CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Jul 1899, p. 3

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Chsam f ~C.~te7 ¶IOUGMTS WOI MY 0F L Atetl Millie. atbough nowcSlpmttll5llRgFLieTON. Bou aa ouffly establishment la th* futurs eu plalid 0ontTua?' have tu 121111101411011A Pleassut, lut«mttag. ud Ientrant« ~ 1hy .~ I ult, about ttvnty Testsa&bod. à bouse iir eseo.. s" Whoeu'tl MAX Be MI a' eu. dietuu, orlb?'vii ote h ve Pesa-A Legand isud CnleN-he -ou Tb* eiter gagnes etbelloBlu te.ela th busimess or nid .ccousae taSetie or in, Vieur et the ame, bsl = 1"Th @umoi en @111 Ot Vetesta lok alr. The= «mla To 7Ëmnsthlb.1gbt.,»md il. lIsp ofthe large enougb toa oumodate An l"dr The ]@sson fur JuIlis uDan. 6: 10-23. of his enroasmena i vtb tii. ruabliftli t riouda. The halls are vide' s udg imts mbjeot le ~Daniel i the Den Or anhton does0otlb.iest. Farewell t aail the »Aue- vltlipictures of utng acen«Sa ud Lions." According te thew vriter. in the ,t tW ofes ai ', CCU motber. dloter. brac of entlers ani Are ScOufrtablutirait part of thie slîth chaptlir, Daniel wasta the taller, sluubei g l thelulatid bagne, i wth te&miairutatel ea . olsas th t once reinstated by the new ruler l il UPu nm ci"et t0f lI tht ctch lia OUMflV enruda hen the veather la hltlll5WOr>bistfemer power, becomiuîît one Of thic ëii,<u o« tb. toine rougbt tbey-vuwi-"toS utestet rlluer sema et the OasthRit s""n thIi.*presdentW, or gai-ernors general Th tWbohit by'lb. rmots and 'bts th. seitasi saot the. bonne.. tudas 'a b qi lb.empire, vblcb vas large enougl te peuri languetil theiiblond apu&ted, btriiii cMaitebie.and ontull vih th1.1Robi miliaire 120 strape or provincial govets- veek ouIt "GO& mie. ""There la Jout land .somti 1tabcP thema m.<of curse ltheat«OUaî of liii Par- Uic. flohhoatv's Hari. lterestedl, snd lis cro9ga ai tub' s~ in and Itedian eliea ndsubotdi- la li Wbat. suppose gTs. vW co0«- pon pnie« ricimeus prig PlP a"i& ma ntes vol b.eztrenou and they kWstDOethe I Pli ou um . euddbuhe1tel and tieurs cstlon of the. boit thoctlee te bO fui ti Urnl devisins a plan for revente. This thong are hbnreris of Ibm .lu th. dtW& .Thor lu tii. sgcultusi journals..MI re aa as îruly oriental ln Ils sinPiîiySud soiei mal beau et tablmam es.. Sud ther la veil atoked vlîh cattit.suoin«Siesd c«Saint; îî r«mi»esorutirtrichae stie trit (copyright, Louis Etoel. 10) Mar bave aSa dgwec.sted rois of boy- .osp thal kuow the volre«Bd bave a ont rendu oi lu tbe "Arabisn Nightes " thelin INTEIURITY sied triclkerWIbudwu 55ers.pd the.»mre et thu bous emy àklndly bicat Wbou ou. goeforth ta toold otb.r casterc tatou. Thel simply ludned precl Uire foru lb. mAbjecta t 0 ). Tai' terre t. n rIvais, ami trouIistbrlfty at thatu. lu tus blieaftaboietrehi' li te king talsedo tlt Iobody shouui de Chie& mages Sermon te-day, anddnte e»CO- mo5tem mlspblg up brani boumedrenm vi ib.lustraitedlu art andi scence a certain tblng vhlcb Ueî knc Deanler compl but be eablebles belveen t*9 t-alàlu a& itiles. sud ai1t thepartusere of and religion. voutd, ta prey tl u aotbet pop a utrlklug tque. Tii.llait la Proverbe Xi. thei edmemue . mIbel ir angions What charma Wini Ihr. bllu rural qalat soverelgu thsuat as- b Inte Pbl'sss.thàt1 14. -11 le nangtit, il jla naugit. sai th.sed drve tbi itfl bod feUi4nd lité for a ma WINo ha for thhrty Or torIl "tii. law of lhe Moe@ ansd Pelltts, bai layer, but viez, h. la gainesie va&, th.u af sise msiuY svep lb.0~ wnt vth le Tout been eouforminug Ise tIr. Datura vlctés lteretb mt," me Sidu cipra.- 1bo à* boasIcili" nait elegamt appaseiteat hnman eaKta10 li exclfrmnta of busIness? WIIIlo*w vb bas becosie proverbial; tbe aee palaces are not sncb prisoe t he .ever wotc or esthblY magalAeceuce ever ocele Sd hds vlhtii ir blee aud »sovete i ieif bbainonepower ta te- ea vori Imagines. If yon tLan that the aclcved. miu b. Able ta silence the Insatiable vole hi@ ovu decroeue, lutai SAIT tie ingsud queas coque forttb But a cres I8 gthMelasuri Ifer Spirit of acqulsltlvenme w vbbas for Douillevsvrai a od man, elgbty or more. knoil frosi the luprocession sud thome men. sad IfIitl âes uet cete belli of yeure bei fuît swing lu the cool? WIIH@ob"a accu ny vicissitudes lu ie longe apot gogos I ted. yon are uiltake-i te pilars sud lu on. itildaebrug the boni of lb. breese sootilthe 1h.on58camer, aud bad been ometimes oP, sosie-th s Incognito. by day or by nlghl. sud cltli dowou h.terrile Of commercial 910Tri Il bo nov cau fSud bis naly cnloymet lu tisse dowe.but h. bai neyer dlabouored Gr ad lu cititen'a apparel or the diroes of a viliibu ops heu iir Poue, sud lbey Wii the.stock manlit? Winlentan sd loni bis Gai or biiden bis convictionslintesbieni1 worklug vomen Ilber c-me Bat aui s0.rembàie lisichoes an bMont ii dis- aud