CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Sep 1899, p. 8

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Im "M t-»olm* t* «a tvolbspart 4h~, mutai Chit 1WU 0 . r»&gVodot- 00 m1 A h amlobat<, J. A. 11 WV. Bon, George O0u168, Whp. Chas. Oeouber. hiat lM a h» all CecuamuI out mm tným einaici aft.aaaa ~ew las ga-0lb.heaur 4s. hoetru GOurmevemt u Do 101W1baUst My sage of h *0 aEvamu oti eg Dot ami, Uhmgsrt . b bal but imo 0" voeL WJUteaniai thée canUsivas go liii a ugond c eovi vil- 11h. ostemttrou b.ghiniug 1 Ph. ln. upvasasmiloe»: M aurus. ............ cs .s... ..... .s..eàhbr * . :x......M oIt IWbrliffl5 - l **mmTbu vu Um day betot», kO M4almgabou t 1 e u» jw4q 1 oe but Tmiaapiteheu ,.-- ski oollay ior Gurn.s WUM20M5sOath boys b"a WàïI&,t» x evo*a wS s ith ~~2o'C.j~miv*Cg."an mm M»r blousa .ueb lb «»Montls ferla. c61se *%uMW itebea Che om. dm"i lb.ransa&'bhuoilup k»i: ...... p . .....i .... e ...... s. le;*«,".:.:.:*'* oi 'i $Ilaotsae" rc ~pr5aaausl ve bave ievob- là kb14 ierl.'ta mklg C6.fairofaia a*0M»buat wuerboid ftlhelaJ siMe ou cl euAe o ai -0s. Th.Irmce vet ol. c fsepeopea et COIeeavotuas a taim mut a Hha aiyPa ton-. l soeoya. T'Fdb. iecy lai huadrel elfl pu WflImprov.uoula. Thero suSI Mdet the m&slth. aL vImtct h.over Mi PIW. IL. Millatroolal ~ houllj i vblh ho le fblh a ma ex oxca show- aIs~ moeionaitheor, sud ~le 1maIvilh meale. 0. . dW bcodiseovot vlio. -The ores bqiëugSdjudg Detafle Ga- Wmmmdaove & darglleu" aqoemmbleus.B. W a udb 1Was,ý bimm M sd mmosical Wni-lue. .Ba.msm q9m italie-Hmua uma Bush -.m usu aLute-imLSi dol seau vn-l. M g4td ni Nsunaiistor- L.J. Ignyt. v~ ~ hdie aorBv rou oris Board ai Bupervisor mel in isukeganC hie vok sud tsnmcted roaliuo business. Befare cdjoalrmang mat vesi, ta enable meubets la attend th. fairtheI. olloving Grand Juron vsre ciason lorthlb.Ociobet »id larcb tenus at court: T'ove October Match Bouton... Js. WoodWorlb.. Coine aBull Nevpori ... Ibomas Once.. .1 Bsville Autiock ... Wlls eDrom .... 0. EXKelly Jamnes linGuire.. John Dariar Oraut...Wm. Ocasin.... Go. Brapher Avon... W. Wilsom...Jobn banner Warren .... Charlea D Wllbur..Chaa. Tacher Vaekeffl.Joba J. Pas ...J. C. lierelacea Ose E. lurnet.. .0. Spcolding J. B. Dsdy......J. lancard Ch" as.iusaam.. .Celes, Gorlas IL ta, PMlpo ...OChas Webb Shieldsa..S. . LArnold ... . iastercaa Fred Womban..i. bwasher 4hbettjlIIeW. E. Davia. H. I ncavuw Fraomt ... 0. P. Thoms ... Wm Vickent Waaaoda L. C. PrIoe....I. Niebala Cuba...Ja W. Bsunetl.....P. Wiseman lu&a.H... erman Frelm.. .Jos. Biauner Vuois..Joasph liebrds.