CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1899, p. 4

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'wth ibsU vit& ahi. Isue« ,oe Musupun lu u zstaces WIt mm vu ed avuo eomliy nevipp »" usteSa loviy Ou bmamm w00 Tba public haved is andv. have1 ShoW pgol vwSIM ~IR l.adm v. hg fieoad a have lu 00offluenmofo *Uoyedit au $haemanage il mue pucuniaryb W. have our o 1WOOSaal parties tuses volume Oet mi quu ba Labo (Joue auMd acrums W~4u m amwe. wu au bhop@ th ohecaviciw b* te ami Imm M 01 -Ival Oum~ mua -lea rier the aiei etua ripe fo hon: l ORAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. a. . B.iIiUU . Licd eatm. , lire. ShevMUQSa ieauthoyiaedtla reeeubmcripionsand adveutlemente 4% for the Im>aunEUY Iso ordure 10r lob Printing. CliUon lier for rates. M101-811% u.hO"Omdm - oglh id wl O mTIME TABLE The sniani ymahises vith ooo ý _ 1 GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Mr. Rh uaiti is bercavemeul. OU» mie OnArfl- mm OUROitom. 0110 %U". Quito a number train' hore attude.dS 00150SOUT. 0050 SUTE. the Chicago day ceiebratluat moiu- tuuA. M. le: lui .. .:18Z1 dty sud smo eit wieed %bey bal personl besteli. They remember FOX LAKE. p.. %ai- .. ..1:"x. ntgD. lkpcua uuDmr Mr. ran Gaige viitei Wake:u 024*out. T vo ettempis vers made ta nr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~gaa Msocohuofeil alb uiWU4ilt U 1g 7;(lie3iitdWu gu .. 7U .M.44' piék Will raidatetter'apoOkets and the collecion o »rneedcupti. Monday. . . 753 Pot lkof Tr t s ad thuy tUiSak tal ithe prout Mr. iH. Quodenteld vas ,1ute ick rtu1ed evie a hinchhive ul tho 87n mie ~Bc«14uiiSregimu vuere mandoned, lhey amSli tt aiwek. - Daili exeosu p teaviakot.t achn n h db voire vighdravii have a chance ta inaugurale sanaîho? lr. FlotSs d temin are working On m Dellyw .fu. gn. pAkt.emeigo h ilg or 0111ou Ym $90. er&of publiepln"er."the new railtaand.W.a 10x Aet Athemtigotevlaebar0 'lieMr onFa5iUrmr oaubicploof M 1J ilAke Vill, o u wof% gCCNTgaAL AILWAY CO.lant veok Thursday eveiig il veuC outrasroets Weduenday. _______________ decided ta raise tise village hall Sen f _______HALF DAY ir. M. L. Galigerpnad fsan Bert vee ft and erect a stary ai brick undor Presching services vill lbu reaumed itlbr alr . vhich fitory vill have a tvelve lnch metgh.e teRotDy hraRv.J A ilbr clea loda OFIIvLAEOFRILA att. This la doue ta iaruiah room neBeia e fai Dahehrch,11e. J A.Wcongratulaie Mr. J..Browvuand for thse ire origlue, home cari. etc, cfah IDE 1"EM CJoe viiipruacis nuit Munday alter- vite,, ai Wauconda, ou the arrivai af a Edgur Hoo client a»votât days oi wictohmbas tao rdered farthtis ire Volume VIII. The nomet ai3So'ciack. Tn ubaare i n .bsve uObcg.dphren.Wr ucomninced mk Ui utht Jr of lurmctl laiitvoali hrit me Mli. (C. Allen, of Lake Villa, visited lirm. ieneisan returuud Wedneiday au sconas passible. t hightar saticit. uMpuill!ivie upesn. Mr. H. (ilbeît, - ofFar itll, oun O-tInm a veuk'a viest luntChicago. lu thse Times Hernid of las&t vednes. houlluaeicpsu.