LAKE COIJýNTY INDEPENDENT4 Vol. VII. No. 46. Libeërtyville. Lake County. Illinois. FNday. August 25. 1899. $1.50 a Year in Advance. COOL EVENINOS Make one think of Fail Overcoats.- 60YU There has never been a tîme ini the his- tory of our busi- ness when we were better equipped to Sbuild you a Fal EUE? Suit or Overcoat to your entire sati s f a c tlIo n and our work- manshlp and bed rock prices '-' are the talk of the town." SANBORN & COe1, Tailors and Ifaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Chartes Calloway.I Officeover Lovot'sDrugStoreà »ou» Faion t "O3S LSD 4 TO q(P. M. Libertyville. - Ilinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. SOffice over rlgga & Taylors. -OUA&-- 1 go W a. cm. 3 tO 4enant . ta P. m. &esienSonouiradway oppeaile Park Libertyville, Illinois. ;,Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. * Physicien and Surgeon. cMCa ovoup &cas"aclaL aIn. Ou O- -- - -----inos. Dr. E. H. Smith, Offiçe over Lake County Bank eutr: #to i . on. mai1 V1,51. a. IAILV Lîbertyville. MI. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attornefy anti couaneller a [*v. NOTARY PUBLIC oPVMion A- anLArE CuiluTI lAN1, Libertyville. Illinois. W. 0. SCHAEFFERIS t u,t mik -u.:t uti. *i r- .0, Ak W. H. MILLER. TONS<>RAAL ARTIRT, Wh l o at a acléau ahava or a Cuod bain cut ral o "B0l. en010E BaANflR or 010ba8. N.ex¶40rte W. (C. Tafl S AioO Stol" avnDg nd .aar moranuas WRitOfrT.DYMOPID & CO., LbertyvillO, Illinois. Isialuslutééill3eariug Certifi- rtsPayable on Dematud. CALIFORNI4 g RE4VN Vou save 25 par cent. on, grain. Ateal-tà Mt "l.4 lb anrtandiln sitIhg. ltDfV$>.ut aa aul b r . mUk It 1.t ltl v.atmoodtan caai ae, fotorsnsu ED. BLEIMEHL. Agent. D.erlGtd - - lhnosi Notiln.. k1 u.liérgaret A. lîtanéiti. ' avam hf way botiantudi Aaaara, 1 e- - U ititi.-PIeta i ili bat bu y "e.anlalfort aujdtsttIe éMcY Sa'ar.W. ILl Sae4umum. - - - LIbertyvIlle. 111- TrWO MEN KILLED. .10. So.lcky and Htoclhas Lorgoît Kl:led et Ura"* Cr@e«*fl. Theélit. iPaul Fipér whic piaé Warrentou Graveeal; 8:26 oclock a. m. honnitfur Chicago, qtmuck a rlg cou- aaing ivo mou lest lrlday morbiflg. killing both basidhs thé bora.. The buggy vas couplotaly -giémoflshed. 1%0 accidons vwu the votai théeounty bas ha t bis year, but vais due accord- log lnil appéarané.u, g0 thé caresése- heci tthe moul thémalvée. Thé Son mon. vho aire LthuaiAfas employeti lis the roing mili at the vire voîks ln Wankgal andi vhoé DBWéU are Jué Uaneci*jandi Eockea Ldurgevitz vere on théir vigy go Drtace Links. drlvIng a rig reuted t fLlvery- ManulBarnay Scllvalt, cf Vauha. White the bonne vu. hélaS hitchét up et the li.0, haem the mneaises OUS &0 get a dr,luMdant thy imbibéti OOD- sidérably boein. atarting antilnis a hotti, u1 vîisanti vhishéj along vill sheze. Whleua the me, dresv ner WatréftOl scation, the ruble of the tactmai exomiug trou thé aorth couli b heard. 'lIvu mmnatontioer thé croce- ing and mar thé Lithuaulan cnilng. The a gaaSutr them 10stoaMp. that s train vau approischdig.but longasi t piltug An tijeir borne, thé driver whippa.l At np anti arartetilaerons the &rack. A grave[ train etatuai on théeaost track. but At vw» about 1uw yards north of the croealug.aent cannut 10 claiméd that &tA email train vas iiden trou, view. Jus% ai thé horne recebo-tithé machk die train vhich by tna vay a veatibuledlanal travelo abo)ut amile a manute, came piungling &,long. 111e t-ugineer MW thé nlg. gave a sharp vhintle anti