â Wtokerabslm W Deeril d WtuPEston. LOeamner Deea'eld...P àA Moutemer.Jau. B. ShIelde W B3fjommInea..0 lB Morgan Heydaocker Aux@s AaaItalOO. Slutes Alloruey Moeydocker addreai Od She I180«d Of Buparvlaors monda Md ssked su appropriation ta provid for an assiattalinuproeeonof th l izueger os.Th Board appropriai ed SM0 for tuai purpoas. Il ia probable Ut"ai&bout 8100 v i he appropriatld &toPair %h. count joli Ut the Prenns essioofOthlb.boarc Tâo board panted a r$gbt"-ivY 1 &ho. Cook, 1*ke and lNeuery Co nouaIIWJompaui aaOs the oiaib Paoo Parm for a causidertian of 8SU A Rloh eBiBe. Som"" St ripe, 0i lbe Waukegi waablnglan inuing sud Bmeltlu COompay, teporta Ibiat operatars limeir £011 mille as Washington ha brokon limualiaa'-avoir* lu lIas vu and lime vainuie lirly foot vide. À are aaid ta b.oaifgaod body Lsid 1 riohar itan a»y previontly talion ire the mine,.lit. HIripe declarea lh experce predict il viii hb.thlb bUl mi iu Washington. REAL BUTATS TRANSFERai. Furniahd by Lake Oounty Tille àTrust Co. Absu*raso! '1111. TilesGust»le Ulase Temple Bld<. Wankegan. Lotus 8. 0GamnseejW Ltsis K. Bobineansd huiaaud %0 vd............... .... 11NZ-4 Wloua. sd vie:to Klam'l %npei l a s arae secs 111v.4w ......................... Prasieln 5. Dr.ond sud vite t'O und........................... ce a GlOv»arte EDonner àaeUhatk ki1U B58Din Lotaibih * C fraula Wthauddto Lbortyvllequid.. su B Ee rouancd nas e as r sec AU.Ierla awt v r u1 ........................ a AIomArthrJ. leVu y <.1 ~t> st4a ne Aartînd the, ~# ai Uh<mi i Jerniab DWmTy, 09Wou- vu méruet ia caminas'I the SMhaUi5jty eoivhag a cruel]g9ah ggÏ Ch.butGtOhd, t55flItlfl iD hls toftlem. Maua tvabouts citer th. Thboyb wums ouaI farthe11.Lîberti. riflDeaaiVhoeabis tubher vas gaing te civea Mm m»d tbeother oblldron a z laJa omthg. About '8.45lit. Dmdy - wC m Stu MIlefiov 80 tus up taltha bumi~nbis lunch basket aM it Vu about IMMne t $bCou t te 0tAla forile Sb. *al. thb.lad vott thela.bouam sum usato 0f1nolutathg Satue %tome n ublO us italt vwua aclnshlm, ho vaut lovai lth. jation. 0* the wuy lova, b. alopped et tlb.f Nobv«tondepos tuvmlatb. miii tin' lne Iool on lt.ea-8 aida os tha Igacha ca" vuas esgd Inil oo.vuato*rvib Epresuaau Harr Beaud Who u.t on lb. exprestruck. The boy talmd &bout tIbm departute of lb . E.J. a E. excuusion train snd grsdiasly vorbed lia vay bt h.e - items ai. of Ch. e onent ptfom.1 Thbe trugi Me on sud lir. Bea Cati MW~ lsd te 10019 ont for il. 9H. Choaghl et contse Che yonngaler vonud bahl hivagning sud lsp back - im glmseelop sud mv Cime oarumbtng Cralýi. le di mDol Mor. bovover, sud helonRad00aoold 8asi4. Mm, lthe sn. <la. bai pasasd. The boy &tod go Msmcl thelb.ueige tCh.evsl Chat t Cta o eumenu over il sud clllaangb &bu »elue passaI hlm ho vanot1 touebe l bl. Hoa Meel ta la.. hi$. balancehovot si~taChe engins gaI by aMd one foot sppeared ta atp Over1 ta the <roud beIou, H.ovs thon etruek hylb. héfront parft h. irlI Aul Chia bai ooseplei aunebceediugl short lm»a"mIatter petoaving Ch. bol aasing la Ch.eicageons Pout. ic. eMaiJumWed trou bis mosucd f1.41 0 pcb