CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Aug 1899, p. 8

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The Furniture Trade of the shrewd buyers 1 arn bldding for their patronage. If rlght prices, backed by proper qualiies, will Influence your tracie I have the inducements. -,Psrfetlon' couche@, warrantait for 4 years....- $1400 Qusule-awed Oak, patent alide Extenaion Table, 10 ft 10.00 Iron Deds, any aize et prices tupward from- 2.00 WoVen Wire Cota ............. .... 1.23 Solid Oak Center Table&sal, pràces npward trom .....73 MhOgaliy-ti l etr'als8.0to..6.00 ëloid Oak Secretary. 8 ft Wh .......i .. 10.30 I have the exclusive agency for the 0. W. Richardson &Co. line of Superlative Carpets. Carpets f urnished ready to be laid on the f loor. Cal and see Samples. M. W. HUGHES, Wauconda. MI. Temple Pumps-.m.. We carry in stock the celebrated Temple Pumps--aiI guaranteed to give satis- faction. Also the Monarch Bucket Pumnp or Water Elevator. It is a perfect Water Puri- fier for Wells and Cisterns--makes bad water good and good water bet- ter. We show sample pumps ir actual use. No more bad smel4ing rain water when the Monarch Pump is used. THIS STORE-oi2ý le the best place to supply vour Shoe Wants. Alil gryles. styles and prices represerlteC. Prices lower than elsewhere. Quality considered. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, . - ILLI .INOIE protection to .Purchasers W. caution the publi. ain (Pur' b"-nnlf Imitations o! obsolete forma cf our machines. Wr (e p mîna In h b etdevelopmesinefl tl he art. maklng but the higheil 1grade ti protont, anti lane achieveti unqualiieti suces nu ts sale .;blenn mni>auempstaau imitation, aud the Jegai use of outr rade anme. A Brasa liedallioa. oh the ellipucal hirm shown chose, berm our regîs- tsnsdtranle-ma.ln. andtis placet upunu the lnad ut carry machina mader by us. - NONE GENUINE WITHOUT IT. aMÏine 5 WlI NNU SME SbLO 0WI@ TrHE SftuR MANuFACTrURUNeCCo. OFFICES ON EVENV CITV IN THE WORLD. C.e1M. WOOLRIDGE, Agent. Lîbertyville pro -syn izel - unI Di cil servk«esta those sufferuni %CMORESISEASE. no mal, omnen. anti in ahi cases re god sciectuflc methois uil DR. KENSINGTC Honest In hils OPIr Vour Ie may be saveti1 will cast you notbîng. Address aIl leters tu Aurra, 111I, L soue Ico monîisag Kenaiugluli o! Chîcago tri lch co vr@. lâmneti, m aimpairati anti I cas doclor aith glaises F ad glimsbave pruven faOr>'y. 1 cao choartull laia m a gentleman of proteamoual>'ahliful. 'inura lu cor. Fouth anti (Oamm81 M.Leonard Keuinm.mngon. Dan Doctor: 'mur ..rdl s hih e eoblail some Ime 069, bas p ont daughler Ethei's e>' mme of granulabeti eye mmehfiofOunr f&mii>' I va ebserfol>'recioin en for an>'affection of tha Ver>' flihs Ave. Masi APrTA K l 5vMach ae Obhwv - Min Ol £boai, 0f Cà dwe IVI iM h«brotu won ~ A o ratl -MoàMM to.Ntu - - - Illini A straigbtforward methoti ai doing business is mr odictive of beneficiai anti inanciai resoîts than stenmatic plan of deception andi frauti vhicb charate s s0 man>' QIACKS anti advertising DOCTORS, as cel pnncipled. deceitfui anti ignorant local pracitilor B. KENSI#CTON having devoted nearly tut CNROMIC DISEASES. bas no hesitationo in ayingi ih is vide reputalion for kWeai the SkiCI he is iîÀ ttledt 1thbbcconfience of h afflictati public. W ie Doctor cl cname nuotisease,he offens is professi( g from any ULNfiERIIIG, COMPUCAIED, CHROMIC ber chatits came or nature may bc. oh bolli men quirncg surkîcal atention the mot recent an11se Ibe useti anti a gooti result assumeti. MN cli be Careful In his ExaminatiC nions and Reasonabie in hi& Char@ îlmough basîng a frnendly interview uîth br., c * ~-.