.4 Is Get a Brick for table use, and you mI vote *t fîîîîîwîîîg article 4-Cdi Ai t ~ T4-& wIsde1 teddis.l i. t reîeto premises M. Lumi. Fremonit- 41 the deser. Ty n; da i 7ger. F ow an 8thiuunetuth@a-haln o the best warm weathrdssr.Tr t. ucr c t ii 1'e iW cîbu u m-449ioDW!s uw àee iW(4 cods -.1 crOU oup uwon lot il th.evejrpUed 5Dtin nconstanlt At o Ei-l Adiinglf eWho la sn boubted f.lisW1 W 81145t i f aduli enI.greo succm 1h0 ha.D p on fIlS OI= 4ee wokIee rub u ", d ... ......................... approval andd prolso il bus'NT 0ived ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~Thcbe s,r -M- ice - week Rome of ib>l6wiJss5 ielot 00MI throughoUt lthe Unied biaes a nd strangulationi îrequeutly rosultein DFrIyhrIiomto sul F. B. hLOaviiEuora' luitimADy toto glands. For sale hy F. death. A rupture sasys eauus« a______ tle uet (iic peche@ t1115 thl . b L Keiln toChs. W. K.mmererIB. Lov.L. L ? tvle, J. R. BiacilEa greadel of snfferlng and keepschId- - - - -tyes'. 'r7welve peas apokd from subd 16-66 w d .....................(}DtDW O UeeGAiILAEO PHARMACT, F. yen Irom developluS On Weilimetally A UUIre""0804 a150fuu v une troc weigbed over six poDDde and John P. Sch5eider and wile et ai tu L. WEWIDEEAN, Rockefeller, JoaNcaud physically as 1110! ought. lu every dl.abIe 1he luuiured persan fer îîl of hemameasured over leveu iODO B1 Ibt MuLa. Ivoihoo.. cue the genersi health ta improved lerSOUBkâ, but iU CRbOIbftwd mai7 Der et W, mvoAu oubli_______al__ ster being cured, tu hotu old anI Balm ta fr0017 applied a»= * luches in circnmforeoD. Tiie lobe siise la-la W .............. lms0 mayb.efene l When aid i- Adv nce-.ommb&lmsartch. meu!, free0410D0 peuni1,and <Moiddendcuf snd vite et aidte D.Witt's Littole arly Rhuersa r. Younfg.yhoeeteinaW fýkiliialiu o uieicure ulronie enspatlou, Asoilltviver îweuty ye.srs pain fnia malec Oum M Yê"he Pai in Advan e~.~s~.îiîs particulier fruit wvu greva en n-sud wof f iNllEe~iue Yea?, Fer.iàn I.lrIesle oe ear, adliih neyer reeivod an InchironuelleIU0 pub hW je. osb lOSlU. lvusmeusasd oru-out eonce iu the trelmeut of dim- ci.busssd bS flîii, ouée li ,là@ ylieVînr.Frniu rnal ive joors SsîfSponB1O, u 01 lre".ktAbi0. ptd feig l calelesud teglul"Mt ntes 1h.c"Isaist me. A Dme'i " sleby 11 B*I. LI. LucR B. as nusi ptnkbd (1. foBoeuf, Liiwnyville. Tumdey.eL.aWUg, ville, c.lIl. Bi mail se. us. i sidt"t o ut iOlS iis nt I;X t rat.)ga uoi -suiiiaitb0 AmoRfg ouly iwo -ymu old--good enough mm. a-il-l Wof Nvnis rued= ..111 * ymm. amll, pleasantnoyer 0ll leivle uea eeui il.J 1 odE. OL.eU siurc ito'~ ertahaly. for a dry jo sY u.euou tttglsesd ............. O dh -faonS Utle pilla. ..sud Wedueedsy forenon 09 cfevery week. jLARIEPRASAOtr, .L A L O --J Ifron the.AGraS rlpmuig." "5gjgI.Ile1g, ! A. L. TaÂvls, lM. DV»x0b Th1e sppi! af bone la dChiagihaliresud$A W. no Uv. itbuît concisue. ondliv. da Orveenl., Ythe r eoicr a eekn ki big l) vîthout hHEeur; iANDlbie Eurelunem fom ie asboeuwst be 8 oyTe cuse Ho fsd ~ .ua. ~ i~OYlIt 11 ~ îîbMiaoua r<latVP oDe he 1151015.trite ilît bssnea ~doycoiuo us iîbO t aa.vee. Ourbal w e ae dspbouglîof $4 45 paroDifiia u o o trb . mpOos and ai: M %, v is . 