CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1899, p. 5

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* -~ le milIed esptcialIy for- fa.mily ùse and ie made from selected hard wheat and guaran- teed the bpest brand made ln Ane rica. ATRIAL* will convince you -of its merits. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville - - -Illinois. ~Sheet-Music.. '0.Phonographsè Watches, Clocks, Jwlyand, Only one Bicycle leIt at a ('t i>y t ~ n ~ ~ ~-ex~..t~' Li berty ville C. R. SiIERMAN, - - -Illinois. <Winter' s Comingl We arc Prepared, are you? We can prepare you in fine men's shoes at f rom $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as yotî wilI need, and at prices that will suit. A FINE UNE 0F GLOVES. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. ýàO TO LOV-LLSG DRUG STORE FOR~ Drugs, Medicines Chemicals, PERFUMERV. SIOAPSI conm'S Bruabea, Truttaca. upportara, Ibotuitier lirace . .- iii 1.- IL.iAi 1i-tes, Book t anî lia .N. ..lIn ilfit tl a- lai t n v PAINTS AND I) 01. ,VARNISES, PATENT MEDICINES. FamlieIi\ 'Ittîîa u 11,. -lan' Prascriptiotta tatrerftly tout îotîîided .. . lt ailboera... Goods carefully selected. Libertyvilfra Ouily the Best, F.3. LOVELL, Illinois.1 Wheii Paid in Adiance-»mmm The ow>, ystF'T iti, .tr 'r, u i it,.,iatft mie yenr, W-togittî ' tî--#tijai t ,*Ne o ar. lsrnt ltor,, i t 2--cr sui01tri . k *,tt ho e iatog.i" aî,i*SustluAuttt r P E Up HERE AND TrHERE. ILo-cal Items of lnteresttoLlbertyvllleRei C. M. & siT. P. Ti ME TAULE. LIIIEIITYVILIX-I>AILY EX.HIUNDAY LMA V zARDIIC. 4:25 a. N l14:45 a. M. 725 4.U P. M. 16. M t. 10:46 a. m . 835 a. Sn.&8P.M araeliving on vwest Lake areet are gravliug that road tbis week. Prof. stoopo, of Elmhurat. viited Liberty ville riendéS iatnrday mad Sunday. Chtas. Woolridge han the contract for a borne barni for 'm. Moran, ol Roudont. lira. idney Moeter and lira. Wm. Peatr, of Lake Vila, were gueate of I. Peter and faiy Sida week. Editor 0. Krzrok, of the Easl Troy NeaeEa Troy. Win., viaited seit E. W. Perklua aeverai day. hida week. The, montbliy buainess meeting of the C. E. aocety will ha beld t tihe boue of lilas Lin aspter Fridîay1 eveuiug.9 A fine unesand modern gbaan front1 Caa" van placet lu Smith à Son'sstore tbio watS for Cho diaplay of crackeroi anti cokea. Fîneat confectlonera Nae Orleans molasses for sala t aiPumiNsorestau. J. W. lilîler bas tlispoaadl of a nom- baro tione jersey ros.for "family ,uae lately. and thia veek stltione tWi lir. A. B. Cook. 'hliionponsa er lut lunlplace un . Il. Scbiick'a building tibla veek. AThe structure ie haiug rapidly piulused CO etumpletion. Ill.e Aunie M. Stevensoin, oif tart- wright. Manitoba, Caitada, In vWilig a uîîîuth vltghbhet- lutir, Wui. Steveu- sou andi famiy. John l'ester, a brother of Mat, aui4 waIl kuowu lu Libartyvîlle, letf for au extended viait with bisi parents lu Euglant Tbnraday. Freatihohum».made catîdies ut FPxRNK"s reatatllrant. Mir. ant Idlis. John G ray