u~evedte haeiecn or lucen- au i dJolitg couulry 4» blle.etfMount Tamalpaus. Cal. e t MIII Valley vras for heurs lu jaugler, sud mony sommet vi-a ta places ot t.mporary saseti. Uadms Galels, Boyle Canyon,. Oselon and 1h, Caecades vere lie Cd tir majestic pue.sud ri-i lsibe te i amas aswet uvayl ike1 t*Oerge . Mri. -asdctruy- ~e vrs sn>.tiarovescapes kda.pessons vers- aeverely Wbr lie ldam«a. Over 640 uecsq biW o4 ven. several amaîl buildings dî*Ioùed and manx irautîtul ei-l mq,5imowly etcsped detructien. A Oiêétlv. etimate ofthle lois places il tG00 loîsgiisonne cdaim lia il1 tbv1ke Structure et Port Buron vlSb eaiaIl en t.. Opabuder ORourke met a motrange eMtise Tenti treet bridge. Psrtt W ici. Tic toit Erie, tovlng tic à« Meaguagon, van beunil up k dser, and bey, tre vhisîlea lu- i-ter. Wheucar the bridge, beu, viutes. tie proper atot- O'or.Marted te open tie v-a1on lt., sud lie sehoon- The lever was sltriblu; Olurke aud bock about îlirty fret. lie teubattu andi vas killedl lu- OM.ruaon a body etrPlipino w»as e nlaer La Lonna I Miles othe l.eb.rt outM.-1 qpfld les, tlb. baleta fallit; tests et lise Tvct,-ifli in- Ainutesus nud lb. 0 tqIsU u a isruge et12001 1usngeta Woled ud lb.h u.d tliin simr. The imbI boIrealler vblch lie lusur- TOWI< EN DAIBK(.lç ffsuass SbutlSgtif i julor 4". droti lu Central vu liws te other iait vitis- - cutuel> upon mater pover dmve, botL for Ils electie lits t$tl ta PumXp ater Ibrongi the Tii. vater uppty lui daily sud il la Dt nul uoue ili be able tukeep water 'n Ém *1 IN I»A2<A. vrasla Upieti by pseIut e eatived a isard *udge Epati otthe. Sepertor ludedo . î, i.ld liaI lhe $M 4 a e e van acaking ln preveutthelievndov lu thsee outyfroua juhn- ard<ansu ufcisnt for - V era Chyslelama Table et tise Misalsappi VaIcly h, la seson t Ci.i ré ansluion prasinc fer tbe ltuu" revenue.tex ou au" urical sesliances. for le Paismat. Za ra ien, celtus a i: x& .94 48 Pittsburg .7-472 55 CIielgO .7-i 72 tsa 21h1 luisbk. ..73 76 -.85 8014ev Tork...88 87 -.79 67 leiveland ..201M0 **eria BeY Aaeasîujmed b~Iey.nsnoufetKialîl Iltaal tbt e rand Vlier. vas gasasi- j tsg atintaaetbridge at Coutan- *biy an Aibatalan. wv i rd fuour a revover. Tic muauerer usa 811 84 for Chev of Tabseco BuHchner sud John Thsnpseu $~aoaveu s ciev et tuuiaeccat lp!ti ,Tenu., sud Hackncy n-a W vi a abovel as he vas allai-k- vMPB iti a knsf e ~aaI .1 Nav entansgia. ~1~4sl.whousafor Jears bîcu ~l~s cnsu gecuntaINew-Yoi-b, »MOgUM'd mdilI not return-fi tes 111-1kuas lu an oifcial capacit>.. 'WU5Uau. L.WISo Very ]IL It'OM-asmu and ex-Posînister WIlMats L Wilson i. irry duie- EiY wI iti a cii-ciaffection et dephomesLissa ta t.i.. Iee the consolidationu of lie luit,- laibepnlinesofet triue-lvsiiiis lelan. Indiana au,) liicu bave usuel Fsctory Deatroyemi. frted on tie i.fti flouir 0f the brick buildinsg ai 18 Jrhmroîao- 1ev Yot-k, an,) SOOu tiie n iui lie shuane. The lires euraytd bW-PÏ&aaees-arusI lavîoîy ou lie ,tIn yoreds-j inuto uo idr,jâ ~ omà on tl i uuut4 fent. i e lnia. vi ban rutuiil Â*ikn le l.'taua ,lusîf Lau, accospaulcui by tis 0 iuemePlant. (bompon>. vilI lm- - catriaclien af mu- e t Dauqu"eue.l'e.. la $8,40000w.lu- 'a onelale thilc - la ironandn squeille sAND HW.US. Outonsi8ffl0dleUB.vlug Thm esfr vice d u teutb Afres. 4gàa he i.Brltisii O.vernosent ams __ bscountry pickini up borsas sud mIs, hy thehuadred and drraaas for * pteu.New York dealeras & that IZmg boseeand mules are ta bc beushit for use iu Booth Atrica. Borns. an te b.cahpped tram suit ports. otheri troul N~ew York. It bas long heeu kuawn thtisA Aacn hors,are tmeeting ezcep. tic" aveutr abroad, but it vas flot bits- art.mdeqtood that our stock was so hlgbly regs.ded as flts action of the. Brtish war office would seem 10e usdi- cote. **As ta mnules," s&id a New York deamier, '"ebave aresdy ,exported tbema te Sout Afrrn from here. snd tii. But- ih war offIce ment have uoticed of vhst value they bave becs. The. mule la neyer troubled wlth the. Tsetse lly. so prevalent lu Aftica. that drive. bornes wild. and It ean do good vonk lu a campalgu, If it cannot b ted ottener than once lu tweu- ty-tour hours." KISOINO TICRAbURK FOUZNI. Traveler'a Valise gNtlpisd frais @au Francisco hb, Mistale. ItL B. Damnlug, who let t Honiolulu Ans. 80 on the. teamsblp Autralia, lest a va- lise contalan nearly 880,000 su batik note, bonds and #segr stock lu the Oc- cidental Hotel, just atter h. arrived lu BSc Franc"ac. The. valise vas shlpped by mistake on the. Nippon Maru as part ofe tp.tersona] effects of Purser Rives, wiio dlacovered the mistake and lef t the valise ou the Pacifie Mail wharf. Re evldently had ne Ides of the value of the. contenta of the. valise, au bc made ue re- part te the steumshlp compauy's agents, and the valise contalin; 5 s mall fortune iay comparatlvely unprotected &mous otiier uncaiied-tor packages, ountil advices rccelied r.sulted l la a *arcla belegmade. Thý- let valise vas round intact. 