CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1899, p. 2

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INDEPENOENT » AUU iUiEllt5Uaege~Ai Peck Traie of Tweti EcameaLcededtrient te the bailetmlu legs than tan jMie- wlt racions e te uts. ,Tbe stovre twentyerma a"ed PRANK M. JIJST. Bditt. Perignier front Dawsaa on the teano- 1the js*-the rw of tbree sien, ëight wrr _ _= set Humbodt lasert Ibat faililduit -ras rOnsP. ad nil nmen. Dvegj on Wvas UETVLL, . ILLINOIS. pouring lto thit tow Vrbeil thel left. Quichhy takren iboard the Hostie . _______ Tbel allega thst one rorning a pc 4ritu o!fîo-enty hormes, rach animal Car- NGOWeiHDINKNUR rying 200 patnde of g.ld dust. arrived - [ILLEL> IN A CIIIRH. rr Fldorado Creek. There were ýVîieies Cnt Do..., Bazaines ceint- Av "aid that eleven of the homs co-re Dick Williams, a pegro, charged with b: 1freighted down with dust front one daim. the Murder of two white mep. vau lynch- A TEXAS CONGREGATION WIT. 'Richard EmmonIs. J. Goshani and Orn eId at Alma, Kan ., by a mob of white NESSES A SI400TING. '. Jeliý.n aoght tearpach the Copper me». The mob left the 'negro hang STr river section frem Itarson and came niear 10 a telegrapli pole and six minutes Iter ri "tarlui; to dêath. 1'hey went, makig thélhe osas eut down by the tom» marahal o-il MIb ebool Principal sMnt D.a by JOqlrneY for the North Amprirns Traits-.and taberi back to the county jail, o-er. il a Disehawged Jeeitoro-Dies on the portton and TraQint CRn pi n ty. Terh eevrdcnaiunn. h er re Alte-er« litres egin la on- Indien guides deel them, and tbe men canitat live. Un Junie 28 Harry T. Ttndy the Aits-OsetVirs agîsa e Mu er. lost for leu deys. Millet have and an unknowis o-ite man»mere tbbied th Uene Feureats. reacbed Dawson tromn PorcuPine river and msrdered et M.Farland. A fer days mon without ld.somne sans- hey prospeittei laloer Denver Kid nud Dick Williams. or0f While services were iln rogreos it the iil], eîé rivers es fer lenrlb ne Herschel alias Trilby, bolh coloreà. o-ee rrested lire"- First Chrustian Church. int Dallas. Ter",. and on the Artic oceon. but dld! Dot fintd by James Ramsey, Chier or police of To- Ceck l'ru. Lpscomb Oas abot down Us John» js»tting. A for» site bas been locafeii peka, and o-hen quegtioned Denv-er Kid Coi T. Carlisle direi-fv in fronît of the paîpi about lo-enfy miles ahove Fort Selkirk. foiste»ed the crime on Trilby. Sheriff SI-u tram whibch th, prvîîhc-br osas -leaicoLi A "oPlier ledirc oofccoptings of o-hich True of Wabaungee County took Trilby thl The wolaonded nia afbiiîit, fo grapptle have ber» traced a distance of sizîcen to Aima te lodge im in jali. Wliheu - withhi«a-,il.t, ut âý ortllyin- elles, ho. lîcco loeated nt ilamlpint nrrved a moli of at leat M0 men met "ar uh h ansailanto bteo-uns nor foren by o Sait Franicisco .yndicale. huit with his prisoner at the Rock Island hist iner andsaa int iheactfs o trindo_______depot. but oere foiled until the prisoner - He lngcred uuconciotis for ou bour and TIR-- R EAT ROAIa% COMBItNE. o-as being placet] in jail, rhen Trilby o-no Caxlire t a s re'nor o tnh îtar. - eized. dragged oib n rope aroîînd ia acrlie a rii cd ser îo i h.-polu, ~cw Tî etral nd te Peuffy-im eck a block and strung np tua atelephone wlorh dtibee»n ummoiîed b so-, ofothe venie Syterns ArcOne.. ple pani nfrckencosrcgaî,.u~Vlcu a Th, eNi-ork Central han enteredbi at the poli,%- stafionî h.- paç-red 10e a. îopact w ith the Pennsylvanie Rail- QUIET IN GLlNIKAL TRADE. Atnder the influco- ut I,ýr. Ill, refu-sed rond and the t-a sysfemts are 00w prnce-- ta aie auy &atoiiit .Plif Lipscomb tcnlly one. The compact wan lanned Adrice.. However Filon, more vane principal of the tetitral h:gh seiol. )y W. K. Vatnderbiltt. o-hola Dow the tBandvatreBsuesthetrBadensitouatio Rand o-nt tiere fiior eârsar g fi fro,m larg,stsî,bllro! the Pennsylvantie. tBadsretaviwhe rd iuto Nasvlle, T,in. Ca.-4 itiî .,ty t-oiîînof ichat ore the actualifies tu:"Holiday obervances and semai- tes bend janit r o! IL. >h i hI 1. t t1 niisr,fr *stato ds ofoannuel stock takings have rorked torerd believed thallier cciii a aaat,ltthehe e leilt situo-atony ic asfoot quiet in generel trade and induelry, but ahooîng 11.ottîlct.- hi --~t 0 îiiiIltiî fta he troay o! IlItla significent of tbe favorable Condi- tio t Prf.Uîîî.iîiisîutîîii.. ets 017rZ New- Haven and Hartfaîrd tionsI uling in Iis, an compared with pre- afoti-it. J.I Itrgan and the îenr. -oua yeara,Ibtrdcaiespit1 MOTtERANDCHII) EF ITE ,e,fj3r ld it nOW, and the V'ander- raltier more than the average business 1307KidnordTw..y-fic T.r. ,, il interests are t>W only probable biddcrs being donc, notwlthstanding the Checks 10 Boy K dp.d1-.t,-ie r -Aofor iloherfore il s jielyfor saine tîme demnand andabhipment above mctloned. F. i.ndtce loe5lau n :lt. r 1- 1tacontinue ns itidependent property. Bis. Addtions] reluts o! the senone a ork F. C in t mlh, -a , i ýàiiiti l ton and I aine nîay ese»be nbsorbed od.brougitta 0lîgbt are fîlly as favorable ns 'M t Ci. idi . o.