have iosueil Invitatiotuth Ae marlage (if lira. irys alter. misaeliaitty Flagg lu lir. James (asain., both Of Chicago, sihicli vili ha solunlzeti at Litertyville iatbolic chturch octaber u51h. Utr. Chas. Woorldge han just coin. pieted a leo %tory frame, bouse for C. Noutitrand ti a oudout anti bathe eonhraî't for a Ivo @tory bouse at the saline plat,.' for Bi. Bekuan. This boa bei.n a baay sesaun for Ouîr cotractora. Wm. Wt rou left Tneiulay for Piano, Latder Co. Ne expeeta 10 make Pianto bus futSure bomeeanti Cash iRay aud fauîiy viii reslie nuitIobt. lRay, becnan 0 f bi.stepartuxe, as lirn.1 Warren vilI &Ibo gogo0 PIano iu a fer ve. organlxer John Ilusheu wsI n l Lbrtyvilie tMins reak flokig tiver' tha Ilelîl vith a vielai. irgaizlitg an trder itf thîe Soliutif St.- (leorga --ela vilI coine ler@ ler ou anti endeaviiri 10 tart sncb au oruler. i'eru(tiiuofi1 Engliahtileacent ouly are eîgîtle, bt t as tbertt are uiauy inch ti titIis vleulity nodoubt a boalthy Orgaiiizatîian coulî ha mamatalueibetre. Wdensday W. A. tienne opeuitla bllliard anud pool roou. bavrLug beau grantnird the neeeaaary licensaée ualay nliht. Tro pool anti a billardt tble vith the attendant paraplieruahia bave heeti intallei ini the large roim foruerly nsad as a diulng roott. The tablas and i Ituren araealmi] er sud tinnt eaborate. eutailllg au luvetit- tuent of o,.., $410. Tht Stclitîîandt ti ltuîg rîîn havae n remiivc-ilt, aeciuti fleur of thaetbuilding. Try the Operat. liet iUve catnt cigiar lu toWnu a I EIiN'it RES.TAURANT. J,îbuî Boyaen anti family nIl leste the iraS part o! uext veek for i'iiuth Bioston, V's., wsere hae epeekito1 engage lu the poultry anti vegetable buasinesa lMr. lloyiieubas restiedinl Literlyvîlia ton yaarft anti .'uring thaât lime hiant mada many acqttin. tances vbo sel regret h18 deprtura. Joihn la a lintier antIasure tu make a sticcousof the business be bast choaen, for vhlchha lainpacnliarly Ilteul. Who viii aucceet i hm lu the ice b uti-i nae" in vbhie han yeetu t'gagcd lit Lîbertyvîlle for tru> yea~roi, wt. bave not leuneil, tutiIl oouhai tel titîly 1).y the rilhtmtuit ti'Býrry ui thte IUitàoâue 1 -lave VYm ir lurîmsniT.ii Lii I i Hare' t Vîît luce nti ll"" t"h In, l ,n the- Couity 1-amnki tfiit3 h lit-i.,utti îli ymievî!r gîv t ai tl(Ilt iitt hui App, b~Iay is a di' nl ittiIlt tit C-ttai un iuîier of hourmem t tîat hiatetbtaluet relief tlrtungb hi.' okiliftiltreabunt-lu itimber Ihto tht' bintireds. W,' happenedtu inst tht, farun -ut (1aY this wack atii oitruiant-t'l two horsts having their tuetttihxei"'[hi- ouur titiloI- tlit b i eaoym ad Mr. A pjitey examnue iso lîîrsem bî.tii at ltasttte o aytat., aî, a t t hu leel ievel that îuauy huma. lla artc drilu Itui lirectly 10 their teethi. Doea yîîur hitrton uatîcat.'lias fodi rpuilrt If ntît uf Inu -tilt Aplpey, ouil lit WlIiltu yîuuu itîMi Yiîir lu»i ot vohl be uervit'.. ROdIuced Rate«. l'nti îl tar notice the C. M. & St. 1'. RailrtiaiiCoupay s el sli une, ay frat