CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Sep 1899, p. 8

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4WZVN ON TflIALI SO. «rd......... «ý. ............. $ l ~peIIagla 184 plie.. .....y.......................U to*uhUh u Vsugr4n ,permis eIBM ................. 18300 osho.s thiat give satisfaction ln price anld D.L.& W. Now la the time ta order your ,witesa"* ppply of coal. l-WILL BE IGOERI W. handie ail kinds of coal andi, can supply You with the bnst to b. had in nut, egg, range or- soft coal. TSONo 'IL E YFARlxm JêURNAL m e m om WK% au eUmaé m&lu mm"fe s'à "ldfn tht Ual= DO M ~ *49N.150 p. M. d'no suadar Oanu -7-,111 Sondai. ROCKEFEL-LER. Mise preacia Cooper te vliitin friade as NaIS Tro!y. Wi.. Air. IL.(G. Payn.e mpecute lsaton hi. amuiualtrip ànez. uib 0 h aoo* for his holéday frod..ý on Aioday ail Air. ILC. G.ccon expeeftta 50&tn ort u 3usm AirX. James VaUllev viii cOàmpsay hi6 ra. X . IL a.eanid ughler, ilaS M"y, 01Ir "aiua ev veeda viEil s Au"l, vitb ber alaler, ira. Jame Wlson. aisie. Mia. Bartongt le .l.- aslb fval et lb. veek ta ve"*nais avue liUnq relalivea. lire, »ille Tovpubig aMd son, Boyen bave resrued ln Shair hase et »,ger Park. aller epeudinta a 1e Vea&vllh relaivée.ber.. Ulea Minai. Neyer Wbo vw. l"ke 111 A aIlle boue aet btrouher at Leibhton ha. m for veeovered -m1$6 te &%M tk be about 4ehoa" ~ a On Weineai a mrin Air. Ob&&. Lindeanan vu muuouedf0 c'binaeo ta th. bedeide of bie am Charlee visa lé» sevevuly 1U1, aMddied during lhe day. Deesaed la veil bovu k inàn tu Ibit village va]ii igres tk beer 09 hie de"l. "yv. and unr. Cole 6ud augbier Nerlos arrivait bome on Tau.isy lv Hilidale, Aile. Their vacails wa .dly ilserteved vlb by Ar. Cola. lUne., trou vhich he ha.sbot yes fuily recovered.- De viii ho la tb. pulipîl Bel$ Sunday a. mul. WAUCONDA. larmera ae lhrO41Zoutllas Corn. Ai. Besach noved t0elgion Wodnea. day. John spencer a.led his sorgonsu Barry Graham cooumenced achool in the oC48 io7 ay Nme. A.Grabeanvue a Ciy viaior. tfl ovl f lb. veek Ara. Wu Ee.eey epelta 1ev days la Chicag<o reoeuy. *M .C. I. Wells retmnei lant v.ek trom ber vietaiDuo.. L-ouis Barisala lus voovering troua aseige ci malariafoeer. Mm a. . CParne, of port HBil,vu a Waucn dcler Aiouday. Aire.10Mlggfila, Vliled voa- tive i la splace vecny. Ha rry ohor e rse aay SMaur. day. No metiona damage dose. UTr, «d Aira.W. Barris bave arled boneebepleg la lb. Jobuaoeboa".. Air.- B«ryFoile, Of Wbeale, visIIed hie moSer ira. J. IL Poile Nonisy. Dora, ktalirand AireL. O. Prie. gaturday allernoon sept. 23., a danghber. H. Faller and Carl Erloeo»n ceaped at NicOoliom Lakbe av"rsS hree dayu of %bis eek.I ILE. L Rrrlaon ç. A. Goldlng. CL P. P"a Msd A. W. keniolda. of Cicego, ver. ber. Sunday. ir, snd Ara.. .A. Ford wvili lev for Chicago ln atfewdaya.whore ihey viii *pend th. vinter. Ar. Wveigaes . ora. van avay Sat. urday nitghI. The buggyva. broien and AUr. Wevl.erv waaklcked lu th. breme. Alir, sud ira.Perry Jobuson, ai (141WLake vinlt.,d tbeformer. paren1là, Sir, sud Ara. Ji». Nevlle a fev days ot)lealveq&. MeV. lIaSo, 1A. W. Hughes, J. E. OaIner, Ar.sMd AKra. WS. Clark. Air. Houer Viaher, Ara. WoodhooaeXna Jeaka, i. DBoson sud