fouainchan irte es t lat bas for of dsnger for the.Anike ot'safety Or coul- beo the vorld AS Il lo. lu te oher wval caittd spatians, amd. pusbed la the precipîce of three-fourths or a nifetme touni 115 chir fort. It vas tolate nov te beglu A cour- Imgt- KingSaUlomon. thseSathor of miy ai tlis lie, lkey vllitrtrla ld ir acsd heauty lu hogseais aud bill el sale uy coorse. A men vbe bas ltvei rigil andi bave knowu evrytblug liaI vu as Mlu cIfor belp, bua ebotp vIli coule, and in lîparents b. comeut lta erthei II is ielire je 001 goiug lta i at 1h.e u. Chic en. Fron i mytest 1i skmsure h. mueItlaby viin ctutcb IliIr goli chliren for igi ai a l lY parpaseIf Tuat laou. encouragement fer lbe.terrilfat la dlsgulse sosie day bave vakeiD jte aLaietngwth them, but il viii b. satcbled hir lfancy and boybood Sud ginuoci <i aud lhe veak. Gaod habite are"as ine tore of re&dym&de lothlue luu Jerusaletacerun Ior grasp and a volervili Sound uere neglectci. viait lhey "amenmot strong ln their vsy as ad habite. hi*f s"u too ir her icmonter ani heeTd a througb lheir coul, "Not a fartblug. lion matdy ta enter Bilon lb. vorld amui haves1txpanaîor-on I conversation beveeu a baer sa àBe- beggred spritr' And lie Juiguiet w 411 their habite ied sud Ibeir prncsl s "Hi. Windows bolug openei tovard bis r or. The merchat Put e Price on à ant-5.colme, sud they vW stand aginst beutreseoyelwl No, 0nov wlatle.tre te jerocaleni": bis a" have lieruae Peciat coue and tbe cuitoer" brute dicker &Bdb, s&d An lhelicusonees lulqaitise Of Ia h.happy. Nov la lhe tie ta serve Tour Igo tDneo tmyhv enfle sai: "Ab*urd! Tht ct a01 vot 0ti lfelis vwil galber aouent lrhum.saius, Creator. Nov la tbe time ta b. a Chris- csnea t th vant orIl In ba beendfo1 vint yon mait for IL. Wby. luit lock t -Do yan resuembert lis?' and "DO Feo lian. A»eTou tao bsy? Go home a lt- jorli uaifnmli evou-ttthe e u aby-ace lbe coarcenesaof th. tabricI 0Us laI emeuiber that?" An erkba liaI tfl te «eransd gel ltrodoced te yoms bamibeda. verevet be may b., facesAt- sPt dah lb. collar! Beàldou Uat, il do"coispelci tae ilioousSud rouiued, maicldren. 'Be ntla galley eslave by dey tovard.Miiecca as ie uttere ue nrorit!%; sot lit. Tvut doLlarsfor liaI? W iiy rsysies sud booheepens vho ,sav bW- maD nit.lasbed fteslutltheou et boct- a"4 eveulug praVeca.Daniel bei no trou- il la net vorth mort Chis, 910 Tbei haa*be he cob. escevWi.esrt ransmuai ta megu. Lot evouy day bave its bouft ~bIlu a iudlug coosetug for w hich la- a botter aetice.than tbt sud for lowerther nefarlomis deed. sud am vituoevorshlp sud Intelecuel culture ami ne-ul ih God three tdan sday. 8mBorepo' New peio. devn la Clothea. Fitemn & Bras. coul Ibat once s u too ya th i e . reallol. show yourueiftrtter t-bs-YOM pie ludi t asaittado no Once Ia vceh. 4 Dcies thet. i do't vaut il eaI&DYur ile. dot sud Pver oftiieso buuluesemou viiibusness. Act uot as tiougb atter destb Tbe malice of Daulclsenenilse found Sati Go oirung.",rlbId,,, asyethe mer- sey, "Ams. Iis la OU Ibt file et f laI Ion voutd euter upen an eteruii of rai- its opportunily lu bis ioliest scte. it bas ti riant. "do Dot go off Ii si waty. i aut tiret fln thât OCcuPied a biok vîit radstocks aud colie.. sud riblons. leen no aivays. fTie martyrs vere perce- tele sdiO0 liat cont. 1 bave sosie 1Puy- hem nerchandise and averhadowei 'the linot nt lTour manhooi hefore thePer eled..fur lie boutt lit'.vas ilutileeu. palh meute te Si an sd i vaut lhe niofle. cily iti theIn infloence and maie peual fIres 0f anîlety. Dflo ncsud Christiaus ta r e ewue o coum, nov. boyrach viii Ton ire for ngbtsooiiiesansd truth Sud PurltY fail fbrevet vle bolianb. monter lu Tour storet-a r e erene o v liaI na- Wli' *mya lhe couronner. marier thUilirgIre of Avarice and jo o yor usies. eaihnease. Tiey mery lecriti-ab 'i vii pti Ui dîferuce Ye ascd rrie."clsi for their vuen ses. bol lie reaiiyUti P20 audisaid 810 . Now, i vitI give Toni Willcare admire sud approre et ail ASvages meni ar çw, emtdushe eniîroppMtositnlia leyhave Tr Ç15.",U*'l.s aidtic merchant, *'lt Je aculeires noitact iu Uic sale e 9OUoasta l, bu aiue ll ietre w011cmhe in- in weoIlter la n aout cf ieCrs. t Tge bn a grleat asce ,bt taielit at Ithat vomuet coudemn n ay procees b barwilb et fthe calllnG lucred e svl i lu-alu vhie r umle etihe Christ b . egmrvîiari odrbsa tabrlc or prouct la rePPÇmsuted AS ton-thehesu sol. Ctse is en mJuit -udTe knfoream oir v Pentlonl 0 ofva Uic usinsheorldtststmercatd.tuila rollngves e,. lapbisc"se Tis sssug a value vilch Il çaaly dae nt AS blyi afe seul le Scheelis"dConaege- vouder. A king Who finde brli et fil sd amu tartei te ga out and enter bis ovn bave. iFurchase amd sale, lame and galu. dlsap» sAve cf bis ovu lavu and Ilie dope of iS ai place f business, aud