CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1899, p. 6

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I oe.hit. .Ts e, Ï ,1.k~ 1w Ti doin. - b»umlm %la devi oemisblmc. but. a s 0em W. ho Prsa Ir. 1lanwrgof BCitai.ChtWAlWgaeC.u ifPl j~4y Wcb.'.,bas Iaitented à&liaating tlmfl- burwtmüy idmabUhol.5k upen çCPt. ClitOrps clsiuOOI it wa «u i Co. IYemhetdlthe d I" turne motlier used tufamabe hia te ue muet flp55ft lRortk<u as O bitr ews 21blefacee la Bouton lelevinug ga" --bat a rosi live talon& .thht oe» he aaots et actuel amusement. lit a» chargea nuder w'ta- m copatir . lkwelu foroeivv sud hie bas a deiro. a lasflug ho Cowed fril place ta place tai suit h coftil a litât toi property. e r a 1 abeciatiofli a «sbuad.pusr.àmat colvîfiice faile. projrietor. fne bat Prairie logo costatii snt to worlc wîth nlieepproprhu maeava t " humgs Pr". ts! mat ade. asendts. m e ur e bhult one.,ICb no, ad as l b, dtudihoeles mereIy for fthlelove of the ,* ~tion t goveiirîent mlporit@-l<eOre Abie ta rlaist lmwer lIg I he aan av »lafetuod o s ubezale- sIm'l5S5Ctai*Ug "aserol.os Vers alid om tfae la alittie lake near hi. home, hr hn.I hyc.iitbv mtbe ment. The court- i -Weui"ln s tth a ines. its . ih. eau @pnd day asuer day opon Il, place ta exorcise their talent In 1h17 martial lui hi. case .ll ~l±l "Vil." xa e oaa sîhr for th. purpose af work or tee-yl bs uoxes o orrd « thALre Chu hefre I$i. hegindeg tw"as- s Uil mckey hrwuluCht' teaiohln. fSe proposes ta make Islanide ers and there burrow, to the greedot. 12. Uhinfled tJan.r- Oîr~is nth awr I- w"C ofCh. Hid pa u eetoa testleoor- Cta rder shea lettera patent are fisued riment af the loChes herein contaîn- 12. YOlé»sudte llitiesacaalithe TransvalGreat lts.t, etteodpaeblt evn l fo- inw6. mnTahcrcle teth pintres ever. At leasi. hat ls bow lh.pteILetWashington for bis Invention. se If cd. In au lneloted prairie dos "town" trial, eudgd. Mar 12.i,>laîng ber niotiveis nad bjeeta ln u g Oeab. am? Cats Ce qesio 1 you are a mllîloaire you eau have an tCh.y have been lenoWu ta mine util 18M Themisaentenc esr ibheBr.ltalhaf1 ""r - ý9 esuconthilt ola h ouesioen larcbipeiage-et îour own. If you chaos., eh. superacumbent earth colapeed Pr iela fa estar isthielico e. ipau ca f. CAPT. CÂiIK. armî. iuipriaoaumet . haraiige ee ia fCa- 700 . tuc fnrouovl artn.-- twude te mont hlm âte s. ethm.for ire Jears. $5.000 fâne. publcationl of Transvaal sudi ltsOrange 1,f.. pastr » *o fa'talwr k th cou try ou é amu et k o uesla p ho, t. or e ol e Ch. mal grcefu tbug. sthie crime admi dgrace lu tele uWP L v hia e e Bîiha iBe cs s ta a ecgsplet. ignorance. f aboula o1t»liber any la go«. Our sucle. An ou later GrigeIda drive back ta oe e Ie ab u tit tls p r. " 1» esdeth le he r h. who wsea ur uerisa,la gmd- the Priorisw th.he coveted note trai lur .OMor"g wlCh a ta h.,berst ni à@l ooig Ver ta Beaton lu bier hand.Ti cto e. Peet uanrua priir ntioh u for v la sre goln as ery useodtbt lh *one ar regret. t hlmifla ore dsrit~ v~5~ejITe lieconual>Igth en>nuaiuut Ch. co riL' repîd me t Cimeha ir. Iite. bu, 1 mn gny oCh. Chuingteta pea ta you &haut I for e Sang ie._________ irat raisnatie s dtChinemricil- .