CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Jul 1899, p. 4

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bu ou seen - OU ut lie di âés usvet isoUsinEd mtWwb6u iS. uThei me omu la là"ooasib &ssMd m uslse pisTe on saudisgthé. of Ile lug. tThe.lover fMmu >Wbftsbelffl mâsd voeU- odbm Msd Psuli r $fu - ab 8- -of eis *VMb bslgtlb. lugthu- OMM et lma Mo*" Si&od episwbeffl susl of abs fflaift"bs admei, u jY 117 0f abs membeis of ithe 14omm i '"«m e iïlus aiguap,« lhs mmi vilhla ils vils. op -b.d puver asdidau bU'i ùuu Liiab, @mu us»iba pouisimes apuisn- . ob.IiuàUIvqui o!t the Bond etr SupsiisiS 4 éaud b u abteougli MM» m. posible ltheLais fap iSsu, 09 Wsmisgfl, vu. OPuifflme b.«1o4,hieb WmS eudmb aner, sai 8*ella' dot. wblhs vith .s breovu aurlg: LO -uDbusion bus OMM a s-d lu sis lmsbam- <of 0860% SuBsv.ersbu I r I. L s r, 1 IZ 0 ",il"A$peat aux-as lsff l u " g frouSthe du .1 ta pstUs- uGilmor iashatmd goeu lupsojeflilhs prisusul iodlé etolu lu Olsa~ ursiuy. t100 olutOlIsie lb the ssuisas of Ioa iu.o" VOblugo s'sfld falluIsof0<tabsviinuy vliasbusluasa rsIsils lU010 bat v.. * lais. tbs uabs OG"busi#lotion 01 W.peioi aouid vifs ais the the m. . i5lr5qd. prend pwaaubsby boy. Supsi5i5oi5 J. A. Masnou, Arhur MBm~0Is ssi sudsou au ach ~~e sud MilesaT. Lam57 eis a-t llufOsi Park. ' asgnait lbe tank 01 bouimgs ssons Mai - M . sd consommallfor und agalat theprolsot.1 apst huidu «laI vesitu Cilles- 119 la It Rght? âtre. h»M COOMalU iàit0d ber rom Sylysu Vfflysi ý Brevard. N. 0. alsês, IM bissonlu Elgin a ev rt muj b. a question glisîber the. CU78 JamétvBSI. udlur of a usvapspeu tas l. nt ln Quito a aummber o1 yoounhpeple publli îoosaead suy of tbm lugions fmlobas.attendait lb. plonte u Mo- propri5lury medi imes vbicb flood1 Emsry lenI Uaurdsy. thes msrksl, yet am a pr.YelitiVe0of sufferiul v foul it a duty lua"Yay Nisi VienI tafs for Kenoshs lutI gond word fori oiambriain'aCole, Moulai. Es0siPuoOt0t u bgo wvorn 0ho1.55 mi Dmboeui Xemedy. W. 50011 lu abs bicycle f5tory. a imbowuansud si Iis tuedciD 1 Visai lugsr ud ulae t:Lu caoui fUly foi twenty years sud drankEtfo iaffruandsister ucy, b. as veaalouaIil kt elluble. lu TbuyvOi B50i5l5Uid bons by lira fl15 ommesOadosof this ised flager m su d rufthe l. îollovins voi aisbonifs ffierlmgwvils a ds>y. phiysicien lLa avaitud. Vs do fDot Mis.A. J Luiuou sud * bllevs lu dspsuding laplioitY on Mrs.ýL J asy od sd ugbter, Dy redlelllu for a ours, but vs do Hisu nsud MéZy loft loft lent Mo daybUlivsith"lU -a bolIle of Ch ber- mailg fo Stevens Counti, lu viail; lD'àDisihoes e Rmedjf vers ispl iultivss.Tbey« exPeol ta drive ou hand sud sdualulslsred aI ths lbioagb. luceptioudifau aIiack mchisufferlul au&. liyDovu îeturued to Van- aight bc avolded sud! lu Véry uiADY boubtTuusiuy~ a e fsvvues oam tile premeoes01 n physiclan SiSilviiir s -friaud, haro. vouldnlot bu ieqiiid. A& lees Ibis- wussssouj ainbe by lier sou hm beas arui perieSuosdering the 521iy&l54"-sal vsity -yensu. rfi mis -by Who Yom usaIla molthunlpilrai