CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1899, p. 1

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LAKE COIJNTY INDEPENDE NT. Vol. Vil. No. 51. Dr. Charles Gaiioway. OfficooVer LovelIlsarug Store n WA U KE G AN. Benas nau i vo a AND s Vos,,P. . Deug l t "W comsag et Mor Rsmdm. LibertYville. - Illinois Satcrday eveeiug à nunahro f local Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. maffousivvent ou&te G rayselake vheîo 5,'ad tby ers lb. guetta of Xiing lSun ï Office over Trigga & Taylor's. iotgm, of that; place. Tho foloving -OUES--- mou actet as offilcers sudbuat charge 7 elu hILa.mi. a te s sud 6.wu P. cM. of the conlmnning o! the M. IM. degree: J. B. Bllock, M. K.; T. A. Nevehan, tmiseuce ou Blroadwaj oppoite Parki 8. W.; A. L. Heleee, Tonsurer; J. L. Libertyville. Illinois. Birewster. socregay; K. L. Djer, B. D.; C. . Bair J.D.;Fred Churchill, iB. B.; W. Sl. Blilock, J. M. Folioviug the vOrk o! initation lbe coyt adjourned Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. ehbll ei mmsontj Physicien andl Surgeon. The fiurtb sunuai abooting tourna- meut of the WankeluGmuon Club vas 5i5i~E5u5 cB.osTa LIEUo seet Wukff l igblanda ibti veci Gurne -- -- - Ilinos. Taraay nriday, Boptenhor till Ournee.sutd2M1. The evreul lant yjoanwva - - Wg successandsud e icmnhos o! the club are desuroua of bavlng il&@ tourna- ÎtDr. E. H. Smaith, metit lis jean olipsettIl s àt aire- docessorw not oly le alteudauce bel DENTIST.ln varons other maniiera. One foalure Off ice ever Lake Ceunty Biank Wb luh itiilhoi a dravlng one sut vhlcb vIli ho quite s Ihleg for Wauke- lisp. Il9vas recently louait by the Libertyville. 111. club. lb. pricespaît hoiug 30 for the finisI joar sud 10 per jean afiervards. Theb reslteuce of W. B. Beley ou PAU L MacCUFFIN, Nîrtb Ueinesee street vms the iconeo! s conflagration lait Frlday Digit. sud jtîtorney sud Conunilor es Law. slîlaough net vhoily consumet vas 1G greshly dsas«god, vhiie the houéeboid NOTARY PUBLI gouia, Ibongi liene did not resch Oprieon i iLsAEColliTBamu., 0191Y IhO&e terOt lu the allie, voie LIt~etyviIe, lared coniderabiy, the vale, prov. Li4etyvile lilinois-.ligqute tisastrous. The Besiey famlly ____________________________relîrot about 10:30 0ociock, sud short- ly aller tirs. Besley wva scet bj a W. B. SCHAEFFERS rackllug noise as if front buruiuig NURSERY.titubent, sud distuwredthle bouse 10 NURSERYbchon lire. The lire dupartaneul vas tint mii, ,.,,at o! Long Oro" P. 0.. Lake souamyhal delajed. but succeedet in <C.,.. 111. saviug the bouse sud contente, villa ynatà.4ba.l.,".ioriiuaut~Trie. Grsam,- the exceptions above nohtd. Viýan sudlau'it Fuits. Superviser sud Justice of the Pouce uet mri, r"son aimated stock. 6.-M Runtinglon. vms aI the court boue in Wankegau lait Wednesdlay alier- - -- nion Whou N. D. ticQ4uiton sut Mia W. H. MILLER. Caroline Thonapson. uftMilwvauke TONSRIA AUTST: appied for a mariage license sud j TtJNOiIiALAIITIS, 10 narry themn. Don vas Whoun tan at ma ean shaive or à villilng sud into the vanit the parj I- gotbain eut ecilion .iW"i' ase»Cirted aup as tbe cerenonj .11001 KANR OFCIGRK. progressed tbe Board cf upervisors cuoat asurs orcacus. peekedt trougb the door, sud enjoyet Neat door to W. 0. 'ii t.iggs 1.0, 511thIe proceedlngs imnese. Wheu 4%uklusgu.. 