CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 6 Oct 1899, p. 7

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*ibM. sI MVent Waul- 1 b eauiof £ wlld mait. y« u ea la mytea'7. but lbe tha Ob 01111. eflneslaatdsansd &D- 1mu dialeM c i. u*bsuld bié poweat «I d thie lime i au well developed a mm0 $mulm N. L. Hurrle, uesr wluose borne f AM tave le etfted dacovered the wldt affl a few n t &go. Whle feedlng WOI %» etoek lionuoticed aemoke curling trou g" t. hi moutin of the cave. Geint t te en- ha tranes h touad a lot of bonean a lu falliere nattered around. He dd nt ho CMete go luidE the cave, flt knowing 'n *bO4 wld saliat abode there. a He deelded. however, to watch andir <Icover tbe tenant. A day or two m a/Ste'wnrd h. r.tulned tu the place and 4 lhund the lodgsr outalde the cave. Wb 4jmthe strangest bit o bumanlty ever I Mm hea erabouti-à l tile, driedup man. lwt more than tour tout hîgI. welshlflg qdnety pounde or lent, an covered wtb a hggy coat of hait. Hia ltbg wu hardly wortby of attention.lo , The wild mn tr!ed te escape lto the il cave, but Mr. Harris lntercepted hlm te tand endeavored to Sund out wbence lieet <ame and orb e wa. The trali g <etüre. however, could only talk lua n jargon flt underalood by bis elton-' or, but the Squre flnally made ot that a be came f romtiSouth America. st This veritable wild man bas lent al b vestige of clv;iizal ion. Hi& bande are poWa te ail Inente, snd lbc teari man ae muchass uy wld animal does. Oquire lHarria told hlanelgîbors of bia dicovery. and hundredu ot persofla bave been t0 the cave. boping te me the 1 aýtraénge object, but they have tailed ofa teir pur>ole. k on the approaeh of auj oe he wld ai man aeek» tbe darkest receeses o the caveru. snd he muaitlie able te ice tu the dark, for the presenuce of anybody c 71 o the outalîle la enough teW keep bite eencealed outil the lnîruder bai depart- a ad. How lon~g le lai been lu the cav- «nff laflt known. lHe la pohbly El yeanc nid. The nelghbora do flt cire te nolet hlm. a he commt* no dePre- dationsansd .uakes bils own Iving witt- et beng a nusance.-Phlladelphla n S lmes. Important Information foa flouse- kespeni. F'or tbose wbo are arcnstomed to tend- tas awal trom home for their gouda h al ~' et thc grestest Importance te know the ehiracter and reliabillti of the etabliah-> menti ielling gsodete famille, tfrom cala- r. lognes. The greeit emporumu othtI John M. Smyth Co e..eoated eaI 150te lm t kWest Madiion trert, Chicago. ba bec eabisiehd fer a thîrd et a century, and bufuraisaed over hit a million boni., laCiaoad vicIi lonse..Thim llrm ajy.i the contidence ef the public by liq b la every fml.a t ecie nd givea the prie of cvery article fcqulred fo bouzeblod fa. A ample othUicex- tardlaary values oefered hy thia fIranI ehown in the illustrtion et legat la"e aI ai et c&la atober coluana ot ths laper. These certains are ludeed won- derful values,.and jet they are but a @mple ofe tb lhsaandand eue useful articles llutrted ad deeibed le th. b eatîtui catalogue of the John M. EmyI Company. One Devoted ilubirnd. bue eleanîng. do >ou'e .No. dearle: yon don't make hait ie mnch muaesaand dlacomtort ns my mober ueed te make,."