~ ai dollars la thse value plaeed dey. The Ladie' Aid Society viii muet dm7 va notice that tise vîli of the laie ibis bilding up a bY M. Mary Bird, Harrisburg. Pa., Mima Maude Wlkinsaon. af Fort Hill. Wedauday, Coeti ltis wîîh lire. oeo L.oaaid lotld omprislug su asiate er buiness. WO bave onth lie 1o f ber ciild, wh hebcvas the guet aof(irsse Galiger Ou Wasbhbulu. vaiudai 125,000 basbtaun prabstod. sin onyaover. mved froin croup by tise use ai Onueiunday. Gour Bhmevîh isi propery iucluding bis largetaim, bgrv tsiysdMnt og Cue crs&l KmNli wnand moud g Maofite1, l aineavtilie occupied by f. A. Foulon masovuleaii su Miut Oogh ur. hcurs al liiRele irvn ad ousn. i yphoidlfoer a ev vcekâ, gotalu ail hl ave ta u laiod matise beqtuest ~i ly.Ssd. cgti coldteaMd throat and long Wauoanda, vote Fai Lake vieitOrti ecovering. are ail cash. He luit $55,00 ta Charita- -id0' snoy roubles. F. B. LoTELLb, Lberty- recouily. lir.-John Richsardsan, ai Chicago, ble Institutions, $25,0100 ta bis brother duit fglOnuBumr vih vle; J. B. BEAàcHE, <urusu; . L. lira. M. L. (aiiger sud daughtet vlated wvus his oncle Orlandoa Richard- Frauk oaîd and tise ruai lu ainali uueldeavored te ueri WUBTUSEA. Roceelle. irace vere vilting finonde 'osar sou overtituuday. smounula teindividuels. nud parons"e.- Woodiock the latter part oi thse veek. Mat Sullivan moved Inta his uew Lent Tne-aday the Elgin Watch Ca., Mvu Mme aMd ou PEOPLES' COLUMN. Bei. Thsa. Jaison, ot Nebnaik., baeon 0,Park Ave, ibis week. hIt ea achartetud a sweucal trainl and Inviteil lu aly the naturel hova i viltiug Lake coooty ionde oent tramne structure aud qnlte roomy. ail th@ jevelette af NoriheruIlîlincie foh eitec presched ai fortt Hill lest Sunday lire. Alleu McMilleu in apendiug (autaide ai Chicago) ta go ta Elinl. of eaulalutcusai a isses. nec p« wv.aik fr fwemorninE sud eveulog. tiis vek vus lier siatlralUra'.visit tise vatch iactory anti take uer ~ ~ m ediorbu; ave.. r * un" as, Bc psr ias. Tise Fox Lo Je inetety Society viii Moeaîf ai Gntnee andi lira. Fulton ai l,încisoan itlise flueni botel lu theetctY. àl Unes t0 conwiel- inutvîth lire. Walter Wbiteu anBoton. E. B. Sherman aud brother C. R. paier and ai th Mme Thursday Octtor 1tti. Dinner viii Thosaosn Bran. t.old isturteen buggies Sherman, af Litetyviile, rempoudeti îila aach a vaFOySAhEOR RNT-- ..FO lieALrvetO tsiRENT-Mdi al res tlu Fbumoaerved.p uVi gitortitlcaurdid.itthewel- atill taeanLiine crn iltheInFaitiontudeoulelelcarue b@Ueit w1il 20«0 rdna wngta tve dlith of m rY modn,1 ila cbob uskotsas a direct rostit of their dis- by tiiei presencu andi enjuyed it v.