- .î ~-O i~ ~h-sLucius Tattle, preident o! thot Company, those indicated in Brodstreecta report lest dn infant twen-fv le yiors egc. ii-d bis put At the bead of thre New Have»y%-osek. anîd furninb an adequote buas for MmotEmbaS thbecae r I-ntl Sa i ritherer», O!fo-ich lbe ras formuerly uperotitg ie tegeneral ir.o! Cotlldeace o-th ohicb hina.Ain.. ua estaîhre fr-it lrg IceL esni.Under nny circumstaîîces the busiess woonufaces the lent lbai! O! t ban. A . hre hc . a ~~îtîl 11c athere w-IIli e neither rivalry nor clash tbe year. Businessro itres for the os eek PC long search and o-sa it ot the train by New. York Central and Pensyl- nimber 136i, as agsint 15.8 Istsuveek, .l, ooaeanthefectîng veninios-ce)*Yvatsiof gnýl241 in Iis weeb a vear ago, 213 in 1897. Anu bcr u».Thcmeeungt1laI 1896and 2(W;i1 t)5I. Businssntht beigaceilecd by the son without qnes- LOVI FIO HT A FATAL PU EU failuis in Canada for the oeek number wo tics. 'Th. aîory Mrm. Smitht-ls of the .- 25. as comiîared oith 23 last oeek. 16 inîo c kiaag la t th, effect thit the infant ,Aîington I'IL' Cupfle Qarrel Ovar Iis sseek a jear ogo, 34 in 1897, 39- insud vas, take» bY a relative ta New Orleans Marriage, aud hoth m., lite. 18961 and 3o)in 19"Oon and there placéd in an orpban asyluz. Charles Saltuman and miss Rote Ilor ____ Thc boit rcmained there Itl be o-a 15 foldateimer fought n duel witb revolvers HMO1ÈIL CGt-STt4 GIVEN A SCARE. james O agQ, o-e» hiecame North. and in t buggy neair Seotons-ille. 111. The fittr *fiter living in s-rons blae o-cwnt 10 cause o! the duel o-ns the desir o! the S»Ioreslu th- Lindeil et Lincotu, oi Cleveland. le is nowm narried and han YountgIoirien that Salisman sbould mac- Neb., Fiee front Fir,..tll toasall chidren. ry ber and the refusai o! the youg man. Fire oas dsioverci about :12.30) the it' TRItRIBL IroRhéT Fo-lRAE h ad bee» kccping the company o! itîher iaîîrting in the lots-I at hav WRUERLUVORST FEE AGE. Mise Hor!uldsbeimer for tsany montha. Lincoln, Neb. ttoke filleil the corridors. lie The couple met t a Party and Misa Hor- and a panie aniong the gsîests o-as liar-col, UWmmtalne inu ?dtne Coierad Initia foldebeimer renewed ber roquent that rooly averted. The blaze orittnted in C"1 te lld oest le bFasmbe a relations terminale in maîrîmony. the baement tioder the dîîîîî nfilao, th ontarins foretl frAabcna nthe lhe etered Sallannan's buggy for e obere lbhe lecîric plant ta locuîed. Ail vieiulir], aifsMo nt oAggnacnd.' tedris-e and telks upon the stîbject. A beau the inniâtes e'- aîs-d. The lire broLe id sit omile uWetog Aao.Mont. t tart- ed discussion arose and buddenly the througb the flosrirng ib e dînîng rootat .4ax iesoes f nconde, neuf the vonn dram n rev-olser. firing n abot and at 3 oeloek the building. n four- Iet o i ountins. frn becasn-vhicb Inoit effect in ber componiona ab- soîry brick structure. sa s "en ta be emeso!atc-o beo noys wlkugaer ,W, domen. Sltzman drer a revolver .juick- doonted. The lrlirîtors of the hotel are ecoul', ranch. Bore nundom» tveor 1.od- IY and fired five hulits mb M iss 11cr- A. L. Itooper & Son. Tbe vlue of the cord e!voo ovcalby hce por rod-foidnheimer's body, one cntering near the structture. together siîb c.ntentp, la$,54),- choppers, the. mork o! a vear, ira0Cu-Juulr UltOXK. As the structure Oas old Ibere o-as enesi.Bo great wan thre volume o!f uulrrinno___s fireprooig On the interior and lire okIe andi ita altitude that it wus visible FOISON IN TUE CANL>b. Iai tjpeoio tepitbr, ot . . il tffl jes aay. At mîduglot , .C - le qefo inu upesde n on ue o -e Élamde overeëd seesi SonaAamn an Francisco P)esiokn gîsIrn in aitîther. fTc aouatain aides are beavily svooded. nom Recels-ad bs- Mali. EPOINA I IY The frevete are dry and the fire mustt leeShil or San hFrancisco aie- u letita ay out, lu cther perpetual anar more ndY recived by mail and has Flreenan MeCraea Eltesi, everet On' celto the tituber line, .ceben sertoay ly tII -ttymptoma of lnîed, and Pîoperty D.agcd. arseoical poiaoniog. A box o! candy and By tire explosion of a boiler ou an oil FIAUCRU A LONGO LOST ISIS1ER. twoo Icters mer. reccivesi et Mir. Scireibas lease ouno-bat in knoon as the Tbird bouse. Tbcy basi net bec» sent te bar, mard o! Oil City, Pa.,.',eal McCrae. aged Peuawiaate'sLong Quet Faela but ver. addressacd te !nends vbo fis-- 191 ears, employed an a lreman, o-asn-o a eaa Wey. qunnly vitesi ber. The box vas oene s etnly killed, bis hein being evered frot John Biake, am eltbjPennapîvania and somn, o! the candy wva ffereoe lato a!the body, o-hîch