CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1899, p. 6

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- abenutltul tenture of the vlew. 'These Mille, bowever. are due to IurnerfeC- ".WAT MA? BE SUEN THRZUGH flous wbllci ezist in every telescope, TI4E YIRKES TELESCC)PE. aud whil i arouomers woud ie unlY - - ton glad 10 dispense wlit. Pe~efal lass*î s WIlî.s Tite teiescotpe 'vas Dell turnell uPoul IpareftiGiqàet heWilia@ ayJupiter. telretpaet ln the alir tat1»erv tl r ii&[ te of lis * ah Isystent. and as Wluisa il of thte otter la Mty-our ile ofthe arh -pauets put togetiier. The distance train ClO&a btudy et thse lla.,ets. titis earîIi0tou lpiter Io, a trille of 400.- () 000 Wmles, aud it takýesforty-titree Veor nearly lwo yeurs thie big eye of minute@ for lis ligt b reacix the eLrtli. t". Verte& telescope lathie observstory Jupitera disk lookcd about as big asi a et the University u( Chicago, at Wlli. large Murbie, ;IroitblY two lucitea lu lacus Bay, Wla.. lias been apylig out diameter. At lis aide. in a uearly thea secrets ort he stars. Il basa iooked straighti lina otuth ii gti. appeared tour iie-tourtis furtiier tutu apace titan aiy simili marble. is satellites. Thte color lu*lrument devised before i.N igb t oite p:anet was alutost white, a very &fter Aiglt the linige, grint CyclopeanIliglit pelluw. Acruas the planet appear- 0,70 swings lowly round lu ta pontier- ed titîee tatait purl)le qtreaks, on te eue trame, rouclied lu- its big white order apparentiy ofthtie man ln te dolie. and keejis s s:eepîess iatcit upon loon. Whiile at lAck Observatory ffo- te ieaveus. Thie greal doute la open teasor laruaird diacovered thte firthi Co thse sky. The pouderous tube swings satellite uf Jupiter, but was unable to illowly. impercelptib:y, oitite îurniug study ilt to any advanlage. lite Of tee t front aunset lu âaunrlse Yerkes telescope bringts out titis fift 441J11. Situt lu the bilaek âaiafi wieb umoion very clenrly lu lthe eye ufthtiesa- supports te barrel of the refractor li tronomner, sud Prof. Btarnard bias been a elock, a tvoutderfui piece ot meciaa- ableq(o observe il aud uteasure Il wit lmn. v. itîc tells off te motion ut tlle great accuracy. globe on lis axIÀ. 'Ili teiescup, shifts, Star custera seet i trouglite Yerkes huit breadtîl iîy lar breadi. guided teleacope are wondertul:l1y beatuttul. a bY te cock, sud utaking the' circuit great ball. like a swarum ot golden bees. «et Is ieaveu's. wlitt tireesas eye fixed Thte moon lts ton full for a flood vlew, ail aiglt long t'lion a single star. Tilere sud sitowed uterely a pale yellowlait la BD escape frontt lite loir eye. As taý surface. eartli swings in une direction. tite eye About non Prof. Hale bti te tele- ellenuly a:ter lils ft;. never aweary scolie turued on the sun. Nu sun spots and never tisteep. were visible. a0 tite telescope was di- Wit c au ie irîinary observer see reeted along te disk of te sun et te tisrougb te largeat and mot perfect dames whieb bui ttroughI ls dense. teleacope ilate world? Wit tlias tegaseous loud wrapplngs sud trust big lena su fur ree'sIed Io te astruno- thitl longues faout fin space. Ou a mers wio lisre walelied tl as au oracle pant background. sbadilu m dark gIace tae finI day il peered lutoa spAcee red, and fuUy rounded, une saw a tsllureslaalu t s gtiséet sglass Eacis trial equireti etrai stpita. At liet te patient Frencht makeru vers revanied i vti twtuediaka fonty- lue Iâcites l l inoeeanti as noarly coloiesudd awiesuai gsna usa over madie. TituBe blocks ot glass vere mideinlt. tise leuses flou lu the eye ofth lb. lens teleecopc. Tite glaa wasagrounti Sud flulaitetiby tefilin of Aivan Clark & Sous, Cambridge- pont, hMass. Juil as Ameiceus bute nover been ablee 10cait perfect sud large diats of opticat glas@. snoIlie Fr'enchtbave uol beon ablie 10 polit thse tilsimipen- tectiy atter titey anecast51 For four years Mr. Alvan 0. Clark wontet i e te leuses. Il may be taI aiolter audit perfect glana viii neyer lie matie. Tte secret ofthtie pohasinlg bas iseeu bandeti down for tisree gen- enaîlons lu thse Clark taully. Previoui te te von of te Clarkea aGerman fauliy-tise Frauenbofers-a-btipal- Isitedti eae glasses. For e century atter tis etsat of te lait Fraucuto- fer Il umeased tsaItihe art ot poIlait- lugt optlcai glaises vas teat. Titan Alvin Clark. a portrait pintes lu Massachusets. attnactet te attention of Englîsit acieuilts, sud lie anti bis fa.nily fer oxcellet te German art- tata ln glass. Mn. Aivan G. Clark, te lait of ti fîuly, alteutiedth ie detil cation exercîses otfte ertes glass. relorue te1bti boute, sud diedti îiin a feu tisys. Tite eys plece outlecope, titrougli vitici titi