CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1899, p. 4

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ratJi. y 4, log- &km A. eC aond-CIeee ater. »U' flfUsMADU zKmN on &U PLI- Elgin Butter Market. pqW5 of the KIglu Board of Trade b vB" u euody AitIc, 119 -tuba ,ÎM got the 374 ofered, Butter basa MB e me for six aeke. one jear IN@ .*.Siocà Newsa brupilF u- beBOiU*lait veekthuait tere would be e Nase MAis wek as editor and force mopoffldto take a weUi earned vaca- Br.8,. Buukete akes a treelu off à* yoa and feels botter for h, ýbà@ ..« ottuers- neyer relax te .«W ilenlace aud grind, becalSe e dolng one or the otiter of us ou"tcouinomre vantage. Compei Is l theUicnewapaper business tras »VSa mone vigoroun tul Lke CoinîF, SItafltons are ai a dream ho the- lains1k ludivlduale, muai be q11.1 li thiel acte rallier tItan by bob 1.1k.Nothwititandlng al tbe ObugAnd coolufi for te lasi Yeu o » hel&cmu the American Eagle sud Ma Britisht Lion, te negoilallon gteem Iis govermnuet sud tait »M Barifain forthle seutlement ut the »Mdary line beween Aitka sud WBo are nov in practically a dead- Mi. the situation le uMItIIlY WplOl.i botb lu Wasintigon sud fo srous. Everybody aisgreed la slel, oUma oi tShis unsatisfactorY claie dÉàgbanbut forgotten that MM"& coru n ot have brongiti Il à*" hbailite dasDot been Bnp- ph y te govemument of Great $e$Ws. ?No rupture la expecled lu MU ru IbSHliure 10 agree, but rbn - in 911tc thé l. ime itappen- Be ad noone lhing buaibeen su WOM 01o ruptures betweeu uations as k, dhputcibouudary lino. Iu IbIs »VOutar0&aa, every concession mtade thM goyerniuent 10 try 10 securea ISMumat of the dispute bai been pb j a freats demand on the Pari Of bdia. lt la underalood,nuot flici- jtoonh!s thai Ambamidor Chotae ~abecu instrucled 10 inform thîe p~ercto! Great Brîtain 1ha1 the &.S a sde ils lait eOncesioý lu WilIIb. Paid for Stock Klled. People tu thîs section of thte aats g» MM Igrety giated ovni te iae 11, pravaleuce o! luberculosia lu " -d. mi nqulries regar.llug il me oeu.Thte new law,. vicit eet tO cIon tlt linsut, e-Il do h gl sop te importaion o!nite hus ro. otie teaa, but msy 0» @ealon@ difticulileilu te e-q ut àgnmcsvisiing tu gel a mew anppiF 0 *MM 10 replace those khled. lu ego" UIc hepaymeni provlded bF bM bo Uic dairymen uhose cuva are MM"ikiled te state suihorilles wVe Mat ont noices thai sucit aimais shail 10 appralsed befure they hb W &fti ter the puai morltm sbal mitit10dividedin mW classes as :AC aài@al Inclhude ailit aIs ltluieltJI. eff post mortem eoinationkih. (ail f o I@the rens. o ueru]ms i n ýCb Epainluide al animai.s sit-to Chl 0 shah Incisât- ahi animais apharîuit- IV efted fu a peroiot onie er - ame Datailtlulude ail animale va li ui Ir aEfectsd for a peroi of t1e-o ecare. (»mEehail icluil il sintait sî.î.aucî.t- ly coete (or a 1urold of Ihu-.