-----.------------- AENEEUad o.e Co.W.A UtSGtLAKE ZURICH. à Arondthandny Miorv'h a~ urd von.llLevcentOi. Mima Carrne Buescblng la on the airk cm NNI5i'N'IN CENRAL RAILIAA CO. W. W. ppL.EyAa.Clerk. ir. and Mlra. Heiae are vlitiug lu TO rIME TABLE. Michigan. CARLE$ ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS. GURNEE. Charley Meyer biked IL tet Palatine 11IN .RI. ;INlsOUTII Raili bail>' W" 1home froin Ensseli Sunda>' A, 1. loix . M.7:1X ovr 8111(ay.The former@ bave begun threahlng 7:44) Lmbe laOn te g .. ilfor the their grain. ans,, itsi, Sheil i the, new bail. Milss lartha Eettman was a Dundie 6:49%<.b6 Miss Ailis Wutenfeid bas been visiter taat week. -n. nny o'di 1 very ick the, past two weeke. Chariey Blice, of Barringtoli, wili o .11 i)nnàl y kir. eandl lra'. BE. Joues are enter- becileips new erk. lo 1.dy taiiinîg gueats fromi Wausau Wla. John Hodge la assltlng lu ROC KE FELLER. iinylorat meut wagoni bas discontinued the alore at preseut. ia tripa for the Test of the season. Wm. Bilerinan and wiflé are enter- apeliiin lier vacatiom ith "onlir helti bore Aîîg. 13: atternoon anud even- lr )ia~'eehee a e parents. ing. tîrneâte tober boule in Chicago. isa lanche Har)ukbt, o! ae lUtîie Charton Chase sudnil fe entertainet Alil those atteildiig the Party'lit Carli .' vialetiet . Crnkbt&" a tw tsys th@h C. E. 8uj.letY lest Saturda>' even- Wewtzer's report a plealsaint lime. . - Olral nithIe ssek. gMigsos Emma meurs anud Emma lir and lira. c. W. Eiatdie left 'i'he(Gurnee baose bail leta giVe a Dettman, nf Dundee, vialteil boe ihe ucaeo he rmm niestock ln Wetinesda>' for Ford River, Mien., beltilt bail Ibis Finde eveunig at nthe ahpucaeofSoe ri nyet vhwbretheil mak Feandextndeti hall. A niomber froni bâre atentied the, Ladies', Cents'. Messrs. and ChildrOflB, amounting ta 02.50. niai ~stb hei so Fre ani fn F. J. . Mnoe tartedtoutasiweek for pice i t FOX River Valley (irove I WililgivO Tony Ring hiat the, mifortune of ca1114)rlla where he will visit relatives udà YrchieotestreatclswhBchPct" loslng part 0of10 n tie@ofinfugera iu tht, anti friendaseverai e jtd>.Yorcoc f hs he rtce li mc uc*5 cog wlîeela tof bis trouidrrlil Wetinesda>' We bear that the Stelten farm bas muoruing. tir. Sîatter. of1(irayalake Jr ew Plantin were put li place on tbe bieon pnirchaied by Wni. Krneger, of 25 Ibs Graflulated Sugar ..................... $100O tireredbaes nunl. ive ide estwek.The pl tame Long (irove. Sack Washburn Crosby Flour................ Mima Blanche Norton pasacul îîetly work as revuiatoa uCo.utb Louis jineder and ulfe woesthe 2 away Tnîeaday miorniiig alit 1o'tlockiAstnatiC.gneata ut H. Meyer, ou the, Barrington 25 Bars Le nox Soap......................... 2 attar&a lingerlng Ilîneas u of naUUMît RUSSELL. road Sunda>'. We willlIBO gîve yon your coies of the aboie Ibres articles on tioi Dceaetibadbee a atioît Misa iertiella blater, 0f Wanaegan, lMr. huanys>' amît eil', ofnilCicago, amtount puirchasai tri goodale; "Me.consaraeoflslu11cont on chffrtereor atin 10 ea oeviilbe