hbes. Se goI bald of bis Ost jusitM the car strnck hlm. lie vaw» méruck ou Ch. aide of the bsadu 9 asthe expreaman atil heid ta hi. à sontbeovw» inoolsi direeily Inta the B jwà aba, ift. Baud banini ot ptomeitated loCthe <round ua s eanît. àThe lnjul lad vas Put hala lb. à mburu halai bu@ and Saxon la bis aents'home sud Dm..Knighl sud Fa- 107 *vr. Mumuonel. Tihe dactora p orked bard upea the viollun. but hie houiwu badly manglal sud it vas realiacd immedisteljIhst la. couid ual survive. The lUWte fellov vas th. aeoîad son of lit. and lir. J. BL Dady. Grand Jtaroras 9eeted. TIME TABLE. EOCKEWULlùul, ILLIOIR. couic mn"aT. coinscaDra. à,. 1105 A. .1:31UL .61:10 '7440 &m 11:00 4'a Bundat o 7:12 a *Dalîr. ptunay ROCKEFELLER- lil larjNorton let& Tnesdsy far Ivautan t a ttend «acol. lisa. Knblank'asud son euterlalnsd -elatives sfre, Aiganquin Sbuday. lira. Chas. £) speUdlng th. vesk wtb lier cousin, lira. Fred Goeviîlst. lin. B. C. W. Nioyer laiut Waukegan bhis Wpeàt sîtendlng the Suparvlsots' meeintg. lira. J. B. Croukhlle autloira Ford River, 11Dii., Wednday, ta viaitliber daufibler, lira. Fred slladdle. lia Emma Condrsy fa home tramI Vsîpatas ifor a feq daLyB, af 1er vhlcl hi s iiratnra sud engage lu teacla- one af the emplayes t the Diamnu Lait s 0bouse titis veehcccideutally mvyaislaia large ts ouonriglat t rltb a crov bat. lira. Wm. lMeyer died ait ber hame ln Lollhlan Tusday aflernoan. Fun- orai Ptlquj st 12 a'clock, (la-day.> ObhiDary uez veh. An Itallan section has d as thravu train a frehghl car Tuesday sud badiy btulsed up. Dr. 'Fravis fixed hlm up gl as nov, aud hoevasmeulta habi hoame ha Chicaga. A lire inthelb.kîlahen aven U'estet- man,& atorse aued na UtIle excitemeut last Salurday. 'Fhe lisme vas slaried bj an oll slave, sud beiate il; vas aqnehched a vludav e.alng, ocaie sud vail papet ver. badîy bnrned - HALF DAY lir. David ipeara vas hoEt Ie e alllin nfriends. B. H. poglav lraacied businestu Wankegau lianday. WIisi Johnson made a trip la Chi- caga atat ve Wedneasdy la vîit bis singer. John Aibtseht, ofI Sîllîvatet, mina., visitaislais maiher snd broiliers boe tat veeh. The haes Clarsaud Anus Psetrsot ad Misaks, a01ltaveavoOd, viNsis et OsplaIn jabuson'Ba luuday. lia. Mary Baller, vln labueboo suying vitI ber mollier the pasI itres veekg has rturneai ta Chicago. Jua. Velier vas home Suudaj. W a. Auto. sauhome a 1ev laya lai li. a. nak vas a Chicago visitei iMandai. lit. Fritszlilimehl vas iu Cbtcgg suday, M. Bateuberger vas a Waukegal viaitar ianday. lis. Oea. Paraona susa cCbicagt visigor Tuenday. litr. Boronherger vas a Chlcas vsseor 'ueaday. lit. Ju. uder sud vitle, of Chlcagt vets bere Snnday. lit. Clark, of Chicago, waa lu lour lutI veek ou business. lit.lMaxicePetts vho ha employa et Elgin vas home Snndsy. Scimool vas clased tva dsys last vea an accoont ut th1e fair. Jckej vîlli hia nevWagon la dola su enormaus business lu becy. %t il la rnurit dhaire Csatg finr la gala la ludulge in mattbnauy so. lit. GaysLange vha la employais mWauhtegcu vas home last veek for lev deys. )n AillesudParte attendeditlthecantai fait. 