1t, Iqb.op oua err 'lt. 1thae mcane for the happy groom te ev.,Uia&»a u'lBnecar morula. seule for the nuptial linostIying, tir. _________________________ iatlugou asilOthe uimi pce, __ 2.30, bel amrchbehonover dit be- hjfore. &H s1h51 ibm groom couit poussly ralie togoîbe, vas $2.20.tir. Ruting- ton secepteil the lues vlth the 10 cent like e Bu k roduellon sud ail veut veli. WRIHTDY OND& £.,WhyStla [)one. Libert'villie, Illînols. Homo nevpaper iubacriuaers 11e vonder vby spublilaer wvluikeep on seiidlngbIs papor vben the auhclp- letfi ion bas expiret. The reon la vbeu Issues Intarest flearing Crif.a ubicription laipald te 4a certain urne cstes Payable un Dematud. sud la promplj dicontinunoei ibtat Unme, mnas ubocniben allova bis. - ngrj passion Io rite sud ourses tbe publimbher for ininustieg 1h51 bis DY FEEDINO credit isnotgood. That iliimake thé >~CALI FORN lA s:::flettn Saiesthesusriberl CRESQîzPOENT honesiy 10 paysà milUdoNt, Il hsa ho- F00OD conneocutomary for cocetry nuvpipers tu continus sendiug the paiper cifter the Youave 25"r cenlt.on grain. snb.crlptlou bas xpred, stbougb the lîemarý'h.e h., ii mi Etant ithshld.lrge veekîlesanditdaillle do nos fi RoshMI tr . goerslyol 11w the mie as their Il liçtpo-iiv-, u,,s»becrihors ligs a distance, sudbe Et .) i j m waiusft' îiii - ides they are net sa'quaieled vitlathena ai h~1i est f..d on Siîfor liorm% m. an sd do net knov Ibefi inaicialand. taille tng.Une shouid deeonfIlan hoor 10 ED. kniEHL, alt Ibis credit lasnul doublet Agent,.vhou the publimbter coullnues 0ta ld Deerfield - - tua.paper. Sbouid the subscriben de- ____________________________tire te bave bis paiper dseouihnned ut auj particuisi lime bu ibonît no leforan ELOCUTIONAND fl US IC. the publilber. .Havig cuiploedMN. sud Mru. lvin P. Smnih lui Bain oiaise a four-year vii bis patreni t anyalaiku about oursne iii elocution anmd nisie. Ut Sept. lut. tir. Smith vili do piano _41s UbiauoMusical Colege, 1ik o solngAnyoepsirig rk propared lu teacia iudividuia.or donc lu liat lieu shouit attreunbina 616«0» these branchqs. For in. aI Qîsyslake, care a'! NlcboiasSmith <uorMltiçn sud r&tes, apily EsM near auposible um i bs tay w ho b gue a NIW *1 M nm -v. PleIsta 1R bmqlmm Libertyvilie. L.ake Counity. Illinois, Frlday, Septomber 29. 1899. * W. had no idea Admirai Dewey wouid, on his arrivai in New York. order oneocf those fics Fail Overcoats we make s0 weil, or a good * Fail Suit either. He couidn't do botter anywhere. Neither can you. --OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT -- And our workmanship and * fit wilii ompare with the best. * SANBORN & CO., Tallors and Haberdashers, Kaiser Siock - Libertyville. 111. BODY DISINTERRED. Autopsy Helit OVmr Body of Mmr. Margaret Vous. Réesidente lu the nolgbborhoed bave for nome &fime outeudei tbtat thc body 0f tirs. Margaret Voie, vho vllh ber daugbter. tirs. Geo. Krnegor, worm lount desd lu tbo kitehen of their home nr Long Urove, Sunday &fier- noon, Jnily 16ib, shonit bave been dis- interdet aitb time the coroner bolit su atopi! over tirs (1. .Krueegor' romains, sud that; il shocld bave been secotaisned beont ai possible doubt vhetber or not tir, Vom a banniee shot Ivice, as the ezamînastion ai tbal limte provod tirs. lrmoger tu bave boee. The terrible tragedy ins«Ilii freshx lu Uic mints of our renders, boy thc Ivo vomun vere fount lylug lu pools of blod on i"at atefni atoernoon, bey the husheut Informed bis uolgbboîs ihat bis vile Bomba batl shot bainansd a revolver hclng funt!lu ber baud il vwu couelucid by the coroners jury elhd btireitattemptot 10 shoot h«r bushanit, sud failaug 10 do no valb fatal efect, bat upon his escape kilod ber