1 Jan s GUY Rvd f m h e la r yetvl b ore iban inb e sitnî T h o t w n , s r r e Wh Mar UV:hicao home. 1120w es. al ivdama ,T ompuo l ra., 0f rsd y k. e delers aebim tbey ae l klg W .. bot hlrdgee bug Ie, o M ie ry, a etc. I i e 4l fro pir. u tc e onsme ra c tetinsare nol. i fr0 .s n ve w t tren i t . w h m &i ho l r r nt t ih slM u d d ati e s list 0 1e prflnd e. e w l h 1 e fo m r m îlled especiaiiy or fButly usetand isUmadefrtodaa'yrear. BlwltOu a a nh, stîb eipp e r W eeo nsnth s o t d sty w e thr5W eaa te d te bet b a d a e I iiBorIthAusdin, ere .11ngerhua Mis. jT.hwos. ilis lu f e nheuung h rafed forxasvi be, anushe ea i-T h of 1hg id u m e BmIri pabents atCiag he r on Axhu. niesil a iut andrles the f tWin rimentvivgoe proancî. clgamdminceeof rigt m atpcs h tca Thaaies f &the Lakesi de go eten cnlIiWeek. 18ro, rsuglig 1gso , su$4;e frme si.A nauOtfD iiehuitaat q t i pofvea argeousilonlatofbe one O! yla ge woresrbs ie sytocben-r o d r us h t y u n ~~ ~~ lie P~m.Atid se an t icktS 011 huggie, sne ootrcou Ie foirMe., t e ir. snlt, th ongub. b ras luy sara . n t b n t h d e s w e e b ui di g iuc o tul Mie da nrk se v r . F a n m lngd ditaI e e o l e , M e o t e p o l u e c w t h e m r î milldconveincey forU 0E ns and i maderhe odrei,.ILe ru oua lalnchef Wf iagto n eurd, Chîcago, lbippr Unionthe ugut Oe fro m se ected a rd w h a t a n d g u a ra n lin . . C. p lack l yeal n ru , wfi h .a bend vlsitig là . 's rroii' a ye preo ! i t 0c sf r uee be s ud h s h t d s y w a h e . W r ______Michiar n pT Ilo wor li u dol 1epu tovesObe r v hecans re t hoinsud icnts be creahe aI l'xisxicmacle In NA!IT Ln tliCola 11e rsiigradreapfd eilles. Thialait ofi. A astheet aie'3 o 5 hr J7 rigg & PTTheO , fiono etaeimeHP.111 41,de 151h. cosnratuhv e moved I eir raO OnIin PloG ndeermer Ass W.cia ti l e' Ibi às e k p uc a ied Alul o fle u J a s l ggw ui ld i ng f" B" g r or "'uaa'rY vîL e, s toc. k g9' the WFai ranmmsl iktlon emm0hfoatr'fu ilation&Ave., r eit w tacaIl ledb' ou l.me in mgul ar sso. i> ae tsyl Shr W a ts w rh 50 buildnd preseut. for....................e......... FairPrice ibertyville - - - s .wlc aoiglu lfricnk. ire.JChnu MCole ad d sio uebWat luuAs fmeeting o!JuCicagor read Tbree barb wires, mrit. sudZ ghppnoUnmoion belicAliguât d CortetiLtZsye hr Wit, ot $.5 Ahemoit '.1410l au usha e iste 01 b a hbingptcon o pu o!vard. 11go, esaprvd O sfacteou.at abo urit 11 'hineair. ad e e iigairou H.dlng 111e faîr Te o ilk owr bila ere radau fo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for bo eabe; atonus iiI 0goutd, tsudeit fo ekms wli b uoubeiug sppived 't na95cencoi fo b.d. t ziiN'RNTBLN Grto Litdt&erCO.,bishe ar o dere d druson un motéiont ofb".o ncI ais' Linen DtoL ders' 35worth 75c0. i Il/I lo~~fir tim o' 0013h,1t sd10 'Ei 5%h.sTIS "AaAcist rois, viibe111 sd oubi or... .. .. .. .. ............. the W rvdssu boura.labt or y-oo ri at 1e.,ietdeut burcatb Bard'Se lu rgu....