ia vieitiiig frieudu in Lbis vicinity. tare ejoylng camp Blte on thé,osat tîrely tb maettr onné for a different lit. an <nil fLwl.010e reflecteil lier ardent faith in ber Mr. anti lra. R. Stewart, ni Wauke- ba'ka of une laite. îlinghamsi, Lîninga, Ticklng. Shirting, Canvis, omairay adsir. S avIor Fîînerel Services were lielt it gan, snent Sanday eit Harrison Siverst. Man>' golfera ueore ont fronti thet, i> Theile are ail a bargaîn. Do no& loue Shi$ opportiltt. the houle utfber militer.,lira. Frank lMr. le>' iixon anti Misa Lena, Dhxon ait bter links pikylag the tscotchSgame Bellow a"r e fw Baigalea 5 OiOeflS. *Shaddtle lThtrstiui>'afternooii. thé, o utene, .iaitedti>er parmta t tHu aua>' and kSniida>'. 18 Ibo (iranuiated sagar .l.. remaina belng lnterre<l in the ftnrl>' day. 'The merry-goronnti ulnlThé each 1 Goodti e40 t ..........80 hurilIlot atl; vaeit. lr asti Mrs. Hhnpberd, of Warren eveinltig ni.tWasd draus a large cru,, t, il *. Ottmeai z. - Tht, marriage oftwo ofut locketeller's; atîtien iiihnreh lin usselI Sunday andt the juveu ties are a happy lot. 1 Package saleratus ......... 0 ronmenougPeople, M10 Ortile u'1 .he employées 0f the eoirîîtion 2 lb package P'earl homiy...................... os Me.Hria r oir udMo.Tght8u udfm y train ufilave been .-Iayibg over- tiircorn .tarcb. per t .lb....... 03 Wednesdiny anis somulat a surprise o ut henaha, vnitcd et J. Bil I'Iyl.r abt nhiiû aé éieemwee il et e Pg.... ........0 au aniet iailînînniti ohâbve lien. Misa Sqèàunta II.Fcebsleî iy lultlgWtn il continuaOuntil fnrtlier notice 1gos«Il 'oU Monatalaci ive in cbtirch anîl social Mi. Fred Murrie,.1idNtlrenka, wast huats oftaflct. Deeywas thilatent Washlîurn lSuperatie dIon, par ach I 00 Jè -crcies andl a unîversat favorite. lMr.cle:buetyteii4à fliskl aià1dnut b etny E MB U INF NT A DOLS Hardin îs a vo'ang muanpossmease.1of clc. on yLh lna fheakifl.lîieat anleeiriiiK.E EME sI AIT N I n in hpeTitit'iuaitiea. Mr. aîîi îtbr i%%.K.~'lin n are dry ice CreainSoda ila spalit ckier. Ws hava il. irw a Hrtiii ave lîveti mince child- Miss leesie Thom"eu, ot Lîbertyv>ilie, Huw abolît gettilîz up a tirainatîn_... _imteui_ fui bod in tînia cuilsinnuiit3',and a large 1a Viaitigig er singer, lia Et '. entertaeumnent 'ihere 1la Ilit>' uf , ici i trcot nietiiîtnesMîvi local talent lu tttWn We 'wiil naine a o s 1 liite in ulahuîîg then ail maîluer tif Mrs. Williîsnîoiit, utRoaccraînt, laufarce-ool uM ". auccesa aud a pleasant lifea Jtuomne>'. vimiig lber silètera. lira. Lewsn ainti Scbooîi l ommence nazI Sept. Mir. anud lira. Hnrdiî ltoion the aller- lira. Farr. uibl kW. au principal,. aR ceeîe Illnos. notin train for e short wedding tour ini lt. gr nietdeî.o etr aving latlny retluel tktum auRoktele WisconinM rmpnlng r vaîn et er moîWesern exteindeti trilç ituthe est. M IrN. C. E. Howe. Harn tances are ni laie beeoîulng 3.WAUCONDA. Mr. Wrner antd dnghter. l iite aeftiti luithé, country' Wttelearui o w 1. MÎ -of prenietilre contact tof exteiide l iaisé There are a large oenrober of caînnîns Coib>' have goineto \erînnolnt Lu vs t slduit moue dîscioret '-oyes." ýy arounntheIbotlie. their former boune. Bîirtisym ucre celebrtat least week Otto Waeltl speint e few la utoflest lira. Mairrie tassutl very II, alsn Frnîlay. We mecnton a tew.lirs. Johnt week lu (bicagin lMr a-.tnln We trust t'lnat ie' Dinkaun.n