CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1899, p. 8

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e ..A.mesaat L.ONG GROVE. Around the County. frvh Grea vr sodwECRYACMLTESCKF e n ort au 2 vnnenngg.The Fourth te Coming. W AR OPEESOKO W mndow Screens LLERSOC.TIESPPLEitARD. Clerk . .aLueD, . oaue avemsOld quite anum- R /,F O ,MILS U S ONGREGATIONA L Church Bunday sr-cURi' E V Bur & Bir. are renovating their R I9F O ,M LLS U S Screen Doors 'tn ene yeoiis.Y .u . .RyDxnsaun ise, -iit-d th-ir Frattractoswhth e entertain- S E SET t 3 o'cloc3k. Ralph Chittenden and family visitedt Mr. and Mrs. 8. Fehlman are rejoic- The f lies are here and you will need some w re 1'AmOND camp N.t. h. W. A. meet f riendsaut Russel Bunday. Ing over the advent of a little son. screen. moquito nreens, andd sc reen aren trst and thirIlsaiturlay evenina of, each Mr. and Mrs:. C. M. Brown returned Boys, what in the attraction atALO - dseendosto nae ttin g, wi ow at sc , n Smonth.'D. GRIFFITH. V C' from Wisconsin Thursday morning. Prairie View? Just wait, until I tell her doos.andth plceto uythe i atWeterans). 0. F. No,. s85. mee.t secndaund fourth George Dalziel @pent Baturday and mla. foryouca ge thm heThrsarsof.,ach rmonth. Il Bunday with friends at Chicago G. zimmer one of Long Grove's isons, fo youeca get them c ep. a rbsad yGO.A S. I.wILL·KN100E, N G. Heights- gradlutes from the Palatine High u br C Rti e n e et netav e a oodasori tentocprbs. anHy GEO, A. sT. ost . 0. A. IR. Meet Mrs. F. A. M urrie of Froent, Nebr., Lschool Baturdayeevening. -t netS at reSonable p i COS. 3 S. r ay N. Cn o ore r oo. ii ted e rer r.YunadAustin, it would bie a terrible thing 75e Strw Ilat . you get the wrong ladies in B ' St r w as .- ···.··.·. . ........ .$ 19L0.GLAsN. Com H URCHILL, AdJt. The regular monthly C .bsns orrg etrlo itebtot 4aboy ns' .nderear.t..:. 5a. .08 ap.m.- mtn g as . h eld at the nme fr . Buffalo Grove la booming. What W E SE LL Cahla ....25Mail gdnou .. Wakeiae«dMlastFriday with anew hotel, church and other Shirt ..Wa.....ts.. 50 Mail oveýr land by, stage arrives t oa m.e nng buildings it will soon bie quite a village. SirtWitet latsat11a.m. __ _.Il! c ood oienadW I@poar nk Rmdstecrespndnt TIHE W EBER W AGON, l'lleslts.. ..m... -1E..F.ood.pre.idenKEandLWR. Appleyard knows and thinks and dreaime nothing Ladt is Collrs.05..OCK.E EL L E .secrtary.but entertainment and entertainiment. Bde F i . . ... . ........ 8J lF. Roney shipped a car of hogs gTAFFoRD DISTRICT. J. F. Ritzenthaler-g patriotism la not W HE N YOU WA NT LraiebSk. rapper......s Friday night. Mrs. McGuire has been very ill. only extensive with hie farm, but it CaisSirts 2Wmn. Scrivens, visited Janesville, Mr. Daziel went to Big Hollow Bun- aets up a te a sky.Ilou Ladis' Ties.... ........ )5 Wis., relatives this week. day. loothisndwill. u deshr*Farmng impement o taw...Hat 07 J. W. Miller, of Libertyville, shbipped Misa Daisy Faulkner went to town Barnst ms cwindid otrapa s Mo de.s perocks . . ... . .. . . . . . . 