&wleut aue Talnaalfen a vu.le nirtl mm- , 1aderlt Itbughe. perbaps. pe« wooli heip es BREAD 1,8000 YEARS OL.D. tari' CriaIs, lauiheWar tiepîtient, 28 teeneraislg 1couuimandlorf couutno. <eu , m»a q'. ohstili7te anmd anothe home."Honea 1me Chet *. eia lehr.Ucsvrt f Jeu K.,ck ln taeomend ou fie.Natal togbe.mdtédat fbs h fr e e y a hvng te Chao 1.0.00 Ctien V. ota Rits oked Whsoa k' seuteul ati as ieeveryone. Erea the hardér. Commandnulit tronje on Che sont1m, Cht haacera@ avur e elfapdbbos .geanceuaCaag013 M« lVs Dmvemet sagulie of Catt. Carter'. friends fcuera. (li. Schallkiiorser ou the cse.. ~n bo-lr~r he m5hthae emadbi eibasc. ICV glagers fronm indigoeton anesal- boadlong tvased te. espue iet lie would cru frotier aud (Je.t. Malan setIBustee 4"ea et ail eveta select. tblm, au et omun all ie.umuue nubs l, iversisle atteusdlaillittle. snd siti aàslght amirablie brak vInaiteaest stale brima; th. tal. , . - .- e viadietîL.but tlityclaens ta Uthe p. hois. Over ail prens televaeinsthe lBoe.r - '-.s~ 4eslrea. ss uptela luber volat. bet«. tb.y are toIt. There la la h. that lie uight escape oi dl.iiilssîli frum .tiovrmeiît le mmtalnlig a setete catI- sud hoeamid. lman bha i aser "Ye« silImaC have te book for »bo mm5m at Naples name breui vhlch the sruay au.l a ia..andl avoidthe cdegra- & oeho~éotenftursm. home*" sa h.; "Chin laye eusa ugh te b.aMale eougb for acibody.detion af poing te pris. wses tndimpossbl oe e I »bLkdfn yltAfiii 9Catipt. Carter'« fri-nis iti Washingeton,. usai Ca cbnceelu beu." lb ofethekatiaîldayslal! gumt. 7 oof aiSedley frin thetose "O, na!" drawln u& k ita anibUa Aà.. lineu. atheh.urions aven.satm IbathInocecesud i t ic <iirtlaiLa th aet bqou ai utdertaSkeiltegcieguture; "I have Cmii ras Illa um ta h. si en a Pompel. lictii ta -u<ecîsd e au tat eoca li au ba.ý fil» t» eghten cntuiesthee-hutje thC eueral i nosiohat in rlcw aa eelu acoaof vhat hie. 1 shah certalnli met etw~ Iete Ihee eere.Ce. __ ovsud aotrati. wuéite a "yu h.ilita utor f igwo. "ltSfoe, have elapset stuce it ores trawn eto!Ch.'caret aI cruidv'îatin giren the aime y e n a u C h t or me . t" il l e a e j urt l oerfe r .. pbt .h f ' ilie iv .. 8b o t , a d I d ag i b . Cr o h ra se h . v erd ie t ot th n co u rt lm u ai b . s uraere hlm.ditee i baidfie aiyseorbe haroPm@@%dbujIr teu 11-'. ruideret a rifhteoiaone. stre te ien. 1ewyboa fair oauodap meahe teiel-litBo u Maya î'l te bcth. Tle . E resl.leut bas it la lita powser tu pardlon o s lr . Du na t e B o sto n. bin - h a t p in t; 1 h a v e m as l a 'er h . a t llte it n a g l s s e o n t e h.u p p r t e n , oa r ai -d-c p t t h s l m e c . h i* lat. eeC.setlad h.aelu by, pa ceuan in h es mr osTUE Isem in NO sarll. Toi may t. arÔter udîl ut'.dbeisnob aue ' latte olia e e ois h.ath- celmia enacoll a Mslf --W h." 1h. utusua. There are several louves i 'AIN SÂD Vena h echrns a is .et lt, ose OUI!bearifts fils impreas of appication wl t>buamade in the, oser 1.