028.45 PEUci APITA. Teassrirt*teleenat fChowe01,94@4- 7014190 lu Crcuation. Tbe United States tressury statemcut lsued Weduesday, based on su estlmated population of 76561,000, places the per capita circulaontofithe Unted States ou Ct. 1 t fZ5. &Tii. total circula- tion t ail kîndseoft UnIted States mee on Oct. 1 vas 1111,948,708.186, an lucres» stucs Sept. 1 of P372,045,and s"ce Oct. illm . 8183,10.114 Faits lotsHande et Cantba.e A Hawaiaen who bad marrl.d a native woman of Aoba lu the. lNew Hebrides, wble passlns liatIlsland ceucelved the ides efrspeudinr bis beueymnoon viii ibis wifes tribe. Wieu b. dlaembanked b tound himacif scous the wrong people. Tiier pt hM te extrema torture, bis les bursd almot te a inder before b. vas finaly kUlled. Tiien ibc as torn te plesa, roasted and eateu. Hie &pouce vas provlded wth anoier husiiaud ef the straue tribe. Typssttlng htocord Broie., William E. BlubIli, a cmpostor on lhe Blaltlmore Bun, broke tise vorîds record fer machine ty»eseltlug la a content wth Wliliam Duffy of the. Philadelphie In- quirer. Stubbs set 03,617 Pcui n iv. hours and thlrty-five minutez, or au aver- age o1 1100 @mg au hour. Duffy set 55,020 cots lu five hourisud tweuly- tht.. mnutes. Thse previons record vas 10»80 crocansuheur, made lu St. Louij tour jears ase. etipilisa terlitaulia. Tie Brtis teameër Afridi salled from New York Tiiuraday for Ma mua viti 313 pontoon wagons. each seveuty feet vide, eouslgud te Capt. Seibert of the. eugi- neer corps, sud 1,000 tous of engiseers' and commlsary supplIe. Caries Psu. rîaa Retors. Charles Paue Bran. United States mIauler teB Jadll.la in Wasington on leeve et absence. Rie preseuted te the, Presideat * brouie statue of the. Bruiait lim goUass of liberty, sent by the. people of Mal. . emi.Wvm Titrée.huudred mschiiste sud itters of the. Canadien Pacifie road, reprea-ut- lag various cantons trom Fort William te Vancouver, veut eut en a trike. Ilecog- mltion of the union vai dcmaaded, but the. company retnsed. Ppolue Flag Cmmet PI7. Tii. Mayai of Havane, Perrecto La- caste, laaued an order direellug thht no Spanlsb fat b. dlaslayml lla theclu <ef Havana, exeept et tlee Spasbsii conslat.. Tii. ordre la esuslug muci bitter feeling amena the. Spaulards. Fou Protecta hiollssr, In Burlugton, Iowm. Conrad Knopped truck bis vIte durlnig a dispute. Heury, thoîr 15-year-old so, came te bis mth- -r'i *id, sboetlus bus father In the. rlght 'reat vti a revolver. Msy Qakli fiVerdict. A Paris correspondent aayB that Gcr- msny la sbout te hand over documents vhleh wlll lead te the quashaig o eti Dreyfus verdict. Cattle puiser* lu Trust. A trust Lu Texai cattle la lu proceser forumation, ta cemprsheul 12,000.00o acres of grazlng land, 60,000 hcad ef cattie sud capital stock of 82,000.000. Tbsnkg'vl Deysîfor Canais. Tiursday. Oc. 10, wiii b. observesl au Tbanksglvlng dey la the. dominion of Canada. Ciicage-Csttie. counuon te prime, 83.00 tlu 8.25; iega, sipping grades, $3.00 te $475; &aiep. tain te choice., 3.140 me &L50; vical, No. 2 ted, Me te 73e. cern, No. Z, 30e te 31c; onta, No. 2. '-"c te 24c; rie, Ne. 2, 5&- ta 58c; butter, ciioice crramery, W2c te 24e; eggs, fresi, 111e tue l7c; polatees, chire. 23e le3.5e per busbel. Iudianapolh-Cattle. aiipping, $3.100 le $6.25; bogs. choice, igil, 82.75 le 85.00; êhies-l. (tuitmeon ta Prime, 83.25 tu $4.50; nient. Ni,. 2 ted, 69e te u c ern, No. 2 ishitý., 32cte 33c; ot., No. 2 n-ite, 4 le 2Lk'. St. Lonî-Citîle, 83.23 le 8.75; bogut. $315) tu $4.75; sis-ep, $3.00 tea425; whs-.al, No. 2, 72c tui 74c; ct-n. Nu. 2 >r:heîc. 31C tale 1-; ont%,Ne. 2, Met t 2,-,; uyc, No. 2, 58e te 4»0-. ('uicîuiai-tattc,$2..'0 ta $t(25; iug-c, e3 tsi tu $4."~; shcep, 82.50 lu421; n-h-t, Ne. 2, 72e tu 74e; cern, Ne. 2 tiieod. 33o- 103c; oes,.No. 2 mini-j 24 te 2(k-; nIe. No. 2, 02e ta "4-. l)trüit-Cislthe,.82.50 îta8$6.25; hocs. $3. 1LM)to$475; sieep, $2,51)tus *4.r0: n buat, No. 2, 73e te 74c; eru. No. 2 :î,-tlnw, 34r ta 36c; uais, No. 2 wiite. 261e t. '27i-; ryi-. Oic te 413rte- 'rîtut, ~Vs o. Ne2 nul-eu! T7i-tut 7-;uurît. Nu., 2 u,îxcd. 33,- la34v-; ont-. No. 2 mieux -letus «25c; rie. Ni, 2. 59e tuleir; l ch - s-iil.$4150 tIo 110 tu1lwl»euks.