-ry iimontine itrmine. Aidrees. lMns. "It diti me mitre good ibso uytlîlug play tiieru.e. Tvisa partiaidlutse ont. ewl niruBouau plltc, a muLfeva. Ivano. li1. Pd i uts I ever unsud. My dyispepela vas aif lKru. Page and sOn George have be houaletaedi heeot viinoics oliicbu rB, -us acom terni. ivo mou mouise standing; alter oailng Il;vas u C aoatnitits atr Lent Tisurooda3 at tise home (of tise i aDPanmv h ofleomrelti aud t% miletronc Sh.rmer- trîit o r ~i ttaSB. hvu sa rd Fs brides#motiser, fra. (lilimate ut Gages ville depot. Weil irn1rovod. (iood vater. Reeier, Holingitin, Kas.., ai Kaol bv uj ieeen dotre. Fears areCornro cre h.mrraeo vish equiEtaînes. For further -. hl a-lies . B. t )ygpepmvisa Cuetertaiaod tisaiho vîli loue bis sacroitsmrigeibr a atai cl li o i 'u-'.G -"' lsio.fs et .B oEL Lbry?.Il;eeih.dangister,' Leona taulMr. John Scoat, oi ho l...coinuiot usaau.rayisk..hls.uai F.B. ovrn. lbotyvilu oyslgst.Chicago. Oingto a roeoudeath la Ir he logical du.- J. B. BNA'HEE. Ournee; F'. L. jr. asitirs. Acker, ot Waacauda. tise tamily itise bride, tise veddlng Mm0. -U yen acant tise vorld you viii WKSTrEBUÂN, iaCkefelr. ioved luta iboir nov hannse 0ai>heuse a avery quietonue, auîy lise lm- 1,3r voii coninu ta nuver uind a remedy cqeoltaeonu Weiertield place tiis voeut. 't lua smodiste relatives bog proeurt. l'ise Minuste Congh Cure." says Editor DneS utile houas jousi snchou;asu .aId bride is asw.eet yaang lady very veli 117.' leading veubly 5'acter, aiflthe Micauouy, FIa., Worlulng Nlaht and DaY. Couple wold vent. buovu luntisis commaisly, lîaving &PTpur i visi l viii givueuaher.' 19 cnred Dis tamily ai La lTise butentand migitieni littie ihiug Amoug tholifisa vOeeluntise ciiY huen bora andi aivays lîvedlnlu ii 4 M aadvebope tua i à» Gippe-and smvon uhoaaaudm frein that ever vas Matei itD. ings aNew Chicago Day EetO. Miss Mabei vicllty exccîtt tishest df@v yeats tisai ie thse pressant numbur paouiisi, bionchitia, croup and ail Lite -Pillai. Eve'y- plil la a ouget- W lkos, Moeurs. 19. Dohttile, -Wm. jolue51pnt in lu <iaa. Tho groom in Ibroat sud iuug troubles. F. B. coated globule ofai éâ humsi ange@ Brautisttter. E. ltok, lira. Page, E. m yauug minu emplyia u s ireanan ain nmniiesrereeuudLovELL., Libuxhyville; J. B. BRAtuna, veaknemss ittu trengtis, liitleasîses T. DeVoe anti E. Barra,, tise Northvosttu rn rond sud iheir QuEu; . L. WMMrualiÂ, Eobkaeier. itoeuorgy, braln-iag ia omtai The Y. P. B. C. E, viii bulot a tedt, ttoie hume vilii ,lieI Chicago. Misso mil tor peuas otansd _________________paver. Theyru oderoiîl la bild-viite anul bine social ai the resîtieuce Eile Natin acleti as iîrldeernaid sud dors the bh"vu bave inguptise euitis Oulyil6ct@lîeribai. ai Kru. C. E. Harvoy tii Frliay> Mr. glIcîti% Irothet as test manulttise Ekd U.UI5AL~1 oid by F. B LovzLL Llibertyvillê, evening ta visicis overybody la invied. cerenstay. Tise INICENDKNT eltoods dE G. B. TiaKipanN, raysiabe. A gaod prograin bas taon preparoti. beatty conigratulaitionls. ltudusdRaes.Kru. Eva Bayd nsv accupies tise hal têter. viliiebumany - L elaver ramois l itsr. Fraziera bonse, grave Mern Fai the cap and tie Lpion. .Utliio oiets .MA~ latoiy vacatetihy lMr. Croker; visere Victilinsta stoiacs. ier anti kilne»y Untl nthr otie he . . &St P.