CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1899, p. 5

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* ~' 1s mllled especlly for famiiy use and is made from sleth beet brand ade n- ~:ted h rd whetand guarIn- America. A TRIAL 'wiII convince you of its merits. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville - ss - Illinois. Sheet Music. * Phonog raphs. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and -Siverwareý- ýý-- Only one Bicycle Ieft at a ~ŽL~Brgan=3é#e-.- ~~.&L~' o.x=c& O-OZ=tm' C.-R R 1-ERMAN9 îioS Libertyville Summer Shirts and Ladies' Shirt Waistsl 51.5 S irt................ . . . ..... 90 i ti tn. iti twtvacollari .............. 73 75e ilifl sirt vititoul collai .. ....50 75e .v.. lt collai ... .. ... 40 fiord workiîîg siirta..... .................... z5 Rlli hirt valaIs.. ....... 70 5(ký 29 $1.40'. ................. .. 109 $1.15 Workig pauls .... i.... .. - 100 Thame are ouly a ev of tbe mani bargains at OUF ilore. We alatn bave a lot of nov Percales aud Prinleta laI w are self iug rght. We bave colorai plamnof ut biaitlid sbating vorth 15ec per yard. viiie e au sall at par yard........................... ............. .........loc Rugs, 1 3-4 yds long at....................... $.00 F. C. SMITH& SON, Egutler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. LOVELL Collins' Brick Ice Cream. Friday... .Saturday Sunday Cet a Brick for table use, and you'I vote it the best warm weather dessert. Try I Libertyville F'. B. LOVELL, SWheèn Paid in Advance-. li 1,. uNIs.I'5lfXT aM-I Yer, Faj sud Pireaide on. year, w,,î,îaa H, ff.#ua ,, <bnpalalq-u oua ve*r. Var,mJonrnal 5v. 7U«» à , Lw,, bki, samîlt 1iuaa*ml a sit"S.untha AMiOUR 4LL >fOR $.Q PICKED UP HERE AND THEI LLocal Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. I.LIB. EgersmRd Wiin teront proi. pectiv etsovs purcbaiera, Ibis veet. Mrs. John Austin vtiatéd itbllMlra.1 Chai. Anili,' of Barringtou, Ibis veek. < InI A La, of Waukegan, W» mclllng on Llheriyville fionda th. latter part ai léait eet. A Jlup Ume vui experlannd asi te barn daims aIMr. G. Scitreeka lait stnhdar nigitl. lir, sud Unr. W. H. Sitari, of Havey lit., visilad, villa lr. and lira. Bd. Mofloualit over Snnday. DDul Le. bouglal a vindinili of thte Temple Pomp Company tii. eek and Mme vu set Up Titnnsay. Chai. isler ales attention ta hi. fail lnae ai borne uinrnlilg garda Junc in, ln hie ad an fint pae. à The ladiei of ILaheaide 'Ç 0 mter AsociationvWin eet viit lMr&. C. C.i BnhkleY Friday aileruaau, October 6tit. Fred Craker, of Grayalae. lias renled te Prallue cotage on Oreitard treat sud vilii ccupy sane t lu a t days.. Morris BtHublison, af Odebolt, la.,1 vi.ited vitit M. W. Heatht, E. W. Pakitura sud alter relatives sud friands hare Ihia veek. The social $lit a vu 1bave hien given by te ladies of te Aid Society hbu ieen paeponed iudefliteiy. Future anunuement viii bc made.. Anson Whbeeler vahi.bleage& dovu LotahIi. yack, aller bis lang alege ai siokuaié.. Mr. Wieeleî gains treuglia very alowly sud looki but a shadow ai hi. former self. Home made Mlasses Taffy aI i'lXaxi's IIETAuEANT. if jon have auythiug tooeil, Dn-e mater viteai ilainluasstore or aI home, a sdverti.emeul u inte Izoe- PENDENýT vil i fld jan a cualomer. Te ad conte very littho. W. printed l&hi. veek s large number of hall sheal circulais for Max Kohuer, ai te Fair, sanueiug i. sl bar- gaina sud qoutiug puices litaI itou Id cetainli brtng bi4 business. Invitation$ are out fo te veddlug of Mise rso. LAoir Be&umaun. $0 lir.FEdouard Thoma oveu an Wed- nosday eveiig Ocober te elevenlt, si 3427 NatiFility-axlt Avenue, Chicago. lirs. Blanchard, vito hai