L. C. Cltfonré,t,C. WMill, Dubuque receintl>'. uMtnkfelr~ lra liirliuganitc returiieti to Chi- For bicycles snti repairitig nnliIn W ha d e t e a n u .I. ' Mr. E. .vayne, o okfelr mcago Monde>' ecco(mpanienl 1»' anule Ai.R. Fcke, *tt Monnela it 1lsud$*'.nîl de hefs D.L & W <l uolr trecîs Monda>'. chîltiren ubib m li peiinig ibeir giiaranîeeti Have yotir iinnii ot iLon Dr. Taylor. of Elgin la e Weilcnntia vatinîn ulth M liattile Sîntr. yiiir uheel. jet salpair utflbicyclie calter lit preacnt iWritîng. h nx meigofteW. C.T.Umagit cofs. Mtr. and Mrs. H.lireiiting, of Lake et the, cbirceb The nieitînnra aireT I~hautondboys are giving ia éail -Zuirich vereonluniur àtreetts Tnesday. requemtenl b'iî43 pré-en.sé I w îî Ile micnn, uhen Lbucy ieet lit Fitruaijm Now is the tirne to order your lir, Heury' Welgbtlnnan, of McHeinry tbe electilfoitntiiicera Hall eacb weeh We ntl- a greaét li matie Waîîcndnsa abhrt visit Tiliestia>'. .sh ,0fîmuiign avnn prnveieut wbiebla INouiig iii Prot winter's supply of coal. lira. A. C. Hill estuerlaineti lier &aI(treNK uithe, ileptisi cbîîrchlstt un ateîsiutii mutiner auiti brothier. ut Nuntia, 8Hlm Sîliîiny eveling on ".Chririlan citizen- Jolie Sintier willimoate extelave T N 'I L BE 161ER day. IL wh asta it iiiterestiing andreas mprinvenent inn tbe tarni e reneiiltl T W L B aH R Misaliiain I 'idînaran retnirnenl annn a fuir sîzeti audience was prekeint. Iplira-baset f itn . lirniaii in Lbhe us> TîîestiaV fron a feu tisys viait in Mir. sntlira. VolntsButler bave of bunildiing, iiavliig aealadf liamiler ,, Elgin. returnîdto i Chicago alter a vmSit vih onl the, place. reanl>. Il ltnrstmiin l J. . 'Truuîii aumi faîniiy apent lest relativesn liere. lMr.hutiler bas tanght thntcarpliiter. Suntia>'witb H. C. iPayin aoi fanînly scbnuîifnorfiity-funur >era He bas Do >'tnnki.ip a dilary?' bet jit Li.i Ve handie ail kinds of coal ui Fort Hilil. teiglit liiiKeinnallînL, Waîikegail, tuutabeu nîncan .hle Lake <ninity bauiniploinaa d cn sp ly yum/t h MISS Luîcy Speincer,.o niuicagoIn a int , îînd otuber places. ani[ thet, lnienry (nniiy (Champinsnua s p l ou wt h spending a feu étay'a ulth lirr enita ol nlulyspepsie tCure ihorinugll>'Algii hlmlqilianna 5va Iverett*SHaînir-s Mrannldlira. Jý Spencer. digests fondu withont aid frot the, day Ang. 1mhutin ai ia Park. Lait. best to be h-ad in nut, egg, lira R Bîrrtt annl alaigier. n! timsc, nnlut tht, sant ie li t sZtrichn. fnr a inirs u' $,(). Minintet Cilnrauio are vîniting relatives dui and ti reires theieceased digetiatve big Pieuii tin.. lni givein lu' llanriîng- range or soft coal. tri. nde lu i.taplace et preient. nrgeain ILla tht, oui>' remedthâiit toit nneil i t ahletic clnub. AIuuis Tu oilwihwà otoe li ies buhotu ft ieme Ibinga anti cauo1lie sînufreie.nn2~..iIIL Thýe oeticilewlu cci 1iiste tnii e lie tiul nîp.te perianeutly cure -Ounr eby wusa aick fi., anninnth uith giceniin t lMlnint uetl wier.witii lysîiia F. lB. Loi ELL. Libenty'- a evere annngli lai artarnhillever. gven iti ilie ltin té, Lad ius initeville.. ni kt.lisunnin, (itirnet,; F. L. Altihnnigià w, trîilniov nurmeuies ii beeyteu M. g Aîîg. Shoin, a ltsAd » E.TEtMAiN, Rokefeller kept geîtiîtg Wnratu nttil ce laiet i e tht, cether prnnve nîtievu)rabli the F.OX LAKE. Minutte Couigh Cir. it reieved t WIaiS O1 sca fibe given lit the M. E. curcb t oltu'1aîcao