CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1899, p. 3

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-N-neltait.I1n»fer slowhlmibe- a Mau for@.,anot W "Wbat! you rau tell me nothni' 01Cish t(Mol. Dysrt!" Saya Peytou, vitisWlu- soirî creesing auxiet>'. "If Jet u ow natisgolath vs sbiîwsarriy ha able ta ste boy 10teaThet 4a&t. Exert your ssemory. man." Thiseri ".Iftai.uselesa. 1 avear h nave a w 'A lod4se sdivinely hionore,] nui toýdl- ani th blu a fr."Liea compeIs himacît ta lolk Avinel> cunstructeil. let os bse car,'tl ii t te hl agalaitSe'iley. sud a @iiver off di8gu.t teatale it. 11heu il becuaies a Chirî 'ur shakr iitii 'i .uw ony tha-tsit ielisa îîiy ta (tale care of oert" i ath, t'fore ~ bas i.iIi', l îîy rolher." net tise boie teudeny towurd iîot.'i'o Sp? "Toit ffrget" sys Peyton. ver>' quiet- ieiilgeaFrîc of tLsngevty. We Si. le swid have been thantul. gati. -Again. 1 remarlIgiot prarsiol rdiiontîîu ta ise mble te lî'ave lis rieiîd in t(bl hain f ogviyi heflt hti illothe kiew t i old bie imposile.'laa praint offiiset diuiteati.thut taýt thelhov hin, Tervwa ainjure aud destro>' tise lièaItb Bad istenofj quarrel. about 'bsat i did nt heur, but ad women ie a very shrt lite. 'rli'r ut 1 it vas putîr tailler Whso kocked that sinkiimemt. I bo undrada of gouil Sitil fellow dWn."aid mrc. but I da nat Liow hit a dozen w i5h "Weclil killhihm." Sasys Seaton, Pl- iiu i men. Wisy'iTisey du net gel paie1 ctedly. "Thse exctemejit off tisaI qoar' eus. CHPwE (I-(otue- iatevar court it înhgit carne isetore. 'm re, vas _00nmuaisfor lin. 1 stihi main- qN ibis discotiraiDr. TaImage givez o*'But." a,"rfse$o eiinrust CATRXtain(a, ta a cssd i ets." rescriptions ton the progation off u.yama t"rtssr f rlgo That nlgbt la tihi as destis let, sud Du al tîisar."n atllama asdbsd ieadpeiestegilOfPY1bveflv'roseaofeiin ïE tise smrling brillîuce off tise slow moT' No- aiaseats Msr. Dysart. vutis Ha cavera i evts bis fc thiebands.lieadrectais 'îeofpylna'tletpaesraffeign hava ea loir waters contrasta vitis I In tender getie encouragement ONevertiseiesa w. commet leave hlm cal heaitha. Tise (eit l intageims l.. 16,get druuk. professer» off religion bave As t ahiol . S trange y attracted b >' It, l'ra i ne er slam ed y u. m n d 700 i st. bere t a die. C a mle . B uon , toile your i"W it is long li ta i ii 1 sati.fy hm ." uiàu tpr pri ted trus at ud m. pr afesser*s n gots arsd. mayas devatise atone'Rigi a lsvYer'sa avorrlling srt O ac -caOursge lu Yaur bauds. Tiink ift tiera Tbraisgbte mstlle t its trienda re- off religion have aissedd" Yen, but *pour stops f(bt tesndtalise garde.anud vi mDido. A man abhonitisticklttahisesword haDona vy tea avid tise scandai fltmuet igion bas beau chiedy 'asoiinte i vtis (bey threw ava> their religion haffore S esger ftolsteps gains tise ittie palisvay. Ref , and s-heu tise id gar-uer refuses nces ariase ont off ai hi(bs.For- irs bedssasd graveyardm. Tise wviaIstise>' sd their guoralit>'. If a man ou a"d o(etP and sudde.fnit(btlendu ta tise beacis. ta stick to his. atter &a isi.promises~te or tise salle off yor punir athera memg- sishect tlu man>'people t' odogrous itis WhitSa tr lina steamer, isaund ftoc iM- no t Budslly aise drwsi n ber arma, and yen. visy. if Yeu Sept hlm tealil. lu %Pte or>, hastir yourscît." cisirine and carboll unci. Tisere are erPOOl. iu mid-Atistie Jumps overboard Wall a aisiver mus diraugis ber; mise turne ber sf hlm, visen he isad no longer paver It la s ptent argument. Santon flombies people visa cannat pronoutîce tise yard aud lu dravued. la that anythînt agsiuut ligisi b.55-to e. Dysart. ta lick-vell, vh' ta sul you vara batd'. ansIdiaheaid toues off paver retucus "religion"R-ithiot ist arirmt in il tise ClIP' tiseWshile Star lin'a. epacit> te faite the bard "Yon are geint ta mare>' Lard Sislvraug. eh?" ta is tace. plur ciisel off tise tombso.e cutter. Il man aoroas tise Ocean'l And If a man qoiîe ton7' h. $sys, bis Ions more asertive "Ton are ver>' gond; vey-uuaslulg," Tagether they carry tise ttatildes ita sbîghingetima(ait tisînitere cissuged JumPs avec tise guwaieoffbis religion gaue tissu quetlaniug. "Y@ Mr. DySeni. alovly. Hlmie tela dih ou". under 'cver off tise %llntant d (batreligion, fautesut of ea grepre- and gages dovuneyer la rima, is that Rsu the "It la au Imperinent questionj."sasys perisap, aàtile taluter. nigisI. Mr. t)yqart to bis ovu raam. aud ented as a hearas la carry ouItishe damS. rasion for yor hiieviug fthnt religion cedi liisei Dysst, raili>. "A>. tialu viat am îte (hem as t(bau p tise staîrs aud tisrougis tisand-abuitIdlaieeprescuted uam5aichariotinluba. no