é..F.11, Palm eaf Fanles.itWit, h5c scires which adjins Mr. BulklOY' Chu . McCrWad.. oard preo...................... ... ... ... .. Licbs."Dniltu yiDn f ios ui MionuWi*oieing of 7 eJh...................... JFfl()fl<) 1.a()E1~.licholopuedModa wlh 'rf bis tgh irsix &atCa.oninOeamt........J l Alot 0 nthe luclos ou r. u d be la. A.ontJ. oftiideukl udH err Lroe.Laiesty Chr as its, wrhîf1.ric,20up u a dr i u g . 1T a eât a o t h e 10 s h o w p p ile s b a fam i e a T u r ao u d i or th e ir ci T m B ar u g b l.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fo hotoks ~ m e t he ake v u at luroa 0 b ridge lys anJ. fonc up ilenhilsl. AugusI, aller bi nug ncpp o i b- wormeudiaoveed suphr sniu Ir an lis.li.J. osetha ves inauc, e ommitteo wa ndwarrntsCrsHasthafpce b". dibcoinforted thereby this year. odosedsud lisun moeton osud pit ac d is ne Dutrw th$ .0 F-. - m v r a r~ ~ ---- airim e!GasrOng 0 i Riow ud odor. l--u Chîcg tueProis 0 e"wle bcte anou HIe. Report.........e.....a.....oi....... Hh e u ic' N omegmode mokusailo. circoid fe hnos',adisubet c day 1eAm.unohuisrpot',4.l D oTistiucac oby od th ee ve t Ilb ut . Al o o o S d mo n ng et t euIto iK durh . . lus onb.4 .. Ao..w h t th y ar..r h drn sdcude~tDan05 ETÂ-Cilsin hmenSofeLiion ilous b c eivéýed urtng .o.....3.4 lé0u1'aidL fFa s o g h s dBu',ttâDtn Charges. m.aud 34 . mcloe'u- lilasd ls WeiJ. rattirue d r H.miLuk by...u.................su Pug uubjecî, ..W.......for.Chr.t.....erc_'17o-pLaaiesW Crash, 111etlauhalrepmure.'20repor annleuugube fair,"Tbe loW uilsb aibe vb ese hbîlencufnedfleveeCty . sow mIau.........t......y..lu...... road te Ltte. Aheomeli a teel £eein a erlous sud L ber ide Galua CI............. 1 e.t ot owî fUnerTuatie id g led oprati. o n ilO ulehsit rm ang ag'alt id fna , suv d worn iberh vle asualaica us - wbicbMsr.eais l it& M. o. eiing. vwee i ean erm tela Wu o nlu t oudsof Mr as a s th lfp i day.lir Tiiuisu bs sid bs btel Thee la10 * agran ro!! Mud rneanportd Ha b erte or., bedi balues a e srlieldnis ad h casli hica ago Tuegday, ou e lebu1r8a3 n fl.pr reaolvdMMat o o of5000 H bq orsma@ba fnov caiuhigl Court @ouige. ae teewîtpohe d r roadalubridprt1,.31.DoEALmisAS ichncEe t byTHIood th drnkan a ueaib Kr oue Crles0 hicao , omhe r famush ors prtaedforinc onteut ex .Pe tit mous'NbT. levbre Naxdeo o )"Iir. sît thol sblp" nt l gh Ieanrer$12,4e t usîed Ma oncbed te aoveuomeWSudsh0 11e Lberyvare, - Iiitis O n ly n e B i y cle eft a aIfevce t rohojudefrlau urexebanuges beas 1~ p îcnc a w ouu Teaecîlve ing olut ass dber i :30 ab. a od an:30 e. m. tbe distu e evuyug. Baketndtinr at l by n ncestod ib a ndpe FaceLik au uge. Mia Wlch nde-wen a eion s ud idg onandAebao the on- crods balvii hober f o l enOeo T i ncatheured for tigentcondrbt 5 o ard&connteluonlu R.nI-IERM N vrvll oual. cs en-Whednada sinsuiproviae topIvlv ucatlewer ip te 1b ary!off IsleSioma, augbed ,bi osialgo aglaIzed anOd 1 th set M .u B.eI vsN U~ UUMtDN vunrel SDeteladl atn itebaivae o it1e