Iire. lokmle., meahrs of Agilma Lodge A. W. W.atSendad lb.A. W. W. picute at Harvard.. *,They ara imply perlect,," vrie. BRobs. Noore, 01 aPaye&Olae d.. of DeWàlS'sLit.le aly Aimeab*h "lamons 1111e pllle',fur comupe"o sud .1liver alient.. Neyer gripise. P. Il. LovS., Libertyville, J. a. B5aàHUB Guru.s, P. L. Waavua. MAv, Boobteller. REAL S"TATE TRANSpgRb. Pnratabed by Lake Oomsly Tible à Trual Co. Abstracto of Tille. Tille. Guaras.ed. Nasone Temple SId .Wauk.gaIll1. Louur .iuhguSc AiLIbEena.l mi elle la Chas L oplbdvi 4 olegsnev se. asWeLf.?acree. u 11v-6:9 orne. .1Cav qvao Ir-e.un vd 2s aeer r sa e 4rt os aqrame a.... yejV i " of Pt .1* "1«or l -01-0 li as . Jonee~fle 1 ,". Dlob aMd vilele lb. t ia (>utEv.Voy. - là lest2avWr me In. éULIkw d..........................o Iuonn CBilandJaVeto!bey~. vand av ls JnP esesdaa s lan5&ju ts epl ioit taoJobaj 1mGadl iag~ Arma w N< *~l r p~ ta I ~y. Igleàe.1 f -uta, yeUtn~ sevew sU ,MelmbegaVoe r relv by owngeeslP M. W. A;ljus Bat. d-"e 0 s~ viiait lou lova the luth. Prti W» veek. Tbey maie a De*twe .M &nu lNersuir »MPe. mmlguam row"aueae a ,11i uun.u esoito e a Mi mgl eS LiberIylile, J. I. ROLLI NS. Ail-.Dollar DoolitIe bhasone Maies.MuryRook visitedtvllb AMoude Tdrser Busdsy. Nia."AaayUBkva. .ob a couple et iaya il veeb. Bld Callei lranmoeeibutoea l Wsavoasam weeb. Aira. Saab Weebasd baby ver. lu Gvraalake uaday. i. -aude* 'Umaer yi.iaed i Mary Hoorson u aturday. QUiM..a fe*Phuate wove.ouit lou Chicego over Sunday. ld CAnleli va.inuLiberlyville BeUrtaY ou betnea. JOl"sWeloh la boving nume car- penser vork doe lulahie houa.., Ae.JaseCouvea.,ofPremnt. la vlilug ber iangbler. ira. Oliver Book. Tm lil-laglon, of Grayaake, va. bu.Y lent vsekdraving tomber for Eseb Welcb. Ain. Geo. Beok vws marrled s couple et vece MOago 0a Air. Carter, of Chicago. le congaulale &hemn. The youug lady vbo lb...maaal*t 11ug-64W. <r@mik's cellai audill ko Chicagéi by lb. death orfb bter .e AIlSS.Mi Drury viliied ber bro1her Louis a lu Ailoehbu tveeh, vho boabeemvery &aitS vilh lyphoi lever, bul àe la a 1111e botter ai promutnivritlug. E. B. Turne, Compoa, NO., vas corail o1 Delie. Wioub Hu BMai ai aleraumos evecteen U713am 8 ~ t ovr leay vemedien. à urge1om80e endors.IL. Bevare Ot dangenu. ounterfeita. P. B. LovBra., Lberlyvile*; J. E. Bucuua, Gru«; P. L. Wmevuea, AceketOUer. VOLO. Ai. Bulles, ai Solon. vitai Johnk Vasey luitAicsiay. Ai1re. Wl in Mbgomery. of Chicago, le viaiiMng ""V nvlu o. G. W&119 vu lu WsUkenou buËl- nme. a 1ev duy e mveeh. Ar. Bwppi edisret aith.eAiUeri Jounalvau àVole bhm aarday. Nima. C.Tover, of Chiango, ha.heau th. ga" or friemuin la hia vbliy. Ulm Tonde Compts, -01 Elgin viellid etChuz. Peter'. the peal Veo. Dijos Seul &"udfamly, of Waube- g«". ver.guemté àas Eughtbiirce' lui Aire. Chu. Poiler s u c. on are la Elgb ithvlrelative, ai promeut Vritiug. Win Leouard ha. beau qulle aiob vilb rheualim but la boiter ai &ile- Vrillas. Ar, sud Ait&. Brovn.of Oravalabe, viettil d BdRuomanland fauily lee Thureday. MiséAllô@e.oranger, of Chicago, vieltai tai Ar.. G.Waie'a àfev .deya lus. veeb. e The social held ai the boue ot AaUgbs Br-. lut ledneeiay eveulug va. qlutis Irgoly siianded. Ail boit a v«7 y1deilghllnl