CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1899, p. 8

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W. are offerlng exceptional values ln roasted coffee. U"MoIlI% lsIibe. for.......... ............ ... sowm P«lb ................................Ise Pq lsmiurulb ........................... aft YPjp*em vper lb ..........................M Ch mvm bleui la air ligit emmper lb ......... Tour coiios facy fou oremu Auoelm, BrIck. or Lîmborger cbhee, par lb ................l12c V. Sauer & Bro., -ILLINOIS.1 WeCaudm lbejublic egaut pucheuing lImaion oaseiolete forme -aiM rmachicea. WC ieep ni> vili thse lbaculdevelopmtamln h e arl. "iagsolilUi but thebilgist grmde ai product and have acileic u;eyuUul imunulais Bime; heace maay alleupt; mu imitaioru. and tie $Ra Miet Oisurra. ohDlie.mî forçial tn hows aboie. bears autriegl. S Wh, and i il plaeci upon ci every machine made by ne. IM GENIJINE Wmrl#OUr I. iiocam sojouab aAU*At c . liý TABL.ý âmue. goura. ois.oul. A.M. lausu . L M. 1 Baade ar u --tuc c Dely sboept Sanda,. 1 Delly. IVANHOE. The lhremblag .uéohiaee M ov B. Picelor rrlvmd bhoue trou lie ad v ilh statoin e n. mm eLuin Beacha le vimiag ber slulai mme.Smith, 0aI rgiajIeA. BaveroI leeshers rm lleadmg lie laclIlain la W muiaalil veei. Mime BIe Ooodgrom lilobgma. lu violliagbar ocudmialr A. k itilli. mmimes Davic lu mpeuding nue lime iti iber eira, Bc£"te la Chicago. Lml veek quit*eaa unber ivom lu violaily vant 10 Lae Bluff 1 te Muai mmi W. y. Ziegler, 0f Alti.k viidbh ontl lra. A. Smiha paet Mr. PeterPaynead flâliepul lm eek veynplessaial mpng on tue boni0t Waooaadslaie. The resit l fMmI heua reaxalon as LianaPark hm aWeidey. Mr. U. M. Pokset ma" faxall aiIvahoo atteflded. U. J. PIXes mt vilIaqeile a autIo" ae&ode ma aa omeedumedaiw evmalag. ile Imdig barbhae t lie liea icik"d bar, breeklag &hm rit». Tbe Foreign Mlmeonen Socety oelebiale &bit ilvar malîmremrY Tue»- del p. a. at Mii. IL Desnam. Thora viiil eoaun inlareellg profraia end sapper viiili e erved efternoan mi oealag. Tiae ooumille a lirlacharge the bamse hell geume ftihleMystie o overa pieuto deaire te apolagie te tae publie for Dolt oanlebla. àeng»mm eiverlled. AnIllelln t fropala. lionvihila a relas of thitYmles. voie mkd tu Pl" theio ner 01ipuise of SU8 mmi mpusanbohiu vaiiing, hovever. Wo Bialli maite parila &aieamaule vti ienons trou Arling- %Sn elglals »d Barllagio. Win., aiy 10 Immia on tlith iamlbal oa@ toau ocli basecarsd. Seadimi Word te Gurnee te brilag ibr eite6play foi a parue of3$, v olouai an lie dmp of lie pieut e t v o aiontem te pot @goum ensie, omqumnilithi redeclion 0f Ibo Putse. vitb lie fou kaffledgoend coaeai of tb. ploye bat tuithé greml dilueeuo f oeonlml diitermeled psnilns. ComUviN. Eo reAci e. a.aei a iParty 0 D izain - VI §ited helalrWala 84 theille