Soloma n luils, wout 55ac1 igit. Palatment, prasperlty, telb. lio ti 09ot ovsubjecte bas rond reason te b. dis- a gise folovsd i thl. H e hourd Uic cas- Again. business m en are fteu temipted otbers, pente ami banh spemiosa rem but plu . & co loueir as h. uriîled the cosi se: "Boys, te make the habits adnifutaos o f cher differetlessoasiluthb.scioci. Themor The reminder cf the eneuies cf Dan- nun t have nmoie a grtbasaiu. Howu ch trnders thir law ot rectitude. The» 11are wsiu essUcmore measof trace. Kàii leloiaI &tthe Iows of Uic Medes &ud Per- astd 80 Ton gnime 1 gave for list 0cet?' comumercial aasges. hlcb vil ne stand have gene Urougi vîldeseteicunhuit. caad e hue abte ohrY «vs Wel. syaou, lahlug te compliment Ui, test cf the. lait day. Yet mou la bai*'Are yen uat afrai yon vill bresk' Darios. Hcv le vould bave likcd te mg eterprise, ,you garse830 for I." Au- oea. are &Pt lu do AS Ilair a ghta de. sald snoe ta a merchant lu Uief svgeep thc cruel aivilers tromuicheface cf wve *hher«sas, #iiloldi i eu 7 tot Il If the maierily cf tbectlaiers lua go- gea cm eilexciteraient. Ho rePli. lie orti-not n achbecause lieY bat-un hou Iflaugac 85."'No" ersliecaîîyarelaiinpricipe. iecomercal"Âye, I1shahbreak vlan tie ttieth cd Dailtas bota i ey ere ielilbr- Tue bayer la triumph: 1"geoil tfor $15. 1code la lia omunity vii b. sparlaus pairet bres, lu Uic dfteeulb verse. 'Cal steîy Uivartilug bOn is tlh- .. boestthlmedown sud pinted out tic imper- andi dihonest- Itlà àearbsn lilmg ta pm nme lu Uic day ef tronue, aud I vil "T'h kug caied I it i11bisovo sig-Pa lectons outil 1mi relmais hlm beierstand lose il hie iaw of rigl vlen deiver lice.' " The Store and tb. coui-net, sud vith lie Signet af him lords": Il vas Btl vrti hardil ll g. i Il rour Dnt door neiibor, byiîeDis 08 cs5Ina bonse bave icveioiii sosie of lth tis vas the Usuai tuing. Huadreis cforPr tai. m Ccmae abarsl. H ha' c dalia, s uiileito dIgocs 5 amet salvart characters. Perbiiàaria- Assrrie ndoiBabylonien »aansd ira- n D> mac.n, ouSM .teaisndefr o es tUiau chesper rate anid dcccl rouircutonicre. imai11 ley bal bt 1111e sprghtlinls »sd pressions cf seuls bave been toond lu lie ov MATy vere vorth by Positive faiseltui o course Ton vie promnil îni &lt art rebut tva or tire bard banlai« excavations of lhe peut hait toetou.l mu ent o oner, vhin lolomn Vet bock rrbuiness engagemntus, Peagrlz ahn top oete- ptez fali- Te rl wr ual u eifo h la hbinlae ami bai pet oufbis disgnho, Ton prise e apnî, ili fin it blard thunipm vok te e meua troulcir devlhar-brdscala vrecusir ul l eliefd on ve *t ha .at dovu t hlm vritlug dei and cOpete vith h aI merchaut vho La hope- mai-and"ruhoere enie&a thoniW&»cip>ron ans d he mi-prdecitsote an cu-te mlaie for ail ares s cran sketch of yen, lea.Iy lu iebt te the importer for lbhent blu tneinergeia" st aIva eiani le nme rlgsu tlIeo ic- ovae-rtlb osait eugt tl a b." Tieeth br-godsare ta thetandi rscestrs e sud.lChisavey iccanictlb.front mn ID luTbey vere osci as signatures; for I in ii «, bul vhen h. is goue bis vsy, lien b. accupies sud le lie cletha uho srehm rg ryas veil as tlghth-u alm b. ec ai etonce liaI lu s mio f vrit- & W ord se O ai a ,lc vrtlà ucf rai e i onsprevalent lie gret vorld of traele. Bt hueL i n, vhici couiste s oip l a l imPrnalug A Wor lmG"r sucsPcfd. enlu theoeli et taîe foriounbt cneyer bas bocu perpeluat depietion te auI Y coubueaions cf veige-abapd marks onL v Tuer.are no bge tlso e nt eoetemefrb ni en. Their Amit puflco ut cf hlm au bouev- sisy vili a loot, a king or oQuiciaecnid w AUl lhe vorli than tiose Sulv at tihemodadvraug dose ui nime Tour riait. " nHis$W ef merantil.eterprises lu the tirent neyer hecoue vrtue ibeiug multiplie!ai clence pirtailons.aboit SU Oneil aI Bane- of îcpen o aul lui« dusllty l bis u clies cf thus cotinent. Their Cas«]an aiaimnttei et brokens hoar or Amer- &UaI9u aspirationredt s ati on Sinheose ofrltignatfur.gormisliege ulue- prouise LaaAs goi as aà bond ili piles chast' exciants Recause otiiene .fu. sud, I adnoia~ b chaguliheos ili es cfounrinsture. a uand vere v et contlela. Ticir gond reputetion for tca tew thingeI limsenter troiks, be- large -ceatsud to, nobe c a es e ao netaul t c utI lasiriaheani Bil- o batcgrtylàlaas veil eoalabisbd as Iliarof we mn Ipetrarch reghldtu uthe finilyof clitulatiabt Plactsanceuse oliers dea& i idemt.m *ete wr ntuenso ui me. Itlale rted tUtarvren lier. vars taclstocks, beeuse ohiers pairm offBaPrîes"Nberve nruutofiuc get disturbance lu lie fanilithte car-uoriiess mdorements, berause otiers lieu sppreiale lie importance cf bac- braugit hoare hlm": vbich vas lbe. z "licailci sil his peupe togetier andi1do uthina but birovbbbies, do Dot. lot a gooi boulinessstand.,aato1e.on lie usuat val cf provdiat su cvenîng's