ý-Whent, No. 2 Nuuî-th-r. fZii- ta 741-- i-trc, No. 3 32e tus 33; cutIs, No. 2 vhille.2Me te 26,;- rye, Niu. 1. -Wc lu tkii-; huleY No. 2, 46e te 47c; poni, nus.$800)le 8... lttffsli-Ctte.gioshi ipping sucera. $3f-) teu86.50; hocs.,roulntion tciuslce, $3.25 tu 55.25; Shep, fait te chicle n-eh. cri, $31ele 8 4.75; lanulu. common te extra. 84.50 te, $5.110. New Torh--Cattde, 83251,te *.75; ibaga. 13.0 ta $5.25'. abee1, 83»00 te 04UOt Wheal, No. e Ws, 7le tae7 COse. Ne. 3Z a10 te O; «t&I. N2twhte.. M le 4%e; ! lmtW , wssp>,17a ce 25c;e u e WIND FIRST OF T9ILa CUP RACES A DISAPPOINTMENT. BonisVunable te Finsish WlllaI. tia PraecrhhedimeInsLlut-C.ulest Be. coma@ Wieffly s mere Drittbau match -Ptniî Droessasthe.Cause.. A fichI, vlnd hat blev by itasud atarîs mail. a ike of théc Iraetfthe. races fer lhe Americ'n cup hetween tic Colimbia sud the. s.moci, sud It lef t tiens lhre miles from .hoen vhen tiie lime tisat lis-y iad under tic alc. te hfinih. course bail elapncd. For the, tenthblime lulaitheiustory et thlicA rica's ctp the. BritlishTués- day tricd te viu a btnlered piece of silverware. Ils lu- trinsin value is oui> a fi-w hundreil ses- ereignui. yet hutt ýireilsdoetbthus.idul etf dOUirs have ,& Ii cAs o ui'. been clu-ut ln iffort8 to vin Il biick. Sir Thiomas Liton. a Immn etmillions, wbose boant has luien thiit i. ocrer tsiled lu anYtliing he under- Iouk. ls the latent, Brtisiier tote miaid vin bîck the. cep sud re-establish Engli supreriacy ou the. ses@.. Even alune tic year 1831ilien hbas tbec', a ilvrer i-up tventy-toîîr incites tliiantd w.igiiing 100 oencres ilu Peneslil ef muetiasyachtlsmenu, wvih Englishmien have eageulY covel.d. Titis aged bit métl irepresents tbe yachting champlin- siip etflthe vorlild vu-i irst n-uslY lic schooner Anseriea snd submiet-îl det.nded vith satcces by aine craftîi-up- reaenting tihe voer et Americun sisbls. lu 1471 lthe schnoners Celumubia and Sap- pho jointly represeuted tii. cs)uotnY. On ail otiier occasions but oneboast carri,-d American colera te o lu-.Tee conîets vilt COLUMBIA, bave icon sallIs-, ryisngg er s pertid et tonty-tour yari. Th, Igst scr-"esfet tares vas salied in18151.. hs-n lhe ioîîpE Deteuder beat Lord Dnnrs vs-us enlierà Valkyrie Ill.1 Tise vinil a!one visa ta iatue for tlic tisOure et Tuesday'g yacit race. eclth, t th Columbia uer Siatiatci htu; alile tu reaci tihelin, vithilu theive sud oue- belt bons-s allotetîsib>. th.e rles ase hmit lime. Evltrch'iig tiat Brilliq ou Anscni- rau skilil coulil devis. lu ts- vay et pue- psratery vork vas doue long ictore lite yachts ver. giren 1h, vend taeuct loua, frout teirm innuesud n.kesaili for lb. Bandy Hoas i htahip, lie starting point efthle rare. Tii, course sele-cueM fer Tucsays race n-as s saili etfifîecet mite. te vinlvsm-d or les--dd K retuire. Atter starting aimaont s mInut, e -lli heu rival. Columbia uad erertaken.ta- ed ber, asud hi uenjeil thue stake.huust tvo minutes aiead. Ou tie tan homle. Shanroch, b>. fine iandthng sud ,iuod luci, bail overtaken Colunmbia, iad getini-i the. Irul. loFt il again. aud gainesi auj test Il saiu. Wien theivlse and à a itî heurs, vithin viici tic raie.slailtue buate mutcoi-en tie course, ied elapses, thse two ver, oe nesr tegetier tiat su &Ppplecotuli have been toss.j tram nu. ta lie otier. A momsent beoor.tue Colttm- bit had poiel ber nos. abeset or fns- rock. Tbey vers- ou altoal even lermes Whoun lie wvialles n-etc blow utalu-s nonnes-j lie end o eliens. Shanwock vas perlhipsa sfev teet, muybe athbinsi et s leagth. lu tiie leal. ltxeept fer tic failure ta oeveýr tie course lu tie prcscnied tinse, I va-c$sate tiie expierts culed au suitluttscry rare ln ev..-> vay. OÙIte wn-ie. it >. be SMit that Columbiia sionei tal better Wautî-o lage. for ou lie tutu eut e-r the fts-i- mile coutrse she@giini',) teadî,. stnd e tic boul bai-i Sianseni ha,] il tl i ck li lie iniLe bri-se., sud icI nt thse cl vas eut>. ou el-eunilrusni-tiiCoîlubia lu cpit, Of the tai-I liai lh. vIe,)uubdi' a flube of Il. thc race tende as fintes dai's sl-nrt for the thoustand!%n-ho "nat te sec it soi-et ra yacht rare ususile.asd It sr-sa a day full et excllteet. Toalthe uuiirfcu.ai lspart tiece la somethimtg dt'iiiioushy absurn tuhe.sel- fmititY suilhi n-l-ithe yachts aelu- spentdlandtil uuuunted auj bandKcspped beoure tie m ..A tovatnutev uC eapeta stIer a uaiu brd yack nth a tapie, do- creet haut oee "Ico euvt bave tg sec- ond-i tart ftise utter, beheis,. tullea foot longer or shoiter stits-ver.