CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDENT., $1.60 a Year in Advance. Vol.VII No.48.Libertyville. Lake County. llinois. Frday. September 8. 1899; WHILE ATTENDING THE.. >-F AI R: Corne in andi We are after busines every order court We cannot impress upon you the beauty of our Fali a styles or the immense of designs we ar showing.. -Seeing is believing." an, solicit an inspection. ORPRICES ARE IW SANBORN & Tailors and Hlaber - NEXT WEEK. e W. C. T. U. Conference. TeWomans Uhrliau Temperauce Tueeday WUI lbu the OpenIna DaY Unionl or lAke Coguaty beld another T of the Oret at r. very succesaf i Meeting Wednesday aI Orange Hall, it beung the occasIon o! Next veek ln the limge for b thegrni their regular coufeflunce. The ladies say HELLOV' 'Axe c"uDIy *fàr, ad 1ilh olbheouree Uionenerlsinedth Su jvorhje t w i bete biggesl fair oonerence. The dany vaa a perfect boin u Lao County inu rs. one sud the Union& vere vol] te- ss and The managemefll bave used every peeti."ealabe rml pomilemaustadvIrtse te aantpapered, psintedmsd lealued for the ite.and everywbere Ia o 90vO hea people occaion and vitb the pretty decora- Udailug o1 the approaching far aud tiens it bad a very CherrY sud 1bo111e-a u too fo rcef u l y agtifyinluthir intention of attending. lîke appearance.y 11ili1111mAAma the vouderful smariai lMra. Louale llhepard. (oueàiy lresm- f ind W inter arinWh>o vili give p«formaes dent calied the meeting lu order ut oach day before the grand stand a 10:30. lira. 1ary lAmb. o!ftiuruee, B varlety conaldoreithe besl in the Unite 9 b pnn dvtoa eica States lu lber linoanad ion aboutîdnot ledra.eom nsby c onuly zaierviles. re ralugo0 itliusber manouvers lu m ira rsycmt gnzrldt air. ptayer. tira.,lioClure, o!ftiuAoee,. air. eo $5fo ae ot o-spolie the vorda of velconie lu bebaifa te lpurse goa 57 fore bas iail of ber Union. liru. Churchill, of id we earnestly testis setonandtrai tesexcltie Librville, rapouded. The minutesA in hi setin sd nsuelexcllntof blIat coufaralie beld ai Wauke- gaicyiaes. o rda tiv ogan aud 0f the rally lielOt iRussel v l in sthe w ip i me o f tird fort hea 10 vre remî d by t b. ecre ary , lr . 1 in îlecent.0 prisWorthrdinfor 1. eicalf, o! Guruse. lra. 'rager, of biccleconait Il. vrlirldog orWaukegan. led the oeusecrstlou bout. sud their endeavor'm are mure 10 Sire gave MAsthe thoIlgbl o1lthe bour ~IG IT....furni evcitlug arnusefment. the»a vorda o! consaecrallon, -La, ha The apeed prograin for the tbrea vîlîng and go anyvbere-do every-1 dayo folova, and did you ever sec Ils tbîug-bea nythiug. for ciod.' Thre equal in Ibis coiuty? prayer aud tealimonies tiag folloved WEDUK:116 M.00vers ful of the sirt o! consecration. vW .. ....iso totin . >. The mnoou bour vus @peut lu social1 vu ims. anfiS................cneeand the psrtalging of a 2!60ashercuve TUU>IO»T. umptuous to dinuer bit lnad beau pre- ("la"................................ ...................... ..... 