emi put taonetider otite tei lie troli. therefotv, h. overeme cf lempîsîlon. igit aid outhle street or lu lis nlght tetalameut ather a bouquet. except Petranci. Wb.a la came lup toeiiullov pretections and ficitious credit blockh,yt ever place of businss laà This dem of ions may have heen hept ne tvear, tie cardinal put. awaî bilsbock 1amidcommercial gambiiu n si ayavhile goi &tendfor spirituealculture. Gais for lie pulpese@ut,,pracilus aà cruel pou- ms si saI. '"As for ion. l'elrarci. yor prueper, but Uic daî ut reccholug coseti attela buver over the vorli of traile teaSUnent for beinous crimes. It meay, boy- lu word tla uOtcleut.'" Nver slnce lie vori iami in addtIo a lishehorrcir sud candem susîsin a" bd ol p those vbo are lrylia@ver, bave heen almpty a part cf lie Tb stai bave titere tuen nusi menciauts nation of oulraiged cumutunîties lie rance ta do hbeir iuly. T-uarrov, Ifi our kings zootogicai collection. for lins' bu viiome transactions eu sand tbe test et o Coi yUl came, blow aft.r bioe. Gode Pace'ot vorilî enugagement yen vin 'is- mouarche vere very fond 0f viii aulmalm. ea the Ten Commandais.Surl bergalui lav forever aud forerer in tic onty stand- tou for 1h, lou Mnay ber Iaond lauder The, fneqnuliy vent ou greal bonting te mairera are anthe l e ier.10b. icorci anard frlght ami vraag and uoh commer- than thc ratleocflirai. and the sia f iexpediticus, and lie siories Uiey tell la hcaousc liey have vilbatcoi yper afler ciat ethice. teet mud the chini c( dollars tealing ioateir inscriptIons ae te lb. number af ire year teniplalioma vhich have long so i Young business man, avoli tihefret Tour soul.sasyiug. "SnyTeOnIrt te king- lions and tigers hiled rival lie tliesof et qsfyerandmAulng tloea nobard liber bucluesla disiomor, ani you viii aveu anldont of Coi ani bis rgileonnuein, sni an tic modem Isherman. et euneyer. neyer recovrntheniselves.thie rou . The emploie ut a resseci a. otien tilugesShanl b. adic note 10."* Th*dem vas probabty su underground tr Wll. aIl Positions la life bave povenfut vaihna eslirte moio f a river vhin Yet momne of thone sharpmet et a barpipt or imagean it vil e nctrate; sud .e, hesetuente lu cvii. liere amn speciîc ic elie vas uw, and liere vas a toug, gain ere cleasîc ent cf their immortt- h Imeior vas denk, n liaItihe ing De ternis of atturemeat vbicb are peculiar te sîatut aucitor cla .inho on. cf lie great blesseduess il stnategeme more palpable coni nDot sec ui as hecaeanhlu ui nach occupation, ani profession, anditIlilnks of vb"ebbis foot sippel, anditilb.- lien Sauy drap gae" cf lie Street. Tiq umorula«. fils axietîlaisrepreseneau eash viii b. usefat te speak cf ths pecular gan a îe sel. sud he could net vîîhdraw moite iuveslmeuts lui lilngs everlasiiugly»Soueiatunsunt for au ojîcutat mca-1 teuptations cf basiness mca.lit. Thc tic lbeamuth rime. The chain b.low par. They Put theur valoables la arcb. ta vboni a lite more cr tosdi Dot lI Fînotetas lu lic scene cf the teitlhubu.i- couli net b. Ioseaed non filed off ia lime. a safe nt fireproof. Tbey ir. full credt maiotnîta much. Danil'& close retatio W Bona mca are aflen remped ta sacrifice and the surgeon vas caici teasoi ateinfluences liaI viii mt b. bl alto ta P id hlandiperiapebils value as aa oc- DI pein truth. lie seller ir ciaggersllug tlb. 11b, bt hfoire the venh couli b. one cent on the dollar. They polun to e rmet, ade tae i o efor anxieîy. i lie value of Soueisoithe bayer by de- donte tie rolîi ever the victime, and a labyrinth trouni vlci ne bauhrupt tav Bone peope foni et epeeoimting on sul- 'preclsling tlieu. We canent oldmmire is lire vas gone. 1 have tate ll yen. or -two-îbirdseeatment" vîilever ex- Jeela vuici lielkoevittie about have su expert sal"ae. e. boy be tiretlai- Younagman., lt juil cine vroag mb otricat heie. filer taire m Inotelr part- serminaslthat Daiel'a remankaile ex- dates lie couilonner ltoBlondcfavorable vhicb îen slip msj b. a liuk cf a tong uersiip thie vend, lie fesé inmd lie devii, p detaîuiag lecareer vera utt easatin la lie proper ecdualieraliou of lie value chulu cf clreunislances troutevblcb jeu anditheiecrai of anI gtecusmuss v O pa rtetilspvrasaipct n of the gonds. He showsbMeiftale b.auncant b.eitrleted hy sny lngealofetbuait tiough cîcrilal ages liaI lie man cpavoyet.bis yowera a ptins irad bislami trouâtsaicuman. Hov care- your o oretamy help tramOniUes, sud wbo lu ait is bussîmes lite couli nt b.cligvant.luhcnprel tulietmsudra I faly thc lighls are araaaed tilt lheytai lie tdes vinl li over Ion as thcy have Outwtled a et l umilî I tlespiritual [bisandreseralo renihedetucioandaeg Jouil igt opon lb. fabrir! lieginaug e ver manIr. Wien Pomper, tli ernrie, defalcation and vas evbndci eut tcf vithigedis f mediu qallty, be grain- wvu alci 