'lb..have no deisi, but albeiitua - our vifWo Aus1800: as yî oua ifer oue's loaIlil Site. sine. ne direct Sblovrmaie e in arielh Yoeinatottefrget the vilîsin Who rin, f Foi tie ftters ihat idus aue slroi 1et Stae steel,étroite And danger bas lied If jour lips you viU b.o i 1F saI, or the IlTvo ighta lua a garret andioee on the tbsi, i .rosi, genti witlhshot habebii. vwaa s ion bg t10l lesi. jetent 1 gudei lime lai. or the shenth truite. the1 RAME xUP iXIX.-(Contlnuu.) door hi wiicb il vas expecled h Judge Ani noverhures a fortune for butou on * !sonin0E au Craves seurna #ouli enter h court rian sd me. VogtI Lescîangi"As the tantctsraite orftlb.stock died avai a qui S mlach. Rson, thst ve canol lie deor opemed aud the mia. advanced Ton Jingîci 'thaI bell atIosuopportunetoé *au.Aboie att etse. wvst nemt vîthin tie bar, lIme, Tlb th dot et thtfact Iht lHermnul the A moment more and beibai mounled the Ami cao eîssp ln jour arma an ieineu coutl Mi, boitilléesneph-hl OnIulsater@ benei sudttaken %dos sat. dîiie. Rinyu 0. 1 dit douta the îalidty cf that The abcuif bai saiined vithla lie Godtiia e, uyen kuov very velt. - C bat st oursarltilts questionk, railina. sud vîith bistransi be &truck tires For seuima the soul ot a basket ta h-L. oi a veatbi uncle do lmea li ti-lows on th corner ot lie cerks iesb. P. OS-Tie bag of coin w vlh Aui. reumer as ontulib" tunhia crying ot es as ddi0so *'O Ye, Oju!- amonunethat came unexpectdily. That «44voli b. Bot ho aptlte Mini.honorable ceui tehnovr luacesiom! poor durit. ILR. CMai. a fatal errot en- sbis Wudaugteis outi living relatie Ordur. order n*thil honorable court!" turIng the banke'a reqIience tiaI, ahlt. maiudian? It la -am strafliat bu A <tai slene suceuded theo ahriraIl vilI censI hlm bit lite, but itlola btter so od'aSMM hlm bbsi atatsot. lb.prulâanaloi. 1fuatred te luave the bons. vili lie coin, lihd ir he mouy icars. lRer- "- lt.beii," sali the juiga iu vetie aud bhti eurniopportunili <uring lie con- WaMue i guate oaih no ury t7 the case asaisit Robert C.ampbell motion hlow tu place il viere Yen vl eetase.m conte OP tabils Igreed on a verdit' Aui il. Bendils qulvalot-quick! Ad- bmi@Ailetfvalt ho ouht a Young man "Tiey haie, your bonr" iles as befon., liluphen Abbott Baiti- NUti .,in euc hie nbo douil ex- "Cor.iuctt Ilm mbcourt." moreu M = 11:ia ts ymng min Weald une day Obéenif Cbii sssui vithout the raliasng ."Thot cocluies lie ltter," Rai the Ne bis son." ami trugglei litroogmli th. rong te lhe .am*. _t tta« mrear uni of tie court room. vhere lhe Exclamnations of hotr rotte. Itcu ail "De nut ttert-upt me"' excilim ie heknocked on the jury room on. Patscftlbhécourt voulm, but tiei vert Is« i vlh soue show of Irritation. "Tie ln a moment more bis voie resoumei soou ciorbed by thé vols et the Judas. ,ISEMvas .nsxpectedli murdet-ed snd tirough the uenotmas bu crlei: "Moite vavlhrai:"re u or!li!hri. is et inof m alure of lie, ln u oieMakevy for the Jury! Male vai! Ilke yu ili pruOrter la ori r.r'rîf. lbblti. Ait li as.imez devolved on vay'"oy carne liaI lettur lu you pauesu- at holders many yearo etlier A spire vas opened, and dovu tirough sion, lit. Sellai?" slei the juige.*"Ami .5Mr. Daers ebaid expected. Why, it, with he lahriS aI lbiu huai.marcheii te vhom 1s It adirçahuih" IM bu lvd but tiré yuars longer lie lie Ivelvu men vho, lirougi one vord of "Thotleltter, your houlr. arrlvei at the IaMM le bis vIE aouminting Hersau bis tber Inventait, votitconsigu Ru rl poto0cin luWlmiugton, un lie morning bgxoti's gurdian vouli bavé hben ut Campell ta lie galtovs.et toathe. PfleIvnylmlio etmbr h , fes oirHallie vouti have reacied pecîci a vaut main' o ho.p ut in unvelope beire lie atireas lerman Crst- direc grttWt1th lear. Mr. DeRosettealdohile court ru. ven Wilmlugtnn, N. C.' On lie etfg-apro Signi d'eSI fl bIta appoint a min of Tie juryAliedmSaticthebox, soil coaibaud corner appeiea nus von, Person- on t ors. netO îie minuattendfacima the iodae.. Amr IN -Iîidulatrsto. 