CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1899, p. 6

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Pd to ebeighave. and a tu" ghly eelored after beinbbBd= afew _ takrirronindt h gaea P R OO dy aY producer. do not attempt minute. adulteration mal, be sne.. thasiteryhn the astrsad rits were te imitate the beneex€eplt in culor and pected. spon, ase. Spurious toffee were for- List Practically UnilmiHed, AILl eyes were seeinugly bient on the MINETY PER CENT OF THE SUP- merly ifhported from Germany in large The list of articles aduterted and fem of the brae yoiung daughiter. PLY IS ADULTERATED. quantities and to nome extent from their adulterations la pracéleelly un- wo, intheanguiosh that wrungheorhartf France. But American manufacturera, limited, as was stated by Prof. Wiley lung, stran to snt totu h ar of sRvlain Bogt n yrealising the prodit to beemade in the ln his testimony before the Congres.- Hed r a Craeni, vwh ofe th o hde trln eeain rnh ytradte, entered the fdeld and now makre aonal Committee. The adulteration ofr andgrownale as bteeodstofe arth rolled o the selnt atIvestigating. Committ*eebetter Imitations than any that are to coffe and tea, will serve as types. It le Cou -i pnentho ecn, but to the armsyli. -Enormous Amont of Franduatntie Imported. Flour or almost any stated that most of the splees sold are been m atate dthan rif-the mother and sis- and Poisonoue Producta Produsced• eerea la mixed with molasses ana wholly fraudulent, asare most of the jel- Appre ter of the man whio lay in jail aeedOf - - -- . molded tjq mI Ig bgepn anàj th" Le.,Ferhaps IlfofthiealcQhLolic liquors The the damnable Crime of the banker's tkn fteei odmnua.ratåa oe.Smtimscioyar rprdfro etalsiisdo-n i tured or sold ln this country, the Senate or burned sugar forma a part of the tored and colored to have the tante riots.- Many there were who looked on this Pure Food Investigating Committee, compeund, whleh, although almost and appearance of the Iliqluor demand- The scene withi surprise, but Doncithii a de- which took testimony in Chicago, did worthles, ls not harmful when com- ad by the consumer. A type of this fua mw er feeling of alnnoyance thau IIerma n not comne across I. The evidenâce in POsed Of such simple substances, but If adulteration la the recipe given for Eola'm Cravn an hriff Co bPb. aueitwsi- the hande of that committee tende to minera matter be added the product 1s "pure country eider." It le: Te each In c CHAPTd ermon.-(Conthenu aed.) into tlih barroom, whuere ebpuchased a redman should seek consolation of the articles of food are adulterated byt the Years ago ln France the Government granulated sugar, acidulate with tar- whic- "Whoi d Hrmn hae he aria e Ogrfiged. tadsutee akmomother and sister of his murderer. manufacturers, and somes of them with seized a factory which employed nul- tarie acid, and diavor with OU of apple, Press "uTh last 'd orir asLag Gn eig ethemen,"e. " ak- ToulHerman Craven's mind the circum' deleterious and dangerous substances. phate ofliron In Its mixture. previously put In alcohol, color with The "Th le d nht f:'de mudet r. Mars Lang, a Go od ening enteheoreemr o- staneceboded not the easy fulfillment of One of the witnesses, Dr. M. H. Wiley, imitation coffee beans can be distin- m el, and to twenty gallons of th@ or ge and. hi edt a a n bdafro d e bwi tesrgist rwar li t te oute obis wses Wi e thouight. "Wait!" chief chemist in the Department of guished esIly from the genuine by al mixture add two gallons of genuine adorei M' m. H soe.le de coerner ob Market "G-ood evening, Mr. Sellars," responlded