o-ns frîghitîlly cut and tasrs, bas becu epending the lut ltan a doaen iougvoinen vbo are cutrloyesi scalded. A number of drillera andi tool Yean traveling over tb. country. te find as drecssakees bt Mr@. Deheib. Tbey drensers mere injured. being tuck wth a long-lont aiter. His manderings appeir declined ta1fate.tlb.candy. but Mrs. fiing bron, sud caluing rater. Two ao;tetohave been ln vain. Recentiy b. Scbeib andi ber friend aiee auil quan. buildings located ineur the blIer were topped i athticHunt Hotel nt Wakemnn, ity. Bo»la fterwsard Mrm. icheiblieb- recked and bîîndredso!frîîdosvs ocremi led.. and thiera became enamoresi o! the came aiarmmngly iI, vilb es-en symptomIl roe in resîdencîs alotîg the Allegheny te ten»proprietor. to mhom hie aflerward of basins bec» poisonesi by arsenic. An- river. Oe proposaed uarriage anti wu accetesi. In tidotes ver. adminlaîcresi andsib s rer- Ccon thle t enree tése course o! ime bie learnesi that Abe in cos-riog. Mucb mytery surrounds the C etuv yclone tasaed to-oNmileska W&a ov» long- bt sier. case..____ front Ainsworth, Neb. klling NIrsNWil- Iras fer the Peane.LpRiCIti[gROIN M*ER owN OME. liai» Lockmiller, wo-t f !a oell-"kn At The standing of thb.cluir a t h Na- - fermner. and dong great damage to prop ad banual Langue race ia as folovet Cent Dickîns' Wifs Lo...eRitsII.b, erty. Itouses. barns, fences and bridgea bl W.L W. L . i.inWaigtu-ee demoliahed and mauy fauulies mare Brooklyn ...49 2Cincinnati ...362A Fic andI explosion in the residence o! made homelcas. Boston..44 27 Pitaburg ....4 36 Cept. Dicklns o! tbe UnitedSt Baes ttvy 1<1115 M.ther snd 81.1er. Chicago . 42 2GNew York ... 31 39 e Washington re.ulted in the ahocking At Contes, Kat».. WilIie Ports-r. uged 9.4 Plslli.42 27 Louisille .. .27 4 detth o! Mes. Dickina. o-ho osas fear!ully plnyfnlly poinrcd a revolver, os .bîie T Bt Louis......41 3oWVahigton. 24 49 burnesi and desi before medieal assistance foîsud in tire bired mous& rîfouf at isn Baltimore *. .39W 2iClevelald -.. .12 5T could reach ber. Othier persona about the baby ister. o-ho oat tîîîîng out ber mathni-lx bouse mre scserety, lita not dangeously, rs lsp, and pulled the triggi-r. rire bal Foliomîng la the standing o! lb. clnbs moundes. The inet Intinmation o! Ibhe,fiee pased througb tbe babys hi-tu and tlb. t fie the Western League; wuOa n bmrumble, follooed by eyerai moters beart, killing batb îastautly. W. L. W. L. violent abocka, obicl i bews-out tire ire Minneapois. 40 28Sf Partil..... «1' 35 third nlory front o! the residence. The Pixty lnît in a Cirrus TernI th Indianapolis. 372 aislu..231 firenteinîade tbeir ray to tbe third story A terrifie rmin and i sosî stortît trach Colebua-. 34 2 Nits uîke .f~ and among the debrin itteringthIe front Cruoknlnn, Mitin..,tireailler eirentigjut Detroit . 333 Buffalo ..2 )room, round the blackeed corpne o!f m flrtr osiig3!lt pmoiiaie0 Ilickn. The explosion eesulted front the Rittglng Brothers' circus. Thei-nîaîî 1-a Touri.ts in s wreek. ignition of gasahîne fr05 a irepot beini coltapned, înjîrîng lxty Peoîple, buit onle The Rima 'rots stiamer l'.rtia. fsoni oued by a plomber, o!r thes tnlly. The Circus comipanyas New r bkl.uutîlitu, luifax. oEb ssv- LIGHRTNING KILLS IVE MEN. Denth nI G $.0J,000. enty-fisepe ln cgr oun lourd, oas orerk-D. fG.WJ«.. est on Flin"luitîs. off Situlio ligt.a The Electric Storms Resitîs Fatelly (î-orgI- W. Juitn dieu at bis boulte it, point fifîson itubs 10 otbeos'w unio! Il ai at Ulysses, S.b. Irvungtoti. ul., eaIthi- ai'iof1N2 .-Tr ifax. Tire disister ccuinurîlntg a A single strohe klled fis-e le o-sa a prointlent poliliiiiaii unidusli- khtek fog. Al ia carl i t fir117 yugmntre ie oils* o ly-knownanti-slavery leader. l mil îod-ov-re tmiîl unth, i.laad in mc. Nei., during a îbundersîornt. They Yu"ll.nnlrutt 0ser lancid. 0afety. stere al in a buggy drîving for abelter. The order for the elialment o! t-nl aew Deth lu Train Wect. TireIclimo! borses o-os lso hlled. They regisents of infnltry irasnicen ivoaci nI A coliinbtivlcili a friielt train anid o-ire !oaad ty o passios foruaîr. Tirer Washington liy the Secrclury ot War. a passennier traitiiCne fiedel, gîte-. t. re o! tireboies hosi fallen ouf o!frire wagon, National Educatioflt towî.îu, ,îs.-Io remouîtîng in the vebîicle as they iny oMARKET QUOTATIONS. lion t Los Ange!î-s : Il uit\î-nîîuîîalle bs-ng sir.uck. The viciea nged Cal. Ts .î.îc. -Thuof in age front 16ta lu23 reams. and ail Ocre Cicg-aîe cmuo 10pme Beneca Fall,N. Y.. u-I 1.-. liarri o!of s eel koon utr cgbirod b $300 tu $600; hbugs, alipping grad., air. Louis.,o.-re U..Iaud luio.-rs er.e rturning fél#n a Suudity fisiing ex- Il o3..)>.aie..fu 1 hîe.310 SpgiIyiaîis.c rnts G.______t__ 10 t t$550; rheat, No. 2 ced. 73e 10 75c; ' Utoad la Kuneked towi.. ASiig Ou Killa 5 Cbe We. F.corn, No. 2. 