5 se l < ~ eltaté ie..... iewoLk oni lhe faces «I1 -a ever asv-I t uàv jdèw ttit t -O8es nasnqtham lpItraltor 0f tlin mei tiat tumed a ebudier bu aboutfil!" gaugaWi Hurmau . "Ttrs la à trita woa" tie guari» etIde< is ugli- Peu lirtingi leiteac .oihih t fou ilb- -?rel1" - vi t. Tan, the présidentom lt lisait. ami, r 41 i oi taelter emi lb. beresici damai- "Proceei. lin. Sllars" sali 1h Judge. Usie a eeulof thle vngt forene hle ert be uierfrlie laI. bînker, vioseheuart vas "I hait fer ame ime suapectui that gae M- rau Cra-s! A Young [manin lu lie keeping of the primeuat the bar. Banker.Deltosttu vas murieri iv oue dieu bat elier youn or1,.suer the director, "Il Ilan ii miwvili im," IOuait Rer- C. A. Stuphecta, and liaI fierinCrevez, tutu man Craves; nor losbl be go atone. vas ai accomplice. 1 bie requetud PosI- bufoi .ue-s mcoâd«ee." The Juida. lurmui soiemtuy amd iteedmater Gradv te holi aii mail liaI migbltari neM t et a.blmemether tiche JurY. "Gentlemen of lbe jury, haie &siue iiiresui lua ermau Cravenà, grai * mmeir Ban Craves. boe en POa gieed upon jour verdict? markeit *Peisena,' or out of lie ordinay boum soltu u .Iflibelve U "We haie" respouisi FOrêmsu A". Due liaI lie batas nualli iselvid, for int Esean as ol a single doubt utoifl.MyiInspection.Ne ~~'Iput What gay yen? Guliîîyor Dol goîlttîT" "On h i , umablohe tveuîî-third I re- nort ! MiesDeRostter Eîery mcli vas raued forvard. Everytarai troancatrip souli. 1I hai vihiec mol _»S U'labt eanother illtet altogeth- e@via On lie ips Of the foemn.Would New Orleans. sudbiscrauiheA gr, oMli,iSat smgo home. W. tauncon- hoe neye raiteî? tactthal Hermas Craves had lied t10hMs wsm dé*au hevai." lAit,4hiea Spa mioncle vien ho bai ststu iat hilsfuis rata S~ai g ta eaon on hematner ami "We lni lie pi-Isor-" 1.11 a vicin te yelo verienvoyears pre- -- thieInnocent maitala lifatber." "RoI! old l ot!Malke vay! Makle vay!"iona lu is (Herna) arrivai in Wl. &ES ait -ens. eo. My heurt Eierymattney Sai te bis fel. minglon. Tb. îcllov lever bai cloîtrer tai thm.Butbot, o teybeu Een he ude soo ercton lies stand. lnu such vîctu sin Nev Orteiasas Se- ont etitsBti o v is b r "Moae vs! Moite vmy!" ami atrong pheu Craves. ~t i. albr. i. ellis as m-atm, vers forcnga apassagethrougai the "I uaIonescama te lie conclusion laImil lionu Vi that faili that lieî are tbtcmg f rein lie main entrance of the SîepheunCriven end C. A. Stephena vers -J»Ung forvaui lu the day vbeu bOurt tooni. onu ami theu ame man, and belote 1 ler ten 'aflIne it eteliTe prisoerust lhe Round of thst volte, 1New Orleans I bai formed lie opinion or dl I l ;Estsu. ainue la a braie regardlesuft ithaeilf duputies, bai liaI Blepien Aibotvas li me in jil- b à la boit se.leaped ta bis tuet, ami standing utrect, li vidual. .bu thédesiest on on eartb ta me, lut buoset e isgs vsSi ui li i Ild ahonudera of lbe great Saultieu - Mr. Gtaiy banisi me Iis ltIer. Aller * tire, towutlmg ibovu Atlt olers. reafilug il 1 ied Up a8 mmmi express Milo le. bort Voen iare tosen you 'Mote ab.vy! Moite vayr' Andintanaupackage lu bis privaI. oMfe ami consianed aid ý.bridel"instant mon. Iire. men marchad i vtin it by express ta Stepie Abbott, lakmng -n 0"a vbu iei. tather."tle trading of lie bar-or rather lis fore- mysetf the Raime train for Baltimore liaI TU Oqd grail yenmai! 1 ould muon vasonIbrust vil b thle banis bore the package. 1Iwva ccompanici by RO - vle.aiMbter autRy oh0of the detective, ovie ftailovrs&. Adanathe coora!ed coschrnait fthe latelusait ci apiauaM asns Tlils terernSl party vas of s godli bateiervimo on lie nigt 0f h seven- p.e nt 0vs " aoudfrarne.b bing tutu six rtedl labigit. lHe teenli ot Auignat lidsesu C. A. 8lpinspoi ARISRer;butsta a vh.ou lothis la ufailomfable nuit of stesl ami Rermon Craven courersing bogethmr. mm c~Bh, utn ui gray s daiet!ud mdgli#ered troushie lu lac, vho biedidrves tissuwivce past <ta, lof *" odiIs an theepewh ile ahirtfront. a henry gold chaisihbaslie bankera resiience lu lis Deltosettbsth mu ur lfi*1 oce sd iependant, fromt a billonbolu of bis vet, carniage on thul siemina." ta --eu IsvehOOs.vMllhiteiai an bhurter bat restai ralieî siantingle "I-I nover ssv thal inubelotte! There ail taise am. soseterci lie door of on hIs hai, ta a tomîtiraoî hre t l bsaI my cisat- Inlu Z"sdejncs. vershb.roundi Risa es vers blmck ami piercing, ami ter!" coued Herman. Ke taSis. 