Lang Sellars, as hie stood somte yards Arclue ets a st eltecareful examInation. Molded as þe7 onrycdr Tranu and Front streetë,and tell me to wait. the two men. away, leniing against a stately pi ne, his§ gcmmituee tt o90fpr cetofllthe aecheatdcaountpesn ui reuetcsrh. ee eotd F H ko boads darolina anotel, "ot ,mhansint usom1owaay ,oall form toweing abe atdn thersl-iquid and solid foods consumed by the formity of structure, whleh ta entirely of late years of sickness arising from these and when lhe come bc a a a upsSaky h t siskeeerse nte tpol ftheUnlited States are adul- foreign to the real beans. Again, arti- the use of canned meats. The cause • in ofwi him Irneber sawd bner da nowsrs, 1 ry little, euloidtheorclebnrido winbind)you yet closer together. Wait !" terated. And Dr. Wiley saId this state--detal coerie beans will nearly always see mainly to havé been improper Hf.mHewasdtalier. and. hevird an grsIuoewcany-ok ormor bfor It was ten o'clock on the- 23d day of the Ment Iwas based on his personal inves. sink when put ln water, while genuine methods of caning, or the Une of me"t b . Her musa, and o a e. er o.Bo " had a grayufall.e.,. adSelr, sl monathand gathered in the spaicions par- tigation. He lhad, so he told the com- cofee ldoets. There are several simple that was tainted before being canned. orF ofb emuwstache an woegarbeavd e ha iet. o IsoP tue opn ogit, ad elas a elors of the residence of the late banker mittee, examined and tested almost and good testa for ground coffee. When According to A. J. Wedderburn, of the on in ofde was moincgasa "Oe two, i ee, nine. Why, YOu were the five directors of the "Cae ier every article of food and drink bought a little of the coffee la taken and press- United States Department of Agricul- une. " 'Driveout bMarket street, Adam,' hadl fifeen arrivais to,-day." Bn-dal ' i ct me b le fthoswhom- [LT Mars lHerman say, Rand I did. ' Yes, but lhaif of them are dhiummers, I i accotiu iitbe loeLesoa h "Did you catch this party's "anmey' said the clerk; "they get lhait rates, youi friens.d t scsdeolhefonlare a i heard mars Herman call lhim, Ste- know. 'ivere is nuit much money minerunle n Indwn ihJeie*'te phens.' 1 spec' dat's his name. Well, them.ur Cam pbensidhe, awasth e nker's tpe drive pont de hous,, and 1 hear Mars lier- We, they will bring you other custoim laughter, ande ver beatifh et sadi,rsee an e man say, 'dar's where my Uncle Avin later. . ookhe cland vin the thabilmet tat],told It l Treenoulgh, SMr. Sellars; that is the erachu een t. aiinvitfus ol I "1'Lives nowy SMr. Sitphens say. 'Yes, induiement for giving them halt rates. ', of numrber of des wresetednerlhr now,' says Mars eitrman, i.and (de ratlin *Yesterdaýy you hadl even a greater Buumi- Athem andrangeldaist te satoppo- ptrov ob de wheels drown tde rest., u heýn Igot lher, twenity-four. I declareý, I see few Isite themnwre tefaamily sevants wilenl ov 'bout six blocks beyonl de houlse Mars names here that I haveot somte knowl- IIermathniCiravtensat n era cntsr.tabe pat Hemnsy:' tie back, Adam,' and I edge of the parties."conring with e oldüatr cnieofthepatoib drive back de samne way. Gomn back. I livere the detective turned back a leau ravnk w presel aosetlo his feet nabt heard dat man ai SMars lIerman what of the registerlpositi'on fronm where he could ait will sean bet kind ab game dey run at de 'j'hanters *The ITth, twenty-one gue-sts. Ah, bere alfaue a h ra eetv.