-D)etrolt Fre. Pres,. ( Mr%. Brown-Jones--They sny there lit be no marriage nor glvlng ln mar- t nage in ea e H er huiliand-That'a wbat makLes Ilbeve.-Tln Xellew BOlI of Western Birth" ,regs anoa~Cie? esoey (ô hami y 'han Me ammoecemet hilt h he4th-gaw' &"d hcalih-mrwr. Macss',Srsap&aiti tcil, of th brh of san ra of gond heslh 'R Din th ontreutbu especdfic for <hacre of Af u blond sioeuch And Ij.nee roubl. Mt » dffl 1I esulharilj <go =bsd thé hmous.. Esele ansd besd- des au theb.lns sud My£006 w--Id a direst anMd ailelh Wpin lheb emb sid ta'oubIs with l.uooavhoe ad kiOneyae sto affSledL '-After'bluth of eauebfchld Ign. aken, sud bsarlg a80mucli Of tb* ood Y'OD bhmdoue. 1 wrote to eu »ilsu vs tek=.ilsbes 09 etLpdla L lakhma'. Vegatiable Cempoud, o z 91 Limnags. eo» bmof oUver PUil. j am m afeln uwefl au 1Iliver dld. Vbeul get up1 the mea'ulu1final e eah le au1 dd Awlsu s gtrl sudet sud mp wel@" do alf myjwork. If er 1fIfeel ek'haeuin "I kaow bers toi gfel nuy trengtb. 1 lnow SLanilm CRAMaL5ioEt.Mi Thé prenant lMrs. Plkbaua'a s, 11ipl' mm lu treatlug femsle tnu leuaparai,- lad; fo jesse ahe wnnk.d MIde l de" with UMn. Ll"E. Plukhasu, snd ant icsmigtmap@uais ad sois charge le steootnespounmosdepartmient of le greai buiuus eetîug bj lette, t many Ma hmudrsd tbousd alint 'ammns as,. anl women wlo auffer "0 luviteil te w71ts telMra.Plukhm ,t Lyna, Mu&i. Lot advlce. which WiLL se preorptij <ieu vitbout chmgs. A KNOWING HORSE. eWas Aimoat the DreakIma etofa Happy F..tly. --j sec a number of reaisons In the Pi- per whj an automoile la botter fla,! ILubrge,-" nid the former aIent utofDe K'jib coiuity an hliIghi'd the lueur- quece igelnt'a cigar and aetledlilmmélf, but 1 e'n tel you une r"oson ihat tl. lty ma-n doc flot 11b alioni" ",well, wbat le fbai '," ",lîsten. 1 wouldîî'f aay a mean thini aboul my wifo--nol for worids, But dt yu, knew, aÎle dooblil aiwaYs belle?. "-i do-vIcia you talk ibat Wa>Y." "-Wo. neyer mind lIai, Lallen- bave as god a buggy hors.ea, an flan ever plied a lIneouver, ItirOai îmn ftou' ycarn %wbtn 1i oaleriff.ani J'va' licen dr'lsing hlm ivse lr, an icig yoînger now than le was wheu bought hhîn. eiected 1ued to go wit-I a girl outIli Soinosauk townshîipi,andli fter I wu aberut and was ridlng a gond deal used to make ht conseillent to gel 011 tîîît wej a gond ma-ny limie, lIa nigi ou the main soutît rolid, >ou know, an 300 eail t gel auuywhere wibbout liss lx îlOt place."' "W'hal i wmnt tlu kuow," nid flicIi luisincýe age'nt. "la,. dlil yuu cearge mil, axe <-vary lime you vlalled ber houa.l ",Sure. %%hat'# hfle taa'anti aim bll for. onlyhow'f Weil. t didu't mar ber--and l'aimotulaYing 'a'os. fui îlot waa. eltler. Baout 1dld mnrry ighl gond voiium, and now and thf we go bîuggy rilng. 