observer lots&, la tise part et tise Instrument wbItcitmegnîflea tise nitiacts seen. Tite nuiter of diame- tees ltevticit au objet cen te magnl- YERKEU OBSERVATOXIX AT WILLIAMS BAT. WIS. Witat Édues t ile slteescopc ilte ituotetiyeltowfSaute ihelt obacureti b>-fie Wunlt IOOt lite te a min tvseiodeesul tbal looteti lite gray vapors. Titaneth knoly a Ileicope trams a iarre? vas au apparent movement, tte dame th Âý reporter for te Chicago Inter tiantlng bitgt, sinklng doua, or &gala t Ocean vialledtheliteretaioiservaloey bentiiug os'er latet lite round stick ofpl - M 'lte Univrsity of Chitcago tet WIl. h sus. Curions as Il ualp ssem.ià th lame Bao tlie punpaac cf snsveritsgg9inaPse tirotig t tiis povertul glass la t tisase questioa@. A big teleecope ln SI- more venidentnilu lte he slronouter tu sauett hums. Ilîî la natsoicstdulit a thon lte hemasutbo cte millions oftn e*fiotta alxt acse., a marvehoua sec- Mletstalcspuce for te tSetlime. Tu o" asigiL.myslerloum. uùncany, ituge ite atronomen cacit objet la ull f mt lit poeea'ult Impresses one anti greva dei" wb iici escape te usaineti cpi. th enre voadenll on cloner acquaip>tce. Utry 1Une bas a mesnlug, and thait 11eitt uleb obervatory la bull aboutimrtel:t riles te raids te aîory ot s l 4t8 oniler sys. Fo'r Ibe eye alume ane Million yesrs. t thse uttrs. te Syluit pulieya, te mov- lTe iistony etfte ertes telescopeel able doue, te iiug foour, anti al lte ltself le thehistortrth t ie es-lullon Oftl ctessiIsuentsclvarjhug fretite 5aueye, of te mont vaienful atii- c dslhalel cuitrng spider wel of titi ciel setlug appart«u yeît devlaed. Titisw mlcrtoeren 10au ippantsw-eghilng g'eit oye ia 200 times os large as te ighy tons. WItient te toge sye every- butan eyt. Thtlelatu say. lta diaut- thlag vosît b use:esaTiis oye lu .nter luotylo icites, utIle tetilune- i tise lems oftishe retractlug tllcicpe la ter o e iopupliofathIe histnye lisA tise main tle et the v.est ensd of ne-fitt inct. Il le matieeoftwotuepici- tise obeervalory. lit la reacitetiby iaaelemionsa, eue of croun glae, tIvu Wight t fmorbalsepsrtam lie main anti nue-tait Incites tlek th ie cen- t cloastdur. Euloriug te building laute ter, ttreee-tourtsof au nlchitliîcietil eventag, a&l lu quiet anti dImly ligitedothl.etidge, anti veliîg 200 poonda; ea ýtIse main lever quille dan. Aboeit the atiter etf iaI glass, oeeasd oas-Il ltdway f tise round douelli terit- botaItIcites Ibicis et lhe conter, to lug.sstCour, orer ublit the tieincites ticet i tie uelgitlng sviags. Il in s trisupi t utmectsnical 3W olpentis. One etrtesClasses le & mkiblite oaiy atlatactory means de- convex andthie oter planuo-cnci te tise for reschItng tle eje pieei et a Tits tue lente@ araeutautiteticglit ig teleacpe un Il is ilteti p npdd towuandt lee-slxtcentiataicites spart ln E ci svong araunti on ils salb. caietofa big steel ttsbe sîxtylvwoy Te teleicope ilmaît la aàlbig tlanatube tact long, about torty-tvo Inciztelu i- slxty-tvo fted long. paIntati biset, lu tisesudwvItcl butsouItlitroog thlie -doms la ttheuljet glosa or retesctiug l te, t ortj incitas n diameter. or toue th 4ucites vider taon taeleus ut auj otiteni' -eleacope otfte tintilli te trni. Ttc t tran lobe, viit Ia leusea, Godeir, eel *ieeand ti nir appliauces. steighs l nearlj Iveut>' tons. Anti jet su ueeiy t li il balancedt lt aistcnng pull -viti ite baudti vi swing Il a tout un mure. e Ttecblne taiesrope I la tseion ltli x 'by electricil'. P Descriitiug te. pparotus, Dr. lHala te 'Bnsiy fired te big eje utfte telescope.r -ouite planaI Salurn. Il taas a fi, 'dlean niglt it. s i tIle tittulitasca .# te atutospiere, anti Satura appea1iît tb tt lylke about htall way balucente lit ai>' lius andthIe genîli. The eje pietet uticit vas put su magifieti ean>' 5M0! as gîtce. ANti iRCavsÂas. diameters, on-elgit thlie bigtet pow- tilumeleansd tveighltug six tons. Nu et uset. Tiis ila os tae placet iSatura figuras, bustes proporly expre'sI book tolute reporter gaxiig trogi thlie mixe.,te deaee> te lmost bu- tl tise iiggest tlecope lunte as-nlt: Il mon inteiîgence ofthet greal machinîe. t appenroti a yeliow. round tuis about Tite objed tgilssotistea Ileseope la il thes, iseouthlie muona. sottft, but ns tielicale nsasbituson cys. A super- f eaerly globulen. Arnoul!Iti i vnkîcti a fine sut itandikarchiet 'bcd acroesa purple bandi a quarterofunInu h livide. Ils surface 55oultid detroy Il. Antiyet. Next t0 Ibis vau s solti ring enà~rling sillipruper cara, îtlstîlineyer staur. I tise plaet, et thte sautaeiriglil yciluw Tite glatsstfor oncit lens va ascuinlu colon, andi qutte distinct; neil tu Iis l'anis by te firru oftManeos. celeitrat, I ives a second sarrau violet baud. end es tonrte manufactura ofotipl W eorroundingtat s second troiti jet- glass. tp l lte h Osu t'te ile tale- t line baud lite te rl. Anotîndth ie acope tity i' Iaitiot iie'n abîle lu enat l isoele spartieti a brllisut violel ctrle l esliti pert'ocliîeiînumntic blocks ofv lalorne mmions appeane a t as btnain> gîass ure tiota itryincites in tdssus-9 roundi yellov utaritica groupdt u fot et 'tanTîen coethIe Aerîcan rdera a pruuiug tooktlu IteloftIoftheitaplats- ft tsu isea blltI>sixltachtes in di.