1 a gay" si nacheuaiorne hie upper lip. "Proceui, lit. Sellars" sai the u mia.. utCse pr' b.etrled, su be Onhieliait lIps vas a scoruful eamlls aid lArtived lin Batimon.,1tit;ckUp nil sta- àa ai behl."Vo-bath Pran-' his teture, ers lMvd vitlaeiberthe t ion in the express offie viti Adaiunar cit bar Bitiifho etiis aiY'emotion fet a oraiflai.mu. snd aiIil a. m. on the tvemîî-ixzti, no dsimethbonI I came& Jou>ilt Rie gloei bauds verg beton biem. hui niien tis u eitue e heexpresscoller, aide lien. hi troun sbaeb.es, aaid one ban et calied for and obtaîned 1hepac - , es-t <av MunteonBee"s l slars rested upous bis aboulder. preieniei hlma. Ru lomiabldesrrslult% con . '«<toi vIiM laeu e lh auds Tie déecetive appeari se calza an cul- for bis lite, s yon caus liéetrouiIs, remlID lia ai lt 10 o1lic to-mottov leted as thougih. vwua i bis home dai- ln mî cont steevu. cîuaed hi a tinuat ocf 1 bdm ta deati, tiers cd ou bg~o itbis boy spous bislne.. bis dlrk, but 1 eaaly dilaitmud hlm, andi c bm.» agit Ail eyes ver. ixed ou licse tnt figures, lie standts butors yen. Oubils person 1 the .1 etbei-onal" sobici lte daugh-andinons uotlcui lhe trat obkina inu ounai liueletters.fThey vure purloinci I.iý. vho. leasng ou a %tout casue, hia foloved frona package taken Itout a tionn in lb. se ~Stelt for yon aid jouriiemr mulier. ili e ake of the détective. . utileofothle lite bankeras realdunee, viere W«4 leîriFor yon, lie ?wu lie qulck uic et Sellais bai acannud ailticheassasin bi eftre3cihimulI, Sd le :k.S br ami "aasdcir anmd titi as u ienamCe. but nov bis gaze vss rivet- viere tie remaimed for to ima ai t 1 use talnt, t-teed Il! A ei ou au ebject of terrer liaI bai arlsen algbIs ttcr lie murier. d 'i u .0vie buvidcated-s sou andidn atarnu lu lie fort et h.e M soundioft -'lbai ne trouble la oitalnlmg a tuqui-14 tIarrseorsIta yon. Mien nov tic bilsrvoire but libaisunk i cte lie aet sition troin Goi. Ellibotof Marylandit10R 'adistIletermuî bu hatening a tlu li vla roau vien lie handcutffifiIpeconvey ni peignam flts he lie a.,fW. Îouew et an Innocent ins." bai bées thits t in theii.ralles. aitied hure aI 9:15 Ibis suoraig.IroundeV "-y«t 7esi"ct-idJunuls. "We have The abect of terror vs Hermon Crs-lthéiba of coin ieneath lie brick bearli bis rd-imia piciger'"yen. lie @at, a covorlng vistl, ilth teburttor. lireplace in Mieu DeEotmta' «And the pedge ef Laina Sellais ta amer- palier cf ieîlb ou i fate, sudbils vili rom a ber residence. Atteim, of course. erilelas, aMy lovel" eyes gaxîma on lie foatures ef lie mai- iscoignixed this Insu as C. A. stephens. the "isrevard."ani tl ivdov. "shiahactemi man. Mais be hai diien ourinlucompsamy iti MM e Iemeasured iy ol. We viiiévver A dea ilen1vce bi succuic ed.u n- lHermas Craves, mud iltbougb letimoni dhuilsibis namrn o lu eu urts." Irance or tie tire. men vîthin lie bat. cf bis voli nt hoadissible, I i i l . «Andi ml rvati. deariMit. Campbell?"T hTicJuige. vie ab icletutebois sur- bu neudei. 1 ti I h ave stalede cougb i "To0urs. Athury' roundinas, nov reciiled blrnWa0 the du. ta conîvinelie court lâtiaI Robutr Camp- "Mies, bMta. Campbeltl luy 1 name l lies before Shin, and bis ire vas appaetll hall issauInnocet uon, edam thle mur- me-esttiout thle onu e wud subI Ilaroused. drer of Avin Delustte easuisbesîde le the buad meurî t ftie girl I love." '"W bal muans Iis unvoenîci disîri- me." #iOit Artimun! Arhur! You have lie sure of lie prceeiius of Iis mourt. "Marvutona!" eJacuaîri lie Juige. huat nov!" ct-ed Jennie, as thu Young LoagSliara?" b, iemseded. lu a bni *11vilIgaiy futlIiR ai lbe duieclive. Mma foiei bis atais about itr. voice. viti bis eyos ixeml ou tie dee- "Ihat aeuntie ses bas titren UP ls desi, "Ami yon baie won the baud aise," smii luie. tu show m moie on lie part et Hurmin tb. videur, ili a amîile liaI sioe. bp- "Il metan. jour bomor,"cime in i . Craven for theetcrime, ln4whieh hb.1 Pli aveu tirougi ber teurs. "!My ciii- toues f ront lie lips ofctera.cîar, tulth a vs au acceisoni. mdeci, visioul 'bis- trn s ppineae munal I crave. Gl ie*%easjury shall be emîi frein lie diagruce cf aiiiil comîmi mol bave tieun ommittei. y«u boli. andi mini me back my bey!" prooiicin aun innoent mn guiti of lie "I, encoutei on lie ateamer, ccming "Ani i may daim <or bri " foui crime et murer-that Iis counI shah dove the Chesapeake bai, one long ine. 6"When omt greal detective butnftlfilud b. suv lie iguominy ut condming 10mourmed as dad-a minu hi hougi on.