2m" paraît by the laiesof tiurnee Union.1 FOUR BREAK JA)L. rhlrd attemOl Proves Succsful- Sheriff Nottc01 0 Blam. LiaI wea Tbursday eveniug fout prisouera; couttued tu the couuty juif ade a wbolemale juif delivery, if beiug tire Ibird atteurpt ioceShieriff ýOnrIlilusteri of office. T'he prisonera wbs>made their eacape are Tom IMayera, (of Htiwmvd, viro wus &a came baloro ithe(Graund Jury on a charge of larreuy. lPeter tionnis, o! Waukagan. cbarged with bburgisry; Geo. finyder, Lake Foit-at, cbarged viti argon and Joe i'ovt, tif Wanke- gan, cirarged vîtir robbery. Four allier prisionera, couliued lu the mme quartera as the four wbo broke out, did nul attempt 10 mate- lboÀr escape, but lustead souuded ut asurm as scion Immtbe four badl le!t the juif Amoug the four wbo remaJued wa. Geô. Kruegar, o! Long (irove. Sherliff Urinu je tu nu ay 10 blanie for lhe prisouars' escape. Il vould seem thal the feultlies villi lbe board of supervisora, because the juif vas uol; repaired when fice priuouera bad neauly made their escape way back lu July. InuIail justice lufile aberifi it muat bo mald, lie lisbeau evlrenreiy careful witi bis chiarge@and cleveriy tbvarled two uestly laid plans, W0 escape ona lu kebruary, 1the otbet lu July. Bhorly aler the sîlemtupi 1 escapa lu J uly, s nigil vatcbmau vas placetd I The new felt hat for Women Trimmed with white Taffeta SiIk An Eagle feather in each hat F I Breal cas to red ofluencour Pearl.castourhat tor hojin or Ahe prort hnto wear tis al Theo trop5eah intoperice al $1.00themin outch indow.c Genesee Street. MlIlsy .prse Se Od isrtse..P0 TLetyile 1 . .t.1:2&,(a' ro- Tie aternoin smouion vas npeued lu the jail. (ins@ilarnacle, the min Kaiser Block. - - Libertyvitie. e'. . . ae> teMddeIt.II, Dtn".................'(Iné it i.nging and pruer. lira. W. P. amployedsas nigilguard, goas on dutY MUEE7UIIK O..14 Dr.nCharles..athoWay. DEERFIcLO.ma126-. iigey, cf Wukagan, was thtirt t 7oclock. Tburadsyuigbt lbe asa& WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. LPON NO@ Drg.aCharlgs ent 1owMylvken -129 1chérie. tl>,ttin ..1. tnie> speaker uf91the atrnoou Siobe spure trille late, nul srrlvlug unîliabouit 7:25 AFgua Lang Viret .i trl .n...... " o!fIthe désirs of mothers tu have pure O-cluck, a fev mnutlesasler tire pris- _____ vf evr Loveils[DruIgStOrO Tuesday. .v:46d liss, trotUuga...... ....... .. 2W.00___ OfiousoN oaar sv.r . Paddy lierrimau n t h orna for a % i.lles.m.ia... .... ...........iue>Mliomes sud 10 makC lire smo@pliere ouera escape. Morbosrer-r r litr 4Te. . .Thearépond contents viii cerlganly hbe about thair homes dean sud pure. About 7:20, blr. uriffin beard an LibertY illO . - lilino s hotiu. nalav n ari W d e dl frst-cla IL, astma god teppera viii Sire th n spole of ie of te Ibing e unusual noile lu thre prisouera'anar. ou business. ba autared lu the diffoeat races. The 1>51 are golug ou &boutln, us lu nuer. terri.Ilt contlnued àLud an iivffltiga- _______________________ Chriole ibon, o! Uicago, vas vii>th rack la et praeuttlu th@efluest cou- mcl lira gondinluenfce of tire bome, lion siioved ltaitau iartu vas being A&ot he nis agein SOdai. ditlori possible. 0suead urged ail lnt.rasted lu a botter souudad tiret ianie prisouera liaita-»~f Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. A«ditora meeting haidTuesdy The !oliovte<îîrne table 10ab0 lu tétof ulysm godo &Il tey coutid fu sped. aft.roou a lowu hall, vogue Septamber 131, 14111 aud l5tb $ho purflty of 111.1v home%.Word vas stient0 ie haberiff sud il ~I Ojffice over TriggS & Taylor's. Ed. sud Allie Nubilk eckolilu the "M utgoan irtvle Th ub afetictuorIséaewsluithrtteormule. -Zne- od tS or Itantveel. Louve BsrrluatooD............. : -ar.. luthe discussion aud theearu 1esit tloned liait surely guI âaY. 7,noan.toanis.Os.m lr.Auts ia bdhis carniage -LsiteZurich .................. reane yI hcg n». -filhimer.t deaire vas expaeasd that 11he comiug The prialooera vbo remained bebiuid li.aai'oneaounlBroaway opposite Park rep, li ysCicloir iaos ae........