33e lu 34c;ato, No. 2. 23e The Btîsîrou ~îîu~u îs .,ru A hccit asioe ab-W 025e; rye. No. 2,. scta10Oc: butter', Itailroa a n n v-d ut)t.iiiii"oit. R.~ hode. ot Sparta. Wis.., asirot andi sîoice reamery, 17c te 19c; eggs. freni. a lon. a>i-e11u.aiiI.v, Jr.. i t . .killesi o-ile îrying ta break iutoa arabin, . u1e oaoe hienn 2 Chancey ýIrge Jo .-a fr., osi .m-about twoomiles norîheant or Chesbon. t.i.'c Per bîrahel, milIcey forfli . iiri t irhii. u. oin- Mont. A prlsg su» bail bec» set for îInîianaîîolis-cotle. nhipping, $300 ta an efo h sýrInofert$3,-thiees and ilslathoght ttRhodleswas huile, chuice ligbl. $275 to $400; kil unlun..tN.Zo. er imelfin he abi whu te l. eCp Comunta hoie,$2.50 o$425;a Abn e bîmecîf ii, lb.%>enlian ohen tirarfdg_ obeat, No. 2 mcd, 74e 10 75e; corn. No. 2 Abne ( îif,,fuîtiiurfi san Osa dichored.______ white, 34e te 35c; netn, No. 2 wshite, 29e gileho 0de.athl'y -ilvhs1I l i, p--hi, )Steepanhe Eleet <tificars. ta »0. Ies "frm lairl.utrt -Ga.. -I .,i-- ut"f l '"t'Arocricotu Associatlin for lhe Ai- St. Louls-Cattle. $350 t0 $5.75; hoga. icupposed it iî-uuîustii a jil lrlit ls 19- itiieuient utOslvopathy ibeli its aunual 31i to $400; abeep, $3.00 10 $4.75; i nî-îe ir .Iianaptolis and elletedithe o braI, No. 2, 74e 10 76c; cor», No. 2 Aîlîtîalots1. eelijsi !îlowioficlIiera: 1reident. A. 0.IluIl.- Iamw, 33e 10 3Sc; ot. No. 2. 26c e t27c; The Unitedi StatIes ;l,, rfilviîairs îe- dru-f. S. Louis; first rit-presideut l. i ee. No. 2, 57e to 59c. elined te tproposai O! tht- îovî'run,-îîu orfNV. îannh. îndi anaîîoîîa; second vice- Citîcinoati Ct'le. $250 10*5.75; lbog,V &unktria-liungary ta arbitraulet-e rotms rident, A.S. Burigas. St. l'nul- serre $3t.401 ta $40;(a bep, 250 10 t 34.50: riti AU. ER STRENOTIl, EN- GLANDOHRINKS PROM WAR. *Il Sha May, for tire "'nh Aicans re Megnîfcent Fightars-la the vent nI War, tire IBoer. Wii Be Ledt ri an Asuerican. boulsi 1h. dilculties Wbeen lire inusal repubbic, Southl Africa, anud 'aIt Brttalît lessi 10 sar, tire cusmfiict Ji ic exeeuingly bitter andsi anguinamy. lirhe endby oxercîning hem ourpreme rîrgtir, Great Bluitaui otII .-iimoqilr; but eeffort vili cost hi-r heani> in life ansi îcky. Eurglisb oilu-erw are reIl aoome this ansi ias-e n,, br-siltîry in saex- nomnlg themerivea. One o! tirent, Lord 4)i Douitis. Cv,)uuililo. aoin titis îUltiY, ansi moboalonses-il srvice in utb Afrietsand kscms tire Bo-ms -cII. us diniettae. lb. altuinion: Tire Boer@tif tire Tratosvaal.*" he sais, eri sagaificent guernîlla îoidiî'r. Trir lumpY has Prove i t, andi îey arc !alIy l o'j toaii. u. T-ar % rt fiatrks1nn,.tumrit rusIutl i utu'ra. auîs ; our 0050.îombuu'. andoti ftuer -,tirage id tfu'»Ocm y mnuetiiialI. hotu isudual 'y are' os goo, i îlîîary stut!! onslire mid pasai-ses. Tirs-salso urt- îtîunuuuîgtî cOns-indt o! hie just*ice cf hins-ir c-tron ad ouli siete 0o utmaouarth, osorsi o! oui P'atil. -But asidu'frotaum îuurole- andlthiri tics, ti, re 'ns a iIcotîuerusuite anI tiaI alîîy as uissifurirtlii- lui c.e.o f!de- ise. Il us itani os tir large' uuiuinls id spacis, An armtui oaing iut st av a i-ufnt ibase. uuad o tuîl co orl Pbrougmtuap tbu.uuulgb tsuil trsuf oti n ser tire mt iuu',t îtîaisuuî midutituos.Cape T.uo-n us an lianti THE RETIJRN 0F teFoisa nuls CONVICTION, îles froîn tht- Vaal rerý, anif t!lu» tck ocre tuf la- maie froua Natal tirerf eýuh ire mnatasso ork tirrugir nu. tuici tropical grufux it "'rie qfueitffftfifrtrasunl t.toun -ouI. be nu-mlos. NWr otîlii euh ulunuvýudoi uitle. viil tituiilu. blu.ugim Iront Soth rAerico 'lire .ucnau itîtuce andilb( d, "lî,ait.-,., i i îllil'. tsi sîîu o lu ty tir.-iruuiubru-uisatîdi t5i'avinai.u 0rl witd enfuIiru-qingreifer luts5f5. Wilt Need i 4),(tOHe.. "'lh-e u iuiiifti f aeAratu-it>as Weil l'ie Boums o utulîllxb hiMffi.It tufit ini tut-. I tiilsus i h f luittglîf ufufi h i îî.i zi.iiiiin uîî . u î.,t nl Ifiai brut.. ouithi ,>lu ru ut l jîeti, l it f -ifutre. cutI. i 1 li f'iI un ifi ustls pffl ot n li ur lat o îeru-a h.- conutst Autheu .uus ut silulb on fi,. ii u11w ituî.isgu,,'iii-. Cty cf on. Louis WilI Anielinus ofla Iniectlan. Proceeduls ..llI h a letîltedsinIn b IMNS HoNc ArffNos EN. the testerai Court at Chicago ta pias-ent IMD8 H the opeetis» orthre (Chicago drainage DEAVOR coNVENTIrON. canal. The elty of Bt. Louis wIll be thc plainliff. represntesi by Ciy Counselor irasn okèeto Auft@ Scbnurtaacher. Thiso-as decidesi at theChsta casfrm Al Ote meeting o!flire joint contuitîce o! tire . "d Canada Are PV5net-DetroitflBide Louis City Cunocîl andl bouse o! deit' AlBerty W.leos-Old Offtieire fià gales os-bu-b oas aîsioinîed se eaI o-eekn eaets-Years Progrsss DeviewalI ago ta insestignte the drainage canal en- terpriae and eecortiseni stepa ta prolv'ct Flteamuthonsa»d Christien ifodeas-or' the ily's luterest. Various plaunsocre discusnesi for pre- ars attemdlng the eigbteentb ennual In- veniag the pollurtiou o! the citys mater ternational convention at Detroit marcb- siupply, proceestimms Up nuîjtciun îseiîîg easintoTant Endeavor on tire opennlngIr regacicti as tire mtont feasible. Aftersvsrd nigbt 810g12g hymnens&ansi va5ng lth eS thte tomitIéee sked %Mr. Svhntumeer symbolical o! tireir order, OfficiaIs of fuir a c rilrean piniâmnas ho tire tanditît society announesi froïn the speakers' t te Cty ooli bav' ln the eourts. The stand thal this meeting established a nev îlioîtlc tfet10coniter e cirtur-record for a Chiristian Endeavor codult.n nuutiers adviî-î. 