laSSer putcf "veLa WiU Meolura Mmd IaUF yVO»e Ont Iro auons 6h Uhiaa the bm oo vflug i.ImtIv o1loola. t »" vu rl mebeli 84 aomeoiBI m bolle ohatrob Tueo&et B 10 o10100IL à largo navi vu e isso84ithe W. 0. T. U. SCd Medalm" lelTb-$- dey ««Maa. Duby! Fsulb ,Vo Oral prie mDorm Oallidg. moosi. The 0u8M» hall tousM 9d joint Waukofaa by the (O. A. 0 mi»e,»Mio s t. The mie llet.theieOMS Une. vu tualb.he Mi but MInai ervere la seneoueon,1Io" lioulb. gains la oque laming. «Oui baby Wve melfor 1%uoalb vitS a eveie o~u M m cuiarci lve Althoug W* bdM -7 uay u-MeiiM. s mgvoeeo nutl v. ùai One IaléOcugi Cuw,-il remeveiBst cge Md eu"eibert la ev u- B. L. Iam, Pia. XHlg BbolBuff. dm1., Taom.Y. B LOVMMM14 Lberty- volle; j.. k Eàuna. Gerasa;1.. wduESUAN. Rockefeller. VOLO. lire. 00o. Wmit le ealertelilng relà, livee fioni Cljeego. xime dteoslaas, 0i Wmukegea. ta vlilag as Emugil Brnm. Mlm Aile Convermi. of MOOlinY, vlehted es lobi allo'ms »andm. Mr. ammi..Broya. of Ormyakes, vleited ntmid ld umelleadm710c". jobs ilioheidec ai"011. Marray speal Batordaj mund Bumda7 tu Chicago Xime. Jealo mand Viaude Beaveli i ofMorton Part,.a eviilng relalivel 1boie. Mie. J. W. Torrace leftS (c lt lqài Mondmy te vieil ber ululerad famiil. Mme. ogeaad dmughler liii iàve boon vi@IliaMl ltism violat! lth peut vSk. a The jouagest chlld c09PFak SBau 1.1 letront m horge 1ma Bundmy Md biche am-fla Robert Damvw, o ai mkegma, va the gant cf ClarkIH nonm aid tuulYà few deym lutmIsaak. Mi»»Mée. Reamond mad JenalO Wua mimateded tb. lemboliers amilu ain Wakegm bis vmmk. aBld Rumel raterned tram MUuaamea aleu Bladai, i.i. lhe hma.u nvieil. 1lag b inur à 1mw dus8. 1 odai Dyopopule Our. cur- dYs Bpapola beeoeaft le ingrOdfieni mu moi liat il emm'l bmlp dolng ou. ,Th seu summMlM 1101.9SOLS mit iLAKE ZURICH. importées i dgestIou* Jam«M. 00. sI fi le mbOoaft aInTiaoum4. h.D., la AuoecJouruio Tua81OIR AN FA TU IN C . e&rmdy fu hHae mt u eai . . i.y. B. LovIUai, Liberty. *FPisaus £vUY01VONTN o.Ho. Feindîadaimily have aiovod ville, J. 1R. llu.èe uraon; P. L Uo Chicago. WmRvaMUAm, Rocefeeller. C'. 14~ X1fl IDI O EiT. liiemme mpecl e labuld ae u- Ce M .BWeOLRID E9esdoixos in Zui. DIAMOND LAKE. AgemiWiT. Brushing hu eruotmd a eamy Mii. JobahnWilaey vu la C bleui Ltbuyvllc - - ln ls.vaiinal n bisiterni. lent Sanday. Ieallinoisb.rîîs l l Glu on. Mthelli eud vite'vied Obi Laer vIll h. .r sbcrie. *te h"cagofriandeslu adey. paperwithAI R.Ficie. à Threhing i. aov laafulesun B. Bisndiuagdiupoeed ut e vduae theliellofiain t.god. betrmetmitiesCeaIre 1a vomi. h. a. Colby vialimi relaivesy C ro ss C re e k For bicycls repamlng, ag.ndriee. Chcago Seiray Md umi lndep. eaeueliag sic. Oml on AIIL. ploie. Ferumus are mtil losiag ibeir bard LaSe Olffori mv. 4,0sueci f aaimvine. Iliore ansreay stlsiho@ I.,.. j miaglas uhtih