CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1899, p. 1

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LA-KE COUNTýY INDEPENDýENT Vol. Vil. No. 52. 8 o'. ~1. s; Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Loveli'sDrug Store BOU"s paMe io" cà . I To 0 P. M. Libertyville. -Illinois Office over Triggs & Taylor'e. 7 P, 10 &. n».2 U, 4 c..d S. to m P. '. t"sdencou u rvuivSY oppositePark Lbertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physici a ad Surgeon. Gurnee - -- -------llinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, Offlicc ovor Lako Coufty Banki - Lbertyville. 111. 1 PAUL MacOUFFIN, %tL.rituy aui (ounseliar a$ LsâW. NOTARY PUBLIC - 4orY,, rim ..T "Icii5 C iTT liAN, Libertyville, Illinois.i W. B. SCHAEFFER'S NURSLE RY. m 1. -* c nt L.e ir,?', v. 0.. Lake W.- H. MILLER. TONSi41111AL AlITIST, Whe în d j cuil "da Lve or B go utLcir c&Mt ,.11'ii"Lou '!ibiUî [ Si' OF iIOAR8. ,,,)Xt d.e ioyt' . 'riis h' v)" BE Cii nacv BiO'.1.uE. Laie County Bakq WRIGHT, DYMONO & CO., Lbertyvîlle, Mlinois. leedes Interest flsariuig Certifi- cites Payable un Demand. SCALIFQIRNIA FOOD Vou save 25 per oeft. on orskin. s- It e'eii.5ub i o il. rot t esrketities ted. h itg a postivAetvim, fr ci u ltn iua. I' Ltittiy Ir,'vim us Iao i fr,, iE' Po ii ibest f,ot on euti for liorsmeaunit ED. BLEIMEHL, Agrent. De.'feld - - SELOCUTION AND riUSiCý. l, avanu conploes a four.yeat course in -eloaution and' inuaju aut t4o c1ico bo uical Colege, I1tam Sprepares4 tatesoh individ uit0o 01*1weu hons e a4eliesu JYr ii'! Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois, Friday. October 6. 1899. Confer.nce Open*. 'I se ixteenth meeting of the Rockr River Couference upeneil Tiealay lu the Conentait lehlireis nt ttokfùîd snd Meilodia i nitterio tram this district voe. pretty gp.ocraily lui stlendaîîce.1 Key. Les, ai Libe.rtyvilie church yl Dot rturu toi that charge; aiLe? cheuiges ranot ic autlcipalrid naIis à euriy date. The confereuce contalus 390 cLurcL buildinga, vortis $4,097,791; suit 181 parsouagea, varth $428,876. I ha 325 iluorant sud 195 local preacliers.1 IL bau 3,411 piabatloners andt 489.9U6t full members. il rass o nunali for psstor'n support. $1011101; for prelit.- log ider' support, 86SiSS: foebiab-i opu usupport, UM4«: fer eunaltojialÀ expeumeil, $113,141. suit far beanvoieni objecte. 81W,451.1 Last jeurn is cou ferenco reportid1 1,400ifou nielberm tisen the yeicr lie. fore, Lui the iAulng cIe vas tise elîect ai .vhoele purgation iof the eh ue tuti ,rderee I)thbe lait geueral cou. ferc'uu',. eyerai ,'Ltî'(bes n ici(llago ýlrîllî>oplI. i ofl'ii iinatui,-sesîi roin ti"lr -Isirt'iirails lule9 zr18 t'îl ts til la ivsu cmlii la- fuily nmalle ulit ythie rei>îrte rectis'e' ai ibis confrriî'c. Wrtes of Lake Caunti'. Ii ti ii,' ijeiî,ler îîululiu'r ijîLe Ci'ntîry Hgaziî" 92p11' isi eau lu- ieîisely lnertestiliîg article î'tltled. "-A 1,,Iener ltoyJbo'il.R'cî'ictaiof lise '4estilu thi.' Punies." IL ls writteu i)y JanielsiBurtnuPond sud laif ,teregi ta oresiiers lunutils vieiutysas tLe scene of c grelter ipart o! tLe siory isa laid ln Lake Coiinty. It telle Loy lir. Pondiansuitiis tamîiY rame t.i the ~canîîty iiiatiîîg near LIti, ertyvîlle aniitekr niîviîig ti, a point stiaut lIve miles (tcie alt vf Little Fort. liîonWukegat,. The article Issanlle eund cuit l luteresi Lake Coniy people. mortuary. J. B. Ayres vas bornin lu infielit, VI., May 1. 