1 haven'l been lIat Romouauk township bouse, anur4 île fteru, for lîreo jeans. "But iliat blamed bor'ae vill brnl bia ueck In mn Up lu the gaie ant il î'verj lime rny vIte and i goouDt th wiy. And aije s'on't belleve me Il s-l aim i oiiCalliuug on that ju lady jnd I1enmt moLe ber tink ditf ent, flot tao anvory lIte, Nos', If f autonmobuile î'i1ll elp a man out of serape oft tît kLnd wlîy. Il (-an M very popî duwn lI De ia-lb COU ty."-Cîicmgo Puni, 1 Lairy woth îe wlit'Oa aland. "No, o hus,. Iegan tflicjudi "where 0-cri' you s-he the pilofcr1 gun sholhnl.u mbthe oromsd?" "*%'ti lhîl iullnr<I fOf'. 3 <'i lonu "Then you orea ni taauer?' "No, aur, (el didul astand a mînu 0l <'un huiLe lb' miurd." Wa er. Hi. Hein la "hve3OU huard frorn sour son lu1 Phîilippinîes. 'lm. rki" ".01r, yes. îu-le('d, lr.Jolies;, wrffr, rr'giîhirly. "And Jh- liraliprit -Il fuis îsîr'i" "I lîJi'I 'i't l kLiiiiis 1Ij idge fi so'iîil ire i.ys lira Ii i I luhis boots m oft 1h' tillie" Ia* r"r lco' 'bock .. "Do you on> ft-(.ov'fihli-ail m-ire in Ciîod o" a] the Sîl avel merclîuiut. "Certlitirhy i <lu,""iOffltbo he- Buren aireet muan, "urus inîg il dor' -cre dusluwI hie 1iamnstanding ul. Etistele «eus -* wblch the ta té,omn »Ileen lm twe*. lit Vos pncodure tei îlu O8i nus h.lins@wth Pim"be5mx l llaiat ettheb.ituejet bois, "Yen xToussa"vent te le ene et au occaatoq wh l kavina ber' Iaunderlt400.alcalij, » Denver, as folewi: appeared for th. deteànfltIlm - i . bat tle wearlai appeaImur be tils Ay coe enc on dea Burlugtea Wet, and before the maglntit M -admiration et al,. Tbls, ia.hlng lo à Du as ieiap-llghtain' trou! 1 ahri. lazy. lnnocent-owat leno amali matter. auj os. almatile do Ay tenk de jours., yusl becuu named Dolph stood Indtel for 0giloi» that, but te have tbe lîsens present yen"T-oot" and bar Ar bhal blug. The Jbotti aked: "Who le pUF Admirai lf.wey'a oaly non bPai', th, that flexible and gioiij ohîparnene lawyer?" l)olpli nid lie bad nogi naie or ;P'rge' (oîdwin i.lit y. He inaiater bcbng ronod require a hue quai- Da Poti quck yo bat mie lirc, "Weil." saad the Judge, --get on. e8hb in the eaîiîoy fn a b"rg% dry' gîolsin-Oltyli et tarcb. But flot a yolt or y"" vwe wlll proceed." Dolpli lookfed nlt tbo 1111.8iioiuI ie'If Ask your grocer for a coupon book 'le r trogt battitAr toi' mact vife Judge anld sid. 