**e mes,' l erman say: 'A pretty suff is the name oif my obd friendi, Jo Anson ofr ' aebe eietd"si h a-- I gamce, sometimies,' Tarboro. Why, heres Normnt (of Lum- -'byte dshe o u altehrei e a-Gs 12 a* izgtsare. Anctysaarows&do "',oh,' Mr. Stephens saY, dty play's fer lberton and Caldwell(of Iluplin. yeti, and Yer ,h*vIehai b te drirector n, of thead eeraead wmith1-oy MBlckte-a. Young taa. Green Lee. Beech..Eder. Hawthorn. coffee' IIer igh staktes in Balupiore. Dars de place Saim Grady and Col. IHoyt of iskof nhi d hewasthe hore pr ftei n oatdbn.Salblc e. .wldpu.-Ti fhigbh rirs' " Next come Sehes-.A. Stephens ilof -T- "eg did. Baltimore. It's time for Lw o sopwdnt, t oradtothseher pesnthi ad sold in the country, and hie ex- ed between the fingera or squeezed In ture, but Little risk will bie run by the big i rpye de samte place 1 pick demt up, and To lbe sure, there lare plenty (of Sepe ses iebraced in this package Of Ipers ust of is dto ieivsiaostersl eppests wll not orhaco llahetan, Iis utsiderof hecans wich e bus.ah Mar Hema gie m fftycens nd,4irina, or nsanc, i fll f temra n 'e as er , For instance, lhe fournd"'pure" alco. pretty sure to be genuine, but Ir the heads of the cains fbould beeslightly ay: aYu gdovhomf eyAdam. I ill walk, hnter athe he f S tepheso umbeVr IeeAtony b0rm1 terb-hthat lhadt beenumade of menthol and grains cake they are not coffee. Even concave, which shows that they were and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I111oC aif drveoffA.ywa go twarslnd th pens ofna d r-ier band tant]withdirew fromt the package wood sap; brandy that liadtbeen nman- cheory grains will stick to each other, htwhngeld.Iihohadtrecn dera t l. a liberal withi money, lislhe of thoslite bunker's will- ufactured of burnit sugar and water; for they are comparatively soft and vex it show$ that decompoldtion hiat l Hemnm" hn ot," adAhdcek."aavmTobcnine. bread that hadl been made of poitt open, and adhere without dIffleulty comme.nced ln the can. ,*on' ebery night when hie keep me out no recollection of having seen this Ste- WHwGIS iOD luadee hen adltrae wthwensqezed. In water chicory and The total value of the food supply oftha, he iv m a uate orhaf ola." phusbefre H wa olyher ashrtaluni and sulphate of copper, sub.- cereals will soften quickly like bread the United States lias been estImated'- oI are! I see" and the detective ran time. Arrived on the morning of The 17th How a Plucky Woman Prevented Hier stances dangerous to the health of the crumbs, while coffee will take a long at $5,00,00,00. According to Dr. nal. Ia fngers through his hair. l"Would yioundleft on the night of thel18th. He may fHuband'sAsssiain consumers of rthat sort of bread; cider time to soften; genuine coffee grains W0e' siae 0 per cent. of this la 1 -gtn thII altphn fyo a i abe n taskdrummer, ut imth rink nas The Civil and Military Gazette, pub)- made of tartarle acid and colored with wlfotawllhe hlebnbu adtrtd, or $4,50,000000. Accord- culn agan, Adamy'e tu, asheui no ask ordrume arats ndlished at Allathabadi, contains an exutt- caramel; candy made of glucose and chicory orny other sweet root will ing to thetAmerican Grocer's figures, %-et "eKnowuim, andsertu, M a ndlee mg had no b aggoag ith hintierte lulg àac(ouint of the maniner lin w hileha artificial essences and colorgd with, soon Blnk. Chicory or caramel ill which .are eMost favorable, not more in t shapak uick 1 andsort n e ihty ',sel IIe wias notiga dru ie ahen avd plucky woman saved herself and her poisonous subsitances;, canned goods 1Cause a yellowlsh or brownlsh color to than 10 per cent. of the adulteration la the" shWarp lak, Oh, itwbh n.nyou drove ben an employer Of drummenrs."ayav lusband against the attack of a GhiazL which had been preserved with salta of diffuse