'Thiis o-as 1tirte effs-it lobthl tubraas 9tnis Ibot the city or aary- ex-sditt o! St. î.oîîîs Fririged about the thonsands wUbti re sil stiili oî tirhie oîuîranlî uo! tire cuitaI if seatesi vithin tb.e rni&%asauditorium vers t ioîîîlirs nrit» halunrittersîwoud ther thounanda o-ho tiptoed andI prease In Ila'l bimncîîeunl h- tuîlluionto!erewol over ansi sgsinst thele n.igbbors in theirn sr It-sort «niîîîîîîlit- îai to tirs-Untedî anxiety t0 sec ansi t0 bear. Froni tbet tntcs t'ouru t (-1hîcusgo, .%IrM. Sclîntr moment tire gCeat audience rose ansi sang tuanIrhers uopinions. The ,-nimtittedus-i tbe finI linnpiringsaung ta the lent dyt»a stussesi thet-ts-mfor an i îîr nsadal!.i 'train o! the orchestra that playesi dur-u andtu tresdruited a oint.uuure-.ulutiun di- ng tir, reception !oibovlng tire settprs>' ru-ing te cilý coumrý(tssIîr fui iiituuie iauir gram, through thIre Ionsande of people irised-iies a- îîght l,- luscusrs. raun u iacgribaURý exulttng floosi o! re-0 uts-at iufth t ie uvuiauittfer folîuts i uIli- liglans gentiment.i midI, uonthtie vu-lt lu Mt. Lo, uso! the At sundown long mnserlng lînes o! itate uruspclis a foiChicago a rotîtsi-young foilîtafroni varlous directions croa- cresi sigitiuuîtt. eti the gi-e.»filds about the wblte-lented City, ail converglng towas-d Tent En- RURAL DELIVERY 18 aROWING. deaivor, ba»ealb o-bose broasi. aprendiugt cans-as tire weoming rabiy vas helut. Thé Western Ressiquartere Flaed at in. crorda poures in1 theough tire four eu- stenspoti. trancecaon Paae aide andiclownl.b.* six Tht'e ust-u luaouuunr fthrirsrraibroadsi soduat coveres ioles.ountil tha ftmu-,-uelivruryfi .!itîtillu as .-- -t h o-lgreat lent'a capeelty ofr11,000 as filles! ai ii iiu and.utul ie uîl e sî,-cutafer u'biir a croos if oultidera obtaîn- agent-imet s. tir Frank . Sl i.- erailPdesi agbt andi benring thcougb a droppm»g '.ul,-nui,-uus-tt leu li-rît. iilu-ui.o! tire lent o-alla et eatb aide. 'OSi.. lei1. . ru. i.ui-. W~s.F. TheCiristian Endeavur red andiwhite î'uîg,-r stnd t ,'.rg,-1s-u.'n, .oit - -naanapentiesiniiihundredas!ofbroasi *1l.itouo Il,-s tri, fi$l. l W NV.Ait.. treamiera froa ibe lofty roofs o! tir. l'îu u.Ar,. f S. llalisuui Palr.-i cs. Plaso! il nations. dapesi riti ig N%. Na . E. ILliliiuasu ou luu.îîaîîî ts a nd Sumpen, bung overbeati et Th'lss- tit-isii:uIl.. suIs-rtiiig t lu. inte-faIs. Tire dont o! srma o! lie States gris lu if t he min-illiIt 'lb ituil lotaere attarbed ta the tent polma. 'lhir s,,hl.- theu iirrtul.uit s ins ut fiChristian Endranor senîîgram ashon. prlin-llîius naxeii-n a nugr.o uit mltisi from, large rosi sni o-ite e cre globes 1 uttusid nas% thi eff 11ui.-i)zlirii(,qt .îos-cm rthe resonnuor. aspesictiaboie the th,- tiîfs-l i4ates,.uuuu uiius.% ~spesker@ platfoumm. Higher op tire union itto yeur a-gatli11131. Rl thetire S nuo jack asid tir.Stars asid Sîripes intensilà-1 t4 titI 544auloila bIc fr hetlu-smel fi.isigesi. yuiumt. î,Iu.ittta hisilos th ire îsuo! StuttIin i es, Choir FuiIsbasM mie. ft.- i andsifor tir e orvicesuon1,i A tirunsansi rhitc-capped younngmen 7-,voiu at. andi saisis conuposesl the choir on the big TEACHERS OIE IN A WRECK. stage. the front if! mmci o-ns uspues liy the officers atud clemgy. E:xcursion Train Crashe, liato Freight Proinptly at 7:30 oclock srase the -Nemur Ncm., cti. so-cllîng airans of "The Son o! (bd Gises A alelal tutu î(if sis. cc ie-'. ituForth toa'OWar,' !ollored liy "TireeShul 1Iaige-(if S. Il.hert i.!ftire Iluriilgt.un Be Shomers s! Blesung." "Onwaed, moa. It.h ule usiifrolti St. Luis 10 1,-a Christian Soldiers," etc., t» aIl 01f milci 1Aigelin. I'dnui lud-i usutrrinsbouafilliraegi-cet croosi cnthnsiuaically jumnesi, e,..... hIhevotonal e ereisaoe.led by 11ey. CAPTAIN DREYFLJS. J. G. Butler o! Wawbingiîn. Tire imlcte o!rlire local committes- osas exendeul Iy William Il. Bteong, ita ebsurman. Mmr. Stranid' delt upon the beautire o!f Detroit ansi grarlesi the dele- gotes hut onIy un behsîf o! tire local C irinfla» Enieoasno, lttres, but also on bobaîf o! the )ug peuples religuous no- cieties. sîhîrd