sppllaai thée meng- eaacy brakée but vas tao late. [ha englue elrnchL the rlg sqaaareij. Both mon ver.. hurlea foar a distancé of about tifty teet, landlug a shont vay trou ach other ou the tiepot piattnm. The buggy vas aIbo sthOn Over Oua th. outl aidé. Thé borne landoti ou thé ptiot of the englua antivas carrieti for about litty yardsc. Thé train vas hrought lo a @Uand- at111 andti h.pasceugers lochai out 10 téar. thé trouble. Numérous section bandavene cloe a& baud repinini Bhe tacha vhen thé accident oouneiéti. atongh none Smv l outIl thé collsion cafl iéi eit en- llton 1te ni dthel mv thé fragmenté SERIOUS CHARGE- Lancaser Brothers te ho Prcecuted -WiII Résever. Henry anud John Lanéacle, aelut Au AiteHome, thé Lake por" Uni. vesty hompitaI are Improviug Md iIl is expeciti viii eover. John t. sutar1tlg t rous à a icturétlmg, thé husvy bulets grlhlug tSUboue jmd aboe thé hues, breehiug l la Ivo plau«. Hénry i n a àmore erîtîcal éedltion, thé hullet euteintg bis abdomea nMdt Iwuvsi amIrec reti hé voudmo récover. Howver hé la nov, restins May snd the doctora MIyont cf Major Kivarti F. Carton, out1Leé Forées, ha. anouncét isI ntention cf puehang thé proeecolinn09tthé LeMuters Io thé atm"al ad il peeibie landi thé. la thé penttlary7. Thé policeman vhseecasé e eepoucend by thé mayor la sgaita on duty, béer- in« Do othén arks c9 hie dompete strugglé than à badfly cnt andi brsec hoai. A déépfffrow lub h haishows thé coursé cf thé revolver ballet. justi" King, ut LeForntat ham tanad warrante chargiug John ant Mienr Lannité vith resiating an oScar, and »»mlé ait vila tent to commt mortier. Contrsdietory thmoiés as $0 thé thooing are aivàneet, vhodid Ait. hcv At vawu ,Sé,but thé-fie as publishéti la IétVusk'cieueare or- réock lu bnief the aré that OcMM Gordon wviltd thé Lancster humé for thé purpuees of erving a arranalupon Henry Lanuater. Hé Vas met by John sa naghlunued, turing vhlchi Hienry appéareti vith c revolver sanal Arai one or perbaps moe sboie, trik-à Aug Gordon on thé beeti. He tétA ant thé men béat htm. plnaiiy gettîng bis ovn revolver Gordion fired thé @bot or @hots that laid biseasaelaute loy. nbceéquéntly taking Henry vigh hlmt go thé boupital.1 ARE BotND 0158.9 Tnécay uorong sanInformaiber-1 iug vas heldt u thé patients roonu lu thé boapital ai Lake Fore". Both mon vaivetiéxaminnation andi vére hel t 10thé Circuit Court lu bond ni vas"auacl vih ltetok li,' anti a&aons& John *iuaém e a000ocM." Dannis Lanaste, fahrof thé me, Mdaniiilacii, their héclhér, alguet thé bonde a"hUi By re trééuSleame the ooitalMe.nom, asthey areabwé Henty Laeuater la converetion mii: -"Thére stalva"twIoocliem10 &tory." Hé helive. tbMhéShéant ili brother i di rght andti t%" thée iatke wga 012,-en odon's. hé eas Vii lv oue ut thé bottéat in the néit tera ut court.1 Toaoher»a Institut*. W&ukagan la the lienfa for poils goguethia vééh,msd licdy, thétiral of thé ive dtays seasloD vltae.eithé LargerA i AInsday. attentine aven recordai andti he Intereet tunta- lesiét by thé tombher@ An thé vork héina aluna apéaita voiforour éner- goeccun t upérluténdent andtihIe .ltonz corpa ot luctructors it bas been bis goond fortune lu secure. To séty thu thé natructurs 0f ibis sea- sion are thé béat %bat havé appfled betora thé lustitle taor jea rus un refloetion oit forunér luatraacturs., anti cotgantj uperintendeut liarvia la goubeï aousgatuteadon héiing beeau ibitem eure thoir servina. Prof. W. P.