éce, iii continue dress.makiig andti raubleh as veil as vomen, sud ail isel NRelltoad Campay viii seionu WILy vililta pleaseci tusse su ler 01>1 tise rosuhtg lalouea aiapptilto. paiions N tiret clama llrnted ticket», se iollows: c,îstamors. &aea nauy ueoansOum. is e blood. bactache. n,'tvonsneas, 4kon la groving thal Prom Ciicago ta Counuil Bluff%, lit, sud Mrs. J. Frank lPicketinîg headache and tired, listioma. run-dowu etho OSOctobrin l vur - Omaisa sud Kansas City 3$8.60 tao 111 lpeut iast atotiiay snd Bunday lu feeling. Bhuitiiheres no lîcedti ta eel *ad Engl sd lise City $10.80> toainalt Peut sud Minnea- Chicago. lir. Pickering la abiit ta like tisat. Lision tau.J. W. Gardner, gudl Sna a minggle vhlch polis $750. Bates iromin luermelilaluaaio ato aiuamt ieve tali. ii esy:'Eetl di 1 boh patie, ~pointa viliinot oxeei tise aboie rates, atatonanetoro isaa avndoltiewse t Ittotsre jos tie mtisl *Eleor ais eh ta ath prtivisnonWou ecesary tise local rate to bu In liergea ai ta arg iîcg ima nho vits re ho letail on a for sud mnt ad.atdedtu taabave rates. For iîîrtiser ila- leetoftsi arei icgofrm cli rwe vholmeiberuclorn die. dld formation spply ta Agents. t dmoiin.cre wehrl Ie rde.1 i A ltter recelved by E. B. Sher-manumreta pie me nîev sirengib snd r *me, auvpmrathat froinW. 1. HlgleY lent lionday smye gotd appitite than euythlog 1Icouil Md «Uu 01irrmmstisat i bieli sud vile wveojuist about telle. i1oas" nov est sîîythiup andi Am ulg 0f Prem cid-i Prevente Tu baroulooe. ta ieave iPartlandl, <Oreon ltit an haves novlence anlite". 1ny.ld cie. -Francisco hy liant. aller a vîsît oaitoar Every boulie puarauteeti. F. B. Wftnod lattu bingda ih&bre mid îbey are haisevîîa LovELu, Lihertyvîllo, 0.1.iToiip. spou Qi et icq by thedlipisitailime. m@ân la oest itona raes mA. D. Biri tetonrued t ram Bcirlingtau Sae My botptes. rmIamjWin. last Satiîtday, vise bhlai boun Fait RueN-160 acretarin ln Rhurmer- Stva veuts, cal lociuSuore by tise siet. ville, kutuv as tise J. . S iherman r nemaantidoatis aibis tather, an agut tarin. Fat particillais aitdreas E. Bl. 01 aunsy mndi"certain- dUFoe tt.. em 1Iffoeed £mm goIenMu ai0 eeVOtY-Oilbt yeaTa. SHERMAN, taky@iabu. evrlbing aonuecttd liae tias. Could not lit e mlrs Dv Omssios. on My kt ide, had dizzy - ipWnoma lhuiPorto Rico ~f. n tlmsm tat Tacu FÀE,0as Fiuîauto-CbiîttO elvil goennent bave olép L Py- Napbtisalonm lms Ftenîch rometly eut a themajority boltishaI clam. M>â bas ton îîsud in Frassoît aud tiersiiiy Of Letit. ol. . P. allfui tiselest flteen years. visere it bas Or Pi e ral aiflise Du6psimeut won&, Wuth=iuc bot"iza aiat allustofi tat>llîîtu vbWo ls nov lu Washlnp- fi. eart ignCure mladc suais aîîitlrltie. ho&vi lttuultt ARE OUR MOST EFFECTIVE ADVERTISEMENT on lIuu ubjuci: "-Candi- --eaàheaitY man. ti sspetitî isiietOt t i. astsrt- auellh m ta varrant J% 4. Vums e 9 , provontive anti cure fitistbo ist )leris Here are a Few of