t. specisl denominationa. - mer bai collaîoiated in ail efforts of b'e general coîtmîtlce. bies. Ciarles B. Newoma» ePloquenfly nelomnesitire con. venflon ta hehaîf of Detroul pestera May- or Mayberry ato melcoines the En- (irellg frone Vorilgu Lande. Ni-nb on tire procnas came responsas an bebaiîf o!Endeas-oeers troua !oreug» ylansi& As Ies-. William Pstterson o! To- ronto came forrarsi t0 apesk for Canada nose on. *truck up '«JuIl Bava tir. aue." Tire Canadiens on lb. plat!urso ook np lire aIrait. ansi in a moment lbe WHENBELZRED RONIPRISN. buge lent mas reverberatung mlth tihe o-nIy osi x~ao voor 'nin'a. o-cing chorus of the Brituihanber». t- ror he ntioal elictioThe friendîy relations bel-cen Canada fui tie nfioal iuunual conventioî. nsidtire Unitedi States. psrticniarly miih ýe mini tto a freîghttrfafuinfear tire depot ut eference ta religions maltera. forurie A Newman. Cao . PIa-rt'i Monday somnîtît lihe iurden o!f Dr. Plersuans addres.. sh tirtie resuiuth lbmhee snitn esome îles-. Dr. 11, J. Tresuder.s- erretary o! id illesi atnsiPleven other pasat-ugers wero lbe. none uuncil o! Christian Etbdea- if niuresi. -ne o usieve 1rel.y. or. ansmeresi the greetilîga linbeeal! o! h The apeisl oins gotog nt a 8P5'i 'Ifl Great Brito. 'Pertsh lie rati dreani." le fort vrmiles an heur adcas, sppus-si uosaisi ha,"uira sconliet shoulmi Circ din ff haîve Il rien.- lrae. h.'eo, in tir,- rmietirelm»ohm twoocoutii-n Il Is the -k tîorumît. il crasirci toata n ee train worok and tire duuuy or Ihe C'hristian En- osbhih sagtakiug usatrr os thre utntud-as-oeceta make impossible sncbu Inn ck w iti'o, îghf fuitt. lTe tenlî-r Ifides.' ft.' luîucuucisr con fre'id ifltl.tire etoi of l'or .u«tamlia respose ras matie by tire fonssard siperser. tuer- lI,.ing so bal lit-,. Josepir Nalker o! Qurenslansi; fsr gage foh-e l. tThe freigat dams lookCh 'ina, Iuy bics- ElwoosiG. Te.okgbtiiy, a ime, huif lue Nensianuits ulutee"r ime dil- issiory in th irsiity o! Pekia; for id1 pufustiîtrlc ial -ssci tire- Pan-Tutr'sey. by Icsy. 14-ln»M.Cramfuurd. -tuetu'-iai.fromltheflue futurs " IforN tvy-srs a missuouary un that coun. m- (fo.icf thti'freiglt trai.A specuol%%.s tur,;for lîalvîe fCry itioxies, Jl Sby eus t illCary;m or lui eti c aîfi'meu 50, I ~u'iuempasfor the T'itei States by Ierv. Arthrur J. iltfie lu.,-u--.J-s lii thi 50) 0 li5Sm t uhrof Grurgia. eep ensursi u sîîtasu in> l se,c" lus s'uîîîii, sr i1"tt-sIifuiiii, Ill INGALLS RE-ENTE-RS PO>ITICS. t l. f i1 ol, u ui, n-t a th, ifi îî.ul t A-u N. e t s tae fc iti if- l. le,î-,ain t.e1 siiea-os» itrlisAluank..en sieat . offsf ii fi-f Ilo utitab-i Eferi nat,,r J.niil,,an al-nky th , , tt re o f th e - u it ý ,ýr]i t-: t ço r T it i I i li u til lo th i . f '.irAnd ltIlium.,'. an. iruteul t,, tiff fi-et lhi. iii rc coter Kzsîî.uîs polîîît. uu in iifut '[le frouît, trai-ýi ut î...uî ou f lis,il- b.- %ui Il eflcavor ta Ianîicma litsit tei si iis ;r ie arh u o n ootuus o&-lt lent. 'fi thaf lic retoio leaý siaRe icsn to 1t. sifi iîl n ls. ttu' uI:luary asp hihs t,ýIl, a lusi t îfuIhi le t f-,.iiflcifisl l i sîb a g*" lu s' , - s f tu-I may lue îuîf,-um,,hfr.uîuu P s 55 il uil e- î,s'rinîcuuc c tii Issus. li nt, a1 ni vd i 'i 1 i i , si1,y un flue Sîs onlt f sa îs Ii h frf itiuit- if ifutus.eut lth utni 7154 t lo. i a f' t -l.-iic f!fi ' i buuuurns a 2.'X3l llusi iii n n 'i ief ]y lualf tire fi. I aI ffil fm.lterl fufa i if J "INit .. rOutA .s iIiu ti i sti asi 1 nili tii' greufaiiuetouf Cime d'ad i nulusm artut miuuuinaoviflitire silvi-m uttsf soi-me ffidlùiilj s tlav fii fhtitruittire oue tnuis brui, a bol,, ut tirs-hulmtfof astisu!uit- t irTe pruufuiçailoultionitcf filst-iisfo f n s's ,bis îug th(bu' itîn t i us is-h tire s! t rinas, ire eauid, ru-sts usi lu tire Sta te furmer rifluniant» irati Oitu. I egu-Iatitri. . TIihvue i uuuil to ao-ooi 'rie rcoummnduer o!ftthe Boers s ite, jiet os the 40s-errntuto disut-i dtire es-cnt o! htcstiluUrss vll lue (le» P. J.'aine luattk, bI viy fuinu tir.-10 per cent1 Joubert. wos i btssticafuî;itair esi tas. Tbclaioauîunt u'îuesîuoig fa prise sors eferesoi tir te Etiglisir (lon. lucalîy itiffirltuolin bus opinion.i Joubuert s onau iemi'sn. baviîîg been bira in Uttiolsi, l'a.. ut1841. News@ of Misini Note,, Nes t sou igerfi-at usill bce l lu nli fillo SAD END TO FISHINO PARTY. ij tK.o biren.31. Q. Ten E'yck o! Chnicago Dictin -Kniglitsof St. Johbn NilI mert inuPhulaý Laisse Fnperior. dlhis-îani-st car. 11dm ils If ut fatil z ,icilent iin la ke Su- E s Ni a fr Collidr, Petersbrng, Va., Pemior. un Wos lîuluouis Clitagouttri bon lien iOtsmiulted suicide. lire ansi Isu.. lu. -. .u:urruuslyesiapu-ti Oat Euuz.iu'v'r (.flfiagifi isus ilîcî ta a err gravs,-ma. ls,- renîirlCiîcago. BY us mcii. NiiftctaI. N. Y. lire fuît-rt turmîf ut f ut skiff hua r tire