aged noter sud hersaif. Boy tbé grave suspicions o! uolghori vere arocsm,; by subequent alguifiesut dis- Overtes sud publie setiment denand- et a iesrchlg investigation, the re- suit of vhicb causci taBltes Attorney Hojydeker 10 put Ueo. Eruer, the bcsbaud, enter arreal, sud place hlm il& jail tu0&aat a beaing, sud boy ho vas subeequnuly hala uthe Grand Jury ou a cbarge of marder. Il beiug etebllhed Ihaltira. lrmeger4 vas siittolvce sud beileved Ibat ber1 nother, Iirs. Vomi hst &lac receivcd1 Ivo bulci vwounda. States Atoruej Heydeckor renolyod tu doeirninu bc- jout aiu doubs If sncb vwas the case. sudt sccordlngly ]lait Friday ho, vIlla Coroner Knlght sud Dr. Poley. o! Wankegau, vent 1o Fslîlield cemeterj sud the body of tIrs. Von vas taken from thc grave. The coroner sud Dr. Folcy ai once begsu vork epon the okigsuad in a comparatively short lime, thej bat taken tvo ballets from the vomnaibralu. Thoesse for trial viii provoe b Most inumorcting ever hein le Lake9 Conij. The secuset comm. ofood1 faullj, amplj abe te give flieMaid 1 lu estabâshing tli lunsucd, aieic éhmp au natumir mceviac, ai ie sou sud brothier. Bltes Astoeney lieydecker bas auket sud recelvot su appropiation bj Uic Board of Super- visora scflcont10oegage able 5.5351. suce lu prosentiug the case, sud rendors of the 13i>aPEItiDENT vill eagerly avatdeveiopmeuta, s fulsud aeprejudlced acceuatniof vblch vill ho toad frona vouS ho vaek lu Ibese oluinas ashej occur sud lhe case progresses. Q2rayslace tMsn Dies ln Hospital.J Jeremiab Smith, of Orajstake, dIed tu the Lake Conuly bospitai ut Wsuke-e gan hast Fridaj alternoon shoot 4:30 a period of about several moutbs. Klduey trouble vus the cause of bis derise. Ru vas laken go tbe hospitlifrom bis home lu (irsysiake seve vek ago. His condition bat been prucarlous for nome liane paît sud tl vas kuovu bu could nol necovor. Bince tue douta of bis vîfe, .lsnnary 2d ilataijear,' lt. Smitlalbad nol beau vel sudl s lbongbt ber departure laaslcued bis end. is vife vas for. morly Rosîna Sohinssar to uhoa ho vas narrled lu JJuiy 18M0. Onu sou, Lyie, aged ifloenu eas, li lefi gomouru hbie parents. The remaneusere lakenl 0 trauys- lakte for lu erment. Price e sRilat. The butter market report as publisb. cd fronivesk t'O vemk iu Ibis paper, mai o! late been s gratifyiug one 10 farmers vbo bave that producl for maie. As wviiic hou onfront Ibis veekis report, 23 cente vas oftered ou ibemElinl Board o! Trsde Mouday with no takors. sud Uicegaitation oimnttee decisied the market iim ei 22J cents,vbhie 10 uns ilappearu 10 have houn ducldedly irma i 23 conta. New Type. We have ibis veek addod lu oui eqnlpmels nunhor cf sorte& of tbe tlent job> foule of type. Wo ars especlslly prepsred 10 print fiue vcdding InvItatIons, societj sud vieli iug carda, etc., sud carry a large liue of tssty sud rilb samples that are artistie snu p 1 date. We ase bave Ibm "-proper lhiug" in modem type 10 suit thIe ot oxactlug teste, vben il cornes to commercil priuting. 