dreaimaklng parlais in te "iY hnu» on Nevberry Ave. snaunoea taI$ for tirty days ah.eii give har eutomars thebe hnetit o s large discountlouliiags sud drea biadiags. à nov vaut bon heen bunl fýpm lte ieltodhal parsanage doar ltelite aide- vilit, for viicia te Ladea Aid iurniaed malerial, sud sae grateli ta J. Bl. Allauson and S. C. Wllard for building te vaut. O.D. Craeaiild, ai Minneaplis, min.,IlaaI pesient the guest ai hle daugitter. li@. Ed. McDoaad. lir. Cromield viiilaler hi joineit by hie vafe, sud lte! expeetto0rasille viit lira. McDanald durlug 1the vintar. Finoat caniacîlonera Nov Oreas Molasaes for sale B& PEAKINS RESTAU- RANT. Fonces sud fsrm buildings bore- aboule are bhilg lllersly cavered vitit P. N. Corset aigu, by Csvanaugh Brai., aigu siecisii.ta, of Chicago. Titese gentlemen covred tbis lerrllory s joar sgo lu lte llereofailte YasaI Foam Company. Mr. Ed. Appley vito received an Iujury Ihal resulled iluhl.tsi fo! ye- algbin luouea01ai&opîles lail July. tbii. eek recelived a chect ai $87.15sai romuneralian fan lime hobasu nable ta vaut lu consequnonce of te accident. Mn. Appley daclares lte National Muonlc Accidentai Aaociation i. al igitt. lir. Wm. Nichais is local agent. For flina cigare sud smoking tobaccoe ga la PERINS RESTAURANT. Ï 'heit1ev. John Lees yul prescithi.# laieeli sermon au uex Budij evamng. Oving to te tiuemancj afi lte veatber lnt $nuday hobl dd al preseithlitasermon onau nemanle.1 Hiai diacourse ou Sunbay eveulug yl hi -"Tie Card Table, te Thteatre sudc teDamce." OntaI accaiion 1e villI reailJettera taI be received from1 Blslaop N Indesud lte laie ]Misa Francesi E. Wliird u Iliase amusemauta.i Miss Willard'a ltter va. vitten àB short lima previaus 10 iten deatit. AI the close af te aveing service Mr. Lee vill' metaks ev bnifremarks about bis&sueaosor. Hia morniug subjeet viii hi, -Au Israellte Iudeed lu Whom 18 No Gule'" Titere vas a spacial meeing afthlie1 village board Salurdai nigbl, te eau stlng thal Il vu con vened t 10 cou- sider matter ai Cook eslate,' vhieb -maltai" tlinoa ioltoane viitviticit1 our teadera are ual familier. lu lhe. final place A. B. Cook, deceaiad. viiled tu te villagaete grealai portion 0f his estate, ta reveil la aMid village allai deatit oi hie vife. Il nov dovalopea taIt bremorîgigea ara about 10 hi foraciosed agaluat te estale, far 81,000 escit, sud atorney@ advise ltaI es asid mortgagea ver. given befote te vii vas excule d, banc. il viii bc brokeaansd te paoparty go la the naurel boIta. Be taI ai il may aur village falliers deeibed ;ol o n thIl1e malter sMd saraîn fangit au ho doue la protecl bq villees lnte~e. Tbfl vili uquestion alec providedtfor the eracoonofa publile libmiasd met aide au aisoffltelapred. laets »e le». Thib@UW ry vae te b«4 bi Tii.vek's Norf heu,, Chistafn Advotaie tii, omrenta on a sermon preeehed by the Methodiat passer Septamber 17, lu lte City: "lies. John Laa, of Libertyvilie, 111I. preaced on a s racent Suuday avening ai the Firat M. E. titurcit, of Chicago. The people vane dellghted villa tue sermon." Tite Sunday morning service at lthe Preabyterisu cburcb yull hi ln the nature ai au satuma featival. Thora viii ho exercisea hy lte chiidren and a fev aditrease. Holiamornlug sud eveuiug service@asa tiuai hours. Euh- jeol in the eavaning. -The Devans Ceasarean." Amoug Iliosa alauding the state fair aI Sprngfield éliis eek are Ueo. A. Wright, Henry Caler W. E. Davis, Harry Caler, Geo. bond. Ctanles Smilla, F. Dnuenr, Mrs. Heury Cater, Misaaa Dot Schanianad Lydia Smith. one ai Our local doclons sMid lie expected lo go, but did noual us te «-put il in the paper, 0a va vaut. Henry Lancaster, principal par- ticipant in thba aloctlug affray sev- ersAlveeki aigo, iu appsrentiY aUtirelY recovered troim ha injuries vticit aI lte tlme ver. couaiidered fatal. Hi. brother, John, lioveven, wvioee oundi vere uet couaidareit vory serious, la atill coultued telath. bospital.