'Fhey Saie ttaaaaportltoa by st vay aof1the Pie. Aille t ha iluxunfabout havlug astel pbaaae put, in 1te Aunes block bco eutcommunicale vath Che vba biook. Faut of aur Young people attend s. the vaudeville at iieridail Paré: h Sunday sud thby wvesverY wv ssllslied villi tb. play reudeted. lit. Tommy Dufly sud Fritz Bilis are lakinficontracta furtcauting coi uk Anjans vsuliug Itheir corn eoui pie ay consul&elier Oftheb.sone geuloni de The appeaueofai shormse« s0 li rnage l u to et lv1mI nady reaso àt, <ts aiamaug 1the people ai 0 ug lIy ltus master medhai inspectai suad pronauinced ilmai iW factoty le everj vaj. r. Cul Down In Youth. ta Salurday nifibl aI Disuond li c'a aoonrrsd lb. dealla of!RBuel],1 ty titeen yeux al sounaoflit, sud I Q0. George lLSY, of lIaI place. De vas due la tumor aif1the brain t; vlaicla the uniartunate Young a tn aumfetel for lb. pas$ ten jeans.- I bovides bis paoethero are ae lu a i broîts reand slstets sit gamei ave hm oesai*spraulains >aailb.1 lua fanerai vas held Tueay tram AI, resideuce. aur "'F11,7are simpij perfeel." wvi a11 BobI HMoore, ai Lahayette, lad., btDeWiIII Little BEayRjBisera, in. '-iamau situ1e Piles" for constipas sud ail liver alimente. Nover Vtil; F. B. LOvMLL, Llbersyville. J. BRaàcONE. ounee, F. L. Wsa' MAN, itoCkielier. aed Wantadll Mi. len sud teaun ga vait an the Ct Laie sud licBeury CouutsmBail' betlvenLibertyville sud Nipperl point. Wsges ai men, 83.00; se 'LuS $3.50. Bord, 8350 per vesi. AI eau tbs vorh or ta C. A. laug 1 meeting of the OOuaCj boue iiiChina, £toua wf l i r a 1 B . . O r l O , o f ! V a k e gn , 4 S M nte-tatad the W. C. B. la" Wedneo>- Mr day.ofl lir. Churohl ecommnecd hWmIiot rTh ,fn tbe Baugaluck achoal Ist lion- m«, day. M Mrt. and lita.1D. P. Bavard are trou rsjoting avoren h.bîrilof a brght mi baby girl. lir.1 The achool ipa district No. 5, la I-tl g>olaia5Îffi inly vllb lias Be» Tb C.eoker itvubas ~ sacim.. A, lir, sud M»r. Wua. HvsYez, a1 va Wsukegan, voeeguesta af J. L. ivaje TtI sud familY BalUrday and Bunlcy. vu John Bocok Ludvile have rstotued v tram laning, licehigan, vhore tbsy Tt bave beu v1sitinMg ihelr Dou th PestMIl tva eesha. viei lit, sud Ulir a rvey Potr vhol, M have beeu viitlng relisa nd veto frienda bers tlimeuot tva vaekahave irez returne u theIlitbomle t i imumi - tfle liras. Orauby, lira. J. L. Svayet and I lits. HerbtIatLake go ta Chicaga cart ThuraY t 1sit as dolegaiesatetatlb. ta 4111 district convention o1 the, W. C. eaur T. U. Wou John Ncot, af Forent Olen, vas eal- le ing on fiaonda bers the tiraI Of the.d vsek. Jotin