'I dont want no laW- " New Yoik City' aud whlc wilil enable Yen teo cithie firat Da. mot'Au fat lait ber. jer. Jndge. Jbut YOD and me wlll try. .wiî'-- fut w, i:ho-- 1 Av cooro dîrgaiven jar go tIi' case."'Il turned oui thal the pros- is ai' t Il. 11ltetwo packages or thia new tii,it "I.,d V i. inail. iltheîrC-oaaj" tende mark brand. hlou mo ot 1Mati roigran'tren; dahum! etors wltnliesse hlliddeteclive mtilleul-ut tinirate isfliir'ro, the clildreu'a Siikpeir i îcures l 'vi tnudits nouroada jilit no slow, orles..and he couid flot prove lis case. A bibecim a hi',. i viItoyIliiM paorl In twelVee&nittihlu0M'4 I.ok judgrnuiday vacooDi. whr'reipon le lri'u tu put Doîpl ithlm Aytes Pill vcaIi. iai l l is i"ithe ntural an lite, or tle Twetiti'tii(,ci] self un tlie stand liti ielance oftsîa eon C itua 0f itwui N,'î<tory Gti Calenîlar, ail fren. 1 En Yen doa lighti' tien to-dij tltutioiiai rlghts a.-ainst clnlaén i Yiik < "- This la une outhle grandest oliera crer 1Yioi uop lt. da air hli'lfi. lui the .ludge saad. 'la O li' fii.l.iiiil0malle to Introduce "iepd Croo'." lnundr7 1 En tl'yiioet lait a board avs?. joeur o- cti nthis?" "To prove lIai e m. c't e liti nai. '" ie tarcb . JC. Hubingns"i latiot nve.à- AM 1mb Ayrolrd tmar hait. gambled." aaid the proaocutoi'. "Oh, BWK iuîîi u, no" andth J]lgî î'a lie ,', flic -:1 tion. -A>' git anx dollar rnuiryeu an.'* anrd inec,'t stand', "Iat.Wn' d 1)a.a tili. l.iir0l b is f:ihi'r. i 'l"eu lIedBeeu HelpinE .-lerrlt. %lre iict; dansAii light: op adn rnptadiat'Dli flic~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lIui'.fi. 'ne ili'fii.fl lii a Aatilvillage l irn -i tlived a En -TOU yist btbut ltedthasewi lcourt w'îl fui lount cy lde W mus ti'orî'1r. i i îîî i.- atthiai iffarmer who tad tw onts. 'l'lii'eIder, A boltatin bar tb uight, lutîlelcurt are h l Ia t vi, î ,aux ~ tiii 'il~î,ii . u fnet gennrnllytr f orl n tho' $3 &$3.S erloi oifl tlhii îîii-lt ýhl..Iirgori'd i tb"Jerry, an linlutious and hirriwork- 'Th. (et W. a Ailiigbt. cut1 eedhm wnsiov q c Aii-ri'iiicizi.i Ii ng bioy; thc youilger, Wilie'. ilit asn "Mary, 1hoiyou î oL g.od cire or ___________ lthuei ou il,, moiîîiiîre. thirri 'îî 0,.My animais whih t 1 was aewAw" a io" duti). aud ta l i'i4iit u. .-~ Hi a th"r, wovhihng 10 ewoulr:fgr'the "nedidd. lut'iini; offly once t for- C151'ra-l wlih 1 adn'i lusen lnvlted 10 RLL.L5uEU i j,3~i.oiidîlb,i' otirhe I~- dm ne, onhd lu hlm: gui lu feed île cri.* therecepton. becauîae iow iaoiTaiWilll4 itaelt andiii tfilur the iii'iibiu if Th, -"WIll"e, ny boy, 'atork lourd il dny "J hotte aie ildt n't er, have te give ber a weddlng preselt.a a De'wry annrli d t1oil gîve you aa hIuIll,' shen 1i*"Oh, no. indeed. rna'an. She rie the Maud-Xevei' mtnd. You rnaY gel Oe couleeborme.'.' canry and flie parrot."