiet. reports«o disorder, brigandage. and On the Elgin Board of Trade Mou- tbe lige iKat aretseut ut to AmeRracair day btter was olered ai 1le~, ad- papers, are greatly exaggerated, sudW Valnig t'OIse, es isicia prace 176 tite greater part o!thie tonies that tubs of the 269 offered vere sold. alpear Hiluer a Iavaus date lhue are H Mzket irna. Butter laid ue-k Ille;umade frote the wtole cioth." Whitei one e&r go, 6csud wo yaremut Dot bc forgotten thaitihe speaker El àloeye1a4c. 6, u to crsielougs to theunurecognareri-lient 5g 4e._______________ elelueut". sund in uot elear of î,rej Hrice, fI The administration doubtiess han [Duelh that hu aaye agrees goOd reasone for not makiug public opinions expressed by clear headcd somne of te recent dapatcheh frona AautirCafs wto are fainilhrar with the Plhlppines, but 'ou general Cuban afaire. Priuciples. tbe policy of secrecy is su nupopular One. lia the preseut case Delinqaent Vax Sale. d It le reapoanaible for s titouanad udihe dlluclueut tax sale opei;nexti one rumors. utielà are aggravaterl trv Mooiday, Jlne l9tb. If you hbve11(al the preas reports of more tghtang ovur eqnared your 1848 ta.1 there wali bu asC there. The publae knows thsat the clond ou your projcrty larger Ihan r1 g prse reports are correct as fer as man's baud. a tlaey go, beaaasu othierwise tey Noie would not bu slos ed to pas theNoie Miliary en-r aiMaos, sd ~ Noice is berehy given of the sitih. iug titat much il acceptes mauy wild drawal by mutuel consent of Edwan N.9 snd improbable tonie.. Ail abt eau Paykiutui îfroua te baukaug rna il bu had aitte War Departinu i t atat Wrigt, Parkburst à, Company, of! tbîu«gs arc goiug stiîsfacimrry over Libertyiilie,lliuohs, thae Interet of!_ therbu agiub ttit l th knw- r. Parkhurst baviug becaa purchaced ledgetitievery rternitang station au by tte otter members of the o the U. S. bas bucu usruciud No partnershtp. The business will bu unlis semaauy mn for the regular coultiuued by George t. Wright, &rMY as possible, andriMw quack as Fraukln P. Dymond, Cale-b Wright, possible. aud C. Frank 19 righitimider tut Olrna _______________ ame of Wright, Dymoud à- Co., ou Ifembers of a Committue of promui. the samne hues sud condition's as hiere- DntniCubsua, Who sire in Washngtou toI oye. for te purpase of trying to gui a CALEB WaauoHT. revocation of te <rder of the War EDWINa W. PABKUI*tS'T,i Depautinaunt espeudiug ail legal pro- iEO. A. WitIOB3T, coeediugs in Cuba, ou scceout o! deLta FRANKLIN P. DyMONO, Incurred prior to Deoc. 'C, 1898, have 3;-3 C. FRANK WaIirrHT. beau doing somne plain ialking about the situation ovef iberu. Ouetoftem RUSSELL. eaîd: -"Tie ciief drsw.bsek to thu The plaouograpb entertalunaunt speedy improvement of Conditions lu given by C. Rl. Sherman, of Laberty- Cuba la the vani o! recognatiou of tbe ville, Siurday eveulng lu the Baptisi chnxch vas vary veU atteuded, about boatIntlernent of Cuba, by the U. S. onu buudred biug preseni. Blisdes goverumeut. Our ablesi men bave thae phouogrpt productions voire s"yod lu the background sud a nlasa rendured readings by Mev. Rounier sud who are iuexperiuucud snd lsckiug Miss Amoss sud a speech by Mr. Caprona. At tbe close of the uniurtinminet tce luns&IIte essentials Of state8tnaenstip11 cream sund cake vere served. Ail sho has cornetN the front, maiuiy ibrongli attended report an excellent time. loud tait. Unforunuately ibis Chien basl been acceptud as standing for te Uncialmed Ltters igliestInlteruvis of the people, Foîîowîog In a lOt of lo't-'rcr,.