BIC JOFLI Is milied especiaIIy for family use and is made fromn selected hard wheat and guaran- teed the best brand made in America. A TRIAL wilI convince you of its merits. Triggs & Taylor,. Libertyville CUT IN BICYCLE5ý- FOR ON£E WE(II Of'4Y COMMCNC!NG SATUODAy, JULY OTH' ANP ENOING SATURDAY, JULY IGTH. Aui ii. i I pi. n $Ž.O<),l înnnv 522. l.,ln--hn' ...In i innins' 520.00, now ...a.. .-... . 19.30 ALSO DEAL IN WATCMI3S, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC., . ',....a....I...n...'an l Link inllnî, .nnmn'miinnta.. pl air .. . .... . . .. . . . i Ennît i met<....ui.... n. n.emh BFS FJIPL9BICÏCR[ R[PIR SIIWl Mi O1Jul Bargains inl Ladies' (muId IiINed Six Siue Bargains un Ladiles' GoNd FIled Six Size 55M..,..ei PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. kLocal items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. lir%. F. B. Loveli and chiidrefl are C. R. Sherman la entertaninig hi visiting bier parents Kt <)args, lit. motiier. of (irayeiake. Mi"sslis Crosby loft for Iowa anla 'rof Qîmnan, of Evanstoin is maiti Triesday Un vinit ber oncle iBradley cating tu Lii.rtyvilie. Lee. Mir. andnitsir. A. W. Waid<n art, vîsit- uev linnie lu Calfînrnia 'ibhursday of Iblis week. Mdiss Lida Lee liq apendiiig a week aith bler annulMmliraebeeca Jamesati lira. C. W. liiuick sud daugbterc Hattis, of1(Chicago, are vliling friends bere this week. M. B. Couby Purchaien a borne for is deiivery wagon ai the Waterfild fat, tits week. Miss Mainte )ymnoid, of C'hicago, called ou Libertyville frieunia sud relatives lait Sunday. Vi 1, H. Scianck sud famiuy Move ititu the saunier bouse ou Milwauke'e Ave. 'i îîeaday of thîs veek. Worlh Scliermenboru and Bruce iiueeuberry, of Chicago, @Peuit SIuniiaY with frienda sud relatives liere. Jîîst receive-a to)ck of (jnîliers suiperfluie chocîniate ansd ureui, bon- bons. lPEKKNsinailTi A5AlT. 1ev. (;. D. Ileuver retuned froai &ilwankee Monîlay eveîîing viere lie lias bee'B epeudiug lbli soammet Frauk l'rotiue iln"(Centrai' theme naj. aui lieun biiear bisg h'io ,vi'r tlb.' pliume Y011'11 k nOv h o l jour. talkliiîg. - Mr, sud ira Il. J. lHagerty, of Wau- couda, aisO Miss i.n. Nlinugeiruisud lirlinruel, of Chicago apeut l îiny altb lira. M,rtie lrlggs. p M lir. ray, of bora.' faine, la vorking for F. iisnaniery. Mir. (iry elpects itu leave for tierfusuy i N<vemuîer lia ~charge îof a tricfi v mses tO Inn abifîpenl there. Street (omnisitouier Luak la gravîl- iîng Mlaukiee Ave. Ibis aseela. sone of theaie treets are lu uiied<f rpaire U Ranl ti lato b.' lapent the gond worl C viiln,t sto~p wth the avcnue. ic ev.lileuver, vho buai eretoforn mail oe vM.,J- A. Gge he in bLiertyville, nOW stops vitin Mr- * ad lra HaTy ilannnbecanse of Mir. Gages depauurelfor Caliroruis. 'ibere vas a sunil tutu ont 10 thi ne"asie ou lhe Westieid fanta Mou- day, The borna aere lu pour cou- ditiOu sud bida vere slow, fulna neeceg4Kltatlig lhe sale ta be "cailed w m . S e a ve y d p sr te d fo r M ',rîlu heveral dsys. le n. ly cd la ahi1l lu lovii sud aceis tu lie gnttlus coantrt itilsinua. He la prepareni Inn dounur vork rithe? ah ymnr bome or aI W. M4 iestitna furniîure a1tore, lu Oiratlia<s sape. watches. vVitcLt. M~. lr, icmm. Ellils rtured ta bic boule W ' lu Iida Grave, lova i ursday. Mm nGET FR LISO PNNOGRAPH AND COLUMBIA EiaolnPSuaremuovlug Unbakn kGEN FOR FOISN PH Comntj, wr are informnt, tbouigb not GRAPHOP 4ONE- 'hiviug fuiiy deldes i ipon LilierlYvîlli a itsa fntnte houle. C. R. S ERMAN, services lit the Proobytenlsii churcli .