lime. The ladies clured $8.04. *thé reat auecoeia ofChamberlain'@ Col1e, Choierasud Dlarrhoea Aeuedy i18 the lrftiueui of bovel complainte bà- mae filstandard ove, the gr..ier Paré Oft civtlized vorli. Farsasie BYF . Lvi, Lberlyville, J. B. BasUCU, Gorgea, P. L. WMe»aNuuj, Boléeiler, (lhzyuxaaw PEA5AcY, Joua NunIs. Ivauhoe. FOX LAKE. Le. Gibert, of Gaga. Lake. villa hie umole ai ibis pIs.. aluniay. Tb* griaier part o!i u.coru lm cul. A apalier0a coru barvmeea aye beau pnrohuoed thoen eaon. Air, sud Nis. lu. ller are the hem YParent. of another boy baby, bois Sepeuber 1tuh. Guy7 1300kVin move lotothehoua. formaey ecupiei by Ihe lamuy ot the 10e9Ar.Coeuar Drury. Mary Tveed, Floyd Vulve, sud AiaueDRyant, 09 Fox Lake, are asleadiug aboniL ac beVilla. Muera. Duruel anonDrpry', of Ans.boul4bave psalei1the building. U.i.J osnele aim as. o]ýLàe. GarvOOi & Co. bave iluabed ilvesb- lut 98, Jbis viluiiy. Tbey VinI bo ampleps4in U Ar. ropby. uelgbbor- bond IieVée. Air a Atwell le hsvlug hie houa. a6i Ur. S. Lepand, i*AxlbcehýAne dillle me woft. Gbelr IL Broy1a. Kalmeowo, iich.. OUW 1 ' elOdMOP811yspela Cure eurei WfMM& »omm*siII uon Idye- bomme, Mdcur". Peei . B.- Lovair.,Liberty. = 116 Â*ouua, Guise.; P. L. I. Lit* W»saved. AiMr. J. m. L'l'y, a prouhiseatrisos ot Da»uwuile'. ,.laty bai a Vouier. tu el vqgams trou a trlghtal deab. l!.l MIi ho My@: -"1 vu &&&en ;e *#phme1dm ever, Ibal v Iat m Mwelà Y lange became bord. .1 1eu4.~~~ 4894aai010,t L0. Ci154dubuMli ber alettg Aira. 5 Auj Iae lam5e., mevmle «vii ehbe tou the Aiulý«va" roila" k.w . MlUe. yen1 la .ire n lobe reAiRockefeller E es et $ Prim&. Tv» dauSiere aifAir. Wu Dawes.,et »«$W% i orae re erepusaimas very tuI V"5 6ypholilever. AmmIrL.T. AivWneaMi union ame viallng ber paresss, Air.sMd Aira. Tholae, ot Uh.rly iII.. service, ab e haptiai eureh ver. "ayPoue l aSteslm elSuaey ou ascmbastaithe beavy rain. Air. Mmdurn. John Palmatonsd ehiliren, a M N. nom&a alville aitanf e b.»haoulut mI eeS. Tbehezéi beelgof b.Laite.'AUd bu haa Throdo o Ccg*vlU The Omkdaàe oepelary moolety viii âmeel 111h ire. D. A. Ferry nais Thura. deray fuoo SeOpt. Ulh A. large atàsmianc la deelred sas It vi ib. lh. Kodol fDyspepsie Cure la a a.lontlgc ocuponi bovIine.heendorenaas 0r *mènent. physleimea sd lb. mediuml prose. h is «geelaWvhayo sua"n Ïceillvely dura. dyspepse.a.. A. Kihron, hilomlngaJo, Tenu., mye It cur.d hi 01 of iniguloa ailSm yeura. .t1lg.W . Lovara., Liberlyvilie; J. . BAcuuGurue.. P. L. Waevaa. MAx, Rockefeller. LAKE VILLA. Air. J. P. Pea le rorus, cld busine. lu Wnkegalahm Saardoy. Aira. L. W. Bowling sud Mr&. W. Darntable iunssctiled the, ciiy Nouday. Ar, sud aire. FraiHamun imuuesl dslurday Msud ay vith the laller& paent. s angaevood. Aiva Florence Watson bau beau quise xleb lb. pet vueek, but la lmprovîaut audor ilie efficient cave of Dr. Jauleon. MNils ugar r.lurhed sI> Chicago Nonday uoratng S1) veue hie datles Moere alier peudn huge sumuar villa hie parent.. The lox Lake Coetery Society mol I"i W.dneeisy vith Kra. L. W. iltow- Ilig. oh sislaplace. About lorly ver. lu attendanco. lire. John Palmer rolurneal leel veek frou a Ibra. vbbka vial isib ber sanesud daugîlera lu Evauston.. BI report& s