(Cramer instrnct. in OIT- los, political eionormy. plysilogy anti gegraphy; l l irim B lesey bas hlstony anti lauguaé; UmssMin- nle Punt.unéy, ot Litehitélal, Ilii, la ntruetor lu primary methoda anti language anti nature stndy; anti the mnacuel part ut the tially pnogramn te lu charige ut Prof. a. W. Nonuis.of Ili rsiiée. Thé earne.taee. vlh vbleh théelsractors began thé ye.rm session J5 saturatin %btat thé institute yuli lieutfgrat&benêlt te the lu atténdance. Zlghty-tour enroietithe tiret day. iyin uthé air. As vas foundi &bat Lorgevitz WU e .Orn uy hililéd lnstantiy vhlle Sochity jame. Mcoungit, ion aine Yeans iretheti for a short tisse attervard. traeairér Ot thévillage ut ighvood, but diedInlaa fév minttea& Neithe in luthéeont jau n nWanhégan hli manw vvry hatly mangieti althuugh 1tiséhegrand îjury unden bonde ut hinliAmbe vers broken. ,$m Thé hune va.wulnailH10 place., WhonulUn. icDouuu<b vau retired varions part. of Ite carca béng dis, trusOEce this apn teswluvs tonti sribmsied along the iroai for a disetanceth"t thore a a shortage utf8130.01 of about ofal lard&. Ia hisc aoi. lis bondimén, B. B. lloth Bcelhhy anti Lorgevts voihéti Wash, the prenant village Iséaurer, at the viré voila ln Wantfgan. Thé Lawrence Olien, Mdiobsel DoIt! and former vas tvensy-élight yéars oftAcge, Petér Davson, itho backhétiehlmau bas no relatives bars, bis vite haviai thé éxtént Ofcie10000vers e v el7ntant dieti a short Uime ago. Lonrgévits vas vith MODonotagh, but aI a maeeting tv.aty-tbné Yars ni cge Mdnun. heldthé lattér part of Juiy il vas maàrrieti. decitiet go give thé ex-tressurer un. Théhornse anti buggy are, ot connse, lii LuElt l t 91mahé up thé déficit. lir. àulivans lofuadn. vête vorth Ré va. nuablé 10 do no, and Monday about 8154. morning hé vas araignei bétore, Justice VanDeoumu, ut Waulegaia, vlSb the aboie reauit. Wodmésu Dance. M. licDonough bas béen a roai- Théné viii hé a grand dance, nuder dont of Mighvooi for lb, pu.t il. auspices t orAue camp, No. 178, IM. tée enera anti baithe confidene W. A., as mrtels& pgrI. mail Dey, anti respecit ailHvho hnév bim. Thura isyght August Si. ajuste hy Proi.f mlth'cChicago Oréatie. Thé A Pralufi lunitir Fométsut AcméOCmp v ill miinID WllI 01810enausé a hcrrible barn tai uoforme. tolieé andisandiihes seau. 1,(ýr bitises; bokiénU oArnima viii hé .(evedon thépnds. Everi- lvé, thé bmb lu thé vomid, viii hi bodyinvied. he pain cati prOmpUl bé, al. Cara bctiy ui itd. ehsoru, leve ares, ulcéra, Iils. tlos, crusail Ishinseetatices. ButS pile auna ea eait, Ou 9sécala abe. cure IUStéo eéL ciéam 1 i The Lake Couty Saidier,'andi Sailorsi monument ta ha e 1licaird aI Waukegau Tues- day, ugust a$eh. excelent banda havé, been éngaged.i. Il voeéront ablego dosgo are akédtoI full in Ain. AU civie suciétleé areacI Invitetisuaniahe t 10report to . A.1 Partrug. oblat Marchai mI Mooleg Temple corner et 1 ocluck fur amlgu-1 ment lu thé line. When ah. proces- clou resohes the court hcusé aquare, thé iedictoiy services vii hébchélmi. ROT. Samuel Failova, vho comn- mandai a brigade lu thé cival ver anti vho te jutiy celabrateti as a brilliant cralor viii délver théetiedlcatury atidreas. Blei. J. 0i. K. McClure, Président ut Lake Foret Uniersity, viii olicista as Ohaplalu. The Apollo Quartette, Lake counlys favorite singers, viii provide vocmi muaic, ieftlg songe lu vhich belli the vods anti music havé beu vrltteu for thé occasion. A sainte viliebé rai hy thé U. a. Stusaibp Michilgan, aI thé moment thé monnaient