capscity ta ole tise man clearwo "Ton are dîsingennu.If bh aisumot stands b>' me. And yon and 1 are ln tise lest corridors. that oiler g eud- viswicis lie living areita triumuph. tispugi? In tise one case. f ie haad lept vas yet asSed Yeu, youlioyniese auiy watts saine bont, Dynart; neyer loe sigit off carcel>' living hurdan; up alviysutil Religion. u ir trame straeing tram la the steamer, hi. body>'vonîd hava e i tisere ah pportusslty la dos. Wiseu ha(ibat. Idu'it. lilbacS 700u p as tresis a dimusesi ciamber lu s emte camner off oue'a vitality. la a giloo.addition, . gsavel; lu th.e otisercase, if he isad kept avdr doo-"-ý He checshiimalt abrsiptly. su theug ifIt aaoui>' yeterday Weiltise aId ltoer in reaciad, visera ifle ie. -saultiva, curative, hineit. Il is good ta bis religion, bis morale vouid bave (les kuaingbe asgan ne a. greed 01-1-111-y013 kuow wvat. l0a, ha, >oad proasbiiity that an> One 'la the toc tisaeza, go.od for(lie ces, Sgoil for beu aved A ittie dame leaps foVers. yeu. ha!" liouse sure Uese (bras visaînaw, viii the spleen. good for tise digestion, gond Tiseraire age'l pesople visa ouid have Etis1 "Ria Ioccurred ta you flbt 1 amnvery The id man suddenly tiffens bismseît. crer seais te peutrate. fotr tisa nerves. gond for tise muscles, beanulodtwenty-five yasrs sgo but forth1 ffoehaang?" she suS.%. vilh s curons and Inclus srsigteflît 1 Wiseu IDavid in anotber Part at tise posaltise detensesansd tisa equipaisa offralig- ts (Te ha cotnoad.) pasfntrlginmyb lYu aen oeaoffth vaile. "Dota i net trille yaî as very "AIpd nov visat ls It Yon vaut?lia____________ ey (a eigo ai ominant, bie IonTn bhavedsnofmare naluralraesîet- nuli remarkabie tisaI I Sa nt on my prt anss.tersai>',bisatouae ringg old ud do" ta ul peul ar il osa s uid sicknesa or suce thanhnrdefIeal ialel question Ye a isaain? tisaI I do mot cile.r t isug te recum, tiougi ver> loy. HATS 0F OUR ANCtSTO)RS. 'as) macistion or an sttsck off oai aud tise cemelerlas ta-day siain (s>' (eir ovu ange ailyouvbm yu re olu t msry" "ov I iletiaI.i intpar o (h ______spiritul crmp. Hesspsaks f Il as"tie vices. Tisadoclra made (bie case sfm He look» as i he va. about ta moite avag. Vtive Ihonusndpound," aay% tise Changes tgibsIHave Tasen Place lu saviug bealtisofut ailnation'.," visile (dod SnruoIaau u(e cud u (se VI an rejaluder. but aie, chacsaoier. rooali>. mtcuigmag.. I h etpromises ueiy etepi- wscaidcongestion o h rt raî i."Fiv shousand pauds! Tan toatha "'Speaklug off tise hat busines,"sais aig Wii agltavinusîaysmtsugsbttseula u i "No-do' bhafsraisi. In ual going ma. " a, tenoff tha busiuess te thelocal hlm." Tise tact lta itîeu sud vomnnbineiles tisat eemed ta cravl Oer tise tisa ta pt (he qutian." aisesasys, codyl "NýOl ane penny les. ?sty alieneala historin, "Mosi vonderful die tan soon. It l i hi tne tisaireligion plinlutisa sigbt offtise deliriaus patientcoi "sud fer ail, vi>' aboutiti1?" 1wrtb that-sisd mure. Coma. dînttim- hava aîaen place slnce l1830. lu an îmiu tbandofmprovehui scinei t-'. Tow tisa agas Chiatuman ileshi e "Doyennisn."ha oa ou "(at ou ffie ou eau impsose ou me. I (ail Yeu, imes soiftrtait andI derby bts veremutAle.a lived 930 yeira; %ethu",>IsihliveS aiong b>'tisat unuiappy onteutil yau came ts hnov off omeouge I vautt(ae ry? i vould thisioSas utIle off golng loto finatluovu. . und Ivis n a le as 184111 ben (169 years. As lotesilu tise istac'off tisela tise golden piliar off s Christiaui.the "Let (ber. ha au euS ( fo thiatefful room ont Ibare sud taiing youe nieresa.eqi iypoanis>'." ebtee uigt iswtao htfrtwla-"Ilk drssa bta vare flest introducesi lu vorid as "Vespasien tisera vere et oua Teu veut ta the right;lha vent ta tisequ a iosrt off pasulonste enter. "Tou acteS "Ruah-isssi!"sasys Dysset. lusaehacra ibis cuntrytl (is belii, a Frenchin l- time lu bis empire forty-five peupla 135 et(. Tisat la ail tie diffrence ietv a tic yonr part tor Gritesda (hi. moeiug mont lant. vld vîth fers. "N othsîer veution. and aIl aIls pinas oDued! fer years aid. S te ov siuteantis Yeu. Ift Iis religion ls s prateot arlntîg admlealy." word. not a breatisoaufilet aubjeet here. bals ln the yard vas, * .p ta (bis re*Cnu-iae 7rs ld ~e asofdsiin ient 1laauses "'ert!" ceashé, boarsel'. Iiis ave ar. Ton Sua tse oa in m ade lu France. Whn Koaulis0 cme cnagPee.rdo at ay it rliio vierer a(otra of f siatongait>' iti lngba Sb* (urus as If startled by fluiat Impas a iacdof ietrgadn etmet teia ctues h of aite'ftlle tise race bock ta antadihtivian ion-litae will 1I atsîma'hlm. v ill slouad ar>'. sud tise,..iscardi> luin hiece to-nigst. sud 1i shah sce«If ve ceau