amtend utt9arilure. nhau i ae U ~ i ~ 1IJ. O. T hitey and i v le vlisiuai la igo Lillie Colby ie gn d liai « J thotWirKdangiaer as Deeriid I o ay. S nd a d vili m e nd Ibmelintiu t Tun. Singer, 0f1 New Raimu, Coma. RBeneor lie laMe.pieuteo&hl ____________van lie gus0f Tbho. Ji. 6100 e le me, nos% uni lbheiloldiers rennio lw@tdLaitWmuikegau aid Ie M. T. A. pieul Ianmmi miaI nmimiAna Nenrueke, 0f Chicago len. vieil- e& Hait Duap su iuig mehb ioMmcm. Luilmuid Edilh Plemoaci Lake wvu Weli bepuOMasa .U1UP,~, W5O îWamp. aSibmhe M. 'U. A. pieuteca mt elmPOU I~~c mm JL ms LtaiL..r ud trou deice as helia.viîl ionlea gai f mp uc t eyulu 1U1 UU 1fl UUEI 1uUuiily 0voulusigSept. 3d. c..uo lors ioe&Lv.g e gîdolars unomecté. A oaarcîlput eppîSi lesuhoiced ui laRTT thhaopu&lesma u uàosu rebeicieare EEET Cros Cr k Le ightOLM dets.Terreace Farlo! speal laandy hot Cross Cree Lehih laeUmuatoi lbfur e adeuiu, ut 1usd Mue. Ludlow muid eildieuî, ut '4 la mined In the heart of the LEHIGH «Mis ohiavie bl n e i ai Bruce mette hâve eeu vliig ber sBle -REGION and no expense or trouble alxdiaivion. une. lItere. Oums iuiieabmec, of Oarpoaservllli. mggie Toue veut ho Michgan Ct re- ~ a a gaeS lmtBmunuly ltb a Party ut friou le spared in its preDaration. It 18 ut ofl 1 estie"lumblturde trou inteeclIp. markable for its purity, durability, aid B iay. Ur. Ko'mpyougmeichlld bas lm Cheniey blinismand Lonie Solp vt ve r aiouiy it, bal lu suuoev freedom f rom siate and clinker, and cal groin ue la lI iuuaciepfo iésu bot er mtproemut. email per cent. of ash. qauirartagrelt. May Tare ve& a t100 the cip Tut itla luamorei Ibidaas aiolet ndmy morning mui reamai a fevdi ---4&cou ta b. openoci OP la liletfesu'tàbud- él ien gob lu Michgo 0vieil tel Pli ~Iling u Ma i res. hie. thora. A T I IAL UMi. SoleIl, of Dundehue aioved F. R. Zeiver received, am srlomi bore muiaviliicoadue*t moI us.en-coailtani oo. ubici vuevery qui keola the lad cornari=euu. dieposed of, haoecali havesnid aMal Will demonstrate ite superior qualities. l'h. Geraima Lnliaenm crh people mr.L. TnIlie âeatéionibode Leave your order now for your plonaiseilods iUrabsiu Uive hmsieP pere. LeTuredu mrlative. ia W winte's amonig vbou vere i. MaiM winter's spplR. IL milaePoliy portas) liaesi Monai, hum. Zimmuer, miNiéUlm ay _____ eecpe lrin li. caeo me liame 0 Tullmy. vuempbared bl outrieantmai (I.HIl SCIIANCK, Mai atunad tu âgeavur. HALF DAY 01. Bd NiloMofe Long Gravvimd Mue. Pegelaw bn beauenfoatul Ubertyville 1111- -"e Wou&, pisle "&0tisd-oompeyfgrin blba ety. panrie uAnnrsoravse ho ile ngaea me IneSiaotai la the publiea muisl. Mrà. P. havera bum a namsber WAUCONDA. Ieivy1 mia or mtCI belluo o iaolhu I ourdorn groun Chicago. W. Wooi reiuiaed go Elgin ltcg Tuomiey tor Ban Praneleco. b. eillai. Sobuol ii cM eae gi. iiru ,tl Vesi. 