ïcal'irii rI throughla Ise of a riear coneuptiota of Li4artyvliii,. I. . 1rfi' r, . ars te actual neede. Wintig r seen lu ibeir truc liglt sud tbe local mis. Marie Blinsti. j. al' amrat amateurs are made No give way Nu ihoir Enail P. Kirna-ul. Mr. C'rry'ùn 'rîrn' superlors, the relations buiveen te Mr. i. R Enblir, Mr A.xad' rgt V. 8. and tbe Cubans wll bu far more Mr. Bî lace Whltuseil. postal. stisfactory. The mass of our people, Wsa .HÂI.PtasI' are docile sud eaily rnanaged, if ouly a little tact la sbowu. They di- nul' THE INDEPENDENT ptiblisiiie mort- vat au, more ightiug sud <>ly suke outy Desthan thae others. Douyamm a chance to male a living. The taile it? Trial trip -3 moatias, 25v. Grobow & Mollof opmrailfi the 8sl d ide-9 Pas.B"ug.flsteaferý ANMD anmdithe poîcaisa' negerp CIJTY OF LOUIS fftween Chicago, .5t. and Boton Hlarbor, Mi $IDAILY EXCURIq Dormi. lata' Mc rar a i 1 .'r- rarrim ri.arri-, aiu i 'dur,, m t , P .ordrll . t- ti'i tr0m ' ip -aimtlure 26f. tii. 'l 5 AI-r i, 'rr tha, t,rrlt r' 1 -af H.J h'. rit iJ s , i S-T ' em, ,rrdTre I.i'ur Hreri.rr. Mî"lr. r G. P ('0 ay. Dri &] ..t wra .Ir r., AI~IN4 ft~ and 1:m, sonda, x 1:30' mr l,r w>at i sm l-c, Imem .tlr,t i dr.t it amui Alib' e "'i. ATr WAUKEGAN, ILL., Will be one year old June lBth. As thati date this year is on Sunday, we will give aý NINE DA Y SALE commencing Thursday, June l5th, to and including June This wiIl give peo-ý pie f rom the country an opportunity to at- tend this sale of ail Anntversary Sales ever given in Waukegan. During thisi NINE DAY WONDER SALE GenineBargains Bulk Starch ..................................... 03C 100 Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs ...05c 150 Il Il. 04c 100 Il Silk 10oc 100 Children's Linen Collars each............ 02C Large Screen Door Hooks, per doz ........... 05c Lap Robes from 55c to..................... $1 25 50-lb Flour Bins.............. ............... 55C Fly Nets of ail kinds. Breast Collar Pads and Back Pads, ail kinds and prices--1Oc Up. Whips at haif price--iOc up. Geo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. Discoverud bY s Woman. Auottaer greai diacovey tas bauD fh.aBmd Reief. made, sudta.t to, by a lady in ibis E counttry.- ,Diseaâe fàeteuudtlutetes upou ber sud for auvun yeares sie wittstood lis aeverest tests, but ber vital organe vere uudermined sud meittit eemed immninent. For tre maontis she congted iucessauly, sud cîîpid uoi leup. Sitefihually dis- coverud a vay to recovery, by Pur- ctasiug of us a boutle of Dr. Kiugs New Discovery for conunruptiou, sud vas so mucit relieved ou takiug tirât doge ibai ste siepi ail uight; and vitit twq bouleslitm beun sbsolutelY Cured. lier namneli.,tirs. Luther Luir'. Thus t3 wrilea W. C. Hamulcek & Co., Siteiby, N. C. Triai bottes free ai F. B. LoVELL, Liburtyville, G. B. TiaoMP- soN, tiraysiate. Regular ire 50c sud $1. 00. Every boulie guarsuiued. vuile itaudling Bomu tus+y boxes. Tbe docior 1 ralled on said ai il rstI hvas à oligtt strain sud would goon bu vuli. but it grew vorse sud the doctor then aalil 1 tad rbenmatisul.i cotinued to grov vorse sud I rouid itardly gui arunnd to work. 1 veut ta, a drug store sud the dr uggist recommeuded me to iry Cbsrnberlain5 pain Balni. h trhed i sud on-taI! o! a 5o0 ceut botte eîred me etirely. 