-Tid'-hit. orsei o a2Msmedy.Dfrh 'royiuf"i 0f' ilii ui"Es'enlng carne. Mlle met bis raliler,- Free preta. bm-"àW ait he gale, aayltig: Ai' Vin Cn.IPssCrsfrCnniiof etoblkl I~,.8 s. Oilîf "Faflier, t have lenta îtîîio rkî'd la temasiutsnwliy l'ilc@ 03L PsossurentCosopo a l-mîhi u of 'î-,to-day, I.have blinn hlpiîig Ji'rry al of I rougi curn,-'Go5rge W. Lots. Fa- W. L IIISfUe~ li-iilii, ~ îer day." WrliTl.becler. La.,.Ans. M6.1806 t's i-iriiltheHîs rallher, rceatlj pieasi-. repîled: "Thot man cliealed me oui of a cool liailt ot lite la hotte. but t oftbhipe Ilijiîio ,',iOui-:îî Tlit'aa gond hboy. IIu'ris your mi illiu*' on"unI 1f e-hope la gond aasnlcelv m.-r fîrlii tih shIling. B>' the by, Whoa' bal Jerrj "AI! would't Jet you marrj bia but nul as a reallj. i h u-~~:~:~been dolng'l" cime a 1uppose?" COUtil <-f cou«= been rOipIY~-"No: lieplre mn mgrrj ber.,and doeis't ~S L lý j,ýgtIiid igv sacen "Detroit Free Presa. In-L and îî.'ug, ui15. 1 " Mî l! wii fi i. nii'i~ ..~. ' ride wutiiAr.ýetliiL rusa ths bolet. wl.fu. aý i-shake labo 'tour SutAuenîa baye mi t fer gooda lfîri"', hîogh in, j AUtons Fot-Eaise. a powder liorflic fot.trm BTllan tl aî<od br eron i CÀbath 'Hl 4u . eeo lu~iol skeaitifiilouarorntuy iîrd anD'ylie cn d-Stuer-Bear in Mind that "îThe Gods Hi' i iii.laii lcue nuiï toiesthesi Iiout of tlscoe =c :- .h'lrd nd hîu PT <o'bc 1,., tiAN. îodimuniona. î'attiegraetrnortllta- cbeforb. hîîthe proapee't of non rhose W ho Help 1"herselves. -ë trnig-rs Prcovery ofth11e age. Allen'sFt'.o-Eataiekslrn eod bll, lit.' . wîuo u-i ilhilii- onoua !î,uhls igbi-fititfg or nets boe feel easy. i l iia - 'lii î ii ori fhafiii' î.ifih îîjî,îu crain cef or Oealg, Million and btInt e reLit tir cju <ue.s. »auarsj' H i Sh u d T a ht re ud il i, ýnd that il.l 1ired, achini feet. Tryitie-dao. Sotlysi sac«W, mu M a eWo. IM»wasumt=a& el S o ldTe chY u s ii4ii lu, fo'ri. i fu 'a til'"ii'!lii'druggista and sile.stores, Bs- mail for 2ete -&' eilw.IL. aassesasPs pi ~~~~~In s'l-mpTrial package FREE. AddreDn-san.rà _ P A ln.h Olmaled, ALey, Y. ogmrg or tnolhing lus netposahbie 1 on the n ii n f i'r4.i'uiflI-iîur' ngadBlgAeia or..wlth a iquid ef pure constitution. e i. hîîi i ii-h ,ralBrluînbuja more tIa20000 m hm"oovnaaay-(nmnA id Iloi. Ilnz nt aif oses ini bbc United Sttes every jei'ar. i,.aaa ..1.Uamaaat en___ ldsu FrVi'iot-'Il .LU. ied.y À GUINLRAL JOE WKEELER ...... --î- ilý, alw l ut id a iny re' the ,fa gei u tg@, lutI coir goel -nul on, n * whlcb idbere te thé membrauns andlaecota- cauuagsta-mos eioaitrouble 1Jui - lbs ndlsaj tomet arrI. Avoit I al dry- igah tfuinei'. mokes andi mutas ~~~~'~n ci~ I ~ t m i tht whcb clesusea, soulbes mud essiaihaiaasj~ c- hol. Ely'a$Onssua Dami lu amOb a mmcd> on ilasle miutUn main lconscaarili or clti iu ils beit ..r4==ina>dt essly anti lesantly. A trial irs yl le iFsie a..I sBr elband Poed toe?