shmore Fn-il W'. fi-chi ft, Ni-os krk, kîlîi o! IsIle Royîale, un sotuhi soi-eeM . lu-fiet uitsexplosion iii a bnu- y Eyck andl cft and 'Oins. E. W. Atudrensý Mmr. Tu'n Ey i nieftremi.,cîuils-behemlis' \Y bou SbeI11. . ut ruuic, o un bals,]t. liter f o aI feaupus tu nos-e bec.,osas sflot c bile itli ed hi Oaitigihtidec. lots c asiiore dOlltI)li-teIf' exhu. tssti-, i. cul h inrorlal ta me i in hotsitr of CîI. linm- ont' ani u'neciîolig lits o ife's deaujtwIto. ry E-gbert overre tînvuîluilnItCincinnati. Nira Andrews oal, kîlsî ofisat liy o tughî vR.L. Sulirh, Wasnligtîon.lGa., 005 p- ly biutîtorid iackitîiosh, %seimuipreasidontt orissîth baut a itift ira C...lrsc lîkv- a un ta cl fute,'.anîl lier ores-ut' li'josit rau s'!e. i a incliotintu th ie bottao! lref at'eisClrece' Williaui, l'aria.,lKy.. for kilI- siacul boat. t ug Nia mîbaTil liosau %ii (litthtie woîrid PLANS FOR DEWEY'S WELCOME. ou.1 acffold. Onîbins Pro' Emntutieibtýouuurs kil fit 'Frank tir loc, Couinitte a aîNew York tie ie.Pittarc. lKy., - histe b.- soiin'l pay grrsait1fr a Celabr&tLeu. $5 bsc ildc Plans for the D ewey colebroallo»- Il -$. Re ilde New bork mere aullinesintaI ameeting o! Bs'i'uýsit' e soal jilici. Esîciu Cork, lire conimttte on lan andti sessile Uond IlY. 1G. Aliriîry Parmk. N. J.. comiuainîcd sui- lt iras ireen decitici priscticliy Ibat theme ,oide.(amoliacii. @aol b. a 100-On> celebration o-ith botir 'OViliam Bruipt. Itabso ut, N. J., it isaire a lad andi naval parade. Admirai Deweoy Ilevoti. -os killed by trultîlua ndul itsa bodiy viipasenter n large trinmisapbal sarcla ta piared on tlir mibroai. b. couatructeti cither in Clipy Hall park or Frencis J. Nuity, Ner York, o-ho mr.r IM@du S qnare Park at a colit Of 810.. tired bis aweethuaret, %Mamie Remley, hst [00. lit maa decitiesieloa1 bas-, tro 1 Christnmas day, bas bec» sentenoed lu large eus-k bt, I.utii. oas-siparade. jprlaoo for lite. TenstesReviens th.e Y.- Af tire isieteeit cftiretritf-slthe httst lf50 lue-facre t îuîtî-i S.aiety m'asfftc Iy transalti. Tesuner Sirnios report siraeî expistdturuem doming th ire la ru-ar af $01,678, andil$352 ouorin tbi r,' ms aîy. 'Cretrepsurt ut(aîsr B.lut(;raT ui Bstu.agent f o!hlb- îrti.iuig i-part- Misnf. t it vilose lire-iti t bth 'brus tufutu Endgavor 'No.rtdis iubîlitireil, vho.u- 'il cash ion hautul nt thre bs-nning the lico ses. Jîtuein,1 lfCst4$1.110,;uss'lt duu.-ng the crf-u . exi; tituiittnrf a., 0t62i.dsi fuitbhi. $2.4.310. 'lie ý'Netern u ,lifufth, Plutiml m uu ueluaru mentI nt uu o 1lie*tiia, utsuis-uIofi- uutîuru-, uit$12.,3.l I$6414 inîs ~its lie 1'l1 cl-cý rs ifhlic'ntuh f4iu-l.ty nuuuuiati l! tti the liiitingdlfitiu' Eý CluarU;ou-tr.Jouis Wullis Blier; ti-u-ut'im ,r, 'ONitiua Sluauv. ai.o1 lntf 1l ri'taivecfs o flue bard ofa!trs-- tees o!flime tutsil Sutiuey îerc eets frnsu ai h Sciufc. termitori and tire prov- itces ot Canadua. The Monn May CorneInk l5rofecsor tDurwint of Carmbnisige pro- plut-clo tiraI, lie atout» ol ltitlmnatn'iv n't urntui lte i-ut-th. o litivt- Il vas caul off is the rcifuate it Baya thSe 'neurt,ta thse ttissinc ilnk. Rlei, Ibottîhi Lt C. Il. Ilomsknrl, >Il.i., iashteo! ofts' Siî't'onl tutirern chirai sof Ctoanurîhurg. P.b'iIa s unîîrttt t-h tus pros-e b>' sirliptamsl isory ' l tIlule tamaga-f tamasut dsvestn'id-il frarin Adam ansd E ' c,1anislm tut of lb.eturoé-cny O! ilrt, btuttI s I srcitm's îîîlsxllng hll, lie utr- lirimîtîsliaI fte httaifstlla uf'upeciunl- la îusîr tIfe'girulîtu. turalig uuutoîg asti lun]il,I l W f iît his' tiltes-ns isîuds Iluo utulllI.l b ihifftat Isu mid tti5ertooti lfy CrirailhaleIn lthe FenchiArry, A1 îîexînîi lltto! of4.,(M1 -nli iinaqi in theFrew'h tmnîuy liits Iesa onehusî,, l'y Dr. J. 'Maîrty, tie re tinologinl 'l'ie resuîll la ,iîtr .Ilt rts ctbnt tIhe t-rlutthatl noînher 19 a fuse btetir s-fac- 15.-n o! th( it'htitOfl fs-tir-t ltn l., ordhnary îtillltary illn, whiuiîhla- suc. luanses lu t'nbtviewhvt, cirtnt aeits. u'lur-t, Iluîtuiam paumer and igenerli condition, Dm, Marty saiggesta tiraI il la otul>'tire s-ml'> trong trio coi mur vive tire oretchesl condition et Frece UI'mlial !ntimas Aillpreparationa bas-e re;n msdeute t1hé War 1>epartin4tit tu enlisI the full pro- irisional army of 35,000 men, mhieh lU i Malle lnaial 100,000 nmen»der armea. Il ae tbe intention o! thc officiels te rail for ten nmore regimentnalaler the to-elvf or- ganlaîons nor being recrultesilare lillesi. When eîuîugir mea bave liaca nistesi t0 gîre lias. organisations thir full quotas t wIli be gis-en ont by tie departruent nbat lIre smue îs-îuns Illire eailîstl', lnaktng tsaenty ses-en Iri aIl, mbulm usthre numirer aulirsrirmi by Cut ls'n it fuel. there oll be no rds-ati,îa ti!r 'mîistuuuu-uît, but from tIbis lime Jun aIl uns l,î,liud lms-a Wiro Prisenltiremocîen s-wllus- auuelt,- outil