îeryvll - - -Illinois. &t :l'- -ia. nad 7:30p. ni. P roeiiblug -ibertvilli y (. 1.lileuve? liorulng snibje<'i ..[eau do ail thinga hhrough Christ Wha Streugtbeumi Nte'- EveuI4n aubject. "A Viion ol it od, H at ----- jhira. .Il. Alismisan, wvthlier iliahaidti et pi Tqierg, N. 'Y.,Borni We have a new and complete line of lime éimienti vas "aen aemlnusly 1i DJerby and Fedora Hats which we are afler lier arrivai, ia sulit lu a crilicil sligat rgt ieconditiomn, and their ret'miu Il bt seilng igh prces nîuenia acousi.ierauiele lu cou Tule mont crop proniissoterltrhan o auj receljenur. 'ihongli Ilej voli S hoshes we carry are made of the alunai p craîgît and trog au( best of mnaterial. We have them jfin î,eanleîlout lina ay tun brlugmajotI h Childs' Misses, Ladies' and Gents'. Iatest inarl nf the fanmer. Tie cropi styles. I nvestigate. in?.ty wei) barvesiteinti ltus aectiml Ed Appley ioait a Iliree monîba on Mîid.igil cmt Mouday, vîici C a r ets -...mvslfletibigiiy. Itiatbougbttheîlen Just received a new line of samples. Corne in and get prices before buying. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler BIdg. Libertyville. Illinois. Lawns, Irnts Percalesi, Dimities. Ice Cream - - C= db - Lîbertyvill vou can alwayoi W' Preget It at LoveNl's.ý ... POPUI.AR FLAVOR.. PrDelisclous, Cold .WE KEEP THE BEST ... F. -B. -LOVELL, lios When [-)id in Advance-.oo'6 1 i-v ovi n.mi'T mime y, a, Farisî amn Firealde ane jear, wn::;. i, a7i1mnnm lnnnîlîinn yernIr. 5auJournal ive jeans and tm', min.aka "Snnininluueat Saatsga" sund "amanha AMiOUg the'l 1.1 cri. isEi*ma elc !Who bas been viting Misa Mary Leea bas returned GJ~ tu ber home lu Chicago. m ms. S. Brow n a nd id ebli i 1O F F ~ C'hicago, are euJoyiiigatew nImyt ot Ing at the lleury ('ste? f'orm M r . a d lir . .1 liior z a teîn îc î e - T I Prealîytarlail ntusy Snnay Scinnînn piculcat Druce Lake iaatWeiann. -fWbat lm Tru i é lîgnin" wiii t IEA RTLI the ltev. John Lee'a aitiient on S.n.ndtay morn. lg. HiseN ei c lîg au ,jecî w ilI l», "Not Far front the hinlgd'nnt <f ((K. O u t of th e d u s The Lotit@lieds at Grass Lnkêe a.'nt traeting mauy people naly. i'lney areig in o a a ili ful l looxm and the 'rare and Inaliti- n n oa p i fui lnnwera are 10 li' had lu grI'at ist and mud by get- r of our fine shoes. (iovlo heges f i- oh ýh Edavri il ol T h y W EA R vvELL Churcbillltbe preKent veek. Te(biasn navraîllni . ie Tiadle,0f 'hîagohbeir mouthly loiîsiney mneeting aîîd lira.dalaof('a socl ai a the h.nnie of lilas Elsen ealled on ber Young lady fr'enda n lu Treptow thua Frinlay evn'nitig. nTheIL O O K M lhertyville tlîis veek, bl'ug the load vill leave tii,' l' trn'at'u chnîrnin gu eat of I As Clara Avenu il hle bere. at :31 o cloc k F i Il. 1fH.loveill labarluR ia bon se, lMr. andlira.J . I 'if haîln î F recentiy vacated lîy the Pdo' netliglr ineî lilinrnl famlly repsired, thle trOees abofutt elt uieael lanoasu arn'litt if i hi ag0 premifsatrimiuied aud ottberwvl§4n'u- also bis brother. Mr. Saniasoi iau nTHE P RICES ARE POCKI proving bisl property. dratb sud Dr. Leoinarni L.nwir. Mr^ Itememlier, ve bave tl reelvn'd a A. J. P'ereirs, sOUS amit .aîîkîtu'r aran flue new sqtock of (iuitb,ý'rs ,aidieft. also enj.