1 nov recomrneud i t,, al my friends.-F. A. BâbcOrt, Enie. s his for sale byF.B. LOVELL, Liteiyvlle, J. IL. BxAac. IGureeu, (iRAYliLAEE pHAitiA(Y, F. L. WESTES- MAN, Rockefeller, JOHN MEIE.LE, Ivantoe. we. will absolutely seli al ooods at M anu- Cms rmDr..B..rilO Wasita. i. T. lie writes: "-Four bottles of Eletrie Biftters bas cnred lirs. Brever 01 scrofula, vhlOh bas facturers' Prices, as we have had a very caused er gre 1! ffring fory ers tead sud face sud the beat doltora , ould give no belp; but ber cura 18 successf ul year and can afford to sell goods cmlt n e eùhl xeln. Ths shows wvitl housande bave proved-tbat ElMinnBitSers l8 the for ine ayswith ut c argng y u a rof t est blood puriler kov. its te for inedayswitout haring ou profitsupreme rurnedy for uczerna, ltter, 5sali rheuum. nîrers, baillansd nuniug area.I stimulâtes liver, tldaaey sud W e w nt verone o c rneand iak usboves, «exls poisons, helps digestion Wewa tevron dm Ke SSoN by F. B. Lo)VE,.LL, ryvle G . V aom g so N , G r& _ l a e . a ai uin hi aeO!yo an 1Interest t nventors. aC. A. Sow 3 CO., One Of the oldesi a~~~~~~~ ~~~ c ld rngt ssae fyuca.sdMost sucressful firzu o! patent lawyers, vianse ofies are opposite St YoUu ita tauapateut Officelu Wàh- ington, D. C,1 sd vtO bve procured Patente for more titan 17,M0) inveulors, Yous, "Y that,owiag N lte irproved con- ~ ~'~m ~ 'yIOMee' ,Patente U&d nov bu more afý MA-AaER.Propty Procured au at uy previaus ime lu Sheft experieuce 0f MANAGER. wemSJve yua" 6Two Teai. &go I Suffered se- vuely front neuralgia and pal pitaio of thehCarta Ivya te0 do ilht houstwork. ~g beu rht reade until 1 took D. MIIdHeait Cure.3 bottin reanoveda &Utrade of my diloede a"d I now feuil ice a U0W VIoman. M. J. D. MisaSes lu 0. watsr et., £xstss.N. M. 9 »qart cure 1.d y I onsl&leco . Boo m ce art sud asrvm seat Ires. Dr. 11111s Madici COrsPafly, EIkhartla ld. Enterprtslfl Marchanlte. spatisa ummer aunounceinents of s large numuber o! reitable menciataus appeau fronveut to veut lu tah IND- PIENDENT. Thuse advertiselaenta are wonthy o!fithe reader*s rare! ut attention juet ai the begnUuiug O! the summer Season witeu go rny tiings are ueeded lu the househol<i. The mer- chtante represeaiied lu our rolumni ara uot exceiled auyvbure for alerineas lu keeping ibeir stocks Dp tN date, sinrily honorable sud legliliRte metitode sud trassouable pricea«;sud hi a a matte? o! Do ---Il gratification lo the INDEMPEN- 1Pus? IRaS ils patronsare amoug ltbe bu ta Imke Ooualy. JEWELRY, WATCH AND BICYCLE REPAIR WORK PROMPT- ..LVATTENDED TO .. E. B, SHIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Railroad Talk .. .IS AGOOD TH ING ... But our talk is a money saver. NOTE THE FOLLOWING: i lb good Coi!e. .. .. i2 bars good Wa ahîg Soap .. 8 baris Mairie City Samsp.......... * . 25 * 25 *. . A big reduction in aIl shoes. A lot of samples in Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Slippers. A nuv loi 0f ine ai pur yard.............. . 10 Men's Suits at 25 per cent of good values. Men's and Boys' Pants. a large lot to select f rom. Chiidren's Suits. Suits made to order. Pick out your sampie now and have it ready. for the Fo urth of JuIy wiil soon be here. W. W. EDWARDS, GRA YSLAK E. .ss ,~s pîcicups j j îmrst.x' strînri.'