-Lake Fove4fer. Tha funueral of lir. Wm. Meyer vu beld lait Friday troma ber laIe home lu Leaihton. lier dastitlte preced- ing Waduesday moruiug vu a shoots ta bter msuy frieuda, ai sic teltended ltae outy fiand vu appareuli! ai vel "ai var. Site vu stiean i sud- deuiy ou Friday villa inflammation ai the. bovela, recnlllug lu hanr desth Wdedniday. Beeldas ber hnihaud, &lie leuves tos olamouru ban. Barriuglan Camp no. 8M9, M. W. A. vii calabrate île adoption aifîle 13511 member aItlite naiS regniar meeting to be held October 3. lq gisàng au tu- lartiimeul lail. members. The Mlodern Woodmen la meeting villa great sucama thoe».fi bai hian nec- eaiary to hold meetiugs for lte put iev meuthes once a veez oun&Cnnut ai lte large numben ai applications for uoembensitip ll ti. order. Because ai careloeasaeslu oemeuliug lte bollam in f ireplacelin lte uev Clemeul hanse monta of t 1vn, vit mltghthave beau a disastrous Ère a ccurred Monday aflenoan. The cea ycame lu direct Contact villa limbets, Bviticit anlit have been pnolaoled vltih cament, sud soon s vigarana biai vuwa under vay, sud ouly by sînamnous efoil vu il pnt ont iaving gained «conilderable haadvay by buruiug Sndernealla lie floor. El . C. Tnpper, brother aoflir. C. Bl. i hrman, sud Outl l eceully agent ait Glenviev, loft Thuredzj viit bi& family, ian Vrginta, lu 11ape@ iii regsiuiug hi. bealtt. lMr. Tupper canriad it Auhlm a remaikabia recoin. mandation iromthelitaS. Paul affiia, uamaly, thsl lu tventy yeaiaeCOU- tinnous service, b.oitad navor beeu laid off, vitîcb a ithe regulatial punîsuteuln for lte trivial negient ai dullea, viticit alil peratars, or near- iy ail, sametime exparteuce. A good recard. E. H. Appley overhauledaur gsoline englue Ibis veek sud affixed one ai tva deviceaiaf bis ovu canception thareto, viticitgreakll Improvea 1he varklug paver ai aanme. Mir. Applal la a gouus viten ilecomas la mschiuery of auj dascription sud va eau iteartily recommeud binasai the praper man tb reair engluas, gasolibe Or ileain that msy gîve trouble. If thingsamareont of "vitsck" Ed vii racliiy tem sud han ingoniaus nationsa1aiehîs vu ta aivays prove mrilarloua viten put IW prsclial use lu aparaliug englues. Dft suadeiy. J. B. Ayreu, on. o1 Lakte Caunty's pioneer resdents died at bis borne ID *ilertyville Weduesday uighti aIil oulock. ofaiobart failure. NIr. Avrr,", aokie about iA11'leksud aslird tais all Uibat Utit am. 5h. tL, AMhlm itil fivsaid, ",uly toniaci> leel,. motif." Nir,.. AJFeu Ilbiediately arose andi iglib.d a lump, beuring wit alarin a girgiig, gaapiag motaud troi lier làuaband wi le &site vsBo engaged, sud viten wsi e ated his Bide le vaa dead. Deuesed ofte taucit sup- portors of Mothodlist ciaurcit of Liber- tyvilie. always iuterestedin Iahgrvt sud resdy ta aealat lu auy vont or give inanciai aid vitereby titat organîza- lion waa te be benlltted. i. place leavea a void noue eau tli. For many years ite reaided on a fari DeanRail Day, nov occupleit by hie son, J. T. Ayres, lMra. Melvina liote, and Mira. Anna Latrop, besidea bis vile aud sou are lait ta mauru the lama of a loviug fablier sud huabaud. Thte fuuerai viii ehleld bitlrday t 1 ocioci ai lb. M. E. cburcit, Liberty. ville. Aairoacd Notes. One of 11 rallroid contraclora setslt l a rde for lte B.Pul extension tramn Uhirty ville tla Foi Lakte viii he i inhed iu Six Or oigtia veses. Titis »IemaImprobable vbenà te