1 poesalon of a ciîy sud beaven. lite licas. But there lenDo tessont ferlhou- ahyidacstwr hs o oetote el e pnte ts cp.itation ta beiceeliat Ced vio vas tlice ali aianes ovai ias cfmoe lor tby vul mo opn ie ale h li~- Perip e en eu yOSatlirte Ire in guide, lie frieni uni lie icîper cf Dam- ongi niahe snd cf mre attractive pet. soaded them 1t0 admit a sch solder. But Ncw Yorkhin 183M. Aged mca tel us li. and lie omnipotent roler cf lie uni- l ten. Hov he vaInhes tic monde and lte alcb solier aftcr avile goel ei udliaI t ieggared att descriptiun. Boni.verse, cotisol do "%rnme 11111e tbinz" ta uhimé of bis custamen! Wi vial per- troug, amd h. titew open lie gales and tend on the bouse top% of Brooklyn Sued .preserve lie nman wviegn ravely îaî Ar- FM tecd calmumnes h. telles lie rier ami let lie devassathi arroiy coule in. Orne ocbed at lie nrerin tliaI strept devu uovtegeaibils loxe for lie Lord Ccd ofcl bove lihe prebaser tramhils prostae, e ontuamltted luith o liulmay gaiunlunlb.etrotte sud lrahcned te obliterate Irae viregaies avsy bavianisoe up bis Blind trengli outi Bter asyblie hlitug* Oulie nietrapolis. Btlc omria ttbcbas bout lite gocis t la crie an lie gaes te lie attach cfasi, and lth enrd vîll IcI b. Rartlei tq s greater oSodnth i A s"exceeding lia il lwh. alvn atnrunl oplr.,ga'"-hIs frieni hlbe ec mraculonsy uhli iltalcvhlma ivig tirgi rin s OtIilte .conînagratica. even the tsst eue. Bille prs.enve; bils Inimutable taus bae ne uhea he sagain sella tien! Tichecie d ladtvmBit t Nssponoffliéti. et eirhaitge, policies ot inaurance, mort-.usaianciangeci IcI lir penaltiesabai vere vori vial the satnsmau sald tuj Agal. hitiecsimen are sontimes gagesand bouds sni Goveramet securi- proved uinjurieus. fHe hi@ilsriend: vet ai vete nId t a pricewvilci viiteme trr t trov off personat reaponal si- ilou itb. cosuniciin ontl ick cf lie bhalbai lostno respect aniang hic peopte.e nultnmaireluBcotmary fan lieboose te bitîitlW ttl taIlte institution teAilme. Thc bourse and lie t'oited States Tsics Mns tait every ltonyeassluacirer ta fh up vblcb iey b.loag. fDirectoire lu berthateint vIl! In uteasales. (Joli vin runToce'àai ùlnaa. sud ralrosi sud ilurance cmp*"les uteu loto lb. dust of théStrlueet. E. iFor tie youuger chitiren Bailiezg could i Practlceei Condammed. comniee silhrk prsonal responallliy changes an granite btocks of mercbsu- b. mare fascinahîn a imu is ever-nev Wllb vial burininldignation vo uudemeslb lie acton citue corporation, dise*vltt fail i vtba crah thint v irae stanr.TuIcincfcug bssd thin oi lie uInioou sratepeuS by ied boy 0oftn5, visArsme bauluL bansthlie athtremble. Tic 14eiIng up aofgils ieh tncanotinteret lieu vithilie, wvilcigodsare mometlms. ilpeof e! o on nau il utution explades lirofflite trnt lg ilvlI Show lie rlghteous toll aud lhe lessomi of tus pasaage cf AÀgi"McetaI lb.morning papers shows trami.repgbl - luminte board aette vmy la licir liranes. Thein imbo utflPture vouddo e vetateresign. thé Arrivai at ose cf aur batea et a ynasg dlu',ttrlder. "Wbi. Ilioghl SUiwu reeures lu iieavea, lii'y vtigo op ami Do mal refer ta anî of lie modern lune astlpt ro es f i.Inam ciie glu o l a bus- a., sud 1I&A ut. . tek.e possession or hiemi. .The. toaio or jokeé opon tis n endetailucident. Ita He e copsatve trmge l le asItoy antnnii it li dnseor" ustce ltevbci acedhe- buin -A bi--o-b-h b- aaih- t fn tehten l 1<10 ý«tbS M! ý, -« 41 .GRAND RAPIDS SHORT mi nom soabumalv csbanle About m$3s»O» gheit. te Ove ina s erviceras cltrb 0m'c ry and seiol a*b.tfon lis Chirage id of Educatias, W. A. 8. Crahau prcci fallies ho hic trust and Ii thy, a coatuèssi deisuttet. Htc age Je ielievei la &aulut tau$34.- ithougi la a statemnt left bebila stlmatou Il AIt123000. lu is lîgit efî bind 10 suifer for bit miecisà lue ami lire. UittIe chiliren. r overiiit siorlege Ib.eteta sciedule sJ real property lu ChIc9go aui Mv- On. eltimatai by bîisel toeb. vorti 110 snd vibci i ibed luruci ever el Schoot Board or lie mureiylff'r- whicb vas on bis bond. Wlli tie niue vas a cesion cf bis e 21t. me lest trace ut GrÉaas vas bis ap- tare lu Ncw Orleans lem timu a po. acconipaulie iy bis vite sud t * cilinen. Thsiseouichelut" tiaOhP Je lglil. lie tnily bavlnt minci te l lauthera ciîî vila Grsaus iltrtentil irbl ho vas barna veutwsnd islu ,hb cf test snd quiet. 