182, sudied t a bis home in Llberiyville, Sept. '27, M961. At the cgeaif19 jeca ise uuitedit u the liethist hurcb St P1'lnilid, suit dit'g the renmaînder af Lis life vas ever sctivi'ly lnieremted lu cbelmîlsu vork suit benevoleucel. Uppu Lis removal In Rail DRY Le Indeuflit Lîni i lath îe cisrch tbere, sutdIter ai Lîbortyvîlle, generally et'.lug iii sanle officiai espacly. Hovas ane ai tLe stand-Lys, viliing et aIl limes ta lend assistancie ta any gaod nus.c, but mare partcleu- ly lntsroat.d lu the progrea. suit sueesaf i Ls cosen churcis. lu the fîai of 3 Leoecme veul and va marrird the came 3 ear la tiai Lncla iucent vhae atber aai ibal time vas peaprietar oattse id Vernoni mil., Together lbey nîveit anti, tLe tarci neae Hall Day nov occupiet by Lia son J. 'r'. Ayrea. lie reinovuit tu LlbertyviiieIlfleen Yearsasga, sud las mince ivoit s coin- paraiiveiy retint ,Ille, uepjoyiug lie fruita uif bis iuitustry. Fianerai servie« woves otlSaiurday l. b. lacO uilU, ofChicago,afllclaiug. élev. hiac(.nftli spolie lelngly aofiL.. dtcpurted simd pau isigla tribut.. t tise useliii lUM'ifs inimate andi adniret Th~e re'uuituia ver.. ii.cri in luthe ifi ai lay ..aeiettvry. Verdict ln Saîstiran Case. 'rie v, iliaf ibisCouue'sijuryèit tii ý..- iri laliil utnimuei, o iii1r- ringicîn vue: .,'bilat lic <unie b) Illei visais iy a Eiu îatt mot iîud înfliciedin l mlci lieurukîîawîî 10 usà." Évory uev aud eveey 'aIt iilioriîaer tutie ,ii'FimibVtpaylng s yeai"li *va.oo pffleeted it v iîbanely lina- 1300el Ie4i ltotI bol Between cold speils is the time to prepare for the in- evitable. Leave your order now andiwe can fit you outq in suit, trousers or overcoat.q It wiII be cold again soon and thenie you'Il wish you had heeded our advlce. --OUR PRICES ARE RIGH-T-- And our workmanship and fit wiII'ý compare with the best. SANBORN & CO., q Tallors and Haberdashers, q h Kaiser Block - Lbertyville, Il. Waen ..... Wati'n,'i)t tiraint....... ........ ... Avon ..... ............... Lit>'rtyvili...... .... ........ Frvinont...... .. . Ws-onà' .......... Cii ,a ............ ... ..... Elia.............. .. Virnon ...- ...... .... W. Dri"I........ ............ ............. 4hi1 ... ............. 2601 3iu) il "m et5 118n 63 1W VILLMIE AND CIiTY VAX. Sorti Ch i ao...................450 (iray8lake .............. ..... ......Ste Watikean 55434117t Lake For,'st........ ............I Cli Hiahlcnd Part ...t.... ... 77w8 Lake 131ffuif, . ...........2w UIortyskli.. - . ... ........ -.... 1100 iicrriflgton. ......e...... t4 e ROAD TAX LEVIEIi DY COMMISlIONElICS OP iiIOiWAYS. Bentcin. 60,o. lie 'li 811e ,'tiiilo Newpoîrt. eue . Warn,. M~ Wauke.gai. 10. Shirids. ajy. LiiiertycIlIi. foc. Waueouila. m6l' Vernon, 90. W Derilî'iiil ......... Autoci . ...........i........ e0 G rant .. .. . .se... .. .. . . . . . .. Avon................................u4N Deerfield............................ 