- aboutid be exempt fro ne 5100 old tire atory oftibeoescapel iîb UlIoi. lr. Chbasr. HlIlmrlbasrentad tuae -elîln ................ sàse fair'll Libertyville, Illiois. tosud viliiruis i rat er.Id uotri......... ............ tieunupleamut fressues of ollier ea. stnceas fliova CrceJckvne10lY01 eiDtrningi»e Li bertiviiia 5:30e 1:0 P- 1'An lu.llation vm axtended t e h e nésiraI aice lie attemptld te telW n iihs e ihs veeklaluordar ta devot bais viiOle m.. &ier 1m1110L.ladies tiolod the Dte-ber conférence jail dellvery lu Jnly vbeu a large N te te idml a e ih sc lime 10 lb. fuir. VEBaOAl, vo LI5tTVILLIL vlti the Waueou& Union. The lIn petue as1acdlunthe barsi of the Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Look out for a bg co t ront %bis Tvo tbaisa vwiii b. ru betwlvil vtîlon agampted. uur «" t cuitis ceilivas kept universal favor as physician and SureOsoi t VndIei o i84thvfiri . thor a. W ukàffn sd LibetyYiliae . brere lila juipon, a feacouesa lid o lut obet ith ie, tie opeuluzn ul F A hysicl0lO5I5 5ad rgi LO . T aloso atscpe .v y@ i diceti aboie as folova. vork f tha Orpba.age at Lake Bluff. balug rapaired. s aurai.B -O. ThaSous afB«& 60lysa R 8*14oriK ' S R"MZUC ~~~mruiers ai thir tat Meeting. Padd LsseW& » nasa 5. m. and 12:» Pp. ab.i, ti she kaev o! no organisation Thuruday morniug vbru WatchmuaR B . ,ïN i unll ----Ilinil. lirrirn aitsudTIilgoing lu 03ou - 112r:'"&- ud th- " Ib woold ieb.More lutarenteti lu &Ibis Baruaécle opan ibohedifféeant olla tu Essm Bilv udvis e>u otà vLf s l M4»is>u Ja. M. lime of volt %bon *»-W. C. T. U., for jet the p~turis tneahecorridor, be It is a Leader. su fne radlmersrdve ont t en , teau.liuariy ail ofthe blidal t cOMiam lutelyliopened teone oeil Dit Chr, Zadr rudtube okepii Drw.H mt. <oij"lnnday raturulnig te Chillago Brown'@m Militi!Bandi. Of Chicago, millertitroir cure vera brougbt ihure virici vans uppoeed lia klétlcoîd.-Eve rything made of metal is advancing, but Dr. E. H Smith, onthey. Imîe sectimred by t1e management ,ecause of the driuk trsfiic. Fifty- îî in nov .lesrued tliai Meyer, tire we are selling wind mnilis at the old price. DENTIST. fahr~iouaJ 1 urnlabl munie &il tirea deys. No tva cîîîdren are nov coaid for lu the colured man frot Lake Forest, cailedl Ofieover Lake County lbank< Mm. H. luigge vswu ibicgf lion- botter baud existe 1-day ilutire nortli. laution at Lake Bluff and marlynmure &0 tlire lcman. off u o it>>. .> J i i d~ .c iilar v i icec go Mo - e st.They aie lie ho" tu la it-d. ave been turned avay banalise 0o! I54 For beaveus suie do t loave Ibat o w e v e r, E.C rtitouwxinCiag o-andl Yeu viii enjoy lhe muieici- ofrocs. OielId ut Morny pettie cel pe. The price is sure to advance and you LibertYvillO, Ill-Iil sday.ey y uyeus eiy.whll _________________ toi. t rlêgTw u"fl roosoa lw il ntefiecertainly las amuei commendatble cause Neyer <tîuberà', is reported tu Mouday.grounda ai] tliree dey.sud viii mîngia insiutian andl delrerves lie bertY