- cd tîscu boiutiis-1stakel.ki- er ciaunsteot bîlng la-tilM r fusise,)by a gpettfiel et t,a;îi-afti i-1ilyitig es-t-lutloats. thi-e nt-inee et tie rase ace s l- as nit ta depesu il lisuu ise loch tlunl on, or mhe otie-r bhuin lu ey-iug eut u true n-siofet tese cratt. Tue.èday, ncordins te lie p.., re porta, telie vhu ms twicve sa uan Columbia'%a miiib>. ltesteamm e ht cron-ded &round ber sud la the, bat oce tic vasi trot a bil;teamer ilklrfvres vîihtic navigatuon et on.eoft b ee.a. Rate. lu vlev efthte actuel isanulleap lu the shape at emeuraicutbels th.e.. eLAI tione alovalacemelo" rtdieolag. - il la soseihlis ig Ib nadlppunga Usa lbu 1ie.am et s I ut a« the «sme*ssv 1sotuq,~ The Vm*mltIa sqouary & bm caaI t lu 4la Parisseude«.'*Ils de- dlito. Twes4W The.mort lu ect aPâte thse dlfex* gas ietvh e. untremel elalme 0f le parles. Venezuela reteina mihe menti ofthéb. Ortuoc, wtslei vas tise vital Point ufthle cotroverszr, 1.1 lthe Veneamelans ar.tsleedy cryIq4 out liaI muict hae overctume igit. Ob he b. 1r band lb.engaiit are ver>. wpll mthLad. hering obtaiaed &Ulise>. reul!y expect.u Veneuela «av« Baulma Point, lis iiounlary lin, 'larbing about thiIt-ve miles eau t lereo, tins pr.sttvlugthse muuti -e thle Orueo, bealde. a large tract of country îtbi th le Seiombungh :îse wvieiciEnglansi siseiately ctalmd tkilntBritulu ensereral eccasions ce fu-mnesto consîider ai'biîration regrdng WuAT VBXKZIIgtA OAINS. lerriton>. vithin lh, Scisombrgi line.. Thisi.ncluded tihe rsgi hiai<of lte Oui- naooriver, lie ouimmanil et vhhch gave Great Britain Controi of tise meti et tie gesl triver. If N'us thia ciaint tlint egpeialîr arousesi the interest nt tise United&tâte.If Ifh vnacinovicdgcd. tien souhestrn Venezuela in s Coin- user-ilansd mlitari sens, vould ie b. - jected tle liContrai et Great Brilalu Thia von the crux et the controu-er-fy. 'fte retention sud complet. contrai et the Orinocii vus essentiea le Veulas in- de pendence. Thie deciehon et tic tribunal, lu addi- tion te Contrai oet1h. Orinceoandl lie Coast in, ,naalwsrd, givea Venezuela ait tie lerrîlot>. vesîn-rd et the. Brios- burgk lâne. vicie Great Brîlasso elAlmu-s. bunt vas villing le sabrtait te arbitrtioln. ln addition Venezuela geta 4.000 or 3.11)0 square mlles lu lie lterier eaeiwanil of the. Bcbemburgk fiue lu lhe terrltouy fthit Great Britain i-oulil net originally oui- nit te arbitration. It la ont easy te realise tuat ai nue finie the. Venezuela disput, vas tenteu cnîiugb tu tireaicu var heveen Great Britain sud tii, Unilei Stol"s. Uuds-r tic Munrae doctrine Great Britain could nel lie alloe-d tea nrwiterrtor>. on thi suie lhe tille te vhihhchn-s lu dispute, for- fliat vould smourttuteau iliegtincte Pxe- liuon et Eiiropean inflnenceInu lii hetlipis.... Once arlitration va-i an- ci-pIed ont national litrst in tic dis- pue, at.-d. Il vas a lualler ot ludler-- cnoe le us n-ui parti- ultmately pps- seseed lie tfrrilty, prov-ided the, posa- situe sas rgltfuit.Tise îmreee4lngs ut t'arieaihave exe-i eupuh:ic coneeru, for lie uorescotld net affect tihec.sentl pineiple et lb. Case. The ule-iWiîn usm - niatu-ial; theic eotiod et reachuîng Itlu- telu cd the. recoignition or rejenthuin by Grest Brlsin ufthtie Monroe aIe-na.-. RESUME WAR ON FIL&FPiNOS Lsvtosi and Great wIib SlrouffAr- mi"e .r lTremebe nt Anms The sttacksaf et tiilliino Inaurgents on lise' Ans-icin troupe lu Cavite pi-tv- lnce, linli on, o0icer sud a pris-at,- hav. been humaI sund eleven prtvatt wounidid, isd thir seuel Tîsenda>. ne Gea. Great ioril eut t-oinu tuus ton-se,) Liecoon. Cen. Lavion drave lbe.louer- gents Up flie lnutarond sud rrossed the river, Meaus hile tire. compaules etfmthe l"ourih intanur>. adv-anced) frain an oppo- site direction sou nin& sudaon thei li- and bslwsseu ltacor sud tutus sud the river batiks n-au cle.r et reblf. The Pisomy fell haci un éSan Francisc-o de lie- loaite and Cas-tte Viejo. Onte American oMeier sud a private ver, veundesi. A diapatcii front Negros reports tisaI Cai. Pore. vIlss Company of thc 8ixth nfanir>.. srtacked lie rebe-Is ai L.aban. Tms-ul.ofethle i-nemi vwer, kelledsiedt, ù.tilI> Mauser aud 1,000Reit-ngton eart- ehulges cattut-d, lu additionîle tv-hi-o- riles sud soulte supuiaet ofendstutfs@. Oui- Au-iu lusr n-a kîlid use. ý,uxilet andi turee puivtea vounded,. Tii. sceieuftmthe- eprations descrîluel abe.tlain Cmvii, mprovince, betliven IBs- cour and lieuns. lieceer le ou the abute ut Mlsila "uy, eutlîeast and ternes lBa- uor et-ya frontC I, lits leabsoot eight i"ileadirt,-. (souti ot itacuor. ('a- vite Viejo iletiut tic bottons t oftacoor b-si. sui cf Caviti-. SBae Francisco sde Msimhon la shout elgit utiles