%buodima'npnite deanCtietVera bcoe aet bilaibc m. Mebake name. er o anomro rnetocndbidthgesrnue.Atrrbufrtettecuetn ae IbMgtis. Gaslatupt C oal-fast- ,som«thiua bas happsed mdoe hyraeheC.vee a m umr rvstrie-eaiài iigetrnmer on.mti.rlepelî tsyet lunes a sole toecb.ue--abrupti>'. l up n tthyrsml h ram h. vuigar gaze. but atiliin reach Yaung prairie des îet-loseo lu a amnalfileformer captain ut <oiacera yl havi c - aring."Tes; seutblag 1I ltded te sa-. MMUlcottage lbaves Of Bugiand.bPut ai auy sater reaort lu h, vorlt. grvel-lioored bouse Ingtmutly dtpa te-itte the ucutentiaty. n ml - ' fallu bps, h. hadies sboivent plein te y.»"Mt luAPeikerance. far tbeY are as Indeet. hîs Ilanddla a Most accota- hale largoeuough CaesICin. turut'd 1 PRCOi F FCRIMIEa «iOa bt ils AUl smaeeil& Itilh. manue ell bar an' mi tu lâh ch arcal, vhlch, lu tact, Cey madatiag *pot. It ls coustructed a. round lu Ie snd bit tC ie t persan wha a futyahtWlf pc @bt.oes ber ber grsau oe'e w-. wmvaebnel iommble. Ti a o hi htt ltom nhg nldyatemptei ta oucih imt. Property gave Vsal s itai.erus r'cetamuslTe - t e&t. bi 1001W hi"hlis fther balUmm" un mI « om mcrl,.bottheY bave hocmme above vater. -aber. no wvve cen hlm courage, for before lbe had bhein fiis. bORd dmu stters. * - t. usnembombm& ansd i eten vould proha. spbaabI. It bas uo rochlng motion sud as meeh as a mouse.. Pioiiety Worth huants uf dollars. lituss h 0905ta 4ea«lit."But hia la houruel alie ftt- W r emti au.e f aicmal blacuits.lsperfictlstable. Though utlfCosaoIlela Dnaticeable fChatth tfoe ehek est et'ruon tehbyt. coatuii ut ti >oY- -___ 'T ~~ -. l1. oseaho ba iobulu "I bars vum 11ave low tnevby ai bave vigh.t upen elr.Ut Ccanks. there le nedanger etIat ueos farale.te CletW% a Cnliikl.tma sde tha. .t¶,.atOU CPJitaVa> lèbRe ha. la IS holgh Shthieveethooeh.mammb 'ouplaorututais lulo nd orLiai .unt.rig. I eaube twegrsdnudt lumeros etour oiesthe in'e atn. wbc'. entigtent in he aalle, l Teti..- "wChCh sbIetyer gupoofpetis ae. miaiChi pncurngbIc«u .aovidormons.eudth. barvet menuse. do Strstq ar Belle IlIe. Oarýaurerod lion- dey nt (2aiwTu.nhere lit, waes rip'rt- .htlien lta lsety "or lau musiatlas. "WII plil1dulun mmont Ilkely uisot swith lava.uen55 ser udra open u> nt uoo. utmkenet, nttitdartamCandlaiaîi nmor l e d ba hopenshitucupe Llus mal or l»B. yoa aof 7eur home? MoGâm Os te an la ment ai h. brout luorental ]and. lu shart, It se possible ta use l hm ofo nlil rmIl Cerce teplIc tMnrs.N.-k. y"i .VIIome ht Chuases ve o lmeshoue vlCh GwwdoISu.bek---" oesutries at th. present Urne, for a» gpuipas. coucelvabi, vbre aesedo net lîtipe rowlnt îain trce t' hpt lic ue Lt tr tlcO . 're las n,i: Iatl ott(eu.t he uar .eyslar aChtol-"Tn ma quict te falI l aees.' n ubr Ik h uroigme nd poppnmbv eutkeupu 0* - hbi. grizzly. "I bava 1 a 0 --- 1 111 'h . pepuler IdesChlat; Pam peli as a blhe and t eateso t le tem andeil. - voles. But fCh. tact hat tuer. are Ji fti ule 1ýaderi sd re,uv'r îtirrvalu it. a~rut o .' t -eetl ilsIitrluia. eitber Jo i. mw iF fe9.mai te tri ta enouph. oudto@.le leesiw»reai y bvl lua afalSdclana Oui. Tellu htMn iuesh memiiers aivery