3»j0 Frmnont ............... ...... . ... The exceptonsi iseivy tai lia Cuba snd Wet Deeflelit ls accoicitdfor isy tLe deienmlnatlou a! people oi tises Lovus ta secure gooti roci t c viai- ever expunse, unii large ainuts; witi Le speui in raid lnapravementât in 1900, pîincipaliy lu uîillilig gravel Feiont hlies n sulleleut ianoilnt îî band for uùcessary lmprovemnta, ence no tai la l-yiî'iifur Tout] aAnd bridlge MIlions Civen Away. le ls ietilily gratifylug ta, tise public ivtu vv viofuuîc connerw lu iLs landt Who are Dot cf raid tu be generous4 ta the ucedy and soffeiug. The propretars of Dr. RIngs Nov Dis- clvery for cooaaumptîvu. conghs cuit colîls, have gifelà avay over teni muition trial hbtuties of t ilagreai Muedicine; snd Lave the satisfaceîvn of knDovtug hlit u absoinceIy aoesthoitn- sanda i ofboesasoseà. A&stLus. brouela1 ila, boarsemmeisanl itîseas oi tbe ilr&i'. chutI aud liugaare aurely onregi by., IR ,G a 'free triai bottle. Regular811110S800-sud 8IL Ev.ti bogiM SrUntaed Or pie Iretauded. . . g. Lutlbertylie, O.IL. U55 r~e mention tue faci anti may tisci ILtim le- yond iheir memory wheu tbey vere Landic'sleit for Iart bauds as tbey aret ta-day. Diiy ibrers are affereit $1 50 anti fariers are glai t t e thon ai tiIs price. Three or tior y..ars agIs tiser.. was littie troubllit uîplckiug upca bled bandt suy ulua, a peréton vauteit one. 'rbey vere plentit il sud vere aurioans te finteniplaymit. Tise principal rea. son tisaitbey are no searce to.oay 18 ce. cauntabie tu tise lect tisait tere lea large aciounutof employmen IIlu tLe large cules cuit aiea tise nuiuber ai uev îeiirlîeCis tisaiare bliig constniîcied. Accorîliuî iig oth elort of tise lineroitats colunei,-r'o'columismîo: tiseevri' 40881 liiies "i rellrClîlIîiiliils inithe United Sitte tiisyear. Tijoiadditot iîs tIhe iiiiimeroîtisotiser euii'rprlses iVoit bave came iîto oxltenccesutîy3ol cii cou- ,cive wliy lctoii i' imerei'.'l'buit farta- ore .uffer lttl)ionrggocîd nges noan.. csu question. Aitishe rate of $1 50 a Clay ou a triea&[ICIiardi le1sgooti as $50 a moulu ina City. In tact ill a botter, am a persau's expensesli tise country ure not vhat Ley are luncity. ëBullmnany1 Laplng Lta botter tiiseilvcs, viii rusah viser.. icbor lenflot pi'iiitalie. A sc- City o a clurei' eneus gomoli Lmes for tLe paon, sud l aieta cis i it nagea wilii tay niti. DIAMOND LAKE. Warretî larliy Lac iîeen vtîittng rida- tiven tu e (rayaiake. Jil. ISmilthbinueteit businecss lu WVaîkegan insi Satîrday. Hleny Cooper la putilg in a tile duteL for 1fr.liroekuisu. lil a BulLRay comnienceul ber schual as Fairfiliiau on iaulay. No pre.acblug uet Luuday Ilitt-thore vili be Suîmday sciîool un usant et hall pait oau.. Nlck Votîs, one aftornoon lesttvoola dng tbitly baga or potatosa vIlla'x iork. Wha cau beat liai? Ovlug te tLe dry vealbr or aiabuab- lng LRasual cammenueitMdit breeimg- la bains finlebeil saitpotaicos dukg. LeS B itay vas theéiISOb, CIlI Et. 14» vîli presob berA e b. dsoiied te go te nouse neai viIlst e Omuîsm un we a u5-h COURT CON VENES. Grand and Petit Jurors-Judirs Donnelly Presides. 