le nuveilei, ti9is stéamer having beau ordere tu 1 Waaegau by the.secrétarjoutthé -aiy frSkaePrusePUipom. A Vend camp Ire viiib. bekl lu Gecegea Greva, ewUna té mmh-éttJ lu charge by the erovti, atter hé hati maden a boitiattenapl 10 étacape. Force vas uceti la ovérpovernug bu, ant in1 thé serimmsge several mémnbers of thé crovd bout théir maas. Bécatasé o1 tiIs Iltvas décidai 10 change the forai of ponichuént te, bc givén Anibola. Me va.xmarchai tiovu thé main streét anti hauleti op lufront out-thé tovn pnmp. Tvo meaihérs ut thé utofIhe pump vith lis faceé tplrnécl vhiliethé otite.. loch tl%st S orking the bantilé. Each mma lu the originel crovd admînlatereti a dose of treh vater via thé pump spont andi Anthola vwu ftnlly ,emoyai itou hl& humiliai.- lug antionotuitablé poition nearij tirovuqi hl thé constant, stream ut vater *ihs ai pourét fin h is face. Hie vas theridde nt ouuttovn on a rail andi vcreétinaverte,0 returu, a ocat of tueof e faers béing promised i hm If hé dii. ProhIe to Plonia. Thé "a eCeuaty pruhbution Pilom wiii hé h"e@4 aS igesLee, Satitrday, 5épw ILAmcg thé apésheraex- pumasiarea'". John Sbhiesl, Géc. W. G amid ieum a. Wilson. Bed Covrgs PI LLOW SL IPSA~~ m each - .ý. . . . . . . . . . . . 45136-Corded BSlip., 45139--Hanti Isemtcheed, SOxIB--CordedmSlip., eeh ................. .... ... ... c 14C ............15C -S HEETS M êé roiiat 4 Inch Hom on one endi. 2 Inch Hem on other end. 91x2-Ectrn Ihua Glouda, eàch ....... -.... ... ........40C iffx8l-Columbla NMise Goais, each ....... .........4 c l4îx8N-Név York Milse Goots, !NlxSi-Haua mi attchati (ootis, eacia . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1 THE REUNION. Wili ne Orentest cnd Oranaet Nemi In Lagé O.untv. LAthé day. go Iy il bécomé. more ant more muliiteMMUathé exerci.sé attendiant uist thé -hcvelling ot the siiérs' monumen ta nAguet 29sudnt the anomalréunio f Lake oonty soidieréuanti lIorsmAnuttse'.. vini MIrent a crovi 10 Wcmkegan iuchsa. bac neyer bées »mceeu Mat city. Il in aomamitet thal thé membera of ecumitteu having le ,chargé the preperatîcca for thé laient are tnlly avare ni the rempmgabilitiésreceil: uipc, them lu provMbai for thé enté,- taimment aoei Ac- ÈO 0f théelty'a gamets anti ae beaéih< iéryenergy taverti meeting thé enczusut ofthé occasilon. Arrangemenéts havebae maie for thé accéemoai ocf leame et Georgé's Orové on boa days cf thé évent, sdantia auisnumbér cf guartia vliii héémpiedét 10protffl tema anti prcçertilat lIDWvlgons. Tharé viii be hay cn1h. grounds for feding horms.. utian ampie vater supply pîpeti trout thé ueighboring city hydrant.. Titis arrangement viAl ée"liy ceommodate thuée Who go §rou the country vlth teua antithuée hc déiré cao liing juh, ieavingumaIntheir véhlice vbere t viii hémtéfrom thefi undér the vaichlnl éjus 'ot thé cpecial océré. For thé convenieuoee f the îlclting public, lavatory antitoléet acoomio- dations viii bc provideti by thé open- ing ut thuée convenience ai thé court bouse anti Central sehool building andi guidé.svii liéciatine t ludinent &$rang"@s. TUMDAre PuORAM. A grand parade of Vtérans, ChieI andi liuliry onganionm. ineluiing lihe NUithUDiietiStatus Vounutééréf romx Pt. Sheridian viii tele placé at 1:30 p. m. Thia paradéeviU gru on Sheridan rndst, south of Washington street. Thé mareh vil] 10 about oua mile. The munie. Thé grove viiliAgbteal itb arc Iigts, ant a splendid pnopram as belng arrangéti. vmicesoAr's PROuaAU. Thé anual réunion, undér thé aumploés ot thé Lake Conuny Soîtir anti Sailons Réunion Association viii hé held lu thé grové. Thé regular business metng viii 10ba haint10 C'cloche. m., et thé closeeut vhich théré vin héc short addressnotAl dinner. 