35 a car of hogs 'nur sdlay nig t. Friday. B andam 'butlo mn d e to r spe ck e t B g g e fromi g n p l n e n Good eat, per kb .... .... 3Miss Mabel Lake went to WaukeganHna thonms e gone j asty rayA LO GraeiNts, per pkg.....13 nWm. Kngey has urha seda& ieCondF.And Who Was it? Well, t Was(Her) ....... 03 nwsre fShemn&C. Mirs. 0. J. Ormsby went to, town last (man), was It not Luella. 8 teili wth. 0parents inAlbany, IN., istIitng her. rodard and family visitedt Mr. atsteuddbu.:ga éod. R IG H T & O N icme Lan Mwer.. ...KnigeLithfild, Dresen and Mrs. Knox and children went to Vettermanbe congratulated uponthe Are you going to buy a carriage or surrey? If so Goswiier have treated their respec, town laand Mr k. McGuire visited M-r. p adentcemat ca ll a n d g e t m y p rices b efo re b u y in g . t e m. aon M rs Dr. t.e.P ei mnof D lleya nd ays eo i r is dM. I c M te t e P e t h n c s . T he Elmhlat ud Mill andVeraMaeMrs. Edw. Faulkher, and Pearl went There la a time for all thingsTh Edlh fRstanvMer ie adrervngae toRosecrans lant week. time to take DeWitt-s Little a - - -- - F. L . W esterm an, il o buoterIoe Rgs n g . O dr uferngf SOiN LF . L . W e st r m a s o ld th irte e n la w n p at d r 8 m i , of G ur s s d i n g a o n i e r tr o u ,bl . o L L, Le k b e rtd - uf irO R CKE EL ER -- owers this tsson. Mr. Westerman few weeks with Miss Francia- Dilley.lvle; Joue. P. BCHE,Lnee;tF.L li on o d Iuine ss a Ud carries a Mr. A. Faulkner and fam ly visitedt A (- Rockefel e. F . Sme rGos - ndoin a gogood. I macl. Elmer Faulkner, of Rtosecrans Bunday.FO -••• For,)»me eamn he ockfelerMISS llay Faulkner has returned G LEN V IEW .- F R Fo ame easo th Rocefelerhome after spending à few deys inWwepesdoseMssJse items faled to reach us tis week, Waukegan with Mr. Higginbotom. WR e e ii aa d n. M e n W oa m eri . A N although we learn by telephone they Last Saturday afternoon the votesedShoout esdnextWdnesawt were muailed on ime. l'robably went chool and the Stafford Sch ol all a ioni clforse cil d e. y w thM n astray. ~~~~~teamis met on the former's groundts. aPiei u h hlru Th untr rde f the shrewd buyers. what you want is not temporary Stafford ehool2. ThaeraforshadMs elyls hrdywswl CahHt 2ct 0 hr ass TeFriueTaeorelief from piles bt a Curento Staffevral good plaeSt ffromousde Tende.ihldateleo 1 a m b id d i n g f o r t h e i r p a t r o n a g e . c u re . p e s i t eh a ue l .S a clvme f o tp a e d o n o u T i s M rsed e . 8 t a e nCail i i d e S r a wh H a t s . .2 5 C t o 5 C S h i r t W a is t s e t s If rghtpriesbaced y prperquaitis, illLOvELL, Libertyville; J. IR. BtAeHEtacottsfrth IFTH EAR CLAse. paren tryand aiyvnr e e tawHt ... ct 5 If ig t ri es b ck d y ro erqu liie , U ur ee; F. L WESTEItMAN, Rockefeller. Deerfi LAS. e as wek-B lb iga.U ewar, Vter fS um mer Crst ets . influen ce yo ur trad e 1 ha ve th e in d ucem ents. -l-uAG S LA EtS wE a aIry o kv e DI AMON D LAK E. M beleGilertoL A ke gan,.spenliapeRussend ay n o n ext f alra o a un e, a 5 c C ol er wr e at r, P e e t o n o h e w a r r a n t e d f o r 4 y a r s . . . . -. .f r.h e o u t h o f J u l.0u n yal l omeG i b r , o & L e a , a e t S u h E a s o , f r e l f 0 e v artn er- sa e lakptetsliipd frnson tabl ..010ftr ohbn Bartlett is workinig at the Mr. Jorgenson, of dWaukegan, called Witt Gutzier averelyvenrineadhi&sP ra OS wIo eds n y siz att prices... upward...from..