8ev. P. C. Detts1avii luperoUnJat. eS m&IO&in mloSpenber ià.is~ itatJe aeir"lo 8. W. Acier vueaeGrayale .vsiter Mordent ad UMnAie Hieks vilî1 oge mehmer. jThe direolors I. au- Mie.U#o, B. tPftbi"let du BosSa. impeveonae Quma Buhor lanl.thoe 10 u a e av mg ofapc aidday wilb fMundu a taneenM Veneerniete.belxg déseree by the oubat 1 bbe hadaas uryaau tais =c:eiu.Ur. Joba DolUmye, ci Clal lmm&PaOei. vm.Thon iLnovMoiamelvec ladeliei udy IlIMliS Rspencer @pont a fou dm71 On Belrulay eveaming sept. 2, 159, 10 Ibm payer wiüplene catI ai uyBosutapis ay. ad Iwoeea theb Epvonlb Lague vili i ve an tel es rumisesaSîve. sahacrîptloas fu UMn Oe ar pal e v JaSaTetS im goe l Lai Zuichcrems idaiou lie mbol gioanseforail Papovs publiehed ieaeiied nt lie legset veiitinghémlis *&Me ho vii va i onR. lup. Ih-oee of Iet lis»rgond uai hei*lb. ichBonse. Getairog innpce c pml h. E. olanci. Admirai Dewsy. Ur. OirlsyFrot.laceabruna ne-e IoCulioi. ohllu raoiviuiaAbrn rvo U.Egar NwteNa weea aiodC bugg. Nov girie ubere mie elgof,5etVointwiac iviigrealy adi to om uva yM.Lgr No b u0wsln aio C. aicmé mm.. ~na unwais. eGlnty guéai tieed at palieraid Wili liili o ouir lî r vey t MIgh m"UileQuinn, 0of Cialg M0D. n isltipped lhe buagy ovor tbreuiag the bore amim roin aisPeans, ete" *.m i.TlooSt D.maiM ocupea altu. 'FiebaggjWvmsquille regions uiy noit&, ami tIsn au W* Win eem the gans of T. Mnas lm .e»gaeeh0M- .&ediugmi. aother merons burin bave gond peéeger serice go S thle lponi vomi. Mulea miW to bes udoue. City iy lie big lais.U. mai are huai sezane ]k". man W.Sch ave w lîerlov ave vluiiag $ha latteieo s.rUfsà bagéset. boa moctmgsM :. W. Hugi ~vu et Hrvard lion. The picuteandiiiboatgiven by lie .,NeTmai. M W. Aui nt eimie. dewvere l ai aMeetIing of Beringlm ol ilmai Atielte Clua heme lb f rare ie Usa i44» lire. %tmnba vbave beu e leMyflitaoioe Aso ciaion lbis plclutiaiBmnrdey vun m»Omuoe. mTodeciPaieV of norlie uIllnosaidecaliam Th'FbealumbanU"meboîv&u Algoquampicale in HMarelParik8a Thi àiâgaéa puto MOnlisbeysreoamta. Faie uat ieutein Md Arîl - stbs o*onb vbicb vu tà gimn &amen*i. ta holielbahetBSHarvard 'Fae.dy imt@en baulocieseu"» ai 44te i. dep being ineséliaesvua eylm A uhrIMM liSeptlmoenied Bapt, le, j»m. fi ume a bot gan@ Ibro aglcut. cirvdma leea ainosmd me one Pe M:= sa nioouoanvUm bilci vu beudago .ni ' làevplicdy no ff et Vl lestSander. Marii M. Joba Zltami. 0f Long Ail u tie hüua-ths Iheeini cetl- lere l in .heîmaikng." heG "-"5.. BaII mu ~Grovle UidMinMary P. Gery emili s 0f Slocum. (Grabat, Grogs, lipp, base limilbhep.von thb. purcs ufl 19.ILB bt u cteo hciaiio f trmaiUeou WednemiapDimle Moiyeu A&Fumee. 