îying the beîauties of Mr. amoi I EniiNa RECTT*ABANT' lira. limneuialecouîntry lino- nd, ml,- ~ Negtiations are qnietly hiug per- surrouudinge. (\êf'* ,.jE.L L. fected lookiug ta tbe "carrylua onît of Fredeliet Conrad. an iinmnttaitio- the eletrie road ucheme. lMennu, 00 Coiiity i'ooYr. 'armdied W.n'.miîn'aiY. I limitent meaus are 6filnd the enter- aeq nnt! ne o, UmtpieedniasI.1 - *i *1 - A - 1 1. . . n - ., .. . ..i ., s.., sln t h e f a ,, n v eu r a nu, - 1 5 niateiy maleriaIIz.' prevloiis il ved iluFa but nelle the. iaaulta nI The dgre.'~ennm0f Ac C M irlesiLake, wlere lf.i-- ntmNco W A. consltiug 0f ci ltai n daîîîteu exitnucn' inyacelin li i,, mmd anna mennîers l lappeaer bern'afler al ailurnhrc&rl lnIlnlt î.cctaieio.n iemanda respienderit lu uew Extravauent a'revarations. regition uîîifnmruu, wauni emirat',' î'eparationns anîcb asmlina,' mtell rost, troiums?. leggius, ('Sp anidet, Ieu maide for a eoillil r- ri,,inlin and givé'thue -vuion choppera' a very1 Lake Ccaîuty are iin'r aasy fr lin lmpoalug sppearSuici. Icîeni of AulguaI Jth eund 30 lti,. Thbe surnîaipieutec, of the Il oh-IThe.'varilne coinitIi"aOmin ni'gn' f tertue uu(ay achool asas bruitaIIthie tWO, iKNy' celîhratli ionre l'n lig n Druee Lake Wedlueaday, amni il took il lu Iheir powerrtu mate tine m*eelunga the IparecouveyaDiies lu tow u tiani un1receiirinted aumicctý.'. Tis mialatine accommodate tbe croldluatteudauce, rttîu akngaî ualeIlngiven toi "y notbing of the iny Who lîîsenala d it vii lau' inean'S bicycles as a mode of couveysnee. ft i eunrabiîe ouie.. Wasl a perfect dsy. hecne a perfect iTh*e eercimea ntleinlit lfnmn tne tue vaseujoyed .d 'l ei .f L . u,,, nen i Fron tlie Wn.frford Poff publlahed ,blupnte(o meslirel ai Walnrford Win., ve clip the foiiow- ueanay. ashle the Girandn Arniny naunp Iug "-AIt -onev ('reek ou Thurianay, 1re"na " ' veiug uni t Il 'r.nnninnin Juiy 1l, .Johu Wooridge. of Liberty- We-diean.I.y wa lu.i.. t Oenrgea . n, ville, 111, sud Misa, Caille iiardilu vere Negol"tioiis Iarn'Wmnoa iprngne united lun marriagê,estaitebeonme of thefo iaculgnfp.krafuntd brides Mev. J. J. Hull." alility for threlas.. naye, an hl'i.'. Tbe bride viii be remembered ai the tIls 011 lhe programu arreieing rapidi late proprietresa of the Harden reatil- y perfected. If posiabe arrange- rant, sud lir. Wooridge. i8 of elecîrîr meuta viii lie madle te) bave a egi' road fame. ment of Iufautry Sud a interj nof ar- tiiiery froni Fort Sherindan Iliere oi, In a letter 10 lb.'e dîtor J. M- the day of the mnuîuetsdedienu- Roaeutliai iuî1uires vhy the slectric houu. rglobe lu front ofbIs place baa filed For participantiou lu thie parade a 9ta give forthlliait for two veeks Peut- geueral lInvitation la al lbheindgea of àWe wot nol, tuies il canulie attribîîted fraternal ordera Inn nattemndilinesalbndy