-.- 1.-5 factory for the season. on friends here Sunday.anow hobbn g Sabu t o eang cend inÜ Û o ven W cier TaClts . t...r-ve-s- - - - - ro-n- - .-..-.-Lillis Colby a n Gladys MaSo n sptent Lenday a oe e C icago, @p nt Mrs. Rebinaour and hruthe r, M s. , .aa ol r as. toi a etrTbe tpie pado m......-6.0 undaye at lime. ifl ew Rev.Guest and wife, of Evaneton, C rpetrentertained friends and Full line -of Gents' Shirts. S io a Maog any-iSce termftbles $.50o.. . .. ·.. 1.50 s rerels L>)er tire- atifl ew are spending the weekhere . rel'atie trom Kéiasan at Sunday.Bet an Bet uc es sold Okorcrearyto t hgh .·······Mrs.HenyTunne, Annie Vanplew. of Ivanhoe, spent Children and young foligs, do not BTiøsaSuspenders, etC. 1 have he excusive gency or thontWio Mr.cand s. eny b 'Sunday with Amy Clapham. plan to leave town the Fourth, is upedrec 0.W ichavedtheexCo.,Uie oaguenyfrlathve Cr onyh. ico lc, onin a Misa Marion Carne, of California, la Remember the sannuai Bunday schloolTa Shean Sl- pes MFoy. .4 'ndfwl mtn vstngMs Wni ombe basket picnic in Wmn. Htchinug's We are still taking ordersTa hean Slp unat Lake Forest visiting friends The Ladies. Aid Society will meet gamve of ball int theortfielatd y'f F tCasBcce es Carpets f urnished ready to be laid on the f loor- and relaStives Thursday with Mrs- George Kapple- gaen ist An e ort iel bemdo orr MissTilie toue an he frendMiss Maude Jeffers spent à few days secure the Glenview brass band for .. PerCaieS Madra Call and see Samples.Mime Phyllis Hull spent Bunday at with friends in Waukegan this week. the occasion. w ith Morga n & W right PraeM da Call an d se Samp es'Diamtond Lake. The Junior Helpers will meet Satur- e'Deecie eehl Mr.toCh ri p keeyrouretred fom awtsetrcadlaortm bthcucelst nai tetrsa ...... .......$23.00 Cloths and Lawns. EGHUWMS n xtnddtrp hrug te asMrs. Page and George Page are inCortia church&sj&Y in teoring a. vistigWfiedsHtUimaHOES speniding the week with friendsaut and in the M. E. church ut 3 p. mu. Warren Darby returned from Floyd, Lockport. Bohhdgo'rgrmln lnyo Wauond Ii. f i(o, w her. atened thwnedding The annual Sunday school pienic flowers. The decorations linSthe M. E. Wauconda, Ill. m po",e @ett a hle eld Baturday June 24th at curch were arh a eong e igof BS u r& B o vm t htieir la ight r, Mrs. J.rMuller. A number of Young people from bere heplpttrm e i unig Th'e new pumip lhas lat lastar r ived at co vend nthie n ot oegue LOnGgeR VaEn.d- IL LI NOIS las PECAL JNE OUCH SAL m am ltefactory to the great satisfaction of C PA LATIN E.gutomrrw LNGGOVE ILNOS g g i ~aillconcernied, especially thle superini- Miss Jennie Biensen returned Friday Mr AnLIs