- iMs pledvg." dath oee ivose band bas shed no bod. of the s»arieofethle il-faled Gossmoec - Il muenu. minI iis wr tci Who y-oo se be- basfor monîhsba snlhà a dads - CRAI'TEII XX. fore you in lhe monieret of Alvin DeRo. brais luin aalum teri Liverpool, Eil: 10 dock onlIe uniixof thle ete.'tand. As sage as i. vas unaidainlua eweubi;-elahii. mier>' seult ie court iom A ilad cry escapemi lie lips of Robet condition te tT-el bu befu Englouti ter W Jodze hiovim.t wa% 111k-. C.mnpiellm mucther: "Saved! Sas-cil My Amorica. 11E»is à t b a t aid eub.,la ut vasie w n nolonger mvn sanding boy ls sari-ml" andm obieceni daugbîm-r IYour honolr vi hi n lfiuyl SI - room ere veepîng là cach ouberaarma. wbile ogulaing lu lie gentleman sanding bore." Ntjmingtoma Popimiace boil bonet ontI troabis box tie arms ut tie pnsouer &ai lie détcie ineied alightiî te on. > ah.esteh maâsue o iabc b Im e verdict cfr0mn. taci&bout then. i&-"John D. Loyd, lie arviving vîit- i*eaJuryinlatiecase-aoc aiclt Rbe-rt Camp "Who le jour pisonr?" iemamied lie messOf Ain Deloaelte's vfll."' ' iôcarged iii monder. and fm- bm-u luie. viho ippuarti uaaoundud antli8laa(Te hbatmiai) e.vere vbo doubîci viat timul verdict alateumoum. a*mecanul Navats. âdh."Stepien Abbotb. a Baltimore gaime Mîost Young authois think ;that If they The ucprimeonccupiesi tic bx, an hu bâti -C. A. Bepiens, a truvclimg mon-lc énevi i ys prerions. vhillesealci henC helefatieeth.licprealicut couli vWite aLaucetal norelthliufor- vilions lie railua liais"prili t TeCP...aBank.* lie cowering lune vealdi b. inurei. Butlsacces. of Ben tr br t ht out vs lswrelmi seub iteurie. via vas hileaccota- soiels aMut bu vnîttem btoarseone la aid sebur.ImiieE" ieceted. amd evrem If n vriler bua msFà~omrmiS-w the W N thuas dais. vie. the Polmaiu mde il a mattaiot diOMcti te mabe rlivingr, &Bd vlheu tinutof moi temesut 14 bardty ahIe ta eislm vht may haie maie. the» th* POr ma. ihe emailc*Pitast, Or th*mai Ont et Ioyment Io aius 10 knov vhere re la yet * chance mot Ocute10mabo 4living for htmaelf ami famlly. but acure a competesci for dwàlnlai s. Tie conditions moet favorable ta Sacclumuilation of vealtb are te h. i ta l the Dominion or Canada, sund chnil intahlb.western part iu tiat ktstretch of conmtri famillarli kuIOVu arter of a centuri sMO &S th*tard uto thme Hudson Bay OmPahîY. ils vaut atretcb or lbe best laid on the tiaent in an unkuonu land ta a great in vWho havs Dot bai their attention «P QPde -coattry Bomet .cogf- dlb D*vulo".d1 neotion vltb lihe educational departumeut ef lthe country, hare been sstabilshud et varions points. Th* different Ilds oft grain. ausis.rcta. îegetable e. mmse, @manl fruits, trees ani shinhe thet It la jongât te grov llimheecoutr. ses sov on ail helime elle ote10bu toui lu h.,. forum A faltbfn record of revoit$ le kept aud publîtb.dfor tihe ueI et lime forumra nthe pevspm era tmonot ime country. Tis la founi te h. a gVent ai- ventae*tu the agiicultural commlulti. SThe. tovus ami villas. la addition te titis. ane îisisd trneu ibi a travelosg saet 0<délry Instructas,, vices dur il la lu give lture.. aconm»euled by practicqI operatious. on lbe ait'0f catute îalslîg butter aid eheeftesmaking. etc. lu tdg@ vay the heat mthodes mcvi ta the suntri sres eamei b, the setlers lui tri Chi Pi six Sel be et a Il ou Tg ta si bo ac th 51 ti lt 21 T1 Pl Pl cted 10e1h. iu fuel, nut long aduce a1 vhont the lose of tureor mouei liat la maimunI Ainsilcen vnhlr, lu an article I vuli ho n«meesry vers lieî let t liu-w lie supply of vbeat la Europe aud Iev tn reueaula thoes matîss. lu Man- r cerics. eltti that te the moiti ef theitoIba a untem olfmiemera luethîntes la in matlioal lo-dtub"» r l, l-beL 19 ý:3Mt1M .Peiacli»u. spi koaV cas et lad capable, ot pcoding iitosmut sunnetul I of fajidue %eat. lno s -sccessi.te pover I asudnai IUts'*&aasm et f l m odeais ais cf au cnctgeati colonfla tua a lb.. mubfflu. .lashort notming a veruilsulaamr eal iibas beau don.to resua lft unImdons hi the Goverumeel slpet* tiese craraj ami te place tis toe eable lhe stller lu Western CanadaC ture groatcountryin luilsproperlgbî te aeimeve succees.I ors lie reel cf lie vorli. As a mal-0 rf ettact vbstrat auho geeecesfnll Clmatlc CeditihIl vw u asfui moiti oltithuternatlobat Otimallo conditions