'Tie aermers Me vlau*q eloliegSm@m. iarigAle. inu6 .. Alla er ché muony a la lima. puarie ieu oïrboin me Mi. Sapter Or. died luI Bun ernth emrmne.edigbreakfast vu smonimi ta abouthobra le e biag laiof lieu late~Icfo litsbshu ee 'a em ons trou ha100 guaet th le 0land botoi. mjanno tedo1vmatg la or.,r o Set ~o ihy a.Rv a thim le $MO""..meting Dma.lag vu iaiulgod unta aWlie l.,#blitaigrain trlired. mti euacmlv an heMBS raalme ieSnee. oc.. AsI 4m10liè te young cpepiPoslamgWelLe loei n r«esp& o etalursîionieemst. >ao tr». W. a. Kch"aivii is 1for W&"""ii. hanoumagilimi cmrdiiatalion loge geu le eue.ose maEdvi ;7 iwbmwow tis. ve.i Mn Io" DyffppelaCure licrouighly vhicla reemi flova: " Mo. .A. ivo datagli es i.Bllrd. ofai tewia paioa la ilgnSefooai utlhoal M trouainte icieGr«ng: 'Tie peopieocf bi-tlvlle dmmdMr. E. lemmor c &t« "t uémmilus M»Ues ulebn MOc.requaiYtr onopisnce 1t eiueth place mmd e bras of grmdailiir« PzaMnoEmue mmd -iéoes Unlie sm.edigestve proeet li(cKalOY) la ibmeome s- l Sgram-obludmea. args.Mffm. I t Un l oaflui iigbff oalcfiylag lie cre aisom09c Qaickklyeu anicustipation mnd N.OI dm oUget Uscfliae hi g m Vahle Unie atuIe.Gcverum bbu«bah fMd igielieelia#S &h«u» :l J. o epmai ae li la ïl, ntugle oraauea.l Il M , hes; P1.MpnErsu Pe Ealesomt.. a w., LIbotlville; J. 5, mu LONG GROVE. elqui ouis x«ýp lIiutubéle loch a trip ta oivlle ouniay. Ml milth0go rmford ta v#àit for ae ep z OUi- q,'oOn CMrOI MMeleeierlmeibei muai fmmili trountVEfl K l Oak Pari bave linavieiing vllb W UU IIrU'LI L r~ *mauive.mai Monnda. 111je .mo.d ihas Mr. Theobélienmm Oh, tt Low Pricu Phl a iOso it! Iom.mctu thle Wwtwio a w. make the, Prices and Mters follow. apo60Mûre t h-mufaue J. Zlamer reé. base aco i. io a Cnp.ome ln and De conVicd'tawS av lu le e o~nt elvi oum ny. 1 have sa fruit jar full T b.mneemuluiv e>~ corn and shot. and for every ci fiev. sIle miendel ae et .yà. Nmprvlle1ma ~Trade. yoc'wIlI b. alow.d l us o me bic mlabute lut many- pieces It containe Ti ilom Sae.mence Sgturday. Aug, 26, tastilia804 to, QoUte a ev trou Lon Gra3ve veut Sept. ..Ârv a0 Zui riola Umurdey ealag. but S 6~. Thelnearéét Oum W îu &I7 iinL mlil -ien eplm. nice pair of ladies ,or.,gents' on éinlveetlgml e l.ue. econd. a iice pictur. T rame W 0 Ed& ober ad Daiî WOU àeiatdw eeyo a t «»Il vils beadmy tip uid, wva1OO cents worth for a dol tir. tuiai, ley issi migl e tbm bors a omin eilaoI 0. tlBfdtOOb«t Prkes. ezelai h eroreeied lemiéâuni18Ibo moiegn unt.................... ........ tram 00»67 supeiatendi NulMle. 1i l>eee oolmsnaO ra llituntiamer lavlng paei"lain 1 41 mmigl u vbite Clara ]BoileabsudnlFrank IlRIbnalMode .............3..... g $tat rbi re~d Oaly ae ceell aue meifl .0. ol.~..a utoy i ii0n4lPm inlami the studios. lbgobiugpve..........0 Ocmondable vork vu douo by ail 1 h ondu ehmami0 .Beueelbm the papile,9lEl cf D »"rue 'uf oee.par t llle............... as belaa oe eioxcelence. UHERMERVILLE.- y o?