immense&Muntl of vonkt Iat mueI ho doue aet1the Lihirlyville end i. canaidered. Hoveven, lte gentle- man ia question informa un Mli" a nuniner aifletennislhI be r. titi. veet tram lgin sud &litI ilte vIl ha reoevedirona tb. meu and leams nov vorklug vast ai LlbenlY- vinle. Aa &lie varilan gangs Compile llaeir respective appartlaumat. lhey vilii he uiguai to10 oit Bt$lii.sud, sud itlei expected Ihal, lu a couple af veeksa alarge umb>ar 0 a siuaVIII hi availahie for use in iiulaing up the grade bore. Islai.probable that s steim îaovel viiilha nsed od lte cnt lrougit bll on te Bond ferm, Ilkely the. savel beianglug $0 te Lakte Conut7 Oravel Company, vitich it viigreally facilitale vont. 17,000 brick, for fanudation, tva cars ai Iuber aud a Mar oailliiivoîk an. belug niaiaaded sud couvayed la lte jsite aiflte uev deoa, viticia ha. beau 1gradeit aud leveied off thii. eek, 40 lItMIbuilding aperators viiil tho delayd.Tbe deoaI iii stand Junl soula aiflte tract sud 150 fontl«es 01 aldevait on Mlauknee Ave., sud vili ha àsftme structure. Thte station viii lis slmilarSO ltaeprenean ta491i0 ou01 ttanre viii hunoreightlraom. A large pialiormn la pravided for. Thete l- y ankee Ave. dela $. 0 ha uaed expîesaly "ia pasiauger depot, vhiie Ihe preetdepol sud idetraCita are lobe mintslued ai a reigitl statiou. Obituary. ThteIlife aI &unie J. Wheeler termi- naled lu Lîhertyvllle Sept. 14, 181. Deceuesd vwsbora et MechasuWa Grave, 8Ilinoi., Feit. i. 1861. At lthe &agof 1uaieoeenaIe vas oouverled. FebruarY r14, 189, &1 e vUunited lu mariage te Amson Whoier. One child blemsed *ltai.r union. lits. Wlaeaien, W"i suearneal, aveet spfibied vomeu, belaved by aIl vha kuev Iersud lier uutimely deatit lasa nad &bouck lao1the iuabsud sud relatives. R ey. Lee lu a fev apt varda euloglzed the memaîy aud deedi aiflIae dean deparled aI liae funeraI, aller vitici eal thuIwu monta of a loviug vile s I Et we bean go mucit camment upan lte0 excellent music fuiniaited dnrlng teC fuir by Bravus lMiliileiy Baud af Chie- &ga, &litIvo are cousrained 10 mon- lion aime because aI aur negleel it dolug 8o lait veek. aitonglilh. reudîtionuseau inu DOvaj hi enitancait lu te publicnmind ltereby-tlaey vers af a degrea o! excellence taI need nmention 10 Inspire appreeiW lion. Beaidea te naval fealures iro. ducol ver. an deligitlfuliy unusaa sud te vocal Iutensporalaus juil troquent enaugit sud of anfilcient varlety sud caleblueasata seltte enlire amphittitatre taelaummlug. Ili car- lanly s fine baud. Ladies of Laiteal de Cemetery . sucistian are ascit eaning s dollar la repleuisi thebaorganitalastneaury, aud aI a social 10 bc given ll te near fuIte them axpertnes lu no dbing vill hi told, wiicb of cannse viii ha novai sud eutenlaauigu lillenera. Wo cannaI but admire tae airnealneai ar purpose dieplayed by membera of ltae cemelery association. Tiain-lu geulaus matitada ai îecuning funda, aivBasuacetaitiug selfitscoifice, 10 carry on Iheir praisevoilhy vont ai hesuifjng aur cemeteny saulit appeal viit pirlicular force %0 citi- zen, af Lihirtyvilia. Titeir vork, la aur mmnd, la anc of chititsuhome. volence by viticit va are one sud&Ili hineflted. Wit grandes, nobler, jet sweter purpaae Ihan te kep lt.etait. iug place af oui beloveil. dedsit a heautllnl gardon, intervoven villa prety gpavel vaiti sud d~lSivilla foyer plat e eelngi sOOtin sme vsnY appomearates$hm Iois ekrMd miasioln " evmeusil7bel wu 0» edu7 alH00b 5 msdeasces *fh *w 1 Lakeaide cemetery. Court Doaket. Tite Clerk'asud Bar Dacitet lar lb. Ocliahar termraiolteCircuit Court, viticit commences Oclober 2d. mat iasnad, Indicatea s bnsy sessian. Titere are tveuty-aevon peoples cuts, the