bt,,ag n i i.It~I ltigevit>'. but I do sa>' tha iugtis of lita viii lil Tale.Out lie Worry. Ppe oyr it ha, be issedi>'dates rannmbmhr e5f'crmea ta terma» olf I dd otbclnlereaned. Agalu, religion isa atieud off loagavit> offet terar, bt ornbo ase u p bs em ,eWiltaete yrdormeha.ucaddtalae Americai t ters long la tale up A iundned Teara thse tarItliat il talles tisa urry ouI tfartt sud but la ioolug dovu lto hecrlghiteu- lu gettiug Soe>' tth(e door, soi tisera is d and lua s tisanana yaar old' Il in ato]lun(solais,*"Tise ciild %ishldia aur temlsralitles. It la mot vorl tisat W ed eyfes Wite a terrible enîreat>' lu bis aummons Oranais, vi lu ti-oilu mal' and Young Ainerîcna covarad (bel? a bondred years aid." Nov, if. accord- kla meu; il la vorry. When& a mn ha- Tell Ovu. 1elual>' hansi>. beds. vils Kossuths bata. Tha>' vers lug ta Scripura, tise riild la to hiea sbon- carnes a ganuina Christian, hi alles avec The "*Do Yen lllo vis baIyion are Single" "G ruch!is'Vilyou sec oSaelle? lHe lu shape neari> tiseRanme asa touclat drad >'aaru aid, mn>' ot (ha men sud tae(lad ual oui>'hi@ affections, but bissr f be saya, i miseruisit Toice s c ls asuou lda fiedoff yours as orfmine as oolybigtrmevupwt omen reacis ta 300 ansI 409Tise tact tamil>'. hi. business, bis reitatian. his a l &bueacarer Mydr cai>' el.tin.* aid r. f riand m geine, a is oI'bl tims îi la tinit va are mecs dwart ansI akelelousubody, bis mind, bis seul, ererytbimg. l' Lire babve a isispaMre "My s ar.m>'e 1 iso"sy r.Dsel g atiaa nîce, long ostrîcis pluma. Aong about comparaS vils somne offtise generations ilustrious he yl h, but neyer arryîug, asc hae ll or osi> iaamahnd toua foc hlm (bat Groncisinvoluntaril>' U8S8an Engllsb tourlat came along (bat ara tacamle. Talle tise Atriran race. bacause Gndol a managinu bis affaire. vii, ber. He tendu i. tace ta ers-nescer. aMnues aet hlm. "lie la tireS. sud no vils lise derby' iat, and lia nver>' tav Tise>'bave beau under bondsga for cen' Hov eau ise vorry about 9buanauvsen nearer eti11. and Ihen, suddeul>', a gret dault hungr>'. Malse hlm comtortabla n ilistlng off hoiacf il lmie. lie drsm e-ri s'"yaars tisa>'became tise generai isendi-tries. (Ulve (hem a chance. ansI teisa n uansye teissprayers GasI (allahlme Ad. barS vittlshaarp sisodde, and asimo. t "rTe., air.sys%<ront-b, repetfuliy. gear lunlise country, and up atse ansi deveîop a lredecris Douglass or a Tous- visn ta bu>' anSdvsentlaosilI? Andi itld punaiher rntrmhlm. "Go!" ha gay, va- Sis e irsSes1.'>'dosaithlie pasigage, andI eut dataelise demand toc soit tsad aitLuvrre An.f-th WiefgeanttlabladifclntatN isarentiy; and lu another marnent theise Ibm, vtha nttars'd word ta hisia (at derby bats la neari>' aveli' dîvided. rc a lltdom of min. it fsin ha tisa ady. Supse othds uersisa uiis i bas luened tise corner off the vindiag mie giould gethelise ni fftise celar, rua "Li t(hase dai's ail tise hast cnasa of fdoisot mitnîl hatisalalt eligi oybaS bar vs caelu anSa aîd:"SrnigvsthDo notaire, ansI la gone. ibock ta Dysaro. visa stands staring.atter sot bats vers mported ffom Frauce, oui>' just toucheS 00ar vorîsi. (iva il ful you ta cuat on me lu ever>' axigaur'. 1chi Oonc! tisem vitis suuntatisamabie expression lu and t(iff derbesafrtrmEngiand. Tilipaveerrtaca ev cenutries, sud wvisa ou arnyour faut triend. 1 counfitrailibacSgent Witb a hevy froan lha oinge bîmoeît bis ee't. bovever. bas talait a maleelal change, (lail v isaI y clhaes trength offmau sud ou $20000.000. 1hclau toreses s pente tella tacs dovuvrard ounlisecrolsi.svet., hift- "Tourvili'-suick" eaies ay, lu IL loy as.Amerîcan hats are nov muid In ai lishe hasut>'off vamen sud thse iaugaviit yaars. IisolsI tise rntcoiliing stock lu ta fai ande, ail mSfo n-smitten"atphlmeu of sgli Laouaanaparts off (ha globe. sud Il la a luavi of a. thirty off tisetLet mouetary Institutions off rb - ut. hlm. or gies. etbis preseuca li is tact Ibat vs proitica tise mont tasI>' M>'design ig tasoy that practîrai re- New TorS. Wisanerar yo are lu troubla h CHÂPTER XVII. bouse," vwhiitirs Dyart. (arel>, atter aud hst bal, matie. Batore tise arrivai ilgion i.alise friand off long ite. i prove caUitan me. and I viii beîp you. Ton csn Es wich bis teps hocS ito is groom sud off Kossustissud lise Luglis ourinaI rit mfrom tis a tct (bat it mules tise have ni>'Moule>',anS you eau have my lis As Mr. D>'sat talesbis wa>'moi> iusts Sa.aS oS i ainlhm svvrts AàrcaadsInDgot cr ofor ssti oitv tistCemnurlea amfbuourisgatc( *round thse bouse, the sound off reuintaiontegur n lc.i eidhi oerteAmrc i o dut>'. Wbetbar vs is al eep esel>' or i." Bieai muai vould 