'l'usOctober terne ai the Circuit Court openeit Moday afternoon, Judge Chartese H. Donueliy, of Woodatock prestldtng, Gearge H. Ilurnest snd flilLu Phil- Illes vere excaslt iran duty becase lhey areover mxty jearsaI 5<e. Jndge Dannslly explaluefi liai îLe 1evnov stittlyrequires Irymnen lobe beiveen the ugea of 21 sud 60.Th.. finlaigrand jury lsas foliovm yuLh J. J. Page, laisman: lienton .............. ..Jan. Wooitvortb Niewport ..................hoans trng Auti-o.... ......... ...... Waiise. Drue Hicory.- ................ James MGuire Grant......... ...........W.n Crossman fort Hill ...................W.n. Wilson Warn.................. Charles D Wilbur John J. Page .............J. IL D ly ...........Chas. IuU5hSi ......... '... h sa. Gorbasi ............. .... . Dicinierer a. . Arnoldt Latie Fore.................... Fred Wnbau LiisrtyliW ................... W. E. Davis Fr.tiont ................C. P. Thoma Wuoandàà .................. L. C. Priee" Cuba .. ................. Jar W. Bennett Ela .....................Hernan Prebin Ve-rnon.............-... Joseph Iihsoix W. D,,erleid..............Edwtu P.Essioli iiigiiad Park .......P. A. XMontsom.rr Hiwhwood ................ W. IE. Cuimiga J. C. Whiney, 01 ihe pstitt jury, vue excnsed. Leb lug beyoni thîe ague lluîlt. Dsvid Munrie, Newport*. J. R. liuliîwký, Waukeçau; Cea. tBond Lili- ertyvf lie; J. A. Biadley, Libertyvîlie; 1. Bl. Foi, Clis; Frank Mitchell, veruon; chas. stabi, Vernon and V. Slusir, Vernlon were elCUsei ai tliir req ineuf. 'The petit jury as revised lie W. filCol ........................ Ilelion (.ese Tiu.,sdeil.. ... ... ... . Wiliam Toug ................... Ayffiooii If. Bf. Nevilir, ...... .....-......Avon Frank E. Hook ........ ... -....Warn't, Robe.rt J. Eaty.. ............. ... Z. P. ..W...... Thomas ecru.............. Libertlivilie Frank Thome. .... ......Fr.-oui H.X&la ...i....i................ Wciiconda George lteév.'l .. .... .. ....... Wn. Gieste............ ... ... ... Cub Wm.. lus',hlna...................... Ela Chri.topher Kriok"uberg............ F. IL. Tupp ..................... V'îou AimuudlItkemiiah ..... W. D*onii.'id Oro. PfLater............. .. a. Dufiy....... ............... The bailffs thIle teriare: l Rudolph. C. E. Jents. AI. Mt&tple, Roilin Bond. A. C. iterry and Gteorge N. l'wvel. Frank Biakegliy la iq tîlc replîter's table. Tax LeVi' for 1900. Bcelow ve print the tal ievY ta 1IX) i.oiiv'rted in 1900<. se uituaiî',11I)iy the vsrlîîiîsofl,'rs li L.akeC toliiiiy eîtiý,' tovlmsudOivilicgeq. î'xccptiug ftlei mécloiiii talX TOWON VAX. $1.50,a Vear U' Advai ES. Tracbk Lake e?, 0f bine horse. Id not it fsng of the etveen Ltrilfie oui ofi turday fld' King April Sodier DU. Mt, lu. n sud , vas aston, udgeas. .The FALL AND WINTEA Good, Worthy,. Rellable, WeaMabte Underwear. Bought before the Advance in prices. The pick of the bust thlngs New Yok offW We want van to -'nec thein." t10 "10.1 af th.m," te .examine" the qWaftr. suake up and Shape of tihesegarment.. ..... THIS T 1S TO AID VOU I IVING .....0 Unknown Main sot. A alfange, vue sbot ai Hendees iîlk platiaun lait voek Thuruday nîghi.1 fie si robbed of bis cloibes sud mousy aud los by the traek as the train pulied away. "ie shot auly stunned bhlm and lu about an hour he recaversit and t ved itto rsynsiake. vhere Le ld JisasiorY.