te) the receut iurdeust of fatherbood IN. extemîded. il ilng especlaily tbruîah upon Electrlc Ligbt Iturge» lioped liv the gelicrai n ounittet' vbicin may have monopolized bia tume ujat tita uaîice wiii lie ncce'ltenîase a and attention tUNefll In citent el î siecmsl invitatinînî, am ti' hen r iltie not avare of the pranka pevpetrated initenvening preciidea lie counînl- rby thSt particular light. Penbnîps tinuofna conupiete vosiler of tiren'nnnn a ven he relidfsthia be viii attennd ta ty lolgea ,forsesparate invitatinin(-u th Ili mîer fortbvitli. ileutj eariy to ninuiînte altil E, W. l;utterfleld Sud (). E. C hurcii hit e leigeaofItle conunY hy ia have chiarge of the erection of stable viii ParticaPate aTe re4ltntf'ahe) n le aud ollierImprovenienta ai Sb@ fuir a.tlfy tle Wankegan Grand Army ýg grouds. A barn ta tteas mut cou- l'nal as sOOn &as Pnnible. ttaliiingtwentyAounr large dulb lvs. Il laeutinated #bat thoe.' ilie .. tdalle, sud yl lie a auistantiela iteu tbosand traugere11 t'e iIy gllagruc.tirewlth lbingie roa. Anuaibel diîrlîng the Ivod<aya, ii la fîrtnnate quf cattie stalnviii alsOhe erected oo0(IncidunOl&'that tie reuimîli oncii i be rT and are tho let aei ui frOnithe beldi m.îLaiatthe lime a heinin.e unInu le bunndary leuie amni bhuit in a etrolui, nient lan10ulie ennpieteni. sudthie twa il aubuatnal manuer. Ail iseprove. eventa comnuilg tngehnr lm aur.' In il1 mneuavii lxb manie Iblis jear, monre malle au eenei lt ilkn'nuunl'a bc' wlthbau ies of permauieney titan liiatory. In ieretofore. F. biiuirattI,nw.h,, asaswarnnl tine Thle Woodnien sud lnng rmniinra of c s el oldie.ra iniu et gîven nfaefrsl 0 uovtlnweaiter i iiirnnls and nnrth. Klieerytmouime ivn rnssurann'eln re ealeru lova viii gther lu Sterling on tample lie la sdlt nîfin.' prîngrasin y Tliuranlay. Aaguet Ill, for the biggetatmhegsrie inv radm n n'nei ou, lin ld wondcioppîug evemîl af 1h. easn.dend eil nt aa aellei leAînnîui.g lie attractioiia vii l ie@au aedcleltple oas %tw la adnlnressby William J. Bryau andI have lhe aniniera monnnlmnnl Illinplace onspeechies by W. A. Northicot C.J. iy lie Ieutietlitif exIuntiib. Tinere Seale and C. W. Haves. There wiliasi e eln peaigtâ h id b.' a great treet parade of Woodmen 'Innvouîn e bann e prnuute ndle be moîuted and ouifolt snd a priz ý vill3,wud aei epotoe oi lie given Un lhe loige iavlng liecasth mouet old o e conieten2. This wiii certaluly not b.' ALW M. B. COLBY & Co., Illinois. Libertyville, rhreArc rGold Mines Right At Home -for people who have iearned that the road to wealth is right buying. We know people who have pad $2.00 for shoes flot as good as we sel for $51.50;J and they were people who needed cvery cent they had, »-o - - If they folowed the same cotirse in the'îr Mm other buying, its no wonder they failed to "SlIZ"Ut»SoiS make headway in saving up somnetbing j 1a0 ân for a rainy day. J.. And that remninds us-for rainy days @àm yI W grtoit u es and overshoes. We can save you mg money on them too. vas lsunured, an lr. Appley lanfthue lrgotn, e 'ntaemnusyA ni nîpunnmnlii ouue nlcreaut îad acnanu mdpraht d h aluecesssry I h dîilng tungli Bi olt u nu, aycm ieas dtgafvm. &ue r.ii eF a r Ibrun p îmoi