suraofwic o vedbs'ios ' sd orlett , hoiba l 2~y 1 ~ 5 L M 'Wun ou 'toic.. thu10la e o u it ue tS ue grose 1 ll se veripe . $.0pu 0l ou eolb Libety ile "-moefluatiesudh esiraii e ou. n & e cevebreIsaé b lp BoopuG. OleY i, pvea aidet .fuliioau$eeAve.0suc apo- LL O NsIr rity iN mutii thegii ralu f o us eor0 mba. Cclaoru ther alr1inosoaor ste. AIl contgieant îex oS arkPlce Loeite l s uaher.Ne"dea got. nIbCistcnr ied a i rlgs &t 1.lo &bathe esai ratabcdud u bnds btstnuueredt teun"veSaeptember t th Librt.il(e Ilinos. bfv e o s' He r ueinte le Up il aoniutofn wllresciauie .m e uswsloitcaud igralD ala t he drughthe oe , in.a tdeor a$ ov lilou Oersoosd hanbs' ptba yJ j far Di ek.Te I o t o vu au C o t Tigg. o rt ino gs'Jaestite reonofBhorear Monda va.LaborDsybut vswnoyiamdilwuel!1 evu., oullio u' if obsere t wl lbetlo vre aborth e G e eig t b e Llb rt' ve rabouse- teeA e ri e d __0_______________in CIu.otorsR. 5ecus 11elonlBviAesu baand tank fexece loed bs' Ore ason sudlagga I at vbora"o vrttatri osal ih e on te r f aceuof h fa nc sud p e u iept n:u13thT e le'nuiglanlovrbra...... 1 Lib rty ill Mici Dotrelucraiendcosopoial n 1 wra la etertaluffieir uumeroureshiva pileaofrBrobs", omn L uced nd I. Pomet ;idletiol vurau 11 e rvbaî thetb der 0pealc . l nin ove s'reutid o TPrilg atBys sot i ONdrbrs o3 O Lo ie la à usie ad a oo tis ocure>e Tig s strig w eu "id@unil tie d o ansrud u tands 2eBos rs h t.. O L ad jes' S hirt I a Dsos§tnd<'ls'ofaibeyviHentberur ropdeon. oseer ep ote AvefrutP. .rb 's rprt25'Lde'hotbc stir b isa e rdiTna',Speberau enhered 1 h. vî b roge, awdic o e nd ho r o ioedbs'Giesben sud (liasol by t ' o4cBbis aecr oid......... shot-au sd 1'pwrhl k dpat.11eu Rdaeje0 ile lesur IbI rabL t iu11ame sud vIlge torebsi' um r 0 il 25 ~<tiîrts . S 94>M oneut Lo! 1 leropoilut wuainea uol ebr IIoS Illme. I m 35 e nt isiper footor M iau- aa eraevîsa ........... 1 ~i <i ~irtsta 1h tm, 'oIr.ru................. 75 oieelu i cgoi sty ilionde as' oter ai vouid tgel iber ydinnorsousîe- sreet.Ave ' ae-.Di I5 (le on 5 Byscrhtu .p ts.. 1 ,.s'4. tsirs itimi Nlir..............D o arice yco ndab vliadisîarntsbgerodsai t oi bîeos r'lativb.eO s nbs', rse . Nas' ( o rb iacp 3elS lOIS1 $î.404 Ciuidreu's iow sbe .... . ........ Sc vîtb îaIia?40 bereif b' beraptttueafldppll Wh o l cb r e viv es. tu e u fair, ndble o I lleoto. s mue a It Peen .ndcto seuwar 0 .pant thebis uNI ed fololug aun A 'es - t 54e adtea'shr feaew ahit o... 34..*§Oc2 l.,i, ortogabrte.................... 2 icb qiteulitis ar eis te saddusisn e wok p-ar esout n ti>uBolveors.isubs' au or st.e aie'al uty. 1 Ladpies'tlu 11eue !sio -gosawibmeltiktstuddc A e . inss fronlet of d.Trtgges ('rpr'. 2c le s er a ash il or ....... ... 10 baud ont bIsifent tlua agho ejos' t e r Moved bs' <jessonsud 4ileau t ht s 25eg L 0 ad ie 11 l a @ îsd... ..... s biln ardna Shrm n tâtre th wthbarl ork wi tserve ob mo inbcrae ead trugfr. a rtt r.dIlle Cidas bet kor red hotmtt................ o e Il S4ilirt ai ............. 