1h vas bis lu- lou le kep is fa»mlîl tgeter, but ilmest oflMre. Gsaharnisud ber baLby ci lie thsud tbe tamulY returuci te eao aflen Grabami badinte aa >le confession, lurniai orer au bis erly forn ibe beuefil cf liee ciiol fauni hsa ge sufertrm bis pecuistion and 1vorici a falteriug decianstion liat lped te live 10udo lhe urans Illebai ompllshei. This doms', the defmuller artcd. Wbere he vent or vbmt bis iliOns for iie future are noue >s, but lie eurety coupolies lt Rare mf ia boaud u lt bave leuniake go0d a hdnage are bot on bis Irmil. Friamu, nias.meleonir careen bas led trou liehumbte poeition of a saillor te the méat ic herculte onc ofthe -paete4,.political vrltere of lie Waal: lajter the merery cf lie Mayor of tagu, ftram hlcb he beesue geucral etani ,ofthe School Boari, has 1h. ce aid story 10 tell lu extenastion cf ,ail. It vas dabillng ila peultiou lie .toccualtet tieh irongil $bout 1 ula, ici vsattheueed il tvo Cir- malame.-the insaciat depresaloù liaI lovei lie deati cf aRsel Ployer dthe election ot a succesr 10uIau th. te ftram vic he . as ultY crevici. lard Oive leare' Incunib.mcy. 1310 STRMIE SPREADI. pl Tsrlk Traction Hapto*m imt Work laui N-pah- I'eduouiay bramaittwo standIng sen- tous blotite great Nev York traction dit. Brooklyn Strikler orlisir sym- Itera icslraîed a. port of lie E'itli 'au.e elevalci ram i vildynamite, and ,t haif lie mou on theBecoud-avenae te af lie Metrupolitan mysteul in Neu ork City strocb in îYmPolY iy vithli iuoklyn strihere. The etrihe on lb, MetropolilasSîteul as net aulionisci by the leaders. Sorne the uree nliosiastic mna vho attend- lie Cooper Union mieeting gol togeliem A dieit laI liee nîl tiug te do vas stribe. Tiey formed liemuelves inte committge sud veut toe iOBccai ave- me car stables early lu lie morming ad akei the umen tacoudeout. Evcnj eau a etopped as il rescc e hestables, sud eti mani on lie car vas sed le Qait ro-h. Tic striLe spresi l e i Blli ae' ne tinseorthle Melncpclilan Company, set. a numier utrniotormen quît vorh. te conductare refused tu trihe, iicen.t Master WorhmanJohn M- &rsone of thc Kulabîs of Labor, vii ssidei at thc meeting lu Coupet Union, Id mot vaut lie men te strihe. Tien stre ielrbances i ev;e,,ral places d utr mmi vere arrestlsit iwva "aId fbs huie vho ver. lryins 1u get l)e cmen eOn rse dlacitarg4e emplcyés. DflnrLgacou- erenmce li en laId Mn. Pareous, li hia vw» omfly the %tort ofta general airi ori aemplayéorcfhIbMetropolitan Rai- 51y Il5ttel At Clevetand, Ohio, the muet acnicu doene&lac* lb. treet ralruad strikl vas reuewet vas lie lioving up 0cf rllrb vihdynamite sud lieebIlun ) a suaei office ami walttngmonreot Wutteî HM1Tuesday evenlmg. - No Ot vas injured. No clu li te flYnamlcir nild b. founi. RLWRUITING 13 UNEQUAL- Et NesNet ne Coue»d, H.veveî Witiie Shahs Limite. Tue tact tliaI nue negimntsasre belug rcruilci gom mocbmore nupidiy tien eth ns--lis Tulrly-lnrt, Fort Thomias, fi iestance, bai nearly 600 mon, vhile h Tirty-Iftb, Vancouver Barnache. buý but about twenhl-live--as becs the rauo fr mens luquirtes dmecîci 0tictheAdiu taut CeocraI. Thé people vmnlte b nov viether h regimeut munl b. rerruited vitiu t!i Stat limite osiginallj sel fonli, or vieth nr lie necruitin a thlicmore poputoni ilt trcts vill b. hept up vili a 11ev et fur nisiua recruits for regluents vblch 111a1 eOt bcen se aurces.ful, even afiernh, boots for lie neghuenh abai have bho obtslned. The ejutant CeocraI says liat th laller '.111 b. lb. case, amd tiet recruit nUl coutinue evenjvhere uutlthis tel tomber requlaite ftan lutan nrégi monte las heen raieci. CIIINAmEN ARE CANINIBALS. @.y SsaLboverset ahWrk os Mical Cea-Irali ily, Near Tamsice. Bau Antonio, Texae, advices state thi great; excîtement prevails tu he scapi of Tampico, Mexico, oven a brutal i if esniallsm vhlci vas conimilîci tome of thc laborer on the Mettea Central Rairoai ucar Tampico Sahurdi The Chinamuu vie er. nccenty li pcrted lu onb akn tl i rnuiare ci id viti having-urierei a feuste Me Jean chili and are sai 10 bave caten i Thc chIli vas tic imugiler et a Me jean section foremait. Tic affair bas i censci lie Mexicans gaIB e icChiues sud the céetiaa are lochiag lule city tan protection. ItlaisrePOnlei th lie M.xicau rurales bave au'restedII crimnls. IIOSpITAI. STORES FOIJNO. BDois.tlsiifor Porla Rica Tun Up etIllMnue, On Sept. 5 tlieeladies of lie Ax ILLINOIS INCIDENTS5' tor mice Isud mivet la-do @lm& _____________ore, SlODER OR STARTLING, FAITII- IMichaet Kcrns, 65 îears aIda9reir" REORDD. merciant of Penn. rame te hlm îuâI. b FUL.LY Rn tD- a it doue a Ighl af glairaelin « e 223 Norli Blate %tractlChicago. MRepot on lIste Caiitl.Wcdilg George L. Helalle. ovuer oft 1,0*WoU et lan, vas founi dei ou bis farcu *"- touuped by au tiouesentillig Of Decahun. fie hail dec f brit tage« a W lfe W ho W atd te DO Dose- vile coltina vceds viti a @.qthe. - iF a tl to o e os - 0 1300 to lon- lMr. sud M rs. J oh ehu cM n ry c ls s Tic utiein o li Ulae Bori thIeir golden veddiug amidverI5 The ulltin f, he SateBoar oflue. Both are Pioneercf Molxc m Obsnllles ton the quarter eniing Jue 30 tng eaici tiere neanly fitt-fiveFeM06 shows list dun g tel tit hrce m enthe A party ot picuichere founi lie b11 0 m« lie total reccipta oftl ifitheen Sîshe a man hanalug iy a ncw heunope tam chartabsle institutions undr ils jurisdil-e-li tioietasuOak trec e st Wtu~ tien bave been 8$598.874. Of this sOOt border ut Troller Park, et Nortllr' v 8142,1100 as lie net cash belance April ainstun. 