- e'i diat.wviile a toutîunue ituug a lit- aitee T' he' i-restt-Iin.coutlibut I tlie overr town lu liseif un Ita sauta lry. ltitoug t lie>' acre aicllc as8 elde. No osncllations vas stalareul Sat- toete outcotite. NIneen itues tec am' rings anti satellitlesa aIarcutly trial wan a talIon,. l'or uîoîit itec weraefthlitaamute plhoa clur cf te mId sas a nhiua-d 10 ool luitet-cepti-a 'lsue. Somcimeittasle rings etute lly encriday outl al ltelieatit ai 4tul.ced nel titaîr coloreandttitort a gune out fIl. 'I'leu visna litetest.s 4MgtllInlraliow atout te planes. Nineleecusliues lIse glussacontalucti( -MWifltise uler villaof te Placet pnnp-Sa-s Ito gr"sl lu le ineîîudied-minutei 4W i eter etige of teenotailla ring, hobbites, tîuetjual denaitîes, varions. ltrongi.thlit eleecape,-otites detota. Tiete Ientîelt triai1 pIot lue ncitei. Il Le, lu produeti a magisîficeul pie"e 'of glatss,1 *90e! Loeting trougit viticitfiullyiet'ame te property ut te hunane Ilali te LIck goirtosr y. Çeuarget 1tis*efqg f ttise ia- set about te mannfsceture 1<gIsn ld 10 sds'aotage depeutis iangai>' ulon te perfection oathlie obicl glass. lin the Vertes Icleacope a glass viic Magnifiez 11.700 limes tas been eut- PloYeti socceiituily. Titeougl titis te meen saoulti appear as il vauldti t the usistieye il a disance otfmixI>'- eout utiles. Tite cye 'ileeo orulinarily oaued magilea 4110 tIlauetena. Iqitretile ai Il sceui, lte delicate nesremnasofthe ovoemouls cf the sars ara caiculateti by <tibwebe nlcely strelciieti anti torutiug tise rail ncasunlng apparutus utflthe utcrouta- e. Titey test ftrue -ars anti urc cran caneti of dutIvts s telicale cent- el'&-bir trust. Takiag off the glass covetltsg one cveniag, Prof. Buruitau vas eaminiaf the vais. He absent- nînded>' bneaelieI itto tisa aperture, breaking one ofthlie Molments, stiicit t tank cosîiteraisle limes lu replace. At1 the ertes telescope a tievice tas been penfecleti for iigltug lte ltbreat wîth- electrlclly anti matiug lteu a '5mb red coonA a-bite iigitun them roulti te no lilhaut as lu injure lthe 'ye atftheobserver. lu adidition lu ht uticrometer, lthe big leleacope ia equîppeti vils ail otiten ucccasorels, tocit ai spectr'oscopes, sp"cogriapits. &pecîru iteliograpit. phouto lliognapita, etc. Wiie Intcrest ceujaPrs arout lite main dame and ti itasiepleas ae. lte itsrkes Otaervetory trottiti 1 a big nstitutlinIf Il itatioulyi>'is minor giasaci lu depent utton. Otine ft leme a a Ivelve-ltscb retrator mounteti lu the north doute, A lavent>' tour Inchi 'eflector wvîlîsortiy te motuteti lu lie soulth dame. A sixty-iua-it reoliot- ng talescupe la also iteinit builit nov na lte Inst'ument sitop oathlt'obsctsa- eory, ant ill te mounte-tilu anuter builing ainoute future blute. As il standsî equlpped tis eVîrtes Obsersvas t>'y coutl pO.000. tis lthe MusI coin- ilote luliste vorîti.stîith ILnufraiîg telescope fortily icies lu diatiielar. Ne'ot lunentierilu lie Liet Obser alun>' un Mouut Haulton, aslti lis tlib'y sIx n(% netracter. andtird lu order ia the. hspeelal Observalory aIttPuikowsa. ltuila. vîit a leai tltIty luchas lu dl- tuteler. 5>00< et ltse Tshsscoue. 'Tite building inla lulie rtnnur a Lalls cross, lise longer aasortvici tien due essî sud veal. A geat aine. ty--toct doute complotes lthe western eati andti lenly-slz fout andtilltin>' fouI 4oles tterlulte tite nortit anti souti'tlm>ausepts. Tite body orthlb building lis dliide tinlolaboratorlca, lirarica, officest, comPnllng routs anti phtoograpietiark rooms, Tise grounti floue la equippel ai au Instrument sitop, maklug tithîe only obiserva. tory un lte vurîti vicitmanufacturai is apparatosuder thse direct super- vision oft tiose Wvite them, Thisî gis-es uneissopleti fac'iilas for lthe application ut ucu metitodi otra-e meua-bh,anti iraudy mnoetissu s toxen lntriîna tmisSbnes bave been cou- structeti anti usotisucceistully Tite oitpautory la built fyellow brick, ornnoteti vîithfluti Columus cie-ced at lthe buses sailligargnyle8 andîl titer s> tbolle teiesces. Tise corridors und #taira area Suisttidlun wite ninnile deliitately selueti lu green andtihes Wtodili of massive oit. Tise observatan>' bas a lIttole ut o Ils usai. Pratessers lat charg~e