la one ofthlisciier a imdari mu Fort Simpson. si; heIbemc- tonsideratious oet he Inteuiis emigraul ýJt M Of tbe Liard ami Miackengle rivea, lu s uev ounutry. li tisses gens bî, 2 iw thua point. let Il bu aotei sla s fer-vies iubenislei parile. souilt taes«clads t Sthv es t ot W i nipeg as W in p g in im m gration tum Ibis great co n try, for le Steat o etwevYork Cîi. Thetreat th. renomi liat lbey fearei thr arealtni merican wvilt, liongi bil it îtis iumtri cf ths reglon veuli ba destrored. i. vas net quile np te dits vith ils as Il bas reàbii beci. ilagriculture. th. eta. impression vras sent abond aI listhecou- AnuEnmisous Aiea, Leaimg ont of couelderaticu 400.000 laie mile of Kewatin. tl'Ig belvesi atarlo sud Maultoba, lime 8XL.00 quare les of British Culumbhia vii t e untali Pprodiglons vealhh of foi-ete, lBieries id mines, aud omlttlng Atmhaaviti agrs of i000 square miles, vielal lbth ef lie greel gnising countvi of AI- nta, ve bais Manitoba. Assînliola, Al- mutand Saskathew a ot. Tm isse sti ou. sella block à terrkltry iexceil- lo for rmnagpurpose.s Olxesdig-400 les nortb and souli sud 0M0mites es*l id cet. Tie aie.embracci bersin la -mari II; veil-850A00sqnars miles. ie la aiment enlirety iale territoii. mmndei cf -.Mlloqp 0f acres ire ice edi for lime plov.. Il has beu pros -_________________ ected ani leseud st,<Uiently eaI imferent lit te pruvo that It la an it Stfoi ele- mI. To apprfeimte lis extenl, lut ns e' o btisrq bouada ti et Pea nsivaa ls . »soulicri Une et Virginia, tabtng UIouo veet 0fel lInt he bihsuri ive&a ituudlng West Virginia. Obie, Indiana, ______________ renîneki, Iltineis, Mimouri amdIowua. tywsawdme4i he n 'e shan lien bave la the Unlîci State. r a ilens.t vlbci uet- lenrt-lor ne grealer in citent ami sot lms aid toes .coulI Di. The adti e a viI suerbr taagriellral e- hepeealbegallous bas nwv hos ompieteii mce 10 ie lerprioin sutern Csp- demonotrate. Thle climats. sa d- mucs eteuteioi llagWetr Cu eibed by thces vie i4î0 liaid pasja etoral coumîr s.as a ru- lier. for yeas a sveau agresie. anddin u vlle alpasira asuliry iolasa e-Ipretsired b hi te t bshast. Dieas .es wrtersai. a lage u te woleofta littie bievu, epidemice ire umieSiti cf lummpe. In Canada lier. Is »meate cbnreb ami liers. Sprit hegine siput tl t et %ch dcomimatiou sle ft fiee t0 voesip AprhL lu sous asas ose&ug atUiit 1e Creator lulis t ae al otpeues Il commences lu Match. Spring luaccu fol- The Govut-rneul of Canada lu laierai, lovai by asumer. vbeu lime grovti Of ait Li ta the United Stites. lThe duestioai et vegelsiles leailuicat pienomenal. Itlta the Dominion Paltiassentcoreseponiua curbailygi-ester than anihbln_ kwn i the Ua*d Statues HomsorfReprenant- Ia mue. auticili tatitude&. The soIt tlhi slai %y ra. tat cf the Pt-ovn-mopie bie vWini ro veis tet la a etuai. ai Lugiaaures. correspounitattht eason. Tie mum »s«ou luas de- eqgllaltlu ineaci Stals cf lie Amen- lIgittul a a u hoalrnaglned. Ilextunds au uion, lu four yers.l Tsefranchise lutu Noisubsi. snov s002"m«et on a- bob hi thc Dcmiuion sud Provincial et- logoutil lat* lu DeMber. Tbsales firm ta se bruai Ihat practically, néartî lisfermer suSlceut time tea inilb ils oen mate resiient et 21 yuare ofet age u hreeing, market is ticusanis ut bush-ý «titrd tea svote. Thc municipal aigern clu cf theieuo vie&t grovu in the vonli, la SUl the provin-esorfCanada jluneli aid te pou iii. lah ondli,obf or ti =srtet. The tmtiituasibte treedOm iha trof tlicfellevtag leur. husglîsu monulpeiltlecte mnage isir i ites aare bî Domecans ilutos evi pRairs. lortint. Tht air ls criai> andi drY, ami a lb. connri bas e esperloi- educaioasitumperalurs ot 40 degues e o o leu syslu. l li Feueripartcf au lm nteufortabie luliaI a atmoapbutv vier on. ah reu tunnd Patoi lis m8-tllbisa 10 egrecu aboie la te moisînre- toma. 1h. scoris ais aou fths.Mill- adocsatmospberr ot tb. Atismule cossu tos.eitlusetolist au anti îis arem This la the lestimomyo it Wh vo have sprt L aIst ph. ciputeta. l»dn ngtheaci-Mliti la hoti Utlnase. Tic vualiei-dur- cmi ueAit on ae piflh itois titeit las cme sasen lue scady. nul changea *W kriiý'rtPAl blà uvemen hi leuth e East. grnal and a geunil at tilon oh th i 15s4,TicviehocfOrWesternCanada ta vell vbsbeeocoupiei ornet, vililu lie dis- uev