i nne anîl nnrod i er tu a feu days." soal lîr.l aeitînîeil r ATe Bm iiea jâ r L. Nance. Frin. High Shobutl, il-vile parlos AI ereon Snttiily. dtae, lezas. F. B Loe-L Lteri>'- Liberty - - - -Iiînos. H A L F D A Y INa E . l Sîy e r e terýlai ed ber ill , J. IR . iitl ti i n. i nri ee . F. L . HALF DAYaennta iii HSi inila>. WEaTRInUAN. ltnnkfttllr. l'liei ut,. utthe tlirenlnii itng na-biine Mrs Frank G(aligur visitenl lier ila beartiléae oalithe oanîevuseii lit teht avri ly ls uet PLTI .SHERM ERVILLE. glitkà7Co. potOi P à nov fonce Parets everl dym andwee. PAATIE.ira. Albert Kiesi, tof Chicago, spenot arounti their place, wblch Imiprovis turni)g onit ucîl. lMr, . 4iînsstr anIih-bl(ireu ara.u oano 9 Mir. aal lira. SHL. Ir il p imli <c1imlici îg i rit-il s ii is, ntlilty. Sinînn, i nng lekilingleft lotrt (h inaâgnia wcnet uth lier uncle bore. SievarFinotes feonily lu Neinke lr . îîî, tcncan.valellninlnyL.Schutz (Miwaukee Sport) lae lir. A. Trier and Misa J. Arnoiti rode gan bles iliMr.tiM. kLhnolit oftCicago,la' cii leunry Thimlinauiliea tript tnn nînago spendlng a wceA iutîoue. ental rar nctborwo.a"F Tihe eut al inog tht' elkInn nînr îesFiilmy. Paul Ifingater muai bave anme ut- da.entrilu aud a>l tcn negîettry ane grnwiiiig vnry Iat. -A lr.NMnii nt Henry' ichnuae tiooka trip inChi. traction out Wesi fînr ce Oten sea lm urdhthWiserla N.iiiilititsudlun omît thereThe vhs>' pnlp sai tii. 11.11 tordbînth in.lanmicri Ieqnn'.1 i ake vîciut.ra I ltestégn.gtinnniy. git,, t hr.Farniera Creemer>' Aiscaîlon Vactomy lira. Ricimoit laird tu4 ain lngtîrs , Moy.lsltLt.wls vIainid Aie n ou lr. L Seliluleber bnsgivan OP bis vhlchb bnaslenuont of uback or on.the oft Chicago, are the gîetsî ofliMir . .V i stltini> în lr .Iiti>'ély su etirtaY. carpouter gratie fnr a few moutha lW ab- bn o e aavsrpiils famiy tis eck .1 C.MeLtox 5-ne Fnnx Laite aallers innu Mn. Willlis Jolim~i froffi Chinago teund 10 bis pickles sud eider nilil. ek Si-brinenera fauitl>'uis eut. hkinI. t v.Th iemrvleb" altnatbn Oe mnteh.h uequ ettendle.! LaIe Bluilicamnp îîcbileîtti>. pnt Stitinie> bere uitb bLismtir. Tehrevlebaeahetaai O MneGug Creuîi> Mnîntay. 'ritnoLieu rînnîrînai iites lively tiles lira. lIlibé-inu iitertaineil ber priparetià due bail ground i t Maus acuras obsustaugusmmor cougla sud lie . iyln ntBrimgoenein lii titis bileaplane. Saonteof the miater aindl eice frou h10 evut.Pairk nudtare nîtu readY>'&0 Meet au>' cuida. 1icuilder IL a mont couder. Mr.i.(.Iut,, fHrigonntu àgtht, I luer fornn bi r .t 'at1loinsr. (nin Déliteîn ltuîe thau nMa>' ventîre tnîtitnaont. lui monuel-qolic sud ie,"-.W, haiaus, lt rltvslltNl1peraitnk are ituerdiiguih E chiceàginlart rnainiimti(.niati< itPéâi e Long (irive nia>'boaât of aililis W. Molrion. Mayhoc, Wn. l. II. Bostoanl oi New nrk the past ico beanties or heatil>' admirera but Over LOVELL6, LIbertyvilîi; J. Mi. BRaàcEEl inuttisansud bas nînu nîtirtîeilaudntilaSu'nlr. ibis ceet. mnutwvobavea anumber of tibo hro. (urueeo; YFL. WuEriyaaliA.Rockefeller. vsiiitig the rijip tesifics.Mn. anlti Hîmlin Clark, Cliauuce', tGa., masYs Mieai n cia bels,.nf Pniîi (nive, bai taha a paep aniong thae vergreaii Mir,.F. E. Ecetînoealoi Mi-sa1.TInirbe aiàtt..rei witlî iliug miles Ktceuty uas a cýeline gînîioi li ra. llustîtiga u ioa'enlgatibonîce.LNG RV. oi.1rpp, tnt his iera (movi.earcumlaîn eets efuire