---ecaui G i shal neudeaiaual a t-cu jr afeeted fur a îeroid of morettan tItrer The INDEPEINDENT WiileSteeM Il a Tsar.Ai special favor if ils frlends will briîîg ln For ailanimal8 of th. A lhw. te iîwir local items-tiihan will be of lîjierent shah beentiUied fo te ue tali iof làf!1h sî.praisemeut. to Ibhe eomniîuity iu wiiichfile pape? For al animai-i cf te BIl î,iss luc hall b. la publisbed. If Yo bave frieuda entitled fturc-otlve 76 crof t h.-aeirase visiting with you, write Ibeir naines, loat latâ leot ~~. the place of their home and Ibeir entled to rýerue ne -rS. ot of!11 - tBuiessoccupation, ou a plece or api-raemo,éi. paper. antd seîd it b lthe olice direct,r For al aulimal.0o! fic ) la.-.- --halor if yotî tiiuu(1dothaI. seudi t by le i.îtitknd tu 16 cîie,îr -nt ofil.,hmail. i twil illie greatly appreciated appraictieclit. ~îrpiYbus For al animahnis f.!ti- EifaeW'ciîlby lsuft cry hauges aneau be enttiîd t-, -1 -l25ti'r -lit of! 1h. a iiieliit oi-C IrM lu yoiir îîeigb lorbood, appralccuenlf if Mttrnloe inisinroveiieit that yeU Foraitat sunaI ifffi..- F ho '1il lie tntitird tu ccclv. 16 i-r -i tci ý are îukiinguor are euiiteilatiiig, or aiierleewîîtlilialinleabout to lie madie iy itîers,1 Pros lid. ,TuatI l, flitev ciict tat t ho Ji litdowîi the larticîilars auul aeîîd i,ýsreeilifoin site -assouIl .x.-î1 th-' thef-m rîglit aloug. If frleiiiisare perteuage cof valuai ion Itecai i.tic, iko h et ne a owuerr ialit recette the fulîl atni.iiit .f suoii cuicyec î h-ieiiaîe a tro..eede cut-mil the home, seuil un the- parti- cuilarm aoi wt caui assure îîu that it Wisconsin Centrai Soid. will ne greîtly appirecilatî-ii y lis. No1 Thte Wlaconau Central itlrosilwatt mater wbaî hîî<al uewc F011 Utut3kiow bold ai HaturdaF ai Eau Claire, Wls. abolit ltt the I NIEPENLiENT have the The lues, directora electeil the- fiulow-, a-e tee epeibu-ea O ing officera: 1lc.Nvrke t(I esa o Praldet-H. F. Whtîoinb. notifl lite iiisece u in rili friimthe (Oeuerai Couneel CharIot C. lhcenaii. ut-la maln, an hi1eiu suieeriîîKly blâmue Couei-Howard Morris Audti.r-Robert Tomnb.. bleîfotr nîîîîtiiuluhiaig tiie- ut-n TreasurerFredorlok t Ailot. (eneral Suiierlntcadeiîi . J ICîltis. (lerrai Pauucnwm Agelt-J C. Aliii ilToi.e (tuerai Freiilît Agi-lit hurtoiî Iîiiuî.iAThusdTotie Chie! Englucer hobert J. rwýee.e 1iildiiluit expremm ~tiie-ruptuire.f Purciîasnég Agrent J. A. WlisIî-iî. baud Tsi sund Irduntrial C.iiî.noiî Anl, E 8iriîige, tf I115 Hoiward st., w H. ËlIe.. PlillaîlMn olli ta Now tai lthe rosdin Isont of tht-e ilî,lacu iefîîîita recelvere bhanda, no dunul man 1)D. Eiig's e Nw for Con- neceeaary improvenneula will ie iiu_-a [lm ptili iailci lupletrîF citres her ut augurmted and better service flirnîsh- a bac ciuuogh tbat fur musiF eare ed, whilrflwll greatlF please Lakee luade lîfe s liiilcii. Altherreiiiedieo COUIiIY patrons o! the roail aud cluctore coullîgive lier nil lîelp, but ltu-baaý