linmons Kruegar murder case hiing th1e lveuty-tird lunlte arier of arrangement. There are ninety-lvo comuion lav oam, aifviicit lorty aie uev. 0f1lte on. ndred sud tlirty-aix citsucery cues tartj-three aroe e. C. E. County Convention. The Chitian Endavar Cunty eau- ventian viilhi iteid aIs<lurnea, Oct. 7th. The meeting viii suroly prove oneof fmore titan anail ulereat, uai program liaibeau anrangeit, lnclnding msuy sable speakters, inlerasling papars. vocal seleclions, etc. Endeavoreri are urged la ha present. C. E. Rafly. The tollowflia rnuraînme las. laion snrnged for the C. E. tally Lataubueld ai Lîbertyville. Soptemubet Sua. AITBaNOON siastUN. t:80 Sans Servoea-Counted bu ... Mins Alt-, E. Smith Davollonal Exerelse- ........... Miss May meCullongit Solo-...................Mia« Franmes Clark tata Thei, Jlet lie.r-. ..oAileDa,.idso.i Bont- zii Bible Otd ............... C. R. Seat. 8Rieke (Me Plde-"liov il Mair Becoma s Burden "Boy il M a Becume a staff."........ an (k C. a:si Queson Box-. Businssa- sinini- nvmm"uo 838810N. 1:00 Sonts ervoe- Heart 10 Beart Tal.ouduted br- ' eo ",,. D. Heuver lài ddres-0 ................ C. H. goste No RIENt To Uatines. Tbe voman vito i. iovelyluaifce, foim and temuper vii lvslwys have triende, but one vho voulil ho attrac- tive mua" koop ber blasalîla.@ho.11eis veut, 9MIe sud nr» dovu, Bite viii hi ""OiU Mdil ltle. If site ha. op i dney trouble, han bodVIII ..uuse plm1lea, . Bieboitters ttla thae vorid go IlinMd sud ineys là0,1>1004~. itl gves ltaeau, MoolIm, Acfpexlon. t vili a - .Dafj60 seule Ummhgtyle.G.B 15 THE TII To Change Your .Underweal Ours is the Place to buy, We have just received an elegant new1 comprising ail the best makes in Cotton and WooI At Popular Prices Ranging in price from 25c fo $1.75. The finest Une of yard wide Flannelettes ln the Market at 12.1c. Tennis, Shaker. Canton and Wool Flaniwe in great variety. CallIin and Examine our Faîl Une WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND PRICU 1 BE RIOHT. me B. COw'ufLB Y & Coo, DEAL.ERS ON EVERYTMINQ Libertyville, - - hlm BOYS' One lot of h::vy Dark outing flan BLOUSE made; they are positlvely wou'-tliU they soul like hot cakes WAISTS ..for............. ... WAISTSAnother lot of 35C Blouse Walsts, go for......... Boys' llght Percale Waists for ............................ AManufacturer's sample Uine of1 BABI ES' ýfinest Babies' and Misses' 811k a Velvet Caps bought and sold CAPS 60 cents on the dollar. Ther* e ______10 dozen of them, no more thant of any one style; there ought to be enough vari to suit the most exactlng taste. 15 dozen very fine silk 4 TAM wool mlxed Plaid aJnd Colored Tam 0$8b O'SIIANTER1S Caps; others charge _______ _____85 c for the Id enti- cal goods, our price ls only ............ The Pair, Libertyville, - - 1Rupture ... Cureb IN 30 TO 00 DAY5 BrIthe Weili ituauFI-- 1.11hy metitol. Ns urgial Operaîon No miero pain. No Loga of Tîmu. No Par untîl Carel. FAJIE F9tO ALE àcOR 11- doclâmet tWn.ICE Ir M ,iocin& Apply at"to oorrnr Ilo vai. <mmo... ri" Every ruptured persan ls lu constu a1~~~ e m~i e* danger. Thor a vsrung, sud lr U. oet, strangulation irequaully résulteaurjwFolasi sii dealt. A rupure alvaja causea sFAFOrR 19oe-i great dosA ai snfferng sud keepa chut -For uIe eemle rau tram developlng ai veli mentsiiy els aud ptysiomlij ai ltey augitla luevery meelte genenal i«teall la Impioveil As UB5It 80m 0 &Mrlenhing cured, IluohItold aMI dimbshi luiere A. apecamt it ilaoser tveiIY YeMau " a l expérince IlImehétrottnent of l. eu vcss ii Saim m. gole4, LiieljviUie. Tsda MmdWduèaheqSlW Ilee Cm ous #à , ýM

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