closily allied specles, niluib i, o tcart' of liet*uthienîs aIi.'retoria hlive amo-i' t-700a:, %îril .ci*.dtîtc ii h ei>tigti,îwls h t l prt W » lit£. Ne vodIt Cappesia.1I she-4he uits,«4 19 a leva rosam hat desceutot upan boult as au experimeiteai model l ome. ai vhich do burrv, wvile otlieralousn L.uu-neforrtogiqu y tu Icime 1ai-eltolly wanbti <reat lritals.. Safttor adblit îe IPosiblW ta' .et th i.e ty the rtil udt em .eything abctwelve feet hy ixteen lumilse. Ou iltesMulriel h eebuib bi tilaesPuO-"bo have dgbv la Un. plce vanîtbave baenutteily nlueCetl pesons bave been icbet-aCîi'mmin tliik 'l~ tohe 09irieurngheonte.Tom essa ientChai. I mypi. Pompeivas r«Uly hurlai vlthout taiina ls cmjaci. One man i a aqurt aie.I e o miigrcu to tWarrants eaisde tie t ra ti ili toivf th aa'. nt itecîsdti thue- ' uthlm bt Un i S c.M. b,&ie.Iw1. "ht Immffl-1 u" aIs.bu andfine cdatera. caRet y viCia avbaat cerf mure Il about read- lu this cueta esvrl ntu it.rat crensolit-IaiQe-llCl tay ar ut 1 ihgt Grava 4" fs»" h téiom eIalsI lpil. n ha e 1f11I, shule ftia peraos ocas raol l thlgb halt mâtil animais vhlch do Dot bur- hcficChrma -ho acre brougbt 'l-t)il <ie paiit't>ymsa a<ns e. aloeunt a Cnm va ahupey. 2 Cmse n a pl s. n tigat zadulauddry an he beach. It heart he rosee thlenItimea form bUrraosla Iln .tiaiai.but the Prucea'J.iiîtsbnltaiu"ý Meituu flIos sli that the tebume»ma Sd dy aau8t hW tegosi vp-wrc honnie etai hat citj. The Uuebedcol"onli,lic%rne ,ireil a n. mportant dis- vu10Moleonet e areallty. snie i ame la Ileaet Vesuvius taak place, shovers velght of asie tue. mut a large nunber vhleh ta conceal eud Protect their @Meier% avent clown to the wharf lu unl- atiftritua SIr .Atfred Milar. Biltish la 5*. rada. mma isve nai Cai iseho *hmgla .. tàe oo fe rt uoa the tdmaaiedofbuhes aut abrube. wville a good- Yaung. an. If they do burrow, tmbah tafra,, sut heu the St»tmgià,xcew. b hgh ctiiîimi'u -rfor Santtb A<rii. aB ose u Ch. a mm boeit 1f d fort ifhlghe * noion, talwe1ehY'thmetJsqvem a uIl, hesoumre liettent erecteiloou le atars pnotec- dîffernt i klu fai amore elsoae5>vr.n adtiUrls.oue 'nii't- .,u'totv,,he ellée «Mt M& Iamamtam ou ehaes , tCou tram h. veather for six pensons chel'Sdlii. Among these nursery bun- thauatCîcy irupwtherticl-res tiel hait Ocre aut faibilira.1 m ims huwlug a file mi .Wr e elmm ~ f apMy Mli.o saltll mMthit uîght. r boua e hs. thCe dos. the. fax sud hâta the nrier pudttbthe(Ju,-leu iceIr i-Lod, ot't~roîl aii everlama *ver an p"ces O0fcourse yon slllotiaCb. limitet as uanilmarila.he ini lgisber and the could finul nuthiuC' o'iltil.-t a i.uutal:i',htCi'oilt. - ~ i~ Uitlaa mi ~ 11 bea oin Wf ly te beu 0" utat et tlas esl tMradaudtet. a ta, verdure. Ton eau have any numben sheldrake. Foihoulli littera neyer do Tic Montresl Paîî.<' mallaettsbaiCaaaus m at l, r.