1, $4 =5561 vas recicci frie PProprla - M r. W illa mi H en ry S nderiecOusin dons andMi8704 co trux mIseelutlsn ted suicide t Marengo iy tahlni soure.. Thbe it iemlcrici bas beea De sponiency ver cottunc = $430123, sud tlicacsh poymemta have tieugit te b. lic cause. itevaWU 4 beu $449M5.5, of- vich 872»20 vas 0on reseorfoses. accouaI rtproenu artle.Tic on- r.l&BceweofA130 standing ludebteducsmeJa e 30 us M 87 r, Who. l a s ece v i e to>ustU 225. To meet ldmetteisc e i- hn frten, via vs s hicci à~ A8 mutautions bail avallsite 82=1290 mablng Thamesfornlieman iot ifor dkVib a net surplus et $179,074. 'rue ummier era.biegmmlfr - et Inrate» cf Illihelnstitutions aIthiethie Circnit Court lu Cicago. icglnnlaa o4thie quartervas 9,94-9. AI lie At Fsirfieildth iblch IvI ba11121ÈsuS 1clame oethle quarter i003rsnd tie aven- Pd iy lMayor W. H. Dauba bswsmdChe eage vwas 9,5W. The groes petr apits ent tillit a lasa cf about II2&. , MUji P othe liUahe ves 111M.88. The towest net sommneet $1,01)(. Eveyhilg u . a epar capita cent et malienauce wua except the fei siorcdinluth.bat&.. 026.9,olieresud Bailene'Home-. vhite It la repotei tiat Mîicel Tobh4. 1 lictheiginst,$7577, wa& et lie Boldier' iied Mai. Fltapotlch of lis If eWidovs' Home. Cemctery at Mouni City 1M &go, la in the cousty JeuleaI 0sr t Bisasse la Fatal le Harmen been rptrecinluMssisippi by aâ 8 Au epjdeuic cf viat bas been calci deteclive. > esebte spinal nsningillb bas icen hlting -Tue lveutyv-tw-lucb uliUaet tb off herses la gresI numbera aruoniAr- fidiIran Compomis vorlts. nov 1 cota. Dr. Hutima ht i I c r sy le i ie " IMh " y t e publi ai roans d SBU, $ i le sisoileil mo cure for lte maîsl. As-py, hamnecuslsrtei ailer Mml b siatl ate Vetenuaran L. C. Tiff a f seccral îers. Tvo bundnesl t of Spngfield maie an eaminaton et an toastm en v ilb. glvem .mp wejhem t. "i - aunimal b .tcngiag ot10 P eler W e -ce b T e l e d n fl t r m anual orme e at filcted vili lie came A eidng fauiIteet - ilase as vere the othiem.This idis- Phtce la lie village Ofi Lst. case vsa pronouuei 10 b. ctarrial te- H. B. Venatta sud Dr. Janas ver, vblci le mDot ol fatal bat wviclca s ere msde one by May. Me. siu ,a iangcrotisîy contagionis. This parership repreets tvo of_______ boumelpathy an le . bsele lae' ine Tue Mev. Dr. S. A. blecH. si Miss Leu& Spitz of Baldivn as tlathe F it Baptit O ur et. have boeunimamWlet Belleville ta Fred tom, bas been tur coucdu imici"nisorcfBelleville. Hen siter Affla tee sas precsent of ShatI s ud& M b o t fa c e , H a e n e u m ela d t . ve r . p et A t a , t e sAu e e cd t e 3 « ntteb hie attendants. Wieu Anua arrlced tin Kennedy i. Blole, vii. rsaMPI&4 'a te sa l vi lt e prep rs lo s for t e T ed A , c e sb rie Iu ai yl- difln g sh e M cl D e c h uis u a fo r le t o t rliii. In t e 8 o lire. Hfiellnlulove vllh ber snd laidfadvsdrnelutiOmi ber so. and su etopemeut wvàas angediucar Waterloo, lov, vieà KtTuey stiptici mway te St. Louis. Tuel prms. Am tr5aast vikfli , .are reportei te have iea umarnied a ang- retabor i a Union. Mo. Auna lefî Ivo noes, on. te ite 5àtip tirong I owaa"sud t Sber mster and onu lle jîltîci Imeihardt. hi wagon. t A bd touaiu" lite Am Boaste of KIlIna- Mis Wygf, Quluci proves te b. liaIof nr Z. C. Roseambi a sstocnkecpe of Dam- Hart a slocbmsa of Lori"ei,v fonli, @hot île vite tiraugi lie heart, lu. trou i sweetieart, Mn. Belle Ilcting fIatl injuries. Aflen eicctiug ber la nager. fHe la helleci te have h. proceeed luptovu ani bossled 0f -hot ted uicide, thev.usln baclugM li. hai doue uni iefied lie autioritie touvas lired out mu. arresl hit. fie tiralened tc hîlitlb fre pu-sn tîepîag o rrent hlmc nd Ai, Moles, Mr*. Chariot A. ie e hunsttfe ai ie tou nd amisyoong daughter ai Wlll !rfor liait au hour, but vss finslly disaru-ueblii srUebsy ad. ie ecus forshooinghie ile utrout lie cffect@ Of abite Oe t sti ho tIt 'loe vantai te *ear the pauta." Intact. Tue attendint piyelrla d lame aracouaI for lthe lfu ee Defunet Bank Pouai Folvsal- amy maùDuerexepl lisI ther e in- Tic motion cf lb. creditore cf lic Bank by lie blosng hu.i Of Waverîy, recealil sijndgsd s bauh- Hernun0. Hausgenamoflie,, h o rup l b I c heU n ited Sates D istrict C ourt,' lir. .C ar es H am iag e t 11cf l vo as beard at Springfilril and upon tel îi uîaîimerte irecomeneuion lic cou rt appolulsi L. riucumtaaoen in-lie vilage B- . B rov , ca mber f lic Ba nk cf M ri- rau, ancre he wv s. onn- = r st, udA.B.Curtis and George W.9c ne Duase hh etW averty trustes cf