- The niau Lad bana rkiiig lu an tee bause ai Slver Lske. Wbe nateai; supper beloe boaflaig the irsigbt train Le nottced a mau watchlng hlm claaely. Aller mpper he gai au tLe bumpera betveen tva cars tu@tsa ride tu Chicago. lb bad $12 lu mauey yuL hlm andt a g£004suit aofdlLes vrspped up lu a paper. WLeuntat Hendeo's tallitiplalinninthe train sioppeit andt Le wvas sdootel by a mau vbo came davu fl 0tise top al tLe car. The stranger iisongbt im à lirakemana. Ho sieppoitthîe grounui. As Le dfd no the nmmt puikita revolver and chotlmi. He knew nothiug for- Sber outil bcL regatned ciisclousuesa, prababiy au baut Iater. The train reached thîe iandiug a uitile belote nine. Then Le foulad iCismue,, clothes andt La& Lsd beau takren. Thse bullet hlastrOck imbIaon tLe0 forehiesd anuitgrassît np. cutting Is long gah but nat peutratug tLe akull. Marahai Frazter iook cars ofaIhlm sud gave hlm bis breakfait, but tbe iuarshsi dl n lImm îbis usine. Semi Annuai Convention. Hl'ic Lake Connty Christiau Euiteavor Union vîliLid Ils*asini-andimai con- vetounta Guru..., liaiîrday Oct. 7. The officera requesi Ifici as large aa itelegation as possible [le et frouac eacis society. Delegages wiii provîde1 basket lunches. Th.. prograni asj arrangeilfolovs: 10:10-wi.15 Son« serviee. 1:ll-iîr.n tDe'votional ... ........... ltev.J.1. tI, ldeer.,ire 10:39-a10:e) Business à(Cb-iiiJ Mnewasaisfrons Officers snd Ex Committes President-oupt.ito0l iuraure V'ice Prsaldeut-flupt. Chiristian t'itizeuship iieetay-supt. Fover Misslion Treamuer-Bep<. Tenithl-i on QuN-i:5 ie't Houe .. ............. Miss Aile..avldsoo. ilalîhicd Park caoeauitublrd Convention 2:iB-zte lIcitftiig.Mr. Henry Wiîit"Chbio .".Q(>Persona] Work. .......... 11ev. A. A. Pfansil"hi. Highîlandi Park 20u,-:MTh. CheroL land tic End.avor Sookty.... R.1vMi. W. Chiibter. Wauk,'gau a.-:eH,,vto Use hi Ilille tlu C. E. M-,tingo .... W. E. Brand, .Hfigi. land Park Ied by Ni"e Dore tivi'r. Wiîîk'gan SoýiaiI Hur aVEING tl siot 157 e 'Ug 8cr, ir Diîii'ch. Aoc. Mî, c, i Lii Slit. of Farm Labor Scarce. fliere neyer ,v55 s tue wheu fatn ilaborers vere as Lard tu finit lu ibis tm- mueilte vicluliy sas jonc nw. Fariner@ DEERFIELD RACE' Exoitir.g Sport at Muhke'e Saturclay. A coulroveesy aras ecithL. Canuty Fuir vhen Dr. Turnei ltlghvaod, vas awardei thîe rIlibon for tLe best trivingh SÔoebelievecit it tise Lors.. ii uerit thetireât prîze ai it vas mor enougb. The aiy vey to sctiofy vha Itd not 1ke theLeiecimion i jnitges vas ta arrange a mcci lie ihe harmes vhaae avuers (clt a euvions ai tLe doctor. Accrdtugiy a race, beei threec liye Leste, wva rranged for Sati ai Muhke's Driving Park, Deerfi The harses ver.. kucklberry.o by Jas. Hfuxtable af Highwood; Page, ovnet by D. H. Mrpby; lied osueit by Dr. Turner suit8( Boy the praperty aorlMr. Aniterset About 150 peaple ver.. present cludiug msuy froua Waukegat alLer partions af the