tave bIlît Ilacr tomes sang ttc lits, anti a suaIl colon>' of acientiots bas gaIs- oret i bst tbis Ig leWemeoe. Dr. Halt., thse drecte. tas à beatiiul cottage s abti diance ILvay. Prof, hezrnr AIRS'~ ea Ujiiere eomand;m a g an i vîev o eleu., ler, te ti - tIhl@ cbarmlltg vIte dispense isOmpliity ta mauy a vialtor. and ou tise fronat patois themon ditintilbedas*nouons oft titis counry anti cf Europe bavs suoketiaun efler-dînur cîgnan sd di. cusiedth ie puzzle probiauts of ltse nil. verse. Muet etftthe vorketai te ertes oit- servelory duriug te paI elgitteefi montit s a Wliouof a kînd wutîci couiti not te accompliaised i 51 ay etier lu lise vorli. lu ail observations vic It lveeminute tselslrentents ot tihe Itigiesl precilic te Yerkme teleccpe lu unriraleti, Tiese neaurs- tuent of lte motions ofthelitears, vitîcitapproat-itoetrecede tram te sarIs, are of greal Importance. as data ,gatered tramttese tlirow lisatl unon tise meventus utflte satire alar apu ' ( 1cm. To tiîs probicut. tise greaeet lua arouoniy. Dr. Hale. Prof. Froit sud (Capyrightl, Louis Kiopsea. tiMl.1 M. Ferdinad Ellerninsu bite applieti 1 tiis»eaunuofthelite 5.. tbec Ithemelven..' vItwo eaun gel a vocation are Tite suna-it aitlIls attenatulan- tskiug it. Ibis ttlscursc of lit. utscomnlsug ursoir sstatiluTalmage tn sîîggetlse antI apprupriate.1 elà ompisin on solr sstel, l Thete i laJota v.. ", 3: "A pooli. v.ietci ruabiug toward tise star Voge, or AI- liaedi u inte lzebrew tonue Bethsa, 1 plia. of te Lyre.antlise Ilni.oeplvabte ltarCins tis-c porilits. ini tee loy stgreatt rate oftlen mlles a second, Vega la multitude ot imtputentflk fuî, tbîtutirall.t onc oftlite mutatbesitisîtarsaluinte uitereti. vaiting tfor te suoctitutf Ile% iteaveus aud vi-oncie accunotv e lieu-voer."'J te aunit on îîuy talcroeulug. l'rot- Outaside te tltf>etieîsalt tiere, ably silce te lire of taan begats.per- w s atnttive wsssliull iat, te popl-, bopa «Ince ts'euIvi'rge %v-is iorn. ou nai rresotetfîir in, .ltîlr.Tealtiilftya Isoler Systens 8ýlusta"tisIa't'uing toa'ardti ia ier.' tadrubsy iste. Its-tic howslter titIs sa.n, uthe lita' ot a gpniotii)' SMu5frtedlong. 1:10u ret ta tilt' sti 75 fie te sount'ontea lttudrs'tls utfmmiliona ut derp. Tbii Ioîtl aas sîrroîîlcîl dbj l-e tiles nearer ta desîtnation. Btsla plazais, ut- oîîîlî.tr baîlmina lsontae a matys>generatitiî. lu nil appeurnn±eN wvitre lé at ienlt'os itrrietiati lte lime tiis upprourit ttoîîd nuIlib e lo'-i'pti- viten ti' eyivte lit v1i)ilte hé, -alr. bIc. Tb@e Jouruey, se fer amorlafla go tar as rinvigoctisg tas uetnerued. aea coucerncd. muet 1wie etnal. Ilmunet tave Iscen eat-ertoga and a Witn, .itreant îîss.utest. tî~Long Brancit on sasutalilasait'. a eai-. b hr adhw f vr i huglon anti s'Brighttont etîmituat- medi- tlsJoutuey itelu: svitu. witere sud Col andt terapaui. Trdi'ction says taI bov. If crer. viii il end? la te greel aIt a certain seuxoltti i'e rt iera a-sa eutofthte unsolveal probleuta ofnastron- au nface urtlite guttacumenî vito vouid Puy. go tiovu lu tbit a teî- antipolît-in ilb - _____ ~ nome etalng t1tîlits-. anti afler taItea Tiseà iuggueid seecra. people vituldl ramie auj gt el tutetila- 'Tinol 0f len ose rital -eroaIo1-, il«. BtIpetelt ll tlueuit qutie ets treet-car conduclon. Uiusn fl e rlpture, IbsI nt a certain seaauon gas lisey are Juil sabout as talkttve as autel came tin ansd sticreti up on ttou- graTn It4ges. But tere aisas s ev bled thte vaî ttaen thepeopla Canas manu ou lihe Indiensacaniue suadlite andti Itite bcsllug. l'bt a gel et (laiti ltaI stirreti up Ite Jîuea ateninsu was buugey for'e tilt. Along about place tidis cîutttecpart lu te ange, out F1orty-eveislt atreel a an ook a teiliug vito. n ose day. aePs Jint. lite stsninmg sBiutsnt iet ekpiaforut and minerai waters ut Congress or Starun or te cotstuclor fauteneal un it In- Suilittr Springs, or tutu te suit ses aI ibauti>'. Cape Mny atnti multitudesa "Tisa'a e fine gruve outree."liete r- uto are auru ttrilstt commuercillasd iarketi. poiutlng lu a gnos'e ut tupies. proteatuiottal auxielits. as welas toat' 'but visenever I se-e trees 1 gay- (0 vio are aflfictedti aili bcuti, neural- nysîf'aeeer.";tiaI ltagir ant i sînelt- i'uasago sud at-e t-ey fia ietng î au> 10irutsof 's tee uretiby the titoiioitds. Titese biw-tl verytirt ting1 sy t myslf-'sk- Rthedasare' a-albrred ail up eud dots at cru.' I balut.e ters;. h1 nt abida our rOuuttý. v 'e. Cunsicqucoîl>' 1 dont ite trves. We at-e lit a *.cýon of îhe Yî-ar aitet Nou, ir; l'untîreilesplain tuari. 