lbe arruy rt-at-res fin maxiiiiim il renglir of 111tlit l-. i iffor tielie sw volitintie'r réi-t.'lifin uut lie'frcktu 1S 1 37, yeors îîr nit, aiu uut lis ee-t fouir incebiîgir, oud rugrotta 120 f., 190 poîtruil. bleu ufîtutînilili-essce uibur- 117 teo oserloak a vriau, of!luxu iuaule lin welgbt atdsIlîmframiuiuuu ufati)tutululu irei git ansi vlittie. utCuni 0"I 1ssfitgi phynîc-al quîl iiralloît f the lic utn soillire rlo.esly su-ruti iuns-ut Nieui tuu-ut os ull not lie p-ruîlt id lu.uil fatia ir te fIu-fans- taselît uit u-t-iîî.u ex effutinil rsusIy scpimal 15-rît iso)» frnl irai4urt-r, ,liuilut is 01Iu,, - tliredirect Iu-- cil o! tire sers Cce <l, -- i i. îîîsu,î -xints osîcuug a mci stirg-ifs ki» s. a lut Auf niptrîreins cvd darmiteIlue taitus euh yfîsk,ir rslufit osirîrirthirentu lis f.luaI InnueOla niti- cîpaîci mule,- i, ,.. lmuIugir tii1,k-!ud o! tire butors l:ý itsl-îîiirrfimlloiuiua i-i andl îuu t iti,,i f il lIin. bééru sIl.-i 10 £etlotttIi r eîrts guveiouthitaIlfle Wa'r i*lauerît. S'une filas- titflu.- -le- Palumnt o-an suis amitiraI tb,-uali-.i aI Hlavana afusiaIi F.tritagu ocre tiot @oehil, fio tifuon amtulai sItiNthbu-trus.lkli susi f.<-ipletalure mulaiuty fri, ui t giffunfI5iOCS If Oas snisi lire s ofuiiA eou, ..uicas it Ld 1altttu li i rît fou . ut fer dimrr-gutrd . thé -rai. s .1 ,uu icL h:Irtmîi: i sus fut It- ié s~ trihe )e~l:,). fr,, i salI jbe Utiltu,îit. li-re Itu- Iuuu a . oiiiu f, u! il uI ,i'.. nu t 'f i ,is tu- if'. - u ii-i.iiiiy iit- 1-ikw iras, lýkk .u f il . u t ri,.ui a .îu î 'li., '- i~reî.urft hirst hé) ar'-iakuiig lî,r -li' i.a '> i 5rha utf, , lt>m 1f!!ru f'tfiî 'i lia- ml i,, atil %ust,,..,cd fluaac , r,.-.fiy fr-tii umgIl~ i, sIlu , ItiliIIuufi'd'I the i'ru.-,lit ilu. klin.îte uf S.-it,1t. Ilue trll r ufiil, tr- .î y NMitk-lel lklu ta Id. 1îf li tl.s il,t fi ut l -s', -!k. 'aîuu 1mii 'ir paf asq suit. I.uut i: il.-, uisrelar itksiliu' i iid. i ,i lt iaal l, suffe ssli' 'Ini rt ,uti.î,li'rtul uti- esutifvainî b out.- oubrir n i legtilcsuîîl. lTirs iumtui mli tend l. nt.,p liehé tibt.'tutteirip,.î oi) for t iol amps..n s lu uri-dut u f.1lu iott pay lirere 5.uilié n it aulog in ne- olm-lui e irelaite em. u ait' .0 iareu adoursl In tuotwi e'tiridi5g. andl -ino s la, as son. alirmugirstuil jO ilm -I 5 u) e 'Tie reouvalof .!tue otkry t 'lie- 'uar Di-purtme[tu 1-lias t iss'iu-t- tracta 0stu -t Sbii.15in tliu larr l .1cies. nbl mu ai 'dettuam ie.iI i tinîfe Nilargre .uuma .fr rnmt-d'f f.uniuut li Ilmes 1,1y.iu.l a'.s u i 1Itéi,o oîula té ir, l.a ît-ii IIrî StIch'ors are tfitt.iu .. ,useru u. le ptm hi ~mi iu-fufier itIu huî is f ua art'jeuio..sf liesulitt-rual 1 'ioeîr flie st-. t, i ad.1;,ftA islire 'Vi I. . i tîi , u il 1 i. r i 'a1t.t'..;.l u, f Iii 1.,iiuitifui.I ,o, 1ii W b . il t 1. l s! f u- nI i l fulivi otu, be l'if, hu-irc. i. Jou bats-11,efl-c . -i;il.., I 1mi, lu u-ir ulîtîtit3 . '11. ru s i lu». stu . î îi 't il lb.e m,:ttsut. lii 1.tril, fI. flu, iii 11 If' ifar u.ti. 5 ii lc siI l., z t A- tIf. flutr i tir-t fit tii i l, i-f . - z ro.lui 'liie- irs!r't'iauuff lt.t. lu flît r - 'tlci d: u h il. I u, iii tîî.:a" lud I "luî uf aui irIs umil fr i, lu. .uu. il t li i. uiulinutui thl , ahn f %ir i t i i .. loft i ii-t 1 e 1,.uiiuuiiiu b r ilitii f t i th lie 1'î,îu î. ( il. bt:!.lu :11u s l ulir n luu 1- llu1,f !'lot .i: ns' ssiitt If. lu u au;y ToIi. ina Fer Lines. Mmr. aOu Ia litiher killiit iy t train juf I lut oilotilits acîsînst 'iVrittu-r mufiers. laý .,ur l' K'.lfillf y.,t. c kiIl.-ul Uy n inui it.îuulA.ttkiis. igh t ruemeons us re ifutr,îh iiia c nub os the t', & NV., lrutir tlifreir l'a Steamcrltio. il.'.luuîuiru ,rin.ui-t$43.- 04.00îuf ouiutn to 'Inissu frusuaHi ormn li. Sîlsai lortulein. lohusar, N.. lu iii a cucunsitu'$tit"i"in a finî' eol Art hufinHause'r, nuu- lu M m.idi, i outtusi n'Tali-do. lHei- n antite a uve-aix '[lite î,,sse oirebis lîrsutrailtue tire 1trait. nu,loeusaio Mon itinoabu sgiii op tht uhauici 1 NVIlie fîillîiti' a grsiso%*-t- i a h th ia, oli. :ini amumfus 1pointf oas futinsi ut bhe Vajfuff, f hitqira o, su-ti-uI * viffrel if flic D l onf.ufatl .luuf uul sliih gis- tthliiaitl utu nilt;lfit, NeswEiliiî iii h i ntgliutui. hi . iiun l ffuiu l r. Bitish b utiuuut luzzar liurfîrt. .l,ît.N. tF -,flafiffti i luY rttutilug tit iO O teluiel g. h..1'. Coa, 'Vsliituî.s t p- p-,iliticid epit y eoîuînuuttilen o!tituecuIr- li'1.4101) gits c! theiti- Ililuiuil, Vai., rigar fuifr> sulfuffucit ila sitlhu aveno reft tiiti-il ork. Fis-eirtuuldrtl esplot'ns i.-!titi'Marylandi SttnejCotuipîiiy, Baoltimrue, ancstrtkuug for iaie boum,,uauhaf. ItChale's SiRlnaker, WcsI Union, WO~. r-Va., attemptesi suicide becatîse Mes.Min- m ie Engan. a marriecti mmn, bai refuaei blai a kisa.

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