0 m litofPrhe va e of ol n Bsiesst s abould ebtis,ar lspriecedeilt ei d i 3euta p ont fea oltee l 73.44 . Ch o ll tModas ine .Crhic ago lntken tbe Iuittl w uidstlio red. A e DioB 5 o@ rs as at llio'25 Wrting ait s 1 >0 o 11e si clus..t.r....o.roe.reati e t t1 e lt er 1e oI e v as' t. SSNB ISN eagtu f)rmMornee miiea nortloS Wsuitgan lu frontr! bis prinerbs' on.....rry ..... ......ttoc 75..ear iul1. E.1 aS huM m llar 40 a or ,r Weus bv alaf b fur p iuie adappicb a s teudt ua vsIt Ondmage n o a Flegi n mlvslto ,tt io s mend. lu ui. erse su rab ia v'ae slu rg t bn etlm nae bs yrde rt-Sur oe e it l e tsr Oand d calees Wh,' o mîllliig Tor (v. r . sC a lvr- e ' e c l ah te,3fr.... .. lIa, bave eterai pietsât Eis wtiSa tg betltig w eb 15eYptrse fair Miilevo eau Gnemiles.uhe roadssere lu b5e Ladiaes'cb vas dng oppoal.....d...sed. s $1 imie r t ......... .. ........ 70e oni@l uso neug f1the1Condstadts properîs' dîrngibye Hre eo Ib e i dn('poit W aroic.g 1 . 3411 yds long...... .... ..........1I0.0 Chpae vat cerlay . Iliaet iug e W.aîdo ,as sud bthuetunitiate r restr. MsaSblI" frtaten attesnotcoufideation. ir.fCurtis01 hh". touts.'.bon Siv.zlsir o rdn o S se tn, who baslesin ver adtl. ale te dill ave d t..e . E. t itzme d eter ne eclssdPitst a . r eln iH t. t$ 0 rons e malu 1de bfaousrid e r iIig be ulo r ni, on bs propets'. ililifýr - t- _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ C rhaveole reg lous 0fqAiasoka Sor sver an s'eaù iNovpeiyaruneceah wrs'nhoon eaneontheheoadT es' arebasîmpîs'admerfewaht.'. orlîcae "idEOPLES' T h e F a ir B ut.er...g..L..rt..... f o tin o 10 bis h e l dIion l atdhanad bideepery n i n d 1pub lu 4of the ob.I o re, oS La WFayete ia., f Rugs 1 -4 ds ongat .....................$1.0 pceuuy (lrd is lutxcellet beigaldb, boarh sie. t he ag el a e .Cree 10 DeWlth's il tl RrD'ot isna.hb tae nocnilrto.cus lagd u httedthw sud aI live pr silmeut. Nl 5i 1Pe lissa ar issu;Iv i naunos o m is. God onpeuS hha ve viilho d be fevirlb ile.buter aul ili Cavel in, aM.Eo.us t1e ls ErcasiaIO .~ brdsbctlu of ebIspeolis Ktnp dke attsud1theatg l u oudbs ropeulug W. LO EL, Llber. tyv ll. J. I LibertyvlFe[ Illinmis.bry.ur ed o b omeIngit b Ci tytb lmdite<ihja h refuosita d o puton 20d- BUCIIM.oore, LF. . ett EI i-o saa Sgl igî u od d. st gte alter u i n iro s'd un d iA, octelimer . M tl ;-e eUm eprm w lbldtcttou hos 111e bordfugsugdo u ttend B*rl Ac*lar u sd Ciiby ebonltJc icu duner M .Lii OD On. Dat- vee i intereat lis'bis Libertyý- 11e bau regalued lieure Whitney&CcrMllOe.' Au eSN-oim n.r C ollins' B rickville acquaintauce. le domsaDtuo Upton. oS Wsukeguu, te, prosecte Lis@ I am preparedl to grlud s'our applea j i tIlut much of the countrs' sud case, oblch wolil con1e olu iWauikegan and matle <iier ah 1i cents lper galion. recule. Aimii, atthîssoMes. I e C e r i~ d e a o 1enevspper accouuîs oS inSbe coure fi s va eet or tva, ad Saificiou guarauhced. Briiîg on doub i.Far, , e *oei GLMAMON Hall leua()su 6ddDA. F rid a y ... cîtileula. as' i m. 'E.c. 711BoS. L4 ertîvl i k s I d ( 1