rapfidly through the water, but harmful or Injurious to the health. W What ime w "He made a trip down w vith me," oh- As Cauptaini and Mirs. Spence wevre out copper; butter whieh ad been manu- Pure coffee will not tint the water for Taking these statetnentm, the result Cree 64twan' Jate. 1 spec' 'bout nine o'clock." servedl Browninig. "I have no1 recolIlection driving slowly they saw, a Brahui factured fromt ordluary animal fats aL long time. Such tests are so simple shows that there ls$n 000,0 worth L',I "Youo on'tknowwhattimeHermn ofhavig senrhiobefre. e isnot ncontedbneanaluc racng mre cm-aad strchand n whch tere as aithaltherxappars fttl excse fr fno : o poionou fooo prouctsput nnua- ba Craven came home, or whether lhe was drummier, and if hie left on thle night of 'igtwr hma ak stemnecs fsls erta a entry ing them. Yet manufacturers oeill ly 0on the country and $,5,0,0 fS. *'oal r ag w oneidY, e thLo.e thheamut he gTone outtrwith."r-approachied he drew his sword and made of burnt sugar, licorice, quassia to dealers tons of artifii lal coffee, fraudulent products. "NSo. asLag hn ombed diectly e Hedadthemgrun h at potip. h inade a vlgorous cut at Captain Spence, and grains other than barley; cheese Iwleh s accepted unquestioningly as ----T---I-=s I btI wen' up to get NMars H oke ahe ieaIprLgca- h euine article.os Herans black dlem, in de morn- acier," observed the clerk, "but i presumile %who, on seeing the naked sword, lin- that hiad been made of oleomargarine' YUNGCOXOMBa in' and dr ar noLone but him dar." he was a Bialtimiore bsns mani. ra- stantly stoodl up and lashed at the with salts of mercury Iin the rind; cocoa j Puri.ous Stuff la Possible. __UN . _.___ "uL I ih ouddnthvetecr ein lthe asieof ii 'th 'tpeFear Banik,' Ghazi with the drivlug whip, causing and chocolate that were compounided of Both manufacturera and retail gro- Tranaht a Leeson by un oMd Man fronc i"m riag out?" seteIokowhm ctlast 1 oica the marc to swerve and rthe sword to sugar, animal fats, flour and starch and cers make enormious prurits, for their the Country, wh "o Mars Lang; but Mars Herman themi talking earnestly together on the pass'harmilessly by, btinci(omfortabtly ferruginous earths; Cayenne pepper fraudulent coffesecan be mnade for as He bure the customary resemblance grrei as downtow. Idsaw hiomiaoutide dahofftheo17th. By te waytatas close to Captain Sppvee's lhead. At this that was made of ground rice and tlour Little as 3 or 4 cents a Pound. Often to a rural visitor. lThere Ywas the chia o af terlupeIl o'"asdo faiffMrfeloete.tkn instanut Captain Spence lost his balance and sait and a sprinkling of red lead; the dlour, crackers or cereats which1 beard and the clean-shiaven upper lip He et in." ih kytote rnt ~errbe ak eril!,l saamitfell under the wheel of the trap, fdour that was made of alumi and 1enter intolits cOmplosition are sO badly and the trousers that fell just below his i "He carrieppsanihetohefront "Toerrbe taeck! Terib!It wa. aw here lhe lay pinned down for somne ground rice; einn1amon that was made damaged thiat they could be utilized ankles. No wonder the topplshly garbed lie- doortainpoe" shockto th.nktire comunty.apbllti i.Seeing lher lhusband lin the act of cassia and plainsawd-eust; gingerthat ln no other way. Therehis, besides, youth at the end of the car snickered "Ce hein!" "An hedorled-shud hat oin thtdteober Campbellormallingirs. Spenee seized the mwhipnwas maniufac-tured of mustr admcAuktrn nra ofes n lu hnh nee.f Her hre asra thehedorllea- shola t]ite mied e inurve fromt Ii&shand and jumnped to the tumeric; gln that was composed