clama ilulteti tickets, a.' tiownîv: Froni Chicago ti) Ctt,llel Bluffs, Oguaho andi KalisunCtity $8 50 to Sioux clty $10 80 ta saint Pâtl nit dMinuem- poils $7I.o. aten frtîu Interuneaiase pointa nl noS excmit the above rates. nben neo~ssy bc ýlocal rae go ho ate t li alovA Nt4a. PFrrfnrbilînr lt- be ltereating. The Minute. of tbe "àc River Confeuone report that the pywtor of the Libertyville charge for *Ib at y ear r.ceiv.'d oa etlry il $1210, ai kaders. * yet the snm t.tal r if Ie nîuo-te for ttut year 'tac ..Uiy $93.50. Exaltiti 6*étéiI64 .ooapti.ii. " < . riti lit tl,* litirtcii Mirs. Helte M. Pose. f Iteedaburg, la the guest of lira. Ueo. Blanchard. Frantk Appley lis' anJoyiîîg a nontliha vacation, andi taking iu the fal lfestival in, (lla thia iveait. Aldermau James Welcli, of Waîtke- gau, vam ln Libertyville %Welueitday lu queat of graveI to b id n uWanke- gan treets. t tolin Lovelacte returnaît from South Dakota asud Minnesotai thia week, 1wbere ha bas iden vorklug dt:ring the 1 uimer nmonilia. Cbtta. Smitb l bltsui fie preuilufl rcheese st the lSate falixfast week, andi ,f Coobuaqeutly Smith kàlSon baveaua excellent article for aale lu the cheeae Ue. 1 1ev. Hieuver'a morning theme at the Preabyterlan clnrchnext Sunda.y l Wt -.Communion Wilt Endi." lu the evenlng, iiliuw te, do Uîiîia work thie Coulug Winter.' The unîion meeting et the Epwortb Leagua anti C. E. ltoiaty nil ba eld at the Preabytarian church altier the, eveing service. Ulr. C. W. Taylor snd Misa Eda Butsen araete leaders. idra. (Jao. Jamiion andtiiaer, Mine May iioyt daparbeti for Cherry Valley ttia veek, viiere Prof. Jumison andi famlly vill matte &belr homo this year. The Profeaaor vili bnI teach Ibis year, feeling thie neet of a teat, atiter years iof coutiuuona applicationtu i schuoi ol o. There van a upeeili meeting of the village board Tneaday ighl, calied tu coualdar W. A. Dese's application fur liceuae 10 couduct a billard anti pool rouni lu connection vltûhbie btai. Thie motion k) grant sncba licenase was carrititi oallbbut oeenegativa vote. that of L. B. Morse. T he amount of làceuse tu be required called forth a liversity ut opinion. andti lnlally a motion fixinglilcenaeetai$401 pet year vas carried byythe following vota. Ayeâ Hniiby, ileanon antiCorlett. Nayaâ-DuBoià, lMorne santiTrugt6a. hrealdent Avertit voted aàye, wbichà decidati tAie lmter. %ti o i4 thie nion referreti to filia Chiciagoîpaper AnsI veek an Forner W. T. Parkerut iubertyvîlle, andtl ho sean teiug -"t.tiiicuad' tuy couple of cnfiudence men, sehen a iltectivei interfereti anti areéted the aburpera. ThemonParu'rdidtout 1loua any monny, but the paper lu questioni averh ratîtruedt 10Liberlyvillo vowing that Cicogo la a vîikedti owuanti1 that anybudy nhn mut sanisiet i vth Lihertyvîlle un a place of reidence ouglit t1 induce a bealthy hireti man 50 kioS hlm. Healaoaayoeilluotgoto Chicago auy mure unie"s the City con- sent tuauarroni i hlmith a cordau of police. Il oSs ai§ hongb unou f Our Libertyvilie fermeraslbed aaauued tue appellation tf Parker te bide bis identlty. atndlW@earte al wonderitig lit) It la. Farewell Sermon. AJh li. ev- -JohnîLee preached ilia fureIl atiutii on linat Stnday even- Ing. lbe autiteinta-. 