1ev. A. M. Thain, of Chicago, vbo carriétiac usket for nécniy three qéers lu a Lake coutity organization, bu. boiaen egAgéi asthé principal speaker of Wéduéédayatternoon. The prograns vilii hé aunténeatinag one tram tarit 10 finish. A spécialtrain viii louvé Barrington over thée9. J. à B. raliroc t alléa. m «ech day, connécting ai Leitlon vlth thé Wisconsin Centrai and ti aRendent VitAi ah. C. lM..à fi. P., réacblug WaukqgautaIil a. M. ittrning the train viii louvé Waukégan a- o1clock p. m. Arrangemeut& are being matie for excursion raie« on ail rail- roada. 09 , Rode Hlm on a Rail. Wei.uéeday's Chieagn lter Oces centaine an acotant ut hov citizéna ai Cary, III., rodé William Anthois ont ut te*% ou a rail attér tiuching hlmnéaittir thé thé t0va pump. 1 Athola Avédti a larrington thia cuuuty, uil abouta Ysear ago. lié bas a vite had large tiamiuy living ai Cary ati vas emptoyeaias sctiun home. He néglected is i.vte anti chiltren for lira. HMomuan thé viteutouaone o thé section banda. Citiéna, vlio liaitl become dlsgustéd vlth Antholz'd con- dual, gatheréti An the main stréét, near thé public square Tnéeday évening, anti, after dlacuaing thé malter, déci-. ed te give hlm aàcmat uftetr andi feathérs. Thé vigilant@ marchadt 10thé borne ut line. liinseman, asazpected Anihoix vas foundt hers, anti vas ordoeet out vith somi eéremonj. Haevas takér - be w Havin grented Mrs. Pennlman's building on Milwaukee Ave.. 1 have ample t'oomn there for show purposes. McCORMICK MACHINES ARE THE BEST ON EARTH. 23. M- MM LIBERTYVILLE, ILIL. FLY NIETsI .. . . . . . . . ..1. . . . . . .. . . a fl ff-lanli net, a bargala.... . .. . ... . . .. .... -.. . ... . Wu-IiPOFFERINOS. 000u4i toockedJava 50a vbip, thé boat for thé money 1 over handiledi 8 tioli al ijde, thé dollar Mtid......................... ............. go Lap Douters, era $1.00, 10w ......................... .............. 1 Stable Shoéta fnou m Bc1.....................t8 GJond llgbt harness, nIchie Iriminet, dandy........................91 A botter qnality ... ...........................a Hanti matie faacy harnais ......... ....... ....... n c h ild re n 'a H a m m o c h e . .8... . Large aises.... ...... .. ..... .. . .... ... Chas. Kaiser, ýLIBERTYVILLE, - - I LLINOIS. If Yen C00FIy (Un thé vinga uf thé vinai jon coulc not no qulckly transact yoiln bosiuée. 9 as you eao by the une ut thé modem llphone. lu these day. cf1"é«Pan. gdon'" expantd yonr telphoné service 10 méet your busIness raquiremente. Au extension téléphone ai jour deek oa»s but:a ominal suam. Téléphomela th oeara popular, conveuliIanti & Cali the Contract Department, Lovel's Drug Store - - LibertyviW Hamilton Oiark, Chauncey, us., myce rltigaia, ieu hé suléered vISibbtéhiug pile tvety vuunu aenunt. soothéti c yonra bain.. tgylug péWitts ,Witoh hy DeWléWitéh Halai Sji,. Ra" a ave, Ivo bole. cf vhch ecée- mare Mcu, alea80ite ie lï u" pietly erétihie. Béaie t v iai. nsh S or <eméenta. lest~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ong. anitinétuoêltwfle.t S ,mastl FEATHER PILLOWS, Ilegular Sica.. «Cb SOC lu .. ... $3*Qd mous£ ES1ABSUSigo Nov. as.1le WAUK-EGAN._ILLINOIS. TE9P40N. Il" .Just Arrived. . MCCORMICK MOWERS and j~ CRN IIARVESTERSl. 94 01 La ri bm