caunty. X. P. DeWolf, af Waukegmrn àtartiug judge. cuit Mesers. Ea Meyer sud Mhlhke acteitsas Ji brace liegan et 1:50 P. ni. finish vassunfoiiovC. Ituekieberry ..................... Aprii Ifud........................ iugPne......................... iiolier Boy ...................... TMIe 2:U; 2:-2:44,. The entraucè leeswvas11) acc cuit Huckieberry, Fintables tto secuirsittirest maiey unitApril second. iiaree hall niie rnasg Leste anoilier tenture as foll ai excite as vasîe trot. Topai A., Le pro] af Me. Anîderson, of Htghvare, lookeit upoass awlnuer, bat Lad Jan. Iluxtauie's Trummer vas tom vluufng the ibri e Lèata vtth eas Marlou C., obtalueit second plaî tLe tiret Leat, but droppexl to ti the tva aihens. 1Lise le ovîjeil 1 TLe tieniadeit..lutise tiîrv vaa: 1:63; 1:03î; :12. Fot. Wlns. One aif the.cases thai bas ex popular luteresi lu tise cont îLe circuit court ccieicder this vas the mantamua case oi tLe et W«xiqpgsu %gabbst <onnty Trac JO"u E. Foot., tavalilg tus que vb.eiter the treasurer ,ihouidY one or three per cent. commii C mauey callieced for thLelcies au lagea lu the caunity. 1fr. Foot..c îLres..per cent. aud on cetatueit certain moneys, lu vhich the claîied Lbi eC shoui liebc on per cent. The eevas fmot s permonai t nor vas the vltliisoiuîg ai tue pet cent, of any moueisry intelf Mr. Foote. 'rLIc tact, of cournse genecally recognizet ud the'soi a frieudiy anc tu crder ta one sut fon alil,the iquestion wv the citiesansd villages or thec shaulit hav, le Ia. tlereuce intht The unionul invoivedit iis cai Oniy about $311, bat tise &Maunt after viii be consfdensiiiy MOr 1 lLadiea' regular CamelaS fair Panta By' os-f 1esto 2'2 2 and Veste, the Cid"-,*Und by',Une By'mooi, d«fo 1 Dr nt $1.5 ad .................10 orner Ladiesb' eztra fine ribbed Saàltse By'feoel ed-u tatn Pente aud Vet, a Dnt andt 010». No. 2 se2e W:riens e p* allter, iilg garment..ý..... ....... s ________________ IlBdLadies' sait snd fine Osmels flair '1.iuCleb-rait .e"-Biaisy, sU voua 9 ere Vante sud Vesta, fiuesi &Il wons vear for mon and' large bo3%o Binent -"Trîvoif iSiandard...........1 83 eamuai fpurs yood'-0 operty ted ta oniveoS a5117 aierUg )pryCbiidren's Cotton fleeed-lu suces Veste sud Dravers, $1.0%, 11.1 1, wu 16 to34; No. 16 Conta 10c.; rîle 3o S.95,S.5oeunl. 0vektlý Wy iH., per aise. 0 fnt mi1.35, 81.70, 8.90, *U, s o& e. Chldren's Cameis Hair-la see 16 Ail oger and mices, au9 af.. lu ta 34; No l1, ouste 160.; rime, se per moite. aise.M1 usmon' «Y Cames fIel,, OS lq ('hiidreu's ail vool--t innles Ot34; M4ini ffldltued M1 iîes No. 16 coasis Me.; rime, Se par i»s. «h...j.. ..... Sterini iy 01 401OUS £UTO-I1 e D mOV. lis. 1"0 .. retain - Ion an tut vil- me Cit iy ane natter, i hres ,test to ". vas caunty kt Lere- ire an- uuiliy. Tise iteletdail's attorne-y demurreit ta tise petilîon fîîr manitamus sud the points lu tLe cas.. venu argnet belore Jutge Dauneliy. As a reauit ai the argument îLe petition oiflie, Faote vas susteineit, îLe demurrer Lelit goat aud petitian deulet. 