0ur prîces are rigbt snd vork guarauteed satista eory or mouey refunded. Our job priuliug exceis. President of Antlooh Dmsdl. A. P. Ameni, Presideut o! the village board sud one of the most respeted sud esteemod citliene of Atiocb, dîed verj scddenly a& bis home lu Ibat village, Monday ovening of lust vock, WILL FIX JAIL. Neossry Repare go Cost 02.574. Su>ervieOVm banquet. Tne Board of ià lrvlsors mesini sdjourned simien oiesday 1tu ule action relative $0 Mmerlng tb. oounty J04i, bch i ban eapparatn" le necoeesry by the i t aidlvoy at wbieh lino foue .Isooers oecped. Tbe tiird flooe*o1 ljaitbsa neyer beau iilod Vitlb o)h #ad ibere vas a dlverbity of ini6~$1 the adylas. bllity of providi*"U- for Ithst tir and &asoi"p.,rfap basud second flou», M a oombie og of $7,84 or to order only sncb lirs a s voulis lueurse ejali l pred asnst a repoti- tion 0f encapes lth" igrooccnred. Mir. La., u expert on jail vor k vas ou baud 10o ~giten the super- visors and show semples 0f vork, and 10 aliov bina 10 propure specilesions for additions sud repaire tbe board adjounnd nutil Wmesdsy momng> Tuesday night the supervisorisud county oflâceri ver. enterlsiuod ie Wsshburn Holel by Superviiori Wynn aud Bover. Thore vas» fàtotf gond Silgi 10 est and drink, beocs i lai neediesi &0 suy s joily lime vis euJoyefi. Wtdnesday rnoruiug thespecifica. lions 1veore snbmitted, includtug repaire and nov ceâle for thirdflubor. SuperviserWyna Uoved that the v..bole proposition hoaccepted. Bowe, ieonaded it. Bapesvor Waite nioved to amend &bat lie proposition for aocepling the utiret -d second ilibes bc eccepied. Quit. mu argument ensued lu vhicb tMr. Wyuu argued Ibal the Jan aI preout la nol large enougfi. There are oul elgbien el clis sud ai preomut there are welve prisionors lu the jiU, not counuing the four vbo recenîiy esmpost. That more roem la ueeded ail tbe aupervisors conceed, but tboy believe il vUi bch a botter lime tinancilly onsidered, a 11111e liter. nupervIior Wynu moved an amend- mout 10 the amendaientSisal; the board vote on thie novvork ajonc. Thatwlovsot, Auderlon, Cooke, Car- fid. Ession, luntington, Lamey, Miller,Illion,.ticDousld, Simpson, Btephens, Suajer, Tisy sud Watte voting no. On Mir. Wos s meudiment th" the mtvo soris o borepairol $bc Bul@t"la bc a er, 5qpaloes, offl ad *Vi voei ao Ou motion of tir. Wsie, Ute.batld- ing conmmitee wvis ubborlzeod 10enter inso coutraci vitb the Stewart Iron Works, 0of Cincinnati, O., for the vok, "me 10 cost $2,574. Aliceoid gratingi viieho lken out sud nov, mprovel and guarsu. teed burguLar proo! gratiteg put lu. Alilu atJointseufiIl le doveit sud ail round joint oounnered no Ihat I illi bc impossible 10 break uistiugs ai Uhc joints vithont culliug ontire bars. The job itlai.beiieved i ii bc s very good oue sud vork wili bogin ou il very @soo. Itfi ii bo doue vilblu a montb lu ail probability. At tiacîr regular session lut wveck the snpervisors contrsced vith the Art Motai Construction Compn su1 eqnip the Couuîv sud OCicuit Çlerks vanits vilb metallii cases sud furul. tiare 10 Incresso their capasuity. et an expenu of 84,5856, vhich rnakes a total of $7,15910 be laid ont In repaira sud equipant. Auction Bille. The auclion saseon leiai baud aud If jon contemplisatebving a -,sale" the INDZPSuDENT oilice la the plsCee 1 have jour bis prinled. We publisia jour notice sud lit of articles in likis papier froecof &Il charge. 0ur section bisaare scknovledged 10 bo the bout foran, sud bolter prinled Shan other., vhich is sccounlud for from lbhet vu make s specially of Shat clami o! vork, in &uanon, sud are porfectlj equipped. Having the largest country circulation of auj Lake County publi- cationthie notice vo giveo f -gaies" lu Ibis papur te of greaier bonetit Shan le other paliers. About the Rllroad. AI lbe anuleai meting of tbe Chf- cella,Miulwaukee & St. Paul Ilaliroali Company, boIt lu Milwaukeo Sept. 23, Abort J. Barling vas elocted lpront- dent lu place of Rosveli Miller. &fler the