f t iis Roiyal lr i( A FlahfuiBluder lionturemutveilthe- paini lu 111F eelt A FrIztful Bunder and I ru CWali -i- lep SoiiiudllF monte- WIliIofien cause a horrible bîîru lhlig Ieui, scarely reiriisr tjiig scalul, rut or brulses '13itiikleuo Aruilca befîre. I fi-el liki- cîiîîjiiii its pralceh lilve, te best lu the world, cill kîli tbrutighiuut the Soiscrtu wflu II the pain aud prouiptlF heal IL. Cures veryîone wlii tries lir. ilige Ni-w old sres, lever »ores, fls-rs, bolle in.îciiviry lu.? îuy troublle tii the flons, corna, il akius er"Iitiibum. Btett lrtat, client ior Iiiiigm. Irice 50 vente pile cure on erib CihliF 25 Ct-lts snd $1 (i. 'Triai liittlcsý fret- ut F. Il. a box. Cure guaranlecil. StlilhF. LovE>LI., be-rtyv 11e G, fil. lomp- F. B. LovELL, LhertyYlîle, i0. B. soi rasaelstt.Lci-y lîîttle gilarau- THOMPIION, lirayaiake. tendi. las hunusoite a tiisl.i iîuuîi i thtn-lucIbaule.,iaiIl.- oIfkt d-ill.h ton.tihu. titty-if io.uuiîir. îceutflimb, wtiligi-ciisfrr.îg jîltîf. Ati. t ii t hiîh .'t-i . i c-i.a l --ifih'. cicual io!hic hred.ilugbetuig e rtlit -'tu Il 1-ii . Iuliilut uî.the tu- i-ct -,f 214. hile brerihtitfoltotrtu IiredI-il i , Him-. îu5 c '.1 '17, tii.-ici, fili..- -i 2 l-- wiîtt2:26,.Hliets-e 227.Ht. tliii229, ruttit.Eutli '. andiiii ,th uu' . -f - eh l Tht- dams uftHt-me s Niti.- It , tuziitrt ut- i.- titI 'yii taùt0 lh 1'.i-i.l.blty iii VI-tor trc ireimdbe tte rtut'itiuch aoluiM t 8fit.l -huht. mufIttuht î recoril nia Tuilmul ubsuh i -tlru 3-îu BiiLw.Iu lIcr-s ii i %v tc. .- -c u l'y ci of l e , Iiri .f Xaii . 2olilVm ti ot O thl---uii- Daitiiu t f liiiitti a iKiu lut. 2:1i.. Et- 210', sud ciglt e ifioto. andl e u i t- ,f Ific-i .1. 2:,,.' Kr-nui 'l.Tt.1i Eii-t 2:0h% . -ahI-îîeui 4 lot ict e l-r ..ih- iluri . I . ltii.1t' iii cti- . I l. ".1l ire o! Mauui S 2:-,tH riii 1-iduIc lien-ou- -i -ici- iiitflic cii TERMS: $1 5 ho insurelilve colt. C. A. APPLFEY, 0w n er, SLibertyville - - - - Illinois.1 TIfF FA IR'9S Clearing Sa-le! We bave added bo ont store a contpii-te hine ()f Meusa PJork Shirts, Overails, Jumpers, Heavy Socks .«"...and Underwear. Titis lin. me eau laabout for e-e baveitîught the very bout gradee-nhiclyîîîu toll have tu puy Hicehi. 75,-fir everyvitere Va bave derîdeil lu mate a pricer il Ob titisUe, wei Miibe a a ving utImthe et t.! 10 per ceUt Yards of 3500 Remnants .. hle lagst malet 44i htu-mîiii a IVtfi ki-gali lii- ruirul iif. Ie bouglîilîhe uifaAlei,-ir or iiiiig il Wmiuhper Co. Shirt Buihe. i iii If23 tic.- h-tglia iii I>eml)ILfî-o, llutîulU (iveta. Sirt l'îtînîa.ith i'ii-.,Lac. in, lliutie- lii fat aI h t i)ti- , M Mi t f i-h'it. ry- cli hi-hi MClti-e ou sale fir ciié.- M- t-u ilui-c vii tub -ficrtt îu- 2' 31eand S3, Cents. 