700 vnr>'about an lootalepa comiug tavard hlm trmam insuàstrenzied ffasion. bareisended. but contanteS thatuselvel ,laIe bouta, visether vs aisaitale food business? Why. 700 vouid say, "Plldo i " we ait sîtrarîs bhlm attention. It la vitis nappeS tter andI uapped braver1 digestible or indigestibie. visetber tiser. thse best 1 eau, and (heu l'h depeud un fin, Gruea, isvld-tys.iagard, hec tibloCHAPTER IIIi. bats, for tise more expansive, sud lise allait ha thoraugis or lsconspiete musîl- my triend"u genecasll> for the rest."E grs>' Incha. ubound Ibroagis bar untmsusi It lu tell o'cionl, sud niîst, liSe a ieavi' ao-caled scratch-up or brosis bats tor catbon, are questions ver>' oflen dafrrsd Nov, more Ihan (bat la promiseS ta reI bu iddlng tacs. aie f erlenfo- on dlaeu v'ýAdi andvlS cuuiousTomitise cisasisr. Bruas or aecstcb-up de- toetise realtu offwhimaicaiit>. But tise ever> Christian business min. GoS aaus )e ,bfflingface. Pyton in resdingwith cauious stps rhDamatian tmatactitta Ibishristionman rofs rnistaohlm:ro"Iinovu Nev "TormSNewdYr Landauondon W "*tore haste. vorie spaad." assys ise. the aupper part ofth(e gardan on bisva>' rive tisele anetaoratathaîup fealthi lto tisaaccounitabia anS tie and O. Petersburg eud Pehlag, and Ana- narcasticail>'. "le the bouse asire, or a> atseluu a rla 1 (e > aosofa dvine. He "s. "(ld ha.sgiven me traia and Coifferais are mina. 1 rau preniaus ierai deuil, (bat yoo rush upo Safal> ha molSes bis way ta tisa olsIbrisaisconstrucled off viaieboues. Te 1tîsisodly, ansi lie anassied it tisa temple tarase spnte a bundred Yeats. I have me vilS auch ludecorous abandon?". boute, ta ge( ths etter ise luow illile tImaituffacturera vho madle Ameni. off tise liai>'Grast. sud to defaca Its il- a11 (he resiores off the univese, and 1 T. "Hluas," say glie. sterni>', vîth a avait hlm (bars. l'noe darliîg. visat rau production lu those gooda PaPUlar tara or Mar lus alli or crumbis ilts pli- arn yoo fast frieud. WbetÉ Yengel lan giauce blud bar. "'iisi ano tima oc viliiehailuit? Further vexations? W'itisanS vanS -renavued, aud visa forceS Jars I. a GosIdatylur uncriiega."e business trouble or an>' otiar trouble, le vncds lire (haie. Tihil oui>' of fIbis, a desire ta avaiS aIh ri-ka, lhe alenti ta Fretnh and Englis bita out offiisaseeGodis caligrapis>'lu es'erY Pageeutan me, anS 1 viii baip. liera lagai> Dyart," pens anad panllng tar breatis, enter'b>' tise bac, viserea itarte ranI akt eeR»d .WtrJh ntia n hsooia.H ons adi ldeo mioetdlvr h Tisaid aesu n aghan. laqthdlpdwatiugsts auwiea its ~Seei.J .Br u .J rv."Gosi bas given me a voudarful body aac." low mucis shoutd(bat man vol'- r Th limnJnls etsqeer tra hrisada iihae Do'iigtis tri' erldtofhe40for noble purposas"-thst aem vils 32 17? Nt murs. Wisat lion yll dire ta M "B. ient!*" bises tise vman savage- etr o rslawl b.teeryiroso & i îueousbones--'wieided b>' 463cuelous put is pav on tisat Daniel? la tiseranot eci 1>; "cesse yauc gibus, I tel you. 'Thsa loiceas ecidedi>'. sud lu tise meut ros. anS 1850 a dealer vasaa baler ln tact, musclesud ailuder diheal's tints. testai(l(is? ls tisera ual an ateenai va- lu gist Iiave see a-a--"Tise speaker t (bis instant in M. Dy- aise lisera vould bava Sean no coornstor 'rapis>'.350 poanda a f blond rusing cation lu tiis? "Oh." you Su>'. "bers la i, "My vortis>'rutiler. toc example" sof-sart. Tise second volce ls strauuga ta hlm hlm. as ail made tha hala (bey saisi. ail I (rauis theuert aval'>'bouc, the heart a man viso asIeS GoS for a bieaig lnu1 gete be, vitis a aneer. '"No? Wei, -norse, vuigar sud dictatorial, anS bandwocl. no machines of an>' Slnd, lu tventy'ffour Sauraheasling 100000 a certain enterprisa, ansI Sa last $,1A)l0inu Il enuevisa, tisenT" ver>' reatanlog. andi une vbo Snav boy ta mulle a uap- (ies, during tie tvsnt>'-our boum tie it. Expiain thil,"1 "Michael Sedia'!" Tisa yards rail tram Tisa roicas grav lu vrath; tise un. paS otter or branver Ibat vas an arti, lunga tainginlu it--seu bieada off I wiii. Touider le a facIal'>'.ansIone M beras houh tey oir be lie i P sukovu oua iug fouS Lu rituperatian. be . tsa Lrube us u ss'AnsI nov, ail suddenl>'soi0it wara, tbe earnlog $40 (o $W 0par veek baîngaisr, sud ail (lis mecbaniam nat mors visai la golng nartis. sud the citer vseei vi inesienesougisunsul.--n - -g rotmighty tissu dlicate sud essil>' tllturbed lg going outsund une viseel plays laI' W Tise sueedieu tram M. Dysart's lips: voire. cesse; liser a la astrîaind slne itstgoisui ui titgt a ndud Imoliahed. Tise Chistisîan minsaams eau>', sud lise Other pla>'a veclrail>'. I tes a durit flssuffuses bis face, uruîug il an if taris man vatts vitis drawnu aord 8$Z ta $00."