ou n ila promilses for bia gaines, mranes. prize drills, vnnod.sawing Mystlc Worker'a Picnic.T hP a r dogg an tiRt he oltIn oul W& coteltstugof-ar,&c wii n 1vaubive Lonige, Non. loii, MYstic got sioli.'0i. amouug tie atîracltia Workersç of the' Worlî i vii give a A gooni road aundpublic improvemnent 'rie mn viose hougs' la lbthe et lupicute aut(rayalako, Tiieaiiay Anguua ib t vle --Illinois cnnmv'uIttin iiLiebcbeld lat ltioouuàtng- lhe lan, wvBae lovu la tb. bout In lie ltb. Blpreme Serretary EniMoudînLib ry ton, septeunler 19. uuer lite auispices cooty, ashogsteage la the grealeat in Jackson aind nîlinr gonin apemkera w'11 of the.'priucipal etommercial Ionlenn, teunnu sîa'nto steîgl tirr. Tunaionu nnnamunlt'm'nartion____in___the___________________________________The_ puinli' Iluuprovemeinî societies, aud eshtIi hevont, la a god citizen- buuaiiy engsgig psnrei'tiing narange- jP O L S O U N kuuumreii organisatons tbmoligbmiit lie aletier lie elaàa eident ovuier, a meuta. Exbteirntn'iuc xl wu'î'kP O L S C UM . coitry. Conventions of lie tiilé wl mt'îlanl, asacimnol tescier or a dq -iuaksPr Ieiul varinpla es tlurouugbouuh laborm'r. He viildob la.traffuitg a ai lur tenid' nes tr . caI mtailalsa pasur s.. r v tiîn' matIm îuîing tie full. hmei.'.even if lie does bave tu psy a Joseph F. ilmnndtr. îiphInnt.àmre'. lain l-.S «l» 11111.' more. Helievli uke bils homue tovu, andlibben fur hure.' eekm, and FK. iluîmaitead. manager fîr tins' sdilaprepartttnî ndnynnnr snnrk utnI NNIa îiii.- m'huras ad Whte gCopn 1paper. Hevie l aa q«Yay gmid joli? bousce mor ai stnore' nV. M. iHn'mth. iri.-) (ti Vgur Wimtiu, n'yl'ulilbng 'i ee gatUil oS rd fusubienme lowuiansuta<nd 1' Mattreses a uino ,vnr &&agnimmau 5e w 1JRUitt m-ei n ii-Si'-il n nge inrunetîai <'icSg la5u owî tu asolageliuu terpris.' ilnîay<'bamion- Canniage triiààimiug, nravniin,i. m.trî.nn'... s,ilnind artini'n. Ii îicesaj ufriato U b' niliiewil iinte loyal Inn nvery eniesional Ailrmlr'in, J. F. ineviLinmrtyvi1In'Ct 41 i'i..i" tFrînmk ue..ILo Ini the Waukegan City sud Lske cause amoptei InuIt anni work for tinînF ,.ni.. m.Cm'ntnirelmît boine Ssk Oiliînty Iiihuinea ilreîory. Mn.1.oFaii'ch le sanie In prefPr.'nt'e o Privienis Notice. ivri -.a ..oi C,!nraigha'55 ltmtodla lunorporatiuig a liushuti'mna Ail 1rivili'ea îuti1ukn 'nnuiN 30 70 60 OAYS in-i t nunu i ail rtvl.g araa, ihuîunateItimié). 'l'euas a srevarti for all Ibis fni t ,. inI'h,.nî m1l,.at Faim gro)iuuiisfnor line'Snptumimbner fuirinlion .wlinhrlau. I îllrectory of country tovn uishebiook lie' viiihave prosperîîy andtihle viili b ee iun o si tgrnuunlSaillir-li in'n.ikn.anFn .iai-i ii.' nunLilNati. in.e thg ea sd t il pov &val inl igbm't regarni nf hiti neiglubona day, Aug. 12t1. nut 2 p. mmnio liltu Mn ni - . aouillé reference book. rveg ilb Ymle i,-IL uNot ifl 'l'nh.' iucago I)aily Nemna mncoin.- sddre8med linthie St-nrtarj. (mm-, - ri'Ina.d unInni2u4tah., ith. N. The --al<nni cmp metig Min. 