N Eckt. dlent. eveninig from Chicago where sheil spent Mr ieb lontemcIs. $12.00 Couch for only $9-65. Prof. W. 1i Abbott, of lvanhboe bar a few days with friends and attended rndMs.Gnhare"n been electedl principal of the Hfigh the wedding of Miss Viola Phieilpse toMChiagoM.T.ea hvertr d --- -- e ~School nt Highland P'ark at eighty Jý A. Schear, of Bedalla, Mo., saved Mr.Chiandr. Otwr us a dollar per mnt·lis child from death by croup by using Mr(eeers i igln rove W e a r e p l e a s e d t o a f f o r d o u r t r a d e t h e o p p o r t u n - l a r e r t y o frD i a o n d L a k er .e a ndnu e C o u g hs u r e . I tgcr e st a n d ity to ma k e m o st g ra tify in g p u rc h a s e s in C o u c h e s ; A pr e pic t renf D t ai t rLae cone Mg n tc ougs >n e . n I, L agcu pe M r. ad r s. 8 InHm a a nd ed the ae condition ade opossble by fo rtae uin; al- aery pileasanit eveing' LovEFLL, Libertyville; J. R. BBAeHuE, Children's Dey service in Ilum Grove ueswear gld o as alngtoou trde Ech Bahss ishing ut the lake isi much Gurnee; F'. L. WETEtMN, Rokelceller. Bunday. Couch offered you represents every best known betterthan in pre iu er aj r.agno v ain dtlaughter from f eature in Couch Excellence, most gracef ul designs- ire rngths iofte laenr. vwOLO.Chiago rday.thbi$ ote best fin ish, covered with heavy and firm grade of Daoi Lake factory beats ail C. Dillon and wife are entertaining Bot r. adMs er oe four coored Veour. neighbtorinig factories in the prie paid relatives from iChicago.o arntonr.Jnlte.9Heandaughter. fo rc lr d V lu -per cwt. for nlk by an average of Mrs. J. W. Torrance is spendling a A ofnarigtife a n a h apyone t e.ý. Clives Lo ~~~~about 6 cents per cwt , so far thtis few days of this week in Chicago. AloIttle and hpp n t I)IVtS L Ongesetl SerVrreCe. -umn-Mrs. Ben Cosonmann, of Lake %Vilta, W. M. Gallagher, of Bryan, lPa., says: N O T I E T E V R Y L W P IC E O N Bces]SDim ro L a kevm ere sortc busi- was a pleasant caller hre lat Tues - oFor forty years 1 have tried vario s NOTICE T H E VERY LOW PRICE ON ryw::re ,/s;;arecme'dat",day. eo he eaC T HIS L A RG E SIZ E COUC H. smie"""an prvtof a eud"g°rå v "rodJohn tatfel'e wand son JacktantelyandburesfallELLItrat I nslu . h h scarcity pfron ag ep. tBenday. J. R. BRACHERt. Gurnee, F. L. WENTER REMEMBER--hsCouch is Covered with the e syo ummrptrngda haLk yr.C.LHunisvsigheMARcelr.RG O,17 2 very best Four-colored Velour prog K8to elipses a i pas histog d gur, rs. nl.eB. usitin IMPORTEDPERCHERONSTALLION - ha~~~~~~~~lIvinig turnleI away manly gues.t. N RTCO THhLDiche acn<a'go.ouHrsc mann Fre Unle gentrrlem e Tnt Ms.W llM ntomr n onliW ati tematravteheiavn wili nake the messoit ut p ints linthis vicinity. Heis dark iron ,gr. y in door, a Vlae hs noy gntemn eavng hiae reune. Cycling Club? and has the bloodi and bone of the iunest Perl heron rallis i i 1 . e Chic.