5'X to 71c hotiitiicsifîtii s -u-liesi To Our Country Patrons:- W. wish to say we will take sr Further if Goods do not corne up r.f und your money as cheerfulij ness has growqi to be a Dept. ini produces and then stand back cl <lB FAIR lM ipocip ýpecial pains wîth ail MAIL ORDERS, and to standard or as represented we willI GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. 4 MRS. I. . SHIERMAN. iLocal Biter. 4Mrm. tihprman i1% autborlzed to receive submcriptiiaand advertlments 4for the INOCUEXNDEINT ali'o orders for jub printliig. Cal] on ber for rates. Eîîgîî,e VicîClen-t lmi cslihît a t Mmi. tuolîi Mms. ltraug han licr lttiir. SMr. Hotk wth ler tits ucetk MimseAlmua lii-ide-lmin l ftei te vstlng ier citer. Mr.. BrIgan. Dr. stitI McciBrown ru I-.- ,-tctîîlrîcg Cotmplane froua Cilti-agfj Miss Parrot. of Chîcago. lm tii-- gtiIo! lier Qoutin. Miss LoilieetIi. Mr. Patyne froni Itinkc.feiler iiîî,-ît Ttues- day trit lier daster. Mrs. C. Sultit Di-ie s u ad aftendlth, meetinig nt hPrim- rose liiilgo. brio bLake Sudiày aloritoon. Mccs. Lawsvîîit oiittpart or ast cee-ttriit rhstiilc lu lléï Wiilhii, Mouac111,-anditit hîfîr A cîtrrir îîîîte 'f i.flc YOUIîlig coll ta ,-ei- itg toc Ijtill ii.rthday. Mr. Titeansd fantîle nse iiiri..ard hhn t iIîly trilt t.. Ft. B Sciliî ii iii. iî .nt the elcî,trit rîtî. rui Wssi-gsîi. M. sîîîl Mca Parker cittirinitidaboutîfa t-iîî rlîlide frirau Ilil-ago user 4liîîl, c Mrs. iguemi tuiînd îson andîd ,liîgter iand I Mr. Ail-h trim (lileoîu Mr. aud Mci. Eîtig-nllîil- la-.fai-ri. Mi. N. 1). Praîtt,. of Dru--c Laie, ul1irIml lit tIlie Cîiiîgr.-gslikil. .hiireIk Stiàditîy in-i ii. sitil ail tfiIl -f litii l, l ...tii iiigt Mîht M-rt bîlîtiWastbiiin ccfrtîliicd lie *.îtn Mii- . e ti. ullî,e î, lt ii f L IkýlIt. ffraî., kl ti r-ila- ii ciiii i,-, gliion r-i--uitlytii,.,-itiioti-tiit.-Wr, H. W. Mîîfhiry n- î,l.lf'-h- ll l-tit- n tri.rl.ikt -ýilit .Li Ilaiîlihy f., lfi iiftlî1,-t ut..He i, liii.a-r M r. am.l i1'i.rM, -. W lghfmslI lhavet ro,- 1 iicr(oin fuir iîit 0h51 )iil, tit cciii îrtcitt f l-ir isn"ifts. Mr. itd isttilit Mct. Wlgltifi lh-it uflot-i. ahfiti- i. rrut it . .'t i- is te Mri i - p, r.îit l ie li, .n.il1f-hi la.f. d ki -to uii -t ue i,îtit ,liîiigltl-. M-.lii11- iait--iii-ii i-hî'nal f the W.'G1'. licU. ttiîi li wl.îiil f ktri Duc iii lltgil kef foirM t' -ai, i t.tiiui t.. îuîîs',anti fi .ît it r. li ndai iii. itîtiwcOeielîrt Iluit tri-k ,kltig 41-Tr trie .cgciiiiut.l lir.-îîariirî t..i.aîfî'il, a fct.iii~t,. ru-c tLalc kiikaiip riifL-- 'iih.ineIl tI il,' iolut il Dr. Be,-ai t it E.i. l'i-icaui Mr. and Ntc-i W. Ilrtcumittir n-Lit tii chi.lite',la-if w-ck f -,ei t. n sirnincd Ilfiniîr uioitl-tagie. und itotilî lotî Yet fitelt On If. sho i, -ui robabîr te li.1 lb aithi hIlfor couietinteh. lnger. ThItimLilce AId SoetY W-ibt Kivc au li-- oeege social oni Mobsglilaut lawn uaftia Lake Frhdae ucccnflg uîîîy ir21. Moîiîg ie,- tjr-a n ili boai sfeatîîcî- cf flic -vening. PerteyBoy,] i-itta wtri-ellTait. Inuianta. tfli hIfrtil.î l 11li tote ýwho uastlm,- i.