seti et Cavite Viejo snd tise sains. distansce veut et ices. The. rebela vie have lieia ano> le Ou-n. Grsnt'u forces Came trous lie n-i-t enid et Cavite-provinlce auj front see'îu ni lie. Tie> bave palli h-o-n r-itsg tu break lthrougii theAmerlcanlhue ftonm loitos;lu Bacoot-. su as tu et'ilutte tise country dircehly seuii et Morille, snd te- was-i Lagona dt- Bay.. The central part ('t Carlteprovince i. n t Up 4Y the Afflin- euls of tIs Zao-et, Iacoor slnd Cinnar- chili- rivera. alutf -iici ttllluto Ma- nilusblpont et the Cavit. peninstisa. Tii. "isisusi" etuolen oetliq faims-j b>.the Bacý,ootriver and a brin.fie lsasin affluent, lb. Tihttgar. u'iici rite luinte counttry b.twn-eui'ezan rinanss aud Lisstioa de Bay sudnunit, about lire. nullesantit ef Bai-cor. M'heu tie Anierinitususdvançad ie OsC- vite pr'ovnce the retselu made tb.ir %tend at tic Zapote river, ver. routed. sud lied mauth sud vesi Tic Amerl-ss leu ari- vra!es uirousgitBaceor n Seian Nicolasa audIronus tae Ptezeanmnisinue. The ut piur vais oon abandon.estensccounit et tiete eam na uture et the. coutry. Tie Amtenicissa jil mol attcmpt t ate liopu- session et tic vreut end et Curule prov- inc.ensd thse ebela barsvetalncd poste at Nvaieta.4 tour mites sotiivest et Ca- vite Visjo, sud ai othen pointa turthes veet sud souti. Thse Anisricansa ajue eiesredtise reluel V~18eloff of LagUnA de fiaisud have oeccpied Cahautha. ut Il* sOutiveeleen crner Wli. Bobe«r McCslloci et Bcoeiitel.. Mo.. 40a srolandt teeforngmres. 51 lb. Col. S. A. Joinsea ofTopekâ. Kan.. in lb. oMei wviIte nativeetfKausas. Re svan, bau et lb. iavce Missiola l A4, tâtee aueet 10 Magy Re.y con- entaàtom obm'pu"ep's LUtet **suuthem qi h o it. U*bai Ibvse p ztise fur=Îhe simaiMarwut 2414 UMha sud anvergi otisoe ar vs. "si«aebansureparcd Ouriàattip ta the Phulpi se b asoment the.Bavai feroes already tises. Admirai Dee la suid ta Isavstrouglr nrged a mpeh lerger sud Umre Important dest for lb. Phllipphuas eostedlsg th"a.t h sueeesaryte moa thé. b4ocads 0f thae la Boa mrefcfective. lie lavons au aggsessve land campai"u. sud hlieves that tlis, vlth a vtgoroas blociade, tu cnt off tie supplie& tiat hase buien gariy smngsgled te tb. Pilipiuos, viilshortly vireeshem tosubminlain, as lh. ouly alternative et starvation. lu addiion te, the vessels nov binlg made raeyfor lb. joarueî. lb. cruisrs Nev Orlesas a.td Albany. the. Msaocey sud te. ganneot Nashiîlle may be sent. Acting S.crtry Ail» telegrapiied or- deri ta thi.ecroiser Nssivllle. st Ssn Domingoc, Tbursday, te proeed te Sau Juan, P. IK..andl coasi wth &Il dispalci. sud lieu proctied le Gihbrltar ou ber wsy to Juin Admirai Watson st Meugla. At lb. same lIme ordera, were seat te tic Blrooklyn sud tice1New Orleans te pre- Pare te leive as seen as possible for the Philippines, vis the. Suei essasi. Orders vers sîso seulte Sn Praueico te pire- pare tb. Badrer le troua the Pacifie as woon as pnaclicable. Actiug Beretry Allen sietelemrpheil te Boston te pre- pane tbe Bancroft for sea lmmediately. Tie Machins asd Mariette vili ssaltoie or4ered te setart for Malis lu lb. course of aàvei or tvo, sud probably the. Ain- apolia. Tii. ordera. Ilifl ficliy expisined.ar due 10 Admirai Devcy's ailvice thet er- erY vessel of lie nsvy that cau b. spared front ether duty b. sdded te Watsen'a fice, vltii lb.viev et crubîng eut the rabellon as rspldly us posible. H. tiba Ibis eau b. qaickly accompiised vthh the lncresed anuy fonce moon ta ha as- scembled In tb. Philippines, Ift tere sa sut- Orient naval force tesoecur@ a rlgld bIenk- side. sud If there la energelîn co-openation b.tweeu tii. ses sud land fotes. CONDITION 0F TiHE TREA8UIIY. Decremse in lie Publite Debit Srnîg Pseptember of 0%,4M,775 Ticeusoahhiy slstement et lb. publie debt shows that aetiie close of bustiness Slept. 80. 180, lthe public debI. Jean sohii lu the lretoary, ameunted te $1,148,90rl, 780, s decreane fer the. mon tiioft$N,410, 775. This dernese s ccoua-id- tar-tsy s corresponding uncresse lu the cash un hia". The. debt la nespitate.1 as. eq- Iowa: Internst bearngu debt.8. 1,04 41.04,Sj De-bt ou vich Intere.il has ceased sice mstuiy... 121.»U Deit besriug ne ltsrest. . 389.3:»-..412 Totalî...............31toli Thia amounut. bovever. dec. net incîtîd SW147.06,1l03 In îreaiury notes outsîauil- log, vhilciare offset iiy su @quel naeunt ot cash un band. The. csh luilb.thee- ituy la claisuhedi fllovi: Gold .....................8343,&02X0 Bilvcr .................. 410,tt"'4.44t5 Valier................... 