1 sîi rail trains arc lotden a it Pasarugt'r't atod -a bountilesa prairie telier. Whty-, air. isagaue onu tir 1vs ay tehsoutint in.t i hit atagooti job anti as ue a lîttît- stidte talcs aildte vs.hotra. sli h toute as y-usever sec dow aEstatno' 1 lties ut our allia u l«a rt'aaYfor atuet- o-us t.xeti for lite rîglilttî(re. luit it toratita absent-a'. 'dli i J'vitarSte irasduvulu erse. A' lIe sceitr~qursuingthitt îttle stitit torîtsud lef-tr wasdon I Jrse. n' ir sketr, f utsnstrtîka'. T'l'îtmug. siietit tuall-s ftu bit met1l111 d!dt't tuow us>- ow omtae; sumptabous huteit at-eabaaiit ecciletib ss-îuld bave atiwse-d l lte s aute outarenvais. Thte ittIvra aif Al.t-ttluluî teet-f Siultllor Jounes itlas wadi. IVoli ir, raillia nter bfelichtti ta-l>sîutluî'u. f t tht-utacal p nty Job su' solt i u r, t he lb t-nul mal.c fatal îîtuuit ut the htout01ut anti 1 itarleti tut-Nets York, iBut. adroit spurisuien. vhut to'-i tsir sîsti Lord love yuu. air. 1 gulilototrouble brllllauts inie taine50'but. lit theuc quc.Ttc>'stoppeti me 'forei couoltitua urthtie orchetst-ai ialertlt t ite o-ît guit lto e ok.Te sl i ic se tand un te littel green. anti Ameri get ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o mbXvVn.Te ut su calite tas îput on fetaîerra!$, andthttc Ilite anialpol, 1igvas bitono setriglitîtu. rumbling th ie taupin atley. snd te But 1 Ilnally guI West, au' bere I aut. crack ufthlie ivncy halls on te greanc An' w.leaever I sec Irees I Iluta aikea- taixet biliarditables, andthie joltlng out tees. Wby. air, tiovu lu Jersey ttsiy'a tise barronut goiltes, andtihie explosivet te tInre Irve sac.tem ukeelera 5>-t' uncorksfth t ie chiampagne bttis,. sudt about aukîn' day pipes; yen. air. h vwirisud te rualle utftse baliroom' amotin' ris>- plpes-îto tee te olier dance,.and lise clallerinut touts oftblitaee steeters of...On@ icourses ant ioter igus ut social diaulpa-d But et. Ossner up h ou atest tat ttc seasn for te greal Bol ers o ltepesuglc ua tr Amerinu an erins places is iatuU pay.1 lielvcu t-o btx-t. Ciicag Intr Moie! Fiuie sud tirunsanti corOta- Ocean. piston anti lapping cp-mbluts vie titi't PRESDEN ZELYA. ectos outlite mounlaias. (lIed amut PR~îDNT ELY.O taI t agevd ouI Amenuesu lite for tea He le Hegarticd aene lisfte Aiteai utt part btas an oppotusit> lu test sudà glotssia.tu Cenral Avmarin-i. lbal uenvcs nicteti au tiestroyeti vl J. Santos 'Lliyu te presadeu t ttei' as eltesa. Ibellere lu vstenlngt Nicaraguan îîepsliîc. wase îpîowor ha@ places. Ttey recupecute ton acive uer-i been clppei by lau. IReyes. t-enrlîi]vice mats, vbo verse OUI outt trou- la regandeal as use ofthlie ableat »lotes' bis un overvort. Tite> ara natiaonalt mets lu Central or Souths Amerîca. lie' retuntires.t lm aitproîtcitlug 50 jeans ciii, anti la a etNorsd utf 'cati..sni9 li t e commercial firio begratige1 lte ent, or te employer tae journe>'- ma, or te patient the pitYician. or tle citarcit ils pastur a seanuo inoccupa- lion, Luternufitilu spet vîitticitil- drecu; EdmondtiBte usedtatocares aiet f -favortes borne; Thoumas Chaîmners, lunter dans tour otrte ciurci'. disruption,. playeti kils for recrection-so I vas toitii ty lis owut daugittrarsd lte bus>'i Clititsaiti lu titsbuy sposîlas, "('umei ye spart avile lutta lie deseet sud reat1 - -Yournelveg." Andi I bite otscnted ltaI ltej vio do nut tnov itow te rast do1 Do nul taow to u ont. But I1itave tlu tierlere Itis trutit to-duy-taIsoute out Our fationaitia waterint places are te1 '- temporal anti eternal destruction out--"s multitude thal nuomatea u nuouter.'t anti4 amitite congratulations out htissenson1 antite prospeclt itetiepurlu re 0ut ut5tY of lou for te country 1 matît ut- er a warninig. plain. earueitt ant i tîtut JTe fini taîsuitation teat laapt te I butver lu titis direction ta te leave jotur t'5ESISKNT ZiLAS i. plat>'nil toute. Voit ailI seui lte, do anti cal sud canar>' bird lai1w eli rreti N'caltycoffea pptantet'. I"t-îu is for omevitere lue, bat lte lemptotion tontit lie stas ttreeted 11 ittpll.itît idvu tle tu icave jour religi n lathe ruot bus aiways beenktoa-ltuns a Ilet' ut vof it te blinda doun antite doors boit- ltae Ilbecul part>-. lie tapa tulîtîntiti eti, andt itn you wiii cotne bockithélt lu Paria, andi liretilu taIcl>- fur elgitî antumu 10 finit tiretIlb ta itarvetinanti sut- year. Drlugthewar of be en-focateti lyiug strelcitet un te rg, saen 1 trl Aerivu gills li wo th tan, dad.Tiere la no surplus ut plcby ai tte valeciug places. 