îipicyc-d lie ti-BI-arnFeathier Jtouovatiiig Co. Mm. Scott îîow uî,aîth fli mireinuiitiouiiei pîlant whlclm l stîll iciiîfcîlut Wautegaii andl Mr. liant ant I afe areiigltoîîri-. ftefonuucr a éI-siuscîm t omrteditt routpanY iuiiday Jîtte 2n.l lic-e. Fri-deuhagen hîu.chli I cigiîstliittsit i--' m-m ers i.!flic C.niircgittiuinil itr-.Af a tutti- 1.-ce mitu-tin ue ITii irsîlse foîui lg, It J.litIftaie fflitthf tii' u l lis. 8Honlit tt.iiiiiae 1e fsc,-wîiIl tatrîuîîil watt hireiw.-lî1 and W-e.Frîiîlugcu rlI probill.y lest lit & wait uc'rtw. M r.. 1iililagu --t jIii taftcc ftlcnu411. it. nec-tii coulim t itc th uler ipurenicliiliut.iin e triuof flaf Wileniri-t-clu-y uhase dcl hii lot inaflic' titre ai-ru tulle hc- ofcakiAîîîrlitt Liii.uic éIl, tiil lr-lihi- li- 1..21. Shi-su . it ulis-i. leCitatth ttiite ecaco t.! tgc. c.îslktu ilic-tfil. tChi- cuigi. tier. ciii asi lu t -t liti t i i- lirt i îlt Ii.ouîcru.!fthuat IluyAtu cNililt 1c .tlî i~iciith 1.r ft-l.ffi'i1tlit liIluili-e a.ýIiutii- tiret tile lut. as ;w'hIt ltici'u.ih tt f Jilui 1. ec Ilc îîsrateth...clt-h silt .u...î .,, i l.îcl.flc afcitMi.iii t ili utV.- n-Uti.... ei. iIla, f--lîî.iît îlif tra gi AC.i ft ii g tl"rt,.uc t,icSt -1ii'.tlia th ir- l si i lit lu ilî -tItat mi. c d--.Ilo cii. tltir t .. t 1i i i.- lis.-. beeu ccuskii e Ilii.. tutu raitra lll li fron fi-i î.uaîîTh. tlîiîc-uiaI W-lt-e-i ti... Tric ii- iuI,, ia il. rac -it ut 19)-al.r ut tiîît lgIait. tw.. attnuii.-r- ij t fr.lîWiuigaluli irfiflct i rt- un I i to I .0 i h h , i ul;Itiftfi lit,, lie'y t ut l Il--ire 1,a-iI-. .-cIi i 1sflcrgsc li . tir i amfh igl1111- libiV . t iiiiid. i-.. ll.r,'Y,.mif Dîtuti, Ni i - the u >oirioili. )W ittti it I. . - hîiuiSalveu Ncii.h i t. idi . îoVE, J-' . iii J. i.hWtii-.oti. rUt . ,W.sliii MAiiiiiigili îîuîtMc. i.ifIg-,.-u GENUINE BARGAIN~! I letiloui.h siarclt, per itg .... . -... $ 04 ptituiî-, her 1i .. .. .. .... . . 04 SIve? 1 fiucs'c .. .. .. .. .... . ... 04 si-aiug îilîîc uu ýl, 1-T hut te ...(...1 4 ii..jii i lîîîacu .i 11, per gaI ...... .... 50 5îfpeiur il mii gi-r-----------------------------. ilaut Jute eîap. 10i lars ........ Ail c Nzîs c-me Ne, to 2j ili b -a - dme iu....O..0 te kettie.-ai-h ... ..... . 14 Lh hianL,. sc mpe 1r , . f. 5 Geo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. S i. 9 N o RBo R C 1T Y 0 F cI iSVILLE lletween Chicago. St. JosePl snd Ben Harbor, Michigan SIDAILY EXCURSIONS f-Ai orW: !.IAv w'd eIi ri it ii.i. l huim. jitriiiuhiuî Pt î . tr I . I-u- .u inut . - ic-. ItI ,nIIfA. 