bave jumped »p sud rusbied ilis we are in a position to selI it to you at pAU McC FFN Uri. Lyman Wiimct vas In Chicago vti the peaple, cresîîng Il îîudm of suîpport o! Cirintlan people. îîauorake sud ejaculated, "-ornt 'Il) present low prices. .P U aG FI. T>esiay. ltou asaciaofeun . âa rre, end knovs bisg lira. liCormick, orffinfusea,gave Id -n yun or piliityau!' viiar TeaayILnsnue, hiéîug beau ougagod hy fair à réitation oîtitiedi1n (itdilty,' At ail eveu liethtceii dduceras le! t ___ NOTrARY PUBLIC Mr . . Wiiimau Wva a Chicago Managers &Il nver the uorthvoi birvavelentdadrelvdonalîayiuraIeavneh Uvrc I'IU LKaC"T AK vistar WedanedY. furnlsb bis add aud aide splttiug beurly aplIrse. tiecuot corridor bltlig thits clear. LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. laetvll. Ilnos ite a numbar o!fcOfr Youug iMen filatures. A discussioni folloved oun'-Cîunty Ail lie ceiie art locke t itnîe___________________________________ Ciiil teago Isivîr day.- We are lutormed tirtaotitoiii tiare tndDsrict organir.ation -Wiietbocluel eacb uigbt sm, tb>-prisiteri Thét t M. J, i. P. rallrosd bave lia adigreabe sMount of dnst fair ObaliWe Have." T e disuesion Wss m ev îîey ut gel swsy elr ii tirtr grding uoarly carnpeed. va h mcoybas rrranged 1te opened by lirs. junie Jut. Otibers lime. Sburlly aller èr i evya n kts . vr. Hitry e b igi v'el. prinhicgfor keep tv0 sprinklers -going nigbt and <ho spoke wve r ir. Burg, of.!(raYs- fore the nigIr t uan au Illarrived] NUSR.jake3' . day tiait thore amy hacn lnien laite. Mire. Wllir, Mns. Elisa, sud et bis poil tire quatette cliii cd out >ni- ii, .rth,,!LogrIV" . p.o.. Lae sehool ommenn'.tihere@lionday sud lance experlancod ltadni Ilatr eerai rmttitt 'tiAt iecriotrstin bi Co i.. I il LDSI. ail tia cbildreu came lu gesi lie fair. ipsil aenxeaeledents a!fi'ennérylvsuis sud NewvYrklofliov prisant-ns wbo rtmailur] btblndSo ehi Ill. nLaIým. laImpotanibe teenumeate hé ud National CorrespoudiggSeCretarY it l deral tihey souuod an alanr. o eh g ,l*ia mol tndli VrIs. lir. (1>o. Vetlrasd vîfe, o! Chicago, îsrie trasctions te ba et the fair. iraé. Fry, lu regard te the mater. Tbty rescied lb>- aler coridor ail ' .151 d and 011 >01115f,i two 5 I en n t o ul vIb e gm ser T he graun da vi filii t ea i vi b lra. (rm sby, o!f (ilrne , gave te ight a nîd ib re Ts tl vas le y. SH uit of F in e - in M. WIn. D hsoxte rsteiu. Thora viii ha .plety tor Cloing papet o! the Conférence tbe iaintevidentîy kuewthIbalOnt O! the- macinîsivsl incaiego lionday 0ou visite% 0r 800.hasubject bing. "Looklug bacîtard.' bars on lr etvuoawsoi a-~ioIIln es W. H. MILLER. mporttRa ,member trtWeduosndaY wl Olisny Auereaing slatiticsvtllrt given nu n p ug o! abolit t#113 locesm o l ln e W H.MLE . iiily the round boutre forenian buil"-Chirani Day' vian ail chilîdron siovlng tIbalunchi good vork b ladt rîulo!Ibs "an'o areenbu TINKiA AITIT, quiteau expérience going dîîvn 10te uder tourteau yaans o! aga vwiii ha beau donc by tie couuly union Ilvasfron tou bWele a ullou ieObisatd When ou val a aeoria t <1h a canine ofiaet. Bernard family adritted 0ee. silice lis organiiatlol. A vote o! sud cravl Ibrougli tie aperture toireAi K nd a d gW lb o airclnalOt lil uii a mtrml sasiocie rliy m 'aadeu's Day.' aud lthe thausu vsgîven toe111e director, ot ground bclov. lio@a!flte