78.178é.145 Bonds. deposîts lu national bank eoutre.dis- bursing elilîs-is bal- anes. etc ................83.032.111i Total ................. $1.015,.241.0-4, Agaînst wiicii tieare dienand liail.1i tics oiststnding amootn;te 7. 33. 473, wvici leuves a net cash balance on banu t M287,00612. Tic comparative taitement ef tie r.- triple sud expeudittîreç ut the Uiated States during tie menth et Ssptenîlser aboyasual tichetotal receipts ver. $41%, 334,144. sud tie expenditurca 8III7.5T1,- 872,.wvilci Iaves s surplus for the nio!itii et e-1584,772. The ceccipts front ces- tomlera ver. 81119120»R7. againat S 14.- 759,574 tor Beplernber. 18(48. Internai revenue, $24.5.i01. sgsinst $18i24 fer Bepteuiber. l»9. Ntlscellaneou-. Si1- 840,194. against $1,463.2W7 for Septemu- ber, 1898& Por lbe lent thuce moniithe icrecelptm ver. $125.407.886.sasînst 819474q.11 ter the. sain. period lu 181K4.Tise exp-usi- dituret chsuged againat the. War D)ep-.rt- ment duing Beptember vne$1.51.15 as compared witii V24.6,43.374 fur Sep- tember lent yesr. Agaluel tie Navy De- pertmnent. $4.757.&U8. as agaînat 11-,251,. 219 for September lent yest. To rulb. rit>. of B a,.ondionthti peut fiscal îesu coat $40,078, etrn-ui $34,071,748 vas for regular departmutn expeuse. Tise pubiel lirai>. cii-i $324.- 86K thlb parka 855M1,878, lie sciioohN 83- 802,487 and tise valet 83,3012.487. The, total expeadîture for parka clr*thse prescul system wns lu!îptcîllan $15i,8 820. etfviici 86,54.138 vas for land and eI 8,6 182 for couàtution. Siua Idea eau b. gaiucdetfn-bot Boston msétut lu order tuohtala lia pres.-ni Improve- ment ram lhe tact tiat antulng ins bonds stili antatandin; la $5.010,500 expeuided for a sevetuge syntetu, $5,422,025 for achool bouses auj sites. M6120,100 fou public bulidings, $3i.(t27,900 for us-vers, and oven $16i.000.(M00feri- idening. Px- teDdingsud gradilait treetë anti luyiug eut adcoutracting bigiwnays andl oce- nunes.Bostîn bans apopîulationtîoet 0,- 000 and Ita ax rate li $13.60 on thse $1.000.i At lihe reut Ni-n 'lo1.1; Primarices îihy 42.000 Derners-i-ut ndttL l.(.lhl0ltiilh cane, a total cf ui.114t0. Pitiuipuileu .ut et au clectorate eofes-sr Sllh.tO. i3gaity petcecnt of tic votera tolne part In lie primantes. Esseenst nuldisd,fatigabie n-erk vilI b. rcquiîed. auupuiieiCtu .tepss- sent a cousiderable decrî'.u.uinla is yu-ur's vote aisemp&îred vîit StiS. 18; anul 18158 Tic Socislawt Labo-ir ti îf I'enuyt. ,rouis lu not large, but it las large tnuiogh te pI uloltomietisI taitiiu.i aindiistton uitte two tk-kets for tihe gieu-ýratIfthii't tu e ilhcd b>. tie clectlou thi5falit. For'thle jutige otte tantien bass oisunited ui o p- iciletaier sud iigarmakt-r. usud lie otàer fiction a machnitaandi s g.-au n-rks-r. TV Dnt ri nia eIs.ieluin a l Voe ou à bill bu b. iillered for tihei-alliig ut s coustituational conveution tueneltise sufft'age Ian-et Virginie. Il lu ptosio-d 10 salopt aau Ddneuunitl nvihîh vill pi-an IIcally vssrk4 lthe sssfrtge 10 n-hit. cii. sens et tise tatue ai tau cis coltre.,) dli- zens a. arte b.everae ofreai eInate. But iensqid intwt u ibelu ag teu La lb.e1New tort WocSuale trpt ta bave Admirai Devey nomted for the psi- deuep. Nftriy "everg espaplterltîtks Ine vow M mit e ept'a uostsitleo. Tise D@Muoffe l gsdâdate twta«.. ena am Lleogoam* Q inoer lM. Sm* Ueevtos e et Lise..cabifet PassAval la 1OW16 Ex4ýÎîlad"S BU t elar Jaea Rr. lan, tse lait surviraof Pm iadeat LUn- cenlisabinuset, p.AsN4 aval in Montt Pleuaait, Iowa, Thoridaî. [He baU hocu rapidly failir gfor the. Tant tiras moulu. The. Immediate cause or bis desti waa Lcongeslos et the.lnge. AIt the lime of bis deils lier. vers wlth bhlmie daugi- ter, Mn. Lincoln; his nephew, James Whuttord; lthe nursesuad tva or tire. frends. *Jamea Harlan vaa elected tour timet te thc Uuited States Seuste sud aervedl lu that body sixteen leurs. His seat In tic Seusate was deelared vacant la 1857, ville va s ervins a tenuendîns In 1861. but b.e waa re-lecled Immedhetely. He eslgued la 18a8 ta accept trons Pre- Ident Lincoîn the place of Secretary et thé. Interior, bot vas &gain eleeled ta tbc Senate lua101su ad served untîl 1673. He vas a delegate to the. peace con2ven- a ABLAN. an tien ln 1861 sud at dîffereul limes va chaîrmsu of the Senat. comsutteeeo public lands, Dsrc fClmi od Indien affaire. lne vas a member et the commîtte. on forelgu relations, agricul- ture sud the Pacifie Ra-ilroad. Aflen leavin; the Sente1Mr. Harian bocaen edsor rfthe. Wasington Chronlel,-. Prom 18M2 until 18M lb. vas prealdinle Jndge et the court oif eommisslours or thse AlabumRa clainis. Hc was et oue time prealdent of the lova tUniversit. Mfr. liarlen wda aL nativ, ut ClaIrk CountY, lilîla, baving beau bora tise Aug. 25, 1820. He gradiustedl n inn Ashury Unlveriity lu 1840 sud becas. auperlntoendnt of publie inatruction lu lova lunA1"7. la 1M lie becesme preî;f- dent 0f the lowa Weaeyan University sud was fint clccted te thi. United States baenale lu 1858. Orlgiually b. belonged to tic Wig Party. BLAIN AT WEDoiNO BUppER. 