4mîr iii - irals y aswereceived it. Ouïr Mail Order Bui FOR SALE! itself, for we give you the best the Market!, Pure ianilna if what we say, Vours for ail business. PLVMOLJTI and SISAL imdiuhusIt tthesi xtgradhe mae. For FaJi Sitwing a Complehe Sock of ____________________________Timnîhy, Allia arid Meduman Cloyer Seed. e CHAS. STEMPLE, W aukegan, Illinois. Long Orove - lIlnois. ILLINOIS. ItOurel mier.DoyM U6Whenmy sorti Gogewas 14, he was stricken wfth ter- rible nervous affliction. Phy- sicians nor medicines helped hlmi. He lait his speech, use of imbe mA icould hardlir aval- low food. Before he had fin- islncd a bottie of Dr. Mlld Nerylmie he could talk and cat w'eiand 5 bottles cured him. w» O. MI.welw» Biook on hemmi a»d nerves sent trea, or. Mlles Medial Comnpmny, Elkhart. led. Houtewlves AttjntIonf t.ut'. ut - euh rîirc li îjhoiter &L V,,ir lillî,Il Iur mallrese îîe Over. î-îîîslaîîl ic auprilîr lu bone itolghlit ut stres i srp.iis uitei snd Isil W lîîltw shales furu llîie-al I c'uiors 1ami.1 ses. Liera liv mail promptly alieudel ho. Addre.a Libertyville puai ooe. Money, Saving -Quotati*ons-m The followlng ls a critetion of prlces ln vogue at AmtleCalifortila Ham ....... BaJîcon . 1 .. .. .. .. llo'itted Hlant, per t-au -- î Tougne .1 .... .0* OIOc ciipimd Drieul i It-ef .18 -. Port suid Bet-sua ............ O Armoulra <or SeItts baril---------------------..08C EsmîF Jîue Pt-as............. 07C C X (\ linger Huap, Pt-r Ilb---------------------- h1i-au pui ptiîi.. .-< ...0 C i1'j-lb caui lireeulLiage Plume - l.. IC 1 3-lb rau Egg Plunme ........ lIC i Boutiî Bout Bten---------------------------06C I .. Wihi Cherry pliiiiphate ................p& Lapins sand (Geula'$3 iii tan si4ues ................h 53 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. -W tches ...... Prices are advancing on watches of ail grades. Now is the time to btk-ý-' 1 have them--all prices. ýJewelryee 0f every description. Sil- verwear cheaper than you can buy as good in Chicago. JEWELRY, WATCH AND BICYCLE REPAIR WORK PROMPT- -...LY ATTENDED TO... ES. B. SHERMAN, ILLINOIS. 3conomy",.- That's the word to express our customers' reason for buying of E d ward s. NOTE THESE ECONOMICAL PRICES. bales i uct andîl lit-ijai lii te, MuIrii$1 l) ..u ...S 50 iiadlu-asîu shîpi me tu SUI li ite, s 1- 73 Ibulilie ihuhu's t e ... . t. l.... 9, mef ' c it elîtîre 2h ie,........ ........... .... tul h-lu . ..e . -iUia -t, s t il i aitte, lg..h :u t..eI 5 A fuit uine of Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions sold at lowest prices possible. W. W. IEDWARDS, - - - ILLNOIS. 'h hi-n in .î liîiii' fr iii titînge iii.- tlih- t. i. fii't it.. uh- Liîrlà- tt,'i. s it.. . iii t i c i L a-rii l.u F. BAIRSTOW. Marble and Granite Monuments. t;,rtETIiR t WOMi( OF IE'ERY f)escriploin. ..4lel..S t e4l~ GRAYSLAKE, GR AYSLAK E. Dyspepsia -cure. Digests what You eat. Nt«uicl B digbe fIgSd »d n- slucig ie .1b auated d etive or- tBflite .la.egt disoovereddigest. ast sd tontc. No other preparallon cmaýS tt Lpalinlefflciency.lit inl- .ta.y eliaeeaand perianetly-cus W cla, Iudtge»tion, HeartbuMu ence. sour RlomuiC, Nausea 8jHaudacbe,GstIBtWiCimpgaflI M,ý NU FA,ýTU RER OF

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