lto- lwrgae r rqetymxd Aldrn h ieu icl - I t h al.' eledMs oelrs. and 1 heard Sberiff Cobb say, there was ground. By this timte the Ghazi hand gether of a miixiture of water and sugar with the higher. Thus Maracaibo and nue the Young man smiled at the aged ma "Hannah is"waiting to see you.", no doubt of his guilt." wheeled on the road and wvas making and alumi and turpentine; honey in the La Guayra coffees are mixed with Java gentleman opposite hlimi. The latter "YesDy, inda m enwfe. You mtay "eriff Cobb,"is veythredmne nte rs.Ms Sec nsatycmbta asmd fglcs ndadtocacfe adiemitr od elt raiganesae, u o. gor nowam. And s rememt uhabe not vryshrwtan," aithe detetive. stood between hler husband and the .cante u;;ar, mwIth the comb molded of 1fur pure Java or pure Mocha-. and theni be would look over the top of hoi weeor t living soul ayonverbeen "udrstand that u lithe risne. r dTenanand therereceivedl the Ghazi's ait- paraffin; 1ard that was made of starch Cheap cream of tartar has been It and meet the tauinting eyes of the A heor that you aveh!Ad antcnvera-maudacityetorcllyou ainthe ase.[Itre- rack. whiptin hand, cuttli n t him nial and cottonseed oil and stearine, and proved to be composed largely of tar- Young man. lig1 tion rlwihme-n ot arhnt dowontice pu ar-mned eo yu alb h uler is tuare and calling out for helpi. By containing alum and catle lime; Daus- tarie acd and terra albia. This terra All of a sudden lhe laid the paper -dl mtularly w e yousaredontoIwl nti ou cas like' Very likle'" said Lan.mlaking vigoroustuse of lher whip she tard Thast was compounded of dteor and alba, or white earth, imported from the aside and aroise fromhbis scat. Hie gra. Y se at manfr Stephens an O again. wll end erot the start of rie this timle" ke it the Ghazl off ndi drove imii away. t umeric and chromate and sulphate of shores of the Miediterranean, has been bied one of the "hold-on" straps and ili Ce alban fr uwhenistancetyoumeaand "I am sorry for CamPbe'll's mother anid A second charge the Ghazi made wans lead; artitelal milk that was sold as asdai odautrntt eru ugda t rnial.Tecnut r s Yousmay bnet o grt-asi ane omean ister," observed the night clerk. . alrpusdeetthto hspure condensed milk" and made of sdgeeaI sa when uleriz e ea white gdidnoenttee hanis al.Tteph ae ndutly y*o ll notarsLan gallde 'ward I wants "Yiesand I." said Lang. "el go sinlot t e Ghazi'sexts tcame oreisburnt sugar, annotto and watr; fruitadea lost mplblzed, ashte dt otote rhbie t etarly rventhe v la to see de man what murdier my ole night," lhe added, "I must lbe going." erlusyteraners Secewa elie ha er md o gwtblat- es ndlokngliea ie tac. tsyun mnino yteic."Othtd marster hanged, and Mars Robert Camp- *"G-ood night, Mr. Sellars." nriokl edrown.dBMths.timenCaptUsa iaple parings and flavored de o pr- eseance i frequentlyide tc Iao u-gamRube"Lheoldn manerd "hm mut- i bel tnrned loose, kaze 1 know'Miass Hat- ."So much for 'Mr. C. A. Stephens," haeldextricatdhislfme be- ie ical essences; mace that was madekofdresuge a r, which y ccount for a ter, ndthen anhough the efforts f 1t tie's sweetheart nebber murdered ole thought Lang saslhe left the office. ~LHeSpence bailel of athdbet weeh ra utan eeinrdfl tefc htueeprsdo not funrte gd gtlmanthadsftheedrt h i arrived im Milmington ou the morning or neat the ' putu in anlt fcet read aclun deedaor * 'llal doon e"a marster.reater reward thtan the 17th. Mack observed him in close ssandsvealrae ndacak ritnpreserveis othat werandealofi;thoweedsga ltgthrsaisatoyher h ai:'l tortyo, d , the satisfactionrof seeing a guilty wretch conversation with Hierman