îate laut,nti as ved éotWewvmd l V ~- istebi'. elas ettlowoisimma »à tenuc-ethi ofits hebeal iplants yon desîre. If you vlsh ta e v eili au vheuthe niothen lu allose e n m b mre sallftitli. A mîasoftt ataeimttti ).Jt Lne. moIMM . i ejrf i . ma a r om l hei cty-tive tettc*t îi - n plain cloh i l is e' e a "n lu M aulîtidraiming a corpe es, a u rta; 'ia lb n u eu an uc e s e a t h u s J5U Orôo nt hem m ati onas h m en boy mu Islan. or ceci place euy athen ta m oie a butTas on fe , unuy ite -tînx rc uae tsergt. C rupiuau acree to tefint Ihodi-sîs in pubLiahet with st e trne" itmu Jaoaaidetee b i armtbaiueni Toesncbrestriction openi jour onde,, lu ofaiastrav stock. Iluftoue ohe vil detet ..uat C.arrivai e!thfilscommneLoteso Wa r e grai, fuitiveg- oouttya yulne bekilo nourPIai ork ils dive or six feit m tln tak outin a erest lhesuspect& lire- wslîing lue' la the queseion pery oe.l 'co ut ksep the pupples netheCi e ndu. mn. a'hu C Mhontfort reachet port apicans. but cannait ausen." The Cbt'an' J»M>,ý boude$*v tyos ib men.elaosudui; monmauentlma lor serla -atdls ouairvalantsdomorne h1U hegaleam "Mr wau la plein otsm; i t nbt aev dlesai teatz. ootaieons w '-ile abc. lies aeth.e eutrailce. Vîx'enaDetectivr Campeaiut i a ota aeOa. I .u I at dit refdoulasate" sI et-b«. wrequckyloatd ta ran!a alidr iin t iorfn 01 « l Il. «net" efuremit bah tfbotestiug. otheis viole. elther dis or npproptiate a dean bun- board. The Mnuvr uel uatlCa masull.yi.ito 'e bas, itblas. gae h.I'omgh carboniset. lii. ml he ather NIAGARA SUSPENSION BRIDGE. nov for heir cube. vbielc a.5naturel und suruuldd by tie oilecro-Thoy Mera.are and muet for a Ion&. im»e i- - mik oèbe roumblO0."TOU ite KisiaOtOUe.«"tArches mabItlyoh."etemsuvertt.eouiL ait.ioeet acpiited!retakenehcosurpriseoitud mainprise.and main toct * ofathe atu ' Tha'"-The le,%bea« te 'ae usas,"onewiemod b "Chat l- elistie w' bavea"pUes.retthIlr u tleKnf m rhsak ie twsuisst fe u tnlr as fiuto.1 ulo uSai eu, heoliesiCh. 5 te the use o' e>uaO sut.doit oteil-C h>'gv Ivrte aosupquiet- (Jauge'r. sud te one i'ai lxhi' urprisei tet gos~B mir n t hbe ileloses aupen a fhoet ar nit C<hBCtrIcvinngg ln5 Rlsin Ventavonly teus. arbiifalnt siu th Itgasv~e1aC in'ayStntn ay:"".stu ulamia mmd«otn inderames h esvovob. 1ot.aro Il ,toca" alpeers.theics-odnSettr lwr rete.btra ute okfpnerape sel uesI ~ "I a uuemeu.~ ost tosserather sbrivelied, u ont vould Azather U t ba - ossrged betveea oxs-ou iSpcaory>. Twesti' four in al eeantt.hrsUurhrCl tpssnn'rd une. eehs l15b tte a Cas Id'5.ti l faeiCt States la h.eab"@ etofa nov sue- flo idFacty Lawrer.. anateti sith i, Laggaalar tharge ei andl h", imî iaI truapso. y oomo hasty e' l t4u ve te u aihwse m a ssude mial.mamba oge i ruButpar- ponsonbrideecsted beven tii. fa- Everyiaty la aughtug la Nev Yorkkamu nffcer. railduc the icfrigttlc'. ffl *1VOSe " lith*ay" Ch.lMalt lnteresting roe la the Aaularic ai't smred la T,.iun'qs. pnî ri mous Queentaii UeIghtes ad te.ucesa of a rogue lu svtndllng YNSOO0F AGUINaALDO AILs Tute.iIay morunaaiuîltuing the f.iruim X"gUO1hahOlId ~ ia'~j~ i lu s.u la bouela5th. very cli aiLewist« imouiatLt.This bridge ls te.fonty avyers.Hiaetmode of opermtlugtuutu-il.f ,ubrda.p*cie B*OW e houmai a e- -r« ra aqe ismum Who. Fol- vhieah.c diudaM Ymailse ou. L > aI t wiCeka n- pn as ta' retein lasyers te proseculte Mol.