-St- Louis slolw Dema- te anitsî.-If Ibist ai>'nerves, if 1 go ta tiemansufacturer, sud 1 Sa>:':*"Oail almosî back for lise moment, ta fade for tisa other', naît word. sud tbe-a crut. harit my bralu. if 1 burt an>' offai> ph>'- mansufacturer, your machiner>' la a con- su prasenti>' haneali tisanuisenbune iat iceniug sonud. A Sali, avffuilioas 'isical rarnltiaa, 1i moult God and rail toc tesdîction! ll'si'do >'oiualotmake ail (lieb maIes >lm lok liSe a crpio-a crcste of oaalmeeting l(an sud hua Igisali> [lie Rouse tieone (ha RankiL lîdire retribtitian." Why disI (ladtell tise visais go ane a s>'""Weili," bs aya. ab witb tyesaoff lire! Ha aaggrs bacî gruau., andi then--sii'nce. Pritte Cbllkow. the mînhter ffor rail- Levites nolta offer to hlm lusaucrifice I made theai la go lu opposite directions sgsluit a ras, sud i. bauds catchs cou- Great heaven' IVisut bas haporened! '.'s isn Russa. ,conimeucas i bs careac animgais lipertect ansi dinensed? lie au porpose. sud lise>'produca tisenit S vulaivlvt ttise barSl of iL Hlihae iltîat oI mati? ('eytua lu>' taklng a (aiseoff tise 'ocld lu orderemeant ta tell as iutail lise ages that vs raauit, Tu go downn taira anSexaminue thl "You are maS. vaman!" h as>,,lunaa prings forvard. lIcksols pen theie mer to tale note of ail tise lateat inven- are te afer tato (;,,iaoti ver>'hesî pis>- lise carpeîs ne are înrning ont lu lisie terrible voire, rossa, lie topa ahorI, as if bolte taaare llellyt td h niroetcniin n inwotruh salsmn.edyuwl e. ow "A>', as>bci. B Say5>. Mad 1 m.agliatclpon tise sceneue hffre tire- tuonsas d pcahi orSa atuig tise mue ulr oru týtio. î aumn isa raiis eais e n te ansI yflurn, in ea." tIhga Ir If vas bisl gtant i sîv. Batut i s Upon te earthan fluorles a litige tig- w'ocklttg's a1 ouriof oag r h~iealîhla uruloi:rff'riig 1teGOi sueis a sac- carpeta, andI I am obliged la conuila it.di ism llise lesb, hov ibau. Dyaart? Wis,-are, apparanîl>' denul.witsi.tanîding aver asays. (litrgt tomk a position as an ifice. Vs'y dii l'oi vrite toc lits loal thougsthlis esalu tisat tas-tac>'go In salle. lWei," vith grovlug exclseaienî il i lit. Dysirt, hie face aliglut n ts rî > aciit ua lcmtve e t Trans? tVhy oluasIsuris a great nien opposite directions. tissY tam out a beau- P "alait l IlhaemiSor saut?" giastl>' boIsebis nld ees..gegniig. Aworks ai Liverpool, and, off er secving as Pauilue utxia'. about a thiag goaimuflitirceuit, sud nulle I am standing.1 "MaS, aSd, msS!" 5hiails h, turions- iens->' aien stick ta n bis hstmd. Tise @orne cars an a laborer, vas ralsasi t0 ignifieunt ns nlîvereast? It vas bs'- lisera ooling ut tisa axqnlslte fabriean 1>. "Ailai>'lite Yeu bave beau My balle. airuerous biodgeon i.. uplitted torouie itae post utfctslway gurd, sud attar- caunsae luew tht it vsipneumania ansi aId Scripture passage rous t hamy ai>' urse, antd nov, Dow .whatlaie(bilpete criais aireadi' began-ta finits hbis w-ansIstatiot-master at a etuali subucli- reumatisai bSe ,auld not ha vartislhait aiiud. "Ail tlisl oyak logetisartac godPr neyas Yeu vouid tell mel Selle>'! h vark. ta maIle sure off the eiplean vic- a tto.We ertre efn-a uht olai h brha iht bwwolv o. ateemtan he is deas, vamai-déad. 1 (ail 700! tint at bis fret, hn -nPcylan, tterlng nai ttol s 1ar(rmdi (u-s aht (i u iecoci sniht beivs u- n."l hr a Wisere have aou seau hlm? Speal,1ltend a1, rushes front tise spot arisere la bc igiln worlsŽd bis'sia>' tramrune- 1reaIiratiua tasy sud tout free. toutein lu ts? la t(serse uallongevtt>'in comani 'O~rcie h. einngba aaiuntlovie ai'rureiei.chante toSuaalofi master. andad mftac Car, far Yasr '1s>'aeui Forces. fl? In and ubaalingbrvioleutia-. T sulnanintata susi, a strange tsurkiuig fut'errerai years lu tSe latter An intelligent Chritian maon-uIS uso saama ahdis ietur if "Ou tisa avenue. I vasl lier',waîrhlngusht. sud (heu a convulsive- shurer rous apjaoity on the Trasu-Caspiuîu ansI conas'r it an aliurdil>' tae uei sssn sautlhibi .putatioa? One linsa ..aybl MisasOuisaîda. a You latid ma ta, lest she (braugiste diaaIdn. An ashen grayariso Varsovie systeigis. ha w-aas aeln- stniglut tluti pris! utd ask Gomis proîac-lies, anothar Say@ hieatîuld, asather lion tahileaI ite satne limie lit' Sept (lie say's bha ississotms.t. sud liasfit doz,'uti ahouid go ita tise vooda agal, viaheubaissrisen ftram chu tubrowt. HiIlii"5 îsu-,trgenerai and inally aminîster offj ninuiiuoo f utos edcaoa i IgitI blpristing establiasuts'nisiattaek hSii,. nsi A came alovi>' tovard me tiseougi tise uts bis ais, ffoe a second or twa. clutcea railwa>'t. agaluot