'à.b 0mM 'ih Dîapllue cap ueeIigtnameutliig upomi the camp meeting t uite.'reséerves ighitnn rejeet amy or N..Lu--AT-VIn aunIni. v'milfu jean, a un ltlma apromlononeni aîisceaa Dsselllafinenoutid of<one tof Libetyvilies illîbie-CONUIeiiTFEE42-2t Ni Pl nnnnn nin mi m I -ýhot.WAr fM86 Il h ultitudenasau'iublei arens inn-cîtizus lua recut lamumi.'tmT dreda of tti -g dm oni anSui t tnions D"7 i li ain el S i _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nh ir t i ie age d é e i l i i f a m ni . rO i e ' l a n e t n i e ' s t e u r l i s e v a r v ig il S p i n . l i nr h o a v a a vb irtenoet bn elgilo 1sui-ec alird, la 'Father' Ayres, J. B. one of the montt rninhlesone niseuases SansCots od mer outlng lu lie Ieaplaieg vooi, ai Ayres af iIetyvîlle. Father Ayrea tle army liitndtun oitnnun i vti lu Eaînry riintii'ni jrnn'mlu ontntn Mr, IL.P. Olîvia. of BarodeioIii chIldren. Sean)cmniiand udeions go, ma. pasti le. fo i-iMeure mark lu bis many insansces il became 'ennoule asndniàiangur 'lin'rne nm vunrinnung, aunnd 1uin npeuda bis viniere AtonIS, but tbe Intereilt of lie Mehoits iu recortd o! jeans..,rs ttihvnraîe l vs oldiers tîli suffr frînnuil atrauiitliiitfrm'niieiiîi3' ieaîita ii, ' t'we"ainenves biant csnasd sevef theae camp fol abSteint l adhe ea li r. David Talonr of IViunt ltiîlg. nin'utn. A rupîture' univnjni cannmesa ltcbc i aahm. theloe% vu geuae. abadledimj ybis luxuriant tGreene Cvo P&.,* la (min.' hmb'e. [figret d- n f aîîîîn mI leeen'l mins E à'llc ittera, Ameib vIlalair, ia daily one of thefMatures uses Ciamierlalmins Cmiée'('bleirs nni r,'îîfnînnni evelinug a ei ii iniutuil lj g eesl roiean ev Emd i 0(m n ene trdrl vin g of horsteslu n, 1h.devot.onal serice. verelie Diarhvea iemed:y andsasysh-'-never asd I1yial'li aiu e nnlighî. lin ery îîlnteatîvulefI nitm. e may a 1 bot euehenla gont hin touse occphe bi ai arn-cairlu ron offonndsnythbiug Ibalwînuligîvîn bilia aî' Il,.'gi'meral leuai li a mnnroved gand medultneolaniai biHe 5My$ botweaherla god tingto ne. ýu e. rm-hai infrot o snbqulck relief. Il la foîr salei' iy F.aflîýr bislg curt'n, un bntté, nul ai t gamue ici u l wr isova My Dont tblnk becsise jon are cool and the presetner. Father Ayres survejed BLoLLietvln. llsnmi mmigeirs li n ier ca knbytils thM comfortabie lu a soft-cuabouned buggy the preseul camnp grousumnd mut Ournee, tIEAYHLAKEIC 'HýNimiAn'Y. F. Aî.valihaI itiiver hweuly je.nre nnile ebmoi ts up lme Ibat il l te lie unwithlthe bhanse onasthie tirâtotag rceilur.leL RXiAN. iRockefeller, .loui4 tnx1)ience 'Oin lie Iret'alieuhnto ifli ui an.steugtenathU fareaW» hot, duty rasi. Even shanse baifel- bai neyer mlaaed smeeting durng hle MuLIais ni ccavi nsa i e. tt m i ln, vigov&aimvi! msmU Jug. Be orel ul o h m ev n s yo for y y urs. A(com anyi g ie a d . w rvt n . eu anif rve uiunge , m .u.cie, nerve and O Sla Ci bm boq . 'a,îWiautunsli,,,,Blndinui <f eamry t'ekIf vrak tired or alita y«7oUm m expec etresnom sne day. lu the wvanssarticle la a picînre nof M. Ajres, ub1iy inti nuîîg ta lne-lie Iet. Ifos jouil a ct, cat euns I St it 'ot Ed ybogF.e g arUbUfllVIflB of a gond aréole. "Ilemamber joii are hisavunvife vonid hardij recognise For amie îy H. B. Rîinn, Lumertyvlie, 'n Aacn . nd c, Mo. 1) n by . B. OMIsOW, qvi 1rltin wila tha horsel oins apool." ltgas Dnc lh. A LI tiî. M. ) m IlliflOls. NELL IT WELL. ET FITTERS. AI Li EOalk ALL FOR? $2.201 1 DEALERS IN EVERYTHING 1 ý ý% Ab