'tii(b ras vtry large, liteuetitiili narkett attenttion ta Mr. Leesn preetttion of the "('art "able, the Theatre anduthelIte ijce." Twai verv lntt.resting letterN, ona trou 1iliops Ninde anti the tther troun the lat' lits Frattieehu E. Willard, express- lng tibaîr viera ou tbega amusements vert mail lir. Lee lu the closiug sentenices of bis sermon ait: iteuueziter Ilialtîleta alugla evati. gelucol church approvea of these ami e Ut itot@Il persona rbau lrtngbit uider conuvction believe that Lhev aotîl i te rauuuinceti, thal no oue vbeu seeking the Saviotir tiasires ln' strutiton from o dancing, caLrd-playing andî theater goltîs proîautsor tif religion, anti uîînv nth bloot tarneattucassh1te- seech you .tabstaiu from ail appeorancc ot evil,- flgbS te Roudti ght o! faith, tony thyself; ta up lhy cr05.'; follor Christ, neyer forgetting for oua moîn- euut thaS vhau tht ubadons of tlue @ali have gîven place to the certaînulea of etarnlly, il yon have benloyal So Chrîslt uring iife' lunlaf day, yol vill he anxong the meuibera ta nbou the one sahose empire is (tlundetl ou love iîayt:'t To hlm thiat overcouetb nUil 1 gratît tu ait vith Nia lu My throne, aven as 1 alsui overclne, anti aMtmet dibm sa-tth iy Fother ini lils tbroue.' At the close of the set-mon Mr. Lee suli itat lue bail nululy n very tenter rt-gant fît- the iniemnbers of the liethoi- lut citurcli atîtcongragation but &ac ti- i lita peopleaor fliteleut ire cormnunity, tiî.t Ilinii (tiign lnfirefv-rettiu- Sut themx ,-rea ixiiý-b.ed luthe vorda. t"The Lînilutlb,.. ituttlid kep thee, the Liard mlitl imafate saune itpoi tbe an ie graurionit auto the, the Lord lfl 11P his' ciuiteaace iupoî thie, aîîd girvuthtec ieace. lbTh,'lou intg la %Ir. Lae'@ report: Ali lbriis gtve tonaent 10 the trntli thnnl He %hou sui, If «Dy man nill cule aller Me. laI Amni deluy himaelf, andtialle up bis ciross anti follov Me, muaku-ut self detal the test of all heaithy religit-umslIfa. This lest înakeaunoble, iitalstart Chrisatian and tIbis Seat makea o intitle, alalwart curcb. The very spirit tifchristîanlty la te renderzlilp tu the iiuînuuy. To iat etilnt ha. tbe rl,ilit)rtycîlle charge reudered aucl belp lti, dho, toes it comparo nitb fotrmer years? The hanevolent olt- lectiouai of tltsa year are lu advacoe cfý lnitt yet~n. Pur Ihua couderonce. yiar tht-ru are $90 rainea for the ftimaionnxy Soity l an-sd 836h for tht, other beinov"l Lent colections, makiîg a bua totofit huauevtileuees of 16. In additWqsMAo thît lure hbe filrabiod ' t.uee cîatatile .fer the £B andi ftr IbheP r dtg wil prtidue..rot» lat-a u 3-ri a inark- & atiiireaee aini the iteovoi4ene.. 