the Many Bargains yulý chlitcbcoiera,. bottstt tisteitttitOt.abat. le of miilary raie lea____tiîîninucava alîsi tulterculasmi..TisecoV ffr in tact, it l o i ua disemmes caunoti exisimtetu ('bClori'e ffr rfor thec ountry if 1h Naptisaleitltle ucset fret-Iy. f ltt the- Mous 3 ply Linen Ctllars ................30 i of theu Bm yet bled .igN reateetdtiilotttst ait )earttýis lts m N -lb Bats Soup.... ....Z ai isl doinp a splendid o13 .a... ati.....xshtiîv. Mud viii continue go good, sat&te retldy tuatidayy ui iePlavsisIit Sair ID thse interet a rPHvlofioitili SaciutVutt',Ladie' Jaets ......25 W e etanidviul on t!ue cOu1ty fimo, 1I Iseii tiet-1iàtieti ;Ladies' Capes ....... ...25 pie. Certaint tYiu, bondvordta.i- Ameriasus on the inianti, h'hWPeMiI uMarai b>asses ivti enIiîtttts ranjite Dippers........... . ....... 13 :eauata Ilt hold oflhe aAif.ouey Eck. Who, May visi>t t avtil tlteinseivem tt tit. sunta ethali i tsu lou outuis d nis sshie, For Sle liv C. A. AieL)Y, llety- Granite Water Pus.... .... ..............2 mu ireceipti for their or. mlm ne"lcCOm"", yElkbtIld.Ville. 45m 50o .... .. 3 at..ic c ... ...... 3 1 Progress Now! 't",, Largest Assortment Ever Sh own in Waukegan. The big Cloak, Jacket and Cape Sale at The Pai r. Exception ai -Bargains in Styish Garments. THE13 AI R9 Waukegan. White Beicers, pert doz .......30 aups, a.. . ....... 30 LangeoGraîite Rce Bolier ..... 0 MiediumIln..'... ..........4) Round stovu ziîuce......... ........ .. ........ 6 Gleo. Battershall, H AIN ES VILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. Protection to .Purchasers W. Caution the public agaleui pnichasing Imitations of obsolete forme aont ur achises. We keep np vlth teltesi developmeuis ln tiseart, muaire otblmg but tise hipheat grade oi produ ct, aud have acisieved unqnaiiled anti.,, lu lis sae ; heure mauy atteraptsat ai utaioni, sud the .les n ontartraienaine. A Brama liedaillon, nf ibe elliptlcal fStan shourn aboie, beuseontr mel -imd tiade.-mrk, aud is placeti upan the heti ni uvery machine made by us. NONE4 GEPIUINE WiTHIOUT IT. THE.SMoRun MAINUFACTUftINC 00. *Moselline venv cmiv mfée otwoltko. By buyfng som. of the foflowimg Items. Autumn MIlIInery. It is our aim to satisfy ai demanda in style, tastefuiness and price. Women's Walklng Ifats. In Broad Brim. Fedora, Rough Rider and Alpine Shapes that are now so popular. Our hats are at Iower prices than you wilI f'id inthe same quality elsewhere. without exception. REMXJED. 31.50 Bts ai. ................... .....................SiO 11.15 '> ai . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Loi ai 75c, $1,.00, $1.16 S 50 anîd $1.76 Hali <apeciai,............4 '(ou aisould mmetisse bai& lu ordur to gui lbe proper Ides of thu lovuem aiofOr piOs. wainon's Dice@ (lt Biss vre $2.00 B...................S8Ioi Womene BouDoiigala and Vicl as u DM10,, ia Md bisct, vestlag and stock top, ises 31tu 46, vire $1.76, 32.00 $3.00mi be sald at..................... ... ............ 