-0 cents. Al druggota seîl 1h. Ojea. arte le < 50. ai". El>' Brothers, l5G Warren St., NY. A. ~.TOWIf ~ 'The dam emmci vitlout ainol, dosnt irrItai. or se neezmng. Il apreatia Irf cyç vr suaititsuan gry suraie, relie,- in I1 u~m "' &W the sintuliîmaon Tai m oha. la0b sa tla =y 0. Bal réjonare srmsd ,lt~ e ui' apiis uiul a tarrh anti ILI Fever. J IN" iWW.USIe, Nt Il1'P" r.aar W 4'eks Diti you ever f l',k wha youu aa..uae....~1aOoiisoe oulul do If yon lad Vaniler'bif's 1- sur rrflseseiasuailiaaibllfl' Meeka No; I nover amoku'. WxLv"à: U F-de 0«eANY No mania the wleor for lis lerulng, UEYJ)1ýcaCtLufemua h nîîy odniliilaier moetio uwork ln. IL N. 11._ ___4. 40 -09 or objecta 10 wurk upon: lbut vit anti gjÉy.-4 L3WJFAIRl5$2M wsyluoin oie bofli viii aniian.-bobo iJ1.uM smCAIl104CI1eti Slden, 25SCample oie 1C, for the nexi 30 deys. SufoedRih tHEU M ATI1SM ? How Loit Raye Ton Rtai boi "o Drust ' h*ont TakIIIgTÈi? )o yen nt4 ihinîn yen have "asted piccrou.ra f iaien,ucftied eougli? if euht, bryth1e-b Dropa" il)ruefuufiiia ndu1,r - mouenl" cane 1tf >'ur iaflictiuos.'5 ri,"i*i j01v n ul tiare Cure ionrbnmtla.Nemrlaia. Soinilta.n, ub (U'elme liait]. blinej D60aes Aa . am . a-.Fever. »yS= siCat-arhI f &Ilikinds. Bronufuhlla. La <Grippe, lietin. N rvou- or Neiraigin. Hueart Weal&ueai. DriupIy. £,uurnaunua Banache, Splsmolc anti Calanchai Croup, Toothice' N r- vouanems. Sîraplesatei. OCree Inn Numhfneas, Malaria. en is de a ixill e . -àD oelthaaedm r m inE ý: heps or e ,e PRAISES PERUJNA, lit i' c h i '.'ilif greal tM il in", ii '"i'. e .'r îî 'îî aîîî hie aniîatflic t Il îg.'. lie ia-, sOrOfli .,,', coiplu'd if $tii 1.B a r î,ihok f.irIid frfor arfil riN. ' j.. .dru,.iui!u 'hi .ii' ffr-',,,'l i i n Li. inu-ratiis, nar d fir' ~liilf8l uis W. ' i ". - ifIlfS. BUSINESS SITUATION. h""i.uni. turc fû, druid Le!', u s it, h-guui1'... ... a t"' 1 frouli ' ic L rrliti irt i huî',u'n l-l r î f ef55 uin a huru.udwyeid nstisfe vulfi rafgrii' pril ir'fr3~ie-' bunol îrungar.ului1h-t- i, uiulu-r'u in bbe de'uli.rrIfi.r A k;ui.s f sua ic goouds. te iî uf etuba îigc ",arc uli.iiea'lly >lair'e,'aloi rauiri-ond c'ariiiir,- tufinfilift' lu4 Shiow5 guru gan,,u' Vus-c the C'irreodirî-uig Irrurd 'u uia no d îriiviiion bruiker, geiunr. ll i'iitr1au ,iat-i inse ID rhiO'u fifrrfr I un- nr',e luing thtesu-ck. l'îii.'rs ssi.' i ru ss nb an u rviirdd bu i.viii i prrihuafily iuolhtuf drus, firu'iut"he Ricjit-> .i't'ee ere -, vi-erai u-ali'e. alrt woclu uhurt tiffi'fi'ul ahuos rtfileu't'î'u'rif fuir future' tt lu'r . i ll a- ou',' if wilt thet' tîîut' wars bu'gilluilt"i ;ui~u'iI itt ru fuugiiiii' ut fint tiluri'hirilbroui a If i i 'ruth h t ir, roui p 1:1 a'l> rt-iivi-l tbaî tir,' ih- o f 1 f i--,t l s" i -t iie ir-1 ni -ii' l-. bei, ur' 'ir '. .i,ir-riri'. un tirv ,- hli'i ii fruit I.r.iti.ihl 1u-,- i i- i. f tr . li.' :rit tir',- ri ii i l', o i 1nu , îlr'phîi.I t-ki firt-n s 1 I the pr"i t il-,- MIr-nr lii r ixn i, - andtrf i il 't - i- I d i. h, ii -1t iii' a füris ii , :t for c.ri-rfi-fh ine il"-ii il" ..