F. 1. Losaza, LibetyvÎ1141. B. islfls fioi lis, but a cuisre ta y:1 BmAOEUs Gurus., Y. L. WUITBBXAN, our. lýfWs a itoli Banni SsigvaiBookfeli, 'GnÂYlmAzE PIEARMACT, sr.pibésai hhy aslsy ursi. Y. B.: JoUNunMsîLa, Isaubos. LossLL, Lhburlyille; J. a. BRACHU, ______ Germn;s 1. L. wsssuaMAN. Rockefeller. jThe Viscoualu Central vill Rive su DIAMOND LAKE. jexcursion ta Milvaube malSunud"y. 1 Tiley vili mu ausfor us Vaubesabaon ThseBîsusond LaisCoemetsry 1lb.eWiaoousu Central ruai sudtous Amcalatoi vOl Moab i yulMis. J. viiiprosed ta Mlvaukee Itouas. Rockefeler, Auguat Srd. Tii. Ioutbeletrio mad. Bonud tnip ou taillés ai. prsportug for a pLouh. Oryateiacludlug Sile elotilo Wa" l ot"ai.rod$ée No. 468 H; A. P. R. wg1mfl. Me î omsd aI., » vu bs umilia ae mpldsly sured b«. ci no th" foiu n ave £ s IV*is beiamo elp, 04 lt» pain la My obuut la »W âisuz> soUdy -- ls .us... ,bu, staillon as bada biffi. volais 110lb. 0f klnd dmPugililou. hty of 7--s~rsueb-i dOlDUSbon. perfellimb. vitilgod starong joints. As au Indlivduel bc la lu aIl respece sthe ngsdlu~lu~.Wi qual o iblé edlug. hinetamopionally veil bred. Me bas a madfle eodo ~ 15 abs iBYW is i.breedfiagrolovt Sred by Bres te) 84>record 2the ir .s09e or rmodel 2:1s%. Bood- iwbo bile Di. Knes New vimi :t a Bflay t17. Beekoirfit ,. Fa isuh2:10. itunefli 2.19%sad other gded oues. lm musy trouble 10t" The dmuof He 0e la NS)lte day, a greMirâeO mure. sirsi by SBlutshEIa. holieby Vctor, i eissU. -Pris &0 sMU Vutor ,as mired bv the renovned Casains B. Clay. Second dam. NaiU. by Golden Star 4 rW IbolIluafise @ Y. B. «wsrdll& .Third dam lii (re ua sia. ermes (am5<waxs ived iiy Harold 4413) the ir. lbsIivlsg. B.a- lu Pol R endsai9. tMMsud lr l-he obra. Dama o! Bessetta t05li. Sut, Bled 2:10. Egtacy rujs.. Essyhoul 5i1iU t:»%54 Md ellaty ollers. and grmd.sire o Boheet J. r011. Kremlhi*0%1. Tios. Eidison 2:08%. Seul Us% a n overmsOotber standard pertfomrerme l a hgrand-son of Herold. sire of aud. 2:0614. erold lLa one othetirëest m55iros iluthe vorld. ,UVepda ureb. Soupcil yTE MS-$10to Imaure lîve colt. "et a« «"M MdC. -A. APPLEY, t bulilding i5b@t5i105. IP B.Owner, ,LbstyvLls; J. IL. BEACnu, ,1. L.WTEEuAU, EooifslLibertyville - - - - - Illinois. T I 13 FA Free.... zNs. Shelusu lususuoa"usu'wu= for the I#DgppxlEUm biiWSI43 ISecoNeu ou OYS*AL USILUAT 00. fflMt VABLE ,. GAiàVSLAiW, ILLINOIS. A. U. 518U E mal* im. 7:08 P. L Ca bu"s gUIOman. of usu Mis. Moli Goairey. wÂWI»'retritie brick sud IbIs for 100oordof VOOd. L. A.DBU5GIC ACO. Gasyalaks. 42-m mut suliSIls bous. la vWou unaui way sudiii b. readY for lhe plames MOIS.011 air. sud UMis sessuasd obidvbo io&dd 04 J.