0100 CLOTHING. (lents tbiackt day vorisaid 10 ai t .......i... . .5 00 20 don. Meus& Black Clay Woretad I315 Cisvny enisoai ... . $là00 Mou'a lioavy Brovn check $11 fiack Baisat...ý........... -..... a 0 lieu s Overcosis, Blsot, Brown, Bia. nu. u Kray. MIlOIIOMand Beaver ftram $6.00 ta .................. ....... .............1200 Lot oaIdie'& sud Boy's 365te, 5Oc Cape elome s .......... 5 SPMCALS 1IN OROCERIES5. 106 lis ortanisteti lIgar ..... ..................3 i2 Bars Maple (City Bump ... ........ .5..... 7 Bars Ivsîry Bop... ..... 29 6 Bars Aimanta Tai Bomp .... .. ............ 29 6 Boxes Armour'a Washing Pouder ...... . .. 28 1I lb Package Wyandotte Datîng §cda ...I....... i tva Pouul Packngue Huiud W huai...... ... ............. 23 3 Ibn Bicycle Coin .............. .... 25 5 Ibo Mixet...... ......... 25 4 3 IliCana Fumptin.. ...... ........ 29 3 Cana Lewis Lye........................... . ....... as 5 Cana LVlinll...1 .. aoeB.......... 3 lb Can omrnt HlIiig Povdei ........ ..... ..............F fi ckaes tinais abssedîletiCommtnut .. .......... 5 i fit Cau>tlaple sytup......... ............................ 20o Waisburn sud ('taby*m, -"(laid Modialnsd B.iperiative Plant par Ixartul (4 mwkm>............ .................34 W Si.lect Lioda walots pet lb .....7 XX X Soda Cructerm peri .. .....b . ...... Bacon per lit ý. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PFiciA-i n, m perti ...l.. ....... .. 7 HARDWARE. (itivanized iBahei Basket ............. ...................... si Leoptis %&ove pipe ... . ... ... ...I EltioE . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l Tri" Wa Dinhis....................... ..................... 58 Delta Lantein........ .......... .......... 1.... .. as 16qft DiisPaun.. - ...2...5... . ... .... F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Deiwt. Store. Grayalake. Illinois. $20&.0 Terms to Suit Purchaser. No.,S8ilIOPHNESS Cisili FÂMIL Y SEWING WIAaMVNE !l. tlie modieru i-provernent: ILLINOIS SE14FING MACHINE CO>. HGC tFCttLt, ILLINISlt. Chompeet, U L Meus Durml Ever purchased for the money. ALSO AGENT FOR NEW' HOME.. AUl Drop Hlead, 5 Drawer Machines. E~. B. S1IERMAN9 GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. MENS AND BOYS' Lfeavy Duck Coats AT A BARGAIN. Having purchased a lot of men's and boys' heavy duck coats at two-thirds their actual value, 1 will give purchasers the benefit of my chieap purchase*. Meux iiîîed dnocona s75o tea... .$..... Z00 ilYAja ' . .. eg-... . . . . . . 1» Aieoa alot oi heavy a,îd Ugbt venlat». tease, ett G,' Lt i00 110avY W-11 linett Corduroy ventis 611,1 Bi................75 Overcoati$2.60 ta ..... ........... 0 00 Mens Situ $2 60t a ........ ......... . 10 00 A large lot of men's and boys' wool pants at low prices. A good stock of boys shoes foîts and rubbers W. W. EDWARDS, Nk i i t 1% t'. ýGRAYSLAKF., ILLINOIS

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