1Mr. Foot.e feels gaad over the vfclory. sudthîe public vas geneestly surpriaed avec tLe sud- don termntatian ai 1L.. case. EVERETT. MUbe Vore, ai Chicago, $pent Hnnday Nelle Corcaran speni iassi vek ai Lome. lir&. Auna.. Pagan cas home "ne 'lay béat veeo. Miss Annie Kennedy, of Chicago, lias beon vicitug Lers. 1fr, suditreî. James O'Connor vene lu Chicago lest Mouitay. Rose Tare ias beeu oistifg ber parenthL e atva*0veake. Mieu Badin Boyle sud a gentleman frindfipent Luudzy ai home. Mr. WltRliaMClory nove te le I uew hame in Highland Park, iatMon- day. , ira. Dahierli and taughier Nelle vers visitons ai Item. Idelodj' lait Bundai. Evereti lissoncoantOmpaies ieaviug us lu îLe uear future, le aya Leo le go- iug ta Wabegsn u iv e. Um Zeisa aud lMe. Fresunan, vha Lave been vibitlug Me. Zeiss'em lamiiy, Lave retucuei th iL. l D. B. Gibbons sud M. J. Convay att.nded the Stato Fir, st Lprfngtielit last veb reinrntng hanse utautty. Mr. Pottus lu diggtng s vel lfotrtir. Zeis, Le expects taecontinue diggtng uftil Lo sirikes a trong dwo f gaut vater. Joseph A. lSeyl ioob a business trip tbrongh Illinuois lai ve.k visigîLte ioltovlng CitionSBoobiord, Moliua, Peoiia aud olliOre. maïr liJavuC fa lsaoixing lu tLe willigas Penux=u saboal in Chics- go. Sh- lIkes ber vorb very nineL cmgii bu boautabi. 10 counsebouse every ovesiug, but vilS emnahi lu tLe elty iL a er. vebr beginîi. 0w ait SS.a a ourreithîe ueral ç*' es 00 Sw ldest of îLeheoItol li~tis atthev Steele. '8* ODO Wee, Iatoliiabe- p3 p.The uerai 0oeloob Iran ltie Uaiaapalohuroh e mileveboit, STOVES - The best assortmnent ever shown1 Libertyville. ihcluding Garlaot Acorns, Universals and GoId Coin., We bought one hundred stoves early last spring before any advanee in price and are prepared to make pices that defy competition, We deliver and set up stoves f of charge. No freight or risk of bre age as is the case if they are boud in Chicqao. Compare our prices with, prices before buying Mi.M I =(.= M LIBERTYVILLE. IL. 1 -M For Horses! WInter Stable. Blankets 75c to S2.OO. Street Blankets. (a good assortment) 65c to O' Fine Storm Blankets, (wool lined) $2-00, PLUSII LAP ROBES Just the thlnig for fr11 use. Everything for the Horse Chas, Kaiser, LIBER-TYVILLÊ%- - - - ILL IfYeuCMuIFly On It.. vlngs af th. Wied yoeu iat 50quichir trummou nvbusiue as you can liy the nee f ls m telephono. iatUme dg~" *ton" expeud jour toàfl ~' mel0y -.1mb i,Uww4rmUi 4e, eltenstonkb4b»Ayý ibut a unmlg~ theb.bou»e ne popeie, y johsl Cali LOvel's1 ASk ta e e the New York Bpecfal" at..'.... .................... $17 Ladies' cotion ribbed iloeed eit and Vente, the lanons "VForeés 191ila" gooda, 2510 teo......... ...530 Ladies' coton ribbed leeeed Pene aud Veste, the B. E. J. extra large ixes. 35 o ....................530 Ladies' voolen Saultary shepeit Panle sud Veste, sai to ses the «-Leader" as............ ................731 Mismes'oittou îibbed àfm ipom i aud Vents, sises 4, 5 andffi, M 24e........... ............. Infants'Vst-extr. flue-tu vool. ootonsud vool, $il% 1 v(ool, >0cta ....... ........ Inleute' Bue Saxany ool Bande,,. Obldreu's ribbet flosn ia Garmente, vill ni et sams.ai5, esoh. ý............

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