0-ruensd livide Assameuster i l. Woassa's 1Ce9.ctei 5'ultor. Charles Ilaukîn, a faruner 27 leurs of lige, murdrredFriank Walker sud bis wlc, vhem lb. liadtmarried but à tew houri before, sud tii.. commltted suicide at the hoe.retJames Cook.i.in mlea esat et, Mont.gomerY, iMio., on Tucsday eveli;., Rankîn vas a jealona lever of the. bride. torumerly Mile ;gshrue. The bride aud grooms est aide by aide at thebi!dofttise vcddlng sepper tabý.. Tii... vas anu ucurtalned viudow be- hind theus. Muddeniy there vsa s min- glcd din et acresanu, gunsiot reportsand crasing glass. The bride eud Croomn st dead lu thelr chairs. Tiihe doicru. held by horror er the sigit. miv a flash ont- side the, vludow sud henrd another re- Port. Terrer striekea, tiie guesta et the. teast summoued te herlifesud s pomse vas tormcd ta scrch Wfer .murderer. la the. Yard of tic bouse lay the ur- der-.desd. Be lied bsrrd hie foot tuet b.e mugitCt s better iold ut itie trigger wltb istee.asd badti ten lîlovu is bend off. He left a note explaining thut lie couid net live vithout lthe girl sud as te kill ber hnsband vould b. ta maie bier miserable. b. bsd dclded taend the. liv,-. et both sud then kill humeeIt. POPULATION AT NEXT CENSUS. Mt. G. MsNuil Sy. eUni.ed ýltt Wllave 77.j,00J. The dlstlngtsl.iscd statistician, 31. (T. Vuubsîl. wbo for many sean hbas founil a favorite study in the. developeet ofthtis resourcer ef eut great republie, contrh- utc. te thseOcktober uunber ef the North Ateecn Rcview a strlklng article. en- titied *FINve yers of American Pro- Cm"e." His statements sud figures cnn- stitute s marvelous exiit et national sstrength sud î,roetserlty. Mr. Mulhlosl venutures s prediction as tu tic population ofth ti.United Stute, nt the. nut cengus -The declîne et Immigrstion mal bc traced dlrectly te the, vexatious negîsîn- tiens against whist are terused 'Europiau pauperi,' bot it I.Dono e ay tea acnnt for the dliiiiel irate et natueai n- creuse. W. mo..t sulpiose ltiier as ih'er desstiirut. or a lower birth rate, sud ithe former lm tii. more probable,.lis view et the. xceeding!y rapld growth et urban Population.vile tiere isnen rensontsat suppose s derlining lui-tiirate, lu tact. to juilge iiY Euroi-sunîtrle., the. brth taMe ot tovu a in nelly igier than tht of rural districts. Tt mal bc veil bier. to observe that. aî.cordiug to the. growth et 1population in the. last irevycaru tii. ou- 1lits ofTOM 00ought te show 77.300.000sui- lýabit*nts." Tale's student choir la te Wear vent- 1ment. . Dartmouth's ccv tretietu clas, bas r10 muembn.rs. .'Weet Vi'rginie University iii net issne .beuorary di-greee. leur viii b5Wj2students. . Jispan bas 31000« ,,s.with 100, 1000 teacliers eud 5iJ,0,OW iopils. 1 Work bus been cotunsenced ou the. ccv 1fronut for the Ylie Law -Snisool building. Itudelilte novwî,ffçrs 130 courses fer .voen. suan canee of litteen over Test Tie Devey visebas bee" velcmcd bai1te Washington by bis teéllon tevins- mainansd vWhosli te recipicent o a il- îlot'. tribut. la lhe sas.me WeY as et yoe, cxcept titasilure he lef t bert- vithi a eiort Itv eair-ie bas hadl'1ls îîpportusuity sud oeilletdil, sud bis ic"% inuue bus bre utaiin. lIevPtk1ern menotîheego lie cisrged tifron ti. ihge sied took a place on tic stage ot murvei- outs iuîtonîcal anbleveusenta. Hevisa*4ski years alii viebre lesft Washingtotn. lu is personal oppestrosace ne notîrible chaage bes eccurred iexeept liaI bigs es are peaubiy irigiter sud Wbais burioî rallier more soldlerly. 'rie man Dent.-Y however, la lie same. RIs& tol ias gential aud bis beys aud geturea tru-i î,guition as cordial as in formecr dayn lue, tre he hecrnte Il ationAl ero. Il;a bad bas nul b4ien turned by tiche ili LIOo Mtillons. If ez-Attortey Ornersi MacVeuhIres te gel hua client. CaîtasnaCafler..-Ueut joli ons, àwrlt o u.tarsbit, orputai. awlli lie going agaluat s stone vs!1. Tii. teins; has bâcec tried before anj tihelg!s,-e-lt courts of lie land have paaie-d sitar-- a - tsvey on the comipettiscy utfumiitat1! courts lu lime, et peur', teuis": %vlta tics. lu tiermliitany service gulît> et1 ins fractions againât tic civil las. Court. ut tisai aspul have bell thâttih' ion sitilution la nut viulate ud dtrthai lletoi- 'uieriouer privatsairsn seure civil t'ui on tic thcoty tinrat tiecocutltOtieit gu-u;- antees reey man chargeai vila afleud- iog tgunsntie liv a triail s-fore a jui> uf Liu peral. 