tryiîîg i)e» àiLi aWibln Sâartlun3 o islp lîvnlck y ad bs hucnvud O GGO E -- Vnaînlung tt, ln rilp felinie lue l ntntr lSaSlvi, Iton tnt ofbwicen loni- Niass Mimiie litynimaaindllier bnuther mîtoceontnt of hbreîlaai o lra. iOees boasrentait ber fermi to W. neleila v bre.pîlels c,îr,îî hin. Bhcueeof w iilnîi rnnnnIlr'uii tie Vn'clbi niî nl bkaeago and it dnaoh nore n in.ammlilnignunia itiitetuna FIl atrtellur i ttula lin elsiuit iluli>gvlob iounvl u ille a n&Bil- o Iho uar a oe 0baelb ho any >i-t'ii- .I . .-Hvt 'F nlîny. bondtanit utfutii toutil tht, trîka la bouse reahnglati. 1er-". Lai,-t. ltinry lI.uniginrstt inllts inintier setlét. The celiar 'of J. Zimmrs prospetive ffl a NI,. In..1, .. a>tan1 a, hâsi.r uuverauleni theîn tI. Iuunuin as EnnudI M« isshlîarIibas purebseet a nev hounes bas liou excavatad. tir. Wl.r ltI .it i lVOL(J. lise ui l ail1tl eesannliiIsluteani hicoae weui Lue aH lier Il The tnresh ng Mo uba igun. enyst oàrs.Lw )IILbt oig (U4tr u WSittrmit i lle liie l nnt tinget I L- nalinila-ngi n-.s1iiiU'.nialilalsit-tan oîniilcsiuIbtfor oi nGastm nul obquAie s agusaicrolit mi> Sen us.nnn.una I nnnM ht nîîîuîer îniunNn)iiltiS nonne uîigugtmtaftt lhitinn in hallu t I 1111tibck 1W have Il t Utch- but whoaltievelopea lotie mediuîm or ment ;mus. Ci.. uns.sartlàir,Sî ni in>. lîrîlv. ,anIlisuin.sam s 11 Ihtil n f l 'loulitetm uniai initemn esUnid aoImt Ii mltntuîm fuir Li,sud nov rPeter. that ueaa anîîn nil nIBuil un. Wnn.l tn itigîn. gaînlcuiFe-nelin ranlin tilla a ine us8saliafti i nn ber lîlcycle made for Antr irusti tlreeied1mat monds>y. su>' Mn. aniîMr..ns. il (ISubutniiaui Motss Lein na i z linaiina gotu ly dii usliut ll nibu ceuraidéilnlît tt îîiNîtr>' tuitlHe nitd tugatha voiîtnover hhrssh hîle tte.lte inuinit Iloliîntn Parlun n-i pàemI fura* alol.nuui lIigalily slieu fortunle grues tOntr linla Io tnztmug ibis yotr, agalna &fir a pientc, for everyhoti>' vas onal 1nnilG3 Gi. iliislnd luiilly are iàtntai atn~nnrk ouliea.bailla anti bridgewstbing boulil um>', oa Mine MiitiWb or .utLilninyvill ii,îng I usfrontChicuago.u . -Ite>Vits luitin Enrly Blisrs id lu e oal'tier. The (,arpenter@ atihn he>' Mr. ant Mr&. Jake MithJaier took vii,i fai.-li à 1. muiprtelivea bure tntt innie ountu Lien asttinntmgntn Ie al nlnaiiueniiteshaenu sausiei go >oalm stndl sucgn noip.trc anti ofin tIhîla cek. gnnnn.l ofiicnn ihuli lStiînrsle. alinituter itîiuntes (euti. H. Jacols, longungime, as iba>'&Il have enongb mateti nmebusumiie uoeil vgoisodvl$ik ep tic q ý ILnim mlil TnlMr .. H tt e, ofC t iin l 'r niu t, p he as aint. c u r t unit h an ti îîîîîîî d o te r. lh.r iy , lin s. C l o ia na , a»e s Iitn e a , tirue otlînte 1In0 iîLnmbardnafter apîil un it sln 'n i intilig. arotaitii. trinnInin uer tutaioniîtantIrmeiYbncm en&t ty. Lmla1ca n l e ett Cins, ilig a fesi weetmas lIL. Hcliweniitni'« lilasAtouultnoptunlilias boIl V ia- gise .yinno rctaiu od,' tea.dy'menstîh, a Thle tarm i onun athIe Bernhart t he cil>' udi>'on ver>' liportant tes. A un.tof nithé,t, uni citra ut in,-iilier aI.tulrar. Iuultisisiti.nt, usai chirlunn itéît141il lîatl>' ptte. îls'on e uie soutb ni bere bliubeen humilns, Lullia vanta 80 gel an extra hîcbh Fairtelti in.oiIen>'wi55 inld l l ui. 1F*lInB Luiàvs i.. Lilenrtyvîlle. J. I.aLnil, Mn. H. Pînitie>'bavilng purcbaasd u hoesithat lms-Iminhao lagoing tu FrinI éîumie