inlubeuexîre»Imelbard, &amitlie ylel ti. .tein a@iS"ere »ait popeyrli Lfr 0 t oW8per cent more liai92lu 1he ti&etgîs. One-egileenli Part Of Bts el , sot sIboundari lIme. .Rere in gicle of lbhe"*,rie Bal" trt>m Pcm-un anufsilexpîinsi reason fti I: la biena le lie gSabacbeviamisud coni. la ,tîr lb. irigt peietr&tee lieegMoudnito est apart fer lie maiâtennce of sOboolàa u csiôeraie depti; the sui-soil throngh -eertini ia iscu lihoral ami vise pro- ont lte iutsiueJbiea the enommer le viso. As shoving lic growbb of the kept moist by ths lov meltiug Of h be coutri, il mai bu .bat he iI lemechool deep&foats. The moiturs, ascudnluf 1 »ophti oh ofManitoba lu S1w1vas&bout vardsthce sufaee, sonrkçs heberol Sm0,At lic piseil vrtrting Ileose"@ is thle gain, atlmulataug puvîb an'i Proi 10,81kTiers vme.246 leacders in lie ducia thb iuatifu ciopsfoi- vilitil ptovtace lu lm>5.Tiere are nOv 1200. g p t ov se Justlylimai. AgAlc The averae lari poid teacietu nayaI théensnalls la a ittîlulonget juat vh« t istrictslaiSM005Puir year. liTheboule nesieti, vin licbaneisa rpemii aie tiorougbtv inatedCe t Intu"jtiilp, 10bicint ls arti Ivo houes morede L s methait ly" e ept up lo tie mark. ligait ili trou the umidle et Joue t10 l Ur. J. A. Sotait, deptx ui nulsei- of lb. rat et Jnly tisu la u sr Stae etOhio. b tqidir t aIOtavi. Canad.sisnba large Thc *vers ' 'glevie@ wisatm varyiD à« ui. et libe ais1d1 et b Ma cuitles lh. aci usmus emabkm - F. y ite sunulaeudsst. Tie heu. vem i i bu= I@la pr sRe. vil Zwdoalts tu ,idh fae -8 et10stWe W Was lu bO mmiauslletacia0 mg. Ti betvas sots».sud atout, ad -n heavii ies40vitbghsa utthe eit ct epla us Bdecxwue- îmnir exbaesn limew«0vsl te raie vas èregeeatt hatu.eeauaame- luies ver. rfltmalii besiie Osent als e sfft,,. Not or vheat belutt" helu sud "a groW proihglousli. OeIslela frt tyî1 talanety hscheta ber ser", sous-i ne. over 100. Thme barile loftmcà a aperer qualiti thatlt la sought atler hi evuee .erivbere, ani readlli sele for vieraictespeubu"belmore than barter ea gi etbse countr. ?'a« & ublci &ar îliei irseg fNBpubs aend buge. Field qjundldtî ame an holgtff ne uery ail supsuinerta corn. Tetimir uSe ex- poils attellbuts lthe aente cef boat choiera àtii. coutri'. Tut Sm, la grova somew- mes for fodder sud relslage. sud sou )th puyws as hisir as tea r ie lt est lu sea.the sîpsItetal farms show gual record fou titres Tnc es#ve ars raklng twves arietem thef Matoba er. pilmeutal faims shows au &versgeield 3t 75 bushels 20 pou"@s te the acre.' Ths rare for lhe Northvest terultorhes for lis "m. perioi simovs. lu Ivelve dîfferent variettes. au *versg te ied et86 hushiso an 28 pous" perare". la to-esvè brial, vllh eix verdettes. thé Manitoba ram shows an sverase FiMeldor42 bh- s~~~ ~ t81 ofnd thace e< b North- ol Teritaig5 ils26 pouis par ace. la slx-ioved barieî, six varieties the Manitoba faam thoe"an average cf 51 hishels one pounil per acre: the North- rabt Terriloiles' faim f60bushela 6 poubio-per ace. lu sprint vimeat it.b tweive varieriez,.the average at the lMot- lobs faim for tt ee as » 85basielle 28 Pond&spatrs; ai the Nortmvest Trritorls arefaim41 bmuaIl iloni pai acre. lu potaloea the average croie titi twelve vuitesfor tire yeara st tbuKMaiitoba faresSU huhuls hW ponade' pei sa; ut the ?4ortimvet TerrlloriWe a1. 300 bosiela 15 pounds per acre. Il lst t o «y tiat Bo otmer country lu tié. wrnd eau shov aieraaes appooachlng Tbis Field ef vhest, Oes. baiel and potalces Wild fruits.,especlafli of the amalla ldUis. e trevbeflie. gierise. apes, pturn. etc., grov lu great-abundasue sud &me la 05*01 anperloi 10ti Um g ow-a the East. Dairiua bas atmaiî maie mpid gtlidee. Tht botter of Wetern CgogsdsSni Is valta the Eastern ami lnjtsha markets. aninlahghlî, appreclat- e. Horasead cattie tirlie veil on thege priie faims. ami li e irtge of liet-claisstock there la probably i iher bjà a l ther part of lie continent. Sbhep, bogs sud ponîtry are ail profitable <rances offlemming lu Vesturi Caida. sud the vale 0f theexporte laàIisas- lot every îear. lu Western Canada lte 10 ho onithe rnli remalolmg Itrhtari on Ibis continent nu vhieh the man et suait measa Cod go llo esuching o«s aame oneesud vatthi bie veiliIncesa,. vi lb.e developmuul b of bis iborde of cattueenami oruceon tic