t're-iis air. le voimd junet as. soan ha la lu a greet alate tsf aru-teais-utanuSdi trpes, peovliiosabout. ne's cianCad. toolihiais>'t tise air. nnd dieu fatll nIt__________-hiut iofiiiig ouIrua tise bridge Ieneen varri sud fumeandounraiît alet-u. lasit hine'ugona to bonea adeal: but I'si i>ov a duit thudse sront lisi' boud>'oatbisenem>. sacrnî'ng lHita Coda. New York' autîlBroolyn, leapitir off sud religli o uines ta flint andRassi-t"'Ma,. bin a tili siuoug a tbonaand. A>. andI ta-on muls tirough ther gatileut.neya-n p îtillstraion of thse sort ot nal,(ban pityisug tae(1ud ta keep bilantrao aS lainnu yoîîr aidelie ailItalle -uire n >ou'Iil nov hlm. tu.",,panama or drawiug breatlisuntlltise ltAn Ipat b fryo It a israbelali Of (e ra nîsrabouse is recaieS. Knocling lipsuientla- vho "bramssthe bhava ut circui- getting tortî ut uloing an. yoa rater offyour replion fBEduefu om offlis rno-tat as abve il aît' itis bis isuckles sud eeceiring na au- stance" lu givan in aa tari' toiS of a lisis uhota siiu ofitPisYsicil iealita vis a cn bc againai >00?" îlowvouiîtaci ofte ntat m se'te ailtt ie a-r, Se o tir give va>'taeliseagi- danislog, iandsoine Eiugiismu risa10tise reilîi off ociuuît,îolity or tes lie pastr>' lîsuid tbst minu nrryashunt Sus repula- f cinginge eamsrya-htas l aliau (bat la couauiisg hlm as ta smash came te Canada lun15,32. look up eV- cool or tu,)te batuelier or ta tise baker or ilun? Nul muesb. If lisaliroks'r isa eulera (ha pressance ofthlie one creaturea spane vitS a atone. Tis abrings SSaadn emai ibousaud acres lu the HuuoP (crl lte tih o(, oru ti'latise ciothts'ri-au nome i-mrs g t uin Wall slrs's'. atter heT visom an sarIshacdreasss, be doca u tsee onl rmntiotvea- n]bes uUlga tmsta. are ual actuig lit,' aChritian. T'it'aimend hat aoey. Bast dsi uitud vraIet vith a calin visage adoeepesinsut@wudwI due rto -ad bOua 'llllndraointS . cure ot al yoîîr us> icai turcs,-nervoua. farevelal lettr la is vite hafore ho bew W ln.Heftplslw exprecl ssio- hll>' t id.1 iea vans long cutnia. (le ioln. masucîlar, boue',brtin.ceellua i lu bihs raina ou- if, inos at oflaking outp asout; bis face, graiy lu finlsiero.a very ..It la 1. Dysrt-Tom l'aiton. Conme frE tlt oktaý,t1 i altknotaa masS li bIilliolc>'a alne eIn' oi, omaouI quickl>. Tour flaher," Ou.e day thse mortar oaeled tein)iOfor ail yous iustnt lirougbt te Jîsdgameuil. 0 u oltap'(i.lela]tle n tise lecuslite tisaI stili ingera lu tLe panting, 'i hurt-la ver>' lit!" bilin.0 telteouare l%.elbain. ts, il ing onst'thnetoataîn imit uslg'n'e ressenTeaumcie.t (erciu troatnid trame, sud tise>'(lookltrougi, "NI>' thse!" Say& Seatan, auifnult lin. tnllusfordl tc othlie 'îypî'uu et.ith uig001lisoeang fytratui- isarebran uneanatiieope h "lbtsa"Bd-u there lu tise sid lgî h opi mti ut lîriun Ie sorar esIitnig nitlhi mn algaes ta mule your yttrld. Ir>' Ibis aliigityst eSatie!Tou tg an unbliking gaz. the gaden-up tere in te old artthi audildu-iscuteem l the 0 tIlithae.pi-alat t theiwlive11 11utivefivety >'eausen lanlererunder "Tot" a myamah>' na' silî oi. riOh.-inrr>',mon- hum'ý: v-u cai Tie utei -ornr0tothiisu tiiB. utiilookuarisgi-utltv sdneim utaaîiper (Isntcoaist "Jus.I- uslsotînu nuit I 19netiiiratiia auals dtstalithé lut of bhLDI rorry a'seut visat 700 are te do t l erlantate utb=lg.Tou Wl Bst do tin . 1l,1 . <b.,' ou .ay. "Tiser. oMetbing abthtelclie Me tiat deRt Là 'TIIOUOMTS b WORTI4 the appu.x but tise 1refface, te lite. 1FECIN re in -"îneth.'g that telle me (bat on side off the grave 1Ioiry get starteil abat 1 iiall gou on oever. My power A Peamatntetalgh 0" hink s fo ,'my affection» BRY eLesu ajWhv e or. 113 apac.;y te enjoy or suifer. Fouud A saraed su 'eaée No- end Hereatfter. view oet thse isanse. ;Il, you defiiat me in usy three expert- 'as. 1 itre nily one more ta make, 'hls es'ion for Oct. 1 in Psalm 12;2,1W. if you defet me i ltait 1 amn el- I jq~(ods . subject i Jyin Ho' ouse. w'd A ighy Oe o a noliedc Durlng thse iaat quarter off tise ear W* Jerauale'm one day. the skies illar lforked iigh- - P;gs and the eartb fil aet tuets oa xlepslddl ditiacstue is century frorntthe rcbuildlng of flise tescol ladaistrace.trudhsta Maiachl-approxlrnatey 520-M ~ IQ. eand agouixeil face toward tbehe aay- aud said: '1 takre the tins aud noir-Thougsnme parts off tbe OldTotM i of th ars loo m ov isert.