1I uarr ncsvgayj find electàl hbutol lte prei'ulhiniy. Catskili Mounlain Hosîse or Sieroun tIen, lcea tidecînreti tinestl ts'pro- Springs or te FallautrMontmtorency'. il ; 1loal J i :dntof Nieuragma. nut tgsgenerslly te case (btat tbeSa latalel MWnudîîeai gare tînt aid. mors of a carousal titoa n Y uter tioy. -_____ -undt ierp are Sunday valksanti Bunday co'taratio«s GOhtiI iét rides, anti Snnday excursion%. Eiders sud A seliti gold atlggel uminiature c.' descous sud. roliiaera ut religion wtt, Plte's Peat. welitgh a ven Ito tous are entitrely eoaisteal at tome, saine- anti wort a million dallera,.aili te limes vlan tte Sablat dîvuaountent Colorsdo'm golti extibt tai te Parlsaait Niagara Faits or ttc White Moun- EXPSIton.Il illreab Nw V tans oil aday 1tasensIe@.asIf te>' ExpoItIo. itsa-ii reet Xv Vot go 1talite ciurcis, il la apt ta le as acrcîd Cityuder goural a speclal car, etsd parade, andthie discourue, insteatioutlie- ltence lte gosenuteut uil couveIl i lgoteàplain tlItabout te *oui, lu apt lu ParIs. Ttc exposition commisaluners te wvitlxiscalîidsàcrack sermon-tit liste guarsuleeti its lite elurat. IthS l, soute discourue picteti ont ofthlie et- purposedt luduplicata te mutoalu ufusions utfteneanate oua muat its uatitral fcalurs'a, go tîtu:visitur" adapledt luexcte adimiration, ant int lu lit s auinitl llrei'uixc îîlu ini,' s huee, rthe way s~i7tise Indien uggal. Thte aIgnîti station un tep nult uttcit bitpreaset i vtithetc tso aumîl, s aquaial illug ont> egsl"t lî it te pictureaquceessutftait tiuaclos- teet iigli. bot peritups fort>- long ud cd teabores. Fiour puuy seuls stand lu lfitîen vide, viii uppear. C11Itbitî111)thtettcorgan lortIanti aquali sattue' taIne- Elteman's Canon wiul lia seau tliti body kuowa. anti vorsiipers, wiit $2000 famus rot rond,. îit peritaps an en. vorlt utdiatoutis on tlie igitt baud, glus undi a coacht ite egulalluin braies drap a cent luoite pour box, sud titan on te itgiteet railcoulndIte ts'trltl lite benediction la prninuceti. andtihie farce la audeti. Ttc tougiteet Ilinit h ?utds'd'a Sînnis. cver Irie te l do vas tlulle gond aI a sat- Madriti abounda in lunis. alleu Ot eing place. 'Ttc air la tevilcitet i ti Peue -grenier cyeanrea titan tîtse (l ite "vorîi, tise Seatandtihie tievil." i itechapel. Tltîre are hîbyrnlîs ut Tîcre are Chitiaias vio, ln ttree ur i tas no d treets. burdered hb>'liti-vunwyaks lunsurit a place, liste bail n. unlrlllu tutus antitrous ite steib tile renta matie lu themr rs- i's huuilgbvl;adfotletan rote ltaI lebctii te eepdaruing %yillalot ort tieso abodes iprlng Ithe j Il outil Cis4t-tua t elIl nedi. IAotIse eteto-t bwaI - oer tthe u1= 11iniphlae a hat 0ofbnt'fSIlit- - iC515i. Almnoal every one *totrtlus Olt, Forfoirbte*smmer lakes soute radins Mal-- ter, il la à bouk ont if lthlitrary or off lthe boakatondlor houilit otf lthe boy Malien sau nnal tisit ta soue Minerai y telieve lther. idal.tî ctlerustrasi aprttsg osuoatîtte tîccessilr, bar it e rand ausug lthe itbelliget in uJnI jour Bible asittîtit lî i. uad 'te, u ntudAugut to il, aillthe aolier tes toîtr for secret pîte e s-îry day. titoukit ietheisotflthe jar. fet. sud vdions yoît laieaîrruutded by gultsw aud 5i1t51'. vt, ai toma svoud uit iii- sti.Iieai lth inuiis. l<epp toty tise Sistalth, lthougt oaboukt ltIwqi nîîî,î titly aî.uiitia Ifind they dei-ide 701 55au àbigléoedPurîlan. sittiug uil t .el inzisza iiutti-dr ttc trefn Stantd off train gamblini bliusand thou rmadling bocks tile ili oftj u st-t atîtadl 1 oailler intttiotts viiripropose 1taiutll- ake lthent bittaIif tht-y kîew lthaI pou tale oo tiisaide thevalerthlie Iniqtilies kssewvitalt theIbook %va-. ut Baden-Badlen. Let jour mural and angr. f ut sssu"raSce yoasr fissmortal iteltis ktep paeviith jour Antber îeuttou liov-ring ail arud - physicalri reaulon. and reinember ltat eue waiening 1,-cas îttuxicalîssg veis- ail lthe atlpittr sud ebailtnle -aunit ceaneldo yolisasumuet gond asulthe ital- erageu. 1&at bld lthait il td becutiIng lut, pet-ouatil floodti Itl breaks fortîs more and more fashuîtsabie fuor oient frntthlie "Htock ut Ages." Thiismay drink. i care flot itots atil a lit. jour lent esommer. If su. mate it a fib Maydes If stelitsbaslaites anotigit -L vestibule utfiseaven. wvine 1tu ait lier ihectkiandti attlan îsai- Antiter lesaptîlion tovering arouati eus ondeter aiea site5tM tiri. ite and uearly ail out waterlug places in ltae tuddtl .ui erassad torme Triclaibusines». Vie ail adutii Ttffanya--site ladrilsi. lIte ussjlte a lthe torse. it we do nultthink tn i rdaeo h tientab Ilsin'dei tueauly or spacti ouglttl u bc rulluredal i gadutuleautdte dbs-ster o dsadiesmsnula lthe expense utfituman degradtiâion. Tite rdantiofliteidaginte tfsosite mau la bornre lu51utdui mpoane e ta -se ddrutît. Voit tij b ave raet taîi agr0 etî îsîae o iep'd lthe humtaitrace. Thte Bible latinitesas deey-a a r ltn1hvudy tht a mon in tester titan a aiteep, andt1lagey îintruard ttt ier hsudle le tupoelie la baller titan a torse, tosgit ,ni s» lu sortdietd *t-, lie r i se in5 lita Job's staltuon. lia sert luttheti..festive" or aise id. exitiîuteçl.'