la a plumer by Irade and balais à very lucrative Position eI lrwln Park. r A. N. Dicknota vla bas beon viillng alu retstjves hlisereturned te is bomleilu al litivaullee tant veek. Bis nopbsv. tru A. L. Wlihr aemPanled hlm hame lg and laak linlb.eiMate fait. liel 1 Page Hill, Con. Btogden, Elmer Raseaah sud Peter SIniser have eaâch honglatT -nsv Vieerinfi corn hindousasnd are t laying %lb. corn loy aaud Bd. iRav bas à ai new McCotmick taluder. Ail vark Jla W. learnt ht Wm. Pricesand vît. At lotmetty o! Ibisplace, nov resîdeul mu af Coldar lapida, Iawa, are happy ovor AM the arrivai of a ino baby girl as Ibeir Mi tlhame reca'tly. -Their lobby tilends eut bond congrtulnatiaons. o! Fat vounda, bhuna, scalde, saros, I sakin disesses sud lrrtlating erul3tlOug, nothlng no aaothiu< sud beallug -asr' DeVitta Wtch fissel salve, lira.tIl Emma Balis,. Naton Englevaod, 80 Nursrj, clalagu, n"Ya ai il: "Wtl e l1 ail loshat atI hobjinfi ont babies, lit J. * vili cure.", F. B. LovEici. Liberty- lot ville; J. B. BRaLeIa.a Gurus.: F. L. li * W»TRstUAN, ROCkafOlsIt. m I, VOLO. lirau. Jahn Itomîn I van lu Chilcagoal luat Tliursday. os EllIsa BRichardson trasasctnd huât- ' nasa iu the eity Tueaday. J l lilasPàary Watts sud lady frsnd ,i are boie r ramChicago.ti et Dr. Hovard, of Elgin, visllod nblason1 A OtIte sud family a short lime s»go. wu r lils Enlehatl, of Chicago, vas the go gugat Oa i"ascla ltosulnt sîeel. JO ro Gerner VaflUDOsnetiapecla ta leave for Southi Dakota lu the Dolar futurs. ci n Bush RichardsonI snd vile vlsiled t Oaa. Lumlej lu Orsêuon od test 90 Wedneadsy. lin. C. 0. uBon vlited relatives lu o Elinuand Chicago lut Wedunaday sud A Tliurad&y. 0 p, George Rtichardson aud vite, ofi8, Hsisalll, peu lpuday vlth bis n parents ha Ibis Place. I lin. Allen leit for Vermout lu al d Thutaday mter &510v veeka viit vltb O C. o. Bubon sud tcmily. k Uma.Abble Couvergs. Of Webst li- Hsnry bas boeen tbegnuat of ber sont. g lira. John Wallon the pai tva veekz. i Kodol Dyspepsie Cura Ià s acieutîiie iii compound bavltg the endorsment oft cauluent physicieansd 1the medicai in preas. t '-digests vhat yau fat' and aposlllvely cure. dyspepsie. IM. A. Ktron, Blaomlngdale. Tenu., maya It ,ty cured hlmo! ludîgealin ltna eunjecra stansding. F. B. LoVIELL. Lîbertyvîlle;t J . R. BIIAC'HER, Ournes. F. L. WsaaTR.a- le-cMN, Rockeeller.s oie FORT HILL. Corn cutllng nearlyIlliabsd. ld School commnenced lioudsy, Misa roi Iyrtle Paymas ce teacher. eO. Wat lii attendlug 1the Board obi supenrvisors meeting lu Waukegan tbla veei. )rD. prsd Converse bas tented lts feai feu at Frank Hiranjanus for a IloriniJ! M- prof. Pratt. nf Lake Forest vili give our c&musical eatrtsiniuenabathe l Fr tnie Hil Christian Churela Bnnday evenliaf ~,Sept. 24. Ail sbould came la heur hlm. Chaser H. Brown. Klamcsoa, lildia.. msys: '-Kadol Dyspepis Cure cursd me ai a asvere case ai indigestion, eau sttougly recommend Ilt&0a,,Ildysq- aies peptica.' Digesat& hat Yau est vlth- Ch.e oui id tramn the stamsnchl, sud cuvrs ira, dyspepsia. F. B. LOVXLL, Liberty- YC Ille; J.B. BRÂCRER, Liones; F. L. eahWBaTsEBMÀii. ockeielî.ir. .rom inan WAUCONDA. >er- Ritchoo comuaenced )londaiy wtb a )rn W.B Scr eymour lai.bavlng big bouse T h e p a n e , L . P a e r a l a d o l a i fit h e v r k . the lia.Urry <rSnthal» retUrIaed test saturday troa fatvdeys' riaitlu Inbte Eity. ies Dr. r,. B. Welsansd E. E. Gilbert 01a csptured several prizea aIt fitrlut t'li veek. lou J. M. Clark and vils hsve gone ta pie. North Caroline tae lsit tibeir son . Lcharte»asudvife.. ITR B. j. Relly bas beon sppolnted maanal la 1111 vsmeuy cauaed by th1e reslgnatlon af C. L. Pratt. Ira. J. Cauvstse and Nus. Louis ;ak Couvai, ai Fart Hill vers Wanconda vway yiaigorta Fday af tant veek. %tha The W. C. T. U. beldisaconvention aun il&unsliM. . ecri 'uoaday aflroonu. pply Eoetbxants veto srved. 991 ftuer vidéilmha Ch.elity last bSdloy sudSuday. gr. QUentin S» hom eme veary lité sudbhng bitmait. b.t iVatlo Lodge bld lDe montlily Mt. Stepheu t otertained oaupamny nm tamtBloomingbon somelime ago. Mr. sud lira. V. ÉHouer esutersd rGrase.asd faunily tram 1the oity i veek. R' 'ho in aover aud, altlaougb il vas ssediaigiy dusty., yet th1e vsather in týr. of couarse. Tbe Y. P. &Ilanue buahness meeting is postponed 1luI ve.k Thutaday «ng no quorum boeinfi prienst. The Hisses Reckertaveller sud siten Hsokertlveiler fromt Oak Park lited relativesand frienda boe. iany faarunsa ars compslld tearas ver because aofIlecoaninuent5 augbi. Becent raina have tnt boe- md vella. Erod Oral cout about ivq actes a1 )Ta ane aiternoon lent veek. At il c lad lbey dîl ual have a race ln 'n uutting utthe tatrfor 1ho anrely 'ld bave tcken lintI monsy. 'Fb. onn Fred eauld outsaoifut vas Mu. 1oe as aivaya thinklug ai bis sr Kltty. You'il gelt ber jet, Fred.' itumat bas istChat L. Ballenback bas urhsad hie iatber's lot andi buli- ag furthe . onaaetalon af $2,500 ad $bat lir. Baleubac i iiimors te Isatins. W. hope the lattet la ual rue for Long Urave voflld bat. te me hlm. Wea so belleve that batha cu ndloisa amiy vouîd gel hameaick boulai they lenave Ibsir native place. Tuesday erqung a crovd taok a trip Rc ta>Derlleld vhere lhey vere enier - m aned by Mima VoIler. Thsy arrived le sud vent home eariy vhlch aurely hcommendable tl'ong folk&. LIter a shott social chai sud tome unie, le cre an sd cake vas serveai. mont enjayable lime vas apeut sud las Veller did berneli et sit a u itertluet. On ths vav lame came ofChe parti iolit aiher slck, at lecat ey actedih as vay. A notsbi e@vent occurteai aI Long Irve on lb. eveng of Sept, 161111an àe renidsuce aiflir. sud it.. Buot. §lanabele lu the