lie i nh ga plilchilo. aT i c aaic l W « 1e The bsn's liablties are $350.000 sud R- attlxy ei sli icali vas cam e beïrcet ff,00, acordng u te sateentet lie absence cf lire about t 1 oflsh ficl ie". f orceicoutance toe uas àg Former tut lu tue, mente aud tooini hlm Wly Iit tel Wbite cuthbna ot@ ouils fart near a dylag conition. Uis relatiu 1 il- Nashville, Christ liarbich, a Gernian lie overbealci iluseit lu runabgm] fermer,.wvus kiled In a terribte munuer. catch a train. Hanagen vasu U e laisnik seideottlr elt beneati lienma. aire. 0- chine and betître li ecuUdb. reecued thie The premiumltait cf lie luis miachinue iased over bmteuni ie vac lit- fair for 111» le recil! for dla5u4hâ u emaIr euh lu tvo br tichile oethle There sn botl 110e cuange lu tbeoi bier. cation froin thlaIof lasI year,** at ~ vasapronouoccd tic mnsîtisieul tt M ir. 5Folen Gîi b lets T hre Temnu. liaI, leken as a viole. pubtisis la ,9 @et lira.Hletn f ofisetGalesierg, coa- United Sîstes. Thc prospectt foi d bY rtMdnt1thie lasIterni ofthle Henry iog fuir in al liat lits mnt § au coutîCircuit Court et tie monder et tienia col vish for, ami " Ittlre, Ia Bates cf (halva. and senleaced icuit about lhe exililt snd atsi te fosirleen ymarsin te peitentiIrY. wvs. iimalanger han that cf lm5.lmsil ~'granîi a- sev trial iy Juge Itameer.ens of Bpringieli yUl pult titmal r-andi pîndeil guitY rehole chart-e Of man- ho géectepselpoviate ." siu.bten. acvsgv ie .re lu oet to fur iaihers aatdilulWli t flitx . i ltar j. en line v cek wy u l b . ta k e u n ir «; ci- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Dugdayet Oe au u iniie soi lie carniva tget las- BM lr e od iu ih.Tegrand pageant, lics "$ i- The generat nierriaudise store et H. -M. tic faînes" cosling =000o. VO là 084. WAite & CO.e.tahBois ac enlerci ir place on 'i'îesiimr agît, Sept. $11, tie buratara. lie safe cracled aoi robici of wil probubl exeel anjîbing cithêl :b a t $ 1 ,3 0 0 . O t ie r l oa s e s a n di d a m ag e s b ri n z e e t e riO J n i b s c u t y h e lic to lt up le $5.500. N o c v w to t he e r Abotem pfty eri ts om Amr . i burgiar. Aottt hriato sma tles lu tic Sîste nmet et BprlnO4M Ertet tate happeantMkrob organici the Iliis gSitii Am* M. Riiy of Chicasgo vas etruck uni tics. A constitution snd by-ll ar lustantir kitted by a W~aianh ltrain at De- aîopted and lie fotîowîug M W111 catur. eeteîc: iresideuil, M. J. MC44*"k ruri Edynni Meton eof(Chicago.e eeiabout Couitv; vice-presldeut. D.vid line, 21 years, aras kuocci off à yacht at Warren; second vice-Preeldsfl,% Sua., Green liay, Ais., uni irovueul. Stoan. Vermiliou; scert7, a of Samueli Sutton. an cii sellIer ef Newr Mansen, Jeffersum-, aulàaut 10 Douglas, dieu. île vasneanl 80 years Wiliam Corin, Poni; ePocte ch- ehd, fiftY of vili hecbad tlved tbene. nilte, Eraest J.rMaaeratiadl. nla- Tcoruiien iirctor ethle Charles M. Woods. Bangam«r;W Tllefeuromi tAron consurcin vrddB>en.Coes; Levi F. Crawle >e et tie, eontr,î<t for ciimmîruilug lie veman'la and. aud J. B. Moot e 5bI 12114 bîuîtîtbngai thle Ulale fir grounils for mcx meeting oft th aseolt~O cpl î heulu InChicago la u oy, 1)0lm Tihepull y ofthtirtI arbo teftIGalesimira The iIulisChiebaniaua?* for Ala1turi tlli-î-ui ,îeiilitgo mu-c nov mission psmei s resolalaion tib ah St. NlîilcI'. A lellî'r ftoiA.R.L ient McKinley, sBecretal ng Asier-n.cOnof thie nîunber. sari tiat Tanner, ex-Gev. Aligei et l lh il v otieoo are St- Micbat'a for Bu-sdec f Kenchy.v - cru- iorne. Tie parts, aecirig te lMr. Au- disus, Goy. Caourtie of qs the dernomi. vent 6110 icilIce frein bbc mentirMill etf Tennesseee andOG.# sud- of thie Kpyok.îuI..rive~r f he iLiterlor, Alabama te b. pseai i ut tort moi vere oeî( tegre itehie arctiec ri- cf liemonumnet £ htf. iu- cie. Tiey foooîîî i, r-id lu liat regliom. Novr. 24 ami 2&, SeverAl tissd tai altieugi tlait i- vers li miner tiey wvllt ble ut ant* li etieU jeos met spokce o tilsricn.lî"i.At tleieqico ftiellijis mutommet e baut bcmpeature rni-ýI é 2 degrees b.elov B bdu tics elit l h ave bl aped zero. Mr. Andîerson tare lisi no mcv The bo i'UWa te br dires mine have ien founi aDI place Onul.tahBe agett bd && ukon river aud liaI lie Catie ?NOM pso@km&~ ~ 0 - boa. la ouI>' a boum. Theenlatsnpartr' ssp isM> $ ic lu excelleut beai, deeli lsi* eMeM those ATA immi and The only line operating paissenger steamers between CHICAGO 04l se famous Michigan Summer Resorts OTTAWA BEACH and bMC-r AWA PARK. Also between CHIC AGO and HOLLAND, - wh nediate î?hin connections are made for GRAND RAPIDS, ALLEGA14 ail other interior Michigan points. Through Tickets on sale. Baggage ýchecked through. teu* ]LOwnER1% thaca via Any Olher Route :9 For further information write CHA& a. HOPPEZ ,

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