î l rq i-, frii ain i f rlhf i r' t ta pint hi.i a-it wirhi'irovfnififrus- inI ei'oiive lin tle growra ljnlnIa o eaident s-ho airaIs dlouu kiuiba, Wihen mnreated Iy the policeb "eoven 20Wn la spos»Iieslo The Great Catarrh Cure 1~ JOE WIEELER'S CIIARUE AT M$N JUAN tlIUIL major Oenerai Joaeph Wbéecer, commandl- mrusrlet ibh"aatbisg 1baau" ~tie tut tbé cas-flry force.fra oto f Santiago -W. V. suai, Oxfard. Misa" ad fha anilior ut "The Sofuago CamapUmi" UaIw aies Semaat ResCh.Im la spcnklog af the, gréait catarrb rmedy. ru.,c :-rn nlaoui" jo h n aiture 8.uh1- Prsaiedby a frienil.1Ibave assoi Pt- va.i Ilogci and McEary ha Ibeir 8geai ~.~ ru-naBa 9toied maiaglati e lesllfY liat Inn of Pr-runa.i, illa recoumendeol îo me i a' gractiy beipeil me la sîrangtlbvigar- by ibose w a bave nser! îî as au excellcnt "aid îuethie. u have beenvau db tout and partlecariy effective a as auire triends Ibat îî us rcîaaxkably eMeaelousaua 1% csre fer the almonr unirerami euptaiat for caarrh." ofst esiih-W. N. k..cb. Larhtuore. North la fimiStw UitedSates Seuler [McEer. Dabta", gito X Afieée book onucatarri seat tuaunir aidre.u @ V*XI lien. S. D. Mrlinery, Unted Stateas eu- by The P. ru-sni Drus M'fitCa.. t' th* IOC. Il mIn, train Lelsana, sasbtOh lowng lu Ohio. 011»0or a rega rd 10 Pc-runa: "0er-n-aso an e.eclicut toflit i bave The microbes tht caulse chilis aud L aacd Il siimicirauhy lu, air ihat 1h hler,.Iu fevcr and malaria ruiler the ajatem te be à fibaht ioo cli for I." S. D. Me- throngh mucona membranes Mode E.rery. Neor Orle&.a, Loohsana. poreni by calar. Pc-nu-nai eltel Uited States Seualor Sillîvi. cocoua membranes andl Preveota the "Iiri. .iay ifai I bave boom n at cilimnce et malariâaisa.huostire Ple-ru nifrlu eor stransu aseventlug ad curlng Ibeaffeetions. tevuna Ilan e ýimfr i cilcin,gsag moe iConsti11paf Caused by over-work! Over-eating-1 Over-drinking! No part oft 'Vthan the bowels. Load alter load is imposed until the intestines becon you must assist nature. Do 1t, and see how easiiy you wiIi be cured' dmass of violent mercurial and minerai poison. but'a pure vegetable cor and worn out Intestinal canal, maklng t strong, and gently stimul pleasant ta cat. easy and delightful in action. Don't accept à subsitute ig 1- lie le-day, a fu t i se lU!Iý 5 la alla abov fthe human body receives more ID treatmlU me clogged, refuse toatt, worn out. Theaà dby CASCARETS Candy Cathartlc., Not i ompound that acts directly upon the diseautoê 4fating the lOver and kidneys; a candy tb~ e or CASCARMT umUai&. ti moumi« eethav iA"til peis lta Nt"e. Casa1a0s ,s u1.7 aren aitetssbut sonycet «a" eiii svtjb«ifet "uhillj5 I" o lW P, woeie5m pipie. se snuay«sga« tu pasisa 1 Uawua 51m 04ee icmfbm I à Vil s i betsa a l m il-ai kae LM YOSW 1 4ri-vu MIRKILIR ý "un--4

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