ý M .ago 1. iýsý1 I akgn Mr. Geo Wessling lhas returnedt fromt about I1800fibm weight, and of perfect turni , being as I mitmth jnaH t1h1ooughbred, b hrbo a s Mr. am lrs. y li uell, of Waukea, his visit, also return ing thb black wile hie disposition ,ismwithouit fault. l n l, ogd.e Id "ree spentBilatd aLi n dy.wt hi hreo nd by Dr. Gunthier, of Chi- £ The e heid; "i.s t'roein Bid andifamily n k arnt tepas wee rtieFrom noter orrsposet.' Q U EBEC, 2147. men 'I', h were . t. alundane mdt 1 Keno a last Wedinesdlay. f. J. Graufmicanvassing the country W IH 30P U D 9 - enl. th i a oni icia l e lthey ere 1 eo"' elling Deering machinlery. Im osed Fnh co1 ch0 Station. mto thed irhms eln mc etr Mrs.ILt. Compton has returned to j Ii d toechCac Salin satstid wt hthe selesand llt the Volo lafter staiying with lher daughâter, ha' te Rav y clrete n lub .tend e b.W ucnaCoctore(o world Mrs.Ben Cssmanlthe ast sx wees. TIs fine orma will muke the seasoni And the ice is n y $9-5. Abouttwenty adies ofDiamondMissi Mable and Alice Ford heldi The Northfield Goeshoh1i opn ihRnbadbt SIZE- FEE LaICe formed theS. mselvesi into a Goose their school pieutc in Etten's grole have a picnic Baturday near the se cn ow ben thirquter, a b t S Z--6FEE 6 CHE BY30 NCHS. icnc prtyexcdng l ad ri ear Fish Lake tant Friday. About house. AillInvited to attend and hveFankla Thoms'f atrm nartlers, Ilt Thurday;akinsepaatecnveynceseigty were present and everyone hadl agood time. Qeeoeo h ne tlin thy rve toLak e Fores ttere, otdlgtu ie Mr. Robert and bliss Edtna Weber ever broughit to this Country, wais im- th.vmtoko fbse i.,eir diner, s hran ept eif of tare the proud possessors of a gold 1ported by the lt .W.Dna ,and afiwih tyviitige , Meethdtu Thro o , a ys ran, epyuty lusheri teh leach wichlàthey received from we have Net to hear a horseman findt Decnss Opaag hre e r oy Mo.,l d stays if everydjonverinthe teir father. Now Rosco@ better get any fault in im. He is Mahogany bay ef maf l ýte o ,f prctcas UiteofdeSta ' tes hould dizot ve th at big OBIUnion igte garden andi a ln color, and bis disposition la of the- suc as ,bo , loting f ods, i esf DeWit'sl Wtchulesazed sa stout log chain sand lbe tn tyle. highest deirree of equine gentieness- erovitedsawl rdainties . - for i piesF r OEL ,Lbryilet oaboz wetal troubles anIf fl r s and ill.1hor li' l im twh olcit Iit- atetlotl ee disease, the demand coutld not hie Ridinig bicycles in delightfu l'but sil ohhre r we ycmaiso nn ossoa er Guem a~~~~~iIi t tw rrt h eespled .U OELLbryil essirs. A. Schultz and E. Meier go to te0ptronage of breeders. Call and sec these high bre tss a r aoIIý o h v ix it ed e r . t . it Blu c e fe l ,l r n e ; F . L E S E - p ic nle w ith a b u g g y a v I g ro o m f o r r m s . T h e fo llo w in g sta n d s a re fo r th e sri g s e alsou N by neofthir umer T e xt i, lcakeusle. 0r1bth <e ca la hei vareftusai of MONDAY-At Diamond Lake. i oi ng a larRpary salied ut t the Bhermerville Rose and Kims TUESDAY-At home Ir s t frbew n th ull eiso> ih ots sn A RE T N R VE a t.t accompany thtem. Bnt WEDNESDAYnBighatand Thurwiay morning % r t l, fl l, ewe

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