-Gîn- Ot o inse siece<niimt..atacrwA og iea a -- e ga« it du i wmnoir MMs.IN"a, lurtuîýe.Y"Chaisrctr enheuidnw pn-atrlliouael!t' n, ii des. furaoc'- W gbds te -V m «we"le os vl preaerved ha it Io Ihaudtnt lg tBe gouge. es aU h. ai scalpent- es.iroad companlea ion ictîtious tuju- Him es aï" rilent." viu-.- nKý Illmié,luttediidetbeloteds1 gu meo plhrdatimp t aiftiilMron Ca t-a-, Y*.i ees~lig~ vasbaill «"w4 le a»M"ha fissle lo v.rtaniimiba hat h. cobsleDo loger waxsion bridge@ bave beon upplatet by ie,.&grecigC iîetcpoets Auulu*iurustmetosnii atou~Ana hi ,a hnhcky oe. uhrt i e 1ddiutiivuuth i.Ido dpomi nCae Trn. «YChu-at'ia.Stl i nasuiSi. d dfwbynd Àpa. he oui. tmstehaesteel arches. This bridge la teetine tot eanon thie streogtî i uof eiinr .eoltitiOuttihia'ld runrtwpo. ial 5 C li, 'ai'Ch iteigity menaheruont fisopo. C. br oihrafli md- Agis, a Ce cmb e hvebc a liaim sama boit n eaBctiictraction ta borrOwv mmmiiOumOofMauel. Client- erauiu i iposle ievr 01' uvu wusin isl o w ttus lis dfeu Ik 9UBM0S fiLM hA»Mi i lm bs3geou.»mdO ai lsla sort ut i-cC.,nitiiuif bils so-51d garera-.i1'. huvi artivi"l at NVilk*ru*e. le h. à~l ae sslagvS .. .C tnia hi 51U~'h- mime jaunEPompelaitbav luiep. litent.rtuenNatal obarser.îuho. ab C t h pardmm a Chai lle m idis 0f Ch. roan, IS So un v btu. hIsai teit aud hltClrng dova teast laCiw a o 't.sad. mi pomitber kaOlltiaai i 'MU I.Miiiial.iS-ticnaihu ne rii.u ~ y troc »livmer Sbia t-ti~fIso e ht àÀ.boaas ll bm he h hteCajuip ud l fy for bodi iitii. i>iuuti rolu .1utioab ft5r.aith.iilîiuileccretury' ta- Ma s l fen lo nge y A glû t hW" .ih Wai ea O n eaca n atisa i e ei e t r, ît îîT leî u i y - u t uî oul ff e r n u n e st' la e butet ai, basisa. lot is usadmal b ie ha bcaueaieh pec-seitB Coom hagoCgvebe w4a Iit le tî u>eo tea .- terteooed.Ci.o. a"...-S. ha- Iiet -tbc l2-n '.1'iuCo 2 mail brv. lb.paes l ~mu > cmg îlav Ceiuit vti hlmeutthe i no t es e t l e a in d o y am e r . a lo dr i e U Pgh a a t ma dm âai l a i n a . a u1rh . b1 -.1 .È t s rai- s I e u u i S l t d e s e t t i i t h,- u O l t i v i- ,. u e l a 't t r l o g C i a n a 's - W - thilp ot a s1eite las. $atthikor as cre.Site t boind ylemelg-h ate, into tendi aturfor dtâtiuftilr iiel Aîlaht 013M oud tbavuost omoers bi. heueud amia atsudM lieil. <oruaet<hliilait ietlonîr-flth.I-I- ui- tif tht' Tai-and'- cn ui- %Bi el = .sh. hi elleooaese t mooedu Mv llHi.ores euihu *and xilît. ti- îîîl-mieilui luslti.i:niiladi rusatn iar-i 1 'W d ie ktiqlo. dT2or f e Pueatio tI sai h.butsri& iet latr.ibun- th egerio la u vie. ha, asuîiiu a lrt- e il uî 'in i hiîipu -ai. i m tll i i t t- rîiui atî tm.' Ch s ats uI td o n oavu it-I d p > - O-- *i u Di uI i. îilu- (")f ituil' i i e inu a îcia a e lu: u. iiuua the t i a iulu fr e h.e- businessionstpiamabrebutsr- berkhaia croes-as a Toitari luat ac awi tbe brin, lIa. . hýP iip il, l,.ua h rtý cbntue fie _ in."I llgo afr sbroees. wsith. tiecharge of a riflevas hourdAbet Meleaie. B e nse ora ute yrd et tCeh onse axt teta h.actuefiiéla'.hile le î. i-u Pou it liv dhf ith,-l- Cii-I iiiffut tîa f t-.he uai-fuites; mo 'èetetrepe nn as etrg!lg CCLAIRu XXL rel. maya Harper'5 w.eiy. evei A'n,'i-l, i'iî i siiu-ua i-au -,tiihil.