vay a aprogrssive carepsrtî lu banar of lit. audJlits. I.Hodenachatz, af Chicaga The ollovinfi gueste ver. prefeu:loirt. [le. Baker and asiter attel, liT, sud [ta. Jobn Baker, litaud lira. Chas. KleinùUlia, lit, sud lits. P. fB. Bartlett t,sUdMlia.OGao. Quintoa, Ut. Oaa. Hans, lir. AlbertSansr, lia Mary Liaitlits. C. A. Sanet and tiera. The tireI ladis' prise vas won by lits. J. Badenhats; the scond ladies'prise ,vs van by lira. John Baker; lths ladies' boody priase Was van by loira. Oea. Qaltu. 'Fia rat gent.' prise vies van by loit. Alberl Houer; the second gent.' prise ras von 1)7 li. Oa. Qiltan; ths gente' laoody prise vas van by Urt. Jbhn Baker. Alter vhlch reirasîament. wer. aetved. 'Fb. vs. hanta ai the mortnlng vaund np vltb s dance. lUt. Cbase. Klsaamlth bahk the prise for fancy dancing. lit. and lir.Millet sud sou aandlit. Armstrong froua Chicago, vers gnus of litaud lira. Fred Biennae» aver Sunday.L Ht, sud Mliia. . . HSchierding huid frt their guai-t lit, sud lit. T. Callov ovet Sunday. SHERMEFiVILLE. The granieai pieu le of 1the sessln vîli be glvi-uat Htaimela grave. ituaaday Sept. 24. Miaae by the elie bralee 'irsaitltlo Band. WH'EELING. eBSteeivd lia latefor 1.1 vweekj) TLvo cottagi-scr-areiiaif llt soeur Elmer slgwalti at liending bigla sebool at Lake 'iev. J. Foiz la building aldevalh nbis lwiaukee Avi-. atreel frmnt. Leslie Smilla bastlb.dipiatherla but la reportedl ont ai danger. Mir, sud lira. DoYonnfi of Pein, III., are vialling uaI lra. tSîrykeis. 'Fiasdam lanmon te hi repaired vhiehbwyul give us goead bastng galn. A large farte ai italiena in raîiug lias Wiacîîaaaln Ci-ntral Irachsat Ibis point. 11ev . i. lndbeuks of Zion cburcb la lu leaies mou for saî-harge lu Wisaconsin. Frank Kaiser nit Frank Woillu vii attend Iiauaoaacollege lu Ibe eitY tI i vIoer. Florence titryker sud Elsie Wendlng are sîlsudin g ilhacheool aIi Sycare. lit.. Adee, prineipîs boesas ev yemrs ,mgo) la auperinietadeul et Ihat place. NORTH-lNORTHFIELD. lt. Hu-nI,Jr., eul J. Bachba crn huit vssk. Misn Barlel, vian vIilltng vitI re- &lativ-, boe r rlarueid ore lW (ocago A Wedeil, o!Shbermerville, lan iait- iug et . .Hiacha mquate o<tn. Wbcl lan lite attraction AdialpthA t Aauoug ihoasevhoa bahtheir familles Btu tbe lait vers litr.C. KaeWin, lit. t J. Bach and li. . W aallg. E . iaitch v eut tu Chaicago Butor- day tla nit relatives Ibere snd &W ata gel huasaalet vbo vent lest Wednes- adey. . Ed. la taklng lun1the tavus sud cilis, fonlt lsiSondai hc entsatulaChicago, ISnaday belote hlanad W. Weber ce- 0companted hi Hlm Ida BartsI sd la HanaiBâilatab veultateWanhegsu sand nesi Sonday ta- mal nust aEd. abutathe lavus aud bow la tas jour way. tockefeller - - - - - .Illinos. .coAo,,Lon We handie the famous D. L. & W. Now is the time to order your winterms supply of coal. IT WILL BE lIOUERI We handle ai kinds of coal and can supply you wlth the best to be had in nut, egg, range or soft coal. WRIGHT & SON, Now Is The' Time-...m * To Have Vour Picture Taken. A I16x20 Platino-Crayonoid enlarged Portrait will be given with every order for a dozen of our best photos at $3.00 per doz. Photos ail to be of the same persan. We make ail Styles and Flnlshes. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. HuaesA' Studio, Waucc )nda - - - - - Illinois. Cross Crèeek Lehi*ghCoal. Wut taphr cote nme ___e- Cross Creek Lehigh ls mined in the heart of the LEHIGH REGION and no expense or trouble le spared. in its prezparation. It le re- markable for its 1 purity, durabllity, freedom from slate and clînker, and smail per cent. of ash. A TRIAL WilI" demonstrate its superior qualities. Leave your order now for your wiflter'8 supply. -0- G. iM. SC1IANCKI When.Paid in Advance-.m Theb. iNDSPENDDm UO Ym eo. PAra. sud Flradole ou@ eut, Womu a nome Caaalnune yau iar. VFaru Jonpvisti Uve yters sud Stv b,sjkq "lsmant"hetaI SratogeSudciii..lalulllha Aung BrrlaAie -- 1 - 1 la 10 tockefeI1er Bargain Ilouse. They're watching us,'and we keep 'effi .... guessins.... Ilard-to-beat Pries. 18 Ibo Grmueimta sgar......... . .....1 m> 1h bgaad baklaa< povder........................ 10 Il Ibo OntmuaI25 1 a7k5g5 aloralua......................... 09 G oal Soaa Oelképar 07 [Icaeau GoodCmal Oon ...... ....................2U 2 lb pacagePearl Bomlnj .... ....... .. 1ý........(06 10a Boa l uiaig ........... ...... os 1 lb baili caumi0li(4 1 «sIl Wasihurm Suporlativeolaur, petrIck .i.. O0 ChamsSasuboru sud 0. F. bManke coiebratl coffeopr lb 13a .............. u itemember ns lu paint.sud olle; lb. bout sud ai lovent prie«s. Thbe above le strictly osaS. Plaeeido mot ne for cndlt. grola tet ~woeIlVor ILe G LE NVIE W. 'Fi11eiaotnny began vnrh yeéter- day vill a aforcesof otuar mon. lira. Jobn Buichinga. 0ai Nllvaakee, la vitluag relatIve lla ovu. Laal 'FIuaday the AId Saciehies tbai pouaaeaeln f th Ie lovu. 'Flerevers &brou societles tu anewton on Ibal date. Lot the good vorh go au, pethapa ciame ai aur men viii avaken. 'Fi ast #1ctdaI ai lies euterence yesn, held undet the cuspices o!f te Ml. E. ciaurchli ilob.givnuby lira. 0I. Budnurant aher houas 'FIuraday eveniog ltapt. lth. BSau nlterratinaf entetinmnt i iproiad. Il lataald lsnvelotoI.avancother saloon soon. Wbat c pili! 'Fiongla sbe bus but ilate nov abolama te vork no liard ta keep thoa mgoînfi ve are aI a litsa h nav boy aseconfid pisaihie aupportl aaotber. Noit Bandai, lin. Oea. Cobh, vba bas boom lAcharge ai lhe X. B. prntul tua plant- la Rotesa,dutinElbe pu& pam, vii och~C ls .a. olmuno, ~5 ~ea*i' aispuslia srvices la 1. cn ,d re I)f 10 )k :n d Illinois. Libertyville, Illinois. Libertyville

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