'As TH E TII To Change Your Und Ours is the Place to COUNCIL PROCLEDINGS. Liit'WrYVILLiI, O*<r2, 100U9. Village board met Ili regular seaalou. Fiiil board pr..entu. f regtularimeeting of Sept. 4tb asud of p.clnîl mteeting of Sept. 23d. rad aud on motion of Triggs and flan hy wve tapproveti. Thie foilowing taillavert, rend asud apon beiug approved by finance coin- mittee are ou motion of (ikaaon andi Hanby allowedl andi warrants orded drawn u ltereapective frnude: A. L. Burg,,.. ......................1$42 0 D. Lim i.r,, .. ...... ......._ ic W'.Barrnett ................ ........6a Hf 0Da .Bv ...a.... . ... . Io . ...t.ano ..... .............. Ioun W. C. . en ........... ....... 24 Oet,. Peiton .......s J. Webb ............ .... .......... 2 74 Treanurer M. B. Coihy's report for uoîîth or Septeuboeraller being îpproved by fliance commrrittat, ras ou notioni of Corlett and I tleailou ac- oapteti and placeti on file. Report showed amornt on baud tiret of moutl $247888e. iteceiveti turing month P8I.26. Pistlout turing mutb $792.57. blIance ou baud $1724.61. Upon belarlug report of finance comn nittaierelative 10 village',; Intereat tu Cook esate fi as movati aud carrieti by liauby and (ileason that village tiuploy u attorney to look siftler Matter. lioved by Miorne anud Hauby that an orduiation id prepared lretluîring lira. SSroug in bauld îîaw îiewalk tu fronît of lier property (an Chtireh attrent. Carried. lioveti by Oleason ait-]('î,rlattthat tldewalk ordinance No. 1135 be psaed. il voteti aye. lioveti by Gleastîn and TrlggLw tbat rlerk instralct 1. Il. Rtay to reptair bia tidewalk on Newberry Ave. untialt tuat property ornera on ntwtlîMaile tif School aIrent ba iuatrncted to repaîr their valkn and f orthar tfit M ira. R. B. Cook ho notlied 10 trirepair the mitle- walk ln front of ber properîy ttnnttrtii aide of Churcb street. Carrieti. Moved by Dullola Ibat W. A. tieane and Geo. Boehàm a petitionsa nd hondat 'or billard anti pool Icetîita h.b raferreti t, ,Iiceuit corumitîce. Motion received no aecond. lioveti by <Ileason anat Morne to allonru.tiarriati. W. C. SAiNBiN, Clerk. Ordinance No. 115. De fi ordidrnedtir the Preoldeut an d Boaral if Truatste of the vllage of Lîhertl.. Sac.1 Thatagldevalkiffetauano Incde. uide. conatrticteil of ioouul1liîtuiî, wrtî aetringera.tati,2 luerehebyl, co.,le-î îuards therelon 1 lie toit lesai thata6iohtais. nt- more fthon 10 laiauaïaviel.andti lu bt 2luchbes thick. each board to hie laid cru.- aisle on aald stringers andi fatenaïd thearet. h, tnt onasthan ove ,20-tienu vwireInitial ta. iho laid along north Raidle of C itlieh treet ln trip village of Lîhertyvillie. lîlnlax, tout. mwDo3lue t vaiit linea01 eataite of A. B. Cok anîd exlefdiras veot from thlitate o ait aide of Br,.inszd Court lu front of propert)i Of lira. da C. Strong ou -&Id tr,,et. The whole of the comt or sal t(Imsdalk saah.. peit hbr Peclal taxatiton of the lote orpacl of laudtouehiug anionthe lina oftailaide- walka anuthîs ordinasile, rovided. Xfth oImsâitâ sor parct.laof lainato ha specall taxatin proptartini to il frontage upon %uec i adeval?. "neC.2. l llwalk allalit h. onatruati ,d mtrllhîrfrfurnismhetiuuuler the îtîpcrvIslon tandi .',îlî.t t h.' apîîrival of ý., Sqtr.)et Coumissioner of maid Vlilage. te. s. Ali(,vrnleac of lotînor itarcela il toti t..athlug tho lt, of qai sitî.a& lulnl ,.