~îvyTnIua Rockefeller - - - - - Illinois. *Threelang in 1h11 vielally le goiag aon lain . LIlliesmaiBits Lago e n:isUlutiInW a ltiuonacle, Mr. JImooàlitbesl. JUe ation f o weeku.oat ie UminAb»aKoestier, of Chicago. upel umardweA" bmaialebobesthe go ofm c Kim Lala U maeeler. p u~m I The Almp Brick yard reeaued ve uu8lluuCthe îamous D. La & W . O=eteice na aller ma idisieem e cf mveiciveei oisa &0 tiaie. 'Tlaepicolo gsivon by lia. oresters le ibnd. heAlermabadsofNow la Ihe time to order your LooKinl Or suou i biomphy winter's supply of coaL gages leatueina hoit lime. nHo IT YI LL B H G ERI myebo e "h. vuide e minuteBE . Done (moisa or lta.) e mTho emof as ée bell Buadey lie- or esa lie bbermervllieu mand the 4 a Marchai Peld'u trom Cliceaisemuiled We handie ail kinda of coal Ob campel* vlclury for lths bos y-gaea.ur buore boLayau oto laioeirand cars supply you wlth the L.Er. Ce Theof ia. imrvUg0' best to be had in nut, egg, wmm apa>. ie igolagoly (oasMaue to remb tliard sucs one mmi re& base. range or soft coal. Oui boys bmltsd thoir pitcbmruaili over go lis Reui t belnCceuury for ib"Su Io chage lloor lb.,.lIme aud metlthe h. eni or eBialalie t:y thrsv up là u oa e. T he li a. up 0of &ha Bd=811..eseva:WRIGHT &SON, ...i-.........v--.- .............l..... . ................. .... ........ - - me k b m ý.......... -.............L-V e C.ur... ................. K- DR. M. LEONARD KENSINGTON, Ai àciamainug surpriepari! van assd27à N. CLARK 5T., CtIAG aie & lai Ueuudmy eveuilug ia aunor of Mime [Mtienu On F WELL Mt MUAI *II L on Grâca.em. ilum, lthe occeceOnI boing*u f9j K'OW 111IIU 01c t m nnkvmery o lber 18h irbdey Rn U IOi AIDN M[1 I A boul of frians eeauembled i a th bed bom of MîjieLulu Mibacider trou A OBIIAIdOF iNTRORIT? AND A PUVBICI»FAB] ilk wboace &boy prixteedeai 1e the hum, aimud CfIRE iof uMiUNGMINII. tUOBPUCATE ISSJMONIC li&iKAUDU. amou le cemils rie uf Mime tilum. who vue pleeeeaîi .yîsui- t Ubwvubtlh Imi butNuluîrdat e9.laoqtb. gdrhne y oi,. Dp priama. Aflter Lbey hai mil metmubied A lWreimli 1dlghmmc ut the grundu vore grendly liuinatieed, obsctIve a u etlmiui esalbas ima làmmy Wbeu &Ilipaîticlpaeinià egood lim. poutv tbu"sdfcuiirse »m AIi uUS Il 0ucioci lweuS pulE y YDte"«Mmic pisaiodeceptiot 8mbd limi"vicharacti. couples M"i dow a &0un i elliorate upper lieswe.mmyg*fSmMda dvrtis shhIMm e won me ne. andthe bribdey cakie ulliMîe uprinipiei, imcmi And Igeenel à"mipuemcsias i- igtulialghted ceuile vanms ueguli er, cent. AUoiig Ibo partJclpeale vWUe IL O M M stTh vleg jet.eajmuy J. . . Sers1aiOrion, iii. mUand im faSe0lie La" ma««eanMM 117y Afine Kubler, of (Cduag..; Mr. W. W. th"S EUI a e>mlialanlgme Dsei Wiiiey. front Chicago vue mml- «Mly doedai thIme lai -miet m1d Illich à" aride in iNqte db le jady coul to& ol lenantmumu &10hie re- mbdSeireduca ltipbi.Wle Sgroel thebo meembled pmly. IbSuilthe