juWtàcol ktemiInt ' 'toi... -hide, iAi 'IrteF ý ýEl. anni, t iuity n eîecdHeniury a ah.1 rg icce c .lhgn, [unI sys -TA uS' go lu oua- ubl- emaud rla l bootssuMoa. IiR. KENSINGTON. lira Il Hagint>'. sctreîerY ut nd ) tut siite r vstu ttin aRjnftr ici..15, 5>44 toînnsîi' mnf<'hiagun Aug7,~ Hiîtiiigtu.tîi, tlnur A t.tilinmittre Wces Drc. 1, ML. Vinieribis me>'chiontenug Ibe....s nmuiten u Tani tliuon' Iii rellir sHmnilmcstIh citeiiiplslengniOlin GLENVI EW. go1r0 ,L %houttswyhv tht, chuirh. Auuther moiiig ciiilie n. lamit ib ilieur lit i Mîn. itthe nluT linsT. Luceut lias 1 lrs mur-lni iasteli ni>'eyes knouenDr. M. L. Kensintsio imtimte bûehniA uig. 2Ilit th(it ltîire]nuue Eaàti y visolon cas ly fnr h riyum uigwlcileMr. aullira Rlinseil, ut Waiktgali îuuîu0nîra Itugnn cmk ton Mn. OUited 1»' Ibm pruîti bis prufessuý uînion mn>'n- audlumnuhirfaikm eiec to rk lits reaimueitnt inuIt>',sud c cou otienti>' îtnuneid IVANHOE. aîîiFriiniy aulu sline mi bl lcuar.îcî nsui hîbghl>' sati-Llelutasphysiciau anti geotlenilut. hîîileîhui aJnîmtlg i i . lir Ell lcnun W tyiutitwe im il mu. H r.lmOîi cei utfaIhe rc ly recînientW. K. Wtun Jonnî,iri N Angl l1. %a.ui titi MnfWneudiwa tef Jl. Hitn J.elat ofimthetrckii imîegrut>' anti Receoti>' pesltur unI the Wnnnnuhnnw nauIunaIumtillitgti. galiet nil lil t.Ilulenutu e feu ule>s. lin. Elmen luiinier is galniiig egaîn; Bapilt cbnrch. Mr. AllaniIlînu nandJhnmiltryi.r Inîsi umuk. ~~uuly. ~~~~~~Ilrîshuni it tiulttIe i uitlaly. lesnin îiilnutUî et~ t Nt h iugbt imitlie wclifini y rnmcliver. roTlITSeia uausuite îîasuiaut gueeat f<toit lh o hmaOcinmi' lira winurhe flarrusîulufrntm lgiii la ltt17 btthmht >nu un st 11niu litiîly ued (-ofnius>'t adaIlîsm SLi iiug lien îunrelaî i. anlir It.h'Licagun, Il. Mmiy 2-i hîmileîànluudir.iyun iady.M. n Ms 15 tF t S ta r A vni trio n t lie r , M .n l n l i u.ikiii uti m an tid c il r, o e r _ o il l t w o k lu uhùoiniIl mayv.nnmernu -%%e. the- Mlra.0J. F. iCl ark ctnI Mra A.- M. ii u tkti'illau tilt unnîi cînrnO. èitre, 'lle tutu mnCoul ml aa an r ago.III nîdraguet talle grsIlutî,hàeîem Blu a cinm lIsn ns.nIumusls m niy an og aae ofnh nttmmi imia fottnnhe MU.tnng eominin r .hKulgni Blira. I anis ltoda-ila l aifKlm.iiiiy.ttinoaiyo h oedfmnniynu nn in p.---~ rela îl ani hile iinilt is 5>NITur. iuonît lialui iLuilrelu luss negeierai lîemltb h inmrht'tttt ei, rnt ' umi pysîciain u eàde an sd tam il>' Mies Alle Sun th bluas ilnti sli ug tit i ii Inn hum itiuou l i t 4Inln ilhter place. e feal caientd ainesda aielIa ebslienrelat.ives cal oiîtinula in Aiiti(b a lonig slitclub lier mîniluon 'tua . Thnt, euguoufestivaili the bon(il n lidora Sveral practice ver>'auc.Jalismuorfingetht, patni uet,. turn. lMr. L.Illcmtlmgtuiuisnnn riulay nveulng muavlngevsan, sudn>',ani e hunu tint cooerfuil Lasýi Smîuuua'a uungregalnmn ax L5 Ih mmicemleeur>' .city 11,11 &etiles celO atteuld. iiiT, opreselit éatt, Dg r ',elcirea he bas n eftrnetlfor unîere ruther minueiasmsmuir5w.. smu ouniut liraChica. intîteoalaiFrinla>' aller- il gallons ut lio'c reeni bafure id voir 'neery mml>, sanultubera %vent tluie ilie Bhmutotet ti iuslargel>' ate.ludeti. A nica. dieptinmig Ils.K S. KuaîN . lProf. B. A. Mnimuienii. 1inisiput fthé lutie mnt uit$4 15 cas L-eerti. 