îatrtîr 1h1 înrtiîfcali sîh~alki%, front an.elf wîh thil sîtoi1-attlno t bis ortlnntaa ihitdrI lyai aft.-r Itai putlition.tant In îi.'f,,nt tharof th--t' ueaary materlt falîtti tho furnlab(lil ni aisula devaltta'n itnutad h.tht VlikW%- ofLIhartyvIlte. f.;n i.,' frotntLif, cui , 't 'or lots.,tino-cal,ào nrlas. tht ror o tac îra, o!initiehrah Il li fui la %Iîli mtou.-rhdms anuf contruet a'i-l $ld,-wiik or port. theriof. lht.r.,y rt.. jltoil. wllhln 1he.flan,- anail l i.. manoi'r i-aura'lli.tndt tlii' ost lha-t.iîthll le î, friit ttu- ri.îî-ý--1 ý ..oi o f t -add lot-, pa îuri,.l..adifolitaitii 1. nldîluia Sn-, 4 lî oi , 1-i-lutrfltr'a u loti marner tor iiwioru.. tlii 'atutruet atîcia idl.t -nR îditinc ai ineufl , (oint of i.' or It-ir 1.4~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a ti is acIo-iicl' pro,.'-lItd -o. o-lu, andth le même 4.I-1iib..u,.ti .bl j i tltair'ofertyll .a lti]iofth.t--ual .1'i hadeavaîkt ahii 4-'c. -ontittd 1iI n IVllg' -liratt-itms th.,- ý--ii T ,rading. naleriati. lanu ao lourti inloi 'iteri -on,.#ail l t ia- ulnu it-M-ofl-o ti-ý Villange' Cl.rk. a.-rtlliot ,I .lilliite' li,k of -.'ui i ilîlf-e ,ftîj.1't, il a!Wtofi,. liti or ,. -l' k fi.-nun- 'af th.. ownira t an-- d ftîi l&,- fi o;liiP- oun-ii .iilt'roik 0af sp,. .s. tVtio. t h iii- lu of the hlof uT ii-h 1ts , fo tltk.ais r a - r thlaI .,- otat- ai- a i ut' r tu Rcl ai n -tI 'al . . ..... 1 îiî--u'ii uîîîa',îîîîî t a itnrit dd ia t ui, i ar i.aa riTiiill , th, roe f-i i- i . ' f a it-l t s .a-,iî i a î s au ît ii ii -t am.'i'i l-,tiVllagi- lîltrk lu stalt iltu t-. 6. S"lutVtllao (hrk aoit. itîttt- t ly laponîtîtIinm or ucîdli,'al» IWto it tini h- ifai , iccutu i c a vairratittli." t o ii tit Tut-a.îir..r iftidI tiiya fui 1h, i'iilt' i i lI t a n r i a n îî u f i o li ýt'a l l o t s ,aiii ii ,- % -r. nil landi or frotua tliiioti. if'i.tî,îî hîtîj afhiol,-,- hall pr" . . , ti-i ia iahat ttih ,-ia' wnlittt t w ii'ilpat lintii lt.a ir r. " --i J-, uîitîkl,îg îiumanîI (air til- tont ifot ajt,ai tii. Itrla ,îoca nh.i l id tniarriait auýt-.. ,.wnrs of nsatti lots oar <cii fI. îfaitîîî. sila ltua oir- f 'aI la it..- , ns laî arrant chall li'ett-P- . Jniatil u aiit,.i wltulu il.ty das-u r.-m iii ie-l wiaiiart. atndl iiiiii 11%îîiat Ot., tfo s alr t,,- u'xliratl,îîuT aa ainria. oiltèll makt- rt-tut tha l voit. a - ' L,-Ckr f i, lieu . . Utaiti ialait a'I. ,gtucliolasýié tax ,îr taille lîttr-t lai U-.- . , i-itfr-1rsi e a tIi n . tiiîia. . 1 al 1».il .s Ui- îtty ,,f 48o1,1 'l- i inl:alîi iiîr i i.da>-ota3r th, filitt liiluIai it fl- , nsîîî rîînutl lsitil tir la fîîr liicî- ,-î' [,,aî if tui-,l i -la rîlilita, ra-tlta ilîaf 014 o -r ii-. o R-r tliîtrtO :ai liîra.h.tîî-ll ..tii iiian l a rnifail] riiort nf al tai îtý l i ax lit nsrfii i ,nI. la ,u i't - si -îrai iiili.