~ vre probably vritten Muies litb the expiation. Witueaa. earth and ach'tiebsbolltseat W i'eu end heul. I arn the expiation." date la approximately bcxd lyd ithe hamaier strucs hlm, and the rafereuce ta bMotorisait data. aad'~~ ara punctured himansd heaven thun- tore it haaniseen ecustooay uss ed: "The wages off min la deatisi" "Tise ta tisinisoff bis propbecy asI latit - ithât slnuepih.hhall disl""*l vil by an it la thetest lu order. orf lbé mns i ceux the guihty!" Tises, there tatiiclt. Tise cenul7 W"iVW asilence forclhait su hour, and tise 1atudir. embrariug thc vort et a" âninge vcre drswn bark jutia ths ai- eeis.sasoftseht rd off tise sky, and tise sarts ceaaed ta Centuries off tise wviletîse reml 'er, aud ail the colora orf tiese ky ie- lie ta the birt off Christ. It fflUèe" ta isU mbs rluhv vvenontoffoff the Persian period.thiat la. tib !tsiling tsars off Jeton, sud tisere wo during wvhlh the .Tews vere ruslib 1as off the bioodshedding and thcre kinga off Perala , vic laitel frOiW jbine as off thse hruislug. sud there tîme off Cyrus (5W)> tili the Sgreen au off tise heaveïly toliage, and tise Persian EmpIre by Alce. re %vaa orange as off thse dayr dawn. Great, about tva centuries iater. dsaoug thse linsoff the bine 1 55w thse Palestine Came nder thse Gresis d*. "1l wsbruisel for lbeir Iisqui.l irg aconastntsource off camei sud siong tise lineof réal 1mv osertheteen thse GrecS hbigooff Ipaist 4Ib das, "~The blaod off Jeans Chist lt d. eanitsid, as cslledl trou tise foundef u« t ram ail ais." sud *long tise tins 94. dyna..ty, Scenecsss) aud tise Garell egreen 1 saW the varda. "one isavs Off EgYPt. tise Ptoleulee. Tisaes the Trac off Litse tocthe heallns off the vrilthe tise vslg off Jevisi i ions." aud aloug the tins off tise or- by thse Maccabees, 16&-140 EL C04 ge I mev the words. "Tise da, sparing &fter les@ tissu a century off ind~ Dr n uhlgh bath rislted ue," sud (heu 1 the 3ev. vere couqu ered isy tise w the %tormu wan foer, sud tise raluhow snd remainedl a Roman colony M«% he igher sud isigisar util it aeerned nation came ta ita end-es a uU~ testing toansotiser iseaven, sud, plant- A. D. 70. goua coluof lutis colora ou ans aide The quarter'. laessons ibette. eeternai bill, andI phautlug tise otisea ateiy eaaougis vitis s p.anin ep la off ita colora on tise otiser side the JOy Off the people lu tise esty erai bill. il rose upvsrd aud upward. temple. A question arises vg betl mad. behold, (bers vas a ralusov &ut particular psalm vas Luaftact etiseone." Acculat tisat sacrIfice aud (bis time. tise clo.lng yeasaeot thé, t vorrying. Taise tise toute, tiseloupai- century B. C., snd referred te tise tion, tise longevity, oftts. ent. lRe.- mat comisiated nder lth eent lou Io sunaisine; tisaIla isgaWs Ins- Zeruibsabel. encouragedaisy on in frusit air sud pure vater; they Zecisarish. Tisat raisen tise .eseuîtisy. Religion la varmth; tisat la hem off tise date orf indlvldusaI 'tisy. Asai Utishe doctors, eud tisey visicis la far ton, large ta he i tell Yon that à quiet consCiene sud general. Some elementery faetil, asat adrlstiu.are isyglenlc. I ever. vicsare not 5gotçsulaf ses fr yon perteet peace nov snd tanre- ogist ta bie, even natong ieblluU er. d tient, may b. reealied. Tb. e % 'hat duyon vaut lu tise future vorld? P aosa l e s ot a nit. lt o sai 0 il me. sud yotitshall have lit. Orcisards? ta lie a unit. It il s collection et, here are tise trees vîts (velve manuer llltion off hymneand sobew.d.1 - t ruita. ylelding fruit every month. many centuries, broutait teuut.beV' v'nter scenery? Tisers le tise river of hiymu book for lise use otfDe . Io de tramn under tise (brout off Cas, clasi people lu tise service off tise a1,st crystai. and tieseus off glass sngled pie. Hla àsrash sman vhs undOut*1 isb fire. Do you vaut muic? ThIe OzIxtise date visen (his eougItUaîs'Bf tise oratoriooff thse Création bed on b, made; but lit la easy oeta eststIbb'fi ism. sud thse oratorio of th. e ed vans kupan it conld sot bave béions d ou Ly Moses sud tise oratorio orf th.% Outil long sfbcr tise exIlle, fou lb. lebalaisled ounsy St. Paul viteie endrsaimt, elaborate snd rhtuaiIsjjlIqWsti arsugel vilS swicglng isatoist entrelât a lime visen tise tmpesean . D14-1.000 visa make ataptise orcisetr.developed aud liy rete so you vsnt renion? Tiser, are you off Poinanta.isudboaok! "Rb lidren vsitiug ta lInsyon vsltlug tw Psalas." for theeare Ove boi nbrace you, wsltln og t tvt gariandi marised. sud reogai lse «re yor baîr. Ton have bis eu staomeé version. distriisuted sau folsv:~ avoen tise door on tisis side tise sept&' 1-41; book 2.,42-72- book 8, 7&89; ber. I apen tise douar ou tise other sid. 190-106; boak 5, 107130 e sepuirber. Yon have been accusleus, closes witis a sort eff doxology. d to vals lu tise w(t grasu on tise top of 2!mauy e grsve. owutis e under aide off "I vas gladtises (bey said tataos le grave. Tise bottorn bas