., sirlircli p"! ,.i~î,'lt ta- getîl,-' or trrar.,îl r. I ralaril, tiae Chiago irants are I.cîmiiaig gi.iattIi vitiî gold coin. The aualretiaury Ilrrs reftîsud tN PsY Onita1111Ymre msurah tilla for the yettov mueai, tebaiks are unable te excitange il for Rild cerihicates sud so te ibatk are doing the Ouly tting teft for tena, sarniimg lu tbein vsîîits vbat tituy eat gui rhd of. Tvo sous, onu sged fouteen aîad the other tun, f J. D. Casteet, o! Sioux FaIts, S. D., vere suddenty taiteua she sud died before a doctr rould ire sumrned. investigation proved Ilîat juastprvies Sa the deisa s aveladt beau rleaned in viticlipotatocu lied beau stored wviir by repeaicd freezing sud tbavhng biad deo<mmeem Te rtildreu veufodOo! rav potaNes sud aie freet'Y O! thena, ian- avare o thé farttat frayna-td arda iaemi potteN RIsr rti poison. iutroduced te suthonhze thte hcsit' ()fa a fr&ctional pape? eurreucy lI deuoaîhuu- lions o! 10, 25 sud 50 cents. Iflic Objeetistlu10 nablu persons Who wl-ut 50seudgsmali sums tbrotagi thte mail viîch, are a hile more s«Pensive D»v. bonsm 0f1te aOverufLueDS.taRoOr - - ILLINOIS i.îait. 'l',. te , W t 'me raiunaio Imaprobiabe aaà x, .. -a'-'f tMat i klîd o! money s i i 1w F. BAIRSTOW. M AN UFACTU RERO Mandl iranite Monuments. CIIEITERY WORK EV hRY I3escriptoiu. 82 ssue St WAUKUOANlu m lU DiIC' ll i~~. GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. I 4 ~~~MUS. B. B. sNBRrAN. Led Botter. II!I IlIU Mrs. Sherman la authorized ta ol~ve subcfptioflfafdadvrtsafi 1foi' fie INIDEU'EIDENT aiea orders for Job pitu.(a a e o is SWishing to close out our, GRAYSLAKE SOC lETIES. ueae1th ad been failing for about a 1850DBLog ~ AF.A..yer Obtuary wîîî sPpar Belt weuk- stock of Mlllinery, we will re- R z-d .-ulr omialoASFls ondSay 1Rev. Fredeub.guD w.. lnBurlingion evenifla on or before fNil moon. .. . LOOÂBÂGH.1. A. FRNLON. W- M- Monday, snd aCOompsUIed bY bisl Wife te pie e ryo eh i wuare inlu o «1(1818 aSuer. sttended the meeting of the Lake du e t e p i s aryo -h l Sa""' lsÇsu id àTund= evuaCoauty ongrega..i..-. Union In *Iii~es atUS-..CAusaIIDOILE!. W. M. Millhurn Tuesdzy. regardeso o t RAYSLAKE Camp B,. 1341 M. W. A. muet Orsysiake Items lcridti esfro ac ado' ey veinsa of weir, aud but for tbe preel.oonLaesli) iorHeai35 JH MUSEXE. -V. C.correspondent lu Lîburtyville we i125 ....75 viaitiig Joa CEITIA.Cbrkc utable taopubligb the ew Bsle lldreuS 3$1.10 Trirnrnd Biat t..........3 ýeek. e OURT OF HONOR No. 164 metIngs lu could write oun tle spur of te moment. Ail Ladies- Trimnned Hâie ai cost. a re the srd Satturdays of each month. baby girl, M.s. V. lionDs. lt.m. E. L. Bose, W. C. An excbaflge ixeuîeDp be dead i Kneedler n JJJ o.î...eîseodtv i bis vay: «*My friend, bave itie801. lv su foutbl~'usdse..nlngseaoh moth you heard of the town of Nogood, onLdisFO wsVes*3 deunferan MNis. MARY 0. MO Oracle.OC.the haut of the river Blow, vitere3.0Kd(Hesaisissdctra5 jetr5d-ONOlIEUATIONALChurci1 undar sar- 8ouaeýor-othemr tilsa tbe air, sud ibe Speciai - Ladies' 25e Ravi sud Tien .... ........I fGlenview %C viops î:aa.m. and 7:3o . m. Frayer meult- oifo«ygo.hle uievl tylocse osi..................... F. Richards incWmdncdar eveuings. T.p. 8. .Emeflt si oayqgo.I i@l h o-RylWretrCros..1..... ..... 4 mn, una . l. abbathSOchool 1:3e îey o1 Watteus tStepovn' alls Cornet.......8 oSed ..iii ld i 8 . F~saaE.psofo!Lethur.shide; ltis the home of Its- HferuooD VJ t. T U nieutInus ver'sars'ls.IdD arvtreieCive-lt- 0. 1). Perfection Corset... ......... ... 