meeting tir. Miller, viao viii bave charge of tbe insuctal affaire of tbe rosid bereatter ssid: "-The Uino Ihat vo are building froi Libertyville wyod is plauuo4 10 top the lano ruglous of the Foi river vslley and viilhocexiended 10 Jaucaili. sud Mliton J onction noam0 aslleasi a sbort lune 10 points ou the Prairie du Chien division. The report ibat .vo are 10 buiid sait liom Roudoni 10 Fort Sheridan, no as 10 gel a abs,. of thc goveremeunt business ai tbe post, le vithoul foundation, as ve certainey viil ot build suytbiug osai of ou, Chicago division. NMcxl joamy am a more ettenslve building programmei bj &Il of Uic roade, but of fihet1Ieoa. noltSalk eati iisimç." $1.50 a Year- ln Advanc.- WAS IT MURDER. Village Maishal of Barrlnikton Found Doad. Citizen@ of the quiet luttle village of Barrlagton ver t itlelt I aturday Bigltby Uic sensationsi sud myrter- ions deaib 0f Heury A. Saudman, the villaige maribal, sud as jet il bhm net hoon docidet by the coroneri jury vblcb adjourned 10 Ouhohor lot, lu order 1Io11ev sample lime forsath orongia Investigation, vbther il vas merder or suicide. The body o!fithedantmanuvas found on s ite straetss turajnigbl a short distance fron a poel of bloodt bye or ail foot lu diamelor. Dr. Ritchardson, vas the finI vignese oxamined by Coroner Kulgbt. He nid: *'Bbortiy allr hall pont nîne o'olGeâk aturdaj nigbl 1 recelvaida cuit fron Win. Poter@, vboenid: 'Saudman la go.Ne. i slylng deuil bsoko! Spooneras hed.' 1 veni vltb hlm sud ad Sndanniyiug on bis bok on Ibmsidevslk. I baud s. but- 1.1 bols on the ragbt aide of sudilu lhbko t 0he bad. The povder. marks about tbe bullel-hole proved Ith&$bthgun vas tirat Ushort range." Hieury T. Ocbroeder thon losilied go lindlug the body, mylug; "-As I came aloug the sîreol ililurday nigiai about 9:30 oclock, 1 board a gssp aud grosarnsd soon aller came upea thm deat body o!fs a- a. Tve mon verl rving by la a buggy sud 1 cahot 10 thon. They cme over 10 vheîo I stoot, sud sItar lagbturg a match ve reoognlzed the botjy10go ba tf Hecnry Bsudman, the naribal. Before Ilidingtlie body, sud vhite 1 vas about one and one-baif blocks distant frorn lb. bodj, I board a ahol fired, sud memn*aler mv s man valklug avaj ou lb. oppomsite site o! the shoot lrin vbere the bodyjwva ftervardi fount." Dr. C. R. Kendall ie testlfled go ozamining the vound, sud Iaidng povder marlis about the bellot bois. The fllovlng Jurj hibeho aun- panelled: George a. Comtock. fore- man; Gi. Reimadinger, Wm. Peter@, Y. R. Plagge. Henry Blck aud John Rice. aller mature dellhorsllon they decliied 1tenduter s verdict, sud adjouned until Oct, lit. Meantlua. Inestigation iUl ho mado. The prevalling opinion la u Brrng. ton l la" estie inle rreet Uiery ZqlgOmd lesuo eu housss!aue for lb." bothlb. ly iepiceus Pro oecdlng vas the tantliai"aànasavas meon Ibmheopposie aide of lic sireot, but tg mal bave beeu ncinone vbo did net Caro &0 max lhinaseif up in thbe Sudiman vas forty jean of sgo and cumarriet. lie vas the sou of Renry C. P. Sandman oum o! Barriugton's old. st sud moëmi promineut aicIUa, nov retiroit. Besiielie lather, the nolier survivesl, sud ho leaves lu Barrlugkon lUies brothors, Fred. William sud Levis, sud asinter, tir*. Cee. Froeileh and sanolier &Inter lu Chicago. ase Ulved vigltils léparentesud hbeauoo - "asi*bons ciglal jears. The funerai vas held Tueudey. Coming Home. L. C. Prive, of Wuuconda,, expecle bis son, Bergt. J. C. Pnice, of the 131h Mine. Vol., vho aerved lu Mautla sud