Craven, that ed rib, and came to his wlfe's help, and Commun pumpkin and colored with for cooking purposes. Pure cream of rlsing hie pulled the miotorman'a belL FI hanged Adam-perhaps your freedom- night, and the samne night Adamt drives whien the Ghazi made his third rush hle dangerous substances: sago made of tartar wvill dissolve ln hot water, but When hie had tugged It the regular way p. Who knowsT, the two past the banker's house. You was driven off by Captain Spence' potato starch: odrd uate terra alba will not; therefore to test It the old man resumed his seat. b Thedetective hadl been rolling uptthe mnay be straighter than a string, C. A. whlen lhe made off at a gallop, but the bspoohih ws rie flur, adptatapofl noatmlrotot Tecrcmhoastnsila h u blodysirte and her he aded urlit o tephD ens, bthIemuste know more abtoutpursuit was taken up and he was uILtI- which contained also salis of tead and waiter, allow It to stand for a few mu- corner. The coniductor opened the rear Adeora ith nthe wods: Taknte youhatirolteyou loet thpe hoiiyteionthe nighttof mately run down and shot. tin, gypsum and marble dust; tesarthatments, and then see whether there lasLdoor, but no one inside moved. d "th e s a ,s o rit i nicate id eedth atne ro' fo r the m urm o re n o fun.A tthe t yh u h a k F- ew as m ad e of com m n lea ves a nd trea t- a ny sed im en t If th e s d im e t la rg e, "I g uess I t a s tha t Y ou ng feller mude Ihsben omittdc. sB 8mrealiteng 'c.lock i. hur . ThDak Secrhet, semhs ed withà gypsumi, china Clay and soap- terra alba La' probaly present. If It over there," answeredl the old mani "Dats so Mar Lan, sad th nego, te baker asnalivingmn.Imutin- "It a no as'lecreoug y heis- s tone; vinegar that vwas made of lbernt doesntdsotlaigtewtrndigtwr h ot griang. 'Chikeude. Igult1o 1rie Brdn he e e onev peedo ashe eere agry pam ugar and suilprlelr( and hydrochloric clear, add a few drops of tincture of "D'ye waniter ght ol|f inquired the dAsthedJor closed behtind Adam, Cal- word of his statemnent. 1It is lat e, bt "There's no one ln sighit," lhe replied,Uands;watieadeolordaith icaa olne willtren ncaged; bfutref taecrch cosd"Whyun," tammeedthayut-. han admitted Haitnnah. the mothler and daughter are looking for after a careful survey. aFrom teltes tony of mtheaitnesses pree n he wtier willtrn brigh lue. "I thought ta t edrlyenotlean "DLid you co1ïk chickens for dinnier yes. me. I must drop im and give them a word "But somte one- may comte round that bFrore the tciommittf ithewould esem eeTthe saateralunts of tabae dfd, and I rang the ell orhetlm n He , terday,lHannaih»?" of cheer. I can't be going there much in corner at any minute and recognliz efa ore tme adigenuty ae ex- "shwnt"orexhausted ntealeaves laresdliwadpulrnge those st frapm. H "Ye,,Mars L.ang." , the light of day.- us, and then 1 shouldwanit to dit,." t a _. , iii nd lg-- - ar e ---__ ------- -- v s, eav s - as --- - ote ------ - - i i;. "Who iledthe hickns, nd wen, This the detective dlid, and when hie en- 'Weltnw'latabt.y .n hr, teredbis own home Ilhe clock was striking Wl h eIlwi i. andwhere., uthrl fdektl the hour of twelve. What dreadful deed did those two e .6 "WhyLAda , sebch f ektcecontemplate doing? å d ide b hL ti H ho a aisofCIlAPTElR XII. Hie was about to gie hier lher first 1 "Aeyou srHna? At the appointed time on the nlight of lessoni in riding a bieycle. 7•'. "'Deed 1 i, Mar Lanir. De fouil nigger th 2 t le Polke wasadmiit ted to the ..1 tb let dem chic-ken b.oody his about ailup, and peec of the dtcie But the old A New Mon. -- t 1 tell hima, N'Wh's gwain wash dat shuty man could give niniiformiationL that Soi- Philanthropic Old Lad(y--I fear that "Did you ever see or hear of a man, naml- lors deemed maiiterial. It was evident that you jack application Dand persistency. 