8 e invited Fr dafrm . ASE. qm% ups abide. Tbe towu isas" old sas the Smmer Corset ..................3 msas. YLOsîs,.s Luisz. Bec. Sec. hurnane race aud Ih grows viti thet ahi give s g.No @18 .0 0. . F. llgbt of tbe juars, aud hi s Io vrapped i 7 ýday uvun- W. DooarrLE. N. G. lu the fog of lte IdIers dreams; Il es&gi i-ol330 ai le be auto- A. M(cMaaLENZ. Secy. streets are ail paved wih discarded eý qnjitIn l- rRAYOLAKE Lodue M. W. W. No. 1lu scietes and are sprinkled vit use- ies plsses m,.eUngsad D4ah Frida. irdilly n- . MoosE. W. M. Jean Saur.' - isMUD iRza.s.Y The supreme court ,f the IUied F eK E K R iliia i 5D~ o Caysa ma tes ruceuiiy baudud clowna decision Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Ilin ois. OficaiPaerofGrie&X. tO the elieci ihai poutlry rununng Ait _________________________________ H l~UI Mr. snd Min. Keuny bave moved ta wboee properiy chicikeus may iruspasa McHienry. have a legal right tu kiitilleul. 4/etces ..... ý_-ïn Mr. Freemau, ut Chicago, visiieda HoiBuei Austin over Siunday. Would Not Buffer s0 ^gain for Fifty Miss Seulle Godfrey las uassiiig MisesTimes Rte Price. rcsae dvnigo wths Whiinare ii ibe .osi ofice.lavoke lut i ughit ih svere pain@Pîe r danîgo ace W fitmor lu hepot y stornacb. 1 neyer fit 80 badly SMeurs, Cleveland sud Whitrnore nlulmv Illfe. WunI came dovu t o f ail grades. Now is the timne to were in Wadwortl Monday. work ibis mrnring i1ftelso1§0vea i About tiirty Royal Neigbbors frolu & McCurdys drug store andtey (irayslakre ett ietvl Tus recommended Cbaimberlain's Colle, * daY. CboIera sud Diarrtoeu. ternedy.XI I.B1au'JacobInnhe worked Rile magie and one dose flzed J ~ e Ms aornofWkme alrigbt. it ertaiuly ln tbe Ouest I.el. ... wei gnest of ber fater asier dur iug ihing 1 ever naed for stomacli trouble. b er ivo wekovacatbon. I ibAîl uoi be vithouhiDmboe veetshereafier. for 1 sbonldot craN The village board drove tN Waucondaeudure te suferings of last nigbt 6EAuMEhstMudynglttohsec b-aailàrtaf hli res Ius price.-GO. H. 0f every description. Sul- r<e ll W ilson, Liverym an, lurg it a vu, Sv1L L E syster of tire protection. Washigon Ca., Pu. Titis rernedy verwear cheaper than you can Joseph Last Fridsy ai bis borne bore occur- làs for sale by F. B. LovEcLL. Liberty- Lkchila rdiedai ftr oute ts ville, J. R. BRAcHiER, Gurue, Onsys- buy as good in Chicago. redthedesh o M. JhnahenRen 1AKE Pnh.AsACV, IG. L. WETERVAss, SUONS afler u Ilînessso lion&10deys. lIas1 Rockefeller, JooN MEiTILER, Ivanitue. fclous emd wholeso<e HALF DAY tir. aad Irs. J. A. Mafis Alaukegrin tiis set. irs.F. l. 'frapp ,.istted re LIant-s' iletact '1 aacdray. Missa aiml blason îs ho Elinuonaa a aouitis iracation. Masm Carne Sexianer le 'ricird. lu Haiaiesvilc iticswt Mr. andNira. .1. 'T. Ayers happmy parents of a lttie1 dýru Jiue 4tb. ir-eludllirs. are ais,, prouri parenlts o! a fil Nirs , JA, Hiaiclingsansd ,in. Keuaiacott sud Mas. Carli ir.ugtiter tIrs.Rideuour. of .'hcaied lasi Tuesday ut tMr. J. ai i . L. Tripp's. 11ev. 'Ie of Roc-ke'feller ttc pialli las Suday. ireaect here every Sunday ai ilaree o',-lock. Evcryoui tkm cern<d itearfilin. The ladies aofthe ciaancb y social ai the town hall Tues( ang, June2ilib. and wall tallii grapit r1ulli A ticket on td cliirdîngisiaimier 10 ecia Ladi irang cake. Everyoue roi vatcd to coule. ROUTE ILLINOIS. 4

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