- 'lit f thlui l.îyd atitlîitl dlei.r reasDsratnetIemoCahvelOai . ulirrabtutC.yabu ot -', i-lia tieo-ar.t-. (;u t %au!utely ri--1-:. i.te-. fl -thL, or fise t le jiîdb. m-- - " tittebaee»i-fue q1irarsedltoteIr utottu t -a gi.Aguiuaiiul'.ý e îia'. tii-i iulity of the' Ea<lsi a"s Oe. w hy so 'yet'. yu t Great cebsueh ave Cose ltas esthe tUime ta puevenit ta mare shoW, dentiof thCe i,--fli-ed r- butiIi lîîffî-- liiiiLnaiui"a àýlu the tulksra -t i aoC'etClitkefou'U set brou<ttThey bave shbod 505m vtach Lcame vblaalu lu tBe directIon - ' . rd tu tri',C it ii hîuu a. euoafi-ir iita' i>1-itiii-nti.miiuluof rtisut tie- lu uae t bnae. ifr'r lyDffait end gvra ie laleritem."ilsth. et Bhe gnea At hIa mament 1 caase uai-u< w- y.î uT.gualin ut anu rat'drai matsClbn.dC. tikI vnlh oste mot e Ca amalICethm tea abreak la the besige, vh.a'1 oul abd ______ __________mircleoul teflnâ i oerOkejor ouin and o u e ld«m-- wnsisOE on -A BIG SNLJW ST(.RM. iu nuit 311. omftdpanent?" sICh a snituer. "Net lre cpter.t" Surmet'yla. WllsetleIt orlay B tMr e tuba iii oupe e aIZts aothi v a di00.mue ltFiays ltavo>i viih the caps it inhe REPULSE REBELS AT BACCPB. M T o e s , e utro u ie nla M y p a e r . a nd e l u e ' ,a e i a bo t m m e t * 0 w t n l g t a y a g l y t a i e t.omi- Jat -7 l i u C i t s î t n N o rtlu 1 f C 1 0 5 7 L e s-.1a l omn' oe,"si*somns landau. tCe pos7 trai h. 'WeH.ebol a rifle l is lmha& It ato?'vrMntiNrhDktaadNrh , lC l"L. bimw, omtrsst eer r," u, il have hor uillC it u le. nuitturfeut nCat hus trM vas eî.u itiinS11> t dy.Telis Th 1ýIu it <aîîurieandtronvice U hi l, tiin twfibs ad e bas perfectly reveisi la the cdai;e&l b oaeswr raigcrp% u cbfl aae.N'etad ,J ulio mli u ualdj ilogug i ch my once amditIs adangh- ai theai. antibas pefrck.dressaitBe lv- dlova tUne higb bedge top get 1L.Sudlet- . xilc,i-si.,,'%itltampiterandteli ,i se-i-iitts.iTheîîtuaili u iers it""t* bu bave heen-heen iranutnty-heIcteant Vra up mad deate ConSnidi- I hsMi mdeiid o le M .g yprtal opee, o.uddb et.F rnaa h word vlh diffc nlt- "h1eptou dm nul G iel so Metlé iicae. T e e prtr tel 5de odce vrt,)i tu etm n th etiblieu . t o u ayy&M@alwh a is eareveilasteviead t 11114 ongb tie hedgemnrne way andi __tu ________ous____slie Te iipnm er ual IXet suce restore te ta mpro e vur everl caniages. a" sIte ber vo"dn&Wisisearons au n ie led. TIr rs - - -i-î'iitlh h-avy km.iThe Anie«a ellov tint ovenpreats Per cj'rner. t- siet@bc"talleet aa ti h oi t efeet. -40Ne.oai inai'Note'.ii-v a'.i.tua' fli'i ud ielglit voadet. la ié la safirs asud lTeienl'. onadet man urd ansue- a 10' litel 'rild uli i itg t icnîî uit ii' etig tIse tr8:W Asaif .ntirely ovencotue. he alulis upon a&hiavenu 1uai t bavs theoaoi Doa vejo a fes pace.tla>' leva aieB "Keu'il urreuder?" b.ina'ays-lCt-i rn bi aer oem ah" a"ascn e att('lo ininati treet i-ar traist n20Cets ta taî'îîîlttioar a snlitus sud Chalesa. »ý"Andijaur tters mmr Has drapa. i.luins the tie l; gtain é,oB, - -t or