l bouadise plains. Tbe istrilct of AI- .2 burta, lmqmedlatell 1te e osa cf Briilha Columbia. la ppe-mlnuemllîadapti1tice oc cup atiu n o f th e ran cher. 1h co ine t p au area 0f 100000square mlles in round anumalis, sd aitroms noili te senti 430 miles.. andtrou esse oes 250 miles. Soulieru Aberta ls essentiltly a ranci- ina eud dalilng countuy. lie upjortuni- a tues cf.erud bers ln Ibis respect arteun- en paraltled hi ani olier countryla tie C vortd. Itinsa1open roLlint country, amd i veIl vmhered. lie iolley ami benci landa of *pr oun e. lu urhantlY à M ost nu trinsi lm grovtm of matie grasses. CatIuý bor-eus and sbep gras. outaide lic viele yean. Profite are large, 0P5 ho $45 pet heai be- w lng palm ou lie rang"e for stae iti ] cet licir ovuera onli the Interest on u them uorignal Invelment on lie lanid dt stocieza licranci.sudnd r reh&." of lie t ..mnal round-up. Tlb. dîmale iaont of c lie attractive festnrps ofthle district. Witers are veyenmiiil i a iery aigit 0 sov taitI. lheprevailima vinis blev t frocs lie vuat. couina Itou tie balmy t Pacfie oeeau Ibreuglu ticloir moumîsin t passes. These dissîpate aiî m lanto I rail%. and lina enahîs caIlle to finithuit 0 owi todder durnnathe entire îear. Tlb. sommea are bot and dry. e Notiein Alberta lu a greel fertile vol- Ici tr.lchlug othvari over 200 mles. r and le veil vooed iau vell as wvuli al- a ersi. Thc tovu ut Edmonhon, ouicheC. P. EL R., is about tiecentmer of hIedils- trict l'is tovn, il mgit hoe stated bere. Iboogi une of lie Muet nmtertlaCo ua-y &de, la 4550 miles tuomber soti than St. Pesurg. thebbccapital et Ruasia, for- lier seti than ami. portiou of scolani, Drumark, Neivay or Sien, malai-ft sooli sDubin lu Ireland. Liver-pool ilu lfugtanmianti Ramburg in Getmamy, sea liaI ve ae" hovunJust Il ilae lepinue Canada me lie trosen regien cf tic norli.a Rtaiivasstlimers. ait tic settici parus of lis country. Fuel la tonvenieut audr aciuap eisiivb.re. Tic Iavrs are as god I -as lua my otier countryIn ithe verli. Mot elav te atogether uubnovm trou onueun u or lic Dominion le tic cther. Tl'h ave le are unoicc i vilitle muaI secrpubonu le uImpartiaiti and vîit saprompîueami i- vîgor liaI inspirs lie conience outhle t. pesce luver amd i lilich breast or. liet ýe voulti-me tavbreaker viii lie iread cf1 li tei vengeance.1 a- N1e1 ouhy la agriculture ami stock'rats- lugsicrelier. uucqualled upportunilies in I1 tie yonng Dominion et Canada. Ths i ls*etlc of lic country are lnehuhsmle.. es Ocean, takre aid rivertleriniîb tthefuinn in tuiba. lI ilsmoan sd île coi are tempes na titimugiem thle veri. ce Several ofthbisprovincee, botabti Buit- h. lob Cotumbia, haie encumos fbreto, .et s limiber, *It couvuieulte omarbet. British me Columbia te one oh the best frit grovhng1 d- istricts ln tht enl, iblle lunIs val. atuIci. tier. uic large ateas nI agciltmral . lais open te aulliemeut. lu mieraise ls Csaaaappeart lîbel inlutie1te ai the à. vorld. That entre reglo.u freu lie boun- as diii lime moti te eArolîtieeap- ýg puse1te bueone vomit depeit et gold. ail- ,y. ver, copper, lesd! amitrou. DnIieh Co- e lumbia le aurporlaiig lie vend hi tie cucrnmonîouput et ber goli, silt-etami <g opperi, Jues. vitcthe Klondike. almost i..IJ vila InCanada, ta known te-day lu le everi cxtrsrnti 0f lic cmlh. Heu ont- On pot tusie yai-las etimatle 0eho&bout gai 30.0000 lu gcld, amd competenl au- ~iWe es, Ril yl doable îearlY fer a Bra* Ples er.,Party llnity- affirs Chicaue Plateim ami lUes Prerf . apnasIeomik table Wadn et mass eakOatU* ,h national DemoeratieC OiittOU in Chlcaqp Ttànrmdai pd heu a "an coive session at tbe Sheiman Hoe for one or tvo dhbsress te huai <a «the preilmiinaii heUndpassai oothl anud quietlî. Au ptated hy Goy. Stone vhenblesgt salled th* ina to odeg. ibil egatrwu ~nt te pulm ome 09tr a attiiu iW U' a ti * a but Wàà called for the puipose oc galng for thp approschlais troug. b a u m s sn ulg r." UR mn aue no "Ms or ipeae vscnles ybe toid in thtllovlng shot para- Na meetlig creat.d 0.oes4is irmnan d elected Wlla OJXt5,ta lt; took action Isatamount ta Destins . Delin frous thte ditorshp et the .s bureau; adoed oserisrd" mctà ti tiy anssd Means cmMltt" e t llst of standig commttees; thaubs blmetaflfsta for thtlr offeri f eCO0 ion nd agred lte