8.rl>' >onrm. Deacmin of voodiaun itapliet church. Ihominem. tuiiege at lîrazîl l.miment 1(001 îes RaIu or tht, Wauînoia Baptst A Friightfl Bhaunter a pleaiéieut wvuekdlii1). fR Amneanti tbtirtli lilieut the pulilu ithet. M.E WiiOtencueea bhorrible lhum tamil>'. tîitumnuO a;st ulotte>'Res. Dlhuu mo ecaimi. cmli lin i.4; Bhittna Arica âi1elleti onulilasHermehbenger la& weh. MrsuaNtilr. IH. H Wnadwiitli, att tuiliui lit-uthere usalie 1us imite iii et 1ilve, lhe tel l ithe colriti, cliikilt .rl l tac~ Wil ezpeet lW hear ut Fritz milug iLansng, IMich., anti Mr. sa ni r. A. C. hie.bout.îtu mnEalîtýu. the pain anul pompti>' btai il Curas ort't tuie? off in a WeOOD n shaolae eperlmenting Bich. of Chicagonmstent iionla>' ai 1). ujitthI>y cure ecututipatto suaiTne- oni sortis, foer orles. i 6elrs, huila. hileag, apOa ih Iles datl>. kt.Amas bohimîtiatiti lvîgoraète the entîre smsfelons, cora, ail sklnsorutlii hioat "te berl.. Mie Nolde Wolf causehome qut. lira WillIam Blailat, Who bas been teu utîer grîpetor natealtiA- il ie cire on oanib. Oui>' 25 centa irneti1mai Frài a bu bal asmourmedt 10bar cnrh as votllg ber talter, lira. A. Smitb anti WitesL~e ittle Marly' Risera. l. B. a bot. Cura guazaiiteutl Solt b>' Wgats Falla. boo>k keeper et a vioesiala lombuts in sonua tf her mail>'friands tbere ne- LoYELL. Libertyvihle; J. lAItacaurB F. B. LovzuL, Lli lyvifle, (il B. ~ ut AuUil, Clloago. urne4 ter«bom u Tmide. Uu«s, Y. L. WEBTEBKA, lIochl.Aer Taulreoi, Qra>'lta. 10 lier asonta. Isodol hlypepua Cure cre@ dys- pepsIe becauat, itm lugreilots ana amieh ibat il esul; bei toiiîg n . The puinhir cati roi>' pou lh as a mster remet>' for ail disoriema arlalng troni Inperfet digestion' James M. Thuim. M. D,inluAoercauJnmaliai lof Heailb. N. Y. F. Bl LovauL. Liety'- viOle, j. ih. Bu-mAisa, Ouruaa, F. L. WnVinsvaANils.lochOffeiler. WHEEL.ING. 1 AlvIn Trier pe ut s a c vwe I U u u ibeautîf mal tou Mir. antis. D. Banc are prenté' of a lioeîng baby boy. 'ie c lveri ocam te DePilues criver bas beau repaîrti. carhie Johuns pet sndy at gtochefeler 1i8ock-you-f5llr) WIii anti Maîvîn ipflni Saburois> ovening soniauere along the le. à Mr anti re. Ichuanrt, o! Oak Park Thaebtcv collage îesamhae eeauer> la resut> f,îr tha lisharaanti masona Wby Doi substitults a fine bell for thig chisîle ou yoon lee wagon Wlilie? Mim Garnie Oraiizow fnom Chic&"o, peu& a fev l cAh Min Emis You are goarsolta uoaver gojlcs your gon(u) lis if juil have your vork dmoue b>' hlm. lu lt.ecsae Rit senlibaier blore Justiee Shattiscil, Of Wadkegoàn, the defendaula were tined $3 sairll ua tta 01 f$31.33. The causli.e mu appealedti he circuit court. (lîrle are to. t- antI Iid. The>' lite to do errilIa amnd mette theniseives gauierl> us ailii;but, Y1.11 bei, the>' dola&i imieidto -,tu hi for uunlnhog. but have -Ill e .iu, Iii a. Of courbe ie boys ludge inw >'"Urgel vus; oher- wies lthe>' s.0-1 utiver blia anmien and klnd. Lest. Simuî,.i uL àug (Gmave Mapun Dor Cb.r bailue a u heHolgibs. Th&& averylaImd vor, aitituant momouboI> hati agood Uo li ons amdiho b.b- fievetiunsnome u d ualsgel home tliithe nexL&mornIqg Y@sorfte IlCcon- itralueul. hqccen. Lu10 lîjiàyolce Of do you thluîr, Iosi#lug aIilStfr0,11 everir Point Of VIIIIII, 444iîptsa IU*1qllcl tmitatlpg stipg%. bite%. persplai, wou.utieîbdp1tc ipothed a"-=sle ? uaunad suta 'flash. levare 0< sêatIBj., àLoyELi., Libcrtylil; J. a -67 1 i

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