* WaaburnasauvsiSlWska have rsulined lu beihomebo us u ab City. Tie isclaonsin Cemiraft csrpsnters vaesber& a vusi sud made ispaia lu tbe statiou, stock yards. IsPot lat- forum, uts. mi" Editil Harsey bau soume home fhum Wauisga% n os being lu vony <ol beaftil. Bie vili semslB vii ber motiler acasllus. saipped flom bhistila vek $0 Libertysillls, vhns A. L. buigs bai#ut a Dow amo@ aiusi ou btis eleotrie llght1 plant.t Thle adies Aïd iSociety met vîil Kira. Everett NoviUle 1*8 A large crovi vu ta .stsunes. The eU amting Wl» bbit!d t the choh, B.ettuehïd tue miafoilue t utsp upom a.ruIy mIl, lu coufeqosae o!wc v o lslimpe tlusiqo0f va nov Ws bops Il vili mot pros. Mms.A. B. lBrowu loft Tus.daîfor marquetis, Mcl., lu vieit; viSIilier pares thotieMsd VIII buc ore flr or tiv. veb. The Doclor amoopsusd be? as fr su C0~g. bim~ a. umb«frm t ?b~ Gé a » caub lu a isa [lu xasai Mlmeto X iLos os ho8 ao cIg nu de la IisPlu t Iis l u jta" treuku1. oNiSgm Va.EihiiOî ousu am~ lm ou uàsvol u thél lbuvu 00 Yuai, sMd le 50W vomi- wu for a Glusa OAapsur luissE.. Miw. V. ..Wood, of *amer. 10#84 la agi vsalIl L in" vl0iiile.1 sa â@Pttotsi for tbe aale et bis mtVWS i fa hm lah sMe opeMIL l àimm Mou seli Mesolen"bs fuI. mm, riesil b psirosE. o!be I«Siou systeul of dis. ouillait Md T he. ludjus AL4 S8-0y isarêt ssii M mu busab piois talme esa laW* vusi 11 Iahi oculi ol bu meislsdout m uioplsbat Mr. Xe- 'W lms. vu. 0910sv4 %W". lm dlY mdooemssqlsll, us tbey b d dmd- ad CM tbe mule»s0pe for etd&ui- suaI 11. *or ve r muwsAy dippoitod. làaI F55545 Osseniug &s g ml »l s b o u b t MiU f g9 00 " 56 1 y - l. Kubksta seud pluo tisa lu bis rsao5 sud vbsS Bs isturus i* good vesgous,Ualsbyesus p5ltSY tilla. w. ientI hotu 4à o oua lu ou tovuvbowolld do a tilug o loy usm Iiki, but istbsi abat i vus Boom UsUtaP Wbo OsaIs aloi . Housef lbth mgsts? viii bu imssstlted. The WaukqP&, Chapter Orisi T ue ~ iiAug. 111,uh ile0th* aei <10 W . figr , luaviug W a fau IP. ., relurulug. lusse K«-"s 6 5P. M. Briug your dinnes! viiol MY bu disposaIof lmsdistslon-arr so bout t Kemosha. US es0tarouad lil. Tioks oussai POS0oflos. Libert- ville. For futherI lmatLo &PPIY . . aux, Geerafl st Wauks. BÂ~GAINS? YES!! Quar ut jama..... -.... --............... Il bfrsCCuimet OMP........ ...... ..... 10 Ibs Euh siarOil........... .......... . . . Couisuasd mlki................ .... ..... (jolIdusd..................... ...... Apricois, pur lb ............ syiup ............ ............ CI iu......................... ....... Gensb' aci adb" HAINESVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. Cross Creek LeIigh ,Coal. Uh .yiiturco am. cross Creek Lehlgh Is mnined ln the heart of the LEHIGH REGIONand no expense or trouble is spared in its preparatioll. It is ré- markalS- for itt purity, durability. freedom 'from siate and clinker, and email per cent. of ash. A TRIAL Wili demnonstrate its superior qualities. Leave your order now for your winter'S supply. L - à rZeU A TI'uLI The. f oowing ls a crtWn of prices -l Ver", -et ArmoiliS oa.lifonaHm...........i 's Eson ...... ...................... potlsdliam,.par fl...... ..Tous.. ............. Osc *' Obipped Dwlud Baf .... . ;.... lac pork a" omi........................ IOc à rurp or swiwsL' ard ....................... 0& E.rJoue peat, ............ ................ 07C ZZZ Gisugu Suspe, pet Lb .......... ..........Ofc Imm au mpal............................ . .0& 1 3-lb eau <iîssu0ags Plumea... ..............lic 1 3-lb cms En Pluma.............. ........ lic i Boule Bols ami............................ Ofc 1 .. whld cherry Pboephuls............ ... 06C LUpia' mmd Gente' 33.00 1tu1 aloo ..... I.....1Sâ F. H. KU.EBKERY Grayalake DeDt. Store. Grayplake, Mlinois. ýWaâtche- at là jael. 18 aime, ivertue 3-os eus .... .. . $7 00 Amerlcu nWaltbam, lé aise, il jeval 3-os iverine Utle m 8800 16 jevel, 9380 Elin, 18 ntse, 7 jevel. 6 ... 3 0 15 Javel, . .100 i Il Ail above Watches are Stem Wind, Stem Set and guaranteed good time-keepers. Elght Day Clocks $2.75 to ......... $3.75 CALL AND, SEE THEM. EB. SIIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, That's the word to express our customers' reason for buyin g of Edwards. NOTE THESE ECONOMICAL PRICES. Ladieas duck and Ilnen jiokets, vw0tl$1.H)I..... S 0 Ladies ' *Akt alippersi, vortil $1.31), to close , .. 73 .. b ack .. 75ectu . ....10 chil' alippers 35e50 ... .........60 Mon' ab su 95c o.................. .. ...... 30 Suils $2.50 and up.. B o y s , .. c o t , v s a n d p u n i s , a g s 3 9 0o 8I 1 & 0 A fuit uine of Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions sold at Iowest prices possible. 1t rDAY LibertYvillld -. -Illinois. Left Hlm Thora. 'Be jaberff. the huit loi on lotier sida Asamtoieslsi smya: "-4usVer bMeth ffl e une.ail rglii.Ku' 6amau@& abhesucleul nv about Saisug abs bon Vtroved hi. ubere befOre 01 b@e=o rsîîu uinsibîS. lint il gise me a 5moigiity by tilà ho h&&b 1 avbst I au bar-rd twist 0f Lt ter gli bill 055f,80 a s risSe bri &bout »su insu- il,ii; ,an n, by île paver. thîe su (the iriair ame partial lu balla.,îagly divil kiLîs nay &bore tilt borna- you knov) vbo sss.lhy attsmpqd te day bufore, 0111 olib oves an' l'roW peroratil tui l quatbu-usIblul baci.' -And WeiLl tibtiOd vitil peror th la& n *eO10-uft iLs sploi, Paltiamped aa. nguratLvey, but iiirùly-vwIUtheb ______________ riant Siat lie boit,. ruaeting mcli laahileiuty, charged ou biltoraentor, sud by a simaple tom of bis ilai Un *ver bis nmre vsa, ou tie oPPoatç PLYMOUIN sd SISAL " . Bd of a six-foot f*uncesme Ioxeuor ..uhdugTylue. *Notuefel avay. lit ob athspussi I uunîuJbly teL.,bel grade made î Ulu i Iis Se sd uas ias te figure MUstSuaI vhà ldhippeusi, buluftsi FSiFaili Smwhag a Cecpletsistckl . quar- etbard MOclMoUM lohbbSMd Md rusaussiu W. W. EDWARDS, PQLAKE. - - ILLINOIS. Tilere lu a Signe for ail thinga. Aile lime ta isk,~ l>îWiIie bulle Baril couailtio.. liliîaeiea, k beuil- aelhe. lîig-éSiuor sber atomueil Or liter trouîbles. p. iLl .o55itL. Lils.riy- ville; J. Il. BSuCOi5 ui. laies; y.L. F. BAIRSTO W. MANUFACTURER 0V and Granite M«nueuts. CEtIETERV WORK Op S IEMYR ee.eives Away WITH A DOZEN Mason 's Fruit Cans cents for Quarts 55cents for aiIois We wili give FRE3E a 40c Merritt's Improved FRUIT CAN FILIR nm1 FA ,,Roow- --- 1 URIJNT olàngne 1 -"roým IlýLINOIS-

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