experieuced nome bard service vbieb uesrlj cmoi hbise11e, as viii ho rernonahret, nov lu lien Fraucisco, te rachai. lsui aboustheIbu 111 o! October cexI. Hlm faîhor viliimot binathure sud bring lîi te Lake 0oenîy. A ev vooki belote the deparlute of bis regimeut SergI. Prîcos oild vound broke ont egain sud bu was conllued 10 the bospilal. Il vas lbougbl thast bie voeldbh o it bohiud, but ho csme villi bie reffimeul sud on ibe vay ove, eullrlj rocovenot.HeRu anl lie bel to! beaith. PalineBurgiar Desdt. The buiglar vbo nurderously asait- ait Ciabier FilbertInl Chas. H. Patteu's basât ai Palatin e ltweek Wedneoday aiternoon, sud vas ovrpovered by HRnrY Plangs, s fermer vho happened Io enter lie baguât, aller s bard lght, as raocounted lu ourIn&as&isue, dilu laa Chicago bospilal fron lhe vonnd lu. ilcsiet by bis ovu revolver, vhlcb vas diachaiketlanthe slruggie. ne gave bis nana.u aslter Lavion, sud roefuat tu thm lait 10 «ive sqy additiional information about binmîf or bie leot. F. J. Filberi the cashier viii recover aud Mr. Piagge le a haro in theocon- muuiy boméie o! bis piuoky ligit. Grint Indignation vws exproe tby tir. Fliberta tovaua astbtheýying nilerasuofo!the Wvocudeorbhe i.- toollng on Uic gond Mam o! lheb"It cashierasd as c n iestion vasl.. mcml la coulin Illa lie nasilr, refutcg tbhealsemus, signait bj ail lb. produisent cilcUe of Palatine. Are Survestifis. A Party of ugfinem sbave been et von *tii. voci snveylug s lino lion il. ObstOman%0 loudont. Thoy sic workftfit or Uli"àaboiioto lti Everything for the Horse Chas,.Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. LI SIf Yeu Ou the vings o! lb. viud yFo .0* cot no equickly irsusacIyour husha au joucm bylbhe useor lhe moles teisphone. lu e 09iea dois" expênçi jour loiep ic rvcete inaet jour busines reqalrh.LA extension toiephone 84 jOerdwàk euss butasanominal mcm. Toimphones M thecomo re popeler, ocmvoalmamsu economicai. Cali the Contract Departuseat, Lovei's Drug 'Store - - I~ 'when Paid ln Adv The"aawou1 m Shoes forW FOR FALL ANI) WIdTER W£Aot E4pecially noticeable ini these new goode are the «orthv and much advertised "Queen Quality"9 $3 SIu: ManY styles t0 show you in Black and Tan. Patent Leather, eloth top, dress shoes at ........................ Extra Fine Nid l'and turned shoos at.... NlcKay WeIt,31 . fair stjtch shoes e .a . .... ... .... . . Tap Sole,n 4- ieaykd street shoes at ..................... We bave the largusansd boit lineo0f 12.00 @bhm over abown in sti.s* Bilack or tan, bution or lae. Patent lips or plan stock tipi. Heuvy kid vith Ibid solos for stree ver. Flne and ligbt wigbls for bouse vear. We asc carry a ue ot Shoos aI 11.00, 11.80, 81.j0 and $1.3&. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. , TECLEPHONC FN0, t Pouah and Dran i l hinWdi at 10. 0 o0. STOVF3S__ The bost assortment evor shown. Libortyvîllo, inciuding Giria*hil Acorns, Univorsals and Goid Coin*.., We Lought ono hundrod stoves oariy iast spring before any advance In price and are prepared ta make prices that defy competition. W. deliver and set up stoyeç fi of charge. No freight or risk of breÀ ago as 18 the case if they are bougi in Chicago. Compare our prices wlth ChIca prices before buying LISENTYVILLE. ILL. F For.ilorsegl Wlnter Stable Blankets 75c toS2.00. Street Blankets, (a good assortment) 65c to *5.0 Fine Storm Blankets, (wool lined) 82.00. PLUSUI LAP ROBES Just the thlng for lu use. , 1 ý mommffl

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