DoctorvillamemdusBSiBPeUee Fbl vere *Bosfin. eseilomu rouiiered by tw4.cmus maeruua tram ay UUIUSS, gg11UI01 SC1111111111Se uMienLoin MeImehaller suid "tua Helen BOlIlUt OISAUa er sia ise m - mesre-,bsellem m m bm- Ku.acaenuma, à4Mr. Fraid Kuoacliomusa a ayu, ie dleplmped nmouas ielmusalmi Ornes, ainlamli cases reqairin ug mal aniem he mie ec eta nisepie els- taalentbp playing nme select dancesand ucientiflc method vbe m nuitha"edma gIsssruem ai munie.aMis. liaivu..file eiplealof DR. KENSINoTON viii bo Caretai ln hi*E xamlnatioeu 10i ay badnme pressat@. Thegather- Honeet In hle Opinions and Reatouabelê n hie Charge.. c117 ing roelatiy dîlspermai, li those tber p= tn mia a olplm.W. E. VeUr hie may ha mvd throusgb ievlog ea "intleerviev vth ii b, ulech ml iIMie Gluam aey happy relurua viilcccl yoa nothiag. gris of the day. Addrese Il letters to DR. KENSINGTON. ian- jr. NORTH NORTHFIELD. Aurore, III, Dec. I18 1898. Univrsty3of Chiago Ag. 1»W. Soins ave moatie mgoDr. DM. L. Tim flela a oe.ra-I bave Sans tir. J. Weedng aspeca te @pend a Kenuington 0for iébhi~traed aay eye imovu Dr. M. L. Kea~î0 unlewe montât in Ithe vest. ubîcla ere Ingammi, Myîvisin U v. 1c r sversi y"ader gvieb. h Coin la eupmotmd 10 le a g bl coceImlpairei mai 1 vue ouiîted prmoilci béoeeenla My cou- aîag gand hlfemer&.. melnth utread glmuembave prov«ea ilisi inma Isda n e"~. WT o an athe lace afoui dsparted hMnme a lle@m o ntessii mad ReoemtlîpasSai ci Ibm Woimvu Ir>O friladadaerlirMi. Ga. Bouton- profeise&Uloamll hîîal. Sap" c miai. book. bat car tomé la ber gala. Tour, lrnly. _________ batly Omo. T. PuYT. Airy J. Obryker muid My. O. C. Miler cor. Fourtbanad clireu ale. Cliaýio, MaIls, ionS. [oattenaise lmbuinsof Kra. G. loden. __Ave.__ huta mJacob laatm. Chiet. III., \Ta vîmes i;sexy eomom-:-W*. 4 put friaidaid moher bu M. Leonerd Keniaglon, M.. Chimeg. laérslgued leksun pims Sdapaw ed. ia Imoa ReDou , i..vIe lmer Poeter: Tourar e eM iicla reommdiag. . L". sh a09a ldaid mi euupmcled celr OaI--Irons" uthcve obbluM trou Ion lti e pueo m labpniN Wbe.llug. noeUlme qugo, ibu perfectiy oaoi phygmin la edwe 0"i 11Si ioym cur deugliler Duels eje. cfaeDamer" presudmaime a 'P@diOà»âo hé r as os.TNE me of grmualeoi ye lidm.o avra ouz eVaeieimdid e t en« PALTIE.meubessofiOur ftzuili hevIni ni l, fBUiIi mmW*'5 ba du- u.eA__tfui top> Mies. 9, beleriaR ealined ré- vweeialieounedaai.leest ï* ~bau pore« lifea tbii goan lalive froua sObu e ooty. for n ffacéocofaIthe eyn. VY.ulk Vary Irai! leuis. BIÉ Ee lim . T 0.10v, flom uàt 0347 Iliu Ave. Mlina. . J:T»an e Danentosf vcoileva âe$Mplimimr. Miyvielhmd ibllrolatives hao re Sntli. Mim. Barth& Porsp lu ipoadlng btm er cf1 Woolf lil ber ami« rla ]Pîu Grove. GLE.,p~cs 01 97. L toi ms W iio .01 tbe lu Th UU

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