1, ed Stephien, a friend of Hierman Cra- e new less of the cashie'r alfasoi-Whnyuonebgu odthng, ve',Hannah?" tons and career alter banikinig hours than never stop till you have Ilinisheit. ••Il "I nebber dlid., Mars Lang -nebber. If dlid Adam. olKo rpn-o cnic e ,-sc be tgot friendls, doughi, dby nebber Comes H cupe ro nth oer ior leddy Tht'l b m mttrfrm own -0 to de hue"of the honueback of the bath roomant lddye.t hea tr Idia con sur.UsdoataderGod rk.Ma iaeu53 ties "Is miss Campibe-ll yet at the DeRosette ulsuiaHy was sound asýLeep by nine ocokon. I was only goin' to eat half of this rp-1 olk .d53o ua siarch h ir d a um..ndien of whea ur.. 8a i odn1ý iiri Wtn •,at night. That lhad been the case on the here pun'kin pie, but lI'llfinish it ef t .1 t. irn we fer "No se Crt hoepou night of the murier, and hie knew nlot hing gounders me. You lias made a new SOME EXAMPLES OF FOOD ADULTERATION---- "DO ye o - kiermau is suspcious of ofthe terrible deed that hadl been Comn- man ta' me, leddy.---Detroit Free Press.--- --=-- ~thrlas11eeaanadvr. Eeyoeswtepotonheld Fuith ia«.,,mn Oduntil lhewas arousedby the com-peddnprucgaco tretat-of ' ",nMe arst.gI1an't think s" moio un hatf oeud ofit. ¯ hewouldn't Allnw It•. cle thtan wouki berequired to get na- Ou% materials used for coloring theiman hadt placed the young man ln and "WVli ý ol l u towatch hi move- naie h A.never herdof apatyiylhe Judige-WNhat do you say to the ture to, prodluce rthe real thing. The- leaves. Coloring ls common and a:all eyes were turned on him. mfle ni as l- osettasyouaso gto anotd am fcri.ri. Stephens,n a heevercharge of cutting Jasper Humboldt De- proit ls n producing Iltin large <uan- called "*faelng." It genlly constt He reddened. "bat did you do It e ifhei asetfrm h hus igts ndknw Hrmnlrve.o rga o -0acthty fromtiwaste substainces. Thi1s is a in coating the leaves with powdered fory" askedtecndcotrning to whandtesth hous naerabietween1thishm ainit1hebne os., · AcsdDtsrihyu oa.Isort of utilization of rthe by-product soapstone, wIth lead, or plumbago, If the aged passenger. 'I jest wanted toe and th ate of yo uasTersuneraL inawish Ulhe ht flloth e detetive et (,i hslshed im. We am ribals. lHe done that the Country cannot stand for any they are to be black, or wlth the pow- show a thing or two to that Young con- also to seY el Duke. ocan nnd an lisductor Borden at the Carolina IHotel sand tole de Young lady dtin hle mwa' gine length of timie without serious deter- dered soapstone with Indigo or Prus-1 comb over there," was the reply. And hpunity trow telChim tionlhre at i in a discussion which h le brought about in fo' to cut me deadl on de street, an' 1 foration of the physical anduimental sa lei hyaet egen fe eadda h ot ukdfrte over th road o theirtrips, n1thehean. Annttott "It xsinsth1scountr. Spentleaves occp inothhedetctwewasth on wil th bte reiser asopn bfoe nry wen e ov I an a sut f he elrt f seo . rebouhtup ro htel ad offe rso r e vey.Atesad PIN Ont bch renL ley, troi or tha the ing es It, to ho Wn th: to th, al, Y'. to1 unt 1o y CastellaFneoght to have meut to the junikshop.-Comimercial- al%. le gentlewomen of Paris are derlying ttle enjoyment fromt teir 5 o'clock .-IDetroit Free L'rems. le library of the future Captain Drey- will perhapsx contain a complete met of 'w works.-Indianàapoliu Journal. clearing Dreyfus' good name that of uce will also, receive a scrubbing -h was corely needed.