cuit on thtm vhe Mr services are neded; recld 54su tce on la bidefor the national con- ltion f rom Milwekes ad Eansas y; iwovided fora P-cescom tt- Of eand directed h. vice.charman te me [te meombers; athoiiae h.chair- tu to dlvii the Statuesfuto grouiiifor magn.vork;. elected John 1. Mrtin eant-t-arme for nit national con- uou, and aceptd an invitation froin a sntarir trustene te viait the dtaiu* 'fcanal. :blcagos Dme Was not inentioiied bn the question of location or the con- ahou came up. Buffalo Milwaukee, aas Cty and Dener locked borna lu htrp lght fr convention honor. AUl ur cilles ere rpresented ln tiie cou- umortheb committe. by large delegations, Id thera vers- o&ea fet @cal traîns d eir sorte f inducemeuts tae «Ptt ' cemmittuame.mkthss. 55W5tieI bd ofm vs ere plaed on ile- Auditorum notisg. Amass meeting vas htd at the Audi- lou in t h e . e yrln g. ati W " b conaider- àr enthunlaem vas manlfested. Wben OIllai j. Brysu arum. tgask the at theater resouded vlth cheers, and evsry reference tu the cli Desn"Octi rnclples et lm Othere vas enthusiastie pplause. Whon the denndcatlon ofh. trcteil var la h. Philippine Ilans ,a aientlonei tthe audience eoiited, its pproval. Ez-Gov. Âltgel. i di toccUIPY a PO- Ion on the. stage. H. vas sestedInlaà >at box wlth a number of f r"eda. hem his name vas cailsi thravasà reat enthualasm shovs. and vben he tpped to the. front oft1h, box ta deliver i speteh he vas greed vllh prolumged plaUoe. ludgs James P. Tarin of Kentucky ras the irgt speaker aithliemeetIng. I&a ddruess vas mainil emiogistic et eCI-Gi. itati. le vas folioed br 4Jme F. irovu. vho spoke ta the sme strain aad f erred t» Aitigeli as tht Henry George ,ilinoia." Mr. Btrnne charman ,t1h. famous New York "dollar dinner" mmlttee. semalor TitImans speech. blich followed. wu& deliseeilu hia char- teriatit style. lHe spohe matalîOn tht datform question, ani saii liat he bai tbru. prug& t hie pi"cfork-silrer. ît-trust and nt-fmpuriaiiem." Follovlnas aspeech on free aliver iiy Coresaman John F.hafroti 0f ColO- do. Alexaner Trup national comIt- »Man, made a short speech.in u hieh àeassed te audience that New Hng- ni Democrats vers fte r an. George 9 .W illam s oeil s Die , s d h o v as fol. *ved bî xGU.Attgeld. The treuil f e remarkA tDY John J. Lntus san'Lti' Inpevlallsm., and Oce. E. B. I,'ilej siiobe vu prosenti. FIERCF FiQI-IT NEAR 101a.O MeaU Aericeas Force XilI. 11la Bab- i§yon.,atet oonit. Ge . thml. a I i lo, Isian d f Pana y, rporta a severe iaht vhlchboob place t Bobong ou Wuesai helee Ou- ent7 <men of tiie Suxteentb tafantry suie.. a.ptain Byrne sud 450 Babeylonee.Tb@ Am»e&uam. &sthougi snrprise& klled 111 .f the enemy. B-sides vounlngMS anî. oue prisoner vas taken. b. Americans iot on, man sud bai another vounded. The flghtimàg.vas mostlyut edose quarteis vrith bsyomets and clubbed gens. A good- ly amount of arma asidsupplies vas cap- ured. Captsa Byrne commanda a bat- alion operating at La Coeiota Inlu theils- rict of Ngros. iManila adîleus via Hcu ong a9sàY tiat bief Surgeoni Woodhull has sent a i- <roua protest ta the War Department through Gem. Otis againat th. lnaieqnate force. equlpinent and acmbdatioua of he hospital service tn Maria. Hu de- ,lnea furtiier refponiblity for the helth f the army unies. the ImProîsmentb w-hlch ho recommends are adopted. The lief ailmmeut oftheitrompe iu dysemter. whleh la largeti the ressut of the iesvY ration eved, it hulng the saine as tint gtvem, Ibe Qoldlers in Aiska. DE*.IANDS MALF 1MIS WEALTI4. Former wife of COL Pepten et op- bans Altezse VruI Asuit f a Most aseusatonsal cimeater was tLed in the Buperlor Court at Spo- kae.- Wash., againt Col. L. N. Psptn. a mltlonire mine ovuor, sd whoe vits nd iaughters are eaders lit socletY. The plaintif s in es. Helen M. Pertén. a former vIte of Col. Peytoun ovrfflt- Ina ta Denier. She alleges that lb. mai- rlud Peyton a Champatgn County, IILL, in 180 , aud tiat lIn 1 lieb. too k h m r t u &. Loula, vhers he desertai be. la 18M ah. iearueihevwu& living in 8Spo- bans under the asusmed naihof tCeL. George H. Morgaz. he buh.petindel lu ave marrled Victoria Heeton Sbe alleges iaI he vas defranded la a st Uinent ad Mv demandes aWhi ne la bis pisent vualtt. astlmted et çp. wAR PAINT AND FRATHERS. ýV, M'Z