'Lhuarticlesu0 ut alîi.. is-liltuettallàhe icrgit -1f mitâiY courts tu epasuUplu o u-csesagreetl iila eveesy ealolai Particuier vîti tie Caurte-r Prîvideât leKln;cy la a greal reiler ut stewspapers. Evety day bu 19-a tir.ugls ut beit ittein new-'pupei-a. Ii. skii in rendiez iapidillasas&;,a;su n Lléat ut the average exehlange entteî. lia tiete la very valuabie and evryiiilîils doue te faciliteaite epros-ena. 'I i 1ut .r.ra a rrangeai for ub ia a n a:-, out. 'bey are ,,peaed snd toldedsotî editerisi Page la uppetuteat. l.e .u- ai the brada ut ail the. ediur:us, suuul neaa â cutugb te get te ic . t ai,i o-h Lseuriu,l publie maltera. Before - îtUng the pilper acide ia glac,.i- isai tir ut-va colons. lu adiîîtintie Wilie lieuste bas ils aspelasi corps of ~J. vIl , clcassity sud p.uutq- lu -rail bocksail malters et public lotir-Ls Tiie vonderful grs-tii ulthtiCUnited BStes le gtaphicsli i iusrated b> the Iiut-saug mise outhte different omesîtairu-g- Ilats skept on lie sielves et tiheIsitri-ur Uesrtmient.This ycar's Ita-9itet 1, tremeud.ua. . i*c-voume iquartouttafit. weighîinignearly Iventi piutidia. It niH lie consdetshly iarger uban lie lat one îtublimbhed. and thai coutalued .743 pa.ge-. aud sbowed skiat tiee e.v'rc 24*5.4-M) me, sens iu lie setlieeut the Ioitlt5 t I icoks large beaidle lb. tiraI volume iiub- liâbeàd la 1i5:M vihen Muniri,. sa.i-ai dent sud John QuîncY Adoula eu-Se8.c- relary ofet Sale.Tien tic Itegiàier vas un octave oet224 Pages. The regular publication ofet icBt!,ie booki," othersuisekounovt eusthe O(th lai Itettîsler ofthleIUnit"d 8tutea. us1. îiry tre-si tourthe.vpoer. Il sulIlbu, eiî and arrndy for subacrîbers liy the loi. Utuignelas inlets. Ahîhoutthi t. , i:luihâe a dryud uniniereotint look. hlui: ft-r the mtest piartuenihisa ic-- ofir i niels nlupartîllel i-!ulti iii. îlui-lu la il, grenter deîuand titan aiitoît tluy other Iiovermsnu.ut Pubiîla h 1 Il -x i'eeditugiy valuatîl for r-4er-ee tar- puas-S. c.ntainit.1; the,- i-rsi-il u l le, and salCry ofet ery mn. voutlandu child in ltse enupiîuîofthle Unite-d Stutes. Attorney C,-neral .iuigs viii direct proceedisal u b.-bruiglilt aîl C ýap- tain Cariera rLase-d iclu i tlie rebbî-ry cf tie (;avertiintl o Saana i-unIratsta le ne-u ir lii.t,-luu i iîuuuy. 'The Atlantic ('ontra-tîiug luîu whichI id tihe vonk.sund ,u li-h i, ,- irg- s wii h an ing bei-n laIn ullîusîiun wti Ca rte-r l in-ira ululeuil q. rutî,.uic.la saludop o e rucie,n nwhuiart -uis-.i raponailh. 1et-tty sutVar Iiuosl nsU have the expert-iofuthe % 'Var l4i-iiitiluît suptli the l)t-piirtin(ttîtftuiit oiri- n-th full data upon a ui teo---iIagýile-ct tbe peraun luainiiiiateul. For lie pisslt Lc-muinli.lite Gaier- nuiat ha bstiE. S. lolines of lie lati- til-I division cf ithe Agi-icillttrai Dei- rt- meut ut work In Texasutgî-tiig liguires as te tlidoinatae duiie-l'y itheBrazo. riv- er iliusidlait .uuii:y. Tic eri-ult maaihâlt tie property dealroyed viii figure lup te 47.412,583. lu tie deva.tuite-ilt-igin tic lanilleril are as-i-iinloni-ql eu ado lis-e mortel 1lte thenau1nt,, ouiie, suruity of lie prospective cropit; SS wOO u&a 0 adranc-i. Witi theic rîut iiliisî,ud fur tic use ot the landi lie On i-i-s aie eut ef pockel 82,51t)15s11 Brig. Gen. Ctrhe 1'. Eagan. vieovisa sunspeuiled.fronuraîi as u .noa a rémut et the language (i-mîiuuied b>. hlm luifore lie var lnvî-aigatlug cemniussalon. hopes le olate a vindiitalu rotît Cougri-as during thc coîng ss.ui.Gen. Ruigisu in lua Washiîngton t10 sîliî luatters cou- necled viti the fuitniture oetheiiboiho(, hb occupied before bis delu-rrure fuor- Han-ail. Il I*n ndsteod. iiowverr. alahielu r- -te enliai theii. ayuu h>.et nuenubrset sugesin order le obtain n congres- sional lnuèiigstiou et tie bref scandai. PresidettMeKînl., lIt houer et At, mirai Devey, Tuesdny ulgit gave the largestiluner parly luin thehlslory orfthe White House. social fosnctions. Coveri veisrilaid for over c-ighly Per-bons. 'rie gueste luclniled tic cabinet, tic Gos-cru- Orof etaine siateg. justi-es o et tse.t prenncCourt. seuetflie metubers et isoth i es et Cagresa, atm>. und uatvy officeials and othere. Adumirai Dewey camte ut 8 o'i-lo:-k. luid la iie Pased lu- bide vIth is li-!s t-ilti-iiîut Bttiuby sud Plsg Secrtar Calinwi-lthle admirai vasu&enlhissia@tiah!>- ohiîred..fReuAd. mitai ScÉlry nrus gIsen a sinuihar ovation.