*but roue witit tbuder. îlot seraces ia olden limetesurnait wîîî aIl yjour garlaîtiutofverbiage L vere under bte ban ut Chitnstian people. ryr sud na osr day ttec cama institutiobat- is e u Ite iplain foruel litl la anu ld- corn upsade litittus tilue..And I taiossd case utftiruk. caeu ndr citomme t And,"Iuot Nw,-.iewàtertit.aplatce% are fuit et in calLed àsudmvessuen ttig.ippls.. And t iîLa calletil aut arit.ultiirql fair,'" A taheclose ofrlthe teuisttri irbillia1d suggivor ot veryllaug titat id improv- gampe itey lipple. At the cltoseuoft1he iag ini ltaeart ut farutiug. but undercotillon titey lipide. wI4eidos tte plastea litee dcepivelibes ra lte aut dersat maulins ltetuseiti',off îtîry tipple. Tl'ho i.g antilte saut e tting. and lthe saine i ge-d classes clant. rî,îttd tilt briggise tirunkennas, andthie saute vagabondage, siaasu ieyItlîe lra b'k'et sud tte saute aboutitnation lthaI vers l lil vîuft a. s'y cali teut u 5 ie fîîund under lthe olti torse r 575 'higlil vin tes'ar iî'vvenugt u e lent. viae ieapet rtre laesolta vTory I nyerkne a tan>-e vio cult ~ long roadtw ieen champagne aI i $r>a nevr kew ma ye wh eold lweb asd wtiaky ai 10 rente a glass. liutalulthe pleasîtrea ufthIe turf for a Slab tas tbree or fouîr grades doua long rancit of titeanti fot ie buttered"a intwicilte toiles meaiudisîruclion. OaU murais. Ttey lookui p lteir spsaklug uman te tataes np andti lrosgi t e pase tenez antiplat on titeir sporting cap mmmd pitclts hlm lute etecual dortucas. Tiset liglit tbeir nager andiflite lthe ineaad la a rare case. Very seld.tusIadeo.d- dasil doua on lthe rontita perdltlotiX@yon id s man wv i Ill le mach a felm great day st Saratoga sud Brightton as btaI. salin wul l ake anioter cas Beach asti Cape May anti nesnl ail tte lu a grade. lu a leacs'nl ut an angle about otites valering places h idthe ds. ufthtcHlte lte Pennsylvsaniea ,l itout or lise races. Tte btela are lbroncgev ry7bioant Waaiigtost rail truck, sud sitave kinti ut eqitipage la luken up ai an aimat i off. But itis 1% cary rare. Wit'en à fttiuloîtprier. and Iliere are arluty ne- mangoas dtwtsv t iettttts Salan mpt -dabIe people utittgung vilth jockeys brillgs tinatal a piaiw-.Il idalsita antd ganiblers antItlietrtineisuad f,,ulIpleel.'Ihe dpt'oî' l Itaigbt t nîtithati tutusanti fMailly uo tin. Ttejoti eauniisrdty xsteil. 'Tlicmatidoem bustendr %sirt up titi' brandly sîasit.rThe not actaiy kutits lit lie is on (lit-' dowls loetu clsintiglt. 'lTh'greenii,rnm, mtiltt>%- gîi. nii i, tt iîelu ltog ait lx fair- . put in ti r mntuuy aois ta rkitev-iislt. i lite. Andtit hie firet entîng tulaloxe il. lTrm e eks battre milii ta d ardso lte st-i-tadtueiuteI th&- tlaee takei-a re lthe strugglein ivde- lxsiîîrry nathlit îirt ýi.ti- id us îtu vitieti.and lthe su-n linttie-eret kn'tw audtlhlii' Ititrl. t- il t.ait aim tthvitflis ton iNicn sît-ealtu bel lIeu ir tonty. Th'ito i le itlàta ahi-t> iandiithle >subii.iitît il la un nu ltaet t idillà: anîîîîd iitucagi branil>, andtî iti ýr. tl et, itîciter und i arruttigislit .sîa1 ii tm . Ah, My ~fi inuit. steeler. ut il iq ut t'aýs ittle tu, ta> liavetiiottutng ta du ma itiiise retain ii, 'liii otiu t tu t titi. ah, iii- . litI siiai.o § tthis siiiinîi.r. tau ati, tavtii-s lg i t wi rl i s te Anaiio t 1-. itaCins. cap.alitaut ii-tt tefiittAt tise Long uai lthe Lttgt'it lbotrsnt îîigîît Lilt scrIa-tiit id atiget thrumhgt ]-tLitng tu ttcturf for tlie-a le un aduer. giton sud lthe liglit riitary lit)r- Tii- TheymtIae Iaîe tipta iont ltaIt te turf tîttrveitte lthe y -1h- tiiitrrtiIb-ti.a le f't.c, t orsajet forrmesn.-viil1w tîtuiteadasuiaenadîtu ti.rii.Pu quit. Tîitîua. hughes, lthe Steiiber ut pst-uta- as ciiuifortaiiia. tir tu tti lthe i-Utîaly. ment anti the atîthor kuovuidl lthe asrli l. one a;b eipao.Th us-cc. iearttg ltetaI anew turf e acut jotigrec, -if aGod ite Oîîîlatînhelter. %va trng artail is -îconutry, vrila wtt-titi-rn buvn otrtittnty.'ltherparet a leiler lu ieicies-nid. '*Heaven Itlp -lrapsssuewit ltatu s joli, titan, for ut aHtthlitaenaiers of osîr Vii taiopen a botf lthe Bible. .Id civilisation tthecelau otitin itis vititout finîling ottorn utes-t vlring À country approaî-ting in unualing mea-'jplace. Founitains iitsn tfor sîn ant i n- nt.Is, ta scality holding lsiemîl iiih. eIesunns%. WVia t osaicalîtîn. iilee.u lu itis beauteti institution uf lthe BritishtfrainLeitantn. A floodntruckmdontut ite turf," Anuter tamouasaliarlnann wreesrock by IMuses. I".otuainsIn lthe wil- "How mauy fins domaisave leetsastar- darss diseovereil by llegac. Waler te Pd smoug titese touts of repaclons situetsdrnadwtetubtel.Tert. durlug lts.e lntIvo iandrpei.aurs: aut in aoti