- i li,,aiîîîî t isn lon I.' aiitiioriated a-iýl fnu fîrfîta-. lt-a, tirstlt ofal !Iiiv lots iiti l.'uTf Ladtii nl î wiui att811 .n11.-1all Ina iiiill hla- ,nitniaid. with tge toliit-s() f the owtii'rs thereof. a. foLr itutîh tfla' artkRu 10 altiCk'rk. anti tlilîî înouut dit,' taîl ut iitji luîîouat-h trae. %Vut-titrîlla'tir of 1hat. ordtnuttorter. fle tit i,mînstructiîn tif suîch sidewadk. wiilah rta'port »allie on,îontldblthe, nt iof tlai,, ('S.init thtiait Ulma iorrecI returu of Lh,- ltotandttîl is eaof land on vhlch thia mis-eitil Ut, hli iildifir ltihe.autlority of sait] '.liîuifîîr tiu. tot of the sdaltl tu Ibitis orîtiiioi,' nîsllt.romahiaafdn-antilldipt abund tilltttheii.artuts hbi st-lu ted n due l """cut hv tba u joeulat noir en Panad. 0 f.14.. W. C. bàivnoas,. Clerk. Brave Morn Fait 1Vuicdima ieouuacb, liver and kitney .1- -R ut I.._ -o.nA .11tafee1 The finest line of yard wide Flan nelettés ln the Market at 12.1c. Tennis, Shaker. Canton and WooI Flanne in great variety. Cali In and Examine our FaiL Une WE GUARANTEE QUALITV AND PRICEt t- BE RIOHT.i M. B. COLBV & Co.,p DEALERS IN EVERYTHINC Libertyville, - - lUtin Corset Specials The best makes :35 to 40 per v .below the regular price.... tVa have on aale about 4 due.. of te m1 adivertiseti P. N. Rustprof Corst.ant ls hm $1.00 tii 81.25 1'. N. Corsets lu the fohiowig atyles: 1 Il~ CORSETS P. N. AiJustable aide steais% P. N. Long WaisS P. N. 4-bonS Franch Abolie P. N. Corset Waits bl 25 to $1.75 l't)rat'inu P. N. iligb Bîtat P. N. Extra fine 5 bouS P. N. French Ctîuille 75e' 1M l0(Hendermon "FlextiUrdIe' #Il loook tOPeatberbine "igb Bti c ormel. s l. 26 Scbiluga"Americau Lady"(i The Fair, Libertyville. - - - lf PELOPLES' COLî 1lupture Fu F.T--o are arin bekmoua 1UN 3 0 T000 D AY s ir".yî.RofeirFp By the rail iFli-t0115 ALE-Ils ate.faru. tw i . tliltr Metlio.* F ol f ei andtIl mille 1r "'No savître anli îrirp Miair dtu No Àb li .1 of IEnA.<ra ll-. I *4 util CureiCO SAlA e iranorte.d rab,. A or MW F OR 'lu Every rupturet pe'souuinlnluconstant F5îo("iAp. W t' danger. Thiera bin novarulng, anti caîhalle hut atrangulaion freqîîently resuits lu ar-Itls' M. Lu deatb. A rutîr lny cuesaF MFOR grent deal utuffetërlug aaîîdykeepa chàilti- .AVnu nhi ren trou devaloping asnaîlltanlY ffurther lh anîLpbyaically ne Sbey ought. lu every case the general beaith in improvetj. after belag cured, in bothboItnl Young. bMillitnsutl A apecialist nllb over tnenty yeâirs by lira. &4" expeiecm ltu te tmont 9t diii. onu tie .»h t cuit a. n.1151 e. tDa. ev4fm Hotel. Libertyvlhle, TneadaY mvemjîîg MInS. Om 70q*04 Q oal M~ YaKr. 0rma SREN?-ire a lforinatioa1» We have just received an elegant new comprising ail the best makes in Cotton and Wool At Popular Prices Ranging in price from 25c fo $1.75.

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