splend i I.. 13. J. eon àsud lI Iaraae aturted for - Arkanaselest Tueaday uorzhng lu ue" about. the perchonse af nmre lamai Ihere. Must bc sousgreal attraction shere, nsoeUur are galag. Nia... Mary Tveed, Bllanche Culver, Tocsin Cuninghami, NamaiDaymeuî sud Aary Book, are ttieudlufdmebool hore, &ac F loyd Culiver, Psy Hmitn, Carl Ailler, Lon Book sud Dora.. Adami. ThBasket Social vblch vu tk bave beau held ntlb.eachool houa.sIlen hi. dey nlght vs poalpoue it 1 shm eek Prtdsy shg'iso. ou seeof ts.e raie. A program le bala« preparei. Proeaedm ore ta h eed'lovard lhe perche«. et a nov llbravy flu placeofo!the ose vhilh vsa deslroyei by lai.a go"d cauns, so Indice. pIeu. bringyourbha.. bka" 111h lanch for Ivo. Por vouni., borna, mas. @ores. abla ieeansd. lrrsting eruiloN uothiug no aoothlug sud be.iin m Delitt». Wltch tasel Salve. Li. E1mms 1011e,, airon Englevood, huraury, Chîcao, my* o! Ig: --Wbeu aIl .aise l u Rhesling oar hable., It vîll cure."~ P. 0l. Lovzx.. Liberiy- ville; J. Bl. laàcna. Gaunoa P. L. W»mvusuÂe. Rockefeller. DIAMOND LAKE. The Damond Labe Couloiory Asociation vilI meet wvllh Ara. P. Towuer the firsi Thur.iay lu Oelebor. The Beov. John Le@ wvlU pboach hi. lareveil sermon at Dlsmoud lAe ono Sniay a!leruou. nie aobjecl vili b., -Chrialu Bemarbable Bulogy." A mamorable avos ocrred, ou the ovoulug ni Beplember 131h ai the home of Mr. D. BleuShale,. Il vas the celobratton oftheb. entS annivevmary of the musiage olfAir, aud Aim. D.linaclsr. Tbo Invitation& seul brougbl la u lsefrvai evory direction anmd asiuer and lolleravi jon eunevor di me. sud val ay lboy hasve beau jolly for, vbon napper wvasearved, Ounb luzuries voe e iabed up as 10 maSo the inoBi eaber, gay sud happy. Bad s presobor beau pvea.'ni. auroly the nuptil ceromouy vould have heen repested jual k me boy t vould ..em aller a decade of marriod il!,. Bol the charivari! O, thons heautl- 1uI lauatîng. dollghitul sono@ aonud- 1u zfortito h eo l.mldnlgbi air! Snob esq clatI. harmonIe. eau lneyer be repeabai. la muet nostforgelstho usur beaultfaipreaeue. Aller a muat dlightul lime lhe guete epalred 10 11.1v respectivo home wvlehl u eoemamindhapplueaa $0e bons sud bhse«e. L lapuafluwexieudaecongratula- Wm o K10Ar, sud ire.Aizeutholor. MM .J. Ely moved t10Weal Chicago, tiIs wee. Air. Frank Slopp, of Planfield, III., la nlgbS usaastLolîbSon. Air. iE. Aiy loruenlyagent aI Ibil P le., ored ai om lh. Venlt "Frî- dey ani voal ta voknoas ugbS operalor fthe lB. A. &.5 A. aP" NaIiOL gr. A. monmou, 0f Chicago, bau Soienair. B. Stysoaeposiion te der I"Peeeor a. et tthIo nd Ar. Srand ba. guise th Mastiu,Ill., a. car Ail.AnIe LIIIcae »oui froinChi- oego Bunday for a day'. vii vlth ber paenau., Ar.sud Mns. RobertILUII. Ailm LUI hau a position a. bookaeper Air. O. G. Poullton, agent for 1E. J. a 3. sudis. Ces. ralivaa le 09kn*& #blrty day. vocettoh. De sud Aire. PoulID maoanepsalgiby MIr. Pol5on*. molbqv re»Vitti ' friand. aud> rai.- lîve. et ludlsu.ola tdiUml. aira. Liii, of Chicago, Air. Robert Luis'amothe, la paylag Itmèseàvieil Ilougeo They're watching us, and we keep 'em tiard,@toýboat Prico. i lb 90M baking po*tni.......... ........... l 13'..CSser N....I.. . U I packaglaierue..............