faileu, outif wvs assume thsttlel ad tise long roat Is viîcitise P5'h* ym. (biis refera tatse bsgasIqI )arera let dovu your dead let tiss deirejaruey ta Jernesalmea t s0» t~ Irougis juaiseaven.ualtet.We isheca * Glo0y ie ta Gal for tdi.roist, besllhy tamase lants lu tiseam eigion! It yUl bave s tendeucy la maS. fot atmoffltge ltsu he §%te0 su live long ln thsI, orld. sd u he w ers made, tise provision tp«w" o r t l 1 o n l e y n i I i b a v e d m a i t i e t v a o r t br e e d a y .' t r ip . t i s e ( c i o ny rg hl t e v ii s a i s l mpw . ".) o f f t ie t r a v e le r s p t l u ll a b o t <Coprigh. Loia EupiSs. ~ arrangementa Made for familse 1M theIllrlallis rosy.togetiser, etc., tisestisere Via o s a i A b stt n a nc * i sel i i ' y e e li n a a or Y a It i sh e p p o j s i . , Th e comma der In-cisief off the. uit- s sacred holiday (tientla visicis boi arm sels: "About 90 pet cent 02 young rejoliced. te crime lu aur arrny la ovhug te "Our tet are standing wilbilé irunkenneas, and wisen our mein Ms -gates": as tise travellsrs moved tram tise temptatlon off intozi. in tise morning or after aunset 40 caing lîquor, crime la practcaily un- custom, te escapetiesats(h. nown umang tisem." Col. Tborold, off tisey s5v lu autîc!ipe.tion tisesli te First Royal 1'.eiashFuillera. visa . a.tise goal oet (hein iopos, ut glad visen (bey io1-d1o1 ag ot aut abstaisser hisiîf, lu a spesechs entrance lainotiseate; a Wvie 'se other day at an army tempeesuce (bycm iti it, à meeting. sald "He woas olutely con. tramt tisetailse and dssenaing iuce off tise gond value off temrance patis acres tise velleya tilet worS lu (ho army. Bealde belng a pro* on thares aide. tramtatise tction agaînat drunleuneas. ttal ab- t(17.asd tissu clrnisd ta enter Utnance was a saeguard agali n ,t u.iug gales tIbrongslbsthecity va&l subrdiaton.InInda e bata fui ecisaed ffortis sgsin *'Or lestsu abordlntiau. u Indiahe bad lutng itin tby gates, O jioii alliletum antiraly composed offtotal *"A City (bat ia complact tS~ bsatusinan id (bey von thé Calcuttà. comment ta tise .eattered sda" lO!* Shieîd. Somatîmea tise meriera off (bat sud bonses visics iad bossnt 1.54: tam ware aw5y for days together, but tisaexmiles retanued. UV City wu'~ ai always fait lie couid trust them but. alraug sud betin. k wberever tisey went." "Wbither tise tribe go up": .isme Gen. Kitcbener lis severo lu puîabîug arsate Ibis expression a ndetii druakenna. sud for (hi. bas.iepsml eyadoe m a d h i » e l , t a e r t i n x t e t . f o r e t h e d i v i s i o n o f f t i s e i a g d o '~ ~ad biisat, o aecralncitnt.un- boam's trne. Tisat le a largel populur vilhsosme off bis soldiatu.itabaseon s yard Ibat uay be "Kitcheneras cura for drun.nes" la pil' lu a poctir sente. a byword arnong bis men. Tise cul- "For (ber, are set tbronsi prit la dre'sst'd lu full mairching equlp- ment": lise paet's vsy offay. nient. wbirish la s motter off sixty rîîalem i. tise national eai sosida.undla isat cnsplla tacary civil authorit>' le ceutered li eccl banal a bng of naat veig g for thiseIec f îrîty poundla. A sergeant sud n guard tlay' open varda. a sort of off whicb tise Hebrev poasis are taut averc t'vîctîruta sec Ibat be tond as tise aid Egii lacs flot stop wulklug or drap tiseasi. ailiteration, le touqd la tht., A. matal sometimes kept at ibis "abat Peace 1, oiselons, proepetity anill" for six bsoure. salem la Teru-eshalalm. -A _____________ pance snd proesperlty upois a' Tisa New Testansent.-It la idle ta bouse la very comen la onigltA.M supposa liat vaare ta restrict aur- tors. Beives ta visaI laefouud Lu tisa New Tes- "For rml bretbren aud tament. Tise discipîtu vso lad tienattes": tise velfare off the vh as luvoived lu tise degrafe off fotundation off tise cisurci land no NewV îoyaîîy towarde tise temple. laW Testasmeut;and visen years sftcwaall terad tise velîgloos lite sud th'e lise New Testament vas complted and as veil, tise tva bsing clos* LiIsIe<Ito tise Calaitisavorld sav (bat Tis Io athe prayer off Chri pracllcaliy tisera vare (vo Bibles. twva sbp, thespiratian off tis e usa«ut,4 sources offgusidance. tisa wrltteu andi tallish Christian citislen vso dal tisa spokan wards. Thoat apoken word walars Off Cilty aud statt et héisebd camaeîisrough tlie cisurctihie guide sudonets sudlatety off bis neigislofs as» teacisar atfnankini. Tise cisurcis ow asoff bianitî. apeksandeve mut seaklu ar. "For tise sale off lis bonne oft tise1 speals. md ahec matavel Ouubr-<oal I iii saris lis>gond'. tie et mauvil lis vrttsu vword.-llv. Dr. still addressed. Tiese peaiser viii.

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