-New York Mi-. ie Frenchiman cannut mildly approve ntly abouminate; hie either frantically s or recoils with horror.-Little Faille antie miakles what the calls history tdays enttirely toco rapidly for any. r rbut .ituporegister linsue- Louibet entered om le when the honor ýrar ta ai o bb. If he keeps h bs pesasay oew ill I ve itcomt- a-re-estbll hed.-Nw York Trib- e l ne of really big men in Fran e unt- for the worshipe of a lolne, )odds, and a Marchand in turn, and latter serves to irdié nte that if onet anre lieecan have anything he- watnte.- Francisco Chronicle. b>okillmutch as if the ri-trial of Drey. would bring a rri,andii that the eas of DeërUule-de and othere mighit eé to have been pàrophebtic. The world 1blok ()ni with more inte rest than sym-it y, for the universal impresslion seems Il that any tbangre woud b for th.- Frehmen and seni. arvardJ's greatest rne-l now is thie en- moent of a chair ofraealH a he colleges will soon r n mrr lt iit n ther bateb of lawye t à".we nt eog 'he là sMoineà News hans ranrtit-le a Co letz u n a ? ,e rown You nalwni telIl a youing t's jt where you are wr -ng Yliou it tell himra nyithilng. - ioState j'Ur- f every c M-, a were omfledto ivate. a bed "Il or twic.e a k, insitead of pra ngaillhiseneuri, he brutal ruOih of foii.he would bie b-letter for Il. 1Vlorida 'l jnue -i U lno. ep should hlourf rstoward il asing the mnmlerof eegrda. ierr tha tou, iii k w ler .f Ih- t tii, k wirh h-aa aàdlàn ,uragK,-tià t- joseph Il. ral. This iethe setn f ihe '.ear whith eet girl gradutate bblmi ,t ami t- l- maiting and -w omb ri og %%w llbil, blit fb, ipward and unw ard ti - oumet ind1 tue arufeet destiny "of i, the human rale, leW her tired mthrit home n wa a a t sigh and h l h at wlli I l , 1- stow They ited. Hispe rabbý1Iti n riya I he -i in grà-at agon Au Engbah àundert1îke r f, d.1"1at a neralàhe w an com urug. A roll top ld cruh, a Booly n's finger and -rlyarW1-1 A Ba11i1er-3boy dranka brt. fcuh .icine .in a gulp al de-.1nau A lrdwoafll'ruha sky. hit à,n iaj,,bpri,!ug pre- anld W- Lkà While crsing hi% dauighter fr marry- lg 11m 1-hM wlwsà 1. -i as ma. wam riài nài woh dhall ont. of hI- lthlresgave a1-nnr nia fenriwr -u- h a iukick tIhat lhe ed alot instantly. In trying nn her brthe Ilhbsa Mon- na woM uld- ranh Hiavingl falien awl hurt her knee ant atrai b .1p.-- ngf llowed. \ hb walking on hit- -1ila f ir 1e.w- his l rt and hL.dæd thenext lfore. 1 t wasîpr-Idýited that M yi ii .K.. -tuait .1 , "Io iln :à h.rg, tree m rronti ofh-r h--wp Th- tree weoilr ýidà heàr vathflàwd fery 1- -r of l w alb m h a uà..a migIz go l y r.di N-,, d à, -11arit d 13 t ke two:'ýy ta It rdL mberv epEefr -in aillbm he , ar i i , the lhuipit-ut - - iisvile E willstrike the ,l'hilipines, pre--r y soon and yo' l l har of the Tagalos ,ýUzon tou heViayn.-hiadlp Rtecord. WVhat a fine base runner Agulualdo will makle when the. national gamle is accli- mated in the l'Ilil ippi nes.--MIemuphisa Com- mercial-Appeal. Perhaps as a general ruile among young- er men, trhose most wildly ainxious to get home are the base-bal l phaers on third.- ,'hiladelphia Times,. Evnulyscientific management tmay, be able to, reduce the great Americani gamne t oruch a perfect systemn the home teamn will always Win.-Mtilwýaukee Senti- nel. Talk About the weather. Old Soi seems to be starting in to do a redhot June business.-St. Paoui Globe. Straw-hat weather came finally and of n e s -P ttsburgeno iut as to its genu- The return oif warm weather will start straw hats off again--if they aren't tied

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