v. tetaafîiutter . The ve uls,the lite 1m lie alleeed, bow many utfviticitif a man drink ie@halilnaTer mure nie tionmcd liafoull inothe saute ltîIrsî WeIla ut vutar lunlthe rvolaor golf!" lW't th ie hitifigits ut Spaiu sud Becs. Litving foaitatus outevnter. Aà ' lthe baerItaltinguutflthe pli, May tjlte pr ie fUtr ncert oe Lord Gaotianuihiste lte inteionssudnitrein eundrth thr a eur as.aytals accomi bre igofEgan .lart' ateriug places accessible lu ail ef Ameir n. Vi't'du nol base a laiuriosparking I go furlthan sd spea ut anuther temp- ap tefoce s" start orily the throwlg laIton ltaI hitoers 0,cr lthe wstering away r o Ot!trtnigr-ilts No espeu- place, sudltaI in lthe lempîstion lu sac- sive toale]tilla lu par -iltita "vîttou rifice pitysical sîrnglth. The. modern BeMue, and vîithotîntie*' -Nat long and titestia, bat Vuie titBetiteada utflthe tiîtsl ravel befitretac gel tîte; t 119 lezt, tenu intedta l res-upecua lte teonîy une sîep aa! pisysicai itealtit; and yel toyutany coat "h îo. every -ai'fliont titractit.roses tro thlie valeilg places lteSir lealt thai- je' lutthis v. teriag lti-- tr0ui aoitély deslroired! City aimplelons boast.-&roundti iis Belhi'uia. 0 joîs sîci. y«m tua utflisvingeibitedti lvnty glasses or lame, yaîîltAtitleti. joli ilying-erovi Congres# waler before breakfst. Fondl- aroundti iis Bethedas.ltepluIl. t. lies. acceuation] tu go to bcd at 10 o'ciock uppluil. 'it.Tenaeviutoltae cuvenialt et niglit, gousiping unlil 1 or 2 o'clock in to-day sîlca lthe wvoer. Wity do juisem tte Moning. l)YspaPbies, unuallY t'cy %tep in il? Saine ut Yun are ton veut reutions about titeir iteaith, mingiiirIet e lle a step lintbat dirctliou. Ttc, creamsansd frutons snd loater stadu ire taira you up la the arma ut proyerv aud toartnnt&Outil ltae gastrir jive* tiftanti piongejon cieusr trnder lthe wv,. up ail titeir Volces of lamentation and itoping lthaIlthe rare May 1w asouddea ploient Deitrata vomen aud bruinias sudO as radical us viit('aplatu Neatmano, youug mca dancitsg lteuaîes into vecli- vito, biotvritansd rarbunriei. ateppete l- go aud cabaipe. Titonsanda ut men andtiallthe Jordan, aud aftPte sseventit dive womea comiti brick nomuut lr aterlag rame sp.isisatm cuacte comptaxinuel places in lteaulstu-it itae touitta- as lthe fleaiofs uît a citt hld. lions laid focaliuts taI tîll tetthem __ aIll lteir lite long. A fragment ut Patîs mMiltir Seamuces. chtarge a thebtajatter would te su apprit The Newss-York SuntRasoy ltaIittena e1 priame Inscription for ltae toltlregialer vital cert vas delivcriug ou orier tise ta ev-ery valitring place, "Do ltjysett no allier dey.,lte itone madtilau onrbttre. ia.rm.", inousaer Usint es l's aiti. efforts to bîctee înry lund lua ade- Anolter tismplsllos itovering aroîuil slred pioint, sud ltîen becute obstIna. lthe walentniftplace tanlthe formtation. utTit i' ver-cbegan lsatiug blut. snd a tiyasd li-aloug alliancta.'lThe talter- crossd coilecteti lu an Instant The itig plat-e§ use rs'sptnstbte foc more ofithttc an as a ig folota, sitt a force tiottîcaie infeltettica of titis cousntry titan loklu bis cyca. sud lthe byslanden. uriy aRUqîlier tbitga cotmbine]i. tIti -cn'cîr bu uofnu.T ciety ilano0 tîlicial fitare thal no asure e cay botie.ern T y jtidgmest o., s'itracter eau bte formne'].tua-w wliat would tuliow. Tliey vto forai coniptdntosiipa amiti --l pit lihe itone," nemankati one. surh it lcunsttueq 90 go aIesluîtery "but t don't waut lu gel hlto a row." vitera lthent are twtaesîljtsa luose -I sut satigfieti1bcould do blu np prias. In lthe severe tufut o itte 700 vîitlthe gloreg ou," addeti a second, vaunt more ton glilter sud spîssit. Lite -but lie wouldu't figit t lat way." la nul a bqllroout viere lthe munie de- 'utululieiattaî Wite ciles lthe sie'p.sud bow anti prouce - sudath bntaradt tcl grectulsaiig u lon trin andke im," aaid s youung man. 'but aboU up ton strug icommua sense. Itou îgit lthe lime 1 getliblut down, aloeag voulti as wei .>amaglthe gtyly painted feome s policeman and anrent us ibt." 7acbls4' ensamtuer recette a lial y-ar A litle girl abolît olgbt ycars olti just yt'gs ias lu go ernîîng lthe liitt spray tiscu came up. uft dlainiaser tssterng place ta fiati "PIeate, utisten!" site callesi. tiafacter anstand lthe test rotflthe *Well," growied lthe mats, *'alsat yei' great sînuàgle utfhumea lits. lu lthe bat- ts" le ut lita pou vent sa etrouger weupon wn? titan a laestifan or à croquet mollet. Ttec-"If you'il only stop, l'il get ail tise lîtatioutlits la ao tearY titat lau rden lu llsiren round itere, anti we'l e"s drassaIt To00Tvant s tenut atruer tta.n ...... bit not litI-col tofite mauhlms

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