prisouera qui iiAN)50Vcnae. vsrtiidneed tu lohe ethe roundntibue. aociely vii i gve a fine $25 banner te (range Hall1aand go the ladies O! muid i vas Jolit7:2» ut-bdkas, li' e"i qIofg B A D P O G " li. implémete o! dese vira the O Lake <Juniy Camp haîiug the Ourneo ftrn he i gn ro nts boapitaity. îiu p d froni lb e wv ndov. V r e i s a Noz irnr W. C.Triugga 110e i tore broom suadsa crov-bar. leV reisa KuS> ilt.Mio r IV.rydat. Mms ui tslghrsd el e iOt uninr o! Woodmen lIn he eConféence l'closed Inilié Prayer.- b a uqeîons i sIvn evli usundar mrliue. itnb Im scoi os a cggand woodmfeno Parade. vllhbehst <ho arewo bcenbele vni tliedhicag!ooetaa.dov lisebeen ont o! place fortitre Pest ----- Whoge iiitl ire epon ekdil e e honofa sd alabru s are Tirce deys Of hOtly couiested ra-es four years, It bavîug proved R Plâré-for ...Right Prices .a mon o!qutun a s s cOu-tle Toehradctl an r y o né l eo t cly rad s u a col'- , grfa t imp toiaulO ut c rer lasit y asn ait itheL a ke C ounty Fair. prîsouers lu escape during libîtiti...... EH riug beus i ess lu te ale o!an dtn ey.toil aud fsevati lirovuul terni. Il Wvil neyer repaltt>i Lasus IJUII ne~ cklies. Tliey returned home last %telle, respectiiely. n-EVERETT. esudca 'rdiugi! a lenier Lo! n Wuumalster apeuding a iery Tesce YIfré ntR n cco pnaTedset . tank once tibat the corridor vas rpacitd. wflmDYMOND O .,Ilstet-ekad o ut 0 ai Thie mlcrieraryllutamntelus bthou- linhool oponsea Tnea ep l ew a scapeirurads-pîgiKaa irer, s àstate o! gloom. The oid myiligrouideravebe etd u i i t Çdserta iatwth LIOS Libertyvihie. Illinlois. arong tirayoung mou ln a asollov: nud ae eunel>I u al. B. iiedind ipeut Labor Dey it auld atde our bis lîd vtte lieIBETYu -'lune but fDot frgotteuY aof the opiniou eîety avaliable tal biere. Brsl iedd1 rsiulsa i IET VLE LIOS ..NMMOIBM-viii ha tililed by exhîitora. Space Miases suile sud Fanuit Mabolley aboutid thfié deiivery w»ild ual bave Issa'. Iîtreit 3eaiu Ceti>- Tho fimant exhibits eversituer a uin lie main ballbas beau prettY visited hereslut Stunday. occiirrad, sltiougb liire uecesiti ni Isues 1'allest 1e o d llin., .111 Lae Csmny Fir. gonrsliengagedi, sud ibere yl ho Elale Lunhain ita sbirttday ont sbaetlng the iteriîr Of>!e liejl i vti o C ui aillion etth LkeCoStyFar. standsanad botis gaie. day tani t III 5etvhieh àabo enlertaintd ssteeu as siîggesled by soitnae ha1mo Gel rersdy tor the fai t's Iiiauosi ai about forty o! ber young friends. sprlosi oeapp.arntitan a d R waetEu.baud, anti aboutidtrocove yaur support lin. and lire. Wilim cCIOry ana before. Proprieoar Ciarke, o! h lier a rîisiiug relative& lu Wisconsin. Tbeyontewgsfth u y cti mv FEEDI O Honsa a prepaed ta acommode ail d encourgemeant- Came ad iriig exp i be mo tu h laire ra the ise nJoy a rami sd tal e l te G-mi(u i vn io!le ld o co SY FECDNG Houe in poparedto accmmode &Il yor famlexpert 01the mo.luH wgirmnd P an% thtikl ruse Yn b" vho come" during fair veek. Accafu- yu siy ____ _ pntcliaed a home. Lake Counny Fair. a e a ytetteo h ou C'A LI FOR N IA inciatians tor mi nsu ouhst. 