*"**.........ou -iand-o 0Caekoeaperb..& ........... 07 3 mmneWMGoodOcameal................ 21lb p~ekgPeeri Bomluy ........... .0 10 o llie" bluig.\ ................. 0 Ilhîukeerulareb..0. I1saUI lmblum Bup@MlUve Ploar, per use.I.. 00 Chue à Seber midO. P. Blauke celebrat. ooaP« lblll1 .............e Remomber m la palate modtell; tSe but-*"d M loyal prie. MW a0ve la mtldly sai. Phasede MtfeSmi tredr*". C>00-c '. Rockefeler - - - - lilinois. Now Is The Time.& To Have Your Picture Taken. A l6x20 Piatino-Crayonoid eniarg.d Portrait MilI b. given wlth every order for a dozen of our best photos at $3.00 per doze Photos al I ta be of the smre person. We make ail St yes and Finish.. ALL WORK QUARANTEED. H ughes' Studio, Wauconda - Illinois. STUDIO oPves TuESDAY, THUReDAY AND FHIDAY. Cross Creek Lehi hCoal.e Cross Creek Lhigh le mined in the heart ofthe LEHIOH REGION and no expense or trouble is spared in ite preDaration. It la re- markable for its purity. durablity. freedor f rorh elate and clinker, and smali per cent. of ash. A TRIAL Wmil demonstrate its superior qualities. Leave your order now for your winter's supply. Libertyvil le M.i. SCIIANCKI - - - - Illinois. LONG GROVE.' A. Saiter vu lu 1he clSy Umoday. Oh! vIat dollghttul vocîhear va ,are baving. Guet Moyer ia dlgglngone00or0hie voIle deeper. Thae vu psy day aItlIhe creaery lent Surday. Aira. Sohar vlsited ni North North- fieldat e ebPrldny. Thi a i.hlb.simue for moellons. Look ont for lhe bilîl@and thon mand. Whaou a fellov snd lis% girl get lin types tabou, thon aomoîlulnl la" Mnny laèus abouta Long urove are lufocmled villasine dieane anda quise a 1ev bave W UmeOlive Allsenthsieîmpent »entra day» vilb ber anale, . 51. AibM r.aiv Diamoni Lae.. Mine L. Bialer sud Mae». D., 0. s»d J. £inteur speul Bunday av.uing vllh Air, sudAirs. G. Neyer. MeeImm S.VFrisch sud E. Mille trou Doaneld i ismue imrasnmg on Air. PriAScha barn Bslnriy. y. Grsavrna 0t' alatuesauaiy te au bis brosSber. £na. Nai Bad h. In"ini.te go tk lgbladPark. It la ramerai ibal Ar. Dorngon vilI moon bave au smueln sud am Mr. LaYmsn. ill ocu»y Sthelavai nez Thé apotbegumy»714 "SIlence l golden." But lb~..Dlamoui Le llvmould.rriOtekmsS..a nl" sud lhb.y a" 1 ho..1100 tu gel&. Wàm je UW. masser cilS y..? WOuhdaloer"haeme téaga bue laed lh.p mot beau aboppei. G. lure baidhies aellon lut Thuya.- dey. 0f courmi the moa.big .ro.d va. alfreoulama ongGrove Vilnmie Mr. IU mmd ikuily very muai hile iles Seeshry Apahh ii8 guai.o a Waeilsu honorable olsise. aIS hmday va.quuary mftl15g . etai"S Evsng.lIe a huvl. lanl quavaiablem aIsancelée pre.hdiag aider, £ev. nou1er eolaàd. ne mm@e a vey fvorable tmureeooo *panhe huer.sud w1111bu voleomu ke pié again. nand., fury, Sept. MitIdMia Maiglu raé; seJue Iltllame, et Aima. Upblîîa'ham I ia'ber i vuSber sielir, aira. (Urues" sudbar u asidMOisTalor, fgrueAnrSok , i.. Elvïm »8»intrna lem ber daeswirft lins. Ull.geiamd1p, Mr. ii,..rt le iud4àuair Palatis e s Sm vaear e i1 i er a eul a sllo nltarem igi ineuviory. fr a ans, o eAlltîlrasdrsu & I flita *kmoy batoisusAOwe e5 eueaIol;MlouSIrsin oài eýbï" ulmmiluet ss.M ILLINOIS.

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