teCbioi.loci- -ain hotti-fui t'rat-limet. iuthuiig a iigtuit atrol ut elgit aiea. memory sud hbotninCaâeh. idis eS sNgiS v*5 O York han a uca Demoenstic or- A mguIZaLI"ri vte'<aski1leit andtvoi W yU tl het ear tn r e s a m iatrlydidt VIlplaognnaiuuaiamuti uin rkr tic- ai'eumt aoitiied. The littee amon swndta, hm irhaiiela presumptuena memomnes »lag"ansdnt a aeairmli te li' a oîaa<aimeut icuf'utlCccai lusnt Q4toueu olad' ip?"umte aun oiv-hre tarai ta show haiufacs.vusoioDt Cbb1im»f loas Cth. 011*1 am I'atinum ihal bea touaditnlua 2old Juiuuli' f Aowiuuî~- -non ren-eu.i mts.C.b',Sl.bas just ensiaSd hersaeff ily battee rem sibilleetupan bis arts Cat 1b o JLy tiCFrcnhIfsr Uamt baches. buvoluatarilyh e pues thc îeapîug ire bokla hn, bovins theught lhewonbaia& Au-eaasa.tnue nesr Hue Springslai-h. It la asorth ail" ic--al etl'ansuieOaith. Fourtà4, gis»Ma baon ai-ho toucithChcirirmJ ala$18tia Pound. 1 Mmsied haut su t as ifresuppchar t No, ngue &Ilb b'ape eet indusvidimus e.longtue.a Minute Jeter provred tBei ho. pca r' arig50pbir ' ogtterwysesterml i'ml:tat iecla ii t enidfiure. n. uday, tvies the ssal rearieus sheebos sas deli.Thr, la Cialfig ce b. le aia.N .N f-fo nu.Tel-hii atne ui *1 il glve you £500 Cie day I1ace o C. savrel ontlgke CIlstisos. l ieer .tlavhh Aeoa, talitica reteit-l. rim ieeaa-,-co iacouir ansuitMala. pu es ord a steamer silitig for Aus echto f aerondimpatehuepustrle bea" Fnilpisma oiditsrîla-te Aumefica 6Ilni te iay het,:R tm. aya ruDytat uaîflî uiy>lips asu d noutut b herotaapltle ns rllé,faslu s besp atdi"ehat; the l- THEEWDVUSPENSiON RIDGE ACROBSINIAGARA. ee 31000 lae glu" atora. C(1s1.134~Cs kat ha masted sulurihl " -iptita tretches IS ___out.______________and___________whitewl h at tiuO'<a.d.e Amurbsla&.e~tamB- li __ hrug hh, aspilaglag st p ftc -- Doîetieater. 'amts.copa ' vl B>i tif a "'r- taircaee.,Ch ustle ai kdahsmlt als .avl ai amme iniy t* I .fDit-cinleaiter.e rai 81100 biswordscomig fron hii xlwlv osa j t1w ys fo nd l »M» ser e e aoabutithCe beatil l Ns a s a la yer la regardedai a sremaka- M .. Sfi. iie.D rhseN n mmm Il sriscoiai fiun liaialuula. ic at-roa eyond. a alveBbM hes in>-,generlly u't bis ba sbibondt a abeuu i .4>jîl etailgnity uu s i m bisutpioLntCue ua auicl.~- lii- -"ien off in aidou iexrsoui s ine -rom.gre -a t1, bets f neutmau h trangIsit hersaift Cii eatihi' winîiiîg e aully. l ou t, exIuceuîu "ra s'i.nt cagerly ta ber toutma s ono- re T. i C8aViii' t wi<f511 l5lTrshr oue eare -b et-uaur .i..- aund l.~ierii-a é- Iltti. h ouIc.en iz aneid ~ Uoube t."seT Stie. sit~ ct-b lns.Peyoa halUlm1 Ts-'l d'aetathe apY ALeu as à*" i. ixtt. vnd a t ssve Ch ra orksirhola Nhebi' ieard scthelarnt 1 Bath .M.eenit.lno-hns ~< ~ tI <~i~i- tO-t-u1u5 bapa'.sud.theciae. csumag. aiea tser r a satlop vhll os sit tuteare ant supeudil ît. u Cnasof g scooinataor ia vs -sut 'ea Heaa a-cic kilet lii Cli- x-.fePr' C.C. ca'r J. tunt ds'îla hersit ntebersistra ime j u ~ oela t h f fil bisnusThepluiiu ut hulerlaCPulnett Gs At îtknuu taCisia"<i kilet nmn iel V

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