000d Pair Weeic Dancesl. Tii foîiowing Chicaga pOetvisited tléhoe.lu______y o *ex» C RESCENI inta rigit prions. The ]Çrom lrs. Zrver, Lahar Day: lira. Hoves, tlpoo uiee~aao epn CR S EN onieA u laalisbe h atTbursd&y and Frlday uigbte, SeptemienilsEnula, lins. Drucker sud lit, sud Excellent Cooki.. r tonxpand y>în tollephoue service 80 p o eis a nd s a ad l a be thp epbrad ber i4li sud 15111 Hery La re ce lita. Linduer, retigruiug on tie laIe lit. E. 0. Payne, vho vîlI haie e ty u b si ssr ur@ u à A Fa uv 5 p rOe .O D r pn. lia c e terstop a ss e gbote r. Near ot. vili giva danc es at tia Tovwn RIl .train fions L ke Fafest, charge of te dlnn ng hall on the fait ex tenui n télp hn et your de sI ouais areit ctih., il>'loudtnt but a nominaloOrheta 11th suoein.tet Tela eepheoieula lunbote ui. elphn«1 IL a~~>O>,~ fumulai Munie. 4nppet yl hoaserved came nul frortbe the anomdy are puollmulerveeleau ofer uoballe rînînalor. v~~eek sud ara nolv Uig lu a part o!fasurance o! the 3mprior quallly a!f111. omo areppitloneiê,at IlIapId L v ruirex r ,,solonaOr. ntdinametFarwk ncsrehee bu, vhic ii bu coin- meala 10 lie uruiaired liais tu tateecnmai k îcrilie l roefor ,:ows11m111 Iflounrai- usu emat orl ou the Cook. sivsyu veil atleuded, beuce are enltiy- pe nacouple o! vesîs. lirai irebasnecuret Mr. iHenry Hern, 1,4 Lakidaon eutleii CfoIthorstslsolYaleavents,.lin. T. B. Cooney sud tamilY te- ai Lberlyiila. as chie! cook.l,îir.Caite onr t priin i ,leýt i. ,Aati O or9âdlItee i tvlead iprtturned te thae ity liouday aller apenrd- Kr' a er tml o n :e. in. Wsgs lg a couiple of months nt a hl failly R fsbs!veul asco, sdC î h o ta t D p rm l E D . B E IM E H LPoint1. WIt oa 3f e, $2(v );k Apply B isarck *@u rn Nerv a resldence<hlch la belug ecleti by Il vb ihae par a reu Ktber boa d In L v î ' r g S o e--L ib ertY v i tb* Ag B ent. L, ou ve orl or te c. A. Langdou, 'rvstlia result of ils splendtd bealth. lirs. Coono's brotir, lUr. William tireaid KRmiHaslill ha pieseirl Agent. Indomite i ii sud tremendnuis Joyce. It ina very fine building and let» Of lMr. Payneis excellentlchine. Deerfeld -- - îllno eLhrtyvilie. iÀaLso C> uryaeu l tond vree tomaclin lu ime <llieo an idéal summer lhome. a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~septembet 4, il"i. 48-2 liA:eT, iduaY aud bhavais are out ot lira. Fitzgerald sud tamiy v iiisedlie ll slW ybsfrmtGr 4hen P-nid in Advance-smm L _________ If yau vaut tén qualies iug the reranlder o! the summer cago cool. Sufilciautldinuug ronlbir i irb p M I>Noi. ..TnseComptonia, v as sud 1the inceersithey brlug nueDr. monti stbere. b onacrdadI atU.PyeTeIISEIRTOeYlFluS N oiy.T u n ei r asa e d v l eb u I l a cn r e s u & ed hact l r P a y e T i a i x u , m H o e D xtnT a na yaea r Fm Jud r i - e Y U "1 vl i!,, Margrpl A. sianiolf, curad of plies by DeWits'a Wtcb ingla Nev LI!ePlsThydiop liaI utltni!l',l ua liîs-di itr- sxa Hlvasiar nfert eeteeu eîrery power of bliitéandibody. flniY its yor fair. show your al ras allurate atM«18 lie erssnud Home lnoua ya&t& t «SOs* Fai BM Jnri AUi,75M * ~ ~ l t visug île t liaIl*vi o not 1 he a ye arsan vîyh a vet erredle. 5 cuteai. .Lva i, Libetvl 5.and proises b as etsee ud Bta b ola"itm nh iiaao a u 'a iflSA ree naiti fî>r.îiy lebla aho ayVheaus s d su oreusent eeil. 2. centoM51